Years of service in a municipal institution. What is a seniority allowance in a budgetary institution

Percentage allowance for length of service and length of service is provided for by law for various categories workers and employees. These include teachers, health workers, civilian workers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel. Consider the procedure for calculating such an allowance for various categories of workers and employees.

The concept of seniority bonus

The allowance is understood as regular additional payments to the employee in excess of the established wages. Such remuneration is stipulated by the legislation for length of service and length of service.

The main purpose of the introduction of allowances is to stimulate the employee to professional development, reduce staff turnover. It is quite logical that the work of two specialists working in the same position, but having different length of service and professional experience, is not paid the same.

Upon reaching a certain length of service (service), the employee is entitled to an additional payment to the salary, but not to an increase in the salary itself. The legislation does not establish a clear amount of interest rates for such allowances for the civilian population. They are fixed in the local regulations of the enterprise and in the statutory documents. It does not matter whether the organization is state-owned or not owned by it.

The procedure for calculating the allowance

The size of the percentage premium for length of service directly depends on the length of service or service in one particular structure or in different ones. The amount of such an allowance is determined by multiplying official salary at a fixed percentage. In addition to the allowance, bonuses may be relied upon, regional coefficients, "northern" allowances, etc. may be applied. Read also the article: → "". Additional remuneration for length of service is necessarily subject to taxation in accordance with the established procedure (personal income tax).

Seniority bonus in commercial organizations

There are no provisions in the labor law requiring management to comply with such allowances. It's rather good will employer rather than a duty. The law cannot guarantee the receipt of an increase in salary after many years of work in a commercial enterprise.

In order to understand what specific allowances for wages the employer can count on, you should familiarize yourself with the contents:

  • labor agreement;
  • collective agreement;
  • bonus provisions;
  • other normative acts of the enterprise on labor.

The main document containing all bonuses, allowances and compensation due to an employee is a contract concluded during employment. Seniority allowance for employees commercial enterprises determined as a percentage of salary. If the employee was on a business trip, was ill in other cases when he retains his seniority, then the allowance is also paid during these periods.

The amount of the monthly remuneration is set by the employer at its discretion. Usually, minimum bid is 5%, and the maximum can reach 30%.

The rules for calculating the allowance for employees of commercial organizations:

The basis for calculating the amount of the seniority allowance is the official salary. No other allowances or bonuses are taken into account. The most common accepted frequency of payment of the seniority bonus is 1 month. But it is allowed when, at the initiative of the employer, such payments are made once a year. Even in this case, earnings are adjusted taking into account the time actually worked by the employee in the year.

The length of service to determine the percentage of such an allowance is calculated from the work book. The time of sick leave, vacations, business trips is not excluded from the total length of service.

Allowance for civil servants

Additional payments for the length of service of this category of workers are regulated by legislation, in accordance with which the following percentage of the allowance is established:

In addition to additional payments for length of service, a civil servant receives other allowances for the nature of the work and the position held. However, they are not mutually exclusive, and as a result total amount payments based on the results of work for the month may exceed the established salary several times.

Allowance for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Seniority payments to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are guaranteed by the state. As in previous cases, this allowance is determined as a percentage of the official salary. In addition to the additional payment for seniority, they are entitled to other allowances, for example, for special conditions of service.

Legislated next rates seniority allowances for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • official salary - 12,000 rubles;
  • salary by rank - 10,000 rubles;
  • length of service - 20 years 1 month.

Since the term of service of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in the range from 20 to 25 years, it means that he is entitled to a seniority bonus of 30%.

Surcharge amount:

(12000+10000)*30% = 6600 rubles;

Satisfaction amount:

6600+12000+10000 = 28600 rubles.

Salary supplement for military personnel

The legislation establishes the right of a serviceman to receive a seniority bonus, which is paid monthly and amounts to:

The procedure for calculating length of service is also established by regulatory documentation (special rules), which indicates the categories of military personnel, periods of service included in length of service, preferential terms of service and other conditions necessary for the correct determination of the length of service. The procedure for calculating such an allowance coincides with the procedure for calculating a similar payment to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The place of service and its nature may make some adjustments to the procedure for calculating the bonus for long service. For example, military pilots participating in the testing of aircraft and helicopters with parachuting and ejection should count two months when calculating their service life.

Allowance for public sector employees

All public sector employees, including teachers and healthcare workers, are entitled to additional payments for seniority and length of service. Such a right is guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the regulatory documents of ministries.

The length of service is determined by the work book, which is issued to the employee from the first day of his employment. Length of service includes a certain period of work in the public sector in the relevant positions.

Allowances for employees of public sector organizations depend on many factors. For example, only those employees of the education system who are listed in the List of positions are eligible for such additional payments. teaching staff. The amount of the seniority allowance also depends on the workload of an employee of the education system.

Bonuses for seniority for employees of the healthcare system are regulated by the regulations of the Ministry of Health. The list of employees entitled to receive such an allowance, the length of service taken into account when determining the length of service, the amount of the supplement is strictly established. For physicians and pharmacists, such an additional payment is made even if they are employed part-time. The basis for the calculation is the official salary with increases.

Additional pay for seniority is also due to employees of museums, theaters and libraries.

Answers to current questions about the calculation of interest surcharges

Question number 1. In accordance with the law, a mathematics teacher secondary school the village of Ivanovka is entitled to a seniority bonus. Is it necessary to issue some kind of administrative document?

Yes, in order to accrue and pay a bonus to any employee of the public sector, the accountant of the organization must have an administrative document. This may be an order (order) of the head of a budgetary institution. Since the amount of this payment depends entirely on the length of service, it would be advisable to entrust the preparation of the order to personnel service. In the order, it is necessary to indicate the salary of the employee, the amount of other allowances. Only on the basis of such a document can the accounting department of an organization accrue an additional payment to a teacher for length of service.

Question number 2. What document is the basis for the accrual of additional payment for the length of service?

For the civilian population, the main document that gives the right to receive such an allowance is a work book drawn up in accordance with established rules. For military personnel, such a document is a military ID.

Question number 3. Should seniority allowances be taken into account when determining average earnings to determine the amount of vacation pay?

Yes need. The average earnings include all amounts of payments made by the employer, regardless of their source. Thus, when calculating the average wage, one should take into account bonuses to salaries for skill, combination, work with secret data, for team leadership and for length of service.

Question number 4. The length of service in the military unit is 5 years 7 months. Is a serviceman entitled to a seniority allowance?

According to the legislation, a serviceman is entitled to receive a seniority bonus, which is determined as a percentage of the salary and depends on the length of service. With a term of military service of 5 years and 7 months, the amount of the allowance will be 15% (from 5 to 10 years).

Question number 5. In the local documentation of the organization that regulates labor and wages, the obligation to make additional payments to the employee for length of service is not fixed. Does this exempt the employer from such a need?

