Jobs in Israel for Russians, vacancies. Work in Israel: reviews, salaries, working and living conditions

Work is the basis of every person's life, and the question here is not only in salary. Work is a kind of second self, it reflects who you are in society, and not only in Israel. And it doesn’t matter who you are – a teacher, a builder, a web designer, a programmer, a scientist, a soldier… Everyone should have their own professional path, and Israel in this is very different from, for example, Russia. So how to find a job in Israel?

Is it difficult to find a job in Israel?

Is it difficult to find a job in Ukraine, America or Germany? Oh sure. It is difficult to find a job that will bring moral satisfaction, a good salary and a platform for self-realization in any country in the world, including Israel (especially if one takes into account such features of this country as size and a tendency to “nepotism”). But one thing is absolutely certain: who wants to work normally in Israel, he works.

Size matters

Israel is a small country. We are only 8.5 million Israelis. That is, for example, one and a half times more people live in Moscow alone than in our beloved country. Accordingly, the labor market, relative to global scale, is small. In other words, your employer with whom you will be interviewing most likely knows all the competitors personally, knows where they live, and maybe even go to the theater together on Fridays.

In general, in Israel there is a big problem of "centralization" of the market. This problem is well-known, and the forces of regulators at the state level are thrown into the fight against it. Why? And what prevents the owners of the two largest chains of cafes from agreeing during the intermission between the acts of the performance, how much they will sell us coffee? Like this.

"Family" Israeli business

Most The best way find a job in Israel - through friends. And if they will prove to you with foam at the mouth that this is not so, send them to the largest Israeli companies Hevrat a-Hashmal and Mekorot, and at the same time to all the country's major food concerns, municipalities, the army, the police, the state service and so on. Although there is legislation prohibiting the leader from hiring a relative, do not worry, he will work in a parallel ministry, and the nephew of the one who hired him there will be able to easily get a job with our first hero.

Many of my acquaintances who were in search of work by the "conventional method": went to interviews, sent out resumes, etc., eventually found it through friends or acquaintances.

Work for an Israeli abroad

There are many of us everywhere, not only in Israel. According to some reports, more than 50,000 Israelis live in Moscow alone, not to mention hundreds of thousands in the US and other countries of the world, and these are only people with Israeli citizenship. There is such a joke that the country of Jews is the whole world, and Israel is just an office ... well, this is not really a joke.

Often, an Israeli's job search in any country in the world is facilitated by a simple conversation with other Israelis living in that country. It is possible that in some magical and unpredictable way, it turns out that acquaintances of acquaintances, classmates, guys from the army or even distant relatives live there. Remember the theory of five handshakes? So, in Israel there are a maximum of three :)

Is it possible to find a job in Israel without knowing Hebrew?

Is it possible to find a job in Russia without knowing Russian? Yes, you certainly may. The only question is which one. If your position will not require communication with people, then yes, it is quite possible. If your potential employer is a Hebrew-speaking Israeli, a basic knowledge of Hebrew will be enough to know what day to go to work and what not, what hours you need to change for tomorrow and when to leave ... In this case, you can do with a hundred words.

For more qualified work, you will need Hebrew. Good Hebrew. Remember - in order to have at least some chances for a career and Professional Development in Israel, you need good Hebrew. The sooner you start learning it, the better. , you are building the foundation of your professional Israeli happiness. And work is the core of life.

There are, of course, certain areas in which you will not need Hebrew - for example, you can get a job in a company that focuses on the "Russian" segment in Israel - be it children's parties in Russian, Russian-speaking tourism, or a social worker working with Russian-speaking pensioners . "Russian Street" in Israel has more than one and a half million people, and you can easily live your whole life in Israel, having learned Hebrew at the level of "I'd like two liters of milk, please." But keep in mind that your professional (and personal) development will forever be limited to this segment.

The same goes for . Russian children who know Hebrew in basic level“bring-give”, threatens to serve in the AOI either as a cook or a driver. Or a sniper - this area of ​​the Israeli army is almost entirely "Russian", we know how to shoot accurately and silently. If you like to turn the steering wheel, go to the army without Hebrew. This may look tempting (for example, you will be paid for driving courses, which, of course, is a plus), but do not forget that after a well-deserved demobilization, you have another 20 years to be a driver in the reserve, being called up for a period of two to four weeks in year.

To learn how to swim, they flop into the pool, to learn how to drive a car, they get behind the wheel. And for quick mastery of Hebrew, it is best to find a job in a Hebrew-speaking environment as soon as possible: so that the boss is Israeli, employees are Israelis and, preferably, clients are also Israelis. In short, or, as we say in Israel, “be kitsur”, if you have ambitions to integrate into Israeli society, learn Hebrew.

Israeli salaries

Salaries in Israel are very, very different and depend on your field of activity and position. Therefore, I will not write numbers here at all. On most government positions salary depends on education (from the degree you received), work experience, number of completed professional courses and so on. You should find out all these conditions at the specific workplace that interests you.

In many jobs in Israel, depending on the above parameters, there is a gradual increase wages Therefore, when choosing a job, it is very important to look not only at the initial salary, but also at the prospects for its growth. And do not hesitate to ask your potential employer about this, in Israel they are absolutely calm about this, and your employer probably already has answers for you.

Few people want to hire a person without hearing about him from his other Israeli employers, so before you go for an interview, it is worth stocking up on a list of such people. And yes, it is desirable that they say nice things about you :)

As a person who has given this kind of telephone recommendations more than once, I can say that they largely determine your chances of finding a job. The type of characterization you are given has a decisive influence on the final decision of your potential employer. Remember that apart from you at this workplace as a rule, several more candidates apply, each of which, accordingly, has enlisted its own recommendations. Tip: don't let anyone letters of recommendation, only good things are written there and no one believes them, but a telephone conversation with a recommender will be much more productive.

your vacation

Vacation in Israel depends on your place of work and usually varies from 14 to 25 days, with the number of vacation days increasing with seniority: for example, 14 days in the first two years, 16 days in subsequent years, and so on. You can read more about this in our article. Of course, the vacation does not include public holidays such as Independence Day, Rosh Hashanah,

His ancient culture, many historical monuments, centuries-old traditions and the opportunity to relax on the shores of four seas at once, Israel annually attracts many guests from different countries peace. In addition, this state with the most powerful economy in the entire Middle East region. The country has a high standard of living and modern technologies, solid salaries, and the quality of medical care in Israel is one of the highest in the world. Therefore, working in Israel in 2019 seems to be a very attractive option for employment abroad, as this is a great opportunity to earn money and at the same time relax physically and spiritually on free days.

    Workers' rights in Israel

    Israeli labor law takes into account the interests of employees, contains rules for determining wages, establishes the procedure for its payment, regulates labor standards and conditions, and protects the rights of workers. Therefore, before employment and signing labor contract be sure to read the lawbecause local employers, hoping for the incompetence of employees, often try to deprive them of their legal rights and part of their well-deserved income.

