How to heat a chicken coop in winter without electricity. Heating a chicken coop in winter without electricity: methods and tips

For year-round keeping of chickens, a warmed house is needed. The presence of plumage allows birds to survive in low temperatures, but chickens will not lay eggs in frost.

Before choosing solutions for heating the chicken coop, you need to take care of the insulation of the walls and roof of the bird house, otherwise all the heat will go outside.

There should be no problems with this issue, since a sufficient number of inexpensive heat-insulating materials are presented on the construction market - mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, foil insulation, sprayed polyurethane foam, etc. These materials are available and are great for insulating outbuildings.

The most practical and low-budget option for thermal insulation of a poultry house is the construction of a double wall of OSB boards with filling the internal space with any available insulation (a simple version of the “pie” wall).

When all the cracks in the chicken coop are closed, you can think about additional heating. Here, too, various options are possible.

How to safely heat a chicken coop in winter artificially

The source of heat in the poultry house during the winter cold period can theoretically be a wood-burning stove. However, in practice, such artificial heating systems are rarely used due to the high cost of firewood and the inconvenience of using a stove.

Much more often, electric heaters are used to heat the poultry house - oil radiators, convectors and infrared emitter lamps.

Heating of a container with water in winter with an IR lamp

The latter are most widely used, since they are the most affordable and versatile sources of heat: they serve not only for heating, but also for lighting the poultry house. At the same time, they do not burn oxygen, like other electric heaters of the electric type.

using IR lamps has a lot of other advantages, among which are:

  • Low cost of equipment - one lamp of domestic production costs about 150 rubles;
  • Ease of installation, operation and replacement;
  • Economical consumption - one lamp with a power of 250 watts is enough to provide heat for 10-12 square meters of the chicken coop.

Since the IR lamp does not heat the air, but the objects under it, it dries out the bedding during operation, which is especially important in winter.

The market presents products of Russian and foreign production (PHILIPS, OSRAM, etc.). The most popular among poultry farmers are lamps of the IKZ, IKZS and IKZK series.

A mirror infrared lamp of domestic production IKZK 215-225V 250 watts (standard E27 base) is ideal for heating a chicken coop.

It is available with transparent and red flasks. The first ones both shine and radiate heat, the second ones give a minimum of light, converting almost all the energy consumed into heat. The service life of such a device is up to 5 thousand hours of operation at a price of 150-200 rubles.

Almost three times more expensive bulb Philips IR 250W RH 240V E27. Outwardly and in its characteristics, it differs little from the Russian counterpart, but has an important advantage: the design of the lamps is reinforced through the use of tempered glass.

Installation of an IR lamp for heating a chicken coop

Installing an infrared lamp is no different from installing a conventional lamp. Moreover, the IR lamp has the same base as a conventional incandescent lamp. You can screw it into any standard cartridge.

An example of calculation and selection infrared lamps for poultry houses:

Chicken coop dimensions: 3 x6m.

Installation: the distance between the lamps is 0.5 m. Installation is carried out in a checkerboard pattern.
Quantity: 2x1 = 2 lamps, with a total power of 0.5 kW.

* This calculation is an estimate.

However, when placing a lamp in a poultry house, there are some points to consider:

  • It is necessary to place the IR emitter in the center of the room so that the heating is uniform;
  • It is necessary to exclude direct contact between birds and the lamp - for these purposes, the lamp is enclosed with a metal mesh;
  • Avoid getting water on the lamp.


Is there a way to heat a chicken coop in winter without electricity

Indeed, heating a chicken coop in winter without electricity is possible. Moreover, in the villages they are still limited to the so-called natural heating by creating a thick, non-removable bedding.

Everything is done very simply.

  1. First, the floors are sprinkled with slaked lime at the rate of 1 kg per square meter of the house (this is necessary so that there are no fleas and ticks).
  2. Chopped straw, moss peat or sawdust are poured on top with a layer of 5-8 centimeters.
  3. As the litter is trampled, new material will need to be added (without removing the droppings), periodically loosening the litter with a rake or pitchfork.

Due to the natural composting processes, heat will be released from the litter - usually enough to keep the house at a comfortable temperature. In the spring, the resulting compost is removed and used as fertilizer.

