Business plan for a veterinary pharmacy example with calculations. How to open a veterinary pharmacy

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1.Summary of the project for opening a veterinary pharmacy

The goal of the project is to open a veterinary pharmacy for the retail sale of veterinary drugs. The pharmacy assortment will also include pet supplies and pet food. Area outlet will be 40 sq. meters. Location - a large residential area of ​​the city with a population of more than 300 thousand people, the 1st line of houses.

This business plan has been drawn up to justify economic efficiency project. The volume of starting investments in the opening is 1,225,000 rubles. Source - own cash. The payback period of the project is 20 months. The preparatory period of the project (including obtaining a pharmaceutical license) is 90 days.

2. Description of the industry and company

The pet services business is generally divided into three segments: pet stores, veterinary clinics (including veterinary surgeries), and veterinary pharmacies. A veterinary pharmacy is an institution where you can buy medicines for pets and get advice from a veterinarian on choosing drugs. Unlike veterinary clinics, veterinary clinics and pet stores, there are much fewer veterinary pharmacies on the market. The first veterinary clinic was opened in Moscow in the first half of the 18th century and was intended to serve stud farms. Today, according to rough estimates, there are about a thousand veterinary pharmacies in Russia. Individual veterinary pharmacies are quite rare. Pharmacy points are often located at veterinary clinics and offices, which is convenient both for clients who can purchase the necessary drugs immediately after visiting a veterinarian, and for the clinics themselves, for which pharmacy points serve as an additional source of income. Due to the narrowness of the direction for expansion target audience veterinary clinics often choose a format combined with a pet store.

The aim of this project is to open veterinary clinic for the sale of medicines, as well as pet supplies and feed (veterinary pharmacy + pet store format) and ensuring stable activities in this direction. The short-term goal is to achieve the payback of the project and make a profit, the long-term goal is to expand the sales market and open new outlets. The mission of the veterinary pharmacy will be to meet the demand of the population for quality medicines and provide advisory services on the choice of goods in the format "at home".

The location of the veterinary pharmacy will be a densely populated area of ​​the city with a population of more than 300 thousand people. The outlet will be located on a busy street, on the first line of houses. The area of ​​the premises of the veterinary pharmacy will be 40 square meters. meters.

The organizational and legal form for the veterinary pharmacy will become an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code - 52.31 - retail trade in pharmaceuticals. The taxation system is simplified. The object of taxation is the amount of income, reduced by the amount of expense 15%.

Responsibilities for the management of the veterinary pharmacy will be assigned to an individual entrepreneur, who will be directly subordinate to the sales staff (sales consultants) and hired outsourcing staff (accounting).

3.Description of goods

The main merchandise sold by the veterinary pharmacy will include veterinary drugs for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases in domestic animals, including dogs, cats, rodents, birds, aquarium fish and turtles, as well as livestock. The assortment of the veterinary pharmacy will be expanded to include vitamins, feed, accessories, and other related products for animal care. The price segment of the veterinary pharmacy is medium (see the full price list in Table 1.).

Table 1. List of goods



Cost, rub.

Veterinary drugs


Broad spectrum anthelmintics for cats/dogs/rodents. Drops, suspension, paste, gel, tablets.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

Preparations for the treatment of chronic hypoxia of organs and tissues in cats and dogs. Capsules.


Antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, wound healing drugs. Sprays, bottles, powders.


Vaccines against viruses and infections for cats/dogs/rabbits/etc.


Vitamin complexes, vitamin supplements for dogs/cats/reptiles.


Preparations for the treatment of liver diseases in cats/dogs. Suspension, paste, tablets

Eye drops

Eye drops for the treatment and prevention of ophthalmic diseases in cats/dogs/rabbits


Preparations for the treatment of gastroenteritis, gastritis, colitis, pacreatitis, vomiting, colitis, poisoning, dysepsia, cystitis, complex therapy of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, dermatitis, metabolic disorders, diseases of the reproductive system and breast, etc. . (for dogs, rodents, horses, cattle)


Preparations for the correction of immunodeficiency conditions, antiviral drugs for dogs / other pets / fur animals / poultry


Insectoacaricidal collars, preparations, aerosols, sprays for cats/dogs


Contraceptive hormonal preparations for dogs/cats. Drops, tablets

Creams, ointments, sprays

Skin ointments, oral sprays

False pregnancy treatment

Drugs for the treatment of false pregnancy in dogs


Preparations for the maintenance of kidney function and the treatment of chronic renal failure in cats/dogs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for dogs/cats/rodents/cattle/pigs/horses


Feed additives, drinks, pastes for the normalization of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs/cats/fur animals/rodents


Preparations for the treatment of bacterial infections for cats/dogs/livestock


Remedies for motion sickness and pathologies accompanied by vomiting for dogs / cats


Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for cats/dogs/livestock


Sedatives and sedatives for cats/dogs

Ear drops

Octodecosis ear drops for cats/dogs


Fungicide for dogs/cats/fur animals


Preparations for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the joints and spine for dogs / cats / rodents


Dog food

Food for dogs of all sizes and ages. 195 gr. - 20 kg.

Cat food

Food for cats (kittens, adults, senior cats) 195 gr. - 15 kg.

