Decision making based on information systems and controlling. Project management system Is it necessary to develop

The term "integrated enterprise management systems" (EMIS) at the beginning of this decade was introduced into use by the analytical company IDC instead of the concept of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning - enterprise resource planning) previously used in such studies. The ISMS is based on the principle of creating a single data warehouse (repository) containing all business information accumulated by the organization in the course of doing business, in particular financial information, data related to production, personnel management, and any other data. Having a repository eliminates the need to transfer data from application to application. In addition, any part of the information that this organization has becomes simultaneously available to all employees with the appropriate authority.

The concept of PMIS was widely used because resource planning allowed to reduce the time of production, reduce the level of inventory, and improve customer feedback while reducing the administrative apparatus. All this made it possible to combine all the resources of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of their management. Historically, the concept of PMIS has evolved from the simpler concepts of MRP (Material Requirement Planning) and MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning). The software tools used in PMIS allow for production planning, modeling the flow of orders and evaluating the possibility of their implementation in the services and divisions of the enterprise, linking it with sales.

As a rule, the MIS includes the following elements:

  • model of information flow management (IP) at the enterprise;
  • hardware and technical base and means of communications;
  • DBMS, system and supporting software;
  • a set of software products that automate IP management;
  • regulations for the use and development of software products;
  • IT department and supporting services;
  • actual users of software products.

The main functions of the ISMS include:

  • maintenance of design and technological specifications that determine the composition of manufactured products, as well as material resources and operations necessary for their manufacture;
  • formation of sales and production plans;
  • planning the needs for materials and components, terms and volumes of deliveries to fulfill the production plan;
  • inventory and procurement management: maintaining contracts, implementing centralized purchases, ensuring accounting and optimization of warehouse and workshop stocks;
  • planning of production capacities from enlarged planning to the use of individual machines and equipment;
  • operational financial management, including drawing up a financial plan and monitoring its implementation, financial and management accounting;
  • project management, including scheduling milestones and resources.

The accumulated experience shows that the stage of choosing an enterprise management system is one of the most important, and the management of the enterprise should be extremely interested in choosing the right solution. Any project in the field of automation should be considered by the enterprise as a strategic investment, which should pay off by improving management processes, increasing production efficiency, reducing costs, and put on a par with the acquisition, for example, of a new production line or the construction of a workshop. Classic ISUP, in contrast to the so-called "boxed" software, belongs to the category of "heavy" software products that require quite a long setup in order to start using them. The choice of PMIS, acquisition and implementation, as a rule, require careful planning within the framework of a long-term project with the participation of a partner company - a supplier or consultant. Since PMIS are built on a modular basis, the customer often (at least at the early stage of such projects) does not purchase a full range of modules, but a limited set of them. During the implementation, the project team, as a rule, adjusts the delivered modules within several months. The use of PMIS allows you to use one integrated program instead of several disparate ones. A single system can manage processing, logistics, distribution, inventory, shipping, invoicing and accounting.

Thus, PMIS is a set of integrated applications that allow you to create a single environment for automating the planning, accounting, control and analysis of all major business operations across the enterprise. Among them are the planning of production resources, operational management of the production plan, accounting and analysis of performance, etc. All planning and analysis operations are subdivided in ISUP into separate functional modules: resource planning (financial, human, material) for the production of goods or services, operational control over the implementation of plans (supply, sales), contracts, all types of accounting, analysis of business results . All information is stored in a single database, from where it can be obtained at any time upon request.

At the beginning of 2010, the division of Microsoft Corporation in Russia presented the results of a study of the level of maturity of ISUP solutions used by various Russian companies. The project was implemented by IDC. The study interviewed 50 business leaders and 100 IT leaders from 120 companies. The survey was conducted in the most indicative for the Russian market segment of companies with an annual turnover of 50 to 500 million dollars. Regional structure of the sample: Moscow - 52%, other regions - 48%. Industry structure of the sample: retail trade - 22%, industrial production - 20%, food production - 15%, distribution - 16%, transport - 14%, telecommunications and media - 13%. The study showed that the average value of the PMIS market maturity index was 55%. The lowest result was 20%, and the highest - 95%. Only 38% of companies showed the level of penetration and efficiency indexes above the average values. In another 24% of companies, the efficiency was quite high with a low level of penetration. The efficiency of the remaining 38% of companies was assessed as low, and 15% of companies showed low values ​​of both the efficiency index and the PMIS penetration index. In practice, this means that 62%, or almost two-thirds, of enterprises should take steps to optimize existing business applications. The low degree of implementation of the potential of the implemented solutions is due to the fact that many enterprises treat the implementation of PMIS as technical rather than business projects, the authors of the study believe. The main task of projects to create corporate management systems is still the automation of accounting, finance, personnel, and payroll management. Relatively few companies attempt to address strategic issues with PMIS. Tasks such as financial and strategic analysis, business analytics, project management are on the list of goals for ERP implementation projects in less than half of the cases.

In the last five years before the crisis, the Russian PMIS market grew at a faster rate than even experts predicted (the actual volume in 2008 exceeded the five-year IDC forecast by 40%). There are five leading companies on the market (in alphabetical order): 1C, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and Galaktika. According to IDC research (Russia Enterprise Application Software 2010-2014 Forecast and 2009 Vendor Shares), the volume of the Russian market of integrated enterprise management systems (IMMS) in 2009 amounted to 492.18 million dollars, which corresponds to a decrease of 18.9% in terms of compared to the previous year. Experts believe that the decline was primarily due to the crisis in the Russian economy, especially in the first half of 2009. Reducing the IT budgets of large companies has led to a significant decrease in the number of new full-scale projects for the implementation of PMIS. The demand for PMIS solutions in the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises has significantly decreased. At the same time, an extensive base of existing customers, projects for the implementation of individual functional modules, as well as a significantly increased demand for business intelligence solutions from large companies, made it possible to avoid a significant drop in the PMIS market in an environment where the Russian IT market as a whole decreased by more than a third.

