Field trainings. Field corporate trainings

Offsite trainings unique opportunity take the most in-demand classes from the Private Life Academy program and visit incredible places where the environment itself will help you dive deeper into the desired state.

We invite you on exciting journeys around the world together with the teachers of the Academy of Private Life and its founder, Larisa Renard!

Where are outdoor classes held?

Throughout the year we conduct field trainings in different cities and countries:

  • temperamental and alluring Italy - to reveal a passionate mistress in you;
  • exquisite and luxurious Vienna - to awaken the majestic Queen;
  • magical and relaxing Cyprus - the birthplace of Aphrodite and the birthplace of your inner Girl;

Interested complex classes aimed at the overall development of your feminine power? - You are welcome! We have a few more offsite trainings you won't want to miss!

  • "Women's Energy Weekend" is a three-day field training in the bosom of nature. The participants of the training are hosted by the comfortable recreation center "Ilyichevo" in the Leningrad region. Gathering on the shore of a large lake on the days of the celebration of Ivan Kupala, we will deeply immerse ourselves in women's bodily practices and be filled with the energies of the elements .
  • "La Femme Fatale" is an impressive training in a luxury Monaco. Conducted by Larisa Renard and aimed at introducing you to high society: from getting to know the richest people planets in one of the best casinos "Monte Carlo" before entering the carpathian of the Cannes Film Festival.
  • “Circle of Female Power” is an intensive training from Larisa Renard and trainers of the Academy of Private Life, where in just 6 days you can complete basic trainings Academy and learn how to manage all four female states.

As a rule, field trainings last 7 days and are combined with an excursion tour to the selected country. The cost of the trip consists of the cost of the training part (training) and the price of the tour. Moreover, the earlier you book a tour, the more profitable it will be! All details can be found on the respective event page.

The trip schedule is left in such a way that you can take part in each! They are evenly distributed throughout the year and according to the seasons correspond to the energy of female states: winter is the time of the Queen, spring is the season of the Girl, summer is the hot season of the Mistress, and autumn is the period when the Mistress rules.

Join the on-site trainings - you will not get such emotions, such insights, such results in any other way!

You are located in:

Places of power in the program of you field training:

  • Feolent,
  • Jasper Beach,
  • temple of the sun
  • Ilyas Kaya,
  • Kachi-Kalyon,
  • Chersonese Tauride,
  • St. George's Monastery,
  • Mount of the Holy Apparition

you can see more details

Exit women's training trip “Magic of female power. Solstice Training»

June 20 - June 26 Crimea. The Magic of Feminine Power. (Solstice Training).

A journey to the origins of the female saga and female inner magical power.

We will spend the first 2 days in a tent camp organized specially for us to connect with nature, swim in a magical mountain lake, jump over a fire, weave wreaths, communicate with the moon and do ancient solstice practices.

We will visit the cave city of Eski Karmen with its energy wells and the Temple of Donators.

Then we will go to a private hotel in the Meganom area (Sudak). On the way we will stop at the magical Mangup.

And we will spend the remaining days in women's practices, visiting such places of power as Meganom and the Armenian Monastery of Subh Khach.

Magic Journey Power Places: Magic Lake, Temple of Donators, Eski-Karmen, Mangup, Meganom, Subkh-khach.

In the women's training program: female magic of the solstice, ancient techniques and rituals (jumping over a fire, a fiery circle, etc.), practices and techniques for bringing the necessary events into life, creating protective dolls, mandala therapy (mandala weaving).

Accommodation: 3 days in an organized tented lake in the valley of the magic lake, then we move to a private hotel and 3 days in a private hotel.

You can apply by email

Exit female training.
Karelia. St. Petersburg.
"Return to Yourself"

Dates of visiting women's training:

Magical visiting women's training for combining fairy tales, magic and unique energies of places of power. During the 6 days of the Journey, you will touch the sacred energies of the places of power of Karelia and St. Petersburg

The first 2 days - Karelia.

