B1.C.2.1 Business and scientific communications. The seminar is a modern form of communication with the audience

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics" Faculty "International School of Business" Department of Philosophy in English) Qualification (degree) of the graduate: Master Moscow 2012 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of the discipline is to ensure that students master the basics of knowledge in the field of business and scientific communications. The tasks of the discipline involve: - mastering information about the essence of business and scientific communications, their basic concepts, norms and principles; mastery of knowledge about practical implementation norms and values business communication in business relations; acquisition of the ability to navigate in business situations that arise in the course of business communication; mastering the norms of moral relations between colleagues, between employees and clients in the process of business communication; formation of the concept of ethical service behavior and actions; mastering the requirements of business etiquette in relation to different situations in business communication; mastering knowledge about the specifics of scientific communications and the principles of their implementation in educational and pedagogical activities. 2. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline As a result of mastering the discipline, students must have the following competencies: a) general cultural (OK) (OK-1) - the ability to improve and develop their intellectual and general cultural level; (OK-4) - the ability to make organizational and managerial decisions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them, including in non-standard situations; (OK-6) - to master the skills of public and scientific speech. B) professional (PC): (PC-4) - the ability to present the results of the study to the scientific community in the form of an article or report. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must: know: - the basic principles and norms of business communication (OK-4) (OK-6) - the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team (OK-1) (OK-4) - basic forms of business communication, norms of business conversation, norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment (OK-1) (OK-6) (PC-4) - rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment (OK- 1) (OK-4) (OK-6) (PC-4) be able to: - put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication (OK4) (PC-4) - implement knowledge about the basic forms of business communication, business conversation (OK-4) (OK-6) (PC-4) - build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette (OK-1) (OK-4) (OK-6) - analyze relations with colleagues, superiors, subordinates, clients, 1) (OK-4) (OK- to possess: - the skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication (OK-1) - the skills of implementing knowledge about basic forms of business communication, norms of business conversation, conversation in the educational and scientific environment (OK-1) (OK-6) (PC-4) - the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities (OK-1) (OK- 4) (PC-4) 3. The content of the discipline The subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". Topic 1. Subject The concept of "communication". Functions of business communications. disciplines Conceptual approaches to communications. Classical (L. Ward, “Business and G. Tard, F. Tennis, M. Weber) and non-classical concepts of scientific communications (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens). communications". Business and scientific communications as a problem of interdisciplinary research. Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. The concept of "scientific communication". Classical and innovative forms of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Scientific and technical information. Communicology as a science and practice. Topic 2. Ethics The need to comply with ethical standards in business, business and scientific communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical communications. mechanisms for organizing business and scientific communications. Universal norms and values ​​as the basis of communications in the modern world. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. Communications in the conditions of globalization. Ethics and etiquette. Professional etiquette and communication. Rules of business etiquette in the industrial and scientific environment. Topic 3. Personality in Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. business and Motives, values, attitudes in the process of communications. scientific Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. Features of communications in organizations and teams. Topic 4. Business and Dependence of communications on the type of organization. Scientific research groups. Scientific schools, scientific circles, communications in interdisciplinary scientific associations. The main directions of organizations. communications in industrial and scientific organizations. External and internal communications. Communication with power structures, with business structures, with the public. The influence of interpersonal relations on the nature of communications in the group. Group cohesion and its implementation in communications. Formal and informal structure of the team. Communication in corporate culture. Conflicts, their causes and ways of resolving in the process of communication. Department as a working group. Features of group communications in the system of science and education. Topic 5. Public Essence and components of public speaking. speech in Characteristics of public speech. Adaptation to the audience of business and scientific public speaking. Preparing for public speaking. communications Types of public speaking. Features of public speaking in a scientific environment. Reports, speeches at scientific conferences and congresses. Topic 6. Structure Types of business communications. Verbal and non-verbal business communication. Direct, mediated and indirect communication. communications. Written and oral communication. Formal and interpersonal communications. Forms of business communications. Classical forms of business communications: business conversation, business conversations, business discussions, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, business meetings. Innovative forms of business communications: presentations, " round tables”, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs. Information Systems communications in the modern world. Internet meetings, Internet conferences, their role in Topic 7. Virtual business communications. Information systems in modern communication. science. "Invisible colleges", "virtual collectives" and "virtual laboratories". Epistemological, sociological, psychological aspects virtual scientific communications. Computer hermeneutics and communications. The role of communications in the development of science. Communications and the formation of a scientific specialty. The value of websites, Internet forums in science. Digital Libraries in the system of virtual communications. 28 hours Classroom load 44 hours Independent work test Form of control Compiled by: Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Bezveselnaya ZV, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Ivleva M.I. Novikova E.Yu. Reviewers: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Panyukov A.I. K.A. Timiryazeva Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Yablochkina I.V., PRUE G.V. Plekhanov


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In this article we will tell you about this type of communication with the public, like a seminar. This is necessary so that everyone who reads the information understands why the seminars are held, how they are held and what is needed to conduct it. This type of interaction with the audience is very common in Lately. It is important to remember that in order to successfully conduct a seminar, everything matters: the place, the form of the conduction, and the preparedness of the presenter. Not everyone can do this event. And now let's talk about all the information in more detail.

What is a seminar: the meaning of the word

To begin with, let's clarify that the word "seminar" itself comes from the Latin term seminarium, which translates as "greenhouse", "nursery". Of course, our seminars have nothing to do with gardening. But, drawing conclusions even from the word itself, one can understand that a seminar is a kind of communication with people that implies the presence of an audience, that is, viewers, and the one who leads the seminar.

It is important to know that during the seminar there is a discussion of some topic, an exchange of views, but all this happens only in the theoretical field. In order to conduct a seminar competently and effectively, it is necessary to prepare for it carefully enough. The theme of the seminar is always known in advance, so not only the presenter, but also the participants can prepare for this event. Scientists have proved that seminary forms of classes were used in ancient Rome and Greece. Then in educational institutions various issues were discussed, there was communication between the teacher and the students. In Soviet times, seminars were used in higher educational institutions, where some disciplines required more thorough and in-depth study.

Types of seminars

So, we have already understood that the seminar is communication with the audience. What are the types of seminars in our time?

  • The business seminar is held in the company, and its purpose is to improve the professional level of employees.
  • A scientific seminar is held for the exchange of experience and communication of people working in the same research direction.
  • A training seminar is held for a detailed study of a topic.
  • A webinar, or an online seminar, is held remotely, it can have a different focus, both advisory and educational. The peculiarity is that it is not carried out personally, but with the help of programs such as Skype, ooVoo, TrueConf and others.

Business and scientific seminars

Speaking about scientific seminars, it should be noted that they are of a theoretical nature. During such a seminar, scientists make presentations that they have prepared in advance. Although the essence of the report is based on practical experience, at the seminar, participants only present the result of their observations and works, answer questions from colleagues and listen to criticism or praise.

A business seminar is something else. Unlike scientific seminars, such seminars are used not so much for the exchange of experience, but for training the personnel of a firm or company in new methods of work. Business seminars help to establish the right atmosphere in the company, improve the quality of work of employees, raise them professional level. Business Seminars are both closed and open.

  1. A closed seminar is held inside the company only for employees with a specific purpose.
  2. An open seminar is held for everyone, mainly for representatives of one profession.

