Is the business of organizing a mini refinery profitable? What are the available types of mini-plants for oil refining


The business plan of the refinery includes information on actions to open its own refinery, figures for initial investment and indicators of investment attractiveness.

Input parameters: the production capacity of the facility will be about 60 - 70 thousand liters finished products various names, including gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil and diesel fuel.

Payback - 1.5 - 2 years.

  1. Summary.
  2. Description of the intention.
  3. Calendar plan object construction.
  4. Calculation of investment needs.
  5. Investment strategy.
  6. Marketing concept, definition of projected income.
  7. Organizational matters.
  8. Key Aspects production process.
  9. Current operating costs.
  10. Description of risk factors.
  11. Calculation of performance indicators.
  12. Findings.

The business plan is:

  1. A source of information needed to organize a business, presented in clear language.
  2. The formula for the success of any enterprise, which allows not only to organize the business, but also to build work in the current mode.
  3. A document required for presentation to any bank or investment company.

An example of a business plan for a refinery (oil refinery)

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Advanced refinery (refinery) business plan with full business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of a refinery (refinery)

  • Break even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of business risks and margin of safety in terms of sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Cost forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break even point calculation
  • Statement of Cash Flow quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your figures by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10 000 rub.

20 000 rub.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to get a loan or attract investments.


The extended business plan includes a financial model of the refinery (refinery) in Excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and entrepreneurship support funds in the Russian Federation. It will justify management decisions on investing in the creation and development of a refinery (oil refinery), to predict it financial results and assess risks.

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Business organization

The organization of an oil refinery is a business that, of course, is beyond the power of a novice entrepreneur. It requires experience and knowledge not only in the field of oil refining, but also in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as significant investments to start. In order to determine all the parameters and calculate the planned performance indicators at the very beginning of the activity, be sure to prepare a professional business plan for the refinery (refinery).

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Search for access to suppliers of raw materials, selection of a place for opening.
  3. Plant construction.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Resolving issues related to logistics.
  6. Attracting highly qualified personnel.
  7. Organization of a system for marketing finished products.
  8. preparatory activities.
  9. Start.

The success of an oil refinery depends on 3 main components: sources of raw materials, a logistics scheme and the availability of options for marketing finished products. There are 2 main ways to deliver raw materials: rail and pipeline. If we are talking about a mini refinery, then it is more expedient to use railway transport. More details about all the intricacies of organizing a plant can be found in the business plan.

Market analysis and refinery project description

Despite the fact that our country is one of the leaders in oil production, the raw material processing industry is poorly developed. The state acts as a monopoly in the market of this segment. At the same time, the organization of a mini refinery can become a promising and highly profitable activity.

Produced goods/services

Oil refining products: gasoline, fuel oil, diesel fuel, diesel fuel, plastic.

Potential clients

Enterprises using petroleum products in their activities, including in shipping, agriculture, housing, gas stations, and manufacturing.

Figures for opening a mini refinery with calculations are given in an example business plan.

Financial part of the refinery business plan


InvestmentsTerms, in monthsAmount, thousand rubles

Organization registration, paperwork

Design work

Premises construction

Conducting communications (electricity, water supply, etc.)

Carrying out finishing work

Procurement of equipment and other items of equipment

Obtaining the necessary permits

Acquisition of raw materials (for the first time)

A sample business plan for an oil refinery suggests that investments in the business will amount to about 1 billion rubles.


The annual revenue will be about 1.5 - 1.7 billion rubles.


Annual expenses - an average of 1 billion rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 1.5 - 2 years, the profit is an average of 500 - 800 million rubles annually, and the profitability is 39%.


Own oil refinery is the dream of any entrepreneur, it is a business that can bring significant income to its owner. However, at the same time, this activity is associated with large quantity risks and difficulties. In order to take into account all the nuances both when organizing a business and during the current production process, be sure to stock up on a professional oil refinery business plan.

Download the business plan template and financial model template and you will be able to:

  • Using the input data of your idea and initial conditions, calculate the business performance indicators on your own.
  • Save up to 150,000 rubles on the development of a business plan due to a competent template.
  • Use the data obtained to assess the profitability, payback period of the project, discounted cash flow, the feasibility of implementing certain ideas.
  • Organize profitable cooperation with representatives investment companies, banks, with potential business partners. The business plan will be your calling card in this case.
  • Determine at the planning stage possible risks and threats, and identify ways to mitigate these challenges.

As they say, in order to reach the goal, you must first of all go. But it is necessary not just to go, but to move in the right direction and at the right speed. A good business plan will help you set these movement parameters. Good luck to you.

Other ready business plans.

Funding source: Private


1.1. Investment goals.

The development of productive forces in the creation of an enterprise for deep processing of oil of a new generation (euro 5) and the achievement of an economic effect on their basis, the components of which are the net income of the enterprise and filling the federal and regional budgets with funds.

1.2. Basis for document development.

The investment justification was developed by the Customer on its own initiative.

1.3. Circumstances taken into account when developing the document:

  • crisis economic situation in the region;
  • energy dependence of the region on external suppliers of basic oil products;
  • outflow Money from the region for the purchase of petroleum products;
  • underemployment of the population of the region;

materials of feasibility studies reflected in the Forecast economic indicators”, presented by OJSC “Design Institute “URALGRAZHDANPROEKT” (St.

Yekaterinburg, Inventory No. 866-10, 2006).

Associated circumstances:

  • developed consumer market of petroleum products in the region and adjacent regions;
  • developed transport system (roads and railways);
  • availability of land resources sufficient to allocate a site for the construction of a plant, laying an oil pipeline and a product pipeline;
  • possibility of connection to the main oil pipeline;

The possibility of obtaining state limits for providing the enterprise with raw materials - oil.

1.4. Results of the feasibility study of the Project:

  • refining depth (as the ratio of the volume of oil products excluding fuel oil to the volume of processed oil) is 67.7%;
  • specific capital investments in the project (as the ratio of the volume of capital investments to

processing annual capacity in tons of oil) - 109.8 $ / (t / year);

  • specific factory capital investments (without taking into account the cost of external networks) - $71.7 / t;
  • specific energy consumption from external sources- is absent;
  • output of finished products (as the ratio of the volume of oil products to the volume of processed oil) - 95,2 %.

1.5. Market Information construction services

The region and the regional center have a developed construction industry and underutilized production capacities due to low solvent demand. Therefore, general construction work at the plant site, housing construction, as well as social and cultural facilities can be performed by local construction organizations within the time required by the Customer.


2.1. general characteristics object.

The processing capacity is 6 million tons of oil per year. The source of raw materials is the oil fields of OAO NK Rosneft (letter No. 02-02-302 dated 02.03.2012, OOO RNYuganskneftegaz). The supply of raw materials is carried out by purchasing them from oil suppliers at prices domestic market.

The picture of production and consumption of petroleum products is shown in the table.

Production and consumption of petroleum products, thousand tons/year

2.2. Assessment of the current state of production and consumption of petroleum products.

The Sverdlovsk region is a fairly large consumer of the main oil products - motor and boiler fuels, as well as road bitumen. These oil products are purchased outside the region and delivered by land transport to consumers at distances of 600 or more kilometers from the city. Omsk, Perm, Ufa, etc.

