Principles of labor regulation and their content. Principles and methods of labor rationing

Labor processes at the enterprise proceed in certain organizational and technical conditions, which are based on both the specifics production process, and the general level of perfection of the means of production used.

Labor regulation is technical basis labor organization.

Labor rationing is the establishment of a measure of labor, or the minimum required time to complete certain works. Rationing is a means of effective use of labor potential, increasing the efficiency of the economic mechanism, bringing its principles to the primary cells of production, each workplace, ensuring that wages correspond to the labor contribution of workers.

  • - study and analysis of working conditions and production possibilities at every workplace;
  • - study and analysis of production experience to eliminate deficiencies, identify reserves and reflect best practices in labor standards;
  • - designing a rational composition, method and sequence of performing elements of the labor process, taking into account technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors;
  • - establishment and implementation of labor standards, analysis of the implementation of labor standards and revision of obsolete standards.

The main provisions of rationing in the scientific substantiation of the norms:

  • - The volume of production or the volume of work is regulated by the production technology, technical standards for the use of equipment, parameters and indicators of its operation modes. The quality of the norms, therefore, largely depends on the technological standards underlying their definition.
  • - The organization of production processes has a significant impact on the duration of the work. Hence, the form of organization of production processes should be such that the duration of the operating cycle, the technological cycle and the production cycle would be the smallest under given specific conditions.
  • - Qualification of employees, their production experience, the level of general and vocational education, creative attitude to work have a very significant impact on the success labor activity. Scientific study, generalization and mass dissemination of advanced production experience are means of increasing labor efficiency and should be used to the maximum in the practice of standardization work at enterprises.
  • - The mode of work and rest can be scientifically substantiated only on the basis of psychophysiological analysis, and in order to ensure the content and attractiveness of the work for the performer, a social analysis of labor processes is also necessary.

Technically justified norms are used for the correct placement of workers (especially drivers, repair, auxiliary workers), determining the total time of regulated rest and the time for performing the main work.

The results of labor rationing (norms) serve to identify time reserves and study and generalize best practices, etc., which occurs after comparing the existing and standard values ​​of the characteristics of the labor process.

The labor rationing system should be developed on the basis of certain principles. The most important of them are:

  • - the principle of efficiency - consists in the need to establish labor standards under which production results are achieved with minimal total costs of labor, material, energy and information resources;
  • - the principle of complexity - expresses the need to take into account the relationship of technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors affecting labor standards;
  • - the principle of consistency - means that labor standards must comply with end results production and take into account the dependencies between resource costs at all stages of the production process;
  • - the principle of objectivity - involves the creation of equal opportunities for all employees of the enterprise to comply with the standards; in particular, this means the need for labor rationing, taking into account the group differentiation of employees by sex and age, which is especially important when rationing the work of students, young employees and persons of pre-retirement age;
  • - the principle of specificity - lies in the fact that labor standards must correspond to the parameters of manufactured products, objects and means of labor, its conditions, type of production and other objective characteristics that, with a given accuracy of calculations, affect the amount of necessary labor costs and other resources;
  • - the principle of dynamism - follows from the principle of concreteness and expresses the objective need to change labor standards with a significant change in production conditions for a given accuracy of calculations;
  • - the principle of legitimacy - expresses the need for strict observance of laws and other legal acts in the regulation of labor;
  • - the principle of a positive attitude of employees towards the enterprise - means the need to create such a system of labor rationing, which ensures a general positive attitude of employees towards the functions performed, the social environment and the enterprise as a whole. This principle can also be called the principle of job satisfaction.

Together, these principles determine the initial provisions of the organization of labor rationing at the enterprise.

Currently, enterprises use a system of labor standards that reflect various aspects of labor activity. The most widely used norms are time, production, maintenance, number, manageability, standardized tasks.

The norm of time determines the necessary time spent by one employee or team to perform a unit of work (product). It is measured in man-minutes (man-hours).

The production rate determines the number of units of production that must be manufactured by one employee or team (link) for a given period of time (hour, shift). Production rates are measured in physical units (pieces, meters, etc.) and express the necessary result of the work of workers.

The service rate determines the required number of machines, jobs, units of production space and other production facilities assigned for service to one employee or team (link).

The headcount rate determines the number of employees required to perform a certain amount of work. In particular, the number of workers required to service one or more units.

The controllability norm (number of subordinates) determines the number of employees who should be directly subordinate to one leader.

The standardized task determines the required assortment and scope of work that must be performed by one employee or team (link) for a given period of time (shift, day, month).

Labor standards must comply with the most efficient use labor and material resources of the relevant production units.

Also, when analyzing the characteristics of the labor process, the norms of the cost of working time and the norms of the energy costs of workers are used.

The norm of the cost of working time sets the time for the performance of a unit or a certain amount of work by one or more employees. Depending on the specific conditions, the norms for spending working time can determine the duration of work, the time spent on its implementation by one or more employees, and their number. Therefore, the norms for the expenditure of working time include the norms of the duration and labor intensity of work (operations) and the norms of the number. Norms of duration and labor intensity of work are forms of expressing the norm of time.

The norm of duration determines the time during which a unit of work can be completed on one machine (unit) or at one workplace. The norm of duration is measured in units of time: minutes, hours.

The labor intensity rate of an operation determines the time required for one or more workers to perform a unit of work or manufacture a unit of output for a given operation. The rate of labor intensity of the operation is measured in man-minutes (man-hours).

The energy consumption rates of workers can be characterized by the pace of work, the degree of employment of workers, indicators of fatigue, etc.

