adaptation procedures. How long does it take to fully adapt staff

From this article you will learn:

  • How personnel adaptation methods work
  • What are the main methods of staff adaptation
  • What stages, methods and forms of personnel adaptation can be distinguished
  • How to choose the right employee onboarding method

Personnel adaptation methods are a mandatory management tool for any company. Adaptation is necessary for every newly hired employee at the beginning of work in the organization. Let's take a closer look at modern methods staff adaptation.

How all staff adaptation methods work

Adaptation of personnel is a process aimed at including new employees in an existing team. It includes familiarization with internal corporate norms and rules, methods and technologies of work adopted in the company, formation of informal relations with other specialists of the enterprise.

The adaptation of personnel in an organization, no matter what methods it is carried out, is always limited in time, and it is the time spent on integrating an employee into a team that acts as a measure of the success of adaptation. In order to fit into the existing team, a person needs an acquired skill to find his place in the social and psychological space of the group in order to become part of it and effectively fulfill his tasks. official duties.
A prolonged phase of adaptation can make even a highly qualified specialist an outcast in the company. Tensions with colleagues or a complete lack of contact, difficulties with inclusion in work activities lead to the fact that a person is not recognized, ignored, less encouraged and paid less for his work.

The adaptation of the personnel is necessary for the organic entry of a new employee into the team and immersion in the work process, transferring the necessary information to him.
It has the following goals and objectives:

  • reduce staff turnover;
  • transfer cases to newcomers as soon as possible, include them in the working context;
  • to motivate people for high-quality productive work;
  • to strengthen the team spirit among the staff.

The organization of the adaptation system, the selection of methods are carried out by the HR department and heads of departments where employees are hired.

The HR department (or a specific HR specialist responsible for staff adaptation) performs the following tasks:

  • conducts seminars, trainings, courses on adaptation methods;
  • organizes interviews of newly hired personnel with their senior curators or superiors;
  • conducts intensive courses on adaptation of personnel for heads of departments taking office;
  • organizes special events for the training of curators;
  • develops a strategy for gradually increasing the complexity of the tasks that are assigned to new employees;
  • performs minor social assignments necessary to establish contact between the team and the new employee;
  • applies role-playing games, thematic cases for staff rallying.

Every organization should have its own onboarding program for new employees. It will definitely include steps such as:

  1. Preparatory.

The newcomer is introduced to the rest of the personnel of the enterprise, organized for him workplace, appoint a curator, draw up all the documents for employment. At this stage of adaptation, a new specialist can also be introduced to the structure, goals, products and mission of the company, talk about its history, identify current tasks, labor regulations and corporate culture.

  1. Education.

A beginner is given the theoretical training necessary for work, is introduced to his job responsibilities, requirements.

  1. Practical tasks.

A new employee is included in the current labor process as an observer, and a little later - as an independent participant.

  1. Results of the trial period.

An assessment is given of the activity of a new employee during the probationary period: his abilities, advantages and disadvantages, the quality of work. It is necessary to decide whether this person will become a full-fledged employee of the company or will be forced to look for another place.

Basic methods of personnel adaptation

The personnel adaptation period is necessary because the new employee's knowledge, skills and habitual working methods are always different from those accepted in the organization, and he needs training, assimilation of a certain amount of information and entry into the context of work. He may need to gain professional experience. To speed up the process of adaptation of personnel in the organization, special management methods have been developed.

A method is a set of means to achieve a set goal within a certain period of time. As for the adaptation of personnel in the company, there is no single universal option - there is only a set of measures and technologies for training and adaptation available to department heads and personnel managers.
Successful onboarding is just as important to the newcomer as it is to the firm itself. Therefore, the actions and steps taken should be comprehensive and aimed at the speedy inclusion of a new employee in the labor process. Proceeding from this, methods of adaptation of personnel are chosen.

Success in the adaptation of an employee is determined by the following features:

  • the employee copes with all duties and tasks;
  • focuses on organizational structure company, knows his colleagues and bosses by name, has established good relations with the team;
  • proved his ability to solve non-standard tasks and take responsibility for the results of his activities;
  • correctly uses office equipment, understands the principles of its operation;
  • knows what system of rewards and punishments is adopted in the company;
  • should corporate standards behavior and communication etiquette;
  • fit into informal group(association of interest, a friendly company, a group of like-minded people).

A successfully adapted specialist masters correct templates behavior related directly to work, business communication and interpersonal contacts.
An experienced personnel manager takes an active part in the adaptation of new employees, helping them to join the team. If the adaptation fails, he will have to look for other candidates to fill the vacancy, so he is primarily interested in the newcomer taking root in the company, coordinating all stages of adaptation and answering all questions that arise.
During the adaptation of personnel, the HR manager has a lot of opportunities and methods to influence new employees: he gives them advice, suggests options for action (even with regard to places where it is better to dine), explains how to behave and what to wear. In addition, he communicates with the direct supervisor of the employee and discusses all the difficulties that arise.

Non-formalized maintenance method

The method of non-formalized support of newly hired personnel increases the effectiveness of its adaptation, if you act thoughtfully and purposefully. The newcomer will have to be introduced not only to the peculiarities of the work, but also to the specifics of relationships in the team, and also to be introduced to the rest of the employees.
This method will require a lot of time. Therefore, the personnel manager must allocate the right amount of time in advance, planning his work in the part that concerns the adaptation of new staff. The results of this process should be taken into account in the incentive system for employees.

Event method

HR managers can use a corporate event to introduce a new employee to labor collective and organize an easy start for him in relations with future colleagues. For example, you can host an informal tea party soon after a new person has been hired.

Or, for example, you can use a collective trip to a cafe or birthday greetings to introduce people to their new colleague. AT large organizations it is optimal to carry out activities within each specific department, and not to collect the entire staff of the company. Heads of departments should be able to conduct such meetings. In particular, a newcomer at the stage of adaptation needs to be instructed before a corporate party - he needs to be explained:

  • what to wear;
  • is it possible to demonstrate your sense of humor;
  • what topics are appropriate for conversations;
  • what to say in a toast, opening speech, etc.

In some companies, it is customary to conduct self-presentation. In this case, new employees should be helped to compose and rehearse the text and advise who to meet during the corporate party.
Such events are usually organized by department heads or HR managers. However, if the tradition of meetings in an unusual setting has not taken root in the company, you should not use them as a method of staff adaptation. In this case, a corporate party needs a weighty reason. It is better to focus on generally accepted holidays and events (end working week, employee birthdays) and introduce a new team member to one of these meetings. But introducing the newcomer to the rest of the staff is necessary in any case, and this should be thought out when planning the event (otherwise the employee will only get stressed).

