How to attract an organization to cooperation. Translation of "collaboration" in Chinese

Attracting to confidential cooperation is a delicate matter, here you cannot take the vocal cords with one pressure and force. And it’s probably not worth putting pressure on the OVR with bossy notes in your voice and frankly spitting in your soul, even if the object deserves it.

Never force things, very often in recruitment development periods of activity, when one action follows another and decisions have to be made instantly, are replaced by long periods of waiting. Remember, a good recruiter is very much like a fisherman, and fishing is for the patient. In intelligence and counterintelligence, hasty actions are an unaffordable luxury, often ending with an asterisk on the next obelisk.

Of great importance in undercover work is the correct choice of the moment to address the emotional sphere of the object. After all, when emotions speak, reason usually rests. As confirmation of this postulate, one can cite the history of the recruitment of Lieutenant Colonel, (hereinafter Lieutenant General) of the GRU Dmitry Polyakov. In 1961, when Polyakov began working in the GRU station in New York, an influenza epidemic was raging in the United States. His youngest child caught a cold, got a heart complication, and only an emergency operation could save him. Polyakov asked the leadership of the residency to provide financial assistance to operate on his son in a New York clinic, but was refused, and the baby died.

FBI recruiters did not fail to take advantage of this. Literally the next day after the death of the child, they made an offer of cooperation to the scout, brutalized by the injustice of fate and his superiors. Polyakov accepted it unconditionally.

In general, work in this style is a trademark of the Americans. So, for example, after the events of August 1991, when many now former Soviet citizens were in a state of severe prostration, the American intelligence services, together with their allies, conducted massive recruitment approaches to KGB and GRU officers working under diplomatic cover. And, as bitter as it is to admit, they had significant success.

There are also so-called methods of attracting cooperation under pressure. This category of trusted assistants is forced to cooperate with compromising materials, the threat of prosecution or violation of their social, criminal or family status. As a rule, cooperation with such agents does not last long. Fear is gradually dulled, and the informant's enthusiasm falls, he tries to avoid contacts or is limited to insignificant information. But for work on a specific case for a short time, it is quite suitable.

In this case, it is very important to remember that a person with a strong nervous system who was "broken" on compromising evidence, as a victim of violence, will subconsciously crave revenge and, quite possibly, one day will try to take it. A person with a weak nervous system may respond to such a "hard" recruiting approach with an inadequate response in the form of an attempt to commit suicide.

As an illustration of the sad consequences of "hard" recruitment on compromising evidence, ignoring control psychological state agent, as well as the grossest violation of the rules of undercover work by the supervising operative, we can cite the following very instructive story.

At the end of the 19th century, the gendarmerie colonel Sudeikin chose a certain revolutionary by the name of Degaev as an object of recruitment to create intelligence positions among the Narodnaya Volya. The basis for attracting the object to cooperation was to be his compromise through the setup of an eleven-year-old prostitute, distinguished by her diabolical beauty and unbridled sexual instincts.

The photographic equipment in a specially equipped room of the furnished rooms of the merchant Kalashnikov meticulously recorded the love joys of the married Degaev. Later, after demonstrating the most piquant scenes, Sudeikin made the fiery revolutionary business offer which he couldn't refuse.

It is worth noting that entertainment of this kind, especially with persons who have not reached puberty, was punished ruthlessly in Narodnaya Volya circles and, as a rule, without excessive formalism. Well, if so, then Degaev had no way back.

However, in the future, Sudeikin himself lost his head from the charms and qualifications of a young hetaera. Violating all the written and unwritten rules of undercover work, he not only settled his passion in one of the secret apartments, but also supported her at the expense of the funds of the Security Department.

Upon learning of this, Degaev completely lost his head. He repented of his betrayal to his comrades and volunteered to severely punish the royal satrap. After waiting for the next secret meeting with the curator, he appeared at the safe house with two party colleagues. Knowing that Sudeikin always wears chain mail in case of an assassination attempt, he takes a crowbar with him for insurance (Galvazin S.N. Security structures of the Russian Empire. Formation of the apparatus, analysis of operational practice. - M., 2001.).

