Technical features of the order edi message. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Electronic Document Management​​

Transition trade organizations for electronic data exchange when interacting with its counterparties for the supply of goods and its sale has a number of undeniable advantages. But with a large number of counterparties (according to our estimates - more than 50 - 70), the implementation of electronic interaction mechanisms according to the Peer-to-Peer scheme (when it is necessary to establish a separate exchange channel with each of its suppliers / buyers) by the trade and service enterprise itself requires significant investments into technical and organizational solutions.

The 1C:Set service allows an enterprise to use a ready-made solution and build such a turnkey system with little or no initial investment. The 1C:Network service consists of a data center - a certified 1C:Network EDI provider - and electronic interaction mechanisms supplied with standard trading configurations. (the abbreviation EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange - electronic data interchange).

EDI provider "1C:Network" adapted to Russian business practice. For this purpose, 1C used the results of the interregional public organization"Standardization of the Exchange of Business Information" (SODI), which brought together the largest Russian representatives of the retail business, which formalized the usual business exchange processes for Russia.

"1C:Network" supports the exchange of documents for four business processes:

  • product data exchange;
  • exchange of commercial offers;
  • ordering goods, acceptance of an order;
  • delivery of goods, waybill, acceptance of waybill.

For details on connecting to the 1C:Network service, see .


The infrastructure of the 1C:Network service includes several components. Its basis is the Data Processing Center (DPC), which meets the high requirements of fault tolerance and performance.

The data center is located at one of the first-level communication providers and is equipped with:

  • autonomous power supply system with uninterruptible power supplies and diesel generator;
  • gas fire extinguishing system;
  • climate control system;
  • high degree of equipment security from unauthorized access;
  • uninterrupted high-quality Internet access.

The software core of the data center interacts with the client part using Web services.

It routes EDI messages in the CommerceML EDI format between 1C:Network subscribers, implements the guaranteed delivery protocol, and guarantees the message delivery sequence.

The client part of the 1C:Network service is information systems used by subscribers, primarily products of the 1C:Enterprise family.

Benefits of EDI

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange - electronic data interchange) has become widespread because it provides tangible benefits to companies. Benefits arise in areas such as warehouse management, transport and distribution, administration, and cash flow management.

Reducing the number of errors, reducing the time to receive information

Today, there are not many businesses that do not use computer systems. In a paper-based exchange, document data has to be printed out from the computer system of one counterparty and then manually entered into the computer system of another, which leads to errors and an unfortunate increase in the duration of the exchange compared to how quickly data is transferred within companies.

EDI allows you to join computer systems directly, which radically reduces the number of manual errors and speeds up the flow of information from system to system by dozens of times.

Direct cost savings

Reduced fax and mail costs courier service tangible for large companies.

Low costs when organizing an exchange with a new partner

Unlike messages. Email, EDI messages are structured and standardized. By connecting to EDI once, a company can interact with any partner that also uses EDI, without the need for modifications related to differences in the formats or information systems used.

Ability to use modern interaction schemes in supply chains

As a result of the introduction of EDI, it becomes possible to use modern schemes of interaction between suppliers and consumers, based on instant receipt of information by counterparties, such as VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) and CPFR (Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment). These schemes allow you to increase the turnover rate and reduce the volume warehouse stock leading to higher profitability working capital. Perhaps this ability to optimize business processes throughout the supply chain is more important than the sources of direct savings listed above.

EDI(Electronic Data Interchange, Electronic Data Interchange) is a technology that allows the exchange of commercial information between organizations in a structured digital form based on regulated formats and message standards.

Benefits of introducing electronic data interchange

Implementation EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) was a big step towards improving the quality of mutual cooperation, simplifying and increasing the speed of work with suppliers. EDI is very different from regular email, where information is sent in an unstructured format. The structured EDI format guarantees the understanding of the received electronic documents by all participants in the exchange process. EDI software first processes the information, then translates it into a "readable format" and then imports the data directly into your program.

To implement EDI it is necessary that all enterprises participating in trade have an international identification number - GLN, and each product must have a global number GTIN in the international EAN system (GS1).

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), earlier EAN) is an international code (barcode) for marking and goods accounting e.g. product, packaging, original pallet.

Document types (EDI messages)

ORDERS(PURCHASE ORDER) is an electronic message that is analogous to a product purchase order. Formed and sent by the buyer to the supplier.

ORDRSP(ORDER CONFIRMATION) - an email in which the supplier confirms, corrects or rejects the delivery of each commodity item. Sent by the supplier to the buyer.

DESADV(SHIPPING NOTIFICATION) - an electronic message that is analogous to an invoice. This message is generated at the time (or before) the goods are sent by the supplier. This message indicates the actual (shipped) quantity and range of goods supplied to the buyer.

RECADV(DELIVERY NOTIFICATION) - an electronic message that contains information about the actually accepted goods, it may also contain information about the reasons for not accepting the goods. This message is generated at the time (or after) the acceptance of the goods by the buyer.

INVOIC(INVOICE) - an electronic message that is analogous to a paper invoice.