Method "corporate PR"

This method, which helps in the adaptation of personnel, is to publish a guide to the basic norms of behavior in the company. They will depend on the area of ​​activity and the preferred style of work of the enterprise and usually contain information about the dress code, daily routine and breaks, organization of the workplace, etc. For example, the booklet may include examples of workplace equipment (correct and incorrect) in the form photos. Such a guide may be published separately or be part of the corporate code.

Team training

The need to apply this method of adaptation of personnel arises quite rarely. Usually it is necessary when a qualified leader or specialist comes to an already established team and he cannot find a common language with colleagues. Training helps him understand the existing relationships.
The event begins with a briefing on the rules of conduct, after which all participants get the opportunity to voice their own opinion, claims to the newcomer, talk about the problems that have arisen. The result of the training should be the improvement of relations in the team, the development of communication skills and the development of respect for the opinions of others.
Such events as a method of staff adaptation can only be carried out by professional trainers. The training can take the form of a case study (case method) or a business game.

Methods of organizational adaptation

A person who assumes a position needs to know what the requirements for personnel are in the company. Knowledge of norms and requirements, coupled with developed communication skills, will help you find a way out of almost any difficult situation at work. For example, when traveling on a business trip, an employee must understand who to contact for money, what documents to take with him, etc. If he has established contact with the rest of the staff, then all these issues will not become a problem for him.

Instruction in departments

This method of staff adaptation comes down to informing newly hired employees about what requirements and rules exist in each unit. These functional requirements are mandatory, so they must be clearly and clearly formulated and recorded so that all employees can familiarize themselves with them and not waste time figuring out the details instead of performing their direct functions. Employees themselves should be involved in writing the rules, work methods, safety procedures, etc. The basic requirements must be brought to the attention of the new employee during the briefing, without which adaptation is impossible, and the remaining documents must be available in his department.

"New Employee Folder"

In such folders, they collect all the documents with answers to questions that a new specialist of the unit is sure to have. It is best to combine them into a detailed structured directory with information about all departments of the company, regulatory documents, etc. in such a way that the employee can easily understand their functional duties and corporate hierarchy.

Web site

A corporate website is a great modern tool for onboarding new staff. On the resource, for example, examples of the correct filling out of documents, the procedure for solving a particular problem, and other useful information and tips can be posted.

Occupation-centered approach

Professional adaptation focuses on preparing a specialist for the performance of official duties in the organization where he got a job. Planning his activities for the period of probation is the task of personnel managers. The industry, the specifics of the work should be taken into account, and the tasks and deadlines for their implementation should be clearly spelled out.

Having become acquainted with a new team, a person must read the documents regulating his activities - requirements, job description, etc. After that, the newcomer's immediate supervisor gives him tasks for the adaptation period and contact details of those employees to whom he can contact with a question, request about help. Throughout the entire period of adaptation of the staff, the manager must monitor how things are going with the new subordinate, if necessary, intervene in the course of work, give advice.
The adaptation of personnel by the method of mentoring is even more effective. Heads of departments, especially in large corporations, usually little time, and they can not always devote it to new employees. And a qualified curator is not only always available and ready to answer questions about work, but also helps to establish relations with the rest of the team, tells you how to work more productively.
In adaptation immediately a large number new people are very helpful manuals, reference books, manuals with recommendations.
In order to assess the results of the adaptation of a specialist, two main indicators are used: employee job satisfaction and company satisfaction with a new employee. Satisfaction indices are revealed by the method of questioning.
Choose the most appropriate and effective methods adaptation of personnel in the organization is quite difficult. Many situational factors have to be taken into account, including the psychological climate and internal corporate work regulations.

Stages, methods and forms of personnel adaptation

Adaptation methods for newly hired personnel are grouped into three different approaches: partnership, military, and optical.

  1. "Optic".

Employers usually formulate it like this: “Start working, we will look at how you do it, and based on the results, we will agree on payment and your responsibilities.” Such leaders proceed from the fact that competition for a job among specialists with the necessary training and qualifications is great, so one can easily replace one frame with another. For the candidate, it looks like the company is not interested in him and is generally unreliable, prone to deceit.

  1. "Army".

This approach to personnel adaptation is described by the proverb “Training hard, fighting easy”. During the probationary period, the employee is not helped in any way to adapt and get up to speed, they may not even be given the necessary materials and deliberately create obstacles to work. In some cases, this is done so that it is easy to kick out a specialist, saying that he did not cope, and take another newcomer. But, as a rule, this is mainly due to the desire to find the best candidate for the vacancy, and not to use the unpaid work of people on probation. However, such methods are destructive in any case.
Even those who manage to go through an adaptation period and officially find a job in such a company soon begin to work carelessly (since the hardest part is over) or take revenge for the neglect and cruel methods of adaptation during a trial period. Such a phenomenon as bullying is quite typical and inevitable for such organizations, and they may simply lose their influx of applicants due to their bad reputation.
Strict discipline and harsh methods during the period of adaptation of new personnel are justified only when they are applied to all other employees too and are the management style in the company.

  1. "Partnership".

This is the most mature and civilized approach to hiring and adapting staff. It is practiced in those organizations that recognize the importance of quickly checking the candidate for compliance with the position and seek to reduce the costs associated with the search and training of personnel. Experienced employers understand that it is almost impossible to find a ready-made ideal employee, they will have to deal with reality, and not just their expectations, and they are ready to grow the necessary specialists, investing in their adaptation and choosing the appropriate methods for this.

The four stages of the onboarding process for new hires are:

Stage 1. Three days before hiring.
HR professionals call applicants that the firm is ready to hire, and warn the rest of the staff about the imminent arrival of a newcomer. Also cook information materials for new employees, issued on the first day of their entry into office.
These materials and information include:

  • telephone numbers of various departments of the organization, external telephones;
  • rules and prohibitions regarding long-distance and international calls, the use of work phones for personal needs;
  • e-mail application form account in the company's CRM system, etc.), Internet connection;
  • the procedure for issuing a pass and a parking space;
  • application form for connecting corporate communications (if required by the specifics and methods of work);
  • information on how to get all the necessary office equipment, stationery, consumables.

At this moment, the immediate supervisor of the newcomer, who will have to adapt to the company:

  • looks through the job description (is it relevant, does it contradict the internal standards of the company);
  • appoints a mentor if supervision is accepted in this organization as a method of adaptation of staff.

Stage 2 First work day.
The HR manager meets a new person, brings him to the workplace, gives him informational materials, draws up labor contract and other documents, gives advice regarding the first working day.
Direct supervisor:

  • introduces a new employee to the team;
  • introduces the newcomer to the mentor;
  • informs everyone organizational issues: payment of wages and the system of incentives and penalties, the structure of the company.


