Which companies work in the p3 program. SAP program: we solve accounting problems quickly and easily

Hello everyone Let's talk about such a program as SAP, which can probably be called the most unusual, because even I find it difficult to understand what it is for. In short, I will say this, the SAP program is purely business software.

In general, the program is not called SAP, but SAP R / 3. The letter R is from the word Realtime, means some kind of immediate posting and updating of data that interested departments of the enterprise can have access to. In short, I say that the dregs are still the same, well, in the sense that it is very difficult for an ordinary user to understand what SAP is.

SAP R / 3 you know, not even a program, it's some kind of ERP system! In general, SAP is a German company, it creates very serious software for all sorts of large offices. Well, in principle, the way it is, I read that largest organizations use this SAP program. Not just the largest, but simply gigantic companies that are scary to even think about!

What's more interesting is that you know who created the SAP company? Who would have thought that this former employees from IBM! About IBM, I only know that it is a very decent company in terms of production computer technology, I had a laptop from them, it’s just something, I didn’t even see anything of high quality. But today IBM is no more, it has become Lenovo. And alas, the quality is not there either, but believe me that laptops from IBM are something. Even today, used models in good quality remain an expensive pleasure.

So, the SAP program, as I already wrote, is purely business software and it is needed in order to keep accounting records, manage personnel, inventory records, and much more. That is, an ordinary user does not need this program for nothing.

All sorts of invoices, there, documents, accounting for everything that is possible, storing all kinds of data (including service ones), statistics, reports, in general, the SAP program was created for this. I think that more or less that we figured it out

This is what the SAP program looks like, what exactly is done in the program is of course not clear:

Here is another picture that only confirms the coolness of the program, how complex it is:

Look, one more picture, here you see, there is such as an order, a price date, a supplier plant, a payment card, in short, this is all trade:

Well, that is, it is generally an uninteresting program, only for work and that's it. I feel that many workers are already hurting their eyes, probably from this program. This is something like 1C, that too, the program is serious and incomprehensible

This picture shows a professional misunderstanding:

The SAP program is so complex that in order to work on it, you need to undergo training! That is, they even go to courses on working with this program!

It is hardly possible to understand how to work with it on your own, pictures like this will not even help:

And here is the type of help center of the SAP program (in this case it comes in the form of a chm file):

So, now let's draw conclusions about the SAP program, so to speak.

  1. The SAP program is for all sorts of businesses, organizations, enterprises and the like. It is best suited for especially large companies.
  2. In fact, the SAP program is quite popular, just in a narrow circle.
  3. Just like that, the program cannot stand on your computer, if you have it, apparently you are working on a working computer. All this I mean is that if you suddenly decide to delete it, then think very, very well before that. Well, I just mean that if, for example, an employee at work tries to remove SAP, then he will probably have decent troubles.
  4. To use the SAP program, you need to take preparatory courses, you just can’t learn how to use it, it’s too complicated.
  5. In general, the SAP program costs decent money, I read that its price can be up to 10% of annual turnover companies, well, in short, this is a very serious program.

That's all the guys, there is nothing more to write, what he himself understood and told you. I hope that at least now you understand what kind of SAP program it is. Good luck in life and good mood

With the development of technology, accounting processes for the most part become automated and this happens due to the introduction of a new software, but if many have heard about C1, then much less people know what the SAP program is.

In its turn this program is very popular and relevant, because it allows you to perform a huge number of actions related to resource management of the selected company.

However, SAP the program is far from simple as usual for everyone office workers and .

It requires special knowledge and it's great when there is a person in the company who understands this or has experience, but not always at hand there is a specialist of this kind. And then for learning, you have to start using instructions and other resources to try to figure it out.

A little about where it came from

The creator of this system is a German company that develops software for its further corporate use.

Initially referred to as SAP AG, the software appeared on the CIS market in 2003 and immediately gained a foothold on it due to its reliability and versatility.

The creator company, in turn, only developed the product, constantly absorbing competing firms.

In 2006, a scheme was set up to educate clients in all the subtleties of working with SAP, because the system is considered far from being easy to use.

By 2014, this approach had changed a little and the role of teachers was taken over.

Now they began to turn to them for help, because people in this profession have great experience in working with such programs and can tell and show everything for an acceptable amount through.

It is worth noting that so far it is found only in large companies that can afford and pay for its installation and staff training. Smaller enterprises continue to use the C1 system that is organized and implemented much easier.

What is this program?

Software of German origin contains a wide range of features, including: trading and warehouse operations, personnel and financial accounting.

