Labor standards according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Rationing of labor shopping mall rf cheat sheet

1. Labor standards - volume job assignment which must be performed by the employee during the established working hours. Compliance with labor standards is one of the main duties of each employee (Article 21 of the Labor Code).

Labor standards - a collective concept that includes different kinds norms. Article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists the main ones.

Production rates - the volume of the labor task, set in physical units (tons, meters, pieces, etc.), which an employee or a group of workers (for example, a team) must complete in a certain time: a work shift, a working hour or another unit of working time .

The norm of time is the amount of working time (in hours, minutes, seconds) required to complete a unit of work (one product, a certain production operation, etc.).

Headcount standard - the established number of employees to perform certain amounts of work, as well as managerial or production functions. A variety of headcount standards is the controllability standard, which determines the number of employees or structural divisions which should be managed by one leader.

In addition to those listed in part 1 of article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are other labor standards.

Service rate - the volume of the labor task, expressed in a certain number of objects (pieces of equipment, production areas, etc.) that the employee is obliged to service during the work shift, working month or other unit of working time. The value of the service rate is derived from the rate of time per unit of serviced objects and from the duration of working time and is determined by dividing the second value by the first.

Normalized task - the amount of work established for time-based payment, expressed in standard hours or physical units, which the employee is obliged to perform for a work shift (standardized shift task), working month (monthly standardized task) or in another unit of working time.

Depending on the scope of distribution, labor standards are divided into local, uniform and standard. According to the validity period, labor standards can be permanent, temporary and seasonal, as well as one-time. Permanent norms are established for an indefinite period and are valid until they are revised due to a change in the conditions for which they were calculated. Temporary norms can be established for the period of development of products, equipment, technology or organization of production in the absence of normative materials for labor rationing and, upon expiration, must be replaced by permanent ones. Seasonal labor standards apply on seasonal work(for example, when picking fruit) and are developed for each season. One-time labor standards can be established for emergency and other work not provided for by the technology and become invalid after their implementation.

Labor standards can be individual and collective. Individual norms determine the individual measure of the work of one employee, collective - are established for a group of workers (for example, teams) and provide for the total amount of work without distribution among individual workers.

2. The establishment of labor standards affects the interests of the parties to the employment contract. These interests are contradictory. The employer is interested in the constant revision of labor standards in the direction of their tightening, since this ensures an increase in labor productivity and a reduction in production costs, and thereby a reduction in the cost of production. However, the increase in standards is unprofitable for the employee, since it leads to a decrease in his earnings, in order to maintain the same earnings under the new standards, more labor efforts must be made. Therefore, the law, taking into account the interests of both parties, determines the conditions for the revision of labor standards.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor standards can only be revised if there are objective reasons that require them to be changed. These include, in particular, technological or organizational changes labor process.

The employer may raise the issue of revising the norms only after the implementation of measures that objectively ensure the growth of labor productivity. The norms are not revised if the level of output is achieved by the employee himself.

Article 159 General provisions

Employees are guaranteed: state assistance to the systemic organization of labor rationing; the use of labor rationing systems determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees or established collective agreement.

Article 160. Labor standards

Labor standards - production standards, time standards, number standards and other standards - are established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor. Labor standards can be revised as they are improved or implemented new technology, technology and carrying out organizational or other measures that ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally outdated equipment. Achieving a high level of product development (rendering services) by individual workers through the use of new methods of work on their initiative and the improvement of jobs is not is the basis for the revision of previously established labor standards.

Article 161. Development and approval of model labor standards

For homogeneous work, standard (intersectoral, sectoral, professional and other) labor standards can be developed and established. Model labor standards are developed and approved in the manner prescribed by the authorized Government Russian Federation federal body executive power.

Article 162. Introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards

Local regulations, providing for the introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards, are adopted by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance.

Article 163

The employer is obliged to provide normal conditions for the employees to fulfill the production standards. Such conditions, in particular, include: good condition of premises, structures, machines, technological equipment and equipment; timely provision of technical and other documentation necessary for work; proper quality of materials, tools, other means and items necessary for the performance of work, their timely provision to the employee; working conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection and production safety.

08/01/2019 - Roman Larishchev

Hello, the nurse was transferred to the cleaning lady from 21h. 9:00 a.m. to be included in night duty with a salary of 4173 rubles. overnight payment from 22.00 to 06.00 mornings with 20% of salary?

06/29/2019 - Georgy Yakunkin

I work as a cleaning lady at the OPO I work every other day for 11 hours can I ask to be transferred to a five day work week

06/26/2019 - Vadim Udavihin

Good afternoon. I work as a cleaner at a school. Is it legal that we are forced to make full repairs at the school? We whiten everything completely and paint without any additional payment. They also make you stay on duty until seven o'clock in the evening instead of a security guard. On the first of July, I generally remain one technician and I will have to work every day from eight in the morning until seven in the evening. You start to resent, they immediately say you don’t like it, then quit. What to do and how to be in such a situation?

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06/13/2019 - Alexander Mogilny

Is it possible to work as a watchman for 0.75 of the external part-time rate, a school bus driver working at a rate

06/05/2019 - Vadim Gashenko

How many square meters does the office cleaner have for 0.75 stovka

06/03/2019 - Zhanna Sergeeva

I am a school cleaner, do we have cleaners to eat in the dining room with children

05/31/2019 - Vera Shcherbakova

At our enterprise, the management constantly raises the standards of equipment maintenance. For a request of 5 years, the norm per worker has increased from 6 looms to 12, and at the same time, 4 more looms are given as a load, as if for a side job. But at the same time try to refuse! Last time added 2 machines since February of this year, making a small addition to a personal blade. And now, from June 1, they have added 1 more machine to the mandatory service rate without a Christmas tree or surcharge at all. So now we will work as well. but get less. I understand. that the owner's appetite is growing. But is there a limit.? How legal is it?

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05/07/2019 - Margarita Dmitrieva

Hello. I work as a cleaner for 0.8 rates. and the territory is like a cleaner with 1 rate, is this fair

05/06/2019 - Daria Nikiforova

hello, I work at a high-voltage substation 6/110 kV, as an operational and duty shift staff in three days, as an electrician. One of the consumers is the oxygen-nitrogen plant, which operates seasonally. After the shutdown of the plant, our head of the department drew up a work schedule where we stay on daily duty for one person. At the same time, the electrical equipment of the substation operates in full. The electrician performs simple and complex switching and repair work during duty, the question is, does the manager have the right to leave one person in the shift? And do we have the right to rest if we are on duty one at a time?

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03/16/2019 - Ekaterina Ershova

I work as a cleaner in the education department. The other day they gave me a document to sign, which says that I have no harmful working conditions and removed 7 days from my annual paid leave for cleaning the toilet. They said that there was a commission and she decided so. Are they right?

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02/20/2019 - Alexander Batazov

I work at a school as a cleaner, during work we are forced to work as a janitor without extra pay, should I work like that?

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02/11/2019 - Nikita Grinenko

Hello. Under an employment contract, I work as a cleaner. They make me work also as a housekeeper, without additional pay. Can I refuse to do janitorial work?

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02/10/2019 - Yana Kalinina

I’ve been working since the opening of the ostin store, I’ve been working since January 15 when I signed the contract and they asked me to leave it with them and said not to worry, but they didn’t give me any copy or something like that for an employment contract, although I gave all photocopies of documents. And they want to fire me for allegedly poor performance of their official duties which I only know from the authorities, since they didn’t give me any document, I read it only once when I signed it. The store administrator is not happy with me because I allegedly do not work well and do not fulfill my duties, which I read only once when signing some kind of document similar to an employment contract. But I do what I have to do as they told me, we have a clothing store and I am listed as a sales assistant, we have six people per shift 1 storekeeper 1 store manager 1 administrator 1 freelancer and us 2 sales assistants who should be in charge cash desk, in the fitting room and in the children's department and at the entrance to the store. And one of us should beat at the entrance to meet the store's customers and tell the promotions, and the second at the checkout to break through the goods and also pronounce the promotions and help the buyers in the fitting room. But I almost always stand at the entrance to the store, greet each customer and tell promotions, sometimes they put me at the checkout where I have to break through the goods, tell the store’s promotions and at the same time I have to control and help customers in the fitting room, which is located about 3-4 meters from the checkout . Our salary depends on sales. And of course, the salary is 15,000 rubles per month without VAT. And when we stand at the cash register, the number of positions in one check is taken into account; there must be at least two of them, regardless of the amount. if there are less than two of them, then my personal sales statistics deteriorate, since everyone who is at the cash register enters under his personal account. And the statistics of the store also deteriorate. I ask you for advice and help on what to do, because I work just like the rest of the workers. But they do not allow me to express myself and show myself and earn money. And I also have probation two months. And the administrator is too biased towards me compared to other employees.

