How to write a resume better than others. How to write a resume for a job sample

"Field of activity" - the very meaning of this phrase suggests any area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. In fact, these are works or services provided by companies, enterprises, certain organizations, individuals, and so on. However, the list of services provided by an organization necessarily depends on the scope of its activities. When choosing a field of activity, a company or an individual seeks to “occupy its niche in the market”, it is on this choice that the further prosperity of the company or individual person depends.

Types of fields of activity

The first sphere is political, implying work in state structures. The second is business. This area, in turn, is divided into several separate areas: manufacturing business, business, financial business, intermediary business and insurance. Production is the direct production of goods. Most often, commercial organizations are engaged in the provision of services and the implementation of various works. In the second case, it is trade organizations and/or commodity exchanges dealing with the buying and selling of goods.

The financial sector includes the activities of banks, stock exchanges, financial companies, carrying out foreign exchange transactions, transactions with securities and investment. Intermediary business involves the implementation of intermediary services commercial organizations. In the latter case, we are talking about companies providing insurance services.

The third area is education, that is, educational and teaching activities.

To the fourth - art and creativity. Artists, artists, writers, directors, composers and others express themselves in this area. Another separate area is science. Research institutes and higher educational institutions work in this area.

And medicine completes the list, involving the activities of various medical organizations.

Why is it so important to find "your" profession

It is very important to “find yourself” in this life and a business in which you can be 100% realized. Choosing a field of activity that does not correspond to your abilities and sides of character, you can be considered a loser and drag out a miserable and dull existence until the end of your life. Therefore, deciding this question, you need to take into account your individual characteristics and point them in the right direction at the right time. Build successful business, to become a famous and honored surgeon, to lead the country to prosperity, you can only be in your place. In a foreign place, a person will lose both his own personal qualities as well as professional. Today, in all educational institutions, students are offered to take a career guidance test, which will help them make the right choice.

How to write a resume in order to interest the employer?

A resume is the first thing you need to prepare before starting your job search.

What is a resume

The term "resume" comes from a French phrase that sounds translated as the course of life. Sometimes the Latin term curriculum vitae or CV is used, which means the same thing. In Soviet times, the term "" was more used.

The concept of a resume is a document that reflects the education, work experience, skills of a person applying for a position. It should contain any information that relates to the position of interest, as well as the contact details of the applicant.

Today, these terms are used for different biographies, which must be taken into account when choosing a ready-made sample for compilation when applying for a job.

  • Compilation of an autobiography is still required for employment in government agencies.
  • CV is written by applicants for high positions in scientific or medical institutions, is distinguished by a wide and detailed presentation of life, contains a list of publications, scientific papers, personal achievements.
  • The remaining cases involve writing a resume indicating information for a specific position.

A document representing an employee to a future employer may have different shape drafting.

    Distinguish resume:
  • universal (professional);
  • chronological-functional;
  • chronological (retrospective);
  • functional;
  • academic;
  • target.

picking up ready-made examples filling out a resume for a job, it is necessary to take into account these features. So, in the universal version, all information is indicated by logical blocks and is described in detail. This form is recommended for those who have an impressive track record, and they have something to boast about professionally.

If a person is just entering the labor path, when there is nothing special to describe, it is necessary to use a functional resume. In this case, all work experience and training are also indicated in chronological order, but the emphasis is on education, skills, and knowledge. Such a sample of writing a resume for getting a job is also suitable for those who have had a long break in work and who are planning to change the direction of their professional activities.

For those who have worked in one area for a long time and plan to continue to develop in it, a retrospective resume is suitable, in which all work experience can be summarized in chronological order. The functional one consistently reveals the achievements of the applicant, and the combination of these two types of resume gives a functional-chronological one.

As a rule, when compiling a resume for employment and searching for a suitable option, job seekers come across a sample of a targeted resume. It contains information relating exclusively to the position that the applicant wants to take.

Academic resumes are written by applicants who are looking for a teaching position. Titles, awards, scientific achievements and publications occupy a significant place in it.

The structure of a resume may vary from country to country.

Today, job search sites provide sample resumes and special forms, templates, after filling which you can get finished document, containing information about the applicant that the employer needs. In addition, special companies and recruiting agencies help in compiling a resume.

AT recent times video resumes have become popular - a short video where the candidate himself talks about what is usually stated in the resume.

Did your employer set you an irregular working day? The main thing is that your rights as an employee are not violated: .