Also distinguish: norms of labor complexity (categories of work, categories of labor complexity of specialists); wage rates (tariff rates, salaries, wage-intensive work rates); norms of sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic working conditions (illumination, noise, temperature and other parameters production environment, modes of work and rest); social and legal labor standards.

Closely related to the classification of labor standards is the classification of normative materials on labor, which serve to establish standards and express the relationship between necessary costs labor and the factors that affect them. Usually there are two types of normative materials: norms and uniform (standard) norms.

The main difference between the standards and the unified (typical) time standards lies in the degree of differentiation of the elements of the production process. Therefore, sometimes uniform (typical) norms are considered as a type of norms.

The principle of rationing consists in the regulation of the conditions, the observance of which ensures a given level of safety. The need for rationing is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve absolute security. Rationing is of great methodological importance. Norms are the initial data for the calculation and organization of measures to ensure safety. When normalizing, the psychophysical characteristics of a person, as well as technical and economic capabilities, are taken into account.

11. What is "distance protection"? Give an example of the implementation of this principle.

Distance protection principle is to establish such a distance between a person and a source of danger, which ensures a given level of safety. The principle is based on the fact that the action of dangerous and harmful factors weakens according to one or another law or completely disappears depending on the distance.


Sanitary protection zones.

Distance from the most remote workplace to the emergency exit.

Electric current protection.

12. What is "time protection"? Give an example of the implementation of this principle.

The principle of time protection involves reducing to safe values ​​the duration of people's exposure to danger.

This principle is important in protection against ionizing radiation, noise, when establishing long holidays and in other cases.

13. Name the methods of ensuring life safety (methods of groups A, B, C).

Ensuring life safety is achieved in the design of three methods

A - a method using the spatial or temporal separation of the nomosphere and noxosphere. This is achieved with mechanization, automation of production processes, remote control of equipment, the use of manipulators and robots.

B - aimed at normalizing the noxosphere by eliminating dangers. Restriction of a person from noise, vibrations of gas, dust, etc.

B-aimed at adapting a person to the appropriate environment and increasing his security.

To ensure the safety of the life of workers in the premises, the required air quality should be maintained, i.e. optimal parameters of the microclimate, the constancy of the gas composition and the absence of harmful impurities in the air. To do this, it is necessary to supply a certain amount of clean outdoor air to these rooms.

14.What is the means of collective protection? Give examples

Collective means of protection are specially equipped structures and facilities designed for the group protection of people from the action of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, incendiaries and conventional weapons. Collective means of protection include: field fortifications, long-term fortifications, special-purpose structures, mobile objects - cabins of machines for various purposes, infantry fighting vehicles, ambulances, auto-dressing, ambulance wagons and ships, etc.

15.What are funds personal protection? Give examples

1 Respiratory protection equipment:

a) filtering gas masks:

Combined arms: MO-4U (small combined arms), RSh-4 (with a deployed charge), PMG-2 (small-sized gas mask), PMK (small-sized boxed gas mask), etc .;

special purpose: ShMS, MM-1, ShR-2;

Labor rationing at the enterprise should be established on the basis of the following principles:

Complexity - taking into account when calculating the norms of the relationship of technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors affecting labor standards,

Legitimacy - the need for strict compliance with the law in the regulation of labor,

Consistency - taking into account the influence of the developed norms on all production resources at all stages of the production process,

Specificity - labor standards must correspond to the parameters of manufactured products, objects and means of labor, the type of production and other objective production characteristics,

Dynamism - labor standards should change quickly when working conditions change,

Objectivity - the need to create equal opportunities for all employees of the enterprise to comply with the standards.

Analysis of the production process and its division into parts,

The choice of the optimal variant of technology and organization of labor,

Design of equipment operating modes, methods and methods of work, systems for servicing workplaces, modes of work and rest,

Calculation of norms in accordance with the peculiarities of technological and labor processes,

Implementation of norms and their subsequent adjustment as organizational and technical conditions change.

The necessary conditions for the successful application of the labor rationing program at the enterprise are the following conditions:

The standards must be precise, they should be determined on the basis of the most efficient way to perform a particular operation,

It is necessary to pay attention to each employee and the motives that drive them,

The work must be organized in such a way that each person clearly knows his duties and what the management expects from him.

The scientific organization of labor is the organization of labor based on the achievements of science and best practices, systematically introduced into production, allowing the most effective combination of equipment and people in a single production process and ensuring an increase in labor productivity and the preservation of human health.

The main goal of the scientific organization of labor is to systematically improve the organization of living labor, to bring its forms and methods in line with the existing level of engineering and technology at a given enterprise.

Elements - methods and techniques of labor, labor rationing, forms of organization, etc., the totality of which forms a system for organizing living labor in a team.

Directions - ways practical activities, which characterizes the process of improving the elements.

Main directions:

1. Development and implementation of rational forms of division and cooperation of labor (selection, placement of workers).

2. Determination of the most rational forms and sizes of labor collectives.

3. Development and implementation of intra-shift, daily, weekly, monthly, annual modes of work and rest.

4. Planning, equipping and maintenance of workplaces for the main and auxiliary works.

5. Rationing of labor of workers employed in various jobs in agriculture.

6. Improving the basic and additional wages.

7. Personnel training, professional development.

8. Improvement of sanitary-hygienic, psycho-physiological, aesthetic working conditions.

9. Strengthening labor discipline.

10. Development and use of rational methods and techniques of work, the use of best practices.

Moscow State open university

Gubkin Institute

Department of Economics,

marketing and management


by subject “Taxes, income policy and wages

on the topic: “Rationing of labor. Principles, methods, forms”

4th year students

Berlizevoy L.S.

specialty 061100,

code 1595269


Associate Professor Adamchuk A.M.

