Leadership exercise. Leadership Development Exercises

P. Hersey and K. Blancherd in the book "Management of Organized Behavior" identify seven levers of power that ensure the position of a leader:

1. Special knowledge.

2. Possession of information.

3. Availability of connections and their use.

4. Legitimate authority.

5. Features of personal character and behavior.

6. Opportunity to reward those who excel.

7. The right to punish.

In a group, different people experience different influences of the levers of power listed above. There are those who are ready to accept a leader and follow him solely because they are ready to submit to authority. For them, the very factor of belonging (formal or informal - due to the will of the group) of the leader to a different level in the hierarchy is a sufficient reason to follow him and carry out his instructions.

For others, a strong motive will be the fact that the leader possesses special knowledge and information channels that are inaccessible to the rest of the group members. This is what will affect the willingness to listen to the opinion of the leadership, even in the case when decisions seem not quite justified and logical ("So he knows something! There is no smoke without fire!").

The policy of carrot and stick for thousands of years has given success to leaders of various ranks, the ability to put a punctuation mark in the classic sentence "Execution cannot be pardoned" ("Execution, cannot be pardoned!" or "Execution can not be pardoned!") - one comma worth many signs authorities! Having delved into the annals of folk wisdom, we will find a lot of advice for a leader who builds his pyramid of power precisely on the opportunity to encourage and punish. "Love like a soul, but shake like a pear!" - only one maxim among many others.

For all that, the leader's personality is the strongest, most promising lever of power. How human, personal qualities will manifest themselves in a given situation, one can only predict. But even the weather forecast can be deceiving. Leadership training provides an opportunity to test the initial situation in practice. It makes leadership behavior visible and concrete in artificially created situations, which are sometimes more banal than life, and sometimes much more confusing than reality. Training exercises create a sense of security (you can always replay!) leadership; on the other hand, they reveal the personal qualities of the leader, make his relations with other members of the group visible, test his position of power, relations with organizational, social, natural and artificially created structures.

As mentioned above, a leader can be informal (a team member who is not vested with official authority) and formal (a leader), but it is much more useful for the work of any organization if these concepts are synonymous. In order to become a leader, it is necessary not only to imagine the laws of the existence and development of the group, but also to have special knowledge about oneself, it is necessary for a person to work independently to develop his professional and personal competencies. The proposed exercises can help a specialist who organizes work with personnel in preparing a training program for the development of leadership qualities of managers and a personnel reserve in an organization.

Business card

Target: creation of conditions for the development of the ability to analyze the self-concept - the real self-identification of the leader.

Number of participants: no more than 20 participants.

Equipment and materials: drawing paper according to the number of participants, felt-tip pens, scissors, adhesive tape, paints, glue, a large number of printed materials (brochures, brochures, illustrated magazines and newspapers).

Time: about 1 hour.

The progress of the exercise. Moderator: "Business card" is a serious task that gives us the opportunity to stimulate introspection, self-identification of each participant. Such work is a necessary preliminary stage for self-actualization - pulling out from a liability into an asset of behavior all those necessary ideas, skills, and abilities that a candidate for leadership possesses.

First, each participant folds the Whatman sheet he received vertically in half and makes an incision in this place (large enough so that you can stick your head into the hole). Then the participant puts on a sheet, turning into a "living advertising stand", which has a front and back side.

On the front of the sheet, the participants of the training make an individual collage that tells about their personal characteristics. Here, on the "breast", you need to emphasize the dignity, but do not forget about the qualities that, to put it mildly, do not bring much joy. On the back side of the Whatman sheet ("back"), the participants reflect what they strive for, what they dream about, what they would like to achieve. The collage itself is made up of texts, drawings, photographs that can be cut out from existing printed materials and supplemented, if necessary, with drawings and inscriptions made by hand.

When the work of creating a business card is completed, everyone puts on the resulting collages and makes a promenade around the room. Everyone walks, gets acquainted with each other's business cards, communicates, asks questions.

Issues for discussion:

Do you think it is possible to effectively lead others without really knowing who you are?

Do you think that during the assignment you were able to better understand what kind of person you are?

Did you manage to create your business card completely and clearly enough?

What was easier - reflecting your strengths or your weaknesses?

Have you found among the partners someone who is similar to you? Who is very different from you?

Whose collage do you remember the most and why?

How can this type of work affect leadership development?

Summary: Our perception is the mirror that forms our impression of ourselves, our self-concept. The people around us (family, friends, colleagues) correct our self-identification, sometimes to such an extent that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bour own "I" changes beyond recognition in a person who is inclined to perceive opinion from the outside and trust others much more than himself.

Some people have a very elaborate self-concept. They can freely describe their own appearance, skills, abilities, character traits. It is believed that the richer a person's idea of ​​himself, the easier it is for him to cope with solving various problems, the more spontaneous and confident his behavior will be.

Leader's recommendations: This exercise works well at the initial stage of training, as it involves getting the group members to know each other. In addition, the working conditions will require participants to have multiple and non-directive contacts with team members. In the final part of the exercise ("parade of individuals"), pleasant soft music will be an excellent background.

you and your name

Target: development of skills in the analysis of personal qualities, independence, creativity when performing a task.

Number of participants: with no restrictions.

Materials and equipment: whiteboard/flip chart, markers, paper and pen for each participant.

Time: 15-30 minutes.

The progress of the exercise. Host: "Put a sheet of paper in front of you and write your name vertically on it. Focus! You have 5-10 minutes to write in front of each letter the quality of your character that you know and appreciate in yourself."

M - dream (I can)

I - intelligence

X - charisma

A - active position in communication

I - intellect

L is the love of life.

After completing individual work, participants present their results to the group by writing them on the board.

Charismatic personality

Target: consider the signs of charismatic behavior (leadership qualities).

Number of participants: with no restrictions.

Materials and equipment: not required.

Time: about 30 minutes.

The progress of the exercise. The group is invited to discuss the concept of "charismatic personality". After the participants come to the conclusion that charisma is the ability of a person to attract and hold the attention of other people, to radiate energy that contributes to the acceptance of such a person, a feeling of lightness and desirability of his presence, we come to the conclusion that a charismatic leader is endowed with an elusive charm that provides him the ability to influence people. A charismatic person is self-confident, but not self-confident, he is friendly, but not "sweet" and not flattering, communication with him is pleasant, you want to listen to his words.

Oh, how I want to be charismatic! What to do for this? Well, first of all, try to analyze how a charismatic person looks and behaves. Secondly, try to "tune in to the wave" of a charismatic leader, look for clues in the style of his behavior, in his gestures, facial expressions, manner of talking, holding on to other people.

