Disinfection chamber in medical institutions. Labor protection during the operation of disinfection chambers in healthcare facilities What documents are needed to install a disinfection chamber

Disinfection of bedding - an event that allows you to ensure safe conditions for people to stay in an institution or in a residential area. This measure significantly reduces the possibility of contracting infectious, viral or bacterial infections in the long term. There is disinfection of foci with tuberculosis, diphtheria, cholera, scabies, fungal diseases, etc.

Relevant disinfection bedding in places such as hospitals, clinics, hospitals and other medical institutions where the level of accumulation of pathogens is high. Also, as a preventive measure, disinfection should be carried out in hotels, hostels and common areas. This event will also be useful in a residential area, if there is or long time there was an infected person in order to prevent further spread of the infection. Disinfection removes not only pathogens, but also dust mites.

Disinfection of bedding has a number of advantages over the method of chamber processing, which has already become quite familiar:

The terms of work performance are significantly reduced (this includes the time of the work itself, the exposure time and the ventilation period);

Disinfection works are carried out on site, and this contributes to the parallel disinfection of the entire volume of the premises, as well as the destruction of unpleasant persistent odors;

Profitability of the procedure (price per 1 kg of bedding or per set: mattress, blanket, pillow);

Reducing the time and cost of disinfecting bedding due to the fact that there is no need to take them out of the room (as, for example, during chamber processing);

This method of getting rid of infections does not spoil the bedding, unlike the chamber one, and as a result, they last longer.

Thus, the benefits and necessity disinfection of bedding obvious. If you want to carry out this procedure in an institution or residential area, call our Center for Disinfection and Epidemiology of Volgograd. We provide this service throughout Volgograd and the region. Disinfection produced by aerosol spraying of cold mist.

Turning to us, you can count on:

Using high quality disinfectants

Use of safe disinfectants

Fast procedure,

No additional preparation is required for the disinfection of bedding,

The work is carried out on site, which ensures the disinfection of the entire volume and the removal of odors,

Optimal price,

Result guarantee.

This treatment gives a long-term antimicrobial effect, protecting against microorganisms for up to 38 weeks and against viruses for up to 17 days. The disinfectant has a wide spectrum of biocidal action, causing the death of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Our center disinfects for:

medical institutions,

dispensaries, sanatoriums,

hotels, hostels,

Children's educational institutions,

Health camps, tourist bases,

Organizations engaged in second-hand trade,

physical and legal entities.

If you need disinfection of bedding, call us! We help each of our clients. We conclude an agreement with individuals and legal entities and provide a 100% guarantee of results. Payment by all means.




Sanitary and epidemiological rules

for disinfection
SP 3.5.1378-03

I. Scope

1.1. These sanitary and epidemiological rules (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) have been developed in accordance with federal law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collection of legislation Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, art. 1650), “Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. Sanitary rules establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of works and services, including the development, testing, production, storage, transportation, sale, use and disposal of means, equipment, materials for disinfection, sterilization, disinfestation, deratization, as well as monitoring the effectiveness and the safety of these works and services (hereinafter referred to as disinfection activities).

1.3. Sanitary rules are mandatory for individuals and legal entities, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, engaged in disinfection activities.

1.4. Control over the implementation of these sanitary rules is carried out by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation.

SanPin 1378-03
II. Organization Requirements
disinfection activities

2.1. During the design, construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion, conservation and liquidation of facilities and the implementation of disinfection activities, sanitary rules must be observed.

2.2. The commissioning of constructed and reconstructed facilities and the implementation of disinfection activities are allowed subject to the availability of sanitary and epidemiological conclusions.

2.3. When carrying out disinfection activities, sanitary rules must be observed.

2.4. Officials engaged in the implementation of disinfection activities, ensure the safety for human health of the work performed and the services provided during their production, transportation, storage, sale to the population; carry out production control, including through laboratory research and testing, for compliance with sanitary rules and the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures; timely inform the population, authorities local government, bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation on emergency situations, production stoppages, violations technological processes that pose a threat to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.

2.5. Disinfection activities are carried out in conditions that are safe for workers, in the presence of living conditions.

2.6. Recruitment, area, equipment and finishing of production and household premises must comply with the requirements of sanitary regulations.

2.7. Disinfectants are stored in the container (packaging) of the supplier with a label, under conditions regulated normative documents for each product, in specially designed premises (warehouses). The container label is kept for the entire period of storage (sale) of the disinfectant.

2.8. If an organization carrying out disinfection activities uses disinfectants in an amount not exceeding five kilograms of simultaneous storage, their stock is stored in places that exclude their unauthorized use.

2.9. The warehouse provides separate storage of disinfectants (sterilizing) agents, detergents, insecticides, repellents, rodenticides, baits.

2.10. Placement of places of permanent stay of personnel in the premises for the storage of pest control is not allowed.

2.11. It is not allowed to store food products in the storage room for disinfectants, drinking water, eat, be by strangers.

2.12. The warehouse premises are equipped with ventilation (natural or artificial), the efficiency of which ensures that the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MAC).

2.13. The warehouse is equipped with metal racks for storing small containers of disinfectants and wooden shelves for storing glass bottles with disinfectants.

2.14. The floor, walls and ceilings of the warehouse must have a finish that prevents the sorption of harmful or aggressive substances and allows wet cleaning and washing (ceramic tiles, oil paint). The temperature in the room should be at least 18 degrees. C and not higher than 20 degrees. C. Disinfectants protect from direct sunlight.

2.15. The staff room is equipped with a shower cabin, a toilet, there are lockers for storing work and personal clothing of staff, a first aid kit, and personal protective equipment.

