Competition for the moral feat of the teacher position. Materials for participation in the competition "for the moral feat of a teacher"

May 4, 2016

On May 4, the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and laureates was held in the Assembly Hall of the Palace of Student Youth Petersburg(city) stage of the All-Russian competition "For the moral feat of a teacher" in 2016

The All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children of school age and youth under 20 years of age for the award "For the moral feat of a teacher" is held by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation with the support of the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts since 2008.

District stage of the competition, which will be held in September

AT St. Petersburgh more than 700 St. Petersburg teachers took part in the competition.

There are 7 nominations in the competition "For the moral feat of a teacher", in each of them one first, two second and three third places are determined.

This year, changes were made when summing up the results of the competition - the highest title of Laureate appeared, and today the names of the authors of the six best works were named.

In 2016, more than 150 teachers from all regions presented their work Petersburg. 35 works were recognized as the best, seven works were awarded 1st place, nine works - 2nd place, thirteen - 3rd place. And 83 authors of these wonderful works will be awarded today with diplomas of the winner and laureate of the competition. Most of the winners are from Kalininsky, Primorsky, and Pushkinsky districts.

First place in the nomination Best Program Spiritual and Moral and Civil and Patriotic Education of Children and Youth” was awarded to the work entitled “Support” program of spiritual and moral education of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty. This is new technology penitentiary pedagogy, supported by the authority of the Russian Orthodox Church in the process vocational training convicts studying at the "Obukhov School No. 4". It is very important that students of the Orthodox Theological Academy come to condemned young people, and by their own example convince them of the possibility of starting a new life. Among the authors of the unique project: Zabavnov Sergei Sergeevich, teacher of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, head of social missionary practice, master of theology; Popova Anzhelika Leonidovna - teacher of the school of the first category; Smirnova Galina Aleksandrovna master, teacher the highest category; Shumilova Alexandra Viktorovna - master, teacher of the school of the first category. A well-deserved award for the entire team was received by the director of the Obukhov School No. 4, a teacher of the highest category, Honorary Worker of the Primary vocational education Russian Federation Stanislav Nikolaevich Elagin.

In the second nomination - "Organization of spiritual and moral education within the framework of an educational institution", two first places were awarded at once.

One of them went to the authors of the work "Keeper of the hearth" to the teachers of kindergarten No. 69 of the combined type of the Kalininsky district Repkina Tatyana Viktorovna and Zakharova Natalya Aleksandrovna. The most important task of the project "Mom is the keeper of the hearth": to cultivate respect, careful and caring attitude towards the mother, a feeling of deep love and affection for the closest and dearest person. Mom is like the Mother of God - Protector and Intercessor, everyone can turn to her for help. Her motherhood extends to everyone. And the child, in turn, learned to love effectively: to take care of his mother, to support him with kind words, sympathy, and concrete deeds. Educators have become a link between children and their parents, and joint classes and holidays confirm this.

The first place in the nomination "Organization of spiritual and moral education within the framework of an educational institution" was received by another work: the Program of complex measures for spiritual and moral education within the framework of the meta-subject research project "Spiritual Origins of the Motherland". The key direction of the program is the development of citizenship and patriotism, a sense of pride in their homeland. Educational trips, research in museums, bright events - all the activities of the project "Spiritual Origins of the Motherland" are implemented with advisory support St. Petersburg Spiritual Orthodox Academy and Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy.

Authors of the project: Malyutina Larisa Gennadievna - Honorary Worker general education Russian Federation, Deputy Director for Educational and educational work; Morozov Konstantin Alexandrovich - teacher of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture, director of the Center for Spiritual Culture and Education of the Vyborg District, rector of the Church of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, priest of the Church of the Prophet Elijah; Gavrish Elena Petrovna - teacher of Russian language and literature at the gymnasium.

Winner in the nomination "Best innovative development of the year” was recognized as an innovative development Integrated educational project"Formation of the supra-subject educational space "Remain human" as a method of spiritual and moral education of the student's personality." The author, Edita Vladimirovna Panova, a teacher of the Russian language and literature at school No. 31 of the Vasileostrovsky district, developed a system of creative research work of students devoted to modern life, related to learning topics. Research issues are discussed collectively in the Assembly Hall at bright and unforgettable meetings.

The winner of the nomination "Best Publishing Project of the Year" was the Book "About War and War". 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War. The book brings together 10 articles by veterans; 39 articles by teachers; 66 articles by pupils and students; 9 children's poems; 7 poems by participants in the Great Patriotic War; children's drawings - 34; photographs of the war years - 235. These materials were collected by a huge team: 9 schools and gymnasiums, 2 kindergartens, an aviation and transport college, educational center"Logos" of the Leningrad region. Particularly interesting are the chapters that present materials collected by the children themselves about their ancestors: "The Immortal Regiment of Kindergarten No. 30 of the Petrograd District" and "The Immortal Regiment of Gymnasium No. 67 of the Petrograd District." These are 110 photographs of heroes who defended the country, heroes whose great-grandchildren study at Gymnasium No. 67 and great-great-grandchildren go to Kindergarten No. 30. So the collection “connected the thread of times”, connected generations, connected citizens of one country. The authors of the publication: Timermanis Valentina Anatolyevna, director of the Gymnasium No. 67; Panova Nina Vasilievna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies, Leningradsky State University them. A.S. Pushkin; Pavlova Natalia Alexandrovna - Deputy Director for educational work, social pedagogue. The award on behalf of the team of authors of gymnasium No. 67 of the Petrogradsky district was received by Elena Anatolyevna Kupirova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, deputy director for educational work, teacher of Russian language and literature.

The first place in the nomination "The best methodological development on the "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" was awarded to the work Development of a lesson on the topic "Christian family and its values". The author of the work is a teacher primary school School No. 595 of the Primorsky District, Natalya Vasilievna Rybkina, is sure: The family in the Christian sense is a domestic Church, a single organism whose members live and build their relationships on the basis of the law of love, and with the help of creative tasks invites students to verify this.

The first place in the nomination "The Best Pedagogical Research of the Year" was given to the work Worldview Self-Determination of High School Students in School Education. The monograph is the result of 20 years professional activity the author, Svetlana Erlenovna Berestovitskaya, teacher of the Russian language and literature, deputy director for educational work of the Lyceum No. 226 of the Frunzensky district. This is a generalization of the experience of a researcher, teacher, leader on the topic of the formation of a worldview among high school students, based on a survey of thousands of children. The modern school can and should contribute to the formation of the worldview self-determination of high school students, Svetlana Erlenovna believes.

For the first time in the 11 years of the competition's existence, the projects and the names of the absolute winners - the laureates of the competition - were named.

  1. Project "Good Lessons" in the educational space Petersburg and its authors: Galina Petrovna Korneeva, teacher of Russian language and literature, Honored Teacher of Russia at the Unison Private School; Irina Anatolyevna Konstantinova, Head of the Sector of Methodological Work of the Department of Religious Education of the Diocesan Courses of Religious Education and Catechism. St. Righteous John of Kronstadt.
  2. The project "The historical environment of the Pavlovsk gymnasium - a moral lesson", authors: Dmitry Georgievich Efimov, director of Gymnasium No. 209 (Pavlovsk gymnasium) of the Central District, teacher of history and social studies; Natalya Viktorovna Prozorova, Deputy Director for Educational Work, teacher of Orthodox culture and pedagogue additional education; Olga Igorevna Masliy, Deputy Director for educational work; Anastasia Alexandrovna Zakharova, head of the museum of the history of the gymnasium; Elena Mikhailovna Prilutskaya, teacher-organizer.
  3. The title of Laureate of the competition was awarded to Rytov Dmitry Anatolyevich, Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Instruments Petersburg State Institute of Culture, the author of the project Creation of an educational and methodological set on the subject "Music" for grades 1-4, contributing to spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education.
  4. The title of Laureate of the competition for the project "The Lost Temples of the Petrograd Side" was awarded to the group of authors of the Gymnasium No. 85 of the Petrogradsky District, Marina Andreevna Viltsina, Deputy Director for Educational Work, methodologist; Lyubov Evgenievna Kocheshkova, head of the pedagogical laboratory, teacher of the Russian language and literature; Nikolai Valentinovich Smirnov, director, teacher of history and social studies.
  5. The winner of the competition, the author of the competition work "Cyrillic" coloring book - Ekaterina Borisovna Potapova, primary school teacher at school No. 546 of the Krasnoselsky district.
  6. Innovative pedagogical project“School of Spiritual Development “Istoki”, authors: Elena Vladimirovna Matyukhina, Director of Boarding School No. 9 of the Kalinin District; Lyudmila Fedorovna Ageeva, Deputy Director for Educational Work; Yulia Mikhailovna Ilyenkova, Deputy Director for educational work; Alexey Viktorovich Voltov, Deputy Director of the Information and Methodological Center of the Kalininsky District.