It even involves working with logistics, which is why it is valued so highly. The system processes completely different data, which explains its complex structure.

Important! DownloadSAPon the Internet and more can't be free. The program is distributed by way of its purchase and subsequent implementation into the company's system. Free versions on the network are unlikely to be installed without exposing the PC to a threat.

It should be borne in mind that before you install software that should support everything in an exceptional manner, the company's system itself must be clearly structured.

SAP definitely will help speed up the processes carried out on the data, but it is not designed to correct errors and shortcomings in the very structure of the company.

Positive and negative sides

The program has, according to experts, a number of advantages that allow it to be strikingly different from other similar products:


  • easy setup process, both simple parameters - the choice of language or currency, and more complex ones - the formation of cultural characteristics, etc.;
  • requires almost no updates;
  • works with real-time data;
  • positively influences the efficiency of the work of the staff;
  • minimizes the possibility of errors;
  • has a simple mechanism interfacing with other office programs;
  • covers the vast scope of allowable work, which, as a rule, covers the needs of even the largest companies;
  • full interface customization, which allows you to work out the structure of the product to the smallest detail;
  • focuses on the results and performance of leading companies in order to always be a relevant product.


  • the program after the conclusion of the contract of the company with one of the vendors, until the moment when the lines expire according to the documents, does not allow switching to another vendor. In general, this can be done, but such a step will result in losses for the company;
  • inability to adapt. SAP may not coincide with the activities of the company a little and you will have to pay money for debugging it;
  • the program is not the cheapest and its acquisition can pay off for quite a long time;
  • the presence and use of it is far from a guarantee that the project being developed will be successful.

Most of the disadvantages are directly related to who and how will work with the installed software. If a person has experience or has completed a full-fledged training course, then this will certainly affect the rate of payback and the success of the project.

The company's most popular products

SAP software packs a lot various developments and it is not known in advance which one to choose.

It all depends on the capabilities of the program and the characteristics of the company, but most often users still choose on SAP ERP, also known as R/3.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is planning system for external and internal resources enterprises.

A system of this kind creates a common field for work within the company, becoming the only control center for all key tasks.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that all operations are performed in real time. The processed information is immediately sent to the updated server.

SAP ERP contains three fundamentally different sections, each of which contains nested modules.

    Section "Accounting and reporting" globally includes accounting, calculation of funds and is generally responsible for all financial transactions. More details on all of the above contained in the FI module, and as for monitoring funds and compiling final profit and loss reports, this is the CO module.

    Section "Logistics" includes four modules: MMfull control over the process of purchasing, searching for a supplier, choosing the most profitable of them; RR- drawing up a production plan and its further implementation; RM– equipment maintenance, inspections, testing and repairs; SD– selling products, arguing prices, sending and creating receipts for payment.

    Section "Personnel" consists of only one HR module, which is responsible for the organization of the personnel department, the search and recruitment of new personnel, as well as the calculation of earnings for each of the employees.

No less famous and popular is the program SAP SRM (Supplier Relationship Management), which is focused solely on establishing relationships between the company and suppliers.

It is included in the application package. business suite and fully automates the process of selecting, purchasing and paying for various goods or resources.

Its main purpose This is to reduce the cost of services for an enterprise of any size. The program uses the methods of ranking suppliers, assigning each of them the appropriate ratings, and also has the ability to build a strategy for the future, which greatly saves time and effort.

Software add-ons

After the implementation of the main package of programs, management often has the need for a supplement.

The range of tasks is very wide, but each enterprise has many of its own specific features that were provided by the creators; they are not included in the main software package.

As a rule, SAP BW solves the problem with the addition, which contains the following possibilities:

SAP BW takes full advantage of all available ERP features, but is not limited to them.

Implementation of software in the system of the enterprise

Regardless of which software package management chooses, the implementation process will always follow four key steps that have been developed are described in detail and tested by the German manufacturer.

Stage oneOn the first step all necessary documentation is drawn up, an implementation plan is created, risks are calculated, and the charter of the company is described.
Stage twoFurther consultations with employees, during which the interviewer checks how well the employees of the company know their business and are familiar with the ideology of the place in which they work. Indirectly, questions are asked about knowledge of SAP programs.
Stage threeAfter completing the collection of information and documentation, moving on to conceptual design. The company's business processes are fully built and its configuration is recreated in parts.
Stage fourAt the final stage the project is being implemented. It is carried out most often in a test version and in several scenarios at once in order to identify as many shortcomings as possible at the very beginning, and not during the launch of the system into a workflow. If all the goals are achieved, then the implementation can be considered successful.

