Http weekly newspaper tomorrow. Congratulations to compatriots on Stalin's birthday

A. A. Prokhanov

Newspaper Tomorrow 756

Vladislav Shurygin

The parade in honor of the fifty-third anniversary of our Victory has become not just a protocol event, it has become a real liturgy of Russian Strength, the military Spirit and the triumph of our historical Glory.

On the sacred stones of Red Square, not only did monoliths of parade battalions march under the scarlet battle banners, but, as many years ago, columns of military equipment passed through the square - from new light armored personnel carriers, T-90 tanks and Msta artillery systems, to S- 300, Iskander missiles and intercontinental Topols. The world again, as many years ago, saw the formidable power of the Empire. Not a light ballet of fake guards of honor and military bands, but the heavy steel tread of the Power, capable of wiping half a continent off the face of the planet with one movement.

The army put so much effort and zeal into this parade that for a moment it even seemed that the door to Yeltsin’s terrible black timelessness had finally slammed shut, where millions of our compatriots, our wealth and sovereign greatness disappeared without a trace. And only Lenin's mausoleum, draped with silly decorations, from which the great Stalin and his steel marshals once took the First Victory Parade, reminded that the terrible wound of Yeltsin's blow had not yet healed. This shyness of the authorities, timid to take on all the burden and all the greatness of the Soviet era, remained in the heart as an unkind sign of its dependence on the demons of the liberal project of Destruction.

The parade was majestic and beautiful, but behind the brilliance of its aiguillettes and gold embroidery, those unresolved issues that this May fell on the shoulders of the new President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, should not be lost.

The holidays are over, and now Medvedev is left alone with the most serious problems facing Russia today.

Whatever advance he receives for governing Russia, no matter how he is presented and praised to us, but for Russia Dmitry Medvedev is still a great unknown. And who he will become for Russia, time will tell very soon. From the previous president, he inherited a full treasury, working state mechanisms, a country brought together, a pacified rebellious outskirts and a reviving economy. But don't let his future seem easy. Together with the billions of the "stabilization fund" and the burlesque of "national projects," Medvedev also inherited the most difficult problems, which, if neglected, can easily become a threat to the existence of the country.

Enormous corruption, which has pierced the entire state mechanism through and through and, with the indefatigability of a liver fluke, is drawing a huge share of its budget out of the country.

Terrible social stratification, in which three percent of the population bathes in luxury and thirty-three live below the poverty line.

An industry that has just begun to emerge from the crisis and recover from the "epoch of reforms" that left Russia without science, technology and a future.

The problem of the Russian-speaking population living outside of Russia.

First of all, this is the problem of Russians living in "hot spots" former USSR. In Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia. This is almost a million of our citizens, whose fate for the second decade lies on the strange scales of diplomatic expediency, sympathy, PR and outright political pragmatism. What awaits them in the Medvedev era? The long-awaited appeasement, an alliance with Russia and peace, or a quiet surrender, fear and the bitter lot of refugees?

What awaits tomorrow for Russians in the former Soviet republics: Latvia, Estonia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, where Russians are second-class citizens? The final absorption, assimilation, or a decent life of the diaspora of a superpower, overshadowing and protecting its citizens in any corner of the world?

What will be the relationship with Ukraine, where almost a third of the country considers Russian to be their native language, and another third, speaking Ukrainian, considers Russia theirs? sister. Will we find a recipe for pacifying the "Svidomo" Banderaites, who are striving to alienate the two fraternal peoples as far as possible from each other, or will we follow their lead and push Ukraine into NATO pincers?

When, finally, not in words, but in deeds, will an alliance be created with Belarus, which has been tormentingly hanging in the air for the fifth year already, and this unjustified delay is humiliating for two fraternal peoples who have long wanted to live in a single home?

And also foreign policy challenges, global economic crisis coming on the world like a Caribbean hurricane.

No, the new president will not have a calm and serene life, and fate will very soon test his strength and wisdom. And only then will we find out: who is this unknown Medvedev? We will know him by his deeds.

And today in Russia it is sowing time.

Above the wave of arable land soaring with warmth, shining with spring dampness, rooks hover behind the plow of an old "Belorus". Beetles, larvae, worms are snatched out of a fresh furrow, until the tractor following the cultivator and the seeder breaks the layer of arable land into dust, which will fall on the seed grain. Spring day - the year feeds!

l Appointments in the government and administration of the President of the Russian Federation look like a simple castling, but in reality they lead to a serious strengthening of the liberal monetarist grouping at the top of the "power vertical", SBD experts believe. The most serious symptom of this strengthening can be considered the appointment of Igor Shuvalov as First Deputy Prime Minister, in charge of practically the entire international bloc of the government. At the same time, the resignation of Vladimir Ustinov from the post of Minister of Justice of the Russian Federation and the transfer of Nikolai Patrushev "to the Security Council" mean the practical removal from the levers of power of one of the most serious groups of "St. Petersburg security officials" in the Kremlin.

Although the last appointment, as well as the confirmation of the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Naryshkin, and his first deputy, Vladislav Surkov, can also be regarded as a kind of additional "flags" for Dmitry Medvedev ...

l The growing price and tax pressure on the population (including the draft law on the introduction of a new taxation of real estate supported by United Russia), as well as the catastrophic deterioration of the infrastructure of the Russian economy, are creating a qualitatively new socio-economic situation in the country, in which protest moods are no longer canalized into marginal political movements, but are broadcast "up", becoming a public basis for a conflict of interest between various power groups. According to the materials of an analytical note received from London, the manifestation of this conflict in the Kremlin is possible already this autumn...

l The celebration of the 225th anniversary of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol and Crimea has become a platform for Yury Luzhkov's "super-patriotic" statements. In addition to the current internal political calculation, such a format of the conflict in the "swing without a blow" mode objectively contributes to the formation of active anti-Russian sentiments in the Ukrainian "tops", such information came from Kyiv ...

l The results of the parliamentary elections in Serbia turned out to be predictable and very difficult for the prospects for cooperation between Moscow and Belgrade. Although formally the preponderance is on the side of the "nationalists" - Tomislav Nikolic and Vojislav Kostunica, the votes of the "missing" deputies or even parties in favor of the pro-Western coalition led by Boris Tadic can be tritely "bought" by the European Union for additional preferences. And such a coming of the Democrats to power with a high degree of probability will lead to the fact that the agreement with Gazprom will never be ratified - in order to demonstrate the "European choice" of Serbia. Thus, the "ambivalence" of the Kremlin, which actually expressed support for Tadic's candidacy before the elections, will be used against the national interests of Russia - just like it was with Mikhail Saakashvili coming to power in Georgia - at first he was "forgiven" for his illegitimate coming to power, and then they helped to "throw down" the Adjarian leader Aslan Abashidze, they report from Sofia...

l The visit to Sukhumi of an entire US diplomatic mission led by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza and Ambassador to Tbilisi John Tefft may indicate that Tbilisi's "direction of the main strike" will soon be shifted from "inconvenient" Abkhazia to a much more promising military point of view of South Ossetia, report from Tskhinvali.

It is in the light of this perspective that our sources also regard the arrival in the Georgian capital of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Sweden, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania...

l Based on the results of the primaries in the states of Indiana and North Carolina, it became clear that Hillary Clinton's candidacy would not be approved by the Democratic Party Congress - she would not be able to gain the required number of votes of delegates in the remaining states. And this means an increase in both the likelihood of Republican John McCain's victory over Democrat Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election of the year, and Clinton's chances of "taking his own" in the next presidential cycle, such information came from Philadelphia ...

Alexander Prokhanov STALIN IS COMING

Listen. Put your ear to the pavement of Red Square. Fall to the weakening heart of a front-line patriot. Cling to the maternal breast of the offended Motherland. Do you hear? - Steps! Stalin is coming.
Stalin is more than a man. More than a historical face. More than an era. He is a cosmic phenomenon that appears every time in the Russian sky, when there is a need to show the world that there is another world, another history, “other earth and sky”. There is Russia.
Russia is that mystical land where, among the great rivers and forests, hundreds of languages ​​and peoples, one tries to find another way to live, breathe, communicate with man and God, according to the great commandment and the great dream - the dream of Paradise.
Russia has been pregnant with Paradise since ancient times. She reaches out to him, sees him in historical dreams. Once in a thousand years it is taken to build it.
Stalin came at the beginning of the last century, in the midst of wars, revolutions, great satanic lies, great demonic deceit, on the bones of peoples and on the ruins of kingdoms, among burned libraries and defiled temples, when Paradise again dawned in Russia. In the womb, the marvelous baby trembled and trembled. Stalin is an obstetrician sent to take these births.
Galaxies and luminaries are born amidst the catastrophe of the Universe. Paradise is born amidst the catastrophe of the "old world". Stalin emerged in the midst of the catastrophe, illuminated by its searchlights. It hovered over the world for the whole century, like a huge banner in the intersection of mercury rays.
Stalin cannot be explained by facts, the events of his personal life, a list of party congresses, the number of repressed people, “Stalin's ten blows” or the “Great Soviet Encyclopedia”. All this is a projection of Stalin into a two-dimensional, intelligible reality. Stalin will be understood by a mystic who is able to rise above two-dimensional reality, to be transported to the realm of metaphysics, where two Angels, two Knights, two Horses, two Icons and two Stories fight in a terrible eternal battle. Stalin - there, on the Red Horse, on the Red Icon, is fighting the Darkness. If the earth is in darkness, if it is in historical darkness, then Stalin affirms in it "other history", he is "not of this world."
This mystical world of Russian "other history" can be penetrated three times, at different moments of Stalin's fate. When Stalin, without a hat, in a wolf coat, frosty, stood at the wooden Mausoleum over the Red Coffin. When Stalin in a military overcoat saw off the regiments in the snow, leaving for Volokolamsk and Klin. When Stalin in a marshal's jacket looked at Hitler's standards, covered with silk debris on the granite of the Mausoleum.
In these three moments, the searching mind and the believing spirit are able to rise to the spheres where the true Stalin will be revealed.
He tore the Russian Paradise out of its rotten, disgusting existence, as one pulls a drowning man out of a swamp - by the hair. The one being rescued screams, chokes, curses the savior. Where there was a fetid swamp, there stood the University. Like an angel, Gagarin took off.
Today "Russian Paradise" again plunged into the abyss. Where he was, there was a sticky rotten bubble, slippery worms, a rotten stench. Glowing poison bugs, water bugs and shaggy water striders roam in this rot. Dwarf "leaders", similar to purulent sores.
But - listen! Press your ear to the Russian, ash-strewn continent. Far away, still outside the world, boots creak a little.
Peer into the starry nebula of the Russian sky. In a barely noticeable growing whirlwind. Into a whistling fiery spiral.
“He who has ears, let him hear!”
Stalin is coming.



On the main square
not far away
from the Spasskaya Tower,
under the shadow of a stone wall
the leader of yesterday lies in the grave.
Above the place
where is he buried
without rituals and sobs,
no leaning banners
and there are no mourning statues,
no obelisk, no cross,
nor guard soldier -
just a bare slab
and two decisive dates,
yes someone's hand
with lingering tenderness
and force
two unnamed flowers
placed on his tombstone.


l Den's security service reports that on Wednesday, December 10, at 11 p.m., Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov, editor-in-chief of the Zavtra newspaper, was attacked at the entrance to his house. An unidentified person was watching for the editor returning home and at the moment when he was dialing the intercom buttons, he ran up from behind and hit him in the head with a heavy object, presumably with brass knuckles, after which he immediately disappeared. Prokhanov, who lost consciousness from the blow, could not see the attacker, but his wife, who was nearby, recorded that it was a young man aged 25-28 years, of average height, athletic build. Facial features in the darkness of the unlit courtyard could not be distinguished.
The blow was inflicted on the defeat, was directed to the base of the skull and cervical vertebrae. Such blows, if delivered accurately, end in the death of the victim of the attack.
The inaccuracy of the blow and the wife who was nearby prevented the murder from being committed, did not allow the bandit to inflict other blows, and saved Prokhanov's life. Doctors recorded a concussion, a statement about the incident was sent to the 108th police department of the city of Moscow, and the analytical service of the editorial office came to the unequivocal conclusion that in this case there was a terrorist act for political reasons, aimed at eliminating the editor of the most prominent opposition newspaper.
Commercial activities Prokhanov is not involved, his human relations are not confusing, and the motive of street robbery is swept aside, because the criminal did not show the slightest desire to use the property of the victim.
The editors of Zavtra, and before this Day, from the day of its existence, have been under constant pressure from the authorities and those strata of society that call themselves "democrats."
The defeat of the editorial office by informal submachine gunners who received weapons from Gaidar on the night of October 3-4, 1993.
The brutal beating of Deputy Editor-in-Chief Vladimir Bondarenko for his patriotic articles in defense of Russian culture.
The beating of military observer Vladislav Shurygin for his anti-Chechen, anti-terrorist publications. And now, finally, the attack on the editor-in-chief.
There are several “conflicting” directions in which the newspaper operates, participating in the information war, hurting the interests of powerful groups.
This is, first of all, power - the president, the government, corrupt fragments of the army and special services. Then banks and large corporations, among them "Most" Gusinsky and his adviser F. Bobkov and "Logovaz" Berezovsky. Terrorist Chechnya, separated from Russia, forming its own criminal statehood with the help of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The so-called "anti-fascist" organizations, merged with the Zionist structures. And at the very recent times- close to the Duma speaker "compromising" circles of the opposition and Pravda International, patronized by Seleznev.
The first three structures, equipped with intelligence and a punishing apparatus, could well respond with physical violence to the newspaper's revealing materials. However, their terrorist tool would be sniper rifles, pistols with silencers or TNT bombs. This is how the security forces eliminate uncomfortable persons, and at the same time primitive brass knuckles are not used.
The fourth, anti-fascist, structure that organizes the systematic persecution of “Tomorrow” for many years, submits denunciations to the prosecutor’s office and the Chamber for Information Disputes almost after every issue of the newspaper, is hardly capable of a terrorist attack today and expects to crack down on the objectionable newspaper with the help of Savostyanov’s “anti-extremist” commission - Stepashin.
There remains the last, fourth, conflict between Prokhanov and Seleznev, which could lead to such a primitive, courtyard reprisal.
However, it is precisely here that the conspiracy aspect of what happened is contained. An in-depth analysis, an investigation, a comparison of facts force us to completely reject the mentioned “fourth option”.
This “fourth option” was fabricated and orchestrated in order to introduce an element of violence, blood, and irreconcilable enmity into the intra-oppositional conflict, into the political, ideological discussion.
Powerful forces, interested in an irreversible split of the opposition, in the rejection of its radical part from the moderate and “systemic”, could carry out a terrorist attack, “disguising” it under a primitive, “knuckle duster” attack.
This makes it necessary to look for the architects of the terrorist act among the special services that are "development" of opposition leaders, tracking the routes of their movement, the numbers of their cars, addresses and the time they return home.
One should take what happened most seriously and not be surprised that law enforcement and the prosecutor's office did not react to what happened.


A group of unidentified individuals calling themselves the “Order of Stalin” approached the editorial office through intermediaries with a request - by the leader’s birthday, through the newspaper to announce a competition for the golden emblem: “The Order of Stalin”
A disc made of pure gold with possible additions of other precious metals and enamel, 50 mm in diameter, 4 mm thick, depicting Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, as well as symbols reflecting the greatness of the Russian people and state, is awarded to the best representatives of society who have dedicated their talents to the Motherland, who have made sacrifices on altar of the Fatherland.
The “Order of Stalin” is awarded to the military, artists, scientists, politicians, priests, who strengthen the pillar of Russian Statehood with their zeal and work, and who have received nationwide recognition.
The awarding is made by a closed, non-announcing Council.
Projects of the golden order emblem are considered on a competitive basis. The winner receives a prize of 30 million rubles. The deadline for submitting projects is March 3, 1998.
By the time the first series of awards is made, the Charter of the “Order of Stalin” will be made public.
The newspaper "Tomorrow" is an intermediary between the customers of the competition and the performers.




Anton Surikov
Not so long ago, the politicized public was agitated by the “case of Fadin” - the columnist “ general newspaper' who died in a car accident. Immediately after the tragedy, at a hastily convened press conference, a "friend" of the deceased, an "independent journalist" Mitrofanov spoke, saying that in his mailbox he found a floppy disk with a sensational article by Fadin that a "conspiracy of the Chernomyrdin-Berezovsky group" was brewing in the country. Kulikov and Seleznev, who joined them” in order to eliminate Chubais, “push” the head of ONEXIM Bank Potanin, and thereby seize all power in the country.
On the same day, “Fadin’s article” was the subject of a devastating review in the news of the NTV channel, the owner of which is ONEXIM’s opponent, the head of the Media-Most holding, Vladimir Gusinsky. Then the "heavy artillery" of "Most" - "television analyst" Yevgeny Kiselev - went into the "case". He suggested that the “conspiracy case” was a provocation by Chubais, who did not disdain to use the name of the late Andrei Fadin for intriguing purposes. A coherent set of arguments was presented in support of this. Firstly, the press conference of the “ready for anything Mitrofanov” was organized by Maxim Meyer, an associate of the well-known hoaxer Gleb Pavlovsky, who worked in contact with the environment of the “reformer”. Secondly, the very next day after the publication of the "article" was reproduced by "Komsomolskaya Pravda", owned by Potanin. Finally, the announcement of the “conspiracy theory” looked beneficial to the “chief privatizer”, since, if properly presented, it could denigrate his enemies in the eyes of the president.
However, the “red-haired villain” was once again exposed and publicly “lowered”. Meanwhile, there are good reasons to doubt that it was he who ordered the “case”, and as a result of the scandal, he appeared not just as a petty intriguer, but also not a very smart person. But Chubais is anyone, but not an idiot, to be so easily substituted, so clumsily and ineptly "draining misinformation", which ultimately hits him.
Then who is the author of the "active"? The answer is paradoxical: that role was played by the Fifth (ideological) Directorate of the KGB, which did not die at all along with the Committee itself, but only changed its hypostasis, having moved from the Lubyanka to a high-rise building on the banks of the Moscow River.
By the way, the "five", headed by Gusinsky's current adviser Philip Bobkov for a long time, showed itself in the field of active events in the media back in Soviet times. It could not have been otherwise: the presence in the ideocratic, one-party state, which was the USSR, of an ideological center parallel to the structures of the CPSU in the KGB inevitably led to its competition with the inert party agitprop. This competition “splashed” to the surface during the years of “perestroika” - a “controlled revolution from above”, which, under the conditions of an initially tough regime, simply could not help but rely on the will and support of influential forces at the top of power.
It is not a secret for connoisseurs that about 70-80 percent of the “foremen of perestroika” and “democratic” journalists were, and some still are, “pets” of the “office”.
The same “analyst” Kiselev, “sung” by the writer Korzhakov, or Gleb Pavlovsky, who was previously involved in the Fifth Directorate in the “Abramkin case” and who met, surprisingly, a humane attitude towards himself, are also journalists. Moreover, Pavlovsky had indeed previously worked with Chubais' entourage, but after Maxim Boyko's resignation, he was "pushed aside." And in Komsomolskaya Pravda, only recently bought by ONEXIM, “very interesting” people remained in their places, capable, if necessary, in the park of “pushing through” any publication that, if read inattentively, looks like Prochubaisov.
And, finally, the Jesuit methods of work “under a false flag”, inherent in the “ideologists”, who previously defended the Soviet constitutional system de jure and de facto zealously destroyed it with the methods of information terror, and then “thrown a bridge” to the “bright capitalist future” with five-figure salaries.
In general, the situation now is such that the “war of the banks” is approaching a decisive stage. Both the Berezovsky-Chernomyrdin team and the Chubais-Potanin company are gathering forces for a deadly fight, which, however, may not begin immediately, but after a while. But the delay is very unfavorable to Berezovsky's allied group "Most", which may begin misfortunes that threaten complete financial collapse. The situation could be saved by opening access to the federal treasury. But this is impossible as long as Chubais continues to oversee state finances. Isn't the hypothesis convincing: "The Bridge" simply has no other choice but to escalate in order to speed up the denouement?


Evgeny Podoprigora
The trial of Russian patriot Igor Semyonov continues. His public defender was a well-known specialist in the Oryol region in the field of sectarianism, the secretary of the factory district committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation for ideology, the chairman of the club of voters "People's Power", a deputy of the regional Duma, Professor Alekseev.
The public prosecutor from the Jewish religious community, the unemployed citizen Tokar, bears little resemblance to the former governor's deputy.
The main witnesses appeared before the court.
It turned out that Kozlov did not give any evidence to investigator Kazakov, and that he himself concocted a protocol of his testimony.
And Kryuchkov, it turns out, signed his testimony without reading it, and the investigator did not write down in them what Kryuchkov had said.
In the course of questioning dozens of witnesses, it turns out that Semyonov did not call for reprisals against Jews, but for the fight against racist Zionists. The accusation of inciting interethnic relations cannot be confirmed even by the local Jewish religious community. During the trial, it turned out that the people who belong to this community, by their own admission, are atheists, and Semyonov knows the religious holidays of the Jews, to their disgrace, better than they do.


The publication in the 49th issue of the Zavtra newspaper of an interview with the editor-in-chief of the Duel, Yuri Mukhin, “Noodles on the ears of Yeltsin's double,” raised many questions, including whether the topic would be continued by comments from experts. In our opinion, it makes sense to continue the topic in order to dot the i's only in official instances, to which Yu. Mukhin intends to apply. The attitude of the editors to his conclusions is expressed in questions. We do not find the evidence for the findings conclusive. And, for example, Yu. Mukhin's statement that since Yeltsin traveled to addresses unknown to Korzhakov, it means that he went to places where the money stolen by him and his family was stored, seems to us absolutely unfounded.

In No. 48 “Tomorrow”, in the article “Who is hindered by our“ Rech ”, it was told about the criminal case against the Russian patriot N. Bondarik. Taking into account the importance of precise wording and wishing to avoid discrepancies in certain passages of this article, the editors declare that N. Bondarik did not give any "confessions" about the murder he allegedly committed. We are convinced that the “Bondarik case” is fabricated, and the “honest confessions” appearing in it are forged.



FROM DECAY - WHERE? [ Russia ]

Y. Byaly
October 10 - In Strasbourg, the leaders of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova signed a communique on the creation of an informal non-statutory association of these states - GUAM.
October 23 - The completed Chisinau summit of the heads of the CIS, according to experts, ended in failure. common denominator of all speeches was harsh criticism of the Russian Federation and its president.
December 1 - The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between Russia and the European Union enters into force.
13 December — The Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation prepares a decree “On Russia's urgent actions to intensify and deepen integration processes in the CIS”.
6 years have passed since the “abolition” of the USSR. A lot has happened and been realized. But in retrospective analyzes of the post-Soviet process, accusations of the “Bialowieza villains” who committed a historical betrayal in collusion behind the backs of the Soviet peoples, and incantations about the historical inevitability of the collapse of the last “Stalinist totalitarian” empire are still reproduced. At the same time, nostalgia for the lost Greater Motherland sometimes gives rise to chimeras in the minds of the opposition of “projecting power” onto their neighbors in the CIS who oppose post-Soviet reintegration.
It has been rightly pointed out more than once in domestic analytics that by 1991 a huge part of the allied elite had completely got rid of communist ideologemes and keenly desired to transfer power to property. It was also pointed out that this task was extremely difficult to solve given the existing alignment of international forces, the clan structure of the "mature Soviet society", the type and composition of the country's leadership and system-forming political institutions(primarily the CPSU). An important factor in the collapse of the USSR was the idea of ​​the regional elite clans that they could get to the property "in full" only if they were "the first in their village." So, the priority task was the sovereignization of the political space from which each clan was going to skim the economic cream.
However, clans are not everything. It was clear to sensible people long before 1991 that the old motors of the Union "do not pull" development. And a certain part of society - namely society, and by no means only "powerful villains" - has relied on an attractive Western pattern of development - MODERNIZATION. But modernization is possible only as a result of the destruction of all social bonds traditional society, all its “collectivities” and “etatisms”, and the formation of new “communities of self-responsible individuals” - NATIONS. And, therefore, it requires the creation of a nation-state with the main agent of modernization - the national bourgeoisie. Which, in turn, turned out to be essentially impossible to “digest” out of the USSR with its historically rooted internationalism, collectivism and the cult of anti-bourgeoisness.
Now it doesn’t matter what dominated the minds of the ruling political layer of the USSR, which agreed on the collapse of the Union: selfish economic considerations or good thoughts about development, which paved the way to the current “hell” of systemic degradation. It is important that the course towards modernization was adopted. And for several years society in the USSR was watered with a mixture of “socialisms with a human face”, accelerations, chanting of the “spirit of capitalism”, liberalizations, etc., primarily so that its schizophrenic consciousness could not deliberately impede the planned “revolution from above”, including the division of the multi-ethnic space of the Soviet empire into many (again, multi-ethnic) “nation-states”.
But the fault of the elites is not even in the pseudo-modernization “revolution from above”. In a society weaned from political responsibility, there could be no other revolution. Therefore, the main fault of the ruling groups is that the utopia driving them turned out to be so primitive and so saturated with the mothballs of a bygone stage of European history.
Let's face it: in none of the post-Soviet countries has a nation grown and will not grow, just as there will not be a national bourgeoisie. Simply because the time of creating nations is irrevocably gone.

Speaking of "Development", we assume a new consciousness, inspired by faith in fraternal labor, collective creativity, the heroic "Common Cause". He is accompanied by exploits and overcomings, unprecedented discoveries and unprecedented insights. "Development" transforms civilization, society, man. Combines in a symphonic unity nature and the machine, divine faith and enlightened mind, a separate human soul and the whole huge people.

There is no "development" and the public consciousness is being fed a surrogate, plasticine culture, celluloid politics. "Hairy meat" of voiceless singing "stars". Nauseous brew of "Russian sensations". Distilled fight against corruption. Ideological fakes of "Historical chronicles". Instead of "Development", people are offered trips to Egypt, where a couple of buses with tourists will surely overturn. Details from the life of a billionaire with a cunning furry snout. Diet pills and Thai sexual stimulant.

The people's consciousness, fleeing poisoning, leaves the surface on which oil slicks float and dying life writhes in sticky mud. Dives to the bottom, into the dark icy depths, into the mysterious groundwater, not subject to decay. Acquires strange forms of superstitions, myths, apocrypha. Writes a parallel story. Creates parallel heroes. catacomb consciousness modern Russia- a mysterious reality into which the disappointed people's soul, left by pastors and leaders, plunges.

Here is a poor tat, a fugitive from Azerbaijan, to whom the Mother of God appeared, handed over wonderful gifts - if placed in a temple, they will make Russia happy.

Here is a sorcerer leading the blind and lepers to the sacred keys, healing them with the holy spirit of Russian water, which thirsty humanity will drink, and this will save them.

A physicist who lost faith in official science found a huge stone in the rivulet. This stone is licked by cows as if it were a live calf. This stone does not freeze water in the most severe cold. At this stone, women are healed of infertility, and the dumb gain the gift of speech. The physicist, having studied the ancient texts, made astronomical calculations and discovered that this stone is the Star of Bethlehem, flying over Christ's manger and descending on Russia. On the day of the Second Coming, the stone will be filled with light, soar over Russia and indicate the place where Christ will appear.

A church among deserted villages, in which lampadas themselves are lit on the day of the martyrdom of the Sovereign Emperor.

The cross at the Dno station, where the emaciated traveler appeared, makes a walking tour of all the places that are connected with the life of the last king. He claims that he is the grandson of Tsarevich Alexei, who survived in the Ipatiev House.

Forests and swamps near Rzhev, where merciless battles were fought, and thousands of soldier's remains are scattered in the thicket - screams in German and Russian are heard on summer nights, and search groups find skeletons in helmets clutching "Schmeisers" and "three-rulers" according to these screams.

Yuri Gagarin is considered to have died in a plane crash, but in fact he is alive and languishing in captivity, on an island, in prison. When he took off into space, angels met him there, took him to paradise, gave him schemes of paradise, so that he would return to earth and equip it according to heavenly drawings. The party leadership, fearing the image of paradise, imprisoned Gagarin, imitating a catastrophe. Gagarin is in prison and draws a diagram of paradise on the wall.

The prophetic Russian poet Yuri Kuznetsov wrote the poem "Hell", depicting in it the devils and sinners of the Yeltsin "nineties". But when he began to write the poem "Paradise", a magical treatise about the miraculous salvation of Russia, he was put in an insane asylum in a distant Siberian province, telling the people that he had died. Yuri Kuznetsov is alive, sitting in a psychiatric hospital, reciting his divine poem by heart.

Shortly before his death, Elder John Krestyankin received President Putin in his cell. They talked for over an hour. Nobody knows what. The monastic brethren claim that Putin left the elder thoughtful and dejected, as if he had heard a prophecy. As if the elder's prophecy influenced his decision to abandon the "third term".

And also a little man with a sharp nose, with a marine tattoo on his fingers and cast-iron chains on his skinny body, claimed that there was a certain "Stoglav" under Red Square. There, in glass jars, the heads of Nicholas II, Lenin, Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Yeltsin and, for some reason, Gorbachev are kept, although the latter is still alive.

You can still hear a lot of things if you spend the night on porches, at stations, on transfers, if you "drive around Russia", as Gogol called for it. Russian rumors, Russian fears, Russian predictions and prayerful expectations will open to you like a catacomb Russia that has gone underground. For this Russia, the truth of newspaper articles and party appeals is alien and repulsive. Like the Penza secrets, this Russia went underground to await the Hour of Judgment there, the transformation of the fallen world, which, according to Russian precepts, will inevitably be rebuilt according to heavenly blueprints. Whether the elder Filofey, whether Yuri Gagarin - it will be seen.

But we, caring for the Russian "Development", bringing it closer by all available means, will not neglect this secret sacristy, where the precious vessels of popular feeling are hidden from the filth of the world.

l The first foreign visit of the third President of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, to Kazakhstan and the PRC, passed "without achievements and failures", since its main semantic load was to demonstrate the new Russian leader as "not so liberal and Westernizer", as well as the possibility of reversing the flow of Russian energy carriers to the East, to China, SBD experts note. Almost at the same time, Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways announced the opening of the long-awaited "great steel route", which through the territory of Russia should directly connect Europe with Asia, significantly reducing the volume of maritime trade and, accordingly, the role that US control over maritime communications plays today ...

l The appearance in the British newspaper "Financial Times" of the response of Gennady Timchenko, head of global oil trader Gunvor, to a publication where one of the reasons for his success was named proximity to former Russian President Vladimir Putin, reflects certain changes in the balance of power in the Kremlin, since now a significant part of the Russian big business can no longer count on the unconditional support of the first person and is practically forced to "come out of the shadows." It is possible that following the informational "trial balloons" in the West, certain financial and legal procedures on "freezing criminal capital from Russia", such conclusions are contained in an analytical note received from London ...

l Contradictory decisions of the Russian government to increase export duties on oil and petroleum products, as well as to provide tax incentives oil companies confirm Putin's desire to maintain the status quo in relations between state power and natural monopolies. While the external economic situation and rising prices for raw materials allow such decisions to be made, however, the "overbought" oil market has led to the fact that the real consumption of "black gold" in the world is far behind the nominal, which has already turned the waters of the Persian Gulf into a grandiose floating oil storage, they say our sources in New York. Within a maximum of a month, speculative capital, which today is concentrated in the oil futures market, should go to the food market (the volume of which is already estimated at least $3 trillion today), which will create a qualitatively different situation for Russia, threatening a socio-economic collapse...

Tomorrow newspaper

The newspaper "Zavtra" comes out once a week with the motto "Newspaper of the Russian State", although earlier it had a different motto, which sounds like this - "The newspaper of the spiritual opposition." The year of birth is 1993, but from the time of foundation in 1990 until the moment of closing, in connection with the tragic events of October 1993, it had the name "Den". At the moment, the editor-in-chief of the publication is A.A. Prokhanov. It has been published in 100,000 copies for a long time.
The theme of the newspaper "Tomorrow"

The newspaper became famous for its harsh criticism of the post-Soviet policy of Russia, the frequent publication of interviews with prominent opposition public and political figures, such as E. Limonova, Yu. Mukhina, V. Kvachkova, I. Shafarevich, and many others. The newspaper "Tomorrow" is even reflected in fiction, for example, Viktor Pelevin in Akiko or Vladimir Sorokin in Monoclone.

Today, the newspaper "Tomorrow" focuses on state-patriotic topics. The newspaper Zavtra proclaimed the Fifth Empire project and became more loyal to the authorities, but this still does not prevent it from harshly criticizing the current political situation in Russia on its pages. According to the editor-in-chief, the Zavtra newspaper in different times carried a different orientation of the opposition, and today it no longer requires a change of power or regime, rather it can be called ideological opposition. The newspaper becomes less and less political, but more and more ideological.

History reference

Alexander Prokhanov worked as the editor-in-chief of The Day newspaper. By decree of President B. Yeltsin, the Supreme Soviet was dissolved in 1993. The Den newspaper responded to this event with calls to overthrow the anti-people regime of the president and to support the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation. Already in October, the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation. The newspaper The Day was banned, but it continued its existence with the new name Zavtra. At one time, the newspaper supported the policies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the Rodina bloc.

Readers of the newspaper "Tomorrow"

· Politicians.
· Businessmen.
· Teachers and student masses.
· People whose activities are related to politics.
· Housewives.
· People of various professions.

Newspaper "Tomorrow" fresh issue

The newspaper "Tomorrow", the last issue of which was already published on December 26 of this year, published an interesting article by regular author Alexander Prokhanov entitled "Holy Stalingrad". The article is riddled with pain for a city dear to a Russian person. Throughout the article, the author carries the idea that by renaming Stalingrad, Khrushchev took away not only the name from the city, but its energy, its connection with higher powers. The heroes of the war who fought for this city were giants, and now the Motherland, which has taken away the name from the city on the Volga, has stopped giving birth to giants, and more and more midget babies are born. It should be noted that the lines make you think, make you return to the past tragic, but also heroic time. So let's return to the city of Stalingrad its heroic name, with which the heroes of the past went into battle on their lips.

Newspaper "Tomorrow": newspaper of the Russian State.

Roar of Russian history

Putin will have a big cleanup of the garbage pit that the world has become

Alexander Prokhanov

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Election battles are disgusting cockfights. Fighting cocks and chickens varying degrees plucked, screaming, crowing, bubbling, plucking each other's feathers, pecking out eyes, bleeding eyebrows. One hen is trampled by several lively roosters at once, and a premature egg falls out of it. Other roosters, exhausted, fall to the floor with their feet up, and they are harassed by henchmen, confidants, lively and tireless bloggers, their paws are turned over, their tongues are pulled out, they are poured with water and sewage. Birds flounder, utter ridiculous cries.

The moment is approaching when the organizer of the elections will scoop everyone into a container with a scoop and take them to a poultry farm, where they will be carefully scalded with boiling water, plucked, put on hooks, and they, identical, without distinction of sex, in pimples, will hang on an iron wire.

In this scream and crowing, the idea of ​​the state was never heard - the state that they wanted to own and control. There was no idea of ​​the mystery of the state, the uniqueness of its civilization, of the great and secret ideas that, according to the insight of writers and visionaries, directed the meaning of Russian history.

Instead of these great ideas, only technologies dominated - small, rustling, contradicting one another. There was talk about the retirement age, about youth camps, about garbage dumps, about volunteers, about some endless tinsel of human relations. And there was no talk about a great country filled with tragedies, filled with grand undertakings, martyrs and victims, on which the great hill of Russian statehood was erected.

Putin has all these ideas. Putin has taken control of a huge empire between three oceans, destroyed, blown up, having lost space, having lost the will to historical creativity. He owns these maxims and manages them, and on the basis of these ideas he builds his geopolitics, builds the internal image of the state. The Russian miracle, the Russian world, the Russian dream, the Russian Victory - this is the main meaning of Russian history. These are not empty words. These are the divine metaphors in the depths of which the battle takes place, the birth of schools, religious movements, great utopias.

The world in which Putin will have to establish his new rule is the world of two great projects that he started a few years ago.

This is the Arctic project - the one where Russia fulfills its age-old, imputed to it, duties of turning deserts into cities, turning polar nights into the luminous glow of rainbows. Not without reason, in the beliefs of the ancient coast-dwellers, the place where Russia ends means the onset of the Kingdom of Heaven. Belovodye is a mysterious northern environment where a person feels blissful, feels protected and god-like. The polar star, shining in the midst of the black polar night, is not a lonely light, it is a guiding star leading the Russian consciousness to the highest manifestations of faith and grace.

The second project that Putin is implementing began with the Crimea. It was a project to restore desecrated Russian lands, desecrated Russian spaces, a project that for the first time united the torn Russian cities. In 2008, during the "Georgian War", Russian tanks broke through the Roki Tunnel. And we went to Transcaucasia. It was the first vanguard imperial war, where we did not retreat, did not surrender, where we entered our age-old territories, uniting with two small peoples of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, dying under the blows of Georgian weapons.

The Crimean action is the creation of the most powerful strategic naval base on the territory of Crimea, which makes up for the losses of ships in the monstrous previous years and restores Russia's control over the Black Sea. And then - through the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, we enter the Mediterranean Sea and there, under the cover of Syrian bases, we begin to build our defense squadrons, covering the south of Russia, exposed after 1991.

These two huge geopolitical defense projects are consonant with Russian spaces and Russian ideology, they are consonant with Russian geopolitics, which, back in the 17th century, managed to create New Jerusalem, an analogue of the Holy Land, an analogue of the territory, where, according to the plan of the great patriarch, the feet of Jesus Christ should descend. Such a scale - the scale of transferring spaces, transferring the coordinate grid - is an absolutely Russian scale, a Russian task.

The world is becoming more and more confusing, more and more uncertain. At any moment, a new ominous thread is woven into this tangle of crises, and the tangle grows, becomes heavier, it is no longer possible to unravel it. There are no those theories, those teachings, there are no rules by which this tangle can be rewound. The fate of this tangle is either to sink to the bottom of history as an unbearable block and to weigh down the course of the historical process in all subsequent centuries. Or you need to cut it, cut it. Because humanity is tired of difficulties, cannot cope with them, wants to get rid of them at any cost. American submarines, now emerging from under the ice of the Arctic Ocean, is a form of American pressure on the Russian political class, on the Russian consciousness and on the Russian president. The resource of human patience is not unlimited, it becomes thinner. It can give a crack, and then there will be an insurmountable, insurmountable catastrophe of the hour of judgment.

Once we were building a new red state, we were building a new humanity. This humanity had to be built under the most severe conditions and through unprecedented violence. Entire classes, entire estates were subjected to violence. They were in a hurry to transform them into a new people, ready to meet the terrible war of 1941. New people tried to build and Hitler. He wanted to deprive this new people of compassion and humanity, so that this people would cut a path with an ax among other peoples. The crafty liberals wanted to build a new people, denying Christian postulates and divine commandments in this new people, sprinkling gold powder on this people. These three nations were not built. The secret services remained, accustomed to exorbitant violence, deprived of great space goals. Now these ownerless special services are rampaging, filling the world with conspiracies, poisonings and murders, depriving the world of its original, given by the Lord, coordinates. And so the world is filled with terrible muck: poisoning, murder, endless insinuations, threats, intimidation.

Putin, who accepts the Russian state, will face all this horror. He will have a big cleaning of the garbage pit into which the world has become.

The state is spirit. The spirit is looking for a carrier, looking for a person who could inhabit. He is looking for a person in whom he could build his nest and, living in this nest, rule both the country and this person himself. But sometimes the state becomes cramped in such a person who ceases to meet the needs of a growing state. Then the state leaves the person. Great chaos ensues. And it, the state, is looking for another carrier, and that one, dying and dying, suffers and writhes.

Putin, in his new reign, must make great corrections, eliminate great distortions. He must contribute to the fifth empire that he is building, the lamp of social justice and grace, the lamp of the Russian dream.

Now that the elections are over and Putin has become president, our quiet voices are fading away. And we hear the roar of Russian history.

Rice. Gennady Zhivotov

Event tags:

presidential elections 2018 state russian putin power russian history ideology russian dream arctic crimea development strategy justice technology PR fifth empire

Scoreboard. "Hand of Moscow" in Europe...

why Sarkozy is detained, and Merkel swears in Russian

Security Service Day

Rate article: 6 2

Congratulations from Angela Merkel to Vladimir Putin on his re-election as President Russian Federation, as well as the use of Russian profanity by the Bundeschancellor in a dialogue with a German journalist within the walls of the Bundestag, according to sources from Berlin, are closely related and can confirm that the former "Komsomol member, beauty, athlete and student" from the GDR has some "threads", on which it is still controlled by the "hand of Moscow" ...

Our London correspondents speculate that the "over-critical" outburst of anti-Russian rhetoric from the British authorities under the pretext of the "Skripal case" could be caused not only by the situation in Eastern Ghouta and other enclaves officially controlled by Islamic terrorist structures run by career officers of the British and American intelligence services , "not subject to capture and destruction" by the Syrian and Russian armies, and not only financial and economic considerations regarding "Brexit", but, above all, is associated with the requirements of the White House, where Donald Trump, ...