After 10-15 minutes, we invite the groups to move on to the next stage of work: to build a living sculpture based on the stories, reflecting the meaning of the stories they heard. We give each group the opportunity to show their composition to other groups. We discuss how the charisma of a person is manifested in a wordless static composition. What elements of a leader's character traits can we visually identify? We ask the participants of the training to give a bright and capacious name to the sculpture of their comrades.

Issues for discussion:

Does a leader need to be charismatic?

How did the group work go?

Which of the stories told by the comrades do you remember?

What could you do to become a charismatic person?

How can you learn this?

Leadership styles

Target: to work out in practice the differences inherent in leaders of different styles in solving a problem, performing their leadership functions, as well as the influence of the leader's position on the result of group activity.

Number of participants: up to 25 people.

Materials and equipment: not required.

Time: 1-1.5 hours.

The progress of the exercise.

Stage 1. At private traders are invited to sit comfortably, concentrate and imagine how they would continue the sentence "When I think of a leader, I imagine ...".

Questions to the group:

Who draws memory?

Whose personality comes to mind?

· Let's share the results: we will tell our comrades about the leaders, whose images we have imagined. What are the most striking features of these personalities?

Who is a leader? Do you think the following definition is correct: "The leader is the one who is at the head of the group, who determines the main directions of its activities and influences the behavior of its members"? What could you add/change in the proposed wording?

Distinguish between formal and informal leaders. Who is your leader?

Leaders can be of two types: task oriented and relationship oriented. To which of the two types (or - to a mixed one) does the person you have guessed belong to?

· What is the leadership style of the individuals you described - democratic, authoritarian, conniving?

Stage 2. We divide the group into three subgroups, in each we ask you to choose one representative to lead the group. After the elections are completed, we agree with the candidate of the first subgroup and determine for him the role of a leader working in a democratic style. We also agree with the candidacy of the leader of the second group. His leadership style is defined as conniving. And we do not approve the decision of the third subgroup. The coach himself appoints an autocratic leader prone to an authoritarian, dictatorial leadership style to the subgroup.

Then we announce a group task (the same for all participating groups): knit the longest possible chain of shoelaces from the shoes of the subgroup members. The groups are given five minutes to complete this activity.

Discussion: First of all, we check which group coped with the task better than the others, which - in second, and which - in third place? Issues for discussion:

How did the group react to the democratic/accommodating/authoritarian leader?

How and in what way was the role of the leader of the subgroup manifested?

What type and style of leadership do you prefer?

What is the optimal leadership style for a domestic quarrel between spouses? and etc.

Or or

Target: creating conditions for participants to realize the factors that influence decision-making and actions (this is important to understand why leaders manage and subordinates obey).

Number of participants: ideally - about 15 people, but maybe 5-6, and 50 people, or more. If there are many people, then a large space is needed.

Materials and equipment: not required.

Time: 20 minutes.

Working process:

1. Participants line up in a column in the middle of the room.

2. The facilitator explains that he will be asking some questions, which they will answer with three steps to the left, or to the right, or remain in place. The first series of questions is:

- "You - Yesterday?" (If yes, move to the left).

- "You today?" (Stay where you are).

- "You - Tomorrow?" (Move to the right).

If necessary, you need to repeat the questions several times, paying attention to the fact that the participants need to identify with these words in the fullness of the meanings that they attribute to them.

3. At first, there may be some confusion, after which several people will retreat to the left or right. You have to wait until the shuffling stops; then ask those who made the visible decision to explain why they chose a particular word. For example, they may be called "Yesterday" because of their love of the past - old habits, buildings, etc.; or "Tomorrow" - because they are young, and the future belongs to them. When the rest of the players hear these statements and figure out what is required of them, some of them may leave the center and move to the left or right. Others will remain in "Today". Why did people "vote with their feet" this way and not otherwise?

You can come up with as many of your own "either - or", but here are a few options:

Are you a sign that says "Open to visitors"? "No Entry"? or "I'll be right back"?

Are you a mountain? valley? or plain?

Are you earth? sea? or sky?

Are you a city? village? or dorms?

Are you yes? No? or maybe?

Leader's recommendations: it is important to encourage participants to ask each other questions about their choices. Explanations are always interesting; listeners find them meaningful. The whole process should increase self-awareness and understanding of one's own and others' motivations.

Circle and me

Target: the development of such leadership qualities as the ability to analyze the nature of the situation, to act adequately to existing conditions, the ability to convince other people, to be flexible in situations of interpersonal interaction.

Number of participants: 8-15 people.

Materials and equipment: not required.

Time: 20 minutes.

The progress of the exercise.

Stage 1. For this exercise, a daredevil volunteer is selected, ready to be the first to complete the task. Participants form a tight circle, which will in every possible way prevent a brave participant from getting into it. He is given only three minutes to convince the circle and its individual representatives to let him into the center by the power of persuasion (by persuasion, threats, promises), dexterity (to sneak, slip, break through, in the end), cunning (promises, compliments), sincerity.

The volunteer moves away from the circle for two or three meters. All participants stand with their backs to him, huddled in a close and close-knit circle, holding hands. At the command of the leader, the participant begins to act.

Completion. At the end of the exercise, there is always a discussion of the strategy of the players' behavior. Issues for discussion:

How did you behave here, and how - in ordinary everyday conditions?

Is there a difference between simulated and real behavior? If yes/no, why?

Stage 2. Host: "And now let's return to the exercise, slightly changing the task. Everyone who decides to play against the circle will have to choose and demonstrate a behavior strategy that is absolutely not characteristic of him. We are in the theater, so the shy person will need to play the role of self-confident, even impudent, to the proud - "to beat on pity", and to those who are accustomed to aggressive behavior, to convince the circle quietly and absolutely intelligently ... Try to get used to the new role as much as possible.

Issues for discussion:

Is it easy to play someone else's scenario?

What gives us the entry into the role, into the behavioral stereotype of another person?

What new things have you discovered in yourself, in your comrades?

Simultaneous translation

Target: to develop concentration of attention, to promote an increase in the level of empathy.

Number of participants: no restrictions, subgroups of 5-7 people.

Materials and equipment: spacious auditorium, newspaper, book or magazine - anything that can be read aloud.

Time: 20 minutes.

Working process:

1. 5-7 participants sit in a circle, one of them reads a book or newspaper aloud.

2. The facilitator asks the player sitting to the right of the reader to repeat each word as soon as he hears it to the next listener, and so on, in a circle, until everything returns to the reader. Over time, the teams can get so good at it that the readers will hear their words as if they were their own echo.

Completion. During the discussion, participants may conclude that it is not so difficult to develop the ability to concentrate and empathy, which is what makes the exercise so effective.

Recommendations for the presenter: This exercise can be easily adapted to improve fluency and understanding of a foreign language. Interpreters from foreign languages ​​achieve such perfection in their specialty that they are called "simultaneous interpreters" - hence the name of this exercise. They develop an almost unconscious oneness with the speaker, even if they have never worked with him before, which really makes it seem like they know in advance what the speaker is going to say, even before the speaker opens his mouth. Participants in the Simultaneous Interpretation exercise are not asked to translate what they hear into another language (although this could be another useful game), they must simply repeat what they hear.

