Statement 574 n dated 25.10. FSS application new sample

Good day! Today I decided to devote the topic of the article as an employer, or rather, how to fill out an IP application for the FSS.

In order to fill out the application, the first thing you will need is to download the FSS form

Where to get an IP application form in the FSS

Naturally, an entrepreneur can download an application to the FSS on the official website of this service. I must say right away that it turned out to be quite difficult to find an up-to-date form for setting up an individual entrepreneur as an insurer in the FSS.

More precisely, I downloaded quite a few different options and just went to the FSS service to clarify which one is correct (the Internet is really a garbage dump of low-quality sites).

AND ATTENTION!!! None of the bottoms were correct (to be honest, I was shocked). Fortunately, the FSS service specialist turned out to be very kind and not only gave me correct pattern, but also explained how it is filled in correctly (for which special thanks to her).

To simplify the task of finding an up-to-date application, I will post it on my Yandex disk from which it will be possible to download without leaving this article: download an application for registration with the FSS.

Filling out an IP application in the FSS 2015

I will say right away that an entrepreneur becomes an employer in the FSS only once, subsequently he will be listed as an employer until he decides to either close the IP, or simply dismiss all employees and work on his own, then the IP no longer needs to be listed as an employer and You will need to deregister as an employer.

I will not fill in on the “fingers” and, as always, I will record a video in which I will explain how to fill out this pretty important document and I will definitely post it at the end of this article.

IP application for registration with the FSS first page

IP application for registration with the FSS second page

Let me remind you that in order to register with the FSS (social insurance fund), according to the law, you have 10 days.

I strongly recommend not to delay this issue, in general, accustom yourself from the very beginning - everything that concerns public services and deadlines - do everything on time, why unnecessary troubles, fines, etc. (you still have to do it)!

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Register as individual entrepreneur does not in itself involve interactions with the social insurance fund. The individual entrepreneur does not pay contributions to the FSS, his duties include only settlements with the FIU on fixed payments. However, the situation changes if a businessman becomes an employer. In this case, he is obliged to go through the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur with the FSS.

Instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur in the FSS

The period during which an individual entrepreneur is obliged to register as an employer with the FSS is counted from the date of conclusion of an employment contract with the first hired employee. Registration takes 30 calendar days. However, in some cases, it makes sense to register with the FSS IP as an employer a little earlier, without waiting a whole month. The fact is that social insurance contributions are paid before the 15th day of the month following the billing month in which the salary was accrued. This means that if an employee is hired, say, on July 25, then he is entitled to a certain salary for these several days worked. Payments must be made by August 15th. By this time, the deadline for registering an individual entrepreneur with the FSS has not formally passed yet, however, without having the employer's registration number in hand, it will not be possible to transfer the payment. Consequently, a delay in payment is formed, which will lead to the accrual of penalties - 1/300 of the current key rate for each day of delay from the amount of the debt.

If a violation of the most allotted 30-day registration period with the FSS is allowed, then this will inevitably lead to a fine of 5,000 rubles. If you are late for more than 90 days, the fine will already be 10,000 rubles (Article 19 of the Federal Law of July 27, 1998 No. 125-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2015). Agree, these are quite weighty arguments in favor of do not neglect the established procedure for registration with the FSS, and declare yourself on time.

The registration procedure as an employer takes place in the territorial office of the FSS at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur. Sometimes it is difficult to determine a specific branch of the fund, because in its normal activities, before the appearance of employees, the IP does not deal with social insurance. Focus on decision this issue you need to the number of your own IFTS. As a rule, each tax office corresponds to a specific department of the fund, and information about such compliance is easy to find in open sources through any search engine. It also does not hurt to call the FSS branch and clarify whether your address applies to it.

Required documents for registration in the FSS

When registering with the FSS IP as an employer, an application is submitted in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 25, 2013 No. 574n. The following list of documents is attached to the application:

  1. Certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority (TIN);
  3. Employment book, with a completed record of the employee's employment;
  4. An employment contract with an employee;
  5. Certificate of opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur;
  6. IP passport.

