Mauborgne, Kim: Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players

The book by Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne is devoted to a serious topic - business strategy. The topic seems very voluminous, deep and complex, but the authors of this book were able to write about it in such a way that many points become clear. The book presents the information in a structured way, with explanations and examples that inspire and give a better understanding.

Every entrepreneur would like to work in ideal conditions, when his product is in demand, costs are minimal, and there are no competitors. But this rarely happens. And for the most part due to the fact that people do not even try to look at the situation more broadly and find other options. They're just building on what already exists, looking to make more money, or lower the price a little more, or get a little more customers. Such conditions are usually called the red ocean, in which everyone is ready to tear apart all competitors. The authors of the book write that you can do the research yourself and find a blue ocean for yourself, in which there will be no such problems.

The book offers practical tools to help you understand what a business should be like so that there is no competition and there are minimal costs. You need to find your own path that no one else has walked before. Here the characteristics of a good strategy are given, it is told what important actions need to be taken. The second part is devoted to clear practical recommendations and examples from the experience of other firms. Readers will be able to evaluate own idea to understand whether it is possible to build on its basis successful business. The third part tells about all the difficulties that may arise, and gives advice. This book can be singled out among others like it, because it contains a lot of useful and practically applicable information.

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Description of the book: This book was developed after the authors analyzed approximately 150 strategic steps that have been used over several centuries by numerous industries. They tried to convey to the readers that success can be achieved not through competition, but through the creation of markets where there is practically no competition. There must be demand in this market, which will contribute to stable development. This book presents analytical tools that almost every businessman can use.

In these days of active fight against piracy, most of the books in our library have only brief fragments for review, including the book The Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players (extended edition). Thanks to this, you can understand whether you like this book and whether you should buy it in the future. Thus, you support the work of the writer René Mauborgne by legally purchasing the book if you liked its summary.

Rene Mauborgne, Kim Chan

Blue ocean strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players

Published with permission from Harvard Business Review Press and Alexander Korzhenevsky Literary Agency

Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2014

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and corporate networks, for private and public use, without the written permission of the copyright owner.

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This book is well complemented by:

Search for a business model. How to save a startup by changing the plan in time

John Mullins and Randy Komisar

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To friends and relatives,

that fill our worlds with meaning

Preface to the edition in Russian

We are very pleased that the Blue Ocean Strategy has been translated into Russian and the ideas presented in this book have become available to the Russian-speaking audience. Once we happened to visit Russia. This happened at the end of the 80s, when we arrived in Leningrad, as the current St. Petersburg was still called in those years. We were surprised by the entrepreneurial spirit of those we met then, the inherent energy and desire of Russians to create new economic opportunities.

The question is: how can those doing business in Russia today put all their energy and intelligence into breaking the competition and creating blue oceans of a market space that has no place for competition? how Russian business can create products and services that provide companies with rapid profitable growth and are available to the mass buyer not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world?

With global competition intensifying and trade barriers collapsing, answering these questions is more important than ever. The Blue Ocean Strategy book not only presents the concept itself, but also provides analytical tools and techniques that each Russian company can be applied in any field of activity - from the production of industrial products, the creation of consumer goods, the provision of services, retail, catering and to circus performances - in order to solve this daunting task. Through our research over the past fifteen years, we have identified clear strategic patterns for creating blue oceans to break the vicious cycle of competitive warfare.

We invite you to read this book and apply its ideas and concepts in practice: in your company, in your enterprise. Blue oceans of opportunity lie all around us. There is no need to compete when you can turn your energy to the cause of creation.

Use the Blue Ocean Strategy to pave the way to new, high-value markets where everyone benefits: companies, consumers, and society at large. We hope that this book will help the cause of creating a prosperous Russian economy.


This book is dedicated to friendship, devotion and faith in each other. It was through friendship and faith that we embarked on a journey, exploring the ideas in this book, and then writing the book itself.

Our acquaintance took place twenty years ago in the classroom - one of us was then a professor, and the other was a student. And since then we have been working together, inspiring and supporting each other. This book is not a victory for an idea, but for a friendship that means more to us than any idea in the business world. Friendship has made our lives richer and our worlds more beautiful. None of us were alone.

There are no easy journeys; there is no friendship filled only with laughter. However, we met every day of our journey with joy, for we strived for knowledge and improvement. We passionately believed in the ideas presented in the book. These ideas are not for those who only dream of surviving. We have never been interested in survival. If your thoughts are only limited by them, do not read further. However, if you want to go the other way, build a company and use it to build a future where customers, employees, shareholders, and society all benefit, read on.

