Work in the Netherlands and Norway under a contract. How to leave to work in Norway: vacancies and the procedure for obtaining a work visa

Working in Norway annually attracts tens of thousands of migrants to this country. The main reason is high salaries and a stable labor market. The main advantages of employment in this country include:

  • in Norway they don’t fire a person because they found another;
  • there is never a salary delay;
  • meals, lodging and medical insurance are often provided by the enterprise.

This country has a particularly developed system of social protection, relations between employers and employees are regulated at the state level. Labor activity in Norway is characterized by its flat structure (the minimum number of levels in the management hierarchy), a high degree of openness and participation of personnel in decision-making.

Sociological studies have shown that workers in Norway are much more satisfied with their lives and work than residents of Germany, France and Great Britain. High standard of living, stable and decent wage- the main reason why many foreigners want to be in Norway. Due to the continuous flow of migrant workers, competition among foreigners is quite high, because of this it is not so easy to find a job in Norway.

Norway is often attractive for seasonal work. Such activities do not always oblige to know Norwegian or English. The work can be picking berries on a farm, picking vegetables, cleaning the house, taking care of children in a Norwegian family. It is these vacancies that are very popular for residents of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

Large percentage permanent job, not requiring highly qualified accounts for the maintenance of oil and drilling platforms. It offers positions of auxiliary workers, workers on decks, painter's assistants, cleaners.

The rest of the jobs that are not related to working on platforms are, as a rule, washing dishes, serving customers in a store, cleaning rooms, etc.

Foreigners with higher education in the field of oil and gas production try their hand, as a rule, just in Norway. Additional conditions for employment are knowledge of English or Norwegian.

How to find a job in Norway

In Norway, it is not customary to actively and openly advertise jobs. A statistical study showed that 60% of jobs are not advertised at all - neither in newspapers nor on the Internet. Therefore, in order for the job search to be successful, you should use many sources of information - the Internet, newspapers, and Norwegian employment magazines.

How to find a job without intermediaries from a direct employer

The most correct first step to finding a job in the Kingdom is to visit the official website This portal collects the largest database of free and open vacancies. In addition, this site contains many useful information about employment, rules for conducting an interview, working conditions.

Here is a short list of the most popular sites in Norway regarding employment:


recruiting agencies:


Also, in order to find a company that offers work for foreigners, we recommend using the Gule Sider and EBR directories. A large number of companies publish information there every year.

Employment without knowledge of the language

First of all, the labor market in the Kingdom aims to employ the citizens of Norway. That is why the vacancy becomes available for a citizen of the CIS, which, most likely, did not suit the Norwegian.

Thus, if a Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian does not speak the language (neither Norwegian nor English), then most likely he will get a job that is not easy. This can be a job as a cleaner at a fish factory, hard work as a security guard or a janitor. However, the argument of migrant workers is the following: dirty and hard work exists in all countries, but in Norway they are paid almost 20 times more than in their homeland.

The exception is medical specialists, programmers and representatives of other popular professions. For people professionally engaged in such activities, there will always be vacancies, but for this you need to know at least English.

Visa and work permit in Norway

Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other citizens of the CIS countries for employment in Norway will need to obtain a residence permit in the state. This allows you to live in the country, leave it and return back (within the validity period of the permit). The application for the first permit must be submitted before the applicant enters the country. Outside the state, an application for a permit must be submitted to the consulate. If the applicant is already in the country, then the document can be submitted at the police station. To obtain a work permit, the applicant must have a specific job offer. Tourist visas do not give the right to work in Norway.

If the applicant wants to work in his specialty, he must provide documents on special education; they must be translated into Norwegian or English. Also, an application for obtaining a permit must be submitted to the embassy. All residents of countries with a visa regime must have three-month or special work visas. If the Directorate for Foreigners considers the application positively, the police will issue a temporary work permit.

The following package of your documents must be attached to the application for a work permit:

  1. profile with a photo;
  2. copy of the passport;
  3. a completed job offer form (an employment contract is also suitable);
  4. documents confirming special education.

With regard to seasonal work, the permit is usually issued for a period not exceeding 6 months. A foreigner who is already in Norway can apply without leaving its borders.

The application for a work permit must be accompanied by:

  1. profile with a photo;
  2. copy of the passport;
  3. completed job offer form.

Depending on the country of the applicant, the set of documents may vary slightly, but this list is mandatory for any CIS country.

Seasonal employment and shift work

As a rule, young people prefer to get seasonal work in Norway. The labor market of this country offers students the following types of work for the season:

  • agricultural activities (work in greenhouses, harvesting);
  • work as a nanny or housekeeper;
  • part-time work at fish factories;
  • activities in the field of work with difficult teenagers (for persons with relevant experience).

The procedure for registration of such types of work implies the conclusion of a contract between both parties. The contract can be signed for 6 or 12 months. The firm, as a rule, undertakes to provide housing and meals.

The main requirement is age and knowledge of the language - the employee must be over 22 years old and speak at least spoken English.

Firms require strong young people to harvest their crops, without needing too much knowledge of the language. The average salary is about 12,000 crowns, i.е. about 88 thousand rubles. The contract is drawn up for 3 months and can, if desired, be extended.

Working at a fish factory: high salaries and easy employment

Norway actively invites professionals from all over the world to work in fish factories and factories. Accommodation, medical insurance and meals - at the expense of the company. The average salary ranges from 2,500 to 7,000 euros per month, depending on the position held.

Men and women are invited to work in a fish factory in Norway. There are age restrictions: from 18 to 55 years. Most often, fish factories invite workers from a conveyor factory for packaging materials, seafood packers, seafood shipping workers, and salters.

Employment occurs on the basis of a contract. The contract can be concluded for a period of 3,6,12 months.

