Fiber optic connection in Beltelecom apartment. The principle of operation of the optical media

Beltelecom is modernizing telephone networks, at the same time actively offering its services and recommending disconnecting from private Internet providers". So briefly you can convey the essence of several appeals that came to our editorial office. We figured out the situation and talk about the pros and cons of this modernization.

Now in Minsk and the regions, a planned modernization of telephone networks is underway, in which the state telecom operator decided to include fiber optic wiring in an apartment and free delivery of modems.

Why it's good: fast Internet without unnecessary actions

At first glance, the idea is great. Many people still use outdated, slower and more expensive ADSL, or even regular 3G, because Ethernet providers did not reach their homes, or because they simply do not find time to go to the office, choose a tariff and conclude an agreement.

Beltelecom eliminates this problem. You are automatically held high high speed internet, connect the modem, and then a specialist arrives at a convenient time, connecting necessary services. None unnecessary actions from your side.

At the same time, there is too active promotion of services?

In addition to the appeals of users received by our editorial office , a similar thread was created on the online forum . Here is what the author of the topic writes:

“Already several acquaintances in their high-rise buildings have been extended free fiber optic cable to almost every apartment. Modernization. they say, leaving copper. The installers sang sweet songs about the free distribution of routers, the super quality of telephony and good internet.

Everything seems to be fine, but then ...

In general, a young guy comes and starts to ride hard on the ears, it all depends on the age and advancement of the “ears”. If "ears" retirement age, they are signed for everything at once: phone, ByFly, Zala. Timid objections that there is television, and the boy, without blinking, declares: “The telephone will not work without Zala!”

Here is a photo sent to us by another reader.

It was posted on the bulletin board of one of the Minsk high-rise buildings. It can be assumed that the authorship belongs to some private provider, dissatisfied with the policy of Beltelecom.

Private providers "shut down"

We asked if private providers had heard about such actions of Beltelecom employees. It turned out that they not only heard, but also tried to resist it.

For example, the operator "United Networks") wrote an official claim to RUE "Beltelecom" (a copy is in the editorial office) with a request to conduct a trial in the system active sales and refute information that discredits business reputation internet operator.

The claim, in particular, states that since mid-May, the provider’s call center employees began to receive calls with questions “how can we continue to use your services”, “why did you decide to close”, “who will provide services instead of your provider” and similar wording ., according to the claim, created a working group that found out that Beltelecom's sales managers "spread false information about other Internet companies among the residents of certain multi-apartment residential buildings." The provider claims that Beltelecom employees are talking about the imminent closure of alternative providers and the “cutting out” of all communication networks alternative to the state provider.

The document also states that a survey of residents was conducted in one of the houses in Minsk, which “confirmed the dissemination of false information about the operator, discrediting his business reputation.”

Beltelecom considered the claim unfounded. This wording is contained in the response letter:

Director General of Vladimir Volosenkov considers Beltelecom's answer strange: “Obviously, we wouldn't just file a complaint out of boredom. Yes, and communication with fellow providers confirms the same picture of misleading users throughout the country. It is indicative that in the answer of Sergey Ivanovich (Sivodedov, CEO of Beltelecom. — Ed. note) there was not only no hint of any apology, but even a formal remark about the intention to investigate or instruct representatives of his company”. notes that messages from users continue to arrive even after their complaint. Currently, they continue to collect statements from users and are considering taking legal action.

Yuri Santersky, co-founder of the Internet operator fly net, also said that they were approached by clients with a question about whether private companies would continue to provide communication services. According to them, they received such information from representatives of Beltelecom.

Santersky also complains that “frequent bans on work in cable ducts for private operators, dumping prices for communication services for their customers, unjustifiably high cost of renting cable ducts hinder the development of the republic's communications market. Ultimately, all this will have a negative impact on the consumer of services, including Beltelecom subscribers.”

However, ADSL providers that use a copper cable for connection got the most (after all, they change it to optics during the upgrade). BelInfoNet I even had to post information on the website describing what to do if Beltelecom employees came and they were convinced that it was necessary to disconnect the old provider.

In company "Aichyna Plus", which also provides Internet using ADSL technology, claim that they also constantly face the problem of disconnecting subscribers due to the fact that Beltelecom is quite actively entering residential buildings with xPON technology:

“We have stories when our subscribers are not asked if they want to buy Beltelecom services. They are simply told: from the 1st of next month, all private providers will be turned off in your house. And you run the risk of being left without a phone, and without the Internet, and without television.

