Tatyana's letter summary. Tatyana Onegin's letter analysis

I am writing to you - what more? What else can I say? Now, I know, it is in your will to punish Me with contempt. But you, to my unfortunate share, Though keeping a drop of pity, You will not leave me. At first I wanted to be silent; Believe me: you would never know my shame, If only I had hope, Though rarely, even once a week, To see you in our village, Just to hear your speeches, To say a word to you and then Think everything, think about one thing.

And day and night until we meet again,

But, they say, you are unsociable,

In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,

And we ... we do not shine with anything,

Even though you are welcome.

Why did you visit us?

In the wilderness of a forgotten village

I would never know you

I would not know bitter torment.

Souls of inexperienced excitement

Reconciled with time (who knows?),

By heart I would find a friend,

Would be a faithful wife

And a good mother.

Another! .. No, no one in the world

I wouldn't give my heart!

It is in the highest predestined council ...

That is the will of heaven: I am yours;

My whole life has been a pledge

Faithful goodbye to you;

I know you were sent to me by God

Until the grave you are my keeper ...

You appeared to me in dreams

Invisible, you were already sweet to me,

Your wonderful look tormented me,

For a long time... no, it was not a dream!

You just entered, I instantly found out

All numb, blazed

And in her thoughts she said: here he is!

Isn't it true? I heard you

You spoke to me in silence

When I helped the poor

Or comforted by prayer

The anguish of an agitated soul?

And at this very moment

Aren't you, sweet vision,

Flickered in the transparent darkness,

Crouched quietly to the headboard?

Are you not with joy and love

Words of hope whispered to me?

Who are you? Is my guardian angel

Or an insidious tempter:

Resolve my doubts. Perhaps this is all empty, Deception of an inexperienced soul! And something completely different is destined ... But so be it! From now on, I entrust my fate to you, I shed tears before you, I implore your protection... Imagine: I am alone here, Nobody understands me, My mind is exhausted, And I must die in silence. I'm waiting for you: with a single glance of the Hope of the heart, revive Or interrupt a heavy dream, Alas, with a well-deserved reproach! I'm cumming! Terrible to read. I freeze with shame and fear ... But your honor is my guarantee, And I boldly entrust myself to her.

In the morning Tatiana's nanny comes to visit, and the girl asks to send a letter to Onegin. Two days from Onegin there is no answer. Lensky arrives alone and assures that Onegin promised to be there by evening. Seeing Onegin approaching, Tatyana gets frightened, runs into the garden, where the maids pick berries and sing a folk song.

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The letters of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana stand out sharply from the general canvas of the work of the great Russian poet. Even Pushkin himself involuntarily drew attention to them - a thoughtful reader will notice that the strictly organized “Onegin stanza” is no longer used here, but the complete poetic freedom of the author is noticeable.

Frank confession of the heroine

In the analysis of Tatyana's letter to Onegin, it is worth pointing out that it is, first of all, the appeal of a young girl who, due to her feelings, is forced to step over huge moral obstacles. She herself was afraid of the unexpected strength of the surging feelings. Tatyana Larina was the first to confess her love.

What prompted her to take such a bold step, besides a strong feeling that arose in her soul and did not give rest? Tatyana, without even realizing it, was sure that Onegin would reciprocate her in the future. Therefore, she was the first to decide to write a frank letter to her lover. Analyzing Tatyana's letter to Onegin, the critic V. G. Belinsky believed that it reflected sincerity and simplicity, since in the poem openness coexists with truth.

Contrasting Tatyana Onegin

Tatyana and Evgeny acutely feel alienated from the environment in which they are forced to live. Pushkin expresses this in the fact that in the "native family" she constantly felt like a stranger, and in the blues from which Onegin suffers. And dissatisfaction with reality contributes to the fact that both characters plunge headlong into the fictional world of books. Tatyana, reading sentimental novels, dreams of a bright and full of passion life.

The main principles on which the novel "Eugene Onegin" is organized are symmetry, as well as parallelism. Symmetry can be observed in the sequence of events: meeting - letter - explanation. It should be noted that Onegin and Tatyana change roles in the course of the work, and this corresponds not only to the external scheme, but also to the position of the narrator. In the first case, the poet is with Tatyana; in the second - with Onegin. The integrity of the heroine is opposed to her lover.