In the face of aggressive competition, seminars greatly help company managers keep the skills and abilities of employees under control.

Training Seminars

A training seminar means an in-depth study by students of a particular topic. The first step is to prepare for the seminar. Students are given a topic in advance so that they can find as much information on it as possible in different sources. The teacher also conducts preparation, he draws up a plan for the seminar, divides the topic into subtopics, thinks over the methods and forms of communication with the audience. The purpose of this is to ensure that after the lesson, the students learn much more about the subject of discussion than they knew before.

The big advantage of this form of education is that at the seminar people learn tolerance, the ability to accept the opinions of other people, and not impose only their own vision of the problem. Also, seminars perfectly develop the culture of proper communication and the search ability of a person.

Seminar or training?

Some confuse the concept of a seminar and training. It is worth knowing that this is far from the same thing. What is the difference between a seminar and a training, and which one is better?

  • The seminar is a theoretical lesson. It may include many reports, examples, discussions, but all this is just a theory. This is the main disadvantage of such events. After the seminar, the participants know a lot, but they cannot put it into practice, since usually only theory is not enough. It also takes practice.
  • Training is practice. The word is derived from the English Training, which means "training" in translation. the main task training - to put into practice the acquired theoretical knowledge. The methods of work can be different: in groups, in pairs, on their own, etc. The leader in this case is not the main character, he only coordinates the actions of the participants.

Drawing a conclusion, we can say with confidence that seminars are a rather useful form of work with any team. The main thing is to choose the right form for conducting such a lesson and do not forget to supplement the theory with practical exercises.

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2 The work program of the discipline "Business and scientific communications" is compiled on the basis of: 1. Federal state educational standard higher education in the field of study "Economics", (master's level), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2015 registration number Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2013 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on educational programs of higher education bachelor's degree programs, specialist's programs, master's programs 2015 Business and scientific communications B1.V.DV.4.1 correspondence 2015 Business and scientific communications B1.V.DV.4.1

3 1 PLANNED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1.1 Planned learning outcomes in the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" - knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of activity that characterize the stages of the formation of competencies and ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the master's program in the direction of training "Economics", the focus of the program "Economics" businesses and organizations". OK-3 - readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential; GPC-1 - readiness for communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve problems professional activity; GPC-3 - the ability to make organizational and managerial decisions. 1.2 The ratio of the planned learning outcomes in the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" with the planned learning outcomes educational program"Economics", the focus of the program "Economics of Enterprises and Organizations": Planned learning outcomes (stages of competency formation) Knowledge of the basic principles and norms of business communication principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, business norms, communication norms, verbal communications in the scientific environment, the rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, the etiquette of the educational and scientific environment The ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication, the norms of business to build labor relations, taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, subordinates, clients Skill skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication Skills for implementing knowledge about communication, business norms, in the educational and scientific environment other skills obtained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve the relevant professional tasks. Competences OK-3; OPK-1; OPK-3. OK-3; OPK-1; OPK-3. OK-3; OPK-1; OPK-3. OK-3; OPK-1; OPK-3.

4 2 THE PLACE OF THE DISCIPLINE IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 2.1 The discipline "Business and scientific communications" is included in the list of elective disciplines. It consists in ensuring that students master the basics of knowledge in the field of business and scientific communications. 2.2 Necessary conditions for mastering the discipline are: OK-3; OPK-1; OPK The content of the discipline is a logical continuation of the content of the disciplines: Business foreign language, Educational practice in the discipline "Methods of teaching in high school", Economics socially labor relations and serves as the basis for the development of disciplines: Pedagogical, Research, Technological practice, Pre-diploma practice, Research work, State final certification. The table shows the previous and subsequent disciplines (program elements) aimed at the formation of competencies stated in the section "Planned learning outcomes": Name Previous disciplines / Subsequent disciplines / p / n competencies elements of the program elements of the program General cultural competencies 1 OK-3 Business foreign language Pedagogical Research Technological practice Undergraduate practice Research work State final certification General professional competences 2 GPC-1 Business foreign language Educational practice in the discipline "Methods of teaching in higher education" Foreign economic relations of firms and industry markets 3 GPC-3 Economics of social and labor relations - 3 SCOPE OF DISCIPLINE For full-time education, 2015. The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credits, 144 academic hours, the distribution by type of work and semester is presented in the table. Semester Labor intensity Z.E. / hour. Lectures, hour. contact work with the teacher Practic. lessons, hour Seminar. lessons, hour Laboratory. work, hour Independent work, hour. Form of intermediate attestation (ex. / credit with assessment / credit) 3 4 / credit in. including in an innovative form Total 4 / credit For distance learning, 2015. The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credits, 144 academic hours, the distribution by type of work and semester is presented in the table. Semester Labor intensity Z.E. / hour. Lectures, hour. Contact work with the teacher lessons, hour Seminar. lessons, hour Laboratory. work, hour Independent work, hour. Form of intermediate attestation (ex. / credit with assessment / credit) 2 4 / credit in. including in innovative form Total 4/ credit

5 4 STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE DISCIPLINE 4.1 The structure of the discipline "Business and scientific communications" consists of 2 topics: Topic 1. Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". Discipline "Business and scientific communications" Topic 2. Ethics of business and Topic 3. Personality in scientific communications. business and scientific communications. Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations. Topic 5. Public speaking in business and scientific communication Topic 6. Structure of business communications. Topic 7. Virtual communications. 4.2 Lesson content lecture type on the discipline "Business and scientific communications", structured by topics indicating the number of academic hours and types of classes allocated for them: Name of the topics of the discipline 1 Topic 1. Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications 4 Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations Summary topics Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". The concept of "communication". Functions of business communications. Conceptual approaches to communications. Classical (L. Ward, G. Tard, F. Tennis, M. Weber) and non-classical concepts of communications (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens). Business and scientific communications as a problem of interdisciplinary research. Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. The concept of "scientific communication". Classical and innovative forms of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Scientific and technical information. Communicology as a science and practice. The need to comply with ethical standards in business communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical mechanisms for organizing business and scientific communications. Universal norms and values ​​as the basis of communications in the modern world. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. Communications in the conditions of globalization. Ethics and etiquette. Professional etiquette and communication. Rules of business etiquette in the industrial and scientific environment. Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. Motives, values, attitudes in the process of communications. Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. Features of communications in organizations and teams. The dependence of communications on the type of organization. Research groups. Scientific schools, scientific circles, interdisciplinary scientific associations. The main directions of communications in industrial and scientific organizations. External and internal communications. Communication with power structures, with business structures, with the public. The influence of interpersonal relations on the nature of communications in the group. Group cohesion and its implementation in communications. Formal and informal structure of the team. Communication in corporate culture. Conflicts, their causes and ways of resolving in the process of communication. chair as working group. Features of group communications Number of hours full-time

