What is reading from a script. Phone Sales Scripts - Techniques, Examples and Templates for Effective Calls

I personally polish all sales scripts before their final delivery to the customer. But before I got to such a “warm” place, I wrote more than 100 pieces.

And I, like no one else, know the pain of creating such a text salesperson. Of course, during this time, both in me and in our company, certain stages were born that each script must go through before being born.

Therefore, today we will talk about these stages and figure out how to write an effective sales script in 10 steps.

Is it necessary or not?

Since you are on this page, it means that you were looking for similar material. And they must understand what is at stake.

But as practice shows, everyone perceives the world through their own prism, and even usually everyone perceives the “apple” differently (small red, bright green and glossy, matte green with dots, etc.).

Therefore, we will discuss several introductory topics about, at a meeting or. And let's start with a definition.

Sales script- an algorithm for communicating by phone or at a meeting, the purpose of which is to help the sales manager bring the client to the intended goal.

This is if it's smart. Simply put, it would sound like this:

Sales script is your ideal seller, which consists of ready-made phrases sorted by sales stages and implemented in a visual scheme.

And for me, as a developer of sales scripts, there is no such question as “Do I need it?”. And yet, I will outline those cases when it is critically important for you to write a communication algorithm for your company:

  1. Low sales and poor service;
  2. All sellers have different results;
  3. There is no general work regulation;
  4. A beginner takes a long time to delve into the process;
  5. It takes a lot of time to train employees;
  6. A franchise sale is planned.

I think the question of necessity is closed. Although I have met companies where such a scenario is not so much not needed at all, it is simply needed in an extremely simple version.

Namely, to designate a sequence of actions (1 page) and such a script, it is better to write it yourself than to contact someone. So, enough, let's take a break, now I suggest you make a short video break 🙂

me or you will suffer

Writing a conversation script is not the most exciting activity, even though I love my job.

The smile and the fuse disappear on the second page, because to create a truly working script, you need to figure out dozens of different variations of the outcome of events in your head.

And at this moment, the brain works much more actively than during a normal conversation on the phone or at a meeting.

How much can you think..

Plus, it doesn't take just one day. For example, we take 14 days for development.

And not only because we take into account the queue of clients and possible overlays, but because we know that you need to return to the script several times with a fresh head to get a decent result.

Therefore, you say to yourself: “I myself will suffer” or tell others: “You will suffer” - it's up to you. Everything has its pros and cons. And I want to talk about them, to bring you up to date.

On one's own

Not the worst option, I must say. And since you are reading this material, perhaps you are planning to do so.

The only thing is that I categorically do not advise you to write the script yourself, if you yourself are not in the sales field, that is, you do not talk to customers on the phone, do not go to a meeting, do not meet them in the office.

Because everything that will be in your head will be based on dry theory. And in this difficult matter, practice is needed.

I did not mean to offend you in any way, my goal is to show real experience for 4 years of work in writing sales scripts.

A very big and fat plus with this approach is that you, like no one else, know the specifics of your field. And you have no equal in this.

Therefore, it is ideal that a person with knowledge of relevant (very important) sales techniques, with knowledge of the specifics and practices of sales, is engaged in independent writing of a sales script.


Any company starts with a freelancer. And that's how we started until we grew to 12 people. A definite plus is that it's cheap. Very cheap.

You can find offers from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. But, as always, there are many BUT. Let's start with the banal, regardless of the field of work, freelancers often take money and get lost. I see no point in continuing this thought.

The freelancer knows the current sales techniques well, but at the same time he practically does not sell, because there is no need, there is no such flow of incoming customers.

And there is no time for outgoing calls, since writing the scripts for other companies takes everything. Therefore, from writing to getting a really working scheme, it can take more than one month, taking into account a dozen edits.


Companies like us. By the way, there are not so many of them on the market, if we single out those who are “well-known”, we will get a list of no more than 5 positions.

I will not speak only for us, I will speak for everyone. Working with the company, you will receive relevant sales techniques from current practitioners in sales (our scriptologists still sell). And most importantly, you will save a huge amount of time.

The main disadvantage (if we neglect the cost) is that although we have already written hundreds of scripts, although we have several scriptologists working for us, we still do not fully know the specifics of each company.

I had experience in many areas, but in each company, in addition to the specifics of the field, there is the specifics of the company.

Therefore, the ideal combination would be 10% of your time to help understand the specifics and 90% of our efforts to write a sales script.

What is the price?

One last introductory block before we move on to the 10 step process.

And the conversation will be about the cost for all this miracle, which, according to some, “you can write in a couple of hours in a calm mode.” Is it so?

Earlier I mentioned that we develop the script for 14 days. Why so long, it will be clear when you read the sequence of our actions below.

And we can say with a 100% guarantee that if the script is written 2-3 times faster, then this is: either ready-made templates adapted for you, and not written from scratch.

Or this is a highly unqualified job, because you need to return to the script in order to look at it with a fresh head.

