What are the small business development programs? What kind of help can a start-up entrepreneur get? How to get a subsidy for starting a sole proprietorship


Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to get a loan for a small business from the state.

Today you will learn:

  1. What are the types of loans from the state for business.
  2. Who can receive state support.
  3. Which authorities to contact for help.
  4. What documents need to be collected.

The government offers an alternative - state support for small businesses. But before you turn to the authorities for help, you should understand what type of government loan will be best for you - this is where we will start.

Types of loans from the state for business

In 2017, the government actively supports start-up entrepreneurs and provides assistance in the form of such forms of material support as:

  • Microfinance for small businesses;
  • Guarantee from the state;
  • (gratuitous loan);
  • compensation payments;
  • Tax relief.

Now we will consider each of the types of state support for small and medium-sized businesses separately.

Small business microfinance

Each region of the Russian Federation has a microcredit fund for small and medium-sized businesses. It is he who facilitates the issuance of loans Money entrepreneurs on a preferential basis.

Lending terms vary from region to region. A significant advantage of this type of lending is its availability: money is provided regardless of the area of ​​employment.

There are only a few restrictions that are determined by each region independently. For example, for Moscow, this is a limitation on the amount of a loan to a young entrepreneur.

Average conditions for obtaining a soft loan:

  • or physical () in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the loan will be received;
  • From 50 thousand to 1.5 million rubles (restrictions in the amount may be imposed depending on the scope of the organization);
  • The interest rate of a preferential loan is from 8 to 12% and will depend on the prospects of your business, market needs, the solvency of the borrower, the amount of borrowed funds and the loan term, the type of security;
  • Money is provided against security: property pledge, surety, pledge of a product in circulation, etc.;
  • The loan is issued in non-cash form;
  • In case of non-compliance with the conditions for providing money, penalties are provided in the form of an increased percentage;
  • There is a limit on the number of loans;
  • The duration of consideration of documents for the provision of funds is from 5 to 10 days, depending on the region.

State guarantee

In this case, the money will be issued to you by a commercial bank, and the state fund, represented by the Federal Notary Chamber, will act as a guarantor. However, it should be borne in mind that not all commercial banks participate in the state program. Them full list in your region can be obtained on the official website of the government of the Russian Federation.

Unlike the first option, obtaining funds under a government guarantee does not differ in terms from a conventional loan. Consideration of the application will not be quick. Also, get ready for the fact that the fund will guarantee not for the entire amount, but only for a part.

Enterprises are most likely to receive a guarantee from the fund social area services for citizens, production and industry, innovation. When considering an application for a guarantee, the fund pays special attention to the number of jobs created by the organization.


A subsidy is the type of state support most desired by entrepreneurs. The thing is that it is provided to businessmen free of charge.

However, not all entrepreneurs can receive a subsidy.

Businessmen need to comply with sufficiently severe conditions to receive:

  • You must be registered with the Employment Center as unemployed;
  • Answer the questions psychological test in the same Employment Center;
  • Undertake training in the direction of "entrepreneurship";

At the same time, all spending of public money must correspond and be documented. After the entrepreneur receives a positive response from the Center, he must register his enterprise. Only after that the money will be credited to the account.

It often happens that an entrepreneur is denied a subsidy. A grant may be allocated for the purchase of or, equipment or goods for sale, intangible resources. This should be stated in your business plan.


It is also provided to businessmen free of charge. The disadvantage of grants is that not everyone can get it.

The following are eligible to receive a grant:

  • Start-up entrepreneurs (have been operating for no more than 12 months);
  • Entrepreneurs who do not have debts for taxes, loans;
  • Businesses that create a lot of jobs.

The area in which the organization operates is also important for obtaining a grant. Each region defines these areas independently.

Compensation payments and tax breaks

In this case, the state simply compensates the entrepreneur for part of the money that he spent on business development.

Companies producing innovative products, enterprises producing import-substituting goods, as well as service providers can count on such relief.

As for tax breaks, in 2017 a novice entrepreneur has the opportunity to take the so-called. They consist in the exemption of a businessman from paying taxes during two tax periods.

You can take advantage of the holidays if:

  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur?
  • Organization on one of the following taxation systems: or;
  • You are employed in the field of manufacturing, social security or science.

Requirements for borrowers

Let's take a closer look at what are the requirements for applicants for state support to receive a particular benefit. The information is given in the table.

Terms of receipt Important Features
microfinance — registered in the region of receipt of funds;

- the loan must be secured by property

— goal: development of small and medium-sized businesses;

- loan terms -
no more than a year

State guarantee - the bank must participate in the state program;

You must have been an active organization for at least 6 months;

- registration in the region where the loan is received is obligatory;

— you do not have problems with creditors and tax authorities;

- it is necessary to repay a certain percentage of the loan with your own funds (set in each region)

— Priority activities for financing are: production, innovative activity, construction, service activities, transportation, tourism (in Russia), education, medicine, housing and communal services.

— Does not apply to the extraction and sale of minerals, the gambling industry, banking and insurance activities, funds valuable papers, pawn shops

Subsidy - the importance of business for the subject of the Russian Federation. Each subject has its own significant areas (you can find out the priority areas of activity for your region on government resources);

- the presence of a business plan that must meet certain criteria (also established in each region);

- the entrepreneur must invest a certain amount own funds(depending on the program)

Funds are issued for the purchase of:

— raw materials and materials;

- production equipment;

- intangible resources.

The term of use of funds is limited. Typically 1-2 years

Grant - entrepreneurial activity is less than a year old;

- the businessman does not and did not have problems with loans and borrowings ("clean" credit history);

- the company creates a certain number of jobs;

- you did not receive other government benefits;

- own funds

Funds are allocated for the development of medium and small businesses
Compensation payments

Borrowers can be:

— manufacturers and developers of an innovative product;

- sellers of import-substituting goods;

— organizations engaged in the provision of services

Spending purposes: development of medium and small businesses
tax incentives - employment in entrepreneurial activity for no more than a year;

— you are a member of the taxation system: PSN or STS;

- assistance is provided to companies engaged in science, production, providing services to the population.

In summary, government assistance is available for:

  • Novice businessmen ();
  • Organizations engaged in the production of products, the development of innovative goods;
  • Enterprises providing services to the population;
  • Entrepreneurs without problems on loans.

Where to go

For each material benefit, a certain government agency to which the entrepreneur should apply.

Microfinance is run by the Entrepreneurship Support Fund in your area. To get a loan on favorable terms, you need to collect a package of documents (it differs for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities).