  • talks about the internal mode and rules of work, behavior at the workplace (schedule, breaks, access system and security, clothing style, etc.), as well as what rituals and unwritten rules exist in the company;
  • shows where all the necessary facilities are located in the building - bathrooms, kitchens, smoking rooms;
  • talking to a new employee after the first working day.

Stage 3 First week of work.
At this stage of personnel adaptation, HR specialists most closely interact with newcomers, informing them about existing career prospects, studying their level of professional development and preparing individual adaptation programs for them.

  • tells the new employee about the history of the company, its current goals and objectives, accepted methods of work;
  • recommends that you familiarize yourself with certain documents;
  • describes how the administrative and economic system of the organization works;
  • arranges introductory interviews for a new specialist with his future colleagues and superiors;
  • teaches reporting.

Stage 4 End of probationary period.
HR manager at this stage:

  • surveys new staff;
  • studying questionnaires;
  • discusses the results of the probationary period of candidates with their managers, determines the prospects and potential of employees.

Immediate supervisor:

  • informs new employees that their probationary period has ended and sets a date for summarizing and making a final hiring decision;
  • talks with newcomers about whether they liked working in the company, whether everything worked out and what difficulties arose.

Find out what is staff onboarding. Let's talk in detail about the types of adaptation. On the concrete examples we will show how to build an adaptation system correctly. Bonus: 6 Common Adaptation Mistakes.

From the article you will learn:

Adaptation of personnel: what the newcomer is afraid of

HR is well aware that every new employee experiences stress. He is afraid not to complete the task correctly, not to find a common language with colleagues or to break some unwritten rule and cause laughter or criticism.

Rating of phobias of a new employee

  1. I will not cope with the duties, I will not be able to meet the deadline.
  2. I can't find a common language with colleagues.
  3. I will find professional shortcomings or a gap in knowledge.
  4. I don't work with the manager.
  5. I will lose this place.

However, for many, the initial stress passes quickly, and they begin to work effectively. But there are employees who make decisions for a long time.

To speed up the process of adaptation of such employees, special programs, tools and methods are being developed.

An example of adaptation would be program "Three touches". The purpose of the program is to quickly involve newcomers in the work. By the end of the second month of work, new employees show excellent results and begin to move up the career ladder.

Ksenia Levykina, HR business partner of HiConversion, told more about it on the pages of the HR Director magazine.

Traditionally allocate 2 types of employee adaptation- production and non-production.

Production adaptation includes professional, psychophysiological, organizational and sanitary-hygienic adaptation.

Behind these long and awkward words are the standard procedures for all companies:

  • the employee is introduced to the rules of work;
  • determine the terms of reference;
  • show the workplace;
  • present to colleagues.

Further, from the competence of HR, the employee falls into the competence of the labor protection inspector. Do you know that you can adapt employees already at the stage of selection ? The personnel system experts will tell you how to do it.

Non-manufacturing adaptation- is alignment informal relationships with colleagues. Festive corporate parties, sports competitions, field trips, in a word, everything that will give employees the opportunity to see each other not only as staff members and functional performers, but ordinary people who can be friends.

The classification of adaptation by type does not have a direct practical purpose. You can't tell an employee: On Monday we have social adaptation, on Tuesday - production, on Wednesday - psychophysiological, on Thursday - organizational, and on Friday - economic and a banquet ". All types of adaptation of the employee will take place simultaneously: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and for several very difficult weeks for him.

★Important fact. 80% of employees who left in the first six months after being hired made this decision in the first 2 weeks of work in a new place. This means that the employee made the decision to quit during the period of adaptation.

HR is engaged in the adaptation of ordinary employees, and who is engaged in the adaptation of HR? This was discussed at the webinar -

An example of complex adaptation

In order for an employee to successfully pass all types of adaptation in the workplace, an integrated system is needed. The adaptation system involves the implementation of various activities and the appointment of those responsible for them. It is most convenient to present data on activities and responsible persons in the form of a table.

Table. Adaptation of new employees in the first days of their work in the company

When to spend


What to organize


To introduce the organization, to give an idea of ​​its structure

The employee is registered in the personnel department. Provide newbie general information on work discipline and wages

Human Resources Inspector, Human Resources Manager

A Welcome-training is held, where basic information about the structure of the company, its mission and values, and the rules of conduct in the company are given in an interactive form.

HR manager (control - HR director)

Download full table

6 Common Adaptation Mistakes

Error 1. A beginner is overloaded with unstructured information.

Mistake 2. The employee has to perform duties that were not discussed at the interview.

Mistake 3. The adaptation period is too short.

Error 4. HR is not in place on the first day of the newcomer's work.

Mistake 5. New employee given to himself.

Mistake 6. A beginner cannot immediately get to work for some reason.

Procedure Adaptation of new employees

1. General Provisions

1.1 Purpose

The Onboarding Procedure for New Employees is intended to introduce a unified form of onboarding procedure in all structural divisions of the company.

In this order, used Normative references for the following documents:

“Regulations on work with the personnel of SE LLC “XXX” (in the field of selection, selection, adaptation and dismissal) (P-306 of 27.09.2001);

"The procedure for granting access to computer network and installation software"(PR-429 dated 31.05.01).

1.3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

The following terms, definitions and abbreviations apply in this document:

Adaptation of employees - the process of entry of new employees into the organization, involving familiarity with the rules and norms enshrined in the corporate culture, in ways professional activity, inclusion in the system of informal connections;

Probationary period - a period determined by the Administration of XXX LLC, the purpose of which is to verify the suitability of a newly hired employee for the position held;

The curator is a highly qualified specialist who transfers experience and knowledge, trains employees of all categories newly appointed to the position;

Questionnaire - questionnaire a new employee according to working conditions for the periods: the first 5 days and one month of work;

DTO - Department of Commodity Operations;

CU - Corporate University LLC "ХХХ";

PVP - induction plan;

2 Description of adaptation

2.1 Goals and objectives of adaptation

2.1.1 The purpose of the adaptation of new employees is to form the new employee of the required level and quality of performance of their duties in the allotted probationary period period.

2.1.2 The main tasks of adaptation are:

Reducing staff turnover;

Prevention of interpersonal conflicts;

Assessment of the level of qualification and potential of the employee during the probationary period;

Reducing the number of possible errors associated with the inclusion in the work;

Formation of a positive image of the company;

Reducing the discomfort of the first days of work.

2.2 Features of the order of adaptation

2.2.1 The procedure for adaptation of new employees should know and use in their work:

Heads of directions;

Heads of structural divisions;

Employees of the company appointed by the curators of newly hired employees;

Personnel department employees.

