Production instruction for a coal-fired boiler operator. Machinist (fireman) of the boiler room etc.

To establish workers engaged in heavy work, work with
harmful and/or hazardous conditions labour, certain guarantees and
compensation is needed documentary confirmation availability for workers
places where these employees are employed, of the relevant indicators
harmful factors production environment, severity and tension
labor process. The most appropriate way of such confirmation is
certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions in the organization, topics
moreover, this is a direct obligation of the employer, enshrined in
Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
To determine if an employee is eligible for benefits,
the company must conduct certification of workplaces. Perhaps in your
organization was carried out such certification and harmful and hazards
correspond to admissible values ​​according to the conclusion of examination.

VACATION AND REDUCED WORKING DAY, approved. Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor,
Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10.25.74 N 298 / P-22, the right to an additional
vacation, as well as other rights (surcharges) for harmful conditions labor have
workers in the following specialties:

92. The driver (fireman) of the boiler house, engaged in the maintenance of steam and
hot water boilers operating on solid mineral and peat
a) when loading manually 12
b) with mechanized loading 6

As you can see, the name of the profession must be strictly
correspond to the name of the specialty according to the Unified
Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers (ETKS)

Under what conditions are boiler plant operators employed
maintenance of hot water and steam boilers, enjoy the right to
early appointment of an old-age labor pension?
O. Nikolaeva, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Considering the issue of early retirement provision of the indicated
workers, first of all it is necessary to correctly establish the name
their professions. In the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and
occupations of workers (ETKS), approved. Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor,
secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 31.01.85 No. 31 / 3-30 “On approval of the“ General
provisions of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and
professions of workers of the national economy of the USSR”, section “Professions of workers,
common to all sectors of the national economy" of the Unified
tariff-qualification directory of works and professions of workers, issue
1" provides for the profession of "engineer (fireman) of the boiler room".

Under current law, the right to early appointment
old-age labor pension in accordance with Sec. XXXIII "General
professions ”of List No. 2 are used by machinists (stokers) of a boiler house (on coal
and slate). The criterion for assessing the employment of the driver (fireman) of the boiler house at
works that give the right to early appointment of a labor pension for
old age, is a confirmation of the fact that the boiler room as a whole or
the equipment he maintains runs on coal or oil shale. On practice
establishing this factor does not cause any particular difficulties.

At the same time, when determining the right of machinists (stokers)
boiler house for early retirement in accordance with List No.
2, other circumstances are also taken into account.

1. The driver (fireman) of the boiler room is the full name
professions (ETKS, issue 1), so the opinion is completely erroneous
that the right to a pension under List No. 2 gives a worker in this profession
work in the boiler room. In accordance with ETKS driver (fireman)
boiler room serves hot water and steam boilers both in the boiler room and
separately located (including on steam railway cranes), and
also heating network boiler installations or crumpled steam stations,
located in the service area of ​​the main units. All these works
give the driver (fireman) of the boiler house the right to early retirement

2. A prerequisite for early appointment
old-age pensions according to List No. 2 for the driver (fireman) of the boiler house is
maintenance of solid fuel boilers (coal and oil shale). it
circumstance must be confirmed in each specific case

Workers engaged in the maintenance of hot water and steam boilers (incl.
h. in boiler rooms), operating on liquid and gaseous fuels or with
assistance of electric heating, the name of the profession "operator
boiler house”, which is not provided for by Lists No. 1 and 2.

3. To determine eligibility for early retirement
the driver (fireman) of the boiler room does not matter heat output
hot water and steam boilers (which can be less than 3 Gcal / h,
and more than 130 Gcal / h), as well as - for what purposes steam is produced and
water (for technological or domestic needs).

4. The work of the boiler room (boilers), as a rule, is seasonal
character. The time when the boiler room (boiler) is not working, and the drivers
(stokers) are engaged in the boiler room repair work, does not count towards
experience in relevant jobs.

5. Engineers (stokers) of boiler houses, who, along with maintenance
hot water and steam boilers carry out work to remove ash or
only deal with the removal of ash from furnaces and boiler bunkers, also
enjoy the right to an early retirement retirement pension in
in accordance with List No. 2.

6. The word "fireman" in the title of the profession "engineer (fireman)
boiler room” specifies that given profession includes stoker,
so if by work book the worker is listed as a boiler operator
or a boiler room stoker, then in the first and in the second case he will
be eligible for early retirement.

7. The driver (fireman) of the boiler room acquires the right to early
appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with List No. 2
(section XXXIII) regardless of which rooms are heated
the boiler house served by him (this may be an industrial building,
school, child care facility, living quarters, healthcare facility and

Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room 2nd category

Job Description.

1. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of up to 12.6 GJ / h (up to 3 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water or steam boilers with a boiler heat output of up to 21 GJ / h (up to 5 Gcal / h), operating on solid fuel.
2. Maintenance of boilers of steam railway cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons.
3. Kindling, starting, stopping boilers and feeding them with water.
4. Crushing of fuel, loading and skimming of the boiler furnace.
5. Regulation of fuel combustion.
6. Observation by instrumentation of the water level in the boiler, steam pressure and temperature of the water supplied to the heating system.
7. Start, stop pumps, motors, fans and other auxiliary mechanisms.
8. Cleaning of fittings and appliances of the boiler.
9. Servicing of heating network boiler installations or crumpled steam stations located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of up to 42 GJ/h (up to 10 Gcal/h).
10. Purification of crumpled steam and deaeration of water.
11. Maintenance of the set pressure and temperature of water and steam.
12. Participation in washing, cleaning and repairing the boiler.
13. Manual removal of slag and ash from the furnaces and bunkers of steam and hot water boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and blew gas generators, as well as from grates, furnaces, boilers and blew steam locomotives.
14. Planning of slag and ash dumps.

