Recruitment of applicants for work. Improving recruitment efficiency by automating the process

One of the key links in successful work company is considered a recruiting manager. After all, it is on this employee that indicators of development and maximum efficiency of activity depend. labor collective. If highly qualified employees are gathered in the state, comfortable conditions are created for them, then the organization will be able to develop and prosper all the time.

This criterion is an important aspect, because the nature of the personnel manager must necessarily correspond to the tasks that the enterprise is focused on. First of all, these are:

  • sociability,
  • persistence,
  • benevolence,
  • performance,
  • decency,
  • ability to work in a team.

Applying his skills and abilities, the manager leads the organization to high performance indicators. Of course, in different companies, these irreplaceable qualities of an employee differ from each other. Also, of course, you need to be a good psychologist (you can just try to become one) in order to conduct interviews.

What is the job of a recruiter?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than to select personnel. But this is only at first glance so. In fact, this is a rather painstaking, responsible work that requires a lot of effort, knowledge, time and patience. The manager, on the other hand, will not hire a person who does not know anything or who has those skills and knowledge that are not needed in a specific activity.

Therefore, the director of the organization will definitely hire such a manager. The latter, in turn, must solve all the tasks that are associated with his work: the selection of employees, their competent training and official registration.

After we have decided the question of what the job of a recruiting manager is, it is necessary to proceed to next moment which is needed for effective work specialist.

Knowledge and skills of a recruiter

When selecting the specialist who makes decisions in the search for employees, certain conditions must be met.

In the event that there is a need to hire a highly qualified recruiting manager, you need to carefully and carefully consider his candidacy.

The knowledge and skills that a recruiting manager should have are:

  1. ability to use the program 1C: Salary and personnel)
  2. knowledge of the law labor activity In Russian federation)
  3. ability to use personal computer: office programs, internet, e-mail)
  4. ability to work with methods of search and selection of employees)
  5. knowledge of the criteria for evaluating potential employees)
  6. ability to conduct good interviews.

Recruiting Manager Functions

The recruiting manager should perform the following functions:

  1. Recruitment of the necessary personnel: drafting a job description and developing a suitable search method) finding funds for recruiting staff) developing questions necessary for an interview with an employee and actually conducting it.
  2. Staff training: identification of staff training needs) organization of training courses for workers.
  3. Personnel management: development and implementation of personnel policy at the enterprise, taking into account its tasks and goals) analysis of the professional state of personnel) maintaining social packages and creating motivation for employees.
  4. Determination of the quality of the labor activity of personnel: development of evaluation criteria) performance of certification or re-certification and evaluation of personnel.

What are the responsibilities of a recruiting manager?

The most important duties that a specialist performs:

Having considered all the duties of a recruiting manager, we can come to the conclusion that not every representative of this profession will be able to take this position in the company. Only a worthy and highly qualified specialist can apply to work as a personnel manager.

Recruitment system

The hiring of new employees often does not bring the expected results, and the renewal or expansion of the staff does not always have a positive effect on the work of the organization. In order to avoid this and always get the desired result, you must follow some rules that allow you to most objectively choose the right person for a particular position.

Some rules are quite difficult to follow if you are recruiting yourself, as they require a lot of time and resources. Recruitment agencies come to the aid of employers in such situations. Harmonious work, great experience in this area and a well-established system allow them to quickly and efficiently perform the task.

Recruitment system

Recruitment agencies providing individuals and legal entities recruitment services cope with this task quickly and efficiently, as they adhere to a certain strategy when looking for employees.

The personnel selection system provides for a thorough study of the needs of the employer and labor market offers. Only when all the requirements for the candidate, the features of the vacant position and other important nuances are clarified, it is possible to form a list of applicants.

From all possible offers, employees who are unsuitable in terms of qualifications, employees with a bad reputation and negative reviews from previous jobs, persons who have committed offenses, candidates who do not meet all the requirements of the employer, persons whose qualifications do not meet the requested salary level are immediately eliminated from all possible offers.