Gubkin 2001

Introduction - 3

1. The emergence and development of labor rationing - 5

2. Essence, functions, content, tasks and meaning

labor rationing - 6

2.1. The essence of labor rationing - 6

2.2. Labor rationing functions - 7

2.4. Tasks of labor rationing - 8

2.5. The value of labor rationing - 9

3. Principles of labor rationing - 10

4. Methods of rationing labor costs and the quality of labor standards - 10

5. Main directions for improving regulation

in the mining industry - 13

6. Classification of working hours - 15

7. Ways to study work processes and methods of work - 16

8. Analysis of the fulfillment of production standards according to the URO JSC "LGOK" - 18

Conclusion - 22

Literature - 24


In recent years there have been radical changes in the socio-political and economic life of the country. The course of ongoing reforms has radically transformed the social and labor sphere.

In the context of growing economic and social difficulties, the problems of people's attitude to work, increasing labor efficiency and the quality of working life are becoming more and more relevant. At the same time, issues of scientific organization and labor rationing are of particular importance. It is necessary to significantly improve the rationing of all production resources, systematically revise outdated and introduce progressive norms that correspond to state of the art technique, technology, organization of production and labor.

object studying is LGOK Equipment Repair Office.

Target term paper - find out how the creation of working conditions, forms of its organization and the establishment of labor standards will achieve the maximum effect at the minimum cost of both living and materialized labor.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks:

Analysis of literary sources on a given topic;

Establishing the relationship between various aspects of labor and its effectiveness;

Formation of conclusions.

To solve the tasks set, we applied methods generalizations and comparisons.

As a result of the work done, I came to the following conclusions:

1. The labor process is multifaceted and is studied from various angles: economic, technical, physiological and social;

2. In order to successfully solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of production and the quality of work, it is necessary to master the regulation of labor;

3. The methods and forms of labor rationing are constantly being improved, therefore it is the direct duty of the organizer of labor processes to notice the new, progressive, to contribute to a further increase in production efficiency.

4. Necessary condition for highly effective labor is employee satisfaction with the conditions and results of labor.

1. The emergence and development of labor rationing.

Labor regulation is a social phenomenon. It is generated by the development of production and science and is subject to the objective economic laws of the mode of production on the basis and within which it is carried out. Throughout the history of pre-capitalist forms of economic relations, the simplest form of costing has been used - the lesson. A lesson is a norm that must be completed within a certain period of time. The value of a given lesson was based on individual work experience and often evolved spontaneously.

The development of manufactory caused such an organization of production, in which the technological process of creating products turned from an individual into a collective process. It was divided between large quantity executors for partial (working) processes. The division of labor made it necessary to establish lessons on certain types jobs, by occupations of workers. Ensuring the continuity of the production process required coordinating the productivity of individual jobs and subordinating them to a single pace of work.

The first documents on the regulation of labor in Russia date back to 1843. The published “Urnal Regulations for all general work carried out in fortresses, civil buildings and hydraulic structures” was the first generalization of work experience. In the “Lesson Regulations”, the conditions for determining the lesson were formulated: physical strength worker; degree of skill to work; number of workers per day. Great experience production of mining operations is summarized in the “Ordinary Regulations for Work in the Mines of the Altai Mining District” (1860). It sets out some general provisions and given the cost of labor and materials for mining.

It can be seen from the Regulations that Russian mining engineers understood the significance and were able to analyze the influence of natural geological and specifications work on productivity.

In the process of development of the capitalist mode of production on the basis of the machine industry at the end of the 19th century. prerequisites for the emergence of technical regulation of labor were created. F. Taylor was its founder. He set the task of establishing a lesson on the basis of engineering calculation in a detailed study of labor processes by elements (analytical method). The division of the labor process into its component parts (operations, techniques) allowed him to find a combination of techniques that made it possible to perform work with the highest labor productivity. In Russia, until 1918, the Urgent Regulation continued to operate. In 1909 M.M. wrote about the productivity of workers in the mining industry in Russia. Protodyakonov in the article “Productivity of a miner for coal”. In conditions manual labor with the use of primitive tools, the productivity of the miners in a coal mine depended on the thickness of the seam, its angle of incidence, and the hardness of the coal. The goal is to present the labor productivity of a worker as a function of a number of factors, i.e. in the form of a formula by which you can set the value of the norm for any specific conditions. MM. Protodyakonov even after 1909 returned to the question of the regulation of mining operations.

AT modern conditions there is a new labor rationing system based on the provisions of:

Labor standards should be established on the basis of scientific data, taking into account the progress of technology;

The production of maximum output with a minimum of labor input should not be achieved on the basis of excessive intensification of labor and deterioration of working conditions;

All our achievements in the field of labor organization and rationalization of production must be reflected in labor standards;

It is necessary to involve the workers themselves in the work of setting labor standards in order to use their experience and creative energy.

Labor rationing has become the basis of piecework wages, a means of measuring labor individual workers and regulation of wages within the enterprise.

2. Essence, functions, content, tasks and significance of labor rationing

2.1. The essence of labor regulation.

The essence of labor rationing is the establishment of the objective value of the cost of working time in specific conditions. For various kinds and the nature of useful labor, these costs are expressed in labor norms: the norm of time, the norm of production, the norm of service, the norm of equipment productivity, the norm of the number of employees.

