Responsible for the transfer of services into electronic form. Transfer of municipal services to electronic form

Information of the Trinity Department of Social Protection of the Population
Department of social protection of the population
Troitsky and Novomoskovsky administrative districts of the city of Moscow

From December 5, 2015 on the Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow(>>"> open access to a modernized interactive application form "Benefits and compensations for families with children (including those with many children)", which contain 17 public services.


1. Appointment and provision of a one-time allowance to women registered in medical institutions the city of Moscow up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
2. Appointment and provision of a one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child.
3. Appointment and provision of an additional one-time allowance in connection with the birth of a child to young families.
4. Appointment and provision of a one-time compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth of three or more children at the same time.
5. Appointment and provision of a monthly allowance for a child.
6. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food to certain categories of citizens for children under the age of 3 years.
7. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses due to an increase in the cost of living for certain categories of families with children.
8. Registration and issuance of the Certificate of a large family of the city of Moscow.
9. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the increase in the cost of living for large families.
10. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for the purchase of children's goods for large families.
11. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses for payment for housing and public utilities large families.
12. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for the use of the telephone to large families.
13. Appointment and provision of monthly compensation payments to families with 10 or more children.
14. Appointment and provision of an annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes for the period of study.
15. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to a person caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or disabled from childhood under the age of 23.
16. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment for a child under the age of 18 living in a family in which both or the only parent do not work and are disabled of I or II group (or have III or II degree of limitation of the ability to work).
17. Appointment and provision of a monthly compensation payment to disabled children under the age of 18 and disabled children under the age of 23 who have lost their breadwinner.

From March 1, 2016 translated exclusively into electronic form two public services:
Appointment of a lump-sum compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child
Assignment of an additional one-time allowance in connection with the birth of a child to young families


Parents can submit a request (application) for the provision of these services exclusively in electronic form through Portal of state and municipal services (functions) of the city of Moscow(>>" target="_blank">, with the exception of guardians.
Guardians will still be able to submit an application for the provision of public services only on paper to the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

January and February 2016 will be transitional months, when citizens will be able to apply for the provision of two public services in the same order, i.e. both in electronic form through the Portal and on paper.

II The process of converting services into electronic form

1. Analysis of the administrative regulations for the provision of state municipal services.

The process of analysis of the AR by the System Operator begins with the verification of the name of the service and its main parameters with the data of the IS "RGU". The AR is also checked for the possibility of providing services in electronic form, the possibility of sending interdepartmental requests and the requirements for filling out an application for the provision of state / municipal services. For municipal services, a check is carried out for compliance with the approved standard administrative regulations. In case of inaccuracies, the System Operator sends the System User information about the necessary corrections. Work on transferring the service to electronic form by the System Operator shall be terminated until the comments are eliminated by the User.

2. Designing the service data schema.

The service data scheme is designed based on the data corrected (if necessary) in the RSU IS and the corrected AR. The following AP parameters are taken as the basis for the design: service delivery options, service delivery goals, service recipients), service application forms, as well as a list of documents submitted together with the service application. When designing the service data scheme, the System Operator has the right to request advisory support from the System User on issues related to the provision of the service. Typical turnaround time for work this stage- ten working days.

3. Design and development of the IAP prototype.

The design of the IPF is carried out by the System Operator using the IS "SPU" on the basis of the developed data scheme. The design of the IAP includes the development of the visual filling of the form, integration with the subsystem of the IS "MFC" POPs to ensure the possibility of accepting applications. Upon completion of the design, the IPF is displayed on a test EPGU to ensure the possibility of control end result on the part of the responsible employee of the System User and carrying out integration testing of the full cycle of providing the service in electronic form, as provided for in paragraph 4 of this regulation. The typical time for completion of work at this stage is fifteen working days.

4. Testing of the IPF prototype.

A responsible employee of the System User is involved in testing the developed IAP to conduct a comprehensive testing of the full cycle of providing services in electronic form, including the operation of the IAP on the EPGU test portal, sending applications to the IS "MFC" SOP, processing applications with sending intermediate statuses of processing applications and the result of rendering services (if sending the result is not possible due to the requirements of the AR) to the EPGU test portal.