This is only an approximate list of documents, which is desirable to clarify directly at the FSS department itself. You may also need an employee's application for employment, an extract from the USRIP, a letter of statistics, a notice of registration as an individual entrepreneur (form 2-3-account), as well as SNILS of the individual entrepreneur.

Documents are submitted according to the inventory, in which the IP confirms the authenticity of all provided originals. Formally, the listed documents must be certified, but notarization is not required in this case. The way out of the situation is usually as follows: the individual entrepreneur brings the original documents for registration to the fund, as well as their copies. The latter are certified directly by the FSS employee.

Upon receipt of all required documents the FSS department within 5 days registers the individual entrepreneur as an employer. This fact is certified in the Notification of registration with the territorial body of the FSS. It also indicates registration number employer, which will be used in the future when transferring insurance premiums, as well as when reporting to the FSS.

What is important to know

Registration in the FSS, as already mentioned, is carried out in without fail when hiring the first employee under an employment contract. At the same time, some individual entrepreneurs who do not have full-time employees attract performers for one-time work under civil law contracts. By default, such agreements do not imply the payment of social contributions, therefore, when engaging a contractor under such an agreement, an individual entrepreneur should not register with the FSS. However, the situation changes if the contract with an individual stipulates the obligation of the customer to transfer insurance premiums. In this case, the entrepreneur will still have to register as an employer in social insurance. Such registration will be carried out in the usual manner, except that instead of an employment contract and an employee's work book, the FSS will have to provide GPC agreement with a performer.

But after the initial registration with the FSS has already taken place, when hiring subsequent employees, no additional documents need to be submitted. That is, after the employment of the first employee, the further conclusion of employment contracts (or agreements of a civil law nature with the appropriate condition for the payment of insurance premiums) does not require any additional registration actions or notifications to the FSS.

At the same time, an individual entrepreneur registered with the FSS as an employer is obliged to report quarterly to the fund on the amounts accrued wages and related contributions. This report is submitted in the form 4-FSS. In paper form, that is, during a personal visit to the fund, it should be submitted by the 20th day of the month following the reporting quarter. The same deadlines apply when sending a report by mail. AT in electronic format form 4-FSS can be submitted until the 25th day of the month after the end of the reporting quarter.

This report is submitted during the entire period of registration of an individual entrepreneur as an employer in the FSS. That is, even if the entrepreneur fired all the employees, but did not go through the procedure for deregistration in social insurance, he continues to submit a quarterly report. The form in such a situation will contain zero figures for the current period, since in the absence of salary payments, the contributions themselves are not accrued. If we are talking about a short-term "window" in which the individual entrepreneur did not have employees, then this may not be critical. However, if the conditions for doing business have changed, the entrepreneur no longer needs employees, and in the future he does not plan to attract them, then it would be more logical to deregister with the FSS and free himself from this quarterly reporting obligation.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2013 N 574n "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Social Insurance Fund Russian Federation to provide public service on registration and de-registration of policyholders - individuals that concluded labor contract with an employee" (with changes and additions)

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2013 N 574n
"On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration and deregistration of insurers - individuals who have entered into an employment contract with an employee"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, Art. 2038; N 27, Art. 3873, 3880; N 29, Art. 4291; N 30, Art. 4587; N 49 , art. 7061; 2012, N 31, art. 4322; 2013, N 14, art. 1651; N 27, art. 3477, 3480; N 30, art. 4084), by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2011. N 373 "On the development and approval of administrative regulations for the execution state functions and administrative regulations for the provision of public services" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 22, Art. 3169; No. 35, Art. 5092; 2012, No. 28, Art. 3908; No. 36, Art. 4903; No. 50, Art. 7070; N 52, art. 7507), dated August 16, 2012 N 840 "On the procedure for filing and considering complaints against decisions and actions (inaction) federal bodies executive power and them officials, federal civil servants, officials of state non-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 35, art. 4829) I order:

1. Approve the attached Administrative Regulations of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration and deregistration of insurers - individuals who have entered into an employment contract with an employee.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation of September 20, 2011 N 1054n "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration and deregistration of insurers - individuals who have entered into an employment contract with an employee" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 24 2011 N 22381).

