A beautiful scenario for May 9 at school. Extra-curricular event for elementary school "May 9 - Victory Day"

Scenario for May 9 "Let's bow to those great years"

Goals: activate knowledge of history; to acquaint with the facts of the Great Patriotic War; develop a sense of patriotism, pride in their people, responsibility; broaden the horizons of students; develop their creativity.


Leading. Readers.

Event progress

The phonogram "My native country is wide" sounds.

Lead 1.

The country breathed in peaceful abundance In the sparkle of life, songs and work.

The phonogram "Get up, the country is huge ..."

Lead 2.

That morning earlier, the enemies bombed

Soviet ports and cities...

Lead 3.

It seemed that the flowers were cold,

And they faded a little from the dew.

The dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,

They searched with German binoculars.

A flower, all covered in dewdrops, clung to the flower,

And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

They climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed.

Who knew that between peace and war

Only five minutes left!

Lead 1. The day of June 22, 1941 is remembered by us as one of the most tragic days in the history of the country. On this day, fascist Germany attacked the USSR without declaring war. Mortal danger hangs over our Motherland.

The Red Army courageously met the enemy. Thousands of fighters and commanders at the price own life tried to hold back the onslaught of the Nazis. But the forces were unequal. In the first days of the war, the Nazis managed to destroy many of our aircraft. Many commanders and political workers have recently begun to command regiments, battalions, and divisions. And the experienced, most trained commanders of the Red Army, devoted to their country, Stalin declared enemies of the people, and they were shot. Of the five marshals Soviet Union three - A.I. Egorov, V.K. Blucher, M.N. Tukhachevsky - were destroyed. Huge damage to the country's defense was caused by the government's erroneous assessment of the nature of the future war. Then the cavalry continued to be considered the main military force and formed cavalry units. The very first battles showed that a horse cannot withstand a formidable tank, and a checker cannot resist an automatic machine.

The Red Army lacked new types of equipment: tanks, aircraft, artillery pieces, machine guns. The Soviet Union has only just begun to re-equip our army and navy. For these and some other reasons, the Soviet troops suffered huge, unjustified losses.

Reader 1.

Cities burn at sunset

Choking on smoky dreams.

The trains go there

Echelons full of us.

There the redoubt crackles behind the redoubt,

The line of defense was broken there.

Echelons go and go

Echelons go day and night.

Reader 2.

Cities burn at sunset

Do not be sad, do not hope for a miracle.

The trains go there

But they won't come back from there.

Motherland accompanied us

And handed over an overcoat, and a rifle.

Did not ask to die in battle

And in battle, she did not teach to retreat.

Reader 3.

Fate is not given to us to understand

Everything was written about us.

We died without asking for a long time,

And they forgot about how they died.

Years have passed over us

And the fireworks went off many times...

The trains have gone nowhere

And no one came back.

The soundtrack "Oh, roads ..." is turned on.

Lead 1. According to the plan of the Nazi generals, the war was to last only two or three months. Before the attack on the USSR, Germany captured all the tanks, planes, guns, factories and labor force conquered Europe. The enemy was cruel and strong.

Lead 2. The entire Soviet people rose to the defense of the Motherland. Thousands of volunteers went to the Red Army, partisan detachments, people's militia. The country became one fighting camp; front and rear efforts merged into one. Lead 4.

The uncompressed rye sways,

Soldiers are walking along it.

We walk and we are girls,

Similar to guys.

No, it's not the hills that are burning -

That my youth is on fire.

Guys go to war

They go to their native land.


"Oh dear..."

Lead 1.

Let's remember everyone by name

Let's remember with our hearts.

This is not necessary for the dead,

It needs to be alive.

The phonogram "Requiem" will turn on.

Lead 3. From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600, if you count in a straight line - this is 2600 km. This is 7.5 thousand killed per 1 km - 15 people for every 2 m of land ...

How many children were killed?!

And those who were tortured in concentration camps?! ..

How many were wounded, how many young guys were left disabled?! ..

How many widows and orphans are left after the war?! ..

How can human grief be measured, and is it really possible to measure the measure of the heroism of Soviet people with numbers?!

Lead 4.

They drove the children with their mothers

And they made me dig a hole.

They stood in a bunch of savages

Lined up at the edge of the abyss

Powerless women, thin guys.

Major came drunk

And cast copper eyes on the doomed.

cloudy rain

Buzzed in the foliage of neighboring groves

And in the fields, dressed in mist.

And the clouds fell over the earth

Chasing each other with rage.

No, I won't forget this day

I will never forget forever.

I saw rivers crying like children,

And mother earth wept in rage.

I saw with my own eyes,

Like the mournful sun, washed with tears,

Out into the fields through the clouds.

AT last time kissed the children.

Last time...

Noisy autumn forest

He seemed to be mad now.

Its foliage raged angrily.

Darkness thickened around...

The children were suddenly frightened,

Cling to mothers

Clinging to the hems.

And a sharp sound was heard from the shot,

Breaking the curses that escaped from the woman

Child, sick little boy,

He hid his head in the folds of the dress

Not yet an old woman. She is

I looked full of horror.

And how can she not lose her mind.

Got it. The little one understood.

Hide, mommy, me, no need to die.

He cries and, like a leaf, cannot hold back the trembling.

Child, what is dearest to her.