Analyzing what happened, it is worth highlighting at least three motives that forced Degaev to do this:

firstly, a personal insult caused by rough recruitment and a feeling of humiliation in relations with Sudeikin;

secondly, the fulfillment of the will of his party comrades, whom he repented of after being recruited;

thirdly, the feeling of a puppet when he became convinced that the Okhrana, represented by the official Sudeikin, claims not only to control his actions and thoughts, but also to interfere in his personal life.

So, I repeat once again: if at the stage of recruitment development it is impossible to obtain the voluntary consent of the candidate for cooperation, then the object is attracted on the basis of materials containing information or documents, the disclosure or sale of which may lead to the loss social status or economic well-being OVR.

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to clearly determine which actions of the object can compromise it in the eyes of characters significant to it, and which not. The analysis should take into account the psychological, educational, national and religious characteristics of the mentality of the object and its environment.

As an example, I will cite one old committee tale about an attempt to recruit an employee of the French embassy in Moscow on compromising evidence. Surveillance showed that the object of interest to counterintelligence is a big fan of the delights of Moscow beauties, so they decided to catch him in a “honey trap” * (A honey trap is an event to attract confidential cooperation through the setup of a sexual partner who suits an object of sexual orientation.) .

A "swallow" was brought to the object very competently and IT was organized. Then, rubbing their palms in anticipation of the starfall of ranks and positions, the Frenchman, under a plausible pretext, was dragged out of the embassy and invited to a private screening in a small cozy departmental cinema room. Viewing the silent version of the picture took place in deathly silence, which was very unpleasantly enlivened by the heavy breathing of the object. And when the light came on and the attache, squinting with pleasure, with a feeling of deep admiration, began to praise the camera work, the choice of the shooting angle and the talent of the editor, the gnashing of teeth of the counterintelligence officers could be heard far beyond the Garden Ring.

The limit of patience was the moment when the Frenchman with sweet spontaneity asked him to make a copy of the painting, declaring that now only with her help he and his wife would while away the long winter Moscow evenings, gratefully remembering these dear Russians who delivered him nothing comparable aesthetic pleasure.

Also in Soviet times, the option “return of the husband from a business trip” was often practiced. "Swallow" invited the object to her apartment, where at the most crucial moment a hefty fellow, pretending to be a geologist, would tumble in, and with obscene language would begin to drive half-naked lovers around the apartment. The performance ended with the arrival of a police squad, allegedly called by the neighbors, and the drawing up of a protocol on the incident. Some of the candidates for recruitment after such collisions had to be pumped out in intensive care. At present, when attracting trusted assistants from the environment of the proletariat, economic entities mainly use various violations by candidates for attracting trustworthy cooperation to the current legislation or internal regulations enterprises, alcohol cravings in the workplace can play a significant role. Briefly, this method can be formulated as follows: "If you don't want to knock, you will knock."

In this case, the main problem is the organization of a clear interaction between the protection of the enterprise and the operational units of the security service. At the morning meeting, the operational staff of the Security Council, in order to identify possible recruitment situations for objects of operational interest, should be in without fail familiarized with the daily summary of incidents at the enterprise and with the names of their direct participants.

Well, what to do if the object of development, with which the operative seeks to establish a trusting relationship, does not want to help him because he sees in him a representative of a particular economic entity, about which the object, due to some emotional moments, has a very unflattering opinion?

In this case, we can recommend trying to implement a recruiting approach to the object on behalf of another organization that does not cause moral and ethical rejection in the object. In operational jargon, such activities are called "false flag" recruiting.

This "flag" may mean some real or fictitious organization that needs the information available to the object. The main thing is that its goals and objectives correspond to the views and moods of the development object.

