Improving the system of documentary support for the management of the organization. Improvement of documentation support for personnel management

Approaches to the organization of office work and documentation management in Russia and in the West are different. In Russia, it is planned to centralize the processing of documents in order to exercise unified control over their passage and execution. Documents are first reported to the management of the organization, and at the same time, an appropriate management decision is formed. Then the decision gradually descends through the instances - to specific performers, more and more detailed.
With traditional paper workflow, the execution of a document, including the issuance of a resolution on it, is associated with the transfer of the original document (its copy) from one official to another. At the same time, any movement of a document or action on a document is recorded by the relevant services (employees-clerks) by marking in registration forms1.
Thus, when the document is executed, two information flows arise. The first flow is related to the shift of the document itself:
1) the document arrives at the office, where it is registered;
2) from the office, the document is transferred to the head for a resolution on it;
3) after the resolution is passed and the executors are appointed, the document and its copies are sent to the executors;
4) the executed document is written off to the file.
The second information flow is closed to the registration form, in which the data is recorded:
1) at the time of registration of the document: the registration number assigned to the document, information about the correspondents of the received document, a summary of the document, other general data (for example, the composition of the document, notes, etc.);
2) the fact of the adoption of the resolution is recorded by adding to the registration card information about the author of the resolution, the text of the resolution, the names of the executors of the document, the deadline for the execution of the document, appointed by the author of the resolution;
3) upon execution of the document, the texts of the reports of the executors, the actual deadline for the execution of the document are added to the registration card;
4) writing off the document to the case is accompanied by adding to the registration card the numbers (names) of the cases, in which the original and copies of the executed document will be stored.
The presence of two information flows is a feature of Russian office work and illustrates the established procedure, when some employees work with documents, while others control the progress of documents execution on formal grounds. This gives rise to a number of problems, the main of which is the contradiction between the centralized control of work with documents and, in fact, the decentralized process of actually executing documents.
As a result, it is practically impossible to centrally track the movement of documents in real time without the use of automation tools: after all, this requires huge labor costs not only for maintaining registration journals and file cabinets in each division, but also for the prompt centralized consolidation of relevant information into unified registers of the enterprise. The lack of automated document management technology ultimately leads to the fact that, as a rule, at an arbitrary point in time it is impossible to say exactly what documents the institution is working on, what is the history and current state of a particular issue, what exactly are the performers doing.
In this regard, M.V. Larin notes “the need to move to the creation of highly efficient management systems for the entire complex of information and documentation resources in achieving strategic and operational management goals in any organization, especially in the state administration apparatus”1.
The Western approach to management is characterized by a fundamentally greater degree of decentralization of rights and responsibilities. This is expressed in the fact that the officials responsible for resolving certain issues in the organization have all the necessary powers to work with the relevant documents.
For example, in contrast to the above scheme, after receiving the document without registration and entering it into the card index, it will be sent directly to the contractor, and its further fate will depend only on the conscientiousness of the employee. Naturally, such decentralization of work with documents greatly simplifies the organization of workflow.
National standardization services within the framework of the International Organization for Standardization - ISO (International Organization for Standardization, ISO) have developed Common Rules for the preparation and processing of international documentation. At present, the national bodies of 130 states are represented in this organization.
This approach is based on international standards - regulations in the field of document management, including electronic documents. First of all, this is the ISO 15489 standard, which was adopted as ISO 15489-1:2001 “Information and documentation. operational accounting. Part 1: General principles” and ISO 15489-2:2001 “Information and documentation. operational accounting. Part 2: Report". These acts were developed by the International Organization for Standardization, the relevant structures of the European Union, national committees for standardization and other government organizations, as well as associations of specialists in this field.
International and foreign regulations on document management differ significantly from domestic ones in that these are not extremely clear and precise instructions, but a description of generalized ideas, requirements and methods without specific methods for their practical implementation, which is assigned to the user. Usually for organizations they are advisory in nature.
In domestic office work, the emphasis has traditionally been placed on the processing of details and forms of documents. Document management systems implemented the functions of simply registering information and formally controlling the progress of documents by executors, along the entire chain of issue execution. At the same time, at present, the requirements for automated systems of preschool educational institutions are a reflection of the meaningful stages of planning, staff motivation for activities, taking into account expert information, expert assessments and forecasts, which are increasingly taken into account when making decisions.
ISO standards define a document as information created, obtained and retained by an organization or individual as evidence in support of legal obligations or management activities. Unlike the established terminology of Russian standards, in ISO the main load in the term "document" falls on the functions that documents implement in the business processes of organizations, and not on the formal features of the document.
Records management is understood as the area of ​​management responsible for the effective and systematic control of the creation, receipt, preservation, use and determination of the fate of documents, including the processes of collecting and maintaining evidence of activity and information about it in the form of documents.
The most general principles of document management (creation, collection and management of any documents on any media) and information resources in an organization, noted in ISO, include the establishment and documentation of:
1) the basic rules and standards for working with documentation in the organization;
2) distribution of responsibility and authority in the field of work with documentation between employees of the organization;
3) business processes and technologies.
In Russia, ISO 15489 was approved on March 12, 2007 as GOST R ISO 15489 in order to accelerate its implementation in practice. ISO Standard:
1) regulates the management of documents on any media in any format and information resources created, created or received by organizations of any form of ownership in the course of their activities, as well as by persons whose professional duties are the creation and (or) processing of documents;
2) facilitates the development and implementation of document management systems in organizations or their improvement;
3) requires the development of local (internal) regulatory documents of the organization;
4) requires the records access control system to ensure that appropriate access control is provided through the establishment of access status for both documents and users;
5) indicates that records management in an organization should include the establishment, application and administration of records management systems integrated with management systems and management processes;
6) fixes the most important types of work in the process of creating an automated system of documentary support for the organization's management: fixing information about what types of business activities require documentation; when, how and where documents should be created;
7) determines that from the policy of management and storage of documents should be accepted by the management of the organization and apply to all employees whose functions include the creation of documents; establishes responsibility for any document in the organization at each level of management;
8) contains recommendations for managing the organization's documents to meet the requirements of ISO international quality management standards;
9) does not regulate the management of archival documents in organizations (archival institutions).
10) contains recommendations for the development and implementation of a document management system in an organization.
Many ISO provisions are directly related to the protection of information and its media, to the security of the organization itself, its employees and its external environment in connection with the storage and authorized destruction of information in accordance with the requirements of current national legislation. Such provisions are used in the development of regulations for the information security system in any organization.
Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the development of management documentation should not be an end in itself, but should add value. Goals of management documentation support how the subsystems of the management system should correspond to the goals of the organization and its management. The documentation support of management should reflect the interaction of the elements of the management system and contribute to the effectiveness of this interaction. To do this, the documentation management itself must become a system of interconnected, interacting, mutually supporting components.