Dear colleagues!
We inform you that in connection with the changes that have occurred at the federal level in the procedure and timing of the XI All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children of school age and youth under 20 years of age for the award "For the moral feat of a teacher" (hereinafter - Competition), changes have been made to the procedure and timing of the regional (diocesan) stage of this Competition.

Materials for the Competition are provided not only in printed bound and in electronic format, but also must be without fail PLACED ON THE PORTAL OF THE COMPETITION, in connection with which TO ALL PARTICIPANTS, applicants for the competition must until 24.00 May 30 place your competitive work on the Competition portal at
To post materials on the Contest portal, you can use the following instructions( (DOCX , 537 Kb)).
Due to changes in the procedure and timing of the Contest the intramural stage of the regional Competition in 2016 is cancelled.

The winners of the regional correspondence stage of the Competition will be given the opportunity to present their experience in sections and master classes as part of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of Children and Youth: Experience, Problems, Prospects for Development", which will be held September 21-22, 2016 at GAU DPO PC IRO.

Nominations of the All-Russian and regional stages of the Competition in 2016

Nominations of the All-Russian stage of the Competition Nominations of the regional stage of the Competition
1.Best Innovative Development of the Year
2. Best Pedagogical Research of the Year
3.Best publishing project of the year
4. The best program of spiritual-moral and civil-patriotic education of children and youth
5. The best methodological development in the subject area "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" 5. The best educational and methodological development created within the framework of the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"
6. Teachers high school- high school
7. For the organization of spiritual and moral education within the framework of an educational institution
8. Best development of a lesson or extracurricular activity

Dates of the All-Russian Competition in 2016 ().

List of documents available in Mail.Ru Cloud

  • Order of the DoiN PC on holding the regional stage of the Competition.
  • Regulations on holding the regional stage of the Competition.
  • Applications to the Regulations on the regional stage of the Competition.
  • Methodological materials for the participants of the Competition.
  • Criteria for evaluating competitive works in nominations (expert sheets for nominations).
  • Instructions for placing competitive materials on the portal of the competition "For the teacher's moral feat".

For all questions, contact Elena Timoshenko.
690091 Primorsky Territory, Vladivostok, st. Sloping, d. 65.
Department of religious education and catechesis of the Vladivostok diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church..
Tel.: 8(423) 240 – 13 – 36; m.: 8914 - 699 - 47 - 57
The address Email: [email protected]

Kosheleva M.E., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Organizational and Methodological Work
PC IRO , member of the expert commission of the Competition

On summing up the results of the interregional stage of the All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children and youth under 20 years old "For the moral feat of a teacher" 2016.
On July 20, 2016, the Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Kazan Diocese, held a meeting of the expert commission, at which the results of the interregional stage of the All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children and youth under 20 years old "For the moral feat of a teacher" were summed up ". The experts included both employees of the IRO RT, representatives of the Kazan diocese, and representatives of the religious departments of the dioceses of most regions of the Volga Federal District.
The work of the commission was headed by Metropolitan Feofan of Kazan and Tatarstan and co-chairman of the competition commission, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov.

With the blessing of the chairman of the Synodal Department for Religious Education and Catechism, Metropolitan Mercury of Rostov and Novocherkassk, the head of the sector of events and competitions of the Synodal Department, the executive secretary of the XI competition "For the moral feat of a teacher" monk Trifon (Umalatov) took part in the work of the competition committee.
The competition is held annually on the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts.
Traditionally, teachers who are actively working in the direction of spiritual and moral upbringing and education of children and youth take part in the competition "For the moral feat of a teacher". The works submitted for the competition contain rich experience in teaching practice in the field of spiritual and educational and civil and patriotic education of children and youth, familiarizing the younger generation with the heritage of the world artistic culture, national history.
Monk Trifon (Umalatov) expressed his gratitude to the organizers of the district stage in the Volga Federal District, noting the qualified work of the experts: “I would like to say thanks to all the employees who worked hard in preparing and holding this competition. These are employees of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Kazan Diocese, and representatives of the Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, and, first of all, experts who arrived at the meeting of the Expert Commission from the regions.”
This year, 123 works (196 participants) from 14 subjects of the Volga Federal District were submitted to the interregional stage.
The works of the winners and laureates of the inter-regional stage of the competition will become participants in the All-Russian stage, which will be held in August in Moscow.
The Samara diocese was represented by 7 works.
According to the decision of the interregional commission:
2nd place awarded
Bykova Ludmila Mikhailovna. Municipal budgetary educational institution "School No. 83 of the city district of Samara". OPC teacher.
Work: "The influence of Orthodox-oriented classes on the spiritual and moral education of younger students" (From the experience of MBOU secondary school No. 83, Samara).

The winners in the categories were

Kazakova Irina Borisovna FSBEI HE "Samara State Social and Humanitarian University". Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History and Theory of World Culture. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor.
Safonova Evgeniya Viktorovna FSBEI HE "Samara State Social and Humanitarian University". Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy, History and Theory of World Culture. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Collective work: “Spiritual and moral education and development of schoolchildren within the framework of the educational field “Fundamentals of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia” (On the example of the course “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture”).
Fedorinova Irina Leonidovna Autonomous non-profit organization "Orthodox classical gymnasium" Tolyatti. Teacher of world art culture.
Work: “Formation of Christian values ​​by means of cinematography. Methodological development for teachers, class teachers, teachers.
All participants of the interregional stage will be awarded certificates.

Congratulations to the teachers on a well-deserved victory!


Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate

work with children and youth

(district tour)

Municipal budgetary educational institution Lugansk secondary school in the village of Bobrik, Komarichsky district, Bryansk region

presents to the district round of the All-Russian competition "For the moral feat of a teacher"

Dobrenkova Galina Ivanovna

The title of the work is “Royal education”. Spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of Emperor Nicholas II »

Best Innovative Development of the Year

Teachers of higher school - secondary school

Applicant's signature: / Dobrenkova G.I./

with. beaver

Central Federal District


Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in

Central Federal District

(specify federal district)
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

"For the moral feat of the teacher"

Dobrenkova Galina Ivanovna

Address of residence (with postal code), telephones, e-mail: 242412

GalinaDobrenkova @ yandex . en

Honorary titles (if any) ______________________________________________

Availability of prizes, prizes and other awards ___________________________________________

with. beaver

Central Federal District


Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in

Central Federal District

(specify federal district)
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

annual All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education

and work with children and young people under 20

"For the moral feat of the teacher"

Dobrenkova Galina Ivanovna

Title of the work: “Royal education”. Spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of Emperor Nicholas II »

Nomination: Best Innovative Development of the Year

Brief abstract of the work

(no more than 1,000 printed characters)

The spiritual and moral development of a child's personality begins from the first years of life. Its integrity, continuity and continuity is ensured by the joint efforts of the family, school and society. The proposed work is written in accordance with the requirements for this type of methodological development. Its significance lies in the fact that the form of the oral journal and the thematic material used create best conditions to unite the efforts of the family, society and school in solving the problems of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education of the younger generation. The undoubted advantage of this development is a clear designation of the problem: the modern family as the custodian of traditions, the cradle of man and the cradle of culture is under threat. In the situation of the current global crisis of culture, especially in the field of education, it is important to turn to our spiritual heritage. The strength of the family and the moral health of children can revive domestic traditions of education. Russian history gives many examples of moral relations between a man and a woman, arising from mutual respect, trust and fidelity. One of such examples of family relations is the Romanov family - Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna and their children. This methodological development is intended for teachers and class teachers in order to introduce it into extracurricular work with students, as well as for working with parents. It can be used when studying the course of Russian history and culture at school, when compiling special courses on the history of spiritual culture, the ethics of family relations.

with. beaver

Central Federal District


Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate

Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in

Central Federal District

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

All-Russian competition of works in the field of pedagogy,

work with children and youth

"For the moral feat of the teacher"

(district tour)

Surname First name Patronymic: Dobrenkova Galina Ivanovna

Title of the work: “Royal education”. Spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of Emperor Nicholas II »

Competitive direction (underline):

· Best Innovative Development of the Year

Best Pedagogical Research of the Year

Best Publishing Project of the Year

The best program of spiritual and moral education of children and youth

The best program of civil and patriotic education of children and youth

Teachers of higher school - secondary school

For the organization of spiritual and moral education within the framework of an educational institution

Brief annotation

(no more than 1000 printed characters)

Implementation of federal state educational standards in the system of general education requires the use of active forms during extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities should be educational and developmental. Education should be focused on achieving a certain ideal. This development presents a scenario for holding a class hour in the form of an oral journal. The topic of this event is relevant, since the problem of family education is quite acute in modern society. Each page of the magazine has a logical conclusion, carries not only cognitive, but also educational potential.

