ANO “Digital Economy. Competence Center - what is it? Organization of a competence center

Autonomous non-profit organization The Competence Center for Import Substitution in the Sphere of ICT, created in pursuance of presidential instructions, in May 2017 for the first time managed through the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) to appeal against the unreasonable purchase of foreign software by Rosarkhiv. The department's tender concerned the automation of the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) by creating a hardware-software intra-archival and intra-departmental infrastructure for data transmission and processing. The initial price of the lot was set at p13.8 million.

The Antimonopoly Service decided that the state customer violated the Decree of the Russian government dated November 16, 2015 No. 1236 "On establishing a ban on the admission of software originating from foreign countries ...".

The complaint of the Center was sent to the FAS on May 12, 2017 and was satisfied on May 18, 2017. Based on the results of the proceedings, it was decided to issue an order to the customer to eliminate violations of the law on contract system.


Ilya Massukh became director of the competence center

Ilya Massukh has been appointed director of the Center. Owned by him, he is a co-founder of the "Electronic State Expert Center".

Ilya Massukh could not answer TAdviser's questions about how the center will work at the initial stage. Evgenia Vasilenko, executive director of the Domestic Soft Association, in a conversation with TAdviser noted that the center was registered with the Ministry of Justice, but it has not yet received funding. There was an instruction from the President to provide support for the Center, but funds have not yet been allocated, she said. So far, the organization can exist using only the resources of the founders of the center. In this regard, a wide range of tasks at the initial stage is unlikely to be covered, Vasilenko believes.

I think that at the initial stage it is worth concentrating on the tasks that the state has already announced in the field of import substitution. First of all, this is a procurement analysis software products, justifications and other aspects related to similar tasks. As a representative of one of the founders of the Center, I would like the Center to do this as soon as possible, - argues Executive Director"Domestic software". – Each of the founders already has their own competencies and best practices in the field of import substitution. For example, participants regularly send information about tenders with violations of the procurement procedure to our association.

Evgenia Vasilenko added that in such cases it does not always make sense to immediately contact the FAS. It happens that it is more productive to first discuss the situation and understand the plans of the customer. In some cases, customers have import substitution plans and are already interacting with Russian manufacturers, but since they need to renew their licenses every year, they are currently purchasing imported software.

The regulatory framework that determines how the conclusions of the Center will be taken into account by the authorities has not yet been developed at the time of registration of the organization: “As far as I know, normative documents, establishing the powers and role of the Center in the evaluation and analysis of tenders, yet," said Vasilenko. The development of such documents has been previously discussed, but its status as of October is not known to Yevgenia Vasilenko.

Registration documents of the Competence Center sent to the Ministry of Justice

The founders of the Competence Center for import substitution in the field of ICT have submitted documents on its registration to the Ministry of Justice. On September 19, 2016 TAdviser was informed about it by the executive director of association "Domestic software" Evgenia Vasilenko. Registration is expected within 30 days.

"Domestic software" unites 120 Russian companies- developers software, including "1C", Abbyy, "Askon", "Diasoft" and others.

The Internet Development Institute was founded by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, associations of Internet companies and adviser to the President of Russia German Klimenko.

"Expert center of the electronic state" is the structure of the former Deputy Minister of Communications of Russia Ilya Massukh. It is co-founded by Massukh's Information Democracy Foundation. The Fund itself was created by an ex-official in 2012, and in 2015 earned 77.3 million rubles ().

Ilya Massukh expects that by October 1, 2016, the Import Substitution Competence Center should be formed. But how his conclusions will be taken into account by the departments has not yet been decided. The Ministry of Economic Development told TAdviser that they had sent a report on the principles of the Competence Center to the Government. The Ministry of Communications declined to comment on this topic.

According to Massukh, the Center is planned to be financed from the budget, but the source and amount of funding has not yet been determined.

Earlier, in the draft report to Vladimir Putin on the creation of the Competence Center, which was sent to the government of the Ministry of Economy for approval, it was assumed that it should work on the principles of self-sufficiency. Support from the federal budget - about 30 million rubles - was supposed only in the first year of its operation. The Ministry of Economic Development of TAdviser reported that the issue of financing is being worked out.

The goals and objectives of the Center are formulated

On July 27, at a working meeting chaired by Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation German Klimenko, the head of the Expert Center for Electronic State Pavel Khilov described the goals and objectives of the Competence Center.

The purpose of the creation of the Center is the effective implementation public policy on import substitution in the field of ICT in organizations whose activities are regulated by No. 44-FZ "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" and No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types legal entities”, and other interested organizations.

The tasks of the Center can be conditionally divided into four groups - organizational, methodological, technological, as well as analytics and monitoring in the field of import substitution.

The first group includes:

  • analysis of problems and preparation of proposals for their elimination, including the improvement of regulations and the development of new ones;
  • creation of an independent expert platform for discussion and decision-making;
  • organization of software development in the most critical areas of public administration;
  • formation of a list of promising ICT and investment projects aimed at import substitution in the field of ICT, for selection by development institutions and government agencies.

Methodological work includes:

  • development of recommendations on various aspects of import substitution;
  • providing information about Russian products and solutions;
  • holding seminars, webinars, conferences;
  • implementation and development of the topic with training in Russian products, from school to civil servants.