Based on the results of the testing, the System Operator together with the System User sign the test protocol developed by the IPF (hereinafter referred to as the test protocol) and is approved by the DITOO in the form given in Appendix No. 2 to these regulations. The IPF testing protocol reflects the detected deficiencies to be eliminated. If it is technically possible, all indicated deficiencies are eliminated by the System Operator, about which the relevant information is entered into the Test Protocol.

After the identified deficiencies are eliminated (subject to the availability of technical feasibility), the testing protocol is signed by the System User jointly with the System User and approved by the D&T. The typical time for completion of work on this stage is twenty working days.

5. Formation of a set of technical and operational documentation for publication by the IAP.

The documentation required for the publication of the IPF is developed by the System Operator and includes:

Private terms of reference;

Instructions for the EPGU call center;

Test protocol.

The maximum term for completing work at this stage is no more than seven working days.

6. Publication of IAP at EPGU.

The publication of the IPF on the EPGU is made by the System Operator on the basis of the approved IPF Testing Protocol. The term for the formation and submission of an application by the System Operator for publication is no more than 14 calendar days. Based on the results of sending the application, the EPGU operation service assigns the number of the incident within which the publication is carried out.

The publication period depends on the mode of operation of the EPGU operation service for the publication of the IAP, as well as on the elimination of technical problems (if any were identified during the publication).

7. Integration of IS "MFC" POPs with VIS of the System User. Integration is carried out if it is necessary to provide services using the User's VIS.

To integrate VIS with IS "MFC" POPs for standard scheme, determined by the System Operator, on the VIS side, a web service for receiving applications and a web service client are developed to send messages about events of processing applications. Documentation with a complete technical description of the necessary improvements at the request of the System User is provided by the System Operator (if there is an application from this System User to convert the service into electronic form).

Integration of the VIS with the IS "MFC" POPs using an information interaction scheme other than the standard one is carried out in agreement with the DITOO. To agree on such integration, it is necessary to provide a detailed technical description proposed solution.

Based on the results of the integration, a working group is created to conduct integration testing with the participation of responsible persons appointed by the System User, DITOO and the System Operator (hereinafter referred to as integration testing participants). In case of successful completion, participants of integration testing sign the corresponding Protocol.

8. Connecting the IPF to the monitoring system.

After the successful publication of the IPF at EPGU/RPGU, the System Operator develops autotests for connecting this IPF to the monitoring system. Depending on the technical feasibility, autotests can be short (with testing the availability of the IPF at the EPGU / RPGU) and complete (with testing the availability of the IPF at the EPGU / RPGU, filling in the IPF with test data and sending test applications to the System User).

In the case of developing a complete autotest, the System Operator informs the System User of a set of test data to enable the System User to select test applications from the general flow of productive applications submitted by applicants.

The IPF monitoring is carried out according to the schedule determined by the System Operator up to the decommissioning of the IPF (termination of the provision of this service by the System User or change of the IPF in accordance with changes in the AR).

The Internet industry in Russia is developing at a rapid pace, fueled by both the growth in the number of Internet users and the increased demand for online services. The Russian segment of the Internet in terms of audience volume is the largest in Europe, in terms of the number of Internet users, back in 2012, Russia came out on top in Europe and sixth in the world. Every year the Internet in Russia becomes more accessible. Therefore, the transfer of services to electronic form is a promising direction for their modernization, designed to increase their accessibility, reduce corruption risks and reduce the time and financial costs of the state and citizens.

Electronic services are understood as such an organization of interaction between authorities and the population, in which the filing of an application and required documents to receive the service is carried out electronically via the Internet. Based on the results of the decision, the applicant may be provided with the result in the form of an electronic document.

For the first time, the transfer of public services to electronic form was mentioned in the federal target program « Electronic Russia(2002-2010)". In 2006, a clearer understanding of the terminology and plans for the transfer of services to electronic form appeared in the project, as well as a connection with electronic interdepartmental document management was added. This approach was proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia together with the Ministry of Communications of Russia as an important element in improving the quality of services.