2.2.2 Adaptation is implemented in relation to new employees hired and registered for work in the office of XXX LLC. The duration of the adaptation procedure for new employees is designed for the entire trial period (1-3 months). Adaptation is implemented in relation to new employees hired and registered for work in the Department of Commodity Operations. Every week, an employee of the Industrial Training Service conducts an adaptation seminar for newly hired employees of all production positions. On the first working day, an employee of the Industrial Training Service conducts an introductory tour of the warehouse for specialists and heads of structural divisions of the ATT. The production staff gets acquainted with the work of the warehouse during the performance of functional duties on the first working day. During the tour and seminar, the employee gets acquainted with the specifics of the work of production units.

A new employee of the Central Warehouse Department during the first working week works in a training team (the training team consists of newly hired employees) under the guidance of a Master Mentor. After passing tests for knowledge of dosage forms and technology for performing operations of acceptance, commissioning, moving and picking orders, as well as when a new employee reaches average labor productivity, the Team Leader transfers the new employee to a shift. The head of the department of the Central Warehouse draws up a memo (form K-4, Appendix A) for the successful or unsuccessful completion of the probationary period and submits it to the Personnel Department. Adaptation is implemented in relation to new employees accepted and registered for work in the Transport Department. The adaptation process of drivers, forwarding drivers is carried out according to the internal specifics of this department. On the first working day, the new employee is instructed by the foreman-mentor (the most experienced forwarding driver) and within 3 working days the new employee is trained by the foreman-mentor, who trains the new employee to perform functional duties.

Independent driver and forwarding driver start work after 3 working days of internship. After 1 month of the probationary period, the department makes a collegial decision on passing the probationary period of the new employee. The head of the transport department draws up a memo (Form K-4, Appendix A) for successful or unsuccessful completion of the probationary period and submits it to the Personnel Department. Adaptation is implemented in relation to new employees - working personnel accepted and registered for work in the Infrastructure Management Department. The entire adaptation process takes place within 1 month of the trial period. The curator of the new employee introduces him to the workplace and the working area. During the first three weeks of work, a new employee passes an adaptation seminar on the topic “Introduction to the corporate culture of XXX LLC”.

After 1 month of the probationary period, the services of the Department of Infrastructure make a collegial decision on the passage of the probationary period by the new employee. The head of the infrastructure management department draws up a memo (Form K-4, Appendix A) for the successful or unsuccessful completion of the probationary period and submits it to the Personnel Department.

2.3 Participants in the adaptation procedure

2.3.1 The onboarding function for new employees is the responsibility of the Human Resources Department.

2.3.2 The composition of employees participating in the adaptation as curators is determined by the head of the unit, based on the long-term tasks and resource plan of the unit.

2.3.3 The curator is appointed from among the employees, whose position is not lower than the position of the supervised.

3 Adaptation program

3.1 Description and implementation of the adaptation program in SE LLC "XXX"

3.1.1 The adaptation program consists of two main parts: General and Individual.

3.1.2 General part of the adaptation program

This part of the program involves the formation of a general idea among new employees about the company, its main areas of activity, organizational features, features of the relationship between the company and the employee (the procedure for hiring and dismissal, wages, benefits), working conditions, etc.

Depending on the category of the accepted specialist, the general part may be more or less complete. It is carried out during the first two weeks of the employee's work and consists of four blocks. The activities that make up these blocks are implemented in parallel in time. (Figure 1. Adaptation measures)

Figure 1. Adaptation measures.

Personal acquaintance Briefing in OB Interview Attendance of adaptation

With a division. (PC, PBX, Intranet) with the event manager: seminar, (orientation in the department) PC connection. (functions of the department). tour, training, etc.

First and second Second or third During the first First two weeks

working days working days of the working week

3.1.3 Introductory orientation activities

The main objective of this procedure is to provide the new employee with information about the company: its history and development prospects, and features of the corporate culture.

Activities for the adaptation of the Firm's employees are carried out by the Personnel Department once every two weeks.

The adaptation specialist receives data on newly hired employees from the specialist of the accounting and statistics group, on the basis of which the specialist of the Human Resources Department prepares a consolidated list of employees hired in two weeks, and organizes for them the Adaptation seminar "Introduction to the corporate culture of LLC" XXX ".

During the adaptation seminar, the following topics are discussed that reveal the company:

History of XXX - the main stages of development;

Mission of OOO "ХХХ";

Position of LLC "XXX" in the pharmaceutical distribution market;

Company development strategy;

Company Management - presentation;

Structure of LLC "XXX";

Warehouse LLC "ХХХ" - the pride of the Company;

Regional development of the Company;

Principles of work in the Company;

Internal labor regulations;

Staff motivation;

Corporate events;

Developmental assessment of personnel.

After the adaptation seminar on the same day, newly hired employees visit the warehouse with a tour. The tour is conducted by an employee of the Central Warehouse Department, organizes a tour and provides attendance - an adaptation specialist of the Personnel Department.

The onboarding specialist of the HR Department prepares a preliminary memo with a list of new employees, the date, time and place of the onboarding activities, and notifies the heads of departments about the passage of newly hired employees, the onboarding seminar and a visit to the warehouse with a tour.

The completion of the introductory adaptation activities is the Training "Team principles of work", Conducted by the employee of the CU. At the training, employees are introduced to the principles of working in the Company's Team. The training is held 2 times a month, in logical connection with the adaptation seminar a few days after the adaptation seminar.

3.1.4 Personal acquaintance with the unit, its employees and workplace (first and second working days)

After completing all required documents when applying for a job:

Representing the employee to the department staff;

Showing the main premises of the office;

Familiarization with the "Folder of a new employee" (first working day).

Familiarization with the workplace is carried out by the immediate supervisor. Shows the desktop, equipment, storage places for documents, methodological literature and other working materials for general use. Introduces the principles of coordinating issues, with the procedure for registration and sighting normative documents on the direct activities of the employee, document flow in general. Conducts familiarization of the employee with the job description against signature.

At this stage, the employee receives a notification about the passage of adaptation measures with a visit schedule.

Issuance to a new employee for familiarization, storage and maintenance in accordance with corporate standard"Folders of a new employee" is carried out by the secretary of the unit.

3.1.5 Instructions for use technical means: ATS, Personal Computer(second/third working day)

The head of the department or his deputy draws up the documents necessary for the admission of a new employee to the internal computer network and to use the automatic telephone exchange.