Bending down, she raised her mother with both hands,

Pressed to the heart against the muzzle directly.

I, mother, want to live! Don't, mom!

Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for?

And the child wants to escape from the hands,

And it cuts into the heart like a knife.

Don't be afraid, my boy, now you will breathe

you are free.

Close your eyes and hide your head.

So that the executioner does not bury you alive.

Be patient, son, be patient. Now it won't hurt.

And he closed his eyes, and the blood turned red,

On the neck with a scarlet ribbon wriggling.

Two lives fall merging to the ground.

Two lives and one love.

The song "Nightingales, do not sing ..."

Nightingales, sing no more songs, nightingales,

In a moment of sorrow, let the organ sound,

Sings about those who are not today,

Not with us.

This fight, it's already behind, a bloody fight,

Again, someone is no longer with us,

There was someone left in a foreign land,

That land.

Silence. Silence over the battlefield again.

As if there was no war.

And we are in the arms of peaceful silence.

There is no war. There is no war. There is no war.

Lead 1.

More than once you were reprimanded by bullets,

But, proceeding from all mortal ways,

And our banner

They managed to carry through seven deaths.

Lead 2.

And the correctness of the laws of Diamat

Checked with grenades in hand

On the streets of Orel and Stalingrad,

On Vienna and Berlin squares.

Lead 3.

So fought Brest and Minsk,

Kyiv went into battle.

Fought Tula, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Odessa,

Sailed Sevastopol through the veil,

Like a great halo of courage.

Lead 4. In August 1942, the gigantic, more than six-month-long Battle of Stalingrad began. Over 330,000 Nazis were surrounded and taken prisoner. The Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the entire war. Soviet troops drove the enemy from their native land.

In an effort to change the course of the war in their favor and take revenge for the defeatist at Stalingrad, the Nazis launched a new offensive in the area of ​​the city of Kursk. They wanted to surround and destroy our troops. But the Soviet command revealed the plans of the enemy and prepared for battle. The Nazis moved new heavy tanks "Tiger" and "Panther" into battle. On July 12, an unprecedented tank battle unfolded near the village of Prokhorovka. 1200 cars participated in it.

The Battle of Kursk ended with the victory of the Red Army. After the Battle of Kursk, the mass expulsion of the invaders began.

Lead 1.

The Fatherland is proud of such guys

What fought for the meters of Soviet land.

And growing roots at every point,

Rooted in people's memory.

Song dark night.

Dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe,

Only the wind is buzzing in the wires, the stars are dim

In the dark night you, my love, I know you do not sleep,

And at the crib you secretly wipe away a tear.

How I love the depth of your tender eyes,

How I want to press my lips to them now ...

The dark night separates us, my love,

And the disturbing, black steppe lay between us.

I believe in you, in my dear friend,

This faith kept me from a bullet on a dark night.

I am glad, I am calm in mortal combat,

I know you will meet me with love, what would happen to me

neither happened.

Death is not terrible, we met with it more than once

And now she is spinning over me ...

You are waiting for me and do not sleep at the crib,

And so I know nothing will happen to me!

Lead 3. The victory for our people came at a high price. The war claimed almost 27 million lives of Soviet people. But the Soviet Union not only survived such a brutal war, but also defeated fascism because the war was nationwide. Everyone rose to defend the Motherland: both men and women, and old people, and youth, all nations and nationalities of the country. Unprecedented fortitude and heroism on the battlefields, the courageous struggle of partisans and underground workers behind the front line, almost round-the-clock tireless work in the rear - that's what this victory was won.

Lead 2.

I honor the flags of the world

But I'll tell you, not melting.

I sing of Russia with my heart,

Russia is my Motherland.

Lead 3.

Salute and glory to the anniversary

Forever memorable day.

Salute to the Victory in Berlin

Fire trampled down the power of fire.

Lead 4.

Salute her big and small

To the creators who walked the path alone,

Her fighters and generals,

Heroes fallen and alive.

Together. Salute!!!

The phonogram "Victory Day" sounds (chorus).

Lead 1.

As long as hearts are beating, remember!

At what cost is happiness won, please remember!

When you send your song into flight, remember!

About those who will never sing, remember!

Tell your children about them so that they remember

Tell the children of children about them so that they also remember !!!

Lead 2. Over 11 thousand soldiers of all nationalities were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. More than 300 times during the war years, the immortal feat of Alexander Matrosov, who covered the embrasure of an enemy firing point, was repeated. For heroic defense and steadfastness, Moscow, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Kyiv, Stalingrad (Volgograd), Minsk, Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk, Kerch, Tula, Smolensk, Murmansk were awarded the title of "hero city". The Brest Fortress was awarded the title of "Hero-Fortress".

The song "Let there always be sunshine" (last verse and chorus).

During the chorus, children come out with balloons and sing all together.

Against trouble, against war

Let's stand up for our boys.

The sun - forever! Happiness - forever! -

So the man said!

May there always be sunshine

May there always be sky

May there always be a mother

May I always be.

Victory Day at school. The script of the festive concert by May 9. Scenario for the organizers of the festive concert for Victory Day.

Holiday dedicated to Victory Day

Forty-first, June.

Year and month of the nationwide struggle,

Even in the shadow of time

This date cannot be delayed.

The country was rising

And went to the front obediently,

red stars

Carrying away on the canvases of the banners.