Here they are, hacks in all their glory

In the VIP package, we also test the script for the client on real calls, that is, we check it in practice and correct it.

And calls, taking into account the chime, are stretched for at least 2-3 days. By the way, during testing, sometimes there is a sale and the script pays off with interest.

As for the cost. On the market you can find offers from 2 thousand to 90 thousand rubles.

You can argue for a long time whether the price for this service is too high or not, but you can definitely say that a normal scriptologist who knows his own worth will not charge less than 10 thousand rubles for writing a script without taking into account additional actions.

It's up to you who to choose and how much to pay. I just want you to understand that if you have a person / company that can write a script even 1% better and it will cost several times more, then agree.

Because if you count, then this one percent within a week or a month will pay off all investments dozens of times. Since a quality script directly affects your money.


How to write a sales script

Cream is the most delicious part of the cake. In our case, we just got to the cream.

Next, I will tell you what steps are taken to create an ideal text seller in Word or in a special program.

Step 1 - Who is he?

Your task for this stage collect the most complete picture. But then it will be more interesting, you will need to isolate all the most important things, based on step 1, and compress it into a few phrases in order to convey this or that idea to the client.

Step 3 - Defining Stages and Goals

Each script is written for a specific task and there is no need to shout with one voice that the main task is “sales!”.

This is clear by default. At this step, your main task is to understand the stages and what goals each mini-script should achieve in its area.

As an example, consider the steps and goals we wrote down when we recently created our outbound cold call script:

  1. Verification of LPR (LDPR);
  2. Blocker passage;
  3. Conversation with the decision maker and sending a marketing kit;
  4. The first call back to the decision maker and a proposal for a meeting / identification of the need for the calculation of the estimate.
  5. The second chime of the LPR and closing for a trial game.

As you already understood, writing one script is not enough. In this case, there are 5 of them, but we consider it all as one, since we perceive it as one sale, albeit with each separate goal at its stage.

Step 4 - Install Blocks and Selling Techniques

If at this stage the idea to write a sales script has not disappeared, then we move on. After we found out who our client is, selected a tasty offer for him, determined the chain along which he must go, then we proceed to the definition of blocks and sales techniques.

Blocks are mini stages within a single script, the purpose of which is to take the client to the next step. Looking at the sample below, it becomes immediately clear what I'm talking about.

Blocking example

The only thing that may not be clear to you is the name of the technique in the example.

And all because we have standard techniques in the company, which we call our “bird language” for a faster understanding of each other, and the client does not see them when receiving his version.

Step 5 - Writing Speech Phrases and Design

Here it is, the most interesting! And then everything was prepared and prepared. We are finally writing texts based on previous steps and knowledge about sales.

And you know what is the most problematic? Something that does not exist for all companies of universal phrases.

Therefore, it goes into battle personal experience sales and theoretical knowledge obtained from books, seminars and other types of sources.

An example of writing speech phrases

In addition to the fact that you write speech turns at this step, you will spontaneously have a design question. There are 5 design options in our everyday life.

Good sales scriptsby 80% increase the probability of a successful closing of the transaction, and the consequence. We talk about the algorithm for their construction, give examples of effective scripts and show what IT solution will simplify the process of using them, testing, changing and training managers.

Any sale is a communication with a client. And this process must be regulated, tested and preferably automated. For great sales, you need a conversation pattern - a sequence of questions / suggestions from the manager and possible responses from customers.

Why sales scripts are needed:

  1. To achieve the goal - to sell a product or service.
  2. To increase the conversation into a deal
  3. To gain experience in communicating with clients from your field
  4. To be ready to answer any customer questions
  5. So that sales do not depend on the mood, skills of a particular manager
  6. To speed up the training process for new managers
  7. To control the work of managers

Algorithm for creating a sales script

Step 1. Preparation

Purpose of the call . Depending on what you are selling, decide what action or reaction the manager should get from the client. Not all goods and services are sold immediately and over the phone. As a goal, you can get a visit to your office to further explain the benefits or introduce the team. You can invite to a tour of the facilities if you sell real estate. You can invite a client to your webinar or conference. Or for a start, it will be enough for you that he leaves you email and mobile phone number.

Client portrait. Determine who your target audience is: men / women, age, income, field of activity, involvement in social media etc. Next, evaluate whether this is a decision maker in the company or not, whether it is possible to reach the client directly or only through the secretary.

Study the competitors. Analyze how your competitors talk on the phone or in the store. Use the mystery shopper method to understand how they present the product, what benefits they emphasize, how they respond to objections, how they react to different words or actions. Pay attention to what tricks, chips, methods of persuasion they use.

Product knowledge . It is very important to clearly understand what product you are selling, what problems it solves, what advantages it has, how it differs from competitors, why your offer is unique, what types of product there are, how much you can adapt it to each client.

For example, you are selling several properties at once or apartments/houses with different layouts. Your managers should clearly understand which of the objects may be better suited for a particular buyer. Having found out the composition of his family, the age of the children, the desire for infrastructure, proximity to the city center, he must know what is the best option to offer. And organize a viewing of the object that best meets the requirements of the client.