PRICAT(PRODUCT CATALOG) — an electronic message that contains information about products and their price characteristics. This message is generated by the supplier when changing the price, assortment.

PROINQ(PRICE LIST REQUEST) — an electronic message that contains information about the supplier and / or goods for which information is required (price list). Sent by the buyer as needed to obtain information about the goods.

COACSU(ACT OF RECONCILIATION OF MUTUAL SETTLEMENTS) - an electronic message that is analogous to the accounting document "Act of reconciliation of mutual settlements".

COMDIS(COMMERCIAL DISCUSSION) - an electronic message that contains information about the discrepancy between quantities, prices, VAT rates. Sent by the buyer when inconsistencies are found in the invoice (INVOIC).

SLSRPT(SALES REPORT) - an email that contains information about the products sold. Sent by the buyer as needed to obtain information about the goods sold.

INVRPT(RESIDUE REPORT) — an e-mail that contains information about the buyer's stock of goods. Sent by the buyer when it is necessary to obtain information about the balance of goods.

What is an electronic digital signature?

EDS (Electronic Digital Signature)- details of the electronic document, which allows you to establish the absence of distortion of information in the electronic document. Signing documents in in electronic format With an electronic digital signature, using the EDS tool, you receive a genuine electronic document that has the same legal force as a paper document signed with your own hand and stamped.

Using a digital signature allows you to:

  • control of the integrity of the transmitted document,
  • protection against changes (forgery) of the document,
  • the impossibility of renunciation of authorship,
  • proof of authorship of the document.

Full-fledged electronic data interchange is the next level of development after the introduction of ERP.

Any newly connected company to the EDI community gets the opportunity to work with all EDI partners, regardless of their number. At the same time, the only necessary condition is to install an EDI gateway in an organization.

The Russian B2B electronic document management market consists of three main segments:

  • legally significant EDF and
  • electronic reporting to government agencies (segments "EDI/EDI/Reporting").

Each segment has its own growth drivers and incentives to develop the market and attract new customers to it. And if for EDI and legally significant EDI the market driver is the desire of any business to reduce costs operating activities, then the transition to submitting reports to government agencies in electronic form is stimulated by orders from tax authorities, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and other regulatory organizations.

The basis of legally significant electronic document management

  • Inter-corporate exchange and internal documents
  • unstructured and formalized
  • Convenient work with electronic documents(including on mobile devices)
  • Long-term archives: "eternal" formats, re-stamping, etc.
  • Simple and qualified signatures

Why is EDI needed?

At the beginning of the 21st century, the global EDI market experienced a new surge. EDI in connection with the Internet makes it possible to carry out electronic transactions in real time and thereby significantly speed up the processes of interaction between trading partners.

To ensure such a clear organized system information exchange, high-speed means of data transmission are being created. Electronic Data Interchange is the cutting edge technology for such communication.

The exchange of commercial information (orders, deliveries, invoices, money transfers, etc.) on paper involves mainly manual entry of information into the computer system of partner companies. The use of electronic document management standards allows you to avoid this - all actions are performed automatically, without delays and inaccuracies (unlike manual entry).

The use of automated procedures increases the speed and accuracy of data collection and allows companies to focus on the key points of sales, and not on the routine issues of processing and sending paper documents.

Whatever the point of view of companies towards an electronic document management system, any organization can benefit from timely and clear information about the demand and supply of products, as well as save a significant part of the costs associated with manual document processing.

The convenience and benefit of using electronic document management lies in the fact that EDI has a communication basis to which each client (be it a retailer, supplier or logistics company) connects once - and acquires an almost unlimited ability to communicate with all connected participants without thinking about the features their accounting systems, their workflow, staff qualifications, etc.

In any case, each of the participants retains their individuality and at the same time gets the opportunity to communicate with each of the participants at minimal cost. EDI can also help with conflict resolution. For example, in disputable situations between partners, when one claims that he sent the order, and the second - that he did not receive it. There can be many such situations. EDI in these situations acts as an arbiter, an external auditor, a recorder of the situation, which can provide both participants with complete information about what happened to the documents and when. This makes the subsequent investigation of the causes easier and faster.

Legally significant electronic document management

Most developers of modern EDMS guarantee that all document flow in their system is legally significant. However, this term is often interpreted by everyone in their own way.

What should be understood by the legal significance of a document? For both a paper and an electronic document, this is its probative value, for example, in arbitration courts. In the definitions of GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions” the legal force of a document is “a property of an official document, communicated to it by the current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and the established procedure for registration”.

How is the validity of a document guaranteed in principle? First of all, with the help of the obligatory presence in it of certain details (depending on the type of document) and compliance with the rules for their display established by office work standards and other regulations. Secondly, with the help of compliance with the eligibility, that is, the right of an official to sign such documents. And, thirdly, the legal status of the document is ensured by guaranteeing its integrity and authenticity.