Jobs on oil and drilling platforms

The oil sector is one of the most profitable for foreigners. There are many people who want to get a job in this area, so it is extremely difficult to find a job quickly. Nevertheless, almost everyone who stubbornly set a goal to get into the number of employees achieved this.

Foreigners are offered the following vacancies:

  • handymen;
  • deck workers, loaders;
  • assistant painters;
  • technical room cleaners;
  • helpers in the kitchen;
  • assistants in the engine room;
  • electricians;
  • drillers.

Jobs require knowledge of Norwegian or in English. In addition, you need to be a specialist in your field - an electrician, for example, must have the appropriate education.

There are restrictions for workers on oil and drilling platforms - women should not be older than 50 years old, men - 55 years old. When applying for a job, a contract is concluded for 1 year. The form of the contract is rotational. During the contract, the employee must work 160 days of shift. All expenses related to subsistence, housing, medical insurance are paid by the enterprise.

The average monthly income of an employee of an oil drilling platform is 8-11 thousand euros per month. Living conditions are extremely favorable, the cabin has all the amenities: Internet, the ability to go to the gym, balanced meals. Working conditions on Norwegian oil rigs are considered among the best in the industry on a global scale.

Drivers and truckers in Norway: requirements and working conditions

The main requirement for candidates for the position of a driver is that he has a driver's license with open categories CE, C, D and minimum experience. Working conditions for truckers and drivers serving industrial enterprises may differ greatly. The latter often also perform the functions of a loader and forwarder.

Age - from 22 years old, the presence of a category that allows you to drive trucks is mandatory. The contract is concluded for a period of 3 to 12 months. Only strong men with good health are hired. Before hiring, you will need to pass medical checkup. In case of heart problems or if there are recent fractures, work will be denied.

Loader drivers are a common profession for fish enterprises. In addition to driving, you will have to load fish and seafood into the car yourself. Accommodation, medical insurance and meals are paid by the employer. The average salary reaches 7,000 euros per month.

In order to work in the construction industry, a potential employee must conclude an agreement with a Norwegian company. This allows him to have all the rights and social guarantees that the citizens of the Kingdom have.

The working week for construction workers is usually 37.5 hours. You can work overtime if you wish.

The employer also guarantees housing, food and medical insurance. Before embarking on their immediate duties, the builder must take language courses.

The average salary of a builder is from 6,000 to 9,000 euros per month. To date given profession is the most attractive for migrants from the CIS countries.

Doctors of different specialties: how to get a job and confirm qualifications

Employment in the Kingdom in the field of medicine is a rather complicated topic. In this country, a special attitude towards doctors from the city of Murmansk is a northern city Russian Federation. Norwegian medical institutions Quite often they advertise in Murmansk newspapers about the lack of personnel - highly qualified doctors and junior medical staff.

Norwegian clinics claim that they are ready to hire doctors not only from Murmansk itself, but also from the region without any problems. The main thing is knowledge of English. Many Russian doctors really work in the medical field in the north of the Kingdom.

The average salary of a doctor who works full-time in Norway is about 65,000 crowns, which is about 350,000 rubles in Russian rubles. A junior medical worker receives about 37,000 kroons, i.e. about 200 thousand Russian rubles.

Much depends on the area in which the physician works. An anesthesiologist with little work experience can confirm his diploma without any problems in just one year. However, there are a number of difficulties: first you need to get a residence permit, for this you need to go to draw up a document in the department for working with foreigners.

Separately, it is worth noting the high demand for radiologists. Norwegian doctors say that there is an extremely acute shortage of workers in x-ray rooms in the country.

Working on ships: working conditions and salaries

The requirements for working on Norwegian ships are almost no different from all the above vacancies: three meals a day, accommodation, medical insurance. The main condition is the obligatory knowledge of the Norwegian (or English) language. To work on a ship, most often you need:

  • mechanics;
  • minders-winches;
  • electromechanics;
  • captain's assistants.

The salary ranges from 2.5 to 6 thousand euros per month. A potential employee must not have a previous conviction, must not have chronic diseases not be dependent on alcohol or drugs.

Despite the fact that the country is loyal to seasonal immigrant workers, as well as to highly qualified foreign specialists, the policy of the state is aimed at developing the domestic labor market. Therefore, as in many EU countries, employers give priority to the local population, followed by citizens of other EU states, and only after - residents outside the EU.

The migration legislation of Norway is focused on attracting highly qualified personnel - some specialists do not even need a work permit to obtain a visa.

The main areas of development in Norway

  • Oil extraction. The country exports about 1.85 million barrels of oil per day - the highest figure in the world. Therefore, the country constantly requires specialists in this industry, as well as workers for mining and processing plants.
  • Catching fish. The country's annual income from the export of seafood is about €7.4 billion. Therefore, the conditions for doing business in this area are more than attractive: benefits for entrepreneurs and companies, research grants that are aimed at growing valuable fish species. There are always a lot of vacancies in this area.
  • Agriculture. Dairy products, greenhouse vegetables and flowers - all this is produced in large volumes, despite the harsh climate.
  • Social work. In recent years, this direction has been developing especially rapidly. Therefore, having the appropriate education or experience, as well as being ready to learn the Norwegian language and take courses directly in the country, you can count on employment.