If the organization does not belong to the public sector, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a military unit, then the law does not define the direct obligation of the employer to make a monthly bonus to the employee for length of service. In this case, provided that the duty of additional payment is not prescribed in local regulations, the company is exempted from the need to pay a seniority bonus.

But if the organization belongs to the above areas, then the duty of bonuses for length of service is enshrined in the Decrees and Decrees of the Government, relevant ministries and departments, which are higher in status than local regulations business entity. In this case, the absence of a fixed obligation of the employer to make payments for seniority in the local documents of the enterprise is a violation and does not exempt from the obligation to make them.

Surcharges and allowances are monetary rewards that an employee receives according to the law every month in excess of wages. After working at the enterprise for a certain period, you have the right to count on an increase in the basic salary for the length of service. This type of promotion is used by the employer to encourage the employee to develop and reduce staff turnover. After all, it is logical that people occupying one position, but who have worked different time and those with different experience should have different remuneration. Of course, provided that they have approximately the same qualifications and labor productivity.

To whom and when incentives are due, it is written in Ch. 21 TC Russian Federation. If you are a member of a budgetary organization, then this is already defined and spelled out in the law. Things are a little more complicated for commercial firms.

The main documents establishing the payment

According to the above chapter of the Labor Code (Labor Code), the heads of non-budgetary organizations themselves decide to pay them additional amounts to the rate or not. That is, if you work in a commercial company, there is no guarantee that after serving a decent term, you will receive an addition to your salary.

Prizes and all possible monetary bonuses must be reflected in the local acts of the commercial organization. It’s right to pay attention when applying for a job whether there is a clause about financial reward for hours worked. All allowances and their amount must be prescribed in the contract with the employee.

According to article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, incentive payments are optional. But at its discretion, the employer indicates their presence and size. The wishes and recommendations of the workers' representative body are also taken into account. The main paper, on the basis of which all types of material incentives are based, for an employee private firm there will be an employment contract with the employer (a copy of this contract must be kept by the employee).

Documents reflecting the bonus system:

  • Employment contract with an employee
  • Collective agreement
  • Regulations on material or moral incentives in the organization (on bonuses)
  • Other local acts.

Pay attention to the obligation to indicate the amount and frequency of payment of rewards for work experience in the employment contract!

According to paragraph 5 of Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the entire amount of funds (including the amount of wages, bonuses and bonuses) is prescribed in the employment contract, or a link is given to a clause of a local act with the specified information. The procedure and conditions for accruing money should also be recorded in the employment contract.

Size and frequency

The amount of material incentives for the number of years worked is calculated as a percentage of the monthly salary. If the rate has been changed, then the amount of reward for loyalty to the enterprise also changes. The payment does not stop during holidays, business trips, and other cases when the mercenary retains his salary.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 14, 2012 No. 03-03-06 / 1/587, incentive payments (various kinds of additional payments, bonuses and other incentives) are included in the elements of the remuneration system in this institution.

It turns out that it is not profitable and even detrimental for a non-state firm to organize a system of bonuses for its employees. After all, their salary increases in this way, which means that the tax will also be increased. If your employer values ​​his mercenaries and wants to encourage them in order to avoid poaching qualified personnel by more generous companies, then he will organize bonus systems.

The amount is calculated by the accountant in accordance with the internal acts of the enterprise. In the annex to the collective agreement, a scale is being developed, on the basis of which a valuable employee receives a percentage of the salary for an uninterrupted period of service. Usually the amount is similar to the figures of state institutions: the minimum surcharge is 5% (if the employee has worked at the enterprise for 1 year), the maximum is about 30%.

Approximate percentage of reward for the length of service (set by the employer):

It should be borne in mind that the increase for the term of work is accrued only at the main place of work. If you combine some position in your own or another company, you are unlikely to be able to count on an additional payment for the length of service as a part-time worker.

Since in the Labor Code of Russia there are no mandatory incentive payments in commercial organizations, each firm has the right to regulate this type of incentive in its local act. The accountant calculates the life of the frame from the moment he signs the td (employment contract).

Procedure and rules of calculation

  • accrual and payment of increments for seniority is made monthly
  • It is calculated on the basis of the employee's official salary for the actual hours worked.
  • in case of temporary substitution, the increase is calculated based on the basic salary of the employee
  • if the worker has the right to increase the amount of incentives for the length of service during calendar year, the first payment is accrued for the period worked after the right to receive a percentage bonus
  • for employees who have the right to a bonus or its increase during the month, the total amount of the bonus is calculated separately for the respective periods. According to the same principle, the amount is calculated when the salary changes during the month.

The calculation of monetary incentives is made as a percentage of the basic salary (excluding other surcharges and allowances)

The seniority allowance is paid in the period set by the employer. Usually, it is a month. That is, you receive an additional payment to the basic salary. However, some enterprises find it more convenient to make payments as a bonus once a year. Commercial companies are fully entitled to this. But even in this case, the accrual of interest for the length of service should be made in proportion to the periods worked.

How seniority is calculated

The main document on the basis of which you can receive money for long service is a well-formed and completed work book. A note about the date of entry into office must be made immediately upon admission to the service. To receive interest payments, if the organization is commercial, you must work in a particular company for a certain period of time (indicated in the local act of the company). The employer will be obliged to take into account the time of paid vacation, sick leave and business trips as working time. Any periods for which you have been paid are considered your work experience.

Also, changing positions in the organization will not affect your work experience. If you were transferred to another department of the same enterprise, then the length of service for calculating the seniority bonus will be considered in total. The exception is if your salary changes during the month. In this case, it is not the service life that is recalculated, but the amount of the allowance according to the percentage of wages.

There are cases when employees are transferred to another company during the reorganization. That is, the owner remains the same, and the place of work does not change, but entity becomes different. In this case, it is better for the employee to agree in advance so that during the transfer there is no break in the length of service and the cancellation of the seniority bonus.

Another case is when an employee worked for one employer for a long time, and then left for another for a short time. Formally, he must again “deserve” the seniority bonus. But in some cases, when the employee is very valuable and qualified, you can contact the administration with a request to continue paying the allowance. If this is announced in advance and the enterprise is interested in the employee, practice shows that such a request is accepted positively. Do not be afraid and do not hesitate to negotiate all the nuances of payment, not only about the additional payment for seniority.

Many citizens who belong to the category of military personnel are interested in the same question - what kind of bonus are they entitled to for length of service?

What conditions must be met? Who is eligible to claim this allowance?

What experience is required to receive a cash supplement? How can you calculate its size?

For this reason, we will consider all these issues in more detail.

Legislative regulation of this issue

If we talk about the legislation of the Russian Federation, which regulates the issue of bonuses for seniority in all areas of activity, then there are many such laws.

