The economic function of charity is. The essence of charity - modern types, functions and categories

Problems of the charitable sphere

Weak attention to the sphere of charity is largely due to the fear of embarking on cardinal reforms social sphere. The potential of non-state actors is not considered as an essential factor in the development of society, as is the case in market and democratic systems.

The distribution of budgetary funds is carried out within the framework of closed mechanisms, the access of charitable organizations to this source is practically closed. The non-transparency of state and municipal structures, access to the funds of close organizations gives rise to abuse and corruption. Intersectoral interaction in this case becomes part of the shadow economy.

Most charities find themselves cut off from significant sources of funding for their projects. Even when officials participate in philanthropic programs, this results in an outflow of resources from the private philanthropic sector. The state is currently its main competitor in raising funds to solve social problems. In the funds created by the authorities, state funds are pumped over, which are uncontrollably spent or appropriated.

Budget problems, on the one hand, a large dependence of entrepreneurship on state and municipal policies, on the other, and a strong motivation for merging power and market structures, on the third, lead to the constant intrusion of official structures into the sphere of charity, which in its essence should remain a private affair. It turns out that in order to make a charitable donation, the “blessing” of the authorities is required. Thus, the flow of private resources into the charitable sector is constrained. Mostly projects that are administratively approved by the authorities are implemented. The motivation of both donors and charitable organizations to form the material base and resources of charity is decreasing. This reduces its already meager material, technical and financial base.

In fact, there are implicit mechanisms of “coercion” of private donors, and administered (state) and planned charity are developing.

In system government controlled adherence to administrative and authoritarian forms of government remains. The training and low salaries of officials that do not meet modern requirements, as well as the distrust of citizens in official structures and their representatives, which is historically inherent in Russia, do not contribute to the development of private spheres of activity, including charity.

The socio-economic situation, characterized by a large proportion of the population with low incomes and the absence of a middle class, determines the relatively low potential of resources available for charity.

The lack of a defined and stimulating philanthropic policy has resulted in charitable activities conditions were not very favorable. In particular, charity organisations and beneficiaries participating in the charitable process bear unreasonably high tax obligations to the state. This increases the overhead costs of charity, reduces the motivation of potential donors.

On the other hand, available tax breaks are often used for non-charitable purposes. Benefits begin to be exploited for the commercial interests of entrepreneurs, which, in turn, forces charitable organizations to adapt to the needs of donors. The original mission of charitable organizations fades into the background.

All this led to the presence of an acute problem in the development of charity, which lies in the fact that the amount of resources potentially available for use in this area is relatively small, but they are not fully involved. Most of the funds that could be spent on charity remain unclaimed. Thus, it should be stated that philanthropy in Russia is poorly developed and the most successful organizations, both in business and in philanthropy, operate mainly on state resources. As a result, charitable organizations, instead of complementing the state, turn into beggars, and ultimately become another burden on society. Often, many foundations are created without sufficient funds, and instead of charitable activities, they are busy looking for them for their own maintenance.

Relations with the state

Until now, the state has actually administratively included a part of the charitable sector in the mechanism for implementing its social policy. Moreover, this did not lead to an increase in the efficiency of budget expenditures, but only made it possible to bypass restrictions in the management of budget funds or make up for the scarcity of budget financing.

In the first case, funds are transferred to “pocket” charities, where they can be managed more flexibly. And in many cases, overestimate prices or volumes of work performed.

In the second case, the state, through charitable organizations, collects funds from private sources, which are used to fulfill state obligations.

In any case, the mechanisms are reduced to the creation of a privileged position for individual organizations. The presence of such organizations hinders the initiative and development of other charitable structures. This results in a loss of resources for the charitable sector. The state competes with the charitable sector for the possession of sources of resources.

State social policy should be carried out through budget financing and government programs. Public commitments should be consistent with budgetary funding and not rely on pseudo-voluntary donations from private sources. The charitable sphere should be completely left to the discretion of the amateur population, citizens should independently decide how much and in what form to engage in charity.

The role of the state and local self-government is to create favorable conditions and regulatory mechanisms for the development and implementation of charity without direct intervention.