Address of residence (with postal code), telephones, e-mail: 242412

st. School, 10/2, p. Bobrik, Komarichsky district, Bryansk region, 8 483 559 56 23, 8 903 644 86 79, GalinaDobrenkova @ yandex . en

Place of work or occupation: teacher of German and English MBOU Lugansk secondary school in the village of Bobrik, Komarichsky district, Bryansk region

Honorary titles (if any) ______________________________________

Availability of prizes, prizes and other awards __________________________________

with. beaver

Central Federal District

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Lugansk secondary school in the village of Bobryk

Komarichsky municipal department of education of the Bryansk region

242412, Bryansk region, Komarichsky district, Bobrik village, st. School, 15

tel. 8-483-559-56-28

[email protected]


Head of the branch MBOU Lugansk secondary school

in the village of Bobrik, Komarichsky district, Bryansk region


(Signature stamp)

"The Way of the Righteous"

(Spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of Emperor NicholasII )

Implementation period: 1 year

Age of children: 6 - 18 years


Dobrenkova Galina Ivanovna, teacher of foreign languages

with. beaver

Central Federal District

    Explanatory note 3 - 8

2.0 Scenario of the oral journal "The Way of the Righteous" (Spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of Emperor Nicholas II)

2.1 Introduction by the class teacher 9

2.2 Page 1 Introduction 10 - 12

2.3 Page 2 Emperor Nicholas II - father and head of the family 13 - 15

2.4 Page 3 "Connected for eternity..." 16 - 19

2.5 Page 4 "Royal" education 20 - 27

2.6 Page 5 "The King and Queen Ascend to Calvary..." 28 - 31

2.7 Page 6 "And faith in God will unite everyone..." 32 - 33

3. Conclusion 34 -35

    List of used literature 36

    Appendix 37-38

Explanatory note

“There is no higher art than the art of education.

The painter and the sculptor create only a lifeless figure,

and a wise educator creates a living image,

looking at which both God and people rejoice.

John Chrysostom[ 10]

federal state educational standard formulates the social order of modern general education school. The order is expressed in the "national educational ideal", which is defined as "a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of the responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation." Spiritual and moral education is considered here as a process of consistent expansion and strengthening of the value-semantic sphere of the individual, the formation of a person’s ability to consciously build an attitude towards himself, other people, society, the state, the world as a whole on the basis of generally accepted moral norms and moral ideals. At the same time, the values ​​of the spiritual world are inseparable from the cultural and religious tradition passed down from generation to generation. In achieving this ideal, the school must rely on domestic traditions and maintain continuity in relation to the educational ideals of previous eras.

The topic of spiritual and moral education in the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II interested me back in 2013, when events were held in the village of Lokot, Brasov District, to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. A group of students from our school and I made an excursion to these memorable places. In the House of Pioneers in the village of Lokot, an exposition dedicated to the Royal Family was organized. The guides told us about the members of the Royal family, about their relationship. I saw with what interest the schoolchildren listened to how children were brought up in the Royal Family. And how many famous names are associated with their native land! How many significant events took place here! Getting acquainted with the history of the Imperial visit of Emperor Nicholas II, we learned that in 1915 the Sovereign visited the working settlement of Bezhitsa, the Bryansk plant and the old Transfiguration Church. In 2000, the book "The Holy Tsar in the Bryansk Land" was published about this. How closely the history of our small homeland is connected with the history of the country! I continued my research in the library, studied information on the Internet about the upbringing of children in the Royal Family. All this I used in the creation of this work.

Reading the Holy Scripture, which is deeply historical, prompted me to study the history of my native land. The first page of the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew, speaks of the genealogy of Jesus Christ. And I thought, if the first thing that is offered to learn about is the earthly biography of the Lord, the history of his family, then this is of particular importance. I find confirmation of this in the words of D.V. Titkin, a parishioner of the Transfiguration Church in Bezhitsa, its historiographer and Sunday school teacher, who is researching the visit of Emperor Nicholas II to Bryansk land: “History is an integral part of my life, my vocation. It is through history that you get to know the existence of God, you understand how the world works and your place in it. Holy Scripture did not end with the written book, it continues in our time.

For three years now, in my work as a teacher and class teacher, I have been using the material I have collected: in working with students at classroom hours and outside school hours, in working with parents at parent-teacher meetings and meetings, in foreign language lessons during the passage of the topic "Family". The material of my work can be useful to teachers and educators in their work with children and parents. I myself received a lot of knowledge about the crowned family of Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra. I share my knowledge with others. So, she introduced the parents of 10th grade students to the history of the family of Tsar Nicholas II, speaking at parent meeting. She gave memos with the statements of Empress Alexandra about family education to all parents. This material is also useful for the students themselves, in due time they will also become parents.

The competition proposes a methodological development of an oral journal intended for students in grades 1-11 of secondary general education educational institutions. The development outlines the methodology for conducting a class hour for children and their parents on the topic “The Way of the Righteous” (Spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of Emperor Nicholas II) in the form of an oral journal. Shape selection the event is not accidental. The oral journal compares favorably with other forms of conducting extracurricular activities breadth and freshness of information, entertaining forms of organization of work, wide scope for independence and creativity of students. Short, capacious, accessible scientific reports alternate with the dialogue of the main presenters of the journal and literary and musical numbers. In the oral journal, visualization is widely used. The scene is set up accordingly. Pictures are used to represent the pages of the magazine. Suits are prepared for individual numbers. An oral journal can be accompanied by a presentation, which makes the event even more visual, expanding the range of topics. The chosen form of the event allows to keep the interest of the audience, while maintaining a high scientific level of the material. I consider it expedient to involve the parents of students and church workers in the preparation and holding of the event. On the territory of the village is the Church of Michael the Archangel. Our school works closely with the church and with Father Alexander, who serves in this church. He conducts useful excursions, where he acquaints children with the rules of special, reverent behavior in the temple. It can be seen at school at rulers, rallies and other events. He is not only a respected guest at the school, but also the person who can introduce you to the world of the miraculous, the mysterious, connected with Orthodoxy. In conversations with students, Father Alexander answers questions that a teacher cannot always answer. The opinion of a clergyman is always authoritative for children for the purpose of spiritual and moral education.

Relevance of the theme of the event

The work is devoted to an extremely topical topic, since every year more and more attention is paid to the issues of the culture of education by the Russian public. The problem is that the family as the custodian of traditions, the cradle of man and the cradle of culture is under threat. Since the strategy of modern social development requires the enrichment of the norms of intra-family life, the experience of family education in the house of Nicholas II deserves close attention. This layer of culture interpersonal communication requires serious study. In my opinion, the royal couple of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Alexandra Feodorovna Romanov is an example of a moral, pious upbringing of children. We have a lot to learn from the Royal Family in matters of raising children.

Purpose of the event:

Spiritual and moral and social development schoolchildren by introducing them to the values ​​of Orthodox culture, to the domestic cultural, historical, spiritual and moral traditions of the upbringing and education of the Russian people.

In accordance with the goal, we formulated tasks works:

To study literary sources about relationships in the Romanov family; to study memoirs, personal letters and diaries of royalty;

To study the historical, cultural and socio-political circumstances of upbringing in the family of Nicholas II;

Consider the specifics of the culture of raising children in the Royal family;

Make a complete picture of the upbringing of children in the Romanov family;

- to form a steady interest of students in the true values ​​of their native history and culture;

Foster patriotism and citizenship.

Scientific and practical significance of the work

This methodological development is intended for teachers and class teachers in order to introduce it into extracurricular work with students, as well as for working with parents. The actual data of the work can be used when studying the course of Russian history and culture at school, when compiling special courses on the history of spiritual culture, the ethics of family relations.

Novelty consists in a comprehensive study of both literary sources, photographs, diaries, letters, memoirs, and acquaintance with the sources of the post-Soviet period on the development of relations between parents and children in the Romanov family.

Expected results

- introducing children to the moral foundations of Orthodox culture on the basis of studying the life of the Royal Family;

- inducing in the child the need for self-improvement, self-education and spiritual growth;

Moral improvement of the younger generation;

Expansion of knowledge in the field of history, culture and religion;

Raising love for the Fatherland and a sense of pride in everything that has been created by the Russian people.

Equipment and decoration: computer, multimedia projector, audio materials, photo materials, memos for parents, posters with page layouts, costumes for characters, interior decorations (flowers, candles).

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the most serious crisis today is the human one. Young people do not know what a modern person should be like in order to become happy: a consumer or a creator? We send children into life without moral guidelines, they are helpless in the face of life's problems.

Modern society faces the most important question: is the system of education and upbringing capable of contributing to the formation of a person called by God not only to exist satisfactorily, but to fulfill - to each his own - a high purpose. For this, absolute ideals must be offered to children.