Birds, like many other pets, do not like the cold. When breeding them in a backyard, you need to solve the problem of warming the chicken coop so that the productivity of the hens does not decrease. In this article we will talk about the winter heating of the chicken coop, which you can do yourself without the help of specialists.

Chickens do not tolerate winter cold well and can easily catch respiratory diseases. Cold draft, water and long walks in the snow have a bad effect on the bottom. If there are severe frosts in your area in winter, you will have to insulate the house. The temperature in the building should not fall below 7 degrees. The weak point of chickens is their legs, which, due to the lack of feathers, easily freeze.

In cold regions, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop with various heaters; in areas with a mild climate, it is enough to organize a deep bedding, which is easy to do with your own hands. But in any case, heating is indispensable.

It has been established that the egg production of chickens depends on heat by 40%, and when broilers are grown in a cold house, the daily weight gain is sharply reduced.

At low temperatures, birds require more food to keep, while they get fat and become lethargic. Also, heating the chicken coop is necessary if you are breeding chicks - in winter, the heat of the chicken itself may simply not be enough to incubate eggs. Thus, even in the southern regions of the country, it is desirable to take measures for heating the house during the winter.

How to DIY

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop: natural and artificial. The first way is not
requires special costs, but is not suitable for severe frosts. The essence of natural heating is to maintain a comfortable temperature in the building without the use of heating devices. In addition, chickens can partially warm themselves if they are provided with a complete winter diet.

The easiest way to insulate a building with your own hands is to caulk all the cracks in the house for the winter. There will be no drafts in the chicken coop, and the vent will allow you to regulate the freshness of the air. At the same time, the walls are preferably double, with insulation inside. Usually glass wool or foam is used. Doors and windows are insulated with rags, and the ceiling with roofing material or mineral wool.

The floor in the poultry house is also needed double, with a 10-centimeter bedding of straw, peat or sawdust. The litter on the plot is also good because over time it can be used as garden compost. Initially, in the middle of autumn, the floor is sprinkled with slaked lime (1 kg per sq. M.). A layer of bedding 7 cm thick is placed on top. As it is trampled down, it must be reported. About once a month, it is advisable to stir up the litter with a pitchfork, since by spring its level can reach 25 cm.

The advantage of bedding is that it generates heat during the composting process and the house temperature is maintained at around 12 degrees. Heat also decontaminates disease-causing microbes and slows down the decomposition of manure. The main thing when laying the litter is that the building has proper ventilation. Otherwise, harmful ammonia will quickly accumulate in the chicken coop. At the same time, in severe frosts on the ventilation pipe, you will have to briefly close the plug so that the heated air does not leave the building.

If persistent frosts below 10 degrees are kept outside in winter, the chicken coop will have to be insulated artificially. There are several ways: electric heater, stove and gas heating, infrared lamps and heaters, water heating. Let's briefly describe how to implement one of the methods yourself.

An electric heater is the most expensive way to heat a chicken coop in the winter. Various types can be used: oil coolers, fan heaters, convectors,
heaters. The power and number of devices depends on the livestock and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconstruction, but the main thing is to place heaters away from perches and nests. Modern appliances have automation, so that when the desired temperature is set, the heater itself will turn on and off when necessary.

Gas heating of the poultry house is very practical, but in large poultry farms. It is not advisable to buy an expensive boiler for a small chicken coop for 20 chickens. Do not forget also that the gas boiler needs constant maintenance and supervision.

It is advantageous to use stove heating, for example, with the help of an ordinary "potbelly stove". In private households, this is a very popular way of warming, but unfortunately, due to high humidity, the potbelly stove quickly becomes rusty. When operating the stove, some requirements must be observed:

  • The chicken coop should have a separate chimney.
  • the combustion process and the addition of fuel must be monitored
  • the household should always have firewood or coal
  • elementary fire safety rules (especially if the building is wooden and the bedding is straw)
  • insulate heating parts of the oven

Safe to use diesel oven. It does not produce smoke, and besides, its power is quite large. Bulerian is also often used - an air-convection stove that can work effectively on almost any fuel.

