Job description of the assistant to the head of the enterprise. What are the responsibilities of an Assistant General Manager?

The job description of an assistant manager is created to streamline labor relationships. The document indicates functional responsibilities, responsibility, employee rights.

The position of "assistant to the head" in different organizations can be called differently: personal assistant to the director, assistant to the head, secretary.

Sample job description for a manager's assistant

I. General provisions

1. An assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.

2. Assistant to the head reports directly to the head of the company.

3. During the absence of the assistant manager, his rights and functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person with a higher education and one year of similar work experience is appointed to the position of assistant manager.

5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Rules of internal work schedule, Charter and other regulations companies;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • this job description.

6. The assistant manager must know:

  • the established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
  • regulations business communication and etiquette;
  • the procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
  • rules for the use of office equipment, means of communication;
  • basics of work in text editor, spreadsheets;
  • basics of office work;
  • organizational structure of the company;
  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

II. Job Responsibilities of Assistant Manager

The Assistant Manager has the following responsibilities:

1. Planning the working day of the head: development and coordination of the schedule of meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

2. Personal accompaniment of the head at meetings, receptions, on trips.

3. Technical support for the work of the head: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations, meetings.

4. Keeping minutes and other documents fixing the progress and results of meetings, meetings, negotiations.

5. Notifying workers structural divisions organization of instructions, instructions of the management and control of their execution.

6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to the management.

7. Record keeping, receiving correspondence sent to the head.

8. Registration of visitors for a personal appointment with the head, organization of their reception.

9. Acceptance of documents and applications for the signature of the head, their registration, accounting and transfer to the head.

10. Drawing up letters, requests, other documents on behalf of the management.

11. Preparation of meetings, meetings, meetings held by the head. Collection of necessary materials, notification of participants about the time, place of their holding, agenda.

12. Fulfillment of official instructions of the head.

III. Rights

The Assistant Manager has the right to:

1. Receive information in the amount necessary to complete the tasks.

2. Send proposals to management to improve their work and rationalize the company's activities.

3. Send requests to the departments of the organization (on behalf of the head or on a personal initiative) to obtain the documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

4. Require the management of the institution to create the conditions necessary for its implementation official duties.

5. Make independent decisions within their competence.

6. Have access to confidential information, in the event of a business need.

IV. A responsibility

The Assistant Manager is responsible for:

1. Providing employees of the organization with false information.

2. Improper performance of their official duties.

3. Causing material damage to the organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

4. Violation of the deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

5. Violation of provisions guidance documents organizations, decisions, ordinances.

6. Disclosure trade secret, personal data, confidential information.

7. Actions that go beyond his competence.

8. Violation labor discipline, safety regulations, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Violation of business etiquette, rude treatment of business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

magazine " CEO"

The essence of the work personal assistant is to, knowing the specifics and characteristics of the activities of his leader, to take a significant part of his work on himself. For example, the duties of a personal assistant include planning and optimizing the manager's work schedule, coordinating the activities of the CEO, organizing meetings and negotiations, meetings of shareholders, boards of directors, preparing business trips for the manager (see Functions of the personal assistant to the manager).

Functions of the personal assistant to the head

The duties of the Assistant General Manager include:

  • organization of telephone conversations;
  • receiving messages, letters addressed to the head, and, if necessary, bringing them to the head;
  • preparation of meetings, meetings, including meetings of shareholders, boards of directors, negotiations (a personal assistant makes a selection of materials, notifies participants of the place and time of the event, and also monitors compliance with regulations, keeps minutes, draws up results, takes shorthand);
  • acceptance of incoming business correspondence, its registration and transfer to the head, and then - bringing the resolutions of the General Director to specific executors or independently preparing a response;
  • control over the deadlines for fulfilling the instructions of the head by employees of the structural divisions of the company;
  • acceptance and timely submission of documents for signature;
  • meeting and receiving visitors of the head;
  • preparation of business trips (visa support, ordering tickets, booking hotels);
  • creation of conditions conducive to maximum effective work manager (monitors the organization of the workplace, the availability of stationery, the necessary office equipment, cleanliness in the manager's office).

What kind of personal assistant do you need

Head Secretary. Suitable for managers of companies with up to 25 people. This person combines the functions of the secretary of the head with the functions of the secretary of the company. For the manager, he performs only certain simple tasks (for example, meets visitors, offers them drinks, prints letters, processes correspondence).

Requirements. This should be a disciplined performer, who is not required to be independent in decision-making, initiative. Among other requirements: higher or incomplete higher education (it is important that studies do not affect work), high printing speed, ability to use office equipment, a similar work experience of at least a year is desirable. It is necessary that the person applying for this position be inclined to perform monotonous work.

Administrative assistant, business manager. It is necessary for the heads of companies with a large document flow, mainly for communication between the manager and his subordinates. This type of personal assistant should combine in his work the performance of both technical functions and functions requiring independence and responsibility from him, for example: planning the work schedule of the head, organizing trips, independently compiling some documents, preparing materials for negotiations, meetings, meetings of shareholders, boards of directors.

Requirements. Higher education, experience of similar work from two years, representative appearance, knowledge of a foreign language (if necessary), good organizational skills, including the skills of organizing negotiations, the ability to make decisions independently.

Professional Assistant. It is usually needed by managers large enterprises. Men are often invited to this position. Such an Assistant General Manager does part of the work for and for the manager, and the manager enjoys the results. A professional assistant must have special knowledge and education in the subject area of ​​the manager's activities. He does not perform technical work for the manager, such as, for example, an administrative assistant.

Requirements. Higher education (profile), similar work experience of at least two years, knowledge of a foreign language (if necessary), knowledge and experience in the field of the company, responsibility, initiative. It is very important for this employee not to have excessive ambitions, since the manager will enjoy the fruits of his many hours of hard work and appropriate all the laurels for himself.

Head of personal affairs of the head. This type of personal assistant is less common than others. It can be in demand in both small and large companies. It is necessary for a leader who spends a lot of time at work, but at the same time leads a very active life outside the office, has a large family, often goes on vacation abroad and is ready to entrust some of the functions of organizing personal affairs to his assistant. For example, the head of personal affairs can book and purchase tickets to theaters, concerts, buy gifts for friends, relatives and important partners. It is also not uncommon for the chief of staff to organize travel arrangements for the chief and his family (see case study: Chef's underwear).

Chef's lingerie

One applicant for the position of a personal assistant spoke at an interview about her job responsibilities with a previous manager. The lion's share of her working time was occupied by personal assignments (choose a sanatorium for an elderly mother, taking into account all the recommendations of her attending physician; find out from a teenage son what gift he would like to receive for his birthday and order it via the Internet; get fresh lamb for a picnic ).

Once her manager found out that he was going on a business trip a few hours before departure. He didn't have time to go home to change his underwear. Then the faithful assistant went to the nearest store and bought a set of underwear for the chef, a shift shirt and a tie for her. Such an assignment was in the order of things for her.

Requirements. Higher education, good computer skills, ability to use office equipment, pleasant appearance, knowledge of the language (depending on the specifics of the manager’s personal assignments), skills to quickly and efficiently search for the necessary information on the Internet, the ability to store confidential information. A sense of tact is very important, especially in dealing with relatives of the leader.