Roger's game

Target: to show the ability of leaders to get people to behave in ways they might not have behaved under other circumstances.

Number of participants: at least 8-10 people; preferably - about 15-20; the maximum is about 30. It is convenient to play "Roger's Game" in an auditorium where there is enough space so that everyone can take turns going to the board.

Materials and equipment: a spacious audience, a board, multi-colored pens or crayons, a cash fund (ideally, it should be formed from participants' contributions. If for some reason this does not happen, the leader needs to have enough change to give (not lend) to each participant a minimum amount to create a fund). The cash fund can be replaced, for example, with a candy fund, it is important that there are enough sweets.

Time: 20 minutes.

Working process.

1. The facilitator announces that the exercise is about winning and losing.

2. The host takes 5,10, 20 or 50 kopecks from each player to create a prize fund. As a rule, the more money in the fund, the more motivated the players.

3. There is a field of 36 (6 x 6) cells on the board.

4. Two people from the group are appointed team captains.

5. The captains pick their teams by choosing one person from the group until they have sorted everyone out.

6. If one person remains, then this person will become a judge. If there is no one left, then the leader will be the judge.

7. When the teams are recruited, the captains are given crayons of different colors.

8. The group is given the instruction: "The game is a kind of tic-tac-toe. In Roger's version, the team members take turns placing either a zero or a cross on the board. There will be 18 moves in total. The task of each team is to complete as many horizontal or vertical rows as possible crosses or tac-toes. For each completed row, the winning team gets 20 kopecks (or 50, or 10 candies, or whatever)."

9. The captains are invited to brief their teams and are given a few minutes to discuss the strategy. It is possible that they will do it in a whisper so that the opposing team will not hear.

10. The teams are invited to line up in front of the board, the captains come forward, the readiness for the game is checked.

11. The host gives the command to start work: "To the start ... attention ... MARCH!" Having started the game, a member of each team has 15 seconds at his disposal to approach the board, put a cross or a zero, pass the chalk to a teammate and proceed to the end of the line. Thus, each team takes turns making marks on the board until all moves are exhausted. If someone moves too slowly, the facilitator needs to count the seconds out loud. It is important to maintain the pace and, if necessary, escalate the situation in order to increase tension. On each team, at least one person will deliberately prevent the opponents from finishing the row. As a rule, teammates verbally urge the saboteurs on. Usually the outcome of the game is either a draw or a mistake made by someone out of excitement, allowing the opponent to complete the row. If this happens, the winners are awarded a prize (fund).

Completion. During the discussion, the leader draws the attention of the participants to the fact that each team can theoretically complete the maximum number of rows - three each, which will bring a well-deserved reward to both; this, however, is possible only in the case of cooperation with each other.

What do the words "win" and "lose" mean?

Does victory come with inevitable loss, where gain necessarily means someone loses?

Any doubt about this may come as a complete surprise to some participants and even shock: "Of course!". They may say: "You must beat your competitors!" Maybe like this: "You need to defeat your opponents!"

The facilitator may suggest that winning is easier with someone else's help; or that others will help win if they see that they can benefit from it in some way. In addition, the facilitator may reveal the strategy he used to "set them up" for the "Roger's Game" and reveal that he:

Chose the captains of the participants who were most disposed to the competition;

He called the game a competition and this predetermined the attitude of the players towards it;

Set time limits so that players didn't have a chance to stop and think about alternative ways to complete the task;

Motivated players to compete by establishing prizes for winning.

Taking into account the above influences, it can be noted that the tactics of the participants were based not only on objective criteria. Their perception was significantly influenced by the way the exercise was presented.

Lead recommendations. The most visible results will be if the captains are chosen by participants who have already been singled out for their competitiveness and temperament, so it is best to play "Roger's Game" when the group is well known. To increase the morale of the competitors, use the words "team member" and "captain".

shipping line

Target: development of skills of persuasion of other people, development of logical thinking.

Number of participants: any, from 5 people.

Materials and equipment: not required.

Time: 20 minutes.

Working process. The group is given a task that they can solve in any way they like. Task: "Many years ago, every day at 12:00, a Pacific shipping line ship departed from Honolulu to Sydney. Usually the journey took 7 days. In the same years, at 12:00 daily, a Pacific shipping line ship left Sydney and headed for Honolulu. The route was the same, the journey took same 7 days. One day I boarded one of these ships in Honolulu, bound for Sydney. How many Pacific line ships did I see during the trip?"

Completion. It doesn't really matter what the "correct" answer to this problem is, because trying to find it will go extremely far, and disputes will begin. Sometimes it's good not to know the answer to a riddle. In this case, the entire burden of responsibility falls on the group. After being indignant for a while at being given a riddle with no obvious answer (or when one can passively wait for the “teacher” to explain everything), a few people will take the problem seriously and come to a solution that is correct. who usually manages to convince everyone - and this will be a good example of leadership style.

The Princess and the Peasant

Target: developing the skills of persuading other people, activating the creative thinking of the participants.

Number of participants: from 5 to 15 people.

Materials and equipment: one copy of the text of the story for each participant.

Time: 20 minutes.

Working process. The facilitator tells a story about a princess and a peasant (Appendix 2). Each participant is given a copy of the story and invited to discuss the problem for the time needed (most likely it will take 5-10 minutes).

Completion. Participants present their answers. Then the facilitator gives the correct answer, but if someone else judges differently, so much the better.

The correct answer is as follows: the peasant pulled out a card and, without looking at it, tore it to shreds, swallowed it and said: “Let the king get another card, and I will know my fate from his hands. If he draws "wedding" I will know that my card was "death" and I will resign myself to my fate. But if the king's card is "death", I will understand that "the wedding" was mine, and I will be able to marry the princess.

copy machine

Target: develop the skills of persuasion necessary for a leader; consider possible ways to resolve the conflict.

Number of participants: with no restrictions.

Materials and equipment: not required.

Time: from 30 minutes.

Working process. It is important that all participants can see and hear everything clearly. Moderator: "I want you to imagine that this morning the copier in your office broke down, and they just fixed it. It's 16.30, and at 17.00 everyone usually goes home. But by tomorrow morning, by 8.30, in each of the 150 folders 20 sheets of conference materials must be put in. Your job as office manager is to convince the appropriate person to stay and prepare copies. the band is playing tonight. This employee stood in line all night to get tickets and talked about the upcoming show for several weeks."

Participants are invited to optionally play the role of a manager and the role of a subordinate. They need to be given some time to discuss the game situation. Then the situation plays out. When the scene naturally ends (it doesn't matter how), or when one player announces that "they've had enough", you can invite the other participants to play the situation, to see how far they can go in their negotiations.