02/07/2019 - Lyubov Shestakova

Hello, I need advice. Such a situation, I work as an administrator in a store with an area of ​​​​about 120 square meters, not counting utility rooms. In February, they want to make an innovation for us, namely, I come as an admin at 8 in the morning, I am alone in the store for two hours, the seller comes at 10 in the morning, and at 6 pm my working day ends, and I have one seller left! One from 18-22 hours! Is this allowed by Labor Protection?? Tell me, please

02/04/2019 - Irina Titova

02/04/2019 - Irina Titova

Goodnight! I am a service room cleaner. in kindergarten. Please tell me how many hours a week I have to work at a rate of 0.75 janitor and 0.25 janitor

01/30/2019 - Vladimir Reutsky

Good evening. The workplace of the cleaner what should contain

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The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/29/2019 - Margarita Denisova

Hello. Can an employer force you to work all day if there is no replacement person?

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01/29/2019 - Evdokia Denisova

01/29/2019 - Evdokia Denisova

Hello, please tell me, can the nurse work night after night and rest for two days and this is provided for by law

01/29/2019 - Evdokia Denisova

Hello, please tell me, can the nurse work night after night and rest for two days and this is provided for by law

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11/14/2018 - Yulia Blinova

My mother works in the market as a technical worker. The employer allowed me to take 3 days off a month. She works every day from 7.00 to 13.00. And she also makes her stay on duty until the evening in dirty weather. The area is very large. Is it legal. And what time standards should be. How much weekends, and how much labor protection should be the area per cleaning worker?

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11/08/2018 - Alexandra Kalinina

I have been working as a cleaner at a school for seven years and I only washed rooms until maternity leave, now I go to work from Monday, and they told me that new director He also ordered us cleaners to sit on duty for two and a half hours, they say we do not modify the clock, although our working day has always been seven and a half hours. Is the director right?

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07.11.2018 - Yaroslav Kuimov

Hello. Please tell me Can I be forced to work as an ambulance cleaner if there is no contract

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10/30/2018 - Zinaida Kozlova

Hello. I work as a technician in a budgetary municipal institution, they make me go through a medical commission at my own expense. pay me or not.

29.10.2018 - Yulia Tarasova

Hi. I work at a school for 1.5 rates. How long do I have to work.

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27.10.2018 - Anatoly Yazynin

Is it possible to pay bonuses to a junior educator (for example, by the day of a preschool worker, it is written in the regulation) over the minimum wage

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10/11/2018 - Irina Belyaeva

Our management is going to introduce a new work schedule of five day shifts from 900 to 1800 then one day off and five night shifts from 1800 to 0400 if it is possible to do so

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09/24/2018 - Denis Kasyanov

There is a norm of the area to be cleaned for 1 office cleaner position in the RS (Y) school.

09/24/2018 - Anastasia Kiseleva

The technical break of office cleaners is included in work time at school.

09/16/2018 - Ivan Maraev

Good night ... please tell me. a person working. more than 24 hours a day. is he entitled to two hours of sleep?

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09/06/2018 - Stepan Khrisanfov

Hello! I work at a school as a full-time office cleaner, and since October we have been transferred to 0.75 rates, while the squares are not cleaned and the time is reduced. Is the school administration right?

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07/04/2018 - Artem Rezanko

how to take a photo of the working shift of the watchman, preschool educational institution, from 18-00 to 7-30 the next day. (1.25 st.)

06/30/2018 - Evgeny Kapinosov

If the employer, the foreman of the construction site, hired a person and did not stipulate the official lunch time. And he said, "Each of us adjusts to work and has lunch when he wants." Can this worker claim payment for a lunch break?

06/28/2018 - Ludmila Romanova

I have been working at a boarding school for over 25 years. In October 2017, I took a year off at my own expense. But circumstances so developed that she went to work in April 2018. Am I eligible for another paid vacation in 2018?

05/08/2018 - Elizaveta Smirnova

The shift worker quit, I work at 0.75 rates, now I am left alone, I have to work for two, how should they pay for the second shift? Kindergarten, budgetary, I have a contract for 6 hours. Now five days at 12 o'clock.

05/04/2018 - Valentina Blinova

Good morning, the management has turned on job description office cleaning without payment. How to avoid this and for what period should they notify about it? thanks.

04/25/2018 - Grigory Pasichnyuk

Good afternoon. I work as a junior teacher in kindergarten ministries of defense in rural areas. They make me work 12 hours a day. Should I have a lunch break.

04/12/2018 - Stepan Lebedyantsev

Hello, there are norms for walking from the checkpoint to the workplace, I have 800 meters from the checkpoint to the workplace one way downhill back uphill, the slope is decent, I walk four times a day. They were banned from driving their own vehicles, should they provide transport for delivery to workplace from checkpoint. If so, what can you refer to. Thanks.

03/17/2018 - Roman Vovkovich

I work in the radiology department for a 1.0 part-time job as an X-ray laboratory assistant, the employer forces me to do the work of a computed tomography laboratory during my working hours. Is this legal, can I refuse this work, if so, on what basis?

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12/21/2017 - Zhanna Ryabova

Help, please, they transfer me to 0.8 rates, how many square meters is the norm for a cleaner

12/08/2017 - Margarita Volkova

The station attendant is in light work, not related to the movement of trains, the employer offers her work for every day, but it takes 2 hours to get to work by train. does he have the right to do so?

11/16/2017 - Evgeny Shumilov

the rate of work of a cleaner in an administrative building, how many square meters at the rate of 1 rate

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09/06/2017 - Olesya Antonova

Good afternoon! Please tell me, with time-bonus wages, how to make payment on a sanitary day? Only tariff or tariff + premium?

09/04/2017 - Olga Polyakova

how much is the norm of the working area for nurses in the laboratory?

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08/29/2017 - Vladislav Drobushevsky

Hello, we work as moving attendants, we are 5 people, one of us is a substitute, we work 12 hours, day and night and 2 day at home two of us have more than the norm in a month, i.e. for time off, next month for others, now our management decided to divide the norm of hours by five. how can we be?

07/28/2017 - Daniil Karachinsky

Hello, I work as a watchman, we have a team of 4 people and one worker demands from the boss to go to the toilet in although I worked at that enterprise for 20 years and went to the toilet on the street, can we be fired from work because she constantly makes scandals

07/18/2017 - Artur Burdakov

how many hours a day can a salesperson work in a chain supermarket

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06/16/2017 - Stanislav Gorbatykh

Hello! Please tell me what to do! There are daily quotas at work. The employer does not provide us with work and half of the norms. We have a deal. Simple is not paid, but you need to go to work. And it turns out that we earn 300 rubles a day. What to do in such a situation? My name is

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06/16/2017 - Alina Vorobieva

Hello! Please tell me what to do! There are daily quotas at work. The employer does not provide us with work and half of the norms. We have a deal. Simple is not paid, but you need to go to work. And it turns out that we earn 300 rubles a day. What to do in such a situation?

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05/23/2017 - Valentina Belova

Hello. I need help, I'm working. our director makes a school employee work more than 8 hours, he has the right to do so

05/01/2017 - Karina Alekseeva

Hello, please tell me if the salary at work is from the transaction, then by making 100% can the employee leave work earlier?

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04/30/2017 - Dmitry Lipko

Can they make me work 250 hours a month and what will happen if I refuse. I am a single mother working in a municipal office.

04/28/2017 - Elena Orlova

good afternoon, I work as a telephone operator on a 12-hour shift, how many shifts I am supposed to work per month, I am a group of staff.

04/24/2017 - Mikhail Bratkov

How to pay employees when a sanitary day is needed in a preschool educational institution and is it possible to spend a sanitary day once a month

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04/07/2017 - Evdokia Nikiforova

Do they have the right to set a daily shift rate if I work on a railway schedule?

03/31/2017 - Daniil Turikov

I am interested in what area should be cleaned by a cleaner of office premises at the 1st rate. 1200 sq.m. is right,

03/24/2017 - Andrey Kirillov

Does the employment contract prescribe the norm of the employee's working time, in particular for doctors?

03/22/2017 - Bogdan Polonsky

Good afternoon. My name is. I have next question. Can a replacement worker be assigned to work more than 40 hours a week?