These are the main approaches to the organization of documentation support for management

The entire management process is permeated with information, which is the basis for decision-making and is based on operational work with documents in which it is recorded. The organization of work with documents affects the quality of the work of the management apparatus, the organization and work culture of managerial employees.

Documentation support of management is becoming one of the main factors of competitiveness of any enterprise. Properly organized case management reduces the time required for searching, increases the accuracy and timeliness of information, eliminates its redundancy. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the organization of work with documents.

In order to improve the documentation support of management in Pravda LLC, it is proposed to introduce a number of changes and additions to the organization of office work. It is necessary to develop a set of regulatory and organizational documents.

This package should include the following documents:

  • Instructions for conducting office work;
  • Document flow schedule
  • job description of the secretary - clerk;
  • case nomenclature.

The correct organization of work with documents is an extremely important problem for any organization; therefore, it is essential that the employee who is entrusted with documentary services does not have other functional duties not related to office work.

The basis for the unification and development of new documents are state standards for documents.

The technological process of document processing provides for the use of a new workflow scheme that takes into account its volume, organization structure, location of structural units, the optimal number of instances of movement for certain categories of documents and operations performed at each of the instances. Improvement of documentation support in Pravda LLC must be carried out consistently with the active participation of all managers and specialists, as well as employees of the enterprise.

Table 3.1

Project stage



1. Development of instructions for office work

To organize documentation support for management

Office work instruction

2. Draft job description for secretary-clerk

To regulate the activities of the secretary-clerk

Job description of the secretary-clerk

3. Draft workflow schedule

To establish a rational workflow

Workflow schedule

For proper accounting and systematization, on the basis of which the orderly storage and movement of information is organized

Case nomenclature

5. Designing the distribution of functions of documentary support of management between employees of the management apparatus

Allows to avoid parallelism and duplication of functions in the operation of the control apparatus

Function Distribution Matrix

6. Designing a route scheme for the movement of documents

For straightness in the movement of documents and the singleness of their processing

Scheme of the route of movement of documents

1. As a result of the analysis of the preschool educational institution Pravda LLC, the absence of the necessary regulatory and methodological document, such as instructions for office work, was revealed. This determined this direction of improvement of office work.

The office work instruction defines the rules, techniques, processes for creating documents and the procedure for working with them, and also regulates certain areas related to the specifics of the enterprise. The instruction fixes the form of organization of workflow, determines the procedure for working with documents of employees of the enterprise as executors of documents, fixes the functional duties of persons responsible for office work in structural divisions. practical recommendations are most applicable to the creation of documents related to business activities.

