What is the HR Director responsible for? HR director: role and functions in the company, job responsibilities

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Every person's dream is to take managerial position in a popular company. On the one hand, it guarantees a large monthly income. On the other hand, you will have to constantly monitor all processes within the organization.

Nevertheless, the vacancy of an HR director allows you to realize your abilities in full force, make new interesting acquaintances, share experiences.

Who is an HR Director - Functions and Job Responsibilities

Synonym of the concept "HR director" - director of personnel.

The position provides for a permanent personnel control, selection of qualified personnel- etc.

The main task is to management by human resourses . Underway permanent job with internal documentation.

Video: How to become an HR specialist? Career in HR

The list of functional responsibilities consists of:

  • Management of internal HR departments, departments or services.
  • Individual creation and practical application internal personnel policy that applies to certain categories of specialists.
  • Development of an annual, quarterly and other budget for the maintenance of personnel.
  • Determination of the optimal number of employees on the territory of the enterprise.
  • Formation of personnel reserves on the territory of the organization.
  • Creation of all necessary conditions for internal training of specialists.
  • Implementation of a number of activities required for the proper adaptation of employees.
  • Debugging the system of internal interaction between certain departments.
  • Reviews of the work of the personnel department, including the correct selection of candidates, the effectiveness of their work, and so on.
  • Checking compliance with HR requirements.

And this is not a complete list of tasks that the HR director will solve.

In fact, this is a highly qualified manager who is constantly working to improve his own managerial competence.

Required professional skills and personal qualities to work as a Human Resources Director

In general, competencies are conditionally divided into four categories.

  1. corporate skills. This includes the ability to leadership skills, the ability to organize teamwork, motivate staff to improve their skills and work results. It is important to show creativity and dedication to your work. Otherwise, even a carefully designed personnel policy will prove to be ineffective in practice due to weak staff motivation.
  2. Management skills. It is important to demonstrate your vision of the business, to be able to properly organize work, to interact effectively with your subordinates, showing by your own example that tasks of any level of complexity are quite feasible.
  3. Professional skills. The director is not an "uncle" in the usual sense of any employed person. This is a person who knows how to apply an individual approach to any specialist, communicate with him in a positive way, but at the same time observing subordination.
  4. Personal skills. No HR director will do his job effectively if he does not have self-confidence, he cannot adequately evaluate his actions, does not strive to improve as a person or change in better side. This position is for stress-resistant people who are able to find solutions to problem situations and demonstrate their business image to partners.

Where they teach to become an HR director - education and self-education

The issuance of diplomas in the specialty "HR Director" practices a large number of Russian universities. But practice shows that the quality of teaching cannot be called high.

The reason is quite standard, it applies to the entire system of higher education, which now operates in Russian Federation. The theoretical and practical material available to students is divorced from the real needs of the modern employer.

It is also worth noting that only a few educational institutions in Russia focus on practice. The result of this is the acquisition of knowledge, which, at the moment, can safely be called outdated. They are modernized every year, adapting to the current realities of personnel policy on the territory of enterprises.

As for the cost of education, it depends on what city the university is located in and what level of prestige it boasts.

In fact, there is no direct training for an HR director. The closest specialty "Economics of labor and personnel management". The cost varies from 80 to 200 thousand rubles a year.

The price variation is again explained by the prestige educational institution and its territorial location.

If the Russian education system cannot boast of high efficiency, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to become a highly qualified competent HR director. IN Lately gaining more and more popularity distance learning.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Programs are developed on an individual basis. General knowledge that is given in territorial universities is taken as the basis, and theory adapted to modern realities is used to increase efficiency.
  • Where large quantity practical lessons. Each module provides both theory and practice. Thus, it is easier for a student of a virtual university to consolidate the acquired knowledge base, he is able to quickly accept correct solution in one situation or another.
  • The cost of education is much lower. Distance universities do not provide for the allocation of colossal funds for the rental of premises, payment utilities etc.
  • The possibility of combining the educational process with work. This is facilitated by a more convenient schedule, and all training is carried out at home.
  • No need to purchase study materials. The entire theoretical base is provided to students in electronic format. At any convenient moment, you can go back to difficult material to learn it.
  • Application of an individual approach. Teachers, who, by the way, are graduates with extensive practical experience, are ready to help consolidate a theory that is incomprehensible at first glance.