The freedom of action. Determine how flexible your sales script can be. There are businesses with strong performance standards (banks, Insurance companies, telecommunications companies). Their managers, as a rule, offer a specific service. The script of their conversation does not allow you to take a step to the right or left.

But there is another approach. When you need to adapt to the answers of the interlocutor. They need a "fish" of the sales script so that the manager does not deviate from the goal and does not forget to set the most important questions. But at the same time, he has freedom in words and product offering.

Step 2: Scripting

Approach to writing a sales script.

Who and how can create a script:

Sales scripts: short instruction

Let's briefly talk about the algorithm for creating a sales script. On the preparatory stage follows:

  • determine the purpose of the script - what result the employee should achieve with its help
  • clarify the portrait of the target audience, taking into account demographic, geographical and social factors
  • analyze competitors' scripts using the "mystery shopper" technique
  • clearly know the product - characteristics, what problems it solves, what are the advantages and benefits for the client
  • agree on the flexibility of the script - how much the manager can deviate from the speech template and apply a creative approach.

A script can be written by a trainer or a specialized third-party company / freelancer. Use your current experience - listen to calls, highlight selling phrases and stop words.

The classic sales scheme should also be included in the script, that is, its structure should include:

  • Performance
  • Finding out the need
  • Presentation
  • Work with objections
  • Completion of the deal.

Be sure to include emotions in the script, do not drag out the conversation, be sure to test the template, make adjustments to improve it.

How script automation affects business

Ekaterina Evdokimova
Director of the network of professional contact centers "7Time", Yekaterinburg

The HyperScript service made the work of one of our divisions more efficient and effective. Due to the fact that everyone works according to a single and always up-to-date sales scripts, we managed to almost double the speed and efficiency of processing customer databases. If earlier, for example, it took 14 days to make 50,000 effective calls, now the same work takes 7-10 days. In this regard, the number of orders that we can fulfill per month has increased.
In addition, if earlier we spent an average of two days training a new employee in the nuances of the project, now one is enough to bring him up to date.
With HyperScript, we've started hiring remote operators for some of our projects. They do not have to come to the office, they also see all the changes online and can perform their tasks with high quality.
We also increased customer loyalty to our company due to such a wow effect. Often they ask how quickly we can make changes to sales scripts: they have changed the product, prices, conditions, etc. We say we'll do it in 5 minutes! Of course, this causes only positive emotions. the growth of their income.
Managers are no longer afraid to close deals at first. If during the conversation they feel that the client is ready, they make the first attempt to complete the transaction. And often it succeeds.
Among the advantages of Hyper Script, I would also call integration with amoСRM. The script of a specific conversation automatically gets into the client card, which simplifies further work with it. Also, the manager during the conversation can immediately fill in the client's data in the body of the sales script, which will then automatically appear in CRM.

Sales Script: Include SPIN Questions

You need to include speech patterns in the script to identify or form a need. You can create them using the SPIN technique, which involves 4 types of questions that must be asked in a clear sequence.

  • Situational questions clarify the details. Try not to bore the person with them.
  • Problematic questions - remind the client of his problem, focus attention.
  • Extracting questions - they reinforce the problem, the “pain” of the buyer, remind that if you don’t solve it, don’t get rid of it, it will only get worse.
  • Guiding questions - allow potential client independently come to the conclusion that the purchase can solve his problem.

Similar to guiding and extracting questions is the "request to sell" technique. It can also be used when writing a script. Another technique that helps close a trade is the "conditional close". In this case, the scripts include questions, as if the issue of payment has already been resolved: “how will you pay?”, “Shall we arrange delivery?” etc.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about such a sales tool as sales scripts for sales managers.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a sales script;
  • Where to get the sales script;
  • How to write a sales script yourself;
  • How to use a sales script correctly.

What is a sales script, advantages and disadvantages of its use

Despite the development of the Internet, the mechanization of the process of making a purchase, the seller cannot completely refuse to communicate with the client. Even when ordering goods in an online store, the buyer needs the personal accompaniment of a contact person, especially when disputes arise, which often happens in online trading.

Problems arise here: not every salesperson or account manager is able to offer a solution to the client in real time or choose the right words for consultation. In these cases, such a sales standardization tool as a “script” comes to the rescue.

Script - a sales scenario, a plan for negotiating with a client, designed to sales staff or account managers. That is, these are the phrases that your seller must say in order to sell the product to the consumer.

Scripts must be used if:

  • Do you sell by phone (telemarketing);
  • You sell goods through personal selling;
  • Are you selling a product online?
  • Your staff is in some other way in contact with the client.

As we can see, in any contact between the sales staff and the client, a sales script is needed. At the same time, a separate script must be written for each channel for the sale of goods (contact with a potential consumer).