Must know:

The principle of operation of serviced boilers, nozzles, steam and air pipelines and methods for regulating their operation;
- arrangement of furnaces for steam boilers, slag and ash bins;
- the composition of heat-insulating masses and the main methods of thermal insulation of boilers and steam pipelines;
- purpose and conditions for the use of simple and medium complexity instrumentation;
- arrangement of mechanisms for the preparation of pulverized fuel, tools and devices for cleaning nozzles and ash and slag removal;
- device and modes of operation of the equipment of heat network boiler installations or crumpled steam station;
- rules for cleaning grates, furnaces and boilers of the smoke box of steam locomotives;
- allowable pressure and water level in the steam locomotive boiler during cleaning;
- the influence of atmospheric air on the condition of the walls of the furnace and fire box;
- the procedure for filling the firebox;
- basic properties of ash and slag;
- the order of movement along the tracks and roads of railway cranes;
- rules for planning slag and ash dumps.

Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room 3rd category

Job Description.

1. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of more than 12.6 GJ / h to 42 GJ / h (over 3 to 10 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of more than 21 to 84 GJ / h (over 5 to 20 Gcal/h) operating on solid fuel.
2. Maintenance of boilers on steam railway cranes with a lifting capacity of more than 25 tons or boilers of steam excavators.
3. Starting, stopping, regulating and monitoring the operation of traction and ash and slag removal devices, stoker, economizers, air heaters, superheaters and feed pumps.
4. Maintenance of heating network boiler installations or a crumpled steam station located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of more than 42 to 84 GJ / h (over 10 to 20 Gcal / h).
5. Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the boiler room equipment.
6. Starting, stopping and switching of serviced units in heat pipelines.
7. Accounting for heat supplied to consumers.
8. Mechanized removal of slag and ash from furnaces and bunkers of steam and hot water boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and blowing gas generators.
9. Loading of ash and slag with the help of mechanisms into trolleys or wagons with their transportation to a specified place.
10. Surveillance proper work ash and slag removal mechanisms, hoisting and transport equipment, alarms, instruments, equipment and enclosing devices.
11. Washing off slag and ash with special devices.
12. Participation in the repair of serviced equipment.

Must know:

The device of the used equipment and mechanisms;
- methods of rational combustion of fuel in boilers;
- schemes of heat, steam and water pipelines and external heating systems;
- the procedure for accounting for the results of equipment operation and heat supplied to consumers;
- the importance of timely removal of slag and ash for normal operation boilers;
- rules for the maintenance of serviced equipment and ways to eliminate shortcomings in its operation;
- types of serviced boilers;
- rules and methods of loading and transporting ash and slag;
- systems - lubrication and cooling of serviced units and mechanisms;
- rules for keeping records of the operation of mechanisms and equipment for ash and slag removal;
- the device of simple and average complexity of control and measuring devices.

Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room 4th category

Job Description.

1. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of more than 42 to 84 GJ / h (over 10 to 20 Gcal) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of more than 84 to 273 GJ / h (over 20 to 65 Gcal / h) working on solid fuel.
2. Observation of the water level in boilers, pressure and temperature of steam, water and flue gases using instrumentation.
3. Regulation of operation (load) of boilers in accordance with the steam consumption schedule.
4. Monitoring the fuel supply.
5. Maintenance of heating network boiler installations or crumpled steam stations located in the service area of ​​the main units with a total heat load of more than 84 GJ / h (over 20 Gcal / h).
6. Prevention and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of equipment.

Must know:

The device and rules for servicing boilers, as well as various auxiliary mechanisms and fittings of boilers;
- basic information on heat engineering, various fuel mixtures and the influence of fuel quality on the combustion process and the heat output of boiler units;
- fuel preparation process;
- specifications on the quality of water and methods of its purification;
- causes of malfunctions in the operation of the boiler plant and measures for their prevention and elimination;
- device, purpose and conditions for the use of complex instrumentation.

Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room 5th category

Job Description.

1. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of more than 84 to 273 GJ / h (over 20 to 65 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of more than 273 to 546 GJ / h (over 65 to 130 Gcal/h) operating on solid fuel.
2. Switching feed lines.
3. Filling and emptying the steam lines.
4. Turning on and off the automatic equipment for feeding boilers.
5. Preventive inspection of boilers, their auxiliary mechanisms, instrumentation and participation in scheduled preventive maintenance of boiler units.
6. Acceptance of boilers and their auxiliary mechanisms from repair and their preparation for work.

Must know:

The device and principle of operation of hot water and steam boilers of various systems;
- operational data of boiler equipment and mechanisms;
- arrangement of automatic control devices;
- rules for maintaining the operating mode of the boiler room, depending on the readings of the instruments;
- schemes of pipeline networks and signaling in the boiler room;
- rules for setting and regulating instrumentation.

Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room 6th category

Job Description.

1. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers of various systems with a total heat output of more than 273 GJ / h (over 65 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of more than 546 GJ / h (over 130 Gcal / h), operating on solid fuel.

Must know:

Design features of complex instrumentation and automatic control devices;
- calorific value and physical properties of the fuel;
- elements of the fuel balance of boilers and its compilation;
- rules for determining the efficiency of a boiler plant.

Professional standard by profession Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room -.

02/09/2014 (updated 05/09/2019) - We present to your attention the labor protection manual for the driver (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler. The instruction includes five chapters: 1) general requirements for labor protection; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) requirements for labor protection when performing work; 4) requirements for labor protection upon completion of work; 5) labor protection requirements in emergency situations.

See also: overalls, work shoes and personal protective equipment

Chapter 1. General requirements on labor protection

1. Persons whose age complies with the established legislation, who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner and have no contraindications to perform this type of work, who have undergone special technical training, who have passed the examination of the qualification commission in the presence of inspectors of Gospromnadzor and received a certificate for the right to service boilers.

Before admission to independent work, the boiler-house operator (fireman) must undergo an internship for 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the employee) under the guidance of a specially appointed person.

2. Periodic medical examination of the driver (fireman) of the boiler room (hereinafter referred to as the driver) is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health.

