Engineer of the oil and gas industry universities. Oil and gas business

|Marina Emelianenko | 24098

For absolutely any oil company, its reserves are the main value. Everything else is secondary assets and funds.

Such a product as oil, people have been using in their lives for a very long time. But it brought really huge popularity when people learned not only to use it in its usual form, but also to process it. Today, many diverse spheres of human activity are associated with products that are obtained from oil. Therefore, the work of an oilman has become very widespread and popular these days.

Who is an oilman, what is his job?

The profession of an oilman is very multifaceted and diverse, the demand for it in the labor market is steadily growing, as it is a fairly highly paid and interesting profession. The very concept of an oilman implies not one, but a number of professions - from a worker at a factory to an engineer, whose duties are:

Search and study of new, yet undiscovered gas and oil fields. The task of the specialist is to carry out work to determine the profitability, the level of costs for the development of the field;

Their assessment, drawing up a plan for the development of deposits and their use. At this stage, wells are drilled that differ in functional features;

Maximum restoration of the natural balance and the ecological component after the completion of the work.

Work as an oilman. Pros and cons

Like any other, an oilman is a profession that has its positive and negative sides. Big choice various directions in the oil industry gives you the opportunity to choose a specialization that is attractive to you.

Pros of the profession:

Constant exploration of new deposits, and, consequently, constant travel to various parts of the country and beyond;

The absence of a routine in the work, since the development of new deposits implies the presence of new living conditions, the possibility of making non-standard decisions;

Work will not let you get bored and sit still doing nothing, as it is very active and mobile, and for the most part it takes place in the fresh air; . High wage.

These are the main advantages of the work of specialists in this profession. In addition to them, there are also disadvantages:

There are no comfortable working conditions familiar to many, because you often have to work on the street and in any weather;

Due to the fact that constant business trips are typical for work, it is not always possible to establish a personal life and start a family;

High competition among workers, as there are not too many oil refineries;

There are hazards that can threaten health, although they are inherent in any industrial enterprise.

Personal and professional qualities that are needed to work as an oilman

In order to successfully work in an oil refining company, to be able to build a career, you must have a number of professional and personal qualities. These include such as:


Stress tolerance;


Ability to take responsibility and use non-standard solutions;

activity and mobility.

These are the main personality traits not only of an oilman, but also of any specialist who wants to become successful in the chosen business.

In addition to certain character traits, an oil specialist must have special professional knowledge, skills and qualities, without which he simply cannot be a highly qualified worker:

Availability of secondary (for ordinary workers) and higher (for executives) education;

Experience in engineering and geological work;

Ability to use modern automated systems in their work, knowledge of special computer programs;

Knowledge foreign language which is necessary for the study of foreign materials in the specialty;

The ability to constantly move from place to place and be on long business trips.

Career and salary of an oilman

The salary of specialists in the oil refining industry is quite high. It depends on the position occupied by the employee, his qualifications, work experience and many other factors. It should be noted that at present the salaries of oil workers have decreased due to the crisis. Many enterprises do not hire specialists and cut jobs.

If you are still determined to make a career in the oil industry, and by asking yourself " ", you know the exact answer, then you need to get an education. Then gradually, improving your knowledge and skills, move up the career ladder, ranging from a simple employee to unlimited heights.

Where can I get an oilman's degree?

The profession of an oilman will always be relevant, since humanity constantly needs energy in the form of oil for life. It may not be easy to find a job due to the current situation, but good preparation and a desire for high results will help pave the way for you in any field that you desire.

Even the great classic Fyodor Dostoevsky issued a prophetic phrase: "In the future, the world will be ruled by kerosene workers." Like all greats, he was right. A country that has more or less decent gas can feel much more confident in political games. The oilman is the profession of the current "kerosene man". Who has the right to be called that? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this profession in modern world? Let's try to find out.

Who is an oilman?

What kind of profession is an oilman? Description official duties a person with this occupation will not be monosyllabic. Under this name fall all those who are somehow connected with the exploration, production, processing, transportation of oil and gas. The latter needs to be dealt with separately.

Natural gas is a product that accompanies oil fields. So most often they are combined into one whole. Institute of oil and gas, and gas, oil and gas fields, etc.

On the basis of old films about the working days of Siberian oil producers, the uninitiated have an image of harsh men, hardened by the winds and soaked in oil flows. This is not entirely correct. First of all, this should be known to those who are just starting to choose a life path - children. Engineers, chemists, biologists, drillers, programmers, and economists devote themselves to the professions of an oilman. It all depends on the direction of work in the oil industry.