And this is not a complete list of the benefits of distance learning.

And most importantly, only the knowledge that is useful to HR directors is given.

Video: What should HR really do?

Career prospects and salary of an HR director

Career growth is real. Large companies with a large staff are always in need of highly qualified specialists.

During the first two years, you should go to work in a small company, where wages will vary from 45 to 60 thousand rubles a month. As you build up practical experience you can look for better deals at the same time.

So, for example, the average monthly salary of this category of specialists starts at 100-120 thousand rubles. There is no limit to perfection - top HR managers receive 250 thousand rubles a month without any problems, and this is without taking into account bonuses for overfulfillment of plans.

Agree, the prospect of making money on a decent used foreign car in just two months looks very attractive.

But such a salary will not immediately - you need to gain experience and constantly improve.

Where and how to find a job as a HR director - choosing a company and self-presentation

You won’t be able to get a job in a large and popular organization right off the bat, because the effectiveness of its work depends heavily on the personnel policy.

When making a choice in favor of one or another option, pay attention to the duration of the company's work on domestic market, the number of internal staff.

Be sure to carefully read the requirements for the candidate.

There are several life hacks for confidently getting a job in a company:

  • Come to the interview in a new business suit, keep a well-groomed appearance - as they say, you are greeted by clothes.
  • So that you are not seen off by the mind (more precisely, by its absence), prepare in advance for the interview. Review a sample list of questions you may be asked and prepare your answers.
  • Test your skills before you take a job practical tasks- many managers always put the candidate in an uncomfortable situation and offer him to find solutions.
  • Don't chase after salary- you first need to gain experience, and only then try to move to other companies with higher salaries.

An HR director is a sought-after profession that is suitable only for diligent, persistent and motivated people who work for results.

The well-coordinated work of the team is of no small importance for ensuring stability, growth in turnover and prosperity of the company. It is important that employees not only get along with each other, but also perform the assigned tasks in accordance with their job description, be interested in increasing the company's turnover, increasing the volume of products, providing services, etc.

All this entailed the need to reorganize the personnel departments into HR departments. The tasks and functions that are assigned to HR specialists today go far beyond the usual HR administration and payroll. Modern recruiters are also engaged in the search, selection labor resources, development of methods for motivating and improving the skills of employees, etc. The work of the HR department is supervised by the Deputy Director for Human Resources in Moscow. To take a leadership position, you need to work in the field of recruitment for more than one year and pick up new trends and needs of the labor market in time. Or you can be young, proactive, educated and ambitious in order to make a fast-paced and dizzying career in the shortest possible time from an ordinary manager to the head of the HR department.

The histogram below shows the change in the level of the average wages Professions HR Director in Moscow:

Skills and Responsibilities of the Human Resources Director

In his work, the HR director in Moscow must not only be able to competently build the work of subordinates, but also know the specifics of their activities “by heart”. Only in this way will he be able to detect errors in the work of personnel and take timely measures to eliminate them, approve new projects of motivation systems and trainings, etc. Also, interviews with especially important employees can be conducted not by an ordinary manager, but by a department director. Most decisions, orders, orders require his signature and approval.

Higher education, albeit non-core, is necessary to work in a leadership position. As well as a certain character warehouse with such qualities as sociability, independence, self-confidence, flexibility, attentiveness, efficiency.

The responsibility of the work is more than compensated by decent wages. Even after reaching such a high position, the director of HR has something to strive for, because he can deepen his knowledge and move to a higher position in his company or find a job in another structure with a higher salary.