Since, whatever one may say, a paper document is historically primary, all the conditions necessary to ensure its “probative force” also apply to an electronic document. However, the latter would not be such if it did not have, among others, its own additional conditions for guaranteeing legal significance, due to the specific way of creating, transmitting, processing and using a document in electronic form.

To sign electronic documents, as an analogue of a handwritten signature, as is known, an electronic signature is used, which, in addition to confirming the authorship of the document, that is, identifying the person who signed it, ensures its properties such as integrity and security against forgery. However, the use electronic signature and certified means of cryptographic protection of information for working with it, although it is a significant plus for ensuring the security of document management, it still does not make the document automated system legally significant. To give a document legal status a few more conditions must be met.

So, for example, it is necessary to regulate the use of electronic documents for the interaction of Participants in an automated system by creating a special document: a regulation on the use of an electronic signature in a separate EDMS or an Agreement on the use of an electronic signature, the terms of which must be accepted by each Participant of the system. This document, among other things, should include the following provisions:

  • Electronic documents certified by an electronic signature and used in the interaction of the Participants have a legal force equal to paper documents with the signature of an authorized person and the seal of the organization.
  • Within the framework of the system, the exchange of electronic documents is carried out only between registered Participants.
  • When exchanging electronic documents and verifying their authenticity, the Participants follow the established sequence of actions.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure the fulfillment of the conditions for recognizing the equivalence of an electronic and handwritten signature established by law:

  • the signature key certificate related to this electronic digital signature has not lost its validity (valid) at the time of verification or at the time of signing the electronic document if there is evidence that determines the moment of signing;
  • the authenticity of the electronic digital signature in the electronic document is confirmed;
  • The electronic digital signature is used in accordance with the information specified in the signature key certificate.

The most successful implementation of these requirements is achieved by using a trusted third party infrastructure, which, using special services, provides verification of the authenticity of the signature by checking the signature key certificate at the time of signing the electronic document and providing evidence that determines the moment of signing (i.e., affixing a timestamp).

Electronic documents created and signed in an external electronic document management system, in which the authenticity of the electronic signature is confirmed using the services of a trusted third party, have sufficient probative value for their use in legal proceedings.

Guarantee of authenticity and reliability of documents

In European countries, EDI technology, software, procedures and databases guarantee the authenticity and reliability of primary documents, the impossibility of falsifying them. If the tax inspectorate is interested in the details of individual invoices, including VAT rates, then the latter are retrieved from the electronic archive. Local legislation allows for a complete electronic document management without paper primary documents.

The history of EDI in European trade began in the late 1990s. European telecommunications providers offer their channels to tech-savvy network merchants for them to transmit data themselves. With this level of development of the technological culture of the business, the implementation of EDI requires only a provider of data transmission channels: a trading company uses them, independently carrying out transactions.

Competitive advantage for the supplier

The locomotives of all processes in trade are the largest retailers, and in the future they will only cooperate with technologically advanced suppliers. It should be borne in mind that EDI implemented by the supplier will create additional difficulties for a large retailer or manufacturer to switch to a partner without electronic exchange, that is, this technology will become one of the types competitive advantage supplier.

A one-quarter reduction in the out-of-stock indicator (that is, goods that are not available due to lack of stock, goods that are in demand but sold out) of a large Russian chain returns tens of millions of dollars into circulation - this is more than a weighty reason to start using EDI. Wherein this service makes sense if at least 80% of suppliers use it. Consequently, large companies - both retailers and suppliers - will either transfer their partners to EDI, or abandon negligent partners in favor of more advanced ones.

Background and goals of EDI

  • Improving the efficiency of business processes
  • Reducing financial and time costs
  • Capital turnover improvement
  • Improving the quality of customer service
  • Creation of a single information field of the company
  • Reliable and secure access to information
  • Availability of information
  • Increasing the social responsibility of the company

EDI yesterday

In the early 2000s, the number of EDI projects could be counted on the fingers, and the introduction of EDI meant only a change in the way some documents used in operational activities were transmitted: if earlier a paper document, for example, “Order of Goods”, was transmitted to the supplier by fax, then after implementation of EDI, it began to be transmitted in the form of an electronic message (the paper document “Order of Goods” corresponds to the standard EDI message ORDERS). However, at the same time, the same “Order of Goods” was transmitted, and there were no significant changes in the business processes of its formation. We can say that at this stage the term EDI (electronic data interchange) was most logically translated literally, that is, as “electronic data interchange”.

Nevertheless, the implementation of EDI, even in this narrow sense, brought tangible benefits: it was possible to reduce costs and significantly increase productivity. What factors played a role in this? The use by all players of uniform EDI standards developed by international organization GS1, and the centralization of electronic document flows due to the emergence of EDI providers made it possible to get rid of hundreds of different types of interfaces. The elimination of the "human factor" inevitable in the manual exchange of documents, and the transition to automated data exchange between the two information systems made it possible to get rid of delays and errors, as well as to reduce the workload of the staff.

It is easy to see that the greatest benefit from the implementation of EDI was received by companies that use real a large number of documents, such as logistics operators and operators retail. At this stage, they were the main customers of EDI projects. Today, such projects are implemented in many companies in this field, helping them to make data transfer processes faster and more accurate, and thus reducing costs.