3. A driver must pass a periodic examination of knowledge on labor protection issues at least once every 12 months.

An unscheduled test of knowledge on labor protection issues the driver passes in the following cases:

When there is a break in work in the specialty for more than one year;

When moving to another company;

At the request of a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

At the request of state supervision and control bodies;

Upon the introduction of new or revised regulatory legal acts (documents) on labor protection;

In case of transfer to maintenance of boilers of another type;

When transferring the boiler to burning another type of fuel.

In case of a break in work in the specialty for more than one year, the driver after checking knowledge before admission to independent work must undergo an internship to restore practical skills according to a program approved by the management of the enterprise.

Books on attestation of workplaces in terms of working conditions in, "Bamboo" (Ukraine)

4. The driver must undergo labor protection briefings:

when applying for a job - introductory and primary at the workplace;

in the process of work at least once in 6 months - repeated;

upon introduction of new and revised normative acts (documents) on labor protection or amendments to them;

change in the technological process, replacement or modernization of equipment, instruments and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor protection;

violation by the worker of normative legal acts (documents) on labor protection, which could lead or have led to injury, accident or poisoning;

at the request of state bodies of supervision and control, a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

during breaks in work for more than b months; admission information materials on accidents and accidents that happened in similar industries - unscheduled.

5 The driver must:

Know the requirements set out in " Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers”, “Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels”, instructions from the manufacturer for the operation of the boiler, technological instructions and instructions for labor protection;

Have a clear understanding of the hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the performance of work and know the main ways to protect against their effects:

the main harmful and dangerous production factors: increased concentration harmful substances in the air of the working area, increased temperature of equipment surfaces, increased air temperature of the working area, insufficient illumination of the working area.

Know the requirements of electrical and explosion fire safety when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment;

Use tools when performing work personal protection issued in accordance with the Model Industry Norms for the Free Issue of Special Clothing, Special Footwear and Others to Workers and Employees personal protective equipment:

cotton costume Mi - 12 months;

cotton jacket with insulating lining Tn - 36 months;

leather boots Mi - 12 months;

combined mittens - until worn out;

goggles - until worn out.

Be able to provide first aid to the victim;

Comply with the internal labor regulations;

Know the sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation.

6. The driver must not leave the place of work, engage in extraneous affairs, endanger himself and be in places of work that are not directly related to the work he performs.

7. The victim or eyewitness must immediately inform the immediate supervisor of work about each accident at work, who is obliged:

Organize first aid to the victim and his delivery to the medical center;

Report the incident to the head of the department;

Prior to the start of the work of the investigation commission, the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment are the same as they were at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of the surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.

8. The driver must inform the immediate supervisor of the work about all noticed malfunctions of equipment, mechanisms, devices, make an entry in the shift log and do not start work until they are eliminated.

9. The driver is responsible for:

Compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the boiler, technological instructions and instructions for labor protection, rules for electrical and explosion fire safety;

Compliance with the established procedure for the production of work, maintaining a shift log;

Serviceability and safety of the operated equipment, devices;

Accidents, accidents and other violations caused by the actions of the driver who violates the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions for the operation of the boiler, technological instructions and labor protection instructions.

10. For violation of labor discipline, non-compliance with the requirements of normative and technical documents on labor protection, the driver is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the Labor Code.

11. The driver, who appeared at work in a state of intoxication, in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, is not allowed to work on that day (shift) (see. sobriety control).

12. The driver is obliged to perform work due to employment contract, must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, fixtures, Vehicle, means of protection, about the deterioration of their health.

Chapter 2. Requirements for labor protection before starting work

13. The organization of the driver's workplace must ensure the safety of the work.

14. The boiler room should not be cluttered with any materials or objects. Passages and exits from it must always be free. Doors for exiting the boiler room should open easily to the outside.

15. Workplace the driver must be well lit. Readings should be clearly visible from the workplace thermometers, pressure gauges, water-indicating glasses and other instrumentation.

In addition to working lighting, the boiler room must have emergency electric lighting.

16. For convenient and safe maintenance of boilers, superheaters and economizers, permanent platforms and stairs with railings at least 0.9 m high with a solid sheathing at the bottom of at least 100 mm should be installed. Walkways and stairs should have railings on both sides. Platforms longer than 5 m must have at least two ladders located at opposite ends.

17. Rotating parts of pumps, fans, smoke exhausters, as well as electrical equipment must be protected by special guards.

18. The presence of unauthorized persons in the boiler room is not allowed.

19. Before starting work, the driver must:

Put in order and put on overalls and safety shoes (for manual loading of fuel);

Make sure that you have a certificate for the right to service boilers;

Familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift log about the detected defects and malfunctions for the previous shift and with all the instructions of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers;

Check the condition of the operational (technological) scheme of the boiler room;

Check the serviceability of the Serviced boilers and related equipment;

Check the serviceability of emergency lighting and signaling to call the management;

Check the availability of fire fighting equipment and a first aid kit;

Write down the detected defects and malfunctions in the shift log and sign the shift acceptance log. If the detected defects and malfunctions prevent the further operation of the boilers, the driver must immediately inform the immediate supervisor of the work.

20. When inspecting serviced boilers and related equipment, the driver must check:

The presence of a plate on the boiler indicating registration number, permitted pressure, day, month and year of the next internal inspection and hydraulic test;

Serviceability of the boiler, furnace, headset, fittings;

The water level in the drums of steam boilers, the serviceability of water-indicating instruments, signaling devices for limiting water levels;

Steam pressure in all operating steam boilers, water pressure in hot water boilers;

Serviceability of safety valves by purging them and inspecting the correctness of securing the load;

The operation of all feed and circulation pumps available in the boiler room by briefly putting them into operation;

The serviceability of the drain and purge valves and the absence of gaps in it. On the handwheels of the fittings, the direction of rotation when opening and closing the fittings must be indicated;

The condition and operation of the ventilation system, as well as smoke exhausters, paying attention to the absence of vibration, noise and knocks during their operation;

The position of the air dampers, the amount of draft and blast;

Condition and work superheaters, economizers and air heaters;

Dates of the last blowdowns of boilers, superheaters, economizers and air heaters (according to the log);

Compliance of the operating mode of the boilers with the specified parameters;

Flue gas temperature behind the boiler and superheated steam temperature;

Serviceability of diaphragms of explosive (safety) valves of the furnace and gas ducts;

Status of safety and regulation automation.