Probation when applying for a job. Is it good or bad? He talks about the benefits of testing.

See requirements for compiling characteristics for workers of various professions.

Basic writing rules

There are clear and unspoken resume rules. The former include the formalities that are put forward for the preparation of the document, the latter are the nuances that the employer or HR specialist pays attention to when studying the document.

For example, it is not recommended to write lies in the resume. If there is some information that puts you in a bad light, it is better not to mention it, but to focus on your achievements. But twisting the facts and telling lies is not worth it.

Information must be provided plain language, avoiding passive forms, concentrating on positive information.

In the resume, it is necessary to briefly and clearly state only that information that relates specifically to the position of interest and can characterize the applicant from the best side.

When compiling a document, please note that any sample that you can look at will have a clear structure. It should take no more than two sheets, so you should try to present the information concisely.

The text is written in one font, usually Times New Roman, but let's say Arial. Font size - 12 point throughout the text. A smaller font can be used if the resume is sent electronically; in printed form, small print is difficult to read. The document must be formalized strictly, the sections are structured and separated from each other.

Headings are underlined or bold. It is necessary to maintain indents from the edge of the paper by 2 cm on all sides except the left, on this side there should be 2.5 cm. Before sending a resume to an employer, proofread it carefully, check the grammar. If the document is being printed, the paper must be white and of good quality.

A ready-made resume for a job may be non-standard, but it is suitable in special cases, for example, when a candidate for a creative profession is looking for an appropriate creative position. Then the creative approach of the future employee to self-presentation can be assessed.

In other cases, it is better for accountants, engineers, salespeople and others to refrain from taking liberties.

The document must be drawn up in Russian. In English, you can write it in the case when the applicant is applying for a position in a foreign company or a foreign language is one of the requirements of the employer. But in the latter case, it is better to prepare a separate sample resume for a job at foreign language so that the employer can watch it in different languages.

Step by step compilation guide

Now let's take a closer look at how to write a resume, what sections it should have and how to fill them out correctly.


The document should begin with the title "Resume", as well as the name of the applicant. Indicating the name in bold at the very beginning will help you quickly and easily find your document among others in the future.


There are many tips on how to write a sample resume for a job, but many examples contain an indication of the purpose of compiling the document - applying for the position of a seller, manager, accountant, and so on.

Also in this column it is desirable to indicate other positions for which the applicant agrees to work. The fact is that by indicating one specialization, you automatically deprive yourself of the opportunity to take another, since your resume will not be at hand at the right time.

Applicant's data

Any competent resume for a job, a sample of which can be downloaded, contains this item. It must contain data about your date of birth, address, contact phone number, e-mail and marital status.


This point should be given special attention to those applicants who cannot boast of extensive work experience. Education must be indicated with specific dates, placing them in chronological but reverse order: from the latest to the very first. If there is additional education, courses, they must also be indicated.

If you download a resume sample for applying for a job, please note that training in high school indicated only if it was specialized school or if you graduated with honors. But secondary vocational education must be indicated.

If college education is somehow related to the position you are interested in, it is advisable to indicate the department that graduated you. A young specialist can celebrate his achievements at competitions, olympiads, competitions, and so on.

Scientific and other publications, own developments, inventions, awards are also indicated here.

work experience

The next point in the question of how to write a resume for a job correctly is an indication of work experience, a sample of which can be found in any example found on the Internet. Usually, university graduates cannot boast of great work experience, in this case they focus on education. But if it exists, especially if it is impressive, it must be indicated in chronological order, starting with the last place of work. First, the period of work is indicated, then the name of the organization, position.

Internships and internships are counted on a par with regular work. Moreover, some internships have even more weight than the entire work experience.

The question may arise: how is a resume written for a job when too much work experience and a familiar sample simply cannot fit it into the recommended two pages of text? In such cases, it is advised to stop only at the last 3-5 places of work. However, if you do not have a total great experience, it is better to specify it all.

Job Responsibilities

Sometimes this item is not singled out in a separate column, but indicated in the previous one. But if the vacancy is rare, at the previous place of work you held other positions, it is worth highlighting this information in a separate column.


Many people are interested in how to write a resume in order to interest the employer. The Achievements section helps a lot with this. It should indicate all the achievements in other places of work that you can be proud of. They will become the main markers for the employer by which the candidate is evaluated. By the way, it is desirable to describe them using the correct wording. So, all proposals must have a complete form: reduced costs, introduced technology, increased sales. In this case, it is desirable to indicate specific numbers.