And modern school as a center of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education in the conditions of the federal state general educational standard, it is able to offer modern mechanisms for the implementation targeted programs and projects in this area. This development is an example of this. It is clear that this is not a one-time action. It is necessary to systematically, regularly, holistically familiarize students with spiritual and moral ideals. And we don't need to invent anything, we don't need to invent some new philosophy. It is enough to follow the commandments that Jesus Christ gave us. After all, they are over 2000 years old!

Speaking about the practical effectiveness of holding an oral journal on the proposed development, I want to say with confidence that such events are in demand at school, children and adults need them, as they instill the highest moral ideals. At the stage of reflection, it was clear that the children perceived and realized the importance of spiritual and moral values ​​in human life. My long-term work as a teacher and class teacher in civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education has the most important result: the children in my class are not registered with the department for the prevention of juvenile delinquency, do not use foul language, do not use drugs and alcohol. They are hardworking and obedient, kind and responsive. Love and mutual respect reign in their families. Parents of students in my class work closely with the school, with teachers.

Oral log script

Introductory speech by the class teacher

Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests! In order to get the information we need, we turn to the Internet, visit libraries, buy books in stores, subscribe to newspapers and magazines by mail. Did you know that magazines are not only printed, but also oral? Today we will hold with you a thematic oral magazine "The Way of the Righteous." And it will be dedicated to the spiritual and moral aspects of raising children in the family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II.

The cradle of human life is the family, which unites people on a voluntary basis of love and harmony. The lifestyle of the family and the behavior of its members represent values ​​that are necessary condition for the moral existence of man, the continuity of generations and the building of civil society and the state.

Today, the institution of the family is being destroyed: Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the number of divorces, suicides, abortions, street children, and antisocial behavior. These negative phenomena are rooted in the family, in the relationship between its members. The moral values ​​of the family are being lost, the moral foundations associated with family upbringing are being destroyed. The school as a center of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education in the conditions of the federal state general educational standard is able to offer modern mechanisms for the implementation of targeted programs and projects in this area.

There are rare families that have preserved the culture of spiritual and moral education. But this is an exception in our time, characterized by a family crisis that has captured almost all the so-called civilized countries.

The world around us is beautiful. Only in the human soul there is no peace. However, holy people lived on earth, bright and wise, happy and needed by all of us until now.

Page 1


“You are the light of the world. A city on top of a mountain cannot hide.

And, having lit a candle, they do not put it under a vessel,

but on a candlestick, and it gives light to all in the house.”

Gospel of Matthew

(The icon of the Holy Royal Martyrs is on the screen, Franz Schubert’s “Hail Mary!” sounds)

Presenter 1: On July 17, the Russian Orthodox Church prayerfully remembers the martyrdom of the family of the last Russian emperor. Modern historians, writers, politicians, and even ordinary people ambiguously assess the role and significance of Nicholas II in the history of Russia. He is accused of excessive softness, compliance, lack of will. Someone still doubts the holiness of the august family. But everyone agrees on one thing - Nicholas II was an ideal family man, husband, father, and the Empress was a model of a loving wife and caring mother.

Presenter 2: The history of any state consists of many family stories. But, none of them reflected the history of Russia with such tragic clarity as in the family of Emperor Nicholas II. In the last Royal Family, as in a multifaceted diamond, the centuries-old history of millions of families in Russia was displayed.

Family is what connects us with our ancestors and descendants. Family traditions, family legends, make a great people out of individuals.

Presenter 1: This Family lived not so long ago: very little time separates us from their martyrdom in 1918. It would be interesting to figure out how they, living in a very difficult era, when there were so many difficulties and contradictions - no less than now, could create family happiness in this contradictory world, feel this happiness. Let us recall the lines that Tsar Nicholas wrote on the 20th anniversary of his wife. Nicholas II wrote that he was immensely happy and thankful to God that happiness and love had connected their lives. The imperial couple did not use any special principles of education. As a basis, they took their life experience and faith in Christ unshakable by any difficulties.

Presenter 2: I invite all of us to think about how knowledge about the Holy Royal Family can help us in our time, because this is that rare case,

when the entire family, consisting of a father, mother and five children, is canonized as a saint.

Page 2

Emperor Nicholas II -

father and head of family

“For the upbringing of a child, two conditions are necessary: ​​the Church and pious parents. Education is nothing but the restoration of the image of God in man.

(On the screen is a photograph of Nicholas II)

Presenter 1: Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor. It was on it that the three-hundred-year history of the rule of Russia by the House of Romanov was stopped. Nicholas II was the eldest son of the imperial couple Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna Romanov. After the tragic death of his grandfather, Alexander II, Nikolai Alexandrovich officially became the heir to the Russian throne.

Presenter 2: His father Alexander III, according to many historians, was a deeply religious, whole person, a good family man. He instilled these qualities in his children. “The Sovereign Alexander Alexandrovich knew and loved Russian culture, literature and history. The years of his reign are associated with the flourishing of the Russian national theater. Alexander III showed himself to be a wise philanthropist and collector. Everything that later glorified Russia began under Alexander III.

Presenter 1: Psychologist and historian P.I. Kovalevsky wrote: “The sovereign was distinguished by extraordinary personal courage, fearlessness and unshakable calmness. He was an unusual combination of properties inherent in the Slavic nation: courage and fearlessness, and at the same time, love, mercy, compassion and self-sacrifice.

Presenter 2: The upbringing and education of Nicholas II took place under the personal guidance of his father, on a traditional religious basis, in Spartan conditions. “I need normal healthy Russian children” - such a requirement was put forward by the Emperor to the educators of his children. The heir Tsesarevich received a very good education at home - he knew several languages, studied Russian and world history, deeply versed in military affairs, was a widely erudite person.

Presenter 1: Nikolai loved to go to church and pray. Nikolai Aleksandrovich really liked to light and place candles in front of the images. The Tsarevich followed the process very carefully, and as the candles burned, he extinguished them, and tried to do this so that the cinder smoked as little as possible. At the service, Nikolai liked to sing along to the church choir, knew many prayers, and had certain musical skills. The future Russian emperor grew up as a thoughtful and shy boy. However, he was always persistent in his views and convictions.

Presenter 2: The early death of Alexander III did not allow to complete the preparation of the Heir to the duties of the monarch. He had not yet been fully introduced to the course of higher state affairs; after his accession to the throne, he had to learn a lot from the reports of his ministers. However, the character of Nikolai Alexandrovich, who was twenty-six years old at the accession to the throne, and his worldview by this time were completely determined.

Presenter 1: Persons standing close to the court noted his lively mind - he always quickly grasped the essence of the issues reported to him, an excellent memory, especially for faces, the nobility of his way of thinking. In an informal setting, few spoke with the Sovereign. And everyone who knew him family life firsthand, noted the amazing simplicity, mutual love and consent of all members of this closely knit family. The relationship of the children with the Sovereign was touching - for them he was at the same time king, father and comrade; their feelings changed depending on the circumstances, passing from almost religious worship to complete gullibility and the most cordial friendship.

Page 3

"Connected for eternity..."

Love - Firebird - eternal, holy -

They are locked in their hearts forever.

And the heart cries in joy, rejoicing,

In separation - in torment - sweetly longing -

Have not lost tenderness through the years!

(Sounds "Sentimental Waltz" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, on the screen is a portrait of Emperor Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna)

Presenter 1: Nikolai Alexandrovich first saw his future wife on her sister's wedding day at a ball in St. Petersburg in 1884. Nikolai is 16 years old, Alice (Alix) is 12. He does not pay any attention to the girl. She does not take her eyes off him ... The modest, serious Tsarevich immediately liked the shy princess.

Narrator 2: Five years later, Alix of Hesse visited Russia again and stayed in St. Petersburg for several weeks. Then the heir matures the final decision to marry her. Sovereign Alexander III did not give his consent. This love has been experienced for five years. Princess Alix, already a real beauty, to whom many crowned suitors wooed, answered all with a decisive refusal. In the same way, the Tsarevich answered with a calm but firm refusal to all the attempts of his parents to arrange otherwise his happiness.

Presenter 1: In the spring of 1894, the august parents of the heir, seeing the unshakable decision of their son, his patience and meek obedience to the parental will, gave their blessing to the marriage. In the same year, he proposed to the princess. On the day of the engagement, Nicholas II writes in his diary: “April 8. A wonderful unforgettable day in my life - the day of my engagement to dear beloved Alix.

Presenter 2: Alix became his bride, she converted to Orthodoxy and was baptized. Alix received a new name - Alexandra Fedorovna. After the death of Alexander III on November 14, 1894, a very modest wedding ceremony took place. The school of love begins with the family. Nikolai and Alexandra loved each other reverently and tenderly from a young age to the end. All his life for Nikolai, his wife was the "Sun".

(The parents of the students come out, representing the royal couple).