The group of technological tasks includes:

  • testing of products and solutions from the register, including for compatibility with each other and with hardware, for sufficient functionality to cover the needs of authorities;
  • examination of projects of state customers for more effective use Russian products and systems;
  • as a result, the formation of recommended software packages/sets from the registry.

Analytics and monitoring include:

  • monitoring tender documentation, analysis of justifications for the impossibility of purchasing Russian software, analysis of customer requirements for purchased ICT equipment and software;
  • monitoring the implementation of import substitution projects, their promotion;
  • rating formation is an effective tool for both encouragement and stimulation;
  • as the main result of analytical and monitoring activities - the formation of a single annual report on the state of affairs in the field of import substitution.

From the draft report to Vladimir Putin on the creation of the Competence Center, which the Ministry of Economy sent for preliminary approval to the government in March 2016, it followed that the Center would provide government agencies with information about Russian software, its developers, the stability of technical support, dependence on foreign vendors. Besides, he will be engaged in monitoring and the analysis of state purchases of software and, in particular, examination of validity of purchases by state bodies of a foreign software. It was also proposed to make the center an operator unified register domestic software created in January 2016.

Customers will certainly shy away from replacing foreign software with Russian ones and say that, for example, 1C functionality is not enough for them, so they choose SAP or Oracle. The Competence Center will monitor such precedents and, if necessary, apply to the Ministry of Economy and the Federal Antimonopoly Service, - explained the head of the Information Democracy Foundation, Ilya Massukh, who heads the Internet Plus Sovereignty subgroup under the presidential administration.

Main activity Competence Center is research and comparative analysis Databases of various manufacturers, both commercial and freely distributed, in terms of their capabilities, provided functionality, extensibility, clustering, universality in terms of development, application compatibility and ease of porting code from one type of database to another, as well as monitoring systems for the entire enterprise infrastructure. Much attention is paid to the analysis of integrity control of both transactional and stored data, as well as methods of backup and recovery.

If you are an employee or owner of a medium and small business, are responsible for the work of the IT department of a company with a developed information infrastructure, use business applications that require the storage of large amounts of data, then the performance of your current tasks depends on the uptime of the DBMS, applications, as well as from the efficiency and timeliness of service, support and solution of potential problems.

The purpose of the Competence Center is to improve the efficiency of database management.

To achieve the goal:

  • test benches are created to analyze the complex of tasks of database management systems (DBMS) and applications used;
  • software and hardware systems (HSS) are created, including using free software (FOS);
  • the level of complexity and time required to complete these tasks is determined using a set of specific indicators;
  • a visual comparison of software configurations of various vendors and manufacturers is made to improve the quality and balance of the IS of your enterprise.

Based on the results obtained, our experts - economists specializing in the field of IT cost optimization, evaluate the labor costs and economic effect that an organization will receive when using a DBMS, application software with the characteristics and functionality necessary for your business, as well as a rationale for reducing the cost of acquisition, ownership, the effectiveness of investments in relation to both software and hardware IT infrastructure of the enterprise.

Having a wealth of experience, our certified specialists provide high-quality support, remote administration (including 24*7 high availability mode), assistance in migration, testing, porting applications and prompt assistance in solving even the most difficult questions in the IT sector of your organization.


For more than 20 years, it has been successfully training specialists based on the unique experience and deep knowledge of our teachers in the field of database management.
At the end of the course, students are issued certificates of international standard.

  • Import substitution in the field of IT. Advantages and disadvantages

There is currently a large number of various free DBMS. Systems differ in performance, resource requirements, maintenance costs.

Courses developed by our leading experts are universal, i.e. can be used in various subject areas and to solve various problems arising in the process of operation and management of databases (DBMS) running on Mac OS X, Linux, Microsoft Windows and various Unix platforms.

  • (SQL)
  • (RDBMS)
  • (OSA)


Remote database administration: Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g, 12c, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server.

  • Full monitoring of database servers:
  • Tuning, optimizing performance and availability
  • Regular maintenance
  • Diagnosing and Troubleshooting
  • Backup and restore
  • Hardware Recommendations and Stress Testing
  • Security
  • Audit
  • Upgrades and migrations

Administering, updating and configuring applications:

  • Oracle WebLogic
  • Oracle SOA Suite
  • Oracle Golden Gate
  • Oracle BPM
  • Siebel
  • Hyperion Essbase
  • eBusiness Suite (OEBS)
  • Microsoft SharePoint Server
  • Microsoft Exchange Server
  • Microsoft BizTalk Server
  • Microsoft Lync Server

Examination and diagnostics of working database systems and applications, namely:

  • Configuration and setup survey
  • Recommendations (conclusion) for changing the configuration
  • Recommendations (conclusion) for changing the architecture
  • Setting Recommendations
  • System sizing
  • Analysis of logs and errors recommendations (conclusion) to eliminate the cause

Course development

The educational center FORS offers its services in the development of individual courses, seminars and master classes, adapted to the needs of the customer.