According to farmers, it is very convenient to insulate the chicken coop with infrared heaters and lamps. Their peculiarity is that it is not the air in the house that is heated, but objects. When using electric heaters (especially fan heaters), warm air quickly leaves the building due to ventilation, and heated objects will retain heat for a long time.

Infrared heaters are convenient in that they can also be attached to the ceiling. There are also options for vertical placement. Small private poultry houses are recommended to be insulated with infrared heaters no more powerful than 500 watts. Also, the device must have a thermostat. When operating, set it to 12 degrees Celsius. Some models of infrared heaters have a swivel mechanism to insulate the entire space of the chicken coop.

The poultry house is often heated with infrared lamps, at a height of at least 1 m. They are versatile and easy to use, serve both for heating and for lighting, and do not burn air like electric heaters. Heating takes 90% of the energy of the lamp, and lighting - 10%. They also reduce humidity that is harmful to the chicken coop. The efficiency of the lamps is high (98%), and the red color, according to reviews, has a calming effect on birds. Recommended power of one IR lamp per 12 sq. m. - 250 W. In winter, when there is little daylight, the lamp can be left on at all. It has been noticed that IR lamps improve the digestibility of feed by chickens and strengthen their immunity.

If the chicken coop is adjacent to a residential building, you can actually extend water heating to it. Pipes are placed in the poultry house, onto which a circuit from a water-heating boiler is allocated. Heating in a residential building is turned on in any case, which means that the birds will also be warm.

There are many ways to insulate a chicken coop, and you can choose the most suitable one. It all depends on the severity of the winter in your area, the area of ​​​​the house and the planned budget for insulation. It is not difficult to heat the chicken coop with your own hands, and in winter the productivity of laying hens will not decrease.

Video “How to heat a chicken coop”

By watching the video, you will learn about a method of heating a chicken coop without fuel using a solar collector.

Natural heating, due to the insulation of the chicken coop and deep bedding, is not enough for cold winters. In this case, the chickens will not die, but they will not rush either. Therefore, artificial heating methods are used. Modern infrared heaters have become the most popular among poultry farmers.

Features of infrared (IR) heaters

A distinctive feature of infrared heaters from other heat sources is that they do not heat the air, but objects that are in their zone of action. The air in the room is heated by solid objects (roost, chicken, bedding).

How heat is distributed in the conventional convection heating method and infrared is shown in the figure below. It clearly shows that, according to the laws of physics, warm air from a conventional heat source rises. It's hot upstairs and cold downstairs. This shortcoming is deprived of an infrared heater. In its zone of action, the temperature is evenly distributed.

Moreover, when heated by rays, oxygen is not burned and the dryness of the air does not increase, and drafts do not have such a decisive effect on the temperature in the room. But this does not mean that the chicken coop does not need to be prepared for winter: insulate, caulk cracks, lay deep bedding.

Structurally, they can be made for installation on the floor, for fixing on the wall or on the ceiling. Ceiling heaters are best suited for a chicken coop. In this case, they will not interfere with either you or the bird, the working area remains free. It also eliminates the possibility of burns. The heating panel is equipped with a protective grid.

When installing IR heaters, safety regulations must be observed, as their heating elements get very hot.

  • The long-wave IR heater has a heating element in the form of a metal plate, the heating temperature of which is 230 degrees. Therefore, the minimum distance to the nearest heated object should be at least fifty centimeters.
  • At a short-wave IR heater, a spiral in a glass tube is heated to a temperature of 600 degrees. For safety reasons, they should not be installed closer than three meters to heated objects.

IR heaters can be used for local heating, that is, a specific place in the chicken coop. To do this, it is enough to direct it to the desired object. Moreover, the heating of the object occurs instantly. Such rapid heating will reduce energy costs.

And if the heater is also equipped with a thermostat, it will automatically turn it off when the set temperature is reached. This will further save energy, since, in a well-insulated poultry house, the heater will only occasionally turn on when the temperature drops below the specified limits. And so all the time to be in “sleep” mode.

If you purchase an IR heater without a built-in thermostat, then it is better to buy an autonomous one in addition. Without it, you will not achieve efficient and economical operation of the device. In addition, you yourself will have to control its work. If this is not done, then heated objects may ignite.