Additional Information

Some resumes, which can be found on the Internet, provide additional information about themselves, a sample of which can be seen below. In this section, you need to reveal your strengths, skills and knowledge that help you perform your professional duties better.

Don't brag about yourself, just state the facts.

Personal qualities

Many people have problems with this item. How to fill out a resume for a job correctly in order to show yourself as a model of a specialist in your field, but not go too far? In this case, you need to build on the position for which you are applying. Think about what qualities an employee needs to do an excellent job with their duties, as far as they are expressed in you. Those that appear best, enter in this section.

This is an optional paragraph in the summary, but having it will give the document more persuasiveness. It is not necessary to provide a list of references. It is enough to indicate that there are people who are ready to confirm the skills you have declared. But it's worth having it. Make a list of the companies you have worked for and their contact persons. Check in advance whether they are ready to give such recommendations. It is recommended to go to the interview with this list.

What else can be indicated in the resume: practical advice

Even taking into account all of the above, applicants still do not always understand how to fill out a resume for a job correctly, they are looking for an example that matches their situation in order to make a similar one. In this case, it is worth paying attention to some practical advice, which are given by recruiting agencies and job search sites.

It is also important to understand that such a document is drawn up not so much for the sake of describing you as an applicant, but for a specific position. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of doing business by the company, its specifics, corporate requirements. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a separate resume for each new interview, but never come without it.

Practical resume writing tips are detailed in this video:

What not to write

The question of how to create a resume for a job correctly includes not only a sample of a correctly drafted document, but also recommendations on what should not be indicated in it. So, it is strictly not recommended to provide false information. This was discussed above, but it is worth emphasizing once again, since many inexperienced applicants have a desire to add some merit to themselves in order to get a good place. In fact, any lie always pops up. And it will be worse than if you immediately admit that you do not have certain skills.

A person without higher education, who in a short time went from an ordinary sales assistant to the head of the lending department in a bank. Once upon a time, it was a well-written resume that helped me build a dizzying career. For 9 years now I have not been employed, but I often have to deal with a resume, since now I myself act as an employer (IP).

There are many services that will help you write a resume. But not always such a summary will help you find a good one, high paying job. The trouble is that people write resumes with carbon paper. On the one hand, there are certain rules for compiling a resume, but on the other hand, it is important to have an individual handwriting.

A resume should be written in such a way that you are noticed among the general stream of competitors. In this article, you will learn about the standard rules for writing a resume, and I will also share with you my killer features that will help you stand out from your competitors and show typical mistakes, which people allow when compiling a resume and subsequent contacts with a potential employer.

Summary(translated from French as "summary") is a document that contains short information(previous work experience, education, skills, contact information, etc.) about the job seeker. This information helps the employer to choose the right candidate among the many applicants for the vacancy.

Why do you think a resume is the main tool when looking for a job? What do you usually write about in your resume?

Beginners at my seminars usually say that a resume is an attempt to declare oneself, about one's advantages. Then I ask them to list their benefits on what 90% people are given the following characteristics:

  • a responsibility;
  • sociability;
  • performance;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance, etc.

I'm sure you also write something similar in your resume.

Almost everyone lists the same benefits when compiling. ATTENTION! These are all standard, formulaic phrases that you need to get rid of if you want to stand out from your competitors.

But what and how to write about your advantages? Below I will show you some secret tricks, but first let me tell you a little story:

He asked me to write such an ad that people would immediately want to buy everything when they see it.

I then listened to him with irony. And already in my office I imagined for a moment that if I could write such ads, I would probably live somewhere in the Maldives now and enjoy life, having a huge amount of money in the bank.

But over the years, I have rethought what I said. Maybe because of my youth, I literally took it then. But then in life this phrase helped me a lot and continues to help so far.

Now, when I write someone a commercial offer, or write an ad, or even when I fill out my resume, I try to make it in such a way that, after looking at it, the employer immediately wants to hire me.

Still, I do not lose hope of learning how to write such ads.

The most important thing is to use this phrase to try to set yourself up in the right way. I noticed that when I sit down to fill out my resume and repeat this setup to myself, my head starts to work differently. I get completely different phrases and sentences, the very essence of the resume changes somewhat and the output is a completely different version than without this setting.