    It should be borne in mind that not only the labor law of Israel, but also trade union legislation for hired personnel provides for a wide package of social guarantees:

  • the minimum monthly wage;
  • increased rates for overtime and work on weekends and holidays;
  • severance pay;
  • holiday pay;
  • health;
  • salary increase for long service;
  • tax-free pension and savings programs;
  • maternity leave, etc.

At the legislative level, the obligation of employers to fix the conditions of work agreed with the employee in the labor contract, which would subsequently become a guarantee of the observance of the rights of the employee, is established.

Wages are issued by the 9th of each month, and if no payment has been made, workers may claim late payments and demand compensation. Under the terms of the contract, money can be paid monthly, weekly or taking into account hours worked. At the same time, there are a number of different allowances and increasing coefficients.

Apart from work visa B1, an A5 visa also allows you to get a job, which is issued by an immigration lawyer upon marriage to an Israeli or, if a citizen wishes to achieve recognition as a refugee.

How to apply for a work visa

The process of issuing an Israeli work visa is carried out by both the foreign applicant and the employer. The first one submits documents to the Israeli Consulate in home country, and the second one submits a set of documents to the local Ministry of Internal Affairs (Misrad Apnim) and receives permission to hire a foreigner. The employer submits to the Ministry of Internal Affairs a copy of the employment contract with the recipient of the visa and confirms his intention to hire him for a specific position. The contract must specify:

  • information about the head of the company accepting the employee;
  • wages;
  • information about a potential employee.

If the applicant has used the services of an employment agency, it is also checked for a license to invite foreigners.

The decision to issue a work visa or to refuse it is made taking into account the following circumstances:

  1. Whether the foreigner has received an Israeli work visa before.
  2. Have there been cases of deportation against the applicant.
  3. Whether the applicant violated the laws of Israel.

Checking the identity of a foreign citizen for the possibility of issuing him a permit to enter the Jewish state in order to earn money can last from one to four weeks. And only after receiving approval, the applicant can personally appear at the Israeli Consulate in the country of his residence to draw up an application for a visa. If all are presented Required documents work visa is issued on the same day.

Required documents for a work visa to Israel

We offer you to get acquainted with what documents are needed to work in Israel:

  1. Properly completed visa application form.
  2. General passport.
  3. Form K-1 - consent to the collection of biometric data.
  4. Two photos of the established sample (5x5 cm).
  5. A valid passport, the validity of which exceeds 6 months from the date of application to the Consulate.
  6. An employment contract with an employer signed by both parties.
  7. Birth certificates of children (if the applicant has children).
  8. Certificate of conclusion (or dissolution) of marriage, if one of the listed acts of civil status took place in relation to the applicant.
  9. Medical certificate of health (including fluorography and certificates of the absence of AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis and other dangerous diseases).
  10. Certificate of no criminal record (with apostille).
  11. Certificate of completion of courses for the care of the sick and the elderly - in case of employment under a social program of the appropriate direction.

Sometimes the applicant is asked for additional documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • references from a previous job;
  • a certificate from the bank stating that there are sufficient funds on the account to provide for oneself during the first time in Israel.

In addition to the documents listed above, in order to obtain permission to enter the Jewish state in order to labor activity you will not need anything else and, if you have all the papers in order, you can think about how to make money in Israel.

Is a work permit required in Israel?

In addition to a work visa, legal employment in Israel may require a work permit. In this regard, you need to know exactly what work permits are needed in Israel.

A work permit is issued after the employee's arrival in Israel. On the this stage the employer is responsible for obtaining the work permit. To do this, he needs to contact the Israeli Ministry of Industry, Labor and Trade - this government agency has the authority to issue work permits to foreigners. The document is issued strictly for a specific place of work and must be replaced if the employer changes.

Therefore, as soon as an invitation to work in Israel is received from the employer, confirming his readiness to hire you, you must submit all the necessary documents to him to apply to the ministry.

Keep in mind that the authorities take into account the geographic location of the area in which the host company is located. Therefore, it will not be possible to obtain a work permit in places recognized as “hot spots”. Dangerous zones, in particular, include the border with Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank of the Jordan River and the territories adjacent to them.

How to find a job in Israel

Deciding who to work in Israel is quite problematic, as high-level specialists are in demand on the labor market, among which there are many local residents. In addition, fluency in spoken English is required. If this condition was not indicated in the vacancy, the employer may require knowledge of another foreign language.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that even those foreigners who graduated from a prestigious Israeli university cannot always find a job.

Job search without intermediaries

To everyone who is thinking about whether it is possible to find a job in Israel on their own, we can say the following: it is possible, but extremely difficult. Independent search the employer assumes that you:

  • you will look at advertisements in newspapers;
  • send your resume for good luck to all the companies that interest you;
  • visit employment sites with Israeli vacancies;
  • use the help of friends living in Israel.

In the latter case, finding a job is, of course, easier - people who know you will not have to prove their decency and competence. As for the other options, it will take quite a lot of time to find a job. In addition, reputable firms prefer to use the services of recruitment agencies, rather than posting vacancies in the public domain.

As you know, in Israel there are representative offices of large international companies eg Cadbury. And if you have necessary qualifications, companies will hire you regardless of the nationality of which country you are.

Your plan of action should be the following:

  1. Find a suitable job.
  2. Submit your resume to a potential employer.
  3. Wait for a response from him (requests are usually answered quickly, even in case of refusal).
  4. Pass an interview (most often communication takes place via Skype, but large companies and serious enterprises can also invite you to a personal meeting - then it will be enough to apply for a tourist visa and, upon successful completion of the test, return to the country with a work visa).

Employment Agencies in Israel

Leading companies in Israel care about their reputation, so they rarely place recruitment ads on the Internet and newspapers, preferring to entrust this task to competent specialists from recruitment agencies. Therefore, a good position can only be found through firms in Israel for the employment of foreigners.

Agency employees have a database of vacancies by category: for men, for women and for couples. They study the resume of the future employee and propose his candidacy for consideration by the employer. Further, everything depends on the decision of the potential employer: if the qualifications, work experience, professional skills and personality of the applicant meet his requirements and expectations, then the job search was successful and the candidate proposed by the agency will be hired.

After that, the task of the agency in Israel for the employment of foreigners will be to notify the citizen who paid for their services and help him in preparing documents for the Consulate.

Among the Israeli recruitment agencies that have proven themselves with positive side, one can name the following:

  • "Personnel services" Etgar ". Information on the site can be viewed in Russian and English.
  • Manpower Group. There is only a Hebrew version.
  • . For the convenience of site visitors, the pages have been translated into English.

It should be noted that there are many recruiting firms for Israeli companies. In addition, you may be offered employment not only in the company, but also in any agency. For example, there are special agencies for the care of the elderly in Israel, as well as cleaning, advertising and other agencies.

Job search directly through the employer

Those job seekers who are interested in working directly from an employer in Israel should first of all deal with personal branding. It is difficult for a foreigner to find a good place in Israel, so self-promotion is important - be aware of your competitive advantages, remember all your professional skills and abilities. For foreign citizens, there are few highly paid vacancies in Israel, therefore direct employer you need to convince the need to accept you - the image you created and self-confidence will help you successfully pass the interview.

