Where they get paid well. The largest salaries in Russia by region


Demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages, forms the specifics of the market. There are many professions that pay well in most countries of the world. There are such professions in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are a lot of specialties, having mastered which you can make a good profit. Highly paid job in Russia:

  1. High level leader. This is the most highly paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Executives in the banking sector receive more. The work involves maximum employment, you will have to work 14-15 hours a day. The salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Internal communications manager. This specialty involves the organization of the work of employees of the company. You can get for this from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary - from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​is required, world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft. This direction is in the lead among demanded.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have an enormous responsibility. Upper bar - 350 thousand rubles
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 tr.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in high demand. At the initial level, the salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and Purchasing Managers. The salary is influenced by the region, business area, corporate policy and other factors. The average level of payment is 45 thousand rubles.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive experience and recommendations receives 100–200 thousand rubles.
  9. Logistician. The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. It is not theoretical knowledge that is important here, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

Popular opinion that a woman is hard to find high paying job, erroneously. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist - 100–300 thousand rubles
  2. Advertising manager. Girls are successful in this area. Having settled down as an advertising manager and having proved yourself at first, you can receive up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Specialties in the beauty industry. There are many professions in this area, each can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the skill level of the girl, the range of services provided, and the degree of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 thousand rubles
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken a leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An added bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid specialties. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This work is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Sphere of construction. Most of the professions in this category are male. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered to be in demand and highly paid. SMM-specialists are engaged in promotion in social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

Sadly, in our country, doctors do not earn too much. List of profitable medical positions:


Average monthly salary (rubles)




Ultrasound specialist





Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some jobs do not even require higher education. To get a good salary, you need to diligently perform duties and develop. You can become an employee big company, a small team or even open your own business. Rating of highly paid and demanded working specialties:

IT industry specialists

The pay in this area is good. Highest paid IT specialties:


Software Engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software Developer


web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst

Analyst programmer

Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The wages in this area are decent. Profitable jobs:


Average monthly salary (thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Simple or directional drilling engineer




Machine gunner and surveyor

Desalination and dehydration plant operator and technologist


For the humanities

To make good money, it is not necessary to have a technical mindset. There are many liberal arts professions that bring good income. Well paid are:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To be a good brand manager, you need to be creative. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette Specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person who gives private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also belongs to the category of humanitarian, there is no upper limit.

News of the regions of Russia today, the economy - who lives well in Russia? - 10 regions of Russia with the highest salary. Rating IA Regions of Russia is based on data from the site Jobs in Russia.

10. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Medium wage in the region is 54556 rubles. At the same time, residents of the republic spend an average of 17,238.58 rubles per month for a fixed set of goods. Renting a one-room apartment in the region requires another 19,833.53 rubles per month. At the same time, the unemployment rate in Yakutia is 6.9%.

The highest salary in Yakutia - 200 thousand rubles is offered to those who wish to take the position of director of a mining industry company. The lowest payment - from 8000 is offered to the social pedagogue. In total, 2841 vacancies are open in the region, 8173 jobs are available.

9 Kamchatka

The average salary in the Kamchatka Territory is 60,048 rubles. At the same time, the price level for a fixed set of goods is 23,670 rubles per month - the highest of all regions presented in the rating, and renting a one-room apartment will cost an average of 20,976 rubles. The unemployment rate in the region is 3.9%.

The highest salary is offered to a ship's electromechanic - 250 - 350 thousand rubles. The lowest salary - 8436 is offered to the cleaner of territories. In total, 1570 vacancies are open in the region at the moment, 6438 jobs are available.

8 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Average salary in Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region is 61447 rubles. Residents of the region pay an average of 16,716.2 rubles per month for a fixed set of goods. Renting a one-room apartment in the region costs 16,597.11. The unemployment rate in the county is 4.1%.

The highest salary - up to 180 thousand rubles is offered to a well repair master. The lowest - 25 thousand rubles - for teachers and doctors. In total, 4407 vacancies are open in the region, 14415 jobs are available.