  • Ancient menhirs (stones of power),
  • temple,
  • Magic of Ladoga
  • Koyonsaari Island,
  • Sacred stone spirals.

More St. Petersburg the beauty of white nights and palaces: places of power: Palace Square, Church of St. Catherine, Chapel of Xenia of Petersburg, Spit of Vasileostrovsky Island, Mysterious Atlanteans, Elisha the Cat, Magic Ball of Desires, Kazan Cathedral, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Peter and Paul Fortress, Magic of drawbridges .

Everywhere we will do practices, techniques for the realization of desires and the magic of energies.

Accommodation: private hotels.

You can make a request indicating the date of travel you are interested in by e-mail

Offsite women's training
"Reviving the taste of life in the places of power of the Crimea"

The velvet season of the Crimea and the Magic of places of power, you will take for yourself in this amazing Journey. A bright magical field training of female power, which allows you to balance the energies of the elements in yourself, open the world of female rituals, love, harmony, energy practices and fun creativity.

“Rule” (emphasis on the second syllable) - from the word to rule.

What is this amazing trainer?

who is it suitable for?

it suits everyone without exception

It can be used by both young and old.

what does a lesson with the Old Russian simulator Rule in Moscow give, a simulator for the spine.?

if you do not delve into the essence, but walk on the surface, then:

Increasing the level of endurance and strength

Body symmetry alignment

Elimination of bodily clamps and blocks

The inclusion and study of deep muscles that cannot be reached by any other simulator

Harmonization of the internal state as a whole

Generation and Manifestation of Intentions

Increasing the energy state of the body

Margin Alignment


-…..blah blah blah…that is, and much more.

the most important thing is not to forget that this is not just pumping muscles or tendons.

it is a powerful study of all aspects of life at the same time, the solution of all problems, the launch


marvelous simulator


straighten your body

restore the soul

grow the power of the spirit

Alenin Alexander

An excerpt from Alekseev's book "Wolf Grip"

“Crucified with ropes on the arms and legs, he hung three meters above the floor and rested, swaying slightly, as if in a hammock. The tension was so strong that Razhny did not sag at all, and therefore it seemed that the air was springing under the back, like a trampoline, and if you cover your eyes, you can feel the feeling of soaring. Tendons and bones had long been accustomed to endless tension, and now instead of convulsive pain, he experienced a slight, aching voluptuousness, somewhat reminiscent of a pleasant ache in muscles and joints when you stretch after a sweet dream.

However, the similarity was only in sensations, since this state had a completely different nature and was called the Rule (with an emphasis on the first syllable), a kind of borderline phase, reaching which, at any moment, you can produce an energy explosion, for example, knock down a hundred-year-old tree, crush a lion or a bear with your hands move a heavy stone.

Or, pushing off the ground, rise into the air ... Ordinary people do similar things in a state of passion or in an extreme critical situation, performing involuntary, inhuman actions, which they can never repeat later. They remove a tram that has run over a child from the rails, or they jump after a child from a height of the ninth floor and remain alive and unharmed. It happens that they fly, but only in a dream and in childhood ...

Controllability The Rule could only be mastered on this machine, for a long time crucifying oneself[…] "

A unique physiotherapy simulator ... that stimulates the regenerative

(recovery) processes in the musculoskeletal system, which will be very useful for

improving the condition of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, increasing microcirculation

blood in all the areas of the body listed above. Also serves as a great tool

Prevention of curvature of the spine;

Treatment of initial forms of curvature of the spine;

Posture improvements (especially for teenagers, creative workers and businessmen);

Prevention and elimination of back pain associated with infringement of the roots of the spinal cord

(as a result of displacement of the vertebrae or intervertebral discs);

Prevention and elimination of pain in the cervical spine associated with prolonged

sitting position (knowledge workers, drivers);

Stimulation of healing of dislocations, subluxations, sprains, fractures (including

prevention of callus formation);

What are the uniqueness and advantages?