  • Full-time education
  • In the classrooms of the training center
  • On the territory of the customer
  • Webinars
  • Distance learning with an instructor in real time
  • Full access to labs
  • Development in SCORM format:
    • The development of electronic courses and tests is carried out from various source materials available to the customer
    • Development without primary source materials provided by the customer, or rather, based on terms of reference on the topic / specifics of the course
    • Development of an e-course scenario
    • Formation of the course structure
    • Animation storyboarding
    • Setting up security quizzes

The cost of courses developed by our teachers and specialists is determined after agreeing on the training program or terms of reference.

  • Author's courses available for order:
    • Import substitution in IT: data management systems.
    • CNC machine operator.
    • Structured Query Language (SQL)
    • Modern Client-Server Databases (RDBMS)
    • Fundamentals of Modern Operating Systems (OSA)

Test development

FORS Training Center develops individual testing according to your requirements and needs:

  • Content development
  • Setting up a test and access rights
  • Placement of the test, its storage

Testing is designed to test basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the field modern methods project management in the field of information technology.

You can also use the system of preliminary assessment of personnel for compliance with knowledge and skills in the field of IT.

We guarantee:

  • confidentiality
  • high quality
  • affordable prices
  • compliance with deadlines
  • Popular destinations:
    • Oracle (Database, WebLogic, BI Suite, Identity Management, SOA Suite, Hyperion Essbase, GoldenGate)
    • Solaris
    • Microsoft (SQL Server, Windows Server, Visual Studio, Exchange Server)
    • linux
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL

The cost of tests developed by our teachers and specialists is determined after the approval of the program or terms of reference.

Knowledge, skills and abilities of people are the most demanded resources in our time. To fully master these elements, specialists need decades. A large number of industries use interdisciplinary approaches, while performing not one, but several tasks at once. Companies accumulate experience that can be stored in a competence center. This is a special department of the enterprise. It will be discussed in detail in our material.

Competence Center - what is it?

In the modern economic system, the most valuable product is information. For its production, knowledge is needed - a special resource that needs to be accumulated. Optimization and use of people are the most important processes in the field of organizational management.

Information, like any other resource, has several problems. Information and knowledge may be lost. For enterprises, this is always a failure: the team is disbanded, employees leave or change plans. Often, the loss of information is fraught with the loss of money, time, and, worst of all, goals.

The solution of the indicated problem is connected with the creation of competence centers. This authority is engaged in the systematic collection of the most important knowledge, documented skills or abilities. The available information is distributed among specialists. This ensures optimal use of human resources within one organization.

A competence center is a special kind of structural element in an enterprise. It controls one or more important lines of business. Thanks to the competent authority, relevant knowledge is accumulated, and there is also a search for ways to solve problems.

The idea of ​​competency management centers is not new. To one degree or another, it is implemented by scientific and technical information departments, as well as archives, quality and standardization groups, etc. Further, however, we will talk about an instance whose activity is the integration of knowledge, expert work, modernization processes, etc. Of particular importance here is not even information, but the totality social connections that form knowledge.

Structure of professional competence centers

The functionality and structure of the competent authorities depend on the defining task that the organization is called upon to solve. Thus, four types of centers are best known. They can operate both separately and as part of a single system.

The first center of competence is the body for collecting and storing best practices. The main tasks of this instance are the accumulation, formalization and distribution of samples at enterprises the best experience. The center's specialists find and analyze the main processes, make recommendations of a technical nature and form standards for their use. Also, programs are being developed to manage integration processes and make certain changes to them.

The accumulation of best practices can be related to sales techniques, the provision of consulting services, working with clients, product development, project management, etc. Specialized centers of excellence associated with the accumulation of excellence are the easiest to develop and apply in the management system.

The second type of competent authorities is associated with the formation of technological standards. Such centers acquire certain knowledge, but the emphasis is on their technical component - software development and selection of appropriate equipment. Specialists standardize and generalize processes on a single technological platform.

Distributed services are the third type of centers. The task of such a unit is the use of resources by the teams that participated in the project. Staff is committed to supporting numerous knowledge management initiatives, including product training, software evaluation, and more. Distributed service is one of the most used models in the West.

Finally, the last structural element of the competence body is the centralized service unit. It has its own budget and set of cost recovery methods. Such a center accompanies a considerable number of projects, develops requirements and standards for information and technical subsystems, and also promotes the exchange of knowledge in the enterprise. When choosing such a model, it is recommended to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the organizational culture of the enterprise, evaluate this policy and the procedures being implemented.

Creation of competence centers

How to form the optimal type of competent authority in the enterprise? To begin with, you should realize that each of the above organizational forms has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before you start creating a body, you need to correctly formulate the goals and expectations for the work of the existing unit. Only then should a specific strategy be developed.

Sometimes competence development centers can arise spontaneously. This is based on the previous professional activity practitioners, their associations, interest groups and other formal and informal structures in the entire process of their formation.

by the most relevant approach The establishment of a competence center is a top-down strategy. The predominant role here will go to the executive manager - the person who will start moving the project towards the goal. There will always be many people, processes and technologies at the center of an integration strategy, even though there are many dimensions. An integration strategy will need to be regularly reviewed to compare it with organizational entrepreneurship, outsourcing, partnership support, financial policy, choice of standards, and so on.

Problems of organ formation

The organization of a competence center in most cases is associated with a considerable number of problems. What difficulties may arise in the way of the formation of competent authorities? The most common problems should be listed.