We do not promise you that it will be easy, but this path deserves attention.

The results of our research have confirmed that there are no companies that would not know failures, just as there is no forever successful industry. We have learned from experience that people, like corporations, are sometimes smart and sometimes not. To be more successful, we need to understand how we got the positive result and how we can replicate it systematically. This is what we call smart strategic moves, and, as we have established, the strategic move to create blue oceans is of paramount importance. blue ocean strategy aims to encourage companies to break out of the scarlet ocean of competition by creating a market niche for themselves where they can not be afraid of competitors. Blue ocean strategy proposes to move away from sharing existing – and often declining – demand with others, while constantly looking at competitors. Instead, she suggests dedicating ourselves to creating new, growing demand and moving away from competition. The book not only encourages companies to take this step, but also explains what needs to be done. First, we give you a set of analytical tools and perspectives that show you what systematic actions to take along the proposed path, and then we look at the principles that define blue ocean strategy and distinguish it from strategic approaches that are based on competition.

Our goal is to formulate and implement a blue ocean strategy that is as systematic and efficient as the competition in the red waters of the market we already know is systematic and efficient. Only then can companies take a thoughtful and responsible approach to creating blue oceans, maximizing their opportunities and minimizing risk. No company—regardless of size or age—can afford to turn into a gambler from a riverboat. Can't and shouldn't.

Title: Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players
Writer: Kim Chan, Rene Mauborgne
Year: 2015
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber (MIF)
Age limit: 12+
Volume: 370 pages 40 illustrations
Genres: Foreign business literature, Job search, career, Marketing, PR, advertising

About Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players" Kim Chang, René Mauborgne

What is competition? This is a rivalry in any business. But at the same time, it can be healthy, in which an important role is played by passion and the desire to do better, better, thereby attracting the attention of consumers. Or it can be cruel when, for the sake of their success, people are ready to go over their heads, deceive and play a dishonest game.

Rene Mauborgne and Kim Chan believe that today it is already necessary to deviate from the generally accepted rules of doing business and act differently in order to achieve certain goals and plans. They write about this very excitingly in their book called Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players.

As you know, today almost all spheres of human life and activity are developing very rapidly. Something goes far into the background, new strategies and ideas appear. In order to achieve high results right now, you need to carefully study the information about how a business is created today, what leads to success, and what can sink a business at an early stage. At the same time, the work of Rene Mauborn and Kim Chan is designed for those readers who want to raise their business in an honest way, do not want to swarm in bloody scarlet water, but find ideas in an ocean of pure blue.

The author in the book “Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players” write that they analyzed the success of any business for a long time and came to a consensus that it is necessary to create a niche for it in which there will be no competition. That is, you can create something new, you do not have to compete with competitors. Mauborgne and Kim Chan believe that today we need to move away from rivalry.

In business, it often happens that supply begins to exceed demand. Of course, you need to fight for your place under the sun, but in the end you get a scarlet ocean because of the bloody struggle. You need to create completely new niches for yourself and, thereby, promote your business.

Kim Chan and Rene Mauborgne not only offer their philosophy, their innovative discoveries on the issue of doing business in the book Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players”, but also provide a basis for undertakings in this area. You have to study the market very carefully, find what is really missing and move in that direction. The authors also give advice on how not to miss the opportunity, how not to make mistakes and not burn out. The book is full of examples, including the development of Starbucks, Ikea, and many other well-known companies.

The book by Kim Chan and Rene Mauborn will be of interest to everyone who has their own business, company and is already tired of competition. And also to those who are looking for new ways, new ideas and are ready for changes and risks. There is no single recipe for success, but there are many useful information, which will help you change your entire life and the management of the company, which will immediately lead to positive results.

On our literary site, you can download the book by Kim Chan, Rene Mauborgne “The Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players” for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

Chris McGoff

Itzhak Adizes

momentum effect

Jean-Claude Laresh

Jim Collins

To friends and family who fill our worlds with meaning

Partner's Preface

You are holding a book on competition and innovation in your hands. More precisely, about how to break out of a tough competitive battle with the help of innovations. And although the authors talk about the need to invent radically new moves in business, the main idea of ​​the book is not something completely new. At one time, Jack Trout introduced the concept of differentiation, developing the ideas of Michael Porter on the topic of competition and positioning. The authors of Blue Ocean Strategy continued to reveal them.