Thus, the following scripts are distinguished:

  • Script for personal selling;
  • Script for chat with a client;
  • Script for email interaction;
  • Other.

Benefits of using sales scripts:

  • Standardization of the sales process - avoiding the human factor;
  • Savings on training of contact personnel;
  • Increasing the efficiency of the overall work of consultants (at the same time, the effectiveness of the individual work of the seller may decrease);
  • Accelerating the process of training new employees;
  • Increasing sales;
  • Reducing the cost of finding new employees.

Disadvantages of using sales scripts:

  • Lack of personalization when communicating with the client;
  • Negative reaction of the client with excessive standardization;
  • Low level of personnel training (especially dangerous in case of non-standard situations);
  • Negative reaction to the introduction of scripts by staff;
  • Decreased performance of individual sellers.

The overall goal of implementing conversation scripts with a client is to standardize the successful actions of the seller. In fact, to write a sales script, you need to “overhear” your most effective salesperson and, based on what you hear, create a universal “talker” for all other account managers.

Let's give an example. We own a hair care store. In a week, we are planning a joint action with a beauty salon, during which consumers will be able to try our New Product absolutely free. Our goal is to invite potential consumers to increase customer loyalty to our company. The channel is telephone.

The script in this case would look like this:

  • Greeting: Good afternoon! (evening, morning);
  • Clarification of circumstances: Is it convenient for you to talk now?
  • Acquaintance: My name is Anna, I am a representative of the company "N"! How can I contact you?
  • Invitation: "Customer Name", as our regular customer, we would like to invite you to undergo a hair restoration procedure in the "name" beauty salon absolutely free of charge. It perfectly complements the "name of a recently purchased product", making your hair strong and thick. How do you look at it?
  • Yes or no. If the client agrees, then we tell what exactly will be included in the service, and when the promotion will take place. If the client refused, then we find out what else could be interesting to the client. We offer a replacement, for example, for a procedure to get rid of dandruff, or we try to convince him of the need to purchase a product.
  • Farewell: Goodbye! We will be glad to see you "date and time of the promotion" in the beauty salon "name" at the address "address" (if the client has expressed a desire to participate in the promotion). Goodbye! We will be glad to see you in our store "name" (if the client refused to participate in the promotion).

The same script, but with personal sales it will look different. Let's say we invite customers to our store at the time of purchase.

  • Greeting: Hello! Great choice (shampoo for dry hair)."
  • Invitation: “Next week in the beauty salon “name” there will be a promotion in which you will be able to receive a hair care procedure absolutely free of charge, it will allow you to strengthen the result and permanently get rid of dry hair.
  • Receiving a response. In case of a negative answer, finding out the reasons and trying to convince: “We can appoint a later time”; "We can offer you a more interesting procedure."

From these examples, the following general principles scripting sales manager conversations:

  • The product should be of interest to the consumer, that is, it is necessary to find demand in the process of dialogue with the consumer for your products;
  • Write down several scenarios. You must take into account all possible responses from the consumer so that the seller can answer all questions and complete the dialogue with a deal;
  • If you interact with the client via email or phone, be sure to tell us about the reason for the appeal. Also, be prepared to answer the question about the source of the prospect's contact information;
  • Do not turn a dialogue with a client into a salesman's monologue;
  • Compose several scripts for different types of clients;
  • You cannot copy scripts from another company, you must take into account the features;
  • Polite and correct end of the dialogue. Even if you did not achieve your goal and the dialogue was not as successful as you would like, you should politely and correctly say goodbye to the interlocutor, be sure to thank him for his time.

Script structure

The general structure of the sales script for sales managers contains the following structural elements:

  • Greetings. A few words, it is undesirable to use the name of the client in the greeting, even if you know it;
  • Acquaintance. At this stage, the seller introduces himself, and also finds out the name of the interlocutor;
  • Identification of customer needs/problems. The most important step. You must understand what from your range can help the client;
  • Proposing a solution to a problem/meeting a need;
  • Belief. Write down as many facts as possible that prove the need for the product for a particular client;
  • Making a transaction (committing another targeted action by the client);
  • Farewell and gratitude.

Ways to get scripts

There are 5 ways to get sales scripts.

  1. Self-writing. This is the most efficient way to get a script, because in this case you will receive a script written specifically for your business, product, and consumers.

But, choosing this method for yourself, you should be prepared for the fact that you will lose many customers on the way to the “ideal” script. To reduce the number of failures, try to involve a person directly related to sales in the scripting process (choose the most effective seller for this purpose).

We'll come back to this method of getting scripts later to go over the process of writing a script in detail.

  1. Buying ready-made scripts.

The cost of the finished script ranges from a couple to tens of thousands. We categorically do not advise you to buy ready-made scripts, as they will not be adapted to your business and your customers.