Completion. After each speech, the host asks the audience: "What do you think, based on what you just saw and heard: will the folders be in front of the conference delegates in the morning?"

E. Christopher and L. Smith give a case study where all the participants answered "Yes!" The manager was played by a man named Jim. Addressing his "colleague", he began by saying: "Listen, Tom, I'm not going to scold you. I know that you're not to blame: it happened. There's nothing to be done about it."

Tom replied, "Well, thanks Jim, I appreciate that," despite Jim's unreasonable suggestion that it was Tom who should be scolded in the first place. "Don't think about it," Jim continued. "I know that you will do everything possible to correct the situation, and you will succeed. You are one of the most reliable people in my team, and I have complete confidence in you. And I will tell you, what I will do is call my wife and let her know that I will be late. True, she invited guests to dinner and will be furious because of my delay, but there is nothing to be done about it. I will stay at least an hour and help you. "

Tom thanked him again with sincere gratitude, and the skit ended there. Tom not only didn't have a chance to mention concert tickets, he didn't even want to mention them. The "boss" controlled his feelings so deftly that as a result, Tom not only rushed to do the job, but even thanked the manager for allowing him to do it.

Issues for discussion:

• Did this exercise reveal differences in the way different people negotiate?

· Does it help to explore the possibilities of a compromise solution to the conflict?

· What did you learn about the art of persuasion as a quality necessary for a leader?

Discussion leader

Target: master an active style of communication, improve leadership skills to manage a group, practice rhetoric - the science of persuasion.

Number of participants: with no restrictions.

Materials and equipment: whiteboard/flip chart and markers for recording discussion, notes indicating hidden roles: "Discussion leader", "Debater", "Skeptic", "Associate", "Philosopher", "Diplomat", "Alternative leader", "Indifferent" .

Time: 30-60 minutes.

Working process. In this role-playing game, group members will be able to test their skills in public discussion in practice. Hand out notes to the group. By unfolding them so that no one sees what is written, each participant in the training will understand what role he will have to play in the upcoming discussion. Then they determine the topic that really occupies all those present. After a brief discussion related to the definition of the topic of discussion, the version accepted by the majority is written on the board or flip chart. Only now the training leader asks the discussion leader to discover himself. (Full power from this moment passes to the one who, in his note, discovered the role of the leader of the discussion.)

A three-minute break is announced, necessary for preparing the audience, arranging chairs. All players gather to think about the topic chosen for discussion and in connection with the role they have received.

The discussion lasts 15-20 minutes. The group then moves on to discuss the game.

Completion. The discussion is built on several levels.

First level: everyone speaks about how the group, each of the speakers managed to reveal the topic of discussion.

The second level: self-presentation and self-assessment of participants who got specific role-images. The group tries to independently determine who was the "debater", who was the "alternative leader", and who was the "nerd". Then the players "reveal their cards" and announce their roles. They analyze their behavior, style of play. Did they get the role? At what point did the discussion cause them to get carried away and forget about the proposed role?

Third level: introspection and group discussion of the role of the discussion leader. What worked and what didn't? Did he own the audience? Did you manage to shake up passive listeners and make public the opinion of the minority? What do you see as the leader's mistakes, and what is his undoubted success? Did the presenter's "body language" and the content of his speech match? Was there eye contact with the audience, and what encouraging signs did the presenter use to encourage listeners to express their own opinions?

Smart, spin, swot u etc.

Target: to teach how to use planning models as a tool for effective activity; develop the ability to see the problem in a variety of approaches.

Number of participants: with no restrictions.

Materials and equipment: flip chart or paper sheets, markers.

Time: 30-60 minutes.

Working process. A creative person is a purposeful person who works productively. This requires training additional thinking skills: planning and goal setting.

In NLP and other methods of psychological work and correction, several models are successfully used, some of which, for convenience and ease of remembering, are called mnemonic abbreviations - abbreviations, each letter of which is a reminder of the basic principle, idea.

1. The classic and one of the most well-known models for setting goals, predicting changes and planning is the SMART model:

S (specific) - specific

M (measurable) - measurable

A (attainable) - achievable

R (realistic) - realistic

T (timebound) - defined in time.

Check your plans according to this model, and you will avoid many mistakes, blunders and problems, such as indistinctness and vagueness of plans, the inability to determine the success of the actions performed, to plan the amount of material resources, labor needed to implement the plans.

Knowing that your planning is realistic and that your goals are achievable means that you have a powerful emotional support that will provide you with the integrity of perception and readiness to endure difficulties and crises along the way to the task at hand.

By determining the time for the implementation of the entire project and each of its stages, we structure the task, make it possible to correct and check the success at each of the stages...

2. Another technique is the "Law of Ten Ws". Why ten "w's"? Because it is with this letter in English that the questions "why?" begin. and why?" Solving some problem, let's write down in two columns 10 answers to the question "why?" and 10 - to the question "why?" Formulating the answers to the questions posed will engage your brain in concentrated thinking about the various (that's why not one answer, but as many as 10!) Approaches to the problem.

3. SWOT model - problem analysis technique. This abbreviation also contains words-codes that determine the course of reflection and development of the process.

S (strong) - strengths

W (weak) - weaknesses

O (opportunity) - opportunities

T (threat) - threats.

Analyze your problem in this model and you will get answers to the questions, what are the strengths of your project, what are its weaknesses and how to minimize damage or eliminate it, what new opportunities will the successful implementation of the idea open up for you, what will you lose if the process of solving the problem turns out to be unsuccessful.

4. Another model that is an effective planning and problem analysis technique, the SPIN model is to think creatively about the following elements of a plan/idea:

S is the situation. What is she like? The most realistic description of the starting positions.