Stimulation occurs naturally due to horizontal stretching, where, under the mass

own body (although the load can be increased according to indications and well-being), evenly

the load is distributed on the entire musculoskeletal system. Distribution uniformity

load is also achieved under the influence of rhythmic alternation of simultaneous

stepwise tension and relaxation of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, resembling

expand-compress gesture.

During the "hanging" on stretched arms and legs, muscle groups are involved,

usually unused in human life (hanging on the crossbar does not give such an effect).

The degree of "stretching" is regulated by the mechanism of construction and increases as you master it

simulator and well-being during class.

ABOUT THE BENEFITS ... deserves the attention of all those who regularly care about improving the quality

life, maintaining physical fitness and mental performance. Regular classes for

simulator improve posture, increase body tone, making the skin smoother and more elastic, gait

light, strengthen bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons, contributing to the tide

additional strength and energy, which also helps to activate the brain. This is one of

many, in my opinion, useful and working tools and for those who are interested in

prevention and therapy, and for those who, being perfectly healthy, seek and would like to receive

experience from new practical developments that implement well-forgotten old recipes and knowledge about

methods of training the body and spirit.

In medical practice, it will also be useful for osteopaths and orthopedists. After

surgical operations on the musculoskeletal system, be sure to consult with

traumatologist whether you are shown classes on this simulator

Article source:

According to the reviews of patients who have completed classes on this simulator, it is able to shoot

psycho-emotional and physical stress, reduce the manifestations of depression, improve

functioning of the nervous, endocrine and autonomic systems of the body. With the aim of

objectification of the obtained results on the basis of the laboratory of clinical psychology of ChelGU

we conducted the following studies: to study the peripheral

hemomicrocirculation and the state of the acupuncture system of the body, we used the method

thermal imaging reflex diagnostics. To assess adaptation, activity of stress-realizing and

stress-limiting systems of the body, the degree of astheno-neurotic state, viscero-

organ vegetative disorders, we used the method of gas-discharge visualization

(GDV/Bioelectrography) - registration of luminescence in a pulsed electric field, s

subsequent mathematical analysis of the glow parameters

According to the literature, the method of thermal imaging reflex diagnostics has good

dynamic characteristics, reliably reflects the features of microcirculation

whole organism. It is known that the skin nervous system have a common ectodermal

origin and in the process of evolution, the skin integuments turned out to be functionally related to

nervous, hormonal and visceral systems. This fact has been repeatedly proven by practice.

acupuncture, physiotherapy, physiological research. This connection

is expressed in the fact that as a state internal organs reflected through their interoreceptors

on the integument of the body, and the state of the exteroreceptors of the skin changes the state of the internal

organs and systems M. V. Vogralik et al., "1993, M. S. Greimler et al., 1997 Kolosova O. S. 1998 and

The GDV method studies the nature of the redistribution of free electronically excited densities

in biological objects and their relationship with typical physiological and pathophysiological

processes in the body.

Graphs No. 1, 2 and 3 show graphs of GDV - characteristics before a single procedure on

simulator (graph No. 1), immediately after the procedure (graph No. 2) and a week after work on

simulator (chart No. 3). As can be seen from the graphs, the greatest changes occurred with the indicator

activation factor. According to studies, the activation coefficient characterizes the degree

mental stress. At the beginning of the study, CA was significantly higher than normal. (4.8 units) immediately

after work on the KA simulator decreased to 4.5 units and after a week there was a significant

reduction of CA to 0.99 units. Thus, even a single work on the PravIlo simulator

significantly reduces mental stress, which helps to increase adaptation to


Article source:

on Friday 28 April from 18.30 to 23.00 (acquaintance, theory and a general breathing session, if you are a little late, it’s not scary),

Anyone interested can and Friday from 18.30 to 20.00take part in the discussion (ask any questions on the topic) and immediately after the discussion decide whether they will remain in practice (subject to availability)

Sunday, April 30 from 11.00 to 21.00 - Holotropic Breathwork in Tashkent - full format Grofa in pairs breathable/sitter

Registration for discussion needed! - an appointment by phone +998912526688 Nigina.