The leader of the Russian market of PMIS in 2009 was the company SAP, whose share was 50.1%. 1С and Oracle ended the year with 22.3% and 9.6% of the market and took second and third places, respectively. Microsoft Dynamics with 7.1% became the fourth. The market share of Microsoft Dynamics is displayed taking into account the adjustment of the company's revenues in the Russian market of PMIS for 2008 in accordance with more accurate information received from suppliers. According to the adjustment, the company's share in 2008 was 6.9%. Galaktika, which occupied 3.9% of the market, closes the top five suppliers. The total share of Russian companies in the group of leaders amounted to 26.2%, exceeding the same indicators of the previous year. The leading industry for the Russian PMIS market in 2009 was continuous production. Second place, as in the previous year, was for retail trade. Discrete manufacturing remained in third place in the list of the most profitable industries for PMIS suppliers. On the fourth and fifth positions - wholesale trade and energy.

IDC believes that the Russian PMIS market will grow by an average of 15.1% annually over the next five years. The most noticeable growth will be observed in the public sector and healthcare. The government plans significant expenditures for the development of the concept of e-government and the automation of public medical institutions. Spending in the energy, finance, wholesale and retail trade, business services, discrete manufacturing, education, agriculture, construction and mining sectors will increase at a pace that is ahead of the market average.

The leading suppliers of large PMIS, unfortunately, are far from fully represented at Softool, although in some cases there are their partners at the exhibition promoting the respective products. Thus, at Softool 2009 the Russian PMIS market was represented by 36 companies that positioned themselves as suppliers and/or developers of such solutions. At the same time, the share of regional companies amounted to approximately 9%. In particular, these are Tandem (Novosibirsk), Gradient - New Technologies (Izhevsk), RELEX (Voronezh), SKB Kontur (Yekaterindburg).

The article discusses the development of user programming tools in a SCADA system - from solving non-standard control and monitoring problems in the ST technological language to automating the design process in the built-in environment of the C# scripting language. In continuation of this line, a new controller programming environment was announced for the first time, which fully implements the requirements of the IEC 61131-3 standard and retains the object ideology adopted in it, which provides convenience and speed of development, replication of design solutions.

From "drag and drop"

to "write and run"

The object-oriented SCADA system initially did not contain any programming tools, not even traditional scripting languages ​​(or in the technical jargon "scripts"). This was explained by the conceptual position of the developers, who considered it necessary to accustom users to the object ideology and standard tools, providing a simple "drag-and-drop" (drag-and-drop) of the project elements to establish any data transfer links, as well as the inclusion of some elements in others (for example, a dynamic symbol or a button for calling documents of one object into the mnemonic diagram of another). Nevertheless, it was necessary to find opportunities for those users who would like to solve non-standard tasks within the framework.

The universal recipe for creating library blocks and visual controls in professional programming languages ​​is not suitable for all engineers. Another reason to take care of the ways of programming applied tasks was related (starting from the 2nd version of MasterSCADA) to the fact that it became a vertically integrated system, within which it was possible to arbitrarily distribute control and management logic between workstations and controllers with an open architecture (for they released the executive system).

The first technological programming tool within the framework was the graphic language of function block diagrams. But this is a way to create solutions based on existing libraries, and their functionality is limited even in the face of constant expansion. The decisive development of the necessary tools began already in the 3rd version of . The library of function blocks has been expanded with blocks of user programs. Two types of blocks were implemented - for engineering programming in the ST language (IEC 61131-3 standard) and for automating the development of projects or the implementation of complex tasks in the C # language. Whereas ST programs run both at the top level of systems and in controllers, C# programs are designed exclusively for functioning within workstations. Since a single project is created for the entire system with automatic organization of communication between its parts, the project developer must take this specialization of languages ​​into account initially.

ST Programming

The ST language is easy for engineers to learn. The generations that graduated from universities in the nineties and zero years, as a rule, are familiar with the Pascal language from the curriculum, from which ST borrowed the main ideas. In addition, the ST program contains purely engineering concepts - inputs / outputs, variables with the "time" type, etc. Adding new variables to the INPUT or OUTPUT sections automatically results in new I/Os for the ST function block in the project. Any inputs/outputs in the project can be linked with the inputs/outputs of other objects or project variables by simple drag and drop.

From the point of view of development convenience, the ST editor provides a modern environment (Fig. 1), built, as is customary, directly into the integrated project manager so that the developer does not think about how to open the editor (simply selects the "Code" tab of the corresponding block in the project ), nor where the program files are stored (the issue of storing and naming files is resolved in a systemic way and remains behind the scenes - the developer does not need to know how these files are called and where they are stored).

The created program is compiled into a special interpreted code that can be executed both in a computer and in all types of controllers supported by the included executive system. These are controllers with almost any modern and not very processors (x86, ARM7, ARM9, etc.) and common operating systems (from DOS and Windows CE to Linux and Ecos). It is also significant that debugging does not require a controller to be available. The program can be debugged both on the so-called Windows controller (executive system of the controller running on the same workstation as the project for the top level), and directly in the development mode, running the code of only one developed block. At the same time, the traditional step-by-step execution of the program is available, including the ability to enter nested procedures.

Rice. 2. An example of the implementation of a computational algorithm in C#

Programming in C#

For comparison, here is an example program in C#. In this example, a computational algorithm for filtering the input analog value is implemented. From fig. 2, you can see that program variables are created on a special panel by specifying a name, choosing a type and writing permission. As soon as they are entered, they appear in the program declarations and algorithm I/Os in the project tree.