You can learn more about this issue on the official website of the foundation in your region, we will name only the main generally accepted documents:

  • Application and questionnaire of the applicant, as well as the guarantor;
  • Entrepreneur data;
  • Constituent documents;
  • Extract from the register of small and medium-sized businesses;
  • Certificate of entry into / and extract from there;
  • Copy of the applicant's passport;
  • Copy of SNILS;
  • Activity licenses;
  • Accounting and tax reports.

After you have collected all the documents, you should apply for a loan to the Support Fund. You can also download such a statement on the official website of the Foundation for your region.

For a state guarantee, you must apply with all the necessary documents to the bank that participates in affiliate program with the Entrepreneurship Foundation.

The bank itself will assess the possibility of state support and will submit the application to the fund, which will consider it within three days. An application for a guarantee must be attached to the standard package of documents required for obtaining a loan.

A subsidy or grant can be obtained from the labor exchange. To do this, you must comply with a number of conditions, which we have already talked about above. The package of documents for obtaining a subsidy includes an application and a business plan.

You can receive compensation payments at the employment center. To do this, provide a business plan and a corresponding application.

For tax relief, please contact tax office, there you will also receive information about the documents that will need to be collected.

Non-state support for small businesses

If you do not meet any of the criteria for government assistance, you can apply for non-government assistance for small businesses.

Such assistance is provided non-state funds at banking organizations, it is expressed in the form of a grant. At the same time, a non-state grant can be issued both with a return and on a gratuitous basis.

The grant is received on a competitive basis. At the same time, the members of the commission will evaluate exactly economic benefit project.

To the standard package of documents for obtaining a grant, you will have to attach, which will describe the product and its cost.

Both at the federal and regional levels, there are special programs to help small businesses. What you need to do to get help from the state to launch your business project, where to apply for this and what difficulties you will face - read about all this in our article.

You will learn:

  • What kind of assistance is provided to small and medium-sized businesses.
  • What criteria must a small business meet to receive government assistance?
  • How to get subsidies or a grant for small business development.
  • Which organs state power provide assistance to small businesses.
  • What assistance will be provided to small businesses in 2018.

Why government assistance is needed for small businesses

The state program is designed to help newcomers to the small business at the stage of starting their own business, to support them through providing subsidies. Of course, by issuing financial assistance, the state also pursues its own goals, because the government is also an interested party: the opening of small business projects improves the overall economic condition of the country.

State assistance in opening a small business aims to improve the quality of goods of domestic producers. Thanks to the formation of new business projects in the production of goods, a competitive environment is created that contributes to improving the quality of the product, because any production is interested in good sales volumes, that is, in constant demand for a product by consumers.

There are also non-state programs to subsidize small businesses, but it is still better to contact the authorities, because in this case there is a definite plus for the entrepreneur - gratuitousness.

It is important to say that in different regions the amount of financial state support is different, since in each subject Russian Federation price policy in relation to goods and services is individual.

The act that regulates the provision of subsidies is federal law No. 209 "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation."

In addition, there are regional regulators responsible for government assistance to small businesses. A complete list can be found on the website of the Ministry. economic development RF in the "Small Business" section: http://economy.gov.ru/minec/activity/sections/smallBusiness.

Why is government assistance to small businesses so important? Thanks to the projects of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation, more than 16 million citizens are provided with jobs (and this is a quarter of the entire employed population). In addition, 20% of the gross domestic product is accounted for by small and medium-sized enterprises. However, in the world this figure is almost 35%, so Russia still has something to strive for.

The role of small and medium-sized businesses in the country's economy is very large. Newly opened organizations:

  • create additional jobs;
  • create healthy competition in the market and adequate pricing for goods and services ;
  • provide revenues to the budgets of all levels;
  • fill niches it can't fill big business(providing household services population, small wholesale, marketing).

However, there are some difficulties that arise in the implementation of projects of small and medium-sized businesses, namely:

  • unstable economic situation in the country;
  • lack of necessary financial resources to open and develop a new business;
  • high taxes and difficulties with accounting;
  • constantly changing legislation;
  • understaffing(skilled professionals prefer to work for the "sharks" of the business, ignoring small entrepreneurs);
  • the complexity of lending processes (not every bank wants to deal with small businesses).

It is worth noting that even large-scale production cannot always withstand the above difficulties, and even more so for small and medium-sized enterprises. That is why government assistance to small businesses is so important.

Practitioner tells

State assistance at the stage of formation of small business

Lydia Tsarenko,

CEO Premium Telecom, Moscow

Any newly created enterprise faces the problem of attracting money. It is not always possible to get a loan from a bank, because he wants to financial reporting new organization already in the first year of work, profit was reflected, or it requires property to be pledged. Investors most often treat startups with some apprehension. In our case, the only way out of this situation was to apply to the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship, which provides gratuitous material assistance to capital businessmen.

We have collected required package documents in a week, and already a month after they were submitted, we were given the necessary sum of money. We used the bulk of the funds received as working capital, and spent the rest on attracting new employees. A few months later, we reported to the department for the allocated funds (such reporting is prerequisite government assistance to small businesses). I would like to note that, despite the gratuitous subsidies, we still returned part of the amount to the city budget in the form of additional tax deductions from the growth of the company's turnover and the creation of new jobs.

Thanks to the assistance provided by the state, we were able to increase profits. A year later, we again applied to the department to receive funds for the development of innovative software product, aimed at optimizing the costs of our customers (first corporate, and later private) for mobile communications. We were again provided with financial assistance, and also provided in the Strogino technopark with an office space for innovative developments. Thanks to our work there, we had access to information resources, various educational programs, and also we could meet with investors and representatives of venture funds.

We regularly monitor new opportunities within the framework of government assistance to small businesses so as not to miss another chance to receive a subsidy. For example, last year we sent our employees for an internship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The internship program was organized by the Foundation for the Promotion of Venture Capital Investment in Small Enterprises in science and technology Moscow.

What are the forms of assistance to small and medium-sized businesses from the state

  1. Education.

Regional Foundations for the Development of Entrepreneurship organize various lectures, trainings, meetings on the basics of business on their territory.

Anyone can attend classes, for this you must pre-register. Lectures will be useful for beginner businessmen, where they will be told about the main issues of planning and taxation, about ways to expand the business and attract buyers.

  1. Participation in exhibitions and fairs.

This direction is quite effective in terms of the development of small and medium-sized businesses in different regions of our country. By placing products on free trading floors advertising costs are reduced, as well as the connections of a novice businessman are expanding and it becomes possible to sell part of the goods.