This implementation of EDI was more of a purely technical challenge that was usually posed to IT departments and successfully solved by them. The implementation of such a project most often required a slight improvement in IT systems, but there was no need to change business processes.

EDI today

In recent years, the understanding of EDI has changed a lot, and today it is invested in the idea of ​​replacing paper documents with electronic ones, which includes much more than just automating data exchange.

For example, in the FMCG industry, before the “EDI era”, the exchange of information about the list and prices of goods available for order was reduced to the transfer from the supplier to the distribution network of a paper “price sheet” with a seal and signature.

Then, at the first stage of EDI implementation, the paper “price sheet” was supplemented with a standard PRICAT EDI message, which allowed for faster information transfer and reduced errors, but had no legal force. In addition, in practice, when forming a price list, its multi-stage approval takes place, which is accompanied by a number of auxiliary internal paper documents containing various additional information. The introduction of EDI exchange did not change these business processes and therefore did not lead to the abandonment of the paper "price sheet".

Now, especially after the advent of electronic signature, when implementing EDI, companies have a larger goal - to completely abandon paper documents. We can say that at the current stage, the term EDI should be perceived as "the exchange of electronic documents."

But if the issue of the legal significance of the transmitted electronic EDI documents was resolved with the adoption of the Electronic Signature Law, then the issue of internal business processes remained. For example, in the case of “price lists”, for a complete rejection of paper, it is necessary to automate the accompanying business processes associated with the coordination of the list of positions and prices between various departments and responsible persons of the companies participating in the process. The changes required for such an EDI project are no longer purely technical and often have to seriously change the processes of both companies.

Nevertheless, today market participants have already formed an understanding of the category of documents that require the least number of changes in business processes and, therefore, are the easiest to completely abandon paper. These are documents of a contractual nature (contracts, annexes, agreements), acts of services rendered (communications, advertising, consulting, etc.), acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements, etc. Today, these electronic documents without legal and tax risks for the company can be used without paper copies . The number of such EDI projects is still small, they are much more complicated than the previous EDI projects, however, they can bring much more benefits - not so much by converting the exchange of documents into electronic form, but by automating the business processes themselves, which certainly leads to their acceleration and increasing transparency.

At the same time, one should not forget that such a project cannot be done by one IT department and for its successful completion it is necessary that both the management and the operating departments of both companies involved in it are interested in it.

EDI tomorrow

Tomorrow's EDI is the possibility of a complete rejection of paper workflow between companies. However, so far this is hindered by a large number of unresolved problems that do not allow transferring the exchange of certain types of documents into an electronic format.

First, not all the legislative framework ready to use documents exclusively in electronic form. For example, electronic invoices can only be used for operational management accounting, while it remains necessary to send a paper copy document for accounting and tax purposes.

Secondly, some workers are used to using traditional documents, and due to the low level of automation of their activities, as well as the peculiarities of their mentality, it is still difficult for them to completely abandon paper. For example, today it is difficult to imagine a traffic police inspector who is satisfied with only one electronic document accompanying the delivery of goods. In the same way, it is impossible to imagine a forwarder who will hand over the goods to the store under an electronic signature in an electronic document without leaving any confirmation in his hands (especially if discrepancies in the quantity of goods were found during acceptance).

Thirdly, for the FMCG industry, it is necessary to take into account the factor of frequent change of personnel working with trade documents, which entails the need to issue a separate electronic signature for each new employee, which is a slow and costly process. However, it is already clear that the market is aware of all the benefits of a complete transition to paperless EDI technologies, so solutions to existing problems will be found in the near future and the number of projects for the complete rejection of paper documents will be measured in thousands.

EDI Efficiency Calculation Example

As an assessment of the effectiveness of the use of EDI, you can use a unified set of indicators (KPIs). The use of uniform criteria allows the company to compare its performance with other companies in Russia, in other countries, within a corporation, etc.

  • For 6 partners

N = 6 x (6-1)/2 = 15

  • For 100 partners

N = 100 x (100-1)/2 = 4450

With the growth of the number of participants in electronic data exchange, this figure increases exponentially. In addition, please note that the communication equipment and protocols used by each partner may vary significantly. Therefore, the organization and maintenance of the electronic data exchange scheme "each with each", its correct and reliable operation can become a difficult task even with a small number of partners and require significant resources (financial, human, organizational, administrative).

Now let's consider how the problem of organizing the exchange of documents in the EDI network is solved.

The number of connections is now equal to the number of participants in the exchange, each partner "plays" according to the same rules and solves only one problem - its own connection to the EDI platform. At the same time, he does not care at all how the other partners are connected and work: the EDI provider takes care of all other tasks. And all this is done due to the fact that a certain standardization of messages occurs on the EDI platform. Their transformation "at the input" - to standard form, "at the output" - to the type of the recipient.

Let's analyze the cost-effectiveness of implementation, let's take a retail chain that sends 4,000 orders per month.