Reading the letters of the Royal Couple,

Involuntarily you find yourself in a beautiful world,

The world of amazing, crystal purity -

Love is like a reflection of the Sky - clear ...

Dad: These letters are for Russia and for the whole world historical meaning. Faith, self-sacrifice and nobility, so rare for people, shine from the pages of letters and encourage you to love them, even if they were not such well-known historical figures.

Mom: We found love. I tied her wings ”(from a letter from the bride Alix of Hesse to Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich).

Dad: “Alix, I understand your religious feelings and revere them. But we believe in one Christ; there is no other Christ. God, who created the world, gave us soul and heart. And He filled my heart and yours with love, so that we merge soul with soul, so that we become one and follow the same path in life. There is nothing without His will ”(from a letter from Nikolai Alexandrovich to his bride Alix of Hesse).

Mom: “My dear, dear, beloved Nicky, I love you even more and respect for your step. Yes, you acted like an honest and devoted son, and God will bless you for this, as does your Sunshine, although her heart seems to be about to break from the impossibility of seeing you. Nicky, you are honest, you are an angel, not a man, there has never been a better son, and I am proud that you chose me as your wife. How much I love you for your love for your parents, how rare it is to find such love these days. They will never forget, and neither will I, my precious one, how you still love your bride. This is precisely what I admire, that even this great love cannot change your attitude towards your parents ”(from a letter from the bride Alix of Hesse to Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich).

Dad: “My dear, dear, I will not arrive as soon as I was going to, but I am leaving with my parents for the Crimea. No need to worry, my dear, but you will understand that I could not do otherwise than sacrifice my happiness for a while. Ah, honey! I live only in hope, now even more than before, that patience will help us to wait and fully trust each other. Yes, I have to repeat it again: patience is our motto ... ".

Page 4

"Education" royally "

"Strengthen the family, because

it is the foundation of every state.”

( On the screen is a photograph of the family of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, a boy and a girl come out, read a poem in roles)

Once upon a time the Earth did not hear,

But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:

Now I will ask you seven questions.

Who will give birth to children for me, my Goddess?

And Eve quietly answered: "I am."

- Who will bring them up, my queen?

And Eve dutifully answered: "I am."

- Who will cook the food, my joy?

And Eve still answered: "I am."

Who will sew the dress, wash the linen?

"I, I," Eve said softly. "I, I."

She said the famous seven I

This is how the family came into existence.

Presenter 1: In the family of Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich, love was placed above all earthly things and they built their Family on Faith and Love. The whole life of the Family is a confirmation of these words. This gift is associated with responsibility, with the rejection of selfishness, in serving each other, in mutual assistance in all life circumstances.

Presenter 2: Alexandra Fedorovna was an amazing mother: kind, very warm, responsive to the needs of her children. In the Royal Family, everything was surprisingly natural and harmonious. In the Alexander Palace of Tsarskoye Selo, the Empress created a happy island of Solitude and Peace for the emperor, burdened with a heavy burden of state cares, the decoration of which were four lovely flowers: daughters who appeared one after another with an interval of one and a half to two years: Olga, Tatyana, Maria, Anastasia. Four Tsesarevnas, so strikingly similar to each other and so different!

(4 girls come out in the images of the four royal daughters, against the background of the music "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky they tell)

Olga: The eldest daughter Olga had a direct, sincere character, was spontaneous, loved poetry, books, was endowed with great musical abilities. From childhood, she grew up very kind and sympathetic, deeply worried about other people's misfortunes and always tried to help. Olga loved to read more than other sisters, later she began to write poetry. The French teacher and friend of the imperial family, Pierre Gilliard, noted that Olga learned the material of the lessons better and faster than the sisters. She made an impression on those around her with her tenderness, her charming sweet treatment of everyone. She behaved with everyone evenly, calmly and amazingly simply and naturally. She was very modest and did not like luxury.

Tatyana: Tatyana was reserved, focused, independent, her sphere was housekeeping, needlework, everyday household life. From quiet home entertainment, she preferred drawing, picture books, embroidery and knitting. Tatyana was the closest to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, she always tried to surround her mother with care and peace, to listen and understand her. Many considered her the most beautiful of all the sisters. P. Gilliard recalled that she was naturally restrained, had a will, but was less frank and direct than her older sister. She was not as gifted as her older sister, but she atoned for this lack of great consistency and evenness of character.

Maria: Maria was the most simple, affectionate and friendly of all the daughters, most of all she loved to mess around and babysit small children, she loved to be with the common people. Contemporaries describe Maria as a lively, cheerful girl, too large for her age, with light blond hair and large dark blue eyes, which the family affectionately called "Masha's Saucers". General M. Diterichs recalled that Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna was the most beautiful, typically Russian, good-natured, cheerful, with an even character, friendly girl. She knew how and loved to talk with everyone, especially with a simple person. Maria had a talent for drawing, she made sketches well, using her left hand for this. Like the rest of the sisters, Maria loved animals.

Anastasia: Anastasia, the youngest daughter, loved to read, was witty and cheerful. Like other children of the emperor, Anastasia was educated at home. Education began at the age of eight. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Anastasia was small in stature, with blond hair, with large blue eyes inherited from her father. She spoke quickly but clearly. Her voice was high and deep. She had a habit of laughing and laughing out loud. The girl was distinguished by a light and cheerful character, she loved to play bast shoes, forfeits, in serso, she could tirelessly rush around the palace for hours, playing hide and seek. She was inexhaustible in inventions. With her light hand, it became fashionable to weave flowers and ribbons into her hair, which little Anastasia was very proud of. She was inseparable from her older sister Maria, adored her brother and could entertain him for hours when another illness put Alexei to bed.

Host 1: Contemporaries believed that the beauty of these four sisters was their great simplicity, naturalness, freshness and kindness. “Smart and strict Alexandra Fedorovna raised her daughters as future women, keepers of the hearth. The queen taught her daughters the basics of housekeeping, she wanted to see them as real helpers: the princesses embroidered, sewed shirts, ironed linen. Alexandra Feodorovna instilled in them a sense of duty as future wives and mothers. The empress was not only a mother to her girls, she was their friend. The elders confided their heart secrets to her, asked her for advice.

Presenter 2: The royal daughters were brought up as patriots of their homeland. Among themselves, they spoke only Russian, they loved everything Russian. Girls wanted to marry only Russians. The fact of the courtship of the Romanian prince to Princess Olga is known. But she firmly refused. The girl did not want to be a foreigner in her country, she wanted to remain Russian. Her parents did not force her, and the matchmaking negotiations were postponed indefinitely. In heavy war time the eldest daughters, Olga, 19 years old and Tatyana, 17 years old, completed the nursing course with the Empress and worked on an equal basis with other nurses in the Tsarskoye Selo hospital. The work was hard, but they didn't complain. They served the Motherland, and it was their duty.

Host 1: " The upbringing of daughters in the royal family was indeed strict. The princesses slept on camp beds, little covered, and took a cold bath every morning. The empress, herself very modest in dress, in the choice of hairstyles, did not allow her daughters to dress up too much. Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna fully accepted this attitude to luxury and, according to her recollections, dressed very modestly, constantly scolding her younger sisters in this regard.

Presenter 2: Maybe Alexandra Fedorovna, if she were an ordinary mother, would have pampered her daughters, but she felt constant responsibility for her subjects: when the first World War, new dresses generally ceased to be sewn. The Grand Duchesses had to carefully mend their clothes themselves. It turned out exactly the same as the Apostle Paul: the royal daughters were not decorated with hair braiding, but with a kind and humble disposition.

Presenter 1: In the summer of 1904 in Peterhof, after almost 10 years of marriage, the queen gave birth to a son. The heir to the throne was born, the person to whom the management of the empire should pass. In less than six weeks, it became clear that the boy had a terrible disease - hemophilia, against which medicine is powerless. The slightest scratch could lead to the death of a child.

Host 2: For this reason, at first he was surrounded by vigilant supervision, the constant presence of two sailors, but P. Gilliard, a teacher of French for the royal children, suggested that Alexei's parents give Tsarevich more independence and teach him to find strength and energy in himself to counteract his impulses. Parents fully joined the opinion of the teacher and stated that they agreed to a dangerous experience. They no doubt realized the harm of strict supervision and guardianship of the child, the threat of raising a person deprived of self-control, weak in morale.