If we talk directly about the military personnel themselves, then in this area basic legislation considered to be:

  1. The federal law, which was adopted in November 2011 “On the financial support of military personnel”, which provides for the possibility of receiving an additional monthly allowance for length of service;
  2. Federal Law No. 992, which clearly regulates the issue of the financial maintenance of each serviceman who performs military service under a contract.

It should be noted that there is also Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which clearly indicates the rules for calculating the allowance, as well as the conditions themselves, according to which the circle of military personnel applying for additional monthly financial assistance is determined.

Who and under what conditions are entitled to additional payments to monetary allowance

First of all, it is necessary to understand that interest payment is formed taking into account the following factors:

  • the number of full years that the soldier spent in military service. At the same time, not only service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but also in the army of the former Soviet Union is taken into account;
  • directly the time spent by a citizen in the service in law enforcement agencies, the fire service;
  • the time spent by a serviceman, or a person who may belong to the category of servicemen (employees of law enforcement agencies or firefighters), in the places of liquidation of an accident at a nuclear power plant;
  • period of military service in the Far North;
  • the time that was spent in medical institutions, due to injuries or the same.
  • the period of service in the army or stay in partisan detachments during any military operations.

Speaking of who has the right to receive these payments, this applies to the following categories of the military:

Claim to receive Seniority allowances can be:

  • military personnel, with an experience of 2 years;
  • civilians who work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, with an experience of at least 1 year.

The amount of additional payments

For military personnel, it is provided monthly allowance for length of service in such a volume in the presence of military experience within:

It is also worth taking into account the fact that for some categories of military personnel, additional payments are accrued with a ratio of 1 to 1.5. In particular, we are talking about the following categories:

  • sailors who do military service on nuclear submarines or on minesweepers;
  • divers;
  • pilots.

In addition, it must be taken into account that length of service is determined by the coefficient also for such categories of military personnel as:

  • pilots who test catapults or perform parachute jumps for the purpose of research. There is a month for 2;
  • military personnel who regularly skydive, as well as members of warships who are included in the oceanographic expedition. 1 month is considered 1.5.

Accrual rules for civilians who are employees of the RF Armed Forces

  • from 1 to 2 years - 5%;
  • from 2 to 3 years - 10%;
  • from 3 to 5 years - 15%;
  • from 5 to 10 years - 20%;
  • from 10 to 15 years - 30%;
  • over 15 years - the surcharge is 40%.

The order of registration and accrual

Allowance for military personnel, as well as for civilians who carry out labor activity in structural divisions Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, accrued from the first day of the possibility of receiving this payment. In simple words if a serviceman has worked at least 1 day after reaching 2 years of service, he is already starting to receive a percentage bonus.

The monetary surcharge is accrued until the day when the serviceman will not exclude from the list of personnel of a particular military unit.

If we talk about the very procedure for processing these payments, then they are accrued on the basis of an order commander of the military unit where the serviceman is serving.

This document is published at the beginning of the calendar year. It should be noted that the frequency of its publication should not be less than 1 time per year.

In the event that a serviceman was transferred by order to another position (in this case, the salary changes), the accrual of length of service is terminated until the commander signs a new order.

In the very order you must specify:

  • name of the recipient;
  • his military rank;
  • what position does he hold;
  • what is the length of service at the time of issuing the Order;
  • what percentage of the surcharge is due.

If we talk about accrual of payments for unit commanders, then they receive an allowance based on orders from higher authorities. The order specifies similar information.

A soldier receives a salary of 15,000 rubles. He also has a title for which he is paid extra 11,000 rubles. His length of service is fixed at 12 years. To calculate the amount of the monthly surcharge, you need to carry out calculations:

15 000 rub. + 11,000 rubles. = 26,000 rubles.

26 000 rub. * 20% = 5200 rubles.

Thanks to the surcharge, the soldier will receive monthly 31 500 rub. He also has the legal right to claim food and clothing, service housing and social benefits. All this makes service in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation quite attractive.

The allowance is understood as remuneration in monetary terms, which is paid to the employee in accordance with the norms of the law. These are additional funds to the basic salary. The amount of the allowance varies depending on various factors.

Normative base

To the main documents that regulate the allowance for work experience in budget institution, include the following:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 638.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 583.
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1532.
  • Law "On objects cultural heritage» No. 73-FZ.
  • Other legislative acts.

Grounds for calculating the surcharge

The seniority bonus is intended to encourage employees to conscientious performance responsibilities. In addition, in this way the legislator seeks to reduce staff turnover.

Employees who have been working in the same place for many years and have gained a wealth of experience receive higher wages than those who have taken up work duties recently. This rule remains even if the productivity and qualifications of employees are approximately the same.

The amount of the supplement does not depend on the basic salary. They begin to pay it for a certain period of work, namely, with an experience of 1 year or more. If the duration of work is less than this period, additional cash are not paid.

Calculation rules

The assignment of an additional payment is not the responsibility of a particular state structure. In other words, this rule is not provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, an appropriate allowance for the length of service in a budgetary institution is guaranteed. In commercial companies, a similar system can also be introduced. However, the employer independently decides this issue based on the desire and available opportunities.

The seniority bonus is expressed as a percentage of the basic salary. The payment is calculated monthly, but the amount may vary, especially in commercial organizations.

Calculation of seniority

The main document on the basis of which the length of service and length of service is calculated is the work book. In this case, individual time periods in which the employee did not perform his duties. These include the following:

  • Education.
  • Finding on social provision.
  • Being registered with the employment service.
  • Civil service.
  • Engagement in political or social activities.
  • Serving a sentence in prison.
  • Recognition as a political prisoner.

The calculation is carried out after collecting all the necessary data. To account for seniority, a special software, which performs all calculations quickly. The most famous and popular are 1C. At the same time, manual calculation is not particularly difficult, and if desired, any citizen can do this.

Commercial companies

In commercial organizations, the seniority bonus can be calculated after studying the following documents:

  • work book specific worker.
  • Collective agreement provided by the company.
  • Award provisions.
  • Other acts related to this issue, if any.

The main document that covers all the nuances of legal relations between an employee and an employer is an employment contract. Usually, to stimulate an employee, commercial companies provide for the payment of percentages of salary. At the same time, being on a business trip or on sick leave does not affect the payment of allowances.

In this case, the employer determines the amount of the additional payment on his own. Usually this amount varies from 5 to 30 percent of the basic salary. Commercial organizations may the following features when adding supplements:

  • Monthly payment, the amount of which may vary.
  • Dependence on the size of the basic salary.

When one employee is replaced by another, the increment to the salary for the length of service is carried out as a percentage of the salary of the replaced employee.

With success in a career and an increase in wages, the amount of allowances may be reviewed more than once.

State structures

Length of service for is calculated in a special way. The allowance is based on length of service. At the same time, this work should be the main one. The employee's salary may also be taken into account.

