Rosatom production system criticism tools psr. Rosatom Production System: Experience of Rosenergoatom Concern

The introduction of the Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a large-scale industry project designed not only to increase labor productivity to the level of foreign competitors of the Rosatom State Corporation and to reduce costs, but also to increase wages and to form new rules for career growth.

The RPS is based on the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building NOTPIU - a system of scientific organization of labor, production and management. In addition, the RPS includes and adapted to industry specifics the best achievements and tools from other modern systems, in particular, the principles of the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The basic principle of the RPS, as well as the production system of "Toyota", is to meet the needs of the consumer in the shortest possible time with the minimum possible expenditure of resources at the required level of quality.

The purpose of the RPS implementation is to create on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience universal methodology of the management system for the integrated optimization of production and management processes, its approbation at the enterprises of the State Corporation "Rosatom". Further development of the RPS will take place in the form software solutions aimed at improving the production efficiency of key products, as well as replicating RPS experience in other sectors of the economy.

The tasks of the RPS are:

  • Identification of key products of Rosatom and parameters of their competitiveness;
  • Setting goals for key products;
  • Development of methodological documents on the use of optimization tools production processes, diagnostics of the production management system and labor resources;
  • Optimization of production processes;
  • Carrying out a comprehensive diagnostics of production for key products in order to identify reserves for increasing production efficiency;
  • Approval and launch of comprehensive programs to improve the production efficiency of divisions based on the results of the diagnostics;
  • Creation of an industry infrastructure to ensure the process of increasing production efficiency.

The system ensures the implementation of strategic goals through staff training, as well as through continuous improvement and continuous improvement opportunities to increase labor productivity, improve quality, reduce costs and meet customer requirements. The implementation of RPS is aimed at embedding the ideas of prudence and optimality into the logic of acceptance management decisions in production, and through production - to other processes and structural units companies.

RPS is designed to maximize productive actions per unit of time at each workplace by consistently eliminating losses in production and management processes. RPS ensures the progressive growth of the productivity of production processes, the reduction of production costs and the improvement of the quality of work and managerial work. In addition, the RPS is aimed at combating any losses: unnecessary stocks, interoperational backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements.

The development and implementation of the RPS began in the second half of 2008, when CEO Sergei Kiriyenko set a goal for Rosatom State Corporation to quadruple labor productivity in the industry by 2020, reduce costs and, as a result, reduce the cost of manufactured products. On December 29, 2008, an order "On the implementation of the Rosatom production system in industry organizations" was signed.

Since 2009, the production system has been actively introduced into Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. It was in the Concern that the first learning programs on RPS tools and the learning process has been launched. Moreover, started practical work at the pilot sites of nuclear power plants under construction and operating, machine-building complex.

In 2010, 54 projects were successfully implemented under the RPS. At the first stage of implementation, pilot sites were selected at a number of enterprises.

Since August 2011, the second stage of RPS development has been launched, when the system is being implemented at the main production chains of Rosatom enterprises.

At the moment, the system is deployed at 79 enterprises of the industry, which are divided into three groups, in order of priority (groups A, B and C). Among the enterprises of group A, the most priority ones have been identified, which have received the status of reference ones, where promising projects are being carried out, the result of which is planned to be broadcast to other enterprises. Many enterprises of Rosatom have already achieved certain positive results in the implementation of the system.

The status of the Rosatom Production System has been finally determined - it has been recognized as a culture of continuous improvement. How to raise the level of RPS culture in the industry, what role is assigned to managers in this process and what are the prospects lean manufacturing, discussed at the forum "AKP Leaders".
The RPS Leaders Forum is a discussion platform for lean manufacturing professionals. Here they do not agitate, do not explain the principles of the production system, do not tell how to use the tools - in general, they do not chew on the methodology. RPS project and PSP contest participants, RPS department employees, methodologists, leaders of RPS enterprises, activists of change support teams - about 200 people in total - gather once a year to discuss strategy, goals and objectives. It was at this site that a decision was made several years ago to deploy the RPS system.


