The cashier must. Job responsibilities of an accountant-cashier: goals, tasks, rights and obligations

Despite the rapid development of computer technology, electronic payments and IT-banking systems, the profession of a cashier is still in demand in the market. To work as a cashier, there is no need to graduate from a special school, or, moreover, a college, but accuracy and honesty are what employers require from a cashier. Generally, no work experience is required from candidates for this position, but completion of short-term courses is encouraged.

As for any profession, the job responsibilities of a cashier at an enterprise are outlined by the corresponding instruction. There is no standard form for such a document. Below we provide a sample that can be taken as a basis, since it quite universally describes the work of a cashier in an enterprise.

Job description

Yakushev M.S. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

General provisions

  1. The position belongs to the technical staff.
  2. Appointment and removal from office is carried out by order of the directorate of the department.
  3. During the absence of an employee from the workplace good reason, the director appoints an employee who will replace him. In this case, the replacement employee follows these instructions.
  4. This position should be filled by a person who does not have work experience, but who has primary specialized education or secondary education and special training.
  5. The cashier must have the following knowledge:
  • all provisions and orders related to cash transactions;
  • know the documents related to the work of the cash desk and the enterprise as a whole;
  • rules for working with cash;
  • the procedure for issuing receipts and debit orders;
  • ensuring the safety of the cash balance at the cash desk;
  • maintaining cash registers;
  • safety precautions for your workplace;
  • internal work order.

Job description enterprise cashier

  1. Carrying out actions to work with cash, ensuring its integrity.
  2. Customer service for all services.
  3. Interaction with clients.
  4. It is correct to hand over and accept the shift, taking into account all the cash. Submit a report to the director if necessary.
  5. Maintain order in the workplace.
  6. Carrying out activities for the storage and accounting of cash.
  7. Keeping a cash book.
  8. Reconciliation of actual and recorded cash balances.
  9. Inventory and delivery to the bank of old banknotes.
  10. Cash collection.
  11. Cashier reporting.
  12. Taking the necessary measures to ensure the safety of those at the checkout Money.
  13. Immediate informing of the higher management about the threat to entrusted values.
  14. Non-disclosure of information relating to the conduct of cash transactions in this organization.
  15. Fulfillment of safety requirements.
  16. Carrying out the necessary instructions of the director or accountant within their powers.
  17. All duties specified in the labor law.

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  1. Acquaintance with all documents that are related to the performance of their functions.
  2. Familiarity with all potential management decisions relevant to its work.
  3. Making suggestions to improve the productivity and quality of their work.
  4. Send requests for information or documents necessary for quality functioning.
  5. All the rights that are assigned to employees in labor code Russian Federation.

A responsibility

Liability arises in the following cases:

  • for an irresponsible attitude to their duties, the cashier is liable within the framework of labor law RF;
  • in case of offenses, liability will be borne under the criminal, administrative or civil code.

Cashier Vyskokova T.S.___________

General Director Yakushev M.S._____________

Job responsibilities of a bank teller

Every bank has a cash desk, and a cashier-operator sits at the cash desk. Let's figure out what the duties of a bank teller are. This employee conducts operations with cash and bank plastic cards at the checkout. Actually performs the main operations for which people come to the bank.

The cashier-operator is the bank employee with whom people who come to the bank have the most contact. In fact, this employee is the face of the bank, the opinion of customers about the bank depends on his attentiveness and patience. The duties of this employee are quite broad and the main ones will be listed below.

  1. Performing work with cash.
  2. Work with plastic cards of banks.
  3. Checking the authenticity of cash.
  4. Cash security control.
  5. Cash reporting.
  6. Cash collection.

In addition to the main duties, such an employee may also require additional functionality. For example, the following:

  • education in the field of work;
  • knowledge of a foreign language;
  • foreign exchange certificate.

What are the main duties of a cashier, and how are they regulated? What norms and rules should the cashier follow at his workplace? Read about this and much more in this article.