The record keeping manual, which reflects the policy in the field of document management, should be regularly reviewed to reflect the current needs of business activities.

In accordance with the national standard GOST R ISO 15489-1-2007 “Document management. General Requirements” organizations should define and document a document management policy. Its goal should be to create and manage reliable and usable records that can support business activities for a specified period of time.

The instruction should consist of the following sections:

  • 1. General Provisions.
  • 2. Rules for the preparation and execution of documents.
  • 3. Requirements for the details of documents.
  • 4. Organization of workflow.
  • 4.1. The procedure for receiving, registering, sending and reviewing incoming documents.
  • 4.2. The procedure for preparing and registering outgoing and internal documents.
  • 4.3. Organization of control over the execution of documents.
  • 5. Preparation and execution of organizational and administrative documents (orders, protocols, office meetings).
  • 6. Compilation of the nomenclature of cases.
  • 7. Formation and execution of cases.
  • 8. Use and storage of documents in the current office work.
  • 9. Preparation of documents for subsequent storage and use
  • 10. Transfer of cases to the archive

Thus, the content of this instruction should cover the entire clerical process at Pravda LLC. When working with documents, any employee will be able to be guided by specific and clear requirements and recommendations for the implementation of each office work operation.

The instruction for record keeping must be drawn up on the general letterhead of Pravda LLC (Appendix 4) and approved by order of the director. Its provisions should not contradict the current legislation in the field of information and documentation. It will allow you to regulate the main business stages, which makes it possible to work with documents in a more unified way, eliminate the possibility of their loss, and ensure the execution of documents in accordance with the requirements of modern legislation.

2. Job description - a legal act that establishes and regulates the organizational aspects of the activities of officials, specialists and employees of other categories that make up the staff of modern institutions, organizations and enterprises.

This is a document that defines the legal status of the company's employees. It is necessary for the secretary-clerk in order to outline the scope of his duties, ensure rights, establish relationships, interchangeability with other employees in case of absence or due to temporary overload.

Correctly defined job responsibilities are the basis of effective management. Managers and specialists need to know what their powers are. At the same time, it is necessary to allocate responsibilities that cannot be delegated to others. The range of duties is determined on the basis of standard job descriptions and specified depending on the characteristics of the division and cooperation of labor in the organization.

The job description of the secretary-clerk is drawn up on a common form with a corner arrangement of details, signed by the employee who compiled this instruction, and approved by the director of the company. The job description is drawn up in accordance with the unified form of the job description, enshrined in USORD.

The value of the job description as an organizational document is that it:

  • - fixes the legal status and place of the employee in the management system;
  • - defines its tasks, functions, rights and obligations;
  • - allows you to reasonably evaluate the results of activities;
  • - is the legal basis for the certification of an employee, determining his disciplinary and material liability;
  • - establishes the organizational basis for the work of the secretary-clerk.

When writing a job description, you should use the recommendations of the GSDOU, that is, based on a typical set of office operations and the organization of their implementation.

The structure of the text of the job description should include the following sections:

  • - General provisions.
  • - Main tasks and functions.
  • - Responsibilities.
  • - Rights.
  • - Responsibility.
  • - Relationships by position.

General provisions define the role of the employee, his main task, by whom he is appointed, to whom he is subordinate and whom he directly supervises, what documents he uses in practice. Qualification level is regulated.

The functions of an official should be established on the basis of an appropriate distribution of the whole complex of works, while it is important to avoid duplication and parallelism.

Rights arise from specific tasks, the legislation establishes the basic provisions common to all farms. It is necessary to strive to ensure that everyone has sufficient rights to independently resolve issues within the scope of his duties. The section fixes the issues of hiring workers, specialists and employees for work and their dismissal, encouraging employees and imposing penalties on them.

The employee must be responsible for the area of ​​activity assigned to him, the accurate and timely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, and the observance of the established procedure.

Based on observations and analysis of the duties of the secretary-clerk and the operations performed, a draft job description was developed (Appendix 5).

  • 3. A workflow schedule is a schedule or diagram that describes the movement of primary documents in an enterprise from the moment they are created to the moment they are transferred to storage. For each document, the workflow schedule contains, as a rule, the following exemplary sections:
    • the order of creating the document: the number of copies; responsible for the issuance; responsible for clearance; responsible for execution; period of execution;
    • the procedure for checking the document: the person responsible for checking; who submits for verification; presentation order; deadline for submission;
    • Document processing procedure: executor; period of execution;
    • the procedure for transferring the document to the archive: performer; transfer period.