2.16. When the first signs of poisoning of personnel with disinfectants appear, you should immediately provide assistance on the spot in accordance with the first aid measures for poisoning with disinfectants and call an ambulance.

2.17. The distribution of disinfectants is carried out in a separate room. When issuing and receiving disinfectants, the storekeeper uses appropriate personal protective equipment.

2.18. The implementation of disinfectants is carried out in specialized departments, specialized trade organizations. The joint sale of disinfectants and foodstuffs, perfumes and cosmetics, oral hygiene products, goods for children is not allowed. Specialized departments, specialized trade organizations must have warehouses for the storage of disinfectants.

2.19. Transportation of disinfectants is carried out by special transport. The use of this transport for other purposes is not allowed.

2.20. Persons engaged in disinfection activities undergo vocational training and certification, including issues of safe work, first aid in case of poisoning with disinfectants.

2.21. Persons engaged in disinfection activities, in accordance with the established procedure, undergo preliminary, upon admission to work, and periodic preventive medical examinations.

2.22. When designing, building, reconstructing, re-equipping, expanding facilities intended for the production of disinfectants, they are guided by the hygienic requirements for production chemical substances corresponding hazard class.

2.23. The production of disinfectants should be carried out in separate rooms (workshops), in conditions that meet the requirements of sanitary rules.

SanPin 1378-03
III. Implementation Requirements
disinfection activities

3.1. Disinfection activities include storage, transportation, packaging, packaging, preparation of working solutions, baits and other forms of application, impregnation of clothing, chamber disinfection of things, sanitization of people, treatment of objects (premises, vehicles, equipment), open areas in order to ensure disinfection, disinsection and deratization, as well as disinfection and sterilization of medical devices and other activities.

3.2. For disinfection, sterilization, disinfestation and deratization, chemical and biological agents, equipment, apparatus and materials are used that are approved for use in the prescribed manner and do not have an adverse effect on humans.

3.3. Disinfection measures at the facilities are carried out in the presence of a representative of the administration of the facility (customer). Persons in the room to be processed are informed about the disinfection measures and the necessary precautions. In the places of processing, the presence of persons not related to processing, as well as pets, is not allowed.

3.4. The final disinfection, disinfestation, deratization in the foci of infectious diseases is carried out in the absence of people who are not related to the processing. Routine disinfection may be carried out in the presence of people (patients, carers, etc.). Preventive disinfection, disinfestation and deratization are carried out in the presence or absence of people, in accordance with the current methodological documents (instructions) for a particular product.

3.5. Packing, preparation of working solutions, emulsions, baits, impregnation of linen with insecticides, repellents, followed by drying, etc. carried out in a special room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. In these rooms it is not allowed to store personal belongings, food products, the presence of unauthorized persons, eating, smoking.

3.6. requirements for disinfection.

3.6.1. Disinfection includes decontamination of premises, transport, equipment, furniture, dishes, linen, toys, medical devices, patient care items, food products, food debris, secretions, technological equipment for the processing of raw materials and products, sanitary equipment, utensils from excreta, clothes, shoes, books, bedding, drinking and Wastewater, open areas.

3.6.2. Disinfection of objects is carried out by irrigation, wiping, aerosol treatment, immersion and other methods.

3.6.3. The choice of a disinfectant, as well as the method of its application, is determined by the characteristics of the object being disinfected, the biological properties of the microorganism, which together should ensure the achievement of disinfection.

3.6.4. It is not allowed to use disinfectants that have only a static effect, i.e. inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.

3.6.5. It is not allowed to use disinfectants that do not have a virucidal effect for the disinfection of medical devices.

3.7. sterilization requirements.

3.7.1. Sterilization includes pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of medical devices.

3.7.2. Pre-sterilization cleaning is carried out manually or mechanically, using detergents, including disinfectants with a detergent effect, taking into account the characteristics of the processed products. As a result of pre-sterilization cleaning, all types of contaminants must be completely removed from the processed products.

3.7.3. Sterilization of medical products is carried out by processing in sterilizers, immersion in solutions of sterilizing agents, exposure to ionizing radiation.

3.7.4. When choosing sterilizing agents and the method of sterilization, the features of the products to be sterilized, the features of the sterilizing agents are taken into account.

3.7.5. Use for sterilization of products that do not have a sporicidal effect is not allowed.

3.7.6. Products before sterilization are packed in accordance with the methodological documents. In some cases, sterilization without packaging is allowed, provided that the product is used within the time limits regulated by the methodological documents for a specific type of sterilization equipment. The materials used as packaging materials must be permeable to the sterilizing agent, impermeable to microorganisms, maintain strength after sterilization by an appropriate method, and must not reduce the effectiveness of sterilization.

3.7.7. As a result of sterilization, the workpiece must be completely free from all types of viable microorganisms.

3.8. Decontamination requirements.

3.8.1. Disinsection includes extermination measures and protection against the attack of synanthropic arthropods (cockroaches, bed bugs, fleas, ants, flies, mosquitoes, gamasid mites and others) that have epidemiological, sanitary and hygienic and disturbing significance, in settlements(buildings and adjacent territory) and in open nature.

3.8.2. Disinsection is carried out by physical, mechanical methods, as well as chemical and biological methods by irrigation, applying insecticides, repellents and attractants on the surface, fumigation, using insecticidal baits and other methods, the choice of which is determined by the characteristics of the treated object, the biological characteristics of synanthropic arthropods, the properties of pest control agents.

3.8.3. As a result of disinfestation, the complete destruction of synanthropic arthropods should be achieved or their numbers reduced to the planned level.

3.9. Deratization requirements.

3.9.1. Deratization is carried out in order to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, create favorable conditions for human life by eliminating and (or) reducing harmful effects rodents per person.