In 2008, work on the transfer of public services to electronic form entered the most active stage. Five stages of the transfer of services to electronic form were identified. The work of transferring services to electronic form required the elimination of legal and technological barriers. Firstly, the exclusion from the legislation of the requirement of mandatory "paper" document management, for which in 2010-2011 changes were made to more than 100 federal laws and a number of by-laws have been adopted. Secondly, the formation by the Ministry of Communications of Russia of an infrastructure for data exchange between departments and the organization of coordinated work of authorities at all levels in the transition to electronic services.

To solve this problem, since 2008, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has organized regular independent monitoring of the quality of the provision of state and municipal services. In 2009, the Government identified 74 federal services and 56 regional and municipal priority services for their conversion into electronic form.

The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia developed and put into trial operation a prototype information system « Consolidated register services”, on the basis of which the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia implemented the industrial solution “Federal Register of Services”, which became the basis for the operation of the Unified Portal of Public Services (EPGU) .

Since the opening of the Unified Portal of Public Services in December 2009, it has become an effective tool for accessing public services in electronic form. By the end of the 1st quarter of 2016, the number of users registered on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services exceeded 25.5 million people.

Building the entire system for the provision of public services in electronic form has become one of the factors that allowed Russian Federation to make a breakthrough in the UN rating for the development of e-government in 2009-2012. In just two years, Russia has risen immediately by 32 positions - from 59th to 27th place, and of countries with a population of more than 100 million people, Russia took third place in the ranking - after the United States (310 million, fifth place in the UN ranking) and Japan (127 million, eighteenth place in the UN ranking). According to the same UN ranking, published in 2014, Russia retained its previous position (27th place). In July 2013, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development proposed new approach to the transfer of services to electronic form, since the phased model of transferring services turned out to be too formalized and did not take into account the characteristics of individual services, thereby preventing the authorities from effectively transferring them to electronic form. It was proposed to switch to a modular system, more flexible, providing for the transfer of individual administrative procedures into electronic form. In December 2013, the Concept for the Development of Mechanisms for the Provision of Public and Municipal Services in Electronic Form was approved, developed by the Ministry of Communications of Russia jointly with the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, which determined the main goals, principles and activities for further development electronic services for the period up to 2016. An action plan for its implementation was approved.

The concept identified 15 priority federal and 20 regional services subject to priority optimization. Since May 25, 2017, the list of regional services includes 18 services (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2017 No. 1027-r).

As part of this optimization, appropriate schedules are being developed for each of the 35 priority services. In order to further develop the system for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form The Government of the Russian Federation (Decree of March 26, 2016 No. 236) approved the requirements for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form. This act reflects the "modular principle" of converting services into electronic form, previously proposed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

In accordance with the provisions of the Requirements of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, work was carried out to determine the target model for the provision of all federal public services in electronic form. According to the results said work at a meeting of the subcommittee on the use information technologies when providing state and municipal services to the Government Commission on the use of information technology to improve the quality of life and conditions of conduct entrepreneurial activity On March 3, 2017, a summary matrix of the composition of actions was approved, the implementation of which is provided to the applicant when providing public services in electronic form (Minutes No. 94pr dated March 3, 2017). At present, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, in accordance with the instructions of the subcommittee, continues to maintain a consolidated matrix on an ongoing basis.

Monitoring of services of federal bodies executive power

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    Methodology for monitoring the quality of the transfer of state and municipal services into electronic form for monitoring in 2019

have the right to receive state and municipal services in electronic form, unless otherwise prohibited by law.

In the context of this law, electronic services are understood as such an organization of interaction between authorities and the population, in which the submission of an application and the necessary documents for receiving a service is carried out electronically through specialized portals of public services: the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) (hereinafter - EPGU) , regional portals of state and municipal services (functions). Based on the results of the decision, the applicant may be provided with the result in the form of an electronic document.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17 No. 1993-r fixed the list of priority services for transfer to electronic form, and five stages of transferring services to electronic form were identified:

The first stage is to ensure that applicants are informed about the procedure for providing services;

The second stage is the possibility of obtaining electronic forms of documents and applications;

The third stage is the submission of an application for the provision of services in electronic form, automatically sent to the authorities;

The fourth stage - the applicant gets the opportunity to track the status of the service;

The fifth stage - the result of the service is provided in electronic form.