The duties of all employees of the organization include provisions on the creation and submission of primary supporting documents related to their field of activity, in strict accordance with the workflow schedule. The chief accountant organizes the work on drawing up the workflow schedule. The workflow schedule is approved by the order of the head of the enterprise, institution. The schedule should establish a rational document flow at the enterprise, in the institution, i.e. provide for the optimal number of departments and executors for each primary document to pass, determine the minimum period for its stay in the department. The workflow schedule should help improve all accounting work at the enterprise, in the institution, strengthen the control functions of accounting, increase the level of mechanization and automation of accounting work. The workflow schedule can be drawn up in the form of a diagram or a list of works on the creation, verification and processing of documents performed by each division of an enterprise, institution, as well as by all performers, indicating their relationship and deadlines for completing work, or in the form of a table. The draft workflow schedule is presented in Appendix 6.

4. Designing the nomenclature of affairs of the organization

Considering the record keeping service at Pravda LLC, it should be noted that there is no archive of the enterprise.

Along with the organization of workflow, the concept of "organization of work with documents" includes the storage of documents and their use in the activities of the institution.

Accounting for documents is ensured by their registration - a record of credentials about a document in the prescribed form, fixing the fact of creating a document, sending or receiving it. Along with the function of accounting for documents, registration allows you to control the execution of documents, search for documents at the request of departments and employees of the institution.

The array of completed documentation is a kind of memory of the organization, the appeal to which makes it possible to analyze the work of the team, resolve controversial issues, and make management decisions.

The nomenclature of cases is the main classification reference book of any organization and is used in the construction of an information retrieval system. To compile a nomenclature of cases, it is necessary to know the requirements imposed by regulatory and methodological documents - the State Documentation Support System for Management, the Basic Rules for the Operation of Departmental Archives, methodological materials for the development of a nomenclature of cases.

The most technologically closely related to the organization of the systematized storage of documents are the registration and storage periods of documents, since they are the main factors in choosing and securing a system for accumulating documents in the process of operational work. The retention periods and the system of indices for document complexes (cases, storage units) are fixed in the nomenclature of cases.

The nomenclature of cases should ideally include all documents, file cabinets, registration and reference and document arrays of all structural divisions and officials of the organization, without exception, regardless of the type of media, the degree of confidentiality and the method of fixing documentary information.

Persons responsible in an organization or structural unit for doing business are obliged to ensure the safety of documents.

In order to ensure physical safety, documents are filed in hard covers or folders-registrators. To prevent the loss of documents from the moment they are created and until they are archived or destroyed, they must be stored in working premises or in specially designated places.

Formation of business in the organization begins immediately from the beginning of the year. Therefore, a folder is created for each case named in the nomenclature by the beginning of the year. The name of the organization is indicated on the cover. Then, on a new line, the name of the structural unit is written, for example, accounting. Below, in the middle of the cover, the index of the case by nomenclature is indicated. At the bottom of the cover of the file, the storage period for the file is indicated (if the file has a permanent storage period, it is written “keep permanently”).

Documents of permanent and temporary storage in the organization are grouped into separate files.

At the end of the clerical year, cases of permanent and temporary storage (over 10 years), as well as cases of temporary storage (up to 10 years), at the direction of the management of the organization, are transferred to the archive of the organization. In some cases, documents can be transferred for storage to departmental or state archives. The procedure for the transfer of cases, the procedure for using documents stored in the archives are specified in regulatory documents.

Inside the case, the documents will be systematized in question-logical, chronological, alphabetical and numerical order. The systematization of certain categories of documents has its own specifics. So administrative documents (orders, orders, resolutions, etc.) are formed by type and chronology.

At the workplaces of performers, documents should be stored in folders, folders, folders-registrators. In turn, they are stored in trays, suspended blocks, which are installed on office tables or built into them. In the current archives of departments, to accommodate a large number of documents completed in the case, it is recommended to use racks and cabinets with movable and fixed sections.

In the archives of the organization, in special archives, documents should be stored in special rooms that provide storage conditions, using metal racks of various sizes and varying degrees of mechanization.

Any document created in a society is included in the corresponding documentation system as its element. The documentation system is understood as a set of documents interconnected according to the signs of origin, purpose, type, scope of activity, uniform requirements for their execution. Therefore, for proper accounting and systematization, on the basis of which the orderly storage and movement of documented information is organized, it is necessary for the organization to develop a special document - the nomenclature of cases (Appendix 7).

A set of organizational and regulatory documents will contribute to a more rational distribution of functions and duties among employees, increase labor productivity, reduce labor costs and more accurate and efficient functioning of the organization.

5. Development of a matrix for the distribution of functions for documentary support of management (Appendix 8).

Documentation of the management activities of the organization is the most important service function of management, the rational organization of which determines the speed and quality of managerial decision-making, the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

A managerial decision is a choice of one of the possible options for actions that allows you to achieve your goal, solve a particular problem. The functions of management documentation support are closely related to the development of a management decision, since it is in the documents that all the most important management decisions are recorded. In practice, managers and specialists are constantly faced with the need to make various kinds of decisions. This is one of the most important moments of their activity, the product of their labor.