  • Manual order processing - 30 minutes, using EDI - 5 minutes.
  • The cost of an employee's time is 20 thousand rubles. salary, + 5 thousand rubles. taxes, + 3 thousand rubles bonus, + 20% of office overheads salary, total: 32 thousand rubles, 1 hour = 32,000 / 21.75 / 8 = 184 rubles.

Direct savings on wages employees:

4000 x 25/60 x 184 = 301 thousand rubles.

If a commercial enterprise has several hundreds or thousands of suppliers, then even a simple savings of 30 minutes. on each partner already gives a tangible result. For example, the Moscow chain of hypermarkets "Mosmart (Partner)", which implemented EDI, has 50 thousand items of goods, 800 suppliers and 75 thousand customers daily.

EDI in Russia

2018: The bill on the conclusion of insurance contracts online is supported by experts

The draft law on the possibility of concluding contracts between insurance brokers and insurance agents in electronic form was supported by the experts of the working group "Regulatory regulation" at ANO "Digital Economy" . The decision was made on April 9, 2018 at a meeting held at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation with the participation of this department, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Sberbank, Gazprombank, the Skolkovo Foundation, the National Research University Higher School of Economics, MTS, 1C and others.

The draft law was prepared by the Competence Center of the “Regulatory Regulation” direction of the “Digital Economy” program Russian Federation"- the Skolkovo Foundation. As follows from explanatory note to the document, the project is designed to increase the availability of services for policyholders, including legal entities. In particular, it eliminates the legal restriction on the conclusion of contracts online for the insurance of goods, property of legal entities (excluding vehicles) and business risks. At the same time, these types of insurance, according to the authors of the document, are very relevant for policyholders and profitable for insurers: in 2016, insurance premiums under property insurance contracts amounted to 107.5 billion rubles, with an average payout ratio of 28.6%.

Expert support for the draft law on the conclusion of insurance contracts online means another step towards creating a paperless environment, that is, the development of the digital economy. And we have to make many more such steps already in the next few months, - the head of the working group "Normative regulation" at ANO "Tsifrovaya ekonomika", the vice president for corporate and legal matters MTS Ruslan Ibragimov.

2015: E-Com calculated how to save 4 million rubles on EDI. in year

“Thanks to these elements, with the help of electronic data interchange (EDI), it is possible to optimize the work of staff and get savings in the amount of 372 thousand rubles. per month, or more than 4 million rubles per year, ”commented on the results obtained for the year, the head of the E-Com integration solutions department Eduard Kishkovsky.

As you know, there are a number of standard EDI messages: order (ORDERS), order response (ORDRSP), shipping notification (DESADV), acceptance notification (RECADV), electronic invoice and others. However, ORDERS is the most demanded and important among them - the relationship between the buyer and the supplier begins with it, the company noted. Thanks to the implementation of this document, an enterprise often saves on fax and telephone calls, as well as on staff reductions.

According to Georgy Bagrov, Senior Key Account Manager at the Karavay group of companies, about 70,000-100,000 orders per month go through EDI in their company. The savings for their processing is 3,500 man-hours. Representatives of the distribution company alcoholic products « Trading house ROSSICH noted that thanks to the integration solution, the enterprise was able to significantly reduce the time for processing orders - one operator is now able to process more than 300 documents per day, eliminating errors in entering incorrect positions.

When counting economic efficiency E-Com specialists took as initial data: the average number of orders sent - 5 thousand per month; the average salary of one employee with an 8-hour working day (according to Rosstat for 2015) is p31 thousand per month. The working time chronometry shows that the time spent on manual order processing is about 30 minutes, through EDI - 5 minutes.

Thus, for a shift, one employee will send 16 orders with paper document management, and 96 with electronic ones. To process the initial number of documents, the first option will require (5,000 / 16x21.75 \u003d 14.36) about 14 employees, with the second (5,000 / 96x21.75 = 2.39) - 2. Reduction of personnel in one operation leads to savings according to the following formula 12x31000. This calculation eventually leads to an amount of p4 million per year, E-Com explained.


For FMCG suppliers, the benefits of EDI only become tangible when EDI is integrated with the IT infrastructure. For example, when an order is immediately loaded into information system. Not every company can do it on its own. In this case, the supplier needs consulting on the integration of IT systems.

For these and many other reasons, Russian retailers outsource EDI. The provider is responsible not only for communication channels, but also for data transmission, and also carries out all work on connection, customer training, support and necessary consulting. Often, when implementing EDI for integration purposes, it is necessary to describe and optimize the customer's business processes.

As for the infrastructure, the company must use an accounting system, and it can be both 1C and SAP. True, the higher the level of the accounting system, the fewer problems when switching to EDI.

An easy solution for some companies can be a web portal for electronic business document management. For small companies that are not good with IT or even do not have an accounting system at all, a web portal is the only option that allows you to optimize EDI costs.