There are some difficulties with the implementation of the services of the fifth stage. They consist in the fact that in order to provide almost all state and municipal services, the applicant, except for the application itself, is required to submit a certain set of documents. Interdepartmental interaction reduces the number of required documents, but some of them must still be provided by citizens personally, these are: personal storage documents and documents provided by non-governmental organizations.

Thus, it is the complexity of converting personal documents into electronic form that prevents the provision of the entire service cycle in electronic form.

Now the applicant through the portal can attach scanned copies of personal documents and try to get the service without being present at the authorities. But officials of the authorities consider such documents to be illegitimate and in most cases are not ready to provide services based on them. Thus, the personal presence of the applicant when providing documents for personal storage remains prerequisite receiving a service.

The statistics say that:

In 42% of cases of the provision of federal public services, the provision of personal documents is required. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is required in most services;

280 services require documents included in the list of "personal storage" documents (part 6 of article 7 210-FZ), not counting the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which is necessary when providing the absolute majority of services;

85% of municipal services involve the submission of personal documents;

72% of state "regional" services require the submission of personal documents;

The increase in the share of services with personal injury documents at the municipal level compared to regional services is explained by the fact that municipal services include a large block of social services (including those transferred from the regional level), a prerequisite for the provision of which is the applicant's identity card with the appropriate document.

To solve this problem, the idea of ​​an archive of documents for personal storage (hereinafter referred to as the Archive) will be useful. The essence of the idea is that when a citizen personally applies to an authority or a multifunctional service center, the documents of personal storage presented to them are scanned, certified electronic signature operator and saved in the Archive. After this procedure, these documents can be used when submitting an application through the portals of state and municipal services already in electronic form.

If the applicant applies through the portal to another authority, then channels of interdepartmental interaction may well be used to request these documents by another authority.

In addition, in order to implement measures to transfer services to electronic form, it was necessary to exclude the requirement of mandatory "paper" document management from the legislation, for which in 2010-2011. more than 100 federal laws have been amended, and many by-laws have been adopted. The elimination of technological barriers was solved by the implementation by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia of work on the formation of an infrastructure for data exchange between departments and the organization of coordinated work of authorities at all levels in the transition to electronic services.

On the part of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, a prototype of the information system "Consolidated Register of Services" (hereinafter referred to as the RSU Standard Solution) was developed and put into trial operation, on the basis of which the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia implemented the industrial solution "Federal Register of Services", which became the basis for the work of EPGU - www.gosuslugi .ru

On the part of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, work was carried out to form a list of services provided by state authorities and local government, and on entering information about services into the registers of public services and registers of municipal services, respectively.

However, there are also difficulties here, the composition and structure of the information contained in the software package of the standard solution for the register of state and municipal services does not allow the formation of a high-quality knowledge base for expert support on the procedure and conditions for the provision of state and municipal services. An alternative to the RGU Standard Solution is required - a modern system for designing regulations that would be integrated with the RSU Standard Solution.

The Ministry of Economic Development adheres to the position that not all services should be completely converted into electronic form, the principle of reasonable expediency is needed, said the deputy director of the department state regulation in Economics Pavel Malkov in a report on ways to improve the interaction of the state with citizens and business.

“For all federal and priority regional services, a matrix should be developed right away - which procedures are being converted into electronic form, and in what time frame. Non-priority regional services is the area of ​​responsibility of the region," Malkov said at the All-Russian Forum "Information Society - 2014: Achievements and Prospects", held on October 9-10 in Chelyabinsk.

According to him, each subject must decide for himself which procedures to transfer to electronic form, and which ones to transfer is completely inappropriate. At the same time, information on a single portal should be maintained for absolutely all services, payment of the fee in electronic form should be ensured for all services - where it is, according to the ministry.

Malkov recalled that in July last year, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Council for the Modernization of the Economy and innovative development The Ministry of Economic Development has proposed a new approach to converting services into electronic form. These innovations are reflected in the concept of developing mechanisms for the provision of services in electronic form. The next stage is to consolidate this approach in the regulatory framework.

Oleg Fomichev, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development, spoke about the fact that only popular public services should be transferred to electronic form a year ago. , while maintaining the ideology of a single portal for the publication of public services at all levels, it is not economically feasible to completely convert all of them into electronic form. The cost of translating rarely used services is not recouped.