P is a problem. What is the problem? Where the balance of power is broken, balance


17.03.2016 9147 524 Penkovskaya Anzhela Valerievna

Training goals:
1. Disclosure of the personal potential of the group members.
2. Formation of ideas about leadership, awareness and manifestation of one's strengths.
Training objectives:
1. Formation of mutual understanding and a sense of responsibility towards each other.
2. Formation of skills of understanding each other.
3. Acquiring the skills of taking responsibility for each other.
4. Identification and development of ideas about leadership.
5. Acquisition of skills in planning activities and organizing teamwork.
Materials and equipment: whatman paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, glue, magazines and newspapers, a candle, scissors, A4 sheets, role cards, test forms.
Time: 2 hours.
"Funny boys"
Purpose: formation of a positive favorable climate in the group.
Materials: drawing paper, pencils (felt-tip pens), glue, A4 sheets, scissors.
1. Exercise "Aquarium"
Purpose: acquaintance.
Tasks: energize the group.
Time: 15 – 20 min.
Materials: drawing paper, A4 sheets, scissors, pencils (felt-tip pens), glue.
Exercise progress:
The group members are given sheets, scissors, felt-tip pens. Within 15 - 20 minutes, they must decide what breed of fish they will be in this lesson, draw, cut, color the fish, write on it the name of the participant, the breed of the fish.
At the next stage, each of the participants must attach their fish to the wall (paper sheet), which is the image of the aquarium. Where to glue the fish - everyone decides for himself (someone deeper, someone near the surface), someone in algae, someone among the stones. Also, participants must give their name and tell what this fish is looking for in the aquarium, how it imagines its existence among other fish.
Issues for discussion:
2. Did you have any difficulties in telling the story?
3. What feelings did you experience at the same time?
2. Exercise "I'm glad to see you ..."
Purpose: to determine the positive aspects of the participants.
Time: 15 min.
Materials: no.
Exercise progress:
Each of the participants turns to his neighbor with the words: "I'm glad to see you, because ...". It is necessary to continue this statement not with external descriptions of a person, but with the personal qualities of the participants.
Issues for discussion:
1. Was it easy for you to do the exercise?
2. How did you feel when your neighbor approached you?
3. What did you experience when you had to turn to another person with the words "I'm glad to see you ..."?
4. Was it easy for you to determine why you are glad to see your neighbor?
5. Do you often have to compliment people in your life?
Purpose: identifying leadership qualities.
Materials: sheets of paper, markers, pencils, newspapers, magazines, scissors, glue.
1. The game "Leader is..."
Purpose: to master an active style of communication and develop partnership relations in a group.
Objectives: to practice in identifying clear and distinct signs of leadership behavior, awareness of leadership qualities.
Time: 40 min.
Materials: paper sheets, scissors, glue, markers, pencils, many brochures, magazines, newspapers.
Game progress:
All players are provided with a variety of stationery, newspapers, magazines, advertising brochures. Within 30 - 40 minutes they prepare (single or in pairs) a kind of collage using newspaper headlines, photographs, freehand drawings or found in advertising publications, magazines, newspapers.
Theme of work: "Leader is" . In the work, you need to try to visually present the qualities that characterize a leader, talk about the ability to lead people, lead them. While the group is working, energetic, rhythmic music plays in the background, creating a working mood, supporting the creative mood of the participants.
When the preparation time is over, the music is mixed - this is a sign for the participants to start cleaning the workplaces, freeing the room from scraps and debris. At this time, the trainer numbers the anonymous sheets received from the participants and hangs them up. After the “subbotnik” is completed and the place is freed up for the continuation of work, we begin the “leadership promenade”. All leaders walk around the room, on the walls of which advertising posters are fixed with adhesive tape, and make notes for themselves who, in their opinion, are the authors of the works they see.
We get together and discuss what we see. Participants read out their opinions about the authorship of the works, tell what they thought was the most attractive, bright in the work of their comrades.
Issues for discussion:
1. Was it easy for you to perform this exercise?
2. What feelings did you experience while doing this task?
3. What difficulties did you encounter in completing the assignment?
4. Who do you think is a leader?
In conclusion, on the board or flip chart, we write down a set of leadership qualities.
So a leader is... (poster defense)
2. Test "Am I a leader?"
Instructions for the test: “Carefully read each of the ten judgments and choose the answer that best suits you in letter form. When working with the questionnaire, remember that there are no bad or good answers. An important factor is the fact that in your answers you must strive for objectivity and write down the answer that comes to mind first.
test material
1. What is more important for you in the game?
A) win.
B) entertainment.
2. What do you prefer in general conversation?
A) Show initiative, propose something.
B) Listen and criticize what others have to offer.
3. Are you able to withstand criticism, not get involved in private disputes, not make excuses?
A) Yes.
B) No.
4. Do you like being praised in public?
A) Yes.
B) No.
5. Do you defend your opinion if the circumstances (the opinion of the majority) are against you?
A) Yes.
B) No.
6. In the company, in general, do you always act as a ringleader, come up with something that is interesting to others?
A) Yes.
B) No
7. Do you know how to hide your mood from others?
A) Yes.
B) No.
8. Do you always immediately and resignedly do what your elders tell you?
A) No.
B) Yes.
9. Do you succeed in a conversation, discussion, to convince, to win over those who previously disagreed with you?
A) Yes.
B) No.
10. Do you like to teach (teach, educate, educate, give advice) to others?
A) Yes.
B) No.
Processing and interpretation of test results:
Count the total number of "A" and "B" responses.
High level of leadership - A = 7-10 points.
The average level of leadership - A = 4-6 points.
Low level of leadership - A = 1-3 points.
A preponderance of “B” responses indicates very low or destructive leadership.
Issues for discussion:
1. Are you satisfied with the result?
2. Have you learned something new for yourself?
3. The game "Penetrate the circle"
Purpose of the game: promotes the training of leadership skills.
Time: 10 min.
Materials: no.
Game progress:
The participants form a tight circle, in every possible way preventing the driver from getting into it, who needs to get into the circle in 3-5 minutes, using various tools of influence: persuasion, threats, promises, dexterity, cunning, persuasion, etc. Lose with three to five drivers.
Issues for discussion:
1. What feelings did you experience while performing the game?
2. Was it easy for you to complete the task?
3. What strategies were most often used by the drivers?
4. What did they have in common that turned out to be more effective?
4. The game "TV show host"
Purpose of the game: To develop the ability to take responsibility.
Objectives: to learn how to plan and implement goals, working in a group. Self-disclosure through creative activity.
Time: 20 – 30 min.
Materials: no.
Game progress:
Presenter: Now we will go to an unusual TV studio, where you can try yourself as a TV presenter of various programs.
We remain in the same subgroups as in the "Choice of the King of Beasts" (5-6 people each). You will be in several gears. For each program, the team must choose a TV presenter, without repetition of participants.
First broadcast "News"
The selected TV presenter will need to think over and show the news story with his entire group (the story can be anything). Preparation time (5 minutes).
Second gear "Sport"
The TV presenter will need to think over and show the morning workout for 3 to 5 minutes. The host can be himself in the role of a group coach, or maybe in the role of a commentator. The warm-up should include at least five different exercises. Preparation time (5 minutes).
Showing invented stories (3 - 5 minutes for each group).
Third gear "The smartest"
The TV presenters go to the center, and the remaining participants are a support group that can help their leader get extra points.
Within 3 minutes, write as many simple three-word sentences as you can, with each word starting with the letter "L" (example: "Swallows love summer"). After the proposals are announced, the support group can add their options.
Fourth program "About animals"
The TV presenter will need to think over and show with his entire Group a pantomime from the life of animals. Preparation time (5 minutes).
Showing invented stories (3 - 5 minutes for each group).
Fifth gear "Culture"
The TV presenter will need to think over and show with his entire group a story on any topic of music. architecture, painting. Preparation time (5 minutes).
Showing invented stories (3 - 5 minutes for each group).
Issues for discussion:
1. Was it difficult as a TV presenter (to think through, organize and implement your scenarios)?
2. Which of the TV presenters did you like the most, why?
H. When discussing and planning the scenario, was it difficult to agree among themselves?
4. What did you do in order to come to cooperation and mutual understanding in the group?
Goal: maintaining a positive climate in the group at the end of the training.
Materials: candle, blanks with dough.
1. Exercise - joke "Test with subtext"
Purpose: to cheer up the group.
Time: 5 min.
Exercise progress:
Participants are given the following test forms and announced: “Now we will check how attentive you are and how ready you are to follow the instructions.
You need to quickly complete a small test.
You have only three minutes at your disposal.
Mindfulness Test
Name ______________________________________ Date ____________
Instructions: Before doing anything, read everything carefully and follow the instructions. The execution time is three minutes.
1. Enter your last name, first name and patronymic in the space provided and put today's date.
2. Enter your contact phone number. If you do not have it, then write the number 100.
3. Circle this number.
4. Put a cross in the lower left corner of the sheet.
5. Circle this sign with a triangle.
6. Say the number you wrote in step 2 loudly so that everyone can hear.
7. Enclose in a rectangle the word "angle" in sentence number 4.
8. In the upper part of the sheet, make three small holes with the tip of a pencil or pen.
9. Try to look at the world through these holes.
10. In your normal voice, count backwards aloud from 10 to 1.
11. Shout loudly: "I'm almost done."
12. Now that you have read everything carefully, complete only tasks 1 and 2.
2. Exercise "Tree of Success"
Goal: getting feedback.
Time: 10 min.
Materials: a painted tree and painted apples in three colors.
Exercise progress:
Participants take turns going out and choosing the color of the apple that they like and broadcasting to the tree layout. They say a few words about the training.

