Reference bibliographic work and information service for readers. Municipal budgetary institution of culture

  1. Optimization of information and bibliographic services for scientists and specialists


    Libraries Language of subject headings informational- bibliographicservice scientists using resources Internetinformational-bibliographicservice Scientific workers Network...

  2. Information technology (5)


    ... Kinds processed information Kindsinformation ... service buyers through Internet informational ... them storage and implementation help and service ... bibliographic ...

  3. Information technology (11)


    ... Kinds processed information Kindsinformation ... service buyers through Internet. 6. Copyright and integrated informational ... them storage and implementation; installation, operation, repair; technical help and service ... bibliographic ...

  4. Information report flour "Rostov-on-Don City CBS" for 2010


    Other species(specify view and... Internet, reference bibliographic apparatus and fund. Reference- bibliographic and informationalservice ... informational support, implementation creative opportunities "- MNO TsGB im. Gorky; "Library in help ...

  5. INFORMATION REPORT MBUK Rostov-on-Don city CBS for 2011 Rostov-on-Don 2012 Contents


    Libraries 123 1.1.3 others species(specify view and quantity) 81 ... Internet, reference bibliographic apparatus and fund; Reference- bibliographic and informationalservice... process implementation program "Library - in help teacher...

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Reference and bibliographic service (RSS) for many years remains one of the most important areas of activity in the library. Necessary condition successful work library is effective work information and bibliographic service. In the process of reference and bibliographic services, the technical potential of the library is most fully used, but this does not at all detract from the role of card catalogs and card files in information services.

The fulfillment by the bibliographer of readers' requests is traditionally based on the reference and bibliographic fund (SBF) and the reference and search apparatus (SAR) of libraries. The main place for the implementation of the traditional CBO model has always been and still remains the bibliographic point, usually located in a place accessible to readers. Highly qualified bibliographers on duty at the points respond to any user requests - from simple to complex queries requiring special bibliographic searches. The service is based on a fund of reference and bibliographic publications, the use of which allows them to carry out all types of references (thematic, clarifying, factual, address and methodological). This is the service model. characteristic of both foreign and domestic libraries. lasted for many decades. bibliographic item has become a kind of symbol of simplicity and equality of information, as well as a guarantee of a certain level of service. However, the introduction of modern information technologies, the simultaneous quantitative growth of the flow of electronic and traditional documents, the increase in the number of requests, the change and complication of the information needs of users, combined with the constant shortage of highly qualified personnel, makes us take a fresh look at the organization. reference service.

Reference and bibliographic services are carried out by all structural units, serving readers, satisfying readers' requests with the help of their fund and reference and bibliographic apparatus. A bibliographic request is accepted orally (in person and by telephone) and in writing. When a request is received, its content, readership and intended purpose, the required completeness of sources, types, types and chronological framework of the requested publications are fixed. The response to a bibliographic request is a bibliographic reference containing bibliographic information and made using the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library.

It is extremely important to assess the state of school library funds, their compliance with the educational and upbringing tasks of modernizing the content of education. It should be noted that in the structure of the school library collections, the collections of non-traditional information carriers play an increasingly important role: audio, video, electronic publications. It is the school library that should provide access to a wide variety of information, provide ample opportunities for all participants educational process(teachers, schoolchildren, parents) to form an information culture, a culture of mental work, develop logical and creative thinking, using in practice the achievements of new information technologies. The creation of media libraries on the basis of libraries, the formation of libraries-media libraries is the most scientifically developed way of developing school libraries at present.

bibliographic service student reading

AT recent times in library practice, they do not use methods of reading guidance, because they believe that the principle of freedom in obtaining information in the library is realized through the reader's independent choice of the range and volume of necessary literature. The exclusion of the function of a consultant, methodologist, educator of book culture from professional activity librarian, turns the mass library from a cultural and information center into a simple book depository.

Today, the decline in interest in reading is alarming for everyone who deals with this problem professionally. Physiologists have found that people who do not read have a reduced rate of biocurrents in the brain. Out of work in full force the brain weakens, atrophies, becomes ill. It is reading, more than anything, that gives the maximum load to the human brain, saves him from the narrowness of ideas, and at the same time from spiritual callousness, from intolerance, from intellectual impoverishment. The consequence of the inability to read is at least functional illiteracy, i. the inability of a citizen of a civilized society to fulfill his elementary professional, social and life duties. The skill of independent reading is formed from childhood, it is from childhood that the necessary reading skills are laid. Reading books is a special kind of communication, a conversation between the author and the reader, and the media in this conversation is the text. The content of the text is the author's view of the world, his ability to express this view in words that make this text fascinating and understandable to the reader. But for a student, understanding the text is a very laborious work. The word is a sign of the secondary signal system, but it is in the word that all our sensations, perceptions, feelings are collected. It is at the heart of reading. Absence special training in working with a book leads to the fact that the student cools down to study in general.