CEO speaking
Yury Vodilov General Director of Sibribprom, Tyumen

Sibrybprom LLC is a diversified enterprise specializing in the production of fish products. It has three enterprises where live fish is bred and grown, three fish processing plants, a smoking and drying workshop, warehouses, shipyard.

My personal assistant has been with me for eight years. First, she was hired as a secretary. Of course, the employee was set for career growth, so over time she was able to become my personal assistant.

What is especially important for me and why did I choose this candidate? Excellent memory, a high level of discipline, the ability to complete tasks on time, the ability to communicate with people, knowledge of the characteristics of this profession, an adequate perception of the requirements by management and, of course, compliance ethical standards behavior.

My personal assistant receives visitors, creating a positive image of the head and maintaining the high reputation of the company. Planning my working day, organizing negotiations, meetings, meetings, preparation required documents, record keeping and independent solution of some issues - all this is the responsibility of my personal assistant. When working in such close contact, it is very important to have mutual understanding, a comfortable internal state in the process of communication, because an assistant is already a close person!

CEO speaking

Group of companies "Galakta" - Russian manufacturer vodka brands "Poltina" and "Frost and Sun". The company is in the Top 10 vodka producers. The product distribution network covers all regions of the Russian Federation and consists of more than 100 distributors. In 24 largest regions, regional representative offices of the group have been established. In 2006, the total production volume of the group's enterprises amounted to 2,520 thousand US dollars. The number of personnel is 600 people.

My assistant's duties include:

  • planning the working day of the head;
  • organization of meetings and conferences;
  • business correspondence;
  • execution of orders and, of course, control over the execution of orders of the General Director.

A personal assistant is the right hand of the manager, and unlike the secretary, he is endowed with certain powers and a wider area of ​​responsibility. The key business qualities of an assistant to the General Director are communication skills, knowledge of business etiquette, punctuality, accuracy, attentiveness and organization.

Why Emotional Compatibility with a Helper is Important

The work of the General Director takes place in contact with large quantity people, sometimes communication with them is built on a rigid basis and often leads to emotional discomfort. Therefore, it is very important that the person you have chosen for the position of personal assistant not only has all the necessary professional skills, but is also emotionally compatible with you.

Of course, during the interview it is difficult to determine compatibility with a candidate. There is only one way out - you need to listen to your intuition. Surely you have found yourself in this situation more than once: it seems that the candidate has all the necessary knowledge and skills, and his experience is excellent, and wages everything suits you, but it’s unpleasant for you to talk to a person, you want him to leave as soon as possible, and you don’t find any specific explanations for your feelings. Everything is very simple - this is exactly the same emotional incompatibility.

CEO speaking
Regis Lomm Head of Pfizer Russia, Moscow

Pfizer, founded in 1849, develops and manufactures pharmaceutical products for various areas medicine (cardiology, oncology, urology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, endocrinology, dermatovenereology), including new generation antibiotics. Pfizer has over 150 locations worldwide. Every year, the company invests significant amounts in research and development of new drugs. The Russian representative office of the company (Pfizer International LLC) has been operating since 1992.

My personal assistant performs standard duties for this position: draws up a daily business schedule, organizes business trips etc. In addition to professional skills, personal qualities are very important for this type of activity: high psychological adaptability, goodwill, punctuality, the ability to be attentive to details, and excellent communication skills. The assistant should always feel what else needs to be done to improve the working conditions of the leader.

The hallmark of a good executive assistant is a sincere and unfailing readiness to help, even if the solution to this problem is not spelled out in the contract. This constant support is very important for a leader, especially if he works in a country that is not his own and does not always know all its features and customs.

The person who is now my personal assistant has been with the company for about a year. Since the leader and assistant work closely together, communication should be comfortable for both of them. I am absolutely sure that when choosing an employee, you need to take into account not only him professional quality, but also the fact whether or not mutual understanding arose between you on an intuitive level, whether you instinctively felt that you could trust this person. In my over 30 years of business experience, I have learned an important lesson: sometimes you should rely on your intuition more often than on the arguments of reason.

Who to entrust the search for a personal assistant

There are two options: entrust the search to either your HR department or a recruitment agency (see also: Who can't be trusted to find an assistant).

Who can't be trusted to find an assistant

Often a manager who needs two personal assistants entrusts the search for a second employee to an already working assistant. In this case, he is guided by the fact that they will work in pairs, so they need to be compatible with each other. However, this idea cannot be considered successful. Because of the unwillingness to work side by side with a competitor claiming the trust and attention of the head, the first assistant may simply choose a technical secretary. He will perform all the routine work, but if necessary, he will not be able to completely replace the first assistant.

The General Director instructing the search for a personal assistant should tell in as much detail as possible (down to the smallest detail) what kind of person he needs. At the same time, it is necessary to determine not only the duties, but also the requirements for candidates. Be sure to specify which requirements are fundamental and mandatory for you, and which are optional (that is, what, when choosing, if all the fundamentally important requirements are met, you can close your eyes). If these conditions are met, the person responsible for the selection will, on the one hand, screen out applicants on fundamental grounds and not force the manager to waste time on unwanted candidates, and on the other hand, will not dismiss those who do not fit only in one or two parameters.

CEO speaking
Julia Konelskaya General Director, Galakta Group, Moscow

When selecting a candidate for the position of an assistant, we also used an internal personnel reserve, and external sources. I was primarily interested in people who worked as assistants to managers large companies, as well as the heads of the administrative department (with experience in one-time management of a group of projects).

The primary selection of candidates was carried out by the personnel service. It was tested whether the specialist meets the stated requirements: skills were tested, potential, motivation were revealed. At the interview, the candidate was asked to solve cases of real work situations, and based on the results, his professional suitability, as well as the degree of trust in the candidate of the previous manager (For information on what questions will help you objectively evaluate the candidate, read the article “How to conduct an interview”, No. 4 - 2007).

When choosing, we paid attention to the compliance of the candidate with the standards of our corporate culture. Also very important is his willingness to take on a certain level of responsibility. If the candidate is the executor, then when setting the task, it will be necessary to spend time explaining the methodology for its implementation. I selected an assistant who was able to cope with the assignment on his own, finding necessary resources and building the necessary communications.

Technology for selecting a secretary for the head of a creative team

Sergey Alekseev Executive Director comic theater "Kvartet-I", Moscow

The comic theater "Kvartet-I" was created in 1993 by a group of graduates of the variety faculty of GITIS. The theater team always acts as the author of its performances (even if they are based on the literary material of another author). The theater is constantly engaged in creative and literary activities within the framework of theatrical, radio and television projects.

The work of a secretary in the theater has its own characteristics. On the one hand, this is a hangout of famous actors, a creative atmosphere behind the scenes, and on the other hand, the secretary has to do work in this environment, and the work is exclusively technical. The heads of young girls often do not withstand such a contrast. I have almost come to terms with the fact that I have to change the secretary once a year. Now, for example, I have already started working for the third assistant in the last two years. The selection technology is as follows:

I post advertisements for the search for a personal assistant. I do this on our website and on several job sites. There are usually a lot of responses - any vacancy in the theater looks more attractive than similar work in a typical office. But, unfortunately, candidates think that once they go to work in the theater, it will be fun, and they forget that they have to work here, not have fun.