In percentage terms, this success equates to 90% of further stable and confident system operation.

But even if everything went smoothly and successfully in all scenarios, this does not negate 10% of unforeseen failures that may occur after work, since the structure of the software is complex and depends on many parameters and criteria.


SAP software is very versatile and contains many nuances and various individual applications focused on solving local problems.

For each of the programs, a lot of data can be collected and put on display, but It is very difficult to fit everything into one article. Also, the structure of the system depends on the enterprise and for each it is configured in its own way, which is also covered in a different light.

About software of this kind, you should know only that it is very expensive, but at the same time reliable and worth its money.

Built on the principles of openness and in order to solve any problems and issues, it deservedly occupies a leading position, leaving other accounting and logistics applications out of competition.

For business to grow the best way, it is necessary to automate accounting at enterprises, regardless of their size and form of ownership.

It is also necessary for company leaders, who can quickly make corrective changes to achieve optimal performance.

For automation accounting at domestic enterprises today there are many different offers, such as:

  • 1c accounting;
  • Sail-accounting;
  • BEST;
  • Info-accountant;

Until recently, domestic enterprises used "1 C: Accounting". But since 1992, the German SAP program has been increasingly installed in large and medium-sized enterprises.

The clients of this software are such huge enterprises as joint-stock companies Gazprom and Gazprom Neft, Lukoil and TNK, Alrosa diamond company and many other giant corporations.

Video: App overview

What is the SAP program

The SAP accounting program is an automated system that allows you to plan the resources of large enterprises, which allows you to calculate everything to the smallest detail, and also forms a single informational space.

Thanks to the modular principle on which the ERP system operates, it became possible to use not only individual components of the SAP system, but also their combination.

The maximum effect from using the system can be achieved only if the enterprise performs all operations in a single information environment. The SAP® ERP system allows you to immediately update and post the data that is immediately received by all the necessary departments of the enterprise.

The system uses a model consisting of three links:

The end user assumes that the accounting system has combined the main functions in two areas:

  • reporting and accounting including everything you need. The program also takes into account internal production costs in all emerging places, allows you to manage orders and in cash, and also take into account all other results;
  • logistics allows you to combine not only planning, but also management and sales, which include invoicing, further sales and shipments. Logistics also includes logistics, which allows you to make purchases, control invoices and manage inventory.

History of appearance

In 1972, a company was founded in Germany that creates software and provides consulting services for organizations. It was created by five employees of German origin who left the IBM Corporation.

The abbreviation of the company name is translated into Russian as "System Analysis and Software Development". Quite quickly, she began to enjoy success and demand from the world famous companies, whose management was considered the most effective.

From the very beginning, SAP has specialized in the development automated systems, which made it possible to manage processes within the enterprise, these include not only accounting, but also production processes and trading operations. These also include personnel management and warehouse turnover.

The high quality of the product, constant innovation, and the ability to foresee have allowed SAP to become one of the four world leaders in the creation of programs used on the Internet since 2009. large enterprises.

Since 2007, the corporation began a merger, buying out companies that produce predictive analytics, data analysis and processing software that controls the quality and production processes at industrial enterprises and human capital managers.

SAP develops a system whose applications adapt to the legal context of a given country. The company also helps to implement its system as additional services. To do this, she developed her own methodology, called ValueSAP.

most famous product

The most popular product is the ERP system, which allows you to manage all resources, both internal and external. It forms a single information space for entering, processing and receiving information about activities within the enterprise.

Thanks to the SAP R/3 product intended as integrated automation in large enterprises, the corporation quickly rose to the level of world leaders and became a world-famous software manufacturer that allows you to automate all procedures that form business processes.

In 2004, SAP introduced a software platform called SAP NetWeaver 2004, which included the following products:

Description of the SAP accounting program

SAP accounting software is installed only on enterprises big business, since the cost of software sometimes reaches 5% or 10% of the company's annual turnover, services for the implementation of the system are also quite high. And yet no matter what, largest corporations prefer to install this particular system.

The functional areas of the SAP program consist of the following modules:

Additions to the package

Since the company is always looking to innovate, it has provided the following additions to the package:

  • open PS is an add-on that serves as an interface between the Project System and other external systems. This add-on allows you to provide flexibility and freedom to access the necessary parts of the system from the outside, and also with its help you can perform important business operations;
  • Internet and intranet Add-ons allow you to use corporate networks by automatically creating a login screen for each registered user. This allows you to increase the capabilities of the software by creating a supply chain management system that includes everything from customers to raw material suppliers.