The advantages of infrared heaters are

  • silent operation;
  • no smell of burning during operation;
  • the air does not dry out;
  • dust does not circulate, as from fan heaters.

Infrared lamps for heating

Another way to heat a chicken coop based on infrared radiation is infrared lamps. They are otherwise called infrared mirror flasks (IRSC). This is one of the most convenient and economical ways to heat a poultry house. With a 250 W lamp, you can heat an area of ​​ten square meters.

Their advantages include the following:

  • high efficiency (up to 98%);
  • with its help, you can not only heat, but also illuminate;
  • the principle of heating is the same as in infrared heaters (solids are heated, not air);
  • its glow has a calming effect on the bird;
  • positively affects the immunity of the bird;
  • does not dry out the air, does not emit any odors;
  • easy to install and easy to change.

But keep in mind that infrared lamps cannot be mounted closer than one meter to heated objects.

How to choose?

Shops and online retailers offering heating technology have a wide selection of infrared heaters. The main criterion for their choice should not be financial savings, but safety. Otherwise, it will turn out as in the figure below.

But in any case, the power of the heater should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chicken coop. Orientation should be as follows.

Important! One square meter of area should have 80 watts of power.

Based on these figures, you can determine what power the heater will suit your poultry house. To do this, you need to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chicken coop with the capacity of one square meter. And you will get the required value. Just consider the height of the ceiling.

For a chicken coop, it is better to choose models in the ceiling or wall version. They do not get under your feet, do not interfere with either the chickens or you. They warm up the objects under them well, thereby contributing to an even distribution of heat throughout the room.

Pay attention to the heating elements installed in the heater. When you need to heat a specific place, and not the entire chicken coop, it is better to choose not halogen and ceramic heating elements, but tubular (carbon) ones. They are more durable and safer. Their service life is practically unlimited, they are not afraid of dust and moisture. In case of unstable voltage, they automatically turn off.

Installation of infrared heaters usually does not cause difficulties. To do this, it is enough to have the simplest building skills and clearly follow the instructions attached to the purchased device.


Infrared heaters can be

  • longwave;
  • medium wave;
  • shortwave.

Heaters with short-wave radiation adversely affect the living organism. Therefore, they are installed in rooms where people are not present.

Long-wave and medium-wave heaters are harmless to humans. It is even claimed that they have a healing effect. In particular, they increase immunity. But there is no substantiated data in this regard.

Medium wave heaters are:

  • halogen - a lamp coated with an additional composition and filled with an inert gas;
  • quartz - a tungsten filament is sealed into a quartz vacuum tube;
  • ceramic - in comparison with quartz, they are more economical, they are used in medical institutions;
  • carbon fiber - the heating element is a carbon fiber sealed in a vacuum tube.;
  • tubular - they are otherwise called mecathermic. Dear models. In them, a steel spiral can crack when heated and expanded.

Carbon and tubular heaters are preferable from this list. Their benefits have been discussed above. Halogen models have a negative impact on health. Ceramic ones are not dangerous, but they are not reliable.


Infrared heaters are just a godsend for poultry farmers. Their use will allow you to create comfortable conditions for your bird and yourself without any special capital investments. It will be convenient for you to clean the chicken coop and feed the chickens. And they, in turn, will simply be ashamed not to thank you with their egg products.

Heating a chicken coop in winter is an important undertaking. The creation of thermal comfort is considered a prerequisite for raising poultry and is due not only to concern for the condition of each individual, but also dictated by purely economic considerations.

The need for heating

The creation of a favorable temperature regime is directly related to the productivity of chickens and is a necessary guarantee of successful farming. Even a slight drop in temperature in the chicken coop, lasting for several days, can dramatically "drop" the egg production of the bird and significantly reduce the weight gain of broiler chickens. Heat acts as priority conditions for keeping, along with feeding and making the necessary top dressings. In addition, in a cold room, the risk of colds increases sharply and a noticeable decrease in immunity occurs, and when the temperature drops below 5 degrees, the bird can even develop arthritis in the legs. Also, a sharp drop in temperature in the chicken coop can cause the formation of frost and an increase in humidity, which inevitably leads to the occurrence of infectious diseases in broilers and laying hens.