Conclusion: when you write your resume, you need to write about your advantages not in standard, template phrases, but give such arguments, having studied which your potential employer immediately want to hire you.

Believe me, it works and this is what a person who has passed a tough selection among dozens of candidates for such positions as the head of the lending department at a bank and the head of the sales department at wholesale company.

Now try to answer, what, in your opinion, is the main task of the resume?

Here is what the participants of one of my trainings answered this question:

A resume is a commercial offer, the purpose of which is to sell you, or rather your knowledge, skills, experience.

Inventory of own advantages

In order to create such a resume, seeing which the employer would immediately want to hire you, you need to identify your key advantages. This can be done by answering next questions:

  • Why am I better than others?
  • Why should I get this job?
  • What do I do better than others?
  • How am I different from my colleagues?
  • What have I done significant in my career?
  • What are my life achievements?

If you answer these questions, then you will have something to fill in the most viewable area of ​​the resume which you can learn about in the short video below:

Video: Most Viewed Resume Zones

Answering the questions above will help you make your resume more personal rather than generic and generic like most job seekers. Always try to stand out from other candidates and focus on writing such a selling resume, the key of which will be your advantages and achievements. With this, you can very gracefully switch the recruiter's attention from your shortcomings to your strengths.

How to write the most important part of a resume

Below you will see a sample of my resume. This option worked great at the time when I was looking for a job. I do not claim that this sample- this is the limit of perfection, that this is an ideal solution, but I can say that this resume worked perfectly and still works today.

Even now, when I am not employed, but developing my business, years later, I receive calls from employers who have my resume and who invite me for interviews.

Important note: in the most important part of the resume, I do not write about what I have achieved in previous jobs. Here I write about the significant things that happened in my life outside of work, but also about my professional skills:

Standard rules for writing a resume

So, how to make a resume according to standard rules, but using “selling” elements.

Step #1: Specify a name

Step #2: Position

Let us know what position we are applying for.

Step #3: Contact Details

We enter contact information. Indicate the phone number, and preferably two numbers, in case the first one is unavailable. As a second phone number, you can specify the number of your wife, husband, or any other close relative, friend. Enter your email, these contact details are enough.

Step #4: The Tastiest Part of Your Resume

The tastiest part of a resume that most employers see is the area immediately after your contact details. This is usually the first half of the first page. And I have the main life achievements there.

No matter what people put in there. Most often, they write about the education they received, which personally plays the last role for me, moreover, both for an applicant who never had a higher education, but who managed to become a boss in a bank, and for an employer who, when applying for a job, always looks not at the presence of certain crusts, but at real deeds and facts.

So, if you look at my example, then immediately after the contacts I have my main life achievements. This is the most delicious part of the resume.

If you can interest the employer in this particular part, then the chances that he will look at your resume to the end will be much higher. And our goal is all available methods encourage him to look through your resume to the end, to interest him so that he invites you for an interview.

Step #5: Previous Jobs

We indicate the previous places of work, and necessarily in reverse chronological order. That is, first of all, indicate your last place of work, then the penultimate one, and so on.

In this section, you must specify:

  • place of work;
  • from what date and until what date you worked there (you can specify the month and year);
  • the title of your position;
  • What were your responsibilities?
  • What have you achieved and what have you done in this job?

Step #6: Education

After you have indicated your work experience, start adding information about your education. On job sites, the item about your education is sometimes earlier than previous work experience. When you write a resume in Word and plan to send it out yourself, then education should be put higher if you graduated from some prestigious educational institution, or if your position is not considered without the appropriate education.

Since I did not have a higher education at the time of employment, which was a disadvantage, I had to lower it lower in order to focus employers' attention on more important points. However, if I was writing a resume now, I would still omit education below. In my opinion, work experience is much more important than the received “crust” about education.

Step #7: Additional Education

Immediately after that, indicate the courses you studied and the trainings you completed. List everything that can be named additional education.

Step #8: Additional Skills

Please indicate which languages ​​you speak. If only one, then you do not need to write about it. Or, if you speak Russian and Tatar, then there is no need to indicate this either, unless you are employed in a company where everyone speaks Tatar.

Write about how experienced a computer user you are. Also write what professional programs you own of those that may be useful to you when doing your job.

if you have letters of recommendation from former managers or there is an agreement that you can provide their contact details to provide your characteristics to the interested employer, then be sure to indicate this. And for the future, always try to have with your superiors a good relationship so that they then "put in a good word for you."