I'm doing an initial selection based on my resume. I immediately discard the resumes of actresses, artists, journalists, that is, people who are uniquely oriented towards a creative career. For this position can obviously be of interest to them only from the point of view of getting into a theatrical get-together. Same technical education as processing experience a large number information - on the contrary, a trump card for the candidate. Then I evaluate the sequence of experience gained. For example, what might be the motivation of a person who first worked as a project manager and is now looking for a job as a secretary?

Contacting candidates for e-mail and talk on the phone. By correspondence, the manner of expressing one's thoughts is the first impression. Then I select five or six candidates I like for a meeting.

Interview. I invite all candidates for an interview in one evening, in addition, I call my friend - the director recruitment agency. I ask questions from the standpoint of a subjective judgment about a person, and she, as a professional psychologist, asks questions that help to identify, for example, the candidate's motivation.

I came up with several test stories (business cases). I suggest that the applicant reflect on the topic of how he would act in a given situation. In the answers I look for common sense and coincidence with my expectations. For example: “You overslept on the first working day - woke up half an hour after starting work. What are your first steps? Naturally, I expect the person to say that the first thing they do is call their manager, which is me. But it happens that the candidate refuses for a long time and says that this can never happen to him. Another example. I describe a situation where a person has a task given by the immediate supervisor, and exactly one hour is provided for its implementation. After that, a higher boss gives another task, which also takes exactly an hour to complete and which must also be started immediately. It is not possible to do both tasks at the same time. Then I ask how the candidate will behave in this situation. The ideal answer for me would be to run to my immediate supervisor to inform him of the situation and ask for advice.

At the interview, I ask about the family, the activities of the parents, in order to understand what kind of person is in front of me. After all, usually the girls who come for an interview are young (18-23 years old) and have no work experience (or have minimal). Therefore, most of what they have is laid down by the family, there has not yet been any other influence, and they themselves have not yet managed to become mature individuals.

After all the interviews, I make a decision taking into account the opinion of the director of the recruitment agency. She tells who, in her opinion, is more motivated, who knows what they want, and who does not. And the feeling of contact with a person and comfort from his presence is also very important. One girl came, she seemed to speak sensibly and coherently, she went through all the business cases, but I feel that she annoys me, I want her to leave as soon as possible. When choosing a personal assistant, this subjective factor cannot be discounted.

What did you like about the girl who had just started working for us? First, very intelligible literate formulations. Secondly, she just graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, and this is a good technical education. The third plus is that she worked as an accountant in the evenings, so she has the skill to systematize and process large amounts of data.

AT job description specifies the scope of duties and work that must be performed by a person holding a certain position. Job description in accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by the Decree of the State Standard of December 30, 1993 No. 299) is classified as documentation on the organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization's activities. The group of such documents, along with the job description, includes, in particular, the internal labor regulations, the regulation on the structural unit, and the staffing table.

Is a job description required?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. After all, in employment contract with the employee, his labor function should always be disclosed (work according to the position in accordance with staffing, profession, specialty, indicating qualifications or a specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer liable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually the document in which the employee's labor function is specified. The instruction contains a list of the employee's job responsibilities, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibility (Letter of Rostrud dated November 30, 2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only discloses the employee's labor function, but also provides qualification requirements, which are presented to the position held or the work performed (Letter of Rostrud dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between the employee and the employer on the content of the labor function, the rights and obligations of the employee and the requirements for him. That is, all those issues that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired employees, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that the job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, the presence of a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively assess the activities of the employee during the probationary period;
  • justifiably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain additional requirements related to the business qualities of the employee);
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • temporarily transfer an employee to another job;
  • evaluate the conscientiousness and completeness of the employee's performance of the labor function.

That is why the preparation of job descriptions in the organization is appropriate.

Such an instruction may be an appendix to the employment contract or be approved as an independent document.

How a job description is compiled

The job description is usually drawn up on the basis of qualification characteristics, which are contained in qualification directories (for example, in the Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For employees who are hired according to the professions of workers, to determine their labor function, unified tariff and qualification reference books of work and professions of workers in the relevant industries are used. Instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in an organization, instructions for working professions are often also referred to as job descriptions.

When compiling job descriptions, organizations are also guided by professional standards.

Since the job description is an internal organizational and administrative document, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with it against signature when hiring him (before signing the employment contract) (part 3 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Example job description for assistant general manager

Here is an example of filling out the job description of the assistant general director. The manual describes the typical job responsibilities of an assistant manager.

The job description of an assistant manager is created to streamline labor relationships. The document outlines the functional duties, responsibilities, rights of the employee.

The position of "assistant to the head" in different organizations can be called differently: personal assistant to the director, assistant to the head, secretary.

Sample job description for a manager's assistant

I. General provisions

1. An assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.

2. Assistant to the head reports directly to the head of the company.

3. During the absence of the assistant head, his rights and functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

4. A person with a higher education and one year of similar work experience is appointed to the position of assistant manager.

5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

  • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Internal labor regulations, the Charter and other regulatory acts of the company;
  • orders and directives of the management;
  • this job description.

6. The assistant manager must know:

  • the established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
  • rules of business communication and etiquette;
  • the procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
  • rules for the use of office equipment, means of communication;
  • the basics of working in a text editor, spreadsheets;
  • basics of office work;
  • organizational structure of the company;
  • procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

II. Job Responsibilities of Assistant Manager

The Assistant Manager has the following responsibilities:

1. Planning the working day of the head: development and coordination of the schedule of meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

2. Personal accompaniment of the head at meetings, receptions, on trips.

3. Technical support for the work of the head: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations, meetings.

4. Keeping minutes and other documents fixing the progress and results of meetings, meetings, negotiations.

5. Bringing to the attention of the employees of the structural divisions of the organization of instructions, orders of the management and control over their execution.

6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to the management.

7. Record keeping, receiving correspondence sent to the head.

8. Registration of visitors for a personal appointment with the head, organization of their reception.

9. Acceptance of documents and applications for the signature of the head, their registration, accounting and transfer to the head.

10. Drawing up letters, requests, other documents on behalf of the management.

11. Preparation of meetings, meetings, meetings held by the head. Collection of necessary materials, notification of participants about the time, place of their holding, agenda.