Ferret food

Ferret food

Rabbit food

Rabbit food

Food for rodents

Food for rodents

Bird food

Bird food

Fish food

Food for aquarium fish

Reptile food

Turtle food

Pet supplies

Accessories and ammunition

Roulettes, collars, overalls

Nail cutters, furminators, shampoos

Toys for cats and dogs

scratching posts

Scratching posts, scratching post houses

Bowls, feeders and drinkers

Bowls, feeders, drinkers, automatic feeders


Natural fillers


Carriers, carrier bags

Hygiene products

Ear cleaning lotions, shampoos. absorbent diapers, toothpaste

Bandages, protective collars, catheters, blankets, tablet dispenser, disinfectant concentrates, odor removers

The assortment of the veterinary pharmacy will be formed on the basis of a study of demand and feedback on drugs from pet owners and an analysis of competitors' offers.

Since the activity for the sale of veterinary drugs belongs to the pharmaceutical one, before opening a veterinary pharmacy, it will be necessary to obtain a license, the validity of which will be 5 years. Issues licenses federal Service for veterinary and phytosanitary supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor). To issue a license, you will need to obtain the conclusion of the SES (“Conclusion on maintaining pharmaceutical activities in the field of implementation medicines for animals"). A complete list of documents, as well as all requirements for a license applicant, are set out in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2011 No. 1081 “On licensing pharmaceutical activities”. The state duty for obtaining a license in 2016 will be 7,500 rubles.

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The key document of a veterinary pharmacy that regulates relations with the sale of medicinal products, including those intended for animals, is the Law on Medicinal Products. There are a number of requirements for medicines intended for the treatment of animals. They must have the inscription "For animals" (clause 5, article 16 of the Law on Medicines) and are subject to state registration federal agency executive power, whose competence includes the implementation of control and supervision in the field of circulation of medicines (paragraph 3, paragraph 1, article 19 of the Law on Medicines).

4.Sales and marketing

The pet business is rightfully considered an island of stability even in times of crisis. It is not customary for Russians to save on pets. According to Nielsen, in the eight months of 2015, the average price per kilogram of pet food increased by 9% compared to the same period in 2014, which did not prevent the category from growing over the same period by 4% in physical terms and 13% in monetary. Moreover, since the early 2000s, the number of pets in Russia has been gradually increasing, which creates a demand for feed and veterinary services. According to various estimates, in 2015 there are about 25-30 million cats, 20 million dogs and about 5 million birds, turtles, rodents and other animals in Russia. This means that for every third Russian, on average, there is one pet. According to the Russian Veterinary Association, the market capacity of veterinary drugs in Russia at the beginning of 2015 was about $630 million. The share of Russian drugs is about 35-37%. At the same time, the share of imports has been steadily increasing for 10 years until 2014 (from 25 to 65%).

Since veterinary pharmacies are often part of or located at veterinary clinics and centers, in order to increase sales, cooperation will be established and contacts will be established with nearby veterinary clinics and veterinary offices that do not have their own pharmacies at the stage of business planning. In addition, to attract buyers, it is planned to use some types of advertising, including outdoor advertising (illuminated sign above the entrance, printed advertising of a distributing nature, and other types).

5.Veterinary pharmacy production plan

The veterinary pharmacy will be located in a densely populated area of ​​the city with a population of more than 300 thousand people, on the first line of houses, which will provide the institution with good visibility. A veterinary clinic will be located in the immediate vicinity of the veterinary pharmacy, with which a cooperation agreement will be concluded. Working hours: Mon-Sat. – from 10:00 to 21:00., Sun. – from 10:00 to 19:00.

The premises for the veterinary pharmacy will be isolated and have a separate entrance. The total area of ​​the outlet will be 40 square meters. meters. The walls of the pharmacy will be painted in light colors. The cost of repairs will be 60 thousand rubles, 215 thousand rubles. will be required to equip the premises with the necessary equipment. In Table. 2 shows the main cost items for equipment.

Table 2 Equipment Costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Showcase glazed

Glass rack

Seller's workplace

split system

Refrigerator pharmaceutical

Cash register and cash drawer

Payment terminal bank cards

Worker clothing


215 000

To open a veterinary pharmacy, an individual entrepreneur will need a higher or secondary pharmaceutical or veterinary education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years. IP will need to hire sales staff - sales consultants (staffing and payroll - in Table. 3). Sales consultants will also need a veterinary education. When choosing personnel, preference will be given to specialists with experience as a veterinarian in a veterinary clinic or a veterinary pharmacy seller. Sales hours are subject to change. Doing accounting activities veterinary pharmacy is planned to be outsourced.

Table 3 staffing and payroll

IN fixed costs the main period of activity of the veterinary clinic will include payment wages sales consultants and deductions to Pension Fund(52 thousand rubles), rent (40 thousand rubles at the rate of 1 thousand rubles per sq. m.), payment for accounting (6 thousand rubles), security services (1 thousand rubles). The variable part will include the purchase of veterinary drugs, spending on advertising, payment utilities. Upon reaching the planned turnover of 320-330 thousand rubles. the net profit of the veterinary clinic will be more than 70 thousand rubles. It is planned to reach this mark for 3 months of work. With this amount of sales starting investments payback in 20 months.

6. Organizational plan

The preparatory period before the start of sales will be 90 days. It will include:

1. Selection of premises for a veterinary pharmacy and registration of a lease agreement.

2. Preparation and equipment of the premises.

3. Obtaining the conclusion of the SES and Rosselkhoznadzor.

4.Obtaining a license (term of issue - up to 45 days).

