Presentation on the Moscow Art Theater on the topic "Artistic Culture of Medieval China". Chinese culture

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China has surpassed all the countries of the world, In all the arts it has reached the heights. /Alisher Navoi/ Chinese civilization, one of the oldest on earth, has achieved success in all kinds of art. The culture of China was influenced by the attitude towards nature as an organic whole, living according to its own laws. Human life in China was constantly measured against the life of nature. Its cycles, rhythms, states. Religious and philosophical teachings, and primarily Confucianism and Buddhism, had a significant impact on the development of Chinese culture.

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First of all, we note the characteristic features of Chinese architecture. The secret of the unusual impression that Chinese architecture makes lies in the skillful, carefully thought-out arrangement of buildings against the backdrop of nature, in the ability of architects to find the most picturesque, and at the same time natural place for them.

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One of the most common buildings was the pagoda - a memorial tower built in honor of the deeds of famous people. The pagoda is grandiose in size and reaches a height of 50 m. The appearance of the pagoda is surprisingly simple. It almost does not use decorative decoration. hallmark pagodas are slightly raised pointed edges of the roof.

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Strict, almost devoid of decorations 64 - meter Dayanta Pagoda (Big Wild Goose Pagoda) is one of the best examples of Chinese style in architecture. The name of the pagoda comes from a legend about a famous pilgrim who, during his journey from India to China, was helped by wild geese to find his way and was shown the place to build the pagoda. Dayanta solemnly rises above the surroundings of the city of Xi'an - former capital Chinese state. Seven floors, separated from each other, narrow towards the top of the pagoda, emphasizing the aspiration to the sky.

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Buddhist cave temples located in hard-to-reach mountains have become an unusual phenomenon in Chinese architecture. By the grandeur of the idea and the grandeur of its embodiment, the cave Buddhist monastery of Yungang belongs to the masterpieces of world architecture. A rock 60 meters high stretches for almost 2 km, in which there are more than 20 caves at different heights. Some of them reach a height of 15 m and are 9-10 m deep into the rock. Each of the caves is dedicated to a particular Buddhist deity. Inside, they are filled with many sculptural images of saints and reliefs on the themes of Buddhist tales and legends. Outside, the rock is decorated with bas-reliefs and colossal statues of Buda.

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The main form of religious and residential buildings in China is a rectangular wooden pavilion, main feature which are large carved brackets supporting the roof. Inside the building is divided into 2 or 3 naves, and outside it has a bypass gallery with pillars. also supporting the roof. A high, 2- or 4-pitched roof is a characteristic element of Chinese architecture, which has no analogues in the architecture of other peoples and eras. Such a roof not only protected the building from rain and snow, but also served as its decorative and artistic decoration. The slopes of the roof had a curved shape, its ends at the corners were bent upwards. The ridges and ribs of the roof were decorated with ceramic figurines of fantastic animals and dragons, and later bells were hung from the edges of the roof.

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The Temple of Heaven in Beijing became the emblem of China. The grandiose complex is dedicated to the most ancient religious cults associated with harvesting, in which Heaven and Earth were revered. It was this circumstance that determined the originality of the architectural design. The walled complex includes 3 main shrines: a round wooden temple of Prayer for the harvest, the temple of the Heavenly vault and a white marble altar where sacrifices were made to the spirits of Heaven. There is a lot of symbolism in this architectural ensemble: the square territory of the palace symbolizes the Earth, temple buildings and an altar framed by a round terrace, a sign of the Sun.

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Sculpture has always enjoyed particular popularity in China. Even in the III century. BC e., when the Qin state was formed, the sculpture expressed the idea of ​​​​its power and authority. During archaeological excavations in the Shaanxi province, a 10,000-strong army made of terracotta was found in the underground corridors of the burial complexes. Soldiers and officers, archers and foot soldiers, charioteers and horsemen are depicted in full size, with full military equipment. More than 130 clay chariots and 500 horse sculptures have also been found here. The terracotta army, built in battle order, faithfully guarded the peace of its ruler.

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Special perfection was achieved by the plastic masters in depicting animals. Their real and at the same time fantastic images convey impressions of distant exotic countries, of the life of primeval nature. Clay horses galloping, rearing or kicking the ground are full of amazing grace and freedom. Dignified peacocks spread their lush tails, and camels throw up their haughty muzzles.