History of the profession

People knew about oil deposits in the earth for a very long time, but did not use them. Often, during excavations, archaeologists find some things and buildings, for the strengthening of which hardening oil bitumen was used. The black thick liquid that made its way out of the ground and sometimes mixed with the water of the rivers frightened with its obscurity. Some peoples used oil for medicinal purposes. As a combustible material, petroleum products began to be used relatively recently, with the beginning of technical progress. Then the question arose of extracting this mineral from the bowels of the earth.

According to historical data, the world's first commercial oil well was created in Pennsylvania. It was drilled by Edwin Drake, an unknown lone prospector. Perhaps this was the first oilman. The profession was not so popular in those ancient times, no one knew the true size of the reserves of this mineral.

And researchers consider the Chumelov brothers to be the first oil refiner, who, back in 1745, built an enterprise for the production of kerosene and lubricating oils on the banks of the Ukhta River.

Promising industry

The use of internal combustion engines, the development of mechanical engineering, the aviation industry became possible with the discovery of more and more oil fields. Huge oil reserves allow the development of the plastics industry, which was developed after the invention of synthetic materials. Oil is the second vital liquid after water today. This fact puts all specialties related to the oil industry among the most in demand all over the world. The oilman is not only an honorable profession, but also a highly paid one. In addition, oil and gas specialists are in demand everywhere, they have a number of benefits and good pensions.

Petroleum Geologist

It is this specialization that is primarily meant when it comes to oilmen.

The profession of a petroleum geologist is purely masculine, associated with frequent trips and business trips. It requires endurance, the ability to overcome stressful situations, sometimes do without household amenities, spend a lot of time in nature. A petroleum geologist is involved in scientific development, research, mapping and exploration plans. After the start of mining, he also monitors the process.

Oil and gas producing companies, research institutes and centers become the place of work for oil geologists.

Search engines also include the specialties of geophysics, geodesist, seismic. They are doing a great job of exploring new territories. Working in classrooms and offices, geochemists examine rock samples. Chemistry in the profession of an oilman occupies a very large place.

They are also oilmen

Although the geologist plays big role in the extractive industry, the oilman is not only an intelligence profession. The start of development is impossible without drilling specialists. These are drilling foremen, workers, foremen's assistants. It was about them that the films of the Soviet era were shot. Drillers work most often on a rotational basis.

In every place where the field is being developed, in addition to the main specialists, people are involved related professions, who are also rightfully referred to as oilmen. After all, without them normal work on the rig is not possible. These are engineers, builders, designers, mechanics, drivers, electricians, locksmiths and even cooks and cleaners.

Where do they pay more?

In all countries of the world, one way or another connected with the extraction and processing of oil and gas, the most highly paid profession- oilman. The salary of Russians in this industry averages 150,000 rubles a month, or $59,000 a year. This income can be considered quite decent, but not the highest in the world. Most of all, industry workers are paid in Australia ($170,000 per year) and Norway ($160,000 per year). The high salary levels are caused by the shortage of highly qualified specialists in these countries. Oilmen with extensive experience are gladly attracted from other parts of the world. Not bad pay also to experts in the USA and Canada.

Who is waiting in the industry

The oilman is a promising profession. Large mining companies that implement large-scale projects are looking for highly qualified specialists in their staff. There is always a demand for people who are well versed in design and industrial construction, engineers to work at enterprises for the processing of petroleum products, waste disposal. We need economists in the field of planning and calculations, managers in the organization of work and recruitment. High-risk work always requires protection specialists environment, occupational health and safety. Modern technologies, computerization of many processes in the processing industry have led to the fact that it is impossible to do without specialists in the field software.

Knowledge level

With a few exceptions, all specialists who are involved in the processes of oil production and refining are people with a technical education. The exact sciences, such as mathematics, physics and chemistry, as well as geography, biology, are in the first place in the profession of an oilman. A profession can be obtained both in specialized universities of the industry and in the technical faculties of many universities.

It is difficult for a young specialist to break through immediately in any industry. is no exception, highly paid in-demand positions are waiting for those who have good practice and work experience. But still in this industry, active, hardworking and creative young people get an additional chance, they have the prospect of rapid career growth.

Unusual hypotheses for the origin of oil

  • The most unexpected version of the ancient scientists about the origin of oil said that this liquid is nothing more than whale urine, which flows into the ground through deep underwater channels.
  • The cosmic version: oil was formed from the carbons of the cloud that surrounded the Earth at the time of its birth.
  • Religious version. Oil is a very fertile layer that went into the depths after the fall of the first people, covering the earth after its creation.