The process of preparing and making a decision consists of several stages: setting goals based on a specific situation and formulating a problem; collection and study of the necessary information; development of possible courses of action.

Consider the individual stages of developing a management decision:

Definition of goals and formulation of the problem. A goal is an intended condition that motivates a decision. Problems can be identified by the management of the organization, heads of departments, ordinary workers. As a result of obtaining, classifying and organizing information, the presence of a problem or its absence is revealed. Formulating the problem requires determining the actual and desired state of the object, the existing constraints and criteria for optimal solutions. By identifying the problem, the leader ranks it among other problems.

Collection and study of the necessary information. At this stage, relevant information is collected about the external and internal environment of the organization on the problem being solved. However, it may not be enough to make a decision, so it is necessary that as many employees as possible be involved in the information gathering process. The information provided must be relevant, reliable, timely, corresponding to real events. Timely receipt of the necessary information is ensured by an effective system of documentation support for management. To determine what the optimal solution should be, it is necessary to establish criteria against which alternatives will be evaluated.

Development of possible options for action. Ideally, it is necessary to highlight all possible actions that could eliminate the problem or use the opportunities that have arisen and ensure the achievement of goals.

Decision-making. If the problem is correctly assessed and alternative solutions are carefully evaluated, it is relatively easy to make a choice. However, many managers try to avoid it or pass it on to someone else so as not to take responsibility for the consequences.

It should be noted that all employees of the organization work with documents. Documents are always created solely for any purpose: either to secure information in the performance of tasks, or at the request of regulatory authorities.

An employee of the organization seeks to consolidate information in documents when solving the following tasks: managing current work, when it is associated with the receipt and transmission of a large amount of information; management of the organization's resources in time and space in the current mode and in the future; management (coordination of work) of subordinate personnel; implementation of agreements with external organizations; reflection of the course of events, events; analysis of various data, their evaluation; summing up the results of work for a certain period; working time planning.

Thus, an employee, compiling one or another type of service document, performs a certain function in accordance with his role in the organization, with his job responsibilities. The quality and timeliness of the preparation of documents affects the performance of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole, and therefore increases its competitiveness.

6. Designing a route scheme for the movement of incoming, outgoing and executable documents (Appendix 9, 10).

To select the optimal routes for the movement of documents in the organization, rational route-technological schemes for the movement and processing of documents have been developed. Schemes allow you to determine the places of operations for their processing.

Documents in an organization are transferred from one structural unit to another or from contractor to contractor, and certain clerical operations are performed with them. Consequently, the efficiency of resolving issues recorded in the documents depends on the speed of delivery and processing of documents, which in turn is due to the organization of document management in the organization.

The basic principles of the organization of workflow: the passage of documents must be prompt; each movement of the document must be justified, it is necessary to exclude or limit the return of documents; the procedure for passing and the process of processing the main types of documents should be uniform.

Thus, the main task of the organization of workflow is the directness in the movement of documents and the one-time processing of them.

Processing of incoming documents represents the first stage of work with received documents.

The incoming document flow consists of: documents of higher organizations, documents of subordinate organizations, documents of other organizations, complaints and statements of citizens.

Outgoing documents in the process of processing also go through a number of instances. Work on them consists of drafting a document, reprinting, approval, endorsement, signing, registration and processing for sending.

Internal documents go through the following stages: preparation of a draft document, reprint, approval, endorsement, signing, transfer to the addressee. Therefore, the routes of their passage at the stages of preparation and execution are the same as those of outgoing documents, and at the stage of execution they coincide with the routes of incoming documents.

The greatest economic efficiency is achieved with a centralized accounting system, i.e. with the concentration of all registration operations in one place, the centralization of accounting documents creates conditions for their single registration and mechanization of individual operations. The centralized system allows you to create a single information center of the organization, as well as to maintain operational control over a wide range of documents. Structural subdivisions are thus exempted from numerous duplicating operations.


Zinakova O.S.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture"

ogiik. infokaf@

Documentation support as one of the components of management functions is present in all enterprise management systems, including the personnel management system. DOW is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. The main goal of improving the DOE is to establish uniform principles for working with documents at all levels of management, organizing the enterprise's workflow, reducing the number and improving the quality of documents, creating conditions for the effective use of advanced technical means and technologies for collecting, processing, moving, analyzing information, improving the work of the management apparatus .