You can opt out of extra services.

Briefly explain: remember that no one can impose a provider or any additional services on you.

If you already have an ISP or cable TV that suits you, you don't need to disconnect from them. If Beltelecom brought fiber to your home and installed a modem, this does not oblige you to anything, even if you now do not have high-speed Ethernet Internet, but an ADSL connection.

In the latter case, however, this is rather problematic. Since it is necessary to apply to BTK before the design stage so that they leave the copper line. In this case, you have the right to leave only the old number and not connect high-speed Internet (xPON), or leave the old one and connect the new number (in the latter option, you will have 2 subscription fees for the lines).

Beltelecom's answer: "Maintaining a copper network is an expensive pleasure"

The situation was commented Commercial Director Beltelecom Sergei Turomsha:

After all, all our services are now available on fiber optics. But providers in this situation are in no hurry to ask to keep copper lines in exchange for compensation for all costs of their operation. They want to keep the old conditions. But then who will pay the full costs?

Sergey Turomsha. Photo: Beltelecom

On the other hand, what kind of copper can we talk about when subscribers already today need Internet at speeds up to 100 Mbps? Beltelecom's maximum tariff plan on copper lines provided Internet access at speeds up to 10 Mbps. And we were very afraid to introduce such a high-speed threshold, since we believed that ADSL technology won't let you endure state standard ensure the quality of the connection.

Therefore, I believe that the providers themselves are well aware that copper is yesterday. Those who a few years ago did not think about investing in infrastructure, about changing the technological platform, today are “reaping the fruits” of their management decisions.

By the way, laying fiber is not some kind of exclusive technology that allows you to get high speed Internet access. In Belarus, many private providers have chosen the path of building Ethernet networks. And in this case, they do not depend on Beltelecom's copper lines in any way.

The arrival of Beltelecom with an optical socket in every apartment is by no means equivalent to a mass cleansing of the market and the disappearance of private operators as a subspecies.

Everyone will find a place in the sun. Belarus has very diverse consumers of telecommunications services. Many prefer some particular TV channels or services that Beltelecom does not provide. Someone appreciates in small operators, for example, the opportunities that provide local networks. Therefore, there is nothing terrible in the arrival of Beltelecom. Those who do not invest in their business and resist progress will disappear from the market."

Beltelecom: employees are not set to “squeeze out competitors”

Beltelecom also denied the information about the “squeezing out” of competitors:

“We set the task for the employees who work with clients to promote the services of Beltelecom as much as possible. We never form any list of shortcomings or weaknesses of competitors. the main task- to focus the attention of customers on our merits.

I believe that any provider regarding the subscriber base of Beltelecom acts in exactly the same way. Or do you seriously think that someone's "hunters for subscribers", having heard that in front of them existing clients our company, immediately stop the conversation, without trying to lure the subscriber to their side?

The accusations against Beltelecom that we use uncivilized methods of competition, and everything around is white and fluffy, can only cause a smile.

By the way, in September of this year, we invited the management of United Grids to a meeting to discuss the situation with the appearance in a number of houses on bulletin boards and in mailboxes of residents of anonymous leaflets with information misleading consumers about the goals and objectives of RUE Beltelecom » modernization of telecommunications networks.

The initiative to meet with representatives of is explained simply - the “arguments” given in anonymous leaflets closely intersected with the information that had previously appeared on the official website of the operator and in a letter to RUE Beltelecom.

The described meeting took place and passed in a rather constructive way. was informed about the ongoing work on the reconstruction of networks, organization of sales of Beltelecom services and interaction with private providers after the appearance of GPON networks in homes.

In turn, the top managers of admitted the possibility of a personal initiative not agreed with the management on the part of one of their own employees regarding the distribution of the above anonymous materials, promised to look into the situation and, if necessary, take appropriate measures to prevent such methods of work on the market.

It seemed to us that the “conflict” described above could be considered settled on this. Therefore, we perceive the words about the need for any apology from Beltelecom in this case with some surprise.

Another problem: Wi-Fi interference in the house

Even if we ignore the possible fact of incorrect work of sales managers, the total coverage of houses by Beltelecom with the Internet with the installation of modems has another problem.

“We have Huawei modems installed for everyone in our house, and Wi-Fi is turned on at full capacity by default,” said Grigory, one of the new Beltelecom subscribers in Minsk. “I had to run around the floors and ask grandparents who don’t use the Internet to ‘press a button’ to turn off the Wi-Fi they don’t need.”