Expression of love of the heroine in a letter

The verse "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin", which the heroine writes to a cordial friend, characterizes her as an ordinary girl of her time. She was brought up on sentimental novels. In them, the heroine determined her own ideal of a lover, which was later projected onto Onegin.

In the letter, it is easy to see the sincerity of her motives, which are not covered by false words. She addresses her lover with warmth and tenderness, calling him "a sweet vision." The girl gives her life path to the power of her lover, as shown in an excerpt from Tatyana's letter to Onegin:

“Then in the highest council is destined ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours"

The image of a highly intelligent girl

Unlike the main character, the image of the girl is much spiritually higher. F. M. Dostoevsky, analyzing Tatyana’s letter to Onegin, wrote that it was Tatyana who was worth becoming the main character of the work, because she is more developed spiritually and surpasses Onegin in mind.

It should also be taken into account that the letter is written in foreign language. And this is an indicator of a high level of education, which was typical for the nobles of those times. The verse "Tatyana's letter to Onegin", according to the plot, was written in French. Of course, in reality, no French letter from the girl ever existed. Tatyana's letter was a "mythical translation".

Asking for protection from your feelings

Tatyana shows independence in her actions and judgments. Of all, she chooses her hero, who could love her, eventually become the father of her children. There is an interesting phrase in the letter:

“I shed tears before you,

I beg your protection."

From whom does the heroine ask to protect herself? Brodsky, who studied the work of A. S. Pushkin and analyzed Tatyana's letter to Onegin, emphasizes that it is impossible to fully understand these lines if you do not pay attention to the letter of the heroine Yulia from Rousseau's work The New Eloise. Her words literally translate as: "You must protect me from yourself." However, one should not be limited only to the guess that the great Russian poet could borrow these words from Tatyana's favorite work. She is afraid of loneliness, her own feelings, possible rash acts. And she does one of them by sending this letter to Onegin.


The summary of Tatyana's letter to Onegin shows that neither the nanny nor the relatives can understand the longing that fills her heart. And for the character of the heroine, the possibility of such recognition is excluded - she can only tell about her feelings to someone who is equal to her in intelligence. If she loses Onegin, then she will have only one thing left - to die among already rejected admirers. But the heroine is ready to meekly accept both the refusal of her lover and his love. She writes without the light of a lamp. The state of mind takes the heroine into a world far from reality - this is the highest degree of abstraction. However, Tatyana writes with a firm hand - confession of her feelings is her personal choice.


Since ancient times, in Russian literature it was considered unworthy,
if a girl was the first to reveal her feelings to a young man,
she was condemned if she dared to write a letter to a man.
The heroine of Pushkin's novel Tatyana Larina writes a letter to Evgeny
Onegin, confessing his love. Artistic hero's letter
works reveals it inner world, indicates
the utmost frankness of his thoughts and feelings.

Read aloud "Tatyana's Letter to Onegin."

I am writing to you - what more?
What else can I say?
Now I know in your will
Punish me with contempt.
But you, to my unfortunate lot
Though a drop of pity keeping,
You won't leave me.
At first I wanted to be silent;
Believe me: my shame
You would never know
When I had hope
Rarely, at least once a week
To see you in our village
Just to hear your words
You say a word, and then
All think, think of one
And day and night until a new meeting.
But, they say, you are unsociable;

In the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you,

And we ... we do not shine with anything,
Though you are glad and glad ingenuously.

Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never know you
I would not know bitter torment.
Souls of inexperienced excitement
Reconciled with time (who knows?),
By heart I would find a friend,
Would be a faithful wife
And a good mother.

Another! .. No, no one in the world
I wouldn't give my heart!
That in the supreme council is destined ...
That is the will of heaven: I am yours;
My whole life has been a pledge
Faithful goodbye to you;
I know you were sent to me by God
Until the grave you are my keeper ...
You appeared to me in dreams
Invisible, you were already sweet to me,
Your wonderful look tormented me,
Your voice resounded in my soul
For a long time ... no, it was not a dream!
You just entered, I instantly found out
All numb, blazed
And in her thoughts she said: here he is!
Isn't it true? I heard you
You spoke to me in silence
When I helped the poor
Or comforted by prayer
The anguish of an agitated soul?
And at this very moment
Aren't you, sweet vision,
Flickered in the transparent darkness,
Penetrated quietly to the headboard?
Is it not you, with joy and love,
Words of hope whispered to me?
Who are you, my guardian angel
Or an insidious tempter:
Resolve my doubts.