Requirements for foreigners

  • Language. a very limited number of vacancies do not require knowledge of at least basic English - one way or another, you will have to communicate with colleagues and employers. In most cases, employers require an average knowledge of English for specialists without qualifications and a confident one for those who apply for a high position. When you arrive in the country, immediately start learning the Norwegian language - this will speed up adaptation and increase your chances of promotion or finding a better place.
  • Qualification confirmation. You can find a list of regulated professions for which you need to confirm a diploma and / or knowledge. It should be noted that the number is impressive - now there are about 180 specialties on the list. translation and apostille of documents on education is required (if you get a highly qualified position or work with a narrow technical specialization).
  • Physical requirements. refer to those who plan to get a job as a worker on oil platforms, fish factories, forestry, mining, agriculture. In almost all cases, it is necessary to have good health (pass a medical examination and submit a certificate), no criminal record, chronic diseases, addiction to alcohol and drugs. Additional requirements vary by location. For example, on an oil platform, you need to be prepared for a constant storm and strong wind, at a fish factory - for a strong smell of fish.

Where to look for vacancies

In most cases, employers find new employees using personal connections. They resort to announcements if in a short time it is required to find a lot of workers or if a highly qualified specialist is needed. It is worth starting the search from the official website of the NAV Department of Labor and Welfare.


The most popular sites with a list of vacancies:

Recruitment agencies

To find a suitable candidate, employers often turn to recruitment agencies. The largest recruiting companies in Norway are Adecco, Orion and Capus. Please note that this option is not free: both the employer (for the selection of suitable candidates) and the applicant (for reliable information about current vacancies) pay the specialists. The amount of the reward is €100-500.


Job advertisements can be found in the following Norwegian publications:

Internships and grants

For scientists and scientific workers in Norway, it is possible to find a job by receiving a grant for research activities from the Norwegian Research Council RCN. On the official website you will find current projects offered by research institutions in the country.

For students and young professionals, there is an opportunity to take an internship at one of the Norwegian enterprises. This practice is organized by youth centers that offer willing foreigners to work in the field of agriculture, trade, tourism, restaurant and hotel business. The internship lasts 2-24 months (depending on the program), the applicant must be from 19 to 30 years old. In addition, those wishing to take an internship must pay its cost, submit a certificate stating that they have no health problems, and speak Norwegian.

There are also other internship programs funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development. The programs are based on intergovernmental agreements and are organized by the Union of Employers of the participating State. The program concerns one of the priority areas of Norway's activity: logistics, shipbuilding and mechanical engineering, chemical, fish processing, oil and gas, food industry, agriculture, tourism, design.

You can search for internships in Norwegian companies on the Graduateland website, and on the Globalplacement website you can find useful information about writing motivation letters, choosing a company for an internship, and writing a resume.

Work permit and visa

Despite the fact that Norway is not among the EU countries, the basic requirements for the employment of foreigners coincide with the requirements in other European states. First of all, the employer will have to prove that there are no worthy candidates among Norwegians and Europeans. For this purpose, information about vacancies is transferred to the employment service, published on the state portal and in other media. In addition, the company must provide the expat with working conditions no worse than for local specialists.

In the general case, the employment procedure is as follows:

  • Job search
  • Passing an interview, signing a contract
  • Obtaining a work permit
  • issuance of a work visa, relocation, registration

A work permit in Norway is issued for one to three years, after which, if you successfully pass the Norwegian language exam, you can apply for permanent residence. Consideration of the application takes four to six weeks, in case of a positive response, you will be issued a temporary residence permit (you will receive a full-fledged one only after registering on the spot at the police station).

Depending on the type of employment, the qualifications of the employee and the time spent in the country, expats in Norway are divided into two groups: qualified specialists “on a permanent basis” and seasonal employees for three to six months. The requirements for obtaining a work permit are different in these two cases.

Requirements and conditions for qualified specialists

  1. An invitation from the employer.
  2. Higher education or passing special training (at least three years of study), documented, according to the declared specialty. If necessary - passing the qualification confirmation procedure.
  3. Employment - only full-time, in accordance with Norwegian regulations.
  4. The term for finding a new job in case of dismissal is six months.
  5. Opportunity to move with family and get permanent residence after three years. If a specialist moves with a wife / husband, a child, you need to add translated and notarized certificates of marriage registration and birth to the list of submitted documents.

Requirements and conditions for temporary workers

  1. An invitation from the employer.
  2. Work - for a full day, but for up to six months, with a guaranteed minimum rate for the chosen field of activity. Upon the expiration of the permit, the territory of Norway will have to be left. Re-arrival is possible at least six months later.
  3. The employer must obtain confirmation from the local authorities that there are not enough employees to perform specific duties in the country. The exception is agriculture and forestry.
  4. There is no opportunity to bring your family with you.
  5. If you wish to obtain permanent residence, the period of work as a seasonal employee is not taken into account.

Regardless of the category of expat, in order to obtain a permit, you must provide medical insurance, as well as confirmation that you will have a place to live upon arrival. The process of submitting documents is well described on the website of the Immigration Department of Norway UDI. After spending a little time studying, you can independently fill out the necessary forms and submit documents.

No work permit required in Norway

  • entrepreneurs who came to conclude business contracts or as part of a joint business;
  • scientists, lecturers;
  • guides, guides;
  • journalists;
  • professional athletes;
  • official representatives of the states.
  • foreign workers who come at the invitation of foreign entrepreneurs who have business in the country;
  • crew members of aircraft, trucks, ships, trains, buses;
  • engineers and technicians who come for a specific type of work related to the repair and maintenance of equipment.

All these categories of persons can enter the country without a work permit for up to 90 days.

If you already have a valid Schengen visa, your work permit is your pass to Norway. If you do not have a visa, you will have to submit documents to the nearest consulate or visa center of Norway to obtain a single entry visa type D. The consular fee is not charged for it, and from the documents you will need to submit only an application form and a copy of the letter on the issuance of a work permit. The process will take three to five days.