Cost of participation:

In the Energy of Money training - 200.000 soums

In the game Spectator theater + rebirthing - 100.000 soums

In the Holotropic Breathwork training (on Friday and Sunday) – 250.000 soums

In all three days of training from Friday to Sunday - 400.000 soums

Discount for students and pensioners 50.000 soums, as well as for those who came with friends.

Venue of the trainings Money, Spectator Theater and Holotropic Breathwork - Tashkent:
Tashkent, Oybeka metro station Aura beauty salon (behind the Shokoladnitsa) 4th floor (3-storey building, considered with a basement training center "Insight"

st. Afrosiab 14/1 salon Aura Elite 4th floor. phone for information. and records +998912526688 Nigina.

If you would like to be notified of the time and place of our trainings,

Holotropic breathing training takes place in a ventilated hall with a soft surface, a high-quality one compiled by a trainer is used.

Conducts training -

more than 17 years of experience in using the holotropic breathing method, Stanislav Grof's international program - Grof Transpersonal Training (GTT), certified ICU coach (International Coaches Union), certified business coach.

An effective method of self-transformation and personal growth, personality integration.

Transpersonal psychology supports us in any of our processes, and does not set any themes for experiences.
I offer for discussion any topics that are relevant to you, you can voice them directly at the training.
How deep we go into them and live depends only on us. Bring with you everything that worries you, worries, pleases - we will share everything!

Practical part:

  • The theory of transpersonal psychology and holotropic breathwork and answers to all questions
  • one general process breath (in protoformat)
  • Experience integration, mandala drawing and process discussion

Everyone talks about his process as much as he sees fit. No one in the group discusses other people's processes and does not give any assessments.

The method was created by Stanislav and Christina Grof in the early 70s. Emphasis on unusual states of consciousness that are caused by the activation of the unconscious. A new principle in transpersonal psychology, which has been known and used for thousands of years in the shamanic and healing practices of many nations, in the rituals of various ecstatic sects, in the ancient mysteries of death and rebirth. Often, already in the first session, it becomes clear that the roots of psychological problems extend much further than the events of early childhood and go beyond the limits of the individual unconscious.

Basic Philosophical Premise of Holotropic Breathwork is that the average person in our culture lives and acts at a level far below their potential. This impoverishment is explained by the fact that a person identifies himself with only one of the aspects of his being, with the physical body or Ego. Such false identification leads to an unhealthy, unauthentic, and accomplishmentless way of life, and also causes emotional and psychosomatic disorders of a psychological nature.

Applying the method Holotropic Breathwork do not bring their expectations and concepts into the content of the rising material. The material relevant at the time of the holotropic session is being worked out. This is the most important principle of holotropic breathwork, and provides its advantages over other methods.

the goal, as the leading holotropic breathwork, is to create an open safe environment in which you can manifest as your essence needs, all attention is directed to uniting the group, increasing trust, relaxation. For the entire duration of the training, the “Stop” rule applies - at any time you can say “stop” if you do not want to take part in any interaction in the process of breathing itself. First of all, we care about you, and only you are the head of any of your processes, and decide how deep you go into it. In our work, we adhere to.

Booking by phone+998912526688 Nigina.

For your comfort, take with you:

For beginners: full consultation, accommodation in a hotel, organizing a transfer from the airport (less than 1500 rubles), buying a sim card, choosing a scooter / motorcycle, exchanging money (better bring bucks and credit cards , answers to any questions and assistance in emergency situations - one-time $ 100

Training in driving a scooter (motorcycle) - for those who know how to ride a bike ($50), for those who do not know how to $100

If you are uncomfortable waiting for the collection general group, or you want to take the training in the near future, you can agree with the training on burying in the ground individually, or in a small (collected by you) group.