6 Discipline topics 5 Topic 5. Public speaking in business and scientific communication 6 Topic 6. Structure of business communications. 7 Topic 7. Virtual communications Summary of topics in the system of science and education. Essence and components of public speaking. Characteristics of public speech. Adaptation to the public speaking audience. Preparing for public speaking. Types of public speaking. Features of public speaking in a scientific environment. Reports, speeches at scientific conferences and congresses. Number of hours full-time Types of business communications. Verbal and non-verbal communication. 2 Direct, mediated and indirect communication. Written and oral communication. Formal and interpersonal communications. Forms of business communications. Classical forms of business communications: business conversation, business conversations, business discussions, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, business meetings. Innovative forms of business communications: presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs. Information communication systems in the modern world. 2 Internet meetings, Internet conferences, their role in business communications. Information systems in modern science. "Invisible colleges", "virtual teams" and "virtual laboratories". Epistemological, sociological, psychological aspects of virtual scientific communications. Computer hermeneutics and communications. The role of communications in the development of science. Communications and the formation of a scientific specialty. The value of websites, Internet forums in science. Electronic libraries in the system of virtual communications. Total The content of practical classes in the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications", structured by topics indicating the number of academic hours and types of classes allotted to them: 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. and the name of practical classes / Type of innovative forms of classes. Subject of discipline "Business and scientific communications". The concept of "communication". Functions of business communications. Conceptual approaches to communications. Classical (L. Ward, G. Tard, F. Tennis, M. Weber) and non-classical concepts of communications (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens). Business and scientific communications as a problem of interdisciplinary research. Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. The concept of "scientific communication". Classical and innovative forms of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Scientific and technical information. Communicology as a science and practice. The need to comply with ethical standards in business communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical mechanisms for organizing business and scientific communications. Universal norms and values ​​as the basis of communications in the modern world. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. Communications in the conditions of globalization. Ethics and etiquette. Professional etiquette and communication. Rules of business etiquette in Type of current control Number of hours full-time Essay. tests 3 Essays, oral survey, tests, test 3

7 Name of discipline topics 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications 4 Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations 5 Topic 5. Public speaking in business and scientific communication 6 Topic 6. Structure of business communications. 8 Topic 7. Virtual communications and the name of practical classes / Type of innovative forms of classes. industrial and scientific environment. Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. Motives, values, attitudes in the process of communications. Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. Features of communications in organizations and teams. The dependence of communications on the type of organization. Research groups. Scientific schools, scientific circles, interdisciplinary scientific associations. The main directions of communications in industrial and scientific organizations. External and internal communications. Communication with power structures, with business structures, with the public. The influence of interpersonal relations on the nature of communications in the group. Group cohesion and its implementation in communications. Formal and informal structure of the team. Communication in corporate culture. Conflicts, their causes and ways of resolving in the process of communication. Department as a working group. Features of group communications in the system of science and education. Essence and components of public speaking. Characteristics of public speech. Adaptation to the public speaking audience. Preparing for public speaking. Types of public speaking. Features of public speaking in a scientific environment. Reports, speeches at scientific conferences and congresses. Types of business communications. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Direct, mediated and indirect communication. Written and oral communication. Formal and interpersonal communications. Forms of business communications. Classical forms of business communications: business conversation, business conversations, business discussions, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, business meetings. Innovative forms of business communications: presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs. Information communication systems in the modern world. Internet meetings, Internet conferences, their role in business communications. Information systems in Type of current control Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, control work Number of hours full-time

8 The name of the topics of the discipline and the name of practical classes / Type of innovative forms of classes. Type of current control Number of hours of full-time modern science. "Invisible colleges", "virtual teams" and "virtual laboratories". Epistemological, sociological, psychological aspects of virtual scientific communications. Computer hermeneutics and communications. The role of communications in the development of science. Communications and the formation of a scientific specialty. The value of websites, Internet forums in science. Electronic libraries in the system of virtual communications. Total The content of independent work of students in the discipline "Business and scientific communications", structured by topics indicating the number of academic hours allocated to them and types of independent work: scientific communications. Essays, abstracts 16 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. Essays, abstracts 16 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific Essays, abstracts 16 communications 4 Topic 4. Essays, abstracts 16 Business and scientific communications in organizations 5 Topic 5. Public speaking in business Essays, abstracts 16 and scientific communication 6 Topic 6 The structure of business communications. Essays, abstracts 16 7 Topic 7. Virtual communications Essays, abstracts 18 Total The content of lecture-type lessons in the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications", structured by topics indicating the number of academic hours allocated to them and types of classes: Name of topics of the discipline 1 Topic 1. Subject of discipline "Business and scientific communications". 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and Summary of topics Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". The concept of "communication". Functions of business communications. Conceptual approaches to communications. Classical (L. Ward, G. Tard, F. Tennis, M. Weber) and non-classical concepts of communications (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens). Business and scientific communications as a problem of interdisciplinary research. Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. The concept of "scientific communication". Classical and innovative forms of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Scientific and technical information. Communicology as a science and practice. The need to comply with ethical standards in business communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical mechanisms of the organization Number of hours part-time 1

9 The name of the topics of the discipline of scientific communications. 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications 4 Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations 5 Topic 5. Public speaking in business and scientific communication 6 Topic 6. Structure of business communications. 7 Topic 7. Virtual communications Summary of business and scientific communications topics. Universal norms and values ​​as the basis of communications in the modern world. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. Communications in the conditions of globalization. Ethics and etiquette. Professional etiquette and communication. Rules of business etiquette in the industrial and scientific environment. Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. Motives, values, attitudes in the process of communications. Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. Features of communications in organizations and teams. The dependence of communications on the type of organization. Research groups. Scientific schools, scientific circles, interdisciplinary scientific associations. The main directions of communications in industrial and scientific organizations. External and internal communications. Communication with power structures, with business structures, with the public. The influence of interpersonal relations on the nature of communications in the group. Group cohesion and its implementation in communications. Formal and informal structure of the team. Communication in corporate culture. Conflicts, their causes and ways of resolving in the process of communication. Department as a working group. Features of group communications in the system of science and education. Essence and components of public speaking. Characteristics of public speech. Adaptation to the public speaking audience. Preparing for public speaking. Types of public speaking. Features of public speaking in a scientific environment. Reports, speeches at scientific conferences and congresses. Number of hours in absentia Types of business communications. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Direct, mediated and indirect communication. Written and oral communication. Formal and interpersonal communications. Form 1 business communications. Classical forms of business communications: business conversation, business conversations, business discussions, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, business meetings. Innovative forms of business communications: presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs. Information communication systems in the modern world. Internet meetings, Internet conferences, their role in business communications. Information systems in modern science. "Invisible colleges", "virtual teams" and "virtual laboratories". Epistemological, sociological, psychological aspects of virtual scientific communications. Computer hermeneutics and communications. The role of communications in the development of science. Communications and the formation of a scientific specialty. The value of websites, Internet forums in science. Electronic libraries in the system of virtual communications. Total 4 1 1

10 4.3.1 The content of practical classes in the discipline "Business and scientific communications", structured by topics indicating the number of academic hours allocated to them and types of classes: Name of the topics of the discipline 1 Topic 1. Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications 4 Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations and the name of practical classes / Type of innovative forms of classes. Subject of discipline "Business and scientific communications". The concept of "communication". Functions of business communications. Conceptual approaches to communications. Classical (L. Ward, G. Tard, F. Tennis, M. Weber) and non-classical concepts of communications (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens). Business and scientific communications as a problem of interdisciplinary research. Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. The concept of "scientific communication". Classical and innovative forms of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Scientific and technical information. Communicology as a science and practice. The need to comply with ethical standards in business communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical mechanisms for organizing business and scientific communications. Universal norms and values ​​as the basis of communications in the modern world. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. Communications in the conditions of globalization. Ethics and etiquette. Professional etiquette and communication. Rules of business etiquette in the industrial and scientific environment. Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. Motives, values, attitudes in the process of communications. Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. Features of communications in organizations and teams. The dependence of communications on the type of organization. Research groups. Scientific schools, scientific circles, interdisciplinary scientific associations. The main directions of communications in industrial and scientific organizations. External and internal communications. Communication with power structures, with business structures, with the public. The influence of interpersonal relations on the nature of communications in the group. Group cohesion and its implementation in communications. Formal and informal structure of the team. Communications in Type of current control Number of hours Correspondence Essay. tests 2 Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test 1 1