Thus, the system allows you to compile an optimized list of candidates who are able to occupy the desired vacancy. This strategy saves a lot of time, personal meetings and interviews are conducted only with applicants who have passed the first stage of selection.

The main condition for the correct compilation of the initial list is the correct and in-depth study of the requirements and proposals of the recruiting agency's clients. Having received everything necessary information, agents can proceed to a direct assessment of applicants, analyze the information and documentation provided by them, conduct personal conversations and draw appropriate conclusions.

Upon completion of all checks and tests, the best candidate is recommended for admission to vacant position.

There is an opinion that mass recruitment is not prestigious. Having experience in this area, I want to say, that the ability to carry out such selection is aerobatics. When asked what is more difficult, to close a top vacancy or to find a team of loaders, I will answer that it is more difficult to find a team of loaders. Top candidates go around in circles, we know their names, directors move from one company to another, often they are competitors or one market segment. They are all motivated for a profession, for money. As soon as you call them, they will go with you to drink coffee. Try to invite at least a dozen people who are ready to stand, for example, on the packaging line, to drink coffee. In the selection of such people, professionalism is really needed.

It is necessary to start work on mass recruitment step by step, starting from the functions, actions and tasks that are currently in your company. When planning a mass selection it is necessary to take into account the turnover of line staff. For example, there should be quite a lot of unsecured insurance agents who sell insurance services and do not receive fixed payments. In this case, based on the turnover, work plan, you can understand how many people are required at the moment, plan for turnover, and then create a recruitment plan. Based on it, we calculate the required resources, either one person does everything, or a department is created to solve all the problems.

When preparing for mass recruitment, there are many nuances to consider:

  • Advertising. From typical media to local posting ads
  • Logistics. Especially when mass dialing to a certain location for a short time
  • Testing. Online at the first stage
  • Subcontract. Recruitment market

At the first stage, you need to determine where you need people, in what quantity, and what financial resources required for this job. You can evaluate the local labor market by looking at periodicals, marketing reports, go to the administration's website, HeadHunter, where you can get acquainted with the desired salary in the region.

Bulk selection budget

As a rule, if a large company has a head of recruitment, then he is the budget holder, plans it for the year, controls and makes adjustments. AT large companies that's a pretty big expense.

When budgeting for mass recruitment, it is necessary to take into account the costs:

  • advertising
  • employees (temporary or permanent)
  • business trips
  • mobile communications, roaming
  • rental of premises for presentation
  • newbie book (career stories to motivate employees).

In order to calculate the cost of attracting an employee, it is necessary to divide the costs by the number of all hired employees (working and quitting).

Position description (who we are looking for)

It is important to create a job profile. Labor law prohibits age and gender restrictions, however, for certain works(for example, loaders) need people with physical strength, it is difficult for women to work in some positions. When applying for a job, inviting for an interview, it is necessary to take into account such nuances.

To reduce the risk of dismissal, it is very important to talk with those who will directly manage the personnel (shift supervisors, shop supervisors) and take into account the information received when conducting individual interviews.

If we gather a group of people for whom communication is important, for example, salespeople, it is necessary to involve production directors in the selection process, to coordinate all the nuances so that the leaders are motivated to be responsible for the person they receive.

The timing of the selection stages

Passing criteria are important probationary period. In a large company, it makes sense to try to automate the process of displaying employee turnover and provide monthly results to management. For clarity, it is not necessary to buy expensive programs. This can be done in Outlook, in Lotus. It is important that the final internal client is also included in the selection.


A media plan is a project with complete information about the upcoming recruitment work. It can be compiled in any form convenient for you. It reflects all the terms, methods and ways of working on the current project.

Advertising costs

Here it is necessary to take into account the territory (where we recruit), the method of recruitment, (remotely or not), find out what recruitment methods work in this region, what effective local sources for finding work exist, what are the deadlines for advertising in specific publications. Advertising, as a rule, begins to work in 2-3 weeks.