5.Conclusion of supply contracts and assortment formation.

6.Search and recruitment of personnel.

The management of the veterinary pharmacy will take over individual entrepreneur. He will be responsible for: registration and obtaining a license, obtaining certificates of conformity and hygienic conclusions, organization and control of work sales staff, planning the work schedule, negotiating related to the supply, orders and sale of veterinary products and pet products, keeping records of sales volumes, ensuring the proper condition of the premises for storing drugs. Sales consultants of the veterinary pharmacy, in turn, will be responsible for receiving and displaying goods, the sales process, providing advice to customers, and maintaining cleanliness in the sales area.

7. Financial plan

Investments in opening a veterinary pharmacy will amount to 1,225,000 rubles. Investment cost items are presented in Table. 4

Table 4. Investment costs

The financial indicators of the project in terms of revenue, costs and net profit, calculated for a five-year period, are given in Appendix 1. The conditions used in the calculations: achievement of the planned sales volume within 3 months of operation, payment of rent during 2 months of the preparatory period, annual growth in the level of sales due to an increase in the customer base.

8. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project

The calculations made in the business plan of the veterinary pharmacy allow us to talk about the effectiveness of the project. If the sales plan is followed, the veterinary pharmacy will pay off in 20 months.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and warranties

The peculiarity of this type of business is its relative closeness. A veterinary pharmacy is not a speculative type of business and requires the entrepreneur and staff to have special knowledge and experience, as well as to obtain a large number of documents. In this regard, the competition in this type of activity is not as high as among pet stores or veterinary offices and clinics. The location, positioning in the middle price segment, as well as the business model, which provides for a dual format of the establishment (veterinary pharmacy + pet store), should primarily affect risk reduction.

The main risks of opening a veterinary pharmacy are analyzed in Table. 6.

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Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

The severity of the consequences

Prevention measures

Increase in the term for opening a veterinary pharmacy and an increase in start-up costs

Using the services of a lawyer in obtaining a license and permits, creating a financial airbag

Penalties of inspection organizations

Availability of a license to conduct pharmaceutical activities, compliance with established norms and requirements for veterinary pharmacies, availability of necessary documentation

Unstable demand

Format veterinary pharmacy + pet store, discounts for regular customers, marketing promotion

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On the territory of Russia, the veterinary business is almost not developed. As well as special pharmacies for animals. According to official information in Russian Federation a third of the population keeps pets. And there are 4 times fewer institutions for caring for them than pet stores. That is why opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch in Russia seems like a profitable investment. However, in order to open, and so that it does not burn out at the very beginning, you need to know all the nuances and subtleties. And also, what income such an enterprise will bring you. You will learn about all this in this article.

This type of business is regulated by various federal laws associated with medicinal products. So, the design of such a case must be approached with understanding and caution.

Following the legal requirements for opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch, you will need a list of such documents as:

  • An agreement to regularly sanitize the pharmacy, which means disinfection, disinfestation, and so on.
  • Arrangement for the disposal of medicines.
  • Certificates confirming the fulfillment of legal requirements.
  • Permission to open a pharmacy from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Location permission. The fact is that the pharmacy must be located in a room that meets regulatory requirements.

All these certificates, permits and contracts are required to open your own pharmacy. If you do not have something from this list, then your business will proceed illegally and after the first check it will be closed.

The presentation of all documents must be approached with delicacy - they must all be in proper condition and correspond to the actual state of affairs. If you do not take this into account, then when you open a veterinary pharmacy, you will not avoid a wide variety of problems. The organization of a pharmacy for animals requires a careful approach.

It is also worth remembering that you will need to register an individual entrepreneurship and choose. Unlike paperwork, this does not take much time.

To open a pharmacy for animals, its owner must have a proper education and work experience as a veterinarian for more than four years. However, if it does not comply with the professional requirements, it is possible to conclude labor contract with a specialist with the required qualifications.

By law, a veterinary pharmacy must be divided into several sections:

  • Shopping room. The place where the sale of medicines will take place.
  • Warehouse. A place equipped for storage.
  • Household rooms. Director's office, a room for employees, a bathroom and more.

Such a division into several premises determines the purchase of premises with an area of ​​​​more than 40 square meters. meters. If you want to open not just a veterinary pharmacy, but a pharmacy for animals that will also produce a variety of drugs to order, then the minimum area will increase to 54 square meters. meters, and a production room will also be added to the list of necessary premises. However, more often than not, opening similar business focused on the sale of finished products, and not on production. It's much cheaper and easier. If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy and produce medicines, then the paperwork process will become much more complicated and you will need to significantly increase your starting capital.

How much will it cost you to open your own veterinary pharmacy? Before deciding to open a veterinary pharmacy from scratch, you must first work out and. First you need to decide on the initial capital.

Opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch will include the following costs:

  • Accompanying a lawyer - $ 2,500.
  • Rent or purchase of premises - 20,000-30,000 rubles.
  • Refurbishment of the premises - 2.500 dollars.
  • Purchase necessary equipment- up to 8.400 dollars.
  • Purchase of medicines for opening - 10,000 dollars.

Adding up all the expenses, we get a rather rather big amount from 26,000 to 75,000 dollars. Often used equipment is purchased to cut costs.