Transportation costs are high, in addition, taxes (VAT, excise, income taxes) are included in the structure of selling prices of petroleum products purchased on the side, which cause an outflow of funds from the region, which aggravates the already difficult situation in the local economy. The transition of the region to self-sufficiency in basic oil products by building a plant and subsequent oil processing means ousting external suppliers from the local market, which will strengthen the energy independence of the region and ensure the filling of local budgets with funds. It is possible to export part of the oil products to the Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and other regions, and most importantly, the main direction and the shortest route, to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, however, in these regions, intense competition is expected in the market with traditional suppliers. However, due to the relatively low cost of oil refining at the Sosva refinery, the improved quality of oil products and reasonable pricing policy, development of some part of the market of the specified regions is possible.


3.1. Justification of the chosen technology.

3 .1.1. Oil preparation.

A well-established technology of electric desalting and dehydration of oil in electric dehydrators at elevated temperatures and using desalted water, alkali, and a demulsifier has been chosen. A distinctive feature of the chosen technology is the evaporation of waste water, the use of condensate for oil washing as demineralized water, i.e. in technological circulation. The remaining brine is subjected to subsequent evaporation and crystallization of salts. Dried salts, mainly chlorides, are removed from the process in a dry packed form and removed for long-term storage on the territory of the enterprise. For evaporation, secondary energy resources are used. The advantage of the chosen technology is the absence of water consumption and runoff, i.e., its environmental friendliness. 3.1.2. Oil distillation.

Selected new technology according to RF patent No. 2100403, according to which the specific fuel consumption for oil distillation is about 7 kg/t, which is 3.5 times lower than in known technologies. At the same time, new furnaces were used according to the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2090810, which ensure a decrease in the concentration of toxic components in flue gases - carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides to 100 mg / (norm. m 3) of each component, which is approximately 2.5 - 3 times lower than known analogs, in the absence of chemical underburning in flue gases (hydrocarbons and soot). The advantage of the chosen technology is energy saving and environmental friendliness.

  • Reforming of gasoline fractions. A well-established technology for upgrading gasoline fractions at elevated temperatures on platinum-containing catalysts was chosen. The design of the L-35-11/600 installation is typical and belongs to VNIIneftemash Volggrad.
  • Vacuum distillation of fuel oil.

A new technology for processing fuel oil has been selected according to RF patent No. 2145971. Distinctive feature This technology is that the specific fuel consumption for distillation is reduced to 8 kg/t, against 28 kg/t in known technologies. Environmental pollution has been reduced in terms of gas emissions by at least four times, and in terms of the concentration of toxic components it has been reduced by about 2 - 2.5 times. The advantage of the chosen technology is energy saving and environmental friendliness.

  • Installation for the production of synthetic gasoline.

The development belongs to the A.V. Topchiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis. In it, high-octane gasoline is obtained from pyrogas from catalytic cracking units, the yield of which is 60% for raw materials, and a by-product - liquefied gas. The process goes on zeolite catalysts. The advantage of the process lies in the fact that by synthesis from propylene - butylene fractions - a by-product of catalytic cracking, commercial gasoline is obtained.

  • Technologies and installations for catalytic cracking, diesel fuel hydrotreatment, gas purification from hydrogen sulfide, sulfur production and bitumen production will be applied from among standard technologies without significant changes, as well-established in industrial practice.

The new technologies described in Section 3, in combination with the well-known ones, make it possible to organize an energy-saving and environmentally friendly process of deep oil refining with lower specific capital investments and short term payback. Since the development of new technologies includes well-known processes, and the design study will be carried out by specialized organizations with the participation of the authors of these inventions, the degree of risk and the likelihood of accidents will not exceed that for known and proven technologies.

3.2. Sources of technologies and the procedure for their acquisition.

The customer, on a contract basis, entrusts the design of an enterprise to a specialized organization to the general designer and takes part in the preparation of the terms of reference. The customer supervises the development project documentation in full.

At the stage of capital construction, the Customer completes the plant, orders non-standard equipment and the manufacture of transportable block modules, organizes general construction, installation and commissioning. At the stage of development of production, the Customer puts into operation technological equipment, certifies finished products for compliance with applicable standards.

During the design process, the main developers and suppliers of complete equipment are specified. Appropriate contracts are signed. development of some new technological processes and equipment, the general designer performs with the involvement of the authors of the developments. It is also possible to purchase a complete technological equipment by import. Involvement of specialized and licensed organizations in the execution of work at the design stage ensures the development of technological processes, equipment and the design of the plant as a whole in full compliance with the norms and rules in force in the Russian Federation. The executors of this part of the work will be the following organizations:

  • head office - CJSC GK "Russian supply", Moscow Nizhny Novgorod; - general design organization - OHL ZS a.s., Czech Republic; - design organization - OHL ZS a.s., Czech Republic.

The following organizations and enterprises will be involved in the capital construction stage:

  • suppliers of materials, standard equipment, components, measuring equipment and automation - more than 70 enterprises of the Russian Federation;
  • manufacturer and mechanical assembly organization - trust JSC "ČKD NOVE ENERGO", Czech Republic, Prague;
  • civil works - local construction organizations and enterprises.

3.3. Associated products of the enterprise.

  • Sulfur. The product is an extremely scarce raw material in the Russian Federation, it is used mainly for the production of sulfuric acid. Its largest consumers are enterprises that produce phosphate fertilizers, for example, enterprises in the cities of Krasnouralsk, Perm, Togliatti. It is possible to sell a by-product to the specified enterprise.
  • Salt. The product is a mixture of inorganic salts, mainly chlorides, recovered from the oil refining process. It is possible to use a by-product for dressing raw hides and processing roadbeds in winter as a means of combating ice. However, the scale of isolation of this product exceeds the possible scale of its use, therefore, the accumulation and storage of the product on the territory of the plant is envisaged.

3.4. Production and technological structure and composition of the enterprise.

Electric desalination plant with blocks for brine evaporation, drying and packing of salts with an oil capacity of 2 million tons / year - 3 pcs.

Oil distillation unit with a capacity of 6 million tons / year - 1 pc.

Gasoline reforming unit with a capacity of 600 thousand tons / year - 2 pcs.

Installation of vacuum distillation of fuel oil with a capacity of 2 million tons / year - 1 pc.

Bitumen production unit with a capacity of 100 thousand tons / year - 5 pcs.

Catalytic cracking unit with a capacity of 1 million tons / year - 1 pc. Vacuum gas oil hydrotreating unit with a capacity of 1 million tons / year - 1 pc. Diesel fuel hydrotreating unit with a capacity of 2 million tons / year - 1 pc.

Installation for the production of synthetic gasoline for 150 thousand tons / year - 1 pc. Installation

MEA gas cleaning -1 pc.

Sulfur production unit -1 pc.

Raw material park at the site of the tie-in of the factory oil pipeline into the main

per 100 thousand tons -1 pc.