11 Discipline topics 5 Topic 5. Public speaking in business and scientific communication 6 Topic 6. Structure of business communications. 8 Topic 7. Virtual communications and the name of practical classes / Type of innovative forms of classes. corporate culture. Conflicts, their causes and ways of resolving in the process of communication. Department as a working group. Features of group communications in the system of science and education. Essence and components of public speaking. Characteristics of public speech. Adaptation to the public speaking audience. Preparing for public speaking. Types of public speaking. Features of public speaking in a scientific environment. Reports, speeches at scientific conferences and congresses. Types of business communications. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Direct, mediated and indirect communication. Written and oral communication. Formal and interpersonal communications. Forms of business communications. Classical forms of business communications: business conversation, business conversations, business discussions, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, business meetings. Innovative forms of business communications: presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs. Information communication systems in the modern world. Internet meetings, Internet conferences, their role in business communications. Information systems in modern science. "Invisible colleges", "virtual teams" and "virtual laboratories". Epistemological, sociological, psychological aspects of virtual scientific communications. Computer hermeneutics and communications. The role of communications in the development of science. Communications and the formation of a scientific specialty. The value of websites, Internet forums in science. Electronic libraries in the system of virtual communications. Type of current control Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test Essay, oral survey, tests, test Number of hours correspondence Total Content of students' independent work in the discipline "Business and scientific communications", structured by topics indicating the number of academic hours allocated for them and types of independent work: Name of topics of the discipline Type of independent work Number of hours in absentia 1 Topic 1. Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". Essays, abstracts 18 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. Essays, abstracts 18 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific Essays, abstracts 18 communications 4 Topic 4. Essays, abstracts 18

12 Discipline topics Type of independent work Number of hours Business and scientific communications in organizations 5 Topic 5. Public speaking in business Essays, abstracts 18 and scientific communication 6 Topic 6. Structure of business communications. Essays, abstracts 19 correspondence 7 Topic 7. Virtual communications Essays, abstracts 19 Total Independent work students in the discipline "Business and scientific communications" are provided with: section of the discipline. Quantity in Name Type of independent library / educational and methodological materials of the work Link to EBS Topic 1. Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations Topic 5. Public speaking in business and scientific communication Topic 6. Structure of business communications. Topic 7. Virtual communications Kuznetsov, I.N. Business letter[Electronic resource]: study guide. Electron. Dan. M. : Dashkov i K, p. Access mode: books/element.php?pl 1_id=56197 Head. from the screen. Kuznetsov, I.N. Business communication [Electronic resource]: textbook. Electron. Dan. M. : Dashkov i K, Access mode: 528 p. books/element.php?pl 1_id=56196 Head. from the screen. Kozlova, N.P. Formation features business reputation modern company: Monograph [Electronic resource]: monograph. Electron. Dan. M. : Dashkov i K, p. Access mode: books/element.php?pl 1_id=70557 Head. from the screen.

13 6. FUND OF EVALUATION TOOLS FOR INTERIM CERTIFICATION OF THE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Competence number/index OK-3 GPC List of competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the process of mastering the main professional educational program parts) readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential readiness for communication in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve problems of professional activity by stage I Know the basic principles and norms of business communication principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team forms of business communication, norms of business, norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment basic principles and norms of business communication principles of mutual relations in the work team, in the educational and scientific team, the main forms Code of the indicator of development Z1 Z2 Stage II principles and norms of business communication to build labor relations with Mastering indicator code U1 U2 stage III Skill and (or) experience of activity skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication -scientific environment with the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication skills of implementing knowledge about the main forms of business communication, Mastering indicator code H1 H2

14 Competence number / index of GPC-3 Content of competence (or parts thereof) of the ability to make organizational and managerial decisions Stage I To know business communication, business norms, communication norms, verbal communications in a scientific environment scientific environment basic principles and norms of business communication principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, business norms, communication norms, verbal communications in the scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment As a result of studying the academic discipline, students should: Mastering indicator code З3 Stage II Be able to take into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication, build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, Mastering indicator code U3 I Stage II Skill and (or) experience in the norms of business, in the educational and scientific environment the main skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities updating knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication skills for implementing knowledge about the main forms of business communication, business norms, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills obtained during the study Mastering indicator code H3

15 Competence number / index Content of competence (or parts thereof) Stage I Know As a result of studying the academic discipline, students should: Mastering indicator code Stage II Be able to Mastering indicator code Stage III Skill and (or) experience in the discipline "Business and scientific communications" , to solve relevant professional tasks. Development indicator code

16 6.2 Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation, description of assessment scales Description of indicators and forms of assessment of competencies Competence code according to the Federal State Educational Standard Mastering indicators (Mastering indicator code) Oral survey Assessment form Current control Test Abstract Test work Colloquium-test Intermediate certification Security assessment of competence C OK-3 C N C GPC-1 C N C GPC-3 C N

17 Description of the scale and assessment criteria for conducting intermediate certification of students in the discipline in the form of a test Competences at various stages of their formation are evaluated on a 4-point scale: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". The result of training in the discipline Stage I To know the basic principles and norms of business communication, the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team, the main forms of business communication, the norms of business, the norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment, the rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment (GC-3) stage II Be able to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, (GC-3) stage III Possess the skills of practical skills NOT PASSED Criteria and indicators assessment of learning outcomes PASSED "unsatisfactory" "satisfactory" "good" "excellent" Fragmentary knowledge in the field Incomplete knowledge in the field - Formed, but Formed and areas of basic principles and basic principles and norms containing separate systematic knowledge in the norms of business communication business communication gaps, knowledge in the area - the area of ​​​​was new principles and principles of relationships in the principles of relationships in the basic principles and norms of the norms of business communication in a work team, in an educational and scientific work team, in educational and business communication principles of relationships in a team in a scientific team principles of relationships in a work team, in educational and basic forms of business working team, in an educational scientific research team of communication, norms of business communication, norms of a business team the main forms of business, norms of communication, norms of communication, the main forms of business communication, norms of business verbal communications in verbal communications in communication, norms of business, norms of communication, the scientific scientific environment environment, norms of communication, verbal communications in rules and features business rule and features of business verbal communications in etiquette in various business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of educational and scientific situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment Lack of knowledge of the environment Fragmentary ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues , superiors, ;;/ Lack of skills Fragmentary application of skills skills of practical updating of knowledge about the main In general, successful, but not systematic ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, In general successful, but not systematic application by skills in a practical scientific environment of the rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment In general, successful, but containing some gaps, the ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, Generally successful, but accompanied by individual errors in the scientific environment, the rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment Successful and systematic ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, Successful and systematic application of skills by practical skills