Before using such devices, you must carefully check it for serviceability. It is also not worth saving on a lawyer, because without him you may have difficulties with registration of a veterinary business.

You should also keep in mind the running costs:

  • Employees' salary.
  • Taxes.
  • Payment for disinfestation and disinfection.

Each month, the pharmacy will need to spend 2,000 dollars to maintain.


Depends on many factors. First of all, this is the location, staff, product range and so on. The veterinary pharmacy brings in $400 a day. If you calculate everything, then opening a veterinary pharmacy from scratch will pay for itself in one to two years. But all these calculations are approximate. To calculate everything more accurately, you need to draw up a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

The first veterinary pharmacy was opened in Moscow in the first half of the 18th century and equipped at the discretion of the owner. The pharmacy served stud farms. Since then, the popularity of this business has increased significantly, and now in Russia there are more than 900 veterinary pharmacies offering medicines, feed, vitamins. all kinds pets. State requirements for these organizations have become much tougher.

So, if you plan to open a veterinary pharmacy as an individual entrepreneur, then you must certainly have a higher or secondary pharmaceutical or veterinary education and 3 years of experience. A specialist certificate is also required. If you are going to open several pharmacies, then similar requirements apply to your employees. No required education? It doesn't matter - sign an employment contract with the right person.

Regarding the certificate of a specialist, you can contact the Union of Zoobusiness Enterprises. This organization has the right to issue a certificate to you and your employees after applying by mail or fax and providing an application, a copy of the first page of the passport, a copy of the diploma and details. The procedure is simple: they send you an invoice and a list of questions designed to test your competence. You pay the bill, send answers and receive a certificate.

The premises in which it is planned to open a veterinary pharmacy must be isolated and have a separate entrance. If you open a pharmacy, then you just need to separate its territory.

The choice of location in this business, of course, plays a huge role. For a veterinary pharmacy, you need to look for a densely populated area, an easily accessible place. Preferably no competitors. Pet stores can be considered as such, because the range of goods partially overlaps. It's great if the pharmacy is among grocery stores where people go every day. Remember that having to walk an extra two hundred meters is often a reason for the buyer not to walk at all.

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Ads for the sale of a working pharmacy can be found quite rarely. The price, of course, depends on the city, profitability, as well as the quality and quantity of equipment. And you, in any case, will have to make some investments in repairs or in the purchase of missing equipment. In a small town, you may be offered to buy an existing business on a rented area and for 400 thousand rubles. A good pharmacy in a large city will cost several times more. Although good pharmacies usually do not sell. Therefore, before you get tempted, take a closer look at the product.

Veterinary pharmacies are divided into two types: finished products and having the right to manufacture goods.
Pharmacies selling finished products must have an area of ​​​​at least 30 square meters. meters and several rooms: a trading floor, a room for storing goods, a manager's office, a room for staff, a wardrobe, a room for storing cleaning equipment, a toilet.

For pharmacies of the second type, it is necessary to have a room of at least 46 sq. meters, consisting of the above rooms plus rooms for production (there must be conditions for washing and sterilizing dishes, for obtaining distilled water).

For premises pharmacy point and a pharmacy kiosk, an area of ​​​​15 square meters is enough. meters and 6 sq. meters, respectively.

Of course, for each room you need certain equipment. Particular attention should be paid to the premises for the storage and production of medicines.

As a rule, special equipment for veterinary pharmacies is not sold, therefore, in order to furnish the trading floor and related premises, you can safely turn to companies serving ordinary pharmacies.

In the pharmacy room it is necessary to maintain constant temperature and humidity, depending on the types of goods sold. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity are unacceptable, so rooms should be well ventilated, air conditioning is desirable.

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The price of one glazed showcase of the hall is about 10,000 rubles, shelving can be bought for 5,000, workplace seller from 5 to 10 thousand. One sink, toilet - 15 thousand. A large pharmaceutical refrigerator costs about 35 thousand. Small-sized - 15,000 rubles. Don't forget to equip a staff room. Sometimes on sites with ads you can find used pharmacy furniture. There are also sales of certain goods, if you have the time and energy to search. On average, furniture and equipment for a small pharmacy that does not manufacture medicines will cost 150 thousand rubles.

All equipment to be used must be properly documented and serviced in a timely manner.

It is also necessary to take care of special clothing for pharmacy workers.

Often times, a space needs at least some cosmetic work, so include that in your budget as well.
Don't forget to pay utility bills and rent, too, if you're not the owner. Since you will be renting in a busy area, the fees will be quite high.

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One more important pointoutdoor advertising. It is not necessary to make an expensive sign on the entire facade with flashy slogans. It is enough if your pharmacy is simply well visible. The sign should tell the buyer that here he will find what he is looking for, and he is looking for a cure for a sick pet.

If everything is prepared, you can contact the SES for a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion. The one you need is called "Conclusion on the conduct of pharmaceutical activities in the field of sale of medicinal products for animals." This procedure must be carried out by the SES free of charge, if you indicate that it is necessary to obtain a license. To prepare for the SES visit, make sure that your premises comply with the requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises" if you occupy part of a residential building. If your pharmacy occupies a separate building, then refer to the following documents: SanPiN 2.2.1 / 2.1.1 L278-03 "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of public and residential buildings", SanPiN "Hygienic requirements to the microclimate industrial premises", SanPiN " Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality centralized systems drinking water supply. Quality control”, SanPiN 2.2.4/ “Noise at workplaces, in the premises of residential and public buildings and in residential areas”.