12. Fulfillment of official instructions of the head.

III. Rights

The Assistant Manager has the right to:

1. Receive information in the amount necessary to complete the tasks.

2. Send proposals to management to improve their work and rationalize the company's activities.

3. Send requests to the departments of the organization (on behalf of the head or on a personal initiative) to obtain the documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

4. Require the management of the institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of its official duties.

5. Make independent decisions within their competence.

6. Have access to confidential information, in the event of a business need.

IV. A responsibility

The Assistant Manager is responsible for:

1. Providing employees of the organization with false information.

2. Improper performance of their official duties.

3. Causing material damage to the organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

4. Violation of the deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

5. Violation of the provisions of the organization's governing documents, decisions, ordinances.

6. Disclosure of trade secrets, personal data, confidential information.

7. Actions that go beyond his competence.

8. Violation of labor discipline, safety regulations, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

9. Violation of business etiquette, rude treatment of business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

Job description assistant manager

Executive Assistant Job Description Template

Surname I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The assistant manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. The assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The Executive Assistant reports directly to the CEO of the company.
1.4. During the absence of the assistant manager, his rights and duties are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of assistant manager: education - higher or incomplete higher, experience of similar work from a year, knowledge of office equipment (fax, copier, scanner, printer), programs Microsoft Office(Word, Excel), office work.
1.6. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts RF;
- the Charter of the company, the Internal Labor Regulations, other regulatory acts of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job Responsibilities
2.1. Plans the working day of the head (meetings, calls, reception, etc.).
2.2. Implements technical support activities of the head (ordering transport, tickets; organizing meetings, negotiations, etc.)
2.3. Accompanies the manager at meetings, on trips, etc.
2.4. Takes part in negotiations business meetings ah, special tricks; maintains protocols and other documents documenting the course and results of meetings and negotiations.
2.5. On behalf of the head, coordinates certain issues with employees of structural units, brings to them the instructions and orders of the head; controls the execution of instructions and orders.
2.6. Collects materials and information required by the General Director, prepares analytical, informational, reference and other materials and submits them to the head.
2.7. Conducts office work, receives correspondence incoming for consideration by the head, accepts documents and personal statements for the signature of the head, keeps records and registration, transfers to the head.
2.8. Keeps an appointment with the head, organizes the reception of visitors.
2.9. On behalf of the head, he draws up letters, requests, and other documents.
2.10. Performs work on the preparation of meetings and meetings held by the head (collecting the necessary materials, notifying participants of the time and place of the meeting, agenda, their registration), maintains and draws up minutes of meetings and meetings.
2.11. Performs individual official assignments of the head.

3. Rights
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.2. Provide management with suggestions for improving their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Request personally or on behalf of the head from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents resulting from the activities of the company.
3.5. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

An assistant is the face of the company, a valuable employee who controls all work processes, without losing sight of anything, knows how to quickly deal with difficulties, conflicts, problems and takes on any organizational processes. Job responsibilities the assistant manager implements under the supervision of his immediate boss, being his right hand. The assistant performs a huge number of assignments of a different nature, thereby freeing up his boss's time for more global tasks in the campaign.

Job description assistant manager

A job description is a document that contains several key sections: a list of duties, rights, and responsibilities of employees. The instruction, which the applicant for the position of assistant must carefully study and sign, details what the duties of an assistant manager are.

General provisions

Usually, persons with higher education, work experience of at least one year, knowledge of the basics of legislation, possessing office work skills, knowledge of foreign languages, able to work on a computer and print at high speed are usually appointed to the position of assistant. The duties of an assistant director require the presence of certain personal qualities:

  • performance, responsibility;
  • literacy, accuracy;
  • stress resistance, initiative;
  • learning, diligence;
  • positivity, diplomacy;
  • endurance, perseverance;
  • sociability;
  • honesty, devotion;
  • discipline, organization.

Qualification requirements for an assistant manager are established professional standard, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of 06.05.2015 No. 276n. The standard defines the following requirements for employees:

  • education - secondary special;
  • additional education- professional training program for the profession of employees;
  • experience requirements are not required;
  • special conditions for admission to work are not presented.


A professional standard is necessary for an employer to understand the clear functional requirements for an employee. But the law allows you to choose between the requirements of standards and qualification guides. By the Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 37 of 08/21/1998, the Qualification Directory contains the position of secretary of the head. In accordance with it, the job responsibilities of the assistant manager are reduced to the following functions:

  • implementation of work on organizational and administrative activities of the head of the enterprise;
  • conducting office work of the company, fulfilling the instructions of the head;
  • organization of the process of receiving visitors, calls and analysis of correspondence.


It is not difficult to formulate what the duties of an assistant director of an organization are: regardless of the direction of the organization, the functions of management are generally the same. The assistant's duties are to:

  • fulfillment of personal assignments and requests of the boss;
  • record keeping;
  • accompanying the chief on trips and on business events;
  • coordination and distribution of telephone calls, correspondence and visitors;
  • organization of calls for the manager;
  • correspondence both on paper and digitally;
  • making quick decisions in situations of urgency, and providing the head of all with an information base;
  • organization of work events and trips of the head;
  • monitoring the implementation by employees of orders and instructions from superiors;
  • providing the leader with all necessary materials, office, technology;
  • participation in negotiations as necessary;
  • organization of the presentation of the company.


What duties the assistant director has and what rights are assigned to him is determined by the local regulatory act of the organization. For better performance of direct work in the job description, it makes sense to fix the right:

  • make suggestions to improve their work and provide management with projects to improve the work of the company;
  • demand the observance of their rights, signed in the employment contract, and the creation of the conditions necessary for work;
  • make decisions within its competence;
  • receive all the necessary documents and the necessary information necessary for the performance of official duties.

The list of rights sometimes differs depending on the type of activity.

A responsibility

Every employee is required to do their job properly. After the company has fixed what duties the assistant manager has and fixed them in the job description and other LNA organizations, the employee is responsible for dishonesty and incompetence. The level of responsibility is provided for and implies material, disciplinary and in some cases criminal liability for violations committed during the performance of work. An assistant may be liable for:

  • causing material damage to the organization;
  • negligence in work and failure to fulfill their duties;
  • doing personal business working time;
  • non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety;
  • rudeness with customers, employees and violation of the rules of politeness;
  • actions outside their competence.

The CEO of a company has a lot of responsibilities. As the organization grows, this range of responsibilities expands. There is a lot of "churn", on which the manager has to spend time instead of solving problems aimed directly at the development of the company. This reduces the efficiency of the specialist. Some of the tasks that do not require high qualifications can be delegated to the assistant to the general director.

Assistant CEO Position: Key Features

It is difficult to give certain characteristics to the position of assistant to the general director. The fact is that the terms of reference of this specialist are determined based on the needs of the CEO. An employee's activity can be focused on one aspect. Consider the positions in which assistants work in practice:

  • Clerk. This specialist is responsible for working with documentation. In his area of ​​responsibility are calls, various daily tasks.
  • Personal assistant. Specializes in organizing the working day of the CEO, business meetings and conferences. The specialist also accompanies the manager on business trips.
  • Deputy General Director. The employee has the right to make decisions on a limited range of issues.

As a rule, in fact, the assistant combines the functions of several specialists. In large companies, the CEO may have two assistants. For example, one organizes the manager's working time, and the other deals with paperwork.

Assistant belongs to the category of leaders. He reports directly to the CEO. Requirements that are usually placed on an employee:

  • Higher education in the relevant field (for example, legal).
  • Work experience of three years.

As a rule, other employees are subordinate to the assistant to the general director. He has broad powers: from the right to issue orders to control over the work of various departments.

IMPORTANT! The appointment of an assistant is not at all an overkill. This measure allows the manager to focus on solving problems that require high professionalism and creativity. “Church” is delegated to an assistant. This significantly increases the efficiency of both the CEO and the company itself.