Step #10: Personality

Fill in the section with personal qualities and additional information. Here I am writing about the fact that I have my own car, category B rights and I am ready to use it in my work. This is especially true if your work involves movement.

I indicate additional information about myself, about what I do in my free time and what my interests are. I don't smoke or drink, I consider it my advantages, so I definitely include it in my resume. The employer will know that you will not go on smoke breaks, which means you will work more. He will understand that you will not come to work “with a hangover”, which means that you will always be full of energy, in a sober mind and a solid memory.

I always write that I study professional literature. And I’m not writing this for a red word, I actually subscribe to specialized literature and spend a lot of time on business books, because I don’t want to sit still, but I want to grow professionally, constantly upgrade my knowledge and skills.

Be sure to write about what sports I do. Pay attention to the line: "I am fond of team sports ...". The key word here is command. By this I emphasize that I can and love to work in a team. Thus, he killed two birds with one stone: And he told me about sports, once again emphasizing that I am a healthy, energetic person, and I used the emphasis on the team, giving importance to my person.

My resume ends with duplication of contact details and a call to action. This is how we make it easier for the recruiter, he will not need to scroll your resume to the beginning to find a phone number there. He is already in front of him and in big letters we ask him to call right now!

This is another small detail that none of my competitors have and that decides. It sets me apart from the competition and increases the chances of an employer calling.

How to get a recruiter to review your resume

If you think that all recruiters carefully read all the resume options that come to them, then you are very much mistaken.

Let's imagine one working day in the life of a real recruiter.

When a recruiter is given the task of finding a person for any vacancy, he has a specific list of tasks that is limited in time. It is very important. Surely, you are familiar with what is lack of time, emergency work, and the like.

If the recruiter takes too long to look for candidates, then he will have problems. He can simply be punished for inaction. How does this apply as employees? recruitment agencies, and employees of the HR department, which are in any large enterprise. Therefore, the recruiter's task list looks something like this:

  1. Compose a vacancy announcement, which includes information about the vacancy, information about the company, requirements for the applicant, working conditions, etc.
  2. Then you need to place an ad
  3. After that, according to the coordinates indicated in the announcement, streams of resumes will begin to pour in.
  4. All these resumes need to be processed and weeded out by unnecessary candidates.
  5. Suitable candidates will need to be called and interviewed.
  6. After that, from among the respondents, some of the people will be filtered out again, and the other part will need to be called again and invited for an interview.
  7. Then, with all the candidates, conduct an interview, once again weed out the unnecessary ones.
  8. And send the rest for an interview with the immediate head of the department where the required employee is required.

I remember well the case when I posted three vacancies on one of the job search sites. I posted job ads around 17:00. And the very next morning in my mailbox there were about 70(!) summary. Just imagine how much work you need to do to study all the letters sent. By the evening of the same day, the number of resumes reached 200 pieces.

Therefore, your chances of going unnoticed are quite high. Your task is to increase the percentage of response from employers with the help of a well-written resume. By the way, I recommend that you watch the video master class Resume through the eyes of a recruiter. Have you ever experienced this when looking for a job, when there are vacancies, but there are practically no responses to your resume? Have you ever tried looking at your resume through the eyes of a recruiter?

Today you will have such an opportunity. I posted a few job ads on one of the job search sites. It was last night. And in the morning next day, I received about 70 incoming messages from candidates in the mail.

I did a little analysis and found 12 key mistakes that reduce the effectiveness of your resume and significantly reduce the chances of your candidacy being considered.

Right now, you have the opportunity to study these mistakes and learn a useful lesson that will help you avoid as many as 12 mistakes when submitting a resume for a coveted position.

Video: Resume through the eyes of a recruiter - part # 1

Video: Resume through the eyes of a recruiter - part # 2

Ready-made samples and examples of resumes in Word format

Below you can download a sample resume of your obedient servant, as well as several versions of the resume of our readers, who compiled it according to my recommendations.

By the way, if you want to feedback according to your resume, then compose it according to the rules of this article and send it to Email info doggy site. I will give you feedback.