Leading: Good afternoon, Dear friends. This year, on May 9, the Victory salute will thunder in honor of ... the anniversary of Victory Day. So many years have passed, but the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the memory of the people.

Today we can remember how it was.

Coming from darkness, worlds, bloodshed,

Unknown to anyone, distant and sick,

The iron war sings its red verse,

Madness, drawing from the mystery to find...

Leading: I did not want to believe in this terrible dream that plunged the world into the abyss of madness. Because everything was so good: June, summer holidays, graduation balls school. Alumni Waltz. For whom, it seemed, everything was ahead, even the day before ...

(The sound of the sea, turning into lyrical music, a voice off stage, a dramatization of a poem.)

The day before the war begins

From the rumble of seaside platforms,

The rain in the palm trees is noisy

And instantly


And the sea is stormy.

cloudy sea,

Scum in it enough

The cascade flies on the cascade.

The destroyer goes to Sevastopol.

Bombs will fly at him!

Tomorrow at early dawn

The first battle will thunder

The first doctor will meet the first wounded,

The first refugee will run.

The groves are afraid of the birds,

The forests will not hear the birds.

It will only happen tomorrow.

Twenty-four hours later...


prewar dawn,

The rumble of seaside platforms,

The roar of the unchanging wave,

Rain over the sea

And the sea is stormy.

As it turned out, they had only a few happy sunrises left. They living then, did not know about it, they were happily spinning in a waltz whirlwind.

Ah, war, what have you done, vile?

Our yards have become quiet...

Our boys raised their heads

They have matured for the time being.

On the threshold barely loomed

And the soldiers went after the soldier...

Goodbye boys!

Boys, try to get back!

No, don't hide, be tall

Spare neither bullets nor grenades,

And don't spare yourself, but still...

Try to go back.

(A waltz is performed, which is interrupted by the sound of a cannonade, the dancers freeze, and a recording of Levitan's voice sounds - a message about the beginning of the war.)

From the Soviet Information Bureau. Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, German troops attacked our country. There are fights on the borders. We call for calm. Our cause is right! The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!

(The song “Holy War” sounds. Against the background of this song, a young man and a girl come to the fore. In the back of the stage, the dancing couples freeze in the scenes of farewell and parting. The music changes to lyrical.)

Akin to the earth, intertwined with branches,

How painful, dear, how strange

split in two under the saw,

The wound on the heart will not grow -

Shed clean tears

The wound on the heart will not grow -

Spilled with fiery resin.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you

Soul and blood are inseparable.

As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you.

Love and death are always together

You will carry with you everywhere

Don't forget me darling

You will carry with you everywhere

Homeland, sweet home.

But if I have nothing to hide

From pity incurable?

But if I have nothing to hide

From sorrow and darkness?

I'm leaving to return

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised over our happiness.

I believe the meeting will happen again

I'll be with you, wherever you are...

I believe the meeting will happen again

Like thousands of happy meetings!

But if I disappear without a trace,

Short beam of daylight

But if I disappear without a trace,

Beyond the star belt, into the milky smoke?

I will pray for you

So as not to forget the path of the earth.

I will pray for you

May you return unharmed.

He: Do not part with your loved ones.

She: Do not part with your loved ones.

Don't part with your loved ones

Grow in them with all your blood.

She is: And every time - forever goodbye.

He: And every time - forever goodbye.

Together: When you leave for a moment!

Don't forget the blood of separation

Hearts burned by war.

Don't forget the blood of separation

In the name of those sacred days.

Let your shoulders grow back

Let the hands clench together in a chain,

And obscure the love of people!

(The song "Dark Night" sounds.)

Oh, the roads are dust and fog,

Cold, anxiety - yes, steppe weeds.

You can't know your share

Maybe you will fold your wings in the middle of the steppes?

And how insulting and painful it was if someone died at the very beginning of the journey ...

Yes, there are many tragic faces in the war - one of them is female. But there is an even more amazing baby face of Tanya Savicheva - a girl from besieged Leningrad, who kept a diary. In it, she wrote down when her relatives died. They died of cold and hunger. She lost her sister, brother, grandmother, uncle - and now the war took the most precious thing - her mother. last record in the diary: “Everyone died. Only Tanya remained. Defenseless Small child in the face of a brutal war. What could be worse than the suffering of an innocent child? God forbid that this should happen again.

(A dance with candles is performed, after the dance the group freezes with candles in their hands, without leaving the stage, the text follows the scene. A young man and a girl come to the fore, the dialogue goes on as if in thoughts between them.)

She is: So you say that human tears are water?

He: Yes!

She is: And all cataclysms pass for you without a trace?

He: Yes!

She is: Christ, Robespierre, Chaguevara - nonsense for you?

He: Yes!

She is: And the tears of Afghan never touched you? He: Yes!

She is: And your conscience, tell me, does it bother you, at least sometimes? He: Yes!

She is: But do you always manage to calm her down? He: Yes!

She is: And if the enemies encroached on your country? He: Well?

She is: Destroyed the hearth you created? He's so...

She is: Violently dealt with members of your family? They...

She is: Do you really care if the bullet is fired? He: Horror ... (covers her face with her hands) She: So you say that human tears are water? Him: No!

She is: And all cataclysms pass for you without a trace? Him: No!

She is: So, is there something else that worries you sometimes? He: Yes! Yes!