Legal regulation

The activities of the Assistant General Director are regulated by the following regulations:

  • methodical recommendations.
  • Charter.
  • Labor agreement.
  • Leader's orders.
  • Job instruction.

What are the responsibilities of an Assistant General Manager?

The duties of an assistant CEO vary depending on the size of the company. In small companies, employees control the work of couriers, managers, and the life support of the office. In large organizations, the CEO usually has two assistants. One personal assistant organizes the manager's working day, the second one takes care of all other matters. The list of duties of a specialist can vary significantly. In any case, the responsibilities should be spelled out in the job description. Consider a sample list:

  • Organization of negotiations, including by telephone.
  • Reception of correspondence.
  • Organization of meetings and meetings: preparation of related materials, control over compliance with regulations, registration of minutes, shorthand.
  • Control over the execution of instructions of the General Director.
  • Providing papers for signature to the head.
  • Reception of visitors of the General Director.
  • Organization of business trips (for example, booking rooms, ordering tickets).
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the CEO.
  • Drawing up a plan for the day.
  • Information support CEO.
  • Participation in meetings and business meetings.
  • Organization of business meetings.
  • Organization of presentations.
  • Preparing expense reports.
  • Fulfillment of personal orders.
  • Creation of databases, virtual presentations using a PC.

The assistant is the closest person to the CEO. Often his working day is not standardized. The employee solves a wide variety of tasks, so he must have the appropriate personal qualities.

Employee Rights

The Assistant General Director is vested with the following rights:

  • Familiarization with the projects and decisions of the leader regarding the activities of the assistant.
  • Eligibility necessary information.
  • The right to make decisions within official powers.

The assistant general director can be endowed with great powers. For example, an employee may have the right to sign documents.

Assistant Responsibility

The responsibility assigned to the assistant should be spelled out in the job description. The employee is responsible for the following:

  • Failure to comply with job instructions.
  • Actions that violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
  • Causing damage.

If the assistant has committed a misconduct, an investigation is carried out before imposing responsibility on him. It is necessary to establish the degree of guilt. Key employees of the company are involved in the investigation. As a result, a document is drawn up. Depending on the degree of guilt, a penalty may be imposed on the employee. The assistant can also be fired.

What personal qualities are required from the assistant?

A personal assistant is assigned the widest range of tasks. Some specialists work in one direction, but this does not apply to the assistant. It requires multitasking, versatility. Consider the personal qualities that an assistant CEO is required to possess:

  • Proactive, proactive.
  • Ability to anticipate future developments.
  • Prevention of complications.
  • Versatility.
  • Adapting to a rapidly changing environment.
  • Fluency in one or more foreign languages.
  • Ability to work with information flows.
  • Ability to maintain confidentiality.
  • The ability to systematically analyze the situation.
  • Ability to offer multiple solutions at once.
  • PC proficiency at intermediate to advanced level.
  • Knowledge of the basics of time management.
  • Ability to coordinate the activities of several employees.
  • Diplomacy.
  • Communication skills and ability to resolve conflicts.
  • Operational work with large amounts of information.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to prioritize.

The assistant must be competent, resistant to stress. Knowledge of related specialties is desirable (for example, knowledge of the basics of jurisprudence).

When does a CEO need a personal assistant?

An assistant is hired if the CEO has a large list of responsibilities. Even if the manager copes with the tasks at hand, most of the "churn" can slow down the work. It is to work with everyday affairs that an assistant is hired. As a rule, these employees are invited to large companies. CEOs of small organizations are able to handle all the work on their own.

Responsibilities of a Personal Assistant

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The personal assistant to the manager is an important figure in the organization and is actually the right hand. He is always aware of all important events and activities, as well as the location of his immediate supervisor. At the same time, a great responsibility is assigned to him, which the presence of certain skills will help to cope with. In this article, we will look at the job responsibilities of a personal assistant and the qualities required for this job.

From this article you will learn:

  • who is a personal assistant to the head;
  • job duties;
  • personal qualities;
  • professional quality.

Who is a personal assistant to the head

So, manager's personal assistant- who is it? This position for Russian market labor arose relatively recently. Based on job responsibilities, it can be summarized that a personal assistant is the same secretary of the head, but with expanded responsibilities.

The fact is that the work of a personal assistant is not limited only to the duties of a secretary: they also add responsibilities for planning a schedule, organizing events, etc. We can say that the main duty of a personal assistant is to unload the head. That is, it is the personal employee who performs most of the work of the manager (the scope, of course, is determined by each boss individually).

There are even cases where an assistant manager is, in fact, a deputy, given the work that he performs. In most cases, the scope of duties of a personal assistant, enshrined in the job description, is much less than in practice.

Job Responsibilities

Job duties of the secretary regulated by professional standards. Moreover, this document also contains a list of duties for such employees as an assistant secretary and secretary to the head. It is known that compliance with the professional standard in companies that are not municipal and state-owned is not mandatory. However, the recommendations in this documentation are reflected in the job definitions of secretaries in private companies.

Let's look at what the professional standard says about determining the terms of reference of the secretary of the head.

The professional standard does not contain such a profession as a personal assistant. However, his job responsibilities are most fully reflected in the professional standard for the secretary of the head. First of all, they are divided into 2 parts:

  1. Organizational support for the activities of the head;
  2. Documentation of the activities of the head of the organization.

In turn, organizational support consists of:

  • formation of a working day plan for the secretary of the head;
  • organization of receiving calls telephone conversations) leader;
  • organization of business trips;
  • organizing the reception of visitors in the reception room of the head;
  • organization, preparation and servicing of various events (meetings, business meetings, meetings, etc.);
  • control over the execution of instructions;
  • organizing and maintaining a functional workspace in the reception area and manager's office.

The above duties are also known as administrative support manager, since when they are performed, the secretary actually performs administrative work.

Documentation support includes the preparation and execution of:

  • organizational documents;
  • management documentation;
  • Organization of work with documents;
  • Current storage of files;
  • Processing cases for later storage.

Also, the duties of a personal assistant include the ability to work with a PC, the level of proficiency in this case is also set individually.

Note that the assistant manager, whose duties coincide with the above, is often forced to perform a number of personal assignments. This range of responsibilities is recommended to be determined directly when applying for a job.

New Articles

Personal qualities of an assistant manager

A personal assistant should be as prepared as possible for their implementation, both mentally and physically. Let's look at the most important personal qualities that a personal assistant should have.

  • Stress tolerance. This quality is mandatory due to the large volume of work and duties of a personal assistant. Only a cold mind and the ability not to react to external stimuli or an emergency mode of work will help a personal assistant not to lose his strength at the very beginning of the working day.
  • Sociability. It is known that in the waiting room of the head it is never quiet: there are always visitors waiting there, or the phone rings. And it is the assistant manager who is forced to communicate with every person who wants to get an audience with the leader. At the same time, everyone who wants to have different questions, goals and moods, you need to find a common language for all of them and win their trust. Rest assured, your manager is unlikely to be pleased if an angry client gets into his office. Therefore, in this case, the task of a personal assistant will be to prevent such situations, which is impossible in the absence of communication skills.
  • Attentiveness. This quality is of great importance in working with documents. A personal assistant should be able to assess at a glance the correctness of the design and preparation of a particular document. Moreover, the main cause of errors in documents is just inattention.
  • Memory. It is known that working with documents is associated with a large number of regulations and laws, which a personal assistant must know. In addition, the reception receives a large number of calls every day, which should not be forgotten. It is also necessary to remember the names of all important partners, information about current state affairs, etc. All this requires the secretary to have a good memory and the ability to quickly work with information.