However, keeping poultry at low temperatures affects not only the health of chickens. In addition to the fact that egg production drops sharply, there are problems with hatching chickens. This is due to the fact that the embryos do not have enough maternal warmth, as a result of which a very large percentage of unhatched chicks die. Due to the fact that most of the calories the bird has to spend not on gaining weight, but on heating its body, feed intake is almost doubled, which, along with a decrease in productivity, casts doubt on the feasibility of breeding chickens.

In winter, the optimum temperature in the chicken coop is considered to be 10-15 degrees Celsius. An increase or decrease in these values ​​disrupts the biological rhythms of chickens and negatively affects their general condition. To constantly monitor the temperature in the chicken coop, hang two thermometers. One of them should be placed at the front door, and the second should be placed closer to the ceiling near the upper perch.

When can you not heat up?

To organize the heating of the chicken coop, two methods are used - artificial and natural. Each of them has its strengths and weaknesses, differing from others in energy consumption, efficiency and the amount of money spent. So, for regions located in southern or temperate latitudes, the natural method is quite suitable. The main condition for the application of this method is the absence of a significant decrease in night temperatures and strong winds. If the temperature in an unheated room can be kept within 7 degrees, then the natural method is more rational, and, when carrying out a number of heat-saving measures, can be safely used.

The first object of warming the chicken coop is the floor. This is due to the fact that, thanks to the plumage, the bird's body is not particularly sensitive to cold, and the legs are the only weak spot. That is why floor insulation should be done in the first place. Before proceeding with the laying of the insulation, the floor surface must be sprinkled with powdered slaked lime at the rate of 1 kg / m2. The presence of lime will save the chicken coop from the appearance of fleas and ticks. Then the lime layer is covered with any heat-insulating material, which can be used as sawdust, fallen leaves or straw. The total thickness of the layer should be 25-30 cm.

The most effective means of natural space heating is manure. In the process of overheating, the mullein releases a significant amount of heat, which is quite enough to “heat” the chicken coop during the winter. The only condition for the use of manure is a ban on the removal of old, already trampled mullein. In such cases, a layer of new fertilizer is laid on top, while retaining the previously laid manure.

It should be remembered that in no case should extruded polystyrene be used for floor insulation. This is due to the fact that the material has a low throughput and is not able to remove excess moisture. Because of this, the room will become damp and unsuitable for keeping chickens. Concrete floors are laid with heat-insulating material, after which they are sheathed with boards.

After insulating the floor, it is necessary to proceed with the thermal insulation of the walls and ceiling. To do this, you need to plug all the cracks, not forgetting to form a small ventilation window. When building a chicken coop that is not equipped with artificial heating, double walls and a ceiling should be made. The cavities between the two surfaces are filled with polystyrene foam or mineral wool, and the thickness of the insulating layer must be at least 15 cm. chickens tolerate frosts up to 12 degrees. The final step in the insulation of the chicken coop will be the insulation of windows and doors, which is carried out using polyethylene or dense fabric.

How to do without electricity?

The artificial method of heating requires the use of heating equipment, the choice of which depends on external temperatures, the size of the room and the financial capabilities of the farmer. Electric, gas and solid fuel appliances are used to heat flocks and chicken coops. The simplest is the electric heating method, however, with frequent power outages or with constant power surges in the network, it is better to refuse this heating method and use others.

Burn with gas

There are two types of gas heating: convector and water. The water system works according to the following principle: the heat generated during the combustion of gas heats the water in the heat exchanger to the desired temperature, after which the coolant, moving through the pipes and entering the radiators, heats the room. The essence of convector heating is that the device is devoid of pipes and has no connection with radiators, it heats up exclusively by itself, and outwardly resembles a large electric heater. Among the advantages of gas heating, one can note the possibility of quickly heating the chicken coop and high energy efficiency.