  1. Expert advice.

Consulting takes place in employment centers, in divisions of the Federal Tax Service and business development funds. Here you can ask the experts questions regarding taxation, accounting, activity planning. Also, at such consultations, you will be told about the possibilities of obtaining other types of state assistance.

  1. Concessional lending.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ, an entrepreneur can receive a loan from the state. Such assistance to small businesses can be provided by SME Bank JSC, as well as partner banks and other organizations. Before contacting the bank directly, you need to become a small or medium-sized business and clearly define the type of service requested (decide what exactly you need: a microloan, credit, leasing services, etc.). Then you need to come with an appeal to a regional partner bank or bring the necessary package of documents to the support infrastructure organization, which should be collected in accordance with the requirements specified by the credit institution.

After you submit the documents, the bank will check whether your company meets its eligibility criteria and make a decision whether to grant a loan or not.

There are certain organizations that cannot receive government assistance for small businesses in the form of a loan, namely:

  • insurance companies, investment and non-state pension funds, pawnshops, stock brokers;
  • gambling business representatives;
  • enterprises that sell or manufacture excisable goods specified in Article 181 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
  • enterprises extracting minerals;
  • non-residents of the Russian Federation.
  1. Rent of premises and land.

A novice entrepreneur can take a land plot or office for temporary use at a reduced price. From a financial point of view, this is much more profitable than buying a plot or premises from private individuals.

There are also business incubators, which are independent structures or part of technology parks (or centers at universities). They can accommodate an office in the territory allocated to you.

  1. Subsidies.

It is this type of government assistance to small businesses that is most in demand.

A subsidy is a gratuitous monetary assistance provided to a company. It can be used to expand production, purchase new equipment, and compensate for lost profits. Most often, subsidies are issued for the opening of a new promising business.

Subsidies are received on a competitive basis, and preference is given to the highest priority projects for the region. Most often, these are agricultural programs and the launch of production in villages and small towns, projects for housing and communal services, development innovative technologies and so on.

The main types of financial assistance to small businesses from the state

  1. grants, given to startups. In 2015, the upper limit of the grant amount was only 300 thousand rubles, and by 2017 it increased to 500 thousand rubles. Any citizen who is registered as a subject can take part in the drawing of a grant. entrepreneurial activity for at least two years. To receive this government assistance, small businesses need to be selected on a competitive basis, and the subsidy won can be spent exclusively on business needs. At the same time, their list does not include rent of premises and salaries of employees. A grant can be received by a low-income family with young children, the unemployed, former civil servants and those liable for military service, families with disabled children.
  2. Subsidies. For those business representatives who can provide jobs to citizens of the Russian Federation and pay taxes to the country's budget, the state can issue a subsidy in the amount of 5 million rubles.

Small businesses that operate in the social, economic, industrial or housing and communal sectors can ask for such state assistance to small businesses. To do this, it is necessary to prepare all documents in accordance with the requirements of the commission, as well as draw up and defend a business plan.

  1. Employment center cash subsidies for the development of small businesses to open a private business.
  2. Payment of credits or loans that novice businessmen took earlier. In this case, government assistance to small businesses can reach 15 million rubles. To reduce the interest rate on a loan, an entrepreneur must provide all Required documents and write a business plan. After these materials are studied, the commission will make a decision on the assignment of payment to the small business owner.
  3. Subsidies for small businesses to socially vulnerable segments of society, which include:
  • disabled people;
  • single parents raising minor children;
  • released prisoners;
  • graduates of orphanages;
  • other categories of citizens.

In this case, government assistance to small businesses can be up to 1.5 million rubles.

  1. Internship, retraining and training, which are paid from the state budget. All expenses are refundable. If they go beyond the established limit, only a part can be covered.
  2. Business incubators(most often they are opened under the Small Business Support Funds), which provide start-up entrepreneurs with offices, warehouses and other premises. In addition, business incubators teach the main aspects of running a small business and help with writing a business plan in accordance with established requirements.
  3. Outsourcing- provision of free accounting and tax services.
  4. Encouraging the development of innovative technologies aimed at supporting innovative products. Licenses and patents are purchased from the budget treasury (the maximum amount of government assistance to small businesses in this case is 2.5 million rubles).

Federal programs financial assistance are supported by the Small Business Assistance Fund. Today there are such options:

  1. Commercialization program. Within its framework, the amount of state assistance to small businesses is negotiated with each novice entrepreneur on an individual basis. Assistance involves the expansion of production and, as a result, an increase in the number of jobs.
  2. The "Smart" program. Within its framework, any citizen aged 18-30 can apply for government assistance to small businesses in the amount of up to 1.5 million rubles. This program was created to support representatives entrepreneurial sphere in the field of innovative technologies.
  3. Development program allows you to receive a grant in the amount of up to 15 million rubles. These funds are intended to provide the region with additional jobs, modernize equipment at the enterprise and increase labor productivity.
  4. Internationalization program. In it, the amount of state financial assistance to small businesses does not have an upper threshold and is calculated individually for each project. The name speaks for itself - the program is designed to help establish cooperation with foreign partners (create products for export).
  5. Program "Start" designed to help young innovators who are engaged in scientific and technical research and create innovative products. Within the framework of this program, private-state cooperation is practiced (part of the funds comes from third parties, and the rest from the authorities). Most often, financial assistance from the state to small businesses under this program is provided during the first year, and then investors are involved in financing. Any Start participant can receive a subsidy from the state in the amount of up to 5 million rubles, which will be paid to the entrepreneur in several stages. Wherein total amount funding is equally divided between private investors and the state.
  6. Program "Cooperation" provides for government assistance to small businesses in the amount of up to 20 million rubles. The money can be used to develop and establish cooperation between this enterprise and large Russian industrial corporations, expand the production base, and improve equipment.

Under what conditions is financial assistance provided by the state to small businesses

A citizen registered at the employment center after writing a relevant application can receive state assistance to small businesses in the form of a subsidy for launching a project. Next, you need to draw up a business plan and send it for consideration to a special committee. If the commission recognizes the business plan as complying with the standards, then the financial payment will be approved. The applicant is then formalized as individual entrepreneur and receives the necessary documents from the Federal Tax Service, on the basis of which the payment of material resources will be made.

To receive state assistance to small businesses in the form of a subsidy for the development of an existing project, you must be the owner of a working enterprise, registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, the type of property must be registered no more than 12 months before the date of application. Other programs allow even companies that have been operating for more than a year, but not longer than two years, to receive assistance. The priority activity of the enterprise for the region is a strong plus in the process of obtaining government assistance to small businesses. If the firm is engaged in activities that are not of particular importance for the region, then the state may refuse to provide it with a subsidy. The priority small business sectors for your region can be viewed on the official website of the local territorial center for small business support.