Personnel management, due to its specificity, due, in particular, to the involvement of a significant number of participants in the management process, a certain sequence of preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions, and finally, careful regulation of the type of activity in question, needs both documentation and appropriate document management. Documentation support for personnel management includes a full cycle - the creation (documentation), processing and movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are created by personnel officers or received until completion of execution or transfer to other departments. Each division of the personnel management service develops, draws up and executes documentation in accordance with its functional purpose, the procedure for working with which is determined by internal regulations, rules and instructions.

The composition of the properties of the system of documentation support for personnel management includes:

1) the presence of a significant number of constituent elements that are interconnected by information channels for data transmission;

2) the presence of one common goal of management for the entire system and private goals for the system at any level, which are subordinate to the common goal;

3) division of a system of any level into separate elements, the goals and objectives of which are subordinate to the goals and objectives of the management system of a given level.

The Russian television and radio broadcasting network of the city of Bryansk in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, resolutions, orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, ministries and departments, the Civil, Labor and Pension Codes of the Russian Federation, orders of the Directorate of the enterprise , rules, instructions and regulations developed by the enterprise.

Preschool educational institutions for personnel in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network of Bryansk are carried out by the personnel service. Personnel management in a unitary enterprise The Russian television and radio broadcasting network involves the organization of recruitment, selection, reception of personnel, its business assessment, career guidance and adaptation, training, management of its business career and professional promotion, motivation and organization of work, conflict and stress management, ensuring social development of the organization, the release of personnel, etc. This should also include issues of interaction between the head of the organization and employment services, personnel safety management. According to labor legislation, the regulation of labor relations in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network is carried out by concluding, amending and supplementing collective agreements, agreements and labor contracts by the employee and the employer. The main guiding documents in the field of personnel management at the enterprise Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network are:

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 14, 1997 N 12 "On the certification of workplaces for working conditions";

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2007 N 569 “On Approval of the Procedure for Certification of Workplaces for Working Conditions”;

Commentary on the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 31, 2007 N 569 "On approval of the Procedure for attestation of workplaces for working conditions";

The enterprise has available regulatory and legal documents that regulate the documentary support of management at the enterprise.

During the analysis of the organization of the preschool educational institution, it was revealed that for the preparation of documents in the Russian television and radio broadcasting network they use the outdated instruction “Typical instructions for office work in the ministries and departments of the Russian Federation: registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated August 05, 1993 No. 321”. Checking the correctness of the paperwork for 2013 showed that 25 documents were drawn up in violation of the provisions of the State Standards of Ukraine, GOST R. 6. 30-2003. explanatory notes were not attached to the document. This is considered a violation of Art. 1131 of the provisions of the State All-Russian Standard for Management Documentation Support (GOSDOU).

To automate the preschool educational institution of personnel, the most common solution is to automate individual workplaces (AWP): assistant secretary, manager, accountant or assistant manager. The main disadvantage of this approach is the lack of a functional connection between the automation of application procedures and the automation of office procedures.

An enterprise seeking to create an effective information processing environment to improve the quality of management has two serious tasks:

1) Improvement of all work on the preparation and processing of documentary information, by creating a mechanism for documentary support of the enterprise (DOE).

2) Choosing the right automation strategy.

To solve the first task, it is necessary to be guided by the existing provisions of GOST, regulatory documents, Federal Law:

  1. New GOST R 7.0 -2013 "SIBID. Paperwork and archiving. Terms and definitions"
  2. GOST R 6.30–2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements.
  3. State system of documentation support for management. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation support services.
  4. OK 011–93 "All-Russian classifier of management documentation"

It is impossible today to be based on a standard instruction on office work, it is necessary to create your own instruction, taking into account the specifics of the workflow at the enterprise.

To solve the second problem, it is important to pay attention to the technologies offered by various companies for the automation of preschool educational institutions. For this enterprise, the most suitable is the automated document management system "Delo", the "Personnel" module, as it is an operational decision-making on documents and an effective means of monitoring their execution, as well as a professional solution for maintaining both traditional and electronic document management.

Thus, for any enterprise, it is vital to constantly improve the documentation support of management, as this affects the quality of personnel policy and personnel management.

List of sources used:

  1. GOST R 7.0-2013 "SIBID. Paperwork and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by order of Rosstandart dated October 17, 2013 No. 1185).
  2. Bobyleva M. Document circulation in the organization: modern approaches / M. Bobyleva //Financial newspaper. - 2012. - No. 16. - S. 20-28.
  3. Gorbenko M. We regulate our personnel records management / M. Gorbenko // Kadrovik. Personnel management. - 2014. - No. 10 - P.12-16.
  4. Larin M. Problems of improving the documentation support of management in modern conditions / M. Larin // ACDI "Economics and Life". - 2012. - No. 31. - P.6-11.
  5. Novikova T.M. The importance of personnel records management in the sphere of the organization / T.M. Novikova // Management of human potential. - 2013. - No. 8. - P.23-26.

