Falcon 250 train where he is now. Shipment Hero

Sacking a governor is the favorite sport of the local elite. At least once every three months, Mikhail Men was dismissed, Pavel Konkov regularly "left" - rumors, as a rule, escalated in the spring and autumn, and then faded away. Two steps away from resignation, Pavel Alekseevich was once, at the end of February of this year - his press service then tried to present everything as a media attack by unfriendly forces, but the roots were deeper, and then he was almost changed to Andrey Chibis - Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing. They say that the attack on the governor's chair was repulsed with the help of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who put in a good word to the country's main voter. But the new heads of the presidential administration, it seems, did not reconcile themselves and, at the first successful occasion, they put the squeeze on the topic. We probably will not know the real motivation for the resignation. Whether the frustrated program for resettlement of dilapidated housing in this way backfired, whether it was an echo of the FTP "Plyos" or Konkov fell victim to the struggle for money from the synthetic fiber plant under construction in Vichuga - on October 10, 2017, it did not matter, and the region received the acting governor of the Ivanovo region Stanislav Sergeevich Voskresensky. Get used to it.

Not much is known about the new head of the region (I'm not talking about). He was called both "Gref's glamorous nominee" and Nabiulina / Ulyukaev's man. They speak of him as a “Medvedev's” person, while at the same time including the all-powerful Igor Ivanovich Sechin in his retinue. Probably, everything will clear up soon, but for now, Vedomosti believes that "the post of governor of the Ivanovo region for Voskresensky is a demotion, he could lay claim to a more interesting region from an economic point of view." I can only state that on Ivanovo land the old name of Voskresensky was perceived with caution. And those who are usually called "Babichevites", and those who consider themselves to be "Menevsky". “Konkovskys” have not appeared in the region for four years, and those who could be called that are today either convicted, or under investigation, or outside the region - with the exception of State Duma deputy Alexei Alekseevich Khokhlov. Everyone in the region is hiding and waiting for the first steps and the first decisions.

Now everything is more or less clear only with the regional government - in connection with the termination of the powers of Pavel Konkov, it is resigning. Whether one of the retirees will be offered a job is unknown - this may be an answer to the question of the continuity of the policy of the new leader of the region (you have no doubt that in 11 months the inhabitants of the region will unanimously vote for Stanislav Voskresensky and he will lose the prefix acting?) . They say about Stanislav Sergeevich that he is one of those “young technocrats” who speak the bird language of foresight camps, blockchains and big dates. If so, then Alexander Lodyshkin, the head of the DERiT, has a chance to keep his place (or get another place in the new government) - this is his language too. And yet, you will be surprised at the domestic political helmsman Igor Chebykin, who recently gave a very uncharacteristic interview for the Konkovo ​​officials to the Vlast magazine, in which he talks about life in the terminology of this very big date. As if Chebykin knew something, and that text was addressed to the new governor. Or maybe he knew - that's why he is an internal politician.

And since we are talking about politics. It seems that the new governor is far from it, and the locals need to prepare either for the emergence of a new "demon", which was Mikhail Babich under Vladimir Tikhonov, or live in the paradigm of Pavel Alekseevich, who left the governor's chair, when political challenges from Pushkin, 9 were answered, as a rule , deathly silence or the phrase "no comment."

And there is also a layer of municipal heads, in whose ranks today there is complete confusion and vacillation, and who (exactly there, on the ground) will ensure a high result in the upcoming presidential elections - and this result, in turn, will become the key to getting rid of Voskresensky from his "temporary" position .

In everything else that does not concern the bureaucracy, there is no clarity - neither with the candidates for the next regional Duma, nor with the fate of the remaining regional business. What will happen to the synthetic fiber plant project and will it remain the hope of the Ivanovo economy? Will the new governor be able to turn the tide with relocation from dilapidated housing and with deceived equity holders, or will everything be limited to finding the perpetrators from among the former governors and their deputies? Will the last major machine builder of the Ivanovo region, Yuri Tokayev, manage to stay afloat this time, and will the new governor forgive him hundreds of millions of rubles that he owes to Sberbank and for which the regional government under Konkov vouched? And this issue is directly related to the independence of the largest regional television company Bars, which even the cunning Men and Pakhomov could not take away from Yuri Alimbekovich. What will happen to the criminal case of the editor-in-chief of Bars Sergei Kustov - they say that the investigators have recently found a common language with the prosecutors and are preparing a charge that will be supported and the case will go to court. What will happen to the rest of the criminal cases of recent years - except perhaps the case of Ilyushkin, who did not wait for favors from fate and left the Russian land.

Questions, questions, questions... Residents of the Ivanovo region will receive answers to them for the next few years. Of course, if the rumor that “young technocrats” who are not connected with the local elites turns out to be true, they enter the regions in order to coldly and without unnecessary emotions carry out the process of enlargement and merging of regions. Because in this case, at the end of the term of office of Mr. Voskresensky, we will find ourselves residents of an area with a completely different name.

Alexey Mashkevich

P.S.: What today can be said boldly and unequivocally: a young leader of the region has appeared who has a successful wife. Model, actress, producer of the Koroche festival and just a beauty.

Farewell tour of the governor of the Ivanovo region

Ivanovo officials got a chance to leave briefcases in the air shouting: “Mathematician got sick!”, Of course, adjusted for age and situation. The intrigue is that the governor of the Ivanovo region, Pavel Konkov, canceled the Monday meeting and suddenly left for Moscow. Where, as you know, the governors just like that, and even on Mondays do not go.