It is currently in high demand. It's connected with large quantity outlets, as well as other institutions that require settlements with customers. The main area in which it is most often found given profession- this is retail. A variety of this specialty is a cashier-seller.

The duties of the cashier are regulated by the job description drawn up in accordance with the provisions. Thus, the appointment and dismissal of the post occurs only by order of the director, the cashier also reports directly to the director and accountant. If you have a higher or secondary education, there are no requirements for having work experience. If a person applying for the position of a cashier has only an initial vocational education, then he must have work experience of at least 1 year.

In addition, the duties of the cashier include the possession of all types cash registers that are used in the enterprise. He must also be familiar with all orders, resolutions, orders and other regulatory documents that relate to the operation of the enterprise.

If the position is combined with the position of the seller, then the duties of the cashier also include knowledge of commodity science, specifications goods, their quality indicators and storage conditions.

It is always the responsibility of the cashier to know the management structure, the rights and obligations of employees, their working hours, the rules for servicing customers, the design of premises and shop windows, internal labor order, safety, sanitation and hygiene standards, as well as knowledge of labor legislation.

If we talk about the profession of a bank employee, then the duties of a cashier include knowledge of all forms of cash documents, the conditions for issuing, receiving, storing and accounting for cash and valuable documentation. Also, the cash desk employee must know the rules for processing income and expense documents, the norms of conducting customer service methods, the procedure for operating cash registers, cash balance limits. In addition, the cashier is required to know the main provisions of labor legislation, internal order enterprises, safety precautions, sanitation standards and rules civil defense.

The job responsibilities of the cashier and cashier-seller include ensuring the proper operation of the commodity section, for which he is obliged not to leave workplace without timely replacement and without the consent of the head. In addition, the seller-cashier must serve customers in a courteous and courteous manner, take all possible measures to prevent queues, perform pre-sale preparation of goods, and also calculate the cost of goods, issue checks, warranty cards for them, pack purchases and return or exchange goods.

In general, the duties of the seller-cashier, which the employer imposes on him, are as follows:

  • Serve customers politely.
  • Calculate the purchase price for each customer.
  • Accept money from the client, issue checks and change.
  • Hand over the cashier at the end of the shift to the senior cashier.
  • Ensure the safety of money and other goods and materials.
  • Prevent conflict situations.
  • Maintain order in the workplace.
  • Monitor the condition of the cash register, fill the check and control tape in time, record meter readings and eliminate minor malfunctions.
  • Observe labor discipline, sanitary and hygienic norms and requirements.

For failure to fulfill their duties, the seller-cashier is liable in accordance with applicable law.

1. The cashier belongs to the category of technical performers.

2. A person with an initial professional education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (full) general education and special training according to the established program without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. Appointment to the position of a cashier and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the organization on presentation by order of the director of the organization on presentation (chief accountant, head of the relevant division of the main accounting department).

4. The cashier must know:

  • Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the conduct of cash transactions.
  • Forms of cash and bank documents.
  • Rules for receiving, issuing, accounting and storing funds and valuable papers.
  • The procedure for processing incoming and outgoing documents.
  • Limits on cash balances set for the enterprise.
  • Rules for ensuring their safety.
  • The procedure for maintaining a cash book, compiling cash statements.
  • Rules for the operation of electronic computers.
  • Fundamentals of labor organization.
  • Labor legislation.
  • Internal labor regulations.
  • Rules and norms of labor protection.