Video: SAP ERP menu

Implementation stages

Implementation is a process that allows you to change the activities of the enterprise, while it must achieve its goals in a limited period of time.

Typically goals include:

  • obtaining by management all the necessary information about the state of current affairs. The manager sees everything he needs almost in real time;
  • Ranging, which is an improvement in business processes (unnecessary ones are eliminated, and efficiency is increased for useful ones).

Implementation stages include the following steps:

Despite the fact that the SAP program is extremely complex, many leaders of huge enterprises have appreciated it. The SAP system is not just a program, it helps to make decisions that allow you to change business processes, which in turn leads to a significant increase in profits.
Through innovation, SAP develops software products, which can be used not only by large businesses, but also by medium and small forms of economy. On the SAP platform, Business One and Business All-in-One applications have been developed for them, which will fully satisfy their needs.

SAP R3 is a comprehensive ERP system that is used in large enterprises. The main purpose of such programs is the management and implementation of new business processes. In addition, the system includes a lot of other useful tools that simplify management and accounting. In general, this software is quite difficult to master, especially given the lack of Russian localization. Of the more intuitive, easy to deploy and master ERP, we can advise.


The functionality and capabilities of this system are sufficient to cover absolutely all areas of activity of enterprises, holdings and concerns. It helps to automate production management, budget planning, work with personnel (at several levels), compiling accounting reports and reporting for government agencies. Separate versions of SAP R3 are used to work with the material and technical base and warehouse management.

The main advantage of this ERP over other similar solutions is its wide scalability. The system consists of separate modules. Many of them are very highly specialized and are used in such areas as: automotive, oil, gas, banking, pharmaceutical, insurance, space, aviation, defense, agriculture, logistics and so on.

Large enterprises can develop and implement their own modules in SAP R3 to help reduce production costs, optimize financial operations and make the company more competitive in the market.


SAP R3 consists of server and client parts. If necessary, it allows you to deploy a full-fledged commercial intranet, the maintenance of which will require a whole department of specialists

Key features

  • business process management at large enterprises;
  • modularity and scalability, allowing you to implement your own developments into the system;
  • use in various industries and financial activities;
  • controlling and budget planning;
  • accounting;
  • difficulty in deployment and development.

SAP R3 (or SAP R / 3) is the most famous product of the leading German software developer SAP SE (formerly SAP AG), whose introduction to the market began in the 1990s. To date, the abbreviation R3 SAP is increasingly being replaced by the name "ERP systems". The letter R in the abbreviation comes from the word "Realtime" and means that all data in the system is processed in real time and becomes immediately available to all users. The number 3 indicates that the system has a three-tier architecture "client-application server - DBMS (database management system)", in contrast to its predecessor, which worked on mainframes (SAP R2 or SAP R / 2).

SAP R3 Capabilities

Asking yourself the question "SAP R3 - what is it and what benefits does it give to a business", you need to familiarize yourself with its functionality in detail.

R3 SAP is a comprehensive platform for enterprise resource planning, functionality which allows you to fully automate accounting and management processes in companies using the most effective business tools. The system is modular and scalable, which opens up wide opportunities for customizing it for specific tasks of the enterprise, regardless of the type and scale of activity.

The main modules of the system:

  • Financial management, incl. accounting and tax accounting.
  • Budgeting.
  • Management Accounting.
  • Logistics, sales and inventory management.
  • Planning and production management.
  • Personnel management, etc.

AT modern conditions of doing business, where highly competitive markets are the norm, ensuring competitiveness is a business priority. To solve this problem, it is required effective management all factors of production: the range of raw materials and finished products, types of costs, interaction with customers and suppliers, financial and other resources of the enterprise. To fulfill the tasks set, the company's management must have a clear picture of the current state of affairs, which should be based on relevant and reliable information. To obtain such information, as well as to analyze it with the help of modern business intelligence tools, solutions based on the use of R3 SAP technologies allow.

R3 SAP solutions allow the company to:

  • improve the quality of received management decisions and as a result - the overall quality of planning;
  • reduce the cost of products / services;
  • optimize financial, tax and financial statements;
  • ensure transparency of activities;
  • quickly adapt to changing business conditions under the influence of the market.

Our company offers you flexible IT solutions for managing key and auxiliary business processes of the company, including production area, finance, personnel management, etc. Any program can be adapted and finalized for industry specifics, type of activity or business scale.