21. It is not allowed to take or hand over a shift during an accident in the boiler room.

Chapter 3. Requirements for labor protection when performing work

22. Safety requirements when preparing the boiler for kindling.

23. Before kindling the boiler, the driver must check:

Serviceability of the furnace and gas ducts, locking and control devices;

Serviceability of control and measuring devices, fittings, headsets, nutritional devices, safety valves, smoke exhausters and fans, the presence of natural draft;

Filling the boiler with water to the lowest level mark, and in the presence of a water economizer - filling it with water;

Is the water level in the boiler kept and is there any water passing through hatches, flanges and fittings;

Lack of plugs before and after safety valves, on steam pipelines, on feed, drain and purge lines;

The absence of people or foreign objects in the furnace and gas ducts (tools, cleaning material, bolts, etc.);

Closing the gates of those boilers that will not be melted.

24. Immediately before kindling the boiler, the driver must ventilate the furnace and boiler flues for 10-15 minutes by opening the furnace doors, blower, dampers for regulating the air supply, natural draft dampers, and if there are smoke exhausters and fans, by turning them on.

25. Safety requirements for kindling the boiler.

25.1. The driver is obliged to fire up the boiler only if there is an order recorded in the shift log by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation boilers or by a person performing his duties.

25.2. The kindling of the boiler must be carried out within the time set by the technological instruction, with low fire, reduced draft, closed steam valve and open safety valve or valve (tap) for air release.

25.3. When kindling the boiler, the driver must:

Throw a layer of coarse fuel onto the grate ( briquette, coal);

Light the boiler with a slightly open blower with dry firewood or hot coals taken from the furnace of a working boiler;

Ensure that burning coals lie evenly over the entire grate;

gradually increase the fuel supply to the furnace, at the same time add blast and thrust;

Regulate the blast as the fuel burns up with a damper installed on the air duct, and control it with a draft gauge;

Then feed conventional fuel into the furnace.

25.4. When kindling the boiler, it is prohibited:

Use flammable materials (gasoline, kerosene, etc.);

Stand against the furnace doors.

25.5. When steam begins to escape from an open safety valve or air valve, the operator must close the safety valve or air valve and open the blowdown valve downstream of the superheater.

26. Safety requirements when putting the boiler into operation.

26.1. Before putting the boiler into operation, the operator must:

Check the serviceability of the operation of safety valves, water-indicating instruments, pressure gauges, nutritional devices;

Blow out the water-indicating glasses and check the water level in the boiler;

Check and turn on the safety automation, signaling devices and equipment automatic control boiler;

Blow out the boiler;

Warm up and blow out the steam line.

26.2 The boiler must be connected to the steam pipeline slowly by the operator, after thorough heating and purging of the steam pipeline. When warming up the steam pipeline, the driver is obliged to monitor the serviceability of the steam pipeline, compensators, supports and suspensions. In the event of vibration or sharp shocks, it is necessary to suspend the heating of the steam pipeline until the defects are eliminated.

26.3. When the boiler is connected to a steam pipeline that is in operation, the pressure in the boiler must be equal to or somewhat lower (no more than 0.5 kgf / cm2) of the pressure in the steam pipeline, while the intensity of combustion in the furnace must be reduced. If vibration or hydraulic shocks occur in the steam pipeline, it is necessary to stop the boiler from turning on and increase the steam pipeline purging.

26.4. As the boiler load increases, the blowdown of the superheater decreases, and when it reaches about half of the normal load, it stops.

26.5. It is forbidden to put the boiler into operation with faulty fittings, feeders, safety automatics and alarms.

27. The driver must record the start time of kindling and putting the boiler into operation in a shift log.

28. Safety requirements during boiler operation.

28.1. While on duty, the driver must:

Monitor the health of the boiler and all equipment of the boiler room and strictly observe the established mode of operation of the boiler;

Ensure normal combustion of fuel in the boiler furnace and maintain a constant vacuum in the upper part of the furnace of at least 20 Pa (2 mm water column);

Maintain a normal water level in the boiler and evenly feed it with water. At the same time, the water level must not be allowed to fall below the permissible lower level or rise above the permissible higher level;

Monitor the maintenance of normal steam pressure in the boiler, the temperature of superheated steam, feed water after the economizer (for steam boilers);

Maintain normal water pressure before and after the boiler, water temperature at the outlet of the boiler (for hot water boilers);

Perform periodic purging of the boiler and checking the serviceability of the operation of pressure gauges, safety valves and water-indicating instruments;

Regularly clean the furnace, clean the heating surfaces of the boiler from soot, ash;

Record in the shift log the malfunctions identified during the operation of the boiler and equipment, the time of the start and end of the purge, check the serviceability of pressure gauges, safety valves and water-indicating instruments.

28.2 Periodic purging of the boiler by the driver must be carried out within the time limits established by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, in the presence of the person responsible for the shift.

In this case, the driver must:

warn the boiler room personnel;

make sure that water-indicating devices, nutritional devices are in good condition;

feed the boiler with water;

open the purge valve carefully and gradually. If there are two locking devices, first open the second device from the boiler, and after the purge stops, close the first device from the boiler;

monitor the water level in the boiler;

stop purge if hydraulic shocks or vibrations occur in the purge lines;

At the end of the purge, make sure that the shut-off devices on the purge line are closed and do not allow water to pass through.