As evidence, Grigory sent screenshots of the inSSIDer Wi-Fi analyzer program:

On the first screenshot, the program shows more than 40 Wi-Fi networks in the coverage area. Most network names look like "HUAWEI-abcd" - these are the names assigned by modems to networks by default. “Most likely they are not used at all”, suggests Gregory.

The second screenshot shows the signal strength of the surrounding networks. It is noteworthy that the network in the young man's apartment (ZTE5) is only in 5th place.

The same information is confirmed by Alena from Minsk, who sent a screenshot showing the abundance of active WiFi networks in the reception area of ​​her smartphone. And here we also see “faceless” networks, but already ZTE with six-digit indexes. It is unlikely that there will be so many active users of high-speed Internet in the five-story Khrushchev building in the center of Minsk.

what's new said the Minister of Communications and Informatization Sergey Popkov

Belarus today ranks 32nd in the world in the development of information and communication technologies. Being a leader in the CIS and ahead of a number of European countries in the ranking, Belarus sets an ambitious goal to get into the top 30. To increase the ICT-advancement index, a state development program has been launched digital economy and information society until 2020, BelTA informs. What is special about this program was told by the Minister of Communications and Informatization Sergey Popkov.

1. IMS-platform of Beltelecom operator

Now it is possible to receive several services via one subscriber line - fixed telephone communication, Internet, IPTV television, control a sensor system (the so-called "smart home" concept). The cost mechanism for the construction of subscriber lines has been significantly reduced. If earlier communication lines had to be built for each service, today a number of services are laid in one subscriber line. Almost 2.5 million subscribers are already connected to the IMS platform.

2. Passive optical networks

The rapid pace of implementation of networks based on GPON technology makes it possible to provide data transmission services at speeds up to 100 Mbps. The number of subscribers connected via GPON technology in 2017 increased by 610 thousand to 1.7 million subscribers.

By the end of 2018, GPON will be in every high-rise building in regional and district centers. In 2019, the modernization of the so-called "last mile", that is, the subscriber line to the subscriber's apartment, will be completed.

In schools, we will finish work in 2019, in the medical field - in 2020.

3. Internet and TV

The number of TV broadcast subscribers in 2017 increased by 190 thousand and, as of January 1, 2018, amounted to more than 3.5 million subscribers, including 1.724 million IPTV subscribers and 1.79 million cable TV subscribers.

About 10.3 million subscribers use broadband Internet access in Belarus. There are about 3.1 million subscribers and users of fixed and about 7.2 million mobile broadband subscribers.

4. About 4G connection

The infrastructure operator "Belarusian cloud technologies» (beCloud), which is on equal conditions provides operators with the opportunity to provide fourth generation communication services to subscribers. Today MTS and life operators are already developing services based on fourth generation networks, velcom is in the process of resolving this issue.

Access to 4G today is available in Minsk, in all regional centers and large district centers. Until the end of 2018, LTE technology will come to settlements with a population of 50,000 or more. In 2018-2019, it is planned to install about 630 more base stations, which will provide access to a single LTE network to more than 76% of the population of Belarus. In fact, by the end of 2018 - in the first half of 2019, the large-scale deployment of the fourth generation network will end.

5. About 5G communication

The International Telecommunication Union has confirmed that by the end of 2018 it will start testing the fifth generation communication standard. 5G technology is designed to transfer large amounts of data to high speeds. But one must understand that fifth-generation networks are more needed to provide services for the economy and the industrial sector. These are ensuring public safety, the development of mobile television, the Internet of things, and the transmission of big data. As for citizens, it is likely that the percentage of 5G users will not be so large.

6. About the cost of communication services

Issues of tariff increase are under consideration, the decision will be made jointly with the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade. Tariffs can rise in a percentage not higher than the inflation rate, perhaps, as the minister promised, and will not reach the inflation rate.

7. About the third operator of external Internet traffic

Today we have two operators of external Internet traffic - the National Traffic Exchange Center and Beltelecom. Two operators quite successfully cope with the tasks. The ministry sees no need to create a third operator.

8. Development of an open data portal

Worked out regulatory framework to create an open data portal: which departments and what information should provide. The greatest demand is for information from the economic sector, which corresponds to the global trend and is understandable at the first stages of project implementation. Data in this category is in demand by the business community, which is the most active in the Internet environment.