People in the practice of creating use values always deal with concrete useful labour. Therefore, the subject of labor rationing is the process of specific useful labor, i.e. conscious, purposeful activity of a person to create use values ​​that he needs for life.

2.2. Functions of labor rationing

Production planning must be improved, but for this it is necessary to know exactly the magnitude of all elements of the production process and have a reliable tool for measuring them. Such an instrument can only be a labor norm, which objectively determines the necessary costs for the production of products (or work) for specific conditions. Consequently, the rational conduct of production is impossible without labor standards.

2.3. The content of labor rationing

Study and analysis of working conditions and production possibilities at each workplace;

Study and analysis of production experience to eliminate deficiencies, identify reserves and reflect best practices in labor standards;

Designing a rational composition, method and sequence of performing elements of the labor process, taking into account technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors;

Establishment and implementation of labor standards; systematic analysis of the implementation of labor standards and revision of obsolete standards.

2.4. The tasks of labor rationing

The main tasks of labor rationing are to justify the necessary and sufficient amount of working time spent per unit of output under specific conditions; to design rational methods of work; systematically analyze the fulfillment of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly analyze the implementation of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly study, generalize and disseminate production experience, revise labor costs as working conditions change. The solution of these problems will make it possible to facilitate the work of workers, increase labor productivity and increase the volume of production.

2.5. The value of labor rationing

The regulation of labor is the basis of the scientific organization of labor. Without justified labor standards, it is impossible to organize and wage a struggle for every possible saving of working time. With the help of the methods used in the regulation of labor, losses and unproductive expenditures of working time are singled out. By studying labor movements, the most economical, productive and least tiring methods of work are developed. This contributes to the growth of labor productivity. Further improvement of the organization of labor is impossible without improving its rationing.

Also, the regulation of labor is the basis of the organization of wages. The establishment of labor standards aims to guarantee society a certain productivity of labor, and the worker a certain level of wages. According to the performance of labor standards, the labor activity of each employee is evaluated and his work is paid. Without labor rationing, it is impossible to implement the economic law of distribution according to work.

Labor rationing is an important means of organizing production. The organization of production is the management of the process of production of material goods, i.e. interaction between labor force and means of production to achieve the maximum economic effect in specific conditions. Through the organization of labor, the influence of labor rationing on the organization of production is manifested.

Scientifically based labor standards make it possible to evaluate the results of the labor activity of each employee, each team and compare their results. Only by comparison are leaders and laggards revealed.

Scientifically substantiated labor standards, correctly reflecting specific conditions, ensure an increase in labor productivity. If the labor standards are too low, they can give rise to complacency or pessimism, which negatively affects the results of productivity; if the standards are too high, they are not feasible. In both cases, the growth of labor productivity will be hampered. Thus, all changes in the organization of labor and production, equipment and technology of work are reflected primarily in labor standards. And the level of labor standards is an indicator of the level of organization of production and labor at the enterprise.

Labor rationing is the basis of labor planning. For long-term, current and operational planning, a whole system of norms is used: norms for the consumption of materials, fuel energy, norms for the productivity of machines, norms for the expenditure of working time. Thus, labor standards play an important role in the system of norms used in planning at the enterprise.

Drawing up a plan for labor and establishing labor costs in accordance with the volume of production is impossible without scientifically based labor standards. Greater independence of enterprises in matters of labor planning enhances the interest of teams in the implementation of scientifically based labor standards.

3. Principles of labor rationing

The main functions of labor rationing are: division according to labor, scientific organization and planning of labor and production.

Taking into account the social significance of labor rationing, economists and production organizers in our country, when establishing labor standards, refer to socially normal production conditions that ensure the average intensity of labor and the preservation of the main productive force of our society - working people. It is believed that the established labor standards must be met by everyone skilled worker without any harm to his health. Therefore, the following principles should be taken as the basis for labor rationing: scientific validity of labor standards; equal intensity of labor standards for the same work in identical conditions; preservation of the main productive force of society - the workers; participation of workers in the establishment of labor standards.

The scientific validity of the norms is ensured by the fact that labor standards are established taking into account the requirements of the objective laws of nature and society and take into account the natural, technical, organizational, economic, physiological and social factors. They must change as the conditions of production develop and change, correspond to the achieved level of technology, organization of labor and production.

The labor norm acts not only as the value of the necessary expenditure of working time, but also as an expression job duties each participant in the production.

4. Methods of rationing labor costs and the quality of labor standards.

The growth of labor productivity is an indispensable condition for raising the well-being of the people and creating an abundance of material and cultural benefits for the working people. The establishment of the objective value of the cost of working time for specific conditions is carried out by various methods of rationing.

A better method of labor rationing will provide more high quality labor standards, i.e. a high degree of probability that the established value of labor costs is really necessary and sufficient.

The values ​​of labor standards determined by the intuitive method represent a guess based on previous experience. The probability of coincidence of the value of labor standards obtained by this method with the objectively necessary value of costs in specific conditions is insignificant. The value of labor standards, determined by the statistical method, have as their base mathematical statistics, namely the theory of sampling method development. In this case, the quantitative values ​​of labor standards are more reliable, since they are determined on the basis of a large or small sample.

The total method of labor rationing establishes the cost of working time as a whole per unit of output of a particular work process without analyzing the latter. The way the work is done is determined by the worker. Varieties of the total method are experimental and experimental-statistical methods.

