The largest charitable organizations in the world. Millionaire Charities Where You Can Ask for Financial Assistance

Below will be considered charitable foundations world, or rather the largest and most famous charity organisations modernity. Naturally, among the founders of these funds and leaders, one can find well-known personalities. At the moment, the largest charitable foundations in the world donate huge sums to support those in need, only the "big ten" in total makes donations of approximately 7-10 billion dollars. But even such donations from charitable foundations of the world are not enough to provide assistance to absolutely everyone who needs it.

The largest charitable foundations in the world:

1. Bill Gates is known not only for the fact that he became the developer of the most popular operating system, but also by the fact that in 2000 he founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation, which today is the most significant and largest in the world. Naturally, the money of Bill Gates himself was spent on the development of the fund, only in the first year he donated $ 106 million for its development. The charitable organization provides assistance to seriously ill and poor people, and also helps to develop health care and education. Another businessman took part in the development of the fund - Warren Buffett, who donated a tidy sum to Bill Gates' organization. The Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation deserves the number one spot in the Charity Foundations of the World rankings.

2. In second place in the ranking of "Charitable Foundations of the World" is "Wellcome Trust" - the most popular British charitable foundation. The organization was founded back in 1936 in London, in honor of the pharmacist Henry Wellcome. The fund's program includes the development of healthcare and medicine, the protection of people and animals, and active funding of medical and scientific research. The Wellcome Trust is the largest foundation in the UK; in 2005, the foundation's account exceeded twenty-three billion dollars.

3. The third most important charitable foundation in the world at the moment is the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The fund was founded in 1973 by Howard Hughes himself, but at the initial stage the fund did not have such funds as it does now. The fund reached its current size with the acquisition of Hughes Aircraft by General Motors. The charitable foundation supports research in molecular biology, immunology and genetics.

4. The fourth largest is the Lilly Endowment Charitable Foundation. However, this fund can be considered narrowly focused. Despite the fact that the foundation annually allocates significant funds for the development of health, science and education, the funds generally do not go beyond the state of Indiana. Founder Josian Lilly made a solid contribution to the development of his staff and the pharmaceutical industry in the United States as a whole.

5. In fifth place in the ranking of the largest charitable foundations in the world is the Ford Charitable Foundation. The founder of this fund is none other than Edsel Ford, the head of the Ford Motor Company. Enormous funds were invested by Ford to fight poverty, in the development of science and medicine, improve financial condition in the country and donated to various charitable projects. The Ford Charitable Foundation also works to protect human rights.

6. Johnson & Johnson is known for its first-class products for children, but not only for them. The son of the founder of the company opened his own charitable foundation, Robert Wood Johnson, which eventually took its place in the list of "Charitable foundations of the world." The Johnson Charitable Organization was founded in 1936, since then the foundation has been actively helping the poor and the needy, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases. Every year, the foundation allocates approximately half a billion dollars to fight poverty in America.

7. Will Keith Kellogg believed that each person determines his own future, and, if desired, can change his life in better side. Will Keith Kellogg himself created the Kellogg Foundation in 1930 and actively helped those in need. The Kellogg Charitable Foundation also works on today, and one of the most significant donations are funds allocated to help people and rebuild homes after the hurricane Picture.

8. The eighth largest charitable foundation in the world is the Robert Bosch Foundation, founded in 1964 by Robert Bosch himself. At the moment it is the largest German charitable organization. The fund's budget is 90% Bosch shares, and the entire budget is in the range of seven billion dollars. The Bosch Charitable Foundation donates funds to research, development of science, medicine and health care. He is also involved in humanitarian aid and education support, the foundation is the owner of some of the most promising medical research centers in Germany.

9. The last two funds could be combined to some extent, because we often had to see the names of the founders together. The ninth largest in the list of "Charitable Foundations of the World" is the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The founder of the charitable organization was one of the main directors famous company Hewlett Packard. The charitable foundation became a family affair of the Hewletts, who invested in it not only a lot of money, but also pieces of their own souls. The Foundation is engaged in supporting healthcare, developing education, protecting environment and provides assistance to HIV-infected people.

10. David and Lucille Packard Charitable Foundation. As you can see, Hewlett and Packard are interested in the same things in life, charity is no exception. Together with his family, David Packard founded one of the world's largest charitable foundations, which annually donates over $200 million to the development of health and science, as well as to improve the lives of children. The charity's budget is largely comprised of David Packard's personal funds.