After passing the initial stage of the portal operation, the distribution of the demand indicator may partially change in favor of data from other sectors: Agriculture, trade, real estate, housing and communal services and others. We are ready to hold an open competition for a developer technological solution. Until the end of the year, the de facto portal will work and be constantly updated depending on the needs of citizens and businesses, as is done all over the world.

According to Sergei Popkov, Belarus has made serious progress in the development of ICT, in the UN rating for readiness for e-government the country is in 49th place. Ahead of us are countries with much more developed economies. Belarus entered the top 20 countries with the most convenient electronic public services.

Now the task is to consolidate the efforts of the entire ICT community to implement a common digital agenda. At the EAEU platform, Belarus initiates the development of a paperless trade system as one of the main elements of optimization foreign trade, increasing the export potential of all countries of the union.

A format for submitting initiatives to the Eurasian Economic Commission has been developed. Competence centers are now being created to work out these initiatives and isolate what will give a serious impetus to the further advancement of the digital agenda.

Alexander Lukashenko's statement about the Decree « On the development of the digital economy”:

The main goal of the document is to create conditions for global IT companies to come to Belarus, open their representative offices, development centers and create a product that is in demand in the world. The second goal of the Decree is investment in the future. These are IT personnel and education. The third is the introduction of the latest financial instruments and technologies. The world's leading economies are just eyeing this new phenomenon. Belarus is actually becoming the first state in the world that opens up wide opportunities for using blockchain technology. We have every chance to become a regional competence center in this area.

Beltelecom is slowly weaving its web and building a GPON network throughout the country. New happy owners of modern technology, as a rule, have two questions: where to install an optical socket, and where to get power for the optical terminal?

I share a "cultural" solution, installing optics for apartments, especially for apartments that have already been renovated, or where this repair is not planned at all.

In order to culturally organize a place for the input of optics, you need a Hager Golf multimedia shield. Depending on the model, these shields can be different size and execution (external, built-in). In order to simply install an optical terminal, a VS218PZF shield is enough (it is in the photo). Its approximate cost is 80 bel. rubles ($40) for 2018.

The Hager Golf shield is plastic (both the body and the door), this reduces interference with the transmission of the wireless WI-FI signal around the apartment. There are holes in the shield door for heat dissipation to prevent overheating of the equipment.

To open the door, a certain effort is required, so small children are unlikely to be able to open and climb into this shield. If necessary, a lock can be installed in the shield.

The best place to place a shield with a terminal, I think, is the installation option near the front door of the apartment, on the wall bordering the corridor (tambour). At a height, slightly above the plinth (no more than 1 cm).

This placement will:

  1. Stretch 230 Volt power from the floor board if it is not possible to connect from the apartment wiring. (The new line is laid in a PVC box with a VVGngLS cable with 3x1.5 mm2 cores.
  2. Stretch optics and other low-current cables (twisted pair, TV, telephone, intercom, etc.) without affecting the interior decoration of the apartment.

For powering active equipment, I use Panasonic socket blocks. At one time, I was looking for a convenient and inexpensive socket block for low-current shields for a long time, and I have been using them for almost 3 years. They come with a different number of sockets, and can be with a power button. In shields, I recommend using a block for 2-3 sockets.

If there is a need to run a twisted pair cable from the terminal to a computer or TV, then you can try to do it hidden in the baseboards and behind the platbands (bypassing the doors).

Mounting Features:

  1. An optical socket is not needed if you install the terminal in a shield. The optical connector is connected directly to the terminal directly.
  2. Do not leave too much optical cable, given that the shield is large, let there be a margin. Large pieces of cable in the shield are not needed (this also applies to other cables). Half a meter of stock is enough, which can be neatly rolled up and placed behind a perforated panel.
  3. The optical cable is quite fragile, so handle it very carefully. Don't bend it too hard! If the fiber breaks, you will have to call a specialist to weld the optics.
  4. If a ground wire is provided in the apartment wiring, be sure to ground the panel. The shield kit includes a special terminal block and instructions on how to do this.

The above solution for organizing the input of optics into the apartment will allow in the future to forget the problems with possible new changes in the low-current of the apartment from the outside. That is, if you need to connect to a new Internet provider, then a new cable from the provider will come from the corridor to the shield, and you just have to replace or add necessary equipment in the shield, while it is not required to destroy, drill and spoil something appearance your apartment.