Experimental Method. The expert gets acquainted with the workplace, means and working conditions and intuitively, based on his subjective impressions and previous experience, determines the labor rate. The established labor standard is not average, but only a particular value of the possible costs of working time. Its validity, compliance with the conditions of the workplace entirely depend on the experience of the expert. This method is not able to provide the same intensity of norms. In addition, it only reflects past experience. Practice shows that labor standards established by an experienced intuitive method are, as a rule, of poor quality. This is evidenced by the significant overfulfillment of such norms by the majority of workers.

Experimental-statistical method. Labor standards are established on the basis of actual data on labor productivity for the past period. This method does not analyze the normalized workflow, ways of organizing labor and work, does not take into account technical progress and best practices. Therefore, the labor standards established by this method include all the shortcomings that took place in the organization of labor and production in the past and were reflected in the actual indicators of labor productivity. Thus, the experimental-statistical norms have an unrecoverable drawback: they always fix the passed stage, are turned to the past and therefore cannot be a mobilizing force that stimulates further improvement of labor processes and the growth of labor productivity. The application of such rules should be limited.

Analytical Method Labor rationing is so named because it uses analysis as a method of studying the labor process. The analytical method of labor rationing establishes the cost of working time per unit of output of a particular work process, not as a whole, but by types of working time costs for each component of its part: operations, receptions, movements. The analytical method has two varieties - scientific and technical regulation of labor.

Scientific rationing of labor is a method of establishing the necessary expenditure of working time for the production of a unit of output, taking into account the natural, technical, organizational, economic, physiological, psychological and social factors of labor, i.e. the whole set of factors influencing the productive power of labor in specific conditions.

Technical regulation of labor is a method of establishing the necessary expenditure of working time for the production of a unit of output, taking into account the natural, technical and organizational factors of labor productivity in specific conditions and partly the physiological factor (worker fatigue); is the first stage of the scientific regulation of labor and approaches it as the number of factors taken into account increases. Labor standards established by the method of technical regulation are called technically justified labor standards. They are less perfect than scientifically based labor standards established by the method of scientific regulation, since they take into account only a part of those factors that must be taken into account when establishing labor standards.

The application of the analytical method of rationing makes it possible to deeply and comprehensively study the labor process and establish technically and scientifically substantiated labor standards that objectively reflect the necessary and sufficient expenditure of working time in specific conditions.

5. The main directions for improving the regulation in the mining industry

Labor regulation in the mining industry is a complex and multifaceted problem. Labor standards are the basis of the scientific organization of labor. This determines the following main areas for improving labor rationing in the mining industry:

To expand in every possible way the scope of application of technically substantiated labor standards to all types of work, to all types of work, regardless of whether they are paid by the piece or by the hour. The number of time workers, engineers and employees should be made dependent on the actual amount of work. It is necessary to increase the number of work processes covered by technically sound norms and standardized tasks;

To improve the drafting of labor standards applied in the mining industry. Until recently, attention has been focused on identifying the dependences of the influence of individual factors on labor productivity. The challenge now is to improve the way workflows are executed and constituent parts- operations, techniques and movements. The development and revision of technically justified norms of time should be closely linked with the scientific organization of labor. Collections of norms should answer not only the question of what to do?, but also how to do it?, i.e. they should contain specific recommendations for the organization of workplaces, a description best practices labor and placement of workers, lists of necessary mechanisms and tools that should be used as a mandatory minimum. Only under this condition will the labor norm become a means of actively influencing labor processes and achieving its high productivity;

Correctly take into account the potential of modern technology and the workers who operate it. Currently, the system of labor standards is dominated by production standards. In connection with the expansion integrated mechanization production standards will gradually lose their significance and their place will be taken by the productivity standards of equipment, maintenance and the number of employees. For rate individual activities the worker's production rates will be determined by the equipment productivity rates and maintenance rates;

Ensure equal intensity of standards for work processes performed in the mining industry, which requires the standardization of work processes, their deeper division (to methods and movements) and, on this basis, the improvement of labor standards, increasing their accuracy;

Encourage materially and morally the application of technically sound norms. Creating a personal interest of workers in the application of progressive labor standards is one of the central issues of the social aspect of labor rationing at the present time;

Encourage the revision of norms at the suggestion of workers. The main thing in this work is the creation of the correct relationship between workers and workers in terms of labor rationing;

To improve the methods of studying and establishing the cost of working time;

Reduce the laboriousness of normative research work and work on operational regulation through the widespread use of instruments, automatic devices and computers for studying labor processes and calculating labor standards;

To train highly qualified specialists in labor rationing who would have in-depth knowledge in the field of production technology, rationing methods, organization, physiology and psychology of labor.

The gradual solution of all these problems will help improve the regulation of labor in the mining industry and increase its role in production.

6. Classification of working hours

With the development of the social division of labor, there is a growing need to determine the really necessary amount of expenditure of working time for their intended purpose when performing individual work processes under specific conditions.

The scientific classification of the cost of working time must answer next questions: what costs of working time are really necessary to complete a unit of a given work and therefore should be included in the norm of time, should be normalized; what expenses of working time are not obligatory and should not be included in the norm of time, should not be normalized; how large are the reserves of unused working time in the working day, due to which labor productivity can be increased when performing a specific work process.

The scientific classification of the contractor's working time and equipment use time is one of the most important theoretical and practical issues of labor rationing. It serves as the basis for calculating the actual and designing the normal balance of the working day and workflow. The structure of the balance sheet shows what parts the working day is made up of and what specific gravity each component.