The boy in the image of Tsarevich Alexei: “The Tsarevich himself was very pleased with this decision and promised to justify the trust that he had. The boy had a great liveliness of mind, a lot of thoughtfulness, a delicate and sensitive soul. By nature, he was loving and sensitive to other people's suffering, because he himself suffered a lot. His tastes were very modest. Thanks to his natural simplicity, Alexei was resistant to the ridiculous admiration of some of those around him, on the contrary, he was embarrassed and felt unpleasant when faced with subservience. The heir Alexei was affectionate, alien to arrogance, he did not like court etiquette, he liked to communicate with the soldiers. As contemporaries characterize Alexei, he was an ardent patriot, smart, noble, kind, sympathetic, constant in his sympathies and feelings. He showed great sensitivity to the unfortunate and disadvantaged and did not miss the opportunity when he could do something pleasant to those around him. The feeling of purity, goodwill and keen interest in people in Tsarevich Alexei was natural and simple. In the person of Alexei Nikolaevich, Russia would have acquired a wonderful sovereign. He loved Russia, the Russian language, the Russian people. He understood what suffering is. He had extensive knowledge for his age. He also liked to communicate with ordinary soldiers. Often he said: “When I am king, there will be no poor and unfortunate. I want everyone to be happy."

(Parents come out in the images of the Emperor and Empress)

Empress: Patience, mutual attention, unity of interests, keeping from quarrels were very important for the empress in her relationship with her husband. The children saw it all and understood it. They grew up in an atmosphere of love and respect of parents for each other. Anna Vyrubova recalled: “For 12 years, I have never heard a single loud word between them, I have never seen them even a little irritated against each other.” Alexandra Fedorovna believed that religious education was the basis for the upbringing of children: “God first comes to children through the love of a mother, because motherly love, as it were, embodies the love of God.” “Religious education is the richest gift that parents can leave to their child,” the Empress wrote in her diary. After all, the spiritual core is the basis of a morally healthy person. The child receives this upbringing in the family, at home. The home for the Empress is “a place of warmth and tenderness. Love must live in a Christian home. It should be a place of prayer. It is in prayer that we draw the grace we need to make our house bright, kind, clean.

Contemporaries noted: “For almost 25 years, they represented a world of family happiness, the epicenter of which was first the “lilac” living room of Alexandra Feodorovna, and then, after the birth of the heir Alexei, the nursery.” “The Empress bathed the heir herself every day and devoted so much to the nursery that they began to say at the Court that the Empress was not the Queen, but only the Mother” .

Emperor: About what participation Nicholas II took in the upbringing of children, we learn from diaries that became almost universal at that time, both among adults and children. In his notes, Nicholas II reports on domestic events: “Dear Marie turned 8 years old. In the morning she received gifts”; “I walked for a long time and rode with children from the mountain”; “After dinner I went with the children to the circus”; "At 8 o'clock I went with Olga and Marie to the Mariinsky Theater ...". “I took a walk with Alexei on Detsky Island, and then studied Russian history with him”; "At 2 o'clock I went out into the garden with the whole family". In these lines, the relationship between Nikolai and his children, imbued with love and mutual understanding, is clearly visible. According to the memoirs of Pierre Gilliard, Nicholas II was for his children "at the same time Tsar, father and comrade."

Empress: In their aspirations for direct parental participation in the upbringing of children, the imperial couple followed not only the dictates of the heart, but also the latest discoveries of pedagogy, which was going through a time of rapid development. About a deep acquaintance with this science and hot support her postulates are evidenced by the diary entries of Alexandra Feodorovna. “We do not yet fully understand how much the atmosphere in the house where children grow up means for the formation of their character. The very first place for us, where we learn truth, honesty, love, is our home, the most dear place for us in the world. According to those close to him, "it was the most holy and pure family."

Page 5

"Rising to Golgotha

King and Queen…”

Ascends to Golgotha ​​King with Queen

And leads His children by the hand.

high humility on the faces,

Likeness to Christ - for the people,

For Holy Russia, perjury,

For cries and blasphemy that there is no God!

Presenter 1: Mutual love and consent of all members of this closely knit Orthodox family, trust and cordial friendship contributed to unity not only in joy, but also in sorrow. In almost complete isolation from the outside world, surrounded by rude and cruel guards, the prisoners of the Ipatiev House show amazing nobility and clarity of spirit.

Presenter 2: Family - this was the true kingdom of Nicholas II to the very end, and his devotion to her is admirable. They were all together on that fateful night and remained together after death: in 2000, Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and Tsarevich Alexei were canonized in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Host 1: Strengthened by great faith in Christ, the members of the royal family serve as a model for us of courageous firmness and unshakable hope. They are the helpers of Russia, of every Russian person in the difficult search for the right way of life. We believe that there are no life situations in which it is impossible to resist despondency, fear, hopelessness.

Presenter 2: Most of the testimonies speak of the prisoners of the Ipatiev House as suffering people, but deeply believing, obedient to the will of God. Despite bullying and insults, they led a decent family life in the Ipatiev house, trying to brighten up the oppressive atmosphere with mutual communication, prayer, reading and feasible activities.

Presenter 1: “The Sovereign and Empress believed that they were dying martyrs for their homeland,” writes one of the witnesses to their life in captivity, the educator of the Heir, Pierre Gilliard, “they died martyrs for humanity. Their true greatness did not stem from their royal dignity, but from that amazing moral height to which they gradually rose. They have become the perfect force. And in their very humiliation, they were a striking manifestation of that amazing clarity of the soul, against which all violence and all fury are powerless and which triumphs in death itself.

Presenter 2: We want to finish this saddest page of our magazine with poems found in the Ipatiev house, in the basement of which the royal family was killed. This prayer was written in verse by the Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna shortly before the execution:

(A girl in the image of Grand Duchess Olga reads a poem against the backdrop of "Requiem" by W. A. ​​Mozart)

Send us, Lord, patience

In a time of stormy dark days

endure the persecution of the people

And the torture of our executioners.

Give us strength, oh right God,

To forgive the villainy of the neighbor

And the cross is heavy and bloody

To meet with Your meekness.

And in the days of rebellious excitement,

When enemies rob us,

Now shame and insult

Christ the Savior help

Lord of the World, God of the universe,

Bless us with prayer...

And give rest to the humble soul

In an unbearable terrible hour.

And at the threshold of the grave

Breathe into the mouth of your servants

Inhuman forces -

Pray for your enemies...

Page 6

“And faith in God will unite everyone…”

“The grace of God cannot be kept within the boundaries of the temple and

monastery walls. It pours out into the world to transform the earthly

life and establish it on the basis of the commandments of Christ.

Presenter 1: Without the spiritual and moral culture accumulated by the Orthodox Church over the millennia, the full development of the individual is impossible. The Orthodox Church has always been and remains the conductor through which the testimonies of the Holy Gospel became known.

Host 2: The heart of a child, as the Holy Fathers of the Church teach, is like soft wax, on which the image of God can be imprinted just as easily as the image of Satan. What kind of image a child will receive depends on the actions of those who put their stamp of upbringing on him.

Presenter 1: St. Demetrius of Rostov wrote in the eighteenth century: “A young boy can be likened to a board prepared for depicting a picture: whatever the painter depicts - good or bad, saint or sinner, angel or demon, will remain on it.”

Presenter 2: Spiritual improvement of a person is impossible without a moral internal law. And here we can not do without the help of the Church. Without the help of the Church, it is impossible to overcome and prevent destructive vices modern society: drunkenness, drug addiction, civic passivity and moral indifference.

Presenter 1: For the Russian Orthodox Church, education has always been a sacred duty, the Church has served as a support for the school and family for centuries.

Presenter 2: On the territory of our village there is the Church of Michael the Archangel. And today Father Alexander, who has been serving in our Church for many years, will speak with us.

(Speech by Father Alexander)


Presentation by the class teacher

A great feat was originally prepared for these great people. They were awarded the martyr's crown. Until the end, they stood for Christ, for faith and the Fatherland. One more thing can be added to all their qualities - they loved their Russia. And in order not to destroy her and not to destroy their people, they voluntarily went to these torments. The emperor knew what was in store for him, he could have left, escaped to avoid it, but he stayed... He remained to suffer along with his long-suffering Motherland and his great people, for whom he was responsible before God. And this is what he always taught his children. With her example of caring, self-sacrifice, love and meekness, which Alexandra Fedorovna gave them. An example of masculinity, steadfastness, patriotism, which was set by Nicholas II. Nothing more is needed. Children imbibed it from an early age. From an early age they also came to know Christ, learned to believe and love Him boundlessly.

So, the moral foundations of the Romanov family were based on the parental example of love, mutual respect for each other, care and love for children. Parents were the unquestioning authority for children. They showed maximum attention to children and care for them, a sense of duty and responsibility for their country was brought up in children, the religiosity of the family can be seen in all memoirs and diary entries. It is also important that parents often spent their free time with their children, read a lot, discussed, advised, organized joint walks and recreation. The core of such family relationships was the endless mutual love of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna.

Many Christians now turn to the Royal Passion-Bearers with a prayer for strengthening the family and raising children in faith and piety, for preserving their purity and chastity - after all, during the persecution, the Imperial family was especially united, carried the indestructible Orthodox faith through all sorrows and sufferings.