Commodity and raw materials park on the territory of the plant for 250 thousand tons -1 pc. Torch facilities -1 pc.


4.1. The annual need of the enterprise for resources.

Resource name




2. Materials

2.1. Catalysts

2.2. Catalysts

AP-64 or KR


2.4. Demulsifiers

Diproxamine, Proquinor

2.5. alkalis

3. Energy resources

3.1. Fuel

From own resources

3.2. Electricity

From own power plant

For household needs from the well

3.4. Heat supply

Through the use of VER

4.2. Analysis and justification of possible sources and conditions for obtaining resources.

The oil refinery planned for construction will be a large-scale consumer of raw materials - oil. Therefore, at the stage of pre-project preparation, the issues of systematic provision of the enterprise with raw materials should be guaranteed. The most preferred option for resolving this issue is to obtain state limits on raw materials by decree of the Russian government. Materials: catalysts for reforming, hydrocracking, hydrotreating, demulsifiers, alkalis - are produced by enterprises of the Russian Federation and can be purchased in the required quantities.

4.3. Calculation of annual expenses for providing the enterprise with raw materials.

4.3.1. Oil acquisition costs ( dollar exchange rate 27.8 rubles) Selling price - 3535 rubles / t or

127.12 $/t Including VAT = 539.17 RUB/t or 19.39 $/t

Total oil purchase costs - 127.12 * 6 * 10 6 = 762.72 million $ / year Including:

for oil - 107.73 * 6 * 10 6 \u003d 646.38 million $ / year

VAT - 19.39 * 6 * 10 6 \u003d 116.34 million $ / year

Note: oil prices are taken according to OIL.RFTODAY.RU data for the domestic market as of 09/06/2011.

4.3.2. Oil delivery costs. Price without VAT: $6.0/1000 km Price with VAT: $6.915/1000 km. Distance: 2200 km.

Costs without VAT: 6 * 2.2 * 6 = 79.2 million $/t. VAT: 0.915 * 2.2 * 6 * 10 6 = 12.078 million $ / t. Spending with

VAT: 7.2 * 2.2 * 5.1 * 10 6 \u003d 91.278 million $ /

4.3.3. The cost of purchasing materials. Accepted as 3% of the cost of purchasing oil. Costs for materials in total: 762.72 * 0.03 = 22.881 million $/year Including: for materials - 19.832 million $/year. VAT -- $3.049 million/year.

4.3.4. General expenses of the enterprise for the provision of raw materials and materials Total expenses with VAT - 762.72 + 91.278 + 22.881 = 876.879 million $ / year

Including: raw materials and supplies - 540.243 + 67.320 + 16.208 = 743.118 million $/year VAT - 116.340 + 12.078 + 3.049 = 131.476 million $/year.


The administration of the Sverdlovsk region offered six sites for the location of the enterprise (see the map of the Sverdlovsk region), one of which, 110 hectares, is the most preferable in the opinion of the Customer. It is located near the railway, 0.9 km, located near, 3.5 km from the oil pumping station, removed from the nearest settlements more than 3 km. The distance to the main consumer of oil products - Nizhny Tagil - 150 km. The site is completely located on the territory of the rejected forest and does not withdraw arable land from circulation.


6.1. Fundamental decisions on the timing and sequence of construction.

The Appendix contains a schedule for the construction and financing of the plant. Two years after the start of construction, the facilities of the start-up complex are put into operation and sales of products begin. For the third year, the enterprise will process 6 million tons of oil using a simplified technology, which is 100% of the design capacity. For the entire third year, the construction of diesel fuel and vacuum gas oil hydrotreatment units has been underway, the purpose of which is to increase the environmental friendliness of motor fuels.

6.2. Solutions for energy supply, water supply and sewerage.

6.2.1 . Power supply.

The enterprise is building a gas turbine power plant from standard units with a capacity of 2.5 MW each, based on the fact that the power consumption is 10 MW (4 units) and 50% reserve (2 units). The fuel for the GTE is dry and/or liquefied gas, which is a by-product of the plant. Connection to the regional power system is provided as a backup source of power supply.

6.2.2. Heat supply.

Providing the enterprise with heating water and steam is carried out through the utilization of secondary energy resources (SER), the carriers of which are material flows in technological installations.

Thermally desalinated water obtained at the stage of evaporation in ELOU units is used as the main transporting heat carrier.

6.2.3. Water supply. Sources of water supply:

  • water present in oil in the amount of 1 - 1.2% of the mass;
  • storm water;
  • water from wells. Water consumption:
  • for technological needs - no consumption;
  • thermally desalinated water from oil treatment units is used to feed the circulating cycles of the cooling system;
  • settled storm waters are used to feed the circulating cycles of oil treatment plants, if necessary;
  • thermally desalinated water from oil treatment units is used to feed the heating system and steam generation;
  • thermally desalinated water is used for fire extinguishing needs (from the storage tank);
  • for household and drinking needs, water is used from wells, from which it is also possible to feed oil treatment plants.

6.2.4. Sewerage.

The enterprise has storm and household sewerage.

The storm sewer system provides for the collection, settling and accumulation of storm and melt water in the reservoir on the territory of the enterprise.

Household sewerage contains a collection system and a local installation of biological wastewater treatment.


Factors influencing the production process on environment are gas emissions, sewage and solid waste containing toxic components.

7.1. Gas emissions into the atmosphere.

Table of gas emissions calculated in m / h under normal conditions (O ° C, 760 mm rt. Art.), and the content of toxic components in them.

7.2. Wastewater.

7.2.1. Promstock.

The company does not have industrial wastewater due to the fact that the water used is in circulation. This (first) circulating cycle provides the technology of thermal desalination with the production of condensate returned to circulation and dry residue - salts.

For cooling needs, water from the circulating water supply system is used. The purge of this (second) circulating cycle is carried out to the evaporation unit of the first cycle, and the cycle is fed with condensate (thermo-desalinated water with the addition of reagents).

The rest of the processes in the technology do not consume water, however, in the tanks it is possible to retain bottom water, which is collected and used to feed the first circulating cycle.

7.2.2. Livnestok. Storm runoff and meltwater are collected at the storm sewer plant and subjected to sludge. Water is used to feed the first turnaround.

7.2.3. Stock from car wash.

The runoff at the place of formation is subjected to settling in a trap, while capturing both settling and floating components. The water from the trap is removed through the storm sewer system and recycled in the manner described above.

7.2.4. Household stock.

The issue of processing and disposal of household waste is solved when designing an enterprise.

7.3. solid waste.

7.3.1. Salts from the oil treatment system.

Salts, mainly chlorides, are excreted as a dry residue in packaged form. Are subject to warehousing and storage in the territory of the enterprise. Annual output of salts from 160 to 1200 tons (for oils of the 1st and II groups in terms of salinity).

7.3.2. spent catalysts.

Before unloading from the equipment, all spent catalysts are calcined to free them from oil residues and burn out coke. After this treatment, they do not contain toxic and water-soluble components. Spent catalysts are packed and stored on the territory of the enterprise in the amount of up to 500 tons per year.