Professional qualities of an assistant manager

The professional qualities required in the work of a personal assistant to the head make up an impressive list. You can also use to determine them. professional standard for the secretary of the head, which clearly displays what skills are required to perform certain job responsibilities.

So, in order to carry out organizational support for the activities of the head, a personal assistant must have many professional qualities.

  • Understand the specifics production activities organizations;
  • Be able to communicate with the management of the organization and its departments;
  • Know the methods of scientific organization of labor;
    • Self-management functions;
    • Principles and rules of working time planning;
  • Know how to set goals. Fundamentals of planning;
  • Know the principles of prioritization. Types of goals.

For documentation activities, professional qualities include:

  • legal foundations of management (administrative, labor and economic law);
  • current legal acts, regulatory and methodological documents, state standards that determine the procedure documentation support management;
  • organization structure. The management team of the organization and divisions, signature samples of persons entitled to sign and approve documents, and restrictions on their areas of responsibility;
  • rules for documentary support of the organization's activities;
  • procedure for working with documents;
  • requirements for documents in accordance with regulatory enactments and state standards;
  • rules for drawing up organizational documents (regulations, instructions, regulations, etc.) Document types, their purpose;
  • fundamentals of documentary linguistics.

At the same time, do not forget about the mandatory presence vocational education and work experience.

How to choose a personal assistant for the CEO

magazine "General Director"

The essence of the work of a personal assistant is to, knowing the specifics and characteristics of the activities of his manager, take a significant part of his work on himself. For example, the duties of a personal assistant include planning and optimizing the manager's work schedule, coordinating the activities of the CEO, organizing meetings and negotiations, meetings of shareholders, boards of directors, preparing business trips for the manager (see Functions of the personal assistant to the manager).

Functions of the personal assistant to the head

The duties of the Assistant General Manager include:

  • organization of telephone conversations;
  • receiving messages, letters addressed to the head, and, if necessary, bringing them to the head;
  • preparation of meetings, meetings, including meetings of shareholders, boards of directors, negotiations (a personal assistant makes a selection of materials, notifies participants of the place and time of the event, and also monitors compliance with regulations, keeps minutes, draws up results, takes shorthand);
  • acceptance of incoming business correspondence, its registration and transfer to the head, and then - bringing the resolutions of the General Director to specific executors or independently preparing a response;
  • control over the deadlines for fulfilling the instructions of the head by employees of the structural divisions of the company;
  • acceptance and timely submission of documents for signature;
  • meeting and receiving visitors of the head;
  • preparation of business trips (visa support, ordering tickets, booking hotels);
  • creation of conditions conducive to the most efficient work of the head (monitors the organization of the workplace, the availability of stationery, necessary office equipment, cleanliness in the head's office).

What kind of personal assistant do you need

Head Secretary. Suitable for managers of companies with up to 25 people. This person combines the functions of the secretary of the head with the functions of the secretary of the company. For the manager, he performs only certain simple tasks (for example, meets visitors, offers them drinks, prints letters, processes correspondence).

Requirements. This should be a disciplined performer, who is not required to be independent in decision-making, initiative. Among other requirements: higher or incomplete higher education (it is important that studies do not affect work), high printing speed, ability to use office equipment, a similar work experience of at least a year is desirable. It is necessary that the person applying for this position be inclined to perform monotonous work.

Administrative assistant, business manager. It is necessary for the heads of companies with a large document flow, mainly for communication between the manager and his subordinates. This type of personal assistant should combine in his work the performance of both technical functions and functions requiring independence and responsibility from him, for example: planning the work schedule of the head, organizing trips, independently compiling some documents, preparing materials for negotiations, meetings, meetings of shareholders, boards of directors.

Requirements. Higher education, experience of similar work from two years, representative appearance, knowledge of a foreign language (if necessary), good organizational skills, including negotiation skills, ability to make decisions independently.

Professional Assistant. It is, as a rule, necessary for heads of large enterprises. Men are often invited to this position. Such an Assistant General Manager does part of the work for and for the manager, and the manager enjoys the results. A professional assistant must have special knowledge and education in the subject area of ​​the manager's activities. He does not perform technical work for the manager, such as, for example, an administrative assistant.

Requirements. Higher education (profile), similar work experience of at least two years, knowledge of a foreign language (if necessary), knowledge and experience in the field of the company, responsibility, initiative. It is very important for this employee not to have excessive ambitions, since the manager will enjoy the fruits of his many hours of hard work and appropriate all the laurels for himself.

Head of personal affairs of the head. This type of personal assistant is less common than others. It can be in demand in both small and large companies. It is necessary for a leader who spends a lot of time at work, but at the same time leads a very active life outside the office, has a large family, often goes on vacation abroad and is ready to entrust some of the functions of organizing personal affairs to his assistant. For example, the head of personal affairs can book and purchase tickets to theaters, concerts, buy gifts for friends, relatives and important partners. It is also not uncommon for the chief of staff to organize travel arrangements for the chief and his family (see case study: Chef's underwear).

Chef's lingerie

One applicant for the position of a personal assistant spoke at an interview about her job responsibilities with a previous manager. The lion's share of her working time was occupied by personal assignments (choose a sanatorium for an elderly mother, taking into account all the recommendations of her attending physician; find out from a teenage son what gift he would like to receive for his birthday and order it via the Internet; get fresh lamb for a picnic ).

Once her manager found out that he was going on a business trip a few hours before departure. He didn't have time to go home to change his underwear. Then the faithful assistant went to the nearest store and bought a set of underwear for the chef, a shift shirt and a tie for her. Such an assignment was in the order of things for her.

Requirements. Higher education, good computer skills, ability to use office equipment, pleasant appearance, knowledge of the language (depending on the specifics of the manager’s personal assignments), skills to quickly and efficiently search for the necessary information on the Internet, the ability to store confidential information. A sense of tact is very important, especially in dealing with relatives of the leader.

CEO speaking
Yury Vodilov General Director of Sibribprom, Tyumen

Sibrybprom LLC is a diversified enterprise specializing in the production of fish products. It has three enterprises where live fish is bred and grown, three fish processing plants, a smoking and drying workshop, storage facilities, and a shipyard.

My personal assistant has been with me for eight years. First, she was hired as a secretary. Of course, the employee was set for career growth, so over time she was able to become my personal assistant.

What is especially important for me and why did I choose this candidate? An excellent memory, a high level of discipline, the ability to complete tasks on time, the ability to communicate with people, knowledge of the characteristics of this profession, an adequate perception of the requirements from the management and, of course, compliance with ethical standards of behavior.