7. Ways to study work processes and labor methods

Working time photo- a method of observation in which all types of expenditures of working time of one performer or group of performers are studied.

Photo of a working day call measurements of all, without exception, the cost of working time throughout the working day (shift). At the same time, not only the time of work is recorded, but also all breaks in work. The main purpose of a photograph of a working day is to establish the types and amount of working time spent during a working day, i.e. draw up the actual balance of the working day; identify the loss of working time, establish the reasons for which they are caused and develop measures to eliminate them.

Workflow photography- differs from the photograph of a working day only in the duration of observation. It can be less than, equal to or greater than the shift.

A photograph of the time the equipment was used called monitoring, which determines the time of work and downtime of equipment during the working day of the work process.

Timing- this is the observation and measurement directly at the workplace of the time spent on periodically repeating operations. His object

are operations, techniques, movements. Timing is used to study the main and auxiliary operations, establish the structure of the operation, determine the cost of the main and auxiliary time per unit of production, establish best ways performing techniques, i.e. studying best practices and identifying reserves of working time within the studied operations to increase labor productivity.

Photochronometry- is a combined method in which the photo of the working day and the timing complement each other. With this method, a photograph of a working day or a work process is taken to study all types of working time costs, and the cost of operational time is detailed using timekeeping. Timing allows the most complete and comprehensive study of the labor process and reveal all its reserves to increase labor productivity.


Labor regulation is a social phenomenon. It is generated by the development of production and science and is subject to the objective economic laws of the mode of production on the basis and within which it is carried out.

The essence of labor rationing is the establishment of the objective value of the cost of working time in specific conditions.

The main functions of labor rationing are distribution according to work, scientific organization of labor and production, production planning, evaluation of the labor activity of individual workers and teams, which serves as the basis for moral and material encouragement and dissemination of best practices.

The main tasks of labor rationing are to justify the necessary and sufficient amount of working time spent per unit of output under specific conditions; to design rational methods of work; systematically analyze the fulfillment of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly analyze the implementation of labor standards to reveal production reserves; constantly study, generalize and disseminate production experience, revise the norms of labor costs as working conditions change.

The basis of labor rationing is based on the following principles: scientific validity of labor standards; equal intensity of labor standards for the same work in identical conditions; preservation of the main productive force of society - the workers; participation of workers in the establishment of labor standards.

The establishment of the objective value of the cost of working time for specific conditions is carried out by various methods of normalization: experimental, experimental-statistical and analytical methods.

The process of extraction of solid minerals from a technological point of view is a complex process consisting of a set of links in the production process. The links of the production process are made up of a set of work processes. Workflows consist of operations, operations - of techniques, techniques - of movements.

The classification of working time is a logical operation aimed at dividing the whole set of types of working time costs into separate groups according to their purpose.

Observation as a way of studying phenomena in nature and society is widespread in scientific research in all fields of knowledge. It also underlies the scientific study of the labor process in the study of the expenditure of working time. The cost of working time is studied at the workplace by direct measurements and momentary observations. In the mining industry, to study the cost of working time, photographs of working hours, a photograph of the time of using equipment, timing and photo timing are used.


1. A.I. Morozov. Scientific organization and regulation of labor at mining enterprises. Moscow “NEDRA” 1984

2. Course of Economics: Textbook / Ed. B.A. Reisberg. - INFRA-M, 1997.

3. I.M. Slepenkov, Yu.P. Averin. “Fundamentals of the theory social management. M., “ graduate School” 1990.


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labor management cost worker

Labor rationing is a type of production management activity, which consists in establishing the necessary costs and results of labor, as well as the relationship between the number of employees and the number of means of labor they use.

The essence of labor rationing at the enterprise determines its functions, the content of which is determined by the objective laws of production development. The functions of rationing are closely interconnected with its tasks, as well as with the planning, organization and management of production. Labor regulation is dynamic.

In conditions modern production the role of regulation grows. This is manifested both in strengthening the connection between individual production links, and in improving everything. market mechanism management of the domestic industry.

Normalization functions can be divided into two groups:

General functions of labor standards, which characterize the role of labor standards in the organization and remuneration;

Special functions of norms, revealing their specific content by type and purpose.

The general functions of labor standards include:

1) planning functions, manifested in ensuring the planned and proportional development of all production and functional divisions and services of the enterprise, taking into account the law of supply and demand.

Labor standards, being the basis for planning the main indicators of the activities of economic entities, are widely used at all levels of management to justify plans for various directions activities. Meaning planned functions labor costs in market conditions increases significantly due to the fact that, in accordance with the requirements of the market, a system of more advanced assessment indicators is being introduced in industry, which should contribute to increasing labor productivity, continuous growth of human potential, maximizing the use of fixed assets, and saving material resources;

2) the organizational functions of labor standards, manifested in the establishment of optimal proportions between individual production links, in the expediency of coordinating in time and space all material and labor resources. Labor standards allow you to link into a single production system labor force, object and means of labor, ensure their continuous interaction at all stages of the production process. With the help of labor standards at the enterprise, the structure and number of the management apparatus are updated, the placement of personnel, the relationship between the links and phases of production;

3) economic functions of labor standards. These functions are determined by the objective economic laws of the market operating in modern production and follow from the interaction in the production process of the mechanism of market relations that regulates labor costs, distribution and exchange of products in a functioning market.

Fulfilling economic function, labor standards should regulate the growth of labor productivity in accordance with the law of economy of time.