Until recently, there was no consensus in the industry whether RPS is a system or a culture. This year, everyone seems to agree that the RPS is more than just a set of projects and tools to improve the production process. “AKP is, of course, culture. That legendary Hayashi (Nampachi Hayashi - former Toyota vice president, lean manufacturing consultant. - “SR”), who comes and regularly scolds us, for me is a symbol not so much of specific practices as decomposing stocks, how to organize chains, but of spirit and faith that there is no end to improvements,” said Rosatom CEO Alexei Likhachev.
What is the meaning of the concept of AKP culture, in simple words explained the first deputy general director for operational management Alexander Lokshin: “Culture is a set of rules, norms of behavior, patterns that are considered the norm. A cultured person is one in whom deviation from such norms causes irritation and who has a need to comply with these norms. The culture of the SEP is the need to do well. Force to force to come to this, from my point of view, is impossible. When we manage to create a culture in which continuous improvement becomes a need for everyone, we will achieve our goals.” Alexander Lokshin even suggested changing the abbreviation RPS to PKR - “Rosatom's production culture”.
For more than a year now, the participants in the AKP movement have been puzzling over how to increase involvement in the AKP, what needs to be done so that everyone believes in it. Here are the most popular answers of forum participants: be patient and wait for the results of the RPS deployment, explain, convince; to train immediately upon hiring, to do this, attract authoritative people. The logic of the answers is clear: to form a culture of RPS in the industry is not a quick matter. A special place is given to the head of the enterprise - he must become a role model. Every leader should be a mentor.

The opinion on how to change the culture was also expressed by the first deputy general director for corporate functions, chief financial director"Rosatom" Nikolai Solomon: "We need to clearly show what we praise and scold, who we promote." At the same time, it is necessary not only to declare these principles, but to follow them, otherwise people will not believe. Nikolai Solomon noted that through the application of the principles and tools of the RPS, the values ​​of the state corporation are manifested and nurtured. The forum participants agreed that the main focus of the next year is to create exemplary workflows in production, in the office and in engineering, educate and develop employees, and build long-term relationships with suppliers.

RPS protects the thrifty

RPS Development Director Sergey Obozov briefly spoke about the implementation of the Lean Polyclinic federal project, in which RPS specialists from Rosatom participate: “Replication is being carried out in 23 regions. There are no longer two polyclinics, as in pilot projects, but sometimes three, sometimes four, sometimes five. We provide basic training. We suggested that the Ministry of Health create its own RPS project office.”
The activities of the RPS office were highly appreciated by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Further more. The authorities have attracted Rosatom as general partner to work on a program that is being implemented under the leadership of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, to increase labor productivity in industry and construction.
“We take on two budget-forming enterprises in each pilot region. Our main condition was “not a single person on the street”, so we selected factories whose production volume in 2018 should rise sharply. The second condition is that the owners and management really want to improve the results. We will show them a master class on how to make an increased volume with the same number of staff,” Sergey Obozov shared his plans.
In this project, the interaction will be built differently than in the Lean Polyclinic. Rosatom invites students to its place. Sergey Obozov counts: “Seven regions, two plants each - 14 plants, we are ready to accept 28 people in our teams, to work on Rosatom's exemplary flows. Somewhere before mid-December, I think we will complete these brigades, and from January 10, 2018 we are waiting for them at our factories.” The program will be implemented in the Tyumen, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Samara regions, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.
The head of the Rosatom Academy, Yulia Uzhakina, added that nuclear closed cities could become lean cities. “The mayor of Zarechny is starting to do something, Ozersk is joining. We need to help them understand this matter: how it is done, what are the examples,” she said.
As Nikolai Solomon noted, the best practices of Rosatom must be presented in a very simple and understandable form so that people who have never heard of the RPS become interested in this system. “We are discussing with the Ministry of Economy and VEB the creation of a platform in which these cases will be publicly available,” he said.
“Next year is a year of expansion of practice, our experience will be replicated. But we must not forget ourselves to continue to replicate it within the industry - for this it is necessary that each RPS director, RPS leader have two or three sponsored directors, ”concluded Alexei Likhachev.