When the conclusion of the SES is received, you can submit documents to the Rosselkhoznadzor and wait for the commission that will check your premises. You can get the first license for five years, then again you need to apply for licensing. The second license is perpetual.

To fill racks, showcases and refrigerators, we are looking for wholesale suppliers of goods. Be careful. Do not chase cheapness if you are not sure of the quality of the goods you are selling. Make sure that all drugs are legal in Russia, have certificates, that there is enough time before the expiration date and that there are no bad reviews about the company you are going to cooperate with. The cheapest way, of course, is to buy goods from manufacturers. If you open a business in the capital, then there will be no problems with this, and if your pharmacy is located in the provinces, then intermediaries cannot be avoided.

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When ordering medicines, study the demand. Read on the forums about pets, which means their owners prefer to use. Best Advertising are customer reviews. So after spending some time researching opinions potential clients, you will know in advance which funds will be asked most often.
Usually, the owners of a sick pet first go not to the clinic, but to the veterinary pharmacy, because here the specialist can make a diagnosis for free and immediately sell the medicine. If the person behind your counter correctly identifies the problem in most cases by symptoms, then the popularity of the pharmacy will quickly increase, so do not skimp on paying a good specialist if you are not one yourself.

Of course, if you open a new commercial enterprise, advertising will not interfere. Bad advertising, as they say, does not happen, but it is still better if your advertising is good. It all depends on your imagination and budget: will you order a commercial on local television or radio, will you advertise in the newspaper, will you hang a banner on a pet forum, or will you just start handing out flyers to passers-by.

The payback of a veterinary pharmacy can range from 13 months to two years. It all depends on factors such as initial investment, location and demand. In large cities, veterinary pharmacies usually serve the area in which they are located. In small towns, such pharmacies are rare, so residents of remote areas can also become customers. However, the main component of success is probably the love for animals and the ability to get along with people.

108 people are studying this business today.

For 30 days this business was interested in 21510 times.

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Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with economic calculations. The sample was prepared by specialists in business planning, the calculations were made in Excel format and can be adapted for any other calculation of the payback of a veterinary pharmacy wherever you prepare the document - a bank, a private investor, within a company.

If you have any questions, you can ask them right below in the comment field, in the VKontakte group, or by sending us an email.


Goal: opening a veterinary pharmacy in a small town

Tasks: providing veterinary drugs to pets of residents of a small regional city

Initiator of the project

The project was initiated by the owner of a network of pharmacies, who decided to expand the business in the city by expanding the services provided.

Investment costs

To open a veterinary pharmacy, 3,500 thousand rubles will be required. Such a high amount is due to the acquisition of the premises that will be used for the veterinary pharmacy in the property. The main areas of investment spending are as follows:

  • Acquisition of premises - 1,500 thousand rubles;
  • Repair, installation of communications and redevelopment of the premises - 1,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of goods - 800 thousand rubles.

Project financing

The project will be financed partly at the expense of the initiator, and partly at the expense of obtaining a bank loan. A loan is issued for the purchase of premises in the amount of 90% of its value. The loan rate is 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule, repayment period - 10 years.

As part of the business plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy, calculations were made that showed the following project efficiency:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

To build the calculation of the payback of the project, a calculation period of 10 years was taken, the inflation rate was 10% and the discount rate was 11%.

Suppliers and contractors

For the implementation of repair work, it is planned to attract a team of builders, which has already carried out similar works to open several outlets earlier. The team has proven itself with positive side, and also conducted the work in good faith, met the deadlines and offered the smallest amount the cost of work.

Chosen as a product supplier wholesale company- a supplier of veterinary drugs, with which the project initiator has already crossed paths several times on the sale of products in its own pharmacies.


The veterinary pharmacy will offer its customers the following range of animal products:

Today, this is the optimal set of products that should be in a veterinary pharmacy for its normal functioning.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time and increase quality. finished document 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

To calculate the business plan of the veterinary pharmacy to be opened, we take the amount of investment in the amount of 3,500 thousand rubles, which will be used to purchase the premises, repair it, and purchase equipment and goods. The table below shows the breakdown of investment costs:

Naming of expenditures Qty price sum
Acquisition of premises 1 1 500 000,00 1 500 000,00
Repair work
Premises renovation 400 000,00
Electrical work and lighting adjustment 200 000,00
Sewerage and water supply works 75 000,00
Heating works 75 000,00
Fire and security alarm installation 75 000,00
Video surveillance installation 75 000,00
External design of the outlet 100 000,00
Purchase of equipment
refrigerators 2 40 000,00 80 000,00
Showcases 8 5 000,00 40 000,00
cash box 1 20 000,00 20 000,00
Counter 1 10 000,00 10 000,00
Medicine storage cabinets 6 2 500,00 15 000,00
Air conditioner 1 15 000,00 15 000,00
office furniture 4 2 500,00 10 000,00
shelving 10 1 000,00 10 000,00
Purchase of goods
Purchase of goods 800 000,00
TOTAL 3 500 000,00

Investment payment and work plan

Below is a work plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy:

Below is the payment schedule for investment expenses (thousand rubles):

Name of works 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month
Acquisition of premises 500,00 1 000,00
Repair work 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00 200,00
Purchase of equipment 200,00
Purchase of goods 800,00
TOTAL 500,00 1 200,00 200,00 200,00 400,00 1 000,00

Production plan


The selected premises meet all the conditions for obtaining a license for veterinary activities. The room has several rooms, including for storing drugs.

