What does someone who does not want to grow up the career ladder deprive himself of? How to move up the corporate ladder How to move up in the factory.

The career ladder is a road that a person needs to go through. This is something like a ladder, along which you need to go through all the steps.

How to climb the career ladder quickly

Any specific position and feature of the company's work consists of the probability and stages of career advancement.

Here is an example of a manager for career advancement:

Have power. At first, this will turn out to be insignificant, for example, to monitor the work of a couple of ordinary workers, but when you have successfully completed the assigned functions, you can expand your powers.

To get power you need:

  • be more active, in particular if top management is present;
  • in any case, be aware of the work and actively participate in the debate;
  • promote yourself as an executive and responsible worker.

Properly plan and distribute time - try to do all other functions on time, in no case should you be late.

Put forward your own thoughts and try to get their approval.

For these purposes, you will need:

  • prepare everything to the smallest detail;
  • willing to answer any questions about own plan. An important rule: do not talk about the idea if the likelihood of its effective implementation is in great doubt or most likely there will be huge difficulties in its implementation.

Get along well with management, here you need:

  • always communicate with respect;
  • in no case should you discuss the bosses with other employees;
  • to speak laudatory words to the leadership;
  • in any case, try to fully do any kind of assignment. In addition, to quickly move up the career ladder, you need to follow appearance. It is necessary to think whether it corresponds to the company, status, age category and much more.

What qualities do you need to have

  • Striving for improvement. First, let's add that a person must have a desire to get some kind of position. In addition, it is necessary not only to desire this, but to do everything in order to achieve the desired goal. Psychology in each position is of the utmost importance, since with a great attitude you can carry out any work on time and simply, but with a bad one you can do everything upside down. So you can move up the career ladder successfully if the mood is right.
  • Professional growth. To get a high position, any of us must have the appropriate skills and abilities. The matter is related to the fact that good job consists of constant responsibility and hard work, for this reason, in order to reliably perform it, it is necessary to have some knowledge. For this reason, people who are constantly trying to climb up the corporate ladder should long time engage in self-improvement and increase their skills in a particular area. Only in this case can you prove to the management of the company that the employee can meet all the necessary standards in order to perform certain tasks. In this scenario, the rise will be quick, since in many cases the leaders of various companies are putting in leadership positions enterprising individuals who are always looking for something. With people like this, you can always and reliably develop a company that will be more efficient.
  • Work constantly. Climbing the career ladder does not come naturally, for this reason a person who aspires to be a leader must constantly and reliably carry out work. But besides, you don’t have to work very hard, as it can be very convenient for specific workers. They can start transferring merit to themselves, and a completely different person does the work. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate in a rational way all the work performed in the firm, since importance has to be needed and provided to this particular employee.
  • Competent distribution of the working day. Another important principle that will help you climb the career ladder is the correct distribution of the time span. At work, it constantly goes into doing the most important tasks, besides, if you plan ahead, you can accomplish a very large amount of work than if you do not look at the length of time at all. But do not forget to take an hour of your time to rest, because as a result permanent job without rest, you will be less efficient.
  • Consistent implementation of tasks. Most people try to do a lot of work, thus showing the management that they are skilled and can do a lot of tasks. But you can also get a lot of started, but unfinished work. 6. Resistance to stressful situations. It must be remembered that any type of work consists of numerous stresses that arise due to various moments. Basically, they arise when the management was unable to evaluate the work, either when the task was completed illiterately or within the specified period.

How to beat your opponents

In the struggle for promotion, it is necessary in any case to try to become better than opponents.

Here you can use the following tips:

  • speak competently about your own arguments;
  • no need to be afraid to talk about shortcomings;
  • demonstrate how to make a better decision in a given situation.

To achieve your desired goals, you must:

  • constantly asking questions about unclear questions;
  • in any case, get help from top management;
  • honestly point out your own shortcomings and try to correct them as quickly as possible in the future.