In addition, they should serve as one of the criteria economic efficiency new technology, technology and organization of production. When rationing labor, it is necessary to identify and establish the most economical option for the use of production resources, which ensures the minimum total cost of living and materialized labor.

Labor standards in modern economic conditions should also ensure the strengthening of the impact of the market mechanism on improving the efficiency of production and the quality of work, as they make it possible to measure all types of labor costs with the final results, which, in turn, leads to the strengthening of the main principle of market relations - obtaining a normal profits at each enterprise;

4) technical functions of labor standards, expressing the essential relationship of technology, technology and organization of production. Labor standards must take into account the level of development of modern technology and technology, comply with them, ensuring further development and improvement;

5) managerial functions, which consist in establishing the necessary coordinated interactions between the main elements and links of the production process. With regard to the primary link of production - the workplace - labor standards not only establish certain time costs for the implementation labor actions, but also prescribe a specific procedure for their implementation, i.e., they control its production behavior. At other levels of labor organization (section, workshop, enterprise), the value managerial functions norms is expanding, moving from the current regulation of the course of individual technological processes to operational management overall production processes;

6) social functions labor standards. These functions consist in the fact that with the help of norms in production, individual and collective labor processes are developed, providing for the creation of normal conditions for the high-performance work of performers, ensuring the safety of the employee and the people around him, increasing the content and attractiveness of work, designing comfortable working conditions and achieving harmonious human development in the labor process;

7) legal functions labor standards, which consist in establishing the relevant duties of the performers of work, managers and subordinates, in ensuring legal regulation and compliance with labor, technological and production discipline.

Thus, common functions form in the conditions of modern production complex system interrelated and interdependent relations between the employee and the employer, defining most fully the main tasks of labor rationing.

The labor rationing system should be developed on the basis of certain principles. The most important of them are:

1) the principle of efficiency - consists in the need to establish labor standards under which production results are achieved with a minimum total cost of labor, material, energy and information resources;

2) the principle of complexity - expresses the need to take into account the relationship of technical, economic, psychological, social and legal factors affecting labor standards;

3) the principle of consistency - means that labor standards must correspond to the final results of production and take into account the dependencies between resource costs at all stages of the production process;

4) the principle of objectivity - involves the creation of equal opportunities for all employees of the enterprise to comply with the standards; in particular, this means the need for labor rationing, taking into account the group differentiation of employees by sex and age, which is especially important when rationing the work of students, young employees and persons of pre-retirement age;

5) the principle of specificity - lies in the fact that labor standards must correspond to the parameters of manufactured products, objects and means of labor, its conditions, type of production and other objective characteristics that, with a given accuracy of calculations, affect the amount of necessary labor costs and other resources;

6) the principle of dynamism - follows from the principle of specificity and expresses the objective need to change labor standards with a significant change in production conditions for a given accuracy of calculations;

7) the principle of legitimacy - expresses the need for strict observance of laws and other legal acts in the regulation of labor;

8) the principle of a positive attitude of employees towards the enterprise - means the need to create such a system of labor rationing, which ensures a general positive attitude of employees towards the functions performed, the social environment and the enterprise as a whole. This principle can also be called the principle of job satisfaction.

Together, these principles determine the initial provisions of the organization of labor rationing at the enterprise.

For the analysis and rationalization of the labor process, the development of labor costs, it is necessary to carefully study the costs of the contractor's working time and the time of using equipment. Time costs are classified based on their relation to the elements of the production process: the subject of labor, the worker and the equipment. The working time for the performer of work is divided into work time (during which the worker performs this or that work provided or not provided for by the production task) and break time (during which the worker does not work).

Time to complete production order consists of the following types working hours:

1. Preparatory-final time - this is the time spent by the worker to prepare for the performance of the given work and the actions associated with its completion. This type includes the time: obtaining a production assignment, tools, fixtures and technological documentation; familiarization with the work, technological documentation, etc.

2. Operational time is the time spent directly on the performance of a given work (operation), repeated with each unit or a certain volume of products or work. It is divided into main and auxiliary time.

2.1 The main time is the time spent by the worker on actions to qualitatively and quantitatively change the object of labor, its condition and position in space.

2.2 Auxiliary time is the time spent by the worker on activities that ensure the performance of the main work (time for loading equipment with raw materials and semi-finished products, unloading and eating finished products, installation and fastening of parts, etc.)

3. Workplace maintenance time is the time spent by the worker on caring for the workplace and maintaining it in a condition that ensures productive work during the shift. In machine and automated production processes, this time is divided into the time of technical and organizational maintenance.

3.1 Time Maintenance- this is the time spent on the care of the workplace, equipment and tools necessary for a specific task. It includes the time spent on sharpening and replacing worn tools, adjusting and adjusting equipment during operation, cleaning up production waste, etc.

3.2 Organizational maintenance time is the time spent on maintaining the workplace in required condition during the shift. It includes the time spent: on the reception and delivery of the shift; movement of containers with blanks or finished products within the workplace; inspection, testing, cleaning, washing, lubricating equipment, etc.

4. In mechanized and automated production a significant proportion of operational time is the time spent by the worker to monitor the operation of the equipment. It can be active and passive.

4.1 The time of active observation of the operation of the equipment is the time during which the worker closely monitors the operation of the equipment, the course technological process, compliance with the specified parameters in order to ensure the required product quality and equipment serviceability. During this time, the worker does not perform physical work, but his presence at the workplace is necessary.