3.9.2. Deratization is carried out by physical, mechanical methods, as well as chemically by laying out poisoned baits, dusting, gassing and other methods, the choice of which is determined by the characteristics of the treated object, the biological characteristics of rodents, and the properties of deratization agents.

3.9.3. As a result of deratization, the complete destruction of rodents or a decrease in their number to the planned level should be achieved.

SanPin 1378-03
IV. Requirements for the implementation of disinfection
activities at individual facilities

4.1. In medical institutions:

4.1.1. In medical institutions, the use of disinfectants of I-II hazard class is not allowed.

4.1.2. Disinfection and sterilization in medical institutions is carried out by specially trained personnel of the institution, and disinsection and deratization are carried out by specially trained personnel of the institution or organization engaged in disinfection activities.

4.1.3. When carrying out current disinfection in the presence of patients (staff), it is not allowed to use the method of irrigating surfaces with disinfectant solutions, and when wiping, use drugs that have an irritating effect that cause allergic reactions. The final disinfection is carried out in the absence of patients, subject to personal protective measures by the personnel.

4.1.4. The preparation of disinfectant solutions, their storage, disinfection of linen is carried out in a specially designated and equipped room.

4.1.5. Containers with disinfectants, detergents and sterilizing agents must have clear labels indicating the name of the drug, its concentration, purpose, date of preparation, expiration date.

4.1.6. In medical institutions, disinsection and deratization are carried out in accordance with regulatory documents.

4.1.7. In medical institutions, only insecticides of hazard class IV are used. In the presence of patients, it is not allowed to carry out disinsection by irrigation and dusting methods.

4.1.8. In medical institutions it is not allowed to use deratization agents containing acute poisons.

4.1.9. When deratizing rooms for eating and wards, it is preferable to use mechanical methods of deratting. In the case of using poisoned baits, they are laid out on substrates and in special containers accessible only to rodents, which exclude the spread of poison by rodents and its contact with food, medicines, etc. Containers with bait and shelters are numbered, handed over against receipt to the representative of the administration, at the end of the deratization work, containers with the remains of the bait are collected in plastic bags and disposed of.

4.2. AT educational institutions for children and teenagers:

4.2.1. In educational institutions for children and adolescents (hereinafter - children's institutions), preventive disinfection, disinsection, deratization is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, final disinfection - according to epidemiological indications.

4.2.2. Preventive and current disinfection is carried out by specially trained personnel of a children's institution, final disinfection, preventive, focal disinsection, deratization - by specially trained personnel of a children's institution or organizations that carry out disinfection activities.

4.2.3. In children's institutions, only IV hazard class insecticides are used. It is not allowed to use deratization agents containing acute poisons, disinfectants of I-II hazard class.

4.2.4. Disinsection, deratization is carried out in the absence of children and staff, after the end of the work of the children's institution, on sanitary or weekend days. Prior to the start of operation, wet cleaning is carried out in the treated premises, during which preparations are removed from the treated premises. If it is necessary to carry out deratization in the presence of children, personnel, mechanical methods are used, as well as methods and means permitted for these purposes.

4.2.5. Baits are placed in places that exclude access for children. Baits are laid out on substrates and in special containers accessible only to rodents, excluding the distribution of poison by rodents and its contact with food, medicine, and household items. The containers with bait and shelters are numbered, handed over against receipt to the representative of the administration of the children's institution, at the end of the work, the containers with the remnants of the bait are collected in plastic bags and disposed of.

4.3. In residential buildings, hotels, hostels:

4.3.1. In common areas of residential buildings, as well as in hotels, hostels, preventive disinfection, disinfestation, deratization is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents, and focal disinfection in apartments of residential buildings, as well as in hotels, hostels - according to epidemiological indications.

4.3.2. Disinsection in hotels and hostels is carried out by the method of continuous or selective processing. Continuous processing is carried out with a high number of insects, while the premises are freed from people, and after processing, wet cleaning of the premises is carried out.

4.3.3. Selective processing is carried out in living rooms (rooms) and other premises, while the processed premises are freed from people, and after processing, wet cleaning of the premises is carried out.

4.3.4. When deratizing in hotels or dormitories, the use of deratization agents containing acute poisons is not allowed.

4.3.5. Preventive disinfection includes cleaning, washing and disinfection of toilets, baths, kitchens, garbage chutes.

4.3.6. If a patient with an infectious disease is detected, in which disinfection is necessary as a measure to prevent the spread of this infectious disease, current disinfection is carried out in the apartment, living room, room, and after the patient is evacuated, final disinfection is carried out.

4.3.7. For the current and final disinfection, the use of disinfectants of I-II hazard class is not allowed.

4.3.8. The current and final disinfection in the apartment, living room, room is carried out by residents, hotel (dormitory) staff or an organization that carries out disinfection activities.

4.3.9. The means used for current and final disinfection, as well as methods of application, are determined by the methodological documents regulating the implementation of disinfection measures for certain infectious diseases and the use of disinfectants.

4.4. In organizations food trade, Catering, Food Industry.

Disinfection measures in food trade, public catering, food industry organizations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules for the relevant organizations.

SanPin 1378-03
V. Organization of the state
sanitary and epidemiological supervision of the
disinfection measures

State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over the implementation of disinfection activities is carried out by the bodies and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed by law.

Where to hand over for recycling waste, equipment and other things in

Disinfection chambers are called devices and special structures in which various things are disinfected using physical, chemical or both means, as well as insects are destroyed.

Descamers are installed in health care facilities, sanitary and epidemiological institutions, baths, laundries, as well as in some industrial enterprises where the raw materials are contaminated materials.

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Key points in the article:

Significance of disinfection chamber

In the complex of measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in health facilities, chamber disinfection performs one of the main tasks. It is one of the most effective and reliable methods for disinfecting dressings, bedding, linen, outerwear, and shoes.