AKP as a way of thinking

Nikolai Kmitto
Chief Engineer of the Directorate at the Kursk NPP, a branch of NIKIMT-Atomstroy
- There was an unfavorable situation during the construction and installation works during the construction of the complex for the processing of radioactive waste of the Kursk NPP: at the time of the start of the installation of metal structures, the delay from the schedule was 90 days. We needed to eliminate this backlog at all costs. According to the schedule, the installation and application of a fire-retardant coating on the supporting metal structures of the storage frame takes 240 days, and we had to do it in 150 days. According to the classical scheme, work at height is envisaged, a protective coating is applied to the already assembled metal structures - somewhere it turned out to be underpainted. Plus, gusts of wind and other adverse weather conditions led to an overrun of the flame retardant when spraying.
RPS tools and common sense helped to cope with the task. We paralleled the processes of installation and coating, began to apply the composition during the pre-assembly in the workshop, at the construction site - only on non-paintings and places of welding of elements. The delay from the schedule was eliminated. We saved on scaffolding, increased safety, as we practically eliminated work at height. In addition, the quality of the applied coating has improved due to dedusting and degreasing of metal structures in workshop conditions. It became possible to control the thickness of the coating, which reduced the consumption of material. Previously, the composition was applied in 20 minutes, now - in five. The economic effect of the proposal amounted to more than 13 million rubles. But the main thing is that this solution can be replicated for other capital construction projects.
RPS for us is a production necessity. The desire to apply RPS tools must come from within. Instilling a culture of lean work is difficult. I believe that it won't be long before every employee understands that RPS is a science that explains how a culture of continuous improvement works.

Vladimir Rogozhin
Advisor to the CEO forward planning production, OKBM im. Afrikantova
- We have prepared a project to optimize the workflow in the manufacture of a pipe system of shipboard reactor plants, which is assembled from modules. The goal is to reduce the production time for pipe systems from 494 to 442 days. Before proceeding with the assembly of the module, it is necessary to form a set of parts and prepare a package of relevant documents, draw up the documentation after the delivery of the finished product.
We have set ourselves the goal of reducing the paperwork processing time when manufacturing a module from 20 to five days. With the help of barcodes, processes were automated: if earlier documents were prepared by sampling, an inventory was made, it took up to 90 minutes, now the entire package is formed by simply scanning barcodes in just a minute. Labor productivity increased by 30%, economic effect - 6.4 million rubles a year. At the beginning of the year, two more projects were launched aimed at optimizing workflow. Until the end of the year, we will reduce the time for the formation of a package of documents in the manufacture of modules to three days and reduce the volume of documentation by almost half.
I've been doing PSR since 2009. At first, many of us were skeptical about the RPS, no one understood what it was for. I did not immediately realize that this is an effective tool. But after several successfully implemented projects, people got used to it and started using it. Today we can say that the culture of continuous improvement has taken root in OKBM. I am motivated to use RPS by a clear methodology, a systematic approach to identifying inconsistencies, deviations and eliminating them with proven tools.

Sergey Trofimov
Repairman, UEIP
- Since 2015, about 500 of my PPUs have been sold. This year, in our workshop, we have prepared a rationalization proposal for the reuse of grease, since it did not lose its properties. The amount turned out to be small, only 70 thousand rubles. But still savings. The use of RPS is motivated by the continuous improvement of their work. I have been working at UEIP for 25 years and have been systematically engaged in innovation even before the introduction of the RPS. When the production system began to be actively implemented in our country in 2012, it became easier to draw up your proposals.
The culture of the SEP can only be promoted through education, explanation of the principles and benefits systems approach. And only on a personal example, and not in the form of an order or as an obligation. culture continuous improvement I instilled in my brother. This year, in our workshop, he took second place in the supply of PUF after me, he has about 70 PUF. People are already starting to look up to him.
When you get used to working in a new way, you see what else can be optimized. As far as possible, I try to help colleagues from other areas.
Sergey Mikheev*
Engineer of the 1st category, ASE
- The project is aimed at reducing the cost of forming an artificial foundation for the hydraulic structures of the Kursk NPP-2. After evaluating the soil replacement scheme for the foundations, our team proposed replacing the material adopted in the project, sand and gravel mixture, with sand. The point is that in Kursk region there are no problems with the delivery of sand, but the sand and gravel mixture would have to be transported from other regions. Having changed the configuration and assessed how rational it would be to make an artificial foundation in terms of construction organization, we recalculated the strength. We concluded that our solution meets all requirements. The overall economic effect from the implementation of the proposal amounted to 275 million rubles.