Many thanks to everyone who helped us in the preparation of the Oral Journal, to everyone who took part in it. But we do not say goodbye to you, but only say: "Goodbye!" Until new interesting meetings on the pages of our oral magazines!

List of used literature

1. Gospel of Matthew. Holy Gospel. Sretensky Monastery Publishing House, M., 2014 (5:14, 15), p. thirteen.

2. "Sovereign-peacemaker", article by Yu.V. Kudrina, magazine "Pokrov", Publishing House"ST Media", No. 3 2010. - P. 59.

3. Diaries of Emperor Nicholas II. Moscow: Orbita. 1992.- P.104, P.98, P.62, P.70.

4. Diary entries, correspondence of the royal family, presented in the book "Wonderful Light" 2009. - P.80, P.83.

5. Notes of an eyewitness: Memoirs, diaries, letters / Comp. M. Vostryshev. - M.: Sovremennik, 1989.- P.112, P.48, P.73.

6. Kravtsova M. "The upbringing of children on the example of the holy Royal Martyrs" Orthodox publishing house "Blago", 2003. - P.132, P.10, P. 22, P. 80.

7. Larina E. Article “Denis Titkin. I learned about God from atheistic books.” Journal "Bryansk Laity", PRO Bryansk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, No. 3 2014. - P. 27.

8. Archpriest Valerian Krechetov "How to live by faith today in Russia?"

9. Archpriest Vasily Zhdanov, article “The experience of interaction between the church and the school in organizing the teaching of Orthodox culture”, Pokrov magazine, ST Media Publishing House, No. 9 2009. - P. 25.

10. Saint John Chrysostom. "Flowers from the Spiritual Meadow". School of Orthodox education, M., 1999. - P. 27.

11. St. Dimitri Rostovsky. Christian parenting. Experiences of Orthodox Pedagogy. M., 1993. - S. 110.

12. Stremoukhov P.P. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in her letters. - Paris: Russian Chronicle, 1924.- S.52, S. 78, S.143, S.92.

13. Federal state educational standard of primary general education. M., 2009. - S. 9.

14. School encyclopedia. Russian history. 18-19 centuries, M., "OLMA - PRESS Education", 2003. - P. 20.


Reminder for parents about family education

from Great Empress Alexandra Feodorovna

“Marriage is the union of two halves into a single whole. Two lives are bound together in such a close union that they are no longer two lives, but one. Each bears the sacred responsibility for the happiness and the highest good of the other until the end of his life.

"Always love is a duty."

“Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect suddenly and by itself, but it takes time and constant care…”.

“How happy is the house where everyone - children and parents - believe in God. In such a house reigns the joy of camaraderie. Such a house is like the threshold of the sky. There can never be alienation in him.”

“Each member of the family should take part in the organization of the house. And family happiness - when everyone honestly fulfills their duties.

"Home is a place of warmth and tenderness."

“Home and family is what rests primarily on a woman, and every girl is obliged to understand this even in childhood.”

« Parents should be what they want to see their children - not in words, but in deeds. They should teach their children by the example of their lives. ».

« As for children, it is the duty of parents to prepare them for life, for any trials that God sends down on them.»

« Children must learn self-denial. They won't be able to have everything they want. They must learn to let go own desires for the sake of other people. They should also learn to be caring. A carefree person always causes harm and pain unintentionally, but simply through negligence. In order to show care, not much is needed - a word of encouragement when someone is in trouble, a little tenderness when the other looks sad, in time to come to the aid of someone who is tired. Children must learn to be helpful to their parents and to each other. They can do this without demanding undue attention, without causing others worries and anxiety because of themselves. As soon as they grow up a little, children should learn to rely on themselves, learn to do without the help of others, in order to become strong and independent. ».

“The duty in the family is unselfish love. Everyone should forget his "I", devoting himself to another. Everyone should blame themselves, not the other, when something is wrong. Home is a place of warmth and tenderness. It is necessary to speak in the house with love.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The All-Russian competition in the field of pedagogy, education and work with children and youth under 20 years old (hereinafter referred to as children and youth) for the award "For the moral feat of a teacher" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is held on the initiative of the Russian Orthodox Church with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federation and authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts.

1.2. Objectives of the Competition:

  • strengthening the interaction of secular and church education systems in spiritual and moral education and education of citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • stimulating the creativity of teachers and educators of educational institutions and encouraging them for many years high quality spiritual and moral upbringing and education of children and youth, for the introduction
  • innovative developments in the field of education that contribute to the spiritual and moral development of children and youth;
  • identification and dissemination the best systems education, training and extracurricular work with children and youth; increasing the prestige of teaching work.

1.3. Competition objectives:

  • generalization of the existing practice of spiritual and moral education and training of children and youth in preschool educational institutions, general educational institutions, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, educational institutions of additional education for children and the activities of public institutions;
  • selection and implementation of the most effective methods of spiritual and moral education and training;
  • formation of a database of existing effective experience educational activities specified educational institutions;
  • assistance public recognition citizens of the Russian Federation who have made a significant personal labor, creative, organizational, material contribution to the development of civil-patriotic and spiritual-moral education of children and youth.

2. Participants of the Competition

Participants of the Competition can be teachers, educators, teams of authors (no more than 5 people) and heads of educational institutions that implement educational programs, regardless of their organizational and legal form, representatives of public associations and clubs implementing programs of spiritual and moral education of children and youth, permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. Nominations of the Competition

The competition is held in the following categories:

1) "The best innovative development of the year". Works are put forward that have a significant Innovation potential and proved their importance for the development of the system of spiritual and moral upbringing and education.

2) "Best Pedagogical Research of the Year". Works are put forward that have a high scientific level, representing a completed independent pedagogical research on topical problems of modern education.

3) "The best publishing project of the year." Publications, magazines, textbooks, books, websites and other publications are put forward that reflect the content and form of the spiritual and moral, educational, civil-patriotic, military-patriotic programs of work with children and youth.

4) "The best program of spiritual and moral education of children and youth." The work of preschool educational institutions, general educational institutions, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, educational institutions of additional education for children, clubs at the place of residence, public associations to create a system of spiritual and moral education of children and youth in three subsections is put forward:

  • methods of teaching the basics of religious culture;
  • ethics and morality;
  • the education of piety.

5) "The best program of civic-patriotic education of children and youth." Work is being put forward to create a system of educational and educational and military-patriotic activities of regional organizations working at the methodological, informational and educational levels ( public associations, institutions of additional education for children, clubs at the place of residence).

6) "Teachers of higher school - secondary school." The works of higher school teachers are put forward, which have a high scientific level and are implemented in preschool educational institutions, general educational institutions, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, educational institutions of additional education for children.

7) "For the organization of spiritual and moral education within the framework of an educational institution." Programs of complex measures and their implementation for spiritual and moral education are put forward, developed and implemented by an educational institution of any organizational and legal form.

4. Stages of the Competition and deadlines for submitting works

The competition is held in 3 stages:

  • Stage I - regional:

Works drawn up in accordance with the procedure specified in paragraph 6 of these Regulations are accepted by the Competition Committees of the I stage of the Competition until June 15, 2012.

  • Stage II - district (at the level of federal districts):

The Competition Commission of the I stage of the Competition sends to the Competition Commission of the II stage of the Competition the works of the Laureates and Winners in the nominations of the I stage of the Competition, and the minutes of the meeting of the Competition Commission of the I stage of the Competition (Appendix 7), signed by its co-chairs and approved by the Organizing Committee before September 15, 2012.

  • Stage III - All-Russian:

The Competition Commission of the II stage of the Competition sends to the Competition Commission of the III stage of the Competition the works of Laureates and Winners in the nominations of the II stage of the Competition, and the minutes of the meeting of the Competition Commission of the II stage of the Competition (Appendix 7), signed by its co-chairs and approved by the Organizing Committee before October 15, 2012.

Works sent to the II (district) stage of the Competition in Moscow, in full, go to the III (All-Russian) stage of the Competition.

5. The Organizing Committee of the Competition, the Organizing Committees of the I, II and III stages of the Competition, the Competition and Expert Commissions of the I, II and III stages of the Competition

The Organizing Committee includes representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, state authorities, the scientific and pedagogical community.

The meeting of the Organizing Committee is considered competent if at least two thirds of its members are present. In case of equality of votes, the right of the decisive vote remains with the co-chairs. The decision is drawn up in a protocol signed by the co-chairs and the executive secretary.

In order to promote the Competition and its results, the Organizing Committee contributes to the coverage of the preparation and progress of the Competition in the media mass media, release and distribution information materials- brochures, leaflets, shooting video films and TV shows, publishing the works of winners and laureates in scientific and methodological journals, newspapers, creating a data bank and video library, organizes an exhibition and presentation of works.