18 updating knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication with the skills to implement knowledge about the basic forms of business communication, business norms, in the educational and scientific environment, the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and scientific communications”, to solve the relevant professional tasks. (OK-3) Stage I To know the basic principles and norms of business communication the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, the norms of business, the norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment the rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations , etiquette of the educational and scientific environment (OPK-1) Stage II To be able to apply on the principles and norms of business and scientific communication the skills of implementing knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills obtained in the study of the discipline "Business and scientific communications”, to solve the relevant professional Lack of skills of tasks ..; / Fragmentary knowledge in the field of basic principles and norms of business communication environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment Lack of knowledge Fragmentary ability to put into practice knowledge about updating knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication -pedagogical activity Use the practical skills obtained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. Incomplete knowledge in the field - the basic principles and norms of business communication; the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team; the main forms of business communication, business norms, communication norms, verbal communications in the scientific environment; rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations; in general, a successful, but not systematic, ability to apply skills skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication skills to implement knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills acquired in the study of the discipline " Business and Scientific Communications”, to solve relevant professional tasks. Formed, but containing separate gaps, knowledge in the field - the basic principles and norms of business communication; the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team; the main forms of business communication, the norms of business, the norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment; situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment In general, successful, but containing separate updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication, skills for implementing knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment, the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills acquired in the study of the discipline "Business and scientific communications", to solve relevant professional problems. Formed and systematic knowledge in the field of the basic principles and norms of business communication principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, norms of business, norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment Successful and systematic ability to apply in practice

19 practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, (OPK-1) Stage III Possess the skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication skills to implement knowledge about the basic forms of business communication, business norms, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. (OPK-1) Stage I Know the basic principles and basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues the skills of implementing knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment, the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and scientific communications" to solve relevant professional problems ..; / Lack of skills Fragmentary knowledge in the field of basic principles and put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, In general, successful, but not systematic application of the skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific society learning the skills to implement knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment, the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills obtained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. Incomplete knowledge in the field - basic principles and norms gaps the ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, In general, successful, but accompanied by individual errors, the application of skills skills of practical updating of knowledge about basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication skills for implementing knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and scientific communications" to solve relevant professional problems. Formed, containing but separate knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication, build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, Successful and systematic application of skills skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication environment with the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. Formed and systematic knowledge in

20 norms of business communication principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, norms of business, norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment (OPK-3) II stage To be able to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, (OPK-3) III stage To possess the skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication the main forms of business communication, the norms of business, in the educational and scientific norms of business communication, the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, the norms of business, the norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment, the rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette educational and scientific environment Lack of knowledge Fragmentary ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, the skills of implementing knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and business communication the principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, norms of business, norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment In general, successful, but not systematic, ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication, build labor relations, taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, In general, successful, but not a system practical application of the skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication skills of implementing knowledge about, in the educational and scientific environment the basic skills of business gaps, knowledge in the field - the basic principles and norms of business communication principles of relationships in the work team, in the educational and scientific team communication, norms of business, norms of communication, verbal communications in the scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of the educational and scientific environment In general, a successful, but containing some gaps, ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication build labor relations with taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, In general, successful, but accompanied by individual errors, the use of skills skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication principles and norms of business communication principles of relationships in a work team, in an educational and scientific team the main forms of business communication, norms of business, communication norms, verbal communications in a scientific environment rules and features of business etiquette in various business situations, etiquette of an educational and scientific environment Successful and systematic ability to put into practice knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business communication to build labor relations taking into account the norms of business etiquette by colleagues, superiors, Successful and systematic application of skills skills of practical updating of knowledge about the basic principles and norms of business and scientific communication

21 environment with the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. (GPC-3) scientific and pedagogical activity Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems ..; / Lack of etiquette skills in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained during the study discipline "Business and scientific communications", to solve the relevant professional tasks. scientific environment with the basic skills of business etiquette in economic and scientific and pedagogical activities Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems. etiquette in economic and scientific-pedagogical activity Use the practical skills gained in the study of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" to solve relevant professional problems.

22 6.3 Typical control tasks or other materials necessary to assess knowledge, skills and (or) experience of activity that characterize the stages of the formation of competencies in the process of mastering the main professional educational program in the form of testing, thus ensuring the consolidation of knowledge on theoretical material and the formation of the skill of practical construction of forecasts using various methods. Sample questions on the topics of the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications" for oral survey: Oral survey is one of the main ways of taking into account students' knowledge in the discipline "Business and Scientific Communications". A student's detailed answer should be a coherent, logically consistent message on a given topic, showing his ability to apply definitions. When evaluating a student's answer, one should be guided by the following criteria, taking into account: 1) the completeness and correctness of the answer; 2) the degree of awareness, understanding of what has been studied; 3) language design of the answer. As a result of an oral survey, the student's knowledge is evaluated on the following scale: 1 point, it is given if the student: 1) fully presents the studied material, gives the correct definite economic concepts ; 2) reveals an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also independently compiled; 3) presents the material consistently and correctly in terms of the norms of the literary language. 0 points, is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material. Name of discipline topics 1 Topic 1. Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". 2 Topic 2. Ethics of business and scientific communications. 3 Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications 4 Topic 4. Business and scientific communications in organizations Summary of topics Subject of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". The concept of "communication". Functions of business communications. Conceptual approaches to communications. Classical (L. Ward, G. Tard, F. Tennis, M. Weber) and non-classical concepts of communications (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann, P. Bourdieu, E. Giddens). Business and scientific communications as a problem of interdisciplinary research. Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. The concept of "scientific communication". Classical and innovative forms of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Scientific and technical information. Communicology as a science and practice. The need to comply with ethical standards in business communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical mechanisms for organizing business and scientific communications. Universal norms and values ​​as the basis of communications in the modern world. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. Communications in the conditions of globalization. Ethics and etiquette. Professional etiquette and communication. Rules of business etiquette in the industrial and scientific environment. Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. Motives, values, attitudes in the process of communications. Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. Features of communications in organizations and teams. The dependence of communications on the type of organization. Research groups. Scientific schools, scientific circles, interdisciplinary scientific associations. The main directions of communications in industrial and scientific organizations. External and internal communications. Communication with power structures, with business structures, with the public. The influence of interpersonal relations on the nature of communications in the group. Group cohesion and its implementation in communications.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian University of Economics named after


SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1 Sheet of registration of changes Information on the changes made to the minutes of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of introduction of changes into effect 1.2. External

2 3 Additions and changes made to work program"Business and scientific communications", the name of the discipline was approved at a meeting of the department " Technological machines and equipment”, protocol dated 201

1. Aims and objectives of the discipline The work program for the discipline "Ethics of business communication" was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education, the competence-based approach implemented in the higher education system.

15 2 SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes p / p Information about the changes made to the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of the introduction of changes into effect 3 1.2.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education " Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation"


1 2 CONTENTS 1 List of competencies indicating the stages of their formation in the process of mastering the educational program 2 Description of indicators and criteria for assessing competencies at various stages of their formation,

1 2 SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes p / p Information about the changes made to the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of the introduction of changes into effect 3 1.2.

