Organization and holding of seminars. How to organize an offsite business event Conducting offsite seminars

Päivi Ylkunen, Head of Operations
from corporate clients shipping concern Viking Line

The key advantages of offsite business events are the change of scenery and the ability to combine the official part and informal communication. This helps build connections between participants on different emotional levels, which only serves to strengthen those bonds.

In our company, for almost half a century of work, we have accumulated great experience in holding business events: conferences, seminars, group business trips, etc. The corporate record was set in 2013 when we organized a conference attended by 1,200 people. To do this, all the halls on board our cruise ferry were combined into a single media space so that each participant could exchange information with any other, regardless of their location.

It is clear that such large-scale events require especially careful preparation. It may seem that the fewer people attending your conference, the less hassle you have. But this is not entirely true, because there is a task to impress, and this requires, at a minimum, a clear organization.

Recommendations to book everything in advance - from the category of obvious ones, we will not touch on this. I will draw attention to a number of aspects that are often overlooked in preparation. The consequences of such omissions jeopardize the effectiveness of the entire event, which, you see, is unacceptable. So here are some practical tips.

1. Take care of the comfort of your work

Good conference organization is hard work. If you happen to be responsible for everything that happens in your company, then keep in mind that the maximum number of people you can “look after” alone and do something is 30-40. If you have hundreds of participants, especially if they are creative and impulsive people, take yourself assistants. If you are a leader, then make sure that subordinates clearly define and analyze their areas of responsibility.

Ideally, a summary table should be prepared, timing with a detailed and accurate schedule of everything that happens, up to transitions from one point to another, times and places of gathering. Make sure that those responsible have all the necessary telephone numbers and information about the accommodation of participants.

2. Mind the details

Did your speakers prepare their speech and presentations well? Fine! But do not forget about the preparation for the participants. Once again check the picture on the projector, sound, drinks on the tables, writing materials.

The aerobatics of the service is to take into account the individual needs of each. If your guest does not eat, for example, meat, then you will score extra points by paying attention to such wishes.

3. Remember goals

What do you want to receive as a result of the event? New deals, inform your partners about new products, projects, achievements, etc. What do you need for this? Make a list of tasks (checklist) and monitor their implementation.

We have a practice of interviewing customers according to the brief, which allows us to draw up a schedule taking into account the nature of the event and individual wishes. The more complete and accurate the answers to these questions, the better the service can be provided.

4. Seating everyone correctly

This recommendation is a logical continuation of the previous one. Tables and chairs in conference rooms can often be arranged according to your wishes. In addition, the halls themselves can (in a good way - should) be transformed, united and divided. This way you can gather the entire group of participants in one place for a common part of the program, and then divide the working groups on topics discussed in separate rooms.

Think about whether you need to collect everyone for round table or focus all attention on the stage? Maybe you need a U-shape seating arrangement? These questions should be answered in advance.

5. Don't overload formality

Almost always, the presentation and speech can be shortened by making it more intense. And, for example, workshops can be divided into two days. On the first day, give tasks or identify problems for which participants can prepare, and the next day come to discuss them with a fresh mind.

Breaks are best done every hour and a half. But no more than half an hour. The task of a coffee break is to allow them to take a break and have a snack, but not to allow the participants to relax to such a state that they will no longer perceive information. At a coffee break, along with pastries or snacks, it is advisable to offer fruits.

6. Don't overload the informal part

Too much entertainment is almost as bad as none at all. Determine in advance and clearly how much time you are willing to spend on organized entertainment, and how much to provide as free.

Always lay a small temporary backlash, let's have more "air". For example, if you are looking for a two-hour bus tour, then book a bus for 2.5 hours. So you will insure against possible delays of the participants and will not be nervous again.

7. Consider all group movements

People need to be transported to the venue of your event in as comfortable conditions as you can create them. As the theater begins with a hanger, so a business event begins with a transfer. Participants can begin to get to know each other and discuss individual issues right during the movement.

It is better to appoint a separate person responsible for the transfer. This person must have all the information regarding the transportation of people: from the phones of drivers to the places approved in advance and the time of all stops.