Download material

See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.


Leadership is a desirable goal for many. Leaders are respected and listened to
to his remarks and advice, they try to imitate him and be friends with him.

Explanatory note.

Modern society requires a person to have such qualities as determination and purposefulness, which, together with other skills, form a leader in a person. Society requires its citizens to have an “active citizenship”, which implies, among other things, the presence of their own opinion and the ability to defend it; determination to achieve the set goals, striving forward. The presence of such a position in a person is a manifestation of the “leadership” qualities of a person.

The secret to nurturing leadership qualities lies in the success of children, their sense of their growth and movement forward. Children like to be in the role of a winner. But when faced with difficulties and setbacks, they may experience negative emotions of disappointment and fear. Our task is to show children that everyone can develop and improve the leadership potential inherent in him. The main thing is to determine the scope of activity for the best application of one's strength and success. In adolescence, a person has a need to cooperate with people, to strengthen ties with their social group, to show a sense of unity and cooperation.

Adolescence is an extremely important period in the formation of personality. During this period, there is an expansion of living space, social environment.

The development of leadership qualities in adolescents is clearly pronounced: already at school it is clear which of the children reveal their inner potential or at least try, and who does not see the need for this at all. It is good if a child strives to be a leader, to be the first in his company. This program of training sessions is designed to educate responsible, enterprising, creative, purposeful leaders. The program is focused on identifying and implementing the leadership potential of a teenager. The course of classes can help teenagers more fully and objectively realize their leadership potential and ways of its development within the framework of personally and socially useful activities.

Purpose: creating conditions for the realization of the leadership potential of a teenager through his active inclusion in remedial and practical classes.

  • Developing the ability to effectively interact with others;
  • Development of an active socio-psychological position of the training participants;
  • Cohesion of the group; to identify the primary level of knowledge by a teenager of his own leadership potential;
  • create favorable conditions for the identification and implementation of the child's leadership potential;
  • organize classes for teenagers to acquire knowledge, methods and forms of development of their own leadership and organizational potential;
  • to determine, together with the teenager, ways of further realization of leadership potential.

Target group: school-age children (13-16 years old).

Required material: matches, candle, pencils, felt-tip pens, paper, drawing paper, cards with emotions.

Training duration: 5 days, 1 hour daily. Number of people in the group: 10-15.

Lesson 1. Leader - who is he?

Purpose: acquaintance, creation of an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding; stimulation of interest in classes; actualization of knowledge about leadership, development of communication skills.

Material: matches, cards with emotions, a candle.

1. Acquaintance.

Each participant talks about himself while the match is burning.

Name. Who is the sign of the zodiac?

Favorite season, dish, hobby?

What quality of your character do you consider the most valuable?

2. Snowball.

The participant calls his name and his quality with the first letter of the name. The next participant repeats the previous one and calls his name and quality. The last participant must repeat the names and qualities of all participants.

3. Acceptance of the rules of work in the group:

Confidential communication style

Communication based on the “here and now” principle.

Personification of the utterance “on its own behalf”.

The inadmissibility of assessments addressed to another.

Active participation in all exercises.

Respect for the speaker, the principle of active listening.

Discussing the rules and adopting them for the duration of the training.

4. Discussion “Who is a leader”.

A leader is an authoritative person who is trusted in the team, whose opinion is taken into account and allowed to make decisions for the whole team. No one appoints a leader, no one chooses, he appears in the course of the development of relations in the team. The leader makes decisions, leads the whole team, feels the mood of others, participates in conflict resolution, bears greater responsibility for his actions than other people in the team. The team trusts him. Being a leader is not easy, why do some people get it by themselves? Is it possible to achieve recognition and lead the whole class?

Let's discuss how to become a leader in a team, but first, find out how you understand who a leader is (student answers). In psychology, it is customary to distinguish between the following types of leaders.

  • Emotional leader - able to build friendly relationships with different people in the team;
  • Leader-critic - able to critically analyze a project or situation, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses;
  • Intellectual leader - able to produce various positive ideas;
  • Leader-organizer - knows how to plan the execution of work and distribute responsibilities between participants;
  • Leader-performer - is able to clearly and in due time to fulfill the duties assigned to him;

All this requires the presence of certain qualities, including courage, representativeness, the ability to not deviate from the goal, understanding, energy, analytical skills, self-confidence, organizational skills, strong will.

5. Exercise “Convey in one word”

I will give you cards on which the names of emotions are written, and without showing them to other participants, you will say the word “Hello” with an intonation corresponding to the emotion written on your card. The rest guess what emotion the participant was trying to portray.

Now I shuffle the cards and give them to you again.

The same task, only now we read a short rhyme “they dropped the bear on the floor”.

List of emotions.