The disadvantages include the high cost of equipment and the need for constant human presence. In addition, when installing a gas boiler, you will need permission from the gas services and strict compliance of the building with fire safety standards. It is advisable to use this type of boiler equipment in large poultry farms, where constant monitoring of the device and its maintenance will be carried out.

potbelly stove

Heating with metal stoves is the simplest and most affordable way to heat chicken coops. The potbelly stove is distinguished by a simple device, does not need expensive maintenance and regular maintenance. The essence of the work of the potbelly stove is quite simple: when burning solid fuel, the metal walls of the stove become hot and begin to give off their heat to the room. The advantages of this method are the low cost of fuel, quick installation and ease of use.

The disadvantages include the need to comply with fire safety rules, which obliges to carry out a set of measures aimed at preventing a fire. Such measures include the construction of a fireproof pallet and the protection of nearby wooden walls from exposure to high temperatures. In addition, the use of a potbelly stove requires the constant presence of a person, which is due to the need to constantly add fuel. But the most significant disadvantage of heating with a potbelly stove is that it will not be possible to maintain a constant temperature in the room.

Diesel oven

Heating with diesel appliances is also used for heating chicken coops. Such installations are able to quickly warm up the air in the room and, unlike bourgeois stoves, have a temperature regulator. This allows you to change the intensity of the flame burning and create the required temperature in the room. Diesel plants are completely fireproof and environmentally friendly. The disadvantage of such systems is the high cost of diesel fuel, which most likely will not cover the profit received from the sale of chickens.


This type of oven belongs to air-convection and is a good solution to the problem of heating chicken coops. The devices are characterized by high energy efficiency and can operate on any fuel. In addition, buleryans, like all convection models, are quite economical and have high power. This allows you to use them for heating large-scale chicken coops of subsidiary farms and farms.

Water heating

The water heating method is considered the most efficient and fireproof. If the housing is heated with a water-heating boiler, then the ideal option would be to connect the chicken coop to the heating circuit of the residential building. To avoid heat loss during transportation of the coolant from the house to the chicken coop, it is better to build a room for keeping chickens right next to the house. In the case of a remote location of buildings, pipes running along the street should be insulated.

Heating from the mains

Heating a chicken coop in winter with electrical appliances is the most expensive way to heat it. There are many types of electric heaters, and which one to choose, each farmer decides on his own, based on his own budget, the availability of alternative heat sources and the volume of premises.

  • Ventilation heater provides constant circulation of warm air and contributes to almost instantaneous heating of the room. In addition, the device has a high efficiency, is completely fireproof and provides uniform heating of the entire chicken coop. The disadvantages of heaters include high cost, high power consumption, overdrying of air and high noise load.

All pets, including mother hens, do not like the cold. And therefore, in this article we will consider the main ways to heat the chicken coop in winter.

Need heating in the winter in the chicken coop?

So that egg production does not decrease in winter, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop, since this indicator depends on heat by 40%. And broilers at low temperatures do not gain weight well.

At low temperatures, more feed is consumed, the bird becomes lethargic and inactive, and this leads to the fact that it becomes fat. And in general, the cold can lead to the fact that chickens can get sick and egg production drops sharply.

So, the minimum allowable temperature for a chicken coop is 70C, but it is desirable that the temperature be around 100C. Therefore, if you live in warmer regions, then there is no need to heat the chicken coop, it is enough to insulate it well and lay a warm bedding on the floor.

How to insulate a chicken coop with your own hands

There are two ways to insulate a chicken coop -
⦁ Artificial way;
⦁ Natural way.

The essence of the natural method of heating is that nothing needs to be heated. That is, heating is due to the proper feeding of chickens. But this method is not suitable for harsh and frosty winters.
But, let's take a closer look at the artificial method, how to heat a chicken coop in winter.

Floor, it is recommended that there be bedding about 8-12 cm high. Peat, straw or even sawdust can be used as bedding. The litter can be used in the future for a garden or flower garden as compost. Every month, the litter must be turned up using, for example, a pitchfork, and add another 4-7 cm. Do not be afraid that the litter will be very high, with proper care, by spring, the height of the litter reaches 25-30 cm.

It should be noted that straw bedding has some advantages, namely:
⦁ Bedding, for example, from straw during the winter, it releases heat,
⦁ Due to the fact that the litter is warm - the process of decomposition of the litter is slower;
⦁ And most importantly - heat does not allow harmful bacteria to multiply.