Why do schoolchildren read so little, how to make the class reading, how to reach everyone so that reading becomes an interesting and necessary activity, how to teach children to think, to educate in them an indefatigable need for reading? It is no secret that a significant part of schoolchildren, in addition to textbooks, reads only what the teacher recommends or what is “fashionable”. The most successful guidance in reading is carried out in the lessons of extracurricular reading. For planning such lessons, the selection of books is of great importance. These should be works accessible and interesting to the student.

Sociologists data:

· The number of regular readers over the past decade has decreased from 49% to 26%.

And those who do not read books at all increased from 23% to 34%

· 40% read books from time to time.

Over the years there has been a drop in the number of people who purchase books. If in 1994 58% bought books, then in 2004 only 20%. (Book Review, No. 39, 2005).

Interest is the only one of all the motives that ensures the influence of the book on the reader. Many consider television not only a competitor to the book, but because of the abundance of harmful information, the main obstacle to education in general. It is well known that television takes the child away from the book. However, it can also attract him to the book. It is necessary to build a bridge from watching an interesting program to reading a schoolchild - to invite him to read a book on the topic of the program that captivated him. The computer also has an ambiguous influence on children, but through the Internet, the student has access to the world's reserves of information. Without leaving home, the child can receive operational information for any question. The very use of a computer forces one to read, write, draw, create information. At the same time, the computer is used by the child to the detriment of himself when he spends hours playing computer games.

Fiction becomes especially significant and necessary for a teenager when he finds himself in a book. The recognition effect is the strongest argument in favor of reading. fiction for a teenager who is preoccupied with finding his "I".

So, to understand the right, to read or not to read the child himself, while he is small, cannot help, arouse interest in reading best books, to teach to read is the task of adults, parents, teachers, librarians, the task of all who believe in the power of reading and root for the revival of culture, for the upbringing of an intellectually developed generation.

7.2 Reference and bibliographic services for individual users and collective subscribers. The development of the SBO system with the use of ITC. The main goal of the system's libraries in reference and bibliographic services is high-quality information and reference services for readers and users of libraries.

To achieve this goal, the system libraries perform the following tasks:

  • Prompt, complete, high-quality provision of information in the field of socio-political, social and human sciences;

  • Information-bibliographic and reference services for users based on traditional and modern information technologies, including Internet resources;

  • Raise information culture users;

  • Methodological assistance to the libraries of the system for information and bibliographic services;

  • Information support of socially significant problems;

  • Preparation and publication of bibliographic and informational materials;

To implement the tasks set by the system libraries, the following functions are performed:

  • Advisory assistance to users in working with the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library;

  • Individual consultations on bibliographic search and methods of working with documents;

  • Providing bibliographic, methodological, consulting and practical assistance to the libraries of the system;

  • Information activity;

  • Implementation of clarifying bibliographic references to documents;

  • Fulfillment of factual references;

  • Making inquiries about the availability of documents in other libraries;

  • Compiling and publishing activities;

During the reporting period, libraries fulfilled bibliographic requests of various nature. According to statistics in 2015, 13302 bibliographic requests were completed. Compared to 2014, this is 3280, more references.



















Compared to 2015, there has been an increase in the number of references. still the largest number references - thematic nature. This is due to the fact that most often users contact the library with requests related to educational programs(law, economics, ecology, philosophy, psychology ...) for writing essays, term papers, theses, control, messages on a specific topic.

Main consumers background information, as before, are schoolchildren, students of the Tomsk Agricultural College, universities, teachers of schools and institutions additional education children. Reference and bibliographic services are carried out by all librarians of service departments and rural libraries - branches. 70% of library and bibliographic references are made by the central library.

The CBS traditionally pays great attention to differentiated services in the form of mass, group and individual informing.
Number of information subscribers (group, individual)

Individual informing

Group informing

Mass informing

(Front library information)

Number of subscribers

Of them

number of ab-in CB

Number of CBS subscribers

Of them

number of ab-in CB


Reviews (175), media publications (37 articles), information booklets, digests, local history calendars, posters, excursions (22), book trailers, videos, presentations (69), library website (33), social media website. networks Odnoklassniki, group "Library of the village of Podgorny" (13)










Local authorities


business or vocational training

In 2015, all forms of bibliographic information were used - individual, collective, mass.