(The song "Red Poppies" is performed.)

Host: Four years - is it a lot or a little? Who, if not a soldier, should know about this? What helped to survive, not to harden the heart? Probably - letters that they were told that they were loved are waiting. “Wait for me - and I will return” - these words of Konstantin Simonov became a symbol of that time. These letters warmed the soul, giving the soldiers' hearts the light of love and warmth. And the heart sang, sang even in the war.

(A medley of songs from the war years sounds, soldiers sit on the stage and, as it were, perform these songs, then they fade away, and a voice sounds offstage in silence.)

Through the centuries

Years later

Who will never come again.

Do not Cry,

Keep your moans in your throat

Bitter moans.

The memory of the fallen

Be worthy.

Forever worthy!

(Moment of silence.)

Leading: Time passed. The stages of the journey remained in the past: Moscow - 41, Stalingrad - 42, Kursk - 43, in 44 - the Soviet army went beyond the borders of the USSR, and the cherished day was approaching - May 9, 45.

(There are poems that are performed by several students.)

Reader 1:

There was still darkness,

The grass wept in the mist.

Ninth day of big May

Already came into his own.

Reader 2:

The army buzzer beeped faintly.

Two words removed a terrible dream.

Signalman from the regimental headquarters

Jumped up and dropped the phone.

Reader 3:

And that's it, no one called the buglers,

Nobody gave orders.

There was a roar of joy furious,

The lieutenant was crushing the tap dance.

Reader 1:

Tanks and infantry fired

And, tearing his mouth with a cry,

For the first time in four years

Fired from the "Walter" people.

Reader 2:

The flocks of "Yakov" did not rumble

Above the blazing dawn

And someone sang, and someone cried.

And someone slept in the damp earth.

Reader 3:

Suddenly there was complete silence.

And in complete silence

The nightingale sang, not yet knowing

What he sings is not about the war.

(A victory waltz is performed to the song “Spring of 45”. All participants with flowers for veterans line up on stage.)


When from enemy pressures,

The smashing sword will tremble in his hand.

Let it flash before your eyes

Generalissimo Suvorov

In his field coat.

And in every warrior they will wake up

Glorious Hearts.

May 9 Victory Day. Scenario for schoolchildren

Literary and musical composition "Victory Day - a holiday of the whole country"

The hall is festively decorated - you can use wall newspapers, children's drawings about the war. The scene is designed according to this holiday. Music sounds, songs of the war years. Veterans are met by students and escorted into the hall, seated in their seats, and presented with greeting cards. The chiming clock sounds.

The leaders come out - a boy and a girl.

1st leader.

Early dawns flow over the world,

Gardens are dusty with spring flowers,

And your glorious day - a big day

Victory Again meets the young Earth.

I. Yavorovskaya

2nd leader.

Victory Day is a national holiday.

The brass band plays marches.

Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair

Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who is younger.

1st leader.

Even those who have not seen the war -

But everyone was touched by her wing, -

We congratulate you on Victory Day!

This day is important for all of Russia!

2nd leader.

Today and years are already gray

Since the end of the war,

But congratulations on Victory Day

Grandfathers and great-grandfathers country.

1st leader.

Thank you dear family.

Those who protected us then

And defended Russia

The price of military labor.

L. Chubarova

2nd leader.

To you, veterans of furious battles.

Whose youth is hardened in battle!

1st leader.

You, home front workers of different generations.

By hard work bringing their Victory closer

2nd host. We dedicate this concert!

The dance "Waltz" is performed to the soundtrack of the song "Spring of the 45th year" performed by Yar. Evdokimov.

Readers come out, students primary school.

1st student.

There are many holidays in the world.

They are loved by adults and children.

And everyone is looking forward to

Eighth of March, New Year.

2nd student.

But today is a special day for us -

Happy day, great Victory Day.

It was achieved by our great-grandfathers and grandfathers,

And we will tell you about it now.

3rd student.

I know from dad, I know from grandfather -

All the people were waiting for that day,

That day was the happiest.

4th student.

That morning became famous

The message spread throughout the world:

The vile fascists are defeated!

Praise to our entire army!

5th student.

Today is a celebration in our country.

We remember the days of battles and anxiety.

And my great-grandfather was also in the war

And he told me a lot about her.

How the tank managed to blow up a grenade

And how he went on the attack from the trench,

How Belarus had to be liberated

And how they fought through Europe.

How did they win those battles?

And how our soldiers took Berlin.

How the flag was hoisted over the Reichstag

And how on that day all the people rejoiced.

6th student(sadly).

And my great-grandfather died near Stalingrad,

He was an artilleryman.

They fought to the last shell

And buried in a mass grave

And the eternal fire is now burning there.

And a big monument was built -

Beautiful marble and granite.

And on the granite the names of the soldiers,

Which lie in that grave.

Great-grandfather's name on the list

And fresh flowers are always around.

7th student(proudly).

My great-grandmother didn't fight

She helped the soldiers in the rear.

Factories worked in our rear,

They collected tanks, planes,

Shells were made and bullets were cast,

Clothes, boots were made,

Bombs for airplanes, guns for soldiers.

Tools and, of course, provisions.

Without courageous home front workers

Our country would never win.

They were also often awarded

And orders were given, and medals.

8th student.

And if the thunder strikes again

Like our grandparents.