Below is a rating of similar vacancies by salary level in Moscow. Among similar professions, the technical coach is considered the highest paid. According to our website, the average salary is 86,250 rubles. In second place is the Head of the recruitment department with a salary of 82,500 rubles, and in the third place is an hr director with a salary of 80,000 rubles.

If you are interested in the vacancies of the HR director in Moscow in Russian or foreign companies, we will help you find them quickly and free of charge. The user-friendly interface of the site and a well-thought-out menu will make your searches comfortable and lightning fast.


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the HR director (name of the organization in the genitive case) (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The HR director is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the established current labor law by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The HR Director reports directly to (name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case) of the Company.

1.4. The HR Director belongs to the category of managers, heads the personnel work of the Company and is subordinate to:

Human Resources Department;

Department of control;

recruiting department;

Department of adaptation and motivation.

1.5. The Human Resources Director is responsible for:

Proper organization of work to provide personnel with the required number and qualifications in accordance with the needs of the Company;

Performing and labor discipline employees personnel service;

The safety of information (documents) containing information constituting trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees;

Ensuring safe working conditions, maintaining order, following the rules fire safety in the personnel department.

1.6. A person who has a higher professional education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in managerial and other positions in work with personnel.

1.7. IN practical activities should be guided by:

Legislation, regulatory legal acts, as well as local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company that regulate personnel work and the activities of the personnel department;

Rules of internal work schedule;

Rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the director of the organization;

This job description.

1.8. The HR director must know:

Legislation, normative legal acts on the organization of personnel work;

Organizational structure, personnel composition of the Company, its profile and specialization, as well as the purpose and development strategy;

Current and prospective needs of the Company in personnel of the category "deputy head of division" and above, methods of their planning and forecasting;

Tasks of the personnel service to meet the needs of the Company in personnel of the appropriate number and qualifications, its ability to solve these tasks;

Methods for analyzing the state of the Company's human resources, material and other resources required to maintain it at an appropriate level;

The order of formation, qualification and strength personnel reserve in the most demanded (deficient) specialties (categories);

The state of the labor market, the possibility of using the information resources of the organization in the interests of the tasks of the personnel service;

Order of conclusion employment contracts, tariff agreements and additional agreements thereto;

The procedure for resolving individual and collective labor disputes;

Modern theories of the organization of personnel work;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing personnel work;

Composition and structure of the personnel documentation of the Company;

Management (to the extent required for the effective management of the personnel department), business etiquette, rules for conducting business correspondence on personnel matters;

Facilities computer science, communications and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the HR director, his duties are assigned to (name of the position of the deputy).


The HR Director is required to perform the following labor functions:

2.1. Lead the personnel work in the organization (at the enterprise), the personnel department and confidently manage its activities.

2.2. Create optimal conditions for the timely and high-quality performance by the HR department of the daily tasks assigned to it in strict accordance with the approved procedure (regulations) of work, the technology of personnel management of the Company.

2.3. Manage the work on the formation of personnel policy and personnel strategy, determination of its main directions in accordance with the Company's development strategy and measures for its implementation.

2.4. Participate in the development of the Company's business plans in terms of meeting its current and future needs in personnel of the appropriate number and qualifications.

2.5. Organize the conduct of research in the organization (at the enterprise), including with the involvement of third-party organizations (institutions), as well as the development and implementation of comprehensive programs for the development of human resources and plans for personnel work.

2.6. Ensure the formation of the personnel reserve of the Company, its renewal and replenishment.

2.7. Lead the work on improving and optimizing the technology of personnel management, methods of searching, selecting and hiring employees, their adaptation, training, motivation, relocation, as well as effective control over the results of their activities.

2.8. To carry out personally and through subordinates effective control over the state of personnel work, compliance with the law at all stages of personnel management.

2.9. Advise the director of the organization, heads of departments on current and pressing issues practical organization personnel work.

2.10. Provide rational use material, technical and other means of the personnel service in the interests of fulfilling its tasks as intended.