Eugene Ratz*
Engineer of the 2nd category, ASE
- The idea of ​​replacing the soil came up with Sergey Mikheev in the process of designing the organization for the construction of the Kursk NPP-2. We wondered why such a solution was chosen and whether it could be optimized. We actively use RPS tools in our work. With their help, you can solve any issue, including justifying cost reduction to designers, who are often not ready for criticism, and consider their decisions to be optimal. Any project can always be optimized, there would be a desire. There are no perfect projects.

Andrey Salnikov
Structural assembler, RosSEM
- We had to mount 118 eight-meter columns weighing 300 kg each at the zero mark of the reactor compartment of the Belarusian NPP. These columns support technological equipment reactor. Previously, we fed columns into an opening with a diameter of 1 m from the eighth mark, then moved them in a horizontal position with the help of improvised means to the installation site, lifted, fixed, and constructed scaffolding. The mounting loop for fixing the column had to be cleaned, welded, then the column was mounted - this is work at a height, it is inconvenient. Then disassemble everything and repeat 117 times.
Therefore, a device for vertical movement of columns was developed and implemented - such a star-shaped trolley was obtained, on which the column was fixed. Three installers calmly roll a trolley with a load to the installation site. We have significantly accelerated the process: if we installed all the columns on the first block in the old way in 59 days, then on the second block we did it in 18 days. It would seem a simple cart, but the effect is colossal.
This is not my first project. Laziness is the engine of progress, and, probably, I am a big lazy person. When I see a problem, I immediately think about how to solve it or how to simplify the process. Everyone helped, I would not have done anything alone. The economic effect amounted to about 780 thousand rubles. The main thing is that the experience will be replicated for other construction sites of units under the NPP-2006 project. I have a lot of developments, I plan to implement them at the next construction sites.
We started implementing the production system at the end of 2014 at the Belarusian NPP. I immediately connected, as this is an understandable working tool that facilitates work, saves resources and develops a person. Today it is already a culture of continuous improvement.

Sergey Sachkov
Head of the VVER-440 Fuel Rod and FA Fabrication Section, MSZ
- When I worked at another site, we created a device that allows using scales to determine the number of technological tips removed when assembling a bundle of fuel elements for RBMK reactors. In the process of assembling the bundle, fuel rods are inserted into the cells of the frame in three pieces. In order for them to enter strictly in the center and with minimal friction, technological tips are used - they are put on the fuel rod before assembly, after assembly they are automatically removed. Whether all the tips were removed was observed by the fitter. Since three fuel rods are inserted into the frame in 100 seconds, the mechanic waited all this time instead of starting to prepare the next bundle, then he counted the tips and only then gave a signal to continue the operation. With such an organization of labor, in order to assemble 30 bundles per shift, two locksmiths had to work on two assembly stands.
We proposed to determine the number of removed tips by weight. The scale accurately determines whether all the tips have been removed and gives a signal to continue working. The locksmith does not need to be present all the time next to the beam assembly stand and count the tips, at this time he can assemble the frame of the next beam. As a result, the same amount of work can be done by one locksmith at one stand. The freed assembly fitter became a production planning engineer.
I think this practice can be replicated for another type of fuel. I am interested in self-development and benefit the company. Therefore, I do not divide my activities into RPS and official duties. For me, this is a working tool. At first, people perceived the AKP negatively, but now I see that the attitude is changing. Previously, they believed that it was imposed, but now they see how I implement my ideas, see the result and get involved. Good example contagious.

We thank the editors of the journal "REA" (Concern Rosenergoatom») for providing this material.

When setting the task, Andrey Petrov emphasized that we need changes that give a real economic effect and have a direct impact on production. This decision was based on the positive experience of Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs, which started implementing the RPS as early as 2007, and by the end of 2015 received the status of the “RPS Leader Enterprise” at the industry level.