28.3 The driver must:

throwing fuel onto the grate of a manual firebox in small portions as quickly as possible with a weakened or turned off blast. If there are several loading doors, load the fuel through each door in turn, after the fuel previously thrown into the adjacent door flares up well;

maintain the height of the fuel layer on the grate depending on the brand and grade of fuel;

when the boiler load increases, first increase the draft, and then add the blast;

when the boiler load is reduced, first reduce the blast, and then the draft;

make sure that the fuel flame is of a light straw color, uniform in height, and without blinding white and darkened places;

keep firebox doors closed and locked.

28.4 Cleaning of the manual furnace must be carried out with a reduced boiler load, reduced or switched off blast and reduced draft. The descent of slag and ash is carried out with the knowledge of the driver.

When removing slag and ash from the furnace directly to the work site, exhaust ventilation must be turned on above the place of their pouring.

28.5 The driver is prohibited from:

purge the boiler in case of faulty purge fittings;

make feeding raw water to boilers equipped with devices for pre-boiler water treatment;

open and close fittings with blows of a hammer or other objects, as well as with the help of elongated levers;

jam safety valves or additionally load them;

be near the slag gates when they are opened.

28.6. It is forbidden to leave the boiler without constant supervision, both during the operation of the boiler and after it has been stopped until the pressure in it drops to atmospheric pressure.

29. Safety requirements when stopping the boiler.

29.1. Stopping the boiler, with the exception of an emergency stop, must be carried out by the driver according to the schedule or by written order of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

29.2. When stopping the boiler, the driver must:

maintain the water level in the boiler above the average working position;

after a decrease in blast and draft, burn the remaining fuel in the furnace;

disconnect the boiler from the steam pipeline after the complete cessation of combustion in the furnace and the cessation of steam extraction, and if there is a superheater, open the purge (near the steam boiler). If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam pipeline, the pressure rises, it should increase the blowdown of the superheater;

open the water bypass in addition to the boiler, after which the boiler is disconnected from the heating network (near the boiler);

stop blowing and reduce thrust;

clean the furnace and ash bins;

stop the draft by closing the smoke damper, furnace and blower doors (with a mechanical furnace, stop the draft after the grate has cooled);

cool down the boiler and drain water from it;

ventilate the furnace and flues of the boiler, stop the smoke exhauster and close the damper behind the boiler.

29.3. It is possible to drain water from the boiler only with the permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, after the pressure in the boiler has been completely reduced. The driver must drain the water slowly, with a raised safety valve or open air valves.

29.4. In order to stop the boiler for a long time, the driver, together with the maintenance personnel, in accordance with the work order or the order of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, must:

Disconnect the boiler from other boilers available in the boiler room (install plugs on the steam, feed, purge and drain lines of the boiler to be switched off);

Inspect the boiler, furnace and all auxiliary equipment;

Take measures to protect the boiler from corrosion;

Record all observed malfunctions in a shift log.

29.5. When shutting down the boiler to the hot reserve, the boiler must be disconnected from the superheated and saturated steam pipelines, water must not be drained from it, but maintained at the upper permissible level.

29.6. The driver is prohibited from:

Extinguish burning fuel by filling it with fresh fuel or pouring water;

Leave boilers not cleaned of slag and scale, ash, soot and dirt.

30. Safety requirements for the repair of the boiler and related equipment.

30.1 Opening of hatches and hatches, as well as repair of boiler elements is only allowed in the absence of pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, water from the elements of boilers and economizers should be removed.

30.2. Prior to the commencement of work inside the boiler drum or collector connected to other operating boilers by pipelines (steam pipelines, feed, drain, drain lines, etc.), as well as before internal inspection or repair of pressure elements, the boiler must be disconnected from all pipelines for, if flanged fittings are installed on them. If the fittings of the steam and water pipelines are flangeless, the boiler must be switched off by two shut-off devices with a drainage device between them with a nominal diameter of at least 32 mm, which has a direct connection to the atmosphere.

Valve drives, as well as open drain valves and emergency drain lines from the drum, must be locked so that there is no possibility of weakening their tightness when the lock is locked. The keys to the locks must be kept by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, unless the company has established a different procedure for their storage.

30.3 The admission of people into the boiler, as well as the opening of the shut-off valves after the removal of people from the boiler, must be carried out only with a written permit (total permit) issued in the prescribed manner.

30.4. Before starting work, the furnace and gas ducts must be well ventilated, lit and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from the flue gases of operating boilers.

30.5. When working in the boiler, on its platforms and in gas ducts for electric lighting, lamps with a voltage of no higher than ‚ 12 V should be used.

30.6. Posters “Do not turn on. People are working.” At the same time, fusible links must be removed from the starting devices of smoke exhausters, draft fans and fuel feeders. Installation and removal of plugs is carried out according to the order-tolerance.

30.7. Before closing the hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check whether there are people or foreign objects inside the boiler, as well as the presence and serviceability of the devices installed inside the boiler.

during the operation of the boiler, caulking of rivet seams, welding of boiler elements;

use contaminated packing that was in operation when replacing or adding stuffing box packing;

use fittings that do not have markings.

Chapter 4. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work

31. At the end of the work, the driver must:

put the workplace in order, put the tools, materials in the place intended for these purposes;

transfer the shift to the shift driver, familiarize him with the condition, mode of operation of the equipment, the load schedule of the boilers, inform him what equipment is in reserve or repair, what work was carried out on the shift;

sign in the shift journal about the change;

take off overalls and safety shoes in a specially designated place.

Chapter 5. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations

32. The driver is obliged to immediately stop the boiler in the following cases:

Safety valve failure detection;

If the pressure in the boiler drum has risen by 10% above the allowed one and continues to grow;

Reducing the water level below the lowest permissible level, in this case, feeding the boiler with water is strictly prohibited;

Raising the water level above the highest permissible level;

Stopping all feed pumps;

Termination of all direct water level indicators;

If cracks, bulges, gaps in welds, breakage of an anchor bolt or connection;

Unacceptable increase or decrease in pressure in the once-through boiler path to the built-in valves;

Extinction of torches in the furnace during chamber combustion of fuel;

Reducing the water flow through the boiler below the minimum allowable value;

Reduction of water pressure in the boiler path below the permissible level;

Increasing the temperature of the water at the outlet of the boiler to a value of 200C below the saturation temperature corresponding to the operating pressure of the water in the outlet manifold of the boiler;

Malfunctions of safety automatics or alarms, including power failure on these devices;

The occurrence of a fire in the boiler room, threatening service personnel or boiler.