Charitable services must cease to be, in any way, services rendered to authorities or officials. They should only be services to society. The authorities should not decide by administrative means who, in what forms, when and on what scale should be engaged in charity. Charity should be built into the market, and the regulation of charity should apply principles similar to market structures.

The intervention of the authorities destroys the philosophy of charity, actually leads to its disappearance and hinders its development.

Also complicating the development of charity is the lack of access of these organizations to state resources. The inclusion of independent organizations in the system of execution of state programs financed from budgetary funds contributes to the expansion of competition in the social sphere. The system of unconditional budget financing should be inferior to the system of choosing the most effective contractor. At present, the organizational weakness of the charitable sector does not allow the state to consider it as a serious partner.

However, it is necessary to annually increase the amount of budgetary funds allocated through open competition. A well-defined strategy for expanding public procurement competitions would target charitable organizations to receive funding and stimulate their development. At first, philanthropic organizations could gain an advantage over other forms of private organizations in order to ensure public investment in the development of this particular sector.

Competitions for state orders should first of all be organized for those problems and in those sectors where the economy itself is not sufficiently developed. state system. Instead of investing resources in its development, it is advisable to focus on non-state actors.

State orders should be applied in those areas where the state has an understanding and confidence in how to solve problems, and the state's interest is reduced, first of all, to finding an effective manager.

The state and charitable organizations can also effectively cooperate in those areas where problems have just been discovered, and where it is not clear how to solve them. The initiative of charitable organizations will make it possible to find new mechanisms and solutions. This is where grants come in handy. In this case, the interest of the state lies in the implementation of a socially significant project that has not yet been implemented and for which it is difficult for charitable organizations to find funds from other sources.

Part of public funds should be allocated to projects developed by the charities themselves, as well as to organizational development charitable sector.

Financing of charitable projects should be carried out by the state only on a competitive basis.

State financing of charitable organizations should pursue the goals of increasing the efficiency of budget spending and embedding the mechanisms of budget financing and charitable activities in the market economy.

Legislation regulating the budget process and budget spending should ensure the participation of charitable organizations in the implementation of state programs and the receipt of state orders on an equal basis with budget organizations. The choice of the performer should be without any privileges carried out on the basis of efficiency.

Any state or municipal program, as well as any order or grant, must be subject to mandatory audit and program peer review.

Charitable organizations quite actively use various state services. As a rule, they are provided to them on preferential terms. Particularly important for the implementation of charitable activities are the rental of premises for offices and payment of utilities, the use of premises for events, communications, information resources, etc. Usually support in such forms is another kind of segregation of non-governmental organizations on the basis of proximity to power. It is almost never that such an advantage given to some organizations is provided free of charge. The specificity of this form of support lies in the fact that, unlike financing, it covers a long period. Having provided the possibility of renting on preferential terms, the state ceases to control the expediency of this step after a few months. This requires more flexible, fair and more beneficial mechanisms for the state.

Such assistance can only be provided through open procedures. It is advisable to hold competitions where only charitable organizations can participate. The winner must also be determined according to the criteria of public utility. The lease agreement must stipulate the cost of the lease with this utility in mind.

It must be remembered that the charitable sector was excluded from the process of free privatization. Citizens could receive property ownership only on the condition that they would engage in entrepreneurial activity. It would be correct to establish rules and procedures for the participation of charitable organizations in the acquisition of real estate sold by the state.

The market mechanism requires the equalization of the rights of all consumers. Charitable organizations in competition with others, including commercial organizations, should have more favorable conditions only for raising funds. That alone should be their advantage.

Payment for other services by charitable organizations should be made at the rates established for state budgetary organizations.

Where appropriate and possible, publicly funded organizations should prioritize serving charities. For example, this applies to mass media, for which it is possible to establish standards for covering the activities of charitable organizations and for the publication of materials that form a positive public image of charity participants.

Various non-economic methods should be used to stimulate charitable activities on the part of the state. The purpose of such actions should be moral encouragement of all participants in charity, strengthening the motivation of the public and potential donors, and stimulating their involvement in charity. Recognition of the personal merits of domestic philanthropists and activists of the charitable movement by official structures is a very significant factor in shaping public opinion and activating charity.