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characteristic feature Chinese sculpture is its closest connection with the Buddhist religion. That is why a significant part of the plastic arts has been preserved in Buddhist temples. One of the most perfect sculptures is the 25-meter statue of Buddha Vairocana (Lord of Cosmic Light), carved high in the mountains in the Longmen cave monastery. He sits motionless in a majestic pose, slightly covering his large almond-shaped eyes. This giant statue is still perceived as a majestic symbol of the Buddhist religion.

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Medieval Chinese painting, which is one of the brightest phenomena in the history of world culture, reached a brilliant flowering. With unusual persuasiveness, the Chinese masters were able to embody the poetic beauty of nature, their ideas about the perfect harmony and grandeur of the universe. Chinese painting is represented mainly by vertical or horizontal scrolls of silk or paper. Vertical scrolls were hung on the walls and did not exceed 3 m. Horizontal scrolls depicting landscapes, genre scenes and city views were intended for long viewing and sometimes reached several tens of meters. Pictures were usually painted with ink or mineral paints, accompanied by calligraphic inscriptions.

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Where are you, O ancient peoples! Your world was the temple of all the gods, You read the book of Mother Nature Clearly without glasses. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

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CHINA is a country with a rich past and no less interesting present, which gave the world great scientists and philosophers, and gave many inventions. The memory of the glorious eras of great emperors, brave warriors and gray-haired wise men is kept in unique art and a great variety of monuments of history, architecture and literature that have come down through the centuries to the present day.

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RELIGION Buddhism - Buddhism, which came from India and was the first unified religious system in China, preached the ideas of mercy, humility on earth and non-resistance to evil, and also promised salvation in paradise for all believers and the help of merciful gods - bodysattvas. Being the backbone of the feudal state, this doctrine was already in V -VI centuries became extremely widespread, taking first place among the former religions of China, from which Buddhism borrowed many local features and old folk cults.

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Taoism - One of the main directions of ancient - Chinese philosophy; arose in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e, the main treatises "Lao-tzu" and "Zhuang-tzu". The main concept is Tao. At the heart of the teachings of Taoism, which opposes Confucianism and Mohism, is a call to man to shake off the shackles of duties and duty and return to a life close to nature. RELIGION

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Confucianism - Ethical and political doctrine in China. The foundations of Confucianism were laid in the 6th century. BC Confucius. It expressed the interests of the hereditary aristocracy. Confucianism declared the power of the ruler (sovereign) to be sacred, bestowed by heaven, and the division of people into superior and inferior ("noble men" and "petty people") - the universal law of justice. From the 2nd century BC e and before the Xinhai Revolution of 1911-13, Confucianism was the official state ideology. RELIGION The Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. In one of the legends about this thinker, his conversation with a student is given: “This country is vast and densely populated. What is missing, teacher? - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she is already rich. How to enrich her? the student asks. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

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The artistic culture of China absorbed the main spiritual values ​​that developed in the teachings of Taoism and Confucianism. Proximity to nature, the desire for spiritual perfection, the search for harmony in every natural phenomenon - be it a flower, a tree, an animal - made it possible to form a completely unique aesthetic consciousness and artistic practice. ART CULTURE

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The idea of ​​a harmonious union of man and nature permeates Chinese art, ranging from calligraphy to painting. Even writing in traditional Chinese culture is regarded as a special area of ​​ethics and aesthetics. Chinese writing (hieroglyphs) combined the ethical and aesthetic: by the originality of writing, the state of mind of the author was guessed, and even magical significance was attached to stylized forms of writing - calligraphic inscriptions. And they were kept in every house. The hieroglyph acts as an ideal model of a work of art, it combines the rigor and simplicity of form with the depth and symbolism of content. ART CULTURE

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CALLIGRAPHY Chinese calligraphy is considered the "progenitor" of Japanese, the first mention of it dates back to the middle of the II - the middle of the I millennium BC. Calligraphy has been elevated to the rank of national art in China.