But that is not all. Sometimes the security service of an enterprise needs to have "its own player" in a friendly firm. In this case, you also need to act with extreme caution. After all, it will be extremely inconvenient - and this will have a very negative effect on business relations, - if the source acquired in a partner company fails and points to its real owners.

The main priority of such an operation should be the concealment of the true customers of the information, the best option is that the informant must believe that he is working for competitors, otherwise the scandal cannot be avoided. In this case, a previously developed legend about working with an object of an absolutely third-party structure that is in no way connected with you should also be used.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 6 minutes


Organization efficient production goods are far from central problem modern entrepreneur. Created products must also be sold profitably and promptly. For these purposes, the scheme of attracting partners and dealers seems to be very effective. Where and how to quickly find business intermediaries?

Main types of sales of products: development of a sales scheme

Creation efficient structure sales network– Guarantee of efficient and effective sales of products.

To achieve this goal, a chain of movement of goods must be formed: "producer-intermediary-buyer".

At the same time, we can now talk about the existence of several options for the types of sales, including:

  1. Direct channels - selling goods on their own.
  2. indirect channels – use of services of intermediaries (one or more).

Important point: Direct channels can only afford to be used by large companies with a well-known brand among consumers. It is better for new producers, as well as small and medium-sized firms, to focus on the services of intermediaries.

Indirect (intermediary) distribution channels include many varieties, including:

  • Single layer channel provides for the presence of one intermediary (broker or dealer).
  • Bilayer channel includes two intermediaries (wholesaler and retailer).
  • Three-level channel consists of three intermediaries (the seller of large wholesale lots, the seller of small wholesale lots, the retailer).

In addition to the above classification, we can talk about the existence of several types of intermediaries:

  1. - These are wholesalers who carry out all trading operations on their own behalf and at their own expense (in fact, they acquire goods in ownership).
  2. Distributors – may participate in wholesale and retail sales of goods; although the purchase is carried out at their own expense, they trade on behalf of the manufacturer.
  3. commission agents - intermediaries, whose scheme of work is opposite to the order of functioning of distributors: they receive goods at the expense of the manufacturer, but act on their own behalf.
  4. Agents - act at the expense and on behalf of the manufacturer, providing him with a small fee, access to retail buyers.
  5. Brokers - a special type of intermediaries, the function of which is expressed in establishing links between legal entities. who are interested in the supply of products.

In order to develop an optimal scheme for the sale of goods for the company's products, you can use one of three approaches to the formation of distribution channels:

  • Exclusive distribution involves the definition of specific markets between which it is necessary to distribute goods. Depending on their number, the number of intermediaries is selected.
  • intensive distribution involves the involvement of the maximum possible number of intermediaries to cover a significant number of territories.
  • selective distribution assumes that in some cases the manufacturer uses exclusive, and in other cases - intensive distribution.

Thus, the choice of a particular type of marketing products depends on the goals and objectives of the marketing policy of the enterprise.

Where to look for a dealer to sell your products: available options

One of the key questions for manufacturers: where to find professional, conscientious and efficient dealers:

  • First of all , it is necessary to study all available printed publications announcements, as well as information from specialized Internet resources.
  • Secondly , it makes sense to visit product exhibitions, which are always attended by qualified dealers, including those by industry.

Important point: Regardless of the way you search for dealers, you should pay attention to the professionalism and experience of these specialists.

If we talk about the process of searching for dealers on the Internet, then it makes sense to pay attention not to public resources - forums and bulletin boards, where all citizens who want to be dealers offer their services (mainly without experience and relevant qualifications), but to special paid portals that search for dealers for companies.

What are the benefits of using these services:

  1. On such resources, as a rule, only professional dealers who already have experience in the trading field register.
  2. In this case, the administration of the corresponding portal is engaged in the search for partners for manufacturers.
  3. Through this kind of sites, you can reach dealers that work not only for domestic, but also for foreign markets.
  4. The need to register on the resource screens out applicants who are potentially uninteresting to the company.