The briefing is conducted by a member of the security department. Explains the features of using the capabilities of the company's network (disks and information stored on them, shared directories, etc.) and gives introductory advice on the use of specific software products. Explains the features of using the internal PBX of the company. Introduces him to the main computer programs used in LLC "XXX", intranet resources (within the employee's permission), and other programs.

3.1.6 Introductory interview with immediate supervisor (during the first working week)

Conducted by the immediate supervisor of the employee, possibly in the presence of the Head of Department. The interview is conducted in a free form in working order during the first week of work.

The manager explains the tasks and requirements for the work, the tasks performed by the entire department, answers questions, sets goals and considers the wishes of the new employee.

Based on the results of the first three days of work, a new employee fills out a questionnaire for a new employee (hereinafter referred to as the "questionnaire" - form OPR-1, Appendix B), which he receives on the first day at registration from an employee of the HR Department, designed to assess working conditions (based on the results of the first 5 working days). A new employee fills in paper form and personally submits it to the Human Resources Department.

3.1.7 Individual part of the adaptation program

It includes the appointment and attachment of a curator, which are carried out before a new employee starts working and is reflected in the application for the selection of a specialist (Form K-14, Appendix B). For the organization of the workplace (desk, computer, telephone, office supplies, internal telephone directory, etc.) is the responsibility of the Head of the Department. For new employees, the head of the unit appoints a curator (the immediate supervisor or an employee of the department who has the necessary experience in XXX LLC, knowledge and extensive professional skills).

Responsible for the appointment of a curator for a new employee holding a position from the Deputy Head of Department - Functional Director.

Attaching a curator to a new employee is carried out by the Head of the department at an introductory interview.

The curator plans, accompanies and evaluates the work of a new employee during the probationary period.

3.1.8 Familiarization of a new employee with the position and specifics of work.

This part of the program is determined by the immediate supervisor, agreed with the Head of the department in which the new employee works. It includes a more detailed acquaintance with the activities of the company and the services it provides (for employees who will interact directly with customers or other third-party organizations), the acquisition by a new employee of specific skills specific to this position, for example, software products, maintaining internal documentation, etc. An individual adaptation program is designed for the entire period of the probationary period (up to 3 months). (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Individual part of the adaptation program.

In the first 3 working days

at the introductory interview with the manager

3.1.9 Induction Plan (IOP)

The introduction of an employee into a position is understood as the process of setting goals and objectives for the employee’s activities, training the employee in the operations he performs at his workplace.

Location, informing about ways to obtain the data necessary for work, getting to know colleagues involved in the labor process.

result this stage is the full entry of a new employee into the position, i.e., the full development of their job duties, their adequate performance, good orientation in the company, its activities and structure.

Introduction to the position is carried out by the curator. The curator of the new employee introduces him to the work of the unit and monitors the passage of all adaptation measures.

The immediate supervisor oversees the commissioning of the hired employee.

The induction plan (PDF form, Annex D) is designed for the entire probationary

Deadline (three months). Not later than 1 week before the employee starts work, the PIA form is filled in by the curator points 1-4 (Appendix D), approved by the Head of the Department and brought to the employee against signature. The curator submits the PIA form to the Human Resources Department along with the recruitment form (K-3, Appendix D).

In the form of PD, the work plan of the employee is fixed for the entire probationary period, and its implementation is recorded. During the first working week, the curator fills out the PIA form - paragraphs 5-6 of the "Tasks for the probationary period" part.

The PIA form includes a list of documents required for priority review by all employees, regardless of the line of business. The curator or leader supplements this list, including special documents related to their department (subdivision).

3.1.10 Job evaluation

The assessment of the work of the employee (implementation of the plan) in the position is carried out by the curator and the immediate supervisor in the remaining period (starting from the third working week) of the probationary period, the assessment is recorded in the plan for induction into the position (form of PD).

In the form of PIA, his professional knowledge, the level of performing discipline, potential and opportunities for further growth are evaluated.

The employee fills out a questionnaire in the OPR-2 form (Appendix E) based on the results for the first month of work. The questionnaire records the current working conditions of the employee (satisfactory / unsatisfactory). The employee submits the completed form to the Human Resources Department to control the working conditions of the new employee.

3.1.11 Features of the probationary period for employees holding the position of Head of Department and above

For the period of the probationary period of an employee holding the position of Head of Department, the curator from the unit, together with the functional head (of the direction), plans a schedule of regular weekly working meetings for the new employee with the head of the direction, the main purpose of which is to discuss issues that arise for the new employee during his entry to the post. The curator of the new employee, together with the CU specialist, develops an internship plan for the new employee, based on the results of which the success of the probationary period is assessed.

3.1.12 End of employee's probationary period

5 working days before the end of the probationary period of a new employee, the Head of the relevant department and the curator of the accepted employee: draw up a memo for the end of the employee's probationary period (form K-4, Appendix A) and sign it with the HR Director, who finally approves the end date of the employee's probationary period. Form K-4 (original) and form PVD The head of the department submits to the Personnel Department, a copy of the K-4 form is given to the employee to issue a permanent pass and receive a magnetic card.

The PIA form filled out by the manager is brought to the employee for review, the employee signs according to the results of the review.

The PIA form in paper and completed form is transferred to the Personnel Department, then attached to the employee's personal file. Successful completion of the probationary period

Upon successful completion of the probationary period, the immediate supervisor informs the employee about the continuation of the employment relationship orally and by familiarizing himself with the form of the PIA. On the day of the end of the probationary period, the responsible employee of the Systems and Technical Support Department eliminates the access rights to the intranet, the Internet, email an employee whose probationary period has ended.

To extend the access rights to the network, the immediate supervisor of the employee, in advance (3-5 days before the end of the probationary period), draws up a form for him

KS-1 (according to PR-429 dated 05/31/01), coordinates it, and transfers it to the Security Department, where an interview is conducted with the employee on knowledge of the main points and principles of ensuring information security.

The adaptation specialist of the HR Department receives from the specialist of the accounting and statistics group data on employees who have successfully passed the probationary period, on the basis of which the specialist of the HR Department prepares a consolidated list of employees hired for the current month and organizes for them the event "Congratulations on the end of the probationary period" less than 1 time in the current month. The specialist of the Human Resources Department notifies the Head of the Department and the employee in advance about this event.