7 Tyumen region

In the Tyumen region, the average wage is 63,085 rubles. The cost of a fixed set of goods per month is 13460.35 rubles - this is the lowest figure among the regions presented in this rating. The rent of a one-room apartment is also the lowest in comparison with the regions from this rating, it is 15813.84 rubles per month. The unemployment rate in the region is 6.5%.

The highest salary - 320 - 400 thousand rubles is offered to the commander of the aircraft. The lowest - 15 - 20 thousand rubles - for an auxiliary worker. In total, 5711 vacancies have been opened in the region, 30087 jobs are available.

6 Sakhalin region

In the Sakhalin region, 4309 vacancies have been opened by now, 24046 jobs are available. The average wage in the region is 63,773 rubles. Residents of the region spend an average of 11,755.34 rubles on a fixed set of goods every month. Renting a one-room apartment costs an average of 28,342.54 rubles - the highest in Russia. The unemployment rate is 7.3%.

The highest salary - 155 thousand rubles is offered to applicants for the position of head of the design and estimate bureau, and from 144 thousand rubles for those wishing to work as a shop manager. The lowest salary - 15040 - 27000 is offered for applicants for the position of area cleaner.

5. Magadan region

In the Magadan region, 752 vacancies are open, 1449 jobs are available. The average salary in the region is 65,484 rubles. Residents of the region spend 20,197.36 rubles a month on a fixed set of goods, and an average of 19,152.69 rubles is given for renting a one-room apartment.

The most high pay offered for the work of the master of the gold mining company - 169966 rubles. The lowest wage is offered to the postman of the 3rd category - 7765 rubles. Unemployment in the Magadan region is at the level of 4.1%.

4 Nenets Autonomous Okrug

In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the average wage is 71,649 rubles. The price level for a fixed set of goods in the region is 19055.41. Renting a one-room apartment will cost an average of 26,832.79 rubles. The unemployment rate in the region - 9.5% - is the highest of all the regions presented in the ranking.

In total, 192 jobs are available in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 124 vacancies are open. For job applicants Chief Accountant administration municipality the highest salary is offered - from 97 thousand rubles. The lowest salary is provided for a teacher of children's music school- from 11043 rubles.

3 Moscow

Moscow opens the top three regions of Russia with the highest salaries. The capital of the Russian Federation has the lowest unemployment rate among the regions represented in this rating - 1.9%. The average salary in Moscow is 74,733 rubles. The price level in the capital requires monthly spending on a fixed set of goods in the amount of 20031.38. Renting a one-room apartment in Moscow costs an average of 27,887.99 rubles.

At the moment, 9667 vacancies are open in the capital, 109813 jobs are available. The highest salary - 743 thousand rubles is offered to those who wish to take the position of general director of an enterprise working in the field of consulting, strategic development and management. The bonus is the provision of housing additional health insurance. The lowest salary currently offered in the capital is 38,000 rubles. It is available for those who want to take the position of a supply agent, director of economics, a programmer. As a bonus, metropolitan employers are also ready to provide their employees with housing and additional health insurance.

2 Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

The average salary in Chukotka is 88,761 rubles. At the same time, the price level in the region is 22910.26 for a fixed set of goods per month. On average, 22,957.7 rubles are spent on renting a one-room apartment in the region. The unemployment rate is 3.8%.

There are currently 386 vacancies open in the Autonomous Okrug, 571 available workplace. Mining engineers or technicians (mine surveyors) can count on the highest salary - from 226,138 rubles. The lowest wages in Chukotka - 8040 rubles - are offered to accounting technicians at MUP.

1 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The leader of the rating was the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where the average wage is 101,554 rubles. At the same time, the average resident of the region spends 17,896.51 rubles per month on a fixed set of goods, and renting a one-room apartment costs an average of 21,353.17 rubles. The unemployment rate is 3.1%.