When communicating with a potential employer, consider the specific requirements of Israeli employers:

Employer in the CIS countriesEmployer in Israel
Requires quality work, 100% and checks the resultExpects more from the employee than what was ordered to be done. Believes in the conscience of the worker.
Knows that employees work carefully and for a long timeExpects employees to work quickly
Accepted appeal to "You"Appeal to "you"
Requires collective responsibility and mutual aidRequires employees to be held accountable for their own actions

Given these differences between the requirements of companies in the CIS countries and in the Jewish state, finding a job in Israel without intermediaries will become a little easier.

Overview of job search sites in Israel

If the applicant needs to find a job before leaving for the Jewish state, the most convenient option for finding vacancies for the Russian Federation in Israel will be the official directory website of Israeli companies On this resource, all functioning companies in Israel are located in alphabetical order, there is also an option to search by name.

It will not be superfluous to use the popular professional social network - fill out a personal profile and look for an employer.

Often a job is found in Israel on Avito, in most cases through intermediaries. Vacancies are posted in Russian, which is an advantage for applicants who do not speak Hebrew.

Job advertisements can also be placed in well-known Israeli newspapers, which can be "browsed" online:

  • The Jerusalem Post (newspaper with translation into English about all aspects of Israeli life, additional section - vacancies);
  • Maariv (Hebrew newspaper publishing latest news and fresh vacancies including);
  • Yediot (newspaper in Hebrew with breaking news, vacancies, advertising).

A job found in Israel from Israeli employers through the official website of their enterprises will be a guarantee of employment. By contacting them directly, sending your resume and agreeing on the terms of employment, you can be sure that the job will be assigned to you.

There is a wide range of Internet resources for finding vacancies abroad, including in the Jewish state. Bulletin boards inform where in Israel locals or foreign employees. Among the sites in Hebrew are:

  • (a fairly popular resource, the list of vacancies on which is updated several times a day);
  • (a subsection of the popular job site, designed for job searches in Israel);
  • (it is possible to view pages in English and search for vacancies by industry, company and keywords);
  • (an easy-to-use site with no unnecessary information, where there is nothing but vacancies);
  • (a large-scale resource with over 34 thousand vacancies published).

There are also English-language employment sites:

  • (a small job board with a simplified job search);
  • (a site for finding jobs abroad - in order to see jobs in Israel, you must first select a country);
  • (a popular resource among CIS citizens - employers in need of foreign labor often post vacancies here);
  • (to view job offers in Israel, you must first select a country in the search box);
  • jobs-israel (only Israeli jobs);
  • (there is a quick search for vacancies by keyword and an advanced search available after registration).

You can try to find a suitable job on less popular online job boards. For example, enter the query: 999 jobs in Israel, and visit the site (it contains about 3 thousand vacancies, which are proposed to be selected by destinations and cities where employers are located). Similar resources in Russian are:

  • (on the site it is proposed to place a resume and a vacancy for which you are applying - they will be available not only on the portal itself, but also on social networks);
  • (the portal contains vacancies and offers for courses, including advanced training courses);
  • (online newspaper about work, services, offers of various companies);
  • (only vacancies from direct employers without intermediaries);
  • (only vacancies, it is possible to post resumes and subscribe to posted fresh offers);
  • (a division of Head Hunter, a popular job search engine in Russia);
  • (Israeli news, announcements, advertisements and jobs site);
  • (advertisements from employers and individuals - more often about recruiting staff for cleaning and caring for the elderly).

An impressive list of job advertisements in Israel contains Orbit - a bulletin board for finding an employer without intermediaries.

Popular jobs in Israel in 2019

Foreigners who already have a job in Israel and formal employment are given equal rights with Israelis in terms of wages, benefits, income taxation and working conditions. Therefore, Israeli employers do not need to bother with the complex process of recruiting a foreign worker, unless it is absolutely necessary for the company.

It is also not beneficial for the state if jobs are occupied by workers from other countries, and local residents suffer from unemployment. Therefore, to get a job in Israel, you need to pay attention to vacancies:

  • for highly qualified and experienced professionals who are difficult to find among Israelis;
  • not claimed by the citizens of Israel.

Facilitate the process of obtaining a work visa for citizens of countries outside the European Union, three quotas for work in Israel:

  • construction;
  • social sphere;
  • agricultural work.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that Israel is distinguished by stable development, the introduction of new technologies and the improvement of the quality of medical care, therefore, first of all, the country needs specialists whose work is related to these areas.

What specialties are most in demand in Israel

According to the statistics of vacancies opened by Israeli employers, the most demanded professions in Israel are as follows:

  • qualified doctor;
  • IT specialist;
  • engineer (various branches);
  • builder;
  • teacher.

For all of the above specialties, the main requirements are high qualifications, great experience work, knowledge of Hebrew and English. But the main thing is that you need to be a more attractive employee than an Israeli, otherwise the chances of taking vacant position you won't.

Despite the fact that there is a certain shortage of doctors in Israel in 2017, to work in the field of medicine, it is still necessary to obtain a special certificate, which is issued exclusively to citizens of the country and foreigners with permanent residence. However, foreign applicants have the opportunity to get a job in a specialized medical institution with residence is a legal job and the rights of employees are protected by labor legislation.

Work in IT in Israel is in demand, as in many other developed countries. Technology advancement and innovation leadership require a large number appropriately qualified personnel. When it comes to employment in a foreign company, it is often enough to speak spoken English. In general, working in Israel as a programmer opens up great opportunities - there is even a division of Microsoft in the country.

There are a lot of job opportunities in social sphere. Local residents refuse such work because of the relatively low wages and lack of prestige, so workers are always required in this area.

For example, work in Israel "care for the elderly" is available to both foreign participants in special government programs and independent applicants. It is much easier for women to get such a job, and the main selection criterion is an assessment of the nature of the job applicant - hired personnel must have great patience and philanthropy. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the work in Israel "care for the elderly" involves the worker living in a family, allowing you to save on housing costs.

Among the vacancies with the inscription "urgently required" you can often see the following:

  • cook in a fast food restaurant;
  • waiter;
  • seller-cashier;
  • office cleaner;
  • handyman;
  • packer;
  • Warehouse worker.

Foreign citizens who do not speak Hebrew are usually offered unskilled jobs, which Israelis are in no hurry to get. This may be work in factories in Israel, in large bakeries or in factories. You can also apply for the vacancy of a packer, loader, driver warehouse equipment or company car, locksmith, welder. Employment agencies usually promise solid pay, but in reality, such work is paid the lowest salary in the country. Not much different in terms of earnings and work in Israel in the workplace.

Women can always count on work:

  • in supermarkets;
  • by labeling;
  • at a chocolate factory;
  • maid;
  • nurse;
  • housekeeper;
  • babysitter.

For many years, builders have been in demand in the Jewish state, and local specialists are always in short supply. The work of builders is paid better than the labor of laborers, in addition, many men from the CIS countries are familiar with this type of activity, so work at a construction site in Israel is quite popular.