So different scientists of different times explained the origin of oil.

Some interesting facts about oil production

  • BC, the first oil producers simply collected it from the surface of reservoirs.
  • Before the invention of the internal combustion engine, gasoline was poured on as a by-product.
  • 1 liter of gasoline is the long years of rebirth of 23 and a half tons of plants.
  • On the campus in Beverly Hills (USA) there is a high school that has its own backyard oil well. The school receives $300,000 in additional income annually.
  • Russia produces more oil per day than Saudi Arabia.
  • The first in the tanker and the world's first installation for thermal cracking of oil was built by the author of the TV tower on Shabolovka, engineer Shukhov.

The oil and gas industry is one of the most important Russian industries. To successfully work in it and make a good career, you must have a brilliant specialized education. After graduating from Gubkin University, you will become a respected specialist in the extraction, processing, transportation of black and blue gold, the development and operation of unique equipment, maintaining a favorable environmental situation in the mining region, as well as economics and management in the energy business, legal matters in this area.

5 arguments in favor of Gubkin University of Oil and Gas

  • The university actively cooperates with leading foreign universities that train specialists in the oil and gas industry. Students of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas have the opportunity to undergo a free internship abroad and receive two diplomas - from the Russian State University and from a partner university. Guest lecturers from Europe, Asia, North and South America often give lectures at the university.
  • There is a military department at the university, students study at it according to own will. Training of reserve officers is carried out in specialized specialties.
  • University graduates are willingly invited for internships and permanent job large oil and gas and energy Russian and foreign companies, as well as to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.
  • From the first year of study, university students undergo practical training at well-known oil and gas enterprises and university laboratories, the level of complexity increases according to the level of training. In addition, there are summer scientific and educational schools, an engineering center in the field of oil and gas engineering. Students are actively engaged in research activities, participate in scientific conferences and competitions.
  • Being a student of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas is very interesting. Work at the university creative teams, sports sections, there is a KVN team, various competitions and competitions are regularly held. University students are provided with vouchers in winter and summer camp recreation.

Where is it easier to get on a budget?

It is not so easy to enter the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. You need to successfully write the exam in Russian, mathematics, physics, in some areas you need to take geography or chemistry instead of physics.

The most likely to study for free in 2016 were in these specialties:

  • "Applied Geology" - 220 points, 70 people will be admitted to the budget;
  • "Oil and gas business" - 254 points, budget places - 250;
  • "Technological machines and equipment" - to get to one of the 90 places, you need to score at least 235 points;
  • "Instrument Engineering" - 224 points, 24 places;
  • "Technology of geological exploration" - 217 points and 66 places.

Special conditions

Benefits for admission can be used by all categories of persons provided for by federal law, as well as winners and prize-winners of the final stages of the All-Russian and All-Ukrainian school subject Olympiads.

You are eligible for additional points if you have:

  • school certificate with honors, with a silver or gold medal - 10;
  • college degree with honors - 10;
  • diploma of the winner, prize-winner or laureate of the International Youth Scientific Conference "Oil and Gas" for 2016 or 2017 - 10, 7 and 5 points, respectively.

Having the status of a champion or prize-winner of major international sports competitions also gives 10 additional points.

No more than 10 points can be counted at the same time.

More detailed and actual information available on the official website of the university.

What profession will you get?

In the summer of 2017, you will be able to apply for the following specialties:

  • applied geology;
  • physical processes of mining or oil and gas production;
  • standardization and metrology;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • technosphere safety;
  • instrumentation;
  • oil and gas business;
  • technological machines and equipment;
  • geological exploration;
  • ecology and nature management;
  • economy;
  • electric power industry and electrical engineering;
  • control in technical systems;
  • computer technology and informatics;
  • Applied math;
  • chemical Technology;
  • processes of saving resources and energy in chemical technology, biotechnology and petrochemistry.

Forms of education: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, full-time, part-time, part-time.

Perhaps you already know that you want to become an engineer, but don't know what field. Or maybe you want to work in the oil industry, but don't know in what capacity. This article will (hopefully) help you make your choice.

Do you enjoy doing science, doing math... and studying rock deposits?

Knowledge of mathematics and other exact sciences greatly helps in the performance of the work of a petroleum engineer, but he may also require extensive knowledge in other areas. Interest in the issues of the Earth's structure, the occurrence of rocks, the distribution of formation waters and other fluids in them is a weighty argument in favor of choosing the profession of a petroleum engineer.

What do petroleum engineers do?

