Brass ls59 1 decoding. Brass l63 and ls59

Brass LS59-1 is a multicomponent copper alloy, chemical composition which stipulates GOST 15527-2004. This GOST indicates that the composition of such an alloy may contain 57–60% copper, 37.05–42.2% zinc and 0.8–1.9% lead. Other chemical elements present in the LS59-1 alloy as impurities may be contained in it in an amount not exceeding 0.75%.

Although the alloy of this brand belongs to the category of brasses, which are well processed by pressure, most often products from it are processed at high speed. machine tools. Because of this, LS59-1 is also included in the category of automatic materials. The characteristics of brass of this brand are determined by lead, which is included in its composition as an alloying element.

You can get acquainted with the GOST requirements for brass alloys by downloading the document in pdf format from the link below.

Mechanical characteristics

Due to the presence of lead in LS59-1, when processing products from it by cutting, small chips are formed, which makes it possible to perform such processing on high speeds. A distinctive feature of the alloy under consideration is the fact that lead in its internal structure constitutes a separate phase. This makes such a material highly amenable to plastic deformation. Meanwhile, if we compare brass of the LS59-1 brand with two-component alloys, then it is significantly inferior to them in terms of its ductility, so it is better to process such a material by cutting.

The range of products made from LS59-1 brass includes:

  • bars with different cross-sectional profiles;
  • sheet material - strips, sheets, plates;
  • wire;
  • profile rental;
  • pipe products.

Brass of the LS59-1 brand is distinguished by good antifriction characteristics, which makes it possible to use such material for the manufacture of products operated in conditions of increased friction. From this alloy, in particular, plain bearings are used to complete various mechanisms and machines. In addition, the resistance to abrasion, which distinguishes LS59-1, allows the use of this brass for the manufacture of machine tool guides for various purposes.

Since brass of this brand has a multiphase structure, products made from it are characterized by increased fragility. Details from LS59-1, on which surface cuts are made, cannot be used as load-bearing elements, since they can break under significant pressure. In addition, the increased brittleness of this brass leads to the fact that when exposed to impact loads, the surface of products made from this material may become covered with cracks, which does not allow them to be processed using such technological operation like forging.

Corrosion resistance

Due to the presence of lead in the chemical composition of the brass of the brand in question, a separate phase is formed in its internal structure, which has a positive effect not only on its machinability, but also on corrosion resistance. Compared to other brass alloys, LS59-1 is more resistant to corrosion. are not subject to cracking and oxidation during operation in conditions of high humidity and temperature extremes.

However, it is not necessary to talk about the exceptionally high resistance to corrosion of LS59-1: in this parameter, this alloy is similar to brasses of other brands. In particular, it is not recommended to use it in cases where it will have to come into contact with iron, aluminum and zinc products. In addition, the corrosion resistance of LS59-1 will not perform well when:

  • simultaneous exposure to high humidity and high pressure;
  • contact with fatty acids;
  • operation in the environment of hydrogen sulfide;
  • contact with ore waters and mineral acids;
  • constant interaction with oxidized solutions and chlorides.

LS59-1 demonstrates its corrosion resistance well under the following operating conditions:

  • atmospheric air, including saturated with sea salt vapors;
  • dry steam;
  • a liquid medium characterized by a very low content of salts and acids;
  • freon, alcohol solutions and antifreeze;
  • salty sea water, which is in a sedentary state.
It should be borne in mind that the interaction of brass LS59-1 with a gaseous or liquid medium, characterized by a high content of ammonia, oxygen and carbon dioxide, has a very negative effect on the corrosion resistance of the alloy.

Rolled products

From the brass of the brand in question, the requirements for the chemical composition and mechanical characteristics of which are stipulated by GOST 15527-2004, various metal products are manufactured. The assortment and parameters of the latter are regulated by others normative documents. Pipes for the manufacture of which this alloy is used can be produced both by plastic deformation and by the method of continuous casting. At the same time, the production of pipes from brass LS59-1 by casting is much cheaper than the production of similar products obtained using deformation processes.