Working in Israel in agriculture, where harvesters, livestock cleaners, farm assistants and other personnel are required, seems quite attractive to foreigners. Housing for such workers is usually provided in a farmer's house or in a kind of hostel, and a small farm enterprise may even hire a married couple for work with accommodation.

Working in Israel on a farm has one drawback - the seasonal nature of employment. If desired, the worker can arrange to come to the same employer for agricultural work in the following year. It may be possible to stay in the country for a longer period if work is found in Israeli kibbutzim for foreigners, vacancies in which are quite rare. Here, in addition to farming, you can engage in manufacturing and tourism business. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in agricultural communes it is not customary to pay wages - workers simply have everything they need and jointly own the results of their work.

Jobs in Israel for Russian speakers

There are also jobs for Russian-speakers in Israel. A big plus of employment in the Jewish state is that there is an opportunity to get a job without knowing Hebrew thanks to a significant number of repatriates - quite a lot of Russian-speaking citizens who have returned to the homeland of their ancestors live in the country.

However, it should be noted that employers place vacancies in Israel for Russian speakers only in case of an urgent need for personnel. True, in Ashdod, one of the few cities, people from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are willingly hired. Almost 25% of the population of this city speaks Russian, there is even a factory where not a single worker speaks Hebrew. The factory management regularly posts vacancies for the position of paper products manufacturer. Housing is not offered here, however, the employee receives a full social package.

So there will be work in Israel for Russians, and there will be vacancies in 2019 even without knowing the language - you just need to realistically assess your chances and have a desire to work.

Employment in Israel for CIS citizens

Many citizens of the CIS come to Israel to receive quality medical care, for the sake of a seaside holiday or in search of work. The unfavorable economic situation at home and low salaries are forcing CIS citizens to look for work in Israel. For example, the minimum wage at an Israeli enterprise is 10 times higher than the average salary of a Ukrainian.

Due to the high motivation of labor and the opportunity to receive big money, which in Ukraine can be accumulated in only a couple of decades, Ukrainians annually receive permanent or short-term work in Israel, despite the fact that Ukrainians received the right to legal employment in Israel through the Employment Service only in 2016 year.

Citizens of Belarus obey general rules, so if they want to work for just a couple of months, they will need to apply for an entry visa. Men are offered jobs as locksmiths, concrete workers, welders, painters, and tilers. Jobs in Israel for Belarusians can also be in the social sphere and in the field of public catering.

For workers from the CIS countries, the employer often pays for travel to the place of work, then deducting this money from their salary. Accommodation and meals are usually also paid by the employer.

There is work in Israel for Uzbeks all year round- natives of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan from a young age receive construction skills, and Israel needs builders of any qualification and even unskilled assistants at numerous construction sites. Citizens of these countries will also need to apply for a visa to enter the country.

When a job in Israel is needed for Kazakhstanis, vacancies are usually selected in the category of seasonal jobs. In most cases, men come to work, leaving their wives at home, but it happens that women also take up agricultural work. They can also be found in chocolate factories and paper mills.

Quite often, consulates issue a work visa to Israel for Moldovans. Moldovan citizens are constantly looking for work in more developed countries with high wages, and Israel is no exception. As in the case of Uzbeks, Moldovan men choose to work in construction, while women prefer to care for the elderly and take care of children.

There are many people who want to get a job in prosperous Israel, the competition among labor migrants is huge, but the influx of foreign work force both from countries with a visa-free regime, and from states for which a visa regime is provided, only increases every year.

Is it possible to find work for tourists in Israel

For foreigners who arrived in Israel on a tourist visa and wish to combine tourism with employment, but do not plan to stay in the country for a long time, there is an opportunity to find a job. However, it should be borne in mind that this method of generating income is not encouraged by the state, and work without first obtaining an invitation from the employer and issuing a work visa is considered illegal.

A visa issued for the purpose of making a tourist trip requires a foreign citizen to stay in Israel for no more than 90 days. Moreover, citizens of some CIS countries can come to the Jewish state without a visa and stay here for the same period of time.

With a tourist visa in hand, you can only count on farm work, dishwashing, street cleaning, car washing, and the like, and skilled labor is out of the question.

In addition, tourists are often deceived - they do not pay salaries in full, they are fired without explanation.

Working conditions in Israeli companies

Before you go to work in Israel, you need to make sure that you are satisfied with the working conditions in the Jewish state.

Note that the working conditions for women and men who arrived in Israel from other countries are different. Thus, for women, employment is usually offered on the following conditions:

  • 25 working days per month;
  • duration labor day is 7-12 hours, in general, 175-300 hours per month;
  • wage rate - 25 shekels / hour (about $ 7.3);
  • salary in the amount of $1220-2030 per month.

For men, working conditions are somewhat different:

  • 25 working days per month;
  • 8-hour working day (from 7.00 to 16.00 with a lunch break);
  • tariff - 5.8-8.2 $ / hour + additional payment for overtime;
  • salary in the range of $1630 to $3080 per month.

Those who are interested in the question of how a repatriate should work in Israel should be aware that when they are employed in any position, they are entitled to a preferential tax unit that reduces the employee's income tax.

Working hours in Israel

Israelis love to work and know how to work. Work week here it starts on Sunday and ends on Thursday or before lunch on Friday.

Many migrant workers who want to get a job in the Jewish state are interested in how many hours a working day in Israel can last. In accordance with the labor law of the country, the length of the working day is:

  • 7 hours when working on a night shift;
  • 8 hours in the case of a six-day working week;
  • 9 hours for a five-day work week.

Working in Israel for 10 hours a day or more is also possible, but the employee is entitled to additional remuneration for processing.

If employees work 6 or more hours a day, they have the right to take a break, but this time will not be paid (unless there is a production need for it):

  • for 45 minutes on a weekday;
  • for a maximum of 30 minutes on Friday and the days before holidays.

Employees may interrupt work for prayer, a smoke break and a visit to the restroom - such breaks are not deducted from paid time.

As in most countries, all employees are entitled to sick leave and paid annual leave.

The law does not prohibit working on holidays and weekends for pay at an increased rate (in the case of holidays, the standard salary is maintained). At the same time, employees who do not profess Judaism can choose whether to rest them during the public holidays of the Jewish state or during their religious holidays. At the same time, on a holiday date, the working day is reduced to 7 hours, and paid as usual.

The average salary in Israel

Citizens wishing to go to work in Israel should be aware that the average salary in Israel in 2019 is approximately 10,000 shekels (about $2,900).

Under the contract, money is paid once a month, every week or for hours worked, so in addition to full-time work, part-time work can also be found in Israel with daily payment. For persons over 18 years old, the rate is 25.94 shekels / hour (about $ 7.5), the work of adolescents is assessed differently.

Those who prefer not to interrupt work on holidays and weekends have the right to work and receive pay 1.5 times more than usual. This rate is valid for 36 hours from the start of a holiday or weekend.