The job of a petroleum engineer is in some ways similar to that of a detective. They undertake to find something (oil and gas), using clues (natural factors), collecting and carefully analyzing information. But the fun begins when they finally find what they were looking for.

If you like solving puzzles and don't get upset when final result of the work done turns out to be empty, then it might be worth considering a job as a petroleum engineer.

Petroleum engineers are experts in oil and gas drilling, reservoir management and oil recovery. Their specific duties may vary depending on the company and working conditions (it is one thing to work on land, and quite another - at sea).

  • Drilling and Completion Engineer– is engaged in planning, design and implementation of programs for drilling and completion of wells. They also ensure compliance with economic criteria and compliance with safety rules when performing work.
  • Petroleum geologists– perform calculations for the optimal development of oil deposits. Their work may include planning, selection of the optimal location of wells (selection of well spacing), calculation of the optimal rate of recovery and injection, and application of enhanced oil recovery methods.
  • Oil technologists– interpret and analyze well performance data and optimize their operation. Provides the most optimal way to lift fluid from the bottomhole to the wellhead and further into the collection system. Mechanical recovery methods are being evaluated and surface equipment is being improved to separate oil, water, and gas produced from a reservoir.

Questions to ask yourself to determine if a career in petroleum engineering is right for you

  • Do you like technical and engineering activities?
  • Can you identify, analyze and solve the problem?
  • Are you practical and creative?
  • Do you have the ability to calculate and design?
  • Do you have good spoken and written communication skills?
  • Can you work productively without constant supervision?
  • Are you ready to take responsibility?

If you answer most of these questions with a resounding "yes", then your chances of successful career petroleum engineer are greatly increased.

Good earnings

The most popular career advice is "choose an activity you enjoy doing." It is doubly wonderful if you are decently paid for this activity. The good news is that jobs in the oil industry are some of the highest paid.

But don't become an oilman just for the money - otherwise you will be completely miserable. Money is not a strong enough motivation for successful and fruitful work. And certainly will not bring you happiness on their own. The reason I work in the oil industry is because I love it. I'm just not interested in doing engineering work in other areas. For example, I'm not interested in building computers, I prefer to play with them. I'm not interested in building airplanes, I prefer to fly them. I'm not interested in designing cars, I prefer to drive them. Well, you get the idea. The oil industry in a sense allows you to touch all industries human activity without having to work directly in them. Because, you know, oil is everywhere.

Work in different parts of the world

For some, this will probably be the most interesting. The petroleum engineer profession provides some interesting opportunities that other professions may not always provide. For example, the opportunity to explore deep seas, endless deserts, impenetrable jungles and hard-to-reach mountain ranges in search of oil and gas. You may have the opportunity to visit different countries, explore other cultures and develop a network of friendships and business contacts around the world.

Working conditions for petroleum engineers

Most petroleum engineers work in an office and occasionally travel to the field, usually to solve critical problems. However, in all modern oil companies issues of ensuring safety during work in the field (on land and, especially, at sea) are of great importance.

How to Become a Petroleum Engineer

To get a job as a petroleum engineer in any oil company, you must pass the relevant curriculum and obtain an engineering degree in the relevant .

In many oil companies, a university graduate is first sent to gain experience in some working specialty. And only after about a year of work they are transferred directly to an engineering position.

Oil became one of the most important strategic products of mankind at the end of the 19th century and has not lost its relevance to this day, despite the abundance of alternative energy sources. All branches of industry, without exception, and, as a result, the entire population of the planet depend on oil and its products.

Mankind has used oil since time immemorial, for example, as binding materials in construction, for embalming the bodies of the dead, as a combustible material, etc. However, it has become truly indispensable since the discovery of distillation, cracking and other options for its processing. gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, as well as many essential substances for chemical, food and pharmaceutical industry produced directly from oil.

Description of the profession

Consequently, all professions related to the extraction and processing of oil are in great demand and highly paid. The demand for oil professionals is very high and is growing steadily with the expansion and development of this high-tech industry.

An oilman is a very broad concept, it includes a number of professions, from a worker in an oil field or an oil refinery to a top manager of a global corporation. Each specialty has its own requirements for candidates.

However, usually, when the term “oilman” is used in everyday life, they mean exactly a geologist who explores and develops oil and gas fields (these minerals often accompany each other).

Field exploration is a complex process that includes the actual discovery of an oil deposit, its analysis in terms of the complexity and profitability of production, and the conduct of survey and research work. The great complexity of exploration is due to the fact that each field is individual, and often it is necessary to apply unique methods that require high qualifications from a petroleum geologist, the ability to work in difficult conditions and make quick and correct decisions.

