LLC Publishing House VIP-MediaGroup. Rosatom production system: ECP is preparing to receive the status of RPS-enterprise

BORIS VASILIEVICH, in recent times in the press there are reports of deplorable technical condition Russian nuclear power plants, which has a very serious impact on the safety level of domestic nuclear power plants. To what extent do these accusations correspond to the real state of domestic nuclear power plants?

First of all, I would like to say that technical support nuclear safety is an inertial process. You cannot get changes in security performance quickly, especially in better side. All changes accumulate gradually. For years. And they don't show up right away. Therefore, commenting on the technical indicators of the stability of the stations in the political aspect, as some critics of the current minister do, is simply incorrect.

From this point of view, a critical assessment of the quality of the minister's work Russian Federation on atomic energy Adamov by some media using the technical indicators of the operation of nuclear power plants is not substantiated. All work to ensure the safety of Russian NPPs is carried out to the extent and in accordance with the existing normative documents, and the improvement in performance recorded by us in 1999 illustrates the quality of these works.

I would like to dwell on security issues in more detail. How is the work in the industry built in order to protect the system from failures?

During the ten years that I have been involved in providing safe operation nuclear power plants, a well-functioning team of professional specialists working in the concern and at nuclear power plants has been formed in the industry, which daily ensure well-coordinated work the most complex systems. The technical policy is built in such a way that not a single violation, even the most insignificant, goes unnoticed and unanalyzed. The state of safety systems of power units is constantly monitored. If, for example, emergency protection is triggered, this does not mean at all that some kind of accident has occurred at the station. This is a kind of warning signal. The protection systems carry out strict control over all indicators of the nuclear power plant, the total number of which is close to fifteen thousand, and the deviation of any of them from the norm, the emergency protection system reacts in the most decisive way - the power unit is shut down. The safety of nuclear power plants must be 100% guaranteed. Otherwise, security is considered unsatisfactory, which in itself is unacceptable.

And who controls the operation of the nuclear power plant and what, according to the inspectors, is the safety level of our nuclear power plants?

Gosatomnadzor controls NPP safety. Its requirements are strict, but we try to comply with them, because otherwise a license to operate will not be issued. nuclear power plant. And the rigidity of these requirements does not give us the opportunity to relax. It is not for nothing that today Russian nuclear power plants comply with the most stringent international standards. Such a conclusion was repeatedly given, including by various foreign organizations involved in the framework of international programs in monitoring the level of safety of nuclear power plants in Russia.

In his opening speech, the host of the teleconference, General Director of Rosenergoatom Evgeny Romanov noted that

“September 7, 1992 is a significant milestone in the history of the national nuclear energy. Over the 20 years of the existence of the Concern, Rosenergoatom has taken a stable 2nd place in Russia in terms of installed capacities and is the absolute leader in Russia in terms of electricity generation. The concern is also one of the three largest nuclear energy companies in the world. At the same time, the concern is the fastest growing energy company in Russia".

He also emphasized the role of nuclear industry veterans and prominent figures in the development of the industry:

“Speaking about the achievements of the concern, we remember its founders: Evgeny Ivanovich Ignatenko, Armen Artavazdovich Abagyan, Boris Vasilyevich Antonov. They preserved the nuclear power industry in Russia and consolidated their efforts to solve the problems that had matured by that time.

The merit of the leaders of the Rosenergoatom Concern of the 1990s-2000s present here - Erik Nikolaevich Pozdyshev, Oleg Makarovich Saraev, Stanislav Ivanovich Antipov, Alexander Markovich Lokshin, Sergey Alexandrovich Obozov - is that they managed not only to preserve, but also to increase the potential that was created by the efforts of all our people.

I think that people who 20 years ago stood at the origins of Rosenergoatom can be proud of our current achievements. The concern began the countdown of the third decade of its history. I wish you all a festive mood, good health, happiness in family life and, of course, new labor victories!”

Then the floor was given to the first deputy CEO- Director of the Directorate for the Nuclear Energy Complex of the State Corporation "Rosatom" Alexander Lokshin. He expressed confidence that

“The consolidation of nuclear power plants in 1992 was absolutely the right decision. Now the staff of our industry is one of the most promising and highly qualified in the country and in the world.”

Chairman of the State Duma Energy Committee Ivan Grachev supported Alexander Lokshin and noted that

"The nuclear industry is one of the few in the country that has excellent chances of becoming a world leader."

At the end of the all-Russian teleconference, which connected all the nuclear power plants of the country, Vladimir Asmolov, the first deputy general director of the concern, summed up:

Rosenergoatom is rapidly becoming one of the world's most competitive nuclear power technology companies. We have many development priorities: economic, social, industrial… The Concern does not share them according to their importance. They are all important. While the units are working, new nuclear power plants are being built, the concern will solve all these problems.”

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The State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" regrets to announce that on March 19, 2016, Nikipelov Boris Vasilyevich died at the age of 85.

The heart of the Patriot of the Motherland, a prominent figure in the nuclear energy and nuclear weapons complex of the Russian Federation, who made a significant contribution to the creation of a nuclear shield - the guarantor of strategic parity and national security of the Russian Federation, stopped beating.

Boris Vasilyevich was born on August 2, 1931 in Kharkov. In 1955 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, received a job assignment in Chelyabinsk-40 at Plant 817 (PO Mayak) of the USSR Minsredmash.

From 1955 to 1969 he worked at a radiochemical plant: as a process engineer, senior process engineer, shop manager, deputy chief engineer for scientific and industrial safety.

From 1969 to 1987, B. V. Nikipelov worked as Deputy Chief Engineer for Radiochemical Production, Chief Engineer, Deputy Director of Mayak Production Association.

Boris Vasilyevich is a direct participant in the creation of a closed nuclear fuel cycle and technology for the safe handling of radioactive waste. He carried out the scientific leadership of the group for the reconstruction of the first radiochemical plant "B", on the basis of which the RT-1 plant was built for the processing of spent nuclear fuel. Personally participated in the commissioning of the high-level liquid waste fractionation unit.

Since January 07, 1987, Boris Vasilievich has been the First Deputy Minister of Medium Machine Building of the USSR.

From November 1991 to March 1992, when the nuclear industry was operating in a transitional regime, the duties of the Minister were performed by First Deputy Minister Boris Vasilyevich Nikipelov. During this period, a whole series of meetings of the Board of the Ministry took place, at which proposals for restructuring the work of the industry with new political decisions and changes in the state structure of the country were hotly discussed.

Boris Vasilievich Nikipelov - Doctor of Technical Sciences, laureate of the USSR State Prize in Science and Technology (1978), Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers (1977), Honored Innovator of the RSFSR (1965), full member of the Academy of Informatics of the Russian Federation.

Boris Vasilyevich was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Badge of Honor, and medals.

From March 1992 to 2002 he was Advisor to the Minister of the Russian Federation for Atomic Energy.

Later, Boris Vasilievich worked at the Institute of Geology ore deposits, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry.

Boris Vasilyevich enjoyed the well-deserved authority of the industry leadership and colleagues. With his attitude towards people, his readiness to assist in solving increasingly complex problems, he united people and won the respect of those around him.

A large number of his students and followers work at industrial enterprises, carrying out modern development tasks at a new level. State Corporation for Atomic Energy "Rosatom".

The nuclear industry has suffered an irreparable loss, and in our hearts the memory of an extraordinary, outstanding organizer of the industry, a strong leader, a loving family man, and a wonderful Person will forever remain in our hearts.

Blessed memory to him.