7.3.3. Solid combustible waste - containers, packaging, industrial and household waste, strippings from technological apparatuses and settling tanks are subjected to fire neutralization. The resulting ash in the amount of up to 50 tons per year is stored and stored at the enterprise in a packaged form.

More detailed information about the impact of the enterprise on the environment will be presented in the documentation of the first design stage - the feasibility study of investments, the EIA section, drawn up taking into account local background pollution in full compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.


There are three stages in the development of the personnel of the enterprise.

At the first stage (1.5 years) administrative and managerial a group of 10 people.

At the second stage (another 0.5 years), the administrative and management group develops and the production personnel of the launch complex are recruited.

At the third stage (another 1.5 years), production personnel is recruited to ensure the functioning of the facilities and production facilities being put into operation.

After 3.5 years from the start of construction, the number of employees reaches 300 people.

Oil refining provides for a continuous round-the-clock three-shift process for 8000 hours a year. The remaining 760 hours are repair and maintenance work. The main production personnel are engineers and technicians with special training(and education) in the field of oil refining and petrochemistry.

The staffing of the enterprise will be facilitated by the planned housing construction provided for by the estimate.

During the period of construction and preparation of the enterprise's facilities for commissioning, the main specialists and production personnel undergo a training course organized and conducted by a mandated agent. In addition, the main specialists responsible for the safe conduct of work at the enterprise undergo appropriate training and pass qualification exams in the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies, after which they organize training production staff, take exams and draw up documents allowing for the performance of work.


9.1. Investment costs.

Capital investments during construction and production (in thousands of dollars). Table 9.1

Type of investment

Including by years of the investment cycle

Depreciation rate, %

The amount of depreciation

1. Cost of design, survey and design work

2. Preparation of the construction site

3 . The cost of the main construction objects

4. The cost of utility and service facilities

5 . The cost of energy facilities

6. The cost of transport and communication facilities

7. The cost of external networks and structures

8. The cost of landscaping the construction site

9. The cost of housing construction and social and cultural facilities

10. Marketing services

eleven . The cost of retail sales of petroleum products

14. Purchase of licenses and


9.2. Schedule of investments in the construction of the enterprise (in thousands of dollars) Table 9.2


Capital investment

9.3. Manufacturing program(in thousand tons per year).

9.4.1 Price structure of petroleum products (in dollars per ton).

Table 9.4

Name of production

Enterprise wholesale price

(without excise)

Selling price

1. Liquefied gas

2. Non-ethyl gasoline. A-76

3. Non-ethyl gasoline. AI-92

4. Diesel fuel is environmentally friendly

5. Fuel oil

6. Road bitumen

Note: prices are taken by analogy with OIL.RFTODAY.RU prices as of

9.4.2. Calculation of net proceeds from the sale of products (in thousand dollars per year).

Table 9.5

9.4.3. Calculation of tax deductions (included in the price of petroleum products). Table 9.6.

Name of production

Price, thousand dollars

Amount thousand dollars

Amount thousand dollars

1. Non-ethyl gasoline. BUT-

2. Non-ethyl gasoline. AI-92

3. Diesel fuel

one . Liquefied gas

2. Non-ethyl gasoline. BUT-

3. Non-ethyl gasoline. AI-92

4. Diesel fuel

5. Fuel oil

6. Road bitumen

9.5. Average headcount working.

Table 9.7

Number by years in staff units

1. Workers and engineers directly involved in the production of products

2. Workers and employees not directly involved in the production of products

3. Employees of the enterprise management apparatus at the level of workshops

4. Employees of the enterprise management apparatus

Total employed

9.6. Current costs for overall volume manufactured products.9.6.1. Material costs (in thousand dollars).

Table 9.8

Name of material costs

Costs by years

1. Raw materials

2. Spare parts

3. Low-value and wearing items

4. Third Party Services

5. Fuel

6. Energy

9.6.2. Labor costs and social security contributions(in thousands of dollars).

Table 9.9

Costs by years


1. Labor costs for workers and engineers directly involved in production, total:


incentive payments and

compensatory nature

Deductions for social needs

2. The cost of wages for workers and employees not directly involved in the production of products, total:


Salary basic and additional


Deductions for social needs

3. Expenses for remuneration of employees of the administrative apparatus at the level of workshops, total:


Salary basic and additional

Incentive and compensatory payments


4. Expenses for remuneration of employees of the enterprise management apparatus, total: including:

Salary basic and additional

Incentive and compensatory payments

Deductions for social needs

Labor costs payroll

Deductions for social needs

Transport tax (1% of payroll)

9.6.3. Maintenance and repair of technological equipment and Vehicle(in thousand dollars)

Table 9.10

9.6.4. Administrative overhead (in thousands of dollars) Table 9.11

Main types of costs

1. Costs for the maintenance of company vehicles

2. The salary of the administrative apparatus with deductions for social.

4. Travel expenses

5. Costs for heating, lighting, water supply, sewerage and maintenance of administrative buildings

8. Office, postal, telegraph and telephone expenses

9. Entertainment expenses

10. Payment of local taxes. Total: including: for the maintenance of the police for cleaning the territory

9.6.5. Factory overhead (in thousands of dollars).

Table 9.12

Main types of costs

Costs in value terms

1. Salary pay the main and additional workers and employees not employed in the production of non-managerial personnel and the maintenance of the shop management apparatus with deductions for social. needs

3. Transportation costs associated with production processes

4. Repair of buildings, industrial facilities, warehouses, inventory

5. Costs for processing, recycling and waste disposal

6. Costs of testing, experimentation, research, invention and rationalization costs

7. Payment for product certification

8. Labor protection

9. Personnel training

Total factory overhead

9.7. Current costs and production costs(in thousands of dollars).

Table 9.13

Type of production costs

Current costs by years

1. Raw materials

2. Energy for technological purposes

3. Salary of production staff

4. Maintenance and repair of equipment

5. Administrative overhead

6. Factory overhead

7. Other unrecorded overheads

8. Transport tax

9. Property tax (2%)

10. Depreciation of fixed assets

9.8. Calculation of net profit and income tax(in thousands of dollars) Table 9.14

9.9. Need for working capital(in thousands of dollars).

Table 9.15

9.10. Distribution of income of the main business participants(thousand $) Table 9.16.

Type of income

Key Business Participants


Federal budget

Regional budget

Net profit


At a profit


For property

9.11. Profitability of oil refining, specific, $/t. D \u003d 1347/6 \u003d 224.5.

9.12. Specific costs for oil refining, $/t. ZU \u003d (801.468-743.118) / 6 \u003d 9.75.

9.13. Cash flow during the construction and operation of the enterprise

(Project - balance sheet of income and expenses).

9.14. CASH FLOWS(in thousands of dollars)

Table 15

Table 16


Refund amount

Total interest on the loan - 253733 US$

9.15. Generalized data on the effectiveness of investments in the creation of an enterprise. Table 9.17.

Name of indicator


1. Performance indicators from an entrepreneur's point of view

1.1. Net profit, mln. $/year............................................... .........................

1.2. Payback period of investments, years............................................. 1.3. Specific capital investments in the Project, $/(tons of capacity)..................