The system's libraries tried to satisfy all types of information needs: educational, industrial, and leisure.

Within the framework of mass and group informing, bibliographic manuals of “small forms” were compiled and published: booklets, thematic folders, posters.

(Booklets: "I thought that poetry was a game" (on the 80th anniversary of V.I. Kazantsev), "Gosuslug Portal at any age", "Cooking recipes from the works of A.P. Chekhov", "Ten commandments of friends of the forest" and others);

visibility and relevance book fairs promotes an interest in reading. We are pleased with the variety of forms of exhibitions: book exhibitions, photo exhibitions, virtual exhibitions, exhibitions dedicated to various subjects, thematic exhibitions- viewings that allow traditional book exhibitions to fill with new content, which undoubtedly makes it more attractive, interesting, and visited.

photo exhibitions: “In my eyes the sky” (to the 80th anniversary of Vasily Kazantsev), leafing through the pages of the past”, “Known - unknown Podgornoye (permanent photo exhibition from the history of the village), “Everything starts here, in my native land”, dedicated to M. V. Andreev (to the year of literature), “ amazing world insects, etc.;

exhibitions - viewings: "Echo of Chernobyl", "The most interesting book - 2014", "Books of our youth", "There is no sweeter friend, like a mother", "Rowan autumn", etc.

virtual exhibitions: “I dream of a meadow through the years…”

A successful form of mass (group) information is electronic presentations, videos that attract the reader with clarity, originality, variety of the material presented. In 2015, the libraries of the system made 69 presentations and videos: “Afghan waltz”, “The sky is in my eyes”, “No to terrorism!”, “A letter that came from the war”, “There is no such family in Russia where it would not be remembered your hero, etc.

Informing was carried out in the same way, through excursions, electronic and oral messages, reviews, conversations, announcements.

The CLS fruitfully cooperates with the media, exposes information on the WEB - the library's website - the most important components of advertising and information activities. During 2015, on the official website of the Chain MBU "MTsBS", in the district newspaper "Land of Chainskaya" 70 articles were posted about the main events of life, events held in the libraries of the district.

Today, the most dynamically developing environment is social media, which allows the library to be modern, user-oriented and expand the information space.

Social media makes it possible to express yourself to the largest audience, advertise your libraries and services, and share information, interesting ideas, projects, materials of the work done, share their opinions, experience, knowledge.

They allow you to attract new users, interact with each other, establish contacts, and overcome geographic isolation.

Therefore, in 2015 on the website of the social. network "Odnoklassniki" the group "Library with. Podgornoe Chainsky district.

In this group, various helpful information. From the very first days after the publication, the group became popular with users. This is evidenced by the high attendance rating, which is visible on the group's visit counter. (The group was created in October 2015 and during the period October - December it was visited by approximately 3,000 people). First of all, the video material that the Central Bank uploads is interesting.

In 2015, videos from a creative evening-portrait dedicated to the 80th anniversary of our fellow countryman, the famous poet of our time Vasily Kazantsev, a video from a creative evening of another of our countryman poets, Mikhail Andreev, were exhibited. A wonderful virtual exhibition-opening day of works by students of the Children's Art School based on Vasily Kazantsev's poems “I dream of a meadow through the years ...”, photo albums “Interesting moments of library life”, “From the life of a library” (more than 100 photos), etc. In the future, it is planned to continue to lead this group and expand information framework.

The advantage of the media, WEB - site, social media is the speed of the release of the material, accessibility, the possibility of discussion and feedback.

For many years, the composition of group informing subscribers has been stable: preschool institutions, collectives of secondary schools, collectives of music and art schools, collectives united by hobbies (gardeners, needlewomen, lovers of beauty, car enthusiasts, etc.), a collective of a recreation center, a group of business or vocational training (librarians of the Central Library of Latvia).

It should be noted that in the reporting year, the number of group informing increased in the CBS (see diagram).

This is due to the increased number of applicants (mostly people retirement age) take an initial course on using a PC (such a group appeared in the Central Bank " Information Technology"). The association of people into clubs according to common interests and hobbies also indicates an increase in this indicator (“All about fishing”, “People's Doctor”, “Weather and folk signs” (Bundyur rural library)).

Group information was provided through book exhibitions, reviews, oral presentations, presentations, publishing products(booklets, recommended lists of literature), consultations, training. Here one can note the vigorous activity of the Central Bank, Vargaterskaya, Ust-Bakcharskaya, Novo-Kolominskaya, Grishkinskaya, Bundyurskaya branch libraries.