We will save our Motherland,

And there will be Victory Day again!

O. Uzorova

A song about the war is being sung. An eleventh grader comes out.


I write about the war

Although I know about her firsthand,

Even though I only know about her

What books opened for me

Only that.

What, like a prickly wind,

From the screen field

Hit in the eyes

And but the heart of alarmed pain.

What do I know about her?

Only songs that sound strict

Even if the boys sing them

Walking out of step.

That in all cities

Like soldiers of the Fatherland not fallen,

obelisks stand

Sentinel in our memory.

What do I know about her?

Silence of museum exhibits.

Tears of old soldiers

On the most joyful spring holiday

Volleys of proud salutes

And eternity of a minute of silence,

And military awards

On the pillows of scarlet shimmer.

What do I know about her and about people

Whose feat is great?

'Cause I don't even know

Where is my grandfather buried...

Vl. Larchenkov

Performing musical number.

1st leader.

After work shift

You rushed to the hospital, not home.

2nd leader.

You gave concerts for the wounded:

They performed there with songs and ditties.

1st leader.

We want to perform ditties for you now.

Such you sang, of course, more than once.

Girls come out.

They perform ditties of the military era.


Ribbentrop's Hitler calls,

He calls him to himself:

I want all of Europe

Helped me in the war.

I am a harmonist

Collected carefully.

Let the unclean fascist

He hits hard.

Damn Germany

Started a war

They took a sweet, good,

Left one.

The Germans broke into the village,

They were furious with joy.

All piglets, hens ate,

For you to choke.

Hitler is angry Hitler is angry

He scolds a lot.

Ordered to take Russia

Yes, it doesn't work.

"Rusish, Rusish, you are kaput" -

The Germans were screaming.

And when we won

They fell at our feet.

Today is Victory Day

We like him very much

Dear Veterans

We all smile

1st leader.

Victory Day is the most joyful for everyone.

May laughter win today.

Let the world, saved from war, rejoice,

And for joy, sons are born.

2nd leader.

Congratulations on this great holiday,

And we wish only happiness from the bottom of our hearts,

Only light, only peace and warmth,

So that life is always beautiful.

I. Yavorovskaya

A merry dance is performed. The dude comes out.


How many songs about the army are composed,

How many songs about the fleet are composed!

We are supposed to remember them on a holiday

Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!

There are such hidden words in it,

What can not touch our hearts:

About the big military roads,

About the battles near Moscow and near Vienna.

And about that guy with Malaya Bronna!

Glorious history comes alive.

Everything that has been seen and passed...

The song teaches us the most important thing:

Infinitely love your Motherland!

On earth, on the seas, in the skies

The song is a faithful companion of the Victory.

So let's remember those songs we

With whom our grandfathers went into battle!

Y. Pogorelsky, A. Bryukhanov

A medley of songs from the war years is performed.

1st leader.

About a simple girl Katyusha,

That she loved to sing songs.

This song stirs the soul.

So let's sing it here again!

The song "Katyusha" sounds

(performed with veterans). Readers come out.

1st student.

Memory, soldier's memory,

Strict lot of men...

Nothing to add to it

In addition to gray hair and wrinkles.

2nd student.

The Difficult Joy of Victory

Lives in the heart of a soldier.

Only in stories about it

Memory is stingy with words.

3rd student.

Memory in a dress uniform

Rarely comes from the war.

To old splinters and scars

Peaceful dreams are not given.

1st student.

Again - grenades on the tank!

Again - not a step back! ..

Memory will not retire

The soldiers won't let her.

2nd student.

Just like all veterans,

Knowing no fear in battle

Wiped the memory of a tear

Having met his youth.

3rd student.

Nothing to add to it

Besides gray hair and wrinkles...

Memory, soldier's memory,

Strict lot of men!

P. Sinyavsky

The song "Take the overcoat" is performed.

1st leader.

From unknown to famous

To slay which years are not free,

You are 20 million unforgotten:

2nd leader.

No, you didn't disappear into the pitch-black smoke.

Where the path, as to the top, was not straight.

You also dream of young wives

And boys dream of mothers.

1st leader.

What names are not on the tombstones.

Their sons left all the tribes.

You are 20 million forgotten,

The dead who did not return from the war.

R. Gamzatov

2nd leader.

Freeze, speakers, the word is bast!

A moment of silence!

A moment of silence!

A moment of silence is announced.

Then a musical number is performed - playing the violin, cello.

Readers speak against the background of slides - photographs of soldiers

1st reader.

How did you wait for him, it happened,

You know only you and the hut,

I put those letters at the head,

Where is your love and destiny.

Happiness in the past melts in a haze,

All hopes have expired.

Where the eternal flame burns

Every year you lay a wreath.

Now the grandchildren are leaving the hut,

He always comes in a dream

Young, in a soldier's overcoat.

It's the same as it was in the war.

And you yourself become younger in a dream,

The years quickly passed.

It was hard ... But you do not regret

About my lonely way.

This one wooed ... That one furtively

Bring flowers to your house.

You are still a soldier

And you don't regret it at all.

Even as if she became proud,

That for so many long years

You didn't let anyone into your heart

Saved love covenant.

Life is like a feat! Who knows this?

Is it just you...

Yes, even a hut, yes neighbors,

Yes, friend of life - fate.

L. Zabashta

2nd reader.