The minimum wage is guaranteed to employees over the age of 18 and is 5,000 shekels / month (about $ 1,450). At the same time, highly paid jobs in Israel for men are more common than for women.

Labor standards provide for the following coefficients for overtime work:

  • 1.25 - for the first 2 hours of overtime;
  • 1.5 - from the third hour onwards.

As a rule, work in the Jewish state is paid for by transferring money to the employee's bank account, but working in Israel for cash is no exception.

Work in an Israeli company under a contract

The employment relationship between the employee and the employer must be without fail legalized within a month after the admission of the employee to the performance of official duties. Working conditions are negotiated in writing, the execution of the contract is the obligation of the employer. labor law in Israel provides for the following clauses in the text of the contract:

  • date of employment of the employee;
  • working conditions;
  • the amount of wages;
  • the number of working days and days off;
  • list of job responsibilities.

Thus, the rights of employees are regulated not only at the legislative level, but also by contractual agreements. The employee and the employer can conclude collective agreement, which will spell out the conditions of work. He guarantees the employee that the employer will not violate any of the conditions contained in the document.

Work in Israel under a contract, among other things, involves the timely notification of the other party to the contract about the decision to terminate labor Relations, moreover, the notice periods are different and depend on the duration of cooperation between the employer and the employee.

An interesting fact is that upon dismissal own will The employee is not entitled to severance pay.

Seasonal work in Israel

Employment on permanent basis is more attractive for labor migrants than seasonal employment, however, it is easier to get a second one, so foreigners often have to accept short-term vacancies.

For example, seasonal work in Israel for Russians in the field of agriculture involves:

  • livestock care;
  • collection of vegetables and fruits;
  • farm work.

Both men and women are hired, often married couples come. This type of employment does not require candidates to have any special skills, diploma, work experience and knowledge of Hebrew. The maximum that an employer can require is the minimum knowledge of English language if he himself does not speak the language of the employee.

On the seasonal work staff is recruited in spring, summer and autumn. Often, tourists who want to not only relax, but also pay for their holidays with money earned here, in Israel, apply for such work, which is illegal.

Job search in Israel through the Employment Center

Since 2016, the inhabitants of Ukraine have new opportunity– legal work in Israel through the Employment Center. At the beginning of this year, Ukrainians received the official right to legally get a job on the territory of the Jewish state according to quotas allocated annually by the Ukrainian authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine promises that compatriots will be equal in rights with Israeli workers and will receive social security and medical insurance. Priority will initially be given to the construction sector.

Workers will be selected by Ukrainian and Israeli specialists on the basis of public service employment. In order to take part in the selection, you must:

  • fill out documents;
  • obtain a medical certificate confirming the absence of dangerous diseases;
  • pass the exam.

In case of successful completion of the tests, Ukrainian citizens through the Employment Center will receive legal work in Israel without prepayments, as is the case with participation in Israeli government employment programs.

Nostrification of a diploma for work and study in Israel

Confirmation of a diploma in a foreign country is called nostrification. This process is to compare curricula the university that issued the certificate of education, and training course in a similar specialty in accordance with the requirements of Israel.

The presence of a confirmed diploma enables a foreigner to continue his education in Israel, get a job by profession and qualify for higher wages.

You can carry out this procedure in two ways:

  • by mail;
  • personally.

You need to act in stages:

  1. Decide where you will submit your diploma for nostrification - to Jerusalem and Haifa (the representative office of the Ministry of Education deals with this issue).
  2. Translate the diploma and its appendices into Hebrew. Make copies of identification documents, the diploma itself (if you send papers by mail, you will have to certify the papers with a notary).
  3. Fill out the questionnaire just before entering the office of the employee of the department (filling in takes place in Hebrew).

This should take into account:

  1. Educational institutions founded in the 90s may not be listed in Israel, and diploma confirmation will not occur.
  2. When changing the name, difficulties may arise, so a letter will be sent by mail about the need to re-visit the ministry.
  3. When filling out the questionnaire, you must carefully enter the address, otherwise the confirmation of the diploma will be sent by mail to an unknown destination.

How to get an internship in Israel

An internship in the Jewish state is a great start to a career and the answer to the question of how to legally stay to work in Israel in the future.

People with Jewish roots have better opportunities - short-term and long-term programs are available for them, involving free education and paid internships. Diligent international students will also find suitable options for themselves. The result of a successful internship can be a job for women in Israel, as well as a job for men who have proven themselves with the best side during an internship in Israeli companies.

Among the main areas of internship in Israel are:

  1. The medicine. advanced medical service Israel and a variety of research in this area make specialists from many countries of the world dream of internships and internships at scientific institutes and medical institutions in Israel. An internship in Israel for nurses is also possible, followed by employment of the best interns. The Ministry of Health has even published a guide for those wishing to train in Israel. You can find useful information about the programs by clicking on the link.
  2. Business. Forbes magazine regularly ranks Israel as one of the "best countries to do business." On the territory of the country there are branches of the world's leading corporations, offering students an internship with them. Among those are Microsoft, Intel, Apple, SAP, Motorola, Cisco Systems, Google, Dell, Oracle, IBM.
  3. Research. The Israeli authorities are happy to provide financial support various projects designed for scientific research. And getting funding here is quite real.

You can find a suitable internship program at the following resources:

  • (a site with a simple user interface in English. An additional convenience is the indication of the location of the employer near brief description vacancies);
  • (portal in English contains job offers, volunteering and training);
  • (website in English with a convenient search form for an internship program by city, destination and duration).

Starting a business as a way to immigrate to Israel

Unlike most countries in the world, in Israel there is no concept of "business immigration".

That is, by establishing a new enterprise, registering a branch or representative office of a foreign company, or purchasing commercial real estate, it is impossible to obtain a residence permit, since for the Israeli government the listed points are not the basis for issuing a residence permit.

Despite such a policy towards entrepreneurs, the citizens of Israel, as well as the authorities of the country, respect the desire to do business on the territory of the Jewish state and do not interfere with this. There are many small business development centers in the country. The procedure for registering a company will not take much time, effort and money:

  • the registration process lasts 1-3 months;
  • the cost of registration is about 2600 shekels ($760);
  • the assistance of a qualified local lawyer will cost 2,000 shekels ($580).

Types of penalties for illegal employment in Israel

Working illegally in Israel, while lucrative, entails a long list of fines and costs for both the employee and his employer. Moreover, even Israelis who provided housing to illegal immigrants are punished.

However, despite the attempts of the authorities of developed countries to prevent the emergence of cheap labor at local enterprises, foreigners continue to look for work abroad without properly filling out documents, and employers, wanting to save money, hire them. Israel is no exception, because today it is a state with a fairly high level of wages.

Illegal employment is considered to be one in which a foreigner performs certain instructions of the employer without having a work visa and work permit. The tenant saves own funds without paying taxes. Most often they find such work through the Internet and advertisements in newspapers.

Work in Israel without a visa is carried out mainly in those cities where the Ukrainian diaspora was formed. Many of its representatives have managed to open businesses here and are trying to hire fellow citizens, not paying attention to their lack of government permission to work in the country.