The first one is the lack of resources and time. Gathering resources in many enterprises may act as an optional rather than a core activity. In this regard, many experts simply do not have time to engage in the collection of knowledge or their exchange. There is also the opposite problem, when there is time to collect material, but there is not enough material itself. To conduct trainings, participate in conferences or implement IT, a certain amount of resources is required, which may not be enough in enterprises.

The next problem is related to the lack of proper managerial attention. Managers are most often concerned only with the process of achieving their own operational goals. They do not have the proper amount of knowledge about the state of affairs in the center of competence. Labor productivity, as well as the accumulation of experience, will be impossible under such conditions.

Another difficulty in the formation of competent authorities is related to internal competition. Within the boundaries of one organization, barriers may arise in the exchange of knowledge between experts from different departments. The solution to the problem will be the organization of the work of practical communities, in which enthusiasts will introduce the knowledge of third parties.

Aging work force is one of the most common obstacles to the creation of competent authorities. If an expert takes a well-deserved rest in a year or two, then he is unlikely to start accumulating information. Another difficulty is seen in the lack of enthusiasm and new perspectives. The emergence of new ideas and relevant concepts will become extremely unlikely.

Finally, the last major problem is the body of obsolete knowledge. The organization degrades if it does not think innovatively and invent something new.

Benefits of a Competence Center

What is the role and importance of competent authorities? Can some benefit be derived from them? These questions are increasingly being asked by representatives of various organizational structures. The advantages of the centers for the development of professional competencies do exist, and they are significant. Such subdivisions collect key knowledge, group and systematize it.

Competence centers monitor the competent and regular production of expertise, do not allow people to disperse and project teams. The work of the institutions under consideration will achieve significant savings financial resources and elimination of duplication of functions and processes. The reuse of knowledge will be ensured, and as a result, the optimization of project implementation, the competent use of resources and their management. This will free up experts' time for consultations, and the company will be able to provide services to a larger number of applicants.

In the West, competence centers have long been integrated into the management system, they have become an integral part of it. Third-party consultants are hired for a lot of money, and the number of consulting firms is growing. All of them cooperate with different enterprises, or are part of their structure.

In Russia, many companies miss significant benefit because they themselves could sell their knowledge to others. That is why domestic specialists should think about accumulating the best experience - one of the steps towards the introduction of more ambitious knowledge management programs. Often, the concept of best experience is defined as the most efficient way to do a particular job or achieve something. useful information. Such knowledge is concentrated not in documents, but in the minds of the people themselves.

Competence centers aim to share knowledge, analyze the organizational culture of the enterprise and increase the motivation of employees. The successes and difficulties of the ongoing project are largely determined by the form of organizational culture and the established practice of group work.

Functions of competence centers

The authorities under consideration perform tasks related to the accumulation of knowledge and the exchange of knowledge in a particular area of ​​business. So, a simple regional center of competence is capable of exercising the following powers:

  • Reflection current state organizational knowledge management. knowledge maps, corporate expert sheets (so-called yellow pages), handling internal and external inquiries, and much more.
  • Transform hidden and individual expertise into formal documentation that can be accessed by the majority of employees.
  • Continuous improvement of the quality of expert work and maintaining a leading position in a certain area of ​​the market.
  • Checking for changes in global trends and technologies.
  • Providing descriptions of knowledge on project outcomes, converting them into the most appropriate formal document (success stories, paramount experience, database, etc.).
  • Dissemination of knowledge that was collected by the center to other departments of the company.
  • Management of enterprise knowledge bases, their indexing and cataloging.
  • Ensuring high-quality and effective communication links between specialists and experts.
  • Creation, use and protection of intellectual property of the enterprise.
  • Caring for the change of professional generations, regular training of young employees, transfer of experience to newcomers from expert persons.

It should be borne in mind that each company has its own interests and priorities. Despite differences in experience, goals and areas of activity, companies are gradually coming to realize the value of intellectual assets. Specialized competence centers are being created that help achieve the goals set by accumulating valuable experience.

Types of competencies

Having dealt with the formation and principles of organization of competence centers, we should move on to the competencies themselves. So they call a certain circle of someone's powers or issues in which a person can be well aware. There are four types of competencies.

Corporate competencies are accepted in companies. They are the same for any position and help, for example, to work effectively in a team. The set of powers or issues of this kind are typical for small regional centers of competence.

The next group of elements is called management. It includes competencies, the presence of which helps business leaders to successfully achieve their goals. Here one should highlight the ability to effectively solve one's problems, the ability to competently plan one's work, control the service process, make decisions independently, generate new ideas, respond to changes in the situation, etc. The management team is typical for large organizations and extensive, federal competence centers.

The third group of competencies is called professional. This includes elements that may apply to certain job groups. For example, these are sales skills, knowledge of products, having ideas about retail business as a market segment, etc.

The last group of competencies is called personal. This includes various aspects, which include individual achievements and value judgments about the results. For example, these are activity, discipline, leadership, a high level of self-organization, increased adaptability, the ability to work with voluminous information, analytical skills, initiative, manageability, and much more.

Any center of information competence incorporates several elements from each presented group.

Collection and systematization

Competence technology centers distinguish three types of knowledge and skills, systematized depending on the degree of occurrence. The first group of elements is called natural. These are the basic qualities given to a person from birth. Here you can highlight openness, sociability, charisma and much more.