2 1. general information about discipline 1.1. Name of discipline: Psychology of business communication 1.2. Labor intensity of the discipline - 144 hours (4 TU), of which according to the curriculum of full-time education: lectures 18 hours of laboratory

MINISTEPCTBO OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Moscow State Construction


Direction of training 38.03.02 (080200) Management Profile "Management of the organization" RPD B3.B.6 Appendix L.RPD B3.B.6 Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher

SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 2 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes p / p Information about the changes made to the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of the introduction of changes into effect 3 1.2.

1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Name of discipline: Business ethics 1.2. The complexity of the discipline: - 72 hours (2 ZET) of which full-time education: lectures 18 hours. practical classes 16 hours. control


Area of ​​study 38.03.0 (08000) Management Profile « Financial management» Form of education: part-time RPD B3.B.6 Appendix L.RPD B3.B.6 Branch of the federal state budgetary educational

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline "Socio-psychological training": Discipline "Social-psychological training is a discipline of choice in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training 38.03.02

Fund of assessment tools for certification of students in the discipline (module): Rhetoric General information 1. Department of the Russian language Directions 42.03.02 Journalism, 2. Direction of preparation profile

1 2 1. Aims and objectives of the discipline

1 SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 2 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes p / p Information about the changes made to the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of the introduction of changes into effect 3 1.2.

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline The discipline "Organizational behavior" aims to form a system of knowledge about the behavior of the individual in the organization, motivation and performance of the organization, group behavior

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "BAIKAL STATE UNIVERSITY"

Direction of training 38.03.02 (080200) Management Profile "Management of the organization" RPD B3.V.OD.5 Appendix L.RPD B3.V.OD.5 Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution

Academic discipline "Philosophy and methodology of social sciences" The total complexity of the program is 4 credit units (144 hours) This is a mandatory discipline of the basic part of the OOP Discipline "Philosophy and

2 SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL s / p Information on changes 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes in the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of introduction of changes into effect 3 1.2.

The work program of the discipline Centralized production of vegetable semi-finished products is compiled on the basis of: 1. Federal Law 73-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". Federal state educational

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Kemerovo State University" Novokuznetsk

Table of contents Table of contents... 2 1. General provisions... 3 2. Characteristics of the professional activity of a graduate of the Master's program "Management"... 5


SUMMARY OF THE WORK PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE ETHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SOCIAL WORK Direction of training (specialty) 39.03.02 Social work Profile: "Social work in the system social services" The form

П/п SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL Information on changes 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes in the minutes of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of the introduction of changes into effect 3 1.. External

2015 2 SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes p / p Information about the changes made to the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of the introduction of changes into effect 3

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL EDUCATION" Fund of evaluative means of discipline OGSE.04 Ethics and culture of business communication Specialty 38.02.07 Banking

1 2 1.1. Assessment and control of the formation of competencies is carried out with the help of ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification. Current progress control and intermediate certification

Bear social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made (OK-2); readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3). General professional competencies (GPC):


State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Dubna University" Faculty of Economics and Management Department of State and municipal government annotation

WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE: "SOCIOLOGY OF LAW" FOR FULL-TIME STUDENTS DIRECTION 030900.62 "JURISPRUDENCE" QUALIFICATION - BACHELOR 1. The purpose and objectives of the discipline The goals of mastering the discipline

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Ural State Forest Engineering University Institute of Economics and Management


Direction of training 38.03.02 (080200) Management Profile Form of study: part-time RPD B3.B.4 Appendix L.RPD B3.B.4 Branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher

COMPETENCE MAP COMPETENCE: OK-1 ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COMPETENCE

OK -1 ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis COMPETENCE TYPE: General cultural competence of a master's program graduate KNOW: theory and practice of philosophy, history, cultural studies BE ABLE TO:

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Agrarian University

Knowledge and skills in the philosophy of social sciences, the latest trends and directions of modern sociological theory, methodology and methods of social sciences in relation to the tasks of fundamental or applied

2 CONTENTS p. 1 The objectives of mastering the discipline 4 2 The list of planned learning outcomes for the discipline, 4 correlated with the planned results of mastering the main professional educational program

2 3 ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SECTION The purpose of the discipline is to master modern concepts of company management from the standpoint of socially oriented management and marketing, methods of analysis and evaluation

FGBOU VO NOVOSIBIRSK GAU 1 2 SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1. Sheet of registration of changes p / p Information about the changes made to the protocol of the meeting of the department Date of introduction Signature Date of introduction

Appendix 3 "Work programs of disciplines" to the educational program in the direction of training 43.04.02 Tourism (master's degree) Work program of the discipline "Computer technologies in science and education"

CONTENTS 1. The list of planned learning outcomes in the discipline, correlated with the planned results of mastering the educational program "Technologies of speech communication" ... a mistake! Bookmark not

1 The work program of the discipline " financial planning and Forecasting” was compiled on the basis of: 1. The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of study

B1.C.2.1 Business and scientific communications

Direction of training "Management" 38.04.02

Orientation (profile) of the program

"Strategic and corporate management"

Level of higher education Master's degree

Academic Master's Program

Minsk - 2015


The purpose of the discipline is to ensure that students master the basics of knowledge in the field of business and scientific communications. The tasks of the discipline involve the assimilation of information about the essence of business and scientific communications, their basic concepts, norms and principles; mastering knowledge about the practical implementation of the norms and values ​​of business communication in business relations; acquisition of the ability to navigate in business situations that arise in the course of business communication; mastering the norms of moral relations between colleagues, between employees and clients in the process of business communication; formation of the concept of ethical service behavior; mastering knowledge about the specifics of scientific communications and the principle of their implementation in educational and pedagogical activities.

The work program was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard in the direction 38.04.02 "Management"

Compiled by (s): Senior Lecturer Borodich S.A., Dept. Humanities

The work program was approved at the meeting of the department _____________________________

protocol No. _____ dated "_____" ________________201__

Head of Department __________________ / Full name degree, rank)


*Agreed _________________ ___________________________________________

MP (signature) (full name of the representative of the business community or government

governing bodies, position and place of work)

name of the discipline

(signature) (full name)

(signature) (full name)

Additions and changes made to the work program "______________________",

name of the discipline

approved at the meeting of the department _____________________________________________,

protocol No. ____ dated "____" ____________ 201 _

Head of Department ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Approved by the Faculty Council _______________________________________,

protocol No. ____ dated "____" __________ 201 _

Chairman ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Additions and changes made to the work program "______________________",

name of the discipline

approved at the meeting of the department _____________________________________________,

protocol No. ____ dated "____" ____________ 201 _

Head of Department ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Approved by the Faculty Council _______________________________________,

protocol No. ____ dated "____" __________ 201 _

Chairman ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Additions and changes made to the work program "______________________",

name of the discipline

approved at the meeting of the department _____________________________________________,

protocol No. ____ dated "____" ____________ 201 _

Head of Department ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)

Approved by the Faculty Council _______________________________________,

protocol No. ____ dated "____" __________ 201 _

Chairman ________________ ________________

(signature) (full name)


The purpose of the discipline.. 4

Tasks of the discipline.. 4

The place of discipline in the structure of the PEP HPE.. 4

Requirements for the results of mastering the content of the discipline.. 4

Forms of control. five

Ensuring the content of the discipline "Business and scientific communications". 111



Logistics support of discipline (sections). 15


Fund of evaluation funds for the current certification. 16

Fund of evaluation funds for boundary control. thirty

Fund of appraisal funds for intermediate certification.. 40

VI. Thematic plan of the discipline "Business and scientific communications » . 42


Attachment 1. 44

Methods of conducting scientific communication.