Depending on the duration of being in the public service, the allowance for the length of service in a budgetary institution is set as follows:

  • When working from 1 to 3 years, the amount corresponds to 10% of the salary.
  • When working from 3 to 5 years, the amount is equal to 15% of the salary.
  • When working from 5 to 10 years, the allowance is 20% of the salary.
  • When working for more than 10 years, it is equal to 30% of the salary.

However, when working part-time, no additional payments are provided.

For employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Additional payments for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are different. The grounds for appointment are:

  • Length of service.
  • Qualification.
  • Labor conditions.
  • Special differences.
  • Work with papers under the heading "Secret".

The allowance for the length of service in a budgetary institution in the internal affairs bodies is established for all employees and is regulated by Government Decree No. 1158 of December 27, 2011. The Decree specifies the following conditions and amounts of additional payment:

  • For service from 2 to 5 years, a surcharge of 10% of the salary is provided.
  • For service from 5 to 10 years, the surcharge is 15%.
  • For service from 10 to 15 years, the payment increases to 20%.
  • For service from 15 to 20 years, a surcharge of 25% is paid.
  • When serving from 20 to 25 years, it is equal to 30%.
  • For service over 25 years, the additional payment is 40%. This is the maximum allowance for seniority.

In addition to the seniority bonus, other payments may be established, the purpose of which is to stimulate employees. For an accurate calculation, the 1C program provides a special calculator that allows you to perform these operations as quickly as possible.

military personnel

The increase in salary for the length of service for military personnel also has its own characteristics. In this case, the same principle works as for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But you need to serve in the Armed Forces for at least 2 years in the general order. However, if the service consists of flights to aircraft and participation in trials, then 1 month is equivalent to 2 months of experience.

Since 2018, the procedure for calculating allowances has changed somewhat and has next view:

  • For service from six months to 1 year, an additional payment is made in the amount of 5%.
  • When serving from 1 to 5 years, it is equal to 10%.
  • For service from 2 to 5 years, the surcharge is 25%.
  • When serving from 5 years to 10 years - 40%.
  • When serving from 10 to 15 years - 45%.
  • When serving from 15 years to 20 years - 50%.
  • When serving from 20 years to 22 years - 55%.
  • When serving from 22 years to 25 years - 65%.
  • With service for more than 25 years - 70%. This is the maximum allowance provided by law.

In addition, continuing to be in the service for more than 25 years, the soldier receives an additional 25% of the salary instead of the pension that he would have received for years of service.

Budget institutions

  • When working from 1 to 5 years, the allowance is 10% of the salary.
  • When working from 5 years to 10 years - 15%.
  • If you have worked for more than 15 years, the additional payment will be equal to 30% of the salary.

In addition to this allowance, there are other additional payments. Therefore, in addition to the salary, sometimes an employee of a state institution has the opportunity to receive amounts that exceed the salary by several times.

In healthcare

The premium for work experience in healthcare directly depends on the continuity of this indicator. This means that even when applying for another job, the stoppage of labor activity should not exceed 1 month. True, there are reasons under which work is interrupted, and the experience continues to operate. These include the following:

  • Maternity and parental leave.
  • Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on conscription or contract.
  • Care for the disabled and persons over 80 years of age.

These periods are not considered a break in employment. Therefore, the allowances for the employee remain.

In addition to continuity of service, the additional payment depends on factors such as:

  • Salary.
  • Position held.
  • Place of work.

For example, in anti-leprosy and anti-plague departments medical workers may be paid an allowance, the amount of which can reach 100% of the salary. In other cases, the maximum additional payment is made in an amount not exceeding 60% of the salary.

In the field of education

Bonus for work experience educational institution provided for in the case of a corresponding indication in collective agreements, agreements or other acts of a particular institution. However, if this is a budgetary institution, then the additional payment is made on the basis of general federal and departmental acts.

The maximum amount of additional payment is provided for when working for more than 15 years and is 30% of the salary. With experience over 10 years, 20% is paid, over 5 years - 15%, and over 1 year - 10%. In addition, after 25 years of work, the teacher has the right to early retirement.

Persons eligible for the supplement

Every citizen working in the public sector is a suitable candidate for seniority supplement. Persons entitled to a seniority allowance may include employees of certain commercial companies. But, as a rule, the payment in a budgetary institution is greater than in non-state structures.


Thus, the pension supplement depends on various factors, ranging from the field of activity and ending with the duration and continuity of service. But one way or another, any employee working in the public sector is entitled to it. At the same time, one must understand that the state (unlike commercial companies) will take care of public sector employees not only during the period of work. When a citizen goes on a well-deserved rest, the corresponding pension supplement will continue to be paid.

An allowance for work experience is an additional cash payment that many citizens of our country can count on. However, not everyone knows in what areas it is laid down and how it is calculated. Therefore, today we will talk about how to calculate such allowances when working in a particular budgetary institution, depending on the field of work and length of service, and who, in principle, can count on such amounts.

How is the seniority allowance calculated?

First of all, it should be mentioned that such additional payments primarily depend on the period during which the state employee has been working in various organizations. Even if he worked in more than one institution, he will still be able to count on receiving payments based on the total number of years spent in public service. By itself, the allowance for work experience is calculated as a percentage of the official salary, which was previously received by an employee holding various positions in a budgetary institution.

So, the size of the allowance, in addition to the salary itself, also depends on some factors. First of all, these include regional coefficients, as well as coefficients established in each specific subject of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the amount of additional payments for work experience may include a bonus, if any. Therefore, in order to accurately calculate the amount of money that must be paid, you need to know these two indicators. In addition, do not forget that this allowance is subject to income tax. Thus, having performed a series of simple mathematical operations, it is possible to calculate the amount of additional payment for work experience in a budgetary institution.

Thus, the main factors affecting the amount of surcharges are:

  • branch of work;
  • region of residence and employment;
  • having a prize.

Allowances for employees of budgetary organizations and state civil servants

The allowance for work experience for state employees can be formed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, various regional regulatory documents, as well as individual orders from specific departments. Moreover, each specific budgetary institution has its own system of incentives, in accordance with which the development of a variety of normative documents. The latter regulate wages and, accordingly, incentives, and in the same documents an allowance for work experience is prescribed.

In addition, such additional payments must be indicated in the provisions on remuneration or on bonuses. In the current legislation, there are practically no restrictions that directly affect their amounts. Thus, almost the only real factor that regulates the amount of additional payments in a budgetary institution is its state of its accounts.

With regard to the civil service, the situation is somewhat different. First of all, the regulatory documents in accordance with which the allowance for the length of service is calculated are the Labor Code and current law"On the State Civil Service". In accordance with these documents, a clear amount of the amounts that will be paid to the employee for the years of work in a budgetary institution is determined. In particular, they are equal to:

  1. 10% of the official salary if the employee's length of service is in the range from 1 to 5 years.
  2. An allowance of 15% is due to employees who have worked in a budgetary institution from 5 to 10 years.
  3. 20% of the salary will be received by employees who have been working in their organizations for 10 to 15 years.
  4. An allowance of 30% is provided if the employee's length of service in the institution exceeds 15 years.