8. Create extra experiences

People who regularly go to such events are quite difficult to impress, that's a fact. Look for opportunities to create a “wow effect”. For example, we offer our guests to arrange an excursion to the captain's bridge. Or show the engine room of the ferry. As practice shows, such a close acquaintance with the surroundings "catches" everyone.

Summarizing all that has been said - be attentive to people and to trifles. It's painstaking, but worth it. After all, your conference or seminar should not become another expense for the budget, but bring you dividends in the future.

In full. One of the activities is research and development in the field natural sciences. The organization has partners in Lipetsk who provide services to the organization in carrying out scientific developments. To coordinate joint actions, the leadership of the organization decided to organize a joint field meeting (5-6 people), issuing an order to hold a seminar. For this, accommodation of specific people at the recreation center for the period from 06/11/2010 to 06/13/2010 will be paid. How to properly document the holding of this seminar and take into account the costs in accounting and tax accounting?

After considering the issue, we came to the following conclusion:

The expenses of a taxpayer applying the simplified tax system with the object of taxation "income reduced by the amount of expenses" related to the organization of an on-site meeting (seminar, conference) are not taken into account when calculating the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.

It is possible to take into account the expenses associated with a business trip of an employee to participate in an on-site meeting when calculating the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.

Rationale for the conclusion:

As follows from the question, in order to hold a joint field meeting with partners, the organization paid for food and accommodation in cottages at the recreation center for representatives of partners. A seconded employee will act on the part of the organization.


For purposes accounting according to paragraph 1 of Art. nine federal law dated November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting" (hereinafter - Law N 129-FZ) all business transactions conducted by the organization must be drawn up by supporting documents, which are primary accounting documents on the basis of which accounting is maintained.

According to the explanations set out in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 22, 2010 N 03-03-06 / 4/26, in order to confirm the legitimacy of incurring costs associated with organizing a field meeting (seminar, conference), it is advisable for an organization to draw up the following documents:

Order (instruction) of the head of the organization on the implementation of expenses for the specified purposes;


Primary documents, including in the case of using any goods purchased on the side for the specified purposes, payment for services of third-party organizations;

A report on the costs of the activities carried out, which reflects:

the purpose of the activities, the results of their implementation;

other necessary data on the event, as well as the amount of expenses for entertainment purposes.

However, all primary accounting documents must comply with the requirements of paragraph 2 of Art. 9 of Law N 129-FZ.

Note that the recommendations on the availability of such documents were intended for organizations that calculate income tax and recognize on the basis of paragraphs. 22 p. 1 art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. When documenting operations for organizing an event, it should be borne in mind that organizations using the simplified tax system cannot recognize such expenses when calculating the tax base (see the tax accounting section of the answer).

According to Art. 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a business trip is a trip of an employee by order of the employer for a certain period of time to perform an official assignment outside the place of permanent work.

The following applies to travel arrangements: unified forms primary accounting documentation, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 05.01.2004 N 1:

N T-9 "Order (instruction) on sending an employee on a business trip";

N T-9a "Order (instruction) on sending employees on a business trip";

N T-10 "Travel certificate";

N T-10a "Service task for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation."

In accordance with paragraph 26 of the Regulation on the peculiarities of sending employees on business trips, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 N 749, the employee, upon returning from a business trip, must submit to the employer within 3 working days an advance report on the amounts spent in connection with the business trip and produce the final settlement of the cash advance issued to him before leaving on a business trip for. The advance report shall be accompanied by a duly executed travel certificate, documents on the rental of accommodation, actual travel expenses and other expenses associated with the business trip, a report on the work performed during the business trip in writing.


In paragraph 3 of Art. 4 of Law N 129-FZ, it is determined that organizations that have switched to the simplified tax system are exempted from the obligation to maintain accounting records, with the exception of accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets. At the same time, such organizations have the right to keep accounting records in full.

Accounting for expenses is carried out on the basis of PBU 10/99 "Expenses of the organization" (hereinafter - PBU 10/99).