Be able to: put into practice knowledge about the main types of business and scientific


Possess: skills to implement knowledge about the main types of business and scientific

Forms of control

Current and boundary control is carried out by a lecturer and a teacher who conducts seminars, in accordance with the thematic plan.

Intermediate certification in 1 semester - offset.

The results of the current control and intermediate certification form a rating assessment of the student's work. The distribution of points in the formation of a rating assessment of a student's work is carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the rating system for assessing the progress and quality of students' knowledge in the federal state budget institution higher professional education "Plekhanov Russian University of Economics".

Distribution of points by certain types work in the process of mastering the discipline "Business and scientific communications" is carried out in accordance with Appendix 1.

Item No. Section Name Subject Content Formation of competencies Development results Educational technologies
1. Topic 1. Subject of discipline "Business and scientific communications". Subject of discipline "Business and scientific communications". The concept of "communication". Knowledge of the basic rules of communication and practical success. Types of communication barriers. The concept of "scientific communication". Specifics and types of scientific communication. Essence and functions of scientific communication. The concept of "scientific community". Characteristics of the scientific community. Historical types of scientific communities. OK-2 OPK-1 OPK-2 OPK-3 PK-8 PK-9 PK-11 know: - the essence of the concept of "communication"; - the main tasks of business and scientific communications - be able to: based on knowledge of the basic rules of communication, achieve the highest results of career growth - form a healthy, cohesive labor collective- possess: the skills of independent analysis of the basic concepts and concepts of this academic discipline Interactive lectures; teacher consultations; independent student work,
2. Topic 2Ethics of business and scientific communications The concept of ethics, morality, etiquette in business communication. Moral foundations of communications. Ethical mechanisms for organizing business and scientific communications. Ethnocultural norms of business and scientific communications. National models of communication, behavior and etiquette. Ethics of scientific communication. . OK-2 OK-3 OPK-1 OPK-2 PK-8 PK-9 to know: - that business and scientific communication is based on certain moral standards - ways to resolve the contradiction of business communication between the desire for maximum benefit and the preservation of moral character to be able to: - build business relations based on moral principles and norms - to comply with the principles of social justice in business relations - to possess: the ability to comply with ethical standards in business and scientific communication; - the ability to build business relationships, taking into account ethno-cultural norms - the skills of practical application of business etiquette Practical classes, consultations of teachers; independent work of students, analysis of business situations based on the case method.
3. Topic 3. Personality in business and scientific communications. Personal aspects of business and scientific communications. Motives of value, attitudes in the process of communications. Communicative personality. Typology of personality and its manifestations in communications. Archetypes in business and scientific communication. Interactive and perceptual aspects of communication. Reflection. Identification. Self-presentation of personality. Mechanisms of influence on others in communications. Psychological defense mechanisms. Personality and scientific community. Psychological features of personal communications in the professional and educational and scientific environment. OK-2 OK-3 OPK-1 OPK-2 PK-1 PK-8 PK-9 PK-11 know: - the basics of personal aspects of communications be able to: - organize your own behavior, taking into account the characteristics of the psychological qualities of other people - analyze the psychological aspects of negotiations, conflict and other situations - organize the behavior of subordinates, taking into account their psychological characteristics, own: the ability to determine psychological type personality in the process business relations- use the mechanisms of influence on others in order to increase the efficiency of the organization Lectures, practical classes, consultations of teachers; independent work of students analysis of business situations based on the case method.
4. Topic 4. Public speaking in business and scientific communication Essence and components of public speaking. Characteristics of public speech. Adaptation to the public speaking audience. Preparing for public speaking. Types of public speaking. Features of public speaking in a scientific environment. Reports, speeches at scientific conferences and congresses. OK-2 OPK-1 PK-1 PK-8 PK-9 PK-11 Know: - the specifics and principles of public speaking Be able to: - put into practice the knowledge of preparing and conducting a public speaking Possess: Skills for putting into practice knowledge about preparing and conducting a public speaking. Practical classes, consultations of teachers; independent work of students, group discussions.
5. Topic 5. The structure of business communications Types of business communications. Verbal and non-verbal communication. Direct, mediated and indirect communication. Written and oral communication. Formal and interpersonal communications. Forms of business communications. Classical forms of business communications: business conversation, business conversations, business discussions, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, business meetings. Innovative forms of business communications: presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions OK-2 OPK-1 OPK-2 OPK-3 PK-8 PK-9 PK-11 know: - types and forms of business communications - the feasibility of using specific forms of business communications in the process of business communication - ways to organize business meetings, meetings, discussions, conferences, negotiations be able to: - prepare and conduct business negotiations, evaluate agreements reached as a result of negotiations - organize and hold business meetings - organize and conduct business discussions - organize and hold conferences - conduct business conversations - possess: the skills of organizing and conducting business negotiations, the technique of negotiation, the ability to sum up the results of negotiations - the skills of organizing and holding meetings - the skills of organizing and holding conferences - skills organizing and conducting business conversations - the skills of organizing and conducting business discussions Interactive lectures; practical classes, consultations of teachers; independent work of students
6. Topic 6. Virtual communications Information communication systems in the modern world. The specifics of business communication in online communities. Internet meetings, Internet conferences, their role in business communications. Information systems in modern science. "Invisible Colleges", "Virtual Collectives" and "Virtual Labs". The value of websites, Internet forums in science. Electronic libraries in the system of virtual communications. OK-3 OPK-1 OPK-3 PK-8 PK-9 PK-11 Know: the essence of virtual communications in business relations and in the scientific environment - the essence of virtual information and its role in communications - the principles for implementing virtual communications Be able to: determine the basic principles of working with virtual information in business and scientific environments - determine the principles for building communication strategies in the virtual space Own : the skills of practical implementation of knowledge on the organization of virtual communications - the skills of virtual communications in the business and scientific environment Practical classes, consultations of teachers; independent work of students, discussion of essays prepared by students.

Ensuring the content of the discipline "Business and scientific communications"

Topic 1. Subject and tasks of the discipline "Business and scientific communications".

Literature: O-1,2,3; D– 1, 2, 3

Questions for self-examination.

  1. The concept of scientific discussion.
  1. Analyze the concept of "business and scientific communications".
  2. Expand the essence of the concept of "communication".
  3. Analyze the specifics of scientific communications.

4. Expand the concept of "Scientific community". Give examples of scientific communities.

  1. Describe the logical structure of scientific discussion.

Questions for self-examination.

1. The contradiction of moral consciousness in entrepreneurial activity.

2. Mechanisms of moral regulation of business communication.

3. Role business ethics in improving production efficiency.

4. Basic ethical values ​​of business relations in a civilized


5. The essence of business etiquette.

6. Ethics of scientific research.

8. Ethics of scientific discussion, controversy, scientific criticism.

Assignments for independent work.

1. Expand the essence and purpose of business ethics.

2. Prove the importance of such moral standards as honesty and commitment to

successful business.

3. Discover what are the universal ethical standards and principles of business and

scientific communications.

4. Explain what is the specifics of the functioning of ethics in business

5. Describe the moral problems of scientific communication.

Questions for self-examination.