My personal assistant receives visitors, creating a positive image of the head and maintaining the high reputation of the company. Planning my working day, organizing negotiations, meetings, meetings, preparing the necessary documents, conducting office work and independently resolving some issues - all this is the responsibility of my personal assistant. When working in such close contact, it is very important to have mutual understanding, a comfortable internal state in the process of communication, because an assistant is already a close person!

CEO speaking

Group of companies "Galakta" is a Russian manufacturer of vodka brands "Poltina" and "Frost and Sun". The company is in the Top 10 vodka producers. The product distribution network covers all regions of the Russian Federation and consists of more than 100 distributors. In 24 largest regions, regional representative offices of the group have been established. In 2006, the total production volume of the group's enterprises amounted to 2,520 thousand US dollars. The number of personnel is 600 people.

My assistant's duties include:

  • planning the working day of the head;
  • organization of meetings and conferences;
  • business correspondence;
  • execution of orders and, of course, control over the execution of orders of the General Director.

A personal assistant is the right hand of the manager, and unlike the secretary, he is endowed with certain powers and a wider area of ​​responsibility. The key business qualities of an assistant to the General Director are communication skills, knowledge of business etiquette, punctuality, accuracy, attentiveness and organization.

Why Emotional Compatibility with a Helper is Important

The work of the General Director takes place in contacts with a large number of people, sometimes communication with them is built on a rigid basis and often leads to emotional discomfort. Therefore, it is very important that the person you have chosen for the position of personal assistant not only has all the necessary professional skills, but is also emotionally compatible with you.

Of course, during the interview it is difficult to determine compatibility with a candidate. There is only one way out - you need to listen to your intuition. Surely you have found yourself in this situation more than once: it seems that the candidate has all the necessary knowledge and skills, and his experience is excellent, and everything suits him in terms of salary, but it’s unpleasant for you to talk to a person, you want him to leave as soon as possible, and there are no specific explanations You do not find your feelings. Everything is very simple - this is exactly the same emotional incompatibility.

CEO speaking
Regis Lomm Head of Pfizer Russia, Moscow

Pfizer, established in 1849, develops and manufactures pharmaceutical products for various fields of medicine (cardiology, oncology, urology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, endocrinology, dermatovenereology), including new generation antibiotics. Pfizer has over 150 locations worldwide. Every year, the company invests significant amounts in research and development of new drugs. The Russian representative office of the company (Pfizer International LLC) has been operating since 1992.

My personal assistant performs the duties standard for this position: compiling a daily business schedule, organizing business trips, etc. In addition to professional skills, personal qualities are very important for this type of activity: high psychological adaptability, goodwill, punctuality, the ability to be attentive to details, excellent communication skills. The assistant should always feel what else needs to be done to improve the working conditions of the leader.

The hallmark of a good executive assistant is a sincere and unfailing readiness to help, even if the solution to this problem is not spelled out in the contract. This constant support is very important for a leader, especially if he works in a country that is not his own and does not always know all its features and customs.

The person who is now my personal assistant has been with the company for about a year. Since the leader and assistant work closely together, communication should be comfortable for both of them. I am absolutely sure that when choosing an employee, one should take into account not only his professional qualities, but also the fact whether or not mutual understanding arose between you on an intuitive level, whether you instinctively felt that you could trust this person. In my over 30 years of business experience, I have learned an important lesson: sometimes you should rely on your intuition more often than on the arguments of reason.

Who to entrust the search for a personal assistant

There are two options: entrust the search to either your HR department or a recruitment agency (see also: Who can't be trusted to find an assistant).

Who can't be trusted to find an assistant

Often a manager who needs two personal assistants entrusts the search for a second employee to an already working assistant. In this case, he is guided by the fact that they will work in pairs, so they need to be compatible with each other. However, this idea cannot be considered successful. Because of the unwillingness to work side by side with a competitor claiming the trust and attention of the head, the first assistant may simply choose a technical secretary. He will perform all the routine work, but if necessary, he will not be able to completely replace the first assistant.

The General Director instructing the search for a personal assistant should tell in as much detail as possible (down to the smallest detail) what kind of person he needs. At the same time, it is necessary to determine not only the duties, but also the requirements for candidates. Be sure to specify which requirements are fundamental and mandatory for you, and which are optional (that is, what, when choosing, if all the fundamentally important requirements are met, you can close your eyes). If these conditions are met, the person responsible for the selection will, on the one hand, screen out applicants on fundamental grounds and not force the manager to waste time on unwanted candidates, and on the other hand, will not dismiss those who do not fit only in one or two parameters.

CEO speaking
Julia Konelskaya General Director, Galakta Group, Moscow

When selecting a candidate for the position of an assistant, we used both an internal talent pool and external sources. First of all, I was interested in people who worked as assistants to the heads of large companies, as well as heads of the administrative department (with experience in managing a group of projects at a time).

The primary selection of candidates was carried out by the personnel service. It was tested whether the specialist meets the stated requirements: skills were tested, potential, motivation were revealed. At the interview, the candidate was asked to solve cases of real work situations, and based on the results, his professional suitability was determined, as well as the degree of trust in the candidate of the previous manager - 2007).

When choosing, we paid attention to the compliance of the candidate with the standards of our corporate culture. Also very important is his willingness to take on a certain level of responsibility. If the candidate is the executor, then when setting the task, it will be necessary to spend time explaining the methodology for its implementation. I selected an assistant who was able to cope with the assignment on his own, finding the necessary resources and building the necessary communications.

Technology for selecting a secretary for the head of a creative team

Sergey Alekseev Executive director of the Kvartet-I comic theater, Moscow

The comic theater "Kvartet-I" was created in 1993 by a group of graduates of the variety faculty of GITIS. The theater team always acts as the author of its performances (even if they are based on the literary material of another author). The theater is constantly engaged in creative and literary activities within the framework of theatrical, radio and television projects.

The work of a secretary in the theater has its own characteristics. On the one hand, this is a hangout of famous actors, a creative atmosphere behind the scenes, and on the other hand, the secretary has to do work in this environment, and the work is exclusively technical. The heads of young girls often do not withstand such a contrast. I have almost come to terms with the fact that I have to change the secretary once a year. Now, for example, I have already started working for the third assistant in the last two years. The selection technology is as follows:

I post advertisements for the search for a personal assistant. I do this on our website and on several job sites. There are usually a lot of responses - any vacancy in the theater looks more attractive than a similar job in a regular office. But, unfortunately, candidates think that once they go to work in the theater, it will be fun, and they forget that they have to work here, not have fun.

I'm doing an initial selection based on my resume. I immediately discard the resumes of actresses, artists, journalists, that is, people who are uniquely oriented towards a creative career. For this position can obviously be of interest to them only from the point of view of getting into a theatrical get-together. Technical education, as well as experience in processing a large amount of information, is, on the contrary, a trump card for the candidate. Then I evaluate the sequence of experience gained. For example, what might be the motivation of a person who first worked as a project manager and is now looking for a job as a secretary?

I communicate with candidates by e-mail and communicate by phone. By correspondence, the manner of expressing one's thoughts is the first impression. Then I select five or six candidates I like for a meeting.