Registration on the spot

After arriving in the country, within nine days you need to come to the local tax office (Skatteetaten), where the Foreign Workers Service Center (SUA) is located. You need to have an employment contract and a rental agreement with you. A week later, you will be issued a residence permit: if you have an employment contract - for three years, if there is no such (for example, if it concerns a family member) - for one year (after you can extend it). A residence permit is a plastic card with a photo, biometric data and allows you to freely move around the Schengen area.

About illegal employment

The punishment for illegal work in Norway is very severe. For the employer - at least a huge fine, the maximum - the closure of the business. For an employee - deportation from the country with a ban on entering the Schengen countries for five years. The consequences will affect even those who helped an illegal immigrant cross the state border: for example, a regular bus driver risks receiving a fine of about €1,000.

Demanded professions and conditions

As we have already noted, Norway most of all needs highly qualified specialists. These include:

  • system administrators, top managers in the IT field, developers, programmers, testers;
  • doctors (primarily narrowly focused);
  • teachers (school, preschool education);
  • workers associated with the oil industry: engineers, engine room specialists, drillers, fitters, highly specialized specialists in mechanics and electronics, etc.;
  • builders (including highly specialized workers: roofers, masons, etc.);
  • geoengineers.

Also required:

  • employees of the restaurant and hotel sector;
  • sales consultants;
  • social workers, nannies.

Fish processing industry

This sector requires:

  • packers;
  • packers;
  • warehouse workers;
  • conveyor belt operators;
  • salting specialists;
  • sorters.

The requirements for candidates are not particularly high: age from 18 to 55 years, gender is not critical, knowledge of English or Norwegian is at the maximum at the basic level (sometimes they accept without it). There are no education or experience requirements. But there are two nuances: hard physical labor and a constant strong smell of fish.

Wages are not the highest: €15-18 per hour, overtime - €20-25. The day off is Sunday, the working day lasts eight hours.

Oil platforms

Every year, an average of 16,000 employees are invited to oil platforms in Norway. Among the local vacancies in such places, not related to highly skilled labor, are not particularly popular because of the difficult conditions. Those who wish can try themselves as

  • painter,
  • handyman,
  • cleaner,
  • steward
  • helper in the kitchen,
  • driller,
  • electrician,
  • specialist in the engine room.

If we are talking about specialties that require certain knowledge, then preference is given to specialists with experience working with Western technology. If you have a diploma from a non-European university, you will have to confirm the document and pass a profile exam. For those who do not have experience in an international group - go through training if you are accepted.

Please note that all candidates are subject to age and health requirements.

  • Certificate of passing a medical examination and the absence of problems with vision, hearing, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • Men - up to 55 years old, women - up to 50 years old.
  • No criminal record, addiction to drugs, alcohol.

In addition, you must have good endurance, resistance to constant storms, low temperatures, high humidity and wind.

There is a shift method on oil platforms: the shift lasts 20–180 days, depending on the terms of the contract. The work schedule varies: technical employees rest every four hours, support staff work all eight hours without a break. vacation lasts 15–45 days after the end of the shift.

social work

Not the highest paid job in Norway - the monthly "net" salary is € 1.3-1.7 thousand. In many cases, housing is provided by the employer. There are two main options.

  • A nanny in a family or a housekeeper. it is obligatory to know Norwegian or English at the household level. Age - up to 30 years.
  • Social workers. They supervise the elderly, difficult teenagers. Those who want to work in this direction must sincerely love their profession: in order to work for far from the highest salary, you need to have a special education, know Norwegian or English well and have at least minimal experience.

Seasonal workers

To harvest, to help with the household. The contract is concluded for 3-12 months, housing and meals are provided. The applicant must know at least English.

In Norway, there is no concept of "minimum wage" - the amount of "starting" income is negotiated in each case individually. Although in certain industries (in construction, factories) minimum rates are set, which are also regulated only locally. The average salary in the country is €4.75 thousand (before taxes). The poverty level is considered to be income up to €1.9 thousand.

Average salaries by industry (before taxes):

  • Mining industry - €6.5-7.0 thousand
  • Heads and project managers in the IT sector - €7.0-8.0 thousand, programmers and developers - about €5.0 thousand.
  • Mechanical engineer on an oil platform (experience 1-3 years) - from € 4.5 thousand, more experienced managerial specialists - € 6.0-9.0 thousand.
  • Builders: contract workers - about €4.0 thousand, managers with higher education - €6.0-7.0 thousand.
  • Financial specialists - €6.0-12.0 thousand, depending on the position and experience.
  • Research workers – €5.8-6.0 thousand
  • Service sector workers (restaurants, hotels, salons) - € 2.0-3.2 thousand.

For seasonal workers, rates start from €11 per hour. With full-time employment, the minimum wage is about € 1.8 thousand, taking into account the fact that the employer covers food and accommodation in part or in full.

Norwegians work 7.5 hours a day, but it is not uncommon to find a six-hour schedule. It should be noted that the Norwegians do not like to devote all the time to work and stay in the offices late. Employers also do not seek to detain their employees, since compliance with labor laws in the country is monitored very strictly: vacation is required in the summer, and for overtime hours - a double or even triple rate.

At the same time, there is no big gap in salaries in Norway. Therefore, do not be surprised if you, having a status higher education and working on large promising projects, will receive not much more than a metro driver.

Taxes in Norway

The amount of tax deductions in Norway cannot be called small - get ready to give about half of your salary. obligatory payments:

  • Compulsory Insurance Fund. 8.2% of the salary.
  • Income tax. 37% during the first two years of living in Norway. After the rate is reduced by 10%.
  • Additional tax. Varies depending on income level. It does not apply at all if the annual salary is less than €56.93 thousand. If the income is in the range of €56.93–91.60 thousand - 9%. If more than €91.60 thousand - 12%.