Rice. 3. View of the project tree before the script is executed

Project Automation in C#

The tasks that designers face in their work sometimes require a large number of routine operations, and after all, transferring “mechanical” work to a computer is the main goal of automation. Here is a typical task - you need to create an apartment-by-apartment accounting system for resources in an apartment building. Suppose a project fragment - accounting in one apartment - has been created. Now it needs to be multiplied by the required number of apartments and entrances, create a mnemonic diagram with a call to the required apartment to view its indicators (Fig. 3).

It is for these purposes that you can execute scripts written in C # inside and referring to its object model (Fig. 4).

After running the script (this example is taken from the sample scripts library), a new Home object is added to the project based on the sample Home object. Based on the quantitative parameters set by us in the settings, the specified number of entrances, floors, apartments is inserted into it (Fig. 5).

Rice. five. View of the project tree after script execution

In addition to automatically creating the project structure, the script creates mimics, message logs, reports, and trends belonging to new objects, using the documents of the original (manually created) object as samples. And, as the final result, the main mnemonic diagram of the project is formed with automatically created buttons for calling the apartment windows in the required number (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. View of the mnemonic diagram with scripted window call buttons

Summing up the consideration of this example, we must admit that since it is a very large software product, it is difficult even for a fairly experienced developer to navigate its object model for the first time, although it is documented. Therefore, the services of the technical support service for writing project development automation scripts are quite in demand, especially considering that in most cases they are free even for users of the demo version, and the created scripts will not be in vain, because they fall into the common treasury - a library available to everyone.

Development logic - full support for IEC 61131-3

The sharp increase in user interest in programming open architecture controllers in the technological languages ​​described by the IEC 61131-3 standard led us to the idea of ​​​​not just implementing in full support of the standard, but also releasing a separate product for those who program controllers for stand-alone use, rather than for use in vertically integrated systems. So it appeared. It is a full-featured, fully compliant IDE that has retained the object ideology adopted in it, allowing you to increase not only the quality of automation projects, but also the productivity of designers. Due to the use of the latest software architecture, the functionality of this environment is not included in version 3, but will be part of a future version 4.

Thus, now, within the framework of the MasterSCADAv.3 toolkit, EnSAT proposes to program systems that contain both the lower controller level and operator stations, and it is recommended to develop projects for autonomous controllers using a much more powerful new product - . Both development environments use the same executive system for controllers, therefore, in terms of technical characteristics and structural functionality (list of supported controllers and platforms, drivers, archives, protocols, speed), their capabilities are almost the same. The new environment can also be used for programming those controllers that still interact with the upper level, but use the existing OPC server or one of the supported protocols for this, and not the “transparent” data exchange accepted in the technology that does not require configuration.

Rice. 7. Ladder Diagram Editor

Let's look at an example of a project developed in the environment (Fig. 7). The main advantage of the new environment is the ability to create a program simultaneously in all languages ​​of the standard, using for each part of the algorithm the language that will be the most obvious for its implementation. As a rule, for dynamic algorithms, such as regulation, it is more convenient to use the function block language (FBD), relay circuits are more familiar to electrical engineers for describing logic, and step-by-step control is perfectly described by the step sequence language (SFC). Computing and any other problems can be solved in the Structured Text (ST) language.

In the fig. 7 example, the parameter control program is “drawn” in the LD language and is further used as a library FB in a program already created in the function block language (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8.
Function block diagram editor

The peculiarity of the software architecture (and, consequently, the future MasterSCADAv4, which will include this product) is that it is completely open for expansion. This means that we will be able to build support for another graphic language (for example, a flowchart language for describing algorithms or UML for describing the interaction of project objects) into the toolkit as soon as we feel its demand by our consumers. In the case of such consumers are primarily manufacturers of controllers and their customers. The list of supported controllers is growing at a fast pace, and therefore the variety of requests from a growing customer base is growing just as fast. It is close interaction with qualified users that is the source of replenishment of script libraries and algorithms, the motive for the continuous development of development tools that can cope with increasingly complex automation tasks.

I.E. Ablin, CEO,


3.6.1. Enterprise Management Information Systems (EMIS)

Definitions of basic concepts. Let's start with the definitions necessary for understanding the further reasoning.

Information - information about the surrounding world (objects, phenomena, events, processes, etc.), which reduce the existing degree of uncertainty, incompleteness of knowledge, alienated from their creator and become messages. This information is expressed in a certain language in the form of signs, including those recorded on a material carrier. They can be reproduced by transmission by people orally, in writing or in other ways.

Information allows organizations to:

Monitor the current state of the organization, its divisions and processes in them;

Determine the strategic, tactical and operational goals and objectives of the organization;

Make informed and timely decisions;

Coordinate the activities of departments in achieving goals.

Information need is a conscious understanding of the difference between individual knowledge about a subject and knowledge accumulated by society.

Data is information reduced to the level of an object of certain transformations.

Document - an information message in paper, sound, electronic or other form, drawn up according to certain rules, certified in the prescribed manner.

Document management is a system for creating, interpreting, transmitting, receiving, archiving documents, as well as monitoring their execution and protecting against unauthorized access.

Economic information is a set of information about socio-economic processes that serve to manage these processes and groups of people in the industrial and non-industrial sphere.

Information resources - the entire amount of information available in the information system.

Information technology is a system of methods and ways of collecting, transferring, accumulating, processing, storing, presenting and using information.

Automation is the replacement of human activity by the work of machines and mechanisms.

Information system (IS) - an information circuit along with the means of collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information, as well as personnel performing these actions with information.

The mission of information systems is the production of the information necessary for the organization to ensure the effective management of all its resources, the creation of an information and technological environment for the management of the organization.