The rating of charitable foundations of the world was compiled so that each person could be convinced that charity is really important for all people. Many famous personalities have tried to improve the life of society and help those in need. it good example for others, because without significant support it is unlikely modern charity reached such proportions. Charitable foundations of the world provide incredible assistance to the disabled, sick children and adults. The goal of each such organization is to improve the quality of life of people around the world. It can be seen that the list, which displays the largest charitable foundations in the world, does not include domestic charitable organizations. To some extent, this speaks of the low level of development of domestic charity. Next, consider examples of several Russian charitable foundations.

To help sick children, support sports organizations, as well as theaters and museums. This year for implementation various projects the fund spent about 13.75 billion rubles. Funding sources are Usmanov's personal funds, as well as money allocated by companies controlled by him.

The Sistema Charitable Foundation was established in 2003 for the charitable activities of the corporation of the same name and its subsidiaries. The main areas of activity of the foundation include science, culture and art, sports and social development. Every year, the fund spends about three billion rubles to support more than 50 projects. Funds for the fund come from commercial organizations, as well as from individuals.

The Russian Assistance Fund (Rusfond) was established in 1996 publishing house"Kommersant" to support readers of the newspaper "Kommersant" who need help. The founder and head of Rusfond is journalist Lev Ambinder. In the first half of this year, the fund managed to raise almost 607 million rubles, for last year- more than 1.7 billion. Rusfond specializes in helping seriously ill children, promoting the development of civil society, introducing high medical technologies. - Individuals and organizations.

The Volnoe Delo Foundation was founded Russian entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska in 1998. The Foundation is engaged in supporting projects in the field of science, education, culture, territorial development, healthcare and animal protection. In 2014, for fund projects. According to Expert magazine, the fund is financed from the personal funds of Oleg Deripaska and deductions from the Basic Element group of companies.

The Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation, which became the first charitable organization in Russia with a regional work strategy, was established by businessman Mikhail Prokhorov in 2004. — systemic support of culture in the Russian regions. For 10 years of work, the fund's budget has exceeded two billion rubles. There is no exact funding.

The Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation was established in 2010. The main activity of the foundation is the implementation of programs: "Older Generation", "Family and Children", "Sport", "Culture". For the first three years of operation, the fund's budget was $330.2 million. The main source of funding for the fund is the personal funds of the Timchenko Family

The Gift of Life Foundation was founded in 2006 by actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. The scope of the fund is to help sick children. In 2015, the fund raised more than 326 million rubles. Funding sources are Russian, international and foreign organizations, individuals in Russia and abroad, as well as "stateless persons".

The Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation was founded in 2004 by Nikolai Tsvetkov, President of the Uralsib Corporation. The Foundation specializes in helping children left without parental care and who find themselves in difficult life situation. Expenses for charitable programs in 2013 amounted to more than 184 million rubles. There are no more recent data. According to the data for 2013, the sources of financing are also personal funds of Nikolai Tsvetkov, income from endowment, fundraising, funds of Uralsib Bank.

Places are distributed according to the general financial security of the organization, in other words, according to the number of donations. The dominant majority of these funds are based in the US, and only three of the rankings are in the Netherlands, the UK, and the UAE.

1.Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) has existed since 1994, its "state" is $42.3 billion. The main goal of the fund is to fight serious diseases, help the poor, support education and healthcare.

2. Dutch Foundation Stichting INGKA founded in 1982 by Swedish billionaire Ingvar Kamprad, founder and owner of IKEA. The official stated purpose of the foundation is to encourage and support innovation in architecture and interior design. Assets are estimated at $36 billion.

3. British foundation Wellcome Trust- one of the oldest in the world: founded in 1936. Now his assets are $25.9 billion. Since it was created by the pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome, it is engaged in biomedical research in order to improve the health of people and animals. That is, it finances science, as well as public support for science. In the field of medical research, it is the second private "philanthropist" in the world after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

4. Howard Hughes Medical Institute(Howard Hughes Medical Institute) was founded by aviator, cinematographer, multi-billionaire and adventurer Howard Hughes in 1953. The fund is engaged in medical research in the field of genetics, immunology and molecular biology. The assets are $16.9 billion.