1.4. Yield of finished products for raw materials, % .............................................. ....

1.5. Volume of investments, mln. $....................................... .........................

1.6. Loan amount, million $………………………………………………..

2. Performance indicators from the standpoint of the regional economy

2.1. Increasing the number of jobs .................................................................. ........

2.2. Filling of the regional budget, mln. $/year..................................

2.3. Reduction of cash outflow, mln. $/year .................................. 2.4. Strengthening energy independence for motor and boiler fuels

3. Performance indicators from the standpoint of the federal economy

3.1. Reducing subsidies to the region .............................................. ........

3.2.Rehabilitation of the economy in the region………………………………….

3.3. Decrease in social tension

3.4. Filling of the federal budget, mln. $./year..................................

More full version The project is in the attachment.

Business plan for a mini refinery with a financial model. Mini refinery (oil refinery) as profitable business. Investment in a mini refinery business plan. Oil refining in a modern way.

Executor AMICO
the date 10.12.2018
Number of pages 155 pages
Price 39 000 rub. 39000 RUB
print version

After placing and paying for the order, within 1 (one) business day, a marketing research / business plan will be sent to the specified e-mail. Accounting documents will be sent by regular mail. Our managers will contact you on the specified numbers.

diagrams - 52, graphs - 22, tables - 53

Description "Typical business plan for a mini oil refinery (refinery)":

Objective of the project - develop a business plan for a mini oil refinery with a financial model.

The business plan is accompanied by a financial model with project calculations in Excel format. This model can be changed and corrected independently, when they are made, the model changes automatically.

Mini refinery business plan concept:

  • It is planned to purchase a plot in the amount of: *** ha.
  • The planned capacity of the plant is 30 thousand tons of raw materials processing per year.
  • MNPZ will produce: gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil.
  • The production process is continuous, the number of working hours of the plant per year is 8,000.
  • Financing for the project is carried out at the expense of the investor and own funds.

The main characteristics of the mini refinery business plan:

  • The selling price of motor gasoline is *** rubles. per ton. Diesel fuel - *** rub. per ton and fuel oil - *** rub. per ton. The established level corresponds to the average market prices.
  • Purchase of oil from producers - *** rub. per ton
  • Discount rate, in the project - ***% per year
  • The calculations use the general taxation system, the VAT rate is 20%.
  • Gasoline and diesel fuel are excisable products, the excise rate effective from January 2019 is used in the calculations. ( the federal law dated August 3, 2018 No. 301-FZ "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code Russian Federation")

The business plan of the Moscow Refinery considers:

Oil production:

  • The volume and dynamics of oil production in the Russian Federation from 2012 to October 2018;
  • The structure of oil production in the leading regions of the Russian Federation;
  • The share of oil received for processing;
  • Oil price dynamics


  • Domestic production of gasoline, fuel oil, diesel fuel from 2012 to October 2018;
  • Proceedings on federal districts and subjects of the Russian Federation are considered;
  • Dynamics of producer prices for these categories of petroleum products;
  • Consumer prices for gasoline and diesel fuel in all regions of the Russian Federation and their dynamics in the period from 2012 to October 2018.

Export of petroleum products:

  • The indicators of export of crude oil and oil products in value and physical terms by countries of destination were considered;
  • The segment of gasolines is considered in detail. Dynamics of exports by types, countries of destination in monetary and physical terms.


  • Investments in the project will amount to *** mln. rub.
  • Most of the investments are for the purchase of a technological plant - ***%, in second place are general construction works and factory facilities - ***%.
  • Sum working capital is *** million rubles.
  • Loan term *** years.

The financial model with calculations contains performance indicators for the creation of mini refineries. Indicators medium size net profit, return on sales, net present value, internal rate of return, profitability index, discounted payback period of the project and others.

Attractiveness of the oil products market:

  • At the end of 2017, the volume of oil production amounted to *** million tons. At the same time, more than half of this volume was sent for processing.
  • In January-October 2018, the volume of oil production amounted to *** million tons, which is similar to the indicator of the previous year for the same period.
  • The revenue of oil refining enterprises grew by 20% in 2017 and reached a historical maximum, exceeding the pre-crisis figure of 2014.
  • The leader in gasoline production is the Volga Federal District - ***%, the Central Federal District accounts for ***%, and the Siberian Federal District closes the top three with a share of 19.0%.
  • At the end of 2017, both consumer prices and producer prices for gasoline and diesel fuel increased. For 9 months of 2018, producer prices for gasoline increased by ***%, for diesel fuel - ***%.
  • At the end of 2017, consumer prices for motor gasoline increased in all federal districts. In 2018, prices also grew, the maximum was recorded in the Far East - *** rubles. per litre. Minimum - in the Siberian Federal District - *** rubles per liter.

The business plan contains 52 diagrams, 53 tables, 22 graphs and 5 diagrams.









4.1. OIL...22

4.1.1. Volume, dynamics and geographical structure of crude oil production in the Russian Federation...22

4.1.2. The volume, dynamics and geographical structure of oil received for processing (primary oil processing) ... 28

4.1.3. Oil prices...34

4.2. CAR GASOLINE...37

4.2.1. Volume, dynamics and geographical structure of motor gasoline production...37

4.2.2. Producer prices for motor gasoline...41

4.2.3. Consumer prices for motor gasoline...45

4.3. DIESEL FUEL...51

4.3.1. Volume, dynamics and geographical structure of diesel fuel production...51

4.3.2. Producer prices for diesel fuel...55

4.3.3. Consumer prices for diesel fuel...59

4.4. FUEL OIL...64

4.4.1. Volume, dynamics and geographical structure of fuel oil production...64

4.4.2. Producer prices for fuel oil...67


4.5.1. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the oil products industry ... 70

4.5.2. Geographic structure of revenue...71


4.6.1. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the industry wholesale trade motor fuel...74

4.6.2. Geographic structure of revenue...75


4.7.1. The volume, dynamics and structure of exports of oil and oil products in physical terms...78

4.7.2. The volume, dynamics and structure of exports of oil and oil products in value terms...81


4.7.1. Volume, dynamics and structure of motor gasoline exports in physical terms...84

4.7.2. Volume, dynamics and structure of motor gasoline exports in value terms...89


5.1. GENERAL...94







6.4. PERSONNEL...114




















List of diagrams

Diagram 1. The volume and dynamics of crude oil production in physical terms in the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, million tons

Diagram 2. Structure of crude oil production by types in physical terms, 2017, %

Diagram 3. Structure of crude oil production in natural terms by federal districts,

Diagram 4. The structure of crude oil production in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation,

Diagram 5. The volume and dynamics of oil received for processing, in kind in the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, million tons

Diagram 6. The share of oil received for processing in the total oil production, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, %

Diagram 7. Structure of oil received for processing, in physical terms, by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 8. The structure of oil received for processing, in physical terms, by subjects of the Russian Federation,

Diagram 10. The volume and dynamics of the production of motor gasoline in physical terms in the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, million tons

Diagram 11. The structure of motor gasoline production by types in physical terms, 2017, %