How not to make mistakes and not stumble

  • "Who owns the information, he owns the world." Try to learn more about the people around you. It is worth preparing for the meeting in advance, even if the conversation lasts only a minute.
  • Give your subordinates more freedom. Try in such a way to distribute the functions among the workers provided to you, so that anyone can show himself.
  • Trust workers. With a positive attitude, you can do the extraordinary. Thanks to faith in people, one can gain strength, can remove restrictions, and allows him to develop his own potential.
  • Believe in yourself. Unfortunately, we remember our own mistakes better than our wins. And for this reason, we may underestimate ourselves. And the whole environment is able to dissuade you from any project than to provide support. And for effective promotion on the career ladder, you need the strength that faith in yourself provides. Collect your own victories. AT difficult moments you can have support from the winnings that are recorded in your journal.
  • Find hidden opportunities. Knowing the important points of the state budget helped in the career of a famous politician. Learn Newest technologies who provide us with a PC and the World Wide Web, learn to improve your abilities in the work that you work. Go to a variety of courses.
  • Be sociable. You, most likely, have already seen that most positions are held by sociable people. They are able to become sociable with anyone. Write down all the cell numbers that are provided to you, collect business cards, do not be afraid to talk to strangers. Go to exhibitions.
  • Get to know people who know more than you. With curiosity, you will achieve a lot.
  • Don't just focus on your own company. Today, the main player in business is a strategy called "Win-Win", that is, no loser.
  • Watch your manners. Be flawless. Go to meetings as quickly as possible, dress in business attire.
  • You don't have to give up on your own dreams.

Successful people and unsuccessful people differ from each other in perseverance in achieving their own goals.

How not to be crushed

In order not to let yourself be broken, remember one thing important point if you fully embody yourself in a certain position and are, to some extent, an indispensable employee, then at first the management will not move you forward, since it is unprofitable for them.

There is no need to be zealous, but at the same time, we do not forget to curry favor with our superiors in such a way that we delicately point out the mistakes of employees.

Be more proactive in telling management what you can learn about the entire production process. In order for the idea not to fail, you must not be a danger to your own boss.

The career ladder is adventurism and perseverance, when you need to connect all your own charm and ability to negotiate with other people.

We all know what we need to do to move up the career ladder: improve our skills, do quality work in a timely manner, be reliable and responsible, work in a team.

I took this approach for a long time, and it worked well as I started my career at IBM, continued my career at Apple, and then plunged into the wild and unexplored world of tech startups. Being an introvert, I took a position as an executive at eBay, became executive director at Yahoo and eventually founded a startup.

Once I realized that I need to stop pretending to be an extrovert and use my introversion in order to enjoy work and move forward. In this article, I will tell you how you can use introverted qualities to achieve high results.

Career ladder problem

There are many differences between introverts and extroverts, and some of them show up in how they move up the corporate ladder. Early in their careers, introverted designers, introverted programmers, and introverted researchers are just as fast at promotions as their extrovert counterparts.

However, some companies build a clear career path with the opportunity to grow to senior positions for ordinary employees, others do not. The management ladder is more common and may be the only option available to you.

I remember how we at the company discussed the work of our key employees and decided what tasks they would be responsible for next year. The most common and obvious option is to promote them to the position of manager. This is where stereotypes and expectations appeared that a good leader should be an extrovert. The main argument of the company's management: “What are we going to do with them? I don't see how they can manage the team."

"65% of company directors cited introversion as a barrier to leadership," Harvard Business Review, The Hidden Benefits of Quiet Bosses.

Employees are aware of this prejudice. Most likely, many have even heard from the boss that in order to get a promotion, they need to change their behavior. At this stage, many gave up: “Well, apparently, leadership is not for me,” they thought. This is very sad because many hidden strengths introverts will help them become a great leader in the future.

By “changing behavior,” leaders often mean that they need to respond appropriately to difficult situations, be more confident, make tough decisions in a short time, and interact with the team.

Well, first, let's understand what introversion is.

accept yourself

For most of my career, I believed that I needed to act like an extrovert. I observed the success of my "open and sociable" colleagues and believed that in order to achieve the same results, I must change my behavior.