Usually, three levels are distinguished in control systems: strategic, tactical and operational. Each of these levels of management has its own tasks, in the solution of which there is a need for relevant data, this data can be obtained by querying the information system. These requests are directed to the relevant information in the information system. Information technology allows you to process requests and, using the available information, form a response to these requests. Thus, at each level of management, information appears that serves as the basis for making appropriate decisions.

As a result of the application of information technologies to information resources, some new information or information in a new form is created. These information system products are called information products and services.

An information product or service is a specific service, when some information content in the form of a set of data, formed by the manufacturer for distribution in tangible and intangible form, is provided for use by the consumer.

Currently, there is an opinion about the information system as a system implemented using computer technology. This is not true. Like information technology, information systems can function both with the use of technical means and without such use. This is a matter of economic feasibility.

Advantages of manual (paper) systems:

ease of implementation of existing solutions;

they are easy to understand and require a minimum of training to master them;

no technical skills required;

they are usually flexible and adaptable to suit business processes.

Advantages of automated systems:

in an automated information system, it becomes possible to holistically and comprehensively present everything that happens to an organization, since all economic factors and resources are displayed in a single information form in the form of data.

Corporate IS is usually considered as a certain set of private solutions and components of their implementation, including:

Unified information storage base;

A set of applied systems created by different companies and using different technologies.

The information system of the company (in particular, PMIS) should:

Allow to accumulate certain experience and knowledge, generalize them in the form of formalized procedures and solution algorithms;

Constantly improve and develop;

Quickly adapt to changes in the external environment and new needs of the organization;

Meet the urgent requirements of a person, his experience, knowledge, psychology.

So, an enterprise management information system (EMIS) is an operating environment that is able to provide managers and specialists with up-to-date and reliable information about all business processes of an enterprise necessary for planning operations, their execution, registration and analysis. In other words, PMIS is a system that contains a description of the full market cycle - from business planning to analysis of enterprise performance

Tasks of ISUP. Management of enterprises in modern conditions requires more and more efficiency. Therefore, the use of enterprise management information systems (EMIS) is one of the most important levers for business development.

Particular tasks solved by PMIS are largely determined by the field of activity, structure and other features of specific enterprises. As examples, one can refer to the experience of creating an ISUP for an enterprise - a telecom operator and the experience of implementing SAP R / 3 system partners at a number of enterprises in the CIS and far abroad. At the same time, an approximate list of tasks that ISUP should solve at various levels of enterprise management and for its various services can now be considered generally recognized. It is shown in Table 1.

Table 1.

The main tasks of the PMIS

Management levels and services

Tasks to be solved

Enterprise management

providing reliable information about the financial condition of the company at the current moment and preparing a forecast for the future;
ensuring control over the work of enterprise services;
ensuring clear coordination of work and resources;
providing operational information about negative trends, their causes and possible measures to correct the situation;
formation of a complete picture of the cost of the final product (service) by cost components

Financial and accounting services

full control over the movement of funds;
implementation of accounting policies required by management;
prompt determination of receivables and payables;
control over the implementation of contracts, estimates and plans;
control over financial discipline;
tracking the movement of commodity and material flows;
prompt receipt of a complete set of financial statements

Manufacturing control

control over the fulfillment of production orders;
control over the state of production facilities;
control over technological discipline;
maintaining documents to accompany production orders (fence maps, route maps);
prompt determination of the actual cost of production orders

Marketing Services

control over the promotion of new products on the market;
analysis of the sales market in order to expand it;
maintaining sales statistics;
information support of the price and discount policy;
using the database of standard letters for mailing;
control over the fulfillment of deliveries to the customer on time while optimizing transportation costs

Sales and Supply Services

maintenance of databases of goods, products, services;
planning delivery times and transportation costs;
optimization of transport routes and methods of transportation; - computerized contract management

Warehouse accounting services

management of a multi-link structure of warehouses;
operational search for goods (products) in warehouses;
optimal placement in warehouses, taking into account storage conditions;
management of receipts taking into account quality control;

3.6.2. Place of ISUP in the controlling system

In short, controlling is information and analytical support for decision-making in management. In turn, information management systems are computer support for controlling. Controlling, in turn, is the main supplier of information for enterprise management. The purpose of controlling information support is to provide management with information about the current state of affairs of the enterprise and predict the consequences of changes in the internal or external environment. The main tasks of controlling according to are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Main tasks of controlling

Types of controlling

Main tasks to be solved

Controlling in the management system

The target task of strategic controlling is to ensure the long-term successful functioning of the organization. The main task of operational controlling is to provide methodological, informational and instrumental support for enterprise managers

financial controlling

Maintaining the profitability and ensuring the liquidity of the enterprise

Controlling in production

Information support of production and management processes

Marketing Controlling

Information support for effective management to meet customer needs

Supply Controlling

Information support of the process of acquiring production resources, analysis of purchased resources, calculation of the efficiency of the supply department

Logistics Controlling

Current control over the efficiency of the processes of warehousing and transportation of material resources

Let's compare (in accordance with Table 3) the main tasks that ISUP and controlling solve (see Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 3

Comparison of tasks of PMIS and controlling

PMIS tasks to be solved for:

Controlling tasks solved

Enterprise Guides

Controlling in the management system

Financial and accounting services

financial controlling

production management

Controlling in production

Marketing Services

Marketing Controlling

Sales and Supply Services

Resource Controlling

Warehouse accounting services

Logistics Controlling

From Table 3 it can be seen that the tasks of the PMIS, solved for each level of management and service of the enterprise, correspond to the tasks solved by controlling in a particular area of ​​the enterprise (namely, controlling in the management system, financial controlling, etc.).

If we consider the structure of the PMIS, then we can distinguish 5 main modules that are present in each information system. These are financial and economic management, accounting and personnel, warehouse, production, trade (sales).