The second group of competencies is called acquired. This includes skills, abilities and knowledge that a person was able to acquire based on previous experience. In particular, it is the ability to plan.

Finally, the third group of competencies is called adaptive. This includes qualities that allow a new employee to achieve the designated tasks as quickly as possible in a new one. Here, one should highlight the emotional qualities of a person that cannot be possessed from birth. They are developed over time, that is, in a phenotypic way.

In different centers of competence, the provisions on knowledge and skills are also different, and therefore the following classification should be discussed. In this case, skills, abilities and knowledge differ in degree of complexity. They are divided into simple, threshold, differentiating and detailed.

The simple group includes single list knowledge, skills or abilities that are observed in human actions. The threshold group includes information that is necessary to acquire permission to perform work. A detailed group consists of several information levels, the number of which is determined by the purposes of using a particular organizational model. Thus, federal centers of competence include from five to several dozen levels, and regional centers - no more than five. Finally, the last, differentiating group is aimed at identifying behavioral characteristics that make it possible to distinguish the best employees from outsiders.

Any assessment of knowledge and skills should be carried out on the condition that the results of the assessment are not stored on long time. The new procedure will have to be implemented in a year, maximum two. To this end, there are several inter-regional competence centers in Russia that allow for regular verification and systematization of information about employees.

Competency Models

The employer or his representatives compile a profile of each employee, which is summarized in single system criteria. Private or government centers competencies form a package of information about each person. To do this, they take into account the following factors:

  • ways to achieve the employee's goal;
  • what qualities helped the employee to achieve positive results;
  • what is required of the employee.

Any competencies indicated in the profile of employees should be ranked as much as possible in order of priority. They should be divided into major and minor, as well as desirable and necessary.

Each type of competence should be measurable, formalized, understandable, structured, relevant and flexible. Flexibility should be shown in the accounting of all possible changes.

Federal Competence Centers provide general schemes profile formation. So, they can consist of the following elements:

  • cluster of professional competence - a set of interrelated knowledge, skills and abilities, which are united by some homogeneity;
  • level of competence;
  • specific competence;
  • behavior indicators.

Thus, each competence is a set of certain psychological and behavioral indicators. They are combined into levels and blocks, but depend on the semantic volume. The total number of levels can be different - it all depends on the type of organization and the built competence model.

It should also be noted that the competency should have a simple and concise title, for example:

  • making decisions;
  • personal development;
  • relationship management.

The existing clusters can be divided into four areas: actions and interactions (working to achieve results and connecting with people), intellectual activity (working with information) and strategy development.

Relevance of competence centers

In practice, many HR professionals confuse concepts such as "competence" and "competence". In the first case, we are talking about the ability that reflects the specified behavioral standards that can lead to performance at work. Achievement of a certain level of working results is interpreted as competence.

It should also be mentioned that today there are many definitions of the concept of "competence". Experts have identified two approaches:

  • European, which is a description of the expected work results and tasks;
  • American, where competence is a description of an employee's behavior. The employee must show the correct behavior, and as a result, achieve high and effective results in the course of his work activities.

On the territory of the CIS, the definition is used as the basic one, according to which competencies are personal abilities and qualities, professional skills and abilities that are given to the employee for the successful implementation of their official duties. Here we should highlight such elements as leadership, competent planning, focus on goals and results, communication skills, adaptability to change, personal development, the ability to set clear goals and objectives, generating and accumulating certain ideas, and much more.

Thus, competence is an integral part of the human personality. Special competence centers help to effectively reveal the capabilities of employees.

Dmitry Markov

Direction Director " Information infrastructure»

Higher education received from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics with a degree in Communication Networks and Switching Systems. He holds an MBA from California State University East Bay.

He worked in various positions in telecommunications companies, where he worked his way up from an installer of low-current distribution systems to technical director CJSC "CenterTelecom Service". Managed the department of construction and development of the network of Comstar-OTS OJSC, where he was responsible for the construction of all types of capital construction facilities and for the long-term capital investment program.

At PJSC NIS GLONASS, he headed the project to create state system response in case of accidents "ERA-GLONASS", in 2014 having taken the position CEO companies. Participated in the creation of Russia's first virtual mobile operator communications, the construction of data centers, the creation of the necessary regulatory and regulatory framework, the development of a navigation and information platform, a project for the interaction of ERA-GLONASS with the European eCall system. Participated in the creation of a logistics transport center in Sochi, used to manage all types of transport both during the creation of Olympic facilities and during the Olympics.

Nikolai Zubarev

Director for Information Security

Graduated from the Tver Suvorov Military School, Military University of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, Russian academy public service under the President of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the medal "For Distinction in Military Service" III degree.

He served in the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in various positions in various units. With direct participation, high-tech projects were implemented in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

He served in the civil service at the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in various positions, participated in the development of international cooperation, including through IT audit. He was directly involved in inspections of relevant ministries, enterprises of the military-industrial complex and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the Administration of the city district of Khimki coordinated entrepreneurial activity as Deputy Head of Department.

Managed business structures in the development of high-tech projects for information security and import substitution. Successfully localized the production of equipment for the needs of the military-industrial complex in the Russian Federation.