The Israeli parliament (Knesset) is not idle - in 2016 it toughened the punishment for illegal work in Israel. The fine for an employer who hired an illegal worker now reaches $500,000. The contracting organization that pays for his services will also be held liable.

For renting residential premises to illegal immigrants, a fine is provided in the amount of:

  • 40-75 thousand shekels ($11,600 - 21,750) for legal entities;
  • 5-10 thousand shekels ($1450 - 2900) for individuals.

If a repeated violation is detected, the amount of the monetary penalty increases to 226,000 shekels ($66,300). A prison sentence of up to 4 years is also likely. The premises where illegal immigrants lived will be seized for 30 days (or 90 days by court order).

An illegal worker for violating the law faces a ban on entry into the country for 10 years, whatever the purpose of the return trip.

While illegal employment is beneficial for job seekers and employers, it is virtually impossible to actually find an employer willing to take the risk.

Working in Israel: Video

Israel is an opportunity to earn money for residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan and other republics former USSR. Working in Israel really gives migrant workers the opportunity to improve their financial situation, but before going abroad, a foreigner needs to clarify some issues related to employment in this country.

In the ranking economic development countries of the world, Israel occupies the 30th position, and in terms of GDP per capita is in the 49th position. The minimum wage is at least NIS 5,000 per month (about $1,400) and the hourly wage is NIS 26.88, equivalent to $7.5. The unemployment rate is 4.5%.

It will not be difficult for a labor migrant to find a job in Israel - some types of work by the standards of local residents are paid low, but for residents of the CIS countries, the salary will seem quite decent.

The advantages of employment also include a simple registration procedure and a large number of repatriates from Russia, with whom it will be easy to find a common language. The main disadvantage is the specific climate. For Uzbeks, Kazakhstanis and residents of other Asian countries, it will be quite comfortable, but for Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians it may seem too hot.

Competition for jobs is relatively low, but any citizen of the country has more rights to employment than a foreigner.

Demanded professions

The most in-demand professions in 2019 include:

  • engineers and architects;
  • IT specialists, programmers;
  • aircraft manufacturers;
  • managers, financiers;
  • builders;
  • workers in the industrial sector (work in factories and factories);
  • service personnel in hotels;
  • cooks (ethnic cooking);
  • junior medical staff - nurses, nurses;
  • social workers and nannies.

The most in demand are highly qualified specialists with work experience, but men without a profession can get a job as workers at a construction site or a farm, and women can work as housekeepers or childcare assistants, the disabled and pensioners.

The most relevant vacancies for foreigners in 2019:

  • medical staff - junior doctors, nurses, nurses;
  • builders, both qualified (electrician, welder, etc.) and laborers;
  • cooks and kitchen assistants;
  • drivers, taxi drivers;
  • workers in factories and farms;
  • housekeepers, nannies, elderly care assistants for women.

Most often, Israeli employers provide foreigners with accommodation (food, as a rule, at their own expense). Jobs for a woman and a girl, including a housekeeper, a nanny, a nurse, involve working at home. Students who speak Hebrew can travel to the north of the country and work as guides in major tourist centers (Haifa, Galilee).

Wage level

Salary in Israel depends not only on the qualifications and experience of the employee, but also on the field of activity, as well as the region. Residents of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa, Ashdod receive the most. In addition, you can get a job in kibbutzim - small villages where Agriculture.

Salary by industry:

Income tax ranges from 10 to 50% depending on the annual income.

How to find a job without intermediaries

Job searches for foreigners in Israel are carried out by intermediary companies, but candidates who want to find a job directly from the employer can turn to the World Wide Web for help.

Popular job search sites

The list of the most popular job search sites includes:

Specialized resources and agencies

If it was not possible to find a job on your own, it is best to turn to intermediaries - many Israeli and international agencies help migrant workers look for work. They charge a certain fee for their services, but most often give a guarantee of official employment.

In addition, you can find work by ads on the sites of large printed publications countries ( The Jerusalem Post, Maariv and Yediot), on Russian-language forums and groups in social networks.

Types of employment

Depending on the capabilities of a foreign citizen, there are several types of employment in Israel. In order to find a high-paying job, it is preferable to have language skills, a diploma and experience, but there are other options.

Work without knowing the language

For specialists highest qualification knowledge of Hebrew is mandatory, but workers in a factory, farm or construction site can get a job with minimal knowledge of English or no knowledge of the language. In addition, you can find a job in the city of Ashdod, where almost a quarter of the population is Russian-speaking.

Seasonal work

Many agricultural enterprises offer seasonal vacancies for harvesters for both men and women or married couples. Most often, employers offer work with accommodation in their territory.

Temporary job

As a part-time job in Israel, foreigners get a job as a seller, guide, driver, taxi driver, work as service personnel in hotels. Such work practically does not require language or any special skills.

Other options

Work on a rotational basis or under a contract in Israel is possible at construction and industrial sites, cruise ships, in nursing homes. The duration of the shift depends on the terms of the contract, and on average is 3-6 months.

The official recruitment process

Before leaving for Israel to work, a foreigner must legally complete all documents, first of all, a work permit and a visa.

Priority of actions

The process of obtaining an official work permit has several stages:

  1. Job search.
  2. Passing an interview and making a verbal agreement.
  3. Submission of an application by the employer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.
  4. Approval of the candidacy of the employee by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. Obtaining permits from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. Submission of a package of documents for a work visa.
  7. Transfer to Israel.

One month after the employee started official duties, he must legalize relations with the employer - conclude a contract in which all working conditions will be prescribed.

Types of work permits

There are several types of work permits in Israel:

  • a short-term document is issued for a maximum of 45 days;
  • permit for a period of one year (issued for the first time);
  • if the candidate has no criminal record, higher education, work experience, knowledge of English and relatives in Israel, he can get a document for a period of 60 months.

The document is tied to the place of work, and if the employer changes, it must be replaced. After the expiration of its validity, the foreigner must renew it or leave the country.

Are there categories that do not require permission

Without legal permission, foreigners in Israel can be employed at home as housekeepers, nurses, nannies. Registration in such cases is not required, but employment does not give the migrant any social or legal guarantees.

It should be noted that it is almost impossible to find an employer who will agree to accept an illegal foreigner in Israel, since the law in this case provides for large fines.

List of main documents

The list of documents for obtaining official permission includes:

  • completed visa application form and consent to fingerprinting;
  • two photos 5x5 cm;

  • international passport;
  • birth certificate, as well as marriage or divorce;
  • a document on the absence of a criminal record;

  • medical certificate.
  • A sample of filling out an application form for a visa to Israel can be

Applying for a work visa

For legal work in Israel, a foreigner needs to obtain a B1 work visa. At the first stage, the employer is engaged in registration - submits documents to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after which the candidate receives a written agreement from government agencies. With it, you must contact the Consulate or Embassy to complete the procedure.