Information topics: Admission information new literature, information literacy, personal subsidiary farming, the topic of gardening, needlework, professional activities for a group of librarians (this includes creating presentations, book trailers, videos, designing for / exhibitions, searching for information on the Internet), etc.

Such forms of group informing as Specialist's Day, Bibliography Day are not a priority for the libraries of our system (as can be seen from the reports) due to the lack of receipts of new specialized literature, bibliographic indexes (receipt for 2015 - 0). If the library acquires books, in some branches of knowledge, then this, as a rule, is 1-2 copies. And in this current situation, we can talk more about individual informing the reader than about group information.

The subscribers of individual informing are educators, teachers, specialists of the education department, civil servants, representatives of small businesses, secondary school students, students, pensioners.

Large quantity information for individual subscribers is selected via the Internet, the services of Interlibrary Loan and Electronic Document Delivery are used. They receive the information they are interested in by phone, booklets are offered. As well as informing subscribers is carried out in person. Requests are varied. There are many requests related to educational and teaching activities. In the reporting year, there was a particular popularity among pensioners of this type of information as information technology.

The library works with people with disabilities, which made it possible to develop trustful forms of communication with this group of readers. practiced individual provision information and home delivery of literature. The central library has a distribution point for the visually impaired. Here "talking books" are issued, which are downloaded from a special site TOWNB named after. A. Pushkin. In 2015, 142 books were issued.

Each CLS library maintains a card index of individual and group information.

In the information service of users, the following were used:

  • printed sources (CBS fund);

  • funds of periodicals;

  • funds of TOUNB them. Pushkin (EDD, MBA);

  • electronic resources of the library: electronic catalog (EC);

  • full-text databases (SPS "Consultant+";

  • own local history database "Istok");

  • Internet;

  • Email;

  • own legislation database local authorities authorities, which are made up of printed sources and provided rural settlements, the Duma and the Administration of the Chainsky District;

  • full-text database on CD-ROM;

  • library website.
Difficulties arising in the process of reference, bibliographic and information services when fulfilling requests:

The complexity of bibliographic information for the libraries of the system is that it requires efficiency and regularity to bring new bibliographic information to the consumer, and this is impossible due to insufficient funding to replenish the collections of the system's libraries (books, periodicals). This complexity has been and remains relevant for the entire CBS.

Since the processes of bibliographic services are gradually moving to the Internet, today the information and bibliographic work of the Central Bank and a number of rural libraries is built to a greater extent on working with new computer technologies. Difficulties in this area arise in the fact that not all rural libraries have computers yet, the low speed of the Internet and the fact that rural librarians are only studying methods of searching for information on the Internet and mastering the skills of analyzing and synthesizing the information received.
Development of the social security system using ICT.

The rapid growth and dynamic development of information and communication technologies in libraries has affected the resource base and functions of reference and bibliographic services (RSS). At present, reference and bibliographic services are actively developing in the Chainskaya CBS on the basis of information technologies.

Today you can use your own electronic catalog, which is included in the CLS catalog system, access online electronic summary catalogs, various databases, use email for correspondence and execution / receipt of certificates, to carry out electronic delivery of documents, to access the electronic digital library, to installed documents (“Consultant +”), etc.

modern shape user service and an operational channel for access to information and library resources becomes the existing website of the library. It presents the work of the library: the services of its departments, information about funds, catalogs, resources. The sections of the library website are constantly being filled: "News", "Exhibitions". The site has become a new information service tool, solving the problem of providing free access to the library's electronic catalog, an extended information resource of the library.

In recent years, along with traditional publications, documents on electronic media have appeared: CD-ROM, full-text databases of the ATP “Consultant +”, which are automatically updated daily, have become widespread; own local history full-text database "Istok", which is replenished from the district newspaper "Chainskaya Land" and from regional and Russian periodicals ( overall volume records - 1722), local history resources on electronic media, local history digital product both for users within the walls of the library and for remote users.

The embodiment of new forms of reference and bibliographic work in the CLS is the organization of a virtual reference service. In 2014, the CBS joined the Virtual Reference Service of the TUNB named after. Pushkin: corporate electronic help desk Ask a Bibliographer a Question.

The library website has a section Feedback”, in which site visitors ask questions. Thematic requests are made from the library funds, the data of the district archive. Virtual Help Desk allows you to work with remote users. In the reporting year, 6 requests from remote users were satisfied.