The introduction of production (or business) systems in recent years has become widespread in Russia. Companies that want to win the competition need to keep up with the times, but it is better to be “one step ahead”. Lean production is a philosophy of doing business, management. For those who have carefully studied the essence of lean technologies, it is clear that they are the future of management, and the theory of lean manufacturing overturns the usual idea of ​​doing business. Realizing this, the State Corporation Rosatom has been actively implementing RPS since 2008 at its enterprises.

At the beginning of 2016, when we launched the Concern's transformation program into an RPS division, we understood that a functional vertical was needed, because without effective system management to implement the plan will be difficult. To this end, the directors of NPPs allocated active, initiative specialists, and the Concern's management decided to create a department for the development of RPS and operational efficiency in the central office, the task of which was the overall coordination of the development of RPS in the division, methodological support for RPS divisions of NPPs and divisions of the central office of the Concern .

Summing up the work of enterprises on the systemic implementation of the RPS is carried out with the help of developing peer reviews of the quality of the system deployment (in short, we call them RPKK), the teams of which involve highly qualified industry specialists.

RPPC allow to carry out diagnostics in the areas of RPS deployment, assess the level of development of the production system at the enterprise, determine development zones and best practices. Representatives of 18 enterprises participating in the RPS development program of Rosatom State Corporation take part in the work of the RPPK at the industry level, and employees of our leading enterprises, RPS divisions of NPPs and the RPS Development and Operational Efficiency Department participate at the divisional level. Inspections are held twice a year.

In the middle of the year, an intermediate check is held - "Previsit", within which the current level of development of the RPS at the enterprise is assessed, problem areas are identified for the prompt solution of emerging problems, and recommendations are given for managing the deployment program. At the end of the year, the results of the program implementation for the whole year are summed up. The RPPK team gives an opinion on the achievement of indicators in all areas.

Before each visit of the inspectors, the enterprise conducts a self-assessment of the implementation of all indicators of RPS deployment in five areas: “Goal decomposition”, “RPS flows”, “Project and change management”, “Training”, “Motivation”.

In the middle of the year, the level of performance of the indicators was different at each station. The RPPK teams made recommendations for each of the directions, on the basis of which the stations developed action plans to achieve the indicators, which were fully implemented by the final RPPK, which made it possible to achieve such results.

However, since one of the principles of the RPS is continuous improvement, as a result of the final inspections, the stations received new recommendations from experts, which will form the basis of plans for the further development of the Production System at the sites.

Based on the results of the work of the divisional-level RPPK, seven nuclear power plants and the central office of the Concern, adopting the experience of Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs on the principle of "leaders teach leaders", under the guidance and with the help of the RPS Development Department, are assigned the status of "RPS-enterprise". According to the results of the branch RPPK, Balakovo and Smolensk NPPs must confirm, and Leningrad NPP - receive the status of "Enterprise - leader of the RPS". Confirmation and receipt of this status will take place in early 2017 based on the results of financial statements.

The audits also identified best practices that will be recommended for implementation at other sites. For example, at the Kola NPP best practices were recognized: the organization of order safe operation lifting mechanisms, the use of industrial polyethylene landing ladders, the introduction of workplace standards according to the 5C system at production sites. At the Kalinin NPP, the application of the “Memo on working with PPU”, the development and implementation of standards for cleaning and inspection of equipment at the production sites of the centralized repair shop with visualization were noted.

One of the tasks of the outgoing year set by Rosatom State Corporation for the division is to reduce the inventory turnover of the Electric Power Division (in terms of revenue) by 27%. The fulfillment of this task would have been impossible without the opening of a personal RPS project of the General Director of the Concern and his deputies to reduce stocks.

The analysis carried out as part of the RPS project showed that this can be done through:

  • bringing production reserves for REW to the normative ones;
  • development and approval of standards for the presence of fuel assemblies in the operational reserve;
  • development of schedules for the reduction of reserves in each direction;
  • procurement of materials and equipment, taking into account the analysis of warehouse stocks;
  • efficient supply of materials and equipment (delivery just in time) and other activities.