In total, 2757 vacancies are currently open in the region, 11663 jobs are available. The highest salary is offered to the head of the base municipal enterprise- from 151,825 to 765,815 rubles, as well as for the director of production - from 200 thousand rubles. The lowest wages are offered to janitors, mechanics and teachers - from 12,431 rubles.

People have always been interested in how others live: what kind of house, car, income does a neighbor have. Is it bad? Scientists say no. First, nothing can be done about curiosity, especially mass curiosity. Such is the nature of man. Second, comparison can be a stimulus for growth or a source of pride. From time immemorial, everyone wants to know “who in Russia has a good life,” and during periods economic growth or recession - "who in Russia has the biggest salary." It's time to show the cards...

The most paid professions

Crossing the school threshold, the former student and his parents think about further education. After all, without it it is very difficult to get Good work. But a diploma is not a guarantee of an enviable job.

If a young citizen is aimed at getting the maximum pay for his work, he should study the areas of activity where professionals receive the highest salaries in Russia.

Based on the analysis of the 2014 data (average monthly salary in the country), we can derive the top five:

1. Lawyer - 35,000-150,000 rubles.

2. IT specialist - 60,000 rubles.

3. Manager of internal communications - 150,000-250,000 rubles.

4. Accountant - 30,000-350,000 rubles.

5. Senior executive (several million dollars).

It is worth mentioning that not all professionals have such salaries. In order to officially receive such amounts, in addition to knowledge, connections and fortune, diligence, responsibility and patience will be required. With these variables, coupled with purposefulness and dedication, any graduate will be among those with the highest salary in Russia.

Salaries by region

It's no secret that the standard of living in different regions is different. So where do those who receive the highest salary in Russia live and work?

Of course, the biggest salaries are paid in Moscow and cities nearby. These are Mytishchi, Khimki, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Serpukhov, etc.

Despite the fact that the average monthly salary in the country this year is 32,000 rubles, the salary of deputies exceeds this figure by 15 times. The average monthly income of employees of the State Duma is 450,000 rubles. This is only a salary, but government officials are entitled to various benefits: free travel on all modes of transport, except for taxis, spa treatment, pension supplements (by the way, pensions are significantly different from ordinary ones).

The deputies themselves do not hide the fact that most of their colleagues receive their money undeservedly. And offer various ways modernization: salary cuts, imprisonment effective contracts”, payment only for days worked (this has not happened so far), carrying out

It is worth noting that by presidential decree from March 31, 2015 until the end of the year, the salaries of officials will be reduced by 10%.

Tell exactly how much you get

Who is in politics? The data for analysis was taken from the Kremlin website, which presents tax returns for the last year:

1. A. Khloponin (Deputy Prime Minister) - 280,600,000 rubles.

2. M. Abyzov (Minister for the Open Government of Russia) - 222,000,000 rubles.

3. Yu. Trutnev (Deputy Prime Minister) - 179,000,000 rubles.

4. D. Manturov (head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade) - 113,500,000 rubles.

5. D. Medvedev (Prime Minister) - 8,000,000 rubles.

6. V. Putin (president) - 7,600,000 rubles.

7. S. Lavrov (Foreign Minister) - 6,100,000 rubles.

8. N. Nikiforov (Minister of Communications) - 4,900,000 rubles.

9. N. Fedorov (head of the Ministry of Agriculture) - 4,700,000 rubles.

It is curious whether the deputies are interested in the question of who has the highest salary in Russia. Or are they above all this?

Income in show business

The biggest salaries in Russia, or, as they are usually called in this area, fees, are among the creators of culture, recreation and entertainment. Known for its ratings, Forbes magazine presented the world with a list of the highest paid stars of 2014:

Interestingly, the salary of these people largely depends on us. Of course, talent, finances, hard work bring them to the peak of popularity. But if a simple viewer was not interested in their work, the income would be much less.