That's exactly what I did. I took part in social networking events, learned how to speak in front of an audience, and turned a blind eye to the discomfort I felt. Many of my colleagues still do not believe that I am an introvert.

Did it work? Yes, it was like that for a while. I was promoted to a managerial position and started climbing the corporate ladder. Did it last long? No. You can suppress your introversion for a few years. However, you will constantly feel discomfort and stress.

I believed that my real qualities were flaws and weaknesses that needed to be fought. What mistake! Some hidden traits of introverts, on the contrary, help them achieve high results in their work. They need to be developed, not suppressed. For example:

  • Introverted leaders perform better than extroverted leaders when they have more active people on their team.
  • Introverts can inspire employees and listen to them.
  • Introverts can develop deep relationships with colleagues and form alliances.
  • Introverts think about problems, do deep research, and eventually find the right solution.

Many personal qualities of introverts can become powerful leadership tools. Introverted behavior patterns can help you redefine leadership so you can become a better leader.

A new type of leader

Today, when many employees are dissatisfied with their work and most often leave it because of a bad boss, it becomes obvious that the standard extroverted model does not always work in leadership.

Below I have provided seven examples of how introversion can be used as a powerful leadership tool.

1. Empathy versus detachment

I realized that I enjoy developing the careers of others and building mentoring relationships that go beyond the company. I was a coach-mentor, and this helped me not only develop the talent of my employees, but also build strong relationships with talented people that lasted for decades.

3. Strategic vision vs. action

A true leader must have the ability to create and communicate a strategic vision. We have all seen companies fail when they fail to motivate their employees with a compelling and inspiring vision. Introverts can find ways to create this vision.

Of course, it is important not only to have this vision, but also to put it into practice. This is one of the most difficult tasks for introvert managers.

For example, it was very difficult for me to constantly take part in operational meetings. This is how I imagined hell: stuck in a small room, listening to other people's conversations, chatting with colleagues during breaks, participating in arguments and discussions.

I spent hours looking out the window at the trees, dreaming of getting out of the room and taking a walk. I needed a break, some time to recharge, if only for a few minutes.

I encourage you to clearly define your role and spend more time creating a strategic vision for your product. However, you still need to complete your official duties. How?

Trust and delegate. Hire smart people and send them to these meetings. You must abandon the traditional "command and control" management style.

“Employees today are not interested in leaders who adhere to the “command and control” style. They won't work because I said so. They will work because they want to.” – Irene Rosenfeld

Good leaders must fulfill a wide range of responsibilities for the company. However, they cannot handle everything on their own. Invest in your introverts strengths to inspire and motivate people. Delegate things to the smart people you've hired and motivated.

4. Innovation vs. Brainstorming

If you want to move up the career ladder, you need to demonstrate the ability to come up with new ideas to improve a product or service, organizational structure or workflow. To do this, you must spend some time thinking and looking for new solutions. It is often very difficult to come up with new brilliant ideas in a group.

In my 23-year career, I've never seen even one brilliant idea come up during a brainstorming session. Still, companies will continue to believe in the myth that teamwork and open offices are the key to innovation. Unfortunately, such a culture prevents introverts from coming up with innovative and creative ideas.

At one of my companies, we take a different approach: we tell employees about the problem, leave them alone and let them do whatever they want. This is heaven for introverts.

“It has been scientifically proven that brainstorming is a bad way to come up with ideas. If you have talented people on your team, they must work alone.” – Dr. Adam Furnham

I am not saying that group meetings are ineffective. I think they help you get into the details of idea evaluation and execution planning. However, brilliant and breakthrough ideas are not born in group sessions.

5. Deep Thinking vs Instant Decisions

A study published in 2012 in scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience points out the physical differences between the brains of introverts and extroverts. In particular, introverted brains show thicker areas of the prefrontal cortex associated with abstract thinking and decision making. This partly explains why introverts tend to think things through, while extroverts live in the moment.

Introverts need more time to come to their own conclusions. They should think about the problem well, do a little research, evaluate the options. It is difficult for them to make a decision right here and right now. Unfortunately, this is exactly what many companies require of them. The need to make decisions quickly will arise in telephone conversations and meetings.