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PAINTING In Chinese painting, every object is deeply symbolic, every tree, flower, animal or bird is a sign of a poetic image: pine is a symbol of longevity, bamboo is a symbol of perseverance and happiness, a stork is a symbol of loneliness and holiness, etc. The form of Chinese landscapes - an elongated scroll - helped to feel the immensity of space, to show not some part of nature, but the integrity of the entire universe. Ma Lin. Listening to the wind in the pines

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Guohua is a traditional genre of Chinese painting. Paintings are written in black or gray ink with a brush on paper or silk. In some cases, the master, using just a few strokes of black ink of various thicknesses, creates the general outlines of the landscape and human figures, without writing out the details. This direction is called "this". Another direction, called “gunbi”, requires careful reproduction of the smallest details: the hairstyles of the depicted people, the plumage of birds, etc. PAINTING Ni Zan, “Trees and Mountain Valleys” by Zhao Mengfu. Autumn colors in the mountains

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Portraits of Emperors Emperor Taizu (Taizu) (Ming Dynasty) Li Hong-jiao Emperor Kublai Khan PAINTING

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PAINTING name unknown Liang Shu-nian Qin Ling-yun name unknown

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Wang Shan. Cherry blossoms Badashan Ren. Flower, rock, and two fish PAINTING

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ART OF NATURE In China, the cult of nature has existed from time immemorial to the present day. A painting by a Chinese artist is not just a landscape, but a kind of model of the universe, where Heaven and Earth are connected by mountains. Landscape painting appeared in China a thousand years earlier than in Europe. Ma Yuan. Humming along the way

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Ni Zan. Trees in the Yushan River Valley Zhao Bo-ju. Landscape

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Temple vase Vase with peonies Vase in the shape of a melon CHINESE PORCELAIN.

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Vairocana Buddha in the Longmen Cave Temples The large statue of Vairocana Buddha in the Longmen Cave Temples is not only remarkable for its size. It is also valued as one of the high examples of art from the Tang Dynasty. Buddha Vairocana sits in the open Fengxian grotto. Perhaps the dimensions are intended to emphasize the grandeur of Vairochana: the height of the statue is 17.4 meters, only the head of the Buddha is 4 meters, and the elongated ears are 1.9 meters. But the main thing in the statue is not the height. The Buddha is considered both the largest and the most beautiful statue of the local cave temples, the pearl of Longmen.

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Terracotta sculpture from the tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang Museum of Terracotta Figures.

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The whole complex consists of 4 zones: two huge fields for life-size clay figures of warriors, command post and one empty mine. Exhibited for viewing 7000 sculptures of warriors and horses, built in battle formations. The burial is called the "eighth wonder of the world" and it really makes a grand impression. The complex also houses two chariots made of many metal parts and is also considered a unique find, confirming the level of development of ancient China.

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The Terracotta Army was accidentally discovered in 1976 by peasants cultivating the land. The place where underground crypts with terrorist figures of warriors were discovered, which, according to the plan of the then Chinese rulers, were to serve Emperor Qingyihuang (259 - 210 BC) in the afterlife, is 4 km away. east of Xi'an and at a distance of 1.5 km. from the burial mound of Qinshi Huang. Arriving archaeologists discovered that life-sized equestrian statues "guard" the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who died in 210 BC and was famous for uniting the Chinese states into a single Celestial Empire and ordered the construction of the Great Wall of China. He also went down in history as one of the most cruel rulers of the world.

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All genres of ancient Chinese art carried a deep moral meaning and the idea of ​​human perfection, tuned in to a special perception: admiration for nature, its beauty and the work of a master. This is probably why the beauty of Chinese landscapes, with their special expressiveness and special symbolism, arouses admiration among Europeans, allows them to discover a different vision of the world, a different aesthetics.

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ARCHITECTURE Over the five millennium history of Chinese civilization, many architectural structures have been preserved, many of which are rightfully considered world-class masterpieces. Their diversity and originality embody the traditions of antiquity and the best achievements of Chinese architecture. The vast majority of buildings in ancient China were built of wood. Whether it was a residential building or an imperial palace, first of all, wooden poles were driven into the ground, which were connected at the top with beams. On this foundation, a roof was then erected, subsequently covered with tiles. The openings between the pillars were filled with bricks, clay, bamboo or other material.

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Chinese architecture has taken a lot of foreign influences, but the stability of Chinese culture is expressed in the fact that all innovations are rethought within the framework of tradition and borrowed elements never look like that, but are perceived as primordially Chinese. If in the official "imperial cities", the last of which was the Forbidden City in Beijing, pomp and austerity woven in symmetrical harmony prevailed, in the "summer palaces" grace and charm dominated. If there were no hills and lakes, they were created without regard to costs, so that all forms of landscape were present for every taste. ARCHITECTURE

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Artistic culture of China

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The artistic culture of China absorbed the main spiritual values ​​that developed in the teachings of Taoism and Confucianism.