The main condition after receiving a subsidy is target spending Money. That is, money can be spent only on those needs of the enterprise that were specified in a specific program of government assistance to small businesses.

In 2018, state assistance to small businesses can be provided for:

  • payment for materials necessary for the organization of production processes;
  • acquisition of equipment necessary for production;
  • payment for patents, technologies, software tools or other intangible assets.

Most often, the terms of use of funds are limited and are usually 1-2 years in the absence of additional conditions and any exceptions.

Almost all programs to provide government assistance to small businesses require the entrepreneur himself to contribute a certain amount of his own funds. That is, if a company asks for money from the government, it must invest at least 60% of the requested amount in its business. Each program contains its own conditions and establishes a certain percentage of the organization's contribution to business development.

There are some restrictions on the payment of financial assistance, and in connection with them, some of the entrepreneurs may face a denial of government assistance to small businesses. For example, the government cannot help companies that manufacture and sell alcohol and tobacco products, as well as organizations that use rented equipment.

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How to get help for small businesses from the state in the form of subsidies

To receive financial assistance from the state, small businesses need to perform a certain algorithm of actions.

  1. Draw up a business plan . If a novice entrepreneur is going to produce goods for socially vulnerable segments of the population, this fact greatly increases his chances of obtaining financial support from the government. When considering a business plan, the commission evaluates several parameters, which include:
  • the amount of taxes that will be returned to the budget by the company;
  • the number of new jobs that the company can provide;
  • the importance and relevance of a particular type of business in the region.
  1. Collect a package of documents, namely:
  • an application describing the business project, as well as justifying its social importance (here you should indicate the tasks, methods for achieving the goal, stages of implementation, the amount of own and attracted financing, the result);
  • a copy of the company registration certificate, as well as its statutory documents;
  • orders for the appointment of a director and chief accountant;
  • other types of documents (copies of contracts for the lease of premises, contracts with suppliers, licenses, patents, expert opinions and permits from regulatory authorities; certificate of the absence of debts on taxes and budget payments; bank statement on the status of accounts).
  1. Apply to a government agency or the SME Support Fund.
  2. Make a rough estimate of the cost of business development.

How to get a. The entire package of documents must be taken to the support center for small and medium-sized businesses or submitted through a special electronic form on the official website of the organization. Within 60 days from the date of filing the application, the commission must consider it and invite a businessman to defend his project. Based on the results of the defense, a positive or negative decision is made within 7 days to provide state assistance to small businesses. The results are communicated to the entrepreneur by mail or telephone.

How to report. Explain the use of funds within one calendar year. It is necessary to provide not only the original cash and sales receipts, but also their copies. Also, the package of documents should include invoices, waybills, lease agreements (with a notary seal), a book of income and expenses, and so on. If it is impossible to document any item of expenses, the commission will require the businessman to return the money in full. Subsidies are not taxed.

How to get help for small businesses from the state in the form of grants

Grants can be allocated to both new entrepreneurs who are just about to launch their business project, and those whose firms have been operating for no more than two years at the time of applying for a grant. Each region has its own list of categories of entrepreneurs who are eligible to apply for government assistance to small businesses in the form of a grant. You can find out all the necessary information on the website of the business support center of the region in which the organization is registered.

The most preferred are the following directions:

  • science and innovation - 30%;
  • socially significant services - 30%;
  • production and Agriculture - 20 %;
  • trade - 12%.

How much can you get. Businessmen who have been doing their business for no more than one year can receive 300 thousand rubles. At the same time, Moscow, Samara and Perm are ready to allocate up to 500 thousand rubles. These funds can be used to pay from 30 to 50% of business expenses (the exact amount depends on conditions in a particular region). The rest of the money must be found by the businessman himself.

Those who have officially registered the status of an unemployed citizen can count on a payment in the amount of 58.8 thousand rubles, which will be used to open their own business. If the entrepreneur officially employs people, he can receive the above amount for each person.

What to prepare. The entrepreneur needs:

  • register entity or IP;
  • study the basics of entrepreneurship in the regional Fund for the Support of Small and Medium Businesses (if a businessman has a diploma of higher economic education, then training is not necessary);
  • write an application for financial assistance to the regional business support center (you can download its form on the center’s website and send it by mail or leave an application on the website itself);
  • defend a business plan before a commission in a regional center;
  • get the status of unemployed at the local employment center;
  • submit documents to the local employment center.

Tax incentives: concessions for business or just a myth?

To develop your business, you need to collect the necessary package of documents that will confirm the company's compliance with regional requirements for small and medium-sized businesses. These conditions apply to:

  • the number of jobs;
  • registration of a legal entity;
  • annual income and so on.

The main requirements are reflected in federal law No. 209-FZ. They can be found on the websites of regional business support centers. Also, the entrepreneur must:

  • document the absence of other financial assistance (from other sources) by providing a certificate from the business support center;
  • present documents on registration of a legal entity, founding documents, a copy of an extract from the register of small enterprises, bank statements for accounts, a business plan, and so on;
  • prove the cleanliness of the credit history by providing a certificate from the National Bureau of Credit Histories.

How to get a. You can apply at in electronic format on the website of the administration (local or regional) or on the portal of the regional Fund for Support of Small and Medium Businesses. The application will be reviewed within three days. If everyone required documents are collected and meet the requirements, the commission will report approval or denial of grant assistance within three months.

Each application is evaluated according to the point system adopted in a particular region. A general rating of applications is compiled, and then the members of the commission vote. Grants are allocated to those projects that receive the most votes.

To report, you need not only to draw up the report itself, but also to prepare documents confirming the intended use of funds (commodity and cash receipts, invoices, bills of lading, and so on). In case of failure to provide reports or misuse of funds, you will be required to return the money. You may also be forced to return the balance if you did not spend everything in a calendar year.

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Where can I get government assistance for small business development

The subsidy is primarily a targeted payment from the local or federal budget. This type of financial assistance is not a loan or a loan, and therefore the subsidy does not need to be returned to the state. Thus, it is characterized by:

  • gratuitousness;
  • irrevocable;
  • target direction.
  1. Employment center.

Only an unemployed citizen can receive a subsidy for the development of small business. To do this, you need to follow several sequential steps.

Step 1. Registration at the Employment Center.