When it comes to finding dealers through trade shows, professional resellers with more experience are more likely to reach out, but this sort of activity is not common.

When choosing a dealer for a company, you need to pay attention to such information about this specialist as:

  • The presence of a significant number of successfully concluded transactions.
  • Work experience, including in the industry of interest to the manufacturer.
  • Favorable reviews from other manufacturers.
  • Knowledge this market: its features and structure.
  • Availability of the necessary material bases for the purchase of products.

The main tasks that the dealer will need to solve are to conduct an active trade policy and promotion of the company's name and products in specific markets.

How to interest a potential dealer in the sale of goods: the secrets of negotiations

To ensure favorable conditions for the sale of products, it is important not only to find a dealer, but also to interest him in cooperation with a particular manufacturer.

First of all, the company guarantees to the intermediary:

  1. Delivery of high-quality products with the necessary documents for successful implementation and a complete set necessary information about each type of product.
  2. Notification of a change in details, work procedure or the owner of the company.
  3. Reimbursement of part of the costs of advertising events.
  4. Providing information about new types of goods.

Important point: Discounts and bonuses for experienced, qualified dealers are always significantly greater than for beginners.

Particular attention must be paid to negotiations with dealers, which should result in the conclusion of an agreement. In this regard, the manufacturer must already at the first stage demonstrate goodwill, openness to long-term cooperation, and friendliness.

In addition, you can use one of the well-known ways to attract dealers, including:

  • Pre-order system . The manufacturer sends product samples and catalogs to dealers. They prepare a batch of orders, which, at their request, the manufacturer delivers to them within the time period established by the contract. Such a system is the basis of multi-level distribution channels. At the same time, upper-level dealers can expect to receive more significant sales benefits than lower-level intermediaries.
  • large-scale promotional activities with coupons . The manufacturer distributes coupons to potential buyers and notifies dealers. The last extremely beneficial is the service of customers presenting such coupons.
  • First free pack . An effective but costly way to get the attention of dealers. The manufacturer sends a free consignment of goods to his intermediary, subject to the further purchase of a certain volume of products.
  • Consignment . The manufacturer sends one or more batches of goods to the dealer with full preservation of all property rights to it. The unsold part of the production is returned back to the manufacturer.

Applying certain methods of attracting dealers, the manufacturer should not forget about

For successful work Freelancing is very important to have a stable influx of clients. They will provide you with orders and, as a result, earnings. But in order to constantly have orders ready to be taken into work, you need to be able to communicate with the client. It is very important to learn how to sell your services and learn how to persuade a client to order services from you.

In such conditions, you can earn a lot and not waste time looking for a job. But for a novice freelancer, it is sometimes very difficult to find projects for work that are not only good, interesting or expensive, but generally any. This is because they have not yet developed the skills to work and communicate with clients. In such conditions, they very often make mistakes and cannot convince the client to order services from them.

How to properly communicate with a client?

Perhaps the most important thing in this business is respect and understanding of what your customer wants. This is not so difficult to figure out, you just need to learn to see the main goals of the customer. If the first thing he asked you about the cost of the work, then it will be a priority for him low price. If the first thing he asked was your skills in working with a particular technology, then the price will no longer be so important to him if you are a good specialist in your field.

It is also important to follow the rules business communication. The customer must be addressed with "you". This is how you can show that you are quite serious, that you respect him, that you are an adequate and well-mannered person. You need to pay attention to the customer and hear what he wants.

If the customer is trying to talk to you about how best to make the project, you should not ask him about the payment and specify when you are going to pay for the services. It will only scare him away and do him no good. In such conditions, you can simply lose it and not earn anything at all. It is important for the client to make it clear that his interests will be a priority for you. That you will try to do everything that he wants, and do it in the best possible way.

Another technique to increase the level of customer confidence is to show your interest in his project. You must demonstrate an interest not only in the monetary reward for the work, but also in the actual execution of the project. Say that you have long wanted to have such a project in your portfolio or work with a particular topic or technology. This interest of yours can have a positive impact on the decision of the customer.