Carrying out a mass selection

When selecting people of certain specialties, the terms for selection may increase. If we recruit people who work with food, we need to check their health books, electricians - electrical safety approval, installers - to work at heights, and so on. In addition, it takes some time to check by the security service.

Primarily need to develop a phone call script. This is necessary so that deprivation questions are not asked during a group interview, the information transmitted during a telephone conversation to all potential employees should be the same. In addition, with a single script, you will have the opportunity to rehearse, add some sales techniques, and so on. The recruitment statistics for non-unique positions (the number of calls and registered employees) is 1:10. For the Moscow region, this is a good indicator.

The place and time of the interview affect the yield of potential employees. You should not schedule an interview for 9-10 am, it is better to do it later between 11 and 17 hours. It is best to rent a conference room for an interview in a building with good transport accessibility.

Setting up and going to work

It should be borne in mind that from the moment of the interview to registration, as a rule, it takes 2-3 weeks. In order for the registration not to be delayed, it is necessary to warn the potential employee in advance about the requirements for having a TIN and a pension insurance card. The employee must be registered within three days. It is important that people who are hired and fired do not sit in the same queue near the personnel department.

Trial period and adaptation (3 months)

In any company, it is desirable to regulate the probationary process. You can write instructions or create a timeline for the entire process of hiring a particular candidate to understand how long you can fill a certain number of positions. The regulation must be agreed with all participants in the process.

If we took responsibility for the adaptation system, then during the probationary period, it is necessary to monitor the entire process and involve management in it by making checkpoints at the beginning, middle and end of the trial period. If an employee does not pass the probationary period, we are obliged to warn him as soon as possible. 2 weeks before the end of the probationary period, tell the employee that he did not pass it too late according to the law. Now difficult time and it is necessary to take this into account in order to minimize the risks to the business and to yourself.

Analysis of recruitment results

In a company, it is very important to instill in employees the idea that any decision on candidates must be motivated, that mass recruitment is not to plug holes. One percent turnover in large companies can save millions. It will be good if they share such value with you. Not passing the probationary period of an employee is a failure of the manager, not the one who is engaged in mass recruitment, but the one who made the decision, hired the person, and then put him in the position qualitatively or not qualitatively. Analyze layoff statistics, which departments or workshops top the turnover rate. This information, brought to the management, helps to understand and correct the causes of staff turnover.

An example of mass selection when opening a store

We were tasked with recruiting 28 people. We had 2 recruiters in reserve. Internet resources were identified as the main source of selection. The number of outgoing calls is 537. This figure is necessary in order to understand how much time it will take for two recruiters to make all the calls. In this case, it took us 2 days. The goal was to have 215 people come to the interview. What influences the performance of this task?

We were able to conduct 98 interviews in one day. 2 groups were organized with an average of 50 people each, a presentation of the vacancy and the company was developed, where all the advantages were clearly demonstrated, for example, with a proposed salary above the average, it can be safely advertised. At the presentation, it is necessary to voice the difficulties of the profession, so that a person understands in what real conditions he will have to work. I recommend that you prepare in advance for questions and objections. Read the reviews about the company that they write on the Internet, because they will probably want to talk about it at the interview. Leave a reserve of candidates, do not refuse all at once.

An internship is the moment when you need to keep those you have found. For this you have the system of adaptation should be debugged. Do not send people to work if you do not know how and who will train them. Must be one system adaptation and learning.

During the internship it is necessary to control the critical points. Critical points are those time periods when there is the most active outflow of candidates. In my practice, with a three-week internship, this is 2, 9, 20 days. These days you need to get feedback both from supervisors or mentors, and from the candidate himself. I recommend communicating with each one personally so that they feel their importance.

Having made 537 calls, we invited 215 people for an interview. 98 applicants came for an interview, of which we selected 32. As a result of the internship, someone dropped out and end result 29 people left ready to open a store.

Successful mass hunting, colleagues!

If you have something to add on the topic, feel free. Leave comments!

Nesterov A.K. Recruitment in the organization // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

Regulates the recruitment process in the organization personnel policy, formalized in the form of a specific document, for example, in the form of an Enterprise Standard in a quality management system - personnel management.