The event includes a gathering of new employees at the museum and a guided tour of the museum by an onboarding specialist in the Human Resources Department. Then all new employees and representatives of the Directorate, the Head of the HR Department and other employees of the HR Department gather in the conference room, congratulate the new employees on the end of the probationary period. A photograph is taken and a memorable souvenir is presented to all employees who have successfully passed the probationary period. Failure to complete probationary period

If during the probationary period the immediate supervisor and the curator reveal a non-compliance of the employee with the position, then the immediate supervisor draws up a memo (form K-4, Appendix A) addressed to the head of the direction about the employee's non-compliance with the position held. A memorandum in the K-4 form (Appendix A) is agreed with the Head of the HR Department and endorsed by the HR Director. About the unsatisfactory outcome of the probationary period and the unwillingness to continue labor Relations the employee is informed in writing three days before the expected date of dismissal, but no later than three days before the expiration of the probationary period, indicating the reasons. After that, the process of dismissal of the employee takes place.

4 Reporting tailoring results

4.1 Report of curator and curator

The control of the accountability of the curator is entrusted to the CU. Control functions are performed by the head of the personnel training group. Based on the data in clause 4 of the "Recommendations for the training and development of an employee" of the DIA (Appendix D), the MC develops and submits for approval to the head of the structural unit proposals for training a new employee.

Control over the reporting of the person supervised in the process and based on the results of the adaptation procedure is assigned to the Human Resources Department. Control functions are performed by a specialist in the adaptation of personnel of the selection group.

During the entire probationary period, the employee independently prepares and personally submits 2 questionnaires on working conditions after 5 working days and the first month of work.

5 Responsibility

The center of responsibility for the adaptation of new employees in LLC "XXX" is the selection group of the Personnel Department.

5.1 Adaptation Specialist of the Human Resources Department - responsible for:

Development of regulatory documentation for adaptation;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the adaptation period;

Conducting an adaptation seminar "Introduction to the Company's corporate culture";

Control over the implementation of the adaptation program;

Organization of excursions to the warehouse.

5.2 The head of the department, when introducing a new employee, is responsible for:

Timely organization of the workplace;

Software installation;

Granting access rights to the corporate network;

Connecting a phone number;

Conducting an introductory interview.

5.3 Employee of the Corporate University - responsible for:

Conducting training "Team principles of work".

5.4 Department Secretary - responsible for:

Storage and maintenance in accordance with the corporate standard "Folders of the new employee".

5.5 Curator - responsible for:

Passing by the new employee of All main measures of adaptation and assessment;

Providing the necessary information to a new employee.

5.6 New employee - responsible for:

Timely provision of reporting documents on adaptation (questionnaires, PD, etc.).

A new job is always fraught with stress and considerable worries for a person, regardless of his experience, qualifications and skills.

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In order for the “acclimatization” process to be as comfortable as possible for the beginner, the personnel service, headed by the manager, is compiling and implementing an adaptation program.

What is a document?

An adaptation program is, in other words, an induction plan. It is necessary to establish a unified adaptation process in all departments of the company.

The program contains an extensive list of actions for both a new employee and a curator - a specialist who will "guide" a newcomer.

As a rule, the document includes two parts: general and individual.

Personnel management experts note that the final “infusion” of a person into a company takes 10-12 months.

The most difficult period is the first two or three months, which often coincide with. That is why the duration of adaptation programs often coincides with this period.

A clear, well-designed adaptation program allows you to reduce the period of "acclimatization" to six months or even less.

A good induction plan has the following characteristics:

  • it is meticulously planned;
  • its content is extremely clear;
  • the roles of the participants in the adaptation process are clearly defined.

The structure of the adaptation program is presented in the table:

a common part Individual part
Description It is designed to form a general idea about the organization, its features, the specifics of the relationship between the company and employees, working conditions, etc. Compiled by the direct manager, agreed with the head of the direction and the head personnel service.Includes a detailed introduction to the activities of the company and the position.
What includes introductory orientation Induction plan
Personal acquaintance with the company and employees Job Evaluation Plan
Introduction to the workplace Appointment of a mentor
Orientation interview with immediate supervisor Ten working days before the end of the probationary period, the employee's report on the work done, as well as an individual plan with assessments and reviews of the curator and manager, are sent to the personnel department.

It should be noted that the adaptation process includes several stages, and different firms practice both simplified options and more complex, structured programs.

Implementation goals

Adaptation programs in various firms are compiled and implemented taking into account the specifics of a particular company.

Them the main objective– ensuring an attentive approach to a new employee, creating the most comfortable and at the same time effective conditions for taking office.

The personnel adaptation program is needed in order for the organization to have a solid, well-established procedure for hiring employees.

Its main task is to quickly and easily introduce a beginner to the course of business, to get acquainted with the team and job responsibilities.

The induction plan helps to minimize mistakes, reduces initial discomfort and improves the employee's skill level from the first days.

Features of development and implementation

There is no single algorithm for compiling an adaptation program, since the document must be focused on the specifics of the company's activities.

However, what all adaptation programs have in common is that they contain several stages and pursue similar goals.

Who is preparing the project?

The program is compiled by the HR manager together with the head.

In some organizations, leaders take on this task entirely. However, most often managers are directly involved in drawing up a plan for entering the position, which relates to the individual part of the program.

The main participants of the program:

  • direct manager;
  • curator;
  • HR specialist.

The program should be known and used in their work:

  • CEO;
  • direction leaders;
  • heads of structural divisions;
  • mentors;
  • personnel service specialists.

Practical examples

The sample onboarding program for new employees gives a visual idea of ​​what the document should look like and contain.

Onboarding program for new employees (example)

Sample program:

The adaptation process consists of four periods, each of which involves the solution of tasks. Each task is assigned to a specific participant of the program: a HR specialist, a mentor, a direct manager.

First stage. Duties of the participants three days before the release of the employee.

HR Specialist:

  • calls up the employee before leaving, makes sure that everything is in order;
  • informs the team about the release of a new employee;
  • prepares the materials needed on the first day: a list of internal and city telephones of the company; form for access to the Internet and e-mail; rules for making long-distance calls; application form for participation in corporate communications;
  • prepares a pass;
  • checks the workplace: PC (office programs, documentation, network connection, print settings); office equipment (fax, copier, etc.); set of stationery and consumables.

Direct leader:

  • checks the service instruction;
  • appoints a mentor.

Second phase. First work day.

HR Specialist:

  • meets the employee, escorts to the workplace;
  • conducts personnel registration, gives accompanying;
  • discusses the management style, the specifics of corporate culture, etc.;


  • introduces the employee to the team, introduces the mentor;
  • discusses job responsibilities, fills out a task sheet for a trial period;
  • talks about the system of bonuses and penalties;
  • explains the procedure for reimbursement of expenses, payment of salaries, payment of sick leave;
  • talks about the organizational structure;
  • discusses the first working day.


  • familiarizes with the rules of the labor schedule;
  • provides information on the household plan (location of the bathroom, dining room, places of rest);
  • talks about the traditions of the department;
  • introduces the system of communications and connections;
  • talks about behavior in case of emergency;
  • discusses the first working day.