5. The cashier reports directly (to the chief accountant, head of the relevant accounting department).

6. During the absence of the cashier (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

Job Responsibilities


  1. Carries out operations for the receipt, accounting, issuance and storage of funds and securities with the obligatory observance of the rules ensuring their safety.
  2. Prepares documents and receives, in accordance with the established procedure, funds and securities in bank institutions for payment to workers and employees wages, bonuses, travel and other expenses.
  3. Keeps a cash book based on receipts and expenditures.
  4. Verifies actual availability sums of money and securities with a book balance.
  5. Makes inventories of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions in order to replace them with new ones.
  6. Transfers funds to collectors in accordance with the established procedure.
  7. Prepares cash reports.
  8. Carefully treats the values ​​entrusted to him.
  9. Takes all measures to ensure the safety of the funds and securities entrusted to him and to prevent damage.
  10. Timely informs (to the chief accountant, head of the relevant division of the main accounting department) about all circumstances that threaten the safety of the values ​​entrusted to him.
  11. Nowhere, never and in no way discloses information known to him about the operations of storing valuables, their dispatch, transportation, security, signaling, as well as office assignments at the cash desk.
  12. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.


The cashier has the right:

  • Take appropriate corrective action conflict situations and the reasons behind them.
  • Give explanations on the essence and causes of the conflict situations that have arisen.
  • Make proposals to the management of the enterprise to improve the work related to functional duties The cashier and the entire enterprise as a whole.

Responsibility of the cashier

  1. For non-performance or improper performance of duties, the Cashier bears administrative and / or disciplinary responsibility
  2. For violation of the work schedule of the Enterprise (Organization), non-compliance with fire safety and safety regulations, the Cashier bears administrative and / or disciplinary responsibility.
  3. For causing material damage due to improper performance of duties or as a result of using the resources of the Enterprise (Organization) in their own interests, the Cashier is liable in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the provisions of civil law.
  4. For offenses committed at the workplace and in the performance of duties, the Cashier bears administrative, disciplinary and criminal liability in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.


  1. The mode and work schedule of the cashier are established by the relevant order of the head in accordance with the Regulations on the labor schedule of the Enterprise (Organization)
  2. The work of the cashier is standardized / not standardized.
  3. Other working conditions of the cashier are established by the orders of the management and the Regulations on the labor schedule of the Enterprise (Organization)

Criteria for evaluating the results and quality of work

  1. The criteria for evaluating the results and quality of the work of the cashier are established by the order of the head of the Enterprise (Organization)
  2. To assess the quality of the work of the cashier, the method of evaluating the results of work developed at the Enterprise (Organization) and approved by the head is used.
  3. The most significant in evaluating the work of a cashier is the compliance of the tasks performed with the job responsibilities listed in this instruction.

On medium and large enterprises The volume of accounting work is large enough to be handled by one accountant. Therefore, responsibilities are often distributed among several employees who lead different areas. One of these areas is the cash desk of the enterprise, for which the accountant-cashier is responsible. Its functions include the full maintenance of accounts 50 and 51 of accounting.

Settlements with counterparties through the cash desk are carried out on the basis of a concluded agreement with the issuance of a cash receipt.

Cashless payments are made on the basis of the payment calendar received from financial service enterprises.

Interaction government bodies implies the receipt and transmission of information and documents upon request, the reconciliation of mutual settlements, the payment of pennies, fines, arrears based on the requirements set.

The functionality of an accountant-cashier is quite extensive; a candidate for this position requires special knowledge and skills. At the same time, work at the cash desk is responsible and requires special care and discretion from the employee.

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  • Sometimes our cashier at the enterprise has to work with money brought from the market. The essence of the problem is that the cash register is not always able to pass money that is greasy and dirty after the market. This is a very responsible and difficult job.


    In general, it is more difficult to work as an accountant-cashier than in other areas, but for some reason, in Kazan, the salaries of cashiers are lower than those of workers in other areas. My first professional activity was an accountant. I worked for a year and I don’t want to anymore, you are responsible for all the money at the checkout, all material liability on you, moved to the site for taxation. It's easier for me there.


    I once worked as an accountant - a cashier - of course, a very difficult and responsible job. And it's a double duty. Yes, they paid a little. So, I would not advise, even though everything is correctly described in the article.