The public and the population of the country must clearly and regularly receive a “signal” that charity and its development are in the interests of the state, supported by it, that the charity movement is viewed constructively and positively.

In this regard, it is possible, in particular, to touch upon the development of charity in the annual Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly, to touch on this topic in special addresses of higher officials states.

A great public outcry would be the awarding of orders, for example, “For Merit to the Fatherland” and other state awards, to the most prominent figures of charity, according to the ideas of both state and municipal structures, and the public, as well as awarding exemplary donor and charitable projects with state and other prizes and honorary certificates. organizations. Such awards do not have to include monetary payments.

Charitable organizations should also be informed that they may be nominated for awards of various international organizations, including the UN system.

It is advisable to revive the Russian tradition of holding a charity ball in the Kremlin with the participation of top government officials in order to raise funds for charitable projects. The President or Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation should hold an annual meeting with leaders and heads of charitable organizations and major philanthropists, as is done for entrepreneurs, and arrange presidential or government receptions in honor of philanthropic activists and philanthropists. The most famous and popular state and public figures may be members of the supervisory boards of charitable organizations.

Citizens who donate large sums of money to charity should be given the right to call organizations, projects and other objects by their proper names. The inclusion of well-known and respected state public figures on the supervisory boards of charitable organizations should be welcomed. This form of participation should not lead to the creation of more favorable conditions for the functioning of these organizations.

Thus, state support for charity should be built in the following areas:

Expansion of participation of charitable organizations in the implementation of state programs;

Providing them with access to public sources of funding;

moral encouragement of charity;

Creation of favorable conditions for obtaining state-provided services;

Using the expert potential of charitable participants.

Main functions of charity

The functions of charity in society are as follows:

Economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations unable to take care of themselves;

Social: removal of social tension by leveling the standard of living, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population, who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

Market: making up for the shortcomings of the social policy of the state and functioning market mechanisms, primarily due to the efficiency and targeting of the assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

Public: replenishment of distortions public relations leading to the departure, against their will, of certain categories of the population from the accepted standards of life, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization; at the same time - the impact on public opinion;

Political: implementation of mechanisms feedback population and power structures, formulating social priorities on behalf of those who are socially unable to defend their rights due to objective reasons;

Marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, at the same time - the cultivation of altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society.

The main goals and principles of charity

The goal of charity is to provide an opportunity to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living for those groups of the population who, under the influence of social risks, cannot independently exercise their generally accepted social rights.

This strategic goal charitable activities are carried out through the achievement of certain specific goals, the main of which are the following:

Social support and protection of citizens, including improving the financial situation of the low-income, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, the disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, other circumstances, are not able to independently exercise their rights and legitimate interests;

Assistance to the population in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, to prevent accidents;

Providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts, victims of repression, refugees and internally displaced persons;

Assistance in strengthening peace, friendship and harmony among peoples, prevention of social, regional, national, religious conflicts;

Assistance in strengthening the prestige and role of the family in society;

Activities in the field of prevention and protection of the health of citizens, as well as propaganda healthy lifestyle life, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;

Promoting activities in the field physical culture and mass sports;

Security environment and animal welfare;

Protection and proper maintenance and use of buildings, objects and territories of historical, cultural or environmental significance, and burial sites.

Based on the generalization, systematization and analysis of foreign and Russian experience charity, the most important principles for the functioning of the charity system have been developed.

The principle of targeting involves the provision of any form charitable assistance to specific groups of the needy population in accordance with the legislatively accepted criteria and wishes of benefactors.

The sufficiency of charitable assistance provides for such a volume that will satisfy the basic needs of beneficiaries at a socially acceptable level and minimal compensation for material damage from various social risks and unforeseen emergencies. The social effectiveness of charity is manifested in ensuring a socially acceptable standard of living for the beneficiary and, at the same time, prevents the emergence of social dependency among the able-bodied population.

The principle of legal security is achieved through the development of new and streamlining existing legislative and other regulations governing the field of charity.