As you can see, finding a job in Norway is not an easy, but doable task. If you own a specialty that is in demand in the country, feel free to take action. Moreover, after three years it is realistic to get permanent residence, and when moving, take your family with you. If you are not afraid of hard physical labor, do not have health problems and want to change the situation, get new experience, you can count on seasonal work with very good, by our standards, pay.

The Kingdom of Norway attracts blue-collar workers with relevant education and work experience to the country. Residents of Russia and Ukraine bordering it are no exception. What conditions will need to be met in order for work in Norway to become a reality? What vacancies are the most popular there, and what kind of earnings can you expect?

What is important to know about employment in Norway

Norway is considered one of the most economically developed countries in Europe. It is characterized by a high standard of living, and there are extensive employment opportunities. Often it is Russians and Ukrainians who are interested in working in Norway. Attracts high wages and decent working conditions. You can come to the country with a visa permit of a certain type.

  1. If a foreigner wishes to work in the country, he is granted the right to temporary residence for up to one year without the possibility of extending the visa and subsequent registration of permanent residence.
  2. If a citizen of another country has signed a contract with a company located in Norway. The visa is issued on the basis of employment contract or agreements.
  3. If the arrived foreign citizen has a profession that is in demand in the country or has a highly qualified specialty. This status makes it possible to obtain a residence permit and after a certain time officially become a permanent resident of the country.

In order to find a job in Norway, it must be taken into account that knowledge is required foreign languages- Norwegian and/or English, which is confirmed by a special certificate of oral and written examinations. In addition, you must have qualifications and a diploma that meet the requirements of the hiring party.

You can apply for a job even without knowledge of foreign languages ​​and confirmation of qualifications, but it should be borne in mind that for one vacant workplace in this case, from 100 to 200 people apply. While there are very few applicants who want to find a job, for example, as a doctor or a fireman, and sometimes there are no applicants at all.

You can find available vacancies in Norway on specialized Internet resources. It is enough to enter the required request, for example, a job for Russians and Ukrainians in Norway or a doctor's vacancy, select the appropriate resource where vacancies are posted. On the page, you can immediately see the proposed salaries in Norway and compare their size with different employers.

Requirements for employees

To apply for employment, as well as to get the opportunity to officially reside in the country for legal grounds, a Russian citizen must have permission to work in the Kingdom. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  • have an invitation from a Norwegian employer, for example, for a job in a factory;
  • must work full-time;
  • the employment contract must be valid for a year.

If the employee wants to get a job for the season, then the permit is issued for a three-month period. In order for the applicant to be able to find a job, he must not have health problems. Having a criminal record in the past will also be an obstacle in getting a job.

Most employers provide foreign workers with comfortable conditions for staying in the country. For example, if a Russian citizen decides to get a job in Norway, then the employer can pay him the cost of renting housing, provide social benefits, etc. The salary in Norway for skilled labor is quite high. For example, you can get a job at a fish factory, where the payment per hour can reach 14 euros.

If you wish, you can contact the labor exchange, where a foreign citizen will be helped to find a suitable vacancy, familiarized with the specifics labor activity in the country, the rules of law, explain the rights and obligations of employees, etc.

The specifics of working in the oil and fishing industries

Norway is distinguished by the presence of a large number of oil platforms that require regular and professional maintenance. Therefore, there is an urgent need for workers and specialists. On the oil platform, you can find vacancies of various levels and complexity.

Not only men can get a job here, but also women, for example, as a kitchen assistant. Employees applying for the platform must submit a medical certificate indicating the absence of diseases such as:

  • cardiac pathologies;
  • hearing problems;
  • vascular diseases
  • chronic diseases.

Working conditions on the platform are usually quite acceptable. As a rule, the inviting party assumes the costs associated with paying for travel to the place of work, obtaining insurance and finding a suitable place to stay. The employee has the opportunity to live in a comfortably equipped cabin, where there is a bed and a shower.

The daily menu is always different, it always includes vegetables, fruits, meat. In their free time, workers can use the Internet and telecommunications, play sports. All this is provided at the expense of the employer, you only have to pay bills for telephone calls between cities and countries.

Registration for the workplace requires the signing of an agreement. Its validity period is 12 months. The duration of shift work lasts from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and eighty days. In Norway, you can apply for a fish factory worker for the following vacancies:

  • packer;
  • packer;
  • loader;
  • salting and packing finished fish in containers, etc.

Both men and women aged 18 to 55 are eligible to work at the fish factory. Proficiency in Russian will be quite enough - knowledge of the national or English language is not required here, in fact, as well as the presence of special knowledge. Everything can be learned immediately at the fish factory.

Work week is the standard 5 days. Additional pay is provided for working on weekends. Workers are given uniforms, three meals a day, and a place to stay. One of the disadvantages of working in such a plant is the presence of a fishy smell.

Wage level

In most cases, the choice of foreign citizens when looking for work abroad stops precisely in Norway due to the fact that this country has high wage rates. There is no division of residents into indigenous and newcomers, everyone receives the same remuneration for their work.

In some cases, the salary of a migrant is even higher than that of a worker who is a resident of the country: not all Norwegians want to work in heavy physical exertion, they strive to work in more comfortable conditions. Therefore, often foreigners get very real opportunities to have good pay for their work in Norway.

The average monthly salary in Norway is approaching 42,000 crowns, which translates into more than 100,000 rubles. The cost of living in the country is growing every year. With it, the size of the average monthly salary also increases: per year by 1000-1500 kroons. The highest income is received by employees of the mining industry. Payment for work in average terms is 6,500 euros or 62,000 crowns. Skills and position held affect the salary.