2.11. Provide reliable protection information (documents) containing information constituting the trade secret of the Company, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company's employees.

2.12. Manage the training of subordinates, create conditions for them to improve their skills, professional growth, business career development and promotion in accordance with personal merits and qualifications.

2.13. Monitor compliance by subordinates with the rules of labor protection and safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

2.14. Use in relation to subordinates the granted rights to encourage them (bring them to responsibility).

2.15. Create conditions for the introduction and proper functioning of advanced personnel management technologies, their subsequent improvement and optimization.

2.16. Manage the planning and reporting on HR issues, the activities of the HR department.

2.17. Lead the development of uniform forms personnel documents necessary to ensure the activities of the personnel service, as well as internal organizational, regulatory and regulatory and methodological documents on personnel management issues.

2.18. To study, generalize and apply in the activities of the personnel department the best domestic and foreign experience in personnel management.

2.19. Consider proposals for ensuring ergonomic working conditions, rationalization of workplaces of the personnel service and submit them for decision to the Director of the Company.

2.20. Timely and fully work out and submit officials reporting and other documentation with appropriate powers.

If necessary, the HR director may be involved in the performance of his duties overtime by decision of the director of the organization in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.

The HR Director is obliged, on the basis of orders of the head of the Company, in the event of the latter's absence (vacation, illness, business trip), to perform the duties of the head of the Company, while acquiring appropriate powers and rights.

The HR Director has the right:

3.1. Make decisions in order to properly organize personnel work, ensure the daily activities of the personnel service on all issues within its competence.

3.2. Submit to the head of the Company their proposals for encouraging (bringing to responsibility) employees of the personnel service in cases where their own powers are not enough for this.

3.3. Prepare and submit to the head of the Company their proposals for improving personnel work, the activities of the personnel service (its additional financing, logistics, etc.).

3.4. Participate in the work of collegiate management bodies when considering issues related to personnel work and the activities of the personnel service.


4.1. The HR Director bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor;

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks entrusted to him;

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes;

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him;

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees;

4.1.6. Failure to comply with labor discipline.

4.2. The work of the HR Director is evaluated:

4.2.1. Immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee's daily performance of his labor functions;

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criteria for evaluating the work of the HR Director are the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.


5.1. The work schedule of the HR Director is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the Company.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the HR Director is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. In connection with the production need, the HR Director may be provided with company vehicles to perform his labor functions.


6.1. To ensure his activities, the HR Director is granted the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Familiarized with the instruction _____ (____________) "__" ____ ____

Type of document:

  • Job description


  • HR records management

1 -1

The Human Resources Director is the leader and is responsible for ensuring the performance of his subordinates. This employee accepts new personnel, helps them adapt to the company, and is in constant interaction with employees. It is he who explains to the staff the structure of the company, the interests of the organization and its relationship with contractors. Professionals in this position are often referred to as inspectors, supervisors, human resources specialists, as well as the fashionable and modern word "HR manager".

Description of the profession

Director of Human Resources, or HR manager, is enough for our country new profession. It appeared after perestroika, as a learned experience from Western countries. First of all, a professional is entrusted with the task of recruiting and office work, but these are far from all his duties.

The modern manager is a strategic manager who forms personnel policy a company that develops systems for training new employees. In addition, the HR director maintains a favorable psychological climate between employees, motivates them to perform their work more efficiently. The main task This employee is to ensure the efficiency of the use of human resources in the company. It depends on his work how successful the company will be. The manager influences the number of required employees, the level of their motivation and the quality of the company's development.

Work in a large company

If such an employee works in a large company, then he always has a deputy director for personnel subordinate to him, and sometimes there are even several of them. Large organizations create entire departments and departments involved in office work.

Each employee has specific responsibilities, so one can manage business, another can be responsible for staff training, a third can recruit, and so on. If the firm is small, then only one employee is hired to perform these tasks, and he performs all the duties himself, but on a much smaller scale than his counterparts in large companies. Therefore, when considering the vacancies of the HR director, it is worth paying attention to which organization the employee is required for. Regardless of where exactly the manager will be employed, he has a normalized working day and a fixed schedule. But the possibility of processing on responsible days for the company, for example, quarterly reporting, is not excluded.