3.6.3. Prospects for the joint development of PMIS and controlling

In order to look into the future, let's first try to go back to the past.

As you know, the development of management methods for industrial enterprises in the early twentieth century is associated primarily with the names of G. Ford, F. Taylor, G. Gantt, A. Fayol, Y. Gastev and others. It was A. Fayol who divided the actions of the administration into a number of functions, to which he attributed forecasting and planning, the creation of organizational structures, team leadership, coordination of managers and control.

inventory management model, leading to the "square root formula" for the optimal order size, proposed by F. Harris in 1915, but became famous after the publication of the well-known work of R. Wilson in 1934, and therefore is often called the Wilson model. The theory of inventory management received a powerful impetus in 1951 thanks to the work of K. Arrow (the future Nobel laureate in economics), T. Harris, J. Marshak. In 1952, the works of A. Dvoretsky, J. Kiefer, J. Wolfowitz were published. In Russian, the theory of inventory management was considered in the works of E.V. Bulinskaya, J. Bukan, E. Keningsberg, Yu.I. Ryzhikova, V.A. Lototsky, A.I. Orlova, A.A. Kolobova, I.N. Omelchenko and many others.

It should be noted the work on the creation of ISUP, performed at the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, created by B.V. Gnedenko in the 1950s (in 1961 this institute was headed by V.M. Glushkov). In the early 1960s, work began in the United States on inventory management automation. The end of the 60s is associated with the work of O. White, who, with the development of automation systems for industrial enterprises, proposed to consider production, supply and marketing divisions as a complex. In the publications of O. White, planning algorithms were formulated, today known as MRP - material requirements planning- in the late 60s, and MRP II - production resource planning- in the late 70's - early 80's. .

Not all modern management concepts originated in the United States. Thus, the method of planning and management Just-in-time("just in time") appeared at the enterprises of the Japanese automobile concern in the 50s, and the methods OPT-optimized technology production facilities were established in Israel in the 70s. Concept computerized integrated manufacturing CIM originated in the early 1980s and is associated with the integration of flexible manufacturing and its management systems. Methods CALS - computer support for the supply and logistics process originated in the 80s in the US military department to improve the efficiency of management and planning in the process of ordering, developing, organizing production, supplying and operating military equipment. . System ERP - corporate resource planning offered by an analytics firm Gartner Group not so long ago, in the early 90s, and has already confirmed its viability. Systems CRM- customer relationship management became necessary in a highly competitive market, where the focus was not on the product, but on the client. Much has been done in the USSR and in Russia, primarily at the Institute for Control Problems, the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, the All-Russian Research Institute for System Research, and the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Currently, there is a gradual emphasis in enterprise resource planning (based on ERP systems) is shifting towards supporting and implementing supply chain management processes ( SCM systems), customer relationship management (CRM systems) and e-business (e-commerce systems).

Based on the analysis of trends in the development of the Russian market of software for automating the process of enterprise management, we can conclude that it is developing dynamically and the range of tasks requiring automation is becoming more complex. At first, the heads of Russian enterprises most often set the simplest tasks, in particular, the task of automating the accounting process. With the development of companies, the complication of business processes, there was a need not only for "post-mortem accounting", but also for the management of logistics (logistics processes), work with debtors and creditors, and many other activities aimed at solving the problems posed by before the enterprise internal and external environment. To meet these management needs, they began to use corporate information management systems - solutions covering the activities of the entire enterprise.

Thus, as a result of the "evolution" PMIS has turned from computer accounting and an automated inventory management system into an integrated management system for the entire enterprise.

Currently, there are a large number of standard PMIS on the market - from local (cost up to 50 thousand US dollars) to large integrated ones (cost from 500 thousand US dollars and more). Standard solutions of these ISUPs are "tied" by supplier firms to the conditions of specific enterprises.

It should be noted that at present the main part of the PMIS is developed not on the basis of standard solutions, but in a single copy for each individual enterprise. This is done by the relevant divisions of enterprises in order to take into account the characteristics of specific enterprises as fully as possible.

The classification of typical systems available on the Russian market has been developed in the work. We give a description of the main types of PMIS.

· Local Systems. As a rule, they are designed to automate activities in one or two areas. Often they can be the so-called "boxed" product. The cost of such solutions ranges from several thousand to several tens of thousands of US dollars.

· Financial management systems. Such solutions have much greater functionality than local ones. However, their distinguishing feature is the absence of modules dedicated to production processes. And if only Russian systems are represented in the first category, here the ratio of Russian and Western products is approximately equal. The implementation time of such systems can be up to a year, and the cost can be from $50,000 to $200,000.

· Medium integrated systems. These systems are designed for manufacturing plant management and integrated planning of the production process. They are characterized by the presence of specialized functions. Such systems are the most competitive on the domestic market in their area of ​​specialization with large Western systems, while their cost is significantly (by an order of magnitude or more) lower than large ones.

· Large integrated systems. To date, these are the most functionally developed and, accordingly, the most complex and expensive systems in which the MRPII and ERP management standards are implemented. The implementation time of such systems, taking into account the automation of production management, can be several years, and the cost ranges from several hundred thousand to several tens of millions of dollars. It should be noted that these systems are designed primarily to improve the management efficiency of large enterprises and corporations. In this case, the requirements of accounting or personnel records fade into the background.

· Constructors is a commercial software tool, suite of software tools, or specialized programming environment for relatively fast (compared to general-purpose programming tools) creation of business applications. Naturally, in this case, they rely on the invariant of the methodology and operation technology underlying the constructor.

· Specialized Solutions - are intended mainly for obtaining corporate consolidated reporting, planning, budgeting, data analysis using OLAP technology ( on-lineanalyticalprocessing- operational data analysis , more specifically, multivariate operational data analysis for decision support).