Third stage. First working week.

HR Specialist:

  • talks about procedures and policies regarding personnel (career development system);
  • analyzes competence and draws up a personal training program.


  • introduces the missions, goals and strategic directions of the company;
  • provides a list of documents that need to be reviewed;
  • talks about the structure of the administrative and economic system;
  • introduces employees with whom direct cooperation is expected;
  • introduces the essence of work, performance standards, powers;
  • talks about the reporting system.

Fourth stage. At the end of the probationary period.

HR Specialist:

  • gives the employee an evaluation sheet to fill out;
  • analyzes the received sheet;
  • discusses the completed sheet with the employee, gets feedback (learns opinions about the company, listens to suggestions, etc.).


  • informs about the end of the probationary period, sets the date for the discussion of the results;
  • conducts discussions and provides feedback.

This is type specimen adaptation program, which is used by many firms.

Program for working (production) personnel (example)

Job introduction carried out in 4 stages (1 stage - 1 shift).

The first stage (first shift) is preparation. The goal is to get acquainted with the activities of the enterprise.

Providing information about the company, familiarization with working conditions and regulations:

  • company history;
  • products;
  • managment structure;
  • working conditions (schedule, vacation, etc.);
  • corporate culture;
  • rules for the preparation of basic documentation.

Responsible person: Shift Supervisor.

Getting to know the department and workplace:

  • representation to employees;
  • familiarity with the daily routine;
  • familiarity with the job description;
  • familiarity with production functions;
  • familiarity with the documentation governing manufacturing process.

Responsible person: Head of Department.

Acquaintance with the procedure for interaction between departments of the institution:

  • a list of departments with which interaction is expected;
  • interaction technology;
  • complexity of the production process;
  • ways to solve problems.

Responsible person: Head of Department.

The second stage (second shift) is the initial period. The goal is for the employee to master their duties.

At the end of the shift, the supervisor evaluates the skills and abilities of the employee and makes recommendations.

The third stage (third shift) is adaptation. The goal is to involve the employee in the production process, adapting to the requirements of the enterprise. At the end of the shift, the boss evaluates the results of the work, focusing on the socio-psychological aspect (building relationships with colleagues, perception of information, etc.).

The fourth stage (fourth shift) is the end of the commissioning period. The goal is the stable work of the employee. The employee acts within the competence of the shift. At the end, general results are summed up, recommendations and explanations are given.

Another, typical, example of an adaptation program you can download here:

Implementation approaches

Conventionally, the adaptation procedure is divided into four stages:

  • Analysis of the level of employee training. If apart from special training If you have experience in a similar position, the adaptation will be very fast.
  • Orientation. Familiarize the employee with the requirements and responsibilities.
  • real orientation. Adaptation of the employee to the status, involvement in relationships with colleagues.
  • Functioning. Completion of adaptation. Gradual overcoming of problems and transition to full-fledged work.


What gives the introduction of a well-planned adaptation program:

  • minimization of costs for the period of involvement in the work process;
  • reduction in staff turnover by 10-20%;
  • saving time for management and ordinary specialists;
  • the formation of a beginner's sense of job satisfaction;
  • basis for creating employee commitment to the organization.

How to evaluate economic efficiency?

At the end of the adaptation period, the manager fills out an employee assessment form. Based on this information, one can draw conclusions about its potential, reveal strong and weak sides and give the necessary advice.

For rate economic efficiency should analyze a number of indicators for a certain period of time:

  • achievements of a specific department and the entire unit;
  • production volumes (how much have they changed and in what direction);
  • staff turnover.

It should be noted that the procedure for the adaptation of personnel, as well as the preparation of the program, are not regulated by legislative norms.

Personnel adaptation program - a set of measures aimed at more effective inclusion of newly hired employees in the labor process, which involves familiarization with the rules and regulations corporate ethics, ways of carrying out professional activities, establishing informal ties in the team. We will tell you what it consists of and how to organize it.

What is staff adaptation

Everyone is faced with the need to settle for new job to join the team. This process in language labor law called work adaptation.

The faster the process of adaptation of the staff, the easier and more logical the new person will be included in the labor activity. Otherwise, a person who is delayed in the habituation phase will not be able to establish relations with the work team and may later become an outcast among colleagues. The situation, of course, depends on the employee himself, on his ability to find a common language with other people, build relationships with colleagues, on his professional knowledge and skills, the level of his psychological preparation.

Successfully completed professional adaptation staff can speak about the high level of his moral and financial reward in the future, obtaining social recognition and other benefits.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation in the organization

The organization of management of career guidance and adaptation of personnel is, first of all, the work of the personnel service, as well as the head of the department where the new employee works.

Adaptation is in personnel management important point, which determines what kind of personnel will work in the organization, what will be the psychological climate in the team and how well and productively the employees will perform their duties.

The objectives of the adaptation of new employees are:

  • accelerating the process of bringing a new employee up to date, familiarizing himself with his labor duties;
  • complete elimination or reduction of staff turnover in the organization;
  • motivation of employees to be interested in the result, mood for better performance of their job duties, maximum return to their work;
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • improving the psychological climate in the team.

Only taking into account all these factors and working in this direction will give the best result.

Stages of personnel adaptation

Adaptation of personnel at the enterprise is a delicate and multi-stage process. Each organization has its own program and its own developed approaches to solving this issue.

But in general, all possible stages of personnel adaptation can be divided into:

  1. Initial (preparatory). After hiring a new employee, the manager introduces him to the rest of the team. He acquaints the employee with his new workplace, appoints a curator (a more experienced employee who will help the newcomer at the beginning of work), completes the execution of all necessary documents. This stage may also include acquaintance with the history of the enterprise, its structure, mission, products, procedures, rules of corporate ethics.
  2. Theoretical (training). At this stage, the employee is introduced to the theoretical part of his main job, functional responsibilities and requirements for further work.
  3. Practical (application of knowledge). Direct execution of some practical tasks: first under the supervision of a mentor, then independently.
  4. Final (passing the probationary period). It consists in summarizing the work of a new employee. It is estimated how successfully he got used to the new team, managed to master new skills for him, joined the team. At this stage, the strengths and weaknesses of the employee, his successes and failures are already visible. Based on the totality of the management decides on its future fate. Whether he passed the test and whether he continues to work or not, the company no longer needs his services.

Based on the foregoing, one can understand how the labor adaptation of personnel is an important and serious thing, and that this is one of the indicators on the basis of which a decision is made whether the applicant will remain in the organization or will look for work elsewhere.