The CBS Library offers:

  • Full-text database of the ATP "Consultant +", which is automatically updated daily;

  • Own local history full-text database "Istok", which is replenished from the regional newspaper "Chainskaya Land" and from regional and Russian periodicals;

  • Own electronic catalog;

  • Electronic catalog of TUNB named after Pushkin and other libraries;

  • Full-text database on CD-ROM;

  • Remote Internet resources;

  • Electronic delivery of documents

  • Webinars

  • Library websites

  • Local history resources on electronic media;
For readers of MBUK "MCBS" 23 (10 - DPC) computers were provided to work with electronic publications and online resources of the Internet (2 jobs for readers - children in DB).

Number of certificates completed with the help of ICT


Electronic resources

Number of references

Internet resources

Full-text database of local lore Istok»


Digital catalogue

corporate electronic reference service "Ask a bibliographer a question".


"Feedback" - making inquiries from the website of MBUK "MTsBS"


Electronic catalog of TOTOUNB named after A.S. Pushkin


Information support for the visually impaired


electronic delivery of documents


Service by phone, fax, e-mail. mail, ICQ


Full text database on CD-ROM


"Consultant +"




Dynamics of information requests

The electronic information potential of the CLS listed above allows full-scale access of users to the information resources of the library, and not only locally, but also remotely. Reference and bibliographic services for the population with the use of information technologies open up new comfortable conditions for working with readers (users), contribute to obtaining the results of the CBO in a convenient way. in electronic format, minimizing the time spent by users using SSS services.

Reference- information service: new technologies


Chapter 1 Reference and information services: new technologies

1.1. Introduction to reference and information services

1.2 New technologies in bibliographic services


Bibliographic activity is an area of ​​documentary and informational activity to meet the needs for bibliographic information, i.e. comprehensive support (identification, satisfaction and formation of documentary information needs), carried out in scientific and auxiliary, production for educational, educational, propaganda and other purposes by libraries, NTI bodies, publishing houses and other public institutions in the system of documentary communications; from a systemic point of view, it covers processes (bibliography, bibliographic services, etc.), organizational forms, subjects, objects, results and means.

Library and bibliographic services are activities carried out by structural divisions of the library specially created for this purpose, which provide users with bibliographic and factual information, the documents themselves or their copies, and other library services that ensure the satisfaction of spiritual, industrial, educational and other needs.

It is the service that is the leading function of modern libraries, which subordinates, changes and directs the work of all other departments of the library, as well as the technological processes they carry out, forms the image of the library in the eyes of the population and, ultimately, predetermines its place in society and the sphere of social influence.

Acquisition of the fund, processing of documents, creation of the SBA, connection to computer network should be built in such a way as to ensure the smooth operation of service departments.

Bibliographic information is a regular bibliographic service without requests and (or) in accordance with long-term requests.

Historically, the original forms of bibliographic information appeared in ancient times. All of them were created by people. Consequently, along with bibliographic information, bibliographic activity also arose. At first, bibliographic activity was of an unprofessional, random, episodic nature. It was practiced by scholars, writers, monks, librarians, publishers, and booksellers, incidentally and in connection with their main occupations. Often, for these purposes, simply literate people were involved, who made up “inventories”, “inventories”, “registers” of book collections. But over time, the bibliography begins to stand apart, develop its own methods and rules for the bibliographic description of books, and, finally, it stands out as a special area of ​​professional human activity. In the course of the historical complication of bibliographic activity, its tasks and functions, organizational forms and methods become more and more diverse, and within the limits of bibliographic activity itself, the process of division of labor inevitably begins. Two main processes of bibliographic activity are distinguished: bibliography and bibliographic service.

The goals of bibliographic activity are extremely diverse, due to a variety of internal and external, subjective and objective circumstances. The goals of bibliographic activity have a multi-level hierarchical structure.

The most common end goal is to help meet the information needs of members of society. This goal is differentiated (concretized) in terms of the main public functions of bibliographic information, which, while representing ways to achieve the ultimate goal of bibliographic activity, are at the same time perceived by the bibliographer as independent goals (to find, inform, recommend). Within these goals, even more specific goals are identified, related to various areas and directions of bibliographic activity, etc. This decomposition of goals, their subordination and coordination is practically unlimited. How complex and diverse bibliographic activity itself and its connections with the surrounding reality are, so complex and diverse are the goals that bibliographers set for themselves.