33. The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

34. In case of an emergency stop of the boiler, the driver must:

Stop loading fuel and air supply to the furnace, sharply reduce the draft;

Notify the immediate supervisor of the work or the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers about the reason for stopping the boiler;

Remove burning fuel from the furnace. In exceptional cases, if it is impossible to quickly remove fuel from the furnace, fill the burning fuel with water, while the driver must pay special attention to ensure that the water jet does not fall on the walls of the boiler furnace and lining;

After the cessation of combustion in the furnace, open the smoke damper for a while, and in manual furnaces, the furnace doors;

If there is a superheater, open its purge, disconnect the boiler from the steam pipeline (for steam boilers);

Release steam through raised safety valves or emergency exhaust valve (except in cases of high water levels and shutdown of all feed pumps);

Continue feeding the boiler if there was no water leakage;

After lowering the water temperature at the outlet of the boiler to 70 °C, open a water restart in addition to the boiler, disconnect the boiler from the heating network for hot water boilers).

35. When the boiler stops due to soot fire or fuel carryover in the economizer, superheater or gas ducts, the driver must immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, shut off the draft by stopping the smoke exhausters and fans, and close the air dampers. If possible, fill the flue with steam and, after the combustion has stopped, ventilate the furnace.

36. In the event of a fire in the boiler room, the driver must:

- call the fire brigade;

- take measures to eliminate the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment, did not stop monitoring the boiler;

- stop the boiler in an emergency (if the fire threatens the maintenance personnel or the boiler), intensively feeding it with water and releasing steam into the atmosphere.

37. In case of an accident (injury, poisoning, burns, sudden illness), the driver is obliged to provide first aid to the victim.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions in organizations in the section " Occupational Safety and Health».

Issue approved by Decree State Committee USSR on Labor and Social Affairs and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30
(as edited by:
Decrees of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 12.10.1987 N 618 / 28-99, dated 18.12.1989 N 416 / 25-35, dated 15.05.1990 N 195 / 7-72, dated 22.06.1990 N 248 / 10-28,
Decrees of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Decrees of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 24, 1992 N 60, of February 11, 1993 N 23, of July 19, 1993 N 140, of June 29, 1995 N 36, of June 1, 1998 N 20, of May 17, 2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2007 N 497, of October 20, 2008 N 577, of April 17, 2009 N 199)

Boiler operator (fireman)

§ 194. Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room (2nd category)

Job Description. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of up to 12.6 GJ / h (up to 3 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water or steam boilers with a boiler heat output of up to 21 GJ / h (up to 5 Gcal / h), operating on solid fuel. Maintenance of boilers of steam railway cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons. Kindling, starting, stopping boilers and supplying them with water. Crushing of fuel, loading and skimming of the boiler furnace. Fuel combustion regulation. Monitoring of the water level in the boiler, steam pressure and temperature of the water supplied to the heating system using instrumentation. Starting, stopping pumps, motors, fans and other auxiliary mechanisms. Cleaning of fittings and appliances of the boiler. Servicing of heating network boiler installations or crumpled steam stations located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of up to 42 GJ/h (up to 10 Gcal/h). Cleaning of crumpled steam and deaeration of water. Maintenance of the set pressure and temperature of water and steam. Participation in washing, cleaning and repairing the boiler. Manual removal of slag and ash from furnaces and bunkers of steam and hot water boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and blowing gas generators, as well as from grates, furnaces, boilers and blowing steam locomotives. Layout of slag and ash dumps.

Must know: the principle of operation of serviced boilers, nozzles, steam and air pipelines and methods for regulating their operation; installation of furnaces for steam boilers, slag and ash bins; the composition of heat-insulating masses and the main methods of thermal insulation of boilers and steam pipelines; purpose and conditions for the use of simple and medium complexity instrumentation; arrangement of mechanisms for the preparation of pulverized fuel, tools and devices for cleaning nozzles and ash and slag removal; device and modes of operation of the equipment of heat network boiler installations or crumpled steam station; rules for cleaning grates, furnaces and boilers of the smoke box of steam locomotives; permissible pressure and water level in the steam locomotive boiler during cleaning; the influence of atmospheric air on the condition of the walls of the furnace and fire box; the procedure for filling the furnace; basic properties of ash and slag; the order of movement along the tracks and roads of railway cranes; rules for planning slag and ash dumps.

§ 195. Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room (3rd category)

Job Description. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of over 12.6 GJ/h to 42 GJ/h (over 3 to 10 Gcal/h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of over 21 to 84 GJ/h (over 5 to 20 Gcal/h) operating on solid fuel. Maintenance of boilers on steam railway cranes with a lifting capacity of more than 25 tons or boilers of steam excavators. Starting, stopping, regulating and monitoring the operation of traction and ash removal devices, stoker, economizers, air heaters, superheaters and feed pumps. Maintenance of heating network boiler installations or a crumpled steam station located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of more than 42 to 84 GJ / h (over 10 to 20 Gcal / h). Ensuring the smooth operation of the boiler equipment. Starting, stopping and switching of serviced units in heat pipelines. Accounting for heat supplied to consumers. Mechanized removal of slag and ash from furnaces and bunkers of steam and hot water boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and blowing gas generators. Loading ash and slag using mechanisms into trolleys or wagons with their transportation to a specified place. Supervision of the correct operation of ash and slag removal mechanisms, lifting and transport equipment, alarms, instruments, equipment and enclosing devices. Washing away slag and ash with special devices. Participation in the repair of serviced equipment.