Maybe it's all empty
Deception of an inexperienced soul!
And something completely different is destined ...
But so be it! my fate
From now on, I give you
I shed tears in front of you
I beg your protection...
Imagine I'm here alone
Nobody understands me,
My mind is failing
And I must die silently.
I'm waiting for you: with a single look
Revive the hopes of the heart
Or break a heavy dream,
Alas, well-deserved reproach!

I'm cumming! Scary to read...
I freeze with shame and fear ...
But your honor is my guarantee,
And I boldly entrust myself to her ...

/V.G. Belinsky. Works of Alexander Pushkin. Article nine. "Eugene Onegin" (end) /

Tatyana suddenly decides to write to Onegin: a naive and noble impulse; but its source is not in consciousness, but in unconsciousness: the poor girl did not know what she was doing. Later, when she became a noble lady, the possibility of such naive-magnanimous movements of the heart completely disappeared for her ... Tatyana's letter drove all Russian readers crazy when the third chapter of Onegin appeared. Together with everyone else, we thought to see in him the highest example of the revelation of a woman's heart. The poet himself, it seems, without any irony, without any ulterior motive, wrote and read this letter. But a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then... Tatyana's letter is wonderful even now, although it already resonates a little with some kind of childishness, with something "romantic".<...>

Everything in Tatyana's letter is true, but everything is simple.<...>The combination of simplicity with truth is the highest beauty and feelings, and deeds, and expressions ...

It is remarkable with what effort the poet tries to justify Tatyana for her determination to write and send this letter: it is clear that the poet knew too well the society for which he wrote ...<...>

Tatyana's visit to the deserted house of Onegin (in the seventh chapter) and the feelings aroused in her by this abandoned dwelling, on all objects of which there was such a sharp imprint of the spirit and character of the owner who left him, belongs to the best parts of the poem and the most precious treasures of Russian poetry. Tatyana repeated this visit more than once, -

And in the silent office, Forgetting everything in the world for a while, She was finally left alone, And she cried for a long time. Then she took up books. At first she had no time for them; But their choice seemed strange to her. Tatyana devoted herself to reading with a greedy soul; And another world opened up to her......................... And little by little My Tatyana begins to understand Now it is clearer, thank God, The one for whom she sighs Condemned by an imperious fate ... .. ...................... Really solved the riddle, Really word found?..

So, in Tatyana, at last, an act of consciousness took place; her mind woke up. She finally understood that there are interests for a person, there are sufferings and sorrows, besides the interest of suffering and the sorrow of love. But did she understand what exactly these other interests and sufferings consisted of, and if she understood, did this serve her to alleviate her own sufferings? Of course, I understood, but only with the mind, with the head, because there are ideas that must be experienced both in soul and body in order to fully understand them, and which cannot be studied in a book. And therefore, a book acquaintance with this new world of sorrows, if it was a revelation for Tatyana, this revelation made a heavy, bleak and fruitless impression on her; it frightened her, horrified her, and made her look at the passions as the death of life, convinced her of the need to submit to reality as it is, and if you live the life of your heart, then to yourself, in the depths of your soul.<...>

Visiting Onegin's house and reading his books prepared Tatyana for the rebirth from a village girl into a secular lady, which surprised and amazed Onegin so much. In the previous article, we have already talked about Onegin's letter to Tatiana and the result of all his passionate letters to her.<...>

Now let's go straight to Tatyana's explanation with Onegin. In this explanation, Tatyana's whole being was fully expressed. This explanation expressed everything that constitutes the essence of a Russian woman with a deep nature, a developed society - everything: a fiery passion, and the sincerity of a simple, sincere feeling, and the purity and holiness of the naive movements of a noble nature, and reasoning, and offended pride, and vanity virtue, under which the slavish fear of public opinion is disguised, and the cunning syllogisms of a mind that paralyzed the magnanimous movements of the heart with secular morality ...<...>