  • Joy.
  • Astonishment.
  • Regret.
  • Disappointment.
  • Suspicion.
  • Sadness.
  • Fun.
  • Cold indifference.
  • Calm.
  • Interest.
  • Confidence.
  • Willingness to help.
  • Fatigue.
  • Excitement.
  • Enthusiasm.
  • Reflection:

How easy was it to guess the emotion from the intonations?

In real life, how often in a telephone conversation do you understand from the first words what mood your interlocutor is in?

In addition to verbal communication, there is non-verbal communication.

Non-verbal communication is all signals, symbols, gestures, manners, timbre, facial expressions, that is, a non-verbal form of communication, mutual understanding.

6. Exercise “All attention”

All participants in the game perform the same simple task by any means, without resorting to physical actions and without talking, you need to attract the attention of others. The task is complicated by the fact that all participants perform it simultaneously.

Reflection: (5 minutes)

Who managed to attract the attention of others and at the expense of what means?

Lesson 2. Leader's suitcase.

Purpose: development of communicative and organizational qualities; creating an atmosphere of trust; development.

Material: weather forecast text, candle.

1. Non-traditional greeting.

Chaotically moving around the room, the participants, when meeting with someone, greet him as follows:

  • nod of the head;
  • smile
  • eyes;
  • handshake;
  • Touching shoulder to shoulder;
  • By touching back to back;
  • Touching knee to knee.

2. Those who change...

One participant is the leader. One chair less. The facilitator continues the phrase "those who change...". Those who fit the sign change places. The leader tries to take a free place. The one who did not have time to take a chair becomes the leader.

3. Leader suitcase.

Exercise 1. Read any text, at least the weather forecast, in a whisper, with maximum volume, as if you are cold, as if you have hot porridge in your mouth.

“Do you know that the Indians have a belief that bears are the human race. And they confirm their beliefs by the fact that they have five toes on their paws, all members of their family have common characteristics, and bears can walk and run on two legs and their teeth deteriorate from sweets, just like humans.

Exercise 2. The same, in combination with all of the above, but as if read by an alien, a person who has just learned to speak, a robot, a five-year-old child; as if all of humanity is listening to you, and with this text you must explain how important it is to strive to do good to each other, and you have no other words; as if with this text you declare your love, and there will be no other possibility.

Exercise 3 Sit on a chair the way the chairman of the Supreme Council sits, a bee on a flower, a cashier at the workplace punished by Pinocchio, a bride at a wedding, Hamlet, a criminal in the dock. Improvise.

Exercise 4 Depict how a baby walks, a lion, a ballet dancer, a French king, an Indian chief.

Exercise 5 Smile like a very polite Japanese, a dog to his master, a cat in the sun, a young man in love to his girlfriend, a wolf to a hare.

Exercise 6 Frown like King Lear, a child who has had his toy taken away, Napoleon, a man who wants to hide his smile, an angry parrot.

4. Exercise "Without a commander."

Often we have to meet people who seem to be just waiting to be led. Someone is obliged to organize and direct them, since people of this type are afraid to show their own initiative (and then be responsible for their decisions and actions). There is another type - indefatigable leaders. They always know who should do what. Without their intervention and care, “the world will surely perish!”. It is clear that you and I belong either to the followers, or to the leaders, or to some kind of mixed - between one and the other type - group.

In the task that you will now try to complete, it will be difficult for both overt activists and extreme passivists, because no one will lead anyone. Absolutely. The whole point of the exercise is that when performing a particular task, each of the participants will be able to rely solely on their ingenuity, initiative, and their own strength. The success of each will be the key to common success.

So, from now on, everyone is responsible only for himself! Any contact between the participants is prohibited: no conversations, no signs, no grabbing hands, no indignant hissing - nothing. We work in silence, Maximum - a glance towards partners: we learn to understand each other at a telepathic level!

I ask the group to form a circle. Everyone hears the task, analyzes it and tries to decide what he personally has to do, so that in the end the group gets into a circle as accurately and quickly as possible.

Very well! You noticed that some of them itched their hands, so much they wanted to control someone. And some of you stood at a complete loss, not knowing what to do and where to start. Let's continue to practice personal responsibility. Line up please:

In a column by height

In two circles

into a triangle

Lined up in height

In four columns with the same number of participants

In a line from the lightest to the darkest hair

In a living sculpture Star, Medusa, Turtle.

Discussion. Tell me, could this exercise be called a test of leadership and why?

Which one of you is a natural leader?

Was it easy for you to give up your leadership style?

What were the feelings of people who are used to being led? Is it hard to suddenly be left without someone else's advice, instructions?

How did you know if your actions were right or wrong? Did you enjoy taking responsibility for yourself and making decisions on your own?

Participants stand in a circle and pass a lit candle to each other and at the same time answer the following questions: “What new did you learn? What do you remember most about the lesson? What feelings did these events evoke?

Lesson 3. Understanding is the key to success.

Purpose: to develop the ability to understand each other, as an important quality of a true leader.

Material: candle.

1. Line up!

Participants without words should line up by height, hair color, month of birth, in 2 circles, in a triangle.

2. Exercise “Earthlings and aliens” (15 minutes)

The group is divided into 2 equal parts (humans and aliens). Each Earthling can choose the ET he likes, but not a single ET should be left without a pair.

Earthlings receive a task in such a way that aliens do not hear it: to establish contact with another civilization, explain to them where they are, who greets them, and find out for what purpose the aliens arrived on Earth.

Aliens are given instructions in private: “They do not know the language of earthlings, therefore they do not react to phrases, but they can react to facial expressions, gestures, sounds. As soon as they feel that the earthling who has come into contact is sympathetic to them, they can make contact with him at the level of sounds, facial expressions, pantomimes and explain where they came from and for what purpose.

Questions to the "earthlings":

  1. What helped you come to a decision?
  2. What would you do differently if you had to do the same exercise again?
  3. Question to all, what conclusions can be drawn from this work?

3. Sculpture “I am the Leader!”

The participants are given the task to make a sculpture for everyone on the theme “I am the Leader!”. The material is the participants themselves.

4. “Begin!”.

The guys are divided into two or three equal in number of team members. Each team chooses a name for itself. The facilitator proposes the conditions: “Now the teams will complete the tasks after I command “Start!”. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner. Thus, a spirit of competition is created, which is very important for the guys.

So, first task. Now each team should say a single word in unison. “Started!”

In order to complete this task, it is necessary for all team members to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.

Second task. Here it is necessary that half the team quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. “Started!” The interpretation of this game is similar to the interpretation of the game "Karabas": the most active members of the group stand up, including the leader.

Third task. Now all the teams are flying on a spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". “So who is faster?!” Usually, the leader again takes on the functions of the organizer, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare” for himself. This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of the commander to the shoulders of someone else.