The sustainability of charitable activities is ensured through the most complete, expedient, transparent use of funds from all sources.

The flexibility of charitable actions implies a systematic revision of the directions, forms, methods, mechanisms and technologies for providing charitable support in accordance with the changing socio-economic conditions of society.

The controllability of the charity system is achieved through a clear delineation of functions, powers, responsibilities and resources various organizations implementing charitable support various beneficiaries, both individuals and organizations.

The scientific validity of the charity system involves the use of theoretical, methodological and experimentally tested mechanisms and technologies that have proven in practice their effectiveness in solving the problems of charity.

An important principle of embedding charity in the system of social policy is the information sufficiency of accompanying charitable actions. A necessary criterion for the effectiveness of the functioning of charitable organizations is the availability of the benefits provided to needy groups of the population, i.e. the ability of philanthropists to timely, clearly identify and maximize their statutory functions.

Taking into account the current socio-economic situation, the greatest tax advantages and other privileges should be provided to participants in charitable activities that are focused on solving the problems of the poor, socially disadvantaged groups and victims of social, natural and man-made disasters. Tax incentives for other charitable projects should be carried out to a lesser extent and increase as the economic situation improves and, in particular, the situation with the filling of budgets.




Charity in modern world is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon that has a great influence on the development of the social sphere of society. Charity has come a long way of formation and development, and has become the basis for the formation of such professional activity as "social work". We can see that today charity is experiencing rapid growth and is actively developing. This is primarily due to socio-economic changes in society that contributed to the formation of market relations, which allowed the development of private business, which today is actively engaged in charitable activities. On the other hand, as a result of the collapse of a single social, economic and geopolitical space, tendencies appeared in society that were not previously characteristic of it: a decrease in the standard of living, unemployment, professional begging, a drop in the birth rate, the collapse of the institution of family and marriage, etc.

Charity is necessary in order to reduce social tension in society and alleviate urgent social problems. That is why the study of the foundations of charity is currently playing an important role. The revival of state charitable assistance, the development of charity by private organizations, as well as individual legal entities, can contribute not only to providing more effective assistance to people in need, but also to the development of society as a whole in accordance with the principle of humanism, which acts as a universal criterion for progress.

1. Functions of Charity in Society: Main Goals and Principles

The generally accepted definition of charity is formulated through the indication of social problems. Any action aimed at solving them is recognized as charity. Each problem usually implies the establishment of categories of the population that experience this problem. They are beneficiaries in the implementation of charity. In this case, the types of activity, as a rule, are not rigidly established, i.e. any action that contributes to solving the problem is allowed.

The implementation of charity is a private and voluntary affair of a particular person, since it is associated with the disposal of private resources, material, financial or labor. Everyone creates good, putting into it his own idea of ​​good, about in what form and for whom it must be created. Charity lies outside the realm of official administration. Decisions in this area are made and actions are taken without being mandated by law or official policy.

Altruism and Compassion - the necessary conditions charity. They are to some extent inherent in each person. To some extent, doing charity is the satisfaction of the need for altruism or the release of the corresponding emotions.

In general, charity is helping others at the expense of one's own wealth or free time, and provided that the provision of this assistance does not harm others and is carried out within the framework of the law. It is also understood that, to one degree or another, charity should benefit not only the immediate beneficiary, but society as a whole.

The functions of charity in society are as follows:

Economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations, are not able to take care of themselves on their own;

Social: removal of social tension by leveling the standard of living, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population, who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

Market: filling the shortcomings of the social policy of the state and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily due to the efficiency and targeting of the assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

Public: replenishment of the distortions of social relations, leading to the departure, against their will, of certain categories of the population from the accepted standards of life, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization; at the same time - the impact on public opinion;

Political: implementation of feedback mechanisms between the population and power structures, the formulation of social priorities on behalf of those who, in social terms, due to objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights;

Marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, at the same time - the cultivation of altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society.

The main goals and principles of charity in the modern world are also obvious. The goal of charity is to provide an opportunity to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living for those groups of the population who, under the influence of social risks, cannot independently exercise their generally accepted social rights.