AT information center The General Director of the Concern organized monitoring to reduce the turnover of current inventories. The dynamics of all current stocks of nuclear power plants and subsidiaries is monitored monthly. In the event of a deviation from the predicted reduction in stocks, those responsible for the directions report at which enterprise, in which direction the deviation occurred and what measures were taken.

However, unscheduled shutdowns at Smolensk, Kalinin, Rostov NPPs and Novovoronezh NPP-2 complicated the task. Due to the fact that the current production reserves consist of 75% of fresh nuclear fuel (SNF) and core components (KAZ), due to unscheduled shutdowns of power units, there was an incomplete predictive burnup of the fuel located in the core, and, as a result, non-commissioning of this fuel from the company's balance sheet.

Participation in industry competitions led to a clear understanding of the need for activity planning, coordination of the timing of the opening and implementation of RPS projects in the division

After the completion of the project, it will be necessary to analyze the range, quantity of stocks and the formed minimum stock in the production cycle (from overhaul to overhaul), and then make a decision on further work with stocks and establish their standards.

The main task of the RPS is to search for and eliminate losses, as well as solving problems that arise in various life processes of enterprises. Learning to see losses is the task of every employee. Unfortunately, we get so used to reality that we no longer notice the problems that are nearby. To learn how to see our processes from the point of view of lean manufacturing, to notice losses, such RPS tools as value stream mapping and production control and analysis help. To learn how to use them, this year each leader was given the task of implementing two RPS projects. RPS project is a project aimed at process optimization.

If the solution to the identified problem is obvious, then any of us can submit an Improvement Proposal (PEP). This work is now being carried out at all enterprises of the industry, and for the sixth time the industry competition of PPU and RPS projects has been held at Rosatom State Corporation. Our division has repeatedly participated in it. The competition is held in three stages. At the first stage, the nuclear power plants and subsidiaries of the Concern determined the best PRP and RPS projects implemented in 2016. Selected proposals and projects were submitted for participation in the second stage, which was held at the division level. The selection committee considered more than 80 works from nuclear power plants, as well as from JSC Atomenergoremont, JSC Atomtechenergo and other organizations of the division, choosing from them the most effective PPU and RPS projects. Thus, we entered the third stage of the industry competition with 12 PSP and 12 RPS projects.

The best RPS projects and PPU in 2016 (with economic effect)

The selection of the winners from the projects and proposals selected for the State Corporation took place within the framework of the annual RPS Leaders Forum. Each of the applicants was given the opportunity to personally present the implemented improvements. As a result, one of the winners of the PPU competition was the repair engineer of the Kursk NPP Denis Romanovich Vikhasty. His proposal - "Development of a plug for the repair of the lower tract of the technological channel (TC) sb.26", allows you to cut off the TC from the PVC without dismantling the clips sb.25-33r.

The program for the transformation of the Electric Power Division into the RPS Division in 2017 provides for the systematic deployment of the Rosatom Production System not only at nuclear power plants, but also in all other branches and subsidiaries of the Concern, which have yet to go through the path of learning RPS principles and tools. Serious assistance in this will be provided by NPP workers who have been certified by the ANO Corporate Academy of Rosatom as RPS trainers.

An important task for the next year is the implementation of the approved by the General Director of the State Corporation "Rosatom" A.E. Likhachev in December 2016 of the roadmap for the implementation of RPS engineering standards at Rosatom facilities under construction.

Results of the RPPK at seven NPPs

Already this year, relying on the positive experience of JSC ASE EC (power unit No. 2 of NVNPP-2 was recognized by the State Corporation Rosatom as an exemplary RPS unit), as well as focusing on the upcoming key event of 2017 - the physical launch of power unit No. 1 of Leningrad NPP- 2, the Concern, together with the general contractor, developed a Joint Action Plan for the implementation of RPS during the construction of power units No. 1 and 2 of Leningrad NPP-2 and an Action Plan for the creation of a unified information database of the customer, general contractor and designer. As part of the implementation of these plans, a unified information base data on the servers of Leningrad NPP and Concern Titan-2 JSC, training was organized and conducted for employees of Leningrad NPP-2 and contractors led by the general contractor base rate RPS, developed on the basis of the standards of JSC ASE EC RPS-standards for management of construction and installation works, production control and analysis, application of the 5C system at the construction site, “Help Chain” and “Proposals for Improvement” standards. The general contractor was given for application adapted methodological recommendations on the motivation of employees involved in the implementation of the RPS.