Recruitment system in the organization

Recruitment in the organization is carried out on the basis of determining the need for human resources for the following reasons:

  1. Changing the structure of the enterprise - the organization may need new employees with different qualification requirements for new departments, divisions, etc.
  2. Changing the structure of departments - the selection of candidates will be carried out to staff the departments according to the new staffing;
  3. Personnel reshuffle - usually this reason appears if specialists are transferred to other projects, to other divisions, and the organization needs to replace its previous position;
  4. Changing the type and volume of work - when changing activities or increasing the workload of the organization, it will be necessary to recruit staff to fill positions due to shortages human resources;
  5. Natural attrition of employees - when employees retire, the organization selects personnel to fill vacant positions;
  6. Personnel turnover - in a continuous mode, the organization conducts recruitment due to frequent changes of employees.

Determining the need for personnel is carried out monthly.

Determine the required number of workers and other personnel and their professional and qualification composition allow:

  • manufacturing program;
  • production standards;
  • planned increase in labor productivity;
  • work structure.

Having a database with available vacancies, employees of the Human Resources Department begin to search for applicants. The typical structure of recruitment sources is shown in the figure.

The personnel policy of most enterprises is based on the internal selection of candidates from the personnel reserve and educational institutions. Most often searched inside large organization bulletin boards are used, which provide information about vacant positions, search for the required employees through those who already work at the enterprise, and a personnel reserve is also used.

For the positions of employees of departments, especially for managerial positions various directions and levels, preference is given to employees who have worked for some time and have proven themselves.

In some cases, a very effective option for recruiting personnel within an enterprise is rotation. It is believed that such recruitment of managerial personnel, as the transfer of leaders, gives a better result than inviting a leader from outside.

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to a broadening of horizons, an increase in managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by the promotion of employees of the organization.

On average, the selection of personnel within the enterprise provides the need for personnel by 23%.

Announcements in the media and the Internet. This method allows a large-scale search, although a rather expensive option. However, not all who apply to the organization in response to the announcement really meet the formal requirements. The subsequent selection makes it possible to single out from this number those employees who, in all basic parameters, suit the enterprise. This source accounts for an average of about 12%.

The share of candidates attracted through channels with educational institutions accounts for an average of 28%. Among young people, many young specialists work as deputy heads of shops, heads of bureaus and laboratories, senior and shift foremen. The effectiveness of the search for candidates through educational institutions is the highest for industrial enterprises.

The choice among those who applied to the organization on their own. In addition to active recruitment techniques, potential job seekers can send resumes to the company. As a rule, these are people who are actively looking for work. Through such a search, the satisfaction of the need for personnel is ensured by an average of 11%.

The organization can also be contacted by those who are looking for a job and have among their relatives and friends already working at the enterprise. At the expense of candidates who applied on the recommendation, on average, the need of the enterprise for personnel is satisfied by about 5%.

The State Employment Service and recruitment agencies, as a rule, recruit personnel either for work that does not require high qualifications - for mass positions, or specialists - with clearly defined qualification requirements. Due to this source of recruitment, on average, about 21% of the need for personnel is satisfied.

Separately, it should be noted participation in job fairs. As a rule, organizers of job fairs, specialized forums for employers, etc. send their invitations or programs with an offer to take part in them. Representatives of the organization visit fairs, hold conversations with applicants, provide comprehensive information about the company, available and interesting vacancies.

The recruitment process in an organization

After the applicant's request for employment, the employees of the personnel department carry out:

  • analysis of the documents presented by the applicant, according to Labor Code RF ( work book, documents on education, all available confirmations of advanced training and additional training);
  • an interview in which they find out what the applicant is applying for, what job or position he would like to receive, as well as some other questions.
  • selection of a job seeker according to the available vacancies and in accordance with the professional and intellectual capabilities of the applicant.