  1. Contacting a third-party organization (freelance).

If you seek help from a third-party organization (freelancer), you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The specialist must request data about your product, sales channels, business specifics and target segments;
  • The cost of a good script starts from 5 thousand rubles;
  • Willingness to modify the script.
  1. Search for an experienced sales manager. In this case, the scripts will be compiled by the sales manager, who will also teach your salespeople how to use them.
  2. Eavesdrop on competitors. A simple but dishonest way. To do this, you need to come to competitors as a consumer and consult with the seller. It is advisable to take a voice recorder with you. The second way is to send a spy seller to your competitor who will scout out all the secrets of your competitor's sales.

But this method has a drawback: you lose your individuality and risk losing a spy employee.

average cost Risks

Adaptation to your business


For free High

Buying ready-made scripts

5 000 High

Writing to order in a third-party organization (freelance)

10 000 Low

Search for an experienced sales manager

Depends on the salary level of the sales manager Low


For free High

Stages of writing sales scripts

If you decide to write a sales script yourself, then you have to go through the following steps:

  1. Who is our client? We define target audience and we single out segments within it that differ from each other in terms of purchase motives, needs, behavioral factors, demographic factors. The most important thing at this stage is to determine the need and how to satisfy it with your product for each segment;
  2. What can we offer the client- analysis of the company itself. The product, the specifics of sales, customers, market share, position among competitors, the merits of the company - all this will come in handy for you to leave the script. The main rules of this stage - the more the better, positive factors will be used in response to possible objections of the client in the script;
  3. What we want to achieve - defining the purpose of each script. The script can be aimed not only at selling, but also at other purposes. For example, client consultation, dispute resolution, product demonstration and much more;
  4. Structure and technique. At this stage, it is necessary to prescribe the structure of the script (we talked about it earlier) and the technique for pronouncing each structural element. Pronunciation technique refers to pauses, tone, speed of speech. All this allows you to place the client on a subconscious level. The technique of persuading the client of the need to respond to your offer is also prescribed here, for example, the technique of three “yes”;
  5. Writing a script. Based on the previous steps, we fill in each element of the script structure, taking into account the technique used. Write in as much detail as possible various situations, but at the same time try to make the speech as short as possible;
  6. Notes. We allocate a place in the script where the salesperson or account manager can take notes for further revision;
  7. Test call (contact) and note taking. You can use your employee as a client;
  8. Adding additional situations and seller response options to the script(answers to objections omitted in paragraph 5);
  9. Testing the script on a colleague (again). This time, ask a colleague to be a "nasty" client and in no case agree to the proposal, objecting different ways. This will allow you to identify gaps in the script;
  10. Application and adjustment. Let's take a closer look at this stage.

How to read the script correctly

Possible deviations from the script.

Even the most detailed script with prescribed emotions, pauses, sighs and oohs will not be able to cover the entire spectrum possible situations and the specific behavior of each individual client. Therefore, when moving your salespeople to scripted sales, you should prepare them for possible deviations from them. Explain that the seller, regardless of the prescribed techniques, must respond to the emotions of the buyer.

Individual approach and personalization.

In addition, remember that each client is a separate world to which you need to look for an individual approach. Therefore, despite the fact that the task of the script is to standardize successful actions, personalization of communication with the client and an individual approach are the key to the success of any sale. That is why do not hesitate to ask the name of the buyer and help in solving the problem of each individual consumer.

Keep promises.

If you are working with calls and the interlocutor is uncomfortable talking at the moment, find out a convenient time for a conversation and make a note accordingly. You must be sure to call back at the appointed time.

Look for a compromise.

If the script is registered for a specific product that is not needed specific client(as in the shampoo example), feel free to suggest an alternative product. Thus, you will establish contact with the consumer and the likelihood that he will return and buy the product that you need to sell will increase several times.

I personally polish all sales scripts before their final delivery to the customer. But before I got to such a “warm” place, I wrote more than 100 pieces.

And I, like no one else, know the pain of creating such a text salesperson. Of course, during this time, both in me and in our company, certain stages were born that each script must go through before being born.

Therefore, today we will talk about these stages and figure out how to write an effective sales script in 10 steps.

Is it necessary or not?

Since you are on this page, it means that you were looking for similar material. And they must understand what is at stake.

But as practice shows, everyone perceives the world through their own prism, and even usually everyone perceives the “apple” differently (small red, bright green and glossy, matte green with dots, etc.).

Therefore, we will discuss several introductory topics about, at a meeting or. And let's start with a definition.

Sales script- an algorithm for communicating by phone or at a meeting, the purpose of which is to help the sales manager bring the client to the intended goal.

This is if it's smart. Simply put, it would sound like this:

Sales script is your ideal seller, which consists of ready-made phrases sorted by sales stages and implemented in a visual scheme.

And for me, as a developer of sales scripts, there is no such question as “Do I need it?”. And yet, I will outline those cases when it is critically important for you to write a communication algorithm for your company:

  1. Low sales and poor service;
  2. All sellers have different results;
  3. There is no general work regulation;
  4. A beginner takes a long time to delve into the process;
  5. It takes a lot of time to train employees;
  6. A franchise sale is planned.