Unfortunately, in most medical institutions, chamber disinfection is not given due attention. Only maternity, infectious and tuberculosis treatment departments carry out disinfection in a sufficiently complete manner.

Types of disinfection chambers

According to their purpose, dezcameras are divided into:

  1. Disinfection.
  2. Disinsection.

The latter destroy only insects for which the critical temperature is lower than for different kind bacteria.

Dezkamera device

By the nature of the device are distinguished:

  • stationary;
  • mobile;
  • transportable (on trailer) cameras.

Camera types

The types of cameras are:

  • steam;
  • steam-formalin;
  • hot-air.

The designs of steam chambers provide for work on steam, steam-air and steam-formalin methods.

Stationary cameras are installed in special rooms - standard or adapted, called disinfection blocks.

The disinfection unit must have heating, water supply, lighting, supply and exhaust ventilation.

The area of ​​the premises of the disinfection unit must correspond to the dimensions and the number of disinfection chambers in it.

Arrangement of the chamber hall

The chamber hall consists of two compartments, isolated by a transverse partition:

  • loading compartment;
  • unloading department.

One half - "dirty" - is used for receiving, sorting and loading things that are subject to chamber disinfection (loading compartment).

Another - "clean" - for disinfected things (unloading compartment).

The dezkamera is installed in the partition between the loading and unloading compartments in such a way that most of the chamber is in the unloading compartment, and only a small part of it remains in the loading compartment, almost flush with the partition.

With this arrangement of the disinfection chamber, the front of its control, supply openings, the fan and the motor are located in the unloading compartment and are accessible for inspection and repair.

All control of the apparatus is carried out from the side of the unloading compartment. The partition is provided with a hermetically sealed window for the transfer of documents, money and other items that are not subject to chamber disinfection, or a box with two doors.

Dimensions of the chamber hall

The dimensions of the chamber hall depend on the outer dimensions adopted for this type of chambers (table).

  1. The width of the room is made up of the outer width of the chamber, the area required for the installation of an electric motor with a fan, and the gap between the units and the walls.
  2. The length of the room is made up of the outer length of the chamber and working rooms from the side of the loading and unloading compartments of 2500 mm each, when using a trolley for loading, the length of the room increases by 2 lengths of the chamber.
  3. The height of the premises of the chamber hall is not less than 3.5–4 m, taking into account the high temperature of 25–30 °C, which occurs in the unloading compartment.

At the loading compartment of the chamber hall, a sanitary lock for disinfectors is equipped, consisting of a dressing room with wardrobes for outerwear, a toilet, a shower room and a dressing room with wardrobes for overalls. To receive things, a window-door is equipped.

Ventilation of the disinfection unit

Supply and exhaust ventilation is equipped in the compartments of the chamber hall, providing an exchange of at least 8 volumes per hour, while in the unloading compartment, backwater prevails, and in the loading compartment, an exhaust hood to prevent infection from entering it.

Disinfection room floor installation

The floor is covered with metlakh * tiles, the walls are painted with oil paint to facilitate cleaning and disinfection of the premises.

* Metlakh tiles - ceramic floor tiles - fired before sintering clay tiles with the addition of dyes. The front side of the floor tiles can be corrugated, smooth, with an indented pattern, etc. The tiles are laid on a cement-sand screed or special mastics.

Set and area of ​​premises of the disinfection unit


Area for a hospital with the number of beds, m2

Receiving and sorting things

Issue of things

Pantry of disinfected things

Rooms for disinfection chambers

loading compartment

unloading compartment

Gateway between loading and unloading compartments

Chlorine storage room

Storage room for disinfectants

Storage room for household equipment

Toilet for 1 toilet bowl (with a washbasin in the lock), a sanitary inspection room for staff with a shower

According to existing standards, the disinfection unit must have the equipment listed below:

  • buckets (2 pcs.);
  • scales;
  • hangers-“hangers” (50 pcs.);
  • hydraulic control, chlorine-containing preparations;
  • journal of chamber processing of things;
  • instructions on modes, passports of installed cameras;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • mittens (2 pairs);
  • overalls according to the standards;
  • racks for things on the “clean” and “dirty” halves;
  • stools, tables, chairs (2 pieces each);
  • outdoor thermometers (1 straight and 1 angle);
  • liquid containers;
  • alarm clock or timer;
  • cabinet for disinfectants;
  • hose 10 m long;
  • washbasin, brushes, rags, soap, towel;
  • suits for work at JOG;
  • bactericidal lamps.

As a rule, all disinfection chambers consist of:

  1. From the actual camera.
  2. Heat source.
  3. Apparatus for the introduction of chemicals.
  4. Water supply and drainage systems.
  5. Systems for draining condensate in the sewer.
  6. Supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

The number of rates of disinfectors of health facilities depends on the number of beds in the hospital:

  • up to 100 beds - 0.5 rates;
  • 100-250 beds - 1 position;
  • 250-400 beds - 2 positions;
  • 400-500 beds - 4 positions;
  • more than 500 beds - 1 additional position is established for every 250 beds.

Monitoring the operation of disinfection chambers

The operation of the device must be controlled by technical and biological methods.

Technical control is carried out in order to establish the serviceability of all equipment (pressure gauge, thermometer, valves), as well as steam and air ducts.

The integrity of the apparatus and its equipment can be determined visually. In addition, to check the operation of the valves, its tightness or constituent parts, patency of steam pipelines, a test run of steam and trial heating are used.

If, after closing the valve, the pipe section located behind it continues to heat up, this indicates a valve defect (letting steam through). These valves must be repaired or replaced.