After the selection of a place has been made, the employee of the personnel department invites a representative of the site or department where the candidate is sent for a more detailed interview with the head of the unit. Here the incoming candidate is told about his future work, duties, salary, shows workplace. If both parties are satisfied with the negotiations, then the applicant writes an application for employment, it is endorsed by the head, head of the Human Resources Department and the job application begins.

If the future work implies that the employee has some special special skills and knowledge, professional or intellectual abilities, then testing is carried out.

A prerequisite for admission to work is the passage of a safety briefing, and each applicant signs in a special book that he is familiar with the safety rules and internal regulations. work schedule existing in the enterprise.

After all obligatory formalities are observed, the applicant is registered for a job.

From the date of commencement of work specified in the employment contract and in the order for employment new employee takes up his new duties. Within a week, all the necessary procedures for the official employment of a new employee of the company are carried out.

During the probationary period of a newly hired employee, employees of the personnel department monitor the organization of his workplace in accordance with established standards and the availability of work in accordance with the conditions employment contract, observe the process of adaptation in a new place and in a new team. In the future, repeated control is carried out and the degree of satisfaction with the work at the enterprise is clarified.

Typical disadvantages of recruiting in an organization

In most enterprises, the selection of candidates for vacant positions is not organized ideally. The table shows the typical disadvantages of this process.

The main problem with recruitment and selection technologies is that most organizations do not use modern personnel management technologies when selecting personnel. Instead, the main reliance is on the intuition of the personnel manager and trial and error. AT modern conditions this approach becomes not only inefficient in terms of

Typical disadvantages of recruiting in an organization

Recruitment problems in an organization


Lack of calculations and planning in terms of staff needs, requirements for a vacant position are not formulated

Heads of departments, with an incorrect distribution of responsibilities within the department, may mistakenly decide that a new employee is needed, which will lead to additional and unjustified costs for the organization.

Incorrect registration of the application for recruitment

Often the form of such an application does not allow to properly formulate and define the requirements for a candidate to fill a vacant position.

The list of questions included in the application allows you to get a minimum of information.

As a result, there is an insufficient level and elaboration of the criteria by which a candidate for a position is evaluated, since job description and the application for selection contain information only about the duties of the staff and biographical characteristics.

Underuse internal reserves in the selection of personnel for a number of vacant positions

Often, recruitment sources through the channels of educational institutions and employment services win in terms of the number of candidates who responded, but most of them do not have the required qualities.

In this regard, the economic and time costs for processing resumes and received telephone calls are significantly increased.

Evaluation and comparison of the actual qualities of the applicant to the requirements of the position are formulated orally, which subsequently causes a distortion of information.

The main reason for inaccuracies in determining the professional and social, personal and motivational suitability of a candidate is the methodology chosen to identify the qualities of a person. Therefore, when selecting personnel in an organization, it is necessary to use several assessment methods, or supplement them with your own criteria.

The main disadvantage is subjectivity and, to a certain extent, an unformalized selection process. Therefore, the organization needs to formalize the recruitment process as much as possible.

Improving recruitment in the organization

The first is a staffing needs analysis. Such an analysis will be effective if there is a clear idea of ​​what kind of employee is needed, what knowledge, skills and abilities he should have, what production tasks the new employee will solve.

This is one of the typical recruiting problems. In particular, a situation is possible when there is complete clarity about the required personnel, but the requirements for work are formulated incorrectly or insufficiently carefully.

The optimal solution to this problem is a clear definition of the tasks and functions of employees, the redistribution between employees and the totality of knowledge and skills necessary for effective work.

To assess the need for personnel in an organization, a recruitment test should be developed that precedes the search for candidates.

At the stage of formation of requirements for a vacant position, the main condition for determining the correct requirements is the accuracy and the possibility of an objective assessment of the requirements. Generalizations should be avoided, such as "good looks", "work experience", "higher than average education", etc.

Candidate in charge qualification requirements positions in their professional qualities, must have sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing the management of this stage its development. Personal qualities will determine the person's ability to perform the job, and the candidate's suitability organizational culture. Also, a person must be motivated to perform the work that is offered to him (for example, if he considers his level of compensation is not high enough, the work is uninteresting, or that his knowledge and skills will not be used to the full, then expect from such an employee full return on work is not necessary). Therefore, highlighting a set of priority characteristics of a candidate, one can further be guided by the definition of methods for their assessment at the stages of personnel selection for the applicant's suitability for the position.