The main idea of ​​Tatyana's reproaches is the conviction that Onegin did not fall in love with her then only because this did not have the charm of temptation for him; and now the thirst for scandalous fame leads to her feet ... In all this, fear for one's virtue breaks through ...<...>

Tatyana does not like the world, and for happiness she would consider leaving it forever for the village; but as long as she is in the light, his opinion will always be her idol and the fear of his judgment will always be her virtue...<...>

The life of a woman is centered primarily in the life of the heart; to love means to live for her; and to sacrifice is to love. For this role, nature created Tatyana; but society has recreated it...<...>

Read also other topics of articles by V.G. Belinsky about the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Onegin"

Works of Alexander Pushkin. Article eight

In the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" an important place is occupied by Tatyana's letter to Onegin, the analysis of which is important for understanding the whole image of the heroine.

Main thought

Tatyana writes to Onegin, wanting to know his response to her feelings. She is ready for mutual manifestations, and for rejection. Being in complete misunderstanding among people close to her, she reveals herself only to Eugene and sincerely hopes for his support.

Means of expression

In Tatyana's letter to Onegin, the analysis should begin with the means of expressing thought. Despite the fact that Tatyana is afraid to start her letter to Eugene Onegin, she gradually opens up to him, already turning to her lover on “you”. Tatyana is open to the hero, she tells him all her thoughts and fears. She tells Onegin that no one understands her, for everyone she is a stranger.

The letter combines the romanticism of the heroine, drawn from sentimental novels, and the determination that is associated with the desire to constantly see Onegin and talk to him.

Tatyana is contradictory in her letter, her words are similar to her thoughts, which come to mind one after another, replacing each other in opposite ways. The heroine calls Onegin either her angel-savior, who was sent to her by God, or the snake-tempter, realizing that feelings can be non-reciprocal. Tatyana either asks for help and protection from the protagonist, or asks why he appeared in her life.

The girl writes her letter in French, because she did not know Russian well. Here the author points to the relationship with the French novels that the heroine loved to read so much.

Romanticism, which is so characteristic of Tatyana, was manifested in the letter in the way the heroine talked about her feelings. She used various epithets that most colorfully conveyed Tatyana's thoughts. She used both metaphors and the vocabulary of oral folk art, which speaks of her closeness to the common people. No wonder Tatyana is close in the work only with her nanny. The letter also reflected the heroine's belief in divine powers, she uses religious vocabulary. Eugene for her is either an angel or a snake-tempter.

The meaning of the letter

Letters play an important role in the narrative, which is conducted on behalf of the author. This is both Tatyana's letter and Onegin's letter.

This analysis can be compared with an article that will help write the essay "Analysis of Onegin's poem to Tatyana."

In Larina's letter to Yevgeny, Tatyana reveals her character on her own, in her own words addressed to Onegin. The letter reflected the entire emotional response to the appearance of the hero in her life.

Having grown up on French novels, she was waiting for the same love sensations that happened with the heroines of these novels. Tatyana, as the author writes, fell in love because "the time has come", and in Onegin all the images from the novels that she read were combined. She was waiting for the same interesting relationship that she read about, which is why she writes a letter to Onegin.

The girl is brave and open in front of her lover, she is the first to confess her feelings, which in those days was considered wrong. The heroine is not afraid of the condemnation of other people, she trusts Evgeny with all her further fate. This shows that Tatyana knows how to be open, although many considered her a sad and strange girl.

The ambiguity of the transmitted thoughts speaks of the highest degree of Tatiana's sincerity. She did not think over her letter, but wrote in a fit of emotions, love feelings. She wanted to convey to her lover what she feels. She wanted to know the hero's answer rather than secretly torment herself with love.

Falling in love with the ideal of a man she created herself does not negate all of Tatyana's sincere feelings, which she so tenderly and at the same time boldly conveyed in a letter to Onegin.

After Tatiana has written a letter, she is afraid to read it again, because this letter was thoughtless, and the author even emphasizes this several times. However, the purity and sincerity of her feelings overcome fear - Tatyana sends a letter to Eugene.

This article will help analyze Tatyana Larina's letter to the main character, she will help write the essay "Analysis of Tatyana's letter to Onegin."

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