Indications of the operation of disinfection chambers in medical institutions

The accuracy of the thermometer readings is checked as follows: the test thermometer, together with the control (calibrated) thermometer, is immersed in water heated to 60-80-90 ° C, respectively, while comparing the thermometer readings. The difference between the readings of the tested and control thermometers should not exceed ±1 °C.

To check the operation of pressure gauges, a pressure gauge under test is attached to the flange of a three-way valve, a control pressure gauge is connected in parallel, and a conclusion is made about its serviceability based on the difference in the readings of the tested and control pressure gauges.

The faulty pressure gauge is replaced with a new one - checked and sealed.

The degree of heating in thermal devices is determined by an objective method - thermometry. The graduated part of the external thermometer is located outside, its end with a mercury ball is inserted inside it.

The temperature dynamics is recorded in the following steps:

  • temperature before heating;
  • heating to the temperature at which the exposure countdown begins;
  • maintaining a certain temperature during exposure.

All of the above temperature readings are recorded in the protocol of the chamber operation (Appendix 2).

The readings of external thermometers indicate only the temperature of the air and steam in the chamber, but not the temperature that was in the disinfected things inside during this period of time.

To determine the temperature in disinfected things, providing a bactericidal (insecticidal) effect, maximum thermometers are used.

The effectiveness of disinfection depends not only on the required temperature in the chamber, but also on its uniform distribution in the things loaded into it.

The uniformity of temperature distribution in things in different places of the chamber is determined both vertically (at the level of the collar of clothes and pockets) and horizontally (in things located in the front part, in front of the door to the unloading room; in things located in the middle part, and in things facing the loading door of the chamber).

The uniformity of temperature distribution inside things is determined using 9 or 15 maximum thermometers, depending on the volume of the chamber.

In the loading chamber, maximum thermometers must be placed in the thickness of things (under collars, in pockets or folds of clothing).

To do this, thermometers are placed in special pouch bags together with test objects and placed at 9 points according to a scheme similar to the arrangement of seals on an envelope, at two levels: in the upper and middle parts of the chamber.

The maximum thermometers are subject to a systematic check, which is carried out in the same way as the external chamber thermometers.

The standards of bacteriological control of the reliability of disinfection of things in the chamber are the following cultures:

  1. When processing things from foci of infections caused by non-spore-forming microbes, Staphylococcus aureus ( Staphylococcus aureus), strain 906.
  2. When processing things from foci of tuberculosis - non-pathogenic mycobacterium ( Mycobacterium), strain B-5.
  3. When processing things from foci of infections caused by spore-forming microbes, culture Bacillus cereus, strain 96, in spore form (anthracoid).

Test cultures should have typical properties. Bacteriological control of the effectiveness of disinfection of things in the chambers is carried out using biological indicators BIK-ILC, folded into a packing tape.

The carriers prepared in this way are numbered and placed in a bag measuring 10 × 15 cm, which has a special compartment for a maximum thermometer. The bags are placed at the control points.

After testing the biological indicators NIR-ILC, they are removed from the bags, placed in plastic bag and with the appropriate direction delivered to the laboratory for further research. If growth is detected in at least one of the biological indicator crops, the chamber operation is re-checked.

At the same time, it is checked more carefully technical condition, the rate of loading things, the correctness of their placement in the cell.

Disinfection chambers, like other equipment, require repair and timely replacement. After 10 years of operation, the disinfection chamber can no longer work efficiently enough, so it is unacceptable to purchase new ones on a residual basis. These costs should be included in programs for the prevention of nosocomial infections in medical institutions.

It is very important to have an exchange fund of bedding for the timely conduct of chamber disinfection, which will bring the volume of its implementation to 100% in all medical departments of health facilities.

Conducting a complete chamber disinfection of bedding in health facilities is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

  1. SanPiN " Hygiene requirements to the location, arrangement, equipment and operation of hospitals, maternity hospitals and other medical hospitals”.
  2. SP 3.5.1378-03 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and implementation of disinfection activities”.
  3. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR of 03.09.1991 No. 254 “On the development of disinfection business in the country”.
  4. The concept of prevention of nosocomial infections, approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia on 06.12.1999.
  5. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated July 31, 1978 No. 720 “On improving medical care for patients with purulent surgical diseases and strengthening measures to combat nosocomial infection”.
  6. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR No. 440 of April 20, 1983 “On additional measures to improve medical care for newborn children”.
  7. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 26, 1997 No. 345 “On improving measures for the prevention of nosocomial infections in obstetric hospitals”.
  8. Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated September 28, 1989 No. 15 / 6-20 “Prevention of nosocomial infections in newborns and young children in children's hospitals”.
  9. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated 04.08.1983 No. 916 “Instruction on the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime and labor protection for personnel of infectious diseases hospitals (departments)”.
  10. Guidelines for the organization and implementation of a complex of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in aseptic departments (blocks) and wards dated April 30, 1986 No. 28-6 / 15.
  11. Control methods. Biological and microbiological factors. Control of disinfection chambers. Methodical instructions. MUK 4.2.1035-01.

When organizing or overhauling (re-planning) the premises of the disinfection block, one can be guided by the following documents: “Table of equipment for hospitals, polyclinics”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on May 3, 1963 No. 201 and “Normals for the main planning elements of residential and public buildings”, section “Medical buildings. Hospitals. Disinfection departments” NP, approved by the order of the State Civil Engineering of the USSR dated March 25, 1983 No. 81.

Despite the fact that these documents are no longer valid, and new documents that regulate the required area and capacity of disinfection chambers have not been approved, the following data can be used to organize the work of disinfection units.

Equipping with disinfection chambers and disinfection areas

* The height of the disinfection unit is at least 3 m everywhere.