I think the question of necessity is closed. Although I have met companies where such a scenario is not so much not needed at all, it is simply needed in an extremely simple version.

Namely, to designate a sequence of actions (1 page) and such a script, it is better to write it yourself than to contact someone. So, enough, let's take a break, now I suggest you make a short video break 🙂

me or you will suffer

Writing a conversation script is not the most exciting activity, even though I love my job.

The smile and the fuse disappear on the second page, because to create a truly working script, you need to figure out dozens of different variations of the outcome of events in your head.

And at this moment, the brain works much more actively than during a normal conversation on the phone or at a meeting.

How much can you think..

Plus, it doesn't take just one day. For example, we take 14 days for development.

And not only because we take into account the queue of clients and possible overlays, but because we know that you need to return to the script several times with a fresh head to get a decent result.

Therefore, you say to yourself: “I myself will suffer” or tell others: “You will suffer” - it's up to you. Everything has its pros and cons. And I want to talk about them, to bring you up to date.

On one's own

Not the worst option, I must say. And since you are reading this material, perhaps you are planning to do so.

The only thing is that I categorically do not advise you to write the script yourself, if you yourself are not in the sales field, that is, you do not talk to customers on the phone, do not go to a meeting, do not meet them in the office.

Because everything that will be in your head will be based on dry theory. And in this difficult matter, practice is needed.

In no way did I want to offend you, my goal is to show real experience in 4 years of work in writing sales scripts.

A very big and fat plus with this approach is that you, like no one else, know the specifics of your field. And you have no equal in this.

Therefore, it is ideal that a person with knowledge of relevant (very important) sales techniques, with knowledge of the specifics and practices of sales, is engaged in independent writing of a sales script.


Any company starts with a freelancer. And that's how we started until we grew to 12 people. A definite plus is that it's cheap. Very cheap.

You can find offers from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. But, as always, there are many BUT. Let's start with the banal, regardless of the field of work, freelancers often take money and get lost. I see no point in continuing this thought.

The freelancer knows the current sales techniques well, but at the same time he practically does not sell, because there is no need, there is no such flow of incoming customers.

And there is no time for outgoing calls, since writing the scripts for other companies takes everything. Therefore, from writing to getting a really working scheme, it can take more than one month, taking into account a dozen edits.


Companies like us. By the way, there are not so many of them on the market, if we single out those who are “well-known”, we will get a list of no more than 5 positions.

I will not speak only for us, I will speak for everyone. Working with the company, you will receive up-to-date sales techniques from existing sales practitioners (our scriptologists still sell). And most importantly, you will save a huge amount of time.

The main disadvantage (if we neglect the cost) is that although we have already written hundreds of scripts, although we have several scriptologists working for us, we still do not fully know the specifics of each company.

I had experience in many areas, but in each company, in addition to the specifics of the field, there is the specifics of the company.

Therefore, the ideal combination would be 10% of your time to help understand the specifics and 90% of our efforts to write a sales script.

What is the price?

One last introductory block before we move on to the 10 step process.

And the conversation will be about the cost for all this miracle, which, according to some, “you can write in a couple of hours in a calm mode.” Is it so?

Earlier I mentioned that we develop the script for 14 days. Why so long, it will be clear when you read the sequence of our actions below.

And we can say with a 100% guarantee that if the script is written 2-3 times faster, then this is: either ready-made templates adapted for you, and not written from scratch.

Or this is a highly unqualified job, because you need to return to the script in order to look at it with a fresh head.

Here they are, hacks in all their glory

In the VIP package, we also test the script for the client on real calls, that is, we check it in practice and correct it.

And calls, taking into account the chime, are stretched for at least 2-3 days. By the way, during testing, sometimes there is a sale and the script pays off with interest.

As for the cost. On the market you can find offers from 2 thousand to 90 thousand rubles.

You can argue for a long time whether the price for this service is too high or not, but you can definitely say that a normal scriptologist who knows his own worth will not charge less than 10 thousand rubles for writing a script without taking into account additional actions.

It's up to you who to choose and how much to pay. I just want you to understand that if you have a person / company that can write a script even 1% better and it will cost several times more, then agree.

Because if you count, then this one percent within a week or a month will pay off all investments dozens of times. Since a quality script directly affects your money.


How to write a sales script

Cream is the most delicious part of the cake. In our case, we just got to the cream.

Next, I will tell you what steps are taken to create an ideal text seller in Word or in a special program.

Step 1 - Who is he?

Your task at this stage is to collect the most complete picture. But then it will be more interesting, you will need to isolate all the most important things, based on step 1, and compress it into a few phrases in order to convey this or that idea to the client.

Step 3 - Defining Stages and Goals

Each script is written for a specific task and there is no need to shout with one voice that the main task is “sales!”.

This is clear by default. At this step, your main task is to understand the stages and what goals each mini-script should achieve in its area.