A small supplier enters the portal, saves his data there, they are automatically translated into the required format, then an electronic exchange takes place between the portal and the supplier's large counterparties. There is also an offline solution where the user can download and fill out the form offline and then submit it. Thus, in terms of technology, modern EDI solutions allow organizations with any IT infrastructure and virtually any communication channels to work with them.

2004: EDI providers

  • integrity (identity, authenticity of the document) must be ensured. Priority is absolute and must be ensured at all stages life cycle document;
  • the availability of the document at all stages of the life cycle of the document should be ensured. The rules for granting access to a document may change over time depending on its status;
  • the confidentiality of the document must be guaranteed. Requirements for classifying a document as confidential may change over time;
  • the safety of the document throughout the entire life cycle and protection from uncontrolled destruction must be ensured.

The main factor that allows the use of an electronic document in the system of legal relations is the possibility of giving it, if necessary, legal force throughout the life cycle, or from the point of view of law, to provide the necessary level of trust.

Trust in a document arises only when its authenticity is ensured, which implies ensuring the identity (identification) and integrity of an electronic document, naturally also throughout its life cycle.

What documents can be used as evidence of trust

  • An official, up-to-date report on the results of an assessment of the organization's compliance with information security requirements, containing a conclusion on the compliance of the organization's level of protection with the established requirements. For organizations in the credit and financial sector - not less than 0.85.
  • List of information security tools with valid certificates for them. Information about the availability of certificates for electronic signature means is included in the signature verification key certificate.
  • License for the technical protection of confidential information, indicating the types of licensed activities established for the CMEA, issued to an organization participating in electronic interaction in the financial market.
  • A license for the provision of telematic communication services issued to an organization as the organizer of a trusted messaging system (requires legal registration).
  • Certificate of accreditation of the organization to carry out activities related to the long-term storage of electronic documents (requires legal registration).

Project risks

Even if there is a provider who takes care of everything, a number of internal changes are possible in the company. For example, now many Russian trading partners can communicate with each other using their internal codes, while GLN codes may not be used at all. Before starting an EDI project, these codes must be obtained and entered into the system.

For many market participants, the risks of implementing EDI directly depend on the level of IT. In the presence of patchwork automation in the company, the risks of integration will not lie in the integration itself, but in the absence of a full-fledged accounting system.

The risks of large retailers are associated with the underdevelopment of the EDI market. In particular, its development is hampered by legislation - despite the adopted law on electronic signature, Russian trading companies must produce and store tons of archives with primary paper documents. In addition, regional partners of large retailers are still wary of EDI services and are in no hurry to use them. Due to the prevailing geographical and other conditions, they feel like “monopolists” and, in terms of EDI, may not be subject to the dictates of the retailer.

As for prices, the EDI service, in principle, cannot be expensive, since it is designed to optimize logistics costs. However, small companies may perceive EDI technology as expensive to implement and use. If they are not used to working with IT, if their business processes are not streamlined, then they are unlikely to get the benefits and benefits of electronic data interchange. When subsidies for investments or traffic payments from a large partner stop (or the provider suddenly starts raising prices), then small suppliers and stores will stop using EDI. An example of this is the European market, where small manufacturers cannot take advantage of EDI (there are significant costs for infrastructure, equipment, software, provider services) and therefore actively oppose ECR technologies.

Technologies and standards

The first layered EDI model is comparable to the ISO/OSI 1983 reference model, which described the design and maintenance of network protocols. Its distinctive feature is another level of abstraction.

The 1983 EDI model consists of 4 levels:

  • Physical infrastructure
  • Broadcast
  • Representation and standards
  • Applications and semantics


Consists of telephone dial-up and cable lines, networks. The Internet at the time of the beginning of the development of EDI was perceived as a set of open networks (BITNET, etc.) and intracorporate specialized networks (EDI-Express General Electric, IBM Information Exchange Network). High-speed backbone networks were of great importance.

A wide range of hardware can be used as an EDI platform today: mainframes, mid-range or client-server servers, and even regular PCs. When choosing a platform, the main thing is to correctly assess the volume of expected transactions, the type of data to be exchanged, and the number of business partners.

Transfer (transport)

It was carried out via E-Mail, Telnet and FTP point-to-point connections, HTTP. Electronic data transfer was supported. Other common transfer protocols include SMTP, POP3 (ISP), IMAP.

Representation and standards

At this level, syntax and semantics (content) define the structure of the data. important question became the standardization of data structuring, with widespread ANSI X.12 standards in and UNECE EDIFACT in Europe and Asia. There are also many proprietary industry standards.

Applications and semantics

This layer includes applications that create and automatically process and read data. The application is installed at the sender and recipient of data, intermediaries can validate data and convert standards.

EDI transactions can be organized over various telecommunication protocols. In Europe, for EDI systems, common types of direct connections are VPN (Virtual Private Network), FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and EDIINT (EDI over the Internet), as well as networks with added services VANs (Value-added Networks).

There are also two standards for transferring documents over the Internet: the AS1 standard allows you to transfer EDI documents via the SMTP protocol (e-mail), the AS2 standard is used for transferring via http.