The first stage of exploration is the search for deposits by external, indirect signs. Such signs can be oil films on water, the direct release of oil to the surface of the earth, traces of asphalt (an oil oxidation product) on cracks in the rock, the smell of its light fractions, etc.

AT recent times high-tech geological exploration methods are actively used, geophysical research methods, for example, seismographs in combination with directed explosions, make it possible to study the shape, volume and location of oil reservoirs underground. After the initial determination of the location, reference drilling is carried out. An exploration well can reach several kilometers; the extracted core is examined by various methods, which show the composition and quality of oil from a given field, the prospects for its further commercial use.

This is followed directly by oil production, which is produced by drilling wells. Drilling can be rotary and impact. In wells, oil is under high pressure, therefore, it itself flows from the wells. Over time, the pressure drops; for further oil production, water or gas is pumped into the reservoir (or both) to push it to the surface.

Hundreds of wells of different functionality can operate at one field - drilling, exploration, injection. All this requires a large number highly skilled workers and specialists for service. The extracted oil is cleaned of gas and solid impurities and enters the gas pipeline that connects the wells with oil refineries.

A specific method of oil production is offshore production. To do this, drilling platforms are built in coastal waters, which are both stationary and floating, depending on natural conditions. Drilling vessels can be carried out at great depths, up to 3 km.

Oil refining is a complex of physical and chemical processes for processing petroleum feedstock into fuel, lubricants and raw materials for the chemical industry. It includes atmospheric and vacuum distillation, thermal and catalytic cracking, coking, reforming, isomerization, etc. Oil is used as efficiently as possible, production is practically waste-free.

Professional quality

As seen from the above short description process of oil production and refining, specialists of any level must have a high level of qualification, good education and at least basic knowledge of professional software. The higher the salary offered, the more serious the requirements for the applicant.

So, among the requirements we can distinguish:

Professional education. For workers - specialized secondary, for engineering and scientific personnel - higher education.

At least a minimum work experience in the specialty, experience in geological exploration and survey work.

High level of computer use, knowledge of geological modeling programs, AutoCAD, etc.

Technical knowledge of English language at a level sufficient to understand the documentation and literature in the specialty.

Willingness to travel, live and work in the field.

to applicants for leadership positions there are increased requirements, for example, experience in organizing geological parties, experience in working in non-standard conditions, in-depth knowledge of specialized software, the ability to quickly and clearly make decisions, skills strategic planning and much more. Naturally, the responsibility of a manager is much higher than that of an ordinary oilman, which is reflected in his salary.


The profession of a petroleum geologist is somewhat alluring and romantic. However, for some people, advantages can turn into disadvantages; however, the choice of activities in the oil industry is very high, and everyone can find a job to their liking. However, the lists of disadvantages and advantages will be almost identical.

Its main advantages:

Lack of routine in field work. The development of each new field is associated with trips to new places, the use of new research methods, and the adoption of non-standard decisions.

Constant business trips and moving, visiting new picturesque places, remote for many kilometers from the hackneyed tourist routes.

Frequent exposure to fresh air in environmentally friendly places.

A sense of belonging to a cause that is socially useful and important to many.


There are no ideal professions; the oilman is no exception. Any romance can turn into difficult working conditions, constant fatigue and dissatisfaction with life.

The main disadvantages of the profession of a petroleum geologist:

The need to work in difficult field conditions. For many people, it is very difficult to have to work long time in uncomfortable conditions - living in a tent, meals in a field kitchen, etc.

Frequent business trips can lead to conflicts in the family.

Possible long periods of routine processing of data received in the "field".

Limited choice of jobs, because the number of oil producing and oil refining companies is small. As a result, competition in the labor market is very high.

Dangers associated with oil production. By and large, they are no worse than the dangers in any industrial enterprise.

Where to learn

Professions related to the extraction and processing of oil are very popular, therefore, there are many offers on the educational market for those who want to get the corresponding professions.

Leading Russian educational institution in the oil and gas industry is the Russian state. Branches of the university operate in Orenburg, Ashgabat and Tashkent. The university is at the forefront of science, its graduates easily find prestigious jobs in their specialty.

- (training of managers)

It is worth noting the joint master's program Tomsk Polytechnic University and Scottish Heriot-Watt University. It includes training in two specialties - petroleum engineering and oil and gas geology. Most of the subjects are taught by Scottish teachers, diploma projects are defended before a commission from Edinburgh. Graduates receive an international diploma and have the opportunity to find a job in the world's leading oil companies.