The ultimate goal of library and bibliographic activity, which is cultural in its essence, is the spiritual self-realization of the individual. The library helps its implementation by promoting the development of individual abilities, thanks to which the user of the library assimilates and increases the life experience accumulated by mankind

Object of study: Bibliographic information in Taseevskaya CBS.

Subject of study: Directions of activity and types of bibliographic information in the Taseevskaya CBS.


1. To study the organization of reference and information services (SBO).

2. To identify the main forms and methods of organizing bibliographic information.

Hypothesis: Efficiency of using bibliographic

Chapter 1. Reference and information service: new technologies.

Step by step, gradually our country is entering the information society. This applies not only to the largest federal and regional libraries, but also to urban and even rural ones. At the same time, many libraries are just starting to computerize, and the expression "Organization local network” sounds unusual and frightening for their employees.

Back in the 80s. the country did not think about such a boom in information technology. Serving readers in traditional ways was a matter of particular pride. An indispensable component of the bibliographic work of libraries of all systems and departments was the reference and bibliographic service (RSS), which implies the presence of specific (one-time) requests. Individual readers or collective subscribers apply to the library with them. The library is obliged to satisfy the request or to assist in finding the answer outside of this library. CSO is often referred to as a challenge-response bibliographic service. Today, many libraries that do not have computers operate in this mode. The purposes of contacting the library with requests are very diverse. These are self-educational, educational, industrial, scientific.

The primary requirement for the SBO is to achieve the maximum possible efficiency in satisfying requests, combined with the high quality of certificates issued to readers. The quality of a reference is primarily measured by its relevance (the degree of correspondence of the bibliographic information found to the reader's request) and pertinence (the degree of correspondence of the bibliographic information given to the actual needs of the reader).

The quality and efficiency of reference and bibliographic services depend on the following factors: the condition of the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library; the level of coordination and interaction of libraries in the field of reference and bibliographic services; qualifications and experience of the bibliographer; level of bibliographic literacy of readers.

The need for reference and bibliographic services arises for the reader when other channels for obtaining reference and bibliographic information do not provide him with the necessary assistance. The richer the SBA of the library, the better it is organized, the more often readers get the information they need.

Thus, the library at all stages of development Russian state has always played an important social, cultural and educational role. Along with the performance of its main functions of organizing, collecting, storing and providing readers for temporary use of manuscripts and printed works, in the Soviet period it was also forced to perform ideological functions. We must not lose sight of the fact that the library has always brought together under one roof people of different generations and professions, different worldviews and religions. “And in this she is similar,” as the director of the Library rightly believes Russian Academy Sciences V.P. Leonov, - to the church, and this is not surprising, because the first repositories and popularizers of books were precisely the monasteries and churches - the sources of the formation of the library process.

At the end of the last century, domestic libraries increasingly began to turn into scientific and information institutions, in the work of which (along with the organization of library and reference and bibliographic services), a prominent place is given to the scientific, methodological and information support of library activities.

This direction becomes especially relevant in the conditions of the formation of the information environment of the Russian society and the rapid development in recent years of global processes of global informatization. Therefore, in the adopted, in 1994. State Duma Federal Law "On librarianship» A library is defined as an «information, cultural, educational institution that has

organized fund of replicated documents and providing them for temporary use to individuals and legal entities”

In the context of the information revolution, which is increasingly affecting library issues, computers have recently been introduced into Russian libraries, even into rural libraries.

Now that regular funding has ceased, there is nothing to fill the funds, the only solution to the problem is access to additional sources of information. With the introduction of new technologies in libraries, the service to readers has also improved qualitatively. A new term "informatization" has appeared. Recently they say "Reference and information service". Let's consider what this concept means.

Representation of reference and information services.

The resources of social information are very large. However, one of the informational, social, economic and cultural problems is how to find and get the necessary information.

In other words, this is the problem of the gap between the accumulated information and its use. With many billions of documents, millions of databases in society, a person often does not receive an answer to his question (requests for which information can potentially be provided). There are various reasons why this happens: the ever-increasing amount of information that is difficult to handle, the low level of technical equipment of libraries, as well as the lack of coordination between libraries of different structures and departments (faxes are not everywhere even in large libraries); the unavailability of the accumulated information for readers, their poor awareness, low information culture for readers (inability to formulate a request, search, etc.), as well as insufficient qualifications of library workers.

see About librarianship: Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Accepted by Mrs. Duma on December 23, 1994 // Library and law. Directory. - M., 1996. p. 37

In order to obtain the necessary information, readers and apply to the library. The activity that ensures the satisfaction of people's information needs is information service (information service).