Diagram 12. Structure of motor gasoline production in physical terms by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 13. The structure of motor gasoline production in physical terms by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 14. Dynamics of producer prices for motor gasoline, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Diagram 15. Dynamics of producer prices for motor gasoline by type, 2017 – Jan-Oct 2018, rub/ton

Diagram 16. Dynamics of consumer prices for motor gasoline, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Diagram 17. Dynamics of consumer prices for motor gasoline by type, 2017 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Diagram 18. Volume and dynamics of diesel fuel production in Russian Federation in kind, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, million tons

Diagram 19. Structure of diesel fuel production by types in natural terms, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, %

Diagram 20. Structure of diesel fuel production in physical terms by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 21. Structure of diesel fuel production in physical terms by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 22. Dynamics of producer prices for diesel fuel, 2017 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Diagram 23. Dynamics of producer prices for diesel fuel by type, 2017 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Diagram 24. Dynamics of consumer prices for diesel fuel, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Diagram 25. The volume and dynamics of the production of fuel oil in kind in the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, million tons

Diagram 26. Structure of fuel oil production in physical terms by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 27. Structure of fuel oil production in physical terms by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 28. Dynamics of producer prices for heating oil, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Diagram 29. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the oil products production industry in the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, billion rubles

Chart 30. Structure of revenue in the oil products industry by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 31. The volume and dynamics of revenue in the wholesale trade in motor fuel in the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, billion rubles

Chart 32. Revenue structure in the motor fuel wholesale trade industry by federal districts, 2017, %

Diagram 33. Revenue structure in the motor fuel wholesale trade industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2017, %

Diagram 34. The volume and dynamics of exports of oil and oil products in physical terms, 2012 - Jan-Sep 2018, million tons

Diagram 35. The structure of exports of oil and oil products in physical terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 36. The volume and dynamics of exports of oil and oil products in value terms, 2012 - Jan-Sep 2018, billion dollars

Diagram 37. Structure of export of oil and oil products in value terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 38. The volume and dynamics of exports of motor gasoline in physical terms, 2014 - Jan-Sep 2018, million tons

Diagram 39. Structure of export of motor gasoline in physical terms by type, 2017, %

Diagram 40. The volume and dynamics of exports of motor gasoline with an octane number of less than 95 in real terms, 2014 - Jan-Sep 2018, million tons

Diagram 41. Structure of export of motor gasoline in physical terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 42. The volume and dynamics of exports of motor gasoline in value terms, 2014 - Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Diagram 43. Structure of export of motor gasoline in value terms by type, 2017, %

Chart 44. The volume and dynamics of exports of motor gasoline with an octane number of less than 95 in value terms, 2014 - Jan-Sep 2018, million dollars

Chart 45. The structure of exports of motor gasoline with an octane number of less than 95 in value terms by countries of destination, 2017, %

Diagram 46. Cost structure for equipment, %

Diagram 47. The structure of the output of finished products,%

Diagram 48. Structure of project revenues, %

Diagram 49. The structure of the current costs of the project,%

Diagram 50. Structure of investment costs, %

Diagram 51. Distribution of working capital by planning periods, thousand rubles.

Diagram 52. Structure of tax payments for the project, %

List of tables

Table 1. Permits, licenses, certificates

Table 2. Volume of crude oil production by types, 2017, thousand tons

Table 3. Volume of crude oil production in physical terms by federal districts, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 4. Volume of crude oil production in physical terms by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 5. The volume of oil received for processing, in physical terms, by federal districts, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 6. The volume of oil received for processing, in physical terms, by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 8. The volume of production of motor gasoline by type, 2017, thousand tons

Table 9. The volume of production of motor gasoline in physical terms by federal districts, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 10. The volume of production of motor gasoline in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 11. Dynamics of producer prices for motor gasoline in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Table 12. Dynamics of consumer prices for motor gasoline in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Table 13. Dynamics of consumer prices for motor gasoline by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Table 14. Volume of diesel fuel production by types, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 15. Volume of diesel fuel production in physical terms by federal districts, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 16. Volume of diesel fuel production in physical terms by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 17. Dynamics of producer prices for diesel fuel in the Federal District, 2017 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Table 18. Dynamics of consumer prices for diesel fuel in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Table 19. Dynamics of consumer prices for diesel fuel by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Table 20. The volume of production of heating oil in physical terms by federal districts, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 21. The volume of production of fuel oil in kind by the subjects of the Russian Federation, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Table 22. Dynamics of producer prices for fuel oil in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Table 23. Revenue in the oil products industry by federal districts, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Table 24. The volume of revenue in the oil products production industry by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Table 25. The volume of revenue in the wholesale trade in motor fuel by federal districts, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Table 26. The volume of revenue in the wholesale trade in motor fuel by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 2012 - January-June 2018, million rubles

Table 27. The volume of exports of oil and oil products in physical terms by countries of destination, 2012 - Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Table 28. The volume of exports of oil and oil products in value terms by countries of destination, 2012 - Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 29. The volume of exports of motor gasoline in physical terms by type, 2012 - Jan-Sep 2018, tons

Table 30. The volume of exports of motor gasoline with an octane number of less than 95 in physical terms by countries of destination, 2014 - Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Table 31. The volume of exports of motor gasoline in value terms by type, 2012 - Jan-Sep 2018, thousand dollars

Table 32. The volume of exports of motor gasoline with an octane number of less than 95 in value terms by country of destination, 2014 - Jan-Sep 2018, thousand tons

Table 33. List of required equipment

Table 34

Table 35. Other Required Equipment

Table 36

Table 37. Staffing

Table 38. Planned production volumes

Table 39. Average selling prices of products

Table 40. Parameters of the current costs of the project

Table 42. Assessment of risks and ways to reduce them

Table 43. Baselines for the project

Table 44. Dynamics of production under the project

Table 45. Distribution of fuel oil for own needs and sales

Table 46. Dynamics of project revenue

Table 47. Dynamics of current costs for the project

Table 48 tax payments project

Table 49. Loan settlement plan

Table 50. Calculation of break-even sales volume

Table 51. Cash flow statement

Table 52. Profit and loss statement

Table 53. Project performance indicators

List of graphs

Chart 1. Monthly dynamics of crude oil production in physical terms, 2016 – Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Chart 2. Monthly dynamics of oil received for processing, in physical terms, 2016 – Jan-Oct 2018, thousand tons

Chart 3. Monthly dynamics of producer prices for crude oil, 2015 – Jan-Oct 2018, RUB/ton

Chart 5. Monthly dynamics of producer prices for motor gasoline, 2015 – Jan-Oct 2018, RUB/ton

Chart 6. Dynamics of producer prices for motor gasoline in the Federal District, 2012 – Jan-Oct 2018, RUB/ton

Chart 7. Monthly dynamics of consumer prices for motor gasoline, 2015 – Jan-Oct 2018, rub/l

Chart 8. Dynamics of consumer prices for motor gasoline in the Federal District, 2012 – Jan-Oct 2018, rub/l

Chart 9. Monthly dynamics of producer prices for diesel fuel, 2017 – Jan-Oct 2018, RUB/ton