The grandmother cooked a pot of potatoes,

Then she brought salted mushrooms.

Slicing the bread, she collected the crumbs

And at the porch I gave them to the chickens.

She closed the stove, then sat down at the table.

She remembered a difficult fate.

She ate breakfast slowly

And the hut was filled with silence

They looked at the grandmother's photos,

Eyes were drawn to her from the wall.

The one in the cap, her son, was shot

Nazis on the third day of the war.

And this one was just like dad, big.

I met my twentieth year on the Vistula

He said: "I'll be back, I'll knock on the window."

But still haven't knocked...

Do not forget those years that often dream

Like the troubles that darkened the country ...

The awards are kept in her closet -

Medal for Labor and Order for War.

V. Solovyov


To you, dear women,

Who were called soldiers

To those who received funerals

On your loved ones

This song.

The song "If there was no war" is performed. High school girls come out.

1st girl.

I was born when everything was in the past.

Our victory for many years,

But how close to me is what is already in the past,

2nd girl.

Thank you that we did not know the war

That we do not hear the noise of those terrible years.

That you gave us life with your life!

God bless you veterans!

3rd girl.

Yes, it is a celebration of your gray hair.

You've been through a lot.

Bow to you low, to the ground,

God bless you veterans

Sounds like a march from the film "Belorussky Station". Readers and presenters take the stage.

1st reader.

Banners fly over the square.

Solemn marches sound.

Column of gray-haired veterans

The parade went to the holiday.

2nd reader.

Forgotten all the old wounds -

Straightened shoulders and chest...

And where the veterans go.

Their path is strewn with flowers.

3rd reader.

For life is a precious right.

Because our country exists. —

Glory to them from the people for everything.

Great glory and honor.

I. Polaguta

4th reader.

Praise, praise to you, veterans,

For the peace that was obtained in battles.

We bring you carnations, cannes,

As scarlet as a banner

5th reader.

Praise and glory to you, heroes,

For our days, a happy take-off, -

For us on former field combat

The garden of the world is in full bloom.

6th reader.

For the sky above us is blue,

For the bright holidays parade

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Today the children are talking.

They perform one verse of the song "Solar Circle".

Leading(in order).

How good it is to wake up before dawn

How good it is to have dreams at night

It's good that the planet is spinning,

How good it is in the world without war.

Father's medals lie in the closet,

And the children go to school, kindergarten,

And we, frankly, only saw in the movies,

How an armor-piercing projectile hits armor.

But still we hear the sound of a drop

Victorious that and early that spring.

It's good that the starlings sang again,

It's good that there is no war for a long time.

A. Menshikov

S. Kochurova's song "The war has long ended" or any song of the organizers' choice is performed.

The lessons of history must not be forgotten, otherwise they may be repeated ... We are lucky to be born and raise children in peacetime. Although, if you think well, then luck has nothing to do with it. Exclusively thanks to selflessness and great love for the Motherland, veterans and fallen combatants managed to defend their native land in the Great Patriotic War. Only the Lord God and they themselves know at what cost the Victory was given in May 1945. Looking at the living eyewitnesses of that victory today, it is difficult to imagine what difficulties they went through, how many loved ones they lost, how their fates changed ... Therefore, Victory Day is, without exaggeration, a great holiday for every Russian. Every year on May 9, we remember the great feat of our soldiers and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Commemorative concerts are held in their honor not only in cultural centers, but also in kindergartens and schools. After all, we are well aware that in order to avoid the mistakes of the past, we need to acquaint our future children with them. Short thematic skits for May 9 - this is one of the better ways, as they say, visually introduce preschoolers, primary and high school, students with the history of the Great Patriotic War. It is about what skits on Victory Day can be staged with children and will be discussed further.

Thematic scenes for May 9 for children - short numbers about soldiers and war, video

For children, the concept of "war" is rather abstract. Those who are older, of course, understand that war takes lives and cripples the fate of people. But for toddlers, it's still too hard to grasp. In this case, you can start patriotic education and introduce children to the history of the Great Patriotic War with the help of thematic skits and short numbers about the life of soldiers at a concert in honor of May 9th. As a rule, both the smallest and older children are happy to participate in such theatrical performances. After all, this way they can try on a military uniform, take part in a fake battle, or even get acquainted with veterans. You can put in more detail about what kind of thematic scenes for May 9 for children and short numbers about the war and soldiers, and we'll talk further.

Ideas for short scenes about soldiers and war on May 9 for children

In fact, the theme of the Great Patriotic War is very multifaceted and allows you to stage completely different thematic numbers with children. For example, you can prepare a small theatrical performance by playing an excerpt from a famous war film or book. You can prepare the reading of touching military poems or ballads. Or you can put on a beautiful dance for veterans to the melody of a well-known military song, sing a song about the Great Victory ... As for the mood of the performance, you can equally well put on with the children both a touching scene that causes tears in your eyes, and a funny one that will cheer you up At this holiday.

Short sketches for Victory Day on May 9 in kindergarten, ideas for numbers with video

Acquaintance of children with the history of the Victory Day holiday and the traditions of May 9 can be started with staging short scenes and numbers in kindergarten. As ideas for such children's numbers, it is best to use simple performances with dances and songs. Touching poems about the Victory, as well as small theatrical performances, are also suitable. Of course, children of this age are not yet ready to learn about all the terrible hostilities, so at a concert in honor of May 9 in kindergarten, it is better to focus on numbers about Victory Day. When preparing a thematic concert, special attention should be paid to costumes and scenery. Little artists in military uniforms look very touching, and the right scenery helps the audience to feel the essence of the staged act more deeply.