This strategic goal of charitable activities is carried out through the solution of certain specific tasks, the main of which are the following:

Social support and protection of citizens, including improving the financial situation of the low-income, social rehabilitation of the unemployed, the disabled and other persons who, due to their physical or intellectual characteristics, other circumstances, are not able to independently exercise their rights and legitimate interests;

Assistance to the population in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, to prevent accidents;

Providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts, victims of repression, refugees and internally displaced persons;

Assistance in strengthening peace, friendship and harmony among peoples, prevention of social, regional, national, religious conflicts;

Assistance in strengthening the prestige and role of the family in society;

Activities in the field of prevention and protection of the health of citizens, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle, improving the moral and psychological state of citizens;

Promoting activities in the field of physical culture and mass sports;

Environmental protection and animal welfare;

Protection and proper maintenance and use of buildings, objects and territories of historical, cultural or environmental significance, and burial sites.

Based on the generalization, systematization and analysis of foreign and Russian experience of charity, the most important principles for the functioning of the charity system have been developed.

First of all, it is the principle of equality of all members of society to participate in charitable activities without any national, ethnic, political discrimination, both for citizens and refugees, internally displaced persons, stateless persons.

The principle of targeting implies the provision of any form of charitable assistance to specific groups of the needy population in accordance with the legislatively accepted criteria and wishes of benefactors.

The sufficiency of charitable assistance provides for such a volume that will satisfy the basic needs of beneficiaries at a socially acceptable level and minimal compensation for material damage from various social risks and unforeseen emergencies. The social effectiveness of charity is manifested in ensuring a socially acceptable standard of living for the beneficiary and, at the same time, prevents the emergence of social dependency among the able-bodied population.

The principle of legal security is achieved through the development of new and streamlining existing legislative and other regulations governing the field of charity.

The sustainability of charitable activities is ensured through the most complete, expedient, transparent use of funds from all sources.

The flexibility of charitable actions implies a systematic revision of the directions, forms, methods, mechanisms and technologies for providing charitable support in accordance with the changing socio-economic conditions of society.

The manageability of the charity system is achieved through a clear delineation of functions, powers, responsibilities and resource support of various organizations that provide charitable support to various beneficiaries, both individuals and organizations.

The scientific validity of the charity system involves the use of theoretical, methodological and experimentally tested mechanisms and technologies that have proven in practice their effectiveness in solving the problems of charity.

An important principle of embedding charity in the system of social policy is the information sufficiency of accompanying charitable actions. A necessary criterion for the effectiveness of the functioning of charitable organizations is the availability of the benefits provided to needy groups of the population, i.e. the ability of philanthropists to timely, clearly identify and maximize their statutory functions.

2. Forms and motives of charity

IN modern society charitable activities are carried out in different forms. Individual charity, which can be done by any person, is usually realized in such forms as alms, volunteering, feasible contributions to charitable foundations participation in various charity events. Private charity, which is now being done by entrepreneurs and commercial organizations, can be presented in the form of patronage, sponsorship, grants or the establishment of charitable foundations. The state also provides assistance to those in need in the form of guardianship and guardianship, however, there is no consensus in the literature on whether such activities of state structures can be considered charitable.

In the modern world, charitable foundations are increasingly involved in charity work, which are established by both commercial organizations and third-sector enterprises (non-profit and non-governmental organizations). Charitable foundations are divided into private and corporate foundations, as well as foundations of local communities. Private foundations are created with funds received from individuals, which are kept in banks or placed in shares, and capital proceeds are used for charitable purposes. Among the most famous private foundations is the Ford Foundation, based on the legacy of entrepreneur Henry Ford. Private foundations are independent donors, for example, the Ford Foundation is independent of the Ford Company or the Ford family and operates under the direction of an international board of trustees.

Corporate foundations are also donor organizations that create and fund companies to manage their philanthropic programs. These funds are not independent, unlike private funds and local community funds, they are directly dependent on the goals and priorities that the company sets for itself.

Community foundations are foundations that are set up to address problems in a particular area. These funds accumulate funds to solve these problems from various sources, from private donations from the population to municipal budgets. Charitable foundations occupy a central place in the institution of charity, since it is through them that the accumulation and further redistribution of funds transferred by donors for charitable purposes takes place.

