Problems of social advertising and solutions. Selling in the forehead

As a friend of mine says: “Before advertising correctly, you must stop advertising incorrectly.”

In this article, we will determine what errors in advertising should be avoided. And we will even have time to jointly refine your customer magnet.

errors in advertising

Only the dead do not make mistakes. I really like this phrase. And for me personally, she says that it is impossible to make an ideal option.

There will always be something to dig into, especially if you're looking at someone else's ads that you didn't design.

And today we will analyze not just lexical and grammatical errors in advertising, but we will deal with much more complex errors in advertisements.

So let's go right now. Whatever specialist you are, no matter how many awards you receive, you will still have misses.

The most important thing is to avoid stalemate, typical mistakes in advertising messages that ruin everything, when small flaws simply reduce conversion.

Therefore, today we will discuss the most terrible examples and reasons for which, if we were in North Korea, we would cut off our hand.


1. Giant strategies

So, the first and most frequently repeated mistake in advertising and in general in strategy is blind imitation of the giants.

That is, if Coca-Cola and Mercedes can afford expensive image advertising with the placement of one of their logos on all banners around the city, then often medium and small businesses do not have such huge advertising budgets.

A moment of malice. Once I advised one jewelry factory. And he urged them to divide the budget in half into image and selling.

He gave arguments, showed their dynamics of development, clarified the motives and goals of such a decision. But they firmly stood on their own “We will only give image advertising.

Because we believe that our company in 50-100 years will sound like Dolce Gabbana to the whole world.” Result? The company went bankrupt.

And sad and funny. Moral of the story: You can't bet only on the strategies of the giants. At the very least, they need to be combined.

2. Selling in the forehead

But if you invite a person to the first lesson for free, advertising will work better. In other words, attract the client to take the first step, and not immediately buy.

Selling in the forehead

Or, in the case of a product, attract to the simplest and cheapest, and already in the store do it.

If it's difficult to provide something free in your field, then invite a person to an intermediate stage. For example, come in and try on, or call and sign up for a measurement. This is a 21st century idea.

Because now there is a huge amount of abundance in the choice and it is easier for people to take an intermediate step than an immediate step towards a purchase.

Although if your product is very cheap or in mass demand, for example credit cards, then there is no point in another step. The only thing that can be done in this case is to repackage the offer.

Write not “Get a card”, but “Find out the possibility of obtaining”. Again, everything is individual. But try not to directly shout “Buy, buy, buy!”.

3. Information overload

I often drive a car and notice similar errors in outdoor advertising. I see billboards that I can’t even remember or even read because of the huge amount of text.

Everything is written - the name of the company, several types of goods and their cost, all contacts, detailed description installments and a lot of other information. Here is an example photo for you:

Information overload

All this is not necessary. A person has literally seconds to see your offer, so try to convey the main thing to him.

The three-second rule will help you if you can understand the essence during this time advertising message, then advertising is good.

And don't forget to make air gaps between the blocks. Otherwise, everything merges. (Pay attention to this article, even it is divided into different blocks and paragraphs for ease of perception)

4. Value, not a commodity

There is an excellent and contented hackneyed phrase - “You need to sell not a drill, but a hole in the wall!”. And most entrepreneurs forget about it.

Write "Protection from a thief" instead of "Strong metal door". The diagram will help you with this.

But what if your product doesn't solve the problem? After all, for example, expensive restaurants do not solve problems and grow successfully. It's simple - this kind of company gives emotions. The main one is status.

Although an inexperienced marketer might think that VIP catering solves the problem of lack of status. Bottom line: everything is done either for the sake of solving a problem, or for the sake of emotions.

5. Product first

Of course, I understand that every company owner wants his company to be heard, but in most cases the name of the company, if not scary, then certainly does not attract attention.

After all, it is important for people, first of all, the proposal itself, and only then from whom it is.

Bad logo placement

Now you can swear and scream. But it's better not to. Because let's imagine the situation. A person saw your advertisement and remembered only the name of the company.

Question. Will it encourage him to come to you? Probably not. And if a person remembered only a sentence. Question. Will it force him to find a company with such an offer (if hooked)? Of course it will.

6. Offer

Design? Text? Images? No. Strength in the offer (offer). Make an offer you can't refuse. Smells like a scam? Maybe.

Our task is to do everything without a catch and raids, but it was also impossible to refuse.

For example, one of these proposals somehow blew up the flower market, and I'm sure you've seen it - "20 roses for 500 rubles."

What does it mean for a man: a lot and cheap. Of course, now this proposal has already burned out.

And it is used by all and sundry. Therefore, there is nothing eternal, and they can even copy at one moment.

7. One offer

Because different services solve different needs. And if I'm looking for where to buy a microwave.