** Disinfection chambers, except for VFS2 and VFS3, require a source of steam.

Date of chamber processing (day, month, year)

Order number of loading and brand of disinfection chamber

Method of chamber disinfection (steam-air, steam-formalin)

Owner's address, organization, institution, department of healthcare facility

Purpose of disinfection (prevention, etc.)

The invoice of things, their weight, number of sets

Up to 80 °С by the steam-air method Up to 60 °С by the steam-formalin method

1 time at the beginning of the working day before loading things

Warming up an unloaded chamber

Ventilation time after primary heating (min)

Introduction of formalin (% formaldehyde content) in ml

(per 1 m3 of disinfection chamber volume)

Time (min), temperature according to external thermometers


Time (min), temperature according to external thermometers

Ventilation time (+ drying) (min), heater

Time (min), temperature according to external thermometers

Formalin neutralization

Ventilation time after neutralization process (min)

Material unloading time

Signature of the disinfector who carried out the treatment

Disinfection chambers are devices or devices for carrying out steam, steam-air, steam-formalin, air and gas disinfection and disinfestation in them. Disinfection chambers provide reliable disinfection or disinfestation of clothing, bedding, wool, carpets, waste materials, books and other things. All other methods of disinfection of soft things, except for boiling, do not guarantee the completeness of disinfection and disinfestation, and disinfection by boiling is unacceptable for outerwear, bedding (pillows, blankets, mattresses) and some other soft things. In disinfection chambers, physical (steam, steam-air mixture, dry hot air), chemical (formaldehyde, etc.) or both disinfectants are used. Cameras are installed in medical and preventive and sanitary and epidemiological institutions, as well as in industrial enterprises.

Almost all disinfection chambers consist of the actual chamber (working chamber), into which things are immersed, a heat source (steam boiler, firebox, electric heater), instrumentation (thermometers, psychrometers, pressure gauges, safety valves), equipment for introducing chemicals (nozzles, evaporators), ventilation devices (fans, steam ejectors, etc.).

Depending on the agent used for disinfection, the chambers are divided into a number of types. The main ones are:

  1. steam-air-formalin - use a steam-formaldehyde mixture and humidified heated air;
  2. steam - disinfection is carried out with saturated water vapor;
  3. air (dry fat) - the active agent is heated air;
  4. gas - use sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide, methyl bromide, chloropicrin, etc.;
  5. combined - adapted for disinfection and disinfestation with several agents (steam, air-steam mixture, formaldehyde).

By the nature of the device, disinfection chambers are stationary, mobile and portable. Stationary cameras are installed in special rooms (chamber halls), which are divided by a partition into two isolated parts or halves. Chambers are mounted in the partition so that their doors open in different halves, and chamber disinfection of things takes place in clean and dirty rooms. The part of the room in which things are taken for disinfection and where things are loaded from is called the loading (dirty) half, and the rooms where the cameras are unloaded and things are given out are called the unloading (clean) half. The latter contains valves, thermometers and other parts that control the operation of the chamber.

In the premises where the cameras are installed, there should be racks for sorting things, hours for observing the working hours of the cells, individual lockers for overalls and personal clothing of personnel, washbasins, towels, and soap. If the heat source (steam boiler, firebox) is located outside the chamber, then convenient communication with the latter (telephone or bell alarm) should be provided; communication should also be between the loading and unloading parts. In the unloading section there should be instructions for working on each camera, as well as internal regulations.

Mobile cameras are mounted on cars. Portable chambers are collapsible and semi-collapsible and do not have their own course for movement. Mobile and portable cameras do not require special premises, however, to protect personnel, as well as things and the cameras themselves from rain and snow and reduce heat loss, it is advisable to build a canopy over the camera or install them in closed buildings.

When working on mobile or portable cells, the place of their use should have separate racks for contaminated and disinfected things, a watch and a portable washbasin with a towel and soap.

Disinfection, depending on the resistance of the objects to be disinfected to the disinfecting agent, can be steam-air, steam-formalin and steam. Disinsection can be air, steam and steam. Objects intended for disinfection (disinfestation) before being loaded into the chamber are sorted, taking into account the material from which they are made, into objects for steam-air, steam-formalin, steam, air disinfection (disinfestation). Strongly moistened things are dried before processing in steam-air-formalin and air chambers.

Before loading the first batch of objects for disinfection (disinfestation), the cold chamber is heated with the doors closed. The heating temperature according to the external thermometer is 50 - 60 ° С - with steam-formalin disinfection and steam-air disinfection of leather and fur things: 80 ° С - with steam-air and steam disinfection and air disinsection. At the specified temperatures, heating is carried out; within 10 - 15 minutes, if the chamber is metal; within 20 - 30 minutes, if the chamber is made of brick or concrete.

Things are loaded into the chamber from the loading compartment evenly throughout the working volume. The loading rate, referred to 1 m 2 of the floor area of ​​the chamber (trolley) or 1 m 3 of the working volume of the steam chamber, and the disinfection temperature depend on the type of infectious agent, disinfecting agent, material of the disinfected objects (wool, cotton, fur, etc.) . Fur and leather clothes are hung with fur (lining) outward, avoiding contact with each other. For better warming of the axillary region of short fur coats, a stick 65–70 cm long is inserted into the sleeves or they are put on special coat hangers. Felt boots and boots are hung upside down, boots are hung in nets or placed on cart grates.

Disinfected things are unloaded from the chamber into the unloading compartment. Fur clothes are shaken during unloading in order to remove drops of condensate, or they are kept in the unloading room (in a straightened form) for 10-15 minutes. Other objects that have received moisture as a result of disinfection are dried in the chamber itself, if there are devices for this, or in the unloading room.

