Auchan Help Desk. Auchan hotline, how to write to support

Auchan hotline, how to contact technical support trading network? Is it possible to leave electronic requests, how to write to the support service? Contact details and hours of operation will also be specified in the article.

I would like to immediately highlight the fact that Auchan is the largest representative of the food segment on Russian market, representing one of the branches of a large international company. The first appearance of the network was in the French market, from there the network successfully spread around the world. The retailer is one of largest companies. Hypermarket sells food products, and other products, primarily for household purposes.

Auchan hotline phone

Phone number, where can I find the hotline number?

For their clients, the company provides the opportunity to receive answers to questions, literally at lightning speed, just dial the number - 8 800 700 5 800.

This single number for all regions of Russia.

If you, as a client, partner or just an interested person, need to contact a particular store, find out its contact details on the website, in the "Contacts" section -.

We will tell you later about what time the operators are ready to answer your questions, but now we will clarify whether it is possible to send a message to online support?

How to write to Auchan support

The support service is set up in such a way that they are ready to answer the questions that arise from buyers not only in the traditional telephone mode, but also online, when a person sends a corresponding request.

We will immediately express delight that the Auchan trading network has mobile app, designed for all smartphone platforms. Therefore, you can also write (if it is not possible to contact the hotline) through the mobile extension.

The first thing to do is to choose a message format:

  • From the client.
  • From the tenant.
  • From the supplier.

If you chose the first item, then the contact form will consist of the following sections:

  • Topic.
  • Email and contact phone number.
  • Message with the essence of the problem.
  • Store Address.

Working mode

As for the processing time of applications, regardless of the topic of the message itself, experts try to answer the questions of buyers and other applicants as quickly as possible.

The hotline itself is open around the clock, which means that you can call at any time with complete peace of mind. If for some reason you can't get through, leave electronic message staff will respond within 24 hours.

Dear Auchan, I am writing to the office about Auchan at 30 Proletarsky Prospekt St., Moscow, when will you finally take care of the staff you hire from who knows where? Your rating in our area has already fallen, although I understand this is a drop in the ocean for you, although soon this drop will dry up because of this, and in boxing you constantly have conflicts with the security guards, who have already been known since the opening of Auchan at the proletarian, some pensioners, disabled people, and about whom I want to say now is Kumirov Konstantin who allegedly he is an administrator who is not objective at all and violates the rights of the buyer, especially since I have been going there for more than a year. - to my "kozhichi" which is a hundred rubles and in another store 65 rubles we had them all week for 50 rubles (the deadlines correspond), you know, you criminally enter your store, you will have to write an accurate statement about Konstantin's idol who calls the police just like that. today 09/15/2019 there was a conflict and not my mind, but if they don’t make a decision, then it’s better to save your nerves, especially since there are many magicians azines are much cheaper. In short, closer to the point, I am writing this so that you understand who you take, they spoil your "face" if everything is exactly right for you, then me too. Kumirov Konstantin, he didn’t have the right to issue a police outfit for no reason, after which this guard prevented me and my son from leaving Ashane, since he called the police, and the next thing was that while it was public your tenant, the red gold store behaved defiantly, I understand the patency is small, since I am a regular customer and I noticed that there are never people there, maybe nerves played. You can look at the cameras, we were sitting charging the phone with the child, just closer to the store there was an empty cart red gold, yes, men were standing in the store both near the corner and near the glass and prevented people from passing, my 13-year-old child decided to move it away because it could be cut out into the glass, he began to take her away to the station where all the carts were standing, nothing foreshadowed, I sit and look, the inadequate saleswoman runs out red gold Svetlana runs up to my son, they take it away and pushes my son there, puts the cart goes to my store, to which I reacted to her behavior felt a threat to my son, so I go into the store and ask calmly what’s the matter what kind of behavior is so impudent, I explained to her that the child wanted to do a good deed to take the cart so that it would not interfere, she answers me answers in the face who did not know me says you don’t adequate you and your son began to wave their hands in front of me crossed the distance autumn approached me close to which I reacted as threats and she had nothing to do, she stood there and she began to waste, shoot her on camera and ask the guards, she waves her hands, she expresses herself obscenely, don’t smear, of course, that she’s drunk, but her behavior was clearly not normal, the “king” of idols came and began to call the police, allegedly I broke her glasses although she didn’t have glasses she had them in her hand I decided not to wait I left my data and went to the police on my own. the police myself, but I didn’t understand at all what this idol was doing there, I didn’t understand, I would have thought that he was some kind of cashier, in theory, I’m American downtime, a lot of people see this, we wrote a statement to the police and you’d better look at even the fives, the rating is a hundred times better you have a rating of 2.26 and a five has a rating of 4.0 hahaha even a five is better. I just want your Auchan to be better and I don’t wish you good luck. I wish you to deal with your staff. You leave three books of reviews and suggestions a year and only complaints. Goodbye