After 15 years public service its employees will no longer receive additional allowances for their work. Until the end of her career, she will be at the level of 30% of the official salary. However, in addition to additional payments of this kind, they are entitled to a number of various incentives for their activities in the position. For example:

  • depending on the position group, additional payments can be 60 - 200% of the salary;
  • when working with state secrets, a civil servant is charged additional payments in the amount of 5 - 75%;
  • if the duties of an official include the protection of state secrets, then he is entitled to an additional allowance for work experience in the amount of 10-20% of the salary.

At the same time, one should not forget that one type of surcharge does not imply the exclusion of the other. Therefore, if several of the above conditions are met, the civil servant will receive allowances for each of them in total.

Allowances for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel

If we are talking about employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their incentives are regulated by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1259. It includes not only an allowance for work experience, but also additional payments for work in special conditions. In general, with regard to additional payments for the period of work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is calculated in a similar way, baseline is a percentage of salary. However, not all employees will receive them, but only those who work in certain departments. In particular, these include:

  1. Central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow and in the Moscow region.
  3. Duty department.
  4. Temporary stay center for minors.
  5. Cavalry unit.

By the way, if the employees of the latter structure are additionally involved in caring for horses, they should also receive an additional payment in the amount of 10 - 100% of the official salary. In addition, the size of the allowances is also determined by factors such as the danger of the work process, liability and the occurrence of occupational diseases among employees. Moreover, since 2011, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation also receive additional amounts for personal success, which contributed to the improvement of the employee's qualifications.

This norm was introduced in 2011 in accordance with the need for additional incentives for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, the employee can count on an increase in wages if he defends scientific work and will receive a scientific degree or take part in sports competitions and be able to win high places in them. If these conditions are met, the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has reason to receive an additional payment of 5 - 30%.

Members of the armed forces may also be eligible for seniority bonuses and other benefits. This category of civil servants receives additional amounts in accordance with federal law"On monetary allowance and individual payments to military personnel." Thus, the allowance for the length of service for them is formed based on the following data:

  • when serving for a period of 2 to 5 years, the employee's salary increases by 10%;
  • if a military man works from 5 to 10 years, he can count on a bonus of 15% of the official salary;
  • for military personnel who have devoted their work from 10 to 15 years, the amount of the surcharge is 20%;
  • if an employee has spent 15 to 20 years in the Armed Forces, the amount of the allowance will reach 25%;
  • service for 20 to 25 years will be encouraged by an allowance of 30% of the official salary;
  • the largest amount of additional payments for the service life is due to persons who have crossed the line of 25 years of service. They can count on 40% of the official salary.

However, it should be remembered that the calculation of allowances for this caste of civil servants has a number of its own subtleties related to working conditions. Thus, persons serving in aviation and testing ejection devices, or parachuting for scientific purposes, have a different procedure for calculating the service life. One month for employees of such units counts as two. A month and a half is considered for the categories of military personnel who constantly have to parachute, for the crews of combat ships and members of oceanographic expeditions.

Thus, in 2016 and 2017, state employees have the right to count on all the above-described allowances for work experience in budget organizations and institutions. There is still no information about a possible revision of their size, however, 2017 is already very close, and no one excludes that new incentive payments for state employees may be added. Especially considering the fact that the state is seriously dealing with the problem of stimulating pensioners to continue their service in budgetary institutions.

Article 317 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Percentage salary increase

Article 317 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with comments and changes for 2016-2017.

Persons working in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them are paid a percentage bonus to wages for the length of service in these areas or areas. The amount of the percentage bonus to wages and the procedure for its payment are established in the manner determined by Article 316 of this Code to establish the size of the district coefficient and the procedure for its application.

These expenses are included in labor costs full size.

Commentary on article 317 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

1. A percentage bonus to wages for work in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them is introduced to compensate for the increased costs of labor and the cost of living in harsh climatic conditions and is a monthly additional payment, the amount of which depends on the length of service in these areas or localities.

2. The commented article indicates that the determination of the amount of the percentage premium and the procedure for its payment is carried out according to the same rules that are provided for in Art. 316 of the Labor Code to establish the size of the district coefficient and the procedure for its application. This means that the size of the percentage premium and the procedure for its payment should be established by the Government of the Russian Federation, but at present this regulatory legal act has not been adopted. The amount of percentage surcharges and the procedure for their application, established for the respective regions of the Far North and equated areas, are determined by regulatory legal acts former USSR and the Russian Federation.

3. The size of the percentage allowances are differentiated depending on the severity of the climatic conditions of those regions of the Far North and equivalent areas where labor activity is carried out. So, in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and Severo-Evensky District of the Magadan Region, the Koryak Autonomous Okrug and the Aleutsky District of the Kamchatka Region, as well as on the islands of the Arctic Ocean (with the exception of the White Sea Islands), a percentage bonus is paid in the amount of 10% of earnings after 6 months of work , with an increase of 10% for each subsequent 6 months of work until the maximum allowance is reached - 100% of earnings. In other regions of the Far North, the allowance is 10% of earnings after 6 months of work, with an increase of 10% for each subsequent 6 months of work, and upon reaching a 60% allowance - with an increase of 10% for each subsequent year of work. The maximum allowance is 80% of earnings. In areas equated to the regions of the Far North, the allowance is paid in the amount of 10% of earnings after the first year of work with an increase of 10% for each subsequent year of work. In this case, the maximum allowance should not exceed 50% of earnings. In the southern regions of Siberia and the Far East, which are not classified as regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, allowances are set at 10% after the first year of work with an increase of 10% for each subsequent two years of work, but not more than 30% of earnings .

4. For young people, there are special rules for calculating the amount of percentage bonuses to wages.

Currently, preferential conditions for calculating allowances for persons under 30 years old who have lived in the Far North or in equivalent areas for at least one year continue to operate, and it does not matter when such residence took place and whether it was continuous. All periods of residence in the northern regions and localities are subject to summation. According to paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of October 22, 1990 N 458 "On streamlining compensations to citizens living in the regions of the North" (SP RSFSR. 1990. N 24. Art. 254) of young people who have lived for at least one year in the regions of the Extreme North and entering labor Relations, salary bonuses are established from January 1, 1991 at a rate of 20% after the first 6 months of work with an increase of 20% for each subsequent 6 months and upon reaching 60% of the bonus - the last 20% - for one year of work, and in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North - in the amount of 10% for every 6 months of work. Thus, the percentage salary supplement for persons under the age of 30 who have lived in the northern regions for at least one year is paid in an accelerated manner. At the same time, the total amount of allowances paid to the said employees may not exceed the limits provided for by the current legislation.