Chart 10. Dynamics of producer prices for diesel fuel in the Federal District, 2017 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Chart 11. Monthly dynamics of consumer prices for diesel fuel, 2015 – Jan-Oct 2018, rub/l

Chart 12. Dynamics of consumer prices for diesel fuel in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./l

Chart 13. Monthly dynamics of producer prices for heating oil, 2015 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Chart 14. Dynamics of producer prices for heating oil in the Federal District, 2012 - Jan-Oct 2018, rub./ton

Chart 15. Mini refinery loading plan, %

Chart 16. Mini refinery income plan

Chart 17. Loan repayment plan

Chart 18. Calculation of the break-even point

Chart 19. Dynamics of revenue, costs and profit

Chart 20. Dynamics of net profit

Chart 21. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow

Chart 22. NPV and undiscounted cash flow for an investor

List of schemes

Scheme 1. Configuration of the site of the Moscow Refinery

Scheme 2. Simplified block diagram of oil refining

Scheme 3. Simplified block diagram of the interaction of MINI refinery objects

Scheme 4. Approximate master plan of the complex

Scheme 5. Scheme of the Moscow Refinery

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Ready-made business plan for the construction of an oil refinery (refinery) with a capacity of 5 million tons per year developed in August 2018 d. specially for the oil refining industry according to the author's methods of ECC "Invest-Project" taking into account international recommendations UNIDO, therefore, it can be used both for internal purposes and for presentation to Russian and foreign banks, investors, partners, authorities.

Settlement date: 22.08.2018.

Payment currency: ruble.

Planning period: 12 years by year.

Planning methodology: UNIDO international recommendations, own methods.

The purpose of the business plan: building a financial model and calculating the key financial, economic and marketing parameters of the refinery construction project to confirm it economic efficiency and attraction of investments.

The business plan contains aggregated data on the project, reflects the concept of creating an enterprise and is terms of reference for further development of design and construction documentation, coordination with contractors, investors, authorities.

Production capacity of the enterprise: before 5 million tons of raw materials per year.

Output Structure

The project's need for investment

Investment is required to implement the project *** billion rubles from two sources:

    *** billion rubles at the expense of the project owner's own funds ( ** % investment),

    *** billion rubles in the form of a bank loan at a rate 14,0 % per annum ( ** % of investments), repayment of the loan body - from the **-th to the **-th year inclusive, payment of interest - from the moment the tranche is received.

Total term of use borrowed money - ** of the year.

Interest will be charged on the loan *** million rubles

Need for land resources

The size of the site, taking into account fire breaks for the construction of the refinery as a whole, taking into account the commodity park and off-site facilities, is estimated at *** ha.

Project implementation timeline:

    start of implementation: I quarter. 2019,

    refinery design and construction stage: ** years,

    commissioning and start of processing of raw materials: ***,

    reaching design capacity: ***.

Industry Marketing Review

In 2017, oil and gas condensate production in Russia decreased by 0,1 % and amounted to 546,8 mln t. As of January 1, 2018, oil and gas condensate (petroleum feedstock) were produced 288 organizations holding licenses for the right to use subsoil.

In 2017, Russia increased oil exports by 1,1 %, before *** million tons. In 2017, the average annual price for Russian oil on the world market reached 53,1 dollars / barrel According to Rosstat, the average annual price of oil producers for Russian market in 2017 amounted to *** thousand rubles / t.

According to Rosstat, *** million tons of oil goes for processing - this is ** % of all oil produced.

According to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, in total Russian refinery in 2017, the main types of oil products were produced:

  • motor gasoline - *** million tons;
  • diesel fuel - *** million tons;
  • aviation kerosene - *** million tons;
  • fuel oil - *** million tons

In 2017, the depth of oil refining for the first time reached 81,0 %.

In Russia, in 2017, producer prices for motor gasoline increased by 12 % (*** thousand rubles/t), for diesel fuel - by 20 % (*** thousand rubles/ton). Prices for fuel oil and road oil bitumen increased by 59 % and 68 %. The average annual price for fuel oil was *** thousand rubles/t, bitumen cost *** thousand rubles / t.

The average retail price for AI-92 gasoline in 2017 was set at *** rub./l., AI-95 gasoline cost *** rub./l., diesel fuel - *** rub. / l.

The tax component in the final price of each liter of motor fuel sold in the country is about 60 %.

Export of petroleum products in 2017 amounted to 148 million tons

Technical and economic indicators of the project

Prices for the company's products

Thus, the average annual revenue of the enterprise will be *** billion rubles.

Excises on petroleum products

* According to art. 193 part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation from 08/03/2018.

Key indicators of the project



Production capacity, t / year

Production capacity, t / month

Revenue, rub. / month

Revenue, rub. / year

Cost of production, rub. / t

Average price of products sold, rub. / t

Cost of processing, %

When the production and economic parameters of the business plan for the project are met, the following performance indicators will be achieved.

Project performance indicators

Name of indicator



General indicators project

Total revenue for the planning period

billion rubles

Disposals for current activities

billion rubles

Operating balance

billion rubles

Net profit of the project

billion rubles

Amount of investments

billion rubles

Property on the balance sheet at the end of the planning horizon

billion rubles

Return on sales for the whole project

Net profit margin

Net profit per month at the end of the forecast period

billion rubles / month

Sales at the end of the forecast period

billion rubles / month

Indicators for the lender / lender

Amount of own funds

Amount of borrowed funds

billion rubles

Total funding

billion rubles

Attitude equity to borrowed (D/E)

Loan rate (in nominal prices)

Accrued interest on loans

Duration of repayment of the loan body

Loan terms

interval, years

Investment indicators of the project

Discount rate, annual

Discount rate, monthly

NPV of the project at the time of its inception

billion rubles

Project PI

Project IRR

Payback period (undiscounted)

interval, years

Payback period (discounted)

interval, years

Net present value(Net Present Value, NPV) of the project for the forecast period is *** billion rubles at discount rate 14,0 % per year (1.10% per month). When assessing the NPV value, it is important to take into account that the project is being implemented beyond the planning horizon.

Project Profitability Index, or the coefficient of return on investment funds (Payback Investments, PI) = ***. This means that for every ruble invested, the project will generate over the forecast period *** rub. (including discounting).

Internal rate of return(Internal Rate of Return, IRR) - ***%. This indicator demonstrates the stability of the project in relation to a possible increase in discount rates, construction and installation works and risks.

Ready-made refinery business plan 153 pages, 44 tables, 34 graphic arts, 14 diagrams and 6 drawings.