Another serious task for the next year is to look at the processes of "New Products", "R&D and Innovation", "Quality" from the standpoint of the RPS in order to optimize them and determine the possibilities and ways of implementing inter-sectoral and inter-divisional RPS projects.

Achieving the ambitious tasks set for the division for the systemic deployment of RPS is impossible without the involvement of all personnel in the philosophy of thrift and the use of production system tools. Let me remind you that RPS is a culture of lean manufacturing and a system of continuous process improvement to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

Culture is a set of codes that prescribe a certain behavior to a person with his inherent experiences and thoughts, exerting a managerial influence on him. RPS is a new culture of production, organization of work and workplaces. It will take a long time to instill it, and therefore we assign a separate role in the formation of this culture to the involvement, training and motivation of personnel. Only together we can achieve results. When planning work on involvement in the RPS, we need to form a positive attitude towards the Production System.

At the RPS Leaders forum this year, the results of a study of attitudes towards the Rosatom Production System at the enterprises of the State Corporation were presented, in which employees of the enterprises of our division also took part. The attitude towards RPS is dramatically changing at enterprises where the system has been introduced for more than a year.

A positive attitude towards RPS requires an engaging style of implementation. A high level of reputation is typical for enterprises where managers are actively involved in implementation: they personally explain, demonstrate by example. The presence of RPS leaders who demonstrate the effective tools of the system, clearly and convincingly explaining the need for its implementation, is an important factor influencing the high reputation of the RPS. Education, "cultivation" of such employees should be a priority for the heads of enterprises of the division at all levels.

Typical RPS reputation at different stages of implementation (results of a qualitative study; illustrated with figures collected during the study)

Much work has been done to develop the RPS this year, and more remains to be done next year. I would like to wish our leaders in 2015 - Smolensk and Balakovo NPPs - to successfully confirm their title, Leningrad NPP - to receive it at the industry level. Nuclear power plants, participants of the 2016 transformation program, who have reached the target indicators of the RPS enterprise, to reach a new level and become RPS leaders. And to the subsidiaries and branches (not NPPs), participants of the 2017 transformation program, I wish successful implementation of the RPS development plans using the experience of the Concern's nuclear power plants.

production system Rosatom (RPS)
What is a PSR?

The Rosatom Production System is a large-scale industry project designed not only to increase labor productivity to the level of foreign competitors of the State Corporation Rosatom and reduce costs, but also to increase wages and create new rules for career growth.

The development and implementation of the RPS began in the second half of 2008, when Sergey Kiriyenko, General Director of Rosatom State Corporation, set the goal of quadrupling labor productivity in the industry by 2020, reducing costs and, as a result, reducing the cost of manufactured products. On December 29, 2008, an order "On the implementation of the Rosatom production system in industry organizations" was signed.

The RPS is based on the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building NOTPIU - a system of scientific organization of labor, production and management. In addition, the RPS includes and adapted to industry specifics the best achievements and tools from other modern systems, in particular, the principles of the Japanese Toyota Production System.

Japanese 5S Principle: Quality - Safety - Performance

Sort - SEIRI
Separate the necessary from the useless

Designate rarely used
Leave only what you need

Keep Order - SEITO Designate a place for each item
Every thing in its place

Keep clean - SEISO Wash equipment
clear workplace
Find sources of pollution
Eliminate sources of pollution

Standardize - SEIKETSU Designate places requiring special
Create visual standards

Improve - SHITSUKE Keep discipline
Follow the rules of 5S
Improve your standards


year 2014:

The project “Improving the productivity of SFA separation” was implemented within the framework of the enterprise and the NWC division, the target indicator was achieved - the separation of 5 pieces of SFA in one shift, as well as an ambitious indicator - the separation of 6 pieces of SFA in one work shift.