Must know: arrangement of the equipment and mechanisms used; methods of rational combustion of fuel in boilers; schemes of heat, steam and water pipelines and external heating networks; the procedure for accounting for the results of equipment operation and heat supplied to consumers; the importance of timely removal of slag and ash for the normal operation of boilers; rules for the maintenance of serviced equipment and ways to eliminate shortcomings in its operation; types of serviced boilers; rules and methods of loading and transporting ash and slag; systems - lubrication and cooling of serviced units and mechanisms; rules for keeping records of the operation of mechanisms and equipment for ash and slag removal; the device of simple and average complexity of control and measuring devices.

§ 196. Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room (4th category)

Job Description. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of over 42 to 84 GJ/h (over 10 to 20 Gcal) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of over 84 to 273 GJ/h (over 20 to 65 Gcal/h) operating on solid fuel. Monitoring of the water level in boilers, pressure and temperature of steam, water and flue gases using instrumentation. Regulation of operation (load) of boilers in accordance with the steam consumption schedule. Fuel monitoring. Servicing of heating network boiler installations or crumpled steam stations located in the service area of ​​the main units with a total heat load of more than 84 GJ / h (over 20 Gcal / h). Prevention and troubleshooting of equipment.

Must know: device and rules for servicing boilers, as well as various auxiliary mechanisms and fittings of boilers; basic information on heat engineering, various fuel mixtures and the influence of fuel quality on the combustion process and the heat output of boiler units; fuel preparation process; technical conditions for water quality and methods of its purification; causes of malfunctions in the operation of the boiler plant and measures for their prevention and elimination; device, purpose and conditions for the use of complex instrumentation.

§ 197. Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room (5th category)

Job Description. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heat output of more than 84 to 273 GJ / h (over 20 to 65 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of more than 273 to 546 GJ / h (over 65 to 130 Gcal / h) h) working on solid fuel. Switching feed lines. Filling and emptying steam lines. Turning on and off the automatic equipment for feeding boilers. Preventive inspection of boilers, their auxiliary mechanisms, instrumentation and participation in scheduled preventive maintenance of boiler units. Acceptance of boilers and their auxiliary mechanisms from repair and their preparation for operation.

Must know: device and principle of operation of hot water and steam boilers of various systems; operational data of boiler equipment and mechanisms; arrangement of automatic control devices; rules for maintaining the operating mode of the boiler room, depending on the readings of the instruments; schemes of pipeline networks and signaling in the boiler room; rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation.

§ 198. Engineer (fireman) of the boiler room (6th category)

Job Description. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers of various systems with a total heat output of more than 273 GJ / h (over 65 Gcal / h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heat output of more than 546 GJ / h (over 130 Gcal / h) operating on solid fuel.

Must know: design features of complex instrumentation and automatic control devices; calorific value and physical properties of fuel; elements of the fuel balance of boilers and its compilation; rules for determining the efficiency of a boiler plant.

Industry standard instruction on labor protection
for the driver (fireman) of the boiler plant

solid fuel

in an educational institution

1. General safety requirements

1.1. Men under the age of 18 may be allowed to work independently as a driver (fireman) for maintenance of a boiler plant after passing a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure, passing an exam under the program for a driver (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler plant and obtaining an appropriate certificate. Re-testing of this knowledge should be carried out at least once a year.

1.2. Upon admission to work and during work, the following briefings should be carried out with each employee: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated at the workplace (at least 1 time in 6 months), and in case of production necessity and circumstances due to regulations on labor protection, unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out.

1.3. In the course of work, the driver (fireman) is affected by the following harmful and dangerous factors:

The physical severity of labor;

Increased temperature, humidity and gas contamination in the boiler room;

electrical hazard;

fire hazard;

The probability of explosion during the operation of pressure vessels;

The monotony of labor

1.4. The following personal protective equipment must be issued to the driver (fireman):

Suit (jacket, trousers) made of heat-resistant, non-heat-conducting fabric;

Canvas mittens;

Boots leather on a thickened sole;


Protective glasses;

Protective helmet made of heat-resistant, non-heat-conducting fabric;

Overalls and a helmet-mask with a hose of the required length in case of work in the furnace.

1.5. The driver (fireman) must comply with the work and rest regime established in the educational institution, as well as fire safety rules. When operating a solid fuel boiler plant, there must be one foam fire extinguisher for every two furnaces in the boiler room. In addition - a box of sand, a shovel, a fire hydrant equipped with a fire hose (barrel). Smoking must be allocated and marked special place. The driver (fireman) must be familiar with the instructions for fire safety operating in the institution.

1.6.Head educational institution is obliged to obtain a permit for the operation of boilers in accordance with the established procedure, timely eliminate all defects in the boiler and the piping system, annually check the instrumentation of the boiler room equipment at certain times, and also provide the driver (fireman) with the tools necessary for work (shovel, shovel, containers , a lantern with a glass bulb in case of a power outage).

1.7. A telephone or an alarm system must be installed in the boiler room to communicate with the head and representative of the administration of the institution.

1.8. The driver (fireman) must clearly know where the first aid kit with medicines and dressings is located in the boiler room, be able to provide first aid to victims of various types damage to the body (bruises, wounds, thermal burns, etc.) using the techniques and methods given in the instructions for first aid in the institution.

1.9. It is forbidden to instruct the driver (fireman) servicing the boiler to perform any work not related to servicing the boilers while on duty.

1.10. In the event of an accident, the victim must be immediately provided with first aid in accordance with the instructions for first aid. The situation at the scene of the accident must be kept unchanged for an objective investigation of the accident, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to an accident.

1.11. Knowledge and fulfillment of the requirements of this Instruction is duty driver (fireman), and non-compliance with them entails the types of liability, established by law RF (disciplinary, material, criminal).

Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the driver (fireman) must put on the personal protective equipment that is due to him according to the standards so that there are no hanging, fluttering ends.