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03/16/2017 - Stepan Basargin

I work as a general practitioner in a rural area on a contract for a six-hour working day with a 6-hour working week, and the work schedule of the outpatient clinic was approved from 8 am to 3 pm and call service on night holidays and weekends, a doctor and two nurses work in the city

02/10/2017 - Alexandra Romanova

Hello, I work as a welder, we have an hourly wage, how many seams can I weld per hour and how much I should rest

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01/31/2017 - Anatoly Khrunichev

Are there norms for the area of ​​\u200b\u200brooms for recreation with a shift work schedule: a day after three?

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01/30/2017 - Ilya Padyshev

good evening! I have a working day in my employment contract from 9.15 to 21.15 two in two now the issue is being considered to make a schedule of three in three to 12 hours according to the labor code is this allowed?

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01/28/2017 - Grigory Shavelsky

I asked a question and you didn't answer

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01/25/2017 - Elena Putina

well, let's work out the norm

01/23/2017 - Zinaida Belyaeva

Is rest time regulated? night shift while working on a schedule

01/19/2017 - Eduard Romanishin

my partner went on sick leave does the employer have the right to force him to do his job for free

12/30/2016 - Fedor Gorbach

The school has one bus driver position. how to pay the trainee driver. To allow the trainee to independent work 1 year experience required.

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12/30/2016 - Petr Klimovich

They make me go out to help my shift worker on her working days and they threaten me with absenteeism and a fine. internal documents as they say, they can’t give me a paper for a fine. We work 3/3 from 9-00 to 22-00, the cashier Popcorn, drinks

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12/24/2016 - Ivan Vovk

can the principal of the school transfer me to work in another building, which is located on the other side of the city, I got a job near the house, and now I need to travel with a transfer and work until 22.00 in 2 days, I worked next to the house for 12 hours. I have a 9 year old child

12/20/2016 - Petr Perelygin

Hello. I have a working day of 6 hours (075) they make me work 7 hours including lunch, but I don’t go to lunch. Is my boss right? Thanks.

12/15/2016 - Artem Kubarev

The outfit for the work performed was closed to a stranger. Does the master have the right to close without my knowledge?

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12/15/2016 - Tatyana Gromova

For overtime hours (more precisely days) in an institution where payment is provided for seniority, harmful working conditions, whether this payment is made for overworked hours or payment only from a bare salary in accordance with Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

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12/06/2016 - Zinaida Ershova

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12/06/2016 - Zinaida Ershova

The boss sends an order for daily one-time duty and after that gives only 1 day off. Is it legal?

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11/19/2016 - Alexander Putin

Hello, I work in production, and since January 2017 they want to remove the payment for holiday shifts, is this legal?

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11/15/2016 - Inna Orlova

Can they extend the Hours of Operation (more than 40 hours per week) for not meeting the daily (later monthly) plan?

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11/11/2016 - Timur Moklashev

I work in a factory as an engineer. Entrance / exit is carried out through the checkpoint with an electronic time tracking system. Start of work - 8.00, End - 17.00. Lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00. By order of the director, you need to go through the checkpoint no later than 7.50 in the morning and not earlier than 17.10 in the evening - he does not consider 10 minutes to travel from the checkpoint to the workplace as working time. Is it legal to punish an employee for "being late", that is, passing through the factory gate at 7.51...7.59 according to the electronic printout?

11/08/2016 - Oksana Markova

Hello! I am a teacher, I teach 26 hours. Do I have to stay at school until 36 hours?

10/27/2016 - Nadezhda Gromova

27.10.2016 - Timur Safokin

I work at a brick factory. I wanted to know if there are norms for cleaning a dry area at one rate?

10/26/2016 - Tamara Gerasimova

I work in a day after 3 in a free hired fire department after a day the boss forces me to go to the exercises

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10/13/2016 - Alexander Sen'shin

I work in a dental X-ray room now they make me a schedule of 12 hours a day for two days in a row is this legal and how can I challenge it

09/14/2016 - Vasily Malovaty

good afternoon! The boss makes you work at two rates at the same time. There is no information about the additional payment for combining positions

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08/29/2016 - Viktor Avdosev

Good hour. What are the standards for one cleaning lady per 1m2 (supermarket area to be cleaned is 1000m2)? And can you please link to the article?

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08/22/2016 - Vyacheslav Trunekhin

When can I get overtime hours at the enterprise working on a rotational basis.

08/13/2016 - Yana Ryabova

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08/13/2016 - Sergey Pirrov

The head of the garage gives an outfit to discuss not his equipment, I work as a bulldozer driver on a salary.

07/22/2016 - Valeria Sergeeva

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07/22/2016 - Bogdan Baransky

Hello, does the employer have to force the worker to work in two positions?!

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07/18/2016 - Olesya Koroleva

What professions should undergo an initial medical examination?

07/07/2016 - Evgenia Dorofeeva

hello if I didn’t go to work for 2 days. what will happen to me

07/02/2016 - Ludmila Molchanova

Hello! I have a question about paying for overtime. Thank you.

07/02/2016 - Margarita Egorova

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07/02/2016 - Oleg Levkin

Hello! Am I entitled to be paid for the time worked? Thanks.

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06/30/2016 - Stepan Pimashin

please tell me if the head of the organization has the right to force him to work every Saturday if there is already one duty Saturday under the contract

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06/29/2016 - Valeria Lebedeva

Good afternoon. I get a job, I asked for a 2/2 schedule with the condition of combining it at another job (there is also a 2/2 schedule), the employer approved the schedule for me, but it completely excludes the possibility of going to a second job, since the schedule coincides. Is it possible to do something? in another schedule 2\2 there is also a vacancy

06/27/2016 - Olga Polyakova

How is the salary of a teacher working in two classes calculated?

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06/22/2016 - Olesya Putina

Hello! I work in a kindergarten as a storekeeper, from 1.07, the minimum wage will be recalculated, but the checkpoint will be removed and the salary will be 2000 less. Is this legal?

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06/14/2016 - Mikhail Chernenko

Hello, the duration of the driver shift is 08-20h. lunch 12-13, how long can a driver be detained according to the WORK AND REST MODE OF DRIVERS?

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06/09/2016 - Evgeny Poludolnov

I work at a school. On vacation in June. In July, the director forces you to go to work at an unusual time, but from 16.00 to 20.00. I have a 6 year old child. Does she have the right.

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05/28/2016 - Boris Devulin

Good morning! I work as a ticket clerk at the box office. arrange air and railway transportation for passengers. I work in the far north. tell me how many hours work week should be at the cashiers? I work every day from 10-00 to 19-00 Sunday, Monday is a day off. and on which articles of the labor

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05/19/2016 - Yana Medvedeva

driver's allowances: non-standardized working day - ? ; class (1st grade) - ? . Percentage allowances???. Please.

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05/12/2016 - Pavel Goluzin

good morning, tell me if I have the right to vacation in the summer, and not in spring, autumn, etc., as I want

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04/25/2016 - Lyubov Kiseleva


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04/25/2016 - Igor Miltonov

I work as an overhead crane operator at the forging and pressing section. Refused to perform work (orally) due to a malfunction of the crane and crane runways. The head of the shop threatened to lose the bonus and dismissal. Does he have the right to do so?

04/07/2016 - Zoya Zhukova

Hello, where can I find the hygienic regulation of the microclimate industrial premises for repair and maintenance computer technology

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04/07/2016 - Zhanna Zaitseva

Hello! One cleaning lady works in the 1st shift from 8:00 to 14:00. 2nd in the second from 14h. to 20h. Question? the one who works in the 2nd shift wants to change periodically in shifts what can she answer

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04/07/2016 - Artur Shatokha

if the sanitary day was not prescribed in the charter of the dow, can I, as the head, prescribe it in the rules of the internal work schedule?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/31/2016 - Lilia kovaleva

Is there a need for an employee of the 5th category to have a certificate for the 6th category for temporary replacement of an employee of the 6th category.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/30/2016 - Nikolay Savinovsky

I work as a salesperson. The employer has introduced a CTU system that makes deductions from it legal?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/16/2016 - Andrey Tsvirko

Hello! Article 117 federal law of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) " Labor Code of the Russian Federation” for employees whose working conditions at their workplaces, based on the results special evaluation working conditions are classified as harmful working conditions of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree, or hazardous conditions labor, provides for annual paid leave of at least 7 calendar days. Before today we didn’t provide it to our employees. Motivating this by the fact that you are paid compensation monthly 12% of the salary, harmful conditions labor. And you are not supposed to these 7 days. Please answer whether they are right or not.