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Taoism The basis of the teachings of Taoism is the principle of Tao, which literally translates as "way", "road". Tao is the beginning of all beginnings, "the unborn that gives rise to all things." Taoism teaches that to live in accordance with Tao is to meekly follow the flow of life not resisting it. Another principle of Taoism is wu wei, which is often defined by the word "passivity" or the concept of "going with the flow". The nature of events in the world is determined by the forces of yang and yin. The masculine principle - clarity of thought, activity and sublimity - is considered inherent yang, while the feminine - everything weak, dark and passive in life - is attributed to the action of yin forces.

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The goal of the adherents of Taoism (Taoists) is to achieve harmony with nature through meditation, following the Tao, a path that leads to prosperity, prosperity and longevity. The works of Lao Tzu served subsequent generations of religious thinkers who tried to "transcend the limits of human existence." They sought to "steal the secret of heaven and earth", isolate from it the secret of the origin of life in order to gain immortality. Lao Tzu

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Confucianism is an ethical and political doctrine that arose in ancient China in the 6th century. BC e. Central to Confucianism were issues of ethics, morality, and government. The main principle of Confucian ethics is the concept of jen (“humanity”) as the highest law of the relationship between people in society and the family. Ren is achieved through moral self-improvement based on compliance with li (“etiquette”) - norms of behavior based on respect and respect for elders in age and position, honoring parents, devotion to the sovereign, courtesy, etc. Confucius

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Proximity to nature, the desire for spiritual perfection, the search for harmony in every natural phenomenon - be it a flower, a tree, an animal - made it possible to form a completely unique aesthetic consciousness and artistic practice.

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The idea of ​​a harmonious union of man and nature permeates Chinese art, ranging from calligraphy to painting. Even writing in traditional Chinese culture is regarded as a special area of ​​ethics and aesthetics. Hieroglyph "Life"

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The hieroglyph acts as an ideal model of a work of art, it combines the rigor and simplicity of form with the depth and symbolism of content.

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Chinese Painting One of the highest achievements of ancient Chinese art is painting, especially painting on a scroll. Chinese scroll painting is perfect the new kind art created specifically for contemplation. The main genres of painting on the scroll were a historical and everyday portrait, a portrait associated with a funeral cult, a landscape, the “birds and flowers” ​​genre. GO SI AUTUMN IN THE VALLEY OF THE YELLOW RIVER Fragment from a scroll of the 11th century. Silk, ink. Freer Gallery, Washington Topics for messages Masterpieces of Chinese architecture Sculptural masterpieces of China Main genres of Chinese painting Chinese landscape painting Symbolism of the Chinese landscape Embodiment of the mythological and religious and moral ideas of China in the Temple of Heaven (Beijing) The Art of Beijing Musical Drama

Chinese culture

Completed by: Popova N.V. - teacher of geography, MOU "Secondary School"

Novorechensky village

The history of China is considered one of the most ancient in the world, it includes five thousand years of historical and cultural development.

During this time, the Chinese fought a lot and seized lands, the country was also constantly raided by nomadic tribes or troops of neighboring powers. However, despite all this, the traditions of China continued to take shape and develop.

It was in China that writing arose in ancient times, the Chinese were the first to use paper for writing, Chinese craftsmen made good weapons, and the art of combat became an example for warriors of other countries.

The euhemerization of myths also contributed to the characteristic Chinese mythology the process of anthropomorphization of heroes, which continued in folk mythology until late times. Totemic ideas played a big role. So, the Yin tribes considered the swallow as their totem, the Xia tribes - the snake.

  • The largest example burial emperors is the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, fifty kilometers from Xi'an, erected within ten years after the emperor's accession to the throne in the III century. BC e.

This "Terracotta Army", called the eighth wonder of the world, is accompanied by war chariots, ceramic horses and bronze weapons. ditches with a clay army occupy an area

20 thousand sq. m.

  • According to various sources, Chinese wall length ranges from 2500 to 6800 m., in any case, being the most grandiose defensive structure that has survived to this day. The height of the wall ranges from 6.6 to 10 m, width - from 5.5 to 8 m.
  • Construction has been going on since the 3rd century. BC e. according to the 17th century n. e.