Cases and analyzes of readers' resumes

Readers regularly contact me with various issues for writing a resume. I try to help everyone, so get in touch. Below I analyze the most interesting cases:

Case #1: What to write in a resume if you have not officially worked for a long time

Hello Roman, I liked your article about a selling resume, the other day I want to buy training from you about “I want to find Good work“I need your help, please help. I am compiling a resume and I don’t know what to write in the resume in the “work experience” section, since I haven’t officially worked for the last 7 years, that is, before that I have experience, because during these 7 years I tried to work mainly on the Internet, where he mostly lost money and was engaged in network marketing, but in the end nothing happened. Please help me, how can I write this gap as cunningly and concisely as possible. I plan to get a job at an engineer, either a manager or a vehicle engineer, I will look at the options. Sincerely, Rustem Thank you in advance.

Dear Rustem! I wouldn't treat this 7th summer period your life as a "gap". I am sure that you have gained invaluable experience over these 7 years, which can and should be turned to your advantage.

Indicate that you have been doing business on the Internet for the last seven years. Next, highlight the key competencies that you developed during this period. If you were engaged in network marketing, then this contributed to the development of sales and communication skills. I myself was once involved in network marketing, I know firsthand that you have to leave your comfort zone, call different people, convince them, highlight and give some strong arguments in favor of this activity, work with objections, try to fulfill the sales plan, in in general, think of your occupation as a real business and take steps to develop it.

Don't be afraid to speak directly to your employer about this. What are most workers doing now? They want to do nothing and get paid for it, evade work. You can also write in your resume that the experience of entrepreneurship has helped you take a different look at the relationship between the employer and the employee, made you more responsible.

Alternatively, you can include in your resume or cover letter some suggestions taken from your most recent activity that could improve the profitability or performance of the business you are applying for.

Let's say I myself have learned a lot of things on the Internet over the past 9 years:

All this knowledge can be successfully applied in any business, because now there is nowhere without the Internet.

You have indicated specific positions for which you will apply. Here you need to start from the knowledge that you have received over this seven-year period and how it can be applied in your industries. Maybe you, as a vehicle engineer, can offer some kind of online system for accounting for traffic or for accounting for spare parts.

Perhaps your experience in network marketing will help improve the control room of the fleet in which you plan to work. Or you can build new scheme sales of motor transport services. This, of course, does not apply to the position of engineer. But maybe it's time for you to reconsider your career direction? Maybe it's time to change careers?

Try to answer these questions and write out your suggestions, and then put it all together in your resume ( commercial offer).

Roman, what can be the answer to the question of the employer when he asks: “Why exactly do you want to work for the company if you are engaged in entrepreneurship? After all, there more money and opportunities. All the same, 7 years of great experience.” What exactly is the answer to such a tricky question?

Speak like it is. In your case, the truth is the best weapon. Tell me, you overestimated your strength, “bought” the promise of easy money, for millions, but this is not there. More precisely, maybe there is, but I did not succeed. It took years to understand this.

Entrepreneurship is a slippery slope that is like a roller coaster. Today you can earn a lot, and tomorrow you can go into hard minus. Not everyone can be successful in business. When I started, I thought it would be different. I do not regret my attempt, but now I realized that I want stability.


So, let's summarize and consolidate the knowledge gained:

  • Play by the rules of recruiters;
  • Spend a lot of time writing your resume and approach the writing process responsibly and seriously;
  • Get yourself a decent email account (no need to use an email like [email protected] etc.);
  • Make up cover letters;
  • Do not use template phrases, try to tell about yourself and your advantages in simple and accessible words;
  • Highlight key resume blocks so that the employer will definitely pay attention to them;
  • Write a 1-2 page resume. Don't make letters too long;
  • After sending your resume, be sure to call the employer and find out if your letter has reached;
  • Be sure to call the employer and find out the result of consideration of your candidacy.

I am sure that these simple tips will help you create a competent and interesting resume that will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of a successful job.


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If every job seeker knew that he had only 3 minutes to "hook" the employer, then resumes would be made more qualitatively, responsibly and concisely. Self-presentation should look so that the personnel officer wants to meet with you and discuss the prospects for further cooperation.

What is a resume

Many candidates underestimate these career life sheets, and in vain, because the employer, without seeing you, can judge by your skills whether you are suitable for a particular job. A resume is a real document, so it must be neat, pedantic, and also include a number of mandatory points. An experienced recruiter will determine useful document in 2 minutes. How to write a resume so that you do not fall into the list of outsiders, but win the competition for the main prize - an in-person interview?

Rules for compiling a resume

Start working with the document with full name, purpose, contact information, age and marital status. Specify your key qualities, skills, work experience, education, achievements. Intuition will not tell you how to write a resume correctly - you need to follow certain business rules, whose knowledge will also be assessed by the personnel department or the head of the company.