One useful approach to this task is to take a critical look at existing employees to identify the personal and professional traits that make employees successful.

Improving the recruitment of personnel in an organization as a common method may include the development of an application form to search for a candidate for a vacant position. This form of application for recruitment is designed to eliminate the above listed shortcomings at the initial stage of the recruitment process. With a more complete amount of information about the required characteristics and skills of the candidate, and for what purposes and work the staff is recruited, we are able to reduce the time spent on the initial screening of candidates during the review of resumes or telephone interviews.

The application for recruitment should take into account not only General characteristics, but also individual characteristics each applicant:

  • physical data;
  • qualification;
  • intelligence;
  • special inclinations;
  • interests;
  • character;
  • motivation;
  • circumstances.

At the same time, for each of these points, the manager will have to decide for himself what is for him:

  1. Essential
  2. Desirable
  3. Contraindicated

The application for recruitment is filled out by the head of the department. Be sure to sign and date. After that, this document is agreed with the head of the personnel department, who can immediately clarify the details of interest on the characteristics of the candidate, and is transferred for execution to the unit, problem solving recruitment. The person responsible for the selection of personnel must, as necessary, contact the customer who submitted the request to clarify the requirements specified in the application. After that, these clarifications are recorded in the comments column.

The use of such an application for the selection of personnel at the exit allows you to systematize the information received to compile a profile of a candidate for a position, develop a strategy for attracting candidates, taking into account the timing, as well as determine the methods for selecting candidates for a position.

Also, if possible, increase the share of recruitment through internal search and personnel reserve.

Advantages of recruiting current employees of the organization to a higher position.

The shortage of staff is forcing HR managers to be resourceful in finding employees. Traditional ways of finding employees are no longer enough, because there is a real “war” for personnel. Consider modern personnel search channels with which you can expand your arsenal.

Announcements, flyers, billboards.

Posting ads with a list of open vacancies in the organization is an effective and low-budget tool. The maximum return can be obtained by constantly posting ads and periodically updating the list of vacancies. To avoid trouble, use specially designated places for this. AT recent times Many companies have appeared that provide services for posting information on glazed stands located next to residential buildings, in entrances and in elevators.

The distribution of leaflets-ads on the streets and in the mailboxes of residential buildings now often leads to a negative effect. Residents of cities are already tired of paper trash on the street and in the porches. And the efficiency of hitting target audience extremely small.

For a mass recruitment of employees, it is possible to apply the placement of advertisements on the back of rent receipts. To do this, you should contact the housing and communal services of the city.

Billboards installed at important transport arteries of the city, road intersections, roadsides, sidewalks, public transport stops are good because they provide a constant return at a one-time cost. If you have a constant need for employees of certain categories, it is advisable to make an appropriate billboard and place it on the side of the road next to the enterprise.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in as soon as possible(search for sellers in connection with the opening of a new store or laborers in connection with the expansion of production).
Disadvantages: narrow territorial coverage, suitable mainly for the search for lower-level personnel. Careful selection among candidates is required to eliminate the risk of hiring applicants with “problems”.

Printed media and newspapers free classified ads of regional importance.

Placement of vacancy announcements in news newspapers or in specialized printed editions on job search (newspapers "Work for you", "Vacancy", the magazine "Job and Salary", etc., which are distributed in your region).

As a rule, placement in newspapers from organizations is paid, discuss the most convenient conditions for you ( tariff plan). If you don't have financial resources to pay for services for placing ads, then use newspapers for free ads.

Print media ads are more suitable for recruiting low-skilled personnel and candidates of an older age category. they do not have access to the Internet.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time from groups without access to the Internet, as well as almost the only way select specialists from the older age group.
Disadvantages: Many of this category still do not know how to write a resume and are afraid to undergo interviews. Here the emphasis is on telephone interviews, and then an invitation to a face-to-face meeting.