Sergey Nakvasin

Direction Director
"Formation of research competencies and technological groundwork"

Graduated from NRNU MEPhI with a degree in Physics of Metals with honors. In parallel with graduate school, he received additional education in the specialty " Financial management.

supervised various projects in area corporate governance, analysis of activities and public reporting of organizations of the State Corporation "Rosatom".

At the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, he was responsible for promoting the action plans ("road maps") of Neuronet, Healthnet, Technet of the National Technology Initiative, as well as promoting programs for the development of breakthrough "end-to-end" technologies for promising markets. Vice-chairman Coordinating Council on youth affairs in scientific and educational areas under the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and Education. Awarded with Gratitude for success in work, presented by Aide to the President of the Russian Federation A.R. Belousov.

Dmitry Ter-Stepanov

Director for Regulatory Regulation

He received his higher education in the Russian state university oil and gas them. THEM. Gubkin, graduated with honors from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Finance and Credit.

Worked at OAO Gazpromgeofizika (OAO Gazprom). Worked in various positions in the Federal Antimonopoly Service. At the Ministry economic development The Russian Federation in the position of Deputy Director of the Department oversaw the development of competition. On the positions of director of the department, vice-president of JSC "Universalnaya electronic card» led the block of the society development strategy, dealt with financial and administrative issues. At FSUE Russian Post, he headed the payment services department, and was also involved in the creation of a payment infrastructure for the state information system housing and communal services.

As head of the Department for Systematization and Classification of Information in the Socio-Economic Field Federal Treasury was responsible for ensuring the activities of the Subcommittee on the systematization and coding of technical, economic and social information in the socio-economic field of the Government Commission on the use of information technologies, as well as the creation of the state information system "Unified Information Environment".

He has the class rank of a real state adviser of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

Andrey Selsky

Director for Human Resources and Education

He received his higher education at the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, passed professional retraining at the MIRBIS Institute with a degree in Human Resources Management.

He has worked in HR departments at Schlumberger, MTS and Sakhalin Energy (a Shell/Gazprom joint venture). During his work at ZAO ECOPSY Consulting, he interacted with major Russian and international companies, implementing consulting projects in the field of talent management, development of competency models, personnel strategy.

At the ANO Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, he rose from a project manager to a director of the organizational development department, and was responsible for the implementation of the training program for staff and volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. For his contribution to the organization and conduct of the Games, he was awarded the Gratitude of the President of Russia V.V. Putin.

As Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department of Russian Railways, he oversaw the issues of training and development of managers and specialists of the company, the development educational programs.

At Sberbank, he was responsible for non-profit projects aimed at integrating 21st century skills development approaches and practices into Russian general education.

Pavel Anisimov

Director for Industry Directions

Graduated from the Faculty of Information Technology of the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics.

In the company I.S.P.A. – Engineering went from an ordinary manager to the Deputy Head of the business area and was engaged in the implementation digital technologies in the largest Russian television companies, such as NTV, NTV +, VGTRK, TV channel Expert and others. Many of the completed projects involved digital transformation classic television production processes, including the business processes of creating and releasing news programs, introducing digital archives and creating a fully "digital" business news channel Expert.

He continued his career at the intersection of media and information technologies at the Russian representative office of Microsoft Corporation, where he was responsible for interaction with the media industry.

From July 2015 to September 2017, he served as Minister of Information Technology and Communications of the Kirov Region, responsible for the implementation of regional IT projects in the field of public services, education and industry areas. During his work, he was repeatedly awarded departmental and state awards for professionalism and high results, incl.
Government and the Legislative Assembly of the Kirov region.

It is reasonable to carry out activities for the accumulation and systematization of competence within the framework of a separate organizational structure- a competence center responsible for the preparation and support of automation solutions, as well as for the provision of related advisory services. The main goal of such centers is to deepen and expand competence and directly related results. practical activities in the field of automation.

Competence centers are divided according to their purpose into innovation centers and industry competence centers. The activity of the former is aimed at promoting the solutions of specific manufacturers, and the latter is aimed at carrying out work or providing automation services in a specific industry (industries). This separation significantly affects the results of work, functions and organizational structure of the centers.

The complexity of technologies and automation solutions offered by the largest suppliers has driven them to market through the creation and development of innovation centers. Many integrator companies open innovation centers based on their own production facilities and based on their financial capabilities. This is done based on the synergistic effect of advertising and production activities. First, the manufacturing company begins to recommend the integrator company as a proven source of competence in a particular national market. Secondly, on the basis of our own innovation center, you can work out various configurations of solutions, which allows you to conduct practical training of your own personnel and reduce the risks associated with a lack of experience in the industrial operation of new technologies or products.

Industry competence centers are a kind of response to the requirement of a growing and more complex business: it is necessary to navigate the problems of rapidly changing and more complex office and shop production and be able to automate it, accumulate and systematize competence in increasingly complex technologies and automation tools, and also have a training and reproduction school frames. Centers of industry competence are divided by type legal relations with the customer on internal and external. Internal are focused on the provision of services within a large company or group of companies (holding). In this case, it is advisable to talk about a specific division, possibly in the form of an affiliated legal entity that performs the functions of an industry competence center, whose customer is all other divisions of the company or holding.