What should a resume look like?

Visually, this document should look concise, strict, business-like. Try not to experiment with fonts, text colors, backgrounds, highlights (underlining, bold, italics). The volume of self-presentation should not exceed 2 pages, ideally, the recruiter should have 1 sheet on the table.

What to write about yourself

Visual perception of the document often stimulates the decision to call for an interview. You need to structure information correctly. How to write a resume and correctly fill out each of the blocks to make a favorable impression:

  1. Surname, First name, Patronymic, Date of birth- according to the passport. Avoid nicknames, abbreviations, false information.
  2. Target for you - the competition for the position "...".
  3. "Contact" includes current personal number phone, active email and address (if necessary).
  4. Family status must be stated in fact. There are 3 possible options that you need to write in your resume: married, single, civil marriage.
  5. Education– in chronological or functional order. It is advisable not to take into account seminars and “circles” that are insignificant for this vacancy, so as not to visually overload the document and not waste the time of a recruiter. Stop at the main profession required in the vacancy.
  6. work experience indicated in the order that will be of interest to a particular employer. If you worked as a chief accountant for 3 years, after which you got a job as a sales manager, and now you decide to return to financial sector, then at the top there will be more important experience. How to create a resume that is not overloaded with "extra" companies? The employer is interested in work experience over the past 10 years, the maximum length of service in one company, the last place of employment. In this paragraph, the following data should be concisely indicated: time range, name of the organization, position.
  7. Achievements include functional information: “developed”, “trained”, “mastered”, “supervised (number of people)”, “saved”, “developed”. This is how the recruiter will evaluate your potential usefulness, so it is important that he can quickly find your key skills in the canvas of the document.

Field of activity in the resume - what to write

Block " Additional Information” is a section of your skills. Describe your knowledge of languages, computer, additional level of knowledge in any field, personal qualities. What to write in a resume about yourself to stand out among thousands of faceless self-presentations? The shape of a perfectly drafted document is never full of information about the applicant's hobby, if it is not in addition to his professional skills. Think about how to present yourself correctly and interest the employer in your person.

How to write a resume for a student

Immediately after graduation, your work experience is not diverse, and an adequate employer understands this. How to properly write a resume so that it turns out to be concise, but meaningful? Students and graduates often omit the “Work Experience” block altogether, compensating for the “gap” with widespread information in the “Education” part. The knowledge acquired at conferences, international seminars, courses is much more important for the organization than a month of part-time work as a waiter in a cafe. You can also list your awards and distinctions and indicate the topic of the diploma.

How to fill out a resume if you are writing such a document for the first time? The easiest way is to use a template from job search sites, but then you are unlikely to be able to claim individuality. A competent way out of the situation is to study the rules, find out more information on how to draw up correct summary, and follow it. If you are preparing a self-presentation to send to a branch big company, and the key skill of the applicant for the vacancy is linguistic knowledge, it is better to print and issue the document in 2 copies - in Russian and in a foreign language.

Sample of a good job resume

Your checklist when creating a document will look like this:

  • brevity of presentation;
  • severity of design;
  • no frills in the form of a bright background, patterns, underlining;
  • availability of all necessary blocks;
  • competent, concise and informative presentation of the material.

For clarity, an example of a successful resume:

Sidorov Petr Valerievich

Purpose of the resume: competition for the position of an accountant

Phone: +7 (…) -…-..-..

Marital status: single


RSSU, 1992-1997

Specialty: foreign regional studies (specialist)

MGUPP, 2004-2009

Specialty: accounting, analysis and audit (specialist)

UMC of accountants and auditors, 2015-2016

Advanced training - seminar "New VAT taxation"

Work experience:

  • February 2003 – December 2016, OJSC Prosenval
  • Position: accountant
  • August 1997 – January 2003, JSC "Magistral"
  • Position: regional expert


In OAO Prosenval, he optimized the tax base, due to which the company's expenses were reduced by 13%.

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English (fluent)

Computer knowledge: confident user, knowledge of Office, 1C Accounting, Dolibarr

Personal qualities: punctuality, composure, ability to analyze, mathematical mindset.

Head of the financial department of JSC "Prosenval"

Avdotiev Konstantin Georgievich, tel. +7 (…)…-..-..

Ready to start work 02/01/2017,

Desired salary: from 40 000 rubles