5. Ford Foundation(Ford Foundation) - the brainchild of another American rich man, the son of automobile magnate Henry Ford - Edsel Ford. Along with the Wellcome Trust, it is the oldest charitable foundation in the world - it has existed since 1936. Funds programs in support of democracy, poverty reduction, promotion of international cooperation and human development. The assets of the Ford Foundation are estimated to date at $11.2 billion.

6. Foundation J. Paul Getty Trust, founded in 1982 and with $10.5 billion in assets, supports the arts. Thus, the J. Paul Getty Museum is located in Los Angeles, which receives 1.6 million visitors annually and is one of the most visited museums in the United States. The Foundation provides tuition grants to other museums and cultural institutions.

7.Kamehameha Schools founded in 1887, located in Hawaii and has at its disposal $ 10.1 billion. The school is designed to educate children of exclusively Hawaiian origin. As of the 2011-12 academic year, Kamehameha Schools had 5,398 students; another 1,317 children are in preschool institutions.

8. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation- a charitable foundation from the city of Dubai in the UAE with assets of $10 billion. Founded in 2007, the foundation has focused its efforts on combating unemployment and illiteracy in the Arab countries. The Fund provides support in three areas: culture, entrepreneurship and employment, education.

9. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) founded in 1972, its assets today amount to $ 9.53 billion. The goal is to improve the health and health status of all Americans. The foundation distributes grants to those who fight childhood illnesses and people's addiction to medicines, and also allocates funds for the training of doctors and nurses.

10. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation(William and Flora Hewlett Foundation) was founded in 1966 and "steers" the assets of $ 8.7 billion. Engaged in the issuance of grants in the field of education, environmental protection, global development, performing arts.

Millionaire Charities- organizations where ask for financial help every person in dire need of cash. Such structures have individual rules and requirements for recipients of money. Before applying, you need to familiarize yourself with the range of activities of the organization, find out the conditions for filing an application and clearly formulate a request. Below we consider foreign and domestic charity funds organized by wealthy people.

Russian charitable foundations of millionaires

To ask for financial assistance, you can contact one of the domestic charitable foundations, where millionaires are at the head:

  • Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation— an organization that has been operating for 14 years (since 2004). The main direction is investments in the scientific sphere, the art sector, theater projects, and so on. When it was created, the annual budget of the organization was equal to one million dollars, and for 2018 the expenses of the organization amount to 300-400 million rubles annually.
  • Vladimir Potanin Foundation- a structure created to provide financial assistance in 1999. The “treasury” of the organization is formed from the profits of the Interros enterprise, as well as the personal savings of a millionaire. At the end of 2015, Vladimir Potanin was recognized richest man in the Russian Federation, and his fortune exceeds $15 billion. Despite the large amounts in the account, the charitable foundation receives only a small fraction - about 300 million (in rubles).
  • Volnoe Delo Foundation is the brainchild of another Russian millionaire, Oleg Deripaska. The organization began its activity 20 years ago (in 1998), and the source of the creation of the BF was the personal money of the oligarch, as well as the profits of the Bazel enterprise. The mission of the foundation is to develop scientific field, providing financial support to young people, restoring monasteries and solving other problems. In terms of the amount of funds spent on charitable purposes, the Millionaire's Fund is approaching the indicators of V. Potanin's institution. During its activity, the structure transferred more than 9 billion rubles for the implementation of various projects in different parts of Russia.

Foreign charitable foundations of millionaires

"Foreign" millionaires are considered wealthier and more generous, so many refuse local charitable foundations and immediately focus on foreign organizations. Let's single out several BFs that occupy leading positions in the world:

  • Gates Foundation (Bill and Melinda). The success of Microsoft allowed the creator not only to provide himself with a luxurious life, but also to direct part of his earnings to charitable purposes. Initially, more than $100 million was invested in the fund. The direction of activity is to help people with serious illnesses, the development of medicine and the educational sector.
  • The Hewlett Family Foundation (Flora and William). The family of millionaires opened an organization back in 1966, whose activities were aimed at raising funds to improve the environment and solve problems in the public sector. Every year, money is transferred in the amount of 300 million dollars.
  • Robert Bosch Foundation. This structure was founded by another well-known millionaire, who became famous thanks to the opening of his own company, Robert Bosh GmbH. The BF has an authorized capital of about $7 billion, and every year hundreds of millions are allocated for development educational sphere, the organization of excavations, the development of science and the solution of other problems. In addition, the BF manages a number of research centers in Germany.