It is important for any person to understand that what he does is interesting and important. No one wants to work even with a professional who absolutely does not care what to do and he will do it without a soul. If you are not even the best candidate, but show a real interest in a particular project, you will have a good chance of getting it for yourself.

How to make the client contact you again?

It can be very helpful to have the same clients come to you again for help. You already know them, understand what they want and how to work with them. In such conditions, it will not be a problem for you to constantly have a stable influx of projects to work with. It's not about them asking for edits specific project and fixes. It is important to make sure that the project is completed at the highest level.

Demonstrate your professionalism, do the job better than the customer wanted. Show interest in the project, suggest your improvements, express your professional opinion about this order. Tell us what you would change or fix here. What would you do to get the best result. Such interest in the project and the personality of the client cannot leave him indifferent. He will understand that you are doing not just for the sake of money, but for the sake of a good result and the satisfaction of your customers.

Nowadays it is not so easy to find good performers. So become one of them. Become the one who does not disappear, does not do everything at random, tries and tries to satisfy all his customers. In such conditions, you simply will not end up with those who want to work with you, you will significantly improve your financial position and reputation on the stock exchange.

Benefits of having loyal customers

If you learn how to communicate well with customers, you will not have problems with orders. You can easily find more and more new orders for work. But if you develop a base of regular customers, you don't even have to look for someone. They themselves will turn to you for help, and ask you to complete their project. You will be able to choose which projects to work on and which not. Besides:

  • You will significantly save your time. You don't have to spend it looking for clients. You will just do your job for which you are paid. So you can earn much more.
  • You will be able to choose only interesting tasks and projects. You won't need to grab everything you can to make money. You will have the right to choose, and you will be able to choose what to take to work.
  • Communication with customers will not be a problem for you. You will not need to look for an approach to them every time. All your customers have already worked with you. You know who they are and how you need to communicate with them so that they are satisfied.
  • You don't have to do something you don't understand every time. You can simply weed out those customers whose work you do not like. In such conditions, you will not every time think about what it is and why it should be done at all.

Having regular customers to work with is always a very good thing. You can save time, nerves and your strength. You will work on projects in your specialty, and not learn to approach a particular person. But, unfortunately, this is not so easy to achieve. The ability to communicate with clients is very important for any freelancer. There is no opportunity to receive projects from superiors, as is the case in office work. Nobody will do this for you. No one will be able to find projects for you better than if you did it yourself. And for this you need to train and learn the basic techniques of communicating with customers. Learn to do this and your work will become much easier. All you need is practice and basic courtesy.

When, after many sleepless nights, the diploma is finally ready, I want to pass it and forget it. But the university will not lag behind the student so easily. After all, the full text of the diploma was read only by the supervisor, and a whole commission will gather to evaluate it. Therefore, in many ways, it depends on how a student defends a diploma, his assessment depends.

So what is successful defense?

  • literate defense text
  • a positive review of the diploma
  • confident answers to commission questions

In the introduction to the coursework, you must specify a lot important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use in the study of the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

In the introduction to the course it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use in the study of the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

In the introduction to the course it is necessary to indicate many important points. One of them is methodology. The student is required to indicate what methods he will use in the study of the topic. This is not the easiest task, and often students cannot cope with this task themselves. In this case, you can contact us. Our specialists will write you a paper of any complexity, and you can discuss the price with them personally.

Speech structure

Of course, what exactly to say in defense depends mainly on the topic of the thesis and on what exactly is written in it, but there are general recommendations that are suitable for everyone.