    My sister works as a cashier and is very satisfied with her work. Of course, in addition to the cash register, she winds up in accounting program daily data and sometimes even helps to make a balance, but this is already the cost of all small firms, where many work in two / three directions, although the second and third are partially.


    On the one hand, staff optimization is not a bad thing, but on the other hand, whatever one may say, it increases the burden on the remaining staff. In many enterprises, including schools, employees work at several rates and combine a number of positions. Although, maybe an accountant-cashier is acceptable.


In many organizations whose work is related to the reception and customer service, there are positions of cashiers. Cashiers are those people who manage the cash desks, are engaged in the receipt and issuance of funds, and the implementation of cashless payments.

In many companies, additional functions are assigned to cashiers: they simultaneously perform the tasks of accountants, administrators, controllers and some other specialists.

So, for example, the administrator-cashier meets and directs visitors, informs about the company's services, accepts payments and issues checks. Administrator-cashier can work in beauty salons, medical and training centers, in fitness clubs and other organizations. A cashier-operator can work in a bank, where he must communicate with visitors, conduct monetary transactions, work with a bank database and work documents.

The most demanded profession of a cashier in the trade sector, in shops and supermarkets. They employ cashiers-controllers - cashiers in the classical and usual sense of the word.

What are the functions of a cashier?

A complete list of duties and functions of the cashier is prescribed in his job description.

As a rule, the main functions include:

  • execution of monetary transactions (carrying out non-cash and cash payments, receiving and issuing funds, working with payment cards);
  • keeping records of the availability of funds (every day at the end of the working day, the cashier must verify the balance of funds at the cash desk);

  • maintaining cash records, registration of cash documents;
  • drawing up an inventory of invalid banknotes;
  • work with scales;
  • issuance of checks;
  • cash collection.

The cashier organizes the work of the cash register in the unit or department entrusted to him. In case of failures in the operation of equipment, he eliminates them independently or with the help of specialists. Also, often the cashier not only makes payments for the goods, but also talks about its main characteristics.

Cashiers who combine several positions (accountants, administrators, etc.), in addition to those listed, perform other specialized functions.

The work of all specialists of the organization is coordinated by the senior cashier. It is he who decides contentious issues that periodically arise in the process of working with clients.

What a specialist should know

In order to get a job as a cashier, it is not necessary to have a specialized higher education. It may be sufficient to have a secondary education or a diploma from specialized courses. Higher education may be required for employment in banks and some other organizations.

The most important thing that a cashier should know is the features of conducting cash transactions.

In addition, employers are required to:

  • basic knowledge of computers and office applications;
  • knowledge of the rules for maintaining cash records;
  • knowledge of applicable laws, including normative documents Central Bank of Russia.

Some employers may additionally require candidates to have work experience.

The cashier, in fact, is the face of the organization. It is he who most often meets and escorts customers. With this in mind, the cashier must be neat, polite and friendly, must be able to control their own emotions.

Also important for him are such personal qualities as:

  • attentiveness;
  • honesty;
  • stress tolerance.

Features of work

The work of a cashier, like any other activity related to money, is extremely responsible. For the safety of money, cashiers are responsible, including material.

The working conditions of cashiers in most organizations are similar: this work is sedentary and rather monotonous.

At the same time, it is associated with a certain risk - it is the cashiers who are periodically attacked by persons who have problems with the law.

Given that cash registers today they are being modernized, and the legislation obliges entrepreneurs to gradually switch to using online cash registers, the cashier must understand modern technology, quickly learn how to work with the latest models.

With good performance, the cashier can be promoted to a senior cashier, and later, possibly, to a manager or one of the leaders of the organization.

The salary of a cashier depends on the region and the specifics of the company. The salary can vary between 20-40 thousand rubles.

In general, the work of a cashier has the following advantages:

  • it is in demand, there is always a large selection of jobs;
  • it is quite easy to get settled on it;
  • work does not require significant experience.