2.2. When starting work, the driver (fireman) must accept boilers and boiler room equipment from the previous shift; personally inspect and check their serviceability (the position of taps and valves, the condition of safety devices, etc.).

2.3. When inspecting the boiler, electric lighting with a voltage of no higher than 12 V should be used. It is forbidden to use kerosene or other lamps with flammable liquids, as well as torches.

2.4. The driver (fireman) is obliged to record the shift reception in the logbook. During his duty, the driver (fireman) is responsible for the condition of the boiler room equipment and for the normal operation of the boilers.

2.5. The driver (fireman) should not allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room.

2.6. The boiler room must have a constant air supply to maintain normal combustion and timely ventilation in order to avoid gas poisoning.

Safety requirements during work

3.1.During the operation of the boilers, the doors of the boiler room, if there are people in it, must not be closed. The exit from the boiler room in winter must be cleared of snow and ice.

3.2. Kindling of the boiler must be carried out only with the permission of the head of the educational institution.

3.3. If the boiler is fired up again, it is necessary:

Before closing the manholes and hatches of the boiler, it is necessary to make sure that there are no people and foreign objects inside the boiler and gas ducts;

Check the condition of the boiler lining, the presence and serviceability of fittings, instrumentation, make-up, feed and circulation pumps, as well as explosive valves of the furnace and gas ducts;

Check the presence of the necessary pressure in the supply water line according to the pressure gauge, the serviceability of the make-up valve and the check valve on the make-up line.

3.4. Repair of boiler room equipment and transportation of fuel may be allowed to an employee only if there are two or more drivers (stokers) in the shift.

3.5. Kindling of the boiler should be carried out with open valves between the boiler and the system, gradually with the circulation pump turned on, while observing the readings of instrumentation (thermometers, pressure gauges).

3.6. The driver (fireman) must not leave the boiler unattended if there is fire in the furnace. Each time leaving the boiler room, the driver (fireman) is obliged to stop the blowers and smoke exhausters.

3.7. During the operation of the hot water boiler, the driver (fireman) is obliged:

Constantly maintain the required temperature of the water in the heating system;

Monitor the filling of the system with water;

Check the operation of safety valves at least 1 time per shift, monitor the operation of circulation pumps, motors, fans;

If malfunctions are found, try to restore the normal course of work in compliance with personal safety measures. In the absence of such an opportunity, inform the person responsible for ensuring the safety of the boiler room.

3.8. During operation, the driver (fireman) must comply with the following basic safety requirements:

Do not turn on electrical equipment in the absence protective equipment(insulating supports, protective grounding, etc.);

Do not operate the equipment of the boiler room in the absence of a fence for moving and rotating parts (belts, couplings, shafts, etc.)

Beware of burns when removing slag and coal from the furnace, when pouring hot slag and when throwing the flame out of the furnace;

If smoke passes from the boiler into the boiler room, stop the boiler, ventilate the room and find out the reason for the cessation of draft.

3.9. If it is necessary to stop the boiler as soon as possible after the combustion of fuel (coal) in the furnace has stopped, remove the heat from the grate, leaving the damper and furnace doors open. Heat and ash removed from the firebox, carefully pour water;

3.10. It is forbidden to carry out kindling with faulty measuring and safety devices;

3.11. Works on the internal cleaning of boilers and chimneys should be carried out only by two people, to help each other. The admission of people into the boiler, furnace, chimneys, installation and removal of plugs, opening of valves must be carried out with the permission of the person responsible for the operation of the boiler room, with entry in the logbook.

3.12. Before opening the furnace door, stop blowing so that the flame is not thrown out of the furnace;

3.13. In the event of a power outage, immediately turn on emergency lighting and turn off all electric motors.

3.14. The driver (fireman) is obliged to immediately stop the boilers and notify the person responsible for working in the boiler room in cases specifically specified in the job description.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of an emergency in the boiler room or another emergency outside the boiler room, but in the immediate vicinity of it, the driver (fireman) is obliged to report it to the immediate supervisor or representative of the administration of the institution, in case of fire - to the fire department. The driver (fireman) himself must remain at his post and not leave the boiler room.

4.2. If the emergency situation is related to the boiler room, then after sending messages (see above), the personnel must take measures to extinguish the fire with the available fire extinguishing equipment, without stopping monitoring the boilers.

4.3. For the most possible types of emergency situations in the boiler room, emergency action plans should be developed and studied by the personnel in advance.

4.4. If it is impossible to quickly eliminate the fire and it threatens the boilers, it is necessary to stop the boilers in an emergency, while it is necessary to intensively water the boilers with water, drain the water from the hydraulic seal, simultaneously directing the steam into the atmosphere, let the water into the system of hot water boilers and take measures to extinguish hotbed of fire.

4.5. Boiler room personnel must know the location of property, fire extinguishing equipment in the boiler room and be able to use them.

4.6. The driver (fireman) must be able to provide first aid to victims in emergency situations; the type of assistance and methods of rendering depends on the nature of the damage to the victims.

4.7. The sequence and rules for performing medical care must comply with the instructions for first aid in force in an educational institution.

4.8. In case of various types of injuries, the victims, as a rule, are delivered to medical institutions. The exception is cases of full preservation of the normal functioning of the human body, without loss of ability to work.

Safety requirements at the end of work

5.1. At the end of the shift, if the shifter did not show up for work, the driver (fireman) must continue to work, notifying the immediate supervisor or representative of the administration of the institution of the absence of the shifter.

5.2. When the shift is handed over, the driver (fireman) is obliged to inform the shifter about all the malfunctions noticed while working in the boiler room. The delivery of the shift must be recorded in the logbook.

5.3. When accepting and handing over a shift, both drivers (firemen) sign in the log, and the condition of the equipment should be specially noted.

5.4. After that, the driver (fireman) must take a shower with the obligatory use of neutral detergents.

5.5. Personal protective equipment must be processed and placed in a locker for special clothing.