When the center of industry competence "decides" to become external, that is, it goes into free economic navigation, its structure, depending on the complexity of the tasks being solved, becomes more or less similar to the structure of a traditional industry research institute that is capable of conducting large-scale industry projects. In this case, it is appropriate to speak of an independent legal entity, the role of the customer of which is the enterprises of one or several interconnected industries, and the work performed is characterized by large scale and high complexity.

Classification of problem areas

The whole set of problems of internal centers of competence, which are directly involved in large-scale automation of enterprises, can be divided into three categories: socio-political, organizational and technological. In each category, there are problem situations that are more or less typical for most large automation projects.

Socio-political problems are associated with the inadequacy of the result of the work of the center of competence to the tasks facing the center and the total cost of automating the enterprise in the eyes of the employees of the enterprise itself. Socio-political problems are the most difficult to overcome for two reasons: they are massive and difficult to manage technological and administrative methods. The feeling of “meaninglessness” of the activities undertaken by specific performers and users in an automated enterprise is a powerful factor in internal resistance to change.

Organizational problems are problems associated with the inefficiency of interaction within the center of competence as an organizational structure designed to solve the problems of development, implementation and support. Organizational inefficiency, as a rule, manifests itself in the fact that the decision organizational issues, for example, the coordination of draft decisions, the issuance of permits (sanctions), etc. considerable time is wasted.

Technological problems are caused by the inefficiency of the applied work technologies and are manifested in the delay in the implementation of typical tasks.

Socio-political problems

At the stage when the foundations for the functioning of the center of competence are being formed, as a rule, we are not talking about the concentration and systematization of industry competence, which could be useful and, therefore, in demand by the user of the center's services. In fact, it should be said that after the creation of the competence center, it is often self-limited by the functions of the center for the development and implementation of specific automation solutions, which does not allow it to give an adequate answer to the question of the place of the implemented automation solutions in the client's business and the reasons for their use. In such a situation, all that the center of competence can do is formally refer to the contract on the basis of which the development or implementation is being carried out, or to the decision of the management if the contract was not expected. After that, the client of the center will be asked to refer to the documentation, which will not give anything to a specific employee of an automated enterprise, since it is written in a language that is incomprehensible to him and does not contain industry specifics (or its quantity is clearly not enough). This state of affairs cannot suit the client of the center, because he needs to clearly understand whether the changes associated with automation are justified and the difficulties caused by them.

Due to the aforementioned self-limitation, the performance results and the structure of the center of competence do not reflect and, by design, should not reflect the tasks of fully integrating the implemented solution into the IT environment of an automated enterprise. This situation forces the competence center to “know nothing” about the needs of other enterprise information systems. This is wrong from the point of view of common engineering sense, which says that "an automated enterprise is one, therefore, everything must be integrated." The lack of full-fledged intersystem integration significantly devalues ​​the value of large industrial solutions in the eyes of employees, since it is obvious to them, practitioners, that the introduction of new “piecewise” solutions will only add problems, and not eliminate them.

To become truly in demand, a competence center must offer solutions that increase the efficiency of an automated business. Practical benefits are needed, such as simplifying the work of individual employees, reducing data loss, reducing wasted time and organizational costs - that is, a benefit that can be measured.

We must never forget that the automation of the company's work is aimed at reducing the number of labor force per unit of product (service). Understanding this dependency by employees of the user company generates fear for their own workplace, because it is obvious that with a significant increase in the efficiency of the company, even the growth of the market will not always be able to compensate for the decrease in the need for personnel. This circumstance imposes certain obligations on the center of competence, consisting in the fact that the key employees of the client, on whose loyalty the fate of the implemented solution depends, must be completely sure that as a result of automation, the need for their services will remain or grow.

Organizational problems

As a rule, there is a significant complexity in the interaction of the competence center with the client departments responsible for coordinating automation work or their methodological management. In the center of competence, interaction with authoritative representatives of the client is often not built. Therefore, the customer's approval of the contractor's proposals takes too long and painfully, and the customer formulates his decisions indistinctly or inconsistently in relation to the previous ones.

In holding structures, if the customer is the management company, and the automation object is manufacturing enterprises, the poor interaction of the center of competence directly with authoritative employees of manufacturing companies - automation objects leads to the fact that the management company receives a stream of "extra" work that diverts the resources of the center, and , among other things, threatening the benefits of a centralized solution. “Extra” work refers to private “wishes” of end users from the side manufacturing enterprises, breaking the harmony of a centralized decision, which "among friends" are forwarded to management company and launched from there in the form of "priority requirements from the customer."

The organizational structure of the center also causes unjustified difficulties, when it does not reflect the tasks of accumulating, systematizing and alienating competence, as well as the reproduction of personnel. As a rule, the organizational structure of the competence center gives an idea of ​​the architecture of the solution being developed and implemented by it, but not of how a comprehensive analysis of the needs of the user company takes place, as well as the accumulation and systematization of industry competence. The underdevelopment of the "institution" of accumulation and systematization of industry experience, as well as the reproduction of qualified personnel is the reason for the low controllability of the competence center, delaying the implementation of projects and the low quality of their results.