Regardless of the chosen vacant job, it is really good to earn a living in Norway, moreover, there is always the opportunity to return back to your homeland. It is quite profitable to find a job in Norway, without losing anything, a person only gains excellent experience and the opportunity to live in the country for a long time.

Norway does not belong to the EU member states - the country is limited to relations with the union in the free economic zone. This means that working conditions in Norway for foreigners are different from the rules for employment in other European countries.

The unemployment rate in the country does not exceed 4.7%. Below figures are only in Iceland and Switzerland. With a minimum wage of 3,000–3,500 euros/month, the average salary is 4,700 euros/month. The average amount earned by men is more than women by 15%.

The labor force in the country is in demand due to the low population of 5.3 million people. There are simply not enough people to work on the territory of the country in the leading economic sectors.

The main competition for Ukrainian and Russian immigrants comes from other countries of Eastern Europe: Belarusians, Moldovans, Poles.

The most in-demand professions in 2019

The trend to employ workers from other countries in Norway is growing. In 2019, Norway needs specialists in the following categories:

Oil rig operators are constantly in need of labor force and are more willing than others to accept Polish, Moldovan and other emigrants from the CIS. Good earnings oil workers is based on harsh working conditions: cold, gusty winds, dampness and constant physical exertion.

How to look for a job without intermediaries

Jobs in Norway as vacancies are not always publicly available. You can learn about a free workplace through personal contacts with those who already live in the country: acquaintances, members of the diaspora or a national union.

To go to work in Oslo and other major cities in Norway without intermediaries, you need to know trusted sources of vacancies - some sites are created by scammers.

Popular job search sites

Official sources of self-employment in Norway:

The first resource is the official website of the national labor exchange, which contains many vacancies from all over the country. All other resources are also considered the best Norwegian sites for finding a job and employees.

Specialized Resources

Recruitment and recruitment agencies select verified vacancies from Norway:

In addition to them, vacancies are usually posted in the EBR pan-European database and the Norwegian catalog large companies GULE SIDER.

Types of employment

At the same time, the service sector remains virtually unoccupied - many vacancies in the areas of service provision are offered to foreigners.

The peculiarity of such employment lies in the fact that the small population of Norway is employed mainly in managerial positions, narrow-profile, in-demand specialties.

Work without knowing the language

The official language in the country is Norwegian with various dialects. But for employment it is enough to know English. In addition, some recruiting agencies offer jobs to applicants from the CIS in firms and companies of former compatriots. And this means that even with your native language you can work in Norway.

Seasonal work

Seasonal and temporary occupations include:

  • hotel and restaurant business - cook, animator, waiter, maid (for both women and men);
  • agriculture - work in the fields, on farms;
  • work in the fishing industry - at a fish factory, fish farms, in direct places of capture (mainly for men).

To obtain a temporary job, certain formalities must be met:

  • The employer is obliged to send an official invitation to the employee.
  • The minimum hourly rate must be guaranteed.
  • Upon completion of the contract for temporary work you can conclude a new one only after six months.
  • An employee does not have the right to bring a family to the country on the basis of temporary or seasonal work.

Seasonal or temporary jobs are considered jobs with employment of no more than six months.

The period of stay in the country for temporary employment is not taken into account when applying for a residence permit.

Seasonal social specialties also include:

  • work with difficult teenagers;
  • nurse, nanny for children or the elderly at home.

These positions are usually taken by young people under 25 who want to earn extra money.

Other options

Work on a rotational basis practiced on oil fields where continuous mining activity is important. The employer concludes a contract with a new staff member.

The contract prescribes the conditions for receiving wages and working hours:

  • The technical employees have a daily routine - 4 hours of work for 8 hours of rest, for household employees - a full eight-hour working day.
  • The watch is continuous and does not include days off. Duration - 105-180 days.
  • After the shift, employees of oil platforms and factories are entitled to leave for 15–45 days.

Even an employee without special labor skills can get a job in the oil industry. Applicants for highly paid narrow-profile specialties directly related to work at oil wells may be tested by the employer.

The official recruitment process

Residents of Central and Western Europe find it easier to get a job in Norway due to the absence of the need for visas and permits.

What in this case should a native of the CIS do: a Russian, a Kazakhstani, a Ukrainian?

Priority of actions

Algorithm for obtaining employment:

  1. Sending a resume to a future employer.
  2. Passing an interview.
  3. Signing an employment contract.
  4. Confirmation of certification (in professions where it is needed - welders, electricians, other technical specialties).
  5. Applying for a work visa.

The validity of the employment contract must begin at such a time that the future employee has time to draw up Required documents to enter the country.

Types of work permits

A work visa is issued for a fixed period:

  • long-term action for several years;
  • temporary - for seasonal workers up to six months.
  1. Industry specialist. The visa is issued for a year and can be extended. You cannot change jobs.
  2. Seasonal visa- issued for 3 months and extended only after six months of absence from the country.
  3. Nanny- a legal type of employment for girls aged 18-30 for a period of 24 months.
  4. trainee– visa for students for up to 24 months.
  5. Guest worker– visa without the right to extend. They are issued for 3 months to those wishing to get acquainted with a certain professional area.
  6. Fish processing factory worker. Validity - up to a year.

Only the first type of work visa makes it possible to obtain a residence permit after being used for 3 years.

Within 7 calendar days after arriving in the country, a foreigner must confirm a work visa at the nearest police station.

Are there categories that do not require a work permit?

Who can stay in Norway without a work permit:

  • employees of foreign transport services (air, rail, bus);
  • foreign media specialists;
  • workers with a contract for up to three months.

A permit is not issued if a person has several offers from different employers.