The room contains:

  • Sales area - 20 sq.m.
  • Warehouse for storage of veterinary drugs - 5 sq.m.
  • Room for the store director - 5 sq.m.;
  • Staff room - 5 sq.m.

Working hours

In order to reach the largest audience, the working hours of the veterinary pharmacy will be from 8-00 to 20-00 without lunch and days off

Manufacturing process

Below we describe the entire process of goods receipt from the supplier to the final consumer:

  1. Based on the balance in the warehouse, the store manager makes an application to the supplier for drugs;
  2. The supplier brings drugs and transfers them to the warehouse, the store manager accepts the goods by quantity and nomenclature, enters information into the accounting system;
  3. When choosing a buyer, the seller punches the goods through cash register, receives money from the client and transfers the goods to him.
  4. At the end of the day, the proceeds are collected by the employees of the servicing bank.

Average markup

In connection with big amount nomenclature of a veterinary pharmacy, we did not calculate the average cost for each commodity group, and calculated the average markup for all types of goods, which amounted to 40%. Thus, at a production cost of 100 rubles, we will sell it at an average price of 140 rubles.

Marketing plan

Competition and location

Due to the small population of the town (150 thousand people), the city has several veterinary pharmacies, which are located in the central districts of the city. It is not very convenient for pet owners when they have to travel from remote areas to the center to purchase pet products.

The veterinary pharmacy to be opened is located in a residential area of ​​the city, where there are no other competitors. This allows you to get as customers residents of the area who cannot afford to go shopping in the city center.

Range of services and prices

As discussed in production plan The range of goods sold in the veterinary pharmacy will consist of the following product groups:

The average markup on products will be 40%. At the same time, the prices in the pharmacy will be slightly lower than the prices in similar pharmacies located in the center. Such pricing is possible due to the lower cost of premises in residential areas, which will save on costs. Also, such pricing will make it possible to divert some of the customers from the central pharmacies of the city to ours.

Volume of sales

It is planned that over time the pharmacy will reach the planned sales volume of 12 million rubles. in year. Without taking into account seasonality, the average amount of revenue per month will be 1 million rubles, per day - 30 thousand rubles.

With a markup of 40%, the cost of goods sold will amount to 8.57 million rubles.

However, it will take time for the veterinary pharmacy to reach this sales volume. The schedule for reaching the optimal sales volume is presented in the table below:

In addition, during the year, sales will fluctuate based on seasonality indices, which are presented in the table below:

Advertising strategy

In order to increase sales and achieve optimal sales in the near future, at the stage of pharmacy development, advertising campaign which will include the following steps:

  • Registration of a point of sale with a sign and a noticeable banner - the costs are taken into account in the investment budget;
  • Registration of an outlet with balloons in the first month of opening - 5,000 rubles.
  • Placement of advertising in elevators of nearby houses within 2 months after opening - 15,000 rubles per month;
  • Production and placement of an advertising pillar - 5,000 rubles;
  • Create groups in in social networks- 3,000 rubles;
  • Creation of a business card site - 3,000 rubles.

organizational plan

Business form

To open a veterinary pharmacy, the existing entity, which operates ordinary pharmacies owned by the project initiator.

The legal entity is registered in the form of a company with limited liability and works on a simplified system of taxation according to the system of income minus expenses.

Personnel and staff structure

The following staff will be recruited to work in the new pharmacy, which will have salaries and bonus rates as indicated in the table below:

Position Qty salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00 20% of profit
Sellers 2 15 000,00 3% of revenue
cleaning woman 1 10 000,00
handyman 1 12 000,00
TOTAL 5 57 000,00

Financial plan


To calculate the payback rates of the business plan, we built a model that proceeded from the following input parameters:

  • Macroeconomic factors:
    • Inflation - 10%;
    • Discount rate - 11%;
  • Tax environment:
    • Income tax - 15%;
    • personal income tax - 13%;
    • Contributions to social funds - 34.2%;
    • VAT - 0%.

Project financing

To implement the project, the initiator plans to obtain a mortgage loan for the purchase of premises for a veterinary pharmacy. The loan is issued for 10 years at 13% per annum with an annuity repayment schedule. The loan will be provided in the amount of 90% of the cost of the premises.

Project payback indicators

Based on the above data on income, expenses (investment and current), a calculation was made of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy, which showed the following project performance indicators:

  • Simple payback period - 3.58 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 4.17 years;
  • NPV - 4,559 thousand rubles;

The payback of the project is quite large, but it is due to the acquisition of premises, which, in principle, could be rented. However, in order to reduce risks, the owner of the premises decided to purchase it.

Break even

As part of the calculation of the business plan, we calculated the break-even point for our veterinary pharmacy, it amounted to 500 thousand rubles. per month. Thus, with sales above this amount, our company will work in plus.

However, when calculating the break-even point, we did not take into account the repayment of principal and interest on the loan. If these amounts are taken into account, then the minimum sales volume will increase to 900 thousand rubles. per month.