Task four. We flew to Mars and we need to somehow accommodate in a Martian hotel, and there is only a triple room, two double rooms and one single room. You need to distribute as quickly as possible who will live in which room. “Started!” After playing this game, you can see the presence and composition of microgroups in your team. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders, or "outcasts". The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is made for a team consisting of 8 participants. If the team has more or less participants, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition that there are triples, doubles and one single. This technique will give you a fairly complete system of leadership in a team. You can finish it with some kind of team building game.

Participants stand in a circle and pass a lit candle to each other and at the same time answer the following questions: “What new did you learn? What do you remember most about the lesson? What feelings did these events evoke?

Lesson 4. "The leader is in you."

Purpose: development of communication and organizational skills.

Materials: pencils, paper, felt-tip pen, candle.

1. “I never....”

Participants take turns continuing the sentence. If someone did (saw, participated, tried) what they called, then he bends his finger. The first person to pinch all fingers wins.

2. "Karabas".

To conduct the game, children are seated in a circle, a counselor sits with them, who offers the conditions for the game: “Guys, you all know the tale of Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all puppets. I will say the word “KA-RA-BAS” and show a certain number of fingers on outstretched hands. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show my fingers. This game develops attention and speed of reaction.”

This game test requires the participation of two leaders. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the children. Most often, more sociable, striving for leadership guys get up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less determined. There are those who first get up and then sit down. They make up the "happy" group. The uninitiated is the group of the detachment that does not get up at all.

3. “Great family photo.”

It is proposed that the guys imagine that they are all a big family and everyone needs to be photographed together for a family album. You must select a “photographer”. He should arrange the whole family for photographing. The “grandfather” is chosen first from the family. He, too, can participate in the arrangement of members of the "family". No more settings are given to children, they must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. The counselor can only watch this entertaining picture. The role of “photographer” and “grandfathers” is usually taken by guys striving for leadership. However, elements of leadership and other “family members” are not ruled out. It will be very interesting for adults to observe the distribution of roles, activity-passivity in choosing a location.

This game can open up new leaders for the teacher-organizer or counselor and reveal the system of likes and dislikes in groups. After the distribution of roles and arrangement of “family members”, the “photographer” counts to three. On the count of "three!" everyone together and very loudly shout the word “cheese” and make a simultaneous clap of their hands.

Participants are given sheets of paper, pencils. Assignment: to come up with and depict your coat of arms, reflecting especially valuable personal qualities that characterize the participant as a leader.

Participants stand in a circle and pass a lit candle to each other and at the same time answer the following questions: “What new did you learn? What do you remember most about the lesson? What feelings did these events evoke?

Lesson 5. “Am I a leader?”

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about leadership qualities.

Materials: drawing paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, sociometry forms, a candle.

1. Exercise “Reed in the wind”. In order to feel the support and cohesion of the group, this exercise is carried out, in which one who fully trusts the group and can rely on its support takes part. After completing the exercise, a short conversation is held, where the feelings of the players and their feelings are clarified.

2. Exercise “Leader is”

All players are provided with a variety of stationery, newspapers, magazines, advertising brochures. Within 30-40 minutes, they prepare in small groups a kind of collage using newspaper headlines, photographs, hand-drawn drawings or found in advertising publications, magazines, newspapers. The theme of the work is “I am a leader!”. In the work, you need to try to visually present the qualities that characterize a leader, talk about your abilities to lead people, lead them. While the group is working, energetic, rhythmic music plays in the background, creating a working mood, supporting the creative mood of the participants.

Discussion. In conclusion, we write down a set of leadership qualities on a piece of drawing paper. So, "Leader is...". Then we cut out the resulting qualities and attach them with adhesive tape to a person who does not consider himself a leader, but would like to develop leadership qualities in himself.

3. Exercise “Circle and Me”

This exercise requires a daredevil volunteer, ready to be the first to enter the game. The group forms a tight circle, which will in every possible way prevent our valiant volunteer from getting into it. He is given only three minutes to convince the Circle and its individual representatives to let him into the the center of the circle.

Our hero moves away from the circle by two or three meters. All participants stand with their backs to him, huddled in a close and close-knit circle, holding hands. Started!

Thank you for your courage. Who is next ready to face off against the Circle in intellectual strength? On your marks. Started!

At the end of the exercise, we will definitely discuss the strategy of the behavior of our players. How did they behave during the training and how do they act in ordinary everyday situations?

4. Sociometry.

Forms with questions are distributed, each participant writes down the names and surnames of his comrades in the group.

5. Candle.

Participants stand in a circle and pass a lit candle to each other and at the same time answer the following questions: “What new did you learn? What do you remember most about the lesson? What feelings did these events evoke?


  1. Ann L.F. Psychological training with teenagers. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 271p..
  2. Makartycheva G.I. Training for teenagers: prevention of antisocial behavior. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2008. - 192 p.
  3. Psychocorrectional work with high school students: trainings / ed. IS HE. Rudyakova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008. - 99s

Children study one school year, once a week. The duration of the lesson is 2 hours. This makes it possible to turn all the acquired knowledge into a skill.

Classes for the development of a teenager are held in a playful way, which contributes to a better assimilation of the material.

1. Work with a trainer under the guidance of Elena Berezovskaya per month (4 lessons) - 1500 UAH.

2. Work in a group personally with Elena Berezovskaya per month (4 lessons) - 2500 UAH.

Attention! Payment is made immediately for the first and last month of training.

You can sign up for courses for teenagers in Kharkiv ☎️050 302 24 63 ☎️096 577 09 59


On the course School of Leadership for children and teenagers in Kharkiv, they do not teach you to always be the first and lead other people. All trainings at the School of Leadership are aimed at developing the leadership character of adolescents, namely the development of basic leadership competencies: confidence, sociability, responsibility for one's life, self-organization, critical thinking, teamwork, awareness, self-acceptance with all its features.

The results of the course School of Leadership for Teens:

First of all: children become more self-confident, participants are aware of their uniqueness, they competently analyze their shortcomings and advantages and are able to “work” with this. Children are able to analyze their personal resources, which gives them self-confidence.

Secondly: teenagers know personality types and this helps them understand themselves and the people around them. Participants know how to communicate with different types of people and resolve conflict situations more effectively. Teenagers study conflictology, which helps them find a common language with teachers and peers.

Thirdly: participants are able to speak in public, convey information in a structured way, manage the audience and convince, effectively argue, debate and debate.

Fourth: awareness of adolescents reaches a high level, they become proactive, ready to take responsibility for their lives. Children better understand themselves, know their values, their characteristics. This will help the teenager to better navigate the choice of future profession.

Fifth: teenagers receive a lot of information on money and time management skills. Such trainings motivate them, help them set ambitious goals and do everything possible to achieve them.

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely everyone. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight”. In other words, anxiety does not arise from scratch, but has evolutionary grounds. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but an evolutionary mechanism that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their purpose, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the life of anxious people.