03/16/2016 - Elena Maksimova

Article 117 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" for employees whose working conditions at their workplaces, according to the results of a special assessment of working conditions, are classified as harmful working conditions 2, 3 or 4 degrees, or opa

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/13/2016 - Vyacheslav Odnodvorov

I work in JSC Russian Railways. At the moment, we have almost 2 times more assistant drivers and they force us to write an application for a part-time job. It turns out that I will earn only half the monthly norm. do they have that right?

03/09/2016 - Veronika Shcherbakova

Hello! I am 16 years old and I am emancipated, studying in college full-time. Can I work 35 hours a week?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/01/2016 - Lyudmila Markova

from 6.00 to 20.00 working day all spring and summer without days off is legal

02/29/2016 - Vitaly Sladkov

Is it possible to force work to be done during the absence of an employee by an internal order. Should my work remain in full?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/28/2016 - Alexandra Medvedeva

I work as a CNC operator, 12 hour shift. I work on 3-4 machines. Can you tell me if I should get any salary increase? And is it possible to work on 3-4 machines according to the TC?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/18/2016 - Anastasia Krylova

From what time is night work considered and how should it be paid? Work in "OOO"

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/18/2016 - Fedor Rotmistrov

Hello, . tell me how the time between shifts is paid according to the Labor Code

02/11/2016 - Leonid Mordvinov

I work at a school as a technical engineer for 1 rate of my 1500 sq. Now they want to reduce the rate by 0.07. And the area remains the same time less. do they have the right? please tell me how to be?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/09/2016 - Elena Shestakova

Hello. The company set a working schedule of 4/1 for 8 hours, with harmful working conditions of the 2nd category (before that, the schedule was 2/2), while the wages remained the same and there were no compensations for travel and meals. Is it legal?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/03/2016 - Zhanna Volkova

Good afternoon, my name is Maria. Please tell me for how long can an employee be transferred due to production needs without his consent?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/28/2016 - Leonid Troshko

Tell me, are there any norms for the number of subscribers per employee of the subscription department?

01/21/2016 - Oksana Yakovaleva

Hello! I work as a security guard at the Atom-protection enterprise (RosAtom), at the mining and chemical complex in the foothills. From 01/01/2016, after certification of jobs, we were transferred to a daily shift from a 12-hour shift (day-night-dumping two days off). Under the contract, we have 25 hours of which two hours for rest, while switching to a daily shift, all benefits were removed from us it's long service early retirement, big vacation. Question: do they have the right to remove all benefits from us and transfer us to a daily shift, since we work in the foothills (we go to the mine by train) and have not created normal working conditions, that is (normal rest, change of guards for lunch and rest) ?

01/19/2016 - Alena Shestakova

Hello, I am a teacher in a boarding school. There are not enough personnel and we are attracted to work additional shifts, but these shifts are not included in the time sheet and they are paid less or not paid at all. How will he force the employer to correctly timesheet the working time and pay for the work performed?

01/15/2016 - Eduard Polekha

Hello)) I would like to know the time of rest, sleep, meals during the daily work schedule? And is the time of driving to the place of rest included during the rest and do I need to go to rest immediately after coming to work, and then only after 12 hours?

12/29/2015 - Yulia Tarasova

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/29/2015 - Denis Vyshegorodtsev

Hello. can the employer force me to work on a schedule that does not suit me. schedule 2/2. he remained so. but moved. in a sense, it remained the same 2/2, but, for example, I will work not on Thursday and Friday, but on Friday and Sat, and so on

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/24/2015 - Polina Tsvetkova

I work as a cleaner 6 days a week from 9 to 18.00 lunch 2 hours, we also work on holidays, one day off a week, is it legal how we work?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/11/2015 - Olga Romanova

Hello! What is the difference between turnout on a holiday according to the schedule and turnout not according to the schedule, and how are they paid the same or not?

12/06/2015 - Kristina Yakovaleva

Hello, I have been working on a rotational basis, as a dispatcher since 26.11. shift 2 months These two months I have a probationary period. I want to leave early. question: will I go at my own expense or not?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04.12.2015 - Maxim Moiseev

An employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service is not paid processing for whole year, what to do?

11/29/2015 - Vera Koroleva

I work in mm Magnet. Often they are ordered (orally) to go outside the schedule (sanitary day, price tag replacement, meeting, etc.) The salary does not increase from this. Can I ignore these orders?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/21/2015 - Kirill Luminarsky

I worked at 1 rate as a laundry machinist in a kindergarten, since September I have been working for 0.75. And the manager demands the same amount of work from me. Is she right?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/19/2015 - Evgeny Bezusy

Hello, I am a first class driver. Due to the fact that there is no work on the car, I am paid as for those. service is much less. Is it legal

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/06/2015 - Leonid Milyutin

hello! I work as a confectioner at the factory and I can’t achieve the baking rate for a 9-hour shift

26.10.2015 - Nikita Kozlyatev

hello, I work on the assembly line on a 12-hour schedule, a shift operator starts to let us go for lunch, five people for half an hour, Is it right that the last two workers have to have lunch after 5 hours of work from the start of the shift. Before the ball, an amendment that no later than 4 hours of work should have been

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/21/2015 - Alexandra Konovalova

Good afternoon! Tell me how to register sellers in a convenience store?

09.10.2015 - Antonina Bobrova

Hello, Daria, our plant was renamed, that is, the old bankrupt office, they deducted 7 days for my vacation from me, because I left early. Do they have the right to deduct money from me.

09.10.2015 - Anatoly Urmantsev

Hello, Daria, our plant was renamed, that is, the old bankrupt office, they deducted 7 days from me for vacation, because I left early. Do they have the right to deduct money from me

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/06/2015 - Veronika Bobrova

Hello! The school occupied half of the building, now it occupies the entire building. Therefore, the cleaning area for the janitor has increased by 1000 sq.m. For two months they asked to clean and paid partially. Since September, they will not pay, but are asked to clean the entire area selectively. Does the provost boss force you to clean up or quit? Time to call back: 12:00 - 15:00

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02.10.2015 - Elena Lazareva

I work at a factory in an x-ray, they force me to leave on Saturday or Sunday in an orderly tone, they threaten with dismissal. Could I not go out on weekends and what should I do? like heard that X-ray has no right to work on weekends because of harmful working conditions!

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/23/2015 - Egor Livanov

Please call me back. Time to call back: 15:00 - 18:00

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/23/2015 - Alla Nikiforova

the administration granted the request of one person, but demanded that he return all the amounts received by him during the transfer. HE refused to return all the amounts. Is he right ?? and what is this article

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/11/2015 - Valery Usatyuk

I work as an office cleaner at a school. Due to the gubernatorial elections, we are forced to be on duty at the polling station, all those staff take turns for 2 hours, without pay for this time. Is this legal?

09/10/2015 - Artur Tolstonog

Dear Daria! I would like to know the hourly rate of the music director in the children's preschool

09/09/2015 - Alexander Libov

I work as a revolver turner at an optical mechanical plant in the city of Feodosia V Lately us pieceworkers were reduced by good order the production time with what on the same old equipment as before, and if a turner with the sixth category does the work of the second third fourth category does it faster, then the salary is still cut. What could be the reasons for this

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/04/2015 - Denis Gorelov

Do the employer have the right. (Threatening with a BONUS or ktu). Force to work 2 or more Saturdays in a row?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/03/2015 - Anatoly Sinyavin

Hello, how many hours should the technicians work in schools with a salary of 4 thousand

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/28/2015 - Vyacheslav Rogovtsev

we are forced to go to work without days off. Worked on shifts at an oil refinery

The answer to the question is given by phone.

27.08.2015 - Anatoly Kurov

I was given a load of 0.7 of the rate at work, and my watch was handed over to a young teacher, moreover, they handed it over so that she had 2.7 rates. What are my actions?