The advantages of this option: you choose and agree on the time of the event, you participate personally, or with close friends, acquaintances (with whom you feel comfortable).

The cost of the event is 30,000 rubles. (1-5 people) + 6000 rub. for each additional (from the 6th to the 15th participant).
Venue Moscow region (departure to your city is possible with a surcharge).

For any questions please contact Viktor at [email protected], call +7 96З 782 97 98

After agreeing the time with Victor

For those who are not afraid, let's continue:


On February 5, the Government of India approved the expansion of the list of states whose residents will be able to obtain a visa to the country upon arrival at the airport. This was announced to journalists by the Minister of Planning Rajiv Shukla following the results of the regular meeting of the Parliament.

The list will include 180 countries, including Russia, that is, almost all the states of the world: Iran, China, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and several others will not be included in it.

“It was decided to add another 180 countries to the list,” said Mr. Shukla. “Now it will take us up to six months to prepare the appropriate infrastructure at the airports.”

According to him, tourists will be able to obtain a visa on arrival at the beginning of the next season, that is, from October this year, at nine airports, including the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai and Dabolim International Airport in Goa.

A visa issued in this way will be valid for 30 days. It will be disposable. How long after the expiration of the first visa, tourists will be able to get a new one, the politician did not specify, ITAR-TASS reports.

To obtain a visa, tourists will have to fill out an online application and pay the required fee. After three days they will be sent an e-visa, which will be confirmed at the airport.


So urgently make a passport (or renew someone whose term is running out). We have a large one for the winter, the other day there will be details ))

Holiday of the Sun and Ivan Kupala!

Shamanic-Pagan celebration of the summer solstice.

June 20 - 22, 2014 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday).

Sun God SemiYarilo

Perhaps you do not know, but the fact is that the vast majority of modern religions are based on the worship of the sun (or moon).

Therefore, I invite you to return to our common origins - to the worship of the Sun!

Ivan Kupala

Naturally, the best time for this is the day of the summer solstice,

When SemiYarilo - God of the highest Yari of the Sun is revealed in maximum power (in our hemisphere !


June 20
18:00 Meeting on the spot.
21:00 Circle of the Heart, Acquaintance
22:00 Meditation and body warm-up
Night shamanic ceremony optional.

21st of June
11:00 Morning exercises
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Meditation of Unity of the Inner and Outer Sun (14:51 Summer Solstice)
16:00 Spectator theater - Solar Fairy Tale
19:30 Rebirthing session - Conscious breathing
20:30 Dinner optional
22:00 Shamanic Ceremony at will
01:00 Bonfire ritual (we jump, dance, sing)

Celebrating fire rituals in nature , sleeping bags. The weather is predicted to be cool, so night ceremonies in the house, exercises on the lawn

Participation fee for three days 3000r. If you participate together, with a company, then a discount of 500 rubles. for each (write in the note to the registration fee who you are with to get a discount).

Participation for children under 14 years old is free, from 14 to 18 years old 1000 rub.
If you spend the night in the house, then the surcharge is 1000r. for two nights, whoever wants with a tent, you can put it on the lawn of the house (i.e. use the toilet and kitchen in the house) and then you don’t need to pay extra for an overnight stay

Reg. contribution 1000r. per participant, non-refundable and non-transferable, the number of places is limited, registration can be completed on any day.
The remaining amount is paid on the spot, the collection point will be sent to email shortly before the event.

The price includes dinner and lunch, nightly shamanic ceremonies are not included (not everyone needs it

The day of the summer solstice has been of great importance for people for many millennia.

June 20-21 is considered the middle of natural summer. In addition, this is the longest daylight hours of the year. The summer solstice has been celebrated by different peoples since ancient times. The largest festivals in Europe (Kupala, Lita) were timed to coincide with the longest daylight hours.