4.2 The time of passive observation of the operation of the equipment is the time during which there is no need for constant monitoring of the operation of the equipment or the technological process, but the worker does it due to the lack of other work. The time of passive observation of the operation of the equipment should be the subject of particularly careful study, since its reduction or use for other necessary work is a significant reserve for increasing labor productivity.

5. When analyzing the cost of working time for equipment maintenance and calculating the norms of time, overlapped and non-overlapped time is distinguished.

5.1 Overlapping time is the time for the worker to complete labor practices during the period of automatic operation of the equipment. Overlapping can be the main (active observation) and auxiliary time, as well as time related to other types of work time costs.

5.2 Non-overlapping time is the time for performing auxiliary work and maintenance work at workplaces with the equipment stopped.

6. Working time also includes the time of work not provided for by the production task - the time spent by the employee on the performance of casual and unproductive work. It is not included in the time limit.

6.1 The time for performing odd work is the time spent on performing work that is not provided for by the production task, but caused by production necessity (for example, transportation of finished products performed instead of an auxiliary worker).

6.2 The time for performing unproductive work is the time spent on performing work that is not provided for by the production assignment and not caused by production necessity (for example, the time for correcting a manufacturing defect).

The performance of unproductive and casual work does not provide an increase in production or improve its quality and is not included in the piece time. These costs should be the subject of special attention, since their reduction is a reserve for increasing labor productivity.

The time of breaks in work is divided into the time of regulated and non-regulated breaks.

The time of regulated breaks in work includes the time of breaks due to the technology and organization of the production process, for example, a break in the work of the crane operator while the workers are slinging the load being lifted. This category also includes time for rest and personal needs.

The time of unscheduled breaks in work is the time of breaks caused by a violation of the normal course of the production process. It includes the time of interruptions caused by shortcomings in the organization of production: untimely filing for workplace materials, raw materials, equipment malfunction, power outages, etc. - and the time of interruptions in work caused by violations labor discipline: being late for work, absenteeism from the workplace, leaving work early, etc.

When analyzing the cost of working time in order to identify and subsequently eliminate losses and their causes, all work time divided into production costs and losses. The first includes the time of work to fulfill the production task and the time of regulated breaks. These costs are the object of rationing and are included in the structure of the time norm. Loss of working time includes the time of performing unproductive work and the time of unscheduled breaks. These costs are subject to analysis in order to eliminate or minimize them.

Currently, enterprises use a system of labor standards that reflect various aspects of labor activity. The most widely used norms are time, production, maintenance, number, manageability, standardized tasks.

The norm of time determines the necessary time spent by one employee or team to perform a unit of work (product). It is measured in man-minutes (man-hours).

The production rate determines the number of units of production that must be manufactured by one employee or team (link) for a given period of time (hour, shift). Production rates are measured in physical units (pieces, meters, etc.) and express the necessary result of the work of workers.

The service rate determines the required number of machines, jobs, units of production space and other production facilities assigned for maintenance to one employee or team (link).

The headcount rate determines the number of employees required to perform a certain amount of work. In particular, the number of workers required to service one or more units.

The controllability norm (number of subordinates) determines the number of employees who should be directly subordinate to one leader.

The standardized task determines the required assortment and scope of work that must be performed by one employee or team (link) for a given period of time (shift, day, month).

Labor standards must correspond to the most efficient use of labor and material resources of the relevant production units.

Also, when analyzing the characteristics of the labor process, the norms of the cost of working time and the norms of the energy costs of workers are used.

The norm of the cost of working time sets the time for the performance of a unit or a certain amount of work by one or more employees. Depending on the specific conditions, the norms for spending working time can determine the duration of work, the time spent on its implementation by one or more employees, and their number. Therefore, the norms for the expenditure of working time include the norms of the duration and labor intensity of work (operations) and the norms of the number. Norms of duration and labor intensity of work are forms of expressing the norm of time.

The norm of duration determines the time during which a unit of work can be completed on one machine (unit) or at one workplace. The norm of duration is measured in units of time: minutes, hours.

The labor intensity rate of an operation determines the time required for one or more workers to perform a unit of work or manufacture a unit of output for a given operation. The rate of labor intensity of the operation is measured in man-minutes (man-hours).

The energy consumption rates of workers can be characterized by the pace of work, the degree of employment of workers, indicators of fatigue, etc.

Also distinguish: norms of labor complexity (categories of work, categories of labor complexity of specialists); wage rates (tariff rates, salaries, wage-intensive work rates); norms of sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic working conditions (illumination, noise, temperature and other parameters of the working environment, work and rest regimes); social and legal labor standards.

The classification of labor norms is closely related to the classification of normative materials on labor, which serve to establish norms and express the relationship between the necessary labor costs and the factors influencing them. Usually there are two types of normative materials: norms and uniform (standard) norms.

The main difference between the standards and the unified (typical) time standards lies in the degree of differentiation of the elements of the production process. Therefore, sometimes uniform (typical) norms are considered as a type of norms.

In terms of content, labor standards are divided into standards for equipment operation modes, time standards, work pace standards and headcount standards. Standards for operating modes of equipment contain equipment parameters, on the basis of which the most efficient modes of the technological process are established, providing a given performance of equipment with minimal cost living and materialized labor. The time standards contain the regulated time spent on the performance of individual elements of the labor process (labor movements, actions, techniques, etc.), on the manufacture of parts, assemblies, products and on servicing a piece of equipment, a workplace, a unit of production area. Rate standards establish a regulated pace of work. Currently, such standards are applied, for example, at the Volga Automobile Plant.

Headcount standards determine the regulated number of employees required to perform a given amount of work.