When the center of competence is, in fact, the center for the development, implementation and support of an automation solution, while the responsibility for implementation falls within the scope of an implementation project that is carried out outside the center, problems of duplication of functions arise. This leads to considerable costs for the transfer of competence, the implemented system and implementation tools through the "extra" node - the implementation project.

Another source of organizational problems is deficiencies in functional and regular project management. This is confirmed by the situation when the composition of the departments of the competence center seeks to accurately reproduce the structure of the functional modules of the information system being developed and implemented. The correct design "bureaucracy" is very important aspect in the activities of centers of competence, and ignoring it introduces unjustified difficulties into the activities of the center.

Technological problems

It happens that the founders of the competence center save on the process of regular testing of the information system on the basis of a specially dedicated unit. Testing in this case is carried out in two stages: component-by-component testing by analysts - developers of design specifications and integration testing by a temporary team, possibly with the involvement of specialists from the user company. The harm caused by such "savings" to the quality of the system being developed, as well as the difficulties associated with its further implementation and operation, is difficult to monetize. It is also bad that the harm itself does not appear immediately and not within the center, but at the automation facility, during acceptance testing and trial operation.

Another technological problem is the absence or insufficient development of the direction responsible for technical architecture and information security as part of the competence center. The lack of attention to the creation of a balanced configuration of the corresponding unit creates the preconditions for the emergence of difficulties in the construction of technical architectures and information security systems, as well as problems in the course of their operation.

The most powerful source of technological problems, the impact of which is difficult to overestimate, is the lack of the ability fixed in the organizational structure of the center to conduct analysis at the level of end-to-end processes on the scale of the entire automation object and the implemented solution. This happens when the structure of the analytical department repeats the modular structure of the system being finalized and implemented, instead of matching the structure of the processes of the customer's subject area.

Last on our list is the lack of integrated automation activities of the centre. This problem does not become relevant immediately and seriously depends on the size and complexity of the centre's functions. It becomes critical in the event of a significant complication of the functions of the center due to the consolidation of responsibility for many projects, for which, as a rule, centers of competence are created.

Helpful and efficient

The following key patterns exist in the automation expert community: the larger the business and its speed, the greater the complexity of its automation and, consequently, the requirements for the competence required for automation increase significantly, which, in turn, entails a strong dependence of the automated business on high level of competence.

As already noted, the law of specialization forces one to localize the process of accumulation and systematization of competence in one organizational structure - the center of competence. At the same time, the costs of creating a separate organizational structure in the form of a center of competence are a burden on the automated business.

Two key questions arise. First, which enterprises and under what conditions would it make sense to burden themselves with the creation of a center of competence? Secondly, how to make interaction with the center of competence more useful and effective?

The recommendations for the first question are as follows. If a large company, on the one hand, has sufficient free resources to create a technical base for a competence center and, on the other hand, has an acute internal need for competent personnel and, most importantly, for a system for their training and reproduction, then the need for a competence center is already ripe. How important it is for the management of such a company to think about the problem of creating a center of competence - the question is not entirely correct, since the degree of importance this issue purely individual.

As for the second question, the competence center will bring the greatest benefit in large centralized projects on the scale of large holdings, provided that its technical and technological bases are well developed, there is a school for training and reproduction of personnel, and, most importantly, the center has industry specialization. The greatest efficiency of interaction between an enterprise and a competence center can be achieved if their relationship is built on the basis of an agreement that defines the structure of interconnected services with certain quality parameters. This level of formalization of relations makes it possible to increase the transparency of the work and its results and will create the prerequisites for making the right decisions. management decisions on both sides - the customer (enterprise) and the contractor (competence center).

Alexander Prozorov - head of the program for the development of an integrated system for ensuring settlements and relationships with the company's customers " Information Technology communications",[email protected]

Internal industry competence centers

Pledge successful work internal center of competence - its demand among users (clients, customers), the basis of which is a high level of competence in industry issues that are important to users.

Work on the creation of an internal center of competence is of a design-systematic nature: at the first stage, it is project-based, and at the second, after the launch of the prototype center, it is systematic (development and enlargement of the center by the forces of its leadership). At the first, design stage, the project manager should act as the head of the center, acting on the basis of the charter of the project and the concept of the center. At the second stage, the leadership role can be transferred to the nomenklatura employee of the second or third level, acting on the basis of the job description.

The internal competence center is the core practical work for the automation of the company's production processes: it implements relevant projects, and non-core work can be subcontracted. The results of activities should be divided into two parts: internal and external. External results include project activities in the interests of clients, to internal ones - intellectual assets (directly competence, various documentation, business process models, applied and utility software, proven solutions, etc.) reused as part of external results.

From the point of view of the output of its activities, the center may seem identical to an external integrator company. But the interests of the integrator company are to increase the number of customers, including various industries, while at the internal center of competence the composition of clients is fixed and their production processes are obviously predetermined. Such an "inextricable" connection with the client requires much more High Quality services provided.

Quality controllers should be maximally involved (approached) in manufacturing process center, as well as to carry out industry censorship of design and other output documentation.

In the internal center of competence, a system of training and reproduction of personnel well versed in the problems of clients should be established. For example, a mentoring school has been organized, where mentors (key employees) will be recruited from people who directly worked at the client's production facilities, and as young specialists, graduates of industry universities or young specialists who have not yet been “spoiled” by some not quite reliable work technologies.