The previously existing preferential rules for calculating the amount of percentage allowances for young people who have lived in the regions of the Far North or in equivalent areas for at least 5 years have been cancelled. However, as explained in the letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated January 20, 2005 N 97-Pr, it should be borne in mind that young people (persons under the age of 30) who have lived in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas for at least 5 years as as of December 31, 2004 i.e. has fulfilled all the requirements of the previous legislation, is entitled to the payment of a percentage bonus to wages in full from the first day of work in these areas.

Read also: Additional leave in areas equated to the far north

The laws of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation retain a preferential procedure for calculating interest allowances for workers under 30 years of age who have lived for at least 5 years in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other regions of the North, where regional coefficients are established. So, according to the Law of the Chita Region of December 16, 2004 N 608-ZCHO "On the district coefficient and the percentage bonus to the wages of employees of organizations in the budgetary sphere", the specified employees entering into labor relations with organizations financed from the budget of the Chita Region, the percentage bonus is paid in full size from the first day of work.

5. Interest allowances are calculated on the actual monthly earnings of the employee, with the exception of payments according to the district coefficient and all types of payments on average earnings.

In accordance with the explanation of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 11, 1995 N 3, approved. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of September 11, 1995 N 49 (BNA RF. 1995. N 12), percentage bonuses to wages for persons working in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them are charged on actual earnings, including remuneration for length of service, paid monthly, quarterly or lump sum.

6. Percentage allowances are charged on wages not only of persons working at the main place of work, but also of part-time workers.

7. For persons sent to the Far North or equivalent areas on business trips from other regions of Russia, the time spent in the northern regions is not included in the length of service for calculating percentage bonuses. At the same time, the time of business trips of employees engaged in labor activities and living in the North is counted in the length of service, which gives the right to pay a percentage bonus to wages, even if these employees were sent to areas located outside the northern territories.

8. The rules for recalculating percentage allowances when employees transfer to organizations located in other areas where other amounts of percentage allowances are established are provided for in the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 16, 1994 N 7, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of May 16, 1994 N 37 (BNA RF. 1994. N 9). So, when an employee who has the length of service necessary to receive a percentage bonus transfers to work in an organization located in another region or locality, the recalculation of the percentage bonus to wages is carried out in proportion to the time worked in the corresponding regions of the Far North, areas equated to them, and also in the southern regions of the Far East, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk and Chita regions, the Republic of Buryatia, in the Republic of Khakassia in the manner established at the new place of work in compliance with the following rules:

a) in cases of transfer of an employee from an organization located in the Far North region to an organization located in an area equivalent to the regions of the Far North, the amount of percentage allowances is set at the rate of one 10% allowance for every 12 months worked in the regions of the Far North .

The calculation of the next regular percentage allowance should be made in the general manner one year after the employee transfers to an organization located in a locality equated to the regions of the Far North, in the amount established for these localities;

b) in cases of transfer of an employee from an organization located in an area equivalent to the regions of the Far North to an organization located in the region of the Far North, the amount of allowances (in percentage terms) accrued for full years work remains the same, and for the months worked in excess of this, an additional percentage allowance is accrued in proportion to the number of months.

The calculation of the next regular percentage allowance should be made in the general manner after 6 months from the moment the employee moves to an organization located in the Far North region, in the amount established for this region;

c) in the event of an employee moving from an organization located in a locality equated to the regions of the Far North to an organization located in the region of the Far North, who had previously transferred to work in this locality from the regions of the Far North, the total amount of payable percentage bonuses to wages ( in percentage terms) should be determined by summing up the percentage premiums earned by him in each of these organizations. At the same time, the total amount of percentage bonuses to wages should not exceed the established limit.

In the same manner, the amount of the percentage allowance is determined for an employee transferring from an organization located in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, in the Severo-Evensky District of the Magadan Region, the Koryak Autonomous Okrug, the Aleutsky District of the Kamchatka Region, as well as on the islands of the Arctic Ocean and its seas (for with the exception of the White Sea islands), to work in an organization located in other regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North, and vice versa;

  • d) upon transfer of an employee who has the work experience necessary to receive a percentage allowance from organizations located in the southern regions of the Far East, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk and Chita regions, the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Khakassia, to an organization located in the Far North or locality , equated to the regions of the Far North, it retains the well-deserved percentage premium. The next regular percentage bonus for this employee is accrued in the general manner after 6 months from the date of transfer to an organization located in the Far North region, and one year from the date of transfer to an organization located in an area equivalent to the regions of the Far North.
  • If at the time of the employee’s transfer to an organization located in the Far North or an area equivalent to the regions of the Far North, the percentage bonus is not fully earned by him and its amount is less than 30%, the time of work after the first or second bonus is calculated is recalculated based on the year of work in southern regions of the Far East, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Chita regions, the Republic of Buryatia, in the Republic of Khakassia for 3 months of work in the regions of the Far North and for 6 months of work in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North.

    When an employee who has the length of service necessary to receive a bonus transfers from an organization located in the Far North or an area equated to the regions of the Far North to an organization located in the southern regions of the Far East, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk and Chita regions, the Republic of Buryatia, in the Republic of Khakassia, and then back to the regions of the Far North or areas equated to the regions of the Far North or areas equated to the regions of the Far North, he is paid an allowance earned in the regions of the Far North or areas equated to the regions of the Far North.

    When referring in the established manner certain territories to the regions of the Far North or areas equated to areas of the Far North, the calculation of the length of service for receiving the next earned percentage allowance for workers and residents in these territories is carried out from the date of assignment of these territories to areas of the Far North or areas equated to regions of the Far North. The exception is employees employed in organizations located in the indicated areas and having previously earned bonuses for years of work in the regions of the Far North or areas equivalent to regions of the Far North. In these cases, from the moment the area is assigned to the regions of the Far North or areas equated to the regions of the Far North, these workers are restored to previously earned allowances.

    9. Organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies local government shall have the right, at the expense of the funds of the regional and local budgets, respectively, to establish higher percentage allowances for employees of organizations financed from these budgets. In addition, the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for municipalities, which are part of the subject of the Russian Federation, the maximum amount of the increase in the percentage premium may be set. For example, according to the already mentioned Law of the Chita Region of December 16, 2004 N 608-ZCHO, employees of organizations financed from the budget of the Chita Region are given a percentage bonus for work experience in the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other regions of the North, where district coefficients are established, in the amount of 10% of wages after the first year of work, with an increase of 10% for each subsequent two years of work, but not more than 30%. Employees of these organizations located in Kalarsky, Tungokochensky, Tungiro-Olekminsky districts are paid a percentage bonus of 10% for each subsequent year of work, but not more than 50%. The specified Law also establishes the maximum percentage allowance for employees of organizations financed from local budgets, which are 50% in Kalarsky, Tungokochensky, Tungiro-Olekminsky districts, and 30% in other districts and cities of the region.