The Ministry of Economic Development proposes to abandon the currently adopted scheme of five stages of service provision, and switch to a modular system, in which the service is divided into a set of administrative actions. The decision to transfer to electronic form is made for each specific block.

As the website was explained in the press service of the ministry, the modular system provides for the transfer of certain administrative procedures into electronic form. With this approach, for each service, an individual set of procedures to be converted into electronic form is determined - for example, informing, paying a fee, making an appointment, submitting documents in electronic form, etc.

The work plan - the “matrix” of converting services into electronic form, which Malkov mentioned, displays for each service a specific set of electronic services (administrative procedures), services being implemented, as well as the timing of their implementation.

The Ministry of Economic Development believes that for all federal services, priority regional services subject to optimization, according to the Concept for the Development of Mechanisms for the Provision of State and Municipal Services in Electronic Form, the specified “matrix” for converting services into electronic form should be developed at a time.

When asked which, in the opinion of the MED, services out of 35 priority ones should not be completely converted into electronic form, the answer was received: “All priority federal and regional services subject to priority optimization in accordance with the Concept should be converted into electronic form for all administrative procedures, unless otherwise provided by law, or if the implementation of all administrative procedures is not applicable in practice (for example, for services for which the provision does not require payment state duty, the corresponding administrative procedure cannot be implemented)”.

How to be regions

To optimize the procedures for the provision of services, the regions need to form an appropriate methodology, which, first of all, will be applied to 35 priority services, the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development said. The work is being built in accordance with the Concept for the Development of Mechanisms for the Provision of State and Municipal Services in Electronic Form, as well as the action plan (“road map”) for its implementation, approved by government decree.

Activities in relation to other state and municipal services, the executive authorities of the subjects have the right to start on their own without making an appropriate decision at the federal level. This, again, is about the activities provided for by the Concept, as well as the Action Plan.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications was instructed to develop appropriate guidelines no later than the fourth quarter of 2014. In the near future, schedules of measures for the transition to the provision of priority services by the executive authorities of the constituent entities and local governments will also be approved.

G2G and G2B

According to Malkov, the Ministry of Economic Development is involved in a large number of projects in the field of the information society - all of them are in the field of improving the quality of interaction between the state and business, the state with the citizen and improving the quality of internal communications of state structures (G2B, G2C, G2G, respectively).

Referring to the G2G project for organizing interdepartmental interaction, Malkov said that the methodology for designing interdepartmental interaction needs to be significantly improved.

“The project is already cramped only in the service sector and only within the framework of the authorities. In addition, there are also state functions, a large number of organizations that provide services using data from authorities, and much more. All this needs to be reflected in the new methodology,” he said.

Malkov also touched upon the topic of a new area of ​​work, which is indicated in the roadmap "Improving the quality of the regulatory environment for business" (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2013 No. 953-r) and is associated with the task of reducing business costs. “It is known that every year business provides a huge amount of all kinds of reports to government bodies. According to the most rough estimates, the total amount of business costs for providing more than one thousand reporting forms is about 1.5 trillion rubles and takes more than 6 billion man-hours per year, ”Malkov cited the Ministry of Economic Development.

However, according to the ministry, the country does not have a system for assessing business costs, and a system for assessing the practical value and necessity of these reports. The Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is starting work on developing approaches to improve the entire reporting system, including optimizing the forms themselves and the data provided. “The output should be unified rules for reporting and unified methods of reporting, primarily through electronic channels,” said a representative of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development.

More than 100,000 regional and municipal services are presented on the single portal of public services (EPGU) (data from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications).

Earlier in October, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia presented a report on the results of monitoring the quality of the provision of public services in electronic form, which was carried out from April to May 2014. 638 public services were investigated 64 federal authorities executive branch and government off-budget funds, as well as 2041 state and municipal services provided by executive authorities and local governments of 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As of October, . The rating of 4.5 was achieved by six departments: the FSS of Russia, Rossvyaz, Rostourism, the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the Ministry of Finance of Russia and Rosfinmonitoring. Between 4.4 and 4.0 earned Roskomnadzor, EMERCOM of Russia, Rosvodoresursy and Rosprirodnazdor. Most departments are located below. Seven bodies received a zero rating, among them the Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Archives.