Advertising on television and radio.

Placing ads on radio and television in big cities is a rather costly way to find personnel, but in the provinces, placing such information on local radio and television broadcasting studios does not cost much, there this method has already established itself as one of the fastest and most effective.

Advantages: effective for closing mass positions in the shortest possible time.
Disadvantages: high cost of advertising on television, low efficiency of the running line.

Internet resources for the selection of personnel.

Most often, vacancies are published in specialized job search portals (for example,,,,, etc.).

You register on the portal on behalf of the organization by following the instructions provided. Once your registration is confirmed, you can start posting vacancies. It is recommended to pre-compile the entire list of vacancies in a separate document. Indicate the title of the position, responsibilities, requirements for work experience and education of the applicant, write down the conditions under which you offer the job ( wage, schedule, place of work, etc.), as well as telephones or addresses Email. And then copy it into the form on the site.

The second way is to analyze the resumes of applicants on employment sites. When using this method, the scheme for selecting applicants is as follows. First, the most suitable candidates are selected on formal grounds (does the qualification meet the stated requirements or not), an initial telephone interview is conducted, based on the results of which they are invited to a face-to-face interview.

Advantages: Notification of the vacancy of a large circle of applicants interested in the work. Complete structured information from applicants. Education, experience, achievements, personal qualities - simplifies the selection and narrows the number of candidates.

Disadvantages: Recently, job search portals and sites are introducing a paid service for organizations. This is either a fee for registering an enterprise in the system, or a fee for removing the restriction on the number of posted vacancies, or paid access to the bank of applicants' resumes. You can find a specialist of any level, but the search time may be delayed.

Social media.

To date social mediaactual instrument, used to establish valuable connections and find employees of all categories. Nowadays, through social networks, HR managers check a potential candidate even before the interview. First of all, employers study the interests and hobbies of the candidate, look through his photos and professional contacts, check the accuracy of the information from the resume. Pay attention to materials that can compromise the applicant.

For this type of recruiting in social networks, the organization must have its own account (group). The account (group) must contain information about the organization, news, press releases, information about services or products. In general, to be alive and regularly filled.

If an HR manager searches for employees in social networks from his personal profile, then the information and photos on the page must strictly correspond to the goals (photos in the working environment, information about membership in professional associations, publications in the media, etc.), otherwise the employee profile can damage the reputation of your organization.
The most popular resources in Russia are Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, My Circle, etc.

The main options for finding candidates using social networks:

1. Post information in your group, and wait for feedback.
2. Make a mass mailing about vacancies for group subscribers.
3. In social networks, there are a huge number of groups that unite users on different grounds. The recruiter only needs to choose the right group to search for potential candidates. Professional groups, interest groups, age groups, etc.
4. Professional social networks, LinkedIn, etc. Very suitable for searching for candidates for key and top positions. In these networks, users provide information about their education, work experience, professional achievements and qualities.

Advantages: the number of social network users is growing rapidly, and given that a large number of people are dissatisfied with their current job, the flow of those interested in the vacancy will be steadily high. Offering more Better conditions labor, it is possible to quickly close vacancies from service personnel to high level professionals. This method is one of the cheapest and fastest.
Disadvantages: a large flow of "interested" in the vacancy, but do not meet the requirements set in the vacancy. To minimize it, you need to set clear requirements for job seekers, as well as describe your working conditions and bonuses.

Corporate website.

Your corporate website is the face of the company, and the staff is its content. Therefore, your site must have a section "Jobs" or "Careers in the company."

The section should contain a welcoming speech by the head of the personnel department, information on corporate values, success stories of employees and career growth, etc. And most importantly, a section on open vacancies and recruitment to the personnel reserve.

It is necessary to technically organize the possibility of sending a resume from the site for a vacancy you like or a general reserve. Here you are free to arrange everything according to your taste. Design a resume form for further automated processing, only the information you need and nothing more. And also through the corporate website, you can organize online professional testing, for the initial screening of candidates for filling a vacancy.