According to paragraph 4 of PBU 10/99, the expenses of the organization, depending on their nature, conditions for implementation and areas of activity of the organization, are divided into expenses for ordinary activities and other expenses.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of PBU 10/99, expenses for ordinary activities are expenses associated with the manufacture and sale of products, the purchase and sale of goods, as well as the performance of work and the provision of services.

Expenses associated with the organization of a field meeting (seminar, conference) and hospitality expenses meet the criteria for expenses for ordinary activities and are included in commercial or administrative expenses (clause 7 PBU 10/99).

Expenses for ordinary activities are recognized in full in the reporting period in which they occurred, regardless of the time of actual payment Money and another form of implementation (clause 18 PBU 10/99).

In accounting, these expenses can be taken into account in the debit of the account "Sales Expenses" or 26 "General Business Expenses" in correspondence with the credit of the account "Settlements with Suppliers and Contractors" (Instructions for the application of the Chart of Accounts for Accounting for the Financial and Economic Activities of Organizations, approved by order Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 N 94n).

Travel expenses (expenses for renting a dwelling, travel, etc.), in accordance with paragraphs 5, 7 of PBU 10/99, relate to expenses for ordinary activities and are recognized in accounting on the date of approval of the advance report by the head of the organization ( 16, 18 PBU 10/99).

Travel expenses in the situation under consideration are reflected in accounting in the debit of the account "Expenses for sale" or 26 "General expenses" in correspondence with the credit of the account "Settlements with accountable persons".

tax accounting

In accordance with Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxpayers applying the simplified taxation system with the object of taxation of income reduced by the amount of expenses have the right to reduce their income by the amount of expenses incurred. The list of expenses is listed in Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and is closed.

The costs of paying for the services of the recreation center for accommodation and meals of partners, as well as hospitality expenses are not included in the list of Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, therefore they will not reduce the taxable base for the tax paid when applying the simplified tax system.

Also, the VAT presented by the counterparty is not taken into account (clause 8, clause 1, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Travel expenses are separate view expenses of the organization applying the simplified tax system, and should be taken into account in accordance with paragraphs. 13 p. 1 art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the organization’s expenses for sending its employee to participate in a meeting with invited partners in terms of the employee’s travel expenses, renting a living space, daily allowance, etc. can be taken into account when calculating the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified tax system.

Since the organization applies the simplified tax system, the indicated expenses are taken into account taking into account the VAT presented by the counterparty (clause 2 of article 346.11, clause 3 of clause 2 of article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

For your information:

If an organization undertakes to pay for accommodation and meals for representatives of other organizations participating in a field meeting (seminar, conference), then, in the opinion of the tax authorities, as set out in the letters of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 18.04.2007 N 04-1-02 / [email protected](the full text of the document can be found on the Internet at: and the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated July 14, 2006 N 28-11/62271, the cost of such services received in kind should be included in the income of the relevant individuals and subject to personal income tax in accordance with the generally established procedure. In this case, the organization will act as a tax agent (clause 1, article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Since it will not be possible to withhold personal income tax in this case, this must be reported to the IFTS within a month (clause 5, article 226 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Payment for meals for a seconded employee, the cost of which is allocated in the cost of living at a recreation center, is not a reimbursement of expenses for renting a dwelling, the amounts of which are exempt from taxation on the basis of paragraph 3 of Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The amounts of such payment are subject to personal income tax in the prescribed manner (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 10/14/2009 N 03-04-06-01 / 263).

Prepared answer:
Legal Consulting Service Expert GARANT
Dankov Andrey

Response quality control:
Reviewer of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
auditor Melnikova Elena

The material was prepared on the basis of an individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service. For getting detailed information about the service, contact your manager.

To achieve success, advance in business and increase productivity, you need to develop and constantly improve your skills. Every manager understands that if you do not engage in the development and training of employees, there is a gradual decrease in the level of work and, as a result, the decline of the business.

Field seminars help most effectively and in the most short time improve the skills of employees, contribute to their development and help achieve a transition to a new, much more productive level of work. The funds spent on the seminar pay off many times over due to the increase in the level of work of the employees who attend it.

There are many companies that organize traveling seminars of various kinds. In addition to business seminars that help improve your professional skills and increase motivation, you can also highlight personal seminars aimed at increasing self-esteem, working with your psychological qualities finding purpose in life and building relationships.