  • First you need to greet the members of the attestation commission. (“Dear members of the attestation commission! Your attention is presented to the graduation qualifying work on the topic…")
  • Introductory part. Here you need to open the topic and identify the issues that are raised in the work.
  • Relevance of the topic. At this stage, it is important to prove the relevance of the chosen topic and the degree of its development in other people's works. Designate the subject, object, tasks and purpose of the study.
  • Topic disclosure structure. Here you just need to list the paragraphs that are in the work and briefly describe them.
  • Formulation of the problem. In confirmation of the relevance of the topic, it is necessary to state the problem and identify debatable opinions on this matter.
  • Findings. At the end of the speech, the commission should hear the conclusions that the student came to in the course of writing the diploma, in which there are ways and methods for solving the stated problems.

On the one hand, it seems that it is much easier to write a graduation speech than the diploma itself. However, high-quality speech is a skillful squeeze out of the work, as well as its competent presentation. And it often happens that a diploma is written with the highest score, and a student gets a worse grade. Therefore, if there is a lack of self-confidence, you can order a speech on our website. And then the probability of failure due to bad speech will disappear. After all, we give a twenty-day guarantee for the work, and if something does not suit you, you can demand that the author finalize the order for free. We make sure that students are satisfied, so if the final version of the work does not meet the stated requirements, you will get your money back.

Formal requirements

When writing a speech thesis it is also necessary to take into account that there are also purely formal requirements.

  • Time. Do not forget that there are many students, but only one commission. Therefore, the time for a defensive speech is regulated and ranges from 5 to 7 minutes. At the same time, you should remember about the time that will be spent on questions of the commission.
  • Intonation. Where, no matter how on the defense of a diploma, is it important to win over listeners? Therefore, it is better not to read the speech monotonously, making accents with intonation.
  • Style. When speaking, remember that the main objective This is the understanding of the commission. Therefore, you should not be too smart, but you can’t switch to colloquial speech either. In this matter, you need to observe the golden mean.
  • Pronouns. As in the diploma itself, it is important to remember during the defense that although the author of the diploma is clearly spelled out, there are a lot of true owners of knowledge reflected in the work (the authors of all the sources the student relied on plus the supervisor), so first person pronouns are not appropriate here.
  • Questions. After the end of the speech, questions from the commission will inevitably follow, and you need to be ready for them. Suggested questions should be written down in the course of writing the thesis, work through all the questions that arose during the pre-defense, and you can also look at the questions at the end of the chapters from the textbooks on this topic.
  • Pre-protection. In such a matter as defending a diploma, it is better not to be presumptuous and neglect pre-defense. On it, you can practice giving a speech and write down possible questions from the audience. This will allow you to feel more confident in official protection.

Of course, these are only recommendations, and no one forces you to strictly follow them. However, the rejection of some positions during the defense will create additional questions from the certification committee, which is not always loyal. Therefore, it is best to think through all possible questions and answer them in advance in a defensive speech. Then the teachers will have a minimum of questions, and they will be grateful for the saved time.

Marco Massaro, founder of Clientflow, a service for sending automated emails to clients, published an article in which he shared his personally tried ways to attract clients. The CPU chose the most original ones.

Being a subcontractor to a large agency can be beneficial

According to Massaro, a partnership with a major agency could be in a good way attracting new customers - the entrepreneur himself uses this method and thus receives at least one new customer per month. To successfully implement such a plan, a startup must be significantly smaller than the agency so that its leaders do not consider the project as a competitor.

Agencies often refuse to work with specific client for a number of reasons: they may not be satisfied with the size of the contract, they may not have free resources to run the project, or they simply are not interested in it for other reasons. In this case, on pre-agreed conditions (netting of services, commission), the agency can transfer such a client to a partner company.

Massaro contacted a dozen agencies, about half of which showed interest in working with him. According to the founder of Clinetflow, it is best to find contacts of a person who is responsible for business development in the company, since it will be easier to convince him that a startup can bring value.

Companies that are looking for employees can become clients

Using job search sites is one of the easiest ways to attract new clients. If a startup is doing the work that many companies are trying to give to their own employees, then this provides an opportunity to compete for customers with individual workers. It is often more profitable for an organization to involve an external contractor in the performance of work than to search for, train and maintain (insurance, taxes, and so on) an employee in the state.