Principles for implementing EDI on the Internet (AS1 and AS2 standards)

  • Confidentiality - the availability of documents only to the sender or recipient
  • Authentication - authentication through electronic signature verification
  • Reliability - the impossibility of changing the document without the knowledge of the recipient
  • Reliability of notification - the impossibility of denial when a message is received

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Electronic document management​​

X5 Retail Group is the leader of domestic retail in the implementation of electronic data interchange. The use of EDI in work speeds up the process of supplying goods to retail chains.

X5 is the leader in EDI

X5 Retail Group is the leader in the retail market in terms of the introduction of new types of EDI documents (Electronic Data Interchange) and the daily volume of electronic document management. The introduction of automatic exchange of invoices was another step towards improving the quality of mutual cooperation, simplifying and increasing the speed of working with suppliers.

Electronic data interchange provides the ability to transfer business and (or) commercial information between information (accounting) systems of partners electronically in the form of standard structured messages. This greatly facilitates the work and performance of their functions by both the buyer (trading network) and the supplier.

Today, EDI providers participate in the exchange of electronic invoices, which have signed the “Service Level Agreement for the provision of electronic data interchange services” with X5 Retail Group: Electronic Communications (EVOLUTION-3.0 platform), Korus Consulting CIS LLC (SPHERE platform), CJSC PF SKB Kontur (EDI.KONTUR platform) and Edisoft LLC (EDISOFT platform). Providers LLC Electronic Communications LLC (EVOLUTION-3.0 platform) and ForaProm LLC (LERADATA platform) are ECR-Russia certified and X5 Retail Group authorized EDI providers that have partnerships with trusted electronic document management operators The Federal Tax Service of Russia - LLC "Kaluga-Astral" and LLC "System Group Rus", which will allow you to legitimately transfer electronic invoices (incoming and outgoing) from suppliers to X5 Retail Group and back.

The EDI provider acts as a service intermediary, which provides advice to suppliers, setting up an electronic document management system, and testing it. Given that the accounting systems of the buyer and the supplier may differ significantly, the EDI provider ensures control and reliability of the transmitted data.

What EDI Can Provide to Suppliers

The electronic data interchange system allows suppliers to significantly save not only financial resources, but also their own time due to saving on services for the transfer and storage of paper documents, copying paper media.

The main benefits of implementing an electronic data interchange system:

​​​​№​​ EDI document typeBenefits of Implementing an EDI Document
1 Exchange Participant Notification (PATRIN)Daily automatic notification of current objects X5
2 Price specifications (PRICAT)Automated process of exchange of legally significant price specifications in electronic form. Allow to reduce the time of price negotiation, eliminate delays and manual errors, exchange of paper documents, their processing and storage
3 Buyer's order to supplier (ORDERS)Prompt and automated transfer of X5 orders to suppliers, technical support, control and monitoring of the transfer of orders
4 Supplier Response to Purchase Order (ORDRSP)Confirmation by the supplier of delivery obligations. Reduction of stocks and (or) shortage of goods in chain stores. Accounting for the goods of the supplier "on the way" - reducing the risk of re-deliveries and (or) refusal to accept the goods
​5 Notification of the supplier about the shipment of the shipment to the buyer (DESADV) - electronic invoiceAccelerating the process of receiving (transferring) deliveries in stores and distribution centers. Error reduction manual labor X5 employees and suppliers at the time of acceptance and, subsequently, at the time of payment:
  • automatic identification of delivery and SAP order X5,
  • automatic identification of acceptance X5 and ESF suppliers
Information letter and project presentation
6 Buyer Notification of Acceptance (RECADV) - electronic act of acceptanceAccelerating the process of generating correct invoices from suppliers. Reducing the number of unbilled deliveries
7 Return Goods Notification (RETDES) and Return Acceptance Notification (RETREC)Operational and documentary confirmation return of goods made by X5, speeding up the process of reconciliation of balance sheets, increasing transparency and control over the return of goods
8 The act of reconciliation of mutual settlements with counterparties (COACSU)Automation and acceleration (timeliness, relevance) of the process of reconciliation of receivables and payables with suppliers
9 Notification of identified deficiencies associated with inadequate quality of the GoodsAutomation and acceleration (timeliness, relevance) of workflow with suppliers on FRC fines. Tonly if the Provider is a CRF Provider.

How to join an electronic document exchange with X5

X5 Retail Group has developed the basic steps to enable suppliers to join the electronic document exchange system.

1st step

The supplier needs to conclude an additional EDI agreement with X5 Retail Group to the supply contract with the mandatory completion of the Annex to add. agreement - applications for the organization of the exchange of electronic documents between the supplier and the buyer. Document templates can be obtained from the commercial directorate of X5 Retail Group or from employees of the X5 contract department.

2nd step

Conclude an agreement for the provision of electronic data interchange services with an EDI provider. Companies that already have an agreement with EDI should send a letter to their EDI provider about the need to organize an electronic exchange with X5 Retail Group. Obtain access parameters from the EDI provider to its web-EDI page or carry out joint integration of your accounting system and the EDI provider's system.