Important. We try - 1 product / service = 1 advertising message

The same goes for conditions. No need to sculpt them all into one sentence. Delivery to the door, installment plan, credit, assembly, measurement, calculation, registration in 3 hours, money back guarantee, result guarantee, etc.

These are different proposals and should be separated. Do not sculpt everything in one place, as, for example, it is presented here:

A few suggestions

8. Contacts

I was going to write 7 mistakes. But it turned out to be 8. And there was even an idea for 9 and 10. But let's dwell on this one. Banality, but one of the most popular mistakes is related to contacts.

Unsuccessful placement of contacts

They should not just be large, but very large. Since a person most often reads in chunks.

And our task is to make him hooked on the headline, after which he took and contacted us to make a purchase. It's simple: heading - contacts - purchase.

briefly about the main

In my experience, even if you remove at least these errors in your advertising, the effectiveness will increase significantly. So right now, look at your ad differently. And also very important point see in this video:

I want to give you the only wish, do not engage in self-flagellation. This process is endless. We do it well, we launch it, and only then we screw it up and change it.

Otherwise, it will be like in that joke “Scientists have determined what a woman is thinking about. She just changed her mind."
And in our case, while you are doing advertising, it will already lose its relevance.

  • o Firstly, a comprehensive technology for diagnosing, preventing and solving many social problems has not been developed.
  • o Secondly, there are a number of problems and contradictions at the level of legal regulation of advertising activities.
  • o Thirdly, there are no mechanisms for optimal interaction between market participants social advertising: customers, producers and consumers.

The production of social advertising is one of the elements social responsibility. The degree of responsibility in social advertising is extremely high, since advertising can have the opposite effect. When cars or food are advertised, in case of failure, consumers will not buy them and companies will suffer losses. In social advertising, many topics that are touched upon are related to human life, especially advertising against AIDS, drug addiction, etc. In all Constitutions, human life is declared as the main value. However, at present in Russia there is still no state concept for the development of social advertising, one-time actions are not supported by significant state support.

There is not enough support for those agencies that deal with social advertising topics. There are no air placement privileges. As a rule, social advertising is placed in broadcast "holes". There is no need to talk about any media planning in the placement of social videos on the air at the federal level. Social advertising exists on a residual principle.

  • o Nobody wants to do it;
  • o nobody wants to pay for it;
  • o no one needs it (social advertising).

At the same time, paradoxically enough a large number of enthusiasts cares for social advertising and organizes all kinds of festivals and competitions. From an altruistic desire to make the world a better place, or from a desire to show oneself as socially oriented. Social advertising also comes to life during various kinds of national holidays, carrying out educational and pedagogical influence on the people. I do not want to give examples of this reckless waste of creative energy and government money. I would like to understand everything.

Before and after the revolution (1917) there was no social advertising. There was a promotion of all kinds of ideas from the monarchist to the communist. Until 1992, the ideas were moving forward, and then - as cut off. Well, it was not very clever to engage in agitation and propaganda at the time of the birth and development of capitalist relations. Thousands of high-class political propaganda specialists were left out of work. It was then that, apparently, social advertising was invented, as an antithesis to commercial advertising.

Think back to the early 90s. Learned people, and with them all others, sought to quickly renounce the old world and shake its dust off their feet. Forget propaganda as soon as possible and replace it where it is absolutely impossible to do away with the promotion of ideas (for example, in politics) with technologies for manipulating mass consciousness. The end of this phenomenon is known.

The state withdrew itself from the promotion of its own, state ideas, the society was left without an instrument of influence on its members. Social advertising has acquired the form that it now has. Moneyless and useless.

Sadly, not everything is as bad as it seems. It is enough to take a slightly broader look at the phenomenon of social advertising, to accept the promotion of ideas as the promotion of a specific product, and everything falls into place. It is enough to understand that commercial advertising promotes what can be sold for money - goods and services, and social advertising (if there is such a term, then let's use it without multiplying entities) promotes ideas.

We live in an informational, post-industrial society, whether we like it or not, which means that someone must promote virtual ideas that do not bring immediate profit. National idea, way of life, folk traditions. Important things, without which society turns into a crowd. Here, as in the construction of any communication strategy, no small things. Everything works to promote the idea. Toys and children's books, style of behavior and clothes, words of everyday language. If you think with an open mind, you can say “YES” to social advertising three times:

  • o when the promotion goal and target audience are defined;
  • o when the ways and methods of promotion are clear;
  • o when this work is paid;

then all the "NOTs" fade into the background.

The modern world is unthinkable without advertising. Still would! How would people know what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what car is better and why? In general, without advertising - nowhere! Remember the words of the "great strategist" Ostap Bender: "Advertising is the engine of progress"? If you disagree, raise your hands! Can not see. So everyone agrees.