Customers love quality content

Massaro says that posting quality content often helps bring in new customers, as long as it's useful, not promotional. The very first entry on the Clientflow corporate blog on how to get a solid contract with the help of "cold" letters has collected more than 15 thousand views, 50 comments and hundreds of subscribers. Such content allows the company to create an expert image.

In addition to simple blog posts, Massaro recommends creating studies and “case studies” describing already completed projects – a doubting client, having seen information about how the company helped solve problems to people before him, is more likely to make a positive decision on cooperation.

An e-brochure is a good "bait" for customers

A small pamphlet that describes how to actually solve problems or make a profit is sure to attract potential customers. A marketing company can write a piece on how to reduce cart abandonment, a design organization can talk about how to implement introductory tours in mobile applications so as not to lose customers.

Worth using Twitter search

With Twitter search, you can find messages in real time from people and companies who are looking for someone who will do a certain job for them. By turning on the fantasy and making a list of keywords and hashtags, the startup team can find more than one potential client, Massaro is sure. With the help of services like Warble, this work can be automated.

Services “packaged” into a product sell better

Massaro says that services that are sold in "packages" are more understandable and attractive to customers - according to the entrepreneur, service startups should develop tariff plans that include a certain set of works for a monthly fee. This approach is convenient both for a client who understands what, when and how much he should pay, but also for a company that receives a predictable financial flow.

Communication with specific platforms works well

Platforms like Shopify, Drupal or WordPress have common feature- they are used by millions of people who do not always understand all the intricacies of using services. Startups can reach new audiences simply by linking their services to a specific platform—for example, a development studio might position itself as an expert in “Designing Shopify Stores” or “Drupal Business Websites.” Linking to specific popular platforms is a working way to attract customers - the more people use a particular service, the more likely there are those who need help among them.

It is necessary to use a personal approach

A personal approach helps to stand out from the mass of companies that carry out mailings or cold calls to potential customers. Massaro cites the example of conversion optimization expert Devesh Khanal, who landed a major contract in just one week. He wrote a cold letter to the CEO of a large company, but he approached the matter very responsibly and did not just talk about how he could be useful. The expert recorded a video in which he explained what mistakes were made on the site of a potential client, and talked about how to fix them.

A similar approach can be used by companies from other areas (design, marketing, development, and so on). Clients usually receive quite a lot of letters with offers of cooperation, which contain only a description of the service and a link to the site. An email with a video that talks about how a real problem is solved makes it easier for the customer to make a purchase decision.

Partnerships with companies from related fields can be beneficial

The founder of Clientflow says that expanding a company's offering through partnerships with organizations from related fields is a good way to attract new customers. More large companies might be interesting to complement your core product related service, which is offered by a startup, and with small organizations, you can enter into agreements on the exchange of services.

Massaro gives an example own experience— he entered into a partnership with a web development company that did not have its own "creative" and design direction. His startup took over the creative part of the projects, allowing the partner company to focus on development. In return, Massaro got the opportunity to use the developers of this company for the needs of his own clients.

A non-standard approach often brings results

An acquaintance of Massaro's at design studio TigerTiger told him a story about a New Zealand entrepreneur who managed to land a major client with an out-of-the-box approach. He selected a company he thought might be interested in his services, then bought the worst local beer he could find and headed to the prospect's office.

At a meeting with the CEO of the company, the entrepreneur took out a beer and said that the organization's website is similar to this beer - it looks pretty on the outside, but it's absolutely terrible inside. The CEO asked why he thought so, and eventually agreed with the arguments, entering into a contract to redesign the site.



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Based on your request, these examples may contain coarse language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial vocabulary.

Translation of "collaboration" in Chinese

Other translations

The Commission requested the Secretariat to continue to seek alternative sources of extrabudgetary funding through, inter alia, a wider cooperation permanent missions and other possible partners in the public and private sectors.