Short numbers and sketches for Victory Day for the middle and senior group of kindergarten, video

Another important point, which should be taken into account when staging scenes for Victory Day with kindergarten students - their duration. No need to choose military-themed numbers that last more than 5-7 minutes. Kids at this age get tired quickly and it is quite possible that they will be able to forget their words by the end of the scene, thereby spoiling its ending.

Scenes for May 9 for elementary school and high school students, video

A festive concert on Victory Day is a traditional event in almost all schools in our country. But even if a full-fledged concert on May 9 is not provided at school, primary school and high school students still put on thematic scenes for holiday line. The theme of such rooms, of course, is military. Most often, touching scenes about the Victory are chosen for productions with children. They also often put on sadder numbers about important events Great Patriotic War. For example, about how on June 22, 1941, Hitler's attack on the USSR was announced. You can also prepare a performance with a staging of a military song. Touching military poems are also perfect for scenes on May 9 for elementary school and high school students. True, it is worth considering the fact that sad "heavy" poems about the horrors of war are best entrusted to high school students. But younger schoolchildren can read poems about the Victory with their inherent childlike cheerfulness.

Video of thematic scenes on May 9 for elementary school students

You will find some interesting videos with themed skits on May 9, which are perfect for primary school students, in the following selection.

Ideas for skits on May 9 Victory Day for high school students, video

And in this collection of videos are collected best ideas for scenes for Victory Day for high school students and graduates. By the way, they can also be used for student productions, which are quite actively staged on the eve of May 9 at concerts in higher educational institutions.

Short scenes about soldiers on May 9, Victory Day in the House of Culture for Children

On the eve of Victory Day, large-scale events are held not only in children's educational institutions, but also in cultural centers, squares and concert halls. Such holiday concerts allow people to gather and all together honor the heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The most honored guests of such events are, of course, veterans. Words of gratitude to them are expressed not only by the hosts, but also by famous guests of the holiday. And school-age children are sure to prepare special numbers for participants in the Second World War. By and large, short skits on May 9, for example, in the house of culture, performed by children do not differ much from similar school productions about the war and soldiers. Therefore, if you especially liked some scene from the previous selections for schoolchildren, then you can safely use its plot for a concert in the house of culture.

Ideas for thematic short skits on May 9 for children in the House of Culture

Since the level of organizing and holding concerts in cultural centers is an order of magnitude higher, under these conditions it is possible to stage more complex and dramatic scenes with the participation of children. For example, to involve professional actors and directors in theatrical productions, who can help young artists get used to their roles. Some interesting ideas for thematic scenes on May 9 with the participation of children for the house of culture, see the video below.

As long as real witnesses of those hostilities live, as long as there is a place in our hearts for gratitude to the veterans, as long as our children remember the great feat of their ancestors, the May 9 holiday will exist! And no matter what anyone says, our people need Victory Day no less, if not more, than any other public holiday. It doesn't just represent victory. First of all, May 9 is a holiday of memory and gratitude for a peaceful sky, for the opportunity to live, love and believe in the best. Be sure to involve children - preschoolers, primary school students, high school students and even students - to participate in thematic concerts on Victory Day. Remember that the lessons of history should not be forgotten, and patriotic education can and should be started in kindergarten. Short skits by May 9 about the war, ordinary soldiers and the Great Victory for children are ideal for these purposes.

Purpose of the lesson: education of historical literacy and a sense of patriotism in the younger generation, the formation of a sense of belonging to the historical events that took place during the war years.

Methodical instructions:

  • The meeting is timed to coincide with the celebration of the 66th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
  • The following methods are used for the event:

Venue: school, auditorium

Event progress

Teacher. On May 9, the whole country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day, the 66th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

66 years since the war ended, a war that claimed more than 20 million lives, which turned cities and towns into ruins, put factories and factories out of action. The war brought a lot of grief and fear, but despite hunger, cold and devastation, our people won. He defeated a terrible enemy who enslaved many states and forced them to live in fear - he defeated fascism.

Victory Day is a great holiday in our country. On this day, they honor the memory of those who died, and bow to all those who survived.

May 9 is celebrated all over the world as a sign of gratitude to our people for a great feat. Our people are very sensitive to this holiday and pass it on from generation to generation.

Today we congratulate everyone on this great holiday and wish everyone that there will never be a war in our world again, that there will always be a peaceful, blue sky above our heads, that no one will ever hear bomb explosions, that all peoples live in peace and harmony.

Time is running fast and today there are few of those who won the Victory at the front and in the rear with us. We give our holiday to all veterans, to all representatives of the older generation.

(Student speaks with poetry)

There is no dearer Motherland in the world,
Where other azure skies
The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter than all,
Where groves and forests are encouraging,
Where in the rivers are swift waters
Blue like turquoise
Where, when the weather comes,
All the people come out like a thunderstorm.
Glorious forty-fifth!
But we look back:
From those war years the soldiers
Today they speak to us

Teacher. On June 22, 1941, the peaceful life of the Soviet people was disrupted. The Great Patriotic War.