Interview. I invite all candidates for an interview in one evening, in addition, I call my friend, the director of a recruitment agency. I ask questions from the standpoint of a subjective judgment about a person, and she, as a professional psychologist, asks questions that help to identify, for example, the candidate's motivation.

I came up with several test stories (business cases). I suggest that the applicant reflect on the topic of how he would act in a given situation. In the answers I look for common sense and coincidence with my expectations. For example: “You overslept on the first working day - woke up half an hour after starting work. What are your first steps? Naturally, I expect the person to say that the first thing they do is call their manager, which is me. But it happens that the candidate refuses for a long time and says that this can never happen to him. Another example. I describe a situation where a person has a task given by the immediate supervisor, and exactly one hour is provided for its implementation. After that, a higher boss gives another task, which also takes exactly an hour to complete and which must also be started immediately. It is not possible to do both tasks at the same time. Then I ask how the candidate will behave in this situation. The ideal answer for me would be to run to my immediate supervisor to inform him of the situation and ask for advice.

At the interview, I ask about the family, the activities of the parents, in order to understand what kind of person is in front of me. After all, usually the girls who come for an interview are young (18-23 years old) and have no work experience (or have minimal). Therefore, most of what they have is laid down by the family, there has not yet been any other influence, and they themselves have not yet managed to become mature individuals.

After all the interviews, I make a decision taking into account the opinion of the director of the recruitment agency. She tells who, in her opinion, is more motivated, who knows what they want, and who does not. And the feeling of contact with a person and comfort from his presence is also very important. One girl came, she seemed to speak sensibly and coherently, she went through all the business cases, but I feel that she annoys me, I want her to leave as soon as possible. When choosing a personal assistant, this subjective factor cannot be discounted.

What did you like about the girl who had just started working for us? First, very intelligible literate formulations. Secondly, she just graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute, and this is a good technical education. The third plus is that she worked as an accountant in the evenings, so she has the skill to systematize and process large amounts of data.

Job description of the assistant manager: features of compilation

A job description is a document that establishes the tasks performed by an employee, determines his job duties and the limits of his responsibility.
Although the development of job descriptions for each profession or position in Russian Federation not regulated labor law, in the vast majority of employers' organizations (both state form property, and private), this document must be available.

What is the instruction for?

The job description of an assistant manager contains a maximum of information

The expediency of preparing a job description is explained by the fact that in the event of a trial, without it it will be difficult to prove the employee’s failure to fulfill his duties (and their exhaustive list and is established in the instruction document), because the employment contract with the employee in accordance with part 2 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains only the position and its general labor function.

The job description allows the employer to:

  1. Justify the refusal of the job seeker due to non-compliance with the requirements established in it
  2. Clearly delineate responsibilities between individual workers
  3. Evaluate employee performance both during and after the probationary period
  4. To substantiate the inconsistency of the employee with the position he occupies (taking into account the results of the certification).

The presence of a job description is also useful for the employee himself, as it sets the limits of his duties and responsibilities, and no one should perform functions that are not provided for by either the employment contract or job duties.

Development and instruction sections

The instruction is put into effect from a certain date, and the employee must be familiarized with it against signature. It is advisable to give the employee a copy of this document (also against signature). According to established practice, the instructions include typical subsections:

  1. General provisions
  2. Job Responsibilities
  3. Rights
  4. A responsibility

It is important to remember that the instruction is not drawn up for any employee, but for a specific position / profession. Therefore, taking into account the specifics of a particular position, the instruction establishes the scope of duties that the employee will perform in this particular position.

Features of the job description of the assistant manager

Assistant manager - responsible position

Assistant manager is a special position. Labor function assistant manager is to build the work of his leader, both technically and organizationally.

Scheduling meetings and events, planning a working day, a week, a longer period, organizing trips and events, monitoring execution important documents- that's just small part duties of a qualified executive assistant.

It is wrong to identify the positions and, accordingly, the duties performed by the secretary, assistant, office manager and assistant manager. If the first positions imply more auxiliary functions, then organizational and administrative functions are required from the assistant manager. Not by chance, qualification guide classifies this position as a leader.

Accordingly, the requirements established for an employee hired for the position of assistant manager are presented as for management: from the level of education to qualifications and experience. previous work. Personal qualities are also very important.

Since neither the employment contract nor other documents contain a detailed statement of the competencies of the assistant manager, they must be reflected as accurately as possible in the job description. Features of the instruction for the position "Assistant to the head":

  • Detailed terms of reference
  • Drawing up instructions by analogy with the instructions of the head (excluding, of course, the function of direct management and making sole decisions)
  • Accounting for the confidential nature of certain duties
  • Increased liability for bad faith (taking into account the possible consequences of causing damage to the employer)
  • Ability to perform functions delegated by the head additionally.

General requirements for an assistant manager

Often there are special requirements for the position of assistant manager

The section "General Provisions" may include, in addition to listing the requirements for experience and education, also the necessary skills, subordination and substitution procedure. The most common conditions are:

  1. Higher education
  2. Experience (usually at least 1 year, sometimes more)
  3. Proficiency in foreign languages.
  4. Business communication, writing and etiquette skills
  5. Ownership of office equipment
  6. Stress tolerance

In addition, an employee in this position must know the local acts of the enterprise, get along with employees and management. As for foreign languages, it is worth demanding from knowledge only in cases where the assistant will use them practically in the course of performing his duties.

The incumbent of an assistant manager must be able to use and store confidential information.

Duties and Rights

Typically, the duties of an assistant manager include:

  • Fulfillment of direct tasks of management
  • Planning and coordinating the working time of the manager
  • Control and organization of negotiations (both telephone and oral)
  • Drafting and editing business documentation
  • Document confidentiality and safety control

Functions such as copying, maintaining information bases data, other technical and auxiliary work is usually performed by the secretary (secretary-referent). For successful work The assistant manager is endowed with fairly broad rights:

  1. Represent the interests of the organization in meetings and telephone conversations
  2. Request any necessary information, documents from employees to fulfill the instructions of the head
  3. Within the delegated authority to conduct correspondence and negotiations, endorse documents to resolve current issues.

Of course, each organization, taking into account the nature of its activities, supplements or modifies the list of rights granted to an employee.

Limits of Liability

Executive Assistant Job Description Avoids Litigation in the Future

When establishing liability, it is necessary to remember the norms of the law:

  • For non-performance of official duties - according to Labor Code
  • For offenses - within the limits of administrative, civil and criminal legislation
  • For material damage - in accordance with the norms of the Labor and Civil Codes.

Having developed a job description for an assistant manager, taking into account the norms of the current legislation and the specifics of the activities of a particular organization, you can not only select the most suitable employee for such a responsible position, but also avoid possible litigation in the future.

The working conditions of a person and his/her effectiveness may depend on the degree of detail and specification. Ultimately, the leader needs a real conscientious assistant. We should also draw the attention of our readers to the fact that a manager may have several assistants. They may specialize in technical matters, financial, etc.

There is a type of leaders who do not have deputies on the staff. He does everything himself, and a few assistants just help him with this. He makes all decisions alone. To draw up a high-quality job description for an assistant manager, it is necessary to involve the manager himself in the process. Otherwise, it will be just a piece of paper.

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