    Percentage bonuses to wages for work experience in areas with special climatic conditions

    Interest surcharges popularly called "northern", they are installed behind experience work in areas with special climatic conditions. BUT district coefficients wages are paid for work in these areas (regardless of length of service).

    The concept of interest surcharges

    Percentage bonuses to wages are established for length of service in areas with special climatic conditions. Their establishment to wages is regulated by the current labor legislation.

    The sizes of percentage allowances in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as the sizes of regional coefficients, are differentiated by regions:

    - regions of the Far North;

    - areas equated to the regions of the Far North;

    - southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

    For the distribution of the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by the indicated groups of districts, see the newspaper "Tax News of the Krasnoyarsk Territory" No. 18 (September, 2012) on page 5 in the article about regional coefficients.

    In Soviet times, percentage bonuses for work experience were stimulating in order to attract people to live and work in areas with special climatic conditions.

    Throughout the country, uniform tariffs and salaries were established in specific industries for workers in certain positions, professions and specialties. For enterprises, organizations, institutions, depending on their subordination, the staffing table with the established “forks” of salaries and tariffs was “descended” from ministries, departments, and departments. Enterprises located in zones with special climatic conditions set salaries (tariffs) for their employees within the specified limits, and when calculating wages, they applied to them regional coefficients and percentage bonuses for work experience.

    At present, regional coefficients and percentage allowances as compensatory and incentive payments for work in regions with special climatic conditions are important only for the public sector.

    The remuneration of labor for employers who are not related to the public sector depends on the place occupied by the enterprise in the economy (type of activity, size, legal form, location), supply and demand in the labor market of specific specialists, etc. that is, it is dictated exclusively market conditions. To date, regional coefficients and percentage allowances for such employers are of a formal nature. For example, an accountant's salary retail store in Moscow is higher than the salary of an accountant of the same store in Lesosibirsk, despite the fact that Lesosibirsk is equated with the regions of the Far North.

    However, given that the establishment of regional coefficients and percentage surcharges is a mandatory requirement labor law, the employer is obliged to install them in staffing and in the employment contract constituent part employee wages. Failure to establish regional coefficients and percentage allowances is a violation of labor laws. In practice, the employer determines the amount of the employee's wages that he is willing to pay, and then "breaks" it into its components: salary (tariff), district coefficient, percentage bonus.

    For the purposes of taxation of profits, labor costs include allowances for continuous work experience in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in regions of the European North and other regions with severe natural and climatic conditions (clause 12, article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    Percentage allowances in the regions of the Far North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

    For persons working in the regions of the Far North, the amount of allowances is established in paragraphs. "b" paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 10, 1960. The total amount of percentage bonuses paid to an employee for work experience in the regions of the Far North is 80%.

    The procedure for assigning percentage bonuses depending on the length of service in the regions of the Far North is established in paragraphs. "b" paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1967 No. 1908-VII.

    — 10% after the first 6 months of work;

    - an increase of 10% every subsequent 6 months of work until the allowance reaches 60%;

    - 10% for each subsequent year of work until the allowance reaches 80%.

    Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated October 22, 1990 No. 458 (paragraph “e”, paragraph 2) establishes the procedure for assigning percentage bonuses to young people (under 30 years old) who have lived in the Far North for at least a year and enter into labor relations:

    — 20% after the first 6 months of work;

    — an increase of 20% for each subsequent 6 months of work until a 60% allowance is reached;

    - the last 20% - for one year of work.

    Percentage allowances in areas equated to the regions of the Far North

    For persons working in areas equated to regions of the Far North, the amount of allowances is established in paragraphs. “b”, paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 10, 1960. The total amount of allowances paid to an employee for work experience in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is 50%.

    Read also: Methods and means of preventing accidents and occupational diseases

    The procedure for assigning a percentage bonus, depending on the length of service in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, is established in paragraphs. "c" paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1967 No. 1908-VII.

    - an increase of 10% for each subsequent year of work until the allowance reaches 50%.

    Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated October 22, 1990 No. 458 (paragraph “e”, paragraph 2) establishes the procedure for assigning percentage allowances to young people (under 30 years old) who have lived in areas equated to regions of the Far North for at least a year and enter into labor relations:

    – 10% for every 6 months of work until the 50% markup is reached.

    Percentage allowances in the southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

    For persons working in the southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the amount of percentage allowances is established by paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 24, 1989 No. 794:

    — 10% after the first year of operation;

    - an increase of 10% for each subsequent two years of work, but not more than 30% of earnings.

    Calculation of seniority for receiving percentage allowances

    regions of the Far North and equivalent areas established by the Instruction approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR dated November 22, 1990 No. 2. According to the specified Instruction, interest surcharges are paid:

    b) employees of expeditions, year-round parties, oil and gas exploration, detachments located (based) in the indicated areas and localities;

    c) employees of expeditions and other geological exploration, topographic and geodetic organizations located (based) outside the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them, sent to work in these areas and areas in year-round parties, oil and gas exploration, detachments.

    Features of calculating the length of service giving the right to a percentage allowance, for southern regions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory established by the Instruction approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR dated November 22, 1990 No. 3. According to the specified Instruction, interest surcharges are paid:

    a) employees of organizations located in the named areas and localities;

    b) employees of expeditions, year-round parties, oil exploration, detachments;

    c) employees of expeditions, geological exploration and topographic and geodetic organizations located (based) outside the areas where the payment of allowances is established, employed in areas where the payment of allowances is made;

    d) the crew of ships assigned to the ports of the areas where the payment of allowances is established, regardless of the areas of navigation;

    e) employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations located outside the areas where the payment of percentage bonuses is established, if the permanent place of work of these employees is the areas where the bonuses are paid.

    In the length of service, giving the right to receive a percentage allowance, except for work on employment contract also include:

    - a period (up to six months) of advanced training or retraining of personnel with a break from production. Such training may take place outside the area in which the percentage is charged;

    - hours of work or paid industrial practice university students and students of secondary specialized and other educational institutions at enterprises located in areas for work in which a percentage premium is charged;

    - the time spent at military training, including outside the areas for work in which a percentage premium is charged;

    - the time of forced absenteeism in case of illegal dismissal, if the employee is reinstated at work;

    - time spent in alternative civilian service in areas and localities where percentage bonuses are established;

    - military service and service in the internal affairs bodies in areas and localities with special climatic conditions, where allowances are established.

    If an employee moves from one location for which a percentage increase is established to another location in which a percentage increase is also paid, then he retains the right to a percentage increase. The procedure for recalculating the length of service and the amount of the allowance for such cases is defined in the Clarification of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 1994 No. 7.

    Interest surcharges under civil law contracts

    The periods during which individual performed work under a civil law contract, they are not included in the length of service for calculating allowances, and the amount of payment for work on said treaties allowances are not charged.