Sunyuesa Temple

Buddhist monasteries began to play an important role in the cultural and political life of China. By the VI century. in the territory of the Wei kingdom, there were about 30 thousand of them. Grandiose monastic complexes were cut down in the rocks, like Indian ones. Wooden temples and high multi-tiered towers - pagodas (Sunyuesa Pagoda) were also built, in which Buddhist relics were kept. The formative stage of Buddhist art in China is best represented by two groups of cave temples in the north: Yungang (Temple of Cloudy Heights) in Shanxi Province and Longmen (Dragon Gate) near Luoyang City, in Henan Province.

Chinese art developed in a variety of directions. Only in this country could one find craftsmen who perfectly made the finest silk, or potters famous for the production of decorative porcelain. Chinese painters could paint not only the walls of temples and palaces, but also small ceramic and fabric products.

Chinese woman cut paper picture for five years

Chinese national painting appeared in ancient times and received its full flowering in the Middle Ages. It is distinguished by its great originality and is completely different in material, technique and artistic means from European painting. Chinese paintings are written in ink. Mineral and vegetable paints such as watercolors on silk (sometimes on cotton or hemp). Artists use brushes different sizes, from very thin to very thick (from 5 millimeters to 5 centimeters). A stroke can be as light as a cloud or powerful as a dragon.

The drawings are usually supplemented with Chinese characters.

  • All Chinese painting, the variety of Chinese paintings created over the centuries can be classified into the following genres. one. hua niao - "flower-birds", which is characterized by a reflection of the beauty of natural components, their harmony, as well as the interaction of natural elements and man. Each depicted element of nature carried a meaning and a certain meaning. For example, peonies symbolized wealth, pines - longevity, peaches - immortality - thus, the artist wished all kinds of blessings to the people around him with his painting.

  • 2. Renu - "people"- covers portrait drawing, historical, palace, domestic, urban subjects, as well as illustrations of traditions and legends. The artists paid special attention to writing character, atmosphere and new moments for that time, including the ideal of female beauty. For the first time this motif can be traced in the works of Zhou Fang, who lived at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. 3. shan shui - "mountains-waters"- works of this genre symbolize the unity and struggle of opposites yin and yang (dark feminine and light masculine, respectively).

  • Each piece of porcelain was an independent work of art. For a long time, outside of China, they did not know how porcelain was made. This was the secret and pride of the Tang Empire. Famous poets even dedicated poems to him (porcelain). In the VII-XI centuries. The most famous were the kilns of Xingzhou (Hebei Province), which supplied snow-white, smooth, round-shaped vessels to the imperial court. Along with porcelain, tri-color ceramics san-ts'ai ("three colors"), glazed with green, brown and golden yellow hues, were also highly valued. Ceramics XI-XII centuries. more refined and varied. As in the painting of this time, the brightness of the colors in it was replaced by an elegant simplicity, softness of color transitions. Vessels are distinguished by harmonious proportions and delicate gray-green and gray-blue hues. The Sung ceramists were inspired artists. In modest bowls, vases and goblets of iridescent gray-green tones, in paint streaks and cracks that accidentally appeared during firing, they were able to capture the life of nature itself, to give artistic meaning to random defects.

  • The evidence that began to produce silk in China are the results of archaeological excavations. For example, the oldest found silkworm cocoon with traces of processing rested in the soil of one of the northern provinces of China from about the second millennium BC. Approximately the same age elements of the found loom.
  • For a long time history of silk wound through the expanses of the Chinese provinces, leaving the country only in the form of a ready-made piece of matter and heading along the Great Silk Road, which connected East Asia and the Mediterranean, starting from the second century BC.

  • Chinese shadow theater- the theatrical art of China, which overcame the language barrier and became widespread not only in Asia, but also in Europe. otherwise called puppet theater. This is due to the fact that the characters of such a theatrical performance are skillfully made puppets. At the beginning of their development, they were painted paper dolls, but gradually the method of their manufacture became more complicated.
  • How does the presentation take place? 1. A screen and lighting are installed, necessary for the shadows of the figures involved in the performance to fall on the canvas. At the same time, the figures are almost pressed against the screen itself, and their coloring becomes visible. 2. Plots for presentation can be fairy tales, legends, stories, historical sagas, novels that are understandable to a wide range of viewers. 3. The performance is accompanied not only by dialogues, but also by music. 4. Weather conditions are often played up in the plot: rain, wind, sun seem real.