Work visa to Israel

Eligibility criteria for a work visa

When issuing a work visa to foreigners, each candidate is considered individually - knowledge of the language, work experience and other criteria are taken into account. Refusal can be received by applicants who had problems with the law both in Israel and in other countries.

Work visa extension

A work visa, which is issued for a year, can be extended - for this, an application is submitted to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the total validity of the document cannot exceed 5 years 3 months.

Legally, there is no such thing as business immigration in Israel. The laws of the country do not provide for the right to permanent residence for those who invest in the country's economy. The exception is the type of activity that is of interest on a national scale, but in practice such cases are extremely rare.

The rules for registering a business in the country are quite simple. Authorized capital should be about $ 2,500, and the form of the enterprise should be chosen depending on the planned annual income:

  • atsmai (loner) is similar to the Russian IP;
  • Shutafut (partnership) involves several co-owners of the company;
  • the company consists of shareholders and the executive office;
  • amutot (public organization).

Foreign business owners have the same rights and obligations as Israeli entrepreneurs and can employ both local residents and migrant workers.

Internship features

Most often, students and young professionals who have Jewish roots get an internship in Israel - there are special programs for them that involve staying in the country with payment, social guarantees and the possibility of future employment. The main areas of internship are medicine, scientific research.

Consequences for attempting illegal employment

There are many illegal labor migrants in Israel, but sanctions are provided for the lack of official permission and visas.

For illegal employment, a foreigner is deported and banned from entering the country for a period of 10 years. An employer who hires an illegal immigrant can be fined up to $500,000.

Israel gives labor migrants a good opportunity to receive decent wages and improve their financial situation, but a successful stay in the country is possible only in case of official employment and strict observance of the laws of the country.

Lawyer: Ivan Serdyukov

Articles written

For Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, work in Israel provides an opportunity to achieve material well-being and join the spiritual values ​​and culture of this ancient land. The state maintains a consistently high level of wages and provides conditions that meet all the requirements of safety and sanitary legislation.

Employment in Israel attracts foreign citizens and guaranteed social benefits, which the employer is obliged to provide for their employees. In addition, this is one of the ways to obtain a residence permit in the country, and subsequently citizenship.
Not only men express their desire to work in Israel, but also representatives of the weaker sex who want to find work and leave for this country. The local labor market also offers vacancies for women.

Preliminary actions of employer and employee

To work in Israel, a foreigner needs to apply for a work visa. This can only be done if there is preliminary agreement with an employer licensed to use foreign wage labor. In order to hire a foreigner in Israel, the employer must submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which should indicate:

  • what specialists are required at the enterprise or company;
  • existing vacancies;
  • all data about the applicant;
  • attach a license for the right to employ a foreigner in Israel.

Based on this information, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issues a permit paper, which a foreigner applying for a vacancy must present to the Embassy in order to obtain a work visa. In addition, the following papers are required:

  1. international passport;
  2. self-filled application form;
  3. two color photographs;
  4. a document on the absence of a criminal past of the applicant for work in Israel;
  5. consular fee.

Mandatory procedures for passing a medical examination and fingerprinting. An applicant for work in Israel should make an appointment at the consular section of the Embassy in advance on the website of the diplomatic institution. Authorized employees of the Embassy, ​​considering the submitted materials, may request any additional papers that are required for confirmation. If the applicant for a vacancy is located in the country, then he can apply for legal employment in Israel at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, having with him a set of necessary documents.

Israel is issued for one year, it can be renewed four more times. This permit paper is issued for a specific type of activity. If you find more high paying job where specialists of a different profile are required, then the whole procedure will have to be completed from the beginning.

Taxes and wages in Israel

The system of taxation in the country is often changed in order to improve it. For those who are looking for work in Israel, the amount of income tax is especially interesting. The system itself was developed at the dawn of the formation of statehood in 1948, and since that time the tax system has been periodically reformed.

Income taxes in Israel (mas-ahnasa) are paid by the owners of companies, enterprises, as well as employees. All foreigners legally working in Israel fit into this category of taxpayers.

In Israel, income tax is progressive, that is, it depends on the level of income. The tax amount increases with income. The minimum interest rate in 2019 is ten percent on the amount of NIS 5220 or less per month. The maximum rate is fifty percent of the monthly income of 66,961 or more shekels. At the same time, the average salary in Israel in 2019 is about 2,500 US dollars or almost 10,000 shekels.

Foreign citizens who want to find a job and go to the Promised Land are interested in the minimum wage. This is also important for repatriates, since in the first years they will not be able to count on large earnings. In 2019, the state increased this figure, and from July 1, the minimum wage was 4,825 shekels.

Over the past few years, this indicator has been growing due to an increase in the salaries of the military and those working in the extractive industry. The salary in Israel depends on the field of activity. For example, social workers receive around four thousand shekels. Many women work in this area. Given the low earnings, you can find vacancies for foreigners, as such specialists are often required.

Financiers and civil servants receive more than fifteen thousand a month. It is impossible for a foreigner to find a job in this area. But there is a chance for a foreign health worker find a job. This also applies to women. It is realistic for Russian doctors to leave and earn no more than 5,500 - 6,000 shekels per month in Israeli clinics in 2019.

Necessary steps for registering a business

Many entrepreneurs from Russia want to open a business in Israel. This is due to the favorable investment climate that has been maintained in the country over the past decades. The state occupies a leading position in the world in terms of investment profitability. Doing business in Israel has many advantages, including:

  1. High innovative potential, application of scientific achievements, high technologies.
  2. Competitiveness in the world market, multinationality.
  3. Highly educated and skilled professionals and workers.
  4. Government support, economic flexibility.

Foreign citizens can register a representative office, branch, subsidiary foreign company, register new business. In addition, a business in Israel can be bought. This should be done with the help of local lawyers, accountants, lawyers. The existing procedure for registering a company in Israeli territory involves a number of actions.

The first step is to register with the Ministry of Justice. To do this, you must submit documents certified by a local notary:

  • application for company registration (can be written in English, Arabic, Hebrew);
  • the charter of the company with the signatures of all owners drawn up in Hebrew;
  • association memorandum containing the objectives and responsibilities of the shareholders.

In 2019, registering a business in Israel will cost a foreign entrepreneur 2591 shekels, you will still have to pay for legal services about five hundred euros. Companies will issue a registration certificate with an identification code.

Step two. It is necessary to register with the Income Tax Department under the Ministry of Finance. To do this, you will need registration papers for the company and passport documents of the owners. At the same time, the same set of papers must be submitted for registration with the VAT Department.

The fourth step is related to registration with the National Institute of Insurance. This procedure includes registration of a social package, medical insurance and pensions for employees.

For entry into Israel is not provided for by law. You can register your company during a visa-free stay in the country, which is valid for three months within six months. It is also important to remember that investment in the economy is not a reason to go to Israel for permanent residence.

What are the vacancies

Being at home, it is advisable to search for a job in Israel via the Internet. There are many English-language sites that contain information about vacancies for women and men. There are also Russian-language resources containing information about what kind of workers are required in Israel. In addition, you can find a job directly on the websites of Israeli companies.