I still don't like this type of pressure, so I refused to make decisions without thinking them through thoroughly. If you find yourself in the same situation, state firmly that you need more time to think.

I know this goes against the culture of Silicon Valley companies that prefer to "go fast and break everything in their path." However, at some point, you begin to understand that you need to think about yourself and work in a way that makes you comfortable. If your boss refuses to accept this, it might be time to change jobs.

6. Mentoring versus leadership

As I mentioned earlier, I like to have tête-à-tête meetings with team members. So I can give them advice and guide them in their careers. I know that relationships with talented people go beyond the company. I have maintained friendships with some colleagues for over 20 years.

I have always been against managing people as "resources". I do not agree with the approach that the work must be done by a certain moment, and the team is a resource in order to make it all possible. Many managers are very tactful and rarely give long-term guidance to their employees.

Some of the companies I've worked for in the past argue that a manager must have mentoring and training skills. But let's be honest, how many of our bosses have been great mentors?

The ability to teach and mentor will help you excel in leadership positions. As an introvert, you will try to avoid group discussions, but deep one-to-one conversations will seem natural and comfortable to you.

Play to your strengths and sides, rather than acting like you're running some kind of amorphous team, and that's good for your career.

7. Public speaking versus casual conversation

What do extroverts and introverts have in common? They are afraid of public speaking. However, a huge number of well-known introverts were excellent speakers (for example, Barack Obama).

I often talk about the importance of public speaking for my career, but I understand how difficult it is to overcome this fear. This takes a lot of work and practice. Mastering this skill will have a huge impact on your career progression.

Some of your introverted qualities can actually help you become a good speaker. Introverts can quietly spend a lot of time researching, preparing and practicing in order to master the desired skill by a certain point. They also focus their presentation on the key message and not on themselves.

Like many others, I myself was afraid of speaking in front of an audience for a long time. However, one day I realized that in fact it was the fear of two completely different and at the same time related problems.

First, I was afraid of failure. Nobody wants to make a fool of themselves in front of a huge group of people. However, the fear of failure can be easily overcome with practice and preparation, which is quite within the power of an introvert.

The second problem was my fear of networking and casual conversations. I have always associated public performance with group discussions. After I took part in such activities, I realized that they had nothing to do with what made me uncomfortable.

Accept your introversion

Don't pretend to be someone else. This will not help you achieve high results in your career. Fortunately, modern companies are beginning to recognize the fact that successful teams are made up of different people, and introverts can be the great leaders that employees need.

Think about how you can use your latent introverted qualities in your career. Are there companies that see the unique value you can bring to their organization?

Ultimately, we all want to spend our time and energy on the things we enjoy. Take full control above your career ladder and you can shape your future and use the strengths of introversion to make it happen.

Source: RIA Novosti

The majority of young and talented specialists dream of a dizzying rise up the career ladder. But according to statistics, only 20% of managers aged 25-27 are kept in their positions. The remaining 80% cannot lead people. And yet, the trend of appointing young talented managers to top positions continues.

The prevailing opinion is that people aged 40-60 no longer strive to accumulate capital, maintain their reputation, it is more difficult for them to cope with workloads and the need to work 18 hours a day without holidays, weekends and vacations. Therefore, many company owners prefer to bet on the high performance of the "server". big hopes"of a young employee than on the emotional maturity of a more experienced employee, his psychological readiness to business process management and, most importantly, human resources. Not the last role here is played by the fear of losing a valuable employee who, unable to satisfy his career ambitions, is able to move to another company.

The reason that your candidacy is not nominated for a managerial position may be not only the company's policy, but also your lack of certain qualities, without which the path "to the top" becomes much more thorny.

Skills interpersonal communication, active dialogue, tolerance and balance in decision-making cannot be acquired only from books or by attending various trainings. First of all, you need practical experience in management and psychological resistance to stress. After all, when a manager occupies a high leadership position, his professional skills become less relevant than the ability to build relationships with people, convince and captivate them.