But still…

As you can see, there are people who get decent pay for their work. And yet the main question remains: "Who in Russia has the biggest salary." Forbes magazine decided to figure it out and compiled a rating of the highest paid leaders in our country.

The top three is closed by the head of Sberbank G. Gref. His annual income is $15 million.

The second place was given to the head of Gazprom, A. Miller, and the chairman of the board of Rosneft, I. Sechin, each of them earns at least $25,000,000 a year.

The first place is confidently held by the Chairman of the Board of VTB Group A. Kostin. A few years ago, his annual income was estimated at $30,000,000.

Earning by honest work is a noble cause, and earning a lot is an art, the secrets of which are not available to everyone.

Riga, population - 641,000 people / 32% of the country's population. Everyone flocks to the capital, because there are practically no jobs in the regions. Riga is characterized by a small stratum of the middle class, a huge number of inhabitants of modest means and few (mostly politicians) wealthy. Official statistics pleases with the fact that the average salary is 800 euros, but such an indicator as "fashion" says otherwise - the most common salary is about 500 euros per hand. It is received by small clerks, salespeople, entry-level specialists, emergency doctors, general doctors, teachers ... in a word, the majority. Workers, barmaids, waiters and cleaners get about 200-300 per hand.

On such a salary, one can live either very modestly, or normally, if together.

Bills for a one-room apartment in winter - 70 euros, in summer - 50. Two-room apartment - in winter 140 euros, in summer 70. Treshka - in winter 200, in summer - 100. Annual property tax - about 100-150 euros.

Renting an apartment, of course, greatly depends on the location and renovation, as well as whether it is a new building or a Soviet project. Odnushki and kopeck piece cost the same - 150-250 euros on average, 300 - 350 with a good repair + payments. I must say that Soviet projects are not only rented, but they are still more willing to buy, because new buildings sin with such audibility that you can talk with neighbors two floors. Well, the price for them is 1.5-2 times more than for Soviet projects. The cost of apartments varies greatly depending on the project, for example, five-story Lithuanians are the cheapest, they cost 22-25 thousand euros for one apartment, 35 thousand for two. Most good projects- these are 119 and 467 series, in them one piece costs 40 thousand, a two piece costs 50, and a three piece costs 60-65 thousand.

He takes pictures of a lot of people, since at least a third of the city's residents are visitors. In the end, it comes out vicious circle: if a couple lives in a rented apartment, one salary goes to pay bills, the second goes to food and other small expenses. Saving up for a down payment (7-15 thousand) is very difficult.

Food costs about 300 euros for two if you buy gmosh goods. Ecological products are 2-3 times more expensive. For example, a regular pate costs 3 euros per kg, eco - 7 euros per kg. Ham - 5-6 euros per kg, and non-gmo - 9, simple bread 1, and eco - about 3. The most cunning and 50+ go to the market - there is better food for the same price. Rural products are significantly cheaper than in eco-trays in large chain stores.

Telephone and Internet are very cheap compared to other EU countries - unlimited tariff on the phone, which includes unlimited internet - 8-10 euros per month, internet is also 10-15. For 18 euros you get internet and TV.

Electricity and water - about 20 more euros per month.

Transport is expensive - 1.15 costs one trip. A ticket for one type of transport for a month - 35 euros, for all types of transport - 50. Schoolchildren free of charge, students - 0.30 euros per trip or 16 euros per month for all types of transport. Gasoline / diesel - 1 euro per liter.

A visit to the doctor is another story. In theory, there are specialists paid by the state, a visit to which costs 3-4 euros, but, as usual, you can’t get to them - an appointment is 2-3 months in advance. For state-paid expensive procedures - 6-9 months in advance. A visit to a paid specialist from 20 euros, if this is some high-class specialist with a doctoral degree, etc. - 50 euros for a consultation + tests + a second consultation. Pensioners spend about 60-100 euros per month on pills, with a pension of about 150-300. The state pays 120 euros a month in the form of pensions to the unfortunate individual, as a rule, they are unemployed or non-citizens, or "both two in one bottle." Of course you can't name average cost tablets - something costs 5 euros, and something costs 50, but in general, when you come for a medicine, you should count on about 10 euros per drug.