Duration of retreats

Both one-day and multi-day field seminars are organized, depending on the goals, direction and specifics of the course. Most often, one-day seminars are held if the goal is motivation and personal growth. But multi-day seminars help to gain new professional and business skills, improve their skills and gain new knowledge in their specialty. After passing such seminars, special certificates are often issued confirming the completion of the course and advanced training.

The cost of visiting seminars

average cost a one-day traveling seminar ranges from 80 to 250 $ depending on its direction, specifics, level and fame of the invited speakers, as well as the number of participants. When organizing long-term seminars, for example, with a program for 3, 5 or 7 days, the cost of accommodation for this period is also added to their cost, if the organization of the accommodation is organized by the company carrying out the seminar. Also, the cost of visiting seminars very often includes transport services and meals during the seminar.

It is impossible to imagine a modern developing company that would not conduct trainings, seminars, intensives, team building for its employees. Hard to imagine contemporary work without conferences and seminars - these are significant events for both companies and industries.
It is events like these that move companies forward!
Trainings are not only new knowledge, it is also team building, increasing motivation, personal growth!
Conferences are an opportunity to exchange information, meet colleagues, make the necessary acquaintances, gain knowledge for new victories!
The organization of trainings, seminars, conferences must be approached responsibly.
For example, when organizing training, experts advise, for greater efficiency, to tear employees away from their work routine and conduct field events with full immersion in the training process. This also applies to sales trainings, "effective manager" programs, time management trainings, and other training events.
For conferences it is also useful to travel out of town - in hotels middle lane In Russia, you can find excellent conditions for accommodation, high-quality food, well-equipped conference rooms.
It is very convenient to combine an on-site training or conference with an excursion program. Imagine: your team goes on a comfortable bus to one of the ancient cities of the Golden Ring, or to a farm to cook cheese or fry steaks, or wander through the mysterious corridors of underground monasteries, or paint Christmas decorations at the factory. On the way, an experienced guide tells about the history and sights. After a seminar or conference, a superbly laid table awaits the group, and you can relax a bit and gain strength before the next day of field training!
"Travel Store" is ready to organize any of your offsite events on a turnkey basis.

  • Selection of a trainer (you can also work with your usual and proven trainers)
  • Transport service for any number of people
  • Excursion support
  • Hotel accommodation (from elite level to economical options)
  • Rental of a suitable hall for training, conferences
  • Banquets, tastings, coffee breaks, picnics, barbecues and other meals during the trip
  • Master classes, performances of folklore ensembles, animation program.
We will take care of all the stages of organizing your outdoor event!

For registration, you can come to our office, order a free courier delivery or choose online payment.

ATTENTION! For all questions related to corporate or group bookings, you should only contact the Travel Shop office on Kuznetsky Most .

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 11 minutes


How to make money without serious investments know experienced organizers of trainings or seminars. The right organizational approach and skillful conduct of events bring good financial benefits. What are the characteristics of this activity? Read all the nuances of organizing a business from scratch on the website

Topic - the main component of the training or seminar

The word "training" refers to any group training system that allows you to improve in any area. Seminars are also group training sessions where reports are heard and discussed. Both events are conducted by specialists in a particular field.

It all starts with choosing the most relevant topics in a particular area:

  • Product promotion.
  • Ethics of business relations.
  • Strengthening health according to a special (author's) method.

In the global aspect, there are only three main themes:

  1. Building and developing a business is personal growth.
  2. Recovery of the body.
  3. Relationships (business, family).

In fact, everyone wants to be healthy, financially successful, and also have a strong family. Each topic has its own numerous directions. For example, in personal growth: how to start a business correctly, choose business partners, think over the path to success, and so on.

The main thing is to create a whole program ( calendar plan) various seminar events or trainings, which may change from time to time . When repeating the same training, it is difficult to stay in business long time. That is why regular updates are indispensable.

Advice . Along with the thematic variety, a large number of authors cover the same issues. Preliminary personal participation in the seminar, which is planned to be held, is recommended. As a last resort, you can refer to separate works specific trainer. This will facilitate the implementation of organizational steps.