The plastic deformation method for brass of this brand is used in the production of wire and rods, which can have a round, hexagonal or square cross-sectional shape. The material of manufacture itself in this case must also meet the requirements established by GOST 15527-2004 (for products that are made from it, the standards are specified by GOST 1066).

From LS59-1 brass, sheets are produced that are distinguished by high density, hardness and, accordingly, wear resistance. Due to their characteristics, they are successfully used in the manufacture of guide machines for various purposes. In addition, special technologies make it possible to produce soft, semi-hard and hard sheet material from such brass. At the same time, both density and specific gravity such products will correspond to similar parameters of the source material.

Bars with various cross-sectional shapes made of brass LS59-1 are very actively used in industry. Them distinctive features are high strength and good machinability. It is also important that the manufacture of such products (rolling or broaching technology can be used for this) is notable for its low cost. Depending on the manufacturing technology and scope of use, LS59-1 brass rods can be produced in soft, semi-hard or hard versions.

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The most commonly used brass: LS59-1 in the form of round, square and hexagonal bars, L63 in the form of tapes, sheets, plates and wires, tubes. Sheets LS59-1 are used if processing is needed on milling machine or engraving. If the sheet needs to be bent, then only grade L63 of the soft state.

Sheets and plates made from the L63 brand are cheaper than from the LS59-1 brand. For bars, everything is exactly the opposite: worse processed brass L63 costs about 20% more. This is due to the fact that L63 is made from pure copper scrap, and LS59-1 from scrap containing lead. In the case of sheets, the increased cost of LS59-1 brass is associated with manufacturing difficulties. Brass L63 is more viscous and there is less rejection in the manufacture of sheets. Cut for brass sheets produced by our non-ferrous metal processing plants 600 x 1500 mm, i.e. in one standard sheet of brass 0.9 square meters.

Brass sheets should be stored in a warm warehouse, as when temperatures drop and condensate gets on the sheets, the corrosion process begins. Brass darkens, white spots appear. Store brass sheets standing in cells.

Sometimes the question arises of how to distinguish brass from bronze BrAZh9-4, because they are similar in color. Bronze is magnetic, brass is usually not (the exception is brass, which contain iron, but they are less magnetic). Brass has a higher density of 8.5 g / cm3 (bronze BrAZh9-4 has 7.6 g / cm3), therefore, with the same diameter and length, the brass rod weighs more. If the brass is heated to a temperature of 600-650.C (dark red heat), the surface of the brass is covered with a thin ash coating of zinc oxide. On bronze, such plaque does not form. Bronze gives off a pink tint, and brass is yellow or even greenish yellow.

You can distinguish brass L63 and LS59-1 from each other by scratching the bar. Brass LS59-1 creaks when scratched!

Can check brass for lead content: usually this is done like this, put a drop of 9% vinegar on the sample, wait a while, then put a drop of potassium iodide (it happens in a pharmacy, in chemical stores, in old military first-aid kits as an anti-radiation agent), the appearance of a yellow color indicates the presence of lead. So it's lead brass.

Brass differs from bronze in higher ductility and, accordingly, lower strength and wear resistance, which limits the use of this alloy in many areas. In addition, brass is less resistant to aggressive environments, in particular, salty sea water, which does not allow the use of brass products in shipbuilding, where bronze is used very actively and successfully. The exception is tin brass grades LO.

There is also a noticeable difference in the color of these alloys and in their internal structure. Any experienced specialist can tell you how to distinguish brass from bronze: just look at the fracture of products made from these alloys. Brass at the break has a lighter color and a pronounced fine grain structure, while bronze is easily identified by the dark brown color of the break and the coarse internal structure.