The pagans gave the sun divine power. They believed that the luminary had power over all living beings. The summer solstice for the pagans meant the flowering of nature. But at the same time, the longest daylight hours indicated the inevitable approach of autumn, and then winter time.

The Celts celebrated the summer solstice with the festival of Lita. During the celebration, people rested, communicated with spirits, held weddings, ceremonies, had fun, told fortunes, guessed. The dwellings were decorated with wreaths of flowers. Be sure to use white lilies, hare cabbage, fennel, birch, St. John's wort.

The summer solstice was celebrated with great pomp. People came out to dance, sing, dance, participate in ritual ceremonies. In the evening, people went to the grove, where they left gifts, fragrant herbs, and food for the elves and fairies. It was believed that the plants collected on the night of Lita had magical powers.

When it got dark, bonfires were lit and processions with torches were organized. According to the beliefs of the ancients, jumping over a fire provided protection for the family and prosperity at home. In order for the marriage to be happy, large and rich, the lovers, holding each other's hands, jumped over the fire three times.

The first honey was collected in June. Therefore, the full moon at this time was called the honeymoon. At the end of June there was a large number of pagan weddings. Even now, June is considered the most popular month for marriages in many countries.

The peoples of Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Germany celebrated the summer equinox magnificently. The meaning of the rituals was similar to the ceremonies for Lita. People welcomed the union of the Earth and the Sun, called for the harvest and prosperity in their homes, drove away evil spirits.

Holidays in different countries were called Ivan's night (or Ivan's day). The lighting of fires was ritual. It was believed: the higher the flame, the more terrible it should be for evil spirits. People, just like on Lita, worshiped water, lowered flowers on it, burned old boats (in Scandinavia).

Mass festivities took place on Ivanov's night, no one went to bed. People had fun, had fun, celebrated until dawn. Today in the Baltic States, Scandinavia, festivals are held in June, between the 19th and 25th.

Before the summer solstice in Russia, they celebrated the Rusal Week. Thus honored the river and lake spirits - mermaids. It should be noted that many rituals during this week were closely associated with the remembrance of ancestors due to the ancient custom of floating the ashes of warriors down the river in boats.

In Russia, Kupala was celebrated on the day of the solstice. The month of Kresen (the first month of summer) has begun. The rituals for Kupala are very similar to the ceremonies for Lita and Midsummer Night. People weaved wreaths, also jumped over fires, performed rituals, bathing in streams, lakes, rivers, purifying the soul and body, drinking surya (a drink made from honey).

A trip to Lake Baikal changes lives.

“Take a step beyond yourself! Get free"

Training trip to Baikal, Olkhon Island

Baikal is the heart of Russia. He helps to work on himself, reaching incredible depths, revives, cleanses the hearts of people who come to him. Here the sensitivity becomes aggravated and you begin to understand yourself. This sacred lake fills with freedom, lightness, meaning, wisdom, simplicity and unconditional love.

Read more in the picture document -

Workshop «Discovery of the source internal resources and unusual solutions»

Presentation training-travel to Baikal, about. Olkhon
“Take a step beyond yourself! Get free"

August 12-19, 2012

Hosted by Nadezhda Isaenko
[email protected]
+7 985 771 05 78

Only for those who came from Viktor Pipchenko a discount of 3000 rubles. (the cost of the training is 25.000 rubles)
Hurry up, there are 3 places left, the decision must be made before August 1, and tickets may run out - so it's better to contact Nadia right away.

Here are other sites for buying air tickets, good sites for buying air tickets:, and here you can see the grid (+/-3 days) at a cost:

By the way, walking on coals is usually arranged, however, there is amazing evidence that some of the only ones made walks on red-hot plowshares and even on boiling lava.