Libraries are specially created for information activities, within its functional (sometimes organized) reference and information services are allocated, which exist in the question-answer mode.

It should be noted that libraries perform a long-term cumulative function (i.e. collect, organize and long time store documentary information) and the translation function, which is implemented in the process of reference and information services. This function promotes the dissemination of information, providing readers with access to the accumulated information resources, and meeting their information and cultural needs.

In addition, libraries provide mainly documents and information for a wide distribution to a variety of populations (which does not exclude the storage and lending of handwritten materials by some libraries).

So, the term "information service" in GOST 7.0.-99 "Information and library activities, bibliography" is defined as "providing users with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services through the provision of information services" (5, p. 4).

The provision of information services to users is one of the common features characteristic of libraries (and other institutions) engaged in the service of readers. The information service is interpreted in GOST 7.0.-99 as “providing information of a certain type to the consumer at his request” (5, p. 5). We note the following properties of it - usefulness, the ability to facilitate access to information, expand the possibilities of its choice, the intellectual nature of the service, inseparability from the performer, etc.

Each library has its own set of information services - this is the provision of documents for temporary use, the implementation of references, thematic selection of literature for abstracts, diploma, term papers, scripting, etc.

Recently, libraries have widely used such a service as copying documents, which allows not to issue documents for temporary use, but to sell copies of documents.

Thus, in the course of reference and information services, the needs of readers for information (information needs) are satisfied through the performance of services, this is the second general property of reference and information services. Needs are: cognitive, educational, professional, etc.

The third feature of reference and information services is providing users with access to information. Libraries create information resources - an information fund, a reference apparatus in the form of a database, catalogs, etc., which are a necessary condition for reference and information services.

So, the purpose of reference and information services is to satisfy the information needs of readers of various directions (book, information, reference, etc.).

It should be noted that the structure of information services, according to GOST 7.0-99 (section 3.2.2), includes bibliographic, including reference and bibliographic, services, and library services, including non-stationary library services (5, p. 4). This means that in the standard the concept of "information service" is conceived as generalizing in relation to bibliographic and library services. In the terminological dictionary "Librarianship" (4), library services and information services are considered in isolation. Meanwhile, there is only one user: he can apply both to the library and to information Center, and information must be provided to him, regardless of its location.

The nature of the request determines the choice of the type of information service. GOST 7.0-99 presents such types of services as reference and bibliographic (a kind of bibliographic, implemented in response to a request for bibliographic information), information (bibliographic information, individual, group, mass information), information support (information and bibliographic support), which are aimed at obtaining information by users on the so-called "permanent information request". This term is mentioned in the definition of “selective dissemination of information” in GOST 7.73-96 “Search and dissemination of information (6).

It should be noted that the section “Information service” of GOST 7.0-99 presents the following services: “information service”, “library service”, “bibliographic service”, “bibliographic reference”, “factual reference”, etc. The concept of “information service” also available in the Law on Participation in International Information Exchange (5).

Some organizational forms of service are also reflected in the standards - "library loan", "correspondence library loan", "interlibrary loan", "library reading room", "record library", "film library", "photo library", "video library" (arising during twentieth century). (5)

New forms of service organization are defined in GOST 7.73-96: express information service, signal information service, selective information dissemination service (SDI), referencing service, review service. (6)

It should be noted that the Federal Law "On Participation in International Information Exchange" and the Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" define the terms "international information exchange", "means of international information exchange", "information security", etc. .(12, 14).

Thus, in connection with the introduction of the new term "information service", there have been changes in both standards and laws. Consequently, new GOSTs and laws will be adopted and developed, which will reflect further changes in information activities.

The last decade (earlier in advanced countries) is characterized by the penetration of information activity into all spheres of life.

Modern civilization, with all its social, ethical, environmental and other problems, is distinguished by the growth of audiovisual and information culture, a high level of information activity, which is experiencing a rise - a new quality associated primarily with the introduction of the latest information technologies.

New technologies in bibliographic service.

The development of new technologies in the last decade of the twentieth century in a new, post-industrial society, the massive use of Internet resources in everyday and scientific life have led to significant changes both in people's ideas about the world around them and in their professional activities.

Today, when regular funding has ceased, there is nothing to fill the funds, the only solution to the problem is access to additional sources of information.