Sheet L63, if cut with a hacksaw, gives a burr, while LS-59 has practically no burr. Brand L63 brass is not suitable for engraving and milling. No matter how many modes you choose, the cutters still break, very viscous material... When polished, a sheet of L63 "floats" strongly. True, it is better to bend it than a loose piece, which can crack. Brass brand LS59-1 is excellent for machining on automatic lathes, as the lead contained in the alloy makes the chips brittle and it does not wrap around the cutter.

By the way, the volume of manufactured brass LS59-1 is several times higher than the volume of output of all other brands of brass combined.

You can read about changing the color of brass (oxidation)

The entire range of products made from brass L63 and LS59, stipulates GOST 15527 -70 (new edition - GOST 15527 2004 ) “Copper-zinc alloys (brass), processed by pressure. Marks»

Brass bars were previously manufactured in accordance with GOST 2060-90, in 2006 this GOST was updated to GOST 2060-2006 Brass bars. Specifications. However, in the same 2006, a new GOST was developed and introduced 52597- 2006 RODSBRASS FORPROCESSINGCUT TOAUTOMATED. It regulates the manufacture of lead brass bars (automatic brass) grades LS 63-3, LS59-1, LS59-1V, LS58-2, LS58-3, LS59-2 and LZhS58-1-1 with a diameter of 3 mm to 50 mm.

In fact, since 2006, domestic non-ferrous metallurgy has been producing all lead brass according to this GOST. According to the old GOST 2060, lead-free brass and pressed lead brass over a diameter of 50 mm are produced. However, the designers in the old reference books also indicate the Soviet GOST, hence periodically there are difficulties with the supplied brass of the LS59-1 brand. Suppliers require that they provide release certificates before 2006.

Brass sheets are made according to the Soviet GOST 931-90 (ST SEV 957-89) SHEETS AND STRIPS BRASSTECHNICAL CONDITIONS. And although this GOST states that it is possible to manufacture sheets up to 1000 mm wide and up to 2000 mm long, alas, our industry only cuts 600x1500 mm. Let's cut brass sheets 1000x2000 mm remain a legend.

AT Food Industry it is better to use two-component brass brand L63 (L68), since it does not contain lead, which is harmful to living organisms.

processing of brass LS59-1. The shavings are poured in small crumbs, hence the common name for brass is “loose”

Brass teapot from brass L68

Comparison of properties of L63 and LS59-1(from here)

Practice shows that many consumers do not know what are the differences between the two most common brands of brass - LS59-1 and L63. So here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

  1. The electrical and thermal conductivity of these brasses is the same.
  2. These brasses differ from each other not because they have different copper content, but because in LS59-1 lead is present. Thanks to lead, LS59-1 is perfectly sharpened with the formation of small loose chips.
  3. L63 is processed by cutting worse than LS59-1, .... it has a different chip.
  4. In comparable states, rods from LS59-1 are not much harder and stronger than L63. However, in the presence of notches, bars from LS59-1 are easily subjected to brittle fracture under transverse loading. The impact strength of LS59-1 (5-6) is much less than for L63 (14). For these reasons, under certain operating conditions, parts from L63 may be more reliable than from LS59-1.
  5. L63 is easy to work with cold pressure. The difference in plasticity is clearly illustrated by a simple experiment: the wire from L63 is easily flattened, and the wire from LS59-1 cracks after 2-3 blows with a hammer. This favorably distinguishes L63 from LS59-1 and determines the use of L63 for the manufacture of parts that require, in addition to turning and milling, additional shaping by pressure.
  6. High ductility allows the use of L63 wire for the manufacture of rivets.
  7. Bars and wires from L63 are used as solder.
  8. LS59-1 has good antifriction properties and can be used in plain bearings operating at low specific pressures and high speeds.
  9. Cold-formed sheets from LS59-1 have high hardness. combined with high wear resistance, this allows them to be used as guides in machine tools.