But there is also a slightly different form of advertising, a little unusual for the general judgment about this “engine of progress”. This is an advertisement that is designed to change the worldview, to make you think about those things that people are increasingly trying to drive away from themselves. Advertising that teaches how to live in accordance with one's conscience is social advertising.

What it is?

Social advertising draws attention to the important problems of society, various social programs and, most importantly, ways to solve these problems. Primary goal - receiving feedback . If the problem is indicated clearly enough, its relevance is shown, then the main thing here is to give the audience the opportunity to choose ways to solve the proposed issue or express their reaction.

For example, if this is an advertisement for a nursing home, after viewing, it should make the viewer want to immediately communicate with their parents, express their care, love, respect to them. If the video or picture shows the problem of drug addiction, then after watching the person should feel the desire to somehow help those who suffer.

By the way, all over the world there is no such thing as “social advertising”. This term is used only in Russia. However, this does not change the essence.

Types of social advertising

  • State. The most common and important category, which includes advertising, and as a result, the promotion of state structures (army, health, ministries of internal affairs, etc.).
  • Non-commercial. Created and intended to pursue the interests of non-profit institutions whose purpose is to attract donations, vote in favor of something or someone, or draw attention to public problems.
  • Public. The purpose of such advertising is to give wide publicity, actively promote a positive phenomenon, an event. Feature- the refusal of the creators of advertising from all profits, more often on ethical principles.
  • Social advertisement. A category of advertising designed to change the behavior of society, its humanization. The goal is to highlight the most pressing social problems affecting, if not everyone, then the majority.

How to make money on social advertising

It is difficult to classify social advertising as a type of direct source of income. In this case, these are government appropriations, private investments. According to statistics, social advertising brings only 0.2% of the total advertising income of public TV channels and mass media. However, as a tool for creating public opinion, social advertising has no equal. Currently, this market is open and has not yet been explored, so the opportunities are simply huge. And profit ... profit can be measured not only in monetary terms.

Social advertising is a type of non-commercial advertising aimed at changing models of social behavior and drawing attention to the most pressing problems of society and its moral values. The mission of social advertising is to change behavioral patterns in society.

The main customer of social advertising is the state, since it, by virtue of its inherent functions, should be engaged in social policy. Also non-commercial or public organizations may also be interested in placing social advertising. Another advertiser - it's not strange commercial organizations. In this case, social advertising, as a rule, is a component of their PR strategy aimed at establishing favorable relations with their target audience.

Social advertising in Soviet times was political in nature, it was not particularly diverse, it was politicized, but, according to experts, it differed high quality. Social advertising at that time was used to perform information, image, communication functions. A special role was assigned to the tasks of propaganda and education, which were among the most important in Soviet times.

Starting from the 1920s, the main themes were war, the fight against dissidents, hunger, the ideas of communism; its carriers were posters.

At the end of the 1950s, a political thaw came, and the direction of social advertising changed a little - it became less ideological, and it began to correspond more not only to the needs of the party, but also to the citizens themselves.
New topics have appeared: a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports.

Since the 1990s, life in Russia has been saturated, on the one hand, with an avalanche of democratic elections, many of which were held for the first time in our country, and on the other hand, coincided with the most difficult, crisis stage in building new economic relations. During this period, social issues: unemployment, non-payment of wages, pensions, social benefits, illness and even hunger - became the number one problem for most Russians. The time has come when these problems come to the forefront of the advertising space, becoming an independent type of communication. The theme of the fight against drug addiction and AIDS, smoking and alcoholism, prevention of emergencies, domestic violence, duties of citizens and their rights, abortion, personal safety of citizens.

Modern carriers of social advertising are such media as the press, printing products, advertising in electronic media (on radio and television), outdoor advertising, advertising in the network, advertising in cellular networks (SMS mailings), mailing lists, advertising design of transport.

The role of social advertising is undeniably very important. It awakens in a person the concepts of morality and morality, pushes for reflection, makes them act, draws attention to the most significant problems and encourages everyone not to remain indifferent to their lives and the lives of other people.

Creating social advertising that can evoke a response in a person is a very difficult task. After all, the idea of ​​social advertising is to change a person, and this, as you know, is not easy. In this sense, commercial advertising attracts more attention. Selling is much easier than trying to improve the world.

Social advertising on present stage development takes only 1% advertising market. But this does not mean that the need for it is just as small. On the contrary, according to the results of a study by the Union of Social Advertising Creators in Russia, 72% of survey participants have a generally positive attitude towards social advertising; 44% believe that social advertising can influence the solution of society's problems, and 68% of respondents even criticize the state for poor promotion of national values, primarily spiritual and moral.

On this basis, the question arises why the place of social advertising is so small.