If you have not officially registered the status of unemployed, then you need to collect a package of documents and submit it to the Employment Center. You will need:

  • identity document;
  • document on the availability of education;
  • work book (if available);
  • Sberbank card number;
  • SNILS;
  • military ID (for men).

Then you will need to write two applications (for receiving unemployment benefits and about your intention to carry out small business activities), as well as answer several questions on the questionnaire.

Step 2. Drawing up a business plan.

After obtaining the status of an unemployed citizen, you need to write a business plan. This stage is very important, since the decision of the commission to provide state assistance to small businesses or to refuse to provide subsidies will depend on it. Your business plan should be interesting and credible for the leadership of the Employment Center. Approach its compilation as responsibly as possible. To do this, pay special attention to:

  • additional jobs. If new people are employed as part of the implementation of your business project, be sure to indicate this. Under this condition, the chances of receiving government assistance to small businesses greatly increase;
  • the social importance of your business. Describe in as much detail as possible the usefulness of your business for the region. It is worth noting that the chances are higher for production projects and for the service sector;
  • own investments. The more personal finance you invest in your project, the more likely you are to receive government assistance for small businesses. To consider the application, you must invest at least 50% of your own funds from the requested amount;
  • targeted use of state subsidies for small businesses. As mentioned earlier, the purposes for which the distribution of funds is planned are subject to the closest verification. Describe in as much detail as possible all the expected items of expenditure. The commission should immediately see what you plan to spend the money provided by the state.

Step 3. Protecting the business plan.

A detailed written business plan must be submitted to the Employment Center. If approved, you will be invited to sign an agreement on the provision of government assistance to small businesses in the form of a subsidy. After that, you can proceed to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Step 4. Registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

At the last stage, you need to register your business with the Federal Tax Service.

If an unemployed citizen could not find a job at the Employment Center, the government will provide him financial support. For example, in Moscow, an entrepreneur can receive a subsidy of up to 10.2 thousand rubles. for registration of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, farming or farming. In this case, the money is paid only after confirmation of expenses.

  1. Organs local government.

The employment center provides small businesses with very little support, which will not help develop the company much. Therefore, try to find additional sources of funding.

If your business involves significant expenses, then ask for help from local governments. What is needed for this?

The list of documents for obtaining assistance is the same as when applying to the Employment Center, only a package of papers in this case must be taken to the small business development department. Local authorities can provide more impressive financial assistance, which leads to a large number of people who want to receive it. Therefore, your main task is to arouse interest in your project, to convince the authorities of the usefulness of your business for the region. In the case of allocation of money, you will be required to report on a monthly basis for their spending. If you are late in submitting a report or have spent the money for other purposes, then you will be obliged to return it.

In addition, you will need to return the money that you did not spend in the first year. In connection with the circumstances described above, it is extremely important to have in the annual report documentary confirmation all target spending.

  • 8 rules for competent cash flow management of the enterprise

Practitioner tells

Some do not know where to turn, others have bad experience in dealing with government agencies

Olga Kosets,

owner of the Sofiano garment factory, president of the interregional public organization"Business people"

Many Russian businessmen do not even try to get help from the state. Some simply do not know where to turn, while others do not want to do this because of past bad experiences. Here's my advice to businessmen: go straight to the regional business support centers. There you can get all the information about the available government assistance programs for small businesses and the conditions for participating in them for free. The government will provide you with both advisory assistance and financial support. Of course, you should not hope for large sums, but at least some problems due to budget funds can be solved.

Last year, I applied to the Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Krasnodar Territory - at the place of registration of my clothing factory. I expected to get a preferential loan, but for some formal reasons I could not. The Center received an offer to participate in the reimbursement program for legal registration trademark. I agreed, and the government paid for the extension of Sofiano. Thanks to the assistance of the Department of Investments and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory, I am preparing documents for obtaining a loan at a reduced interest rate from the Industrial Development Fund. For me this question is fundamental, since I plan to spend this money on organizing the first industry coworking.

What assistance to small businesses from the state will be provided in 2018

State assistance for the opening of small businesses in 2018 involves the allocation of subsidies for social entrepreneurship. It is also planned to abolish the limitation on the share of capital for foreign investors at 49% and remove the linkage of individual entrepreneur contributions to the minimum wage so that the burden on business does not grow following the change in the minimum wage. In addition, work will continue to develop infrastructure for business and to expand entrepreneurs' access to financial resources.

  1. Financial support

Soft loans. The SME Corporation, together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank, is implementing two preferential lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses:

  • "Program 6.5" - a loan in the amount of 10 million to 1 billion rubles. for up to three years. The priority sectors are agriculture, food production, primary and subsequent processing of agricultural products, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, construction, transport and communications, domestic tourism, high-tech projects.
  • "Program 674" (addition to the first program) - a loan in the amount of 5 million to 1 billion rubles, for a period of up to five years. Priority directions are investment projects, construction, modernization of capital construction projects. The interest rate on preferential lending programs for medium-sized businesses is 9.6%, for small businesses - 10.6%.

To obtain a preferential loan, you can contact the partner bank of the program (there are 45 of them). If the loan amount does not exceed 200 million rubles, then the application will be considered by any of them, if more - by the SME corporation. FROM detailed information information about partner banks, requirements and conditions for granting a loan can be found on the Corporation's website (section "For Banks and Credit Institutions").

Microloans. In addition to a loan (for example, if there is no credit history or locality located far away) the company can apply for a microloan to a regional microfinance organization. Here you can get a loan in the amount of up to 3 million rubles. up to 36 months. The conditions and procedure for obtaining microloans are posted on the official websites of regional microfinance funds, for example www.mofmicro.ru.

Departmental and regional programs. Depending on the field of activity of the company, businessmen can seek help from the relevant ministry at the place of registration. Thus, until 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing the Beginning Farmer program, under which novice farmers are given grants for the creation and development of farms(up to 3 million rubles for breeding large cattle and up to 1.5 million rubles. to other directions).

Each region has its own programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. Thus, the administration of Veliky Novgorod is implementing the municipal program "Development of small and medium-sized businesses" for 2017-2023. To clarify the current programs, please visit the website of the regional administration.

State and municipal guarantees. Each region has a credit facilitation fund that guarantees the entrepreneur for credit, loans and leasing in the event of a lack of collateral. To receive the service, you need to come to a partner bank, which will send an application and all the necessary documents to the guarantee fund. A decision will be made within three working days from the date of application. In case of a positive response, a tripartite guarantee agreement will be concluded, and the organization will receive funding. For example, the conditions and list of partner banks in Moscow can be viewed on the capital's website of the Credit Assistance Fund.

  1. property support.