Project Sustainability Analysis

In order to understand the influence of various factors on the payback period and profitability of the project, we studied the impact of prices, costs and the amount of investment on the NPV of the project. The table with the results is presented below:

Influencing factor -20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
Prices (surcharge) - 3 467 - 1 534 543 2 489 4 365
fixed costs 1 678 1 045 543 -12 - 547
Amount of investment 1 013 789 543 343 129

As we can see, prices and markups have the greatest impact on project profitability. So, with a price decrease of 10%, the project becomes unprofitable within 10 years.

Risk Analysis

For the purpose of risk analysis, social, economic, political and technological risks were considered. Below are the most critical for our activities:


Arrival of major players in the veterinary business to the city market. This is a fairly significant factor that can greatly affect the profitability of our veterinary pharmacy, however, firstly, today, none of the players expresses a desire to enter the market, and secondly, we have a fairly tangible advantage over such players - the premises under the pharmacy is owned and we can reduce prices quite low. Thirdly, these players usually enter the market in the central districts of the city, so our niche will be free for a long time.


Increasing taxes and non-tax payments by the state can also reduce the profitability of a business, but as we saw earlier from sustainability calculations, its impact is not so strong.


The decline in the standard of living of the population will not allow them to purchase veterinary drugs for their pets, which will have a very negative impact on both demand and product prices. But, the current economic situation shows that the standard of living of the population is quite high, and the constant advertising of animal feed and drugs both on television and on the Internet is constantly increasing the demand for these products.


We do not see any risks for these species.


This example of a business plan for a veterinary pharmacy with calculations showed good payback rates for the project, which indicates that this project will be of interest to both investors and the bank issuing the loan. And the existing risks indicate that this project is low-risk.

Useful information on how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is ideal for those who have a pharmaceutical education or a veterinary diploma.

♦ Capital investments – 500,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 10–12 months

Most people have or have had pets.

And where can I buy medicated food, anti-flea collars, drugs that destroy worms, and various medicines without worrying about their quality?

At the veterinary pharmacy.

Since the number of people who want to keep a pet is constantly increasing, owning a veterinary pharmacy can become a profitable business.

If you are looking for a profitable startup to launch, then find out all about how to open a veterinary pharmacy. This business is just perfect for those who have a secondary or higher pharmaceutical education, or a veterinary diploma.

Veterinary pharmacy as a business

Residents of our country saw the first veterinary pharmacy back in the distant XVIII century.

True, our ancestors were more worried not about cats or dogs living in their homes, but about horses, which occupied an important place in human life: they served as a way of transportation, entertainment, and worked hard together with their peasant owners.

But the main clients of the country's first veterinary pharmacy were the owners of stud farms.

Centuries have passed and the situation has changed.

Now there are about a thousand veterinary pharmacies in Russia, the main clients of which are owners of cats, dogs, ornamental birds and rodents.

To open a veterinary pharmacy, it is not necessary to be a resident of a large city (although the first pharmacy appeared in Moscow).

You may well open your wound up in a small locality and even in the countryside, you just have to reconsider the requirements for the assortment.

Instead of expensive cat food, offer feed supplements for piglets and poultry, instead of anti-flea collars, medicines for cattle, etc.

Why should you open a veterinary pharmacy?

Businessmen looking for a profitable startup need serious arguments why this particular business should be opened, and not some other.

Owning a veterinary pharmacy has many benefits:

  1. According to 2014 statistics, over 20% of Russians have some kind of living creature at home, which gradually becomes a family member, which means they receive appropriate care.
    That is, the number of customers of veterinary pharmacies is about 30 million people.
    And this data is only about people who keep “decorative” animals at home.
    The domestic livestock of rural residents does not appear in the statistics.
  2. This business can be opened by residents of any region: from a large metropolis to a small village.
  3. Even in times of crisis, people continue to take care of their pets and if you revise the product range (offer cheaper analogues of feed and medicines), you will not suffer losses.
  4. Even if you do not have a veterinary or pharmaceutical education and three years of experience in this field, you can conclude an employment contract with a person who has all this and perform only the functions of a manager.
  5. At the initial stage, this business does not require huge capital investments.
  6. A veterinary pharmacy is a fairly profitable business that can bring tens of thousands of rubles to its owner per month.

Disadvantages of Owning a Veterinary Pharmacy

Fun fact:
At the beginning of October of each year, when the Nobel Prize winners are named, a parody Ig Nobel Prize is presented in parallel for achievements that cannot be reproduced or there is no point in doing so. In 2009, among the laureates were veterinarians who proved that a cow with any nickname gives more milk than an unnamed one.

This type of business does not have many disadvantages, but you should be aware of the main ones in order to make an informed decision to launch a startup:

  1. High level of competition, especially in large cities.
  2. The need to sell products with a limited shelf life: medicines, special feed.
  3. Requirements for the presence of specialized education.
  4. The success of the business largely depends on the location of the veterinary pharmacy, and the more profitable the location, the higher the rental price.

2 types of veterinary pharmacy

You should know that there are two types of veterinary pharmacies:

  1. Those that can only sell the finished product.
  2. Those that can make drugs and animal feed, and then sell them.

If you don't have much start-up capital, are new to entrepreneurship and do not have research talents, then you should limit yourself to the first option.