Determination of the role of the personnel records management system in the personnel management system. The concept, structure, methodology for assessing the state of documentary support for personnel management on the example of LLC "Lolita", developing a program for its improvement.

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The main goal of improving the DOE is to establish uniform principles for working with documents at all levels of management, organizing the enterprise's workflow, improving the quality of documents, creating conditions for the effective use of advanced technical means and technologies for collecting, processing, moving, analyzing information, improving the work of the management apparatus.

An organization striving to create an effective information processing environment to improve the quality of management has a serious task - to improve the work on the preparation and processing of documentary information by creating a mechanism for documenting enterprise management (DOE).

To solve this problem, it is necessary to be guided by existing regulatory documents, the provisions of GOST and the recommendations of specialists.

In connection with the new requirements based on modern international standards, a methodological basis is needed that takes into account these requirements for the construction of documentation support for management. In this regard, the first stage in improving the documentation management support (DOU) is the construction of an algorithm, on the basis of which the current system will be evaluated and all components of the system improvement process will be worked out.

The main tasks in assessing and improving the preschool educational institution are:

Improving the efficiency of management activities;

Accelerating the movement of documents in the organization;

Reducing the complexity of document processing;

Determination of compliance with the availability and needs of production and management processes in documentation support;

Availability and further setting of goals for documentation support (the achievement of which should be ensured by the document system);

Determination of the functions of the document system based on the goals set, taking into account the requirements.

The main task in constructing an algorithm for assessing and improving the DOE is to link system requirements and basic attributes that allow the control system to be in balance.

The practice of streamlining document management in the management apparatus allows us to identify the main stages of design:

Conducting a pre-project study, i.e. collection of initial data for design;

Analysis of samples of internal documentation and classification of documents;

Analysis of the existing workflow of the enterprise;

Analysis of existing document management (document management practices, document storage practices, file formation practices, compliance with GOST R 6.30-2003);

Analysis of the nomenclature of the affairs of the enterprise;

A photograph of the working day of employees involved in the enterprise's document management in order to identify the actual state of the use of technologies for preschool educational institutions and the practice of documenting decisions made;

Identification of shortcomings in the documentation of management;

Preparation of technical specifications for design;

Development of a project for the rationalization of document management and calculation of the expected economic efficiency from its implementation;


Carrying out each stage requires the use of certain methods inherent in this stage.

Functions, tasks and structure of the organization;

Organizational and regulatory materials on office work;

Documents of the organization (design and content);

The nature of the loading of the record keeping of the main specialists;

Organization of work with documents;

Document passing technology;

Organization of production (set) and reproduction of documents;

Organization of delivery (movement) of documents;

Organization of the current storage of documents and delivery to the archive.

The following methods were used in the research work: monographic method, generalization, study of documents, direct observation, photograph of a working day, graphic, statistical. The choice of method is determined, on the one hand, by the purpose of the study, and on the other hand, by the nature and conditions of the working time being studied.

The monographic method is a deep study and a specific description of the economic activities of individual units of the population under study. It consists in the fact that the problem of documentary management is carefully and from many sides analyzed at the enterprise, after which a conclusion is made from this object to a wider area of ​​similar objects.

Generalization is the definition of the general concept of documentation support for management, which reflects the main, basic, characterizing concept of DOW.

The study of documents is one of the main obligatory methods from which the study begins.

The documents required for study during organizational design can be divided into several groups.

The first group includes legislative and regulatory materials on the creation, tasks, functions of the organization, legislative acts, orders, charter and staffing, which allows you to immediately imagine the size of the organization, documentary flows and their volume.

Particularly noteworthy are the regulatory and methodological materials on the organization of document management: instructions for office work, job descriptions of employees, guidelines for performing individual operations in working with documents.

The second group includes various accounting forms, lists and information that provide material on the state, document processing technologies in the organization.

Collecting information about the procedure for receiving, processing and transmitting incoming and outgoing correspondence, the volume of workflow and the structure of document flows, we study accounting forms (magazines, registers), schedules and routes of documents.

A special approach requires the study of materials characterizing the organization of the current storage of documents.

The method of observation is also one of the main ones. It consists in the direct presence in the organization at specific workplaces and visual fixation of ongoing processes and working conditions.

The observation method is used to determine the nature of the workload of the manager and chief specialists, the organization of work on the reception, processing, production, transportation, storage of documents and computer equipment.

To determine the nature of the loading of working time for maintaining documentation of the main categories of office personnel and identifying the types of work performed by individual employees, I used a photograph of the working day. The results of the photograph of the working day are an integral part of the report on the organization of the preschool educational institution.

The purpose of photographing a working day is to determine the content of labor, the number of units of work and the cost of working time, as well as to study issues related to improving the efficiency of workers with documents and ensuring the rational organization of labor.