3rd step

Check through the EDI provider that the supplier has a GLN code - a unique code for identifying the physical location and legal entities of the supplier, as well as its structural units - offices, stores, shipping warehouses, distribution centers, etc. If the supplier has a GLN code is not available, you must contact your EDI provider for more information on how to obtain it.

4th step

Carry out reconciliation product range supplied to X5 Retail Group, that is, contact your EDI provider to arrange for the supplier to receive a list of X5 goods corresponding to the price list of the supplied goods in X5 Retail Group. The EDI provider also provides information to the supplier on how to reconcile the product nomenclature. This list will be a data table consisting of the product name, X5 Retail Group (PLU) code, a set of barcodes stored in the X5 Retail Group accounting system. The supplier is recommended to upload the X5 Retail Group (PLU) code to his accounting system, because in the order from X5 Retail Group, the X5 Retail Group (PLU) code, the product barcode and the supplier's internal code will be used to identify the goods.

5th step

Contact the EDI provider with a test letter and conduct test exchanges of EDI documents.

Webinars X5

On August 30, 2017, a webinar for X5 suppliers was held on the issues of transition from a legally significant document flow of a paper version of the price specification to an electronic one (EDI PRICAT).

On June 29, 2017, a webinar was held dedicated to the use of electronic UPD in legally significant electronic document management.​

(including 1C-Takskom) On the site, except for common phrases and words, I did not find anything interesting - there is no documentation or article about the essence of the new standard. One can just guess that they have a base of potential buyers, which they call trading partners or trading networks. On the tongue CRM systems This Lead(lead, target lead) - potential client responding in one way or another to marketing communication) These Leads, in some incomprehensible way, transmit information about the assortment and delivery points to the site server. It is not clear to me how leads are exchanged with the site server, and the site does not provide any information to visitors.

For suppliers, we developed an integration module for Electronic Document Management 1EDI.RU (hereinafter referred to as 1EDI-EDO) for the 1C Enterprise 8.2 platform in the form of an external processing that connects to the site server and can receive orders electronically from site leads (trading partners in site terminology). I don't know if similar integration modules have been developed for 1C application solutions on the 8.3 platform? . Nothing is said about this on the site.

However, one of these modules for trade management 10.3 came to me for analysis. External processing is called "EDI Connector - Trade Management 10.3". Processing is not difficult, but does not contain any background information and without a user manual, it is not easy to understand it. The most interesting thing is that the processing is free for suppliers, and there is no way to download it from the site.

To work with this processing (or with the 1EDI-EDI integration module on the 8.2 platform), Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 must be installed on the computer. You can download the distribution, for example, from the link:

Since the processing is for suppliers, all trading partners from the site will be potential buyers. To connect to the 1EDI-EDO service, the supplier must obtain an account and process "1C EDI Connector" in accordance with the configuration information base data. After connecting to the server, the supplier will receive a list of trading partners with their nomenclature and delivery points. These objects need to be matched.

The picture shows the form for setting trading partners. In this window, you need to configure two columns:

  1. Working – do you work with this trading partner
  2. Organization 1C - you must select on behalf of which organization the workflow will be conducted.

In this mechanism, it is not entirely clear to me what a supplier should do if he did not work with any of the proposed leads from the site. I can only say that if the checkbox is not set, it works, then the data on this trading partner is not loaded from the site into the supplier's database.

The most tedious part is synchronizing the vendor's database item with the item of the trading partner that the supplier works with. The item synchronization form is called when you click the "Match objects" button

This form needs to be improved and the auto-completion algorithms should be expanded, at least semi-automatically, because if the assortment is very large, then manually matching is very tedious. Automatic filling by article or barcode is not effective in practice.

In this new announced EDI-EDI standard, the supplier can process the following EDI documents

EDI Document "Order"- an electronic message that the customer (trading partner) sends to the supplier and which indicates the list of ordered goods (services), as well as the quantity, prices, dates and delivery addresses. If all the data is correct (everything is connected), then you can create a 1C document, according to the loading rules (sale of goods and services or, an invoice for payment to the buyer or a buyer's order). I recommend creating a buyer's order.

EDI Document"Response to order"– An electronic message that is sent by the supplier to the trading partner (buyer). The response to the order may contain full agreement with the order, partial agreement with the order (you can reduce the quantitative part of the nomenclature), in some cases, the response to the order, among other things, contains the prices of the nomenclature for this buyer. This EDI Document "Order Response" is a complete reflection of the 1C document that was created on the basis of the EDI Document "Order"

EDI Document "Remains"– informs the buyer (trading partner) about the current balances in the warehouse of the supplier's infobase.


In conclusion, I can add that this is not a new standard for electronic document management, as announced on the site, but just a long time ago existing system EDI (English) Electronic data interchange- electronic data interchange). The company took the initials of the EDI technology with the prefix 1 for its name and wrote on the site as if using the new EDI standard

Judging by the processing for UT 10-3, all types of basic documents are not used in the exchange. - bills of lading and invoices. In addition, no electronic signature is used.