07/17/2015 - Olga Nikitina

I have been working for a year, I have been issued according to a labor agreement for the main job as a cleaning lady. and services. premises. In the event of a sick leave or work leave, a freelance employee was invited to the enterprise, who replaced one or another cleaning lady. Due to family circumstances, at the moment she could not leave and the director obliges me or other cleaners to draw up a combination of 30% of the salary and clean two sites for one person. If the director even promised 100%, we would not agree, because it is SO VERY hard physically! !! By the way, one plot is equal to 495 sq.m. If we do not agree to this combination, then the director tells us that we (all those who disagree) should quit. Question: Does the director have the right to oblige us to clean, in addition to his site, another one of the same area? This clause was absent in the contract that we signed when hiring. There is an inaccuracy between what is written in the contract: a working day from 8.00 to 17.00 a break from 12.00 to 13.00 and the fact: we work from 17.00, so as not to interfere with the work of employees ( at the oral request of the Head of OK)

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/17/2015 - Alina Petrova

Hello, how quickly can you answer my question

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/12/2015 - Victoria Melnikova

I work as an opnrational nurse. according to the schedule 2 through 2, from 8 to 18. then the head sister of the department changes the schedule at her discretion and confronts me with the fact that I have to work in the day. I have 2 small children. And the daily work does not suit me. Can I opt out of daily work?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/24/2015 - Sergey Serykh

it's hot now +34, air conditioners can't cope. Can I leave work earlier, referring to the lack of normal working conditions? How to do it right, if so?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/19/2015 - Evgenia Nikitina

Hello. I work as a cashier in a 24-hour supermarket from 10 to 23.30 including an hour of break, which is not paid. 5-6 days a week 1 day off. To what extent is this correct? Thanks

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/18/2015 - Larisa Koroleva

Good afternoon, ! I would like to figure out what typical schedules exist for the ticket cashier of suburban railway cash desks, how often and in what order the operating mode for the replacement cashier changes. When applying for a job, I was told that the work schedule is either 2/2, or day/night/dump/day off, n

06/14/2015 - Valentina Zaitseva

I got a job in security, wrote a statement, took the work book, issued a job description. No salary contract or work schedule was given. Established a work schedule from 9 am to 11 pm two workers one day off. After two shifts, the schedule was now changed from 9 am to 01 am. I tore my back, took an office in the clinic. fixed salary 10t.r. + 5t.r as bonuses. I was told that because of my illness I would not see any bonuses and that they would pay sick leave for 100 rubles. In a day. Here I sit and think how cruelly they deceive us in security with such processing and wages, because after working until one in the morning I get home for 2 hours and there are 3 hours left to sleep before the shift! What to do?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/11/2015 - Ilya Maidanenko

06/11/2015 - Nikita Olesha

Hello, could you please tell me how to organize 12 hour shifts correctly.

06/07/2015 - Diana Soboleva

I work for an individual entrepreneur, I have a small child, do I have the right not to work for 2 weeks upon dismissal ?!

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/03/2015 - Lyudmila Blinova

How long does an employee have to work after the end of the shift hours according to the law

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/29/2015 - Anton Varik

I work at a school as a cleaner of technical premises, we are transferred for two months to construction group without a written agreement, wages are the same. Tell me if I have the right to refuse?

05/22/2015 - Valery Belikov

Hello, I need your help in determining the working hours of the educator at the day camp organized on the basis of the kindergarten.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/05/2015 - Alexey Shtyrov

How many hours should a nurse work in an x-ray room

04/16/2015 - Zhanna Denisova

Hello! Does the employer have the right to force you to work seven days a week and 12 hours a day? A typical working day is 8 hours 5 days a week.

04/09/2015 - Valeria Vorobieva

Good afternoon, Roman! Please tell me, at the enterprise of the metallurgical industry there is a work schedule for 3 shifts, 3 teams, with a shift duration of 8 hours, i.e. employees work five shifts a week from 00:00 to 08:00, five shifts from 08:00 to 16:00, and five shifts per week

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/03/2015 - Elena Soboleva

Hello! My name is Irina. I would like to know how the sick leave is paid. per day or per shift? And how much is one day at the minimum? My schedule is 2/2. I was on sick leave for 10 days and paid only 800 rubles.

03/29/2015 - Natalia Tsvetkova

I work at a facility where there is no toilet, I have to run to the administrative building 100 meters from the post. Is this legal?

03/24/2015 - Artem Yadrintsev

Right now, I have forced labor for 6 months, they put me in as a janitor. I want to fully exercise my rights!

03/21/2015 - Georgy Pisakin

Hello! I work as a turner on a railway schedule, they force me to work on 2-3 machines, in case of refusal they require an explanatory report from the master. Do they have the right and how to deal with the lawlessness of the authorities?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/18/2015 - Valery Sevirov

Good afternoon. Which organization should I contact if the payment rules are violated? processing is not paid double.

03/04/2015 - Eduard Kalyakin

Hello. I work as a foreman, for a year of work, processing runs up, they send me on time off. Are overtime paid and those days off that I have to sit without work? Thanks!

03/01/2015 - Alena Panina

Hello. My wife works from 8 to 20 two days and from 20 to 8 at night, and then sleep and a day off and a salary of 7000 per month. It turns out that 250 hours a month and pay 174 hours what to do in such a situation

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/01/2015 - Ksenia Ponomareva

The girl was on vacation from the 1st to the 14th inclusive. She works 2 through 2 for 12 hours. After the vacation, she worked 11 shifts in 2 weeks. (For a month, the norm is 15 shifts. 133 hours in 2 weeks!) She was told that the advance payment would not be given, since it was supposedly charged until the 15th day. And her shift worker worked at the same pace, but gone to

03/14/2015 - Olya

03/14/2015 - Olya
hello! working nurse according to the daily schedule, how much should you rest between shifts?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/25/2014 - michael


The answer to the question is given by phone.

Weekend pay or other payment method

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/14/2014 - Irina

Hello! Is there a law that you can't work more than 48 hours a week?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/07/2014 - Dmitry

Hello, please help. My wife works at McDonald's and was recently transferred to the personnel department. We have two poppies in the city with about 80 employees each and she has to work for them for 21,000 rubles. She is very tired and delayed because tomorrow they will fill up new job. Often you have to travel from one poppy to another, with all the difficulties for the whole restaurant 1 computer that is needed for work and that one is constantly occupied by managers. How can you defend your rights or change the terms of the contract for remuneration ???

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/18/2014 - Marianna

Good afternoon! Can you please tell me if there is any basis for withholding the vacation part? In our organization, the head introduced an order for a new accrual of vacation pay. When calculating, it turns out that the average salary (approximately 5-6 thousand rubles) and the bonus part are added up. It should be noted that work in retail, zp turns out to be piecework. So, if you go on vacation, get vacation pay for 2 weeks and do not "earn" the money that, as they explain to us, was given to us on vacation in advance, then we still owe the company. Are there any standards and how is this action of our leadership determined? Thank you in advance.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/17/2014 - Dima

Forced to work seven days a week at a private manufacturing enterprise

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/15/2014 - Anton

Hello, we have the following situation in our company. For each person, the standard of work for the day is calculated, calculated on the basis of timing for the entire working day. Those. During the day, the employee’s work time is fully scheduled, even some employees work during a break, are late or come earlier, because. may not succeed. During the day, they perform a lot of operations, and at the end of the week, it is noticeable by the employees how tired they are. But there is constant pressure from the leadership that it is necessary to linger and do more, because. the number is not enough, and the volume of work is growing. The growth of work and the shortage of employees is such that staying late 1-2 times a week is just a drop in the ocean, and employees cannot physically work constantly over the norm, and they were not hired for such work. How legitimate is the behavior of managers, and what should employees do in such a situation, quit? Thanks.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/18/2013 - Sergey

Good afternoon, at my work I have a schedule of 8 hours 5/2 square hours, there is a fixed salary. but we work 10-12-13 hours a night, they give one day off as a dump and the next day to work, i.e. in the morning I came home to sleep and the next day to work a week 2-3 nights and it turns out 2-3 days of dump and say it's out. we are paid according to the salary, they don’t give us any overtime, but they give us time off for 4 nights 1 day off, how should I be what to say to the manager?

08/16/2013 - Yuri

Hello. We work in shifts as an office bus driver. From 6.00-23.00. Every other day Saturday Sunday is a day off. What kind of lunch break should there be. And can we be forced to work on a day off, or for an employee who went on vacation or got sick.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/11/2013 - Alena

My husband works at the service station for 12 hours, five days a week. Can you tell me if this is legal and how many hours per week are you supposed to work?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/04/2013 - Oleg

There is a work schedule that I subscribed to. Does the employer have the right to involve me at another time (off schedule, on weekends)?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/30/2013 - Denis

Hello! I hold the position of Deputy Director of the College of Music. At the same time with administrative activities I am teaching in the same educational institution. In the next academic year, the director intends to limit my teaching load to one position. Are his actions legal?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/22/2012 - Stanislav

Hello. I work in electrical networks as an electrician for the operation of electricity meters. The meaning of the work is in the removal of control records and the fulfillment of subscriber requests for a malfunction of the metering station. Today we have such an order (maybe a little inaccurate, but the meaning is as follows): "Due to production needs, the bypass rates are increased from 45 subscribers to 80" That is, earlier we had to bring testimony with a subscriber's signature in the amount of 45, and now we have to find 80 subscribers. The question is whether the action of the management of our enterprise is legal? If not, please specify which articles you can rely on. Thanks in advance.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/26/2012 - Ilgiz

Hello! Please tell me what should I do if the employer does not allow me to work out the norm of time in a month, because there are a lot of employees and they are constantly written off duty. Is this legal?