Business incubators and technology parks. As mentioned above, business incubators provide space at reduced prices. For example, the monthly cost of rent in a business incubator in St. Petersburg is 239 rubles. 25 kop. per sq. m in the first year, 382 rubles. 80 kop. per sq. m in the second year.

Leasing. Preferential leasing implies the provision of equipment for rent at a rate of 6% per annum (for Russian equipment) or 8% per annum (for foreign equipment). The amount of financing - 5-200 million rubles. The terms and conditions of the program and the application form can be found on the website of the SME corporation (section "Financial Support").

  1. Information support.

Business communication networks. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry has developed a special electronic platform "Success Navigator", where entrepreneurs can get information about taxes, changes in legislation, marketing and so on free of charge. To do this, follow the link www.tpprf.ru/ru/business_development and see the archive of information on the issue of interest.

The platform provides the possibility of subscribing. Then a person will be sent recommendations twice a week, reminders to submit reporting documents and pay taxes, and so on. Mailing letters also contain a reporting form, in which the businessman simply enters his data and receives a ready-made document.

Exhibitions, fairs, forums. Up to 90% of the expenses of businessmen for participation in such events can be paid by the state. The subsidy is calculated after. For assistance and advice, you can contact the regional business support center.

  • Innovative development of the company: arming ourselves with the latest technologies

Practitioner tells

Centers will open in 40 regions to provide assistance to small businesses

Elena Lashkina,

assistant minister of economic development

By February 1, 2018, on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation, at least 40 regional centers have been opened to provide services for small and medium-sized businesses. They will work on the principle of one window. In such a center, it will be possible to register a legal entity, put real estate on the cadastral register, and obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages.

At the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018, the Ministry of Economic Development will launch an online platform that will bring together on one platform offers of educational, financial, government and b2b services for start-ups and existing entrepreneurs. The portal will give people the opportunity to take online courses and webinars with experts. Training will take place on a paid basis free programs, and upon completion of some of them it will be possible to purchase a state-recognized certificate. In order for entrepreneurs to consolidate their knowledge, special interactive tools will be created for them in the form of dialogue simulators, business cases and business games. In addition, the site will include step by step instructions who will tell you how to open your own business.

Information about experts

Lydia Tsarenko, General Director of Premium Telecom, Moscow. Premium Telecom. Field of activity: communication services, development software for mobile devices.

Olga Kosets, owner of the Sofiano garment factory, president of the interregional public organization Business People. "Sofiano" founded in 1995. The main areas of activity are sewing production and sales of products under the trademark of the same name. Staff - 60 people. Annual turnover- 5 million rubles.

Elena Lashkina Graduated from Tashkent State Technical University. She worked as an assistant - press secretary of the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev, head of the direction for working with government organizations in Russia and the CIS countries of the NVision Group. Since 2013 - in the current position.

The easiest way to legal business in our country is. But in order to start your own business, you need start-up capital. If you don’t have your own savings, you can borrow money from friends and relatives, or apply to a bank for a loan, or seek help from an employment center at your place of residence. Our state takes care of its citizens and provides assistance and assistance in opening own business in the form of a one-time payment of a certain amount of money. Today we will look at what this amount is and how to get it.

Page content

As part of the state program of the Russian Federation "Help for Starting Entrepreneurs", the employment center provides citizens with financial assistance in starting their own business (). This is beneficial for the state, because in this way, firstly, the number of unemployed decreases, and secondly, having achieved any success, will pay to the treasury. However, as statistics show, only 2% of the unemployed apply for this assistance.

Who can count on help from the employment center

  • persons over the age of 18;
  • persons who have registered with the employment center and are in the status of unemployed;
  • persons who have been registered with the employment center for more than 1 month and who have not been able to find a job due to the lack of a suitable job.

Along with this, it would be advisable to consider in what cases and to whom this financial support will not be provided:

  • women on maternity leave;
  • minor citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens who have reached retirement age;
  • students of the day department of an educational institution;
  • persons working under an employment contract;
  • persons registered as individual entrepreneurs or LLCs (at least half a year must pass from the moment of closing);
  • convicted, dismissed from work by a court sentence, who are subject to imprisonment or other punishment;
  • certain categories of military persons;
  • persons dismissed from work due to repeated violations labor discipline(absence from work or drunkenness, theft of property, absenteeism, inappropriate performance of work duties);
  • persons registered with the employment center, but who refused two or more offered jobs within 10 days from the date of registration;
  • persons who regularly violate and do not comply with the requirements of the employment service (violation of the registration deadlines, ignoring the proposed job options and failure to appear for an interview).

IMPORTANT: Financial assistance in starting your own business is provided in the form of a cash payment in the amount of the amount of unemployment benefits for one year.

What is the help of the employment center

It should be noted that financial support is provided on the basis of the Federal Program for Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (for 2005-2020), the Law “On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation” dated June 14, 1995 No. 88-FZ and other legislative acts. So, how can the employment center help you?

  • Firstly, if all the conditions and requirements are met, a certain amount of money will be paid when registering your own business. Its amount will depend on the amount of the assigned allowance based on the length of service and wages at the last place of work. On average, entrepreneurs received up to 58 thousand rubles for their own business.
  • Secondly, in some cases, the amount spent at various stages of registering your case can be compensated. For example, the amount paid in quality can be returned, notary services can be compensated, as well as funds spent on the purchase of forms, legal advice, etc. can be reimbursed.
  • Thirdly, in the employment center, a novice entrepreneur will be consulted on all the main legal issues of starting a business, they will be given the opportunity to attend business trainings, they will help with the preparation of a business plan and sometimes even with renting a room, the fee for which will be below average. market value by your region.

How to get a subsidy for starting a sole proprietorship

First of all, as noted above, you must register for unemployment. To do this, you need to collect documents and come to the employment center. Need:

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  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • employment history;
  • education document;
  • certificate from the last place of work on income for the last three months.

A specific list of documents for your region can be found by calling the employment center at the place of residence.

IMPORTANT: Unemployment registration may be denied to persons who have not been working for disrespectful reasons for more than 5 years. After all, if a person has found funds for living within 5 years, he will be able to provide for himself in the future.

  1. We are writing an application for unemployment benefits.
  2. We turn for advice to a specialist of the employment center. He will tell you everything and put you up to date.
  3. We are writing an application to confirm your desire to open your own business.
  4. We're going through testing.
  5. We develop a business plan. Writing a business plan is not an easy task that requires certain skills and knowledge. There are two options:
    • Seek help from experts and draw up a business plan. The fee for such a service is on average 5 - 20 thousand rubles.
    • Study the most necessary materials on the Internet, go to business trainings and develop a business plan on your own.