Thank you for leaving… @ MIA Rossiya Segodnya. Author of the photo: Varvara Gertier

dark horses

In the capital, Pavel Alekseevich, apparently, will only be delayed for one day: October 10 became a landmark day for him - either they will be sent to an honorary sinecure, or they will be completely dismissed, or they will let him sit out his term - such were the prospects. The governor, according to the "rumors" spread by the media, stubbornly resisted and wanted to stay at the helm. The grounds for sending Pavel Konkov to the penalty box, of course, were and are. Firstly, he did not see Vitaly Ilyushkin, his deputy, who, under the wing of his boss, exacted tribute from those who wanted to infiltrate the place of the deputy of the regional Duma. He fled from the investigation and did not even take his snow and swamp vehicle. This one answered interesting person behind internal politics region and the governor was described as "a person with extensive experience, highly qualified."
And that's true: Ilyushkin was an outstanding specialist, but only in another area - in the media. He had direct interests in the companies LLC Ivanovo-Voznesenskaya Broadcasting Company, LLC Region Media, LLC Amethyst (radio media Amethyst R-37 with Radio Vanya), Mass Media Ivanovo (" Radio-Ivanovo 106.7 FM), N-radio (N-Radio. Ivanovo), LLC Ivanovo Radio Corporation (Ivanovo Radio Corporation together with Road Radio; as well as the media " Ivanovo Radio Wave), Advertising Center, Promedia, Ivanovo TV Trend and Hi-Tech Media. Put it all together and get almost an information monopoly. Isn't this outstanding quality - total control over the media in the region - appreciated in Vitaly Ilyushkin by Governor Konkov?

Pavel Konkov came under fire from Kiriyenko’s team quite naturally: for inattention, connivance of corruption and holey, like a colander, personnel policy

And shortly before Ilyushkin's escape, the former Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Kabanov. He received 8.5 years in prison and a fine of 30 million rubles. Evil tongues whisper that Andrei Kabanov was a friend of Pavel Konkov. But why "was"? Friends are known in trouble, and now both of them are having a hard time - we hope that friendship will only become stronger. But in general, Konkov and the team were really unlucky: the head of the health department, Svetlana Romanchuk, was suspected of abuse of power, and Deputy Prime Minister of the Ivanovo Region Dmitry Kulikov fell under a criminal case. In Kineshma, the second capital of the Ivanovo region, a couple of years ago, and his deputy - there were rumors about a bribe of 2 million rubles. And everything would be fine, but only Pavel Konkov was the governor of the Ivanovo region in 2014, and he became acting even earlier - in October 2013.
So, if we ignore the spiteful critics and slander, Pavel Konkov came under fire from Kiriyenko's team quite naturally: for inattention, connivance of corruption and a perforated, like a colander, personnel policy. In the private sector, it might be possible to get away with it, but on public service These are symptoms of incompetence.

Sandpiper and swamp

But Pavel Konkov knows how to acquire good neighbors. For example, the neighboring plot belongs to Dmitry Kulikov, Deputy Governor (let's forget about the criminal case for a moment). This is a loyal man, known to the governor since the 90s: Konkov headed the Megapolis company - Kulikov was the chief accountant there. Konkov began to steer the Kolobovskaya weaving factory - Kulikov came there as the chief director. In 2013, Pavel Konkov fell into the position of interim governor: and Kulikov is right there - assistant to the chairman of the government. And then the director of the department of finance, and the first deputy chairman of the government. True, it somehow awkwardly turned out with a bribe of 5 million rubles, which, according to the investigation, Kulikov received from the former head of the city of Ivanovo. But also myself Crickets are sitting for a bribe - already 12 million rubles. So, whoever remembers the old - that eye out, as they say.

Governor of the Ivanovo Region Pavel Konkov. @ MIA "Russia Today". Author of the photo: Varvara Gertier

for 4.5 thousand marriages in the Ivanovo region - 4.5 thousand divorces in 2017

Another neighbor of Pavel Konkov is also not simple - a large businessman Viktor Dormidontov, the owner of CJSC "Verguza" and construction company OOO "Uvod-Stroy". He generally knows how to establish good relations with the heads of the region - he made friends with Mikhail Men, now he has also appreciated Pavel Konkov. And with that, and with another "Verguz" is actively growing, construction is also flourishing. True, there was some story with the sale of a plot on the banks of the Volga, which was disputed by the prosecutor's office, but Viktor Dormidontov is unlikely to have anything to do with this, no matter what anonymous commentators might think.

Perfect Stats

Despite the intercession of Mikhail Men, it is already clear with Konkov - he was gone. And it's not even so much in corruption scandals, in that The media in the Ivanovo region have been significantly strangled that the governor has constant misunderstandings with senators Valery Vasiliev and Vladimir Bochkov. All this could be understood and forgiven if the region developed.

population decline in the region - a thousand people per year

But here are the facts that we have on hand and everyone has on the Internet:
- On September 1, the federal program for resettlement from emergency housing was to be completed. She's ripped off;
- the development of tourism in the region has failed - one "Plyos" cannot be accounted for by any means;
- salaries in the region are small: about 22 thousand rubles, and these are only accrued, “dirty” salaries. Subtract 13%, what's left?
- population decline in the region - a thousand people a year, and this is only the difference between births and deaths. Since 2014, the media has recorded a constant outflow of young people. Almost 2,000 people left the region in 2017;
- the fact that for 4.5 thousand marriages in the Ivanovo region - 4.5 thousand divorces in 2017, this is not an indicator of low morality, but a decline in the quality of life.
A Kremlin source notes that, in general, Konkov is a rather average governor, so the AP did not hesitate much whether to remove him or not. A weighty argument "for" was Pavel Konkov's age is 59 years old, and his resignation is quite in the trend of personnel rejuvenation.