Employment agencies also offer various vacancies for men and women. But if you decide to leave this way, be prepared for the fact that the agency will have to pay a fairly large percentage of your contract.

Help in finding work can be provided by relatives living in the Holy Land. It is much easier for them to find out where and what kind of specialists are required. In addition, they will be able to give you a recommendation, which will be a big plus in the interview.

Rented housing is quite expensive in Israel, so many foreigners are looking for a place to work with accommodation. Most often, such vacancies are offered for women. This saves a significant amount of money. The average payment for housing fluctuates around 250 US dollars and depends on the conditions. It is easier for women to find work in the home, such as a maid, a nurse, a nanny, a cleaner. In addition, nurses are often required in nursing homes. You can find similar jobs for women in Israel through employment agencies and directly through the Internet.

But it is not only for women that it is possible to find a live-in job. And for men there are similar offers. Representatives are most often required construction professions, handymen, drivers, locksmiths.

There is work in Israel and for tourists. If you arrived in the country without a work visa, you can stay in its territory for ninety days in a six-month period. At this time, you can find a part-time job without knowledge of Hebrew. Thus, you can work in a restaurant as a waiter, cook, seller in a store.

You can also work in the agricultural sector in Israel. Agriculture is developed in the country, so pickers of fruits and vegetables, specialists and workers in greenhouses are required.

Work in Israel every year more and more attracts foreigners. This is primarily due to the high level of development of the country and good wages for highly qualified specialists.

In 2019, working in Israel has become even more desirable for foreigners. After all, this country is able to offer not only a fairly high level of payment wage labor, but also many other social benefits, the implementation of which falls directly on the shoulders of the employer himself.

It is much easier for repatriates to get a job than for citizens of other states.

Work in Israel attracts not only high wages, but also a good climate and the reliability of the fulfillment of labor obligations.

Finding a job in 2019 in the Holy Land is possible in several ways. One of the most widespread today is the Internet.

In the worldwide web, you can often find similar ads "I'm looking for or providing a job in Israel." But in fact, in this way, it is difficult to find a highly paid job, since highly qualified specialists are highly valued in this state. Basically, they are required in a company with an international name and high authority.

Often, such organizations do not post their vacancies on the Internet, but use the services of international recruitment agencies for recruitment. Therefore, if a person intends to look for work in Israel, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialized agency.

Agencies undertake the obligation to select the required vacancy based on the specialty, education, work experience and skill level. They will detail which vacancies are suitable for women and which for men.

Employees of the agency, after studying the personal data of a person, contact potential employers and offer them a candidate for employment. The decision on hiring remains only with the employer. It is he who decides whether he needs an employee with such specialization and qualifications.

Finding a job in Israel may not always be successful, because it may simply not justify the hopes of the applicant regarding wages. high pay work is offered only to highly qualified specialists. But it is not the only way good income opportunities.

Jews are very competent and appreciate good employees. Therefore, if a person has proven himself on the good side, even at a job that is not too decent for him, he may well count on promotion and pay for his work. For more information on how to look for a job in Israel, see this video.

Special employment programs

Israeli legislation has developed a number of programs that allow you to travel to Israel for the purpose of employment. The program involves providing a job to a person who meets their requirements. The main requirements for participation in the program are:

  1. Age from 25 to 55 years.
  2. Female. This requirement is not basic, but the female sex is given more preference than the male.
  3. Decency.
  4. Good nature.
  5. Diligence.

Work in these programs is nursing or part-time care for the elderly and disabled. Such employment involves working with living in the same territory with a person who needs care.

Different programs provide for their own conditions of employment. But basically, many provide not only housing, but also food. The cost of the program is one thousand dollars. This amount is paid directly by the person who is looking for work.

You can find a job both in a medical institution - a hospice, and at home with permanent residence.

Such work is completely legal and has everything legal grounds. The employer provides the employee with free medical insurance, annual leave and weekends. A huge advantage is that it is possible to get a job even without knowing the national language of Israel - Hebrew.

This is due to the large number of repatriates in this country (people who have Jewish roots, but grew up in another country) and the Russian-speaking population.

This program provides an opportunity for a person to choose the employer that he likes. It is mandatory to draw up labor contract, which fixes all the basic conditions and obligations regarding the labor process.

There are several versions of the program that have minor differences in the basic requirements. For many of them, gender does not matter, only the spiritual component of a person is important. This is an excellent prospect for couples who decide to leave to work in Israel, as the program does not exclude the possibility of visiting the country with a spouse.

The contract between the employer and the employee is for one year. If at the end of the term both parties are satisfied, there is the possibility of extending the contract for a longer period. The maximum renewal period is 8 years.

An example of a labor court decision in Israel

It is interesting that the employer is engaged in the design at the initial stage. He applies for a visa to the Ministry of the Interior. After considering it and making a decision on issuing a work visa, the written agreement is submitted to the Embassy or Consulate of Israel. This document serves as an "invitation to enter" the territory of the country.

The person who received this document must contact the Embassy or Consulate of the country of actual residence and submit documents such as:

In 2019, the validity of a work visa of this category is one year. It is important to remember that it is necessary to enter the state within thirty days from the date of opening the visa.

Extension of a work visa is possible for a period of five years.

Employment and work permit

In 2019, not all employers have the right to employ foreign representatives at their enterprises. Only those who have a special license for this, which is issued to the employer by the Ministry of Industry, Labor and Trade, have this right. A work permit is issued by the same authorized body of the state.

It is important that the permit is issued after the employer submits an application to the ministry.

An employee cannot obtain a work permit on his own, since the document issued is strictly tied to a specific employer and place of work.

Submission of documents must be carried out by the same employer who submitted documents for opening a visa for work.

If a change of workplace is envisaged, then the employee and his new employer apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the issuance of a new document confirming the work permit.

Demanded specialties in Israel

Israel is one of the countries whose level of medical and technological services is increasing every year. Therefore, in this country, specialties such as:

  1. Employees in the field of medicine.
  2. Builders.
  3. Engineers in various industries.
  4. Teachers.

The most common vacancies for foreigners

One of the most common vacancies for Ukrainians is the specialty of a home assistant. It is included in the category of precisely those professions that are constantly required on the territory of this state.

The work of a housekeeper implies employment with accommodation and the inclusion of a full social package. The main duties of a person include cleaning, washing, cooking and shopping for the house.

A special kind of such a profession is the care of incapacitated individuals. This job is also with permanent residence in the family. She has a good salary and is mainly in demand among women.

Many agricultural structures offer vacancies for the collection of vegetables and fruits. They are relevant for both women and men.

But the only drawback is the inconsistency of work, because staff is required only during the seasonal period.

Often, employers offer conditions with accommodation in their territory. The advantage of this work is that it is not necessary to know Hebrew.

The factory needs workers for the production of paper products. Many recruitment agencies offer this job to foreigners. Job advertisements for this company can also be found on the Internet.

The employer provides only a workplace without accommodation. But in return for this, a person receives health insurance and mandatory days off.