Econometric methods in PMIS. An analysis of the real needs of enterprises has shown that in order to create a full-fledged system that would provide not only accounting functions, but also the possibility of forecasting, analyzing scenarios, and supporting managerial decision-making, a typical set of functions of ERP systems is not enough. The solution of this class of problems requires the use of analytical systems and methods, primarily econometric, the inclusion of these systems and methods in the PMIS.

Econometric methods are an important part of the scientific tools of the controller, and their computer implementation is an important part of the information support of controlling. In the practical use of econometric methods in the operation of the controller, it is necessary to use appropriate software systems. General statistical systems such as DISAN, PPAND, SPSS, Statgraphics, Statistica, ADDA, and more specialized Statcon, SPC, NADIS, REST(according to statistics of interval data), Matrixer and many others .

ISUP in solving controlling problems. Summing up, first of all, we note that PMIS play an undeniably important role in solving controlling problems. For the purpose of information support of controlling, a special module "Controlling" must be included in the ISUP. This is necessary so that the system provides not only computer support for controlling, provides managers and specialists with up-to-date and reliable information about all business processes of the enterprise, necessary for planning operations, their implementation, registration and analysis. But it would also become a system that carries information about the full market cycle - from business planning to analysis of the results of the enterprise.

The M-3 software package (the next generation of the M-2 system), developed by the Client-Server-Technologies company, is no longer positioned simply as an enterprise management system, but a product that forms a decision-making environment. In the "M-3" complex, there is a shift in emphasis: from a registration system to a structure that makes it possible to implement forecasting based on professional analysis. The basis for this is the implementation of the controlling mechanism, which involves the creation of a tool for making operational decisions in the financial, production and other areas of enterprises.

In addition, the experience of Western companies shows that demand is gradually growing for large integrated systems, which are distinguished by the depth of support for the management of large multifunctional groups of enterprises (holdings or financial and industrial groups).

And if we talk about the development of the domestic PMIS industry and the widespread introduction of controlling into the practice of Russian organizations and enterprises, then we have to admit that for most Russian enterprises the stage of full-scale business informatization is just beginning.


1. Orlov A.I., Volkov D.L. Econometric methods in resource management and business information support for a telecom company. // Prydniprovsky scientific visnik. Donbass release. Economy. No. 109 (176). Breast 1998
2. Vinogradov S.L. Controlling as a management technology. Practice Notes//Controlling. 2002. No. 2.
3. Karminsky A.M., Dementiev A.V., Zhevaga A.A. Informatization of controlling in the financial and industrial group // Controlling. 2002. No. 2.
4. Karminsky A.M., Olenev N.I., Primak A.G., Falko S.G. Controlling in business. Methodological and practical foundations for building controlling in organizations. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1998. - 256 p.
5. Orlov A.I. Sustainability in socio-economic models. – M.: Nauka, 1979. – 296 p.
6. White O. U. Management of production and inventories in the age of computers. - M.: Progress. 1978. - 302 p.
7. Computer-integrated production and CALS-technologies in mechanical engineering. - M.: Federal Information and Analytical Center for the Defense Industry. 1999. - 510 p.
8. Lyubavin A.A. Features of the modern methodology for the implementation of controlling in Russia//Controlling. 2002. No. 1.
9. Karpachev I. You will go to the left // Enterprise partner: corporate systems. 2000. No. 10.
10. Orlov A.I. Econometrics. - M.: Exam, 2002. - 576 p.
11. Orlov A.I. Econometric support of controlling // Controlling. 2002. No. 1.
12. Guskova E.A., Orlov A.I. Information systems of enterprise management in solving problems of controlling // Controlling. 2003. No. 1.

test questions

1. What is the role of information in management?
2. Should the information system be implemented with the help of computer technology?
3. Discuss basic definitions in the field of enterprise management information systems.
4. What are the main tasks of the PMIS?
5. What is the essence of controlling?
6. What are the main tasks of controlling?
7. What is the place of ISUP in the controlling system?

Topics of reports, abstracts, research papers

1. Composition and movement of information arrays.
2. History of PMIS development.
3. Circulation of paper and electronic documents.
4. Controlling in Russia.
4. Econometric methods in information systems.
5. The role of the Internet and corporate computer networks in enterprise management.


Project Management Information System[English] - Project Management Information System]. Successful and productive project activities of the organization is impossible without the use of information technology. In order to automate processes and consolidate project management data, the project management information system acts, which is a balanced organizational and technological complex of software, hardware and information tools and tools aimed at implementing, supporting and improving the efficiency of project management processes. PMIS is an integral part of the corporate project management system (CPMS).

The basis of the project management information system is a single information space that allows you to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of project management in an organization throughout the life cycle of a project and program by supporting project management processes. Some PMIS are aimed not only at projects and programs, but also at automating the processes of managing a company's portfolio, which makes it possible to manage strategic planning. The functionality of the project management information system performs the following tasks:

  • Automation of project management processes (planning, execution control, reporting);
  • Consolidation of all corporate project plans of the company in a single database;
  • Formation of a single directory of resources available for use, planning, control and management of resources;
  • Automation and reduction of the time spent on project communications between project participants;
  • Automation of workflow processes for the project, program, project portfolio and project office;
  • Formation of archive and knowledge base of project management.