In the red oceans, the most important thing is the ability to swim, overtaking your competitors. The red oceans will never lose their significance and will remain a factor in business life. But when supply begins to outstrip demand, fighting for market share is necessary but not enough to sustain growth. Companies need to move beyond competition. To generate new profits and opportunities for further development, they need to create blue oceans.

In competitive markets (in red oceans), everything is so similar to each other - products and services, promotion methods, etc. - that it is difficult for the consumer to identify one or another company. Increasingly, the choice is made on the principle of "who has the cheapest".

Blue oceans are new markets or niches in existing markets. Having found such a niche, the company no longer has to choose whether to lure the buyer with a low price or offer him additional service. She makes a high-value offer and can charge a high price accordingly.

One gets the impression that the search for the blue ocean is the main and only thing to do. Here you will find the blue ocean, and that's it, life is good. But everything is not so simple. As soon as you find it, it will immediately begin to turn red. The authors talk about the search for an unoccupied yet (!) market niche. If you are first in it, you will have an advantage over those who follow you. It is about conquering new territories and striving to keep them. That is all about the same competition. In fact, the blue ocean remains so until no one has found it.

This book has been translated into 43 languages ​​and has sold over 3.5 million copies! What made her so popular?

Secondly, there are many interesting things in the book, life examples which illustrate its main ideas very well.

Thirdly, the book is written in an accessible language and is easy to read.

Summing up the above, I want to note that the book will be interesting and useful to those managers and marketers who understand the importance of innovation, but have difficulty in finding and implementing them.

Ulyana Samolova,

President of Samolov Group

Guard! My ocean is turning scarlet!

"Guard! My ocean is turning scarlet!" - this is what often worries managers around the world, whether they are company managers, heads non-profit organizations or major government officials. Increasingly, they find themselves in a situation where an ocean of fierce competition is splashing around, from which they must somehow get out. The business is losing profitability or competition has become fierce, and the piece goods produced now have to be put on stream, and even raise prices. Or you have to announce to employees that there will be no increase in salaries. One way or another, the situation is unpleasant. And yet she is familiar to very, very many.

How to solve the problem? The lessons, tools, and techniques of Blue Ocean Strategy will help you do this, no matter what industry or sector of the economy you work in. You will learn how to get out of the scarlet ocean of fierce competition into the blue waters of markets where there are no competitors, but there are new demand and all the opportunities for sustainable development and profit growth.

We chose the metaphor of scarlet and blue oceans because scarlet oceans are a reality that organizations of all kinds are increasingly operating in, and blue oceans represent the endless possibilities these organizations can create if they look closely at the history of their industry from the very beginning. her first days. We prepared the first edition of the book ten years ago. It sold 3.5 million copies and became a bestseller on five continents. Our book was translated into 43 languages ​​- a kind of record. The term "blue ocean" has firmly entered the language of business. Blue Ocean Strategy has over 4,000 articles and blog posts around the world, with more added every day.

This is an exciting read. Owners small businesses and ordinary people from all over the world write about how our book has changed their outlook on life and helped them achieve professional success on a whole new level. Top executives talk about how the blue ocean strategy helped them see the light, took their business out of the red ocean and created entirely new areas of demand. And so do those in positions of power who have used the blue ocean strategy to bring about rapid and significant change from minimal cost in various socially important areas - to improve the quality of life in the countryside and in the city, to strengthen internal and external security, to reformat federal and regional divisions.

We reached out to organizations that used the ideas in the first edition of Blue Ocean Strategy, worked with many directly, studied the paths they took armed with our ideas, and learned a lot from them. The main questions they asked when implementing the blue ocean strategy were as follows. How to unite all company activities around the blue ocean strategy? What if the blue ocean turns scarlet? How do you resist the sway of the “scarlet mindset”—we call it the “scarlet ocean traps”—that attracts even those pursuing a blue ocean strategy? It is these questions that prompted us to prepare a new, revised edition. In the preface to it, we will first of all tell you what is new in it, and then briefly outline the key, distinctive features blue ocean strategy and explain why we believe it is needed and important today more than ever.

What's new in this edition?

We have completed two new chapters, and in total the book has grown by about a third. Below are the main difficulties and problems that managers face, and here is what we write about it.