07/05/2012 - Elena

Hello. I work on railway transport as a ticket clerk, the mode is two in two for 11 hours. Employers force us to go to work for time off. Do I have the right to refuse?

06/28/2012 - Shulpan

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/28/2012 - Shulpan

My husband works on the railway in the city, and lives 250 km from the place of work. He gets to the place of work and back by electric train. The 12-hour working day ends at 20.00, and the electric train leaves at 19.00. Is it possible to shorten working hours in order to catch the electric train?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/22/2012 - Svetlana

Hello!!! I work as a nurse in a hospital 50% night, do I have the right to sleep?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/22/2012 - Alexey

Hello, tell me what rules and articles my boss violates, the bottom line is that I got a job as a car mechanic at an enterprise dealing with metal-plastic profiles, which has a large number of special equipment, cars and rotational minibuses that I have to service, but an equipped worker they didn’t provide a place, just some tool, I have to work where there is an opportunity to find a clean place, I also climb with 3-ton loaders without any insurance and equipment, they have been promising to build an equipped box with a viewing hole for a year, but these are just promises. Please advise what can be done in this situation.

05/14/2012 - Larisa

Please tell me, I work as a nurse in a polyclinic, the salary is 1800 rubles, and the surcharge is up to a minimum of 2541 rubles. This month, they calculated a bonus of 350 rubles, but then the surcharge became 1843 rubles, they explain that the bonus was accrued. Tell me if it is legal to change the surcharge, what is the meaning of the bonus if the same salary ends up.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

Are public holidays paid?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/24/2012 - vladimir

Hello, we have a 5-day work schedule and + two working Saturdays in each month, we work from 8-00 to 17-30, but the head of production after each shift makes us stay until the task of changing the daily task in time until about 20-00 is this legal

04/13/2012 - alexey

I am a job training instructor (pieceworker), do I have to reduce my production rate if I train a trainee?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/03/2012 - Nikolay

Should I be paid for the time of classes in the penitentiary system

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/03/2012 - Marina

Hello, please tell me if my employer has the right to put me on all night shifts if I have a small child under 14? Thanks.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/01/2012 - Tim Thaler

When leaving the factory at 17-05 after the 1st shift, I was stopped by security for inspection. Under a far-fetched pretext in the transit of drugs through the checkpoint, I was kept until 21-15. I was able to get home only at 23-00. I was so physically exhausted and mentally worked up that I couldn't get to work by 7:00 the next day. My employer considered this to be absenteeism and applied all kinds of hardships to me. I believe that the employer created conditions under which I could not fulfill contractual obligations. Who is right and why? In my hands I have a decision of the Internal Affairs Directorate to refuse to initiate a criminal case due to the lack of corpus delicti.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/24/2012 - Lyubov Tolstaya

Hello! I work as a cashier two through two, work starts at 8.00 and ends at 22.00, the store works without a lunch break, we are paid only 10 hours, although we work 14 hours, are they entitled to such wages?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

03/03/2012 - Ekaterina

My husband works at trading network"Motnetka" from 7:00 to 19:00 but the authorities say that lunch time is not included in working hours and that you have to leave at 20:00 Tell me, please, is this legal?

02/25/2012 - Marina

Good afternoon! I work at the plant on a rotational basis (15 days from 8:00 to 20:00, where lunch is not included on a working day, i.e. it turns out 11 hours a working day), wages - TARIFF RATE (working hours) + DEAL . In order to earn extra money, you have to stay on the shift. My question is why only 50% of the transaction is paid on the inter shift (after all, the products are also being shipped)? Is this legal, if so, then why is the processing of hours not paid (308 - 319 hours per month). And yet, the one who stays on the shift gets two days off - but they go at their own expense, is that right?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/25/2012 - oksana

Good afternoon! show whether the employer has the right to force you to work on Saturday at 9 o'clock, if the company has a 39 hour week and the total accounting of time is worked out without taking into account the Saturday working day, thank you

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/13/2012 - Roma

Hello! My wife works as a technician from 8:00 to 17:00, from 12:00 to 14:00 a break, and moreover, they force her to work on Saturday, yesterday she called the personnel department and forced her to sign an employment agreement retroactively, i.e. since 2008 with a work schedule from 8:00 to 17:30, a break from 13:00 to 14:00. Does the personnel department have the right to create such a work schedule when 36 working hours a week are set for women in Russia? And why do we have such uneducated personnel in Russia?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

02/08/2012 - Vadim

Hello! I work as a master inspector in a private company. We have a 3-3 schedule at work and only give 2 weeks of vacation per year. Is it legal or not?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

01/19/2012 - marina

Hello! I work as a salesperson in a store. We work from 7 am to 12 am, we work for two days, we rest for two days, and at the same time we have the official minimum salary, and the rest from the proceeds. Is it legal to work like this? And what should we have salary with such a schedule? We get an average of 8,000 rubles.

12/14/2011 - Maxim

Hello. I work in private firm, for the production and installation of plastic windows. I am directly engaged in the installation of windows. When concluding an agreement with the company, it was clearly stated that my working day starts at 9-00 and ends at 18-00. And you have to work from 8-00 to 20-00, depending on the object. Very often in summer time with a heavy workload, you have to work until 23-00 hours. And often without lunch. The work is physically difficult and time-consuming. The whole team repeatedly tried to resolve the issue of paying for overtime hours, but the authorities did not even want to hear about it. If you don't want to work, leave is the answer. Most importantly, no one keeps a record of the hours we have worked. The only place where I signed was the pay slips, which indicate the minimum that you can receive. I did not find information about the hours and days I worked there. In fact, my salary is somewhat different from the one indicated on the slip up. Since the work is seasonal, we do not work during the winter. It turns out that this downtime is not our fault and it must be paid. But alas, this does not happen. How can you get your boss to pay you for overtime and downtime.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/07/2011 - Maria

Hello! I work in the department of the military commissariat as a watchman in my village from 9 am to 9 am the next day. Can you please tell me if this is legal? Thank you in advance!

The answer to the question is given by phone.

12/07/2011 - Dmitry

I was doubled the rate of production, is it legal?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/30/2011 - Ivan

Good time of the day! My wife works at the Central Regional Hospital as a doctor of functional diagnostics, at the rate it is supposed to decipher 30 films, and she deciphers many times more chapters for her, the doctor doubled the rate, and the prosecutor’s office arrived and was told to make one bet, how to be in the area there are a lot of people and Accordingly, there is a lot of work in which law to look for the norms of the work of the ECG cabinet!

The answer to the question is given by phone.

11/18/2011 - Dmitry

Hello, tell me, is there a workaround now?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/13/2011 - Irina

Hello, tell me please, I work as a cashier controller in grocery store from 8 to 22. After the store closes, the cashiers stay and count the money to verify it with checks for cash register, it takes from 10 to 40 minutes, for this reason I often stay late at work. Tell me if I can receive compensation for this time, what and to whom should I write or require the provision of a calculating machine to speed up the process of reading money.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

10/12/2011 - Alexey

Hello. I’m interested in the following why night shifts are paid less than day shifts? shifts are paid normally, and for the other 8 shifts only 600-700 rubles. Our production is very harmful associated with the processing of ferrous metallurgy slag. Is this legal? Thank you in advance.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

09/30/2011 - Natalia

Hello, I work as a senior bartender at a car wash. The work is official. Our bosses decided to change our work schedule that does not suit us and in principle they don’t ask us if you like it or not, they just put it before the fact and I’m still pregnant !! tell us what to do

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/23/2011 - Maxim

I work with x-rays, what are the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for group A employees ... What privileges ...