No less important is the question of the motives that guide benefactors in their activities. Initially, it is believed that a person performs a good deed based on his moral and spiritual principles. Ideally, people should be motivated to charitable activities by such feelings as compassion and mercy, as well as sympathy for the grief of others, which cause a desire to help their neighbor. But is this really how it happens? There are other motives that push the above into the background. Today, in the era of market relations, benefactors can be guided not only by morality, but also to some extent by the idea of ​​profit. For example, charitable activities could promote advertising, create a favorable image, a good name, which is especially important for commercial organizations and political parties. The fact is that a charitable action is understood as an action identical to a beneficence, which has a positive moral value, evaluated by moral consciousness as good. Therefore, a person engaged in charity is regarded as doing good, deserving trust. And this, in turn, creates a positive reputation that can be used to achieve personal goals. It can be concluded that people are motivated to charitable activities by a variety of motives. Some are motivated by mercy, others by personal gain.


Bess G. Usefulness as the main concept of the Enlightenment // Questions of Philosophy. - No. 4. - 1972.

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Holbakh P.A. Selected anti-religious writings. T.1. - M., 1934.

Zadorin I.V. Society's trust in the institution of charity in Russia in facts and figures.

Charity concept

Charity has a very importance in society. This is one of the forms of creative interaction between its members. Its role as an activity and social institution, it is difficult to overestimate.

Charity compensates for the shortcomings of the system of redistribution of public goods. It helps a person to realize his spiritual need to help his neighbor.

The concept of “charity” includes a fairly wide range of phenomena and ways of helping. This includes patronage, sponsorship, donations, social investments. In the broadest sense, charity is understood as the voluntary gratuitous assistance of some members of society to others who need it in accordance with the norms and customs of this society. Based on this understanding of charity, it is possible to give a more accurate and correct definition of it.

Definition 1

Charity is that which is carried out by individuals and legal entities, excluding government bodies and organizations, activities for gratuitous assistance or the provision of material values, services, performance of work on preferential terms.

Remark 1

Charitable activity is always a relationship between people and groups. They are subjects of relationships. Two groups of subjects are involved in these relations: those who need help and those who want to provide it. Individuals as well as groups of people may need help. Benefactors can be people or groups of people, as well as entire organizations.

The essence of charity is gratuitous assistance on a voluntary basis. It can be carried out both in tangible and intangible form.

Charity Features

The main functions of charity in society include:

  • Economic - ensuring a decent level of existence for those people who, due to their objective characteristics and life circumstances, cannot take care of themselves on their own;
  • Social - the removal of tension in society by leveling the standard of living, supporting disadvantaged groups of the population;
  • Market - compensation for the shortcomings of the state social policy and the functioning of market mechanisms, increasing its efficiency;
  • Public - smoothing out the distortions of social relations, leading to the departure of certain groups of the population from accepted living standards;
  • Political - implementation of feedback mechanisms of citizens and power structures;
  • Marketing - meeting the needs of philanthropists, as well as promoting altruistic sentiments and values ​​​​in society.

The main goal of charity in the modern world is to provide an opportunity to achieve an acceptable standard of living for those social groups and strata that cannot independently exercise their social rights.

This goal is realized through the solution of a number of tasks:

  • Social support and protection of citizens, which includes, among other things, material support for the needy, social rehabilitation of those who, for whatever reason, are unable to independently exercise their rights and interests;
  • Assistance to the population in preventing accidents, overcoming the consequences of natural disasters, environmental, industrial and other disasters;
  • Providing assistance to victims of natural disasters and various catastrophes, social conflicts, refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • Assistance in strengthening peace and harmony, preventing social, regional, interethnic and interreligious conflicts;
  • Assistance in strengthening the prestige of the family in society;
  • Activities in the field of preventing various diseases, protecting the health of citizens, promoting a healthy lifestyle;
  • Activities for the development of physical culture and mass sports;
  • Animal protection and environmental protection;
  • Protection and maintenance of objects of cultural and historical value.