Variety of project management information systems

There are many solutions available today, ranging from on-premises single-user programs to full-scale enterprise-level server solutions or web-based alternatives. One way or another, all project management information systems can be divided into three parts:

  • Local information systems for project management. They are mainly intended for small businesses, private entrepreneurs and companies in which there is practically no project activity, with the exception of one or two small projects. The advantages of such systems are low cost and availability. An example is Microsoft Project Standard or Professional, Open Project, etc.
  • Server information systems for project management. A global solution focused on medium and large businesses, whose tasks include project management automation at the level of a project, program, project portfolio (or several portfolios) and automation of project office processes. These systems are very common in the world, and most of the leading companies use them for project management. The disadvantages are the high cost of implementation and maintenance, the need to staff the company. The leaders of such systems are Oracle Primavera, HP Project and Portfolio Management Center, Enterprise Project Management Solutions. By the way, many of these systems already provide a web-based solution today, as described below.
  • Project management information systems based on Internet technologies. A modern approach to the provision of services, which does not differ in functionality from server solutions, but allows companies not to implement this solution at home, purchasing a lot of special equipment (computers, servers) and forming a staff of support and maintenance personnel, but to use a modern approach - cloud technologies based on which a third-party company provides the necessary functionality remotely, which allows you to use the power of the service provider and reduces the cost of implementation and maintenance. The disadvantages are that you transfer all information on project activities to a third-party company that is responsible for their security, and these systems are currently not as functional as server solutions, and they are also less customizable. As an example, we can cite such solutions - IBN, COMINDWORK, MEGAPLAN.

The question is not whether or not to implement a project management information system, but which system to use. To do this, you need to understand the needs of the company in the functionality of the project management information system.

A project management system is a set of organizational and technological methods and tools that support project management in an organization and help improve the efficiency of their implementation. Often the term project management system» is interpreted more narrowly as an automated or information project management system, i.e. program. At the same time, the organizational and methodological components are invested in the term corporate project management system. In what follows, we will adhere to such interpretations of terms.

Goals of the project management system

  • Improving the efficiency of company employees when working on projects
  • Improving the quality of project management by project managers
  • Improving the efficiency of managing the company's entire portfolio of projects - more projects on time and on budget with less cost

Tasks of the project management system

Appropriate tools are needed to achieve these goals. If you do not describe in detail all the functionality, then project management systems are designed to solve the following tasks:

  1. Provide the project manager with tools for planning the project and monitoring the progress of its implementation
  2. Provide the project participant with a clear tool for completing project tasks and accessing all the information necessary to complete them
  3. Give the head of the department a tool to control the workload of employees for project and non-project tasks, provide information for making a decision on assigning employees to new projects, redistributing the workload between them
  4. To provide the director of the project office with a convenient tool that will automate routine operations and establish full transparent control over the state of the entire project portfolio and the quality of work of specific project managers
  5. Provide the head of the company with a single monitoring panel for all projects of the company with the ability to quickly analyze deviations and make management decisions
  6. It is important for the shareholders of the company to see the compliance of the portfolio of ongoing projects with the strategic goals of the company

The requirements for project management information systems arise from the characteristics of project management processes in each specific organization.

Application areas of project management systems

Depending on industry affiliation and specifics, there are various areas of application of project management systems, for example:

There are both specialized systems for these industries, and integrated project management systems that are designed to manage various. Adjustment to the specifics of the industry is carried out through flexible settings of the project passport, industry directories and management methods. Such a product, in particular, is the online information system ADVANTA.

Benefits of using a project management system (ROI)

The project management system can and should pay off by increasing the efficiency of project activities - activities operating with finances, resources and deadlines (which in turn are well converted into finance). To calculate the possible ROI (Return On Investment), it is necessary to take the financial and temporal characteristics of the company's projects and apply to them the expected business benefits from the implementation of the system.

Possible business benefits from a project management information system according to Forrester Research:

  • Reducing the number of projects that do not match the company's strategy

By discarding projects that are not needed or do not fit the strategy, you can reduce costs across the entire portfolio of projects.

  • Improving Resource Efficiency

By improving the distribution of resources between projects, more precise control of the workload of employees.

  • Reducing budget overruns

Can be achieved through improved planning and increased control over spending.

  • Reducing the percentage of failed projects

Thanks to effective means of monitoring projects, implementing the methodology through an information system, the project office can significantly reduce the percentage of projects that are unable to achieve their goals, meet deadlines and budget.

  • Reducing the time spent by project offices and project managers

Reducing the time it takes to collect data and manually generate project status reports frees up time resources for higher priority tasks.

How to justify the need for a project management system to management?

This question is more from the field of psychology than from the field of economics. It is quite clear that if the head of the organization (or at least one of his deputies) is not interested in implementing a project management system, then such a project will almost certainly be unsuccessful.

It is imperative to talk about the economy with the manager, as well as about improving the efficiency of project management. For this, articles about the return on investment in the creation of a project office, project management information systems, examples of improvements from colleagues from the industry and a simple explanation of the benefits on cases of your own not very successful projects are suitable. But without taking responsibility (at least limited) for the results of the changes, nothing will work. So keep it up!

Development of a project management system

Does it need to be developed?

Today, there are a large number of modern project management systems on the market that can be adapted to the needs of the company without programming. An example of such a system is ADVANTA. It is worth resorting to your own development of a project management system only if the industry specifics and tasks of the project management organization are very unique. To solve the problems of the project management department, you can adapt ready-made tools.

Are you ready to invest in development and support?

It should be borne in mind that in-house development, in addition to significant time and financial costs, is fraught with many risks associated with the further development and support of the system. You should also think carefully about the risks of choosing boxed project management tools with limitations in customization and programming capabilities (for example, 1C, Microsoft Project Server + Sharepoint). Such projects often turn into the format of constant improvements and programming, the project timeline increases many times over, the project budget increases several times, the company becomes dependent on the work of quite unique programmers.