The Commission requested the Secretariat to continue exploring alternative sources of extrabudgetary funding, in particular by more extensively engage permanent missions, as well as other possible partners in the public and private sectors.

Engaging permanent missions, as well as other possible partners in the public and private sectors.">

This platform could be a tool used to encourage cooperation between different actors and cooperation relevant international organizations and initiatives.

The platform would be a tool used to promote the collaboration between various actors and seek cooperation with relevant international organizations and initiatives.

To seek cooperation with relevant international organizations and initiatives.">

The role of the Committee can be strengthened by cooperation Member States, rather than time and resource constraints.

Participation by Member States in a spirit of cooperation, not through reduction of the time or resources allocated to it.">

Finally, this commission deals with public information and cooperation mass media.

Gaining the cooperation of the media.">

In this regard, the Security Council should use the tools at its disposal to cooperation persistent violators of children's rights.

In that respect, the Security Council should use the instruments at its disposal to obtain the cooperation of unrepentant violators of children's rights.

Obtain the cooperation of unrepentant violators of children"s rights.">

Accordingly, as the project and its various components are developed, a search will be launched financial resources through cooperation national and international structures.

in that spirit, fund-raising through cooperation with national and international institutions shall proceed in parallel with the development of the preliminary framework and its various components.

Fund-raising through cooperation with national and international institutions shall proceed in parallel with the development of the preliminary framework and its various components.">

Funding frameworks need to be broadened by increasing voluntary contributions from donor countries, seeking new sources of funding, stimulating private investment flows and cooperation international financial institutions.

It was vital to expand the basis for development financing by increasing voluntary contributions from donor countries, seeking new sources of financing, stimulating private investment flows and securing the cooperation of international financial institutions.

Securing the cooperation of international financial institutions.">

Thus, one of key tasks project is to consolidate the necessary information on the employment of people with disabilities, in order to further inform Ukrainian companies, as well as their cooperation within the framework of corporate social responsibility policy.

Thus, one of the key objectives of the project is to consolidate the necessary information on the employment of people with disabilities, to further inform the Ukrainian companies, as well as their involvement in co-operation within the framework of corporate social responsibility policy.

Involvement in co-operation within the framework of corporate social responsibility policy.">

ANPED is implementing a range of activities to support public participation, exchange of experience, skills and knowledge in the field of effective implementation of activities at the local level for sustainable development, public participation and cooperation communities.

ANPED undertakes a number of activities to support public participation, share experience, skills and knowledge on how to excel in local action for sustainable development, public participation and community involvement .

In addition, it is important to ensure the equal participation of women in all decision-making processes through cooperation and joint work women working in the agro-industrial complex, producer organizations and NGOs working in the field

It is also important to ensure women's equal participation in all the decision-making processes, with the involvement and cooperation of women engaged in rural industries, producers" organizations and NGOs working on the ground

Involvement and cooperation of women engaged in rural industries, producers" organizations and NGOs working on the ground">

Today Softwestgroup is on the way of reorganization for the possibility cooperation new customers, as well as expanding the quantity and quality of services provided by modern IT companies.

At present the company "SoftWestGroup" is entering upon the path of is aimed at receiving an opportunity to draw in new clients, as well as at to enhance services offered by modern IT-companies.

Draw in new clients, as well as offered to enhance services by modern IT-companies.">

way cooperation local lawyers we are able to provide our clients with a wide range of services outside of Finland.

Our connections with local attorneys enable us to serve our clients in a wide area outside the borders of Finland.

Connections with local attorneys enable us to serve our clients in a wide area outside the borders of Finland.">

In line with the revised results framework management activities strategic plan for 2008-2013, UNFPA will continue to work to diversify its resource base, including through targeted cooperation private sector.

In line with the revised management results framework of the strategic plan, 2008-2013, UNFPA will continue to work to diversify its resource base, including through targeted private-sector