Where is the best place to hold trainings or seminars?

The short duration of trainings and seminars (usually they last 1-2 days) ensures their mobility - organization in different cities. In this case, it is important to choose a room in the central part of the city with convenient transport interchange, comfortable approach and entrance. Then all participants will perfectly reach the appointed hour.

Widely practiced option of training in nature - in sanatoriums and other suburban institutions located near the city limits. When organizing on-site training, it is necessary to take care of the delivery of students to the place of its conduct by bus (in another way), book rooms for accommodation in advance and think about meals.

We pay due attention to the work with the trainer

Close contact with the coach largely determines the success of the business started. For example, the date of the event is announced to potential participants only after agreement with the coach.

Each specialist has their own payment terms:

  • One put forward requirements for the minimum and maximum composition of participants and call a fixed amount of the fee. Its value will not depend on the total number of listeners.
  • With others, you need to pay for each person present at the training.
  • Travel expenses of the coach and his accommodation are paid separately.

In addition, the coach is a treasure trove useful information for the organizer.

He will certainly focus on the following nuances:

  1. Will place emphasis on target audience and space requirements.
  2. Provide samples of handouts.
  3. Share existing brochures, brochures, posters.
  4. Recommend the most effective advertising methods.

Attention . The process of negotiating with the coach does not give a 100% guarantee that there are no organizational errors, but the likelihood of their occurrence becomes minimal.

Choosing a room for trainings or seminars

Choosing a room is not an easy task. The ideal solution is to rent a hall (classroom) in a modern business center, where the interests of clients are taken into account one hundred percent. However, its rental value is appropriate, which means that the price of classes rises.

Basic requirements for training rooms:

  • Comfort – maintaining an optimal microclimate in any season. The presence of a smoking room and other amenities.
  • An important aspect - the comfort of the chairs. It is difficult to sit on a hard chair for a long time.
  • spaciousness , that is, a room designed for 30 people cannot be rented for 40 listeners.
  • No extra items distracting attention from work.

Attention . Often the customer of the training (seminar) is a company. In this case, the trainer is assigned a specific task, and the training takes place on the territory of the client, who provides the premises.

We solve technical issues in advance

Today, even ordinary lectures are not read without slideshows, to say nothing of modern trainings and seminars. Technical issues are dealt with at the stage of selecting premises. You should inquire in advance about the availability of a whiteboard, projector, Internet access. If they are provided by the landlord, you can book a room and not worry about technical support.

Promotion and promotion of a seminar or training

In parallel with the search for premises, the promotion of the event begins.

Free customer acquisition options Paid customer acquisition options
Advertisements on Internet sites and in newspapers Advertisements on TV, radio, various newspapers
Participation in forum discussions Advertising on sites (forums, blogs) with similar topics
Maintaining your own blog Sending invitations to email possible participants(services of special services)
Social media invitations Internet advertising of targeted type
Distribution of flyers in those places where the most potential participants of the seminar (training)
  • Interested newcomers and retains "old" listeners.
  • Attracts a certain contingent, then there is a permanent audience interested in this topic. Accordingly, there will always be people who are ready to learn.
  • Really Benefits those who listened to him. This is evidenced by real reviews posted on a page in social networks or a website.
  • Very important constant development of the trainer and training program, taking into account any changes or trends.

Features of payment for trainings or seminars

Making a prepayment by a participant is prerequisite. This objectively confirms the seriousness of intentions.

As practice shows, there can be many registered participants for the event, but only those who did not pay:

  1. Forgetting to come to class.
  2. They stop responding to calls from organizers.
  3. Deal with urgent matters.

Even a small prepayment immediately eliminates frivolous people. In addition, this approach allows you to get real information about the number of participants.

Advice . The announcement of a tiered price encourages early registration. For example, if the price of the training is 11,000 rubles, then the prepayment made a month before the event implies a discount of 1,500 rubles, for 2 weeks - 700 rubles, for a week - 300 rubles, the full cost is paid on the day of the training.

Preparing materials for a training or seminar

As noted above, the trainer provides the organizer with handouts that need to be duplicated in sufficient quantities, preferably with a margin.