1. Components of public speaking in business and scientific communication.

2. Adapting public speaking to the audience.

3. Differences in public speaking in business and scientific communication.

4. Types of public speaking in scientific communication.

5. Types of public speaking in business communication.

6. Specificity of speeches at scientific conferences and congresses.

7. Culture of speech of a business person.

Assignments for independent work.

1. Formulate the characteristics of public speech.

2. Determine what is the essence of public speaking.

3. Preparation for business public speaking.

4. Preparation for scientific public speaking.

5. Preparation of a scientific report.

Questions for self-examination.

1. Basic types of communication.

2. Forms of business communications.

3. What is indirect communication?

4. Stages of preparation and conduct of business negotiations.

5. Cases of expediency of holding a business discussion.

6. Purpose of the press conference.

7. Essence and purpose business conversation.

8. Specificity and purpose of business meetings.

Tasks for independent work

2. Describe the possible types of negotiation, the outcome of the negotiations; their assessment.

3. Describe the stages of preparing and holding a business meeting.

4. Describe the purpose of press conferences.

5. Swipe comparative analysis business conversation and business conversation.

Questions for self-examination.

1. Specificity of virtual communications.

2. Types of virtual communications.

3. The value of virtual communications in business relations.

5. The value of virtual communications in the scientific environment.

6. The role of Internet conferences in virtual communications.

7. Relationship between computer hermeneutics and communications.

Assignments for independent work.

1. Features of virtual communications in the scientific environment.

2. Features of virtual communications in a business environment.

3. The role of virtual communications in the student environment.

4. Advantages and limitations of Internet communications.

5. Specificity of business and scientific communications in the period of globalization.


In the process of mastering the discipline "Business and scientific communications" the following educational technologies are used:

1. Standard teaching methods:


· practical classes, where the main problems covered in lectures and formulated in homework are discussed;

· consultations of teachers;

· independent work of students, which includes the development of theoretical material, preparation for practical classes, the implementation of the above written and oral tasks, work with literature.

Teaching methods using interactive forms of learning:

· interactive lectures;

analysis of business situations based on the case method;

discussion of essays prepared by students;

group discussions.



1 Krivokora E.I. Business communications. - Moscow: INFRA-M. 2013. - EBS ZNANIUM

2 Timofeev M. I. Business communications. - Moscow: INFRA-M. 2011. EBS ZNANIUM

3 Sosnovskaya A.M. Business communication and negotiations. Tutorial. St. Petersburg: SZAGS Publishing House, 2011

Additional literature:

1. Sukharev O.S. Functional and internet marketing. - Moscow: INFRA-M. – 2013. - EBS ZNANIUM

2. Sharkov F.I. Communicology: communication consulting Dashkov and K 2011 EBS ZNANIUM

3. Melnikov A. A. State and business communications 2011 EBS ZNANIUM

4. Nesterenko K. Conditions for a manager to achieve success through managerial communication / K. Nesterenko // Economics of education. – 2012

5. Kapterev A . Virtualization of communications as an object of study / A. Kapterev // Distance and virtual learning. - 2011


Evaluation tools for the discipline were developed in accordance with the regulation “On the Fund of Evaluation Funds in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov.

Course work in the discipline "Business and scientific communications" is not provided.

Questions for offset

  1. The subject of the course "Business and scientific communications"
  2. Basic rules of business communication.
  3. The specifics of business communications.
  4. Basic and innovative forms of scientific communications.
  5. Specifics and types of scientific communications.
  6. The concept of scientific discussion.
  7. Scientific community, its characteristics and types.

8. The role of business ethics in improving production efficiency.

9. Basic ethical values ​​of business relations in a civilized


10. The essence of business etiquette.

11. Ethics of scientific research.

13. Ethics of scientific discussion, debate, scientific criticism.

14. Mental structure of personality.

15. Extroverts and introverts in business communication.

16. Self-serve in business relationships.

17. Interactive side of business communication.

18. Mechanisms of influence in the process of communication.

19. Socio-psychological stereotypes.

20. Barriers to career growth.

21. Criteria for checking your own business and scientific potential.

22. Components of public speaking in business and scientific communication.

23. Adapting public speaking to the audience.

24. Differences in public speaking in business and scientific communication.

25. Types of public speaking in scientific communication.

26. Types of public speaking in business communication.

27. Specificity of speeches at scientific conferences and congresses.

28. Culture of speech of a business person.

29. Basic types of communication.

30. Forms of business communications.

31. What is indirect communication?

32. Stages of preparation and conduct of business negotiations.

33. Cases of expediency of holding a business discussion.

34. Purpose of the press conference.

35. The essence and purpose of a business conversation.

36. Specificity and purpose of business meetings

37. Specificity of virtual communications.

38. Types of virtual communications.

39. The value of virtual communications in business relationships.

40. The value of virtual communications in the scientific environment.

Examples of tests for knowledge control

Test 1

1. The form of business communication is




2. Traditional means of scientific communication include

Documentary source of information


Summing up the conversation

3. The phases of business negotiations include

Greeting - argumentation

Reconciliation of the parties

4. A new form of scientific communication is

Web surfing


5. The purpose of business communications is:


Increasing production efficiency

Spiritual development of staff

6. Self-presentation is aimed at:

Creating an image

Manipulation of personal relationships

Influencing the manager and the team to achieve their own benefit

7. The purpose of scientific communications is:

Development of science and scientific knowledge

Communication of scientists

Acquaintance with the culture and customs of the countries where students are planned to study

8. In what aspect of the functioning of science do the communications of scientists fall:

Science as social institution

Science as objective knowledge

Science and education

9. The main goal of modern communications of scientists is:

Solving problems of common importance to humanity

Exchange of scientific experience

interpersonal communication scientists around the world

10. The ethics of criticism presupposes:

Evaluation of specific actions

Assessment of actions

Personal assessment

V I. Thematic plan of the discipline "Business and scientific communications »

No. p / p Name of sections and topics classroom hours Independent work (forms, hours) Interactive forms of learning Forms of current control
Lectures Workshops Laboratory works Total
1 semester
1. Subject of discipline "Business and scientific communications". P.K., Lit 0.5 I.l. Test 1
2. Ethics of business and scientific communications P.p., P.k., Lit 0.5 A.d.s., Analysis of business situations
3. Personality in business and scientific communications P.p., P.k., Lit. A.d.s. Analysis of business situations
4. Public performance in business and scientific communications P.p., P.k., Lit G.d. Participation in a group discussion
5. Structure of business communications P.p., P.k., Lit, V.k. I.l. Test
6. Virtual communications P.p., P.k., N.e., Lit O.e. Essay
Total for the discipline Total for the discipline: 72/2ZE

Abbreviations used in the Thematic plan for studying the discipline: Example:


Attachment 1

Formation scoring in the discipline "Business and scientific communications"

In accordance with the "Regulations on the rating system for assessing the progress and quality of students' knowledge in the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education" Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov" the distribution of points that form the rating assessment of the student's work is carried out as follows:


According to the approved working curriculum in the direction 38.04.02 "Management" master's program "Strategic and corporate management"The discipline provides for:

· 3 lectures and 6 practical lessons. For attending 1 lesson, the student gains 2.2 points.

Current frontier control

Calculation of points based on the results of current and midterm control:

The distribution of points is carried out by the decision of the methodological commission of the department and the result of the distribution of points for the corresponding types of work is presented in the form of the following table: