What makes a man rich is his heart. What makes a person truly rich? What makes a person rich ask fm

I welcome you to my blog. Statistics say: one percent of people owns half of the world's wealth. The remaining 99% are sure that to get rich you need only a little luck. But research scientists prove that there are such habits of rich people that are formed in childhood and will certainly lead their owners to success. Therefore, today we will talk about the habits of millionaires.

Thomas Corley spent five years studying the lifestyles of people whose annual income was $160,000 (and they themselves achieved it) and who owned assets worth $3.2 million or more. He came to the conclusion that wealthy people are similar in many ways. As a result, he wrote a book about how the habits of billionaires differ from the lifestyle of the average worker.

The lucky ones who suddenly inherited a fortune or won the lottery jackpot, in most cases, squandered all the money in a few years.

For example, Vivian Nicholson from the USA won $3 million in 1961. In a comment to reporters, she said she would "spend, spend, spend." It took her only five years - nothing was left of a rich life. She was widowed, remarried (five more times), became a drunkard, tried to commit suicide several times and ended up in a mental hospital. Having spent all her means, she remained single, lived the rest of her life on a pension of $ 300.

They say that money can change life: unfortunately, both for good and for bad.

What habits of rich, strong and successful people have helped them achieve prosperity and keep it?

Psychological Research and Questioning by Thomas Corley

The psychology of wealth and the habits of the rich is a topic of interest to many. Thus, American experts from Brown University conducted a large-scale study in this area. It took him 5 years.

They observed the daily habits of 50,000 families of nearly 150,000 people. Analyzing how people handle money, revealed the pronounced addictions of poor people. The rich did not have these habits at all or tried to get rid of them. The study did not include heirs. The researchers included in the sample only those who achieved financial success on their own through years of habits.

The aforementioned Thomas Corley for his book "The Key to Success: The Daily Habits of All Rich People" interviewed 233 rich and 128 poor people. It turned out that indeed, the former have their own habits, which are more likely not to actions, but to their attitude to life.

Wealthy Habits

So, summarizing several studies, I have compiled a list of the most important habits of "wealth" - the lifestyle of millionaires and billionaires.

Read a lot

The interests of rich people are not limited to careers. They spend a lot of time on self-development, improving skills, the so-called skills.

One of the most important daily activities of the richest people on the planet is the habit of reading. It can be both scientific, professional, and fiction.

go in for sports

Sport is another important point that distinguishes the habits of the poor and the rich.

You will say that the poor simply do not have enough time for this. But, according to scientists, the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can increase not only the amount of energy, but also stimulate mental activity.

Dedicate 15-30 minutes each day to reflection

The rich know that in order to make the right decisions, it is important to stop and think. Also in 15 minutes you can plan your day over a cup of coffee.

Get up early and go to bed early

No wonder they say who gets up early, God gives him. The life of billionaires proves this truth. So, larks plan their time better and earn more.

But that doesn't mean you can't change your daily routine. Getting up early and going to bed early - you can accustom your body to this habit.

Plan for the day, week, month, years

Planning is the key to success not only in business, but also in personal life.

Rich people often make a personal financial plan for decades ahead, and also set goals for the next day, week, month. Often, a personal accountant is hired for this, who draws up a detailed document broken down by income, expenses, investments.

It is also customary abroad to draw up pension funds in order to know exactly what savings you will have in 10, 20, 30 years.

Focus only on what really matters

What matters is up to you to decide.

But prioritizing is not a luxury: anyone (not just the rich) can do it if they so desire. For example, most rich people, in addition to making money, are fond of sports, healthy eating, travel and take part in social activities. The poor, according to scientists, on the contrary, have a habit of not being interested in other areas, in addition to everyday life.

Act quickly without delay

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. This is a habit that contributes to financial success.

Quick decision-making will help organization and understanding that your fate and further rich life depend only on you.

Pursue only their own goals and work only for themselves

I don't mean pure selfishness, as you might think. It is important that rich people are able to focus on their desires and clearly set goals for their implementation. Many strive to work for themselves, but only a few gain courage.

Set global goals

I'm not talking about taking over the planet (such habits are often found in rich cartoon characters). Poor people usually think about how to quickly escape from work and relax, what to do on the weekends, what purchases to make. The rich, on the other hand, set global goals, for example, where they want to be in 10 years, what to do, what kind of people to surround themselves with. It's an obvious difference in mindset.

Doing what they love

If you like building a car engine in a garage, make it your business. History knows a lot of examples of billionaires who turned a hobby into a lifelong business, became famous and made a fortune, becoming rich people.

Looking for mentors

It's never too late to learn. Even if you are a professional, there will always be a person who knows and can do more. Seek guidance and don't be afraid of rejection. 93% of the wealthy have a personal mentor to whom they owe their success.

Know their own worth

“I am not selling, I am buying” is one of the important principles of a rich person. He will never work for nothing, and even more so for free. Each work has its market value - and you must know it exactly.

Look at life positively

Of course, wealth itself leads to positive thinking. But, referring to the stories of millionaires, one can trace a trend - even in moments of failure, they did not give up and continued to believe in their success and a rich life.

Do not follow the majority and think outside the box

Thomas Corley in his book says that rich people are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, although herding is genetically inherent in us. Most wealthy people believe that creativity, not intelligence, is critical to achieving financial success, while only 11% of the poor agree.

Learn new things and improve yourself

Taking care of yourself is not only going to beauty salons and the gym. Rich people regularly attend trainings, seminars and events that allow them to develop.

Appreciate their time

And again, the common truth: "Time is money." Successful people become those who wisely spend both. Make it a habit to appreciate every minute.

Take responsibility

Millionaires are not afraid to jump above their heads: for example, to take a higher position or take out a loan to start their own business. Although this will bring not only new responsibilities, but also responsibility for people or other people's money.

Helping others to be successful too

The rich are grateful for their position, often ready to help those like them reach new heights. They do not have the habit of gloating because of other people's failures, they will always lend a helping hand to not so rich colleagues or friends.

They seek feedback and make new contacts

68% of rich people and only 11% of poor people talk about their love for new acquaintances. This habit, according to research, correlates with the opinion of respondents that relationships with people are extremely important for success in business.

In addition, the rich participants in the study cited the habit of liking new people as important. Although it is necessary to learn this if you do not have a natural talent.

Spend time with other successful people

Yes, the Masonic lodge is a reality for the rich and successful. They unite in closed groups and clubs of interest. This allows you to establish new connections that are so important for business. In addition, it has become a habit for many rich people to attend specialized events, various charity evenings, film festivals, and theater premieres.

See the possibilities

One of the greatest investors of our time, Warren Buffett, who started out selling trash bags and delivering newspapers, once said, “Good investment opportunities come when successful companies suddenly find themselves in trouble.” It was the habit of seeing such opportunities and the courage to take unconventional decisions that made Buffett a billionaire.


How do rich people behave to protect capital from inflation? The rich have a good habit of investing in risk-free or low-risk instruments:

  • shares of reliable companies that regularly pay dividends;
  • bonds;
  • deposits;
  • gold;
  • gems;
  • the property;
  • pension funds.

Always looking for additional sources of income (passive)

Even successful businessmen, owners of large businesses, have a habit of renting out their villas, apartments, offices, yachts and other property. And they are not shy about it. Financial instruments can also be a good source of passive income in a new, rich life.

Always spend less than they earn

Billionaires believe that it is important to spend less than you earn, that is, save, accumulate capital. The poor are sure that they just need to earn more - and this does not depend on them.

Get in the habit of saving 1,000 rubles a month to a bank account and investing this money, for example, in mutual funds. In 10 years, pay for the education of children or open your own business - it's up to you.

Don't give up

If you haven't heard of Traf-O-Data, I'm not surprised. This is Bill Gates' first company. He invented a device that he could never sell to anyone. The venture did not become successful, but it marked the beginning of the development of the first Microsoft product. Today, Gates' fortune is estimated at $92 billion. He learned a valuable lesson from the first experience and did not give up. Such a habit will not be superfluous for anyone.

Habits that keep the poor from getting rich

And now for the sad part... what are the habits that prevent 99% of the world's population from succeeding? How to become rich?

Self pity

Feeling sorry for yourself is a feeling that often occurs even among the rich, but it can be overcome. Psychologists believe that this destructive emotion leads to negative thinking, self-doubt, anxiety, and feelings of fear.

At first, pity may be mild, associated with stress and external circumstances. But after some time, it no longer needs any excuses to grow. It will feed on negative feelings. Pity will become a habit.

First of all, realize that only you are responsible for your life. Identify the reasons for self-pity and think about what to do to overcome adverse circumstances, resentment or injustice.

Engaging in activities that do not bring satisfaction

Sociologists say that a quarter of Russians are not satisfied with their work. Slightly more than a third (37%) are satisfied with the salary. At the same time, 9% of respondents have 2 jobs, another 2% - three. Why are you in the habit of living without pleasure?

Think about what you dreamed about as a child. If you wanted, for example, to be a veterinarian - go volunteer at a dog shelter, fate itself will provide you with the opportunity to learn, earn money and get rich doing what you really like.

Whining and talking to whiners

More than once I watched how office workers over a mug of coffee tell each other what a bad boss they have, work, salary. Just think, this time can be spent usefully - discussing plans, attending a seminar or training, and in the end looking for a new job.

Greed and miserliness

Uncle Scrooge, although he is the standard of a rich miser, does not reflect the truth of life.

Often, it is the poor who spare money, and for the most important things, such as education. To start self-development, it is not necessary to spend money. Now there are a lot of free online courses from leading universities in the world. Make it a habit to constantly study.

Beliefs that wealth is bad

And again, folk wisdom: "It is not money that spoils a person, but their absence." The opinion that being rich is bad is a remnant of the USSR. Nevertheless, officials could afford what an ordinary, not so rich citizen could not, while not feeling like villains. Now the system gives you the opportunity to earn as much as you wish.

Thinking in short terms (here and now)

Living in the present day in the modern world is an unaffordable luxury. It is precisely this pernicious habit that unites poor people - to run in a vicious circle "home / work" and not even think about the near future.

A simple exercise - take a sheet of paper and write down how much you want to earn in a month, a year, 5 years. Please indicate what needs to be done next. Attach to the wall and make it a habit to look at the recording daily.

Love for borrowed money

Credit, if it is not used to make money, is absolutely useless, and sometimes even dangerous. Don't spend more than you earn.

Life beyond your means

Another problem of our time is that the market offers a huge selection of absolutely unnecessary goods, and advertising forces them to buy. Moreover, a person does this out of habit, and not out of need.

Stop and think about whether you really need this gadget, car, suit or watch.

Obsession with money

Don't think about money. Think about what would make you happy and how to achieve it. And the money will definitely come later.

Comparing yourself to others

Comparison is not always bad, for example, during sports competitions, it determines the winner. But in life, the habit of comparing yourself with others is more likely to lead to envy, irritation and negativity, and this prevents you from achieving results.

Better think about what experience to learn from a rich colleague or friend in order to get what you want.

Waste of time for entertainment

Business before pleasure. However, there are entertainments that, in addition to relaxation, can bring real benefits - these are sports, reading, attending various events, communicating with successful people. These are useful habits for a future rich life.

Fear of change

This is one of the strongest psychological factors. The fear of change is as natural to people as the fear of death. Why are we habitually afraid of the new?

The unusual order of things increases the level of stress, creates a feeling of unpredictability and uncertainty. You can and should fight this. Psychologists advise to determine the factors that you influence, focus on the result and go for it.

Thank you for reading our article. I sincerely wish you all success and prosperity! Be rich! Subscribe to my blog and social media pages, share with friends.

A man's heart makes him rich

Social science

L. Tolstoy's heart makes a man rich. You can't judge a person's wealth by the thickness of his wallet. Only the presence of high moral qualities allows us to consider a person truly rich. Morality is the degree to which a person acquires moral values

« A man's heart makes him rich»

L. Tolstoy.

You can't judge a person's wealth by the thickness of his wallet. Only the presence of high moral qualities allows us to consider a person truly rich.

Morality is the degree to which a person learns moral values ​​and follows them in everyday life. A person may not commit evil deeds because he is afraid of punishment or values ​​the opinions of other people. But the highest degree of development of spirituality is the reliance in one's behavior on certain principles. If the desire for profit and pleasure turns into an indefatigable passion, the whole life of a person is subject to greed. Insatiable greed and acquisitiveness oust all moral qualities from a person's soul. Such a person finds an excuse for all evil deeds or even crimes, if they increase his treasures.

In the etymological dictionary, the word "rich" means "guarded by the gods." According to Christian teaching, the Lord makes a person rich so that he uses his wealth for the benefit of other people. Then, according to the golden rule of morality, a person will receive respect and kindness from others. No material goods can replace the beauty of the human soul, and this is what attracts other people to us, creates a wide circle of communication.

A striking example of moral behavior is the charitable activities of the Russian merchants. Generous donations for the development of culture and education, care for orphans, the disabled and the homeless - all these were the usual expense items for Russian merchants in the second half of the 19th century. The most significant results of the charity of the Moscow merchants were: the Tretyakov Gallery, the Bakhrushinsky Theater Museum, the Alekseevskaya Hospital and many other institutions. Today, the tradition of charity began to revive.

I believe that we should continue this trend, and then the number of truly rich people will only increase. When I become economically independent, I plan to spend part of my money on charity.

Money and material possessions are not important in and of themselves. What makes a person rich is his kindness, his mercy, everything that a person cherishes.

Pavel Zaitsev.

Why do rich people get rich? What separates rich people from poor people?

You can hear many answers to these questions - there are many differences between the rich and the poor, it is not easy to choose the main thing. I want to draw your attention to one simple thought - rich people (those who achieved wealth on their own, and did not inherit it from relatives) became rich because they increased their wealth faster than others. In other words, rich people differ from poor people in the "speed" of increasing money in property, in the efficiency of "making" money per unit of time.

Time efficiency is a key indicator. Time is a resource that all people - both poor and rich - are allotted approximately equally, on average, sixty to eighty years each. Those who have learned to use this most important human resource more efficiently become rich.

Efficiency in using your time to earn money is a measure of how much money you earn per unit of time. For example, in dollars per hour.

Efficiency = Revenue generated / Time spent

Feel free to do the following.

An exercise:

Calculate your hourly rate. To do this, divide your salary or income received by the time it takes you to receive it.

For example, if you receive a salary of $600 per month, working 20 days a month for 10 hours a day, then your labor efficiency is:

Efficiency = $600 / (20 days * 10 hours) = $3 per hour

Try to figure out what would be the efficiency of your work if you worked:

  • janitor
  • A representative of the "free profession" closest to you, which does not imply the presence of a boss: a private driver, a tutor, an artist, a free programmer
  • ... (what would you like to work as?)
  • your boss
  • Director of your company

The price of time

By the way, think about what is this $ 3 per hour? What exactly costs $3 an hour?

This is the price of your life. No more and no less. Your life is worth $3 an hour. No, no, I'm not trying to offend you, you yourself appreciated it so much when you decided to sell your life at this price. You could spend this time enjoying the birds singing in the forest, playing with your child, or traveling the world. But you can't. You have to work in order to get that $3 an hour.

And now another exercise.

An exercise:

Answer the following question without resorting to a calculator or trying to do the math in your head - just give an approximate figure that comes to mind:

How many hours do you think you have until the end of your life?

Try asking this question to your friends later.

Most people turn out to be optimists in this matter and confidently assume that they have at least a few million watches in reserve. In fact, most of you have only three hundred to four hundred thousand hours left to live. Don't believe? Recalculate with a calculator.

And about a third of this time you sell to someone else's uncle for some $ 3 per hour? Or how much did you get? No pity?

Consider the following, cruel but fair thought:

He who cannot dispose of two-thirds of the day

personally for himself, should be called a slave.

Friedrich Nietzsche

By the way, since we are talking about the interconnectedness of money and time, it would be appropriate to mention the thought of Buckminster Fuller. According to his idea, wealth is measured not by the amount of money you have, but by the amount of time you can live without a job. For most people, including most people who formally (expensive cars, apartments, jewelry, etc.) look like rich people, this period does not exceed several months. A financially independent person is a person whose indicator is equal to infinity.

And what is this indicator for you? How long can you live without changing your habitual lifestyle if you are left without a job?

The essence of a person is determined by his habits. This little thing has a major impact on a person's life course, and, accordingly, on his financial wealth. What are the habits of rich people? What allows them to independently build their financial success?.

What makes a person rich?

First of all, it is worth noting that a rich person is such a long time before he acquires financial success. These are people who have a rich inner world, a wide range of interests and hobbies. They prefer an active lifestyle. The core of such personalities is a life goal that focuses all attention around itself and builds a whole universe in the human mind. Such people can call themselves rich, and they become rich.

Habits of the richest people in the world

All mankind is divided into sheep and shepherds or into winners and losers. There are not so many of these shepherds or winners. Their total number is about 10%. They consider themselves masters of their own destinies, favorites of Fortune, others call them the richest people in the world. Among the modern rich, the majority are those who inherited wealth. But do not forget that this very inheritance was earned by very stubborn, adventurous and enterprising ancestors. However, even now you can meet those unique lucky ones who managed to break the bar of the middle class, having independently achieved high financial prosperity. Psychologists have long studied the habits and habits of rich people who managed to make their own success. The results obtained were compared with the habits of average citizens. The difference was just a few habits that turned out to be key to gaining wealth and power. This is what successful people owe to their results.

Steel Purposefulness

Successful people are distinguished by their perseverance, courage and purposefulness. At the beginning of their journey, a whole series of failures ripples, which allows them to gain valuable life experience and a lot of new knowledge. They set super goals for themselves, believing in themselves and not seeing obstacles. They are so focused on their desire that they pursue it until they get the desired result. Character does not allow retreat, not bringing the matter to the end. This basic feature forms a number of other habits, without which it is impossible to achieve the desired.

Perfectionism and concentration

To become the master of your own life, you must constantly work on yourself. Self-education is accompanied by tireless practice, which allows you to maximize your talent. It cultivates professionalism and eliminates competition. Thus, a person becomes the best of his kind, which allows him to achieve his goal. This habit affects various areas of life: keeping house in order, controlling your own figure, diet, etc.

Valuable Mentor

Potentially rich people always choose a mentor. Such should be a successful person, as close in spirit as possible. If it is not possible to acquire a personal acquaintance with such a person, a public figure serves as a model. The applicant for wealth takes into account the experience of such people so as not to repeat their mistakes.

Risk to live

Successful people love to take risks. Actually, it is in adventurism that their lifestyle is hidden. For the sake of their super-goal, they are able to risk even their own lives. But, taking risks, they "put a few aces up their sleeves."

Wealth saves money

A rich person differs from other social categories in that he knows how to distinguish rational costs from irrational ones. They do not pay more than it should be worth, they are especially respectful of money, so they carefully count them. They are in no hurry to buy the most expensive, acquiring only what is currently most necessary. An increase in income does not mean an increase in costs for them. In their society there is such an expression: “It is better to claim not for the money that you spent, but for the money that you saved.”

Always with a smile on your lips

Rich people initially have a positive life position. They are distinguished by the fact that even in the worst moments of life they are able to find something positive for themselves. They can properly appreciate what they have and be grateful for it. Such views on life entail courtesy and the ability to be courteous.

Count me by friends

Potentially successful people communicate only with their own kind. They avoid associating with fools and losers, with those who look at life gloomily and are not able to appreciate it. The company of a successful person is made up of positive people with high potential, as well as successful personalities.


The mental wealth of a man lies in his mercy. Even in difficult life moments, these people can lend a helping hand to those in need. Being in their financial prime, they do not forget about charity. This is an integral part of the wealthy class.

Money counts time

Potentially rich people have a habit of counting money. This is due to the rational distribution of labor productivity and its financial equivalent. A rich man values ​​in monetary terms every hour of his activity. Therefore, his schedule is always very tightly packed and reasonably thought out. Actually, thanks to the proper management of their own time and the calculation of every second, such people are able to increase their income and success.

Everyone has a chance to take their own destiny under personal control, for this you just need to want to make your life better ..

Wealth is a very relative concept, and practically everyone puts something special into it. Not for everyone, wealth lies only in millions of salaries and expensive apartments, which is confirmed by many billionaires. In this regard, it is important for anyone who dreams of a solid state to have a clear idea of ​​what makes a person rich.

How to become rich: the rules of life for millionaires

According to people with colossal fortunes, they were able to achieve this only by learning to treat themselves and money properly. The main skills that wealthy people advise everyone to acquire are as follows:

- the ability to save money. Any money that comes to a person easily will not be appreciated by him, and, most likely, he will spend it quickly and senselessly. In this regard, no matter how much a person earns, the ability to save the received finances will be an important point;

- the ability to spend money wisely. Until a person learns how to properly manage money and spend less than he has earned, he will not be able to save anything even with a good salary. The fact that most people have not yet acquired this skill is evidenced by the high percentage of loans to the modern population;

- timely care for prosperity in retirement. Financial experts advise not to count on the fact that in old age it will be possible to rely on the state or the help of children, and recommend saving up enough money from a young age so that after retirement you will not deny yourself anything. Thus, it is optimal to save 70-80 percent of your income for the retirement period.

Psychological approach to wealth

Talking about what makes a person rich, many experts call psychological willingness and the right attitude to money. Thus, money should become for a person not an enemy or a necessary evil, but a friend and ally, helping to realize all his desires. The same applies to the attitude to money as an end in itself. Such a view of wealth is fundamentally wrong - money should be for a person, first of all, a means to achieve goals.

For every rich person at one time, earning money at one time was an incentive for new beginnings or an opportunity to free themselves from various circumstances that deprived them of their freedom. For everyone, such an incentive may be different: getting rid of an unloved job, moving to another city, and much more.

In general, it does not matter what makes a person rich in each case, the main thing is that making money is meaningful and purposeful.

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