List of main documents

Documents required for permission:

  • international passport (ideally biometric), the validity of which is 90 days longer than the expected period of stay in the country;
  • two copies of the international passport;
  • passport of a citizen of the state;
  • two photographs 3.6x4.7 centimeters;
  • residence permit, invitation to work or employment contract;

  • a copy of the permit, invitation or contract;
  • a diploma confirming the availability of education;
  • an application for a work visa;

  • checks for payment of fees: consular, visa;
  • insurance medical policy for 30,000 euros;
  • original and 2 copies of a bank statement;
  • information about the place of residence in Norway: a hotel room or proof of residence provided by the employer.

The application is considered within 7 calendar days. All documents must be translated into Norwegian and English and notarized.

Applying for a work visa

A work visa is issued on the basis of an employment contract submitted to the embassy. The duration of the visa depends on the duration of the contract. The consular fee for a visa is 420 euros.

Eligibility Criteria for Work Visa Candidates

Not all foreigners receive a work permit in Norway. Reasonable reasons for obtaining are:

  • highly qualified professionals;
  • wishing to start a business;
  • applicants for professorial and doctoral degrees in higher educational institutions;
  • scientists, members of scientific associations, lecturers of higher educational institutions;
  • workers in the field of charity;
  • trainees;
  • religious missionaries;
  • workers on a parity basis;
  • children of Norwegian citizens;
  • employees of transport companies in Norway;
  • final year students;
  • workers with a recommendation from the Department of Labor.

Additional benefits are received by those who are counting on reunification with blood or non-blood (wife / husband) relatives who are Norwegian citizens or an agreement to work in demanded areas of employment in the country.

Work visa extension

You do not need to leave Norway to extend your work visa. Action algorithm:

  1. Extend the employment contract.
  2. Submit an extension request with a copy of the agreement to the nearest police department.

The algorithm of actions in your country is similar, but instead of the police department, the petition is submitted to the embassy. The cost of the service is NOK 600.

Business immigration

When applying for business immigration to Norway, you must provide the following information:

  • entrepreneurial experience;
  • certificate of income for a certain period in the past.

The average amount of company registration in the country is 13 thousand euros. At the same time, only a citizen of Norway can manage the company.

Features of internship in the country

In Norway, there are internship programs for senior students whose specialty is related to agriculture or industry.

Under what conditions is the internship provided:

  • Age - 20-30 years.
  • Work in enterprises related to educational specialization.
  • Opportunity to receive hourly wages.
  • Accommodation in comfortable hostels is provided by internship programs.

The student is required to speak English at a conversational level. In addition, those wishing to undergo an internship must have a passport.

The duration of internship programs is usually between 2 months and 2 years. Distinguished students are sometimes offered subsequent work at the enterprise with the possibility of official employment and a residence permit.

Consequences for trying to illegally get a job

Illegal employment does not always happen through the fault of the employee. It may be that all the documents are completed, but the work permit was issued for a period shorter than the employment contract.

It turns out that at the end of the service, the employee is already in the country illegally. What does it threaten:

  • Deportation of a foreigner outside the borders of the state with a subsequent ban on entry.
  • The employer is subject to sanctions and restrictions.

In special cases, a foreigner is prohibited from entering the territory of other European countries, and the employer's business is closed.

Weather conditions in Norway are unusual for most residents of European and Asian countries. Therefore, working in this state can seem like a harsh experience. The best option is seasonal earnings in developed industrial sectors.

Norway is a country with a mixed economy. Most of the working population receives income from the production of gasoline. Social work in Norway in 2020 is also quite popular.

House on the coast of the Norwegian fjords

Most of the Norwegian social services was formed as a result of private initiatives. Movements of the prosperous part of the population, church donations and various public organizations and are quite popular today.

Of course, social work in Norway does not bring significant income, but this does not reduce the number of people who want to benefit society. Foreign persons are invited mainly to work with teenagers who have difficulties in communicating and interacting with the outside world.

Many citizens of countries former USSR prefer to work not at home, but abroad. Often, talented individuals who do not have the opportunity to realize their abilities are attracted to the Scandinavian countries. Qualified employees in Norway are indeed very much appreciated. But it is very difficult for a foreign person to officially find a job. So, for an official work permit, you need to obtain a residence permit.

This document is issued only if the applicant can confirm that there is an employer in the Kingdom who is ready to provide him with a job. It turns out vicious circle. And yet, nothing is a priori impossible.

It is important to take into account the fact that vacancies in Norway are relevant primarily for the subjects of the Kingdom. If there are no Norwegians willing to get a job, employers hire foreigners. Many foreigners work at fish factories, as this work is not popular among locals.

Ways to find a job

The first option for finding a job is to contact recruitment agency in charge of staff recruitment. There are two types of such agencies. Some companies immediately request payment for their services and only after making an advance payment they begin to select a vacancy for a foreign resident.

Video about ways to search for work and vacancies in Norway.

Most companies work according to a different scheme - the company first employs a person and only then the employer gives the first salary to the agency as payment for employment.

Popular recruitment agencies:

The second option is independent search through internet sites. Today, there are a large number of job portals, so finding a job is not difficult. The only catch is that the applicant needs to know English or Norwegian, as the sites are designed in these languages.

Popular portals and sites for finding a job in the country in 2020:

A large number of vacancies are presented on the website of the Norwegian Labor Exchange.

If a foreigner wants to find a job in the oil industry, then it is better to look for a job on such portals as:

What specialists are required

The Kingdom of Norway has a rather original policy towards those who wish to live in this country permanently.

Detailed map of Norway showing cities and islands

Thus, a work permit can only be obtained by a foreign person who has a special purpose for moving. For example, the authorities of the Kingdom welcome family reunification, and if an applicant from Russia, Belarus or Ukraine has a spouse living in Norway, then getting the appropriate document in hand is quite simple.