As part of the optimization of procurement activities, the Information system preparation of applications for the purchase of goods/works/services. This project in the RPS project competition of Rosatom took first place in the nomination " best project on optimization of office processes (debureaucratization)”. The author of the work - Rgroup leader new technology and RPS technologiesAlexander Melitonov.


"Optimization of the LRW processing process". Target indicators achieved:

Reduced by 10% the processing time of 90 m 3 LRW;
- reduced labor costs by 60% for processing 90 m3 of LRW.

"Optimization of the nuclear fuel reloading process for OK-900, KLT-40, KLT-40M reactors using reloading equipment of complex 1314". Target indicators achieved:

Reduced by 10% (by 4 days) the time spent on reloading nuclear fuel.


- “Introduction of the 5C system at the special section for the repair of ship nuclear power plants and ATU (RTK 6 bay western side and 7 bay)”, as a result of the implementation of this project, a complete modernization of the site for the repair of NPP and ATU was carried out. The equipment necessary for the repair of special equipment and special fittings was purchased and installed in accordance with the developed layout scheme. nuclear icebreakers and ATO courts. Also purchased and installed shelving, workbenches, cabinets. As a result of the project implementation, 100% of jobs were covered in accordance with the requirements of the 5C system;

- “Using the CPS SRW container as a recyclable container for loading AE shells and rods from the RP of nuclear ships”, which made it possible to save, preliminary, more than 150,000 rubles;
“Reducing the time spent on preparing information and documents for placement in the UIS”, the time spent was reduced by 69.8% from 5776 hours to 1746 hours for 572 contracts, which saved more than 1,500,000 rubles.


Rosatomflot has started training personnel on the RPS course under the guidance of the company's internal trainer Alexander Melitonov. The Regulations on the motivation of employees for the development of the production Rosatom are in force.

If you have a proposal aimed at improving the efficiency of production processes, reducing time losses, please contact the group of new equipment, technologies and RPS - group leader Alexander Melitonov tel.: 55-33-01 (ext.: 6269), leading specialist of the group Valery Romanov tel.: 55-33-01 (ext.: 6168).

For registration for RPS training, please contact the Human Resources Department - Training and Development Manager Elena Tkachenko, tel.: 55-33-59 (ext.: 7359).

The Rosatom Production System (RPS) is a culture of lean production and a system of continuous process improvement to ensure competitive advantage at the global level.

The RPS is based on five principles that encourage employees to be attentive to the requirements of the customer (not only in relation to the end user, but also to the consumer site, the consumer workshop and even the subsequent operator); solve problems at the place of their occurrence; build quality into the process, do not produce defects; identify and eliminate any waste (excess inventory, backlogs, downtime, unnecessary movements, etc.); be an example for colleagues.

These principles were formulated on the basis of the best examples of domestic and foreign experience, in particular, the system of scientific organization of labor, production and management (NOTPIU) of the USSR Ministry of Medium Machine Building and the Toyota Production System of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The production system of Rosatom is aimed at fulfilling the strategic goals of the State Corporation, and industry RPS projects are aimed at increasing productivity, reducing costs and improving product quality. Knowledge and ability to apply RPS tools is prerequisite for professional and career growth of nuclear industry employees.

At the beginning of 2015, it was decided to apply a systematic approach to the deployment of RPS at enterprises: decomposition of goals to the level of the head of the site, optimization of the production of the main products of the enterprise (production flows), implementation of RPS projects, training and motivation of employees. By 2017, the system deployment contour has grown from 10 to 23 RPS enterprises. Until 2020, there will be about 30 of them, their products will form about 80% of the total cost of Rosatom.

According to the development concept of the Rosatom Production System, all enterprises where the system is being integrated are divided into three levels: "RPS Leader", "RPS Candidate" and "RPS Reserve". RPS Leader enterprises receive a package of privileges (business coach visits to the enterprise, the opportunity for employees to travel to exchange experience at foreign and Russian advanced enterprises, family vouchers, certificates for training at the Rosatom Corporate Academy, participation in the Workspace Design project and etc.).

At present, the introduction of RPS at the enterprises of the industry has already made it possible to achieve significant savings, reduce stocks in warehouses and the timing of scheduled preventive repairs at Russian nuclear power plants.