But, all poultry farmers should remember that the litter is removed only in the spring, so good ventilation is needed. If the winters are very severe, then it is better to periodically open and close the ventilation pipe.

Walls it is desirable to insulate inside using, for example, foam, glass wool can also be used for insulation. Some poultry farmers also use other materials as wall insulation, it all depends on financial capabilities. The easiest and most economical method is to insulate the walls with bales of hay or straw. Ready bales are simply attached to the wall of the chicken coop. But this method can only be used for a small chicken coop, with a small number of chickens.

Ceiling also should not be ignored. It needs to be insulated and for this you can use mineral wool or ordinary roofing material.

Windows, doors- usually hung with rags.
But, winter - winter is different. If one winter the minimum temperature is -100C, then another can be -250C. therefore, it is necessary not only to insulate the room, but also to heat it.

electric heater- on the one hand, it is very convenient, put it on, plugged it in, and after a couple of hours you can feel warm air in the chicken coop. But, on the other hand, heating a chicken coop with electricity is very expensive, in terms of the cost of electricity. If, nevertheless, the chicken coop is heated using this method, it should be remembered that:
⦁ First, it is necessary to take care of safety;
⦁ The heater must be installed away from chicken nests;
⦁ When choosing a heater, take into account the area of ​​​​the chicken coop and the number of birds that live in it;
⦁ It is better to use modern heaters, as they are automated, and due to this, you can set the desired temperature, and the device will turn on and off on its own.

This method of heating the chicken coop in winter is most beneficial for large poultry farms. It is also convenient for large poultry farms to heat with gas, since buying a gas boiler in this case will be justified, and for an ordinary poultry farmer, the best way to heat a chicken coop in winter is to use a potbelly stove.

"potbelly stove"- is a metal stove that is used for heating. The convenience of a potbelly stove is that
⦁ Easy to use, that is, it is easy to heat;
⦁ you can heat with any raw materials;
⦁ the room heats up quickly.

But the "potbelly stove" has a significant drawback, which is that it quickly becomes covered with rust, so it needs care and the firebox process must be constantly monitored, that is, it is necessary to monitor the entire process.

Those poultry farmers who opted for this method of heating the chicken coop in winter should equip the chicken coop in advance, namely:
⦁ Install a "potbelly stove" in the chicken coop;
⦁ Make a chimney;
⦁ Isolate the entire heater from chickens, as well as observe safety rules during installation and combustion;
⦁ And most importantly, stock up on fuel in advance, that is, you need to purchase coal and prepare firewood or briquettes for the furnace.

Other, more bladeless methods of heating a chicken coop should be noted, and one of these methods is heating with infrared lamps or heaters. The main difference between infrared heaters is that, for example, with an electric heating method, air is heated, but it quickly erodes and the room must be constantly heated to keep it warm. And infrared lamps are characterized by the fact that they do not heat the air, but heat objects that do not cool down as quickly as air and heat lasts longer.

Infrared lamps are convenient due to the fact that they are attached to the ceiling. The advantages of the lamps are as follows:
⦁ Modern lamps have special mechanisms that switch from one mode to another;
⦁ Lamps, in comparison, for example, with an electric heater, do not burn air, and therefore, the room does not need such frequent ventilation;
⦁ When heated with such lamps, air humidity decreases;
⦁ In addition to heating, lamps also illuminate the chicken coop, and the red color has a positive effect on birds, as it calms them.

There is another method of heating. For example, if the chicken coop is built close enough to the house, then the same method of heating can be used to heat it as heating the house - this is water heating. In this case, pipes should be laid. And when heating the house, the chicken coop will automatically be heated. The method is very convenient because
⦁ air does not burn, as in other heating methods;
⦁ there is no need to constantly monitor compliance with safety regulations;
⦁ and there is no need to waste time heating the chicken coop, as it is heated at the same time as the house is heated.

So, in this article, all methods have been described on how to heat a chicken coop in winter. The poultry house decides which method to choose, but the main thing to remember is that if the chicken coop is warm, the egg production will not change, but will remain at the same level. And birds in a warm chicken coop will not only not get sick, but will honor themselves much more comfortably in the harsh winter.

Videos chicken coop heating in winter