Advantages: the applicant who left the application from the site is interested in the vacancy and work in your company.
Disadvantages: as usual, low attendance of the corporate site. Jobs must be updated periodically.

Cooperation with educational institutions.

In search of staff, many companies choose to cooperate with educational institutions. Now universities are willing to cooperate with enterprises in view of the fact that the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of a university is the percentage of employed graduates. On this issue, you can talk with the rector or vice-rector for educational work university.

The most common option is to post information about vacancies in the educational buildings of specialized universities, on the website of the university, the university newspaper.

A more effective way to attract the attention of students and graduates is to hold a company presentation within the walls of an educational institution.

Conclusion of agreements on sending students to study industrial practice In the organisation. You can talk with the leadership of the university to recommend the most gifted and responsible students.

A more promising option for the future– conclusion of contracts for targeted training of students in specialized specialties. What do you get as a result:
organizing a competition among applicants for targeted places;
more in-depth study of subjects by students in your profile;
attracting the best graduates of specialized educational institutions;
formation of sustainable professional interest of students to work at the enterprise;
formation and strengthening of a positive image of your organization as an employer among the student audience.
passing all types of practices at your enterprise, getting to know the enterprise.

Young employees turn out to be generators of various ideas for the organization, as well as a source of information about the latest scientific developments. At the same time, the cost of paying interns is usually much less expenses on the salaries of specialists working at the enterprise permanently.

Advantages: relative cheapness and high loyalty of "grown" employees. Identification and involvement of creatively and professionally active youth. In addition, an important social task is solved in this way - assistance in finding employment for young people.

Disadvantages: the method is focused mainly on closing initial positions.

head hunting. Hunting for professionals.

Organizations that need key or rare specialists in the market cannot do without headhunting. All sorts of trainings, exhibitions, seminars, specialized sites and communities are quite effective for establishing professional contacts. A recruiter needs to be able to easily enter any professional “party”, this speeds up the process of reaching the right candidates.

You can also engage in "poaching" personnel from competitors - in war, all means are good. For example, send an invitation to a meeting through social networks. The main thing is confidentiality, because many are in no hurry to leave their place of work or position, and they are also afraid to compromise themselves.

At the meeting, it is necessary to state the benefits of changing jobs and special conditions for a specialist (large pay, employment without a probationary period, corporate events etc.). In case of refusal, ask for recommendations of your colleagues who have the appropriate professional characteristics, and may be in search.

Advantages: direct access to candidates that meet the requirements of the company.
Disadvantages: high price, limited use for ethical reasons, lack of motivation on the part of candidates to change jobs.

Recruitment agencies.

One of the most modern methods recruitment, which has recently become more and more attractive to firms, is the technology of recruiting personnel through recruiting agencies.
Such organizations take all the work on their shoulders, and the only thing left for the employer is to dictate his own conditions and sort through the candidates found by the agency. The success of the selection in this case largely depends on the correctness of the profile of the candidate and on the accuracy in understanding the formulated requirements by the agency manager, and, of course, on his professionalism and conscientiousness.

Sometimes it is more efficient to apply to agencies that specifically specialize in finding employees of a certain level (top management, managers and directors, or vice versa, workers and junior staff) or in recruiting personnel for a profession of a certain orientation (engineers, IT specialists). In any case, no matter which agency you contact, it is worth understanding here that their services are usually paid and they are not cheap.

Advantages: providing candidates that meet the requirements of the company.
Disadvantages: high price.

In the recruitment process, you should constantly analyze which sources of search are most effective. The necessary information can be obtained from the statistics of telephone calls and data from questionnaires and resumes filled out by applicants. Based on its results, a decision is made on the appropriateness of a particular method. For example, for applicants applying for low-paid and not requiring high professional qualifications vacancies, the most popular source of information is street ads, the second most effective source is advertising in newspapers. Candidates for more prestigious and highly paid ("top") vacancies receive the necessary information on the Internet or through professional contacts.