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/22/2011 - alexey

Hello, I work at a coal mine as a Belaz driver, schedule day from 8 am to 8 pm then at night from 8 pm to 8 am 2 days of rest at night they give us only an hour for lunch, this is from 00.00 to 01.00 we get up from 04.00 to 05.00 motivating that we do not rest every 10 minutes of every hour, several guys lost bonuses. is it legal? if so, how to deal with it? thanks

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/12/2011 - Vyacheslav

Hello, I work as a driver, the work schedule is two in two 12-hour working days, in fact, the working day is from 16 to 20 hours, the first working day is still tolerable, but the second one is hard to sleep for 1 or 2 hours. The boss says that they pay processing, I don’t need such processing, the bosses say they don’t like the work, go behind the fence of a lot of people, that’s their whole conversation, tell me how to deal with them without losing your job. Thank you.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

08/11/2011 - Katerina

Hello! I work for 0.25, do I have to work full time? Or is it also a quarter?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/17/2011 - Edward

I work as an aviation safety inspector. On patrol. New positions have recently arrived. I do not agree with them. They say that the patrol inspector is obliged, if necessary, to fulfill and know the duties of the checkpoint controller and the inspection inspector. That is, in practice, it turns out that if suddenly the controller falls ill or something else, then I am obliged to do his work, while no one relieves me of my duties. There is no surcharge. Then the responsibilities include the improvement of the territory and the building of the SAB (our service). This, in my opinion, is generally something transcendental. I've been working for a year. When applying for a job, there were no such instructions at all. Guided by federal aviation regulations. The labor inspectorate does not want to consider the complaint. Explaining that in aviation we have our lotions. Leaving is not a problem. The salary is small. There is nothing to regret. But to leave means to admit that you have given up. And maybe I'm wrong. Previously, wherever I worked, I never met this. Everyone performed their duties accurately.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/15/2011 - Nika

Hello, I recently work as a cashier in a cosmetics and perfume store, such a situation happened on Sunday, we were informed that we had a promotion in 2 days, and they asked if employees could go to work on their day off, they also asked me what I was clear about gave the answer that I had a repair and I could not, two days later, an order came from the manager that it was mandatory and everyone was obliged to leave, on the same day I did not work and did not see the order, the next day from a higher position for a whole for a day they didn’t tell me anything why I didn’t go to work today and they send me a message from work in the morning that if I don’t go to work within an hour I will be put absenteeism and a fine of 2250 rubles. how much is it legal and what should I do?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

07/15/2011 - Anastasia

Hello. I work in a 24-hour grocery store. For a shift, we work 14 hours, without providing time for lunch. (We eat when there are no people) Payment for a day shift is 500 rubles, for a night shift 600 rubles. I'm also wondering how legal it is?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

06/07/2011 - Dima

Hello! I work as a welder on semi-automatic machines. We were obliged to cook more parts, which is contrary to the technical process, if we don’t have time, “don’t have lunch!” the management says. How many smoke breaks do I have per shift? The boss says that I have to cook continuously for 8 hours.

05/21/2011 - Nikolay.

Hello! Our director every spring (for the whole summer) issues an order to transfer all sections to a six-day and ten-hour working day. A copy of the order is sent without a number and painting of the chairman of the trade union.

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/13/2011 - Airat

Hello, we were given calculations at work, there are normal days and hours are not enough without explaining the reason, what do they do in this situation?

05/12/2011 - Anton

Hello! according to the norms, I have to work on 2 machines, but I work on 3 or 4 machines and there is no additional payment, what should I do in such a situation?

The answer to the question is given by phone.

05/05/2011 - Natalia

If an employee is employed at 1.15 rates, should he pay the minimum wage or 1.15 minimum wage???

The answer to the question is given by phone.

04/12/2011 - Olga

Hello! We work according to the schedule - 12 hours a day, on the trail. day 12 hours at night, then there should be a sleepover and a day off, but we again go out into the day. The management explains this by the fact that people are on vacation and on sick leave. They promised to pay. How legal is it?

New edition Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Labor norms - production norms, time norms, number norms and other norms - are established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor.

Labor standards may be revised as new equipment, technology is improved or introduced, and organizational or other measures are taken to ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally obsolete equipment.

Achieving a high level of output (provision of services) by individual employees through the use of new methods of labor and improvement of jobs on their initiative is not a basis for revising previously established labor standards.

Commentary on Article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines labor standards. These are norms of production, time, norms of number and other norms.

Another commentary on Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

1. Article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the general grounds for the introduction and revision of labor standards and establishes the types of labor standards.

2. Part 1 of Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation enshrines the requirement to establish reasonable labor standards in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor. Only comprehensively substantiated labor standards can be an effective tool for labor rationing. The organizational and technical validity of labor standards implies that the most progressive technological processing procedure for a given type of production, equipment, tools, equipment should be selected, optimal modes of equipment operation, forms of service and organization of jobs should be established. Psychophysiological validity is understood as ensuring high productivity while maintaining the working capacity and health of workers by establishing a rational mode of work and rest, safe working methods. The economic feasibility of labor standards implies the need to reduce not only the time for performing a certain operation, but also the entire production cycle as a whole.

3. The revision of labor standards is possible only if there are sufficient grounds for this, namely, with the improvement of equipment and technology, the introduction of new equipment and technology, the implementation of organizational measures that ensure the growth of labor productivity, the replacement of physically and morally obsolete equipment. The revision of labor standards in cases not accompanied by the indicated measures should be recognized as unreasonable.

4. Part 3 of Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a ban on the revision of labor standards when individual employees achieve a high level of labor productivity through the use of progressive labor methods and the improvement of workplaces on their own initiative. Such a ban provides a personal interest in increasing productivity and the associated increase in wages.

5. Part 1 of Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists the types of labor standards used in the regulation of labor in an organization. These are norms of time, norms of production, norms of number. In addition to these norms, service norms and normalized tasks are also used in the rationing process.

The production rate is the established amount of work (the number of units of production) that an employee or a group of employees of the appropriate qualification is required to perform (manufacture, transport, etc.) per unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions.

The norm of time is the amount of working time spent to perform a unit of work by an employee or a group of employees (in particular, a team) of appropriate qualifications in certain organizational and technical conditions.

The service rate is the quantity production facilities(pieces of equipment, workplaces, etc.) that an employee or a group of employees of appropriate qualifications are required to serve during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions. Service standards are intended to standardize the labor of workers engaged in the maintenance of equipment, production areas, jobs, etc.

A variation of the service norm is the manageability norm, which determines the number of employees who must be managed by one manager.

The norm (norm) of the number is the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific production, managerial functions or scope of work. According to the norms (standards) of the number, labor costs are also determined by professions, specialties, groups or types of work, individual functions, in general for the organization, its structural unit.

A standardized task is a set amount of work that an employee or a group of employees are required to perform per shift, working month (respectively, a shift or monthly standardized task) or in another unit of working time. Normalized tasks are set for time-paid workers on the basis of the above labor standards.

Labor standards can be established for a separate operation (operational norm) or for an interconnected group of operations, a complete set of works (enlarged, complex norm).

There are also uniform norms developed for work performed using the same technology in similar production conditions in one or a number of industries, and model norms developed for work performed by standard technology taking into account the organizational and technical conditions that are rational for this production, already existing in most or part of the organizations where such types of work are available. Uniform and standard norms can be intersectoral, sectoral and local. On the development and approval of standard labor standards, see Art. 161 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and commentary to it.

A concrete expression of the measure of labor is the labor standards established in the process of its rationing.

According to Art. 159 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees are guaranteed:

  • state assistance to the systemic organization of labor rationing;
  • application of labor rationing systems determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body or established by the collective agreement.

labor standards- norms of production, time, norms of number and other norms - are established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor (Article 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

They can be revised as new equipment, technology is improved or introduced, and organizational or other measures are taken to ensure the growth of labor productivity, as well as in the case of the use of physically and morally obsolete equipment.

Achieving a high level of output (provision of services) by individual employees through the use of new methods of labor and improvement of jobs on their initiative is not a basis for revising previously established labor standards.

So, norm of time And production rate used to determine production tasks piecework workers, to calculate the normalized tasks for time workers, the day of normalization of the most stable work performed by employees and engineering and technical workers.

Service rate And population rate are designed to establish the number of pieces of equipment, the amount of production space, jobs that an employee must serve per unit of time (service rates), or the number of workers required to perform a certain amount of work (number norms).

Based on the establishment of labor standards on certain types work processes and operations, the necessary quantitative proportions between workshops, industries, jobs are calculated and observed.