In the technology of photographing a working day, I identified three stages:


Systematization of the received data;

Analysis of the obtained results.

During the working day, all actual actions and breaks were noted with an accuracy of one minute, and against each element of the cost of working time, the time and duration of the operation were affixed.

When systematizing the received data, she brought them into a single system.

The analysis of the results obtained is a procedure for mentally, and often also real, dismemberment of an object into parts; analytical procedures are one of the main ones in scientific research.

The graphical method provides for a detailed and concise fixation of the observed operations using a drawing. It is used in the study of document flow.

The statistical method provides for the quantitative accounting of homogeneous operations and phenomena. It was used to calculate the volume of workflow, the number of registered and controlled documents, and the results of a photograph of a working day.

The basis of the entire methodology for designing documentation support for management should first be the definition of the goal, and then the mechanism for achieving it.

The systemic nature of the approach itself is manifested in the following:

Do not lose sight of any of the management tasks, without which the implementation of the goals will not be complete;

To identify and interconnect with respect to these tasks the entire system of functions, rights and responsibilities along the vertical;

Investigate and organize all connections and relationships along the horizontal management;

Provide an organic combination of vertical and horizontal management of documentation support.

Important in the development of regulatory documentation is the preparation (description, design) of documents. There are no hard methods at this stage, but there are certain methodological documents and stylistic rules for formulating the provisions of job descriptions, instructions for office work.

Designing a system of documentary support for management should include a system of goals and their distribution between various links. This includes the composition of units that are in certain connections and relationships with each other, the distribution of responsibility.

At the stage of designing regulatory documentation, the following methods were used.

The method of "participation or active observation" involves the active involvement of the analyzer in the process of performing the work in relation to which he collects information. The main inconvenience of this method is the large expenditure of working time for the collection of relevant information. In addition, there is a danger that some information will remain undetected and the observer will have a different view of the work, since the observer is less experienced in doing the work, especially if active observation is carried out for a short period of time.

The most important method in designing documentation is the functional analysis of positions. Information collected by methods of interviewing (interviewing) in a loosely standardized version, and observations are analyzed according to three parameters: data, personnel, subjects of activity.

When distributing control functions among the specialists of the control apparatus, a parametric method was used. The purpose of this method is to establish functional dependencies between the parameters of the elements of the production system and the control system in order to identify the degree of their compliance.

The following groups of methods are used to develop regulatory documentation:

Information collection methods;

Information analysis methods;

Methods for designing regulations.

When formulating the provisions of job descriptions, it is recommended to use the following rules:

Describe tasks or responsibilities by beginning sentences with a verb denoting an employee's action, used in the present tense;

Be precise, use the minimum number of words, avoid repetition;

Always distinguish between direct responsibility for the direct execution of a task and managerial responsibility, which consists in monitoring and supervising their performance by others. It is most important to determine the contour of the methodological support of the regulatory functions of managerial activity.

The specifics of managerial work, as an object of regulation, necessitates a distinction between quantitative methods for calculating and evaluating indicators of the management activities of enterprises and qualitative methods for designing regulatory documentation.

Normative and methodological base for the development of instructions and regulations:

Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 1998;

Model provisions and job descriptions.

The advantage of these documents is the presence of a complete list of positions, job responsibilities and skills of the management personnel of the organization.

The methodology for developing regulatory documentation has the following features:

When developing job requirements, common standard descriptions for a group of positions of the same name are used less and less;

Top management and lower management positions are viewed by many organizations as unique;

It is considered important for senior management positions to establish specific personality traits of the leader that meet the requirements for this leadership position.

The most important and generalizing documents regulating the distribution of functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of units and officials of management personnel are job descriptions, instructions for office work.

When developing the job description of the secretary-clerk and other documents in this work, the normative method was used. It provides for the application of a system of standards that determine the composition and content of management functions.

For the design of the nomenclature of cases, the Guidelines for the development of exemplary nomenclature of cases proposed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving were used.

To assess the effectiveness of improving management, the method of analogies was used, which consists in the use in the process of rationalization and design of documentation support for management of proven projects with similar characteristics.

Measures to improve the documentation support of management should lead to:

ѕ reduction of terms of passage and execution of documents;

- elimination of loss of documents;

* optimization of the document approval process;

ѕ centralized storage of texts of documents prepared in

electronic form, and their graphic images;

ѕ control of the passage of documents in the divisions of the enterprise with

the moment they are received or created until the completion of execution;

ѕ timely informing employees and management

about received and created documents;

- control of performing discipline.

Thus, it is vital for any organization to constantly improve the management documentation, as this directly affects the quality of managerial decision-making.

The process of development and implementation of the project consists of three stages: pre-project preparation, design and implementation.