A pack of cigarettes is 3-5 euros, alcohol from 2-3 for a very modest bottle of vodka, up to 15-20 for 0.7 or 1 liter of jack daniels, jameson, etc.

There are a lot of cafes, cinemas, theaters, clubs and other entertainment in Riga. The average check in a cafe is 15-20 euros per person. In a good restaurant - about 40. A movie ticket is 5-7 euros per adult, depending on whether it is a working day or a weekend. Theater ticket from 7 to 15 euros for local performances, for tours from 20 euros.

Cars. Bad rattlers cost 2-3 thousand euros, an average car of a good brand (for example, a seven-year-old Mercedes or Audi) - 5-7 thousand. Good, almost new cars - about 10-15 thousand. MOT and insurance (again, depends on the experience) about 100-200 euros per year.

Clothing - less than 20 euros, any thing costs only on sales and less than 10 euros rarely cost. But in principle, such clothes are rubbish, because they can easily afford to stretch and come apart at the seams in a month. A dress usually costs 40-50 euros, jeans - 30, a sweater - 25-30. Shoes are expensive, even made of leatherette, and are quite a serious purchase - boots cost from 70-100 euros and more, non-brand ones reach 250-300 with their price. Leatherette shoes - 50 euros, 70 - leather shoes, leather sandals - 40-50. In general, there is nothing to do in a clothing store without 100 euros.

In Riga honor big shopping centers, where there is a grocery, and a beauty salon, and dry cleaning, and cafe-restaurants, and household goods stores, and clothing, and so on, as much as the imagination of marketers and the area allows.

Good cosmetics cost around 30-50 euros. For example, a good foundation costs 30 euros, and a simple one costs 10 euros, the same can be said about mascara and lipstick. A manicure costs 10-15 euros, a hairdresser (coloring and women's haircut) 30-50, a men's haircut - 10-30 euros.

In the bottom line, it turns out that those who earn 300-600 euros work only for food and shelter. It's easier, of course, if you live alone. A good salary for a middle-level specialist with 3-7 years of work experience is 700-900 euros, for many this is a lifetime ceiling, but one lives quite tolerably, and if you live together, you can get a mortgage, a good car, and holidays, although such accumulations, of course, will not be fast. A high salary is 1000-1600 euros, and anything more is already big businessmen and politicians, and it is very rare. In the regions, the ceiling salary (again, not counting politicians and businessmen) is 900 euros in hand.

There are people in the world who receive simply indecent payments. As for professions, which representatives have the highest incomes? The biggest salary may seem to the layman simply unimaginable. Who has a bank account that exceeds eight figures every month?

Rating of the highest salaries according to Forbes

We will tell you who has the highest salary and whose career should be measured by any high school or college graduate.

  • The highest salary in the world for executives oil and gas corporations and companies that receive more than 150 thousand dollars a month for their "hard work". They are in first place.
  • The second place was shared between the top managers (all the same senior positions) in the field of heavy industry and bankers of investment banks. Each of them receives about 100 thousand dollars a month.
  • In third place are the heads of commercial banks, not far behind their colleagues. Their salary is 70-80 thousand dollars.
  • The following is a list of employees with the most big income continue to directors of telecommunications companies with a salary of 55 thousand dollars.
  • Then - the management of insurance and construction companies with a monthly income of up to 50 thousand dollars.
  • Managers in the field of trade receive about 40 thousand dollars.
  • Reward in the amount of 35 thousand dollars. receive solid top managers of pharmaceutical firms and manufacturing enterprises.

Thus, the largest salary in the world is among the leaders of the oil and gas industry, heavy industry, insurance and banking. Also, employees of investment funds can boast of significant income, construction business, trade and pharmaceuticals.

Income in politics

Who has the highest salary in politics?