With the introduction of new computer technologies into the work of libraries, the reference service for readers has reached a new level: over the past 2-3 years, the need for information on electronic media has increased significantly. Usage electronic catalogs allows for quick search on any of the elements of the document description or their combinations, as well as perform complex reader queries

It should be noted that the efficiency of using the total information potential depends, first of all, on the qualitative structural organization of bibliographic resources and their optimal use. This is evidenced by the experience of libraries in Siberia and the Far East, where the State Public Library for Science and Technology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has managed to introduce integration foundations into library and bibliographic processes. New technologies are effectively used: a rich set of electronic catalogs, databases, including those containing documentary information on all aspects of natural resources, economy, culture, science, history of the region. Siberian scientists propose to introduce a nationwide program "Accessibility of Information", which developed measures to support the acquisition of funds, benefits for the IBA, etc. (16)

Prompt receipt of information, regardless of the place of residence or field of activity in the present conditions, is possible only with the introduction and development of new electronic technologies in libraries. It is generally recognized that library information is becoming one of the factors in the development of education, science and culture in the country, its socio-economic, political stability and progress. Unfortunately, the introduction of new information technologies in libraries is still very problematic. Many rural libraries (RCLs) today do not have computers at all. There are three main areas of informatization:

Automation within library processes;

Formation and updating of library information resources, and first of all electronic catalogs;

Use of data networks for interlibrary data exchange. (fifteen)

The introduction of information technologies in the activities of libraries leads to a significant increase in access and implements the main criteria for the quality of information services (IS) - the completeness and efficiency of obtaining data. Therefore, one of the most promising areas for the development of libraries is the use of electronic resources: databases (DB), including full-text ones; organization of remote access; optimization of electronic resources of the reference and search apparatus, etc.

At present, it is very difficult for libraries, both Russian and foreign, to acquire all the printed documents that readers need. The incompleteness of funds leads to the loss of self-sufficiency of book repositories. The requirements of readers are steadily increasing. Due to the wide distribution of bibliographic databases, information about the necessary primary sources has become available to a wide range of users, but not in all libraries.

The search for alternatives and ways to solve the problem resulted in the introduction of a complex of modern information technologies called electronic document delivery (EDD). This EDD service provides electronic copies of documents that are stored in the library, as well as materials that are not in its funds in the form of files or their printouts received from supplier organizations. Basically, EDD are available in large libraries.

It should be noted that the use of the databases "Articles" and "Books" allows you to quickly and efficiently meet the needs of readers, make references. The experience of working with new technologies has shown the need for a set of measures to standardize the processes associated with reference services. Libraries conduct research among different reader groups in order to better understand the information needs of readers, as well as to clearly plan reference and information services.

Powerful information system for libraries create Internet networks. More and more publications (primarily articles, conference proceedings, etc.) are published only in electronic form, which saves resources and increases the speed of obtaining up-to-date information.

The popularity of sources in traditional media has its reasons. Of great importance is the frightening factor of novelty, unusualness, but there are also more objective reasons. In particular, books, and especially microforms, have a long shelf life (up to 500 years for silver fish), while, according to some experts, long-term storage of information in electronic form is unpromising: it completely depends on changing formats, hardware and software. security.

There is a semantic difference between the types of information recorded on microforms and on electronic media: retrospective and original (i.e., previously unpublished) publications are carried out on microfiches and microfilms, while full-text publications on the Internet provide access to modern, relevant information. .

So, the automation of library processes, the creation of a local network, make it possible to fully, promptly, accurately satisfy the information needs of readers, improve their information culture - this is the main goal of any library.

Today, to improve the efficiency of information and bibliographic activities, highly qualified personnel who are fluent in computers are needed.

The ever deeper introduction of computer culture into the professional culture of a library and information specialist requires significant changes in the content of education. It is not the first year that the library faculty is called library and information, which implies a change in the guidelines in the set of specializations and qualifications, content curricula, the content of the disciplines themselves in the applied forms of teaching and learning, the equipment of the educational process. (7).

Despite the fact that the introduction of computer technology is a priority for libraries, there are many problems associated with automated customer service. The most acute is the lack of equipment and funds for its purchase, as well as employees for entering information (highly qualified specialists, as noted above).

So, the intensive introduction of information technology has largely changed the direction of serving readers. Therefore, new approaches are needed for organizing reference services, rethinking its place and role in the overall structure of the library. With the introduction of new technologies in libraries, it should be noted: high information content, efficiency in providing information, comfort and service of reference and information services.

Thus, the availability of highly qualified personnel, equipping libraries with automated search tools, processing, transfer and dissemination of information will make possible connection them to national and international banks and databases, which will turn libraries into true centers providing access to the world's information resources of consumer-readers at any level. The use of new technologies in libraries contributes to high-quality reference and information services for readers.