It is clear that scientists and doctors are still making desperate efforts to find reasonable explanations for this bizarre phenomenon. Some of them refuse to believe in "supernatural nonsense" at all and believe that the answer lies in a mass hallucination.

Some researchers believe that firewalking is a gymnastic trick: they say that the soles of walkers on coals never come into contact with fire for a time sufficient to damage them. Others believe that it's all about sweat on the feet, which itself produces cooling, creating a protective layer between the nestinar's skin and the surface on which he walks. However, all these theories remain unproven.

When a group of German scientists from the University of Tübingen tried to join the Greek nestinars in their firewalking at the annual St. Constantine festival in Landgadhas, they were forced to leave the line quickly with third-degree burns.

D. Pierce, in his work “A Crack in the Cosmic Egg”, made a fantastic assumption that walking on coals is a classic example of creating some new reality, in which the fire does not burn as usual. As long as this reality persists, everything goes as it should, but there are cases of terrible injuries of those whose faith suddenly broke, and they again found themselves in that world where the fire burns.

There are also several other interesting versions. One of them says that the phenomenon may be related to the peculiarity of our skin: the temperature change on its surface occurs almost instantly, and then the temperature does not change for several seconds (a so-called temperature jump forms on the surface of the skin). This circumstance, according to scientists, may allow the dancer on hot coals not to rush - he feels the same temperature effect both after half a second and after three seconds, so some dancers allow themselves to stand motionless on hot coals for several seconds or walk as if not in a hurry.

walking on coals is easy

But the American anthropologist S. Kane believes that the abilities of walking on coals are a classic example of the predominance of the power of self-hypnosis over nervous irritable processes, in which a substance known as “bradykinin” participates. Firewalkers probably know how to suppress its activity with an effort of will. At the same time, there is a compression of the blood vessels in the legs, which causes a reduction in blood circulation, in other words, the thermal activity of the skin decreases. In general, according to many modern scientists, the ability to walk on fire is a fusion of physical laws and human abilities.

It is also interesting that the art of walking on fire is known on all continents of the globe. And everywhere immunity to fire is achieved using a variety of methods.

So you have a unique opportunity to check whether it is possible or not, on your own experience.

Pre-registration required! The number of participants is limited!!!.

Priority to participants who paid reg. contribution (see below).

Cost of participation:

1000r. when making an advance payment (make a registration fee of 500 rubles and pay 500 rubles on the spot).
2000r. when paying on the spot (subject to availability).

Hey! Learn to control the wind

We go to St. Petersburg, from there by bus to Kronstadt.
Who from other cities, meet in St. Petersburg.
The option is to go by car - two are enough (I have one, the second pecks, the third will not hurt

Hike with a visit to an abandoned fort. I invite everyone who is not afraid
get wet like a captain of a campaign. The hike is dedicated to Gangutsky
battle - http://www.rusnavy. en/d02/030.htm

It is desirable to have wheels, travel by car from Moscow.

Location Leningrad region. The goal is to learn how to sail a sailboat and
enjoy the wind, sea and movement. Team of 8 people.
(this is the number of people who can comfortably be in the boat
at the same time) but there may be more participants in the campaign. We will
to travel by boat by shuttle.

We leave on the 8th of June, in the evening we set up tents and a fire on the Baltic coast.
trial runs on the 9th in the morning. Then move on to the fort. Bonfire in the evening.
On the 10th departure to Moscow, or those who wish, we will still hang out at the sea and in St. Petersburg for a couple of days.

Food to go.

The cost of participation is 3000 r per person. + travel to the place (I can take a couple of people in the car, someone in the second car, it would be nice if someone drove the third car).

Characteristics of YAL-6:
Length 6.1 m
Width 1.85 m
Height0.91 m
Draft 0.5 m
Displacement 1.92 t
Weight 940 kg
Sailing area 20.4 sq.m

The training is conducted by Dima Sharko and Viktor Pipchenko.

wishing to write to me

The procedure is as follows - we leave in advance and from 9 to 23 April I will wait for you on the island of Koh Chang (or Koh Kut) - I will pick up a place (house) more secluded, more comfortable. I will arrange a meeting on the island, I will give a detailed description of how (on what, with whom) to go from Bangkok, and my phone number in Thailand.