I have nothing to do with Beltelecom and their installers, so your judgment is wrong. Yes, and everything is visible in my profile, but you don’t care about the details.
When I had an optics done, I noticed that the installers do as you tell them (they spared neither the cable channel nor the cable (I'm talking about a LAN cable for a TV and a computer, a copper telephone cable for a phone).
You are deceiving yourself - you did not care about the installation, instead of a timely dialogue with the installers before and during the work. You may need to learn how to respectfully negotiate work and respectfully accept negotiated work.
Instead of being here ordinary people complain (in fact - nowhere), you better contact Beltelecom.

Dear self-appointed lawyer of Beltelecom, or whoever you are... You don’t know the details yourself, but you have already drawn incredible conclusions... When my apartment was connected, when I came home from work, I only managed to check the installation in my vestibule in me the previously installed cable channel . And in the next vestibule from the shield and the entrance, they were smoking without me. Do you know everyone has a job, and a week before that I took a day off and waited for the brigade all day, but no one came at the appointed time. And the installers carried the cable to the neighbors in general in my absence and frolic, as they saw fit. Although I immediately warned them not to put the neighbor's cable into my cable channel. The fact that they do not install sockets for optics is certainly not the fault of the performers, it is the fault of the developer of the regulations. In addition, they did not tell me anything about the absence of an outlet. And they are well aware that the slightest bend in the wire can lead to its failure. I'd buy the outlet myself if I knew. Obviously, so much fragile wiring should be brought only to a stationary outlet. And the owner cannot check where the cliff is without special equipment. Yes, they did not spare the cable, but why do I need these fragile tails in the apartment?
And why shouldn't people know about my negative experience? As they say, teach your wife how to cook cabbage soup. And I will solve the issue with them and make them redo everything as it should. But why should I waste my time on this? Maybe someone just sucks doing their job?

Somewhere a little over a year ago, I had an optics and during installation in the apartment they installed an optical socket - it looks like this one:

You should spend your time on this, if only because you are doing it for yourself, to satisfy your needs.

Imagine that you are the installer.
As in Vasya Oblomov's song "Memento mori":
Imagine that your doctor studied like you
Imagine that an accountant thinks like you
Imagine that the traffic cop is honest like you,
Imagine that everything around you is you.
And neither the cross nor the aspen stake will help,
And even prayer, head on the floor.
Looking for a way to stay on track
Blaming your neighbor for failures.

There are areas of human activity that are changing before our eyes, and we are witnessing what will later be called history. Modern communication is one of the areas with rapidly developing technologies. Telephone exchanges built in the 80s no longer meet the ever-increasing demand for data transfer speeds, new services and services. In 2011, new settlers of the regional center for the first time evaluated the possibilities of xPON technology.

Why xPON technology was chosen as a promising technology - Viktor Vladimirovich Matveev, director of the Grodno branch of Beltelecom, answers this question.

xPON (Passive Optical Networks) technology represents the next round of network evolution, as it involves the use of fiber optic lines not only at the backbone level, but also at the “last mile” level. That is, not a copper cable, but a fiber comes to the subscriber's apartment. In this case, the subscriber is provided with the entire resource of the optical cable, which is brought directly to his apartment, in contrast to home network operators, where the channel is allocated to the house and, accordingly, is equally divided between connected users. Even 20 years ago, when telephones were actively installed, no one could have imagined that it would be possible not only to make calls, but also to work on the Internet, as well as watch television, and not analog, but digital and interactive. Today in Grodno region high speed internet byfly is used by every second family, the number of ZALA digital interactive television users is constantly growing. Accordingly, the load on the telephone line also increases. Copper lines are subject to certain limitations. bandwidth. As I said before, PON is a step into the future. With this technology, the copper cable is replaced with an individual fiber-optic cable, which is laid in the subscriber's apartment and ends with a special subscriber device. To this device, you can connect several telephones, computers, ZALA interactive TV set-top boxes, burglar alarms and other devices. In 2013, the number of subscribers connected via xPON technology amounted to about 22,000. In 2014, the branch plans to switch to the new technology about 18,000 more subscribers.

- Two years technologyx PON "walks" across the Grodno land! Viktor Vladimirovich, please tell us who was lucky enough to become a subscriber of the new generation network?