The above are just some of the millionaire charitable foundations where it is realistic to ask for financial assistance. But they all have a targeted focus and help solve global problems. It provides full functionality that allows you to create a page for free and raise money from millionaires.

Charity in the United States of America

In the United States of America, in fact, for the first time faced with the problem of the need for acts and manifestations of charity. In addition, the United States became the first country where support for people involved in direct charitable activities became relevant.

Remark 1

Back in the first half of the 20th century (specifically in 1921), serious changes were made to the country's tax legislation, which provided for a reduction in the level of taxes on the funds that went as donations in order to help the most needy categories of citizens.

About 7 new charitable foundations are created annually in the United States of America, which makes America a real world leader in terms of their number and, most importantly, in the quality of their activities. People are very clearly aware of their mission, they are specially trained to ensure that their activities are professional. Mistakes must not be made in charitable work, since work is carried out with the most unstable categories of citizens who may respond to incorrect behavior quite critical.

The system of charity in the USA has some specifics:

  1. Donations to charitable foundations are tax deductible, as we mentioned earlier. For example, wealthy Americans donate large sums to relief funds, but this is more likely not because they want to help anyone (although this is the direct goal of charity). Often they do this also in order that the donated amount can reduce their personal tax deductions by several times, which is undoubtedly very beneficial;
  2. Young people and representatives of the older generation are quite stingy with donations. Thus, deductions from working adults are much lower, but the elderly and children are distinguished by their desire to help those in need, which is why the accounts of charitable organizations are mainly replenished at their expense. In addition, they strive to help not only financially, but also morally, and also donate their old unnecessary things, buy clothes, food and medicines on their own, and then send them to organizations;
  3. America has a secret list of benefactors. Everyone knows about their existence, but their data is encrypted. The data of volunteers is also encrypted, because they can then be used by other charitable organizations without notifying the owners directly. Many people prefer to remain anonymous philanthropists, because for them this is not a matter of achieving popularity and recognition: the highest mission is to provide all possible assistance to other people who have nowhere to get it from.

Charity in Europe

Many researchers who analyze charitable activities in European countries emphasize that in Europe today the third sector is flourishing quite actively. In almost every country there are tax incentives, the deductions of which are transferred to charitable organizations. This practice shows that heads of state and their citizens recognize the important role of private philanthropy.

Remark 2

The history of the development of philanthropy (charity) in Europe is quite rich. Some organizations that exist to this day were created back in the Middle Ages, but their support led to the fact that, having a rich history and foundation, they are still very active today, not only within their country, but also on international arena.

Today, there are four models of NPOs that operate in Europe. They were singled out by the researchers McDonald and Tyart and formulated as follows:

  • Anglo-Saxon model NPO, which includes private non-profit organizations. They were created in opposition to the state, and for this reason, initially their activities were not regulated by the authorities, remaining aloof from political proceedings and activities in general;
  • Rhine model NGOs. Unlike the Anglo-Saxon, the Rhine model allows the state to take part in the activities of commercial organizations, to regulate the regulations of their activities, to limit in case of exceeding their powers;
  • latin model NPO (in other words, it is also customary to call it Mediterranean). The church plays the main role in it, and the state acts as an intermediary, although it cannot be said that it remains on the sidelines. In fact, in any country, the state also influences the religious sphere, and, accordingly, has a direct influence on charitable organizations and their activities;
  • Scandinavian model NGOs. This model is built on the basis of a sufficiently developed state social system, as well as on the established traditions of volunteering. Thus, the influence of the state is strong, but rather through social policy, which regulates the processes of charity.

Among the countries with the largest number of people willing to donate to charity, it is worth highlighting the Netherlands (almost 83% of the total number of people living in the country), Switzerland (70%) and Poland (also 70%). Thus, residents of countries located in the north of Europe are ready to provide assistance much more often and in greater volumes than those who live in the southern part of Europe. Only 30% of Italians and 19% of Spaniards donate their funds to non-profit organizations, which was demonstrated in the Observatoire de France study in 2014.

Priority in various countries different types help. For example, in Germany, Switzerland and Belgium, international and humanitarian aid is the most common. In France and Spain, they prefer to provide material support to their fellow citizens who are at risk. Also, a large amount of funds is donated to the implementation social projects for the fight against poverty, poverty, illiteracy, as well as for the treatment of especially dangerous diseases that require a large number of funds.