Registration N 31687

One of the administrative regulations of the FSS of Russia has been updated. We are talking about the one that regulates the procedures for registration and deregistration of insured individuals with whom employees have concluded an employment contract.

As before, the service is provided by the Fund's territorial bodies.

When registering policyholders, they are issued (sent) notifications of registration as an insurant, as well as the amount of insurance premiums for OSS against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. When deregistration - copies of the relevant decisions of the territorial body of the Fund. Upon deregistration and registration due to a change of residence, the applicant receives a notification of registration.

The timing of the service has not changed much. These persons are registered within 5 working days, and deregistered - within 14 calendar days. When changing the place of residence of the insured, his record file is transferred to the appropriate body of the FSS of Russia within a period not exceeding 5 working days. Within 5 working days (and not 5 days) after receiving these documents, an individual is registered as an insurer at a new address.

The list of documents submitted for the provision of public services is given. For example, when registering as an insured, an application, an identity document, copies of work books hired workers or concluded employment contracts. Note that earlier the list of submitted documents was wider. Now some documents are requested from other bodies within the framework of interdepartmental cooperation.

Established indicators of accessibility and quality of public services.

Attention is paid to the appeal of actions (inaction) and decisions of the territorial bodies of the FSS of Russia and their officials.

The list of regional branches of the Fund is given. Forms of applications for registration as an insured individual and for deregistration have been approved.

The old regulation is no longer valid.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2013 N 574n "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration and deregistration of policyholders - individuals who have entered into an employment contract with an employee"

Registration N 31687

This Order shall enter into force 10 days after the date of its official publication.

The list of documents that must be submitted by the insured to reimburse the costs of paying insurance coverage (benefits) for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, when the employer applies to the FSS departments, is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 4 2009 No. 951n. By order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 28, 2016 No. 585n “On amendments to the list of documents that must be submitted by the insured for a decision by the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation on the allocation of the necessary funds for the payment of insurance coverage, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2009 No. 951n" it is established that from January 1, 2017, it is necessary to submit a calculation certificate, which should include all the indicators, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art.

Standard forms of documents

N 457 Application for the return of amounts of excessively collected insurance premiums, penalties, fines 24-FSS Appendix N 4 to the order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2016 N 457 Application for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of temporary disability benefits Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 09/17/2012 N 335 Application for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of social benefits for burial Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 N 335 Application for reimbursement of expenses for paying four additional days off to one of the parents (guardian, caregiver) for the care of disabled children Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of 17.09. 2012 N 335 Application for reimbursement guaranteed list burial services Order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2012 N 335 Application for payment (recalculation) of benefits (vacation payment) Appendix N 1 to the order of the FSS of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2017

FSS approved new application forms for the payment of benefits

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  • Forms of reports in the FSS

Forms of reports to the FSS Forms of reports to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

Name Form Code / No. Form approved Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood and for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents 4-FSS Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2016 No. 381 (ed.

Form 23-fss. claim for refund of overpaid insurance premiums

  • an application for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of temporary disability benefits;
  • notification of the submission of missing documents or information;
  • decision to refuse to assign and pay benefits for temporary disability;
  • application for reimbursement of expenses for the payment of social benefits for burial;
  • an application for reimbursement of expenses for paying additional paid days off to one of the parents (guardian, caregiver) for caring for children with disabilities;
  • application for reimbursement of the cost of the guaranteed list of burial services;
  • decision to refuse to consider documents (information);
  • certificate-calculation of the amount of vacation pay.