The first projects based on xPON technology, Viktor Vladimirovich says, were introduced in new buildings in Grodno in 2011. In two years, the new generation network has stepped outside the regional center and today the wide possibilities of the “optics to the apartment” technology are available to residents settlements: Volkovysk, Lida, Mosty, Astravets, Oshmyany, Slonim, Smorgon, Shchuchin. Novogrudok will join them this year. We "came" with fiber optics not only in the apartments of new settlers, but also in existing apartment buildings. The introduction of xPON technology in existing residential buildings is carried out systematically: house by house, entrance by entrance. The process of replacing a copper pair with "optics" is as comfortable as possible for our customers. All costs for the replacement of technology "Beltelecom" "takes over". The fiber-optic cable that is laid in the client's apartment is not "glass". It is very flexible and durable, does not oxidize or get wet. Fiber breakage is possible only when the cable is strongly bent, therefore, like a copper cable, it requires care in operation. The fiber-optic cable is laid in a special cable channel and it can only be damaged purposefully. The switching work will be carried out in stages, in accordance with the schedule. A list of houses connected using xPON technology is available on the website:.

- Viktor Vladimirovich, what advantages does xPON technology provide for subscribers?

Of course, the main thing is speed. - a new standard for Internet access speeds - incoming (from the network to the subscriber) and outgoing (from the subscriber to the network) speeds up to 100 Mbps and higher. For individuals- this is a line of tariff plans Record. Legal entities tariff plans of the "Business set" group are offered - the most popular speeds with high quality and reliability of communication, allowing to exchange large amounts of information in a matter of seconds;

Second - stable quality of services - the quality does not depend on such parameters as the length of the subscriber line, the cross section of the core, weather conditions, etc.;

Thirdly, the possibility of free viewing of video in HD quality, including viewing HD channels in ZALA interactive television;

Fourthly, there are no restrictions - fiber allows you to connect several TV sets to ZALA digital interactive television services via one line.

- Viktor Vladimirovich, how do subscribers switch to the new technology?

On the eve of the switchover, employees of the Grodno branch carry out a set of measures to inform residents about new technology and order of work. Materials are posted on information boards at the entrances, personal letters are sent to customers, by phone or in person, the time and day are agreed upon when it will be convenient for the subscriber to receive the company's masters to install equipment, conclude contracts for telecommunication services. If the subscriber is not at home, we ask the subscriber to contact the Beltelecom Service Center. You must have your passport with you.

- What about telephone numbering?

For subscribers living in Grodno, whose phone numbers start with 55 and 56, in most cases only the first digit of the phone number (5 to 6) will change, while the next five digits will be preserved. For new settlers, at the conclusion of the contract, a telephone number is allocated from the list of free ones. For subscribers of the telephone network of district centers, in whose apartments we plan to install fiber optics, the phone number will change. They will be notified in advance with a new phone number. By the way, I note that within the framework of the Elite Number service, the subscriber is given the opportunity to choose a phone number.

- Will the tariffs for PON technology differ from the tariffs for connecting subscribers via a copper cable?

The construction of networks using new technologies is carried out by the Grodno branch at the expense of own funds. Subscriber equipment for connecting services is also purchased at the expense of Beltelecom and provided to subscribers for use for the duration of the contract. Regardless of the connection method, the tariffs for the provision of services are the same for all Beltelecom users.

Viktor Vladimirovich, tell us about special offers for subscribers connected via xPON and existing promotions for these subscribers?

Specially for the xPON technology, an offer was developed - the byfly "Record" tariff line and the "Express" package offer. Thus, the tariff plan "Record 10" assumes an access speed of 10 Mbps, "Record 15" - 15 Mbps, "Record 20" - 20 Mbps, the Express package includes round-the-clock Internet access "Record 5 » and services of digital interactive TV ZALA. Today, the "Record conditions" promotion is valid for the "Record" tariff line and the "Express" service package. Discounts upon connection range from 30 to 47 percent. For example, cost tariff plan"Record 15" is 330,000 rubles, when connecting under the promotion, the subscriber will receive a discount of 47%, which is 155,000 rubles.

- Viktor Vladimirovich, what would you like to say to our readers at the end of the interview?

Every day we communicate with our customers, learn about their interests and listen to their wishes in the provision and provision of telecommunication services. And we do everything to meet their needs and expectations - we bring new services and services to the market, improve existing services, and delight them with promotional offers.

Tariffs for telecommunications services and the list of services provided are posted on the Beltelecom website. Information on tariffs, services and ongoing promotions of Beltelecom can be found by calling 130 (the service is free).