  • Absence clear mechanism regulation
  • The quality of social
  • Low awareness
  • Taxation

Lack of a clear mechanism for regulating social advertising.

The Russian social advertising market is not developed because it is decentralized. Overseas experience shows that only in countries where social communications are regulated by special state or public institutions, they exist and work successfully. So, in Great Britain questions of social advertising are not regulated by the legislation. The advertising itself is ordered by the government and financed from its budget. The authorities are not trying to force the media to place public service announcements for free. For example, the BBC corporation has a specially stipulated clause in its charter on the placement of social advertising. In Russia, the social advertising market is practically not regulated. the federal law"On Advertising" contains a large number of gaps, being at the same time the only regulatory act, including social advertising.

Solution: complete improvement of the legislation on social advertising.

The quality of social advertising.

According to the general opinion of professionals, most social videos, in terms of creative implementation, cannot be compared with commercial advertising. The state forces advertising agencies and the media to work on the creation and placement of social advertising for free - therefore, they receive a low-quality product. In Russia, there is no special coordinating body in this area, no policy, no specific program.

Low awareness of social advertising, as a result, its low effectiveness.

Ministries order advertising campaigns extremely rare and unsystematic, because there is neither a clear idea of ​​what topics and to what extent should be covered, first of all, nor money for production itself. Often, social advertising in Russia often cannot reach its addressee.

Solution: motivation of advertisers and in general any organizations to place social advertising. For example, to hold any annual competitions on various topics of social advertising, pay bonuses for orders, create and place it.

After analyzing the law on advertising and the Tax Code, I identified the following problem. Placement of any advertising (including social) is a service. And the provision of services in Russian legislation is defined in the Tax Code 38 and 39 articles, therefore social advertising is an object of taxation.

The problem of taxation

In terms of social advertising, there are two taxes - income tax and value added tax. With regard to VAT, there is one caveat that the media tends to forget: we have a special exemption for charitable activities. Article 149 of the Tax Code says that gratuitous provision of services as part of charitable activities is not subject to VAT. If social advertising falls on this purpose, then VAT is not paid. But if not, then there are negative consequences: the irreversibility of paying income tax and VAT, despite the fact that there are no cash receipts from social advertising.

Solution: Amendments to the legislation concerning taxation were prepared. They include a special exemption for social advertising VAT, when services for the creation and distribution of social advertising, regardless of whether it is a charitable activity or not, will not be subject to VAT. Amendments to article 25 on income tax provide for exemption from taxation of conditional income from services received free of charge and property rights related to transactions related to charitable activities and social advertising.

From all this we can conclude - social advertising should be increasingly introduced into our lives; it is necessary to create special institutions that regulate social advertising, set its main trends, illuminate the most important topics. Some remuneration for this type of activity should be introduced, and not forced to work for free agencies. It is imperative to increase the share of social advertising videos on television, as this is the most effective source of its coverage. I believe that this type of advertising (especially in the form of videos) is able to influence the culture of our country more than anything else.

Remark 1

Most Relevant social problems are:

  • Lack or insignificant financing of social advertising;
  • Low quality commercials
  • Use of inappropriate target audience communication channels for the distribution of social advertising
  • Decreased confidence in social advertising, in cases of its intended use

The ambiguous attitude to social advertising does not allow it to develop actively. The problem lies in the lack of funding for social programs and the need to apply to government agencies for help and look for sponsors or investors.

The next problem follows from the previous one. This is a problem with the quality of commercials and social messages, as it free advertising and funds mass media forced to use cheap tools and means of advertising. As a result, we get bad quality ads.

Social advertising is usually usually presented at exhibitions, competitions or conferences, so the information does not reach the direct consumers of this advertising, ordinary citizens. For different social advertising, various information media should be used: press, television, the Internet, outdoor advertising. AT recent times television and the Internet post videos and social messages. But such materials are not always adequately and correctly understood by the audience.

In practice, there are cases of using social advertising for commercial and political purposes. This leads to a decrease in public confidence in her. Currently, there is an interest of citizens in the problems of society, which call for an increase in the volume of social advertising to reach a larger audience.

Prospects for the development of social advertising

Remark 2

The mission of social advertising is to change the model of society for the better. Therefore, it must constantly inform the population about social and social events, stimulate the activity of citizens, promote charity and help people cope with certain difficulties of life.

The results of various studies in the field of social advertising indicate the essential need for dissemination of information in the following areas:

  • Propaganda healthy lifestyle human life (rejection bad habits(smoking, alcohol and drugs)
  • Environmental Protection
  • Protection of animals, including the homeless
  • Compliance with traffic rules
  • Strengthening family values
  • Problems of orphans
  • Problems of the disabled and the elderly
  • Prevention of serious and infectious diseases.

Crisis in social sphere forces to consider all possible effective communication tools in order to attract close attention