The current standards are reviewed throughout the year as technical, economic and organizational measures are taken to increase labor productivity at individual units, workplaces and operations or to improve the organization of labor in general.

In accordance with Art. 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Achieving a high level of product development individual worker, a team through the use of new methods of work and best practices on its own initiative, improving workplaces on its own is not a basis for revising the norms.

Labor regulation performs a number of important functions, being the basis rational organization production and labor at enterprises, organization of wages for all categories of workers in both production and non-production spheres, as well as a means of accounting for individual and collective results of labor, dissemination and consolidation of best practices.

The norm, reflecting the actual measure of labor, must be justified from the organizational, technical, psycho-physiological, economic and legal positions.

The organizational and technical justification involves a thorough analysis of the content of the normalized work and working conditions its implementation. This means that in the process of rationing it is necessary to choose the most advanced technological order of processing for a given enterprise, equipment, tools, equipment, to establish the optimal modes of equipment operation, forms of service and organization of jobs.

The psychophysiological substantiation aims to ensure high productivity while maintaining the working capacity and health of workers by establishing rational modes of work and rest, safe working methods.

The economic justification involves considering the need to reduce not only the execution time of individual operations, but also the production cycle as a whole.

Legal support of norms is the final stage in the transformation of labor norms into a legal category. It means that this scientifically based labor standard is approved as optimal for the given production conditions and becomes mandatory for employees (they are obliged to comply with the norm) and for the employer (he is obliged to ensure the conditions for its implementation).

The development and approval of standard labor standards are provided for in Art. 161 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For homogeneous work, standard (intersectoral, sectoral, professional and other) labor standards can be developed and established. Model labor standards are developed and approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Local regulations providing for introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards, are accepted by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees (Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance.

The established rule on notifying employees about the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance applies primarily to those employees whose work will be standardized by them. The rule on official notification is mandatory; it cannot be replaced by establishing the fact that employees participate in the discussion of draft labor standards before they are approved at a meeting or when the terms of a collective agreement are approved.

The list of introduced new standards and revised labor standards should be posted in a conspicuous place for familiarization of employees. The employer and the trade union committee should organize an explanation to employees of the reasons for the introduction of new and revision of existing labor standards, inform them about what organizational and technical measures have been taken to ensure the implementation of new labor standards. If the introduction of new standards and the revision of existing labor standards were carried out hastily, without proper organizational and technical support, without coordination with the relevant trade union body, workers and the trade union committee have the right to demand that the employer cancel the established norms.

Violation of the requirements of Art. 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for introducing, replacing and revising labor standards, including the obligation of the employer to notify the employee of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance, gives the employee a reason to demand wages according to the previous standards.

Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes a rule according to which the bodies that have approved uniform and standard norms are authorized to replace and revise these norms.

Category uniform labor standards include the norms developed and approved by the competent intersectoral, sectoral or departmental bodies for work performed using the same technology in similar production conditions in one or more sectors of the national economy.

At present, standard labor standards are advisory in nature for enterprises. They are included in the content of sectoral (tariff) agreements. Replacement and revision of uniform and standard (intersectoral, sectoral, departmental) norms can be carried out by agreement of the relevant associations of employers and employees on the basis of social partnership.

Determination of rates for piecework wages. Piece rate - the main element of any kind of piecework wages. It represents a certain amount of payment for the production of a unit of output or work operation.

When determining piece rates, it is necessary to comply with the units of time for which the tariff rates are taken, the units of time for which the norms are established (hour, shift). If a shift production rate is set, then the daily (shift) tariff rate is used when calculating the release, if the hourly rate is used - the hourly tariff rate.

Determination of prices for a piece-progressive wage system. The specific elements of this system are the initial level of compliance with the norms (initial base), from which the increase in the piece rate begins, and the scale of progressive surcharges, showing the size of the increase in the piece rate at a certain level of performance above the original base.

For workers - authors of inventions or rationalization proposals, changing technical standards and prices, the old prices remain for six months from the date of introduction of new standards and prices. For other employees who have assisted the inventor or innovator in the implementation of the proposal, the previous rates are retained for three months. This provision should be considered as certain material benefits and advantages for employees (authors of inventions and rationalization proposals) who ensured technical progress in production and changes in labor standards and prices. Along with the authors of inventions and rationalization proposals, benefits and advantages are also established for other employees who have assisted the inventor and innovator in implementation.

Employer officials who, by virtue of their job duties provide assistance in the implementation of inventions and rationalization proposals, do not enjoy the envisaged benefits. Employees must be notified of the introduction of these new labor standards no later than two months in advance.

In accordance with Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide normal conditions for the employees to fulfill the production standards. These conditions include, in particular:

  • good condition of premises, structures, machines, technological equipment and equipment;
  • timely provision of technical and other documentation necessary for work;
  • proper quality of materials, tools, other means and items necessary for the performance of work, their timely provision to the employee;
  • working conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection and production safety.

Article 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes two important provisions that determine guarantees of compliance with labor standards, firstly, imposes on the employer the obligation to provide normal conditions for the implementation of the norms and, secondly, gives an official list of normal working conditions. Although Art. 163 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, ensuring normal working conditions is associated only with the fulfillment of production standards, it should be assumed that we should still talk about all labor standards listed in labor legislation.

If the employer has not fulfilled his obligations to ensure normal working conditions, as a result of which the employee has not fulfilled the established labor standards, the latter is considered innocent of non-compliance with these standards.

In case of non-fulfillment of labor standards through no fault of the employee, he is guaranteed payment of at least 2/3 tariff rate(salary). At the same time, the monthly salary cannot be lower than the official minimum amount (Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The specified guarantees are provided to the employee if the normal working conditions were not fulfilled both due to the fault of the administration, and due to other circumstances beyond the control of the employee and the administration.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation | Chapter 20. General provisions. Pay and labor regulation

Full text of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ with latest changes and additions, edition of 07/03/2016, with the latest changes and additions that entered into force on 01/01/2017.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Section VI. Pay and labor regulation

Article 129. Basic concepts and definitions

Salary (remuneration of an employee) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation payments(surcharges and allowances of a compensatory nature, including for work in conditions deviating from normal, work in special climatic conditions and in territories subjected to radioactive contamination, and other compensation payments) and incentive payments (additional payments and allowances of a stimulating nature, bonuses and other incentive payments).

Part two became invalid on 1 September 2007. - Federal Law No. 54-FZ of April 20, 2007.

Tariff rate - a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for fulfilling a labor norm of a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time without taking into account compensatory, incentive and social payments.

Salary ( official salary) - a fixed amount of remuneration of an employee for the performance of labor (official) duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month, excluding compensation, incentives and social payments.

Basic salary (base official salary), basic wage rate - minimum salary (official salary), wage rate of an employee of a state or municipal institution professional activity by profession of a worker or an employee's position, included in the relevant professional qualification group, without taking into account compensatory, incentive and social payments.

Article 130

The system of basic state guarantees for the remuneration of workers includes:

the value of the minimum wage in the Russian Federation;

paragraph is invalid. - Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004;

measures to ensure an increase in the level of the real content of wages;

limiting the list of grounds and amounts of deductions from wages by order of the employer, as well as the amount of taxation of income from wages;

limitation of wages in kind;

ensuring that the employee receives wages in the event of termination of the employer's activities and its insolvency in accordance with federal laws;

federal state supervision over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing norms labor law, which includes checking the completeness and timeliness of payment of wages and the implementation of state guarantees for wages;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 242-FZ of July 18, 2011)

responsibility of employers for violation of the requirements established labor law and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, collective agreements, agreements;

(As amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006)

terms and order of payment of wages.

Wages are paid in cash in the currency of the Russian Federation (in rubles).

In accordance with the collective agreement or employment contract at the written request of the employee, remuneration may also be made in other forms that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation. The share of wages paid in non-monetary form may not exceed 20 percent of the accrued monthly wage.

(As amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006)

Payment of wages in bonds, coupons, in the form of debt obligations, receipts, as well as in the form of alcoholic beverages, narcotic, poisonous, harmful and other toxic substances, weapons, ammunition and other items in respect of which prohibitions or restrictions on their free circulation are established , not allowed.

(As amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006)

The salary of each employee depends on his qualifications, the complexity of the work performed, the quantity and quality of the labor expended, and is not limited to the maximum amount, except for the cases provided for by this Code.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 55-FZ of April 2, 2014)

Any kind of discrimination is prohibited when establishing and changing the conditions of remuneration.

(As amended by Federal Law No. 90-FZ dated June 30, 2006)

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