    Whichever option you choose, take into account the criteria that a good business plan must meet in the eyes of the employment center commission that will consider your idea.

    • Innovation and originality of the business idea. Such a business plan will attract more attention than the hundredth grocery store on Lenina Avenue, and will have a much better chance of being approved;
    • Profitability. There is no point in a business if it is unprofitable;
    • Hiring employees. If your business plan involves hiring workers, it will carry a lot of weight, because the purpose of the employment center is employment of the population. And you yourself find a job, you also help others;
    • initial capital. Opening a business only with the money that the employment center offers as assistance will not work. You also need to invest your own money. The ratio should be approximately 1:2 or even 1:3. If you plan to receive 58 thousand rubles from the state, while investing your own 10 thousand rubles, you will most likely be denied a subsidy.
    • Expenses. It is important for the state that the allocated money be spent wisely. In the business plan, it is recommended to prescribe the cost of the subsidy for the purchase of fixed assets: appliances, furniture, transport, and not for rent or advertising.
  6. We submit documents for a subsidy to the employment center (application and business plan). Documents are considered by a special commission. Professionals evaluate your entrepreneurial ability and analyze your business plan. The decision to grant a subsidy is made by the director of the employment center based on the findings of the commission. His decision is issued by order. In general, it takes no more than 10 business days to make a decision.
  7. If approved, the employment center notifies you of its decision, and you conclude an agreement for the transfer of the subsidy.

    IMPORTANT: you cannot register an individual entrepreneur or LLC before concluding an agreement with the employment center on the provision of subsidies for small businesses.

  8. We register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. .
  9. Provide the employment center with documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs and reporting documentation for all expenses (that is, what the money transferred by the state was spent on). Checks, service contracts, invoices and other papers are suitable as evidence.

Thus, in order to receive assistance from the state in the form of a subsidy for your own business, you must provide a good business plan based on a quality original idea. Employment center specialists are happy to consider and more often make a positive decision regarding ideas in the service or production sector. It is desirable that the business plan provides for the availability of additional jobs and the presence of your own initial capital at least in an amount equal to the assistance provided.

The amount of 58 thousand rubles may seem small to someone, but at the initial stages of creating your small business, they can become a significant support.

A quarter of the entire employed population of the country is provided with work thanks to small business. Working in accordance with rapidly changing market requirements, this group of active population produces a range of products and services, thereby serving the bulk of consumers. However, more than half of people who want to open their own business remain at the stage of conversations and dreams.

The state, providing assistance to small businesses, pursues two goals: the fight against unemployment and the development of the economy, because each created business entity will return to the budget the funds invested in it in the form of taxes.

What help can you expect

In 2017, subsidies in the amount of 7,513,983.2 thousand rubles were allocated from the state for the development of entrepreneurship.

The amount of the subsidy depends on the region where the beneficiary is located. The largest amount of subsidies allocated by the federal budget of the Smolensk region - 318303.4 thousand rubles. Least allocated to Nenets autonomous region- 390 thousand rubles.

The main directions of state support:

  • providing financial support to small businesses (5,528,586.5 thousand rubles);
  • provision of subsidies for co-financing of capital investments (1,655,859.2 thousand rubles);
  • assistance in the development of youth entrepreneurship (229,537.5 thousand rubles);
  • MFC for business (100,000 thousand rubles).

In the event that the performance indicators of the use of the subsidy are not achieved, even 100% disbursed funds must be returned.

Types of subsidies

  • Subsidizing the cost of purchasing equipment. The state allocates subsidies to compensate up to 90% of the cost of purchasing equipment.
  • Subsidies to cover interest rates on loans and leasing operations. This subsidy applies to all industries and is valid in most regions.

It is necessary to contact the state body to clarify the nuances of obtaining a subsidy even before obtaining a loan or concluding a leasing agreement. This is necessary in order to ensure that the formulation of the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds or the drafting of a leasing agreement is consistent with the conditions for granting subsidies.

  • Subsidizing the cost of participation in exhibitions. In some regions, it is possible to achieve full reimbursement of expenses for participation in federal exhibitions, if they do not exceed 150 thousand rubles. It should be noted that such costs can reach up to 300 thousand rubles. and more. In this case, only part of the costs will be compensated.

To clarify the types of subsidies provided in each particular region, you should contact the regional state body or the official website.

Grants for starting a business

The amount of the subsidy that can be obtained in the regions is limited to 300 thousand rubles, in Moscow - 500 thousand rubles. The funds are designed to reimburse 30-50% of expenses, the recipient of state support must find the remaining amount himself. Innovative enterprises can count on an increased subsidy of up to 2.5 million rubles. for the purchase of fixed assets, the payment of lease payments, the purchase of raw materials and materials, as well as the maintenance of jobs.

As part of the self-employment program, citizens who are registered with the employment center can expect to receive a grant in the amount of 58.8 thousand rubles. to start a small business. If jobs are created when opening a small business, then the same amount is due for each employee who is provided with workplace.

How to get state support: a step-by-step algorithm

In order to receive financial support from the state, it is necessary to perform a certain algorithm of actions:

Step 1. Make a business plan. When drawing up a business plan, emphasis should be placed on the amount that will return to the budget in the form of taxes, on the creation of new jobs and the demand for business, since these are the parameters that are evaluated.

Step 2. Prepare the necessary documents (the list of documents depends on the type of state support).

Step 3. Apply to the state body with an application.

Step 4. Wait for the decision on subsidizing.

The state provides financial assistance for small business

Many people dream of starting their own business. Freely managing your time, being your own boss is a pleasant prospect. But most people have to say goodbye to their dream before they even begin to put it into practice. The reason for this is the lack of funds to open a business.

Some manage to open small business and start working. But at a certain stage, the lack of funds can become an obstacle to the further successful development of the business.

In these cases, do not despair. You should know that the state provides material assistance to small businesses, providing small ones to open and run their own business.

The Russian government has developed a special program to subsidize small businesses. Any novice businessman or owner of a working production has the right to receive financial assistance for opening and promoting a business.

A subsidy is a gratuitous allocation of certain amounts, it should not be confused with or loans. The state aims to support private entrepreneurs and small businesses. Subsidies are directed to strictly defined sectors, in the development of which the state is interested in the short term.

The amount of payments depends on the regional authorities and can only be spent for certain purposes (also determined by the local authorities):

  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials, materials;
  • purchase of intangible assets: patents, technologies.