Types of project management information systems

According to the technical characteristics of project management systems, they can be divided into the following types:

  • Local/desktop (like Microsoft Project)
  • Client-server, when the main components of the software are installed on the server, and the client application is installed on the local computer (for example, Microsoft Project Server, Oracle Primavera)
  • Web-based - only an internet browser is needed to use such applications (for example, ADVANTA)

Modern project management information systems are increasingly being created as web-based Internet applications. They have 2 distinguishing features:

  • at the location of the software (systems based in the cloud or on an enterprise server);
  • according to the pricing model (systems are purchased once for the entire period of use, or a rental fee for use is charged - SAAS).

There are a lot of free or shareware (inexpensive) software on the market for project management tools that are sold under the SAAS scheme. As a rule, inexpensive software is suitable for small teams and mainly has the functionality of task managers (task management systems), maintaining a list of clients (etc.). Such systems are mainly focused on small businesses.

Medium and large businesses in Russia, as a rule, prefer to be able to store the main data on their servers or in a rented data center (which also allows you to quickly transfer the data to yourself if necessary). Software service providers under the SAAS scheme (both Russian and Western) are still trusted mainly by small businesses due to existing security risks, data leaks that have already happened more than once in Russia.

Therefore, now the most justified decision is to choose an online project management system with the ability to store all information on your own or rented server equipment.

Choosing a project management system

If you are faced with the task of choosing a project management information system for your organization, then you can, of course, go the standard way and analyze a large number of comparisons, ratings and reviews. But no analytical articles will decide for you which project management tools are best for your company.

Project Management Tools

When planning the creation of a project management department, it should be understood that the presence of such a structure in itself will not solve problems with the optimization of work processes at all levels. In order for the employees of the new division to be able to successfully fulfill their duties, it is necessary to provide them with convenient and functional project management tools to help them. One should not think that this can be done not immediately, but later, already in the process of the work of the new department. Without the right tools, it is impossible to get analytics on current projects, that is, at least plan a set of measures to increase the efficiency of project management and monitor their implementation.

The presence of project management tools consistently solves the following tasks:

  • Collection of information about current and planned projects of the company
  • Analytical work and deviation detection
  • Phased introduction of innovations aimed at standardizing project management
  • Control over the work of the new structure and its subsequent upgrade

Formulate Requirements

First of all, it is important to formulate the requirements for your future information system. There is no need to be afraid of the words Terms of Reference, and even more so for months to develop such documents. It is important to collect the goals, business requirements of the main managers and beneficiaries of the system in the company, summarize them and start a careful choice of solutions.

Develop test case

A very smart approach is to develop a test case based on your existing project management process (since you manage projects, then you definitely have some kind of process, albeit not on paper). Write it in plain text with a numbered list, separately write a list of general requirements, and attach a list of the reports you would like to receive. You can use this test case to view and test the systems you will be choosing between. And it is best to send this example to the system developer/supplier and ask them to model a demo/prototype for you.

The speed, ease of prototype setup and the supplier's willingness to do it for your company is a great litmus test. This will show you the simplicity / complexity of the subsequent implementation of the system, the competence of the supplier's specialists and the willingness of the future partner to work with you for your results.

Choose an implementation partner

By the way, the quality of interaction with you by representatives of the software and service provider company at the stage of discussing your task, preparing a prototype, testing the system is decisive when choosing a reliable partner for such an important project as the implementation of a project management system. Neither additional functionality, nor low price, nor a well-known brand of other systems and suppliers will be able to compensate you for possible economic and reputational damage from an unsuccessful implementation project. Of course, you will reduce your initial responsibility by offering the management a choice of the most famous brands and allowing the manager to make this choice, while remaining in the shadows himself. But will it bring meaningful results to you and your company?

Only an active, or rather proactive position of the initiator of the choice and implementation of the system, his indifference to the results of the project will allow the project to become successful, regardless of the pitfalls that will meet on your way. After all, you will make an informed choice and you will have a reliable partner with you.

Implementation of a project management system

The implementation of a project management system in practice is a large independent organizational project that needs to be managed according to all the rules of project management and change management in a company.

Properly initiate a project

First you need to competently initiate the project in the company. It is necessary to appoint a project manager, form a working group and develop your own internal plan for implementing a project management system. It is not necessary to make a detailed plan, it is important that you clearly define the organizational (in which departments) and functional (what functionality) scope of the project and divide the entire project into understandable and self-sufficient stages.

The system implementation plan must be agreed with your implementation project partner (if you plan to involve external specialists). An experienced partner, based on his practice, will tell you how best to build a system implementation project in order to quickly get results and avoid making typical mistakes.

Get first results fast

It is very important to quickly get the first positive results from the project. This will allow the management of the company to be convinced of the correctness of the chosen course, and the project participants and users of the system will be inspired and stocked up with additional motivation for the implementation of the entire project.

What should be included in the scope of the pilot project?

It is necessary to give users and management a convenient and simple single tool for managing enterprise projects, while not complicating the management processes themselves.

Main objectives of the pilot project:

  • Create a unified register of projects, launch procedures for updating it at the top level
  • Create a single repository of project documentation
  • Automate project workflow with basic processes for the development and approval of documents
  • Provide all project participants with a single working environment for discussing project issues and exchanging information

In fact, at the first stage, it is important to get a project portal that will allow all interested parties from top managers to project participants to cover their basic needs for information during the implementation of projects in the company.

What system will allow this?

That is why it is important to choose one that will allow:

  • start using the basic functionality with the possibility of its phased development (not a rigid system that needs to be designed and programmed immediately, taking into account all the functions);
  • quickly (in 1-2 weeks) launch the main processes in the company;
  • it is easy to train users during implementation (the user sees only the functionality he needs);
  • get not resistance from the user, but gratitude due to the ease of work (user-friendly interface);
  • have a stock of wide functionality and flexible options for customizing it to automate new processes and adjust implemented processes as the level of maturity of the company increases.