2.1. Inflation and GDP in Russia, 2003-2020

2.2. Analysis of the oil market in the Russian Federation

2.2.1. Oil production in Russia

2.2.2. The main regions of oil production in the Russian Federation

2.2.3. Production capacity for oil production

2.2.4. Oil resources of the Russian Federation

2.2.5. Export of crude oil

2.2.6. Oil prices

2.3. Classification of petroleum products

2.4. The market of oil products in the Russian Federation

2.4.1. Production of petroleum products

2.4.2. Producer prices for petroleum products

2.4.3. Retail prices for petroleum products

2.4.4. Export of petroleum products

2.5. Oil refineries in Russia

2.6. TOP-10 Russian refineries

2.7. Register of Russian refineries

2.8. Modernization of refineries in the Russian Federation

2.9. Modernization of the ROSNEFT refinery

2.9.1. JSC "Kuibyshev Refinery"

2.9.2. RN-Tuapse Refinery

2.9.3. Achinsk Oil Refinery VNK

2.9.4. RN-Komsomolsk Refinery

2.9.5. Saratov Oil Refinery

2.9.6. Ryazan Oil Refining Company

2.10. Refineries under construction and put into operation after 2000

2.10.1. JSC "Taneco"

2.10.2. Antipinsky Oil Refinery

2.10.3. Ilsky oil refinery

2.10.4. Novoshakhtinsk Oil Products Plant

2.10.5. Anzherska oil and gas company

2.10.6. Volkhov Oil Refinery

2.10.7. Yenisey LLC (Usinsky Oil Refinery)

2.10.8. OOO VPK-Oil (Kochenevsky Oil Refinery)

2.11. Structure of an oil refinery


3.1. Project production parameters

3.2. Oil refining plan

3.3. revenue plan

3.4. Operating cost parameters

3.5. Parameters of direct production costs


4.1. Need for staff and payroll


5.1. Structure and scope necessary investments

5.2. Calendar plan for financing and project implementation


6.1. Qualitative Analysis risks

6.2. Breakeven point

6.3. NPV sensitivity analysis


7.1. Basic assumptions for calculations

7.2. Cash flow plan

7.3. Profit and loss plan (PLO)

7.4. Excises on petroleum products

7.5. Refinery taxation

7.6. Investor income forecast

7.7. Project owner income forecast

7.8. The financial analysis project


Total 153 pages, 44 tables, 34 graphic arts, 14 diagrams and 6 drawings.



List of graphs

Graph 1. Production plan (t / year).

Chart 2. Dynamics of receipt of proceeds (rubles / year).

Chart 3. Dynamics of current costs.

Graph 4. Dynamics of direct costs.

Chart 5. Dynamics of net profit.

Chart 6. Collection and repayment of debt.

Graph 7. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow.

Chart 8. Dynamics of inflation and GDP in Russia, 2003-2020 (forecast), %.

Chart 9. Oil production in the Russian Federation, million tons

Graph 10. Dynamics of crude oil exports in physical terms, 2010 - 2016, t.

Chart 11. Dynamics of average prices for crude oil in the Russian Federation, 2013-2018, RUB/ton

Chart 12. Dynamics of primary oil refining in the Russian Federation, 2010-2017, million tons

Chart 13. Depth of crude oil refining in the Russian Federation, 2010-2016, %.

Chart 14. Change in average annual producer prices for basic oil products, rub. / tn.

Chart 15. Dynamics of average producer prices for basic oil products, 2012-2017, rubles per ton.

Chart 16. Dynamics of retail fuel prices in the Russian Federation, 2012 - 2018, rub. / l.

Chart 17. Dynamics of exports of petroleum products in physical terms, 2010-2017, tons

Chart 18. Dynamics of exports of petroleum products in value terms, 2010-2017, million USD

Chart 19. Capital expenditures for the modernization of leading oil refineries.

Chart 20. Plan for the commissioning of installations that affect the depth of processing, 2014-2020.

Chart 21. Dynamics of production (t/year).

Chart 22. Dynamics of revenue receipt.

Chart 23. Dynamics of current costs, rub.

Chart 24. Dynamics of direct costs, rub.

Chart 25. Calculation of the break-even point.

Chart 26. Sensitivity of NPV to changes in key project parameters.

Chart 27. Revenue, costs, profit.

Chart 28. Dynamics of net profit.

Chart 29. Financial results.

Chart 30. Collection and repayment of debt.

Chart 31. Debt service.

Chart 32. Sensitivity of NPV to the discount rate.

Chart 33. NPV of the project and undiscounted cash flow.

Chart 34. Payments to the investor on an accrual basis.

List of diagrams

Diagram 1. Revenue structure.

Diagram 2. Distribution of crude oil production between Russian oil companies, 2017,%.

Diagram 3. Distribution of oil production by federal districts, 2017, %.

Diagram 4. Structure of production of main oil products in the Russian Federation, 2017, %.

Diagram 5. Dynamics of the number of vehicles in the Russian Federation, 2010-2017, units

Diagram 6. The structure of the output of petroleum products by the number of producers.

Diagram 7. The structure of output (tons).

Diagram 8. Output volumes (t/year).

Diagram 9. Refinery revenue structure, rub.

Diagram 10. Structure of current costs.

Diagram 11. Structure of direct costs.

Diagram 12. Structure of initial investments.

Diagram 13. Structure of tax deductions.

Diagram 14. Structure of costs in the 12th year of the project implementation.

List of drawings

Table 5. Processing of raw materials and output of products (t / year.).

Table 6. Structure of investments.

Table 7. Distribution of tax deductions by budget levels.

Table 8. Project performance indicators.

Table 9 Major companies for oil production in the Russian Federation, 2017, million tons.

Table 10. Key indicators for the oil resources of the Russian Federation.

Table 11. List of oil and condensate fields in Russia.

Table 12. Export of crude oil in value and volume terms, 2010-2017.

Table 13. World prices for oil and natural gas in 2010-2017, USD/bbl

Table 14. Average producer prices for oil by federal districts, 2013-2018, RUB/t

Table 15. Production and refining of oil in Russia in 2010-2017

Table 16. Production of main oil products in the Russian Federation, 2012-2017, thousand tons.

Table 17. Average annual producer prices for the main oil products, rub./tn.

Table 18. Average producer prices for refined products in the Russian Federation, 2012-2017, rub. / t.

Table 19. Retail fuel prices, 2012-2018, rub. / l.

Table 20. Export of petroleum products in value and physical terms, 2010-2017

Table 21. TOP-10 Russian refineries in 2017.

Table 22

Table 23. The program of modernization of the refinery of the company "NK Rosneft".

Table 24. Project parameters.

Table 25. Plan for the production of petroleum products, 2019-2030, tons

Table 26. Revenue plan by years.

Table 27. Parameters of current costs.

Table 28. Plan of current expenses by years.

Table 29. Parameters of direct costs.

Table 30. Plan of direct costs by years.

Table 31. Refinery and payroll personnel.

Table 32. Structure of investments.

Table 33. Schedule of financing and implementation of the project.

Table 35. Calculation of the break-even point.

Table 36. Sensitivity of NPV to changes in key project parameters.

Table 37. Cash flow plan by years.

Table 38. Profit and loss plan by years.

Table 39. Excise rates for petroleum products.

Table 40. Taxation for the planning period by years.

Table 41. Plan for obtaining and returning funding.

Table 42. Investment performance indicators.

Table 43. Calculation of the NPV of the project.

Table 44. Financial analysis of the project (year 12).

Total 153 pages, 44 tables, 34 graphic arts, 14 diagrams and 6 drawings.