Among the innovations, one can note the emergence of the opportunity to receive benefits not only by postal or bank transfer, as now, but also by contacting other organizations.

Application for sick leave FSS (form and sample)

Compensation for unused vacation: ten and a half months go for a year Upon dismissal of an employee who has worked in an organization for 11 months, compensation for unused vacation must be paid to him as for a full working year (clause 28 of the Rules, approved by the NCT of the USSR on April 30, 1930 No. 169). But sometimes these 11 months are not so worked out.
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Delivery of SZV-M to the founding director: PFR has decided Pension Fund finally put an end to the debate about the need to represent form SZV-M in relation to the head-single founder. So, for such persons you need to pass both SZV-M and SZV-STAZH!< …

When paying for "children's" sick leave, you will have to be more careful. A disability certificate for caring for a sick child under the age of 7 years will be issued for the entire period of illness without any time limits. But be careful: the procedure for paying for "children's" sick leave has remained the same!< …

An important clarification: if the fact of revealing overpaid contributions was revealed during reconciliation, then the period for their return is counted from the date of signing the reconciliation report. Rules for filling out the form 23-FSS of the Russian Federation When filling out the form, several important points should be considered.

  1. Firstly, any errors when specifying the details of the organization can lead to very unpleasant consequences, so you need to pay special attention to them.
    If everything is more or less clear with the TIN, KPP and other parameters, then for many it is difficult for a line called “OKATO code” (stands for All-Russian classifier objects of administrative-territorial division). Today, this line must be filled with the OKTMO code (in other words, the All-Russian Classifier of Territories municipalities), which can be found, for example, on the website of the tax service.

FSS application new sample

To do this, an employee who wants to receive sick time pay must fill out an application form for a sick leave from the FSS and hand it over to his employer. It is important to remember that each enterprise is obliged to submit an application and a sick leave to the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund no later than five days after receiving the relevant application from the employee.
Ignoring this instruction will lead to a violation of the rights of citizens to timely payment of sick leave. Filling out the application The official application form for the sick leave of the FSS was approved by Order of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2012 N 335.
It can be downloaded from the link below, on the official website of the FSS, or using the legal reference system "Consultant +".

Application fss form 23-fss rf


Compare the salaries of employees with the new minimum wage From May 1, 2018, the size of the federal minimum wage will be 11,163 rubles, which is 1,674 rubles more than now. And this means that employers who pay their employees at the minimum wage must raise their salaries from May 1.

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It is impossible to issue a copy of SZV-M to a retiring employee. According to the law on accounting, an employer, upon dismissal of an employee, is obliged to give him copies of personalized reports (in particular, SZV-M and SZV-STAZH). However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contains information about all employees.

This means that the transfer of a copy of such a report to one employee is the disclosure of personal data of other employees.< …

FSS application form 574n dated 10/25/2013

  • Topics:
  • HR records and documents
  • Benefits
  • Labor law

The FSS of Russia adopted a departmental act that put into effect new forms of documents submitted and received by insured persons and insured persons under OSS in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, as well as from accidents at work and occupational diseases. The FSS of Russia adopted a departmental act that put into effect new forms of documents submitted and received by insured persons and insured persons under OSS in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, as well as from accidents at work and occupational diseases, to the territorial body of the FSS of Russia ( or from it) to receive social benefits (order of the FSS of Russia of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2017 No.

FSS application form

  • Secondly, when demanding the return of money, it is necessary to indicate their purpose (that is, put the amount in the exact cell to which it refers).
  • And third important point: if the application to the fund is submitted not by the applicant personally, but by his representative, detailed information about him must be entered in a special section of the application.
  • The application is made in two copies, one of which is transferred to the specialist off-budget fund, and the second, as potential evidence, remains in the hands of the payer. In this case, the employee of the institution is obliged to stamp both documents.

    Below is an example of filling out Form 23-FSS of the Russian Federation - Application for the return of amounts of overpaid insurance premiums, penalties and fines to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.