Typically, participants are provided with:

  • Workbooks with exercises and assignments on individual topics.
  • Abstracts with key theses and various schemes.
  • Additional materials intended for self-study.

Basic requirements for any type of handout:

  1. Clarity, clarity and comprehensibility for participants.
  2. Absence of errors (spelling and syntactic type).
  3. The presence of numbering on the pages.

Often, material intended for participants is packaged in one package and distributed before the start of the event.

Drawing up a plan for a training or seminar, printing brochures

The plan is comparable to the class schedule. For example, a student knows exactly the time of the beginning and end of lessons, which subjects will be studied on a particular day. In the same way, a person who is interested in training or seminars should be aware of all the nuances of training.

The program states:

  • Total duration (a day or several days, the number of hours each day).
  • Where is the training, who is the author and presenter.
  • What blocks the event consists of, their duration and thematic focus of each.
  • When does registration begin.
  • Break time and other nuances.

The compiled program is printed in the form of a bright brochure and provided to the participants.
As you can see, the implementation of this paragraph should not be neglected and left to the last day. In addition to the plan itself, you need to think over the design of the brochure, find a printing house for its production, arrange for printing, wait a few days or more for the order to be completed.

An example of a training program by Evgeny Galaya: "Manager: the art of managing people"

Catering for a training or seminar

Nutrition care is an important part of the organizational process. A multi-hour seminar involves breaks of varying lengths. In moments of short rest, it is appropriate to offer listeners hot drinks, water and a sweet snack.

The value of a coffee break cannot be overestimated:

  1. The person switches.
  2. There is a restoration of strength for the perception of a new information block.
  3. Sweets stimulate brain activity.
  4. The internal tension of clients is reduced, a relaxed atmosphere is created.

Lunch time is best used for its intended purpose - to invite listeners to lunch. For example, in business centers there are special food points for this purpose. If there is no suitable cafe nearby, you can take care of the place of training in advance.

Paying attention to the little things

Unaccounted for little things lead to serious discomfort.

It is important to think through everything to the smallest detail, eliminating the slightest inconvenience for the participants:

  • Take care of the presence of signs to the wardrobe, hall, toilet, smoking room.
  • Hand out badges. This will facilitate communication during group sessions and breaks.
  • You should not save on the purchase of stationery - notebooks and pens. Indispensable attributes of any classes are distributed before the start of the event.

A rich training course is not easy to learn - after a week or two, many details are forgotten. This is what worries many listeners. Therefore, the sale of materials from full version course would be very helpful. It can be author's books, CDs or brochures.

We organize breaks of trainings or seminars with comfort

Comfort break includes:

  1. Special places for rest and food, equipped with comfortable furniture.
  2. Walk in the fresh air, preferably in a park area.

It is these nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a room. Listeners are always invited to leave the hall for the duration of the break. They need to change the situation, chat, stretch their muscles in normal walking, have a snack. A well-rested person is able to absorb information well. It does not hurt to hold a sports minute. Here it is time to recall the usual production mini-exercises from the Soviet past.

Additional notification of clients about the training or seminar 1-2 days before the start

The daily workload of modern people becomes the cause of forgetfulness. They simply do not remember some of the events they planned. A kind of safety net that all registered customers remember about the upcoming event is an additional notification in the form of a reminder. A few days before the appointed date, the formed group is called or sent by e-mail.

Hiring additional workers to help

With a large number of participants, it is difficult to do without additional assistants:

  • Meeting clients.
  • Celebrating those who came.
  • Organizing tea parties during breaks.
  • Promptly responding to force majeure circumstances.

As a conclusion. Returning to the question of the profitability of the business of organizing trainings and seminars. How to calculate it?

All costs are known in advance:

  1. Coach reward.
  2. The amount of the rent.
  3. The cost of printing handouts and brochures.
  4. Expenses for coffee breaks and stationery.
  5. Advertising spending.

It remains only to calculate the amount of the minimum fee for one person, taking into account the above expenses and your own benefit. Then the profit from each completed training is multiplied by the number of students. The result is net income.

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