You can arrive exactly on these dates, or stay later for any time (visa for 30 days upon arrival is given).

Accommodation is divided among all those participating in the training (I think it will cost no more than $10-15 per person). - We will rent the required number of houses, or one or two large ones.

Food (especially fruits) is even cheaper there than in India

We are discussing here or on Facebook - add to the group

Business training is a special form of training, where common goal the acquisition and development of knowledge and skills of the company's employees. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to short term get high results and productivity in team work.

Business trainings have distinctive and characteristic properties, in comparison with other formats of similar events. Namely:

  • Learning techniques for effective and efficient negotiation with potential clients and partners;
  • Formation of a cohesive team;
  • Increasing the sales level of the company;
  • Development of optimal and effective strategy promotion and development of the company;
  • Developing your own optimal work style for your position;
  • Learning to manage well own resources in work;
  • And much more.

There are many types of various group field business trainings. The more specific the task for your future event, the more effective you will get the result. Thanks to our trainers who have been working with the company for a long time, we can offer you training programs for various directions and goals. This approach allows you to understand how these programs are formed and correctly formulate your own tasks and goals for your training. These programs can be easily combined with business and incentive travel programs, so you can easily find on our website everything for your future event of any complexity.

Offsite business trainings

This type of on-site training has a particularly beneficial effect on achieving the goals set in your event, since the transfer of your team of employees to a neutral, unfamiliar territory will in itself allow you to unite and work more effectively on the tasks set. Our company can conduct group business trainings anywhere in the world. We recommend holding group trainings for companies at least once or twice a year. Traveling business trainings are a great way to gain new knowledge, consolidate old but forgotten ones, and keep your company in working shape and good mood. On-site trainings have many advantages and it is important to conduct them with a certain frequency for employees.

Training programs

Detailed training programs can be found in the relevant section of the site. This section is replenished constantly, but this does not mean that you can be limited to it. You can always set your own task and we will create for your company a new unique group training program for your employees.

Field training in English

Intensive immersion in English

in outskirts of Moscow

For those who need to speak English in a short time!

For 7 days You dive into the atmosphere


And native speakers and qualified Russian-speaking teachers help you in immersion!

Every day you are waiting for:

Conversational English Traininghelp to overcome the language barrier, relax and speak English calmly and confidently. Conducted by native speakers.

Business English Training - a block of master classes aimed at developing business vocabulary. Here, special attention is paid to negotiation techniques, business correspondence, standards business letters. The training also includes the basics of New Product Development!

Grammar Workshops - English grammar is simple and clear. Analysis of the most basic and most difficult topics in English grammar.

Master classes on Listening - the author's master class for the development of listening comprehension of English speech. Based on elements from Oratory. Includes Phonetics and Listening.

Master classes on Reading - this is an author's course aimed at increasing active vocabulary and improving diction

as well as a Master class in Salsa, Bachata, Latin from the leading teachers of our Theater Studio.

And, of course, a Christmas ball with dancing, drinks and treats.




ORatory AND

SPEECH TECHNIQUE (with pronunciation)


  • Active speaking practice from 10 am to 10 pm every day
  • English Negotiation Skills
  • Ability to write different kinds business letters
  • Presentation Skills
  • Can easily communicate on everyday topics
  • Become better versed in the use of various temporary forms
  • Can you use them in practice?
  • Significantly improve your listening skills (LISTENING)
  • Replenish your stock of active vocabulary
  • Acquire English speaking skills

According to the level, the complexity of the program is selected. Thanks to this, our dives are comfortable for both beginners and advanced!

Trainings are held in the suburbs in a comfortable rest house with a swimming pool.