Student 2

Forty-first! June.
Year and month of nationwide struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And went to the front porto
scarlet stars
Carrying on banners.

Student 3

War was sacred. In that
Not even he doubts
Who arrived from another planet,
Earth will read history
Read about how under the moon
The country lived in retribution.
War is sacred if Zoya
Without flinching, she walked to the gallows.

Pupil 4

War is sacred. and Matrosov
With all my heart lay down on a machine gun
Oh, how many fair-haired and snub-nosed
In the name of life, death will take
They will go to the damp earth,
In the dawn, in the grass, in the green,
Until death, believing
All your rightness, Moscow!

Teacher. Terrible forty-one: How he changed people's destinies, stained childhood with blood and tears, cut off the lives of many boys and girls, destroyed the dreams of seventeen-year-olds, who went straight "from childhood" to a dirty car, to echelons with infantry, to sanitary platoons!

(Students perform poetry)

Student 5

Ah, the war, what have you done, vile?
Our courtyards have become quiet.
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
On the threshold barely loomed
And the soldiers went after the soldier.
Goodbye boys! Boys
Try to get back!

Pupil 6

How I hate war!
For how many years I have been dreaming of her -
Breaking sleep and silence
Everything knocks on me at night.
Knocking those with whom he fought,
Who did not return from the battlefield.
I lost friends every day
And fell asleep in the trench standing

(Viewing the video "From the heroes of old" on the screen)

Teacher. They wanted to return to their homes to look into the kind, longing and sad eyes of their mothers. Very wanted! But ... they threw themselves on the embrasures of enemy machine guns, died under bullets, were martyred with a noose around their necks in the enemy rear. Almost 70 years have passed since that summer Sunday in 1941, but each of us felt the lines that hit right in the heart.

Pupil 7

The country flourished. But the enemy from around the corner
He made a raid, went to war with us.
In that stormy hour
Becoming a steel wall
All youth took weapons
To defend the Fatherland.

Student 1

Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
And people went to bed peacefully the night before.
But in the morning the whole country already knew
That a terrible war began

Teacher. Everyone, both adults and children, stood up to defend the Motherland. Echelons went to the front, partisan detachments were created, women and children took over the labor watch in the rear.

The greatest burden of the war was carried on her shoulders by a mother

Pupil 8

Can you tell me about it,
What years did you live in!
What an immeasurable heaviness
On women's shoulders lay down!
That morning we said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son,
And you with your destiny
Left alone.

Pupil 9

One on one with tears
With uncompressed bread in the field
You met this war.
And all - without end and account -
Sorrows, labors and worries
Came to you for one.
One you willy-nilly-
And you have to hurry everywhere
You are alone in the field and at home,
You alone cry and sing.

Teacher. For four long years the Great Patriotic War went on, for 1417 days and nights the gigantic battle with German fascism continued. There was a mortal battle "not for the sake of glory - for the sake of life on Earth." But even in the days of severe trials - in the battles near Moscow, Kursk, on the Volga and the Dnieper - our soldiers believed that the hour of reckoning with the hated enemy would come. After all, there was a war of liberation, and this was not only death, blood and suffering, it was also gigantic upswings of the human spirit, selflessness, selflessness and heroism.

Pupil 10

And the war went on for four long years.
We fought for our freedom.
Enemies wanted to seize our land,
And turn us into obedient slaves.
And there were many terrible battles
In which the damned enemy was defeated.
Great battle near Moscow
In which we told the enemy firmly: "STOP!"

Teacher. During the war, there were heavy battles in the battles near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad, and in the Caucasus. Having cleared the territory of our Motherland from the fascists, the soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.

Pupil 11

Of course, you need to remember
And the encirclement of the enemy near Stalingrad,
And the Kursk Bulge, and the Crimea, and Leningrad.
There was Hitler that attacked us, he is no longer happy.
The fascist invaders were defeated,
The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.
Berlin was taken, and the Reichstag
Our flag was proudly hoisted.

Teacher. And he came this day - May 9, 1945. Victory Day! With what impatience the oppressed peoples of Europe waited for him! In his name, rivers of blood were shed and the most difficult trials were endured. Over 20 million of our citizens died during the war years.

Thousands of mothers did not wait for their sons and daughters from the front.

May 1945: Is it possible to forget the events of those days?

Pupil 12

Let's remember all the heroes by name,
Who is broken
Fascist horde!
Here fall the fascist banners,
For more
Never get up!

Pupil 13

War is over,
But with a singed song
Above every house
She is still spinning
And we have not forgotten
That twenty million
Gone to immortality
So that we can live with you.

(Viewing the video "Minute of Silence" on the screen.)

Teacher. 66 years have passed since the end of the war. But those who brought us Victory in May 1945 forever remained in the memory of the people.

Pupil 14

The world bows to the Soviet soldiers,
Beloved Moscow sees them!
You hear!
Marching in forty-five
Soviet troops!
Near Brest, near Moscow and in Stalingrad
Their way they
They took me to the Reichstag!
And so
At the historical parade
The liberators of the Earth stand!

(Viewing the video "Victory Parade" on the screen.)

Pupil 15

Thank you veterans
Soldiers of the past war
For your severe wounds
For your disturbing dreams.
For the fact that you saved the Fatherland,
Faithful to filial duty
Thank you family, thank you
From those who do not know war!