Automatic multicomponent brass LS59-1 has a chemical composition in accordance with GOST 15527. LS59-1 consists of 57-60% copper, 37.05-42.2% zinc, 0.8-1.9 lead and up to 0.75% impurities . Along with the alloy L63 - LS59-1, it has found the widest application among pressure-treated brass. According to the classification, our multi-component alloy is pressure-treated, but in practice it is used more often as an automatic alloy. Both of these materials have the same thermal and electrical conductivity, but the alloying of the LS59-1 alloy with lead allows it to be used as an automaton, and more efficiently machined, with small chips.

Mechanical properties of alloy LS59-1

The phase state of the alloy has a small amount of substance in the b-phase, and lead is a separate phase in it, so it is well processed by pressure and cutting. However, in terms of plasticity, LS59-1 is significantly inferior to two-component alloys and is recommended for machining. It produces:

    • ribbons, strips and sheets of brass,
    • profiles,

This alloy has anti-friction properties and can be used in the manufacture of small parts designed to work with high friction, such as plain bearings. Since it has a higher hardness than simple alloys and is resistant to abrasion, it is possible to use sheet blanks from it for the manufacture of guide elements for various machine tools. You can buy brass LS59-1 in the corresponding section.

The trouble with all multi-component brasses is excessive brittleness, which manifests itself under special conditions due to the multi-phase structure of the material. In the material we are considering, lead forms a separate phase, which has a positive effect on the machinability of parts from it on machine tools, but also makes the material more brittle. Parts made of LS59-1 with notches tend to break under high pressure, therefore they cannot be used as load-bearing elements. And with a high impact load on L63 blanks, the material may become cracked, due to its low impact strength, so it is not suitable for forging.

Corrosion resistance of material LS59-1

After processing blanks from brass LS59-1, the material does not experience strong stress, lead forms a separate phase, for this reason, it is more resistant to seasonal cracking that occurs with increasing humidity and temperature environment, which is superior to L68 and L63.

In general, our multi-component alloy resists corrosion under the same conditions as most brasses. It should not be used in contact with Fe, Al, Zn. It also performs poorly:

    • in air saturated with humid vapors, at high pressure,
    • in contact with fatty acids,
    • in hydrogen sulfide
    • mine waters,
    • mineral acids,
    • as well as in oxidized solutions,
    • and with chlorides.

Corrosion resistance is shown:

    • in air and maritime climate,
    • in dry steam
    • fresh waters,
    • freons, alcohols, antifreezes,
    • salty sea water in a sedentary state.

And the presence of excess oxygen, ammonia or carbon dioxide in vapors or water adversely affects the corrosion resistance of this material.

Rolled metal

Pipes according to GOST 494 from LS59-1 are produced by pressing. Besides wide range of products from this material are produced in accordance with GOST. Since the alloy has low mechanical properties for forming, although it is considered to be processed by pressure, pipes are made from it using continuous casting methods. And their cost is much lower than pressed ones.

Cold-formed general-purpose wire is produced in accordance with GOST 1066, and has a square, round or hexagonal section.

Work-hardened sheets LS59-1 have high hardness and wear resistance, and, as mentioned above, they are used in machine tool building. This is one of the most popular types of brass sheet metal. In addition, sheets are produced from LS59-1 in a soft, semi-solid, solid state.

The LS59-1 bars of hexagonal and square shape have found the greatest application. This is a very inexpensive type of rolled metal that is easy to cut, and in addition it has strong ribs. Thanks to this, at minimal cost all kinds of small and large parts with good anti-friction properties can be produced from bars. Drawn and extruded bars are produced from this alloy in hard, soft or semi-hard states.


Due to its low cost, high hardness, good machinability, anti-friction properties and corrosion resistance, LS59-1 is widely used in all types of production. Various blanks are mass-produced from this alloy. Gears, bushings, gears, forgings, fasteners, pipes are made from it. The mass character of such production ensures good machinability on machine tools.

In addition to the fact that parts on machine tools are made from LS59-1, structural elements of the machines themselves are also made from it, in particular guides for the movement of machine carriages. Such guides do not deform and do not wear out over time. At the same time, the cost of such products is low.