5.2. Organizing committees of I, II and III stages of the Competition:

5.2.1. The composition of the Organizing Committee of the I stage of the Competition is formed under the leadership of its co-chairs: the diocesan bishop and the authorized representative of the body executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education (as agreed), or another representative of state authorities in the subject of the Russian Federation (as agreed), or a representative of the pedagogical community of the region (as agreed). Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee of the I stage of the Competition form and head the Competition Commission of the I stage.

Organizing Committee of the I (regional) stage of the Competition:

  • publishes the Regulations on the Competition in the regional print and electronic media with the obligatory indication of the postal and electronic addresses to which applicants must send works, as well as the conditions providing for the criteria and procedure for evaluating the results of works, the size and form of the award, the procedure and terms for announcing the results of the Competition ;
  • approves the composition of the Competition Commission of the I stage of the Competition;
  • approves the list of winners of the Contest and publishes it in regional print and electronic media;
  • organizes a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the I stage of the Contest;
  • sends the works of the winners to the II (district) stage of the Competition.

5.2.2. The composition of the Organizing Committee of the II (district) stage of the Competition is formed under the guidance of its co-chairs: the Head of the Metropolis or the diocesan bishop with the participation of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education, and are coordinated with the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts, as well as heads the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation, in which the II stage of the Contest is planned. Co-Chairs of the Organizing Committee of the II stage of the Competition form and head the relevant Competition Commission.

Organizing Committee of the II (district) stage of the Competition:

  • approves the composition of the Competition Commission of the II stage of the Competition;
  • organizes information support of the Contest;
  • approves the list of winners of the Contest and publishes it in regional and national print and electronic media;
  • organizes a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the II stage of the Contest;
  • sends the works of the winners to the III (All-Russian) stage of the Competition.

5.2.3. The organizing committee of the III stage of the Competition is formed under the leadership of its co-chairs: the chairman of the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church and a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (as agreed) and is approved by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The co-chairs of the Organizing Committee of the III stage of the Competition form and head the relevant Competition Commission.

Organizing Committee of the III (All-Russian) stage of the Competition:

  • agrees with the Plenipotentiaries of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal districts the venue of the II (district) stage of the Contest;
  • approves the composition of the Competition Commission of the III (All-Russian) stage;
  • organizes information support of the III (All-Russian) stage of the Contest;
  • approves the list of winners of the Contest and publishes it in all-Russian print and electronic media;
  • organizes a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the III stage of the Contest.

5.3. Competition commissions.

Competition commissions are formed by the relevant Organizing Committees of the I, II and III stages of the Competition.

Competition Commission:

  • organizes the acceptance of works for participation in the Contest in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations;
  • determines the winners in accordance with the Contest criteria defined in these Regulations;
  • if necessary, forms an Expert Commission that carries out an expert assessment of the work;
  • requests additional materials if the information provided is not enough to conduct a high-quality examination and give reasonable assessments by experts;
  • determines the number of Laureates and Winners in the nominations.

The results of the discussion of the works of the Contest participants and the course of voting on them are not subject to disclosure.

The competition commission has the right to publish the works of the winners in electronic and printed form without concluding a separate agreement and without paying remuneration to the authors.

The meeting of the Tender Committee is considered competent if at least two thirds of the members of the Tender Committee are present at it. In case of equality of votes, the right of the decisive vote remains with the co-chairs. The decision is drawn up in a protocol signed by the co-chairs and the executive secretary.

5.4. Expert committees.

For the preliminary analysis and expert evaluation of the works submitted for the Competition, an Expert Commission is established by decision of the Competition Commission.

The results of the examination are recorded in the expert review of the work (Appendix 6). The expert is personally responsible for the quality and objectivity of the expert assessment.

Documents submitted for the Competition are distributed among the experts so that the work of each participant or group of authors is analyzed and evaluated by at least 2 experts.

If the work is questionable by the expert, he has the right to submit the work for collective discussion by an expert group of at least 4 people.

Expert opinions are sent to the relevant Competition Commission for rating formation.

6. Evaluation criteria and procedure for registration of competitive works

6.1. The main criteria for evaluating works are:

  • compliance of the content of the works with the declared goals and objectives of the Competition;
  • the novelty of author's courses, programs, teaching aids and other materials on the issues of spiritual and moral, civil-patriotic and military-patriotic education and education of children and youth;
  • the relevance of work on issues of spiritual and moral, civil-patriotic and military-patriotic education and education of children and youth;
  • the degree of preparedness of author's works for possible replication and implementation in pedagogical practice.

6.2. Order of registration of works.

To participate in the I stage of the Competition, applicants send to the Competition Commission of the I stage of the Competition materials submitted to the Competition (author's courses, research, scientific and methodological developments, publications, websites, photo, video and audio materials, etc.), as well as the following documents:

1) application for participation in the Competition (Appendix 2);

2) the questionnaire of the participant of the Competition (in the case of a collective application, the questionnaires are filled in by all members of the team) (Appendix 3);

3) a brief annotation of the work (no more than 1000 printed characters) (Appendix 4);

The application, questionnaire and annotation are signed personally by the applicant for participation in the Competition (in the case of a collective application - by all members of the team).

Materials are submitted on paper and electronic media (the requirements for the design of works submitted to the Competition are contained in Appendix 5).

Works submitted for the Contest are not reviewed and are not returned. The Organizing Committee, Competition and Expert Commissions of the I, II and III stages of the Competition do not enter into correspondence with the authors of the works.

7. Terms of the Contest

7.1. The submission of materials to the Contest is considered as the consent of their authors to open publication with the obligatory indication of authorship.

7.2. The Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church has the right, without the consent of the author or other copyright holder and without payment of remuneration, but with the obligatory indication of the name of the author, to freely use the submitted materials (quote, use as illustrations in publications, radio and television programs, sound and video recordings educational nature; broadcast for informational, scientific, educational or cultural purposes), use these materials by reproduction.

7.3. The submission of materials to the Competition is the consent of the authors to their use by the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church through reproduction, distribution, public display, practical implementation, messages on the air by cable, bringing to the public without payment of remuneration. In this case, the conclusion of separate agreements is not required.

7.5. The submission of materials to the Contest is considered as the consent of their authors with the rules of the Contest described in these Regulations.

8. Summing up and awarding the winners of the Competition

8.1. At each stage of the Competition, one I place, two II places and three III places (Laureates of the Competition) are awarded, and the Winners in each nomination are awarded. According to the decision of the Organizing Committees of each of the stages of the Competition, they are awarded the Diploma of the laureate and the Diploma of the winner in the nomination. The Organizing Committee of Stages I, II and III of the Competition has the right not to award the first place.

8.2. Summing up the results of I, II, III stages of the Contest is carried out within the terms specified in these Regulations.

8.3. The awarding of the winners of the I and II stages of the Competition is held in a solemn atmosphere. The place and terms of awarding are established by the Organizing Committee of the I and II stages of the Competition.

8.4. By decision of the Organizing Committees of the I and II stages of the Competition, the winners of these stages of the Competition may be awarded valuable gifts and cash prizes.

8.5. The awarding ceremony for Laureates and Diploma winners of the III (All-Russian) stage of the Competition takes place in Moscow at the International Christmas Educational Readings.

8.6. According to the decision of the Hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, Laureates and Diploma winners of the III (All-Russian) stage of the Competition can be awarded with awards of the Russian Orthodox Church.

8.7. All other participants of the III (All-Russian) stage of the Competition are awarded Diplomas of the participant from the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church for round table Winners of the Competition, which is held as part of the International Christmas Educational Readings in Moscow.

8.8. The Competition Commission of the III (All-Russian) Stage of the Competition may recommend the works of the Laureates and Diploma-winners of the III (All-Russian) Stage of the Competition for consideration by the Expert Council of the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church for assigning the stamp of the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church.

9. Financing of the Competition

Financing of the Competition is carried out by attracting budgetary and extrabudgetary funds in established by law Russian Federation is fine.

Payment for travel, food, accommodation is carried out at the expense of the sending party.

10. Information and analytical support of the Competition

Organizational, informational and documentation support The competition "For the moral feat of a teacher" is carried out by the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church:

The materials submitted for consideration by the Competition Committee of the III stage of the Competition are stored in the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow, Petrovka St., 28/2). The place of storage of materials submitted for consideration by the Competition Commissions of the I and II stages of the Competition is determined by the decision of the Organizing Committees of the I and II stages.

All materials for the Competition are posted on the website of the Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Russian Orthodox Church The website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation contains a link to the Competition materials located on the website of the Department of Religious Education and Catechism of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The organizers of the I (regional) and II (district) stages of the Competition must provide the Organizing Committee of the Competition with all statistics on their stages and photo and video information regarding the stage of the Competition, as well as all printed publications that mentioned the stage of the Competition.

Applications to the Regulations on the annual All-Russian competition "For the moral feat of a teacher" (MS Word 2003)