    Percentage allowances for part-time workers

    Persons working part-time, the payment of interest allowances is established for all places of work. Basis - Art. 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Employees traveling to work on a rotational basis to the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them from other areas, percentage bonuses to wages are paid in the manner and amounts that are provided for persons permanently working in areas of the Far North and areas equated to them. At the same time, in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 302 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the length of service giving the right to receive benefits and compensations includes calendar days work in such areas and localities and the actual days spent on the road, provided for by the work schedules on the watch.

    See also Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 39 of January 11, 1979.

    Payments subject to interest surcharges

    The salary, on which the percentage increase is calculated, includes all payments in favor of employees that are in the nature of wages, including remuneration for the length of service.

    Wages on which interest surcharges are charged do not include amounts:

    - average earnings (in this case, the amount of the allowance is already taken into account when calculating the average earnings);

    - bonuses of a one-time nature and paid not from the payroll;

    - rewards for inventions and rationalization proposals.

    Interest surcharges are calculated from the day when the right to a surcharge of the corresponding amount arises and are paid monthly.

    See Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 11, 1995 No. 49; Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of October 22, 1990 No. 458; letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 22, 1999 No. 716-7.

    Persons working in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to regions of the Far North are paid a percentage bonus for the length of service.
    The procedure for establishing district coefficients is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4520-1 dated February 19, 1993 "On State Guarantees and Compensations for Persons Working and Living in the Far North and Equivalent Areas", as well as Chapter 50 Labor Code Russian Federation "Peculiarities of labor regulation of persons working in the regions of the Far North and areas equivalent to them."

    The interest rate depends on:
    the area in which the worker works
    from the duration of his continuous work experience in the area.
    The location factor.
    Taking into account that at the federal level the size of the percentage allowance depending on the locality has not yet been established, at present, in accordance with Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, allowances continue to be charged in the amounts established by:
    Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 26, 1967 No. 1908-VII "On the expansion of benefits for persons working in the regions of the Far North and in areas equivalent to regions of the Far North,
    Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of April 6, 1972 N 255 "On benefits for workers and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations located in the Arkhangelsk region, the Karelian ASSR and the Komi ASSR",
    Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 9, 1986 N 53 "On the introduction of allowances for the wages of workers and employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations located in the southern regions of the Far East, the Buryat ASSR and the Chita region" and other legal acts .
    The allowances are differentiated by four groups of regions of the country. In the context of these groups, interest surcharges are set in the following amounts:
    1. Regions of the Far North - (Chukotka autonomous region, Severo-Evensky district of the Magadan region, Koryak Autonomous Okrug, Aleutsky district of the Kamchatka region, the islands of the Arctic Ocean and its seas (excluding the islands of the White Sea) - 10 percent of earnings after the first six months of work, with an increase of 10 percent for each subsequent six months of work, but not more than 100 percent of earnings;
    2. The rest of the Far North - 10 percent after the first six months of work, with an increase of 10 percent for each subsequent six months of work, and upon reaching a 60 percent allowance - 10 percent for each subsequent year of work, but not more than 80% of earnings ;
    3. Localities equated with the regions of the Far North - 10 percent after the first year of work, with an increase of 10 percent for each subsequent year of work, but not more than 50% of earnings.
    4. Southern regions of the Far East, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Chita Region, Republic of Buryatia, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Karelia - 10% after the first year of operation, with an increase of 10% for each subsequent two years of operation, but not more than 30% earnings.
    experience factor.
    The size of the percentage allowance is determined individually for each employee, depending on the length of his continuous service.
    Uninterrupted work experience in those regions of the country where the payment of an internship percentage bonus is legally established should be understood as periods of work summed up in the prescribed manner, provided that the breaks between these periods do not exceed established by law deadlines.
    The procedure for determining the continuous work experience for these regions is regulated by the Explanations approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 16, 1994 No. 37, “On the procedure for establishing and calculating work experience for receiving percentage bonuses to wages for persons working in the regions of the Far North, areas equated to them , in the southern regions of the Far East, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk and Chita regions, the Republic of Buryatia, in the Republic of Khakassia.
    Payment terms.
    The percentage bonus to wages for work experience is paid monthly and accrued on the actual earnings of the employee, including remuneration for years of service, paid monthly, quarterly or in a lump sum. At the same time, the district coefficient is not taken into account in earnings.
    The percentage surcharge is not charged on payments that are not related to wages ( material aid and etc.).
    The accrual of a percentage premium in the amount established by state regulatory legal acts is mandatory for all employers, including those not funded from the budgets.
    State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments at their own expense may establish higher percentage premiums for institutions financed from the relevant budgets.
    The percentage surcharge is applied at the place of actual permanent job regardless of the location of the organization in which the employee is employed.
    Payments taking into account the percentage premium are fully included in the calculation of average earnings, respectively, for payments in the amount of average earnings, the percentage premium is not additionally charged.
    The amounts of expenses for payments under the percentage allowance are included in the cost of wages in full.

    Vladimir Yarengin // 2010-08-22 15:17:35
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    Tatiana // 2010-09-20 22:38:59
    Are the Far East and District coefficients paid for the salaries of consulting doctors in a budgetary institution?
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    Baira // 2012-05-04 21:28:23
    I have a question! This is the situation. We flew to Chukotka on 08/10/2010. I got a job on 04/06/2011. I am 24 years old. I’m under 30, after all, but what about the benefits? They said that at the time of entering into an employment relationship, I lived for 6 months and therefore I will receive 10% every six months. Is it correct or not?
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    Julia // 2012-06-27 04:18:31
    Hello, I'm interested in a question about northern allowances.
    I have been living in areas equated to the Far North since 2001, I graduated from school here and went to study in Chelyabinsk for four years, but the permanent residence permit remained in areas equated to the Far North after graduation, I returned and got a job in a polyclinic as a nurse and I was in the staff They said that because of my studies I had lost the northern salary supplement and now I need to work it out again. At the moment I am 20 years old and I have worked for seven months and I only added 10% in the first six months. Tell me if this is correct and if there are any specific articles and orders on this issue?
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    Natalia // 2014-11-24 02:21:30
    Hello, here is my situation. I moved from the Trans-Baikal Territory (Chita Region), the city of Sretensk, to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the city of Sosnovoborsk, got a job in a government agency, and they explained to me in personnel that I was not entitled to a northern allowance, because I did not earn experience in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Is it legal? Advise what to do? I was told that I would not lose a percentage if I provided a certificate stating that the Sretensky district is part of the North region. How she looks like? Where to take?
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    Leysan // 2015-11-21 21:34:15
    I was born and lived in the Far North for 18 years, then I studied at the institute in middle lane, after finishing educational institution returned north. I get a job as a bailiff, do I get 80% of the salary supplement. So far, I have no official experience. Didn't withdraw from registration. At work, they told me that in the Ministry of Justice and in general in the state. service a different system of accrual of allowances.
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