It is difficult to set a fixed bar for the salaries of statesmen, since the main part of their income is various bonuses, allowances, bonuses. With small errors in the amounts, we determined which representatives have the highest salary in politics.

1. In Singapore, the positions of government officials are not just prestigious and highly paid. The official salary of the prime minister - two million US dollars - is the largest in the world. The country's leadership thus ensures the absence of corruption in state structures. And, I must say, it works, because the southeastern country is in first place among developed countries, where there is virtually no corruption.

2. In second place is Barack Obama with a salary of $400,000.

3. Closes the top three German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who receives 242 thousand euros a year, and this is after paying all taxes.

Sports income

Who has the highest salary in sports?

As a rule, advertising contracts and cooperation with branded manufacturing companies bring income in this area. sportswear and inventory. Professional golfer Tiger Woods has held the bar as the highest paid golfer with a monthly salary of $6.2 million for many years. Although, since 2009, he has suffered setbacks one after another (he was involved in a sex scandal, went bankrupt with own business associated with the design of golf courses), his financial well-being is provided by sponsors: Nike, which launched a line of golf accessories, and Electronic Arts, which produces a video game.

In second and third place are basketball players Kobe Bryan with an annual income of $53 million and LeBron James with a salary of $48 million.

Football player income

What is the biggest salary for football players?

  1. In 2014 and 2015, fan favorite Cristiano Ronaldo stubbornly holds the lead. The leading player of Real Madrid earns 52.2 million dollars annually, along with bonuses and bonuses. Throw in another $30 million in sports brand revenue and you have the most successful footballer in the history of the sport.
  2. Lionel Messi took second place in the ranking with a salary of about $40 million. Reviews show that such income was provided to him by a contract concluded in 2014 with Barcelona.
  3. In third place by a small margin is the French PSG player Zlatan Ibrahimovic. 35.8 million is just a salary, excluding advertising revenue from Volvo car company products and vitamins.

Business income

Who has the highest salary in business?

1. Apple CEO Tim Cook boasts of it. 380 million dollars a month - a good reward for conscientious performance official duties.

2. In second place with a salary of $ 76 million is the director of IT-company Oracle Lawrence Ellison, who has a specialty as a software developer.

3. In third place in the category of the most successful businessmen is the president of the CBS media corporation, Sumner Rodstone, with an annual income of "only" $ 70 million.

golden parachute

Although we tell which position has the highest salary, and the golden parachute is not one, it still refers to the production total payments of pensions, bonuses and shares.

In my time CEO Nabors drilling rig manufacturer Eugene Eisenberg has decided to waive the $107 million he was owed by the firm after his resignation. This happened because of the protests of the company's employees against such waste. Whatever the motives, Eisenberg voluntarily forfeited a significant corporate history America's golden parachute. However, not the largest: the amount that Eisenberg was entitled to does not even fall into the top ten largest dismissals paid to CEOs.

The largest gold parachute of $417 million is for John Welch, who left General Electric in 2001 with Fortune Magazine's "Management of the Century" award. According to reviews, in twenty years of work, Welch raised the company's revenue from $ 25 billion to $ 130 billion, turning it into the largest in the world by capitalization.

Billionaires without pay

And where are Microsoft founder Bill Gates or Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, the undisputed leaders in terms of income? By the way, this year Bill Gates for the seventeenth time in the last twenty years became the richest person with an annual income of 75 billion US dollars.

Zuckerberg earns $3 billion annually from his brainchild. It's 250 million a month.

But they were not included in the ranking of employees with the highest salaries, since they are not employees at all and do not occupy highly paid positions. To Bill Gates, the lion's share of the huge income comes from just 3% of the company's shares. And Mark Zuckerberg profits from his own project.

How much do you think you got Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple? Millions? Billions? $1 although listed the richest people planets.

Now you know which position has the highest salary and which professional activity can bring in a huge income. And it doesn't matter if you are a student or an established employee in any industry. We all have something to strive for and someone to look up to.