It is also realistic for most Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians to get a job only if they are representatives of a unique profession.

There is another option: given the fact that not every resident of the Kingdom is eager to do hard physical labor every day, the country often hires foreigners.

The authorities of the Kingdom especially favor highly qualified specialists in the IT field. Good physicians of a narrow focus are also valued. If you wish, you can always find a job in a shop, hotel or hotel.

Working in Norway at a fish cutting plant

IN Lately for applicants from the countries of the former USSR, vacancies in the social sphere and on oil platforms are relevant. There is also a need for workers during seasonal work.

Demanded specialties

In 2020, specializations in the field of oil production are in particular demand. Such work does not attract local specialists due to difficult conditions labor, so often foreign residents are recruited to work on oil platforms.

Without problems, specialists in the field of IT technologies, geo-engineers, medical workers, builders and employees of the hotel and restaurant business.

Other in-demand specialties:

  • Driller.
  • Painter.
  • Assistant in the kitchen.
  • Assembly line worker.
  • warehouse worker.
  • Sorter.
  • Engine room specialist.
  • Fish salt specialist.
  • Cleaner.
  • Packer.
  • Packer.
  • Miner.
  • Electrician.

Salary for different specialties

In Norway, there is no clear definition. Salary depends on the employer. It is he who decides how much to pay an employee based on his education, qualifications, work experience and skills.

Table: average salary for different specialties

Speciality Average monthly salary (expressed in euros)
Programmer 5 750
Dentist 5 200
Engineer 4 900
Lecturer at a higher educational institution 4 800
Surgeon 4 800
Fireman 4 700
Lawyer 4 700
Police officer 4 600
Therapist 4 600
Architect 4 450
Driver 4 400
Builder 4 400
School teacher 4 400
Electrician 4 200
Guide 4 010
Accountant 4 000
foreman 4 000
Welder 3 800
Cook 3 700
Nurse 3 400
Nanny 3 200
Driver 3 100
Hotel maid 3 100
Taxi driver 3 000
Security guard 2 900
Handyman 2 900
Salesman 2 700
Cashier 2 600
Cleaner 2 600

The highest wages are received by residents of large cities. The average salary in Oslo is 4,300 euros per month, in Stavanger, employees receive an average of 3,150 euros per month, and in Drammen, 4,100 euros. In Trondheim, the average salary is 3,800 euros per month.

Salary by industry

Table: Salary by industry

Industry Qualification Average salary per hour
Construction of industrial facilities Qualified specialists 21
Unskilled professionals 20
Construction of offshore facilities Skilled Workers 18
Workers with no work experience 16
Agriculture unskilled workers 14
Extraction and processing of fish Professionals working at sea 20
Specialists working in workshops 19

social workers

Social work in Norway requires special education. Today in the social sphere there are the following vacancies:

  1. Socionom (the vacancy involves working in social city offices, the main purpose of the activity is to ensure social security).
  2. Teacher (this type of activity involves professional work with preschoolers and schoolchildren).
  3. Social worker for people with disabilities.

Each of these vacancies requires not only relevant qualifications, but also excellent knowledge of Norwegian or English.

Social workers in Norway

Seasonal activities

Today seasonal work in Norway is very popular among students and young people who do not have the opportunity to find a job in their homeland. According to the possibilities and wishes of the applicant, the Kingdom is able to offer:

  • Employment in the center of assistance to "difficult" teenagers;
  • Employment in the family;
  • Employment on a farm;
  • Working in a fish factory.

A foreign applicant must be over twenty-two years old and have at least some experience in working with children and adolescents who have difficulties in communication and social adaptation. The work is carried out on a contract basis, within twelve months.

The average salary in 2020 is NOK 500 per week. There is also a summer contract: a foreign person is invited to work with teenagers during school holidays.
Work in the family, relevant to most Russians, Ukrainians, as well as citizens of Belarus, is:

  • caring for minor children;
  • performing the duties of a housekeeper.

A foreign applicant is provided with housing and meals. He also has medical insurance. The average salary is NOK 2,000. The contract is concluded for six months - a year. Knowledge of English or Norwegian is required to obtain a place in a family.

For work on the farm, foreign citizens are required who wish to gain experience working on the land of the Kingdom. The applicant must be sufficiently hardy and at least for basic level speak English, Norwegian or German. The average salary is around NOK 3,000.

Employment on oil platforms

Norway has a huge number of oil platforms, which, having an extensive infrastructure, need constant maintenance. For this reason, specialists are constantly required to work here. Today, everyone who wants to find a job in Norway on oil platforms should pay attention to the following vacancies:

  1. Handyman.
  2. Deck worker.
  3. Painter's assistant.
  4. Cleaner.
  5. Steward.
  6. Assistant in the kitchen.
  7. Drilling crane operator.
  8. Driller.
  9. Engine room specialist.
  10. Electrical specialist.

The duties of a handyman include operating a winch crane. This does not require any special ZUNs, since the control is carried out using a mobile remote control. Also, the handyman is obliged to monitor the cleanliness and serviceability of the equipment entrusted to him.

Oil platform in Norway

If necessary, the worker assists any employee of the platform and unloads food. If there are no strict requirements for applicants in starting positions, then those who want to find a place among service personnel must, at a minimum, prove knowledge of English or Norwegian.

You should not assume that working in Norway on oil platforms is relevant only for males. So, the vacancy of a steward is perfect for a young lady. The duties of the steward include both helping in the kitchen and accommodating new people who have arrived on the platform.

Special requirements are placed on technical specialists. The applicant must have the necessary experience, as well as certain knowledge, skills and abilities. Feedback from applicants from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine says that in order to get one of the technical vacancies, it is important to prove a good command of Norwegian or English.