Employee Responsibilities

Usually, an employee hired for this position is expected to observe changes in the labor market, prepare reports and report to superiors on situations related to the average wages labor in the region and the availability of the necessary personnel. In addition, the vacancy of the HR director assumes that the employee will conduct operational searches and select the right candidates, draw up a personnel reserve and motivate the company's employees to more productive and high-quality work. He is also engaged in the creation of non-material labor motivation. Still very important aspect The manager's job is to improve the skills of the firm's staff. He conducts trainings, seminars, organizes advanced training courses for company employees.

Employee functions

Job Director on personnel assumes that he makes decisions on the hiring of employees, their transfer and promotion, in accordance with the heads of all structural divisions companies. The instructions also indicate the adoption of decisions regarding penalties from employees and their dismissal from their positions. The Director conducts consultations for managers of all ranks on issues of personnel management. He is involved in creating plans for social development team, helps to resolve labor conflicts and disputes. The employee controls that the norms Labor Code respected within the company. In addition, the deputy director of personnel is required to be able to organize safe and healthy working conditions for subordinates. He must have skills in working with human resources and personnel documents. And this employee is also responsible for developing and maintaining the corporate style of the company.

General provisions

He must constantly improve himself, learn and put into practice domestic and foreign best practices and, of course, analyze the situation in the company and monitor the quantitative and qualitative distribution of the company's employees. Also, the specialist is required to have certain personal qualities such as responsibility, communication skills, the ability to prove oneself as a leader. But on the other hand, such employees are highly valued in the company, because the quality, efficiency and success of the entire enterprise depend on them. Only a self-confident professional, capable of analytical thinking and a responsible approach to the tasks assigned to him, will be able to cope with this work.

What is included in the functionality of the HR director, how to correctly write down his duties in the job description and in the vacancy announcement, we will tell in the article.

In the article

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Key Responsibilities of the HR Director

What are the main functions of the Human Resources Director? First, this employee provides the company with qualified and reliable personnel. Secondly, it is he who regulates the relationship between employees, managers and subordinates.

Experts from the HR Director magazine interviewed the CEOs of various companies. They figured out what leaders expect from their HR directors what are the requirements for them.

In the initial stage of the company's development, the duties of the HR director, as a rule, are performed by the head himself. As production expands and the number of employees grows, it becomes necessary to open a vacancy for a specialist who will perform personnel work and manage personnel.

3 stages of HR development

  1. Initial

At this stage, a department or department is just being formed. This is done by the leader whom he appoints CEO. Usually, such an employee is selected based on his personal qualities. The main tasks of the HR director or HR manager during this period are the execution of personnel documents in accordance with the law, recruitment, and ongoing work with the team.

  1. Development of the HR service

At this stage, a personnel management system is being built, programs are being developed motivation , training, adaptation, etc.

  1. Full service work

Employees of the HR service, under the leadership of the director of personnel, are engaged in optimization existing system personnel management, implement new HR technologies .

Functions of the Human Resources Director official duties, directly depend on the size of the company, strategic goals, the specifics of its production activities, as well as from the stage of development of the company and the HR service.

Provided that the organization is operating at full capacity, the HR director is directly involved in:

  1. Development of a personnel management system that provides efficient work organizations.
  2. Organization of work and development of the HR service, coordinates its work with strategic goals companies. Find out in the HR Director magazine which
  3. Optimizing the selection of employees, monitoring the level of their qualifications, career growth and staff development.
  4. Formation of a favorable climate in the team.
  5. The introduction of an objective evaluation system, the formation motivation systems and salary policy of the enterprise.
  6. By building internal system effective communications.
  7. Formation and development corporate culture focused on the needs of employees.
  8. Continuous personal development.
  9. Planning the need for personnel, forming a personnel reserve and a positive image of the company as an employer, monitoring the labor market.