As an example, consider the steps and goals we wrote down when we recently created our outbound cold call script:

  1. Verification of LPR (LDPR);
  2. Blocker passage;
  3. Conversation with the decision maker and sending a marketing kit;
  4. The first call back to the decision maker and a proposal for a meeting / identification of the need for the calculation of the estimate.
  5. The second chime of the LPR and closing for a trial game.

As you already understood, writing one script is not enough. In this case, there are 5 of them, but we consider it all as one, since we perceive it as one sale, albeit with each separate goal at its stage.

Step 4 - Install Blocks and Selling Techniques

If at this stage the idea to write a sales script has not disappeared, then we move on. After we found out who our client is, selected a tasty offer for him, determined the chain along which he must go, then we proceed to the definition of blocks and sales techniques.

Blocks are mini stages within a single script, the purpose of which is to take the client to the next step. Looking at the sample below, it becomes immediately clear what I'm talking about.

Blocking example

The only thing that may not be clear to you is the name of the technique in the example.

And all because we have standard techniques in the company, which we call our “bird language” for a faster understanding of each other, and the client does not see them when receiving his version.

Step 5 - Writing Speech Phrases and Design

Here it is, the most interesting! And then everything was prepared and prepared. We are finally writing texts based on previous steps and knowledge about sales.

And you know what is the most problematic? Something that does not exist for all companies of universal phrases.

Therefore, personal sales experience and theoretical knowledge gained from books, seminars and other types of sources go into battle.

An example of writing speech phrases

In addition to the fact that you write speech turns at this step, you will spontaneously have a design question. There are 5 design options in our everyday life.

For me, this phrase has become so commonplace that sometimes it is forgotten that not everyone knows what a sales script is. I've been asked this quite a lot lately, so it looks like it's time to go into detail. Sometimes they say "sales script", or "speech modules" or "sales chants" - as a rule, these words mean the same thing. Let's understand what a sales script is.

This topic has become fashionable in recent times, some sellers of this service are interpreted as a "magic pill", which allows you to "lose weight by 10 kg per week without diets and exercise", i.e. "double sales in a month without improving the sales system and staff training."

There is also an opposite opinion - sales scripts are an absolute evil, zombifying sellers and irritating customers. In general, sales scripts are like any fashionable topic - it is overgrown with speculation, myths, legends, behind which it becomes difficult to discern the essence of the phenomenon.

For now, let's leave the legends and myths alone. And let's see what sales scripts really are, what they are and what they are not, when they are necessary, and when you can do without them, what they are for, what benefits they can bring and to whom?

In 1908, Henry Ford created a successful in-line production of cars based on the assembly line, which led to a revolutionary, explosive increase in labor productivity and, as a result, the reduction in the cost of the car and its availability. Creating a car from high craftsmanship has become technology. And this transformation brought several huge benefits to Ford's business. Firstly, it significantly reduced the time for the production of each unit of production, and, accordingly, the cost of its production, and also made it possible to hire less qualified (and, therefore, less highly paid) personnel. For the obvious reason: teaching a person a few operations is much easier and cheaper than the skill of building a car.

In fact, the same idea lies in the creation of sales scripts - technologization of the art of sales and reducing the influence of the human factor. Well, as a result - an increase in efficiency (i.e., a reduction in time and other costs for each sale) and the ability to hire less qualified and experienced (and therefore less expensive) sellers. And its implementation here is built on the same pipeline principle: the sales process is divided into simple operations, and each such operation is brought to the most simple and functional form.

Sales scripts are a pre-designed scenario of interaction with a client, starting from the moment of the first greeting and ending with the completion of the target action. The goal of a sales script is to increase the likelihood of a planned targeted action by a client.

  • The target action is a specific, unambiguously measurable result, which should end this contact with a client. For example, when retail in the store - this is actually a fact of sale (maybe also an addition in the form of filling out a questionnaire bonus program); when working at an exhibition, the target action can be - filling out a questionnaire and getting contacts; in cold calling, the target action can be an appointment or a "lead" - the primary interest and the expressed need of the client, or a completed client card with predetermined information, etc.

If the sale is not carried out in one phone call, then the entire chain from acquaintance to sale is divided into stages. At the same time, the end of each of the stages will have its own target action, and for each stage its own script is written, again, starting with a greeting and ending with the achievement of a specific goal of the stage.

Accordingly, the script has a constructive basis - a "skeleton", so to speak - it is a prescribed step-by-step algorithm of actions that maximally provides for possible turns of the conversation and the client's reactions. And what is based on this basis are ready-made speech modules, which, ideally, are prescribed taking into account the knowledge of psychology, the specifics of the business and the practice of the most successful sellers.

Here, for example, is a very simplified diagram of a fairly common b-2-b sales algorithm.

We have a base (for now we do not touch on the question of what kind of base and what is its quality). Most often, the database does not contain the full name of the decision maker. Therefore, the first action, the first step of our algorithm will be to get this valuable information. This operation can very easily be described as a script and entrusted to an inexperienced employee or outsourced. As well as the next operation - making an appointment.