Social Work Charity Interaction

Today it is important that the social protection system play not only the role of social compensation for the poor, but also serve as a counterbalance to growing material inequality.

The main principles of social protection and social work as a professional activity are comprehensiveness, targeting, humanity, social justice, ensuring the observance of the rights and freedoms of the individual.

Usually, social protection is understood as the policy of the state, to ensure the rights of citizens and social guarantees. It is carried out at the expense of funds from the budgets of different levels and various non-state funds.

Charitable organizations can take on some of the functions performed by the state. They render financial assistance needy groups of the population, become the initiators of various social projects and programs. Organizations of this type play a significant role in the system of social protection of the population.

Charitable organizations also assist in the development of such areas as science, education, culture and art, the media, nature conservation, sports, and the church. The role of charitable activities increases if state structures are unable to cope with various social problems.

There are various funds that provide support to those in need, both directly and through the organization of various socially significant projects and events. They can work closely with government organizations implementing social assistance and protection.

In the current conditions, the development of charity will allow the state to solve many social problems. In the person of the institution of charity, it can receive the most important lever of control. Accordingly, he should be interested in stimulating charitable activities.

Page 1

The generally accepted definition of charity is formulated through the indication of social problems. Any action aimed at solving them is recognized as charity. Each problem usually implies the establishment of categories of the population that experience this problem. They are beneficiaries in the implementation of charity. In this case, the types of activity, as a rule, are not rigidly established, i.e. any action that contributes to solving the problem is allowed.

The implementation of charity is a private and voluntary affair of a particular person, since it is associated with the disposal of private resources, material, financial or labor. Everyone creates good, putting into it his own idea of ​​good, about in what form and for whom it must be created. Charity lies outside the realm of official administration. Decisions in this area are made and actions are taken without being mandated by law or official policy.

Altruism and compassion are necessary conditions for the implementation of charity. They are to some extent inherent in each person. To some extent, doing charity is the satisfaction of the need for altruism or the release of the corresponding emotions.

In general, charity is helping others at the expense of one's own wealth or free time, and provided that the provision of this assistance does not harm others and is carried out within the framework of the law. It is also understood that, to one degree or another, charity should benefit not only the immediate beneficiary, but society as a whole.

The functions of charity in society are as follows:

Economic: ensuring a decent existence for those citizens who, due to objective characteristics and life situations, are not able to take care of themselves on their own;

Social: removal of social tension by leveling the standard of living, supporting the most disadvantaged segments of the population, who, due to objective circumstances, cannot adapt to new conditions;

Market: filling the shortcomings of the social policy of the state and the functioning of market mechanisms, primarily due to the efficiency and targeting of the assistance delivered, i.e. increasing its efficiency;

Public: replenishment of the distortions of social relations, leading to the departure, against their will, of certain categories of the population from the accepted standards of life, which limits their ability to consume public goods and self-realization; at the same time - the impact on public opinion;

Political: implementation of feedback mechanisms between the population and power structures, the formulation of social priorities on behalf of those who, in social terms, due to objective reasons, are not able to defend their rights;

Marketing: meeting the needs of philanthropists, providing donors with services for the implementation of charitable projects, at the same time - the cultivation of altruistic and philanthropic sentiments in society.

The main goals and principles of charity in the modern world are also obvious. The goal of charity is to provide an opportunity to achieve a socially acceptable standard of living for those groups of the population who, under the influence of social risks, cannot independently exercise their generally accepted social rights.

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    abstract, added 11/30/2010

    A study of the history and traditions of charity. Consideration of public relations technologies in the field of charity, their role in financial support events. Development of a PR project to promote the idea of ​​charity among young people.

    Theoretical analysis of the concept of charity: essence, tasks and functions. Characteristics of the main forms and motives of charity: almsgiving, volunteering, feasible contributions to charitable foundations, participation in various charitable events.

    abstract, added 04/28/2010

    The history of the development of charity, patronage and sponsorship. The main types, forms and directions of charitable and patronage activities. Activities of the Tosnensky District House of Culture to work with sponsorship and philanthropic organizations.

    term paper, added 01/07/2011