It is widely believed that career movement is a vertical race: promotion, growth wages. But if the employer or the specialist himself feels that it is too early to talk about leadership positions, and professional growth has stalled, then it is worth considering other opportunities for development within the company.

However, if the traditional ways of moving up the career ladder do not suit you, you can resort to more unusual ones.

According to a study by Australian scientists, one of the ways to make a career is to complicate the lives of subordinates. Almost two-thirds of the 240 participants in a survey conducted by scientists believe that the actions of a tyrant in the workplace are either not controlled by anyone, or they are simply sent for promotion.

Despite success in the office, brutal leaders can bring serious trouble to subordinates and cause them nightmares, insomnia, depression, and chronic fatigue, the study says. According to the authors of the study, in such situations, much will depend on the superiors of the highest instance and on whether they want to stop the career growth of such bosses. Senior managers are responsible for not being able to recognize in time the signs of an impending crisis caused by the actions of bad lower managers.

Scholars advise managers not to start promoting such people, as a bad boss at the top who rewards and promotes others like him becomes a separate problem.

Researchers from the Independent University of Berlin argue that to advance through the ranks, it is enough to become the object of gossip. It turns out that well-planned rumors can work real miracles, and in this case, you can make a brilliant career much faster than striving for it, straining from excessive zeal.

According to university professor Birgit Altans, anyone who wants to move up the corporate ladder must make a name for himself. To do this, it is not at all necessary to work 60 hours a week or curry favor with superiors. It is enough to surround yourself with a halo of mystery, and in this sense, well-planned and controlled gossip is the most ingenious and simple way.

"Having set the task of mandatory career advancement, you must do everything so that in the eyes and minds of your colleagues and superiors you are associated with a positive image. The word is the most powerful tool for influencing people, let "good" gossip begin to circulate about you," says Professor Altans .

We all know people with attractive careers. They are entrusted with the most interesting tasks, they are endowed with powers that their colleagues do not have, they are the first to be promoted. There is no chance here. Luck appears when opportunities match readiness.

Most likely, a person with an enviable career is very actively working to move in the right direction. And one of the main components of such a movement is the manifestation of courage.

To move decisively up the career ladder, regularly and, if necessary, persistently, do the following:

Instead of waiting for an opportunity to move up the career ladder, find it yourself. First, look for opportunities within your company and, if there are none, expand your search beyond it. (If you're waiting for that professional perspectives They will come to you on their own, which means you do not have the courage.)

Ask your boss for new responsibilities and roles. Having received new task or terms of reference, learn as hard as you can, improve, expand your skills, and develop your talents. (If you are not looking for opportunities to learn and develop, then you do not have the courage.)

Don't sit in the shade. Make sure that everyone knows what a dedicated and passionate employee you are, what a leader you are. Be humble, but don't be shy. (If you remain in the shadows, then you do not have the courage.)

If you feel stuck in your career, act immediately and purposefully to get back on the path to success. It is unlikely that anyone will notice (or worry) that the dynamics of your career do not match your intentions. (If you are not at the helm, then you do not have the courage.)

If you feel you are ready and deserving, feel free to ask your boss for a raise or find another job that is a notch or two above your current position. Don't wait for others to recognize your willingness to advance - show them you're ripe for more by acting and demonstrating your abilities. (If you have not done this for a long time, then you do not have the courage.)

You should have a career plan and promotion milestones. If you have one, make sure you dedicate time to implement it. (If you do not go assertively towards your goal, then you do not have the courage)

If you don't like your job or if you want something different, take action to change the situation. Determine your preferences and stick to them. (If you don't seek constructive change, then you don't have the courage.) A healthy, courageous career means you're doing work that you really enjoy and want to do. You also know exactly where you want to work and have a plan to get there. You do not shy away from opportunities that enrich your knowledge, skills and experience, you are not afraid to take on more responsibility, including financial ones - on the contrary, you are purposefully looking for such chances. You get a promotion or pay raise because you ask for it. When you discover a problem, you draw attention to it or solve it. What if there are difficulties? You become part of the solution, not the problem.

For most, the incentives to work are good salary and career growth opportunities. Professionalism and experience should be rewarded not only with money, but also with higher status. How to achieve career success: practical advice.