To open such a pharmacy, you need a small room, you will go through the registration procedure according to a simplified scheme, and the inspection authorities will not bother you so often.

Calendar plan for opening a veterinary pharmacy

Launching this startup will not take too long if you can register your company in a short time and get a license for retail sale medicines.

It will not take you more than 2-3 months to find a room, renovate it, purchase equipment and hire staff.

Thus, to open a business, you need a maximum of six months.

Registration procedure and license acquisition
Premises and repair work in him
Purchase of equipment
Purchase of the first batch of goods

Advertising company for a veterinary pharmacy

If you locate your veterinary pharmacy in a high traffic area and set a reasonable pricing policy, then you can do without an advertising campaign.

Your business will generate good income anyway.

You can first insure your business:

  • having ordered a bright sign and advertising stickers on the windows;
  • handing out promotional flyers in a public place;
  • buying advertising space in a popular local newspaper;
  • ordering commercials on local radio and television;
  • placing your advertising banner at the veterinary forum;
  • creating a group in social networks.

Stages of opening a veterinary pharmacy

To work legally and not have problems with regulatory authorities, you should start with registering a business and obtaining a license.

Along the way, look for premises for your veterinary pharmacy so that when you apply for a license, you can indicate the address of your establishment.

And then you can start buying equipment, finding suppliers, hiring staff, etc.

Registration and license

You can register as an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes according to a simplified scheme.

This is the easiest part of the registration procedure, because ahead of you is obtaining a license that allows retail veterinary drugs.

You should start by obtaining a certificate from the Union of Zoobusiness Enterprises.

To obtain such a certificate, you need to write an application, pass the test and pay the specified amount.

If you do not have a special education, then you will not be able to obtain such a certificate with all your desire.

You will have to hire a manager and sellers who have the appropriate qualifications.

In addition to the license, you will have to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor and conclude a number of contracts:

  • on disinfection and disinsection;
  • on the destruction of medical waste;
  • on indoor ventilation.

In general, the registration procedure for a veterinary pharmacy is not too simple, so it is better to entrust it to a qualified lawyer.

Premises for a veterinary pharmacy

If you plan to open a veterinary pharmacy that will only sell products, an office of 30 sq. m.

Apart from trading floor your veterinary pharmacy should have: a service room for staff and a bathroom.

If the area allows, you can also equip a warehouse, a manager's office and a closet for storing work equipment.

If you want to open a veterinary pharmacy that will not only sell finished drugs, but also produce them yourself, then you will need a larger room: at least 46 sq. meters.

Most pharmacies work according to the first principle, so they are content with modest premises of 30–35 sq.m.

The design of the room should be as simple as possible (light walls and ceilings), but you will have to spend money on the purchase of equipment for storing and placing goods.

Veterinary Pharmacy Equipment

To present your product to customers and facilitate the work of staff, you need to purchase the following equipment:

Item of expensesQtyCost (in rubles)Amount (in rubles)
Total: 200 000 rub.
Glazed showcases
2 15 000 30 000
3 5 000 15 000
Furniture for the workplace of the seller (stand, chair) 20 000
Cash register
1 10 000 10 000
Refrigerator for medicines
1 25 000 25 000
A laptop
1 20 000 20 000
Telephone set
1 1 000 1 000
Air conditioner
1 15 000 15 000
office furniture
30 000
Other 34 000

Products of a veterinary pharmacy

To increase your profits, you should sell not only medicines, but also:
  • stern;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • anti-flea collars;
  • toys for animals;
  • clothing and accessories;
  • dishes;
  • houses, cages, carriers and more.

Work with suppliers who sell certified products, especially for pharmaceuticals.

You can find good suppliers, for example, via the Internet.

Veterinary pharmacy staff

It is more profitable for business if the veterinary pharmacy is open seven days a week, because pets can get sick any day.

Their owners will need medicine and they will come to you.

Therefore, you will need 2 salespeople who will work, for example, 2/2 days from 8.00-20.00

How much does it cost to open a veterinary pharmacy?

At the initial stage, to open a veterinary pharmacy, you need to spend at least 500,000 rubles on:

You can reduce your capital investment by finding a space that is not too expensive to rent, or by purchasing used veterinary pharmacy equipment.

Get ready for monthly expenses in the amount of about 150,000 rubles:

For inspiration to implement this type of business

how to arrange and equip a veterinary pharmacy:

How much can a veterinary pharmacy owner earn?

The profitability of your veterinary pharmacy depends on how much product you sell daily and how much you mark up on it. In order for the business to be profitable, the markup on goods must be at least 50-100%.

Let's say you bought a batch of goods for 100,000 rubles.

The markup for each unit was 100%. You managed to sell this product in one month.

Thus, you have earned 200,000 rubles. 130,000 rubles of this amount will go to rent, staff salaries, taxes and the next purchase, and 70,000 will be your net profit.

Based on such an amount of net profit that you will receive every month, we see that a capital investment of 500,000 rubles can be returned in 8 months.

Naturally, you will not be able to receive such profit during the first months of operation of your veterinary pharmacy.

At best, you will go to zero, at worst, you will work at a loss.

Therefore, we determine the average payback period for a veterinary pharmacy - 10-12 months.

Agree, these are quite good indicators, which are enough for you to decide open a veterinary pharmacy, if you have a special education and have the necessary amount for the initial investment.

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