HR director education

It is desirable that the Human Resources Director has higher education in the field of HR. But there are few universities that train specialists of this profile. Therefore, a higher economic, psychological or legal education is suitable. But the head of the service must undergo additional training in the specialty "personnel management". You can take a suitable retraining and advanced training course at

. At the end of the training, you will receive an official document confirming the new level of knowledge.

Human Resources Director: Job Responsibilities

The main responsibilities of an HR director depend on many factors. This is the size and specifics of the company, the tasks that the management of the company sets for the specialist. The duties of the HR Director typically include:

  1. Control over personnel records management and compliance with labor laws.
  2. Ensuring timely satisfaction of the need for personnel of the required qualifications.
  3. System formation staff training and development .
  4. Development of a system of motivation, measures of material and non-material incentives.
  5. Personnel movement control.
  6. Formation corporate culture , implementation of loyalty and engagement programs, internal PR.

When compiling a job description, you need to describe the duties of the HR director, in accordance with the main tasks.

The task of the head of the company: Develop methodologies for personnel assessment, training and development programs

Responsibilities to include:

  • Develop guidelines for conducting certification and evaluation activities .
  • Develop training programs and allocate authority/responsibility of staff and managers within these programs. Provide necessary training materials for managers and employees, including manuals and handbooks. Conduct trainings, seminars and consultations with service employees and heads of departments.
  • Lead the implementation of the performance management system.
  • Assist managers in selecting and contracting external training programs and consultants.
  • Assist in the development and control of corporate training budget spending.

Job description of HR director

Job description The HR director has a standard structure. The document consists of 7 main sections. They describe in detail the required work experience, what knowledge and skills the employee should have, what functions to perform. Also in the job description, HR directors indicate who will perform duties in his absence, for example, during vacation or illness. In the instructions, this can be written like this: During the absence of the HR director, his duties are performed by a duly appointed deputy". Be sure to indicate in the document how often it needs to be revised. The experts of the System of Personnel will tell you, how to make changes to job description .

The main sections of the job description of an HR director

  1. General provisions.
  2. Qualification requirements.
  3. Functions.
  4. Job responsibilities.
  5. Position rights.
  6. Responsibility.
  7. The procedure for reviewing the job description.

Job description of the director of personnel: duties

The job description is not one of the mandatory documents and does not have unified form. The requirements for its content and design can be established by the employer internally. normative act. Coordinating signatures under the instructions are put by the heads of the legal and personnel departments. The document is approved by the General Director of the enterprise. Job descriptions are reviewed, as a rule, every five years.

Qualification requirements for the position of "HR Director", describe the duties of the head of the service on the basis of professional standard"Human Resource Management Specialist" The more detailed you do this, the easier it will be to plan the work. System Kadra experts will tell you how to draw up, execute and approve the job description .

Operational personnel work is not the responsibility of the HR director, but he needs the skills to work with the main articles of the Labor Code. Read about which articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be useful in the work of an HR director in the System Kadra library.

Responsibilities of the HR Director to be specified in the job posting

If there is a vacancy in the company and the manager plans to find a qualified candidate for the position of HR director, a competent announcement or request to the recruitment agency will be required. The announcement must specify the functions of the director of personnel. But in this case, the list of responsibilities will not be as detailed as in the job description.

Vacancy: HR Director

Alpha LLC is looking for an experienced HR Director who is able to form effective system human resource management and ensure that it is aligned with the company's business objectives.

The main responsibilities of the Human Resources Director include:

  1. HR planning, management and control.
  2. Development of a personnel management system, including strategies for assessing performance, training and development, resource planning, etc.
  3. Participation in the preparation of corporate plans for benefits and compensation, filling the social package, health and safety of employees.
  1. Prevention of employees' appeals to control bodies and courts.
  2. Analysis of the work of the service, forecasting, regular reports to the management of the company.