The time taken to complete all the disinfection work in the chambers is called the disinfection cycle. This cycle consists of warming up the chamber, loading it with things, drying things, raising the temperature and pressure to the specified values, introducing formaldehyde into the chamber (with the steam-formalin method), holding things during the action of disinfecting agents, reducing pressure to normal atmospheric (in steam chambers) , neutralization of formaldehyde residues (with steam-formalin disinfection), ventilation and unloading of things.

The duration of the individual stages of the disinfection cycle and preparation for work are on average:

  1. preliminary heating of the chamber (steam, steam-air-formalin) and drying of things - 10 - 15 minutes;
  2. rise in temperature (and in steam chambers and pressure) - 10 - 15 min;
  3. input into the chamber of formaldehyde - 3 - 10 min;
  4. exposure - from 10 minutes to 4 hours;
  5. decrease in pressure in the chamber to normal (in steam chambers) - 2 - 10 min;
  6. neutralization of formaldehyde and ventilation of the chamber with things - 10 - 40 min;
  7. unloading things - 5 - 10 min.

The disinfection chamber is served by two disinfectors. One of them, located in the loading compartment, sorts the objects of disinfection (disinfestation) and loads them into the chamber. Another disinfector, located in the unloading (clean) compartment, manages the disinfection process, unloads things from the chamber at the end of the disinfection holding time, sorts them and returns them according to their belongings. He also keeps a log of the camera. When servicing disinfection chambers by one employee, he is obliged, after loading the chamber, before moving to a clean part of the chamber, take off his dressing gown, cap or scarf and load them into the chamber. After that, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and put on clean overalls.

Steam boilers for heat supply of disinfection chambers. Steam boilers are devices in which water turns into steam as a result of heating. The industry manufactures stationary and mobile boilers. The steam boiler consists of the boiler itself, in which steam is generated, a furnace with a grate and control and measuring fittings.

The firebox is the part of the steam boiler in which fuel is burned. Fireboxes are internal external. The internal ones are located inside the boiler, mainly in the flame tubes. External fireboxes are better suited for burning poor grades of fuel. Fire grates are placed in the furnaces. They consist of individual grates that form the grate area. There are gaps between the grates through which air enters the furnace, the oxygen of which is necessary for the combustion process. Instead of a grate in small boilers, a grate plate is sometimes installed.

To regulate the operation of the boiler and the safety of the operating one, each steam boiler is equipped with control and measuring instruments (fittings): a pressure gauge for measuring the steam pressure in the boiler, a water-indicating glass (flat) for monitoring the water level in the steam boiler, a safety valve (lever or spring) for warning increase in pressure beyond the prescribed. Steam boilers are also equipped with various kinds of shut-off valves, hand pumps, steam injectors and other devices. The maintenance and operation of boilers are determined by special rules, the implementation of which is mandatory.

Of the steam boilers that serve specially stationary disinfection chambers, the most commonly used are vertical boilers of the Shukhov system, Lechapel boilers, and boilers with vertical fire tubes. Any steam boilers available at the location of the chambers can be used.

To supply steam to mobile disinfection chambers and showers, industry manufactures steam boilers of the RI-1, RI-2 and RI-3 types, developed by engineers Ryabov and Ignatochkin. These boilers are classified as combined, since their heating surface is formed by a flame tube and boiler pipes in which water circulates.

Chamber Disinfection- Disinfection chambers are devices or devices for carrying out steam, steam-air, steam-formalin, air and gas disinfection and disinfestation in them.

Disinfection chambers provide reliable disinfection or disinfestation of clothing, bedding, wool, carpets, waste materials, books and other things. All other methods of disinfection of soft things, except for boiling, do not guarantee the completeness of disinfection and disinfestation, and disinfection by boiling is unacceptable for outerwear, bedding (pillows, blankets, mattresses) and some other soft things. In disinfection chambers, physical (steam, steam-air mixture, dry hot air), chemical (formaldehyde, etc.) or both disinfectants are used. Cameras are installed in medical and preventive and sanitary and epidemiological institutions, as well as in industrial enterprises.

Almost all disinfection chambers consist of the actual chamber (working chamber), into which things are immersed, a heat source (steam boiler, firebox, electric heater), instrumentation (thermometers, psychrometers, pressure gauges, safety valves), equipment for introducing chemicals (nozzles, evaporators), ventilation devices (fans, steam ejectors, etc.).

Depending on the agent used for disinfection, the chambers are divided into a number of types. The main ones are:

  1. steam-air-formalin - use a steam-formaldehyde mixture and humidified heated air;
  2. steam - disinfection is carried out with saturated water vapor;
  3. air (dry fat) - the active agent is heated air;
  4. gas - use sulfur dioxide, ethylene oxide, methyl bromide, chloropicrin, etc.;
  5. combined - adapted for disinfection and disinfestation with several agents (steam, air-steam mixture, formaldehyde).
By the nature of the device, disinfection chambers are stationary, mobile and portable. Stationary cameras are installed in special rooms (chamber halls), which are divided by a partition into two isolated parts or halves. Chambers are mounted in the partition so that their doors open in different halves, and chamber disinfection of things takes place in clean and dirty rooms. The part of the room in which things are taken for disinfection and where things are loaded from is called the loading (dirty) half, and the rooms where the cameras are unloaded and things are given out are called the unloading (clean) half. The latter contains valves, thermometers and other parts that control the operation of the chamber.

In the premises where the cameras are installed, there should be racks for sorting things, hours for observing the working hours of the cells, individual lockers for overalls and personal clothing of personnel, washbasins, towels, and soap. If the heat source (steam boiler, firebox) is located outside the chamber, then convenient communication with the latter (telephone or bell alarm) should be provided; communication should also be between the loading and unloading parts. In the unloading section there should be instructions for working on each camera, as well as internal regulations.