A good example of adaptation

The adaptation of personnel in the organization, using the example of one of the companies, took place as follows. More experienced workers were given the role of mentors. The worker in charge of the novice adaptability system uploaded daily data from the accounting system about people who need to go to work soon. Manually appointed for each of their mentor. They had to work in pairs. Mentors were selected from any division, except for where the newcomer would work in the future. It is more convenient to work in pairs, taking into account different workload schedules, and it is easier to communicate with strangers. Once mentors were approved, automatic notifications were sent to them, and a reminder was added to the calendar about the day the new employee left.

The day before, the mentor called the newcomer for a correspondence acquaintance and so that in the future the newcomer would contact him upon arrival at the office to meet and discuss working moments. The mentor had to check whether everything was ready to accept a new employee, make sure that the workplace was organized, and remind the head of the department where the newcomer was getting a job about the exit of a new employee.

On the first day, a pair of mentors meet the newcomer in the morning, talking about the available information on the corporate portal. This takes a couple of hours. This meeting makes it clear to the employee that he was expected. On all other days, if questions arise, he can contact his mentors, ask them questions to solve any situation, from a broken chair to conflict situation with another colleague and they help solve them. At the end of the probationary period, the employee must evaluate the work of mentors and their assistance. Mentors are awarded points for this, which further affect their financial incentives.

Personnel adaptation methods

The research program of the personnel adaptation system identifies the following forms of personnel adaptation:

  • mentoring (providing assistance at the initial stage of work by a more experienced employee by consulting, bringing up to date, helping to get to know the team);
  • attending trainings and seminars (training and development of certain employee skills, for example, communication, public speaking skills, preparation of presentations, development of stress tolerance, etc.);
  • conversation (introductory conversation of a beginner with a personnel manager, manager, employee of the personnel department, in which the employee receives answers to his questions);
  • a specialized program (for example, educational films or team role-playing games aimed at team building);
  • excursion (sightseeing tour of the organization, its structural divisions, territories, acquaintance with the history of the company, employees, corporate culture);
  • request feedback(at the end of the acclimatization period and passing the probationary period, the employee is offered to fill out a feedback form);
  • other methods ( corporate events, attestation, testing, training, etc.).

Types of staff adaptation

Adaptation is of the following types:

  • professional provides for the training of new special skills, obtaining a new or improving an existing skill or professional skill. This type depends on the desire and ability of the beginner to learn, the desire for new knowledge, his ability to learn. This also includes the preparation of the workplace and the provision of all necessary materials;
  • socio-psychological implies the adaptability of a person to work in a new team, under the guidance of a new boss, submission to the traditions, norms and rules of behavior that have developed in the organization;
  • organizational is based on the employee's understanding of what is required of him, working with job descriptions, determining its place in the structure of the enterprise, participation in the production process.

Only an integrated approach to professional and psychological adaptation leads to a successful completion of the probationary period by an employee and saving the company's costs for the search, training and evaluation of personnel.

What is an adaptation program?

The adaptation program for employees is a plan for introducing an employee to a position. This document is needed to apply a uniform approach to the adaptation procedure in the organization's divisions. The document is an extensive list of actions for the adapting employee and for his supervisor, who will help to adapt to the new working conditions.

For an employee, the most difficult period is the first two or three months, coinciding, as a rule, with his probationary period. Often the duration of the program is equal in duration to this period.

An optimally formed program is characterized by the following features:

  • clear planning;
  • clear content;
  • strict distribution of roles and tasks.

The document can consist of two parts: general and individual.

An example structure is as follows:

1. The general part that helps the formation general idea about the enterprise, its features, hierarchy, established relationships between departments, distribution of functionality, working conditions etc.

Consists of:

  • orienting introductory conversation;
  • personal acquaintance with the enterprise and personnel;
  • acquaintance with the place of performance of labor duties;
  • orienting conversation with the head of the structural unit.

2. An individual part, which is formed by the immediate supervisor who oversees the induction of the employee. It is coordinated with the head of the direction of activity and the head of the personnel department. This component helps the employee to obtain detailed information about the activities of the organization, as well as the direct functional responsibilities of the employee.

Consists of:

  • induction plan;
  • plan for assessing the stages of entry;
  • definitions of a curator-mentor;
  • an employee report on the results of the work performed, information about the assessments and reviews of mentors and the manager.

What does the plan look like

There is no single established document development algorithm. The reason is the need to orient the document to specific conditions in the organization.

However, there are a number of features common to different programs:

  • include several stages;
  • have similar goals.

The plan may include the following items:


Engaged personnel

Adaptation Day #1

  1. Notify the team about the renewal of the composition and the arrival of a new employee.
  2. Ensure the availability of information for a new employee - information that will be provided to the employee on the first day, including contact numbers of employees, ID, pass, PC, telephone, office equipment.
  3. Prepare a set of necessary stationery.
  4. To acquaint with the organization, goals, tasks of activity, history.
  5. Issue a guidebook for a beginner who is in the adaptation period (if available).
  6. Prepare and complete required paperwork.
  7. Introduce a new employee.
  8. To acquaint with the place of work, the necessary software, connected communication networks, access passwords.
  9. Conduct training on compliance with OT requirements.
  10. Inform about the general work schedule.

Human Resources Department

Labor protection specialist

Staff Adaptation Week #1

  1. Fix a mentor, introduce in detail to the employees of the unit.
  2. Learn the terminology used in the organization.
  3. Study the position of the division.
  4. Review the documents required labor activity.
  5. Learn job responsibilities.
  6. To study the algorithm of interaction with other divisions.
  7. Familiarize yourself with the rules of document circulation of the organization.
  8. Develop a work plan for the adaptation period.
  9. Familiarize yourself with the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of activities.
  10. Form a training schedule during the adaptation period.
  11. Join training sessions at the institution.

Adaptation Month #1

  1. Complete the tasks planned for the adapting employee.
  2. Submit a performance report.
  3. Pass an exam on the basic acquired skills and abilities.
  4. Conduct an analysis of the results of the work of an adapting employee.
  5. Create a list of tasks for the rest of the adaptation period.

Head of department, mentor

Adaptation Months #2-3

  1. Complete assigned tasks.
  2. Adjust, if necessary, the task plan for the adaptation period.
  3. Conduct an analysis of the work on the results of adaptation.
  4. Summarize the employee's adaptation period.
  5. Assess the results of the past period of adaptation.

Head of department, mentor

The result of a successfully implemented adaptation program will be an indicator of the duration of the work of an employee in a particular institution. The success of the adaptation procedure largely depends on the second party involved in the process - the leader or mentor. it is their desire to help the newcomer that will help the newcomer settle into the organization as quickly as possible.

Regulations on the adaptation of personnel, sample

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