Here holding a meeting - of course, should be performed by an experienced employee. You can also write a script here - it’s useful to have a plan, a script and a lot of “homework” before the meeting. After all, the best impromptu is a prepared impromptu. But at the same time, of course, the entire script should be in your sales manager's head and, by definition, it will be much less rigid (i.e., have more freedom for the sales manager) than the base update and appointment scripts.

All "boosts" can also be entrusted to a less qualified employee. When we build the structure of the process in this way and separate them into a separate technological operation, we are much less likely to “forget” about them and, due to a more thorough study of the base, reveal another reserve of efficiency. We just outlined the work with failures as a general touch - it needs to be worked out strategically. There may be different variants depending on the nature of the business.

And after-sales work is also better to entrust to another employee. I know that this moment may seem controversial to someone, but now we will not delve into this controversy. We will leave this topic for future posts.

It is clear that the scheme is very simplified, in order to make a really working tool out of it, it still needs to be detailed and refined, but even here it is clear what kind of scripts we will need, what the target actions will be in stages, and you can even figure out how to further control of the process.

The pipeline is effective where there is a large flow of fairly simple operations of the same type. And it becomes unprofitable where products are created in small batches, or even in single copies (reconfiguring the conveyor is longer and more expensive). And also where we have not yet been able to break the process into simple operations due to the fact that each time the choice of actions depends on too many factors. (The key word here is "yet". In fact, almost any human activity– even the most complex or “creative” one can be algorithmized and broken down into simple operations. Let's remember at least eye microsurgery). And the introduction of a conveyor completely loses its meaning where your customers are willing to pay dearly (and very dearly) just for buying a HANDMADE product.

The conclusion is simple: the implementation of scripts will be unprofitable if the specifics of your business are such that you have several tens or hundreds of customers whom you know by name and who are ready to pay for an exclusive service. For example, very specific equipment, whose consumers are several dozen enterprises across the country, trust management of finances, designed for a very narrow category of people with ultra-high incomes, exclusive travel along an individually designed route, etc. Here the approach to sales is somewhat different and now we will not touch on it.

And another situation where the script will be not only useless, but also harmful: you have mega-sellers, i.e. real sales sharks who have worked out super-efficient algorithms and speech modules for years in their heads. And you are 100% sure that they will not get away from you anywhere. And you are quite satisfied with the volume of sales and you have no idea to scale your business. (No, I'm not kidding, the situation, of course, is not ordinary, but perhaps somewhere this exists).

So, the script will be appropriate and will bring real benefits where there is a large flow of the same type of contacts and where this flow can be reduced to a limited number of typical situations. Of course, you and I understand that each client and each situation is unique, but at the same time, for example, all client objections are at the level practical work with them can be reduced to 5-7 typical options. (Well, just in case, let's introduce another category "other", which will include 5 percent, which are difficult to classify as typical).

This can be the entire sales process, such as a script for sales staff (retail) or a script telephone sales. This can be part of the sales process, for example, updating the database (verifying contact details and establishing a decision maker), scheduling a meeting or lead generation, i.e. on cold calls - identifying interest and open need and transferring such a client to a more highly qualified seller. Or it could be a single task in the sales department. For example, satisfaction control, taking feedback and recommendations, “waking up the sleepers” - calling customers who are inactive for some time, a script for working at an exhibition, returning accounts receivable, etc.

But, of course, it works most effectively when we approach the matter systematically: we look at how the process works, decompose it into simple components and automate them. We adjust, debug, make adjustments if necessary.

What do scripts give?

Business owner:

  • increase sales, increase profits,
  • saving budgets for recruitment and adaptation (and yes, for training too, because teaching to work according to a script is much easier than teaching the “art of sales”),
  • ease of business scaling,
  • plus - a lot important point: when we develop and standardize the entire system of interaction with the client, the client begins to work with the company, and not with a specific sales manager. And, as a result, the likelihood that with the departure of this manager you will lose his clients is significantly reduced.

Head of Sales Department :

  • saving time and effort on endless answers to “what if they don’t need anything?”,
  • plus - manageable and understandable technology, instead of "art" gives you independence from the "human factor": the mood of your sellers, their desire or unwillingness, exacerbation of "star disease",
  • peace of mind for the implementation of the sales plan by the most ordinary, not super talented and exclusive sellers,
  • the time from the moment a new seller is hired to the moment when he begins to give results along with the “veterans” will also be significantly reduced. This means that staff turnover will cease to be a constant threat and your nightmare.

And finally sellers themselves:

  • the opportunity to significantly increase sales and, consequently, earn more.
  • you do not have to create suitable answers every time, and this means less tiredness, saving personal resources.
  • In a word - to work more efficiently, to get more results at less cost.
  • And one more very important point that most sales managers will definitely like: this division of labor allows you to significantly reduce the part of routine and non-core work - just what every salesperson would be happy to do without.

I can talk about this topic for a long time, in the near future I will definitely continue it.