Subsidies are issued only if the following conditions are met:

  1. The company was opened less than a year ago.
  2. The company is not engaged in the production, sale of alcoholic or tobacco products.
  3. The company does not deal with real estate, equipment rental.
  4. There is a business plan for the development and spending of funds.
  5. The funds are directed only to the purposes determined by the local authorities. If misappropriation of funds, even if they are related to this business, is identified, the recipient must return the entire amount of the subsidy.
  6. All allocated funds are spent during the year. Funds not used during the calendar year must be returned to the state.

After a year from the date of receipt of the subsidy, the entrepreneur must account for each ruble spent. In some cases, the duration of the subsidy lasts 2 years or more.

The Employment Center is responsible for issuing subsidies for the unemployed who want to start a business. Target subsidies for the development of certain sectors of the economy are distributed by the Centers for Entrepreneurship Support together with local authorities.

Who receives subsidies

Who can get small business grants

The state allocates financial resources start-up entrepreneurs and operating enterprises on:

  • opening of own production;
  • development of an existing business.

Grants are issued by the Employment Service for starting a business. The payment is due only to an unemployed person who has registered at the nearest Employment Center, if in his work book there is a record of dismissal from the previous place.

Not considered as grant applicants:

  • students, students;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • founders, co-founders of firms and companies.

An unemployed person needs to warn an employee of the Center about his desire to organize his own business, prepare a business plan, calculations, and provide them along with the required documents.

When providing financial assistance to an operating enterprise, the state does not aim to cover all the expenses of the entrepreneur. Therefore, the presence of own funds is welcome, and in many cases it is required to deposit a certain percentage of funds by the business owner himself.

Ways of state support for small businesses

Financial support for small and medium-sized businesses is provided in the form of various grants, subsidies, compensations, and benefits. It is especially valuable that the assistance is provided free of charge, it should not be returned. It is enough to send them to their destination and report on time.

Forms of gratuitous support for small businesses:

  1. Grants for beginners (production exists no more than 2 years). Aimed at the implementation of the submitted business plan. The amount of the payment is not more than 500,000 rubles. The recipient of the grant must have on his account a sum of money in the amount of 40-50% of the business plan budget.
  2. Development grant. Issued to an operating enterprise for the acquisition of certain assets and funds. The amount of the subsidy is from 50 to 90% of the total amount, but not more than 10 million rubles.
  3. Grants for self-employment. issued to the unemployed. The amount of the grant is equal to the amount of unemployment benefits for 1 year.
  4. Partial compensation of interest received on the loan for the purchase of the necessary equipment, technical means or making lease payments. The state usually assumes from 2.5 to 5.5% per annum, after providing documents on payments already made on the loan.
  5. Compensation for the funds spent on participation in exhibitions, fairs: equipment rental, registration fee, transportation of equipment, products across the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries. It makes up 2/3 of all costs, but not more than 30,000 rubles.

Special conditions are provided to agricultural enterprises. They get the opportunity, with the help of subsidies, to purchase equipment, necessary equipment, breeding young, seeds.

What subsidies are issued by the Employment Service

The employment service provides subsidies for small businesses

The employment service provides gratuitous assistance to start a business only to officially registered unemployed. To register, you must provide:

  • the passport;
  • TIN, ;
  • diploma or certificate;
  • certificate of wages 3 months before the dismissal (take at the place of the last job).

You must write a statement of your desire to participate in the Self-Employment Program. Then write and submit a business plan. You can make it yourself or entrust it to a specialist. It indicates the estimated costs, incomes, justifies the utility, the expected benefits of production, the approximate payback period.

Another condition for granting a subsidy: the Employment Center does not provide an appropriate job for the grant applicant.

A special commission reviews the submitted documents, conducts an interview, and makes a decision. If the decision is positive, an agreement is concluded between the SZN and the grant recipient. The money will be transferred to his personal account. The amount depends on the region, but usually it is a small amount of money, it will not work to open a more or less serious business.

Spending must be targeted. The money should be directed to the following tasks:

  1. Registration of an enterprise in the form of a legal entity. persons, individual entrepreneurs or peasant farms.
  2. Preparation, registration of documents.
  3. Payment for legal services.
  4. Buying forms.
  5. Production of seals, stamps.

The citizen is provided with consulting and information assistance. He needs to register with the local tax office.

Subsidies from local governments

To receive more substantial assistance (up to 500 thousand rubles), an entrepreneur needs to contact local authorities.

The list is the same as when applying to the TsZN. After collecting all the papers, you should take them to the local Department for the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis, so the main condition for receiving cash payments is to be able to interest the members of the commission, to prove that this particular project deserves attention and support.

Due to the fact that the amount of the grant is rather large, it is necessary to be prepared for constant checks and reports. It is necessary to prove the intended use of funds, otherwise they will have to be returned.

What to look out for

Subsidized production involves the creation of new jobs

When applying for state support, a novice entrepreneur should remember:

  1. Subsidized production should be a priority for the region. This increases the chance of getting a grant.
  2. Subsidies are not allocated for the development of businesses related to tobacco or alcohol production, real estate, rental and supply.
  3. Subsidized production involves the creation of new jobs.
  4. The entrepreneur must invest simultaneously with the state subsidy at least 40-50% of the total amount provided for in the business plan.

The specific one depends on the conditions of the individual funding program. The more the businessman himself is ready to invest in his enterprise, the greater the amount he can count on.

When developing a business plan, it should be remembered that subsidies are not allocated to deliberately unprofitable production. The lower the risk, the more likely the subsidy will be approved.

Other types of state support for small businesses

Federal and regional targeted programs aimed at providing services to start-up entrepreneurs who assume:

  1. Providing the necessary information, training programs, conducting courses, seminars, consulting.
  2. Development of business infrastructure: creation of conditions for the development of entrepreneurship, business incubators, funds.
  3. Implementation of innovative programs and scientific and technical developments.
  4. Help start-up entrepreneurs legal matters, accounting consultations, in registration of licenses and allowing documents.

In addition, the entrepreneur can receive:

  • , non-residential real estate, equipment for rent at low prices or even for free;
  • assistance in obtaining a bank loan at low rates;
  • a subsidy for the purchase of equipment or fixed assets under leasing.

In addition to federal programs, each region has its own programs to support small and medium-sized businesses.

Business subsidies are a good remedy to support business and enterprising citizens who are able not only to start their own business, but also to develop it in the interests of their families and the entire state. This is what the State Program for Supporting Small and Medium Businesses is aimed at.

How to get money from the state for the development of IP, see the following video:

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