Almost everyone dreams of successful career which will allow him to achieve success in work, to realize himself in professional activities.

But if we talk about it simply, then in fact it is quite difficult to climb the career ladder without ever stumbling.

The fact is that in any work it is not enough just to be responsible, executive and disciplined. You should work efficiently, constantly strive for your goals, and having achieved one of them, do not stop, but follow the other.

Currently, HR specialists have developed seven important, key rules that can greatly facilitate career advancement.

Following these recommendations, a person will learn to competently and productively manage his career development. Sure set effective rules may have some individual characteristics, but in general they are all quite uniform.

The first rule, which should never be neglected, is that any employee who dreams of achieving career heights must have a sincere desire. As in all other industries, career management is not the last place belongs to psychology.

To achieve clearly set goals, attitude, absolute self-confidence, and one's own abilities are of great importance. It is known that only the desire for something is a huge force that allows you to move forward, to act effectively to achieve your goals.

This applies in particular to issues of career advancement. However, it is important to consider that this desire should belong only to the person who wants to reach the desired heights.

There is no need to try to realize other people's ambitions in this matter, this will not lead to a positive result. That is, you may reach a certain position, but you should not expect moral satisfaction from this process.

A person who builds his career must live in such a way that without a new position he could not imagine his further existence. Career growth should be constant and measured. Unplanned "jumps" on the career ladder will take strength, and at the same time will not bear fruit.

But here it is worth learning that career growth can never be successful without constant personal development. A person who dreams of becoming a true professional in a particular field, and constantly striving to get new high positions, must independently acquire new knowledge, study the positive experience of his colleagues and leaders, and also pay a lot of attention to negative experience.

Even if the company allocates some funds to improve the skills of its employees, you need to constantly acquire new knowledge outside the company. Some choose self-education, others regularly attend developmental seminars and trainings in specialized centers. In fact, it is absolutely not important how the training will take place, the main thing is what result it will bring.

Next rule successful promotion climbing the career ladder is to focus on the main goal. Quite often, to get the next position, to which a person has been striving for a long time, you need to pay great attention to your mistakes and successes.

This allows you to concentrate as much as possible on those issues, the solution of which will allow you to build a career. All the merits of the employee must certainly be recognized and appreciated. Of course, to move up the career ladder, you certainly need to make a lot of effort. Never such a job as moving up the career ladder will be easy and fast.

Remember that even a small step up is the result of long-term work. However, you should never try to become an expert in all areas at once. This will lead to an unnecessary dispersion of efforts, and will also cause an avalanche of unnecessary and useless deeds to collapse. It was on the totality of these statements that psychologists concluded that only concentration can lead to success.

Continually work to improve efficiency in terms of time management and activities. In this aspect, it would be right to study the basic provisions of time management - a science that allows you to optimize working time as much as possible.

Properly built time management makes it possible to as soon as possible perform the maximum amount of work most efficiently. Before starting any work, you should draw up a schedule for completing tasks, and it is not advisable to deviate from it. This self-organization allows you to work extremely efficiently.

Any business you start should always be completed. Even small work should not be abandoned halfway, because this will be the first step on the path to failure. Start a new business only when the previous one is fully completed. Thus, it will be possible to correctly allocate resources.

For some people, this trait is given from childhood, and even in school years they won't start a new one if the old one hasn't been read to the last page. But if you don’t have such a skill, then you need not give up, but develop this habit. At the very beginning, this may seem difficult, but over time, such a science will become easier and easier. The ability to go to the end will help not only in a career, but in all areas of life.

Learn effective stress management techniques. This factor is important, and therefore it should never be neglected. No matter how effective the work is, stress, mistakes and failures will still occur from time to time. It is very important that all the worries associated with work should never be brought home.

In addition, you can’t feel sorry for yourself, this will only aggravate the situation, but will not solve it. Any problem needs to be solved, and quickly and efficiently, and not to groom it. This approach is correct, and this is confirmed by many years of experience in psychological practices in management. By following these simple rules, you will quickly move up the career ladder.