Mobile cameras are mounted on cars. Portable chambers are collapsible and semi-collapsible and do not have their own course for movement. Mobile and portable cameras do not require special premises, however, to protect personnel, as well as things and the cameras themselves from rain and snow and reduce heat loss, it is advisable to build a canopy over the camera or install them in closed buildings.

When working on mobile or portable cells, the place of their use should have separate racks for contaminated and disinfected things, a watch and a portable washbasin with a towel and soap.

Disinfection, depending on the resistance of the objects to be disinfected to the disinfecting agent, can be steam-air, steam-formalin and steam. Disinsection can be air, steam and steam. Objects intended for disinfection (disinfestation) before being loaded into the chamber are sorted, taking into account the material from which they are made, into objects for steam-air, steam-formalin, steam, air disinfection (disinfestation). Strongly moistened things are dried before processing in steam-air-formalin and air chambers.

Before loading the first batch of objects for disinfection (disinfestation), the cold chamber is heated with the doors closed. The heating temperature according to the external thermometer is 50 - 60 ° С - with steam-formalin disinfection and steam-air disinfection of leather and fur things: 80 ° С - with steam-air and steam disinfection and air disinsection. At the specified temperatures, heating is carried out; within 10 - 15 minutes, if the chamber is metal; within 20 - 30 minutes, if the chamber is made of brick or concrete.

Things are loaded into the chamber from the loading compartment evenly throughout the working volume. The loading rate, referred to 1 m 2 of the floor area of ​​the chamber (trolley) or 1 m 3 of the working volume of the steam chamber, and the disinfection temperature depend on the type of infectious agent, disinfecting agent, material of the disinfected objects (wool, cotton, fur, etc.) . Fur and leather clothes are hung with fur (lining) outward, avoiding contact with each other. For better warming of the axillary region of short fur coats, a stick 65–70 cm long is inserted into the sleeves or they are put on special coat hangers. Felt boots and boots are hung upside down, boots are hung in nets or placed on cart grates.

Disinfected things are unloaded from the chamber into the unloading compartment. Fur clothes are shaken during unloading in order to remove drops of condensate, or they are kept in the unloading room (in a straightened form) for 10-15 minutes. Other objects that have received moisture as a result of disinfection are dried in the chamber itself, if there are devices for this, or in the unloading room.

The time taken to complete all the disinfection work in the chambers is called the disinfection cycle. This cycle consists of warming up the chamber, loading it with things, drying things, raising the temperature and pressure to the specified values, introducing formaldehyde into the chamber (with the steam-formalin method), holding things during the action of disinfecting agents, reducing pressure to normal atmospheric (in steam chambers) , neutralization of formaldehyde residues (with steam-formalin disinfection), ventilation and unloading of things.

The duration of the individual stages of the disinfection cycle and preparation for work are on average:

  • preliminary heating of the chamber (steam, steam-air-formalin) and drying of things - 10 - 15 minutes;
  • rise in temperature (and in steam chambers and pressure) - 10 - 15 min;
  • input into the chamber of formaldehyde - 3 - 10 min;
  • exposure - from 10 minutes to 4 hours;
  • decrease in pressure in the chamber to normal (in steam chambers) - 2 - 10 min;
  • neutralization of formaldehyde and ventilation of the chamber with things - 10 - 40 min;
  • unloading things - 5 - 10 min.
  • The disinfection chamber is served by two disinfectors. One of them, located in the loading compartment, sorts the objects of disinfection (disinfestation) and loads them into the chamber. Another disinfector, located in the unloading (clean) compartment, manages the disinfection process, unloads things from the chamber at the end of the disinfection holding time, sorts them and returns them according to their belongings. He also keeps a log of the camera. When servicing disinfection chambers by one employee, he is obliged, after loading the chamber, before moving to a clean part of the chamber, take off his dressing gown, cap or scarf and load them into the chamber. After that, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and put on clean overalls.

    Steam boilers for heat supply of disinfection chambers. Steam boilers are devices in which water turns into steam as a result of heating. The industry manufactures stationary and mobile boilers. The steam boiler consists of the boiler itself, in which steam is generated, a furnace with a grate and control and measuring fittings.

    The firebox is the part of the steam boiler in which fuel is burned. Fireboxes are internal external. The internal ones are located inside the boiler, mainly in the flame tubes. External fireboxes are better suited for burning poor grades of fuel. Fire grates are placed in the furnaces. They consist of individual grates that form the grate area. There are gaps between the grates through which air enters the furnace, the oxygen of which is necessary for the combustion process. Instead of a grate in small boilers, a grate plate is sometimes installed.

    To regulate the operation of the boiler and the safety of the operating one, each steam boiler is equipped with control and measuring instruments (fittings): a pressure gauge for measuring the steam pressure in the boiler, a water-indicating glass (flat) for monitoring the water level in the steam boiler, a safety valve (lever or spring) for warning increase in pressure beyond the prescribed. Steam boilers are also equipped with various kinds of shut-off valves, hand pumps, steam injectors and other devices. The maintenance and operation of boilers are determined by special rules, the implementation of which is mandatory.

    Of the steam boilers that serve specially stationary disinfection chambers, the most commonly used are vertical boilers of the Shukhov system, Lechapel boilers, and boilers with vertical fire tubes. Any steam boilers available at the location of the chambers can be used.

    To supply steam to mobile disinfection chambers and showers, industry manufactures steam boilers of the RI-1, RI-2 and RI-3 types, developed by engineers Ryabov and Ignatochkin. These boilers are classified as combined, since their heating surface is formed by a